What does it mean to be an intelligent person? What is intelligent speech What does it mean to be an intelligent person persuasive speech.

Sections: Russian language

Targets and goals.


Learn to find and correct speech and grammatical errors

Learn how to build good sentences

Repeat the theme “Text”:

Train in the distinction and skillful use of means of artistic expression (tropes);

Introduce USE assignments requiring knowledge of grammar rules;

To get acquainted with the professions of this profile:


To cultivate a careful attitude to the word, love for the Russian language;

To form a desire to speak correctly, replenish your vocabulary;

To instill interest in professions that require careful attention to the word, the ability to competently express their thoughts and feelings.


Develop the ability to prove, justify your point of view;

Develop the skill of expressive reading;

To develop such qualities as perseverance, painstaking work, attention, thinking, logic.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Our lesson is devoted to the education of speech culture. The theme of the lesson is relevant today. The speech of young people has become poor, the vocabulary is small, the construction of phrases is sometimes surprising. Correspondence on the Internet is a constant distortion of words, which instills a primitive, tactless attitude towards the language. Therefore, the problem of careful attitude to the word is very acute.

For our lesson, you prepared assignments at home that will help us in our work on this topic.

2. The main part of the lesson.

1. On the board are the statements of great people about the Russian language (children read).

“In fact, for an intelligent person, speaking badly should be considered as indecent as not knowing how to write and read.” A. Chekhov

“To deal with the Russian language somehow means to think somehow: approximately, inaccurately, incorrectly.” A. Tolstoy.

"True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language." K. Paustovsky.

What other sayings about language do you know? (Children read the sayings that they managed to find in preparation for the lesson)

See how many famous people we are concerned that you and I take care of our language, preserve it and pass on to our descendants all its beauty and versatility.

2. Each of you must have thought about what he wants to become, what to do. Maybe one of you will choose a profession that is connected with the language, with its history and requires boundless respect for the language and the desire to convey all its beauty.

Now girls will perform in front of you - high school students who have already decided on their future profession. They will introduce you to some very interesting and important professions.

Acquaintance with professions: editor, journalist, philologist, linguist (reports).

In these professions, knowledge in the construction of sentences is necessary, because correct sentences are a logically expressed thought that will be understandable to the reader, viewer, listener.

3. Today we will be engaged in editing - correcting errors: speech and grammar.

In the USE in grade 11, you will be offered grammar tasks of the type you have in printout No. 1. Let's get to know them and try to figure them out.

USE type assignments

1. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

a) Checking your essay:

a) everything should be stated consistently;

b) while reading, notes are made in the margins;

c) pay attention to speech defects;

d) it is read several times.

(This task tests the ability to build sentences with adverbial phrases, we repeat the definition of adverbial phrase)

2. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error:

a) Chichikov buys up serfs who were still considered alive.

b) Thanks to the teacher, I coped with a difficult task.

c) Literature always reflects the state of society to one degree or another.

d) The growth of popular uprisings forced the government to take action.

(Sentence a) repeats the agreement of the participle with the word being defined. Sentence b) repeats the use of the correctly chosen case of a noun with a derivative preposition.

Sentence c) repeats knowledge on the topic of managing the case of a noun. Sentence d) incorrect - an error in agreeing the subject and predicate in gender)

3. Specify an example with an error in the formation of the word form:

  1. Factory engineers.
  2. Harvest of tomatoes.
  3. The most beautiful landscape.
  4. Their things.

(Wrong combination No. 3, because the form of the superlative degree of the adjective is incorrectly formed)

Possession of knowledge in the field of grammar gives a chance of successfully passing the exam.

4. All of you wrote creative works at the lessons: essays and presentations.

In printout No. 2, there are sentences from your works with errors: speech and grammar. Our task is to edit these proposals. (Find the mistake and correct it) Everyone will get one sentence. Write the corrected sentence (correct version). Get ready to comment on your corrections.

(On the chain, children read both options: incorrect and correct and explain their point of view)

Sentences in printout No. 2 (with errors: speech and grammar).

1. The guys wrote letters home and told in them about the faithful swan fidelity. (Repeat the word - P) Correct: The guys wrote letters home and talked about swan fidelity.

2. The fishermen pulled out the net and see a swan in the nets. (different tense of the verb - G). Correct: The fishermen pulled out the net and saw a swan in it.

3. In his story, he talked about a yard dog (repetition of a word and incorrect control of a noun). Correct: In his story, he narrated (spoke) about a yard dog.

4. Dozens of people, tilting their heads, looked at the tops of pine trees (misunderstanding of the lexical meaning of the word). Correct: Dozens of people, with their heads thrown back, looked at the tops of the pines.

5. Painting by I. Levitan “Autumn day. Sokolniki” is the only one with a living person (incorrect construction of sentences and inappropriate use of the phrase “living person” - P) Painting “Autumn Day. Sokolniki” is the only one where I. Levitan depicted a human figure.

6. Clouds in the distance with possible rain (P). Correct: Clouds in the distance. Perhaps it will rain.

7. The picture gives a thoughtful mood (P). Correct: The picture creates a thoughtful mood.

8. They put hay, a saucer of water, a plate of fish under the window (violation of the semantic connection of the predicate and additions). Correct: They put hay under the window, put a saucer of water and a plate of fish.

9. Dozens of people threw their heads back at the tops of the pines (P) Correct: Dozens of people, with their heads thrown back, looked at the tops of the pines.

10. Once Uncle Filya told about the war, and how they had a yard dog (a mixture of constructions in a sentence) Correct: Once Uncle Filya told about how a yard dog was nailed to their company during the war.

11. Then I started shooting from a pistol (incorrect formation of the predicate form - D) Correct: Then I fired from a pistol.

12. And a pensive female figure in a dark dress (P) is moving straight towards us. Correct: And a female figure in a dark dress is moving straight towards us. Her face is thoughtful.

13. The swan first put one paw into the bathroom, then the other (P). Correct: The swan lowered first one paw into the bathroom, then the other.

14. Uncle Phil (P) stopped the silence. Correct: Uncle Phil broke the silence.

15. Lyonka felt free and flew, and the guys were happy for him, and they had already begun to disperse and heard Lyonka's cry, and he returned. (an unjustified repetition of the union “and” - P) Correct: Lyonka felt freedom and flew. The guys were happy for him. They had already begun to disperse, when they heard Lyonka's cry - this meant that the swan was returning.

5. All these sentences are taken from the text. What is a text?

Text features:

1. The text consists of sentences related to each other in meaning.

2. The unity of the subject of the speech-topic. All offers are combined common theme and work to unlock it.

3. The text has a main idea.

4. You can choose a title for the text.

5. The text has a beginning and an end.

6. In a large text, micro-themes (paragraphs) can be distinguished.

Let's turn to the board and highlight the signs of text types and speech styles.

What is a description?

Description is a type of speech that depicts an object or phenomenon by listing its features or actions (the content of the description can be conveyed in one picture).

Narration is a type of speech that tells about events in their temporal sequence, actions and events succeed each other (the content of the narration can be conveyed on several camera frames). Verbs play a special role.

What is reasoning?

Reasoning is a type of speech that proves or explains any position, thought, talks about the causes and consequences of events, phenomena, assessments and feelings (that cannot be photographed). A special role belongs introductory words and subordinating unions with the meaning of cause, effect ...

The elements of the text are reasoning: thesis - argument - conclusion.

Consider speech styles.

What are the features of the artistic style?

It is used in fiction: novels, novellas, short stories, poems, poems.

Artistic imagery, emotionality;

Figurative - expressive means of language, words in a figurative sense.

What are the features of the scientific style?

Lack of emotionality;

Semantic accuracy, facts;

Terms and professional vocabulary;

Genres: articles, reviews, abstracts, dissertations, textbooks, dictionaries, reports, lectures.

What is the peculiarity of the official business style?

Functions: messages, informing;

Accuracy, standardization, lack of emotionality;

Language stamps (according to the order, bring to the attention, after the expiration of the term - examples) clericalism (given, appropriate);

Business terminology;

Genres: orders, laws, instructions, announcements, business papers.

What is the peculiarity of publicistic style?

Documentary accuracy, appeal, open evaluation;

Influence and persuasion in order to form any position, inducement to action, drawing attention to an important issue;

Genres: essay, article, reports, interviews, author's speech.

What are the features of the conversational style?

Directly household communication;

Ease, simplicity of speech;

Frequent use of incomplete sentences, interjections, often vernacular;

No complicated sentences;

Friendly conversation, everyday story, dispute, notes, private letters, conversations.

6. At home, in groups, you prepared stories about the beautiful Russian tree - birch. These stories should be presented in different types speeches and written in artistic style. Your task is to prove that your story corresponds to this type of speech.

(Illustrations depicting a birch at different times of the year open on the board)

The representative of each of the 3 groups performs with his composition. He, with the help of the group members, proves that the story is sustained in the given type and style of speech.


birch happiness

A lonely birch grew in the field.

Birds often flew to her, and the birch was glad of this. After all, only from birds could she get news.

So she learned that somewhere an oak grows, large and powerful, and next to it is a beautiful mountain ash. Birds fly to the mountain ash every autumn and feast on berries.

Birch listened to these stories and sighed. She alone was sad, and she would have gotten sick if one day a woodpecker had not flown in. He tapped the birch with his beak on the trunk and said:


But why do I feel so bad then? asked the birch.

From melancholy and loneliness, - the woodpecker answered and flew away.

I will help you. Wait, - said the woodpecker and flew away.

And the birch was waiting. Day and night. Autumn has come. The leaves began to turn yellow and fall off. And then one morning a woodpecker flew in. He kept a pinecone in a cranberry. The woodpecker sat comfortably on a branch, clutched a bump in its paws and began to peck it with its beak. Seeds began to fly out of the cone. They circled and fell to the ground. There was a light breeze here. He also wanted to take part. The birch tree carefully shed its leaves. She tried to cover the defenseless seeds and warm them with her warmth.

Thank you, woodpecker, said Birch.

The woodpecker was pleased with his work. He looked around and answered: - When the forest rises, I will settle here forever.

Birch was happy! Now she wished that winter would come soon and cover everything around with snow. And after winter comes spring. Now she knew that when she woke up, she would not be alone. Young pine trees will grow nearby. She also knew that the forest she so dreamed of would definitely grow here. So, a woodpecker will definitely fly.

Children prove that the type of text is narrative, highlighting verbs, adverbs denoting a sequence of actions, events, they call means of expression.

Reasoning text

Birch is a symbol of Russia

Each country has its own symbol among the trees. So, the symbol of Greece is the olive, in Japan the sacred tree is the sakura, the symbol of Canada is the maple.

These symbols reflected the soul of the people, its history and traditions.

Russia is the land of white-trunked birches and endless fields. Here she is, a sprawling curly birch, standing, like an elegant beauty from Russian fairy tales, in a white sundress with gold earrings and pale green sticky leaves, tilting her branches to the very ground, as if bowing in a field and saying: “Peace be with you, good people! ”

It is known that birches grow in many countries of the world, but in no other country do they treat birch with such warmth, with such love, as in Russia. Birch is dear to the soul of a Russian person. Our ancestors considered birch a sacred tree, a gift from the gods. The birch was worshiped as the image of the goddess Beregini, the mother of all spirits and wealth. The birch was a symbol of Lada, the goddess of love, beauty and family happiness.

Not a single tree enjoys such love and reverence in Russia as a birch. Poems, songs, fairy tales, riddles are written about her. Birch has become a poetic personification of Russia.

Wherever a Russian person is, he always, longing for his homeland, remembers the slender beautiful birch rustling in the wind, sun-drenched or covered with frost. The Russian composer M.I. Glinka, returning to his homeland, crossed the border, stopped his carriage, went out onto the road and bowed low, to the waist, to the white birch, the symbol of his homeland.

The image of Russia is unthinkable without the Russian birch. None of the trees contains so many national concepts, does not give rise to so many comparisons and images.

Birch - Motherland, birch-pyamyat, the embodiment of purity, fidelity, our love for our native land.

Russia is inconceivable without a birch - it is so bright in Slavic that, perhaps, in other centuries all Russia was born from a birch.

O. Shestinsky

Children highlight the thesis, arguments, conclusion in the text, name the means of expression.

And the third group was instructed to learn poems that describe a birch. Now we will listen to them, and the guys will prove that this description is in a highly artistic style.

A. Prokofiev

I love Russian birch
Either bright or sad
In a white sarafan
With handkerchiefs in pockets
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
I love her elegant
Native, invisible,
That clear, seething,
That sad, crying.
I love Russian birch
She is always with her friends
Bent low under the wind
And bends - but does not break!

White birch

under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire
A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver.

After reading the poems, students name the means of expression that help to make the description figurative: metaphors, epithets, comparisons, personifications.

They emphasize that the type of speech in these poems is a description, because everything we read about can be reflected in one photograph.

3. The final part of the lesson.

1. Look how beautiful and rich our Russian language is! We must speak real Russian and not distort it. On the contrary, try to make it figurative. Maybe after our lesson someone will think about their future profession and want to serve the preservation of the Russian language, create truly artistic creations, and teach future generations of literate speech.

2. Homework.

Correct all errors in the sentences given in printout No. 2 yourself. Write the corrected version after the sentence with an error.

Take care of Russian speech.



Literacy courses
staging a competent, beautiful speech
correct pronunciation of words
build sentences correctly
vocabulary expansion
correct emphasis
remove speech errors
the ability to clearly express one's thoughts
study of speech intonation
speech indicates the cultural level of the speaker
a person's speech characterizes his cultural level
learning articulation

Courses literate speech

setting literate, beautiful speech
the correct pronunciation of words
construct sentences correctly
the right to put the emphasis
remove speech errors
the ability to articulate
speech intonation study
it tests to the cultural level of the speaker
man it characterizes its cultural level

A person is not born with a ready-made ability to beautifully express his thoughts. The gift of speech is acquired through work on oneself for many years.
Man is not born with a ready ability to beautifully express his thoughts. Speechless acquired by working on yourself over the years.

A well-delivered speech, combined with a beautifully sounding voice, sometimes helps to find a way out of even the most difficult situations that arise in the process of communication. Such speech is excellently perceived by the audience, contributes to the achievement of goals.
(Good speech delivered in conjunction with a beautifully sounding voice helps, sometimes, to find a way, even the most difficult situations that arise in the process of communication. Such speech is perceived by the audience perfectly, it contributes to achieving the objectives)

And the ability to harmoniously and harmoniously put words into sentences is useful in any field of activity.
(And the ability to harmoniously and sweetly put words into sentences is useful in any field of activity.)

Well-delivered speech: how to make your speech clear, understandable and competent?
Good question posed: how to make your speech clear, understandable and correct?

A person who has a pleasant literate speech and a good vocabulary always want to listen. The interlocutors perceive such a person as very educated and intelligent, since he knows how to express his thoughts in an accessible and harmonious way, and his speech is extremely understandable.
(A person with a pleasant literate speech and a good vocabulary, you always want to listen. The interlocutors perceive such a person as a very educated and intelligent as he is able and available consistently express their thoughts, and his speech was very clear.)

Entering a new intricate word into your personal dictionary, find out its exact meaning, ask where it came from
(By introducing the new personal dictionary intricate word, find its exact meaning, ask where it came)

perfect methods of constructing speech, to comprehend the art of pronouncing it, to be able to speak concisely, impressively, figuratively.
(improved methods for constructing speech, grasp the pronunciation of her art, to be able to speak briefly, impressively, figuratively.)

A bright, interesting idea should be expressed in a good form.
Bright, interesting idea is to speak in good shape.

The course is designed for those who need the skill public speaking: reports, presentations, negotiations, pitchings, interviews, as well as for solving problems related to personnel management.
(The course is designed for those who need the skill of public speaking: reports, presentations, negotiations, Pitching, interviews, as well as to solve problems related to the management staff.)

Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “Intelligence is equal to moral health, and health is necessary to live long - not only physically, but also mentally.”

In this article, we will talk about what it means to be an intelligent person and whether it can be learned.

Be intelligent in society

There is an opinion that it is possible to be an intelligent person only with a higher education. However, formal education has little in common with intelligence. Intelligence is the "higher education" of the heart, as well as human behavior in society, which is determined by the following features:

  • Upbringing. An intelligent person knows etiquette well and knows how to present himself in society. Usually this is a polite and tolerant person towards others.
  • Susceptibility. To be intelligent, it is not necessary to re-read the classics and constantly go to the theater. It is enough to have an interest in acquiring new knowledge and not show indifference.
  • Respect. An intelligent person is endowed with respect for everything. He respects not only people, but also nature, history, culture different countries. The absence of rudeness and gloating in character is what distinguishes an intelligent person in modern society.

You can read more about the signs of an intelligent person in the article.

Thus, intelligence is inextricably linked with our behavior. It cannot be learned, but it can be developed in oneself. We also encourage you to read our articles.

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What is intelligent speech? Lesson of preparation for the exam according to the letter of D.S. Likhachev. Author: teacher MKOU secondary school No. 14 Pyatigorsky settlement Ivakhnenko T.E. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted? 1.let's call Z.beautiful 2.cakes 4.catalog.

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What is intelligent speech? Lesson of preparation for the exam according to the letter of D.S. Likhachev.

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    Lesson of preparation for the exam according to the letter of D.S. Likhachev.

    Is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted? 1. let's call Z. prettier 2. cakes 4. catalog

    INTELLIGENT need to use the word INTELLIGENCE? According to D.S. Likhachev, an intellectual is a person who has mental decency, is free in his convictions, does not depend on economic, political conditions, and is not subject to ideological obligations. Approximately from the age of 17-18, the process of the formation of intelligence stops. An intellectual is a correct judgment, understanding, reflection, which, thanks to their common sense and initiative, help a person adapt to the circumstances of life. D.S. Likhachev calls the first typically Russian intellectuals freethinkers of the late 18th century, such as Radishchev and Novikov.

    Speech errors. Happy is he who approaches in his life the ideal that has developed by youth. Children rarely listen and follow the advice of their elders. Thanks to sincerity, kindness, mutual understanding of parents, peace and harmony always reigned in the family. Everyone who was interested in the history of ancient Russian literature knows the works of D. S. Likhachev.

    Formation of the word form: more than fifty rubles of ripe apricots a pair of socks to put on a coat

    First syllable. beetroot took cement sorrel

    LIKHACHEV(1906-1999) The surest way get to know the person mental development, his moral character, his character - listen to how he speaks. D.S. Likhachev

    The pride of the Russian people, the pride of the intelligentsia. I don’t know who can take his place and who can have the right to speak like that about any problems of Russian culture with such knowledge and with such pain for it ... People's Artist of Russia Igor Dmitriev and how many people came to him with a request to help defend, save, preserve temples and museums, parks and schools, houses and names of people, streets, cities! Assistant to Dmitry Sergeevich for many years I.A. Lobakov

    Granin in the book "The Secret Sign of St. Petersburg": "From all sides they turn to him, cry out" Stop the vandals! Demolish the monuments! Funds are needed! They cut down the parks! An avalanche of requests and appeals is ready to bury him. Like Sisyphus, he keeps pushing his stone. Sometimes I sympathize with the hopelessness of his efforts. Then he says to me: “Even in dead-end cases, when everything is deaf, when you are not heard, please, express your opinion. Do not remain silent, speak up. I force myself to speak so that at least one voice sounds. -someone protests that not everyone has reconciled. Each person must declare his position. You cannot publicly, at least to friends, at least to family.

    Formulate the problem of the original text. Comment on the issue. Reflect the position of the author of the original text. Express your attitude to the position of the author and the problem raised. Justify your answer.

    Likhachev: There is light and darkness, there is nobility and meanness, there is purity and dirt: you have to grow up to the first, and is it worth descending to the second? Choose decent, not easy. (from "Letters about the good") There should not be blind to beauty, deaf to the word and real music, callous to goodness, forgetful of the past. And for this we need knowledge, we need intelligence, given by culture.

    Everything that Russia has experienced in this century. Likhachev, with his love for his country, combined with tolerance and common sense, personified "Russian nationalism" in the best sense of the word. And I want to believe that his example and his ideas will flourish in Russia in the 21st century. Christopher Smith

A person must be intelligent - such a phrase can often be heard, but not everyone can tell why this is necessary and what it means to be an intelligent person in our time.

What kind of person can be called intelligent?

If you conduct a survey on the topic of what kind of person can be called intelligent, what it means to be such a person, then it will be difficult to make an exact definition from disparate statements. Most will agree that the main qualities of an intelligent person will be education and erudition. The other part will say that the main thing is education, because an intelligent person will never say a rude word in the presence of a woman.

The funny thing is that both groups will be right and wrong at the same time. Probably the most accurate description of an intelligent person was given by D. Likhachev in his article "A person must be intelligent." It said that education and upbringing only emphasize the intelligence of a person, but this quality is innate. Even a person without education, brought up in a family of hereditary hard workers, can be an intelligent person. Because this quality does not imply knowledge of the intellectual values ​​of mankind, but the desire to learn them. Intelligence is manifested in the ability to understand another person and not use these abilities to harm people. The speech of an intelligent person will not be replete with obscene words, because such people subtly feel beauty and cannot afford to violate it either with words or actions. Summarizing, we can say that an intellectual is a person who knows how to tolerate people and the world. That is why one cannot be a fanatic (sports, religious, political) and remain an intellectual.

Although, in an attempt to figure out what it means to be an intelligent person, you can go the simpler way and look into the dictionary. There we will see the definition of an intellectual as an educated person engaged in mental work. Which of the opinions is most consistent with what an intelligent person should be is up to you.

Why should a person be intelligent?

If we agree with the last definition of an intelligent person, then there is no particular need to be such a person. Because there are a lot of working specialties that do not require obtaining higher education. But if we take into account Likhachev's statements, then the need to be an intelligent person becomes obvious. With whom do you like to communicate more - with a person who does not respect the opinions of others, who tries to humiliate the interlocutor, or with someone who listens to any point of view, trying to understand the opponent?

How to become an intelligent person?

But since we decided that intelligence is an innate quality, is it possible to develop it in ourselves? Yes, you can learn to be an intelligent person, but this will require considerable willpower. You can read books as much as you like - fiction and scientific writings, memorize turns of speech and use them in your appeal, but this will not make you an intellectual. In addition to education, it is necessary to learn to think independently and respect the opinions of others, to love other people, to take care of the world around us. And this is not a sectarian sermon, but a necessity, if there were no those who create works of art, who share their warmth with others, our life would be gray, and our existence would be aimless. However, to decide who to be for you - rudeness and anger now flourish and, it seems, such people live well.