How many days for continuous service after dismissal. Continuous work experience

For every person, work experience is an important component. It affects many parameters. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail what seniority is, and how does it affect a person’s life?

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What is work experience?

Under the concept " seniority» means the duration of a person's work activity. It is this indicator that is the main one for obtaining the right to pension provision and disability benefits. The employee's work record serves as confirmation of the employee's length of service. There are cases when the owner of this document has lost information about the primary activity, in which case it is possible to realize pension calculations.

There are several types of work experience:

  1. The total length of service includes all years of work of the employee. In this case, it also includes periods such as military service, disability, maternity leave, caring for a disabled person and unemployment. The latter indicator counts only if the person receives cash benefits from social services.
  2. Continuous work experience includes the total duration of continuous work in one enterprise.
  3. Special seniority is intended for people holding relevant positions.

Everyone should know that a work book is an important document that confirms work experience. It is necessary to carefully monitor the correctness of its filling and not lose it. If the information is not true, then you need to request changes to the data from the employer.

What influences its interruption?

Currently, not every person can work for a long time at one enterprise in an uninterrupted manner. There are always situations when an employee must stop his activity. There are several criteria that affect the interruption of seniority:

  1. Dismissal. If a person voluntarily quit his job or decided to change his occupation, then his work experience is interrupted. However, this rule does not include the reduction of the staff of workers and the liquidation of the organization. The length of service is interrupted if a person does not get a new job within three weeks.
  2. Hospital. We are talking about those sick-lists in which their payment does not correspond to the tasks of social insurance or the constitution.
  3. The departure of an employee from an official place of employment to an informal organization (private firm). In this case, it is generally accepted that the employee voluntarily left the enterprise and his seniority is interrupted.

Each change associated with a change in the activity of the employee must be recorded in work book. If activities are constantly interrupted, then this phenomenon can negatively affect the amount of pension benefits.

How to make it continuous?

The amount of the benefit during the period of incapacity for work depends on the continuous length of service. If you wish, you can save it, for this, you must remember the following points.

Experience becomes continuous if:

  • Man by own will went to work after retirement.
  • A disabled citizen receives unemployment benefits. In this case, in order to prevent the interruption of seniority, it is necessary to stand in line at the labor exchange while looking for a new job.
  • Less than three weeks have passed since the day of dismissal. Before leaving one organization, a person needs to find a new job.

It is allowed to maintain a continuous experience of up to two months if:

  • A person after dismissal goes to work of his own free will. For example, if the wife was forced to change the organization due to the spouse moving to another area.
  • The citizen retired due to age.
  • A person quit his job at an enterprise located in the Far North or abroad.

It is allowed to maintain a continuous experience of up to three months if:

  • The citizen was dismissed due to the reduction or liquidation of the organization.
  • The employee was fired due to inconsistency with the position.

If for some reason the employer does not maintain continuity of work experience, then his actions can be appealed in court.

Legal bases and their changes

From April 1973 until the end of 2006, the country had a law on the calculation of seniority. According to his condition, he was considered continuous if a citizen got a job less than one month after his dismissal. Since 2007, this law has changed, the break period is now three weeks.

Since 2007, the temporary unemployment benefit has also changed. Today it is:

  1. Payment 100 percent of wages with an experience of 8 years.
  2. Payment of 80 percent of wages with an experience of 5 to 8 years.
  3. Payment of 60 percent of salary with experience up to 5 years.

Since January 1, 2007, changes have been made to the calculation of disability benefits. Now, the insurance period is taken into account, which includes the amount from all periods.

What influences continuous work experience?

Continuous work experience- this is the duration of the employee in one place or in several organizations, if the break does not exceed due date. Based on this indicator, the amount of the benefit during the period of disability is calculated, it can be 60, 80 or 100 percent of the salary.

Continuous work experience affects:

  1. the size of the old-age pension;
  2. the size of the disability pension;
  3. the size of the survivor's pension;

Each person can independently calculate his continuous work experience, for this you need:

  • Prepare the necessary things: calculator, pen, paper, computer and work book.
  • To calculate the continuous experience, you need to find the 1C program "Salary and Personnel". If desired, you can carry out this procedure yourself using a calculator.
  • The program requires you to enter all the dates of admission and dismissal from work. After that, you need to click the "calculate" button and wait for the results.
  • When self-calculation, first of all, it is necessary to calculate the amount of labor activity. To do this, you need to subtract the date of employment from the date of dismissal. Next, you should add those results, the interval between which was more than three weeks.

You should not read out the result if the employee was fired more than twice a year. You should also pay attention to exceptions in which the length of service is not interrupted.

What is not included, but does not interrupt the experience

There are some situations in which the seniority is not interrupted:

  1. During the receipt of secondary specialized or higher education, the experience is not interrupted. This also applies to postgraduate and residency studies. However, the break between dismissal from work and admission to an educational institution should not exceed the established time limits.
  2. If a person has been abroad for a long time, getting skills for work there. In this case, the time of his release from work should not exceed two months.
  3. The work experience is not interrupted if a person works at a seasonal enterprise. For example, its activities are related to the agricultural or shipbuilding industries. In this case, he needs to work out completely one season, and then conclude an agreement on returning to work in the next period.
  4. An exception is the case if a citizen is serving time in corrective labor, however, we are not talking about deprivation of liberty at the place of his work.
  5. If the employee was declared incapacitated between dismissal from one position and admission to another, then this period is extended. In this case, the person must submit a certificate.
  6. The period is extended even if additional time is needed to move to another area.

The length of service is set by the employer in accordance with the norms of the Russian Federation. Each action must be written in the work book.

It is necessary to treat such an issue as seniority with responsibility. It is this indicator that will be used when applying for a pension. In order to ensure a decent old age, it is required to observe the continuity of seniority.

Able-bodied citizens work not only to receive payment for the work done, but also to be able to take advantage of social guarantees that are determined by the state in the future.

Labor policy does not prohibit citizens from changing jobs at their discretion, but allows them to count on some additional benefits.

What is meant by the concept of continuity and is continuous service interrupted after dismissal? This is always of interest to those who wish to change jobs of their own free will or due to circumstances.

By continuous experience is meant the implementation by an individual citizen of labor activity at one or several different enterprises, with the condition that the duration of periods without work will not exceed the legally permitted periods. are determined by the situation and can vary from one to three months, or even more.

When it comes to, it should be understood that only those periods are taken into account when the employee was officially employed.

The fact of employment in most cases is recorded in two ways:

  1. The conclusion of a written employment agreement.
  2. Recording in .

But for some reason, the second paragraph is not always applicable, however, the presence of officially confirmed labor relations allows us to speak of experience as a legally established concept.

Changes in legislation

Until 2007, the concept of continuous work experience was far from hypothetical. Prior to the latest pension reforms in the Russian Federation, seniority was the only definition of worked periods, it influenced all payments, benefits were calculated from its value.

After the adoption of the Federal Law No. 255-FZ “On Compulsory Social Insurance ...” dated December 29, 2006 and its entry into force from the beginning of 2017, this concept has lost some of its properties. The new rules for calculating the length of service divided it into two subparagraphs - and insurance.

The insurance period has the greatest influence on future payments. When calculating the insurance period, those years are taken into account when the employee was not only officially employed, but the employer paid insurance premiums to the social insurance fund for him. In turn, the concept of labor periods also remained, it implies the total number of years and months worked, without taking into account the presence or absence of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.

Does continuity of service matter?

Before the social reforms, those who worked continuously had a lot of advantages.

Many other allowances had to be counted differently. In addition, those who worked continuously, after the first year worked, could count on a salary supplement, which increased with the number of years worked continuously.

Long service allowances are still being accrued today for the following categories of employees:

  1. State employees who have one or more years of continuous work experience.
  2. Civil servants with identical indicators.
  3. Accruals for employees of the internal affairs department start from two years of service.
  4. also the length of service is counted after 2 years.

Length of service is not mandatory for commercial structures, so its appointment is at the discretion of the owner of the organization. In the Russian Federation, interest allowances vary depending on the field of activity of employees.

The continuity of work experience for many professions allows you to receive bonuses of a different nature, which are given precisely for the length of service in a particular area, for example, for medical workers. These allowances can be retained even when changing employers, provided that two conditions are met:

  1. Between dismissal and employment in a new place of work, no more than the period prescribed by law will pass.
  2. The work will be identical in scope, for example, from one budget institution to another or from one hospital to another.

But a permanent work experience can have an impact on other points. Let's take a closer look at how it can affect pension benefits and compensation for days of disability.

To calculate a pension

Prior to the start of pension reforms, the continuity of work experience was a fundamental point in the award of benefits. If the worker had a certain number of continuously worked years in the labor piggy bank, then he could count on receiving pension supplements. Those who did not reach the established parameter were given smaller amounts of payments.

Today, this law applies only to those citizens who were born before 1963 and retired before 2002. All other categories can count on the calculation according to the new rules, which take insurance years and the size of the individual coefficient as the main basis. The coefficient does not increase from how much the employee has worked continuously, it is affected by the amount of insurance contributions.

In order to calculate a pension in modern realities, a citizen is required to work in the aggregate for at least five years (this figure will grow every year). To increase the amount of pension benefits, citizens can not only accumulate, but also make independent contributions to the piggy bank of a future pension.

To calculate sick leave

Changes in the calculation of seniority affected not only pensions, but also disability benefits.

For the days of sick leave until 2007, accruals were made in several categories, including the amount of compensation influenced by the continuity of work. Today we are talking only about the available total insurance period. The more years an employee has paid insurance premiums, the greater the percentage of compensation he can receive.

Sick leave is compensated in the following amount:

  1. With an insurance period of less than five years - 60% of the accrued amount.
  2. Having from five to eight years - 80%.
  3. Those who have accumulated more than eight insurance years will be paid 100% of the payments.

When calculating compensation, the number of days of illness and average salary worker per day.

Continuity periods after dismissal

How is the continuous period calculated? Does it end at the moment of dismissal or does it continue under certain conditions? The answers to these questions are regulated by law.

In most cases, continuity is maintained if between the moment of termination employment contract and the conclusion of a new one took no more than a month. There are exceptions to this rule, we will consider them separately:

  1. Hired persons who have fallen under the reduction of staff or the complete liquidation of the organization are given three months to find a new job. During this period, continuity is maintained.
  2. If the dismissal is directly related to the health of the employee, then he is also given three months.
  3. Citizens who have the status of a former soldier or those who participated in hostilities are entitled to a three-month break.
  4. Those working in the conditions can spend two months looking for another job.

You can also count on certain concessions:

  1. Working pensioners.
  2. Parents of disabled children.
  3. Those who resigned in connection with the appointment of a spouse / and in another locality.

Registration with an employment center is not considered an employment relationship, and therefore cannot be counted as an uninterrupted length of service.

Cases of interruption of service

The terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation may not be taken into account if the employer decides to dismiss the employee, moreover, due to a violation of the norms of the Labor Code.

Such cases include all those dismissals that were made due to:

  1. Establishing the fact of theft.
  2. Causing damage to the property of the tenant.
  3. Abuse of professional powers.
  4. absenteeism.
  5. Appearing at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  6. Disclosure of confidential information.

Continuity will not be observed even in the case when an employee leaves of his own free will for the second time in a year, without having good reasons for such an act.

Calculation order

To calculate the continuously worked time, a citizen's work book is needed. The entries in it allow you to calculate the total duration of a continuous segment of work.

For calculation it is necessary:

  1. In order to write out all the places of work, indicating the date of enrollment in the state and the date of dismissal.
  2. Calculate the difference in dates between dismissal and new employment.

When calculating, other documentation should also be taken into account, if any, for example, work that was not marked in the work book, but proved by other papers. Do not forget that military service and parental leave are also included in continuous segments, subject to certain conditions.

You will be interested

Job changes are common modern society. In the process of moving from company to company, many citizens try to keep their previously earned seniority.

This is done so that in the future, when the need arises to receive cash payments for temporary incapacity for work, to calculate the length of service, or to apply for a pension, the duration of continuous work and the presence of the corresponding length of service were correctly calculated. When the seniority is interrupted after dismissal, our article will tell.

Before starting to consider the nuances of labor continuity, it is advisable to decide what it is. Until 2007, the concept of “work experience” was used in Russia, but then other legislative norms came into force, which replaced this concept with “insurance experience”.

Why do you need experience

But if we consider them in essence, these are the periods of time when the employee performs his functional duties, and when changing his work activity (the company where he works), the break between the day of dismissal and the subsequent admission should not be more than the interval specified by law.

Classically, the break is negotiated for a month. But this duration can increase and decrease. It all depends on the working conditions of the citizen and the article under which he was fired. In particular, the law provides for conditions when there are no periods after dismissal at all, which make it possible to consider the length of service as uninterrupted. These include:

  1. The dismissal, which took place on the initiative of the employer, due to a violation by the worker of functional duties.
  2. Termination of an employment relationship with an employee due to absenteeism.
  3. When the dismissal of an employee was carried out under the article for theft of company property.
  4. Termination of an employment agreement with a worker who appeared at work in a state of intoxication (alcohol, drugs).
  5. Other gross (for which there are articles for dismissal) violations of labor discipline.

Separate periods when the employee did not actually perform the labor functions assigned to him, but he retained workplace, are considered continuous experience for all types of calculations. These periods include:

  • service in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation;
  • periods of pregnancy, in women;
  • when an employee is sent by an enterprise to advanced training courses;
  • training in various educational institutions without interrupting production.

Remember, if an employee was fired “under the article”, the gap in the length of service, taking into account labor activity, will begin to be calculated from the next day after the dismissal. Proof of this will be the corresponding entry, which will be recorded in the work book.

What affects the continuity of experience

Now that we have the concept of seniority, it is advisable to consider why it should be continuous and why it is important to ensure that seniority is always taken into account continuously. Regarding continuity, it should be noted that there is a direct dependence here during the calculation of the due cash benefit for. Depending on the length of service, the employee will receive:

  1. 100% of the average monthly earnings when continuous work is over 8 years;
  2. 80% is paid when the employee has gained from 5 to 8 years of continuous work experience;
  3. 60% will be paid to employees who have worked for more than a year (up to 5 years inclusive).

Experience affects the amount of sick leave payments

The next point, which directly depends on the amount of a citizen's stock of work luggage, is the size of his future pension. You need to understand that the change in the concepts of seniority for insurance occurred in 2007. Therefore, citizens who began their labor activity before the onset of this critical period and continue it now will use both the new legislation and the old laws.

If earlier the pension was affected by all periods when a citizen performed labor or socially significant functions, today, in order to receive a pension, it is necessary to pay insurance premiums for a certain number of years. This is the main fundamental difference between work and updated insurance experience.

Remember, the main document that is the basis for calculating the length of service is the employee's work book. Regarding the calculation of the insurance period, the main role here is played by the availability of monthly insurance payments directly to the Pension Fund. They must be carried out by the employer.

It should also not be forgotten that in some public institutions continuity of work experience directly depends on the calculation of additional payments related to the length of service. Interruption of seniority means the beginning of the calculation of the period for calculating these payments from the date of the last employment, if the reason for the gap exceeds that provided for by law or the previous dismissal occurred under an article that does not provide for the possibility of maintaining the period of time allotted for looking for a new job.

What is the experience

All the concepts of experience available in various laws and normative documents issued on their basis can be simply divided into 4 main categories.

General work experienceThe entire actual (including breaks) period when a citizen performed socially significant useful actions that are fixed at the legislative level. This is the performance of any paid or creative work, service in government structures, individual entrepreneurial detail, and other periods specified by law, considered to be seniority.
Special experienceThis includes the types of time (including breaks) when a citizen performed socially significant labor functions in certain positions, under special (different from normal) conditions of activity, or had a special status. Examples - service in the armed forces, the work of disabled people of groups 1 and 2, the work of prisoners in excess of the term provided for by the sentence.
Continuous experience

All periods of time are included when an employee, without interruptions (or their duration should not exceed the period fixed by law in each case) performed labor functions in one company (in different positions) or at several enterprises.

Insurance experience

The time interval when insurance premiums are paid directly to the Pension Fund for an employee in order to form the proper level of pension provision for him in the future. The concept was introduced in 2007 and is just beginning to take root.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the procedure for accruing seniority for various periods of performance of work functions. For certain working conditions, the length of service can be calculated with the use of increasing coefficients. According to the increased coefficient will be calculated:

  • in one and a half size, if a citizen worked in the Far North or areas equivalent to it;
  • in double size when military service is carried out (by conscription), labor activity in anti-plague institutions, leper colonies;
  • in a triple amount, when military service is carried out during the conduct of hostilities, illegal stay in places of deprivation of liberty, illegally repressed, and eventually rehabilitated citizens.

Remember, the calculation of the general, special, continuous period of work is carried out by summing up the time of actual work in the company, taking into account the time intervals provided for by law for the period of change of work.

When experience remains uninterrupted

Now directly about the terms that are determined by the legislator for the possibility of changing jobs and are not considered an interruption of seniority.

All terms can be distinguished in the following sequence:

  1. Three weeks. The employee terminates the employment relationship on his own initiative, but he does not have any valid circumstances or reasons.
  2. Month. Leaving work is voluntary. There is a reason why you need to change the company or by agreement of the parties to the employment relationship.
  3. Two months. Defined for workers of the Far North or areas equated to it in order to find a new job.
  4. Three months. Here the employee is fired due to the state or in connection with the liquidation of the company. The same amount is allocated to the spouse to find work if the other spouse was transferred to work in another area and the whole family moved.
  5. Six months. Allocated to the search for a new job to employees of the government or the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  6. One year. Contract uniforms after the end of their contract period.
  7. Without any time limits. This category includes veterans (combatants), military personnel with more than 25 years of military experience.

The seniority of a soldier is not interrupted within a year after the end of the contract

If it is necessary to increase the time interval for the selection of a new job or to reduce the gap between dismissal and new employment, it is advisable to take a vacation, the last day of which will be dismissal. This allows you to get maximum freedom of action for choosing a new job. You will still be listed as an employee of the old company, but you already have a properly executed work book.

The legislator has provided for cases when the accrual of seniority does not stop upon the actual termination of employment. This included:

  • cancellation of an employment agreement with an employee who has a baby no older than 14 years old (if the baby is disabled, then up to 16 years old) for the entire period until the children reach the agreed age;
  • for the entire period of maternity leave;
  • after registration by a citizen of a legal pension;
  • if the dismissal occurred in regions with a high unemployment rate;
  • when an employee who was previously illegally dismissed was reinstated;
  • if the worker was involved in the performance of public works with payment.

Remember, if a citizen quit more than once on a personal initiative during a calendar year, all subsequent periods after the initial dismissal will not be counted in the process of maintaining uninterrupted seniority.

How interruption of service depends on the reason for dismissal

The impact on the time period when a citizen actually remains unemployed, but the time is counted as an uninterrupted length of service, is direct. In the classic case of leaving work (by agreement of the parties, of one's own free will if there are motives for dismissal), the law establishes a one-month period for finding a job in a new job after dismissal. The same period is given to an employee who, by agreement between employers, transfers from one company to another.

A little more is given to former employees of enterprises located in the regions of the Far North (two months), as well as to those who lost their jobs not on their own initiative, in particular, due to layoffs (three months).

  1. You should look for a new job in advance (when you are still on the staff of the old company).
  2. To increase the search period, you can use vacation followed by dismissal.
  3. If an employee is on unpaid leave, his seniority is also not interrupted, but the amount of time to look for a new job increases.
  4. If you find a new place of work, it is advisable to quit by transfer (you are guaranteed to be accepted at a new place of work) or by agreement of the parties (this allows you to quit without working off).
  5. If you have been laid off, but have already found a new place of work, you should not wait for the warning to expire. According to your application, the employer may dismiss you for a reduction in the earlier agreed period.
  6. Women on maternity leave, even in the event of a complete liquidation of the company, retain their seniority until the baby is three years old. But for this, having received a document on the liquidation of the company and dismissal, they must register with the Employment Center.

Remember, in order not to interrupt the employment and insurance experience during the period of change of job, it is advisable to use all available opportunities in the process of preliminary search for a suitable company for the transition.

Watch this video about continuous experience:

How to count

Considering that for many civil servants, continuity of service directly affects the level of seniority, as well as the income accrued for it, it is very important to maintain it. You need to understand how it is calculated.

Typically, the following documents serve as the basis for calculating continuity:

  • payroll records;
  • military ID;
  • certified copies of orders for dismissal;
  • certificates confirming the period of employment.

The underlying document used for the calculation is the work book. Here, all records of the dismissal and the employment that followed after this are taken as a basis.

Remember, the continuity of experience is calculated not from the date of filling out the work book, but from the date of termination (start) of working cooperation indicated in the dismissal order. Therefore, it is very important that this time interval does not exceed the gap allowed by law for a specific category of workers (employees).

When a citizen exercises the right to use a multiplying coefficient in the process of calculating the length of service, this rule applies only to the period of work (service) in conditions that give the right to such a privilege. It ends at the same time as the dismissal.

Further counting is done general rules. If until the moment of new employment the period allocated by law for new labor cooperation is not exceeded, the previous experience will remain uninterrupted.

The calculation of the period between dismissal and new employment in the civil service for military personnel is carried out according to a military ID (hereinafter referred to as a work book). The basis for the calculation are the dates of termination of service and transfer to the reserve indicated in the orders for dismissal.

In the process of calculating the length of service, time intervals are taken, calculated in years, months and calendar days. Hours and minutes are not included in the calculation.

Do you need experience, see this video:

Question form, write your

The professional period is of fundamental importance. It is its duration that determines the amount of payments for temporary disability (as well as), and the time of retirement depends on it.

The correct calculation of this value is the main task for employees of the personnel department. In this case, the total working time may be interrupted.

As a rule, such breaks are associated with a change of work. Indeed, between dismissal from the previous place to employment in a new place, a certain time always passes.
In some cases, these periods are counted and included in the total continuous experience.

It is also worth considering that registration with the Labor Exchange (if a person does not have a “prepared” job) should also be carried out in a certain period after dismissal. This issue is considered in more detail.

When is the length of service interrupted according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

This value is retained if the break is from one to three months. In this case, the break is calculated based on two facts:

  • date of termination of the contract between the employee and the employer;
  • date of employment in another place.

In both cases, the mark in the work book is taken as the basis, which corresponds to the actual dates of conclusion or termination of agreements.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the following are considered cases when this time is interrupted:

  • dismissal at the initiative of the employee. As a rule, this is the termination of work activity of one's own free will;
  • dismissal due to negative reasons. This may be a violation of production discipline, committing rude disciplinary offense or committing a crime. In any case, the employer is the initiator of the termination of the relationship;
  • downsizing or liquidation of the enterprise as a whole. In such a situation, the employee loses his position and his working period is forced to be interrupted.
  • These cases are specified in the law. Moreover, each situation has its own specifics. And the preservation of the period or its interruption directly depends on the reason for the termination of relations with the employer.

When is the seniority interrupted after dismissal?

The conditions for how long continuous work experience is maintained after dismissal depend on the reasons for leaving work. There are several situations here:

  • when the termination of the contract occurs without good reason at the initiative of one of the parties, the employee has one month to search for a new place. If in a month he does not find a job, his experience will be interrupted;
  • when working in the northern territories or abroad, the person receives two months for new employment.

Thus, upon dismissal, one or two months are saved, depending on the working conditions. This time is included in the total period. But after its expiration, further time will no longer apply to the working period.

When the seniority is interrupted after dismissal of one's own free will

The above situations also apply to the facts of termination of legal relations with the employer at will. That is, the resigned person has one month left. At this time, the period is saved.

Even if the employee does not settle in a new place for several months, the specified one month will still be attributed to the number of working hours. After the specified month, the length of service will be interrupted.

When the length of service is interrupted after dismissal at the initiative of the employer

Dismissal at the initiative of the employer means the commission of a gross misconduct by a person. It is this misconduct that becomes the basis for dismissal. Therefore, there is no reason to allow time to find a new place while maintaining the working period. After all, the person violated labor discipline or otherwise proved incapacity to work in the same place.

In this case, the length of service is interrupted immediately after dismissal. And it will resume only after receiving a new place.

Thus, the answer to the question of when the length of service is interrupted after the article is obvious. Not a single day after the loss of work is saved.

Is the length of service preserved when entering the labor exchange after dismissal

Registration at the Employment Center means assigning a person the status of unemployed. This means that he will receive unemployment benefits.

Thus, there are no grounds for maintaining the working period. Therefore, the employee receives only one or two months due to him after losing his job. An exception is cases where the contract is terminated at the initiative of the employer.

Of your own accord

  • In such a case, the period is kept for one month. The calculation of the specified time begins with a mark in the work book.

Upon liquidation of an enterprise

  • The reduction or complete liquidation of the enterprise makes it possible to maintain continuity for a period of three months from the date of termination of legal relations with the employer.
    This is the maximum time allowed by law.

Every citizen cares about ensuring his old age. However, there are times when a person, due to dismissal, cannot continue his professional activity. In such a situation, the question arises whether the work experience is interrupted or not? If you are concerned about a similar question, pay attention to the content of the article.

How many days is the length of service not interrupted after the dismissal of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

In view of the new reforms in the pension system, such a concept as uninterrupted work experience has lost its former significance for most categories of workers. However, representatives of budgetary enterprises and the public sector should know when seniority is interrupted. This is due to the fact that they may be deprived of benefits provided by the state.

Uninterrupted length of service means long-term professional activity without significant breaks.
By Labor Code continuous experience after leaving work continues to be considered for a month.
If the employee was dismissed due to serious violations, then the continuous experience is not preserved. These violations are defined as:

  • Failure to perform assigned duties;
  • Absence at the place of work without good reason;
  • Theft or damage to production property;
  • And other violations provided by law.

Depending on whose initiative the departure occurred, you can determine how many days the work experience is not interrupted after dismissal:

  • In case of leaving of one's own free will and in the absence of serious circumstances, this period is equal to three weeks;
  • At their own request, with clarification of valid motives, one month;
  • By agreement of the employee and the employer one month;
  • With the reduction of the apparatus of workers, three months.

When is the seniority interrupted after dismissal of one's own free will?

If you have a desire to leave your place of work, then you should know how long the seniority is interrupted after dismissal. The period during which the duration of continuous service in case of dismissal of one's own free will is preserved is short.

  • In the event that a valid circumstance was not indicated in the application for resignation, then this period is equal to three weeks;
  • With the indication of appropriate motives, this period may be extended by a week;
  • If the dismissal at the request of the employee was repeated several times during the year, then the continuity of work is not preserved.
  • Breaks can be avoided if you search for a new job during your vacation.

The period of continuous work experience after dismissal by agreement of the parties

The possibility of dismissal by agreement of the parties is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In most cases, by agreement of the parties, the contract between the parties can be canceled. However, another contract can be terminated in the same way. Consent must be made in writing. If an agreement to terminate the contract has been reached, then the period of continuous work experience after dismissal will be equal to one month.

In what cases is the seniority not interrupted after dismissal?

The law provides for cases in which length of service does not cease to be maintained. The list of such circumstances is as follows:

  • When changing jobs within one month;
  • When canceling the contract by women in the position or having children under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 16 years of age. The service will not be interrupted until the child reaches the specified age;
  • For working citizens of the northern regions, breaks in work should not be more than two months;
  • When the military performs service under a fixed-term contract. If the period between dismissal and new employment did not exceed a year;
  • maternity leave, including parental leave;
  • Termination of the functioning of the organization;
  • Period after retirement;
  • When dismissed in regions with a high percentage of unemployment;
  • When returning to office after the removal of an unjustified sentence;
  • Carrying out paid public works.

There are situations when for some reason you have to leave the place of work. Then the question of breaks in seniority after dismissal becomes the most relevant. To get as much information as possible on the relevant topics, you should refer to the provisions of labor legislation.