Ofloxacin or amoxiclav which is better. Possibilities of clinical use of levofloxacin

If bronchitis is caused by a bacterial infection or occurs in a complex form, then antibiotics are necessary to treat it. The choice of antibacterial therapy drugs is quite wide. But which antibiotic is best for treating bronchitis and will it be effective? Effective in bronchitis are drugs of such groups: aminopenicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones.

Features of cephalosporins

Cephalosporins are characterized by the lowest cost, they are broad-spectrum drugs. They have high efficiency against the background of low toxicity. Therefore, they are more often prescribed for.

The antibiotic of this group acts on the destruction of the cells of the membrane of pathogenic bacteria, which leads to their rapid death.

There are three generations of cephalosporins, where the last (III) has a higher therapeutic effect, practically does not cause side effects and is better tolerated by the body.

List of cephalosporins that are used for bronchitis:

  • . It belongs to the III generation and is produced in the form of a powder, from which a solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections is prepared. This antibiotic can be used to treat bronchitis in adults and children from infancy;
  • Cefazolin. Belongs to the 1st generation, is available in the form of a powder. A solution for injection (intramuscular, intravenous) is also prepared from it. May be used in children but should be used with caution if kidney dysfunction is present. The duration of the course of taking antibiotics should not exceed 10 days;
  • Cefalexin is a 1st generation antibiotic, which is produced in the form of tablets, granules, capsules and powder. The dosage is selected strictly individually, and the duration of admission should not exceed 10 days.

How are aminopenicillins used?

These antibiotics are widely used due to the fact that their action is directed strictly to pathogenic cells without harm to the body.

Aminopenicillins are semi-synthetic drugs in which the main active substance isolated from natural sources is improved in the laboratory.

The only drawback of this group of antibiotics is the frequent development of allergic reactions. Mainly appointed:

  • , which is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of suspensions and tablets. Can be used for bronchitis, both in adults and in children, from birth;

  • Amoxicillin is available in tablets, capsules and granules. For treatment, both the oral route of administration and the parenteral route can be used. You can prescribe this antibiotic to babies, starting from the age of two;
  • Augmentin, which is produced in the form of tablets and powder for suspension. It has a wide spectrum of action and can be prescribed from birth. The maximum course of this drug should not exceed 5 days.

The use of macrolides

Macrolide is an effective antibiotic that occupies an average price category. The destruction of harmful bacteria by the drug is based on bacteriostatic and bactericidal actions. They destroy the production of protein in the cells of the pathogenic flora, which makes it impossible for the further reproduction of bacteria. With bronchitis, they are prescribed in case of intolerance to the penicillin group of antibacterial drugs.

The most common and effective macrolides are:

  • (tablets, capsules) can be prescribed to adults and children from an early age. The dosage of this antibiotic should be set depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the state of health, but the maximum period of taking azithromycin should not exceed 5 days;
  • Macropen (tablets, granules) can be taken by children from birth and adults. Dosage for children should be based on the weight of the child. Duration of therapy - no more than 2 weeks;

  • Sumamed (capsules, tablets, powder, lyophilisate) has a bacteriostatic effect. It can be used to treat children from 6 months of age, and it should be taken no more than 1 time per day.

Characteristics of fluoroquinolones

Fluoroquinolones are the most expensive of all antibiotics prescribed for obstructive bronchitis.

In addition to a strong therapeutic effect, they have many side effects, which manifest themselves in the form of gastrointestinal disorders and the appearance of dysbacteriosis. In practice, the following drugs are used:

  • Ofloxacin (tablets, powder) has a broad bactericidal effect on most microorganisms. In children, it can only be used for acute and life-threatening bronchitis. After the disappearance of symptoms, ofloxacin should be taken for another 3 days;
  • Levofloxacin (tablets, solution) is a synthetic antibiotic that should be given with caution to children and patients with kidney dysfunction. The dosage is prescribed based on personal data, but the course of treatment should not exceed 7 days;

  • Moxifloxacin (tablets) has a bactericidal effect. It cannot be used for . With bronchitis, the course of treatment is 5 days with a single dose of medication.

Information about the features of antibiotics will help determine the drug, which is more suitable for taking a particular patient. But self-medication during antibiotic therapy is strictly prohibited, they should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Find out more.

According to the latest medical statistics, the spread of prostatitis and its forms has recently begun to increase. The reasons for this situation can be called a lot of factors, among which, the main place is occupied by the unsatisfactory attitude of a man to his health, poor ecology, poor-quality food, etc.

Therefore, it is not surprising how seriously pharmacologists have to work to offer patients the latest and most effective drugs for the treatment of prostatitis. Among them, there is also Levofloxacin - an antibiotic of the latest generation, with a wide spectrum of action.

This type of drug, like Amoxiclav, belongs to antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action and is ideal for the systemic treatment of various diseases, including prostatitis (acute, chronic, bacterial).

The release form of the drug is tablets or solutions for injection. Any form of the drug is quickly absorbed into the blood, affects the body at the cellular level, and the directed action of the drug allows you to effectively kill entire colonies of harmful microorganisms. For people suffering from infectious and bacterial diseases, it will be much cheaper to purchase such a medication than to buy other synonyms and an antibiotic substitute, which also have side effects and contraindications.

Levofloxacin analogues have the following properties:

  • They have a wide and active spectrum of effects on the body.
  • Able to quickly penetrate into the tissues of the prostate.
  • Show a high degree of activity and directional action.

It's important to know

Before taking the medicine, you should read all the information that the instructions for taking the drug offer you. Like any other antibiotic, domestic or imported, Levofloxacin can cause side effects and individual intolerance.

Today you can choose not only Levofloxacin, analogues of this drug, similar in composition, action and form of release, are presented on the market in large quantities.

Tavanik- the same effective antibiotic that is prescribed for a variety of diseases. Characterized by a high degree of drug activity and impact on groups of harmful microorganisms, its use allows you to get positive results of treatment in the shortest possible time of therapy. The price of the product depends on the form of release: tablets can be bought from 600 rubles, an injection solution will cost you 1620 rubles.

Ciprofloxacin refers to active antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action. It is used to treat infectious diseases of internal organs and tissues, in particular, the genitourinary system. The drug is produced in various forms, for example, these are eye drops, suspensions and solutions for injections, tablets and capsules. The cost of an antibiotic is low, from 18 rubles, and any pharmacy can offer you this drug.

Along with the Russian analogues discussed above, there are also foreign analogues of Levofloxacin on the market that can defeat any infectious disease.

Elefloks, produced by an Indian pharmaceutical company, is actively used to treat various forms of prostatitis, inhibits the activity of harmful microorganisms. It is used in systemic treatment, in which the disease is quickly treatable.

Glevo- a product of Indian pharmacology, with a wide spectrum of action, excellent for the treatment of all forms of prostatitis.

Levofloxacin belongs to the group of fluoroquinols. To the same group with the active substance levofloxacin belong:

  • Glevo.
  • Elefloks.
  • Ciprofloxacin.

All antibiotics of this group are very effective in the treatment of prostatitis. Therefore, your choice of a drug can only be influenced by your individual intolerance to the components of one of them, the severity of the disease, in which it is necessary to use complex treatment, in which not all antibiotics may be compatible with other drugs. All drugs have detailed instructions, after reading which you will find out what side effect can be expected, what contraindication in your case may affect the choice of remedy.

Tavanic or Levofloxacin which is better?

As we have already noted, both of these drugs belong to the group of fluoroquinols, with the active ingredient - levofloxacin, which quickly penetrates into the blood, then it is taken by the plasma and distributed to all tissues of the body.

The drug Levofloxacin has an active effect on various areas of tissues affected by harmful microorganisms, and it acts directly at the cellular level, which speeds up treatment and gives positive results. With prostatitis, different groups of bacteria can be present in the body that affect the organ and cause disease: anaerobic gram-positive and gram-negative, simple microorganisms and chlamydia. With all these "pests" the drug fights very effectively.

Tavanic is an antibiotic of the latest generation with high rates of effectiveness in the treatment of diseases of various internal organs, bone tissue.

The active substance in the drug is levofloxacin, the auxiliary ones are crospovidone, cellulose, titanium dioxide, macrogol 8000, iron oxide red and yellow. When taking the drug, its concentration in the blood lasts for a rather long period.

The antibacterial drug gives the fastest and most positive results in the treatment of various forms of prostatitis, ranging from mild to chronic, as it affects tissue cells, their membranes and walls. It is especially effective in complex treatment, because. its active and active component, levofloxacin, interacts well with other drugs.


If we compare Tavanic or Levofloxacin, which is better, then the first drug has fewer side effects and has a faster action and the spectrum of its effects is much wider.

Comparing the cost of drugs, it can be noted that you can buy Levofloxacin at a price of 77 rubles, and Tavanic - from 590 rubles.

Most often, when the doctor has prescribed a course of treatment with this drug, the patient is prescribed 2 doses.

The average daily dose of the drug at each dose is from 500 ml to 1 g, depending on the form of the disease, the prostate gland is in. If injections are prescribed, then the daily dose of liquid is from 250 to 500 ml, depending on the severity of the disease. The medicine is taken regardless of the meal, because. mucosa quickly absorbs the substances of the drug.

It's important to know

With mild forms of prostatitis, as well as with diseases that affect the bronchi, the course of treatment can be from 14 to 28 days. In this case, the daily dose is from 500 ml to 1 g.

To decide whether Tavanic or Levofloxacin is better, the attending physician will help you, who will select the optimal antimicrobial drug for effective therapy.

Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin: a comparative evaluation of drugs

Today on the market you can also purchase a drug such as Ciprofloxacin, also belonging to the group of fluoroquinols.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action, inhibits the vital activity of various microorganisms, quickly penetrates into the bloodstream, is distributed throughout the tissues of the body, and any infection is amenable to such therapy.

The doctor prescribes the drug, which calculates the daily dose of the drug.

The course of treatment can be from 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the degree of the disease.

If we consider Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin, the difference lies in the fact that the first is more effective, it can interact with other drugs, while Ciprofloxacin, under the influence of other drugs, can reduce its concentration and activity, which delays the course of treatment.

Both medicines, Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin, are antibiotics that should only be taken on the advice of a doctor, who considers each clinical case on an individual basis.

The main difference between the two antibiotics is the active substance: in the first preparation it is levofloxacin, and in the second it is ofloxacin. Under the action of Ofloxacin, not all groups of bacteria can be destroyed, since microorganisms have a different degree of sensitivity to ofloxacin, so the treatment of prostatitis may be different due to the causes of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment may also differ.

Levofloxacin Astrapharm: description of the drug and its distinctive features

Not so long ago, a new drug appeared in pharmacies - Levofloxacin Astrapharm, (manufacturer Ukraine), which belongs to quinols, is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, with the active substance - levofloxacin. The nature of the action is due to the fact that the agent contains an active isomer of ofloxacin, with a very high mobility, the mechanism of action is bactericidal.

Distinctive features from Levofloxacin

Levofloxacin Astrapharm is able to inhibit the activity of gram-positive and gram-negative microbes, while Levofloxacin acts on all groups of bacteria.

Most often, Levofloxacin Astrapharm is used to effectively treat bacterial chronic prostatitis.

In therapy with Levofloxacin, a positive trend is observed already in the middle of treatment, and this occurs regardless of the form of the disease.

If we talk about Levofloxacin Astrapharm blister, then it is more effective in the treatment of mild and moderate forms of prostatitis.

Regardless of what choice you make in the treatment of prostatitis, you must remember that only a systemic, well-chosen treatment can give positive dynamics and results.

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In diseases of the ENT organs and bronchi, four main groups of antibiotics are used. These are penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides and fluoroquinolones. They are convenient in that they are available in tablets and capsules, that is, for oral administration, and they can be taken at home. Each of the groups has its own characteristics, but for all antibiotics there are rules for taking that must be observed.

  • Antibiotics should be prescribed only by a doctor for certain indications. The choice of antibiotic depends on the nature and severity of the disease, as well as on what drugs the patient has previously received.
  • Antibiotics should not be used to treat viral diseases.
  • The effectiveness of the antibiotic is evaluated during the first three days of its administration. If the antibiotic is working well, you should not interrupt the course of treatment until the period recommended by the doctor. If the antibiotic is ineffective (the symptoms of the disease remain the same, the fever persists), inform the doctor. Only the doctor decides on the replacement of the antimicrobial drug.
  • Side effects (eg, mild nausea, bad taste in the mouth, dizziness) do not always require immediate discontinuation of the antibiotic. Often, only a dose adjustment of the drug or additional administration of drugs that reduce side effects is enough. Measures to overcome side effects are determined by the doctor.
  • Diarrhea can be a consequence of taking antibiotics. If you have a lot of loose stools, see your doctor as soon as possible. Do not try to treat diarrhea caused by antibiotics on your own.
  • Do not reduce the dose prescribed by your doctor. Antibiotics in small doses can be dangerous because after their use, there is a high probability of the emergence of resistant bacteria.
  • Strictly observe the time of taking the antibiotic - the concentration of the drug in the blood must be maintained.
  • Some antibiotics must be taken before meals, others after. Otherwise, they are absorbed worse, so do not forget to check with your doctor about these features.


Peculiarities: broad spectrum antibiotics. They are mainly used intramuscularly and intravenously for pneumonia and many other serious infections in surgery, urology, gynecology. Of the drugs for oral administration, only cefixime is now widely used.

  • Cause allergies less frequently than penicillins. But a person who is allergic to the penicillin group of antibiotics can develop a so-called cross-allergic reaction to cephalosporins.
  • Can be used by pregnant women and children (each drug has its own age restrictions). Some cephalosporins are legal from birth.

Allergic reactions, nausea, diarrhea.

Main contraindications:

Trade name of the drug Price range (Russia, rub.)
Active substance: Cefixime


Suprax(various products)



A widely used drug, especially in children. The main indications for the appointment are tonsillitis and pharyngitis, acute otitis media, sinusitis, uncomplicated urinary tract infections. Suspension is allowed from 6 months, capsules - from 12 years. Lactating women on the days of taking the drug are recommended to stop breastfeeding for a while.


Main indications:

  • Angina
  • Acute otitis media
  • Sinusitis
  • Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
  • community-acquired pneumonia
  • Scarlet fever
  • Skin infections
  • Acute cystitis, pyelonephritis and other infections

Peculiarities: are low-toxic broad-spectrum antibiotics.

The most common side effects: allergic reactions.

Main contraindications: individual intolerance.

Important information for the patient:

  • Drugs of this group more often than other antibiotics cause allergies. An allergic reaction to several drugs from this group is possible at once. If you develop a rash, hives, or other allergic reactions, stop taking the antibiotic and contact your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Penicillins are one of the few groups of antibiotics that can be used by pregnant women and children from a very early age.
  • Drugs containing amoxicillin reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.
Trade name of the drug Price range (Russia, rub.) Features of the drug, which is important for the patient to know
Active substance: Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin DS(Mecofar Chemical-Pharmaceutical)


(Synthesis OJSC)





Widely used antibiotic. Particularly well suited for the treatment of angina. It is used not only for respiratory tract infections, but also in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Well absorbed when taken orally. It is usually applied 2-3 times a day. However, sometimes it is ineffective. This is due to the fact that some bacteria are able to produce substances that destroy this drug.
Active substance: Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid

Amoxiclav Quiktab





Flemoklav Solutab(Astellas)


(Avva Rus)

Clavulanic acid protects amoxicillin from resistant bacteria. Therefore, this drug is often prescribed to people who have already been treated with antibiotics more than once. It is also better suited for the treatment of sinusitis, infections of the kidneys, biliary tract, skin. It is usually applied 2-3 times a day. More often than other drugs in this group causes diarrhea and liver dysfunction.


Main indications:

  • Mycoplasma and chlamydia infections (bronchitis, pneumonia in people older than 5 years)
  • Angina
  • Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis
  • Acute otitis media
  • Sinusitis
  • Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
  • Whooping cough

Peculiarities: antibiotics, which are used mainly in the form of tablets and suspensions. They act a little slower than antibiotics of other groups. This is due to the fact that macrolides do not kill bacteria, but stop their reproduction. Relatively rarely cause allergies.

The most common side effects: allergic reactions, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, diarrhea.

Main contraindications: individual intolerance.

Important information for the patient:

  • To macrolides, resistance of microorganisms develops quite quickly. Therefore, you should not repeat the course of treatment with drugs of this group for three months.
  • Some of the drugs in this group can affect the activity of other drugs, and are also less absorbed when interacting with food. Therefore, before using macrolides, you must carefully study the instructions.
Trade name of the drug Price range (Russia, rub.) Features of the drug, which is important for the patient to know
Active substance: Azithromycin







retard (Pfizer)





Zitrolide forte(Valens)


(Teva, Pliva)

Sumamed forte(Teva, Pliva)




(Avva Rus)

One of the most commonly used drugs in this group. It is better tolerated than others and well absorbed. Unlike other macrolides, it inhibits the growth of Haemophilus influenzae, which often causes otitis media and sinusitis. It is advisable to take on an empty stomach. It circulates in the body for a long time, so it is taken 1 time per day. Short courses of treatment as prescribed by a doctor are possible: from 3 to 5 days. If necessary, it can be used with caution during pregnancy. Contraindicated in severe violations of the liver and kidneys.
Active substance: Erythromycin
Erythromycin(various 26,1–58,8 A long-used antibiotic, in connection with which some bacteria are resistant to it. Nausea causes somewhat more often than other representatives of this group of antibiotics. It inhibits the work of liver enzymes, which are responsible for the destruction of other drugs. Therefore, some drugs, when interacting with erythromycin, are retained in the body and cause toxic effects. It is very important to use the drug on an empty stomach. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Active substance: Clarithromycin



Clubax OD (Ranbaxi)


Klacid SR


Fromilid Uno(Krka)


(Avva Rus)

It is used not only for the treatment of respiratory tract infections, but also in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease to destroy the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It is active against chlamydia, therefore it is often included in the treatment regimens for sexually transmitted diseases. Side effects and drug interactions are similar to those of erythromycin. It is not used in children under 6 months of age, during pregnancy and lactation.
Active substance: Midecamycin/ midecamycin acetate
macrofoam(Krka) 205,9–429 A classic macrolide antibiotic, often used in suspension form to treat infections in children. Well tolerated. It is advisable to take 1 hour before meals. It is quickly excreted from the body, so the minimum frequency of administration is 3 times a day. Drug interactions are less likely. During pregnancy, it can be used only in exceptional cases, while breastfeeding is not used.
Active substance: Roxithromycin
Rulid(Sanofi-Aventis) 509,6–1203 Well absorbed, well tolerated. Indications and side effects are standard. Not applicable during pregnancy and lactation.


Main indications:

  • Severe otitis externa
  • Sinusitis
  • Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
  • community-acquired pneumonia
  • Dysentery
  • salmonellosis
  • cystitis, pyelonephritis
  • Adnexitis
  • Chlamydia and other infections

Peculiarities: powerful antibiotics, most often used for severe infections. They can disrupt the formation of cartilage, and therefore are contraindicated in children and expectant mothers.

The most common side effects: allergic reactions, pain in the tendons, muscles and joints, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, diarrhea, drowsiness, dizziness, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

Main contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, breast-feeding, age up to 18 years.

Important information for the patient:

  • Fluoroquinolones for oral administration should be taken with a full glass of water, and in total during the treatment period, drink at least 1.5 liters per day.
  • For complete assimilation, it is necessary to take drugs at least 2 hours before or 6 hours after taking antacids (heartburn remedies), iron, zinc, bismuth preparations.
  • It is important to avoid sunburn during the use of drugs and for at least 3 days after the end of treatment.
Trade name of the drug Price range (Russia, rub.) Features of the drug, which is important for the patient to know
Active substance: Ofloxacin
Ofloxacin(various products)



Zanocin OD(Ranbaxi)


(Mustafa nevzat ilach sanai)




Most often used in urology, gynecology. For respiratory tract infections, it is not used in all cases. It is indicated for sinusitis, bronchitis, but is not recommended for angina and pneumococcal community-acquired pneumonia.
Active substance: Moxifloxacin
Avelox(Bayer) 719–1080 The most powerful antibiotic of this group. It is used for severe acute sinusitis, exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and community-acquired pneumonia. It can also be used in the treatment of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis.
Active substance: Ciprofloxacin
Ciprofloxacin(various products)




(Dr. Reddy's)




Digital OD(Ranbaxi)


(Avva Rus)

The most widely used drug from the group of fluoroquinolones. It has a wide spectrum of action, including against pathogens of severe infections. Indications are the same as those of ofloxacin.
Active substance: Levofloxacin
Levofloxacin(various products)

In our time, the question of the choice of antibiotics is quite acute. With each passing day, the resistance of microorganisms to drugs is growing, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose the right one. Thanks to modern technologies, new groups of antibiotics are being discovered, as well as modifying and supplementing existing types.


Levofloxacin is a fully synthetic agent belonging to the group fluoroquinolones. The substance has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it can be used for most known infections, and also as a preliminary therapy in a period when the exact pathogen is not identified.

Levofloxacin is available in three forms: oral tablets, injection, and eye drops. The choice of form is made on the basis of the localization of the infection, as well as its severity.

The mechanism of action of levofloxacin is based on the inhibition of the main enzymes of bacteria necessary for their reproduction. Interfering with the growth and reproduction of bacteria is called a bacteriostatic effect, however, in high doses, the drug can be bactericidal, that is, destroy bacteria.

Due to its chemical composition, drug resistance rarely develops. In addition, cross-resistance with fluoroquinolone drugs is also quite rare. All this makes it necessary to leave levofloxacin as a backup method of fighting infection, when other drugs, to which resistance has already begun to develop, cannot cope.

Levofloxacin has a number of serious side effects and, in this regard, a number of contraindications. The pathological effect of the drug on tendons and cartilage has been proven, so the drug is contraindicated in the following people:

  • Those with a history of tendon injury as a result of taking fluoroquinolones.
  • Children under 18 years old.
  • Pregnant.
  • Nursing.

The drug has a certain effect on the central nervous system, therefore its use is limited among people with epilepsy, increased epileptic readiness of the brain, as well as myasthenia gravis and other diseases associated with the central nervous system.

It was revealed that a rapid intravenous infusion of levofloxacin leads to a sharp critical decrease in blood pressure. In this regard, if intravenous administration of the drug is necessary, it should be infused slowly, over 60-90 minutes.

Due to its high efficiency, the use of the drug is possible even in people with a high risk of side effects. In this case, the possible consequences should be less significant than the disease against which levofloxacin is used.


Amoxiclav is combination drug. It consists of two active substances that complement each other. The drug is an antibiotic of the penicillin series, since it contains amoxicillin.

It has long been known that there are a number of bacteria that produce beta-lactamase, which can destroy penicillin. To combat such bacteria, a beta-lactamase inhibitor is added to the composition of simple antibiotics, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug.

Amoxiclav is one such antibiotic. In addition to amoxicillin, the composition contains clavulanic acid protecting the main active substance from aggressive bacteria. Clavulanic acid allows you to expand the spectrum of the drug, by using it against those bacteria that are usually resistant to penicillins.

The drug is available in two main forms: tablets and powders. Powders can be both for the preparation of suspensions for oral administration, and for solutions for intravenous administration.

The mechanism of action of amoxiclav is based on the fact that it stops the growth of the bacterial cell wall. As a result, the framework becomes unstable, becomes thinner, and then the bacterium lyses, that is, it dies.

There are no highly specific contraindications for taking amoxiclav. It should be used with caution in persons with chronic or acute diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Pregnant women are prescribed the drug only if the threat to the mother outweighs the threat to the child from taking the antibiotic.

Similarities and differences

Levofloxacin and amoxiclav are drugs of different pharmacological groups and generations. However, their scope is quite similar, since they are more often prescribed in cases where classical penicillins do not work.

The choice of a particular drug depends, first of all, on the sensitivity of the bacteria. According to the spectrum of action, both drugs are quite similar, so you should choose based on indications and contraindications.

At the age of 12 to 18 years, amoxiclav will be the drug of choice, since it is quite difficult to justify the use of levofloxacin in children. Penicillin will also be more preferable in the treatment of pregnant and lactating mothers, despite certain contraindications.

Restrictions on the use of these antibiotics practically do not overlap, so the choice of a specific one will be based, firstly, on the sensitivity of bacteria, and secondly, on the presence of contraindications to one of them in the patient.

Scope and what to choose

Levofloxacin is widely used in ophthalmology both in the form of drops and as a systemic antibiotic. In addition, the drug successfully copes with complicated bronchitis and pneumonia. It has been proven effective against diseases such as anthrax and tuberculosis. It has also found wide application in the treatment of the genitourinary system:

  • Prostatitis.
  • Tubulointerstitial nephritis.
  • Urinary tract infection of unspecified localization.

Amoxiclav is often used for ear infections of the nasopharynx:

  • Acute sinusitis.
  • Acute pharyngitis.
  • Acute suppurative otitis.
  • Acute tonsillitis.
  • Chronic otitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

The drug is used in gynecology, urology, as well as orthopedics, for the treatment of osteomyelitis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The choice of the best remedy is based on the disease to be treated. In the treatment of pathology of the upper respiratory tract, Amoxiclav will be much more effective, but it will be useless for ophthalmic diseases. In addition, amoxiclav remains the drug of choice in the treatment of children and pregnant women. Levofloxacin should be chosen in extreme cases of bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as in rare infectious diseases.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics help fight a large number of infectious diseases. Cifran instructions for use describes how a combined antibiotic that is effective against a large number of microorganisms.

Ciprofloxacin, what kind of antibiotic

Cifran combines two antibiotics - ciprofloxacin and tinidazole. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic. It belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. Cifran works by suppressing DNA gyrase and inhibiting DNA synthesis in bacteria.

Effective against most groups of gram-negative microorganisms. It also affects all microorganisms producing β-lactamase. It is used in the treatment of amoebic and bacterial mixed infections, as well as in the combination of aerobic and anaerobic flora.

The main advantage of this drug is that it is rapidly absorbed when taken orally. It does not matter, the use of food, because it does not critically affect the rate of absorption. Bioavailability after administration - 70%. With plasma proteins, the connection reaches 40%.

Two hours after application, the maximum concentration of the active substance is observed. Excretion of residues is carried out by the kidneys. Most of it is excreted in the urine, but a certain percentage of the residual substances are excreted through the intestines.

Penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid. Its concentration there depends on the presence of inflammation. If the membranes of the spinal cord are inflamed, then it is up to 40%.

Indications for use:

  1. Postoperative infections.
  2. Bacterial infections of the abdominal cavity.
  3. Respiratory tract.
  4. Acute and subacute conjunctivitis.
  5. Infections after trauma to the eyes and cornea.
  6. Support for immunosuppressed patients.
  7. Infectious lesions of the joints, bones and skin.

The drug must be used after consulting a doctor.

Important! Taking antibiotics that you self-prescribe can be dangerous to your health.

Tsifran and all its types

Cifran is produced by the largest pharmaceutical company in India, Ranbaxi Laboratories Limited. It contains several components, but the active active ingredient is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. The film coating on the tablets contains purified talc, water and Opadray-OY-S58910.

The excipients are magnesium stearate, corn starch, cellulose, purified water and anhydrous flint.

Release form - film-coated tablets. There are two main types of drug:

  1. Extended-release (OD) tablets contain nothing but ciprofloxacin and can be taken once every 24 hours. This form completely inhibits the ability of disease-causing bacteria to grow and multiply. 1 tablet contains 1000 mg of the active substance. This type of drug is produced in 5 pieces in a blister. Number of blisters 1 or 2 per pack.
  2. The combined drug CT also contains a second active substance - tinidazole. One tablet of the drug contains 500 mg of ciprofloxacin and 600 mg of tinidazole. In the package from 1 to 10 blisters, each of which contains 10 tablets.

A dosage form is also available in the form of eye drops and a solution for injections.

Solution for injection is available in ampoules containing 200 mg of ciprofloxacin per 100 ml of solution.

Eye drops. One bottle of 10 ml contains 30 mg of active ingredient. In addition, there is an eye ointment that is used for infections of the eyelids and bacterial infections of the cornea.

Indications for use

Cifran tablets are prescribed by a doctor and are effective in the following pathologies:

  • Mixed and dysentery infections of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Respiratory tract infections, including those with purulent complications.
  • Severe gynecological infections, including complications after abortion.
  • It is used for sore throat, pyelonephritis, and many other infections.

The procedure for taking Cifran differs, depending on which form of release (OD or ST).

CT should be taken orally after meals with a glass of clean water. Tablets should be swallowed whole, without breaking or chewing. The dosage is as follows: for an adult patient 500 + 600 mg 2 times a day., You can 250 + 300 mg, two tablets every twelve hours. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Receiving OD. Depends on the specific infection and the severity of the disease:

  • Gonorrhea. If acute - once a day, once a day, 500 mg. Acute complicated - once a day, 500 mg for up to 5 days.
  • Acute sinusitis. Once a day for 10 days, 1000 mg.
  • Diseases of the urinary tract. Once a day for 2 weeks. If a difficult case is 1500 mg, in the rest - 1000 mg.
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis. For 28 days, 1000 mg once a day.
  • Typhoid fever. 10 days, one tablet of 1000 mg once a day.
  • Bone and joint infections. 1000 - 1500 mg once a day for up to 6 weeks.
  • Infectious diarrhea - 5-7 days, 1000 mg.
  • Respiratory tract infections. 1000 - 1500 mg for 2 weeks.

When prescribing this remedy, the specialist focuses on the performance of the kidneys, on the age and weight of the patient.

Useful video: about the diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis

Indications for the use of injections

Injections of the drug Tsifran are done intramuscularly or intravenously. The dosage depends on the severity of the infection and the characteristics of the patient's body. Injections are prescribed for people over 18 years of age. Children should not inject this substance.

The dosage is as follows:

  1. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract - 100 - 200 ml 2 times a day
  2. Cystitis - once 50 ml.
  3. Diarrhea of ​​infectious breed - 100 ml 2 times a day. The course of treatment is a week.
  4. Pulmonary form of anthrax - 200 ml 2 times a day.

Treatment with injections can last from 1 day to 2 months, but not longer, since the risk of side effects increases and the negative load on the kidneys increases.

Doctors prescribe the highest course for osteomyelitis. The average course is 7-14 days for most infections. If the solution is administered with a dropper, then a slight increase in the dosage of the antibiotic is allowed.

Digital for prostatitis

Antibacterial treatment is prescribed for prostatitis in the case when the inflammation of the prostate happened due to infection. Efficiency in this disease is confirmed by both clinical studies and the experience of many doctors.

The group of fluoroquinolones, to which Cifran belongs, has proven itself in the fight against bacterial prostatitis. With a non-bacterial nature of the disease, antibiotics should not be taken. Bacterial prostatitis can provoke bacteria of several groups:

  • Gram-positive, such as staphylococcus aureus.
  • Gram-negative - salmonella, E. coli.
  • Intracellular - chlamydia, brucella.

The advantage of Cifran over other drugs is its rapid absorption, and also the fact that after a full course for a few more days the concentration of the active substance in the blood is high enough so that bacteria cannot multiply.

Treatment should be started as early as possible, as chronic prostatitis can lead to problems with potency and erectile dysfunction.

It is used both in the form of tablets and in the form of injections. The course of admission for chronic prostatitis is a week. Dosage per day - 250-500 mg. If we are talking about injections, then - 200-400 mg.

An increase in dosage is prescribed only by a doctor, in case of complications or an advanced stage of the disease.

The advantages of this drug for inflammation of the prostate gland are obvious:

  • Destroys all bacteria, including inactive ones.
  • Combines with other substances and does not affect them.
  • Cheap compared to many similar products.
  • Bacteria do not have time to get used to the antibiotic and it remains effective.

As a result, all the advantages make Ciprofloxacin a popular substance in terms of the number of prescriptions. Reviews of doctors and patients about the result of the action are positive. The disadvantages of the drug are common with other antibiotics, for example, dysbacteriosis. Therefore, the choice of Tsifran as a drug for the treatment of prostate infections is fully justified.

Useful video: the benefits and harms of antibiotics

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects of antibiotics are common, so you should consult your doctor before starting treatment. Only a doctor should prescribe a specific drug, as well as its dosage. Side effects can be in several body systems:

  1. Gastrointestinal - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.
  2. Nervous system - fatigue, anxiety, dizziness, weakness, in rare cases, convulsions.
  3. The cardiovascular system. Arrhythmia, fainting, pain behind the sternum.
  4. Circulatory system. Decreased levels of red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells.
  5. Allergic reactions of varying severity.
  6. Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, so you should not be in the sun for a long time during treatment with the drug without special creams.

If any of the adverse reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, he will either adjust the dose or cancel this remedy.

The remedy also has contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 8 years;
  • blood diseases with inhibition of hematopoietic function;
  • convulsions and epilepsy;
  • lactation;
  • mental problems;
  • atherosclerosis and other disorders in the brain;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

In the presence of any contraindication, the medicine is not prescribed and is replaced by another antibiotic.


In pharmacies, you can easily find several analogues of Ciprofloxacin, both domestic and imported. They are similar in composition, according to the principle of influence. There may be differences in price, as well as in the number of side effects.

Cifran or Levofloxacin

Levofloxacin belongs to the same group as the drug in question. Application depends directly on the type of pathogens. For example, Levofloxacin is more effective against pneumococci, as well as atypical pathogens.

In turn, Tsifran will show better results in the fight against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Clinical trials have shown that a pathogen that does not respond to Ciprofloxacin may well be susceptible to Levofloxacin.

Important! Both drugs are well absorbed and do not react to food other than milk and its components.

Adverse reactions are similar for both drugs.

As for the price, here the buyers are on the side of Tsifran, since it is several times cheaper than its modern counterpart. In any case, Ciprofloxacin and Levofloxacin should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the complexity of the disease.

The doctor can change one drug to another if necessary, but the price category in any case will have to be taken into account.

Cifran or Tsiprolet

Both drugs contain the same active ingredient. Both drugs have a similar principle of action, side reactions, as well as contraindications. Therefore, you should not use them together, and the doctor should prescribe one of the antibiotics. Tsiprolet does not have a prolonged effect, like one of the Citrofan types.

Since the contraindications are also similar, patients who are not suitable for one of the remedies are also not recommended to prescribe the second. It should be noted that Tsiprolet is more easily tolerated by patients with gastrointestinal problems. The difference in price is insignificant, but there is. Digital is cheaper.

Cifran or Amoxiclav

Amoxiclav is more easily tolerated by the body and produces fewer side effects. Cifran has a wider spectrum of action and can fight Pseudomonas aeruginosa, against which Amoxiclav is powerless. Ciprofloxacin is more effective for the elderly, while the analogue has a more convenient form of release - suspension.

Other analogues

There is more than one drug that is considered an analogue of Tsifran and can successfully replace it:

  1. Nolicin is a medicine from Slovenia from the group of fluoroquinolones. The active substance is norfloxacin. Can be taken at the same time, but under medical supervision.
  2. Ofloxacin - is available only in the form of tablets, the active substance is Ofloxacin. The dosage is prescribed strictly individually.
  3. Doxycycline is a group of tetracyclines. It has a much milder effect on the intestinal microflora. It differs in the principle of exposure, since it does not affect the DNA of bacteria, but the proteins of protein cells.

When choosing, you need to pay attention not to personal preferences, but to the advice of a doctor. Any antibiotic should be taken only on the advice of a specialist.

Useful video: effective treatment of prostatitis in men


Antibacterial drugs filled the shelves of pharmacies. There are new generations of tools that are more effective. Broad-spectrum antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones can affect a huge number of different groups of bacteria.

Therefore, Ciprofloxacin is effective in a large number of infectious diseases, including prostatitis. But the doctor must prescribe the medicine strictly, based on the specific situation.

Tavanic is an antibiotic with a wide therapeutic effect. It is able to cure many infectious diseases, the pathogens of which are sensitive to levofloxacin.

It copes well with acute sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as infections of the genitourinary system.

Manufacturer and release form

The original drug Tavanic is produced by the German company SANOFI-AVENTIS.

There are two dosage forms in pharmacies:

  • covered with a soft yellow-pink shell, biconvex tablets with dividing grooves. Packed in 3/5/7/10 pieces;
  • sterile transparent greenish-yellow injection solution placed in glass vials (100 ml).

The active substance is the antibiotic levofloxacin. Tablets may contain 250 or 500 mg, which is indicated on their packaging. In a vial with a solution (100 ml) there is also 500 mg of an antibiotic.

The tablets additionally include:

  • crospovidone;
  • hypromellose;
  • cellulose;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • talc;
  • macrogol 8000;
  • red/yellow iron dioxide.

The injection solution also contains:

  • hydrochloric acid;
  • sodium hydroxide/chloride;
  • water (deionized).

Therapeutic effect and scope

Levofloxacin, like all systemic quinolones belonging to the 3rd generation, has a wide range of therapeutic effects.

It disrupts the DNA structure of harmful microorganisms, causing strong changes in the cytoplasm, cell walls, which leads to their death. By killing pathogens, the drug successfully fights the inflammatory processes caused by them.

Tavanic is effective for:

  • sinusitis (acute);
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • bronchitis;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • bacterial chronic prostatitis;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • sepsis;
  • intra-abdominal infections.

Instructions for use, features of the reception

The daily dose of the drug for almost all diseases is 250/500 mg, taken 1 to 2 times.

Tablets are swallowed whole with water (0.5 - 1 cup). It is not recommended to bite or chew them. If it is required to take half of the tablet, it is divided using the dividing groove. Absorption of the drug into the blood occurs quickly and completely.

The intake of Tavanic does not depend on the intake of food. It can be drunk at any time. But if complex therapy is carried out, then with joint treatment with antacids or iron-containing drugs, as well as Sucralfate, the interval between their intake and Tavanic should be 2 hours.

The injection solution must be given slowly. At least one hour should be allowed for the complete introduction of one vial. It is not recommended to store such a preparation in conditions of strong illumination for more than 3 days.

Intravenous administration of Tavanic is allowed along with solutions:

  • physiological;
  • dextrose (5%);
  • Ringer with dextrose (2.5%);
  • nutritious (carbohydrates + trace elements + amino acids).

But the simultaneous injection with a solution of sodium bicarbonate is prohibited.

Injections are recommended for severe forms of the disease. When the patient's condition improves, the injection of the solution is replaced by taking tablets. If the patient's body temperature returns to normal, then after 3 days the antibiotic is canceled.

During treatment, you can not visit the solarium, you should avoid direct bright sun and ultraviolet radiation. Long-term use of the drug sometimes causes dysbacteriosis, a weakened body can undergo a fungal infection.

These negative properties of Tavanic are easily removed by co-administration with Bifidumbacterin, Linex, antifungal agents. The dose of the drug depends on the nature / severity of the disease, as well as on the presence / absence of renal failure.

For patients who do not have kidney problems, daily dosages are as follows:

  • sinusitis (acute) - 500 mg / 1 time / 1.5-2 weeks;
  • chronic bronchitis (exacerbation) - 250-500 mg / 1 time / 7-10 days;
  • pneumonia - 500 mg / 2 times / 1-2 weeks;
  • urinary tract infections (uncomplicated) - 250 mg / 1 time / 3 days;
  • bacterial prostatitis (chronic) - 500 mg / 1 time / 4 weeks;
  • skin infections - 250-500 mg / 2 times / 1-2 weeks;
  • sepsis - 500 mg / 2 times / 1.5-2 weeks;
  • infections of retroperitoneal organs - 500 mg / 1 time / 1-2 weeks;
  • tuberculosis (treatment of resistant forms as part of the complex) - 500-1000 mg / 2 times / 3 months.

For people with renal insufficiency, the first dose of the drug should be taken in accordance with this table, and subsequent doses should be taken at half the dosage. If during treatment the Tavanica tablet was not drunk on time, it should be taken as soon as possible, and then follow the established scheme.

Older people who do not have kidney problems can use this medicine at the usual dosage. But children should not be given it, since levofloxacin can disrupt the growth of cartilage tissue, which will make the joints fragile.

With great care, the drug is prescribed to people prone to convulsions. This group includes persons who have undergone:

  • stroke;
  • head injury.

Side effects

Sometimes with prolonged use of Tavanic, pseudomembranous colitis may develop (a symptom is diarrhea with blood).

In this case, treatment with the drug should be stopped and the elimination of the "side effects" should be dealt with. Rare cases of tendinitis threatening tendon rupture have been observed.

If this happens, the drug should be stopped immediately. If there are malfunctions in the nervous system, you should also stop using this drug.

Since Tavanic sometimes has an effect on the central nervous system, which manifests itself in drowsiness, dizziness, slowing down the reaction, while taking it, you can not drive vehicles, engage in other activities that require concentration.


Taking an excessive dose of the drug can lead to:

  • confused mind;
  • dizziness;
  • hallucinations;
  • convulsions;
  • tremor;
  • nausea, other digestive disorders;
  • erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

If these symptoms appear, you should wash the stomach and take antacids.

With prostatitis

This drug is very effective in the fight against bacterial prostatitis, especially in combination with a special diet, prostate massage, and other physical procedures.

During a long 4-week course, patients should take 500 mg of the drug once a day. The success of treatment is assessed by examining prostate secretions.

If you want to speed up the treatment process, and the patient has no special contraindications, the doctor may prescribe another treatment regimen:

  • the first week - 1000 mg / day;
  • the next 10 days - 500 mg / day.

As a result, the course of treatment is shortened to 2.5 weeks. In the treatment of acute prostatitis, the first half of the course should be injected with the drug, and then proceed to taking pills.

In the chronic course of the disease, you can limit yourself to only the tablet form of Tavanic. The drug enters the prostate rather quickly and in large volume, outperforming many antibiotics used in the disease of this organ.

For cystitis and chlamydia

In uncomplicated (without blood / pus in urine) acute cystitis, the drug should be drunk for 3-5 days. 250 mg once a day. In chronic cystitis and the presence of complications, the same dose of medication should be taken for 1.5-2 weeks.

With the genital form of the disease, take 500 mg of Tavanic for 10 days. The pulmonary form, which causes pneumonia, requires intravenous administration of the same volume of medication for 7-10 days.

Alcohol compatibility

Ethanol increases the likelihood of a "side effect", while reducing the therapeutic effectiveness. Therefore, you should refuse to use it for the entire period of treatment.


Tavanic has a number of absolute contraindications, in which its use is unacceptable, and relative - in which the drug should be taken with caution.

Absolute is the presence of:

  • epilepsy;
  • tendinitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • allergic reaction to Tavanic.

Consider relative:

  • predisposition to seizures;
  • renal / heart failure;
  • low magnesium/potassium levels;
  • taking sugar-lowering drugs;
  • the presence of pseudoparalytic myasthenia gravis.

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Reviews of the doctor about the drug Tavanic:

Tavanic is an effective antibiotic that confidently copes with pathogens of many diseases. But it can also cause unwanted reactions. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe it.

Kanefron (tablets): composition, principle of action of the drug, indications and features of use

In the vast majority of cases, physicians are wary of herbal medicine, preferring stronger drugs with proven activity and clinical experience.

However, the effectiveness of Canephron (tablets) has been confirmed by its long-term use for the treatment of various diseases of the urinary system.

Moreover, this medicine in the form of dragees or drops is recommended both for their therapy (usually in combination with other medicines) and for prevention.

Until recently, the use of medicinal plants was mainly limited to taking infusions and decoctions prepared at home. But patients usually do not attach due importance to the principles of herbal storage, make mistakes in dosage and manufacturing technology. This simply nullifies the effectiveness of such treatment. Such flaws are excluded when using a ready-made phytopreparation - Kanefron tablets.

However, when appointing them, the following rules must be observed:

  1. In the acute period, dragees are taken only with antibiotics or uroseptics.
  2. Combinations with other drugs should be selected carefully, taking into account the possible effect on efficacy and the risk of complications.
  3. Accurately calculate the dosage, which depends on age and the presence of concomitant diseases.
  4. The course of treatment should be long enough to provide the desired effect, but not very long due to the likely risk of developing resistance of the pathogenic flora of the urinary tract to the action of the drug.

With an adequate selection of the dose and combination with an antibacterial drug, Kanefron tablets enhance and maintain the antimicrobial activity of the antibiotic for a certain time (essential oils destroy the membrane of a pathogenic cell). At the same time, the phytopreparation is devoid of serious side effects that antibacterial drugs have. First of all, it is a negative effect on the digestive and immune systems.

In addition, Kanefron tablets have the following additional effects:

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  • diuretic due to the improvement of blood flow in the kidneys and the acceleration of filtration in the glomerular system;
  • antispasmodic and, as a result, analgesic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • nephroprotective;
  • stimulates the release of uric acid salts and normalizes the pH of urine, that is, it affects the main causes of urolithiasis.

Kanefron (tablets) are safe for almost all categories of patients, since the drug contains only herbal ingredients. It:

  • Herb centaury (Centaurium umbellatum) contains bitterness, flavonoids, alkaloids and other useful substances. It has a moderate antibacterial activity against the main pathogens of urinary tract diseases, stops inflammation, normalizes the condition of the walls of blood vessels in the kidneys and stimulates diuresis.
  • Lovisticum officinale root (Levisticum officinale) The plant owes its diuretic effect to a large amount of essential oils; in foreign medical articles, the antimicrobial activity of this plant is repeatedly emphasized.
  • Rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officinale) contain alkaloids and tannins, but their main constituent is essential oil, which stimulates blood flow in the renal vessels, promotes urine output, relieves spasm and symptoms of inflammation. But its main effect is a pronounced activity against almost all representatives of the pathogenic flora of the urinary tract, in particular, staphylococcus and streptococcus.

First of all, Kanefron tablets act on neurotropic bacteria, even those that form a protective film. Also, the components of the drug relieve spasm of the urinary tract, activate the emptying of the bladder from residual urine, which is an excellent breeding ground for the development of bacteria.

Also, Kanefron tablets have a therapeutic anti-inflammatory effect, stopping the synthesis of leukotrienes, prostaglandins, cytokines, toxic enzymes and other mediators that stimulate swelling and pain. The manufacturer of the drug is a German company specializing in the production of herbal medicines, Bionorica.

The main principle of the corporation's work is phytoneering, that is, a strictly scientific approach and the use of modern technologies in order to get the maximum effect from a combination of plant components. For ease of administration at any age, Kanefron is produced in the form of tablets and solution (drops).

According to the annotation, indications for the use of the drug are:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • uric acid diathesis (the presence of sand in the kidneys or bladder);
  • recovery after removal of stones (by any method);
  • inflammation of the kidneys of non-bacterial etiology (for example, glomerulonephritis or interstitial nephritis);
  • treatment and prevention of recurrence of urolithiasis.

In the presence of microbial flora in the acute phase of the inflammatory process, Canephron tablets are used only in combination with basic antibacterial therapy.

Most patients do not experience any complications while taking the drug. With a tendency to allergic reactions, itchy rashes on the skin may appear. The components that make up the drug stimulate the digestive tract, so patients may experience nausea, less often vomiting or diarrhea.

If blood appears in the urine, acute pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately stop taking Kanefron tablets and consult a doctor.

Contraindications to the appointment of the drug are:

  • hypersensitivity, both to the main ingredients of the drug and to auxiliary components (including sucrose, lactose, castor oil);
  • stomach ulcer during an exacerbation;
  • edema, provoked by pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Patients with diabetes should take Canephron tablets with caution, as their shell contains a small amount of sucrose. In addition, the drug is categorically contraindicated for monotherapy of renal failure.

Kanefron: instructions for use, tablets and drops

In accordance with the instructions for use, the dosage of Kanefron tablets is standard and does not depend on the disease. When the first symptoms appear, 2 tablets are prescribed three times a day. Moreover, the drug should be continued for at least 2-4 weeks after the disappearance of all clinical manifestations of the pathology.

But it is worth paying attention that with cystitis Canephron is recommended to be taken only in combination with uroseptics. The fact is that the antibacterial activity of the plant components of the drug may not be enough to suppress the pathogenic microflora, and this is fraught with the transition of the disease to a chronic form. A combination of an antibiotic, uroseptic, antispasmodic, or analgesic is usually prescribed.

Antibacterial drugs prescribed for cystitis include:

  • cephalosporins II - III generation (Zinnat, Ceklor, Suprax, Cedex), the dosage is calculated individually, in some cases the maximum allowable amount of the drug is required;
  • fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin);
  • penicillins (Augmentin, Amoxiclav), usually used for the first episode of cystitis;
  • uroseptics, often prescribed fosfomycin (Monural), furazidin (Furamag).

In severe cases of cystitis, an antibacterial agent and Canephron tablets are combined in a dosage according to the instructions for use. Doctors emphasize that the effectiveness of the herbal remedy is not enough to eliminate edema of renal etiology. Additionally, diuretics are prescribed (Lasix, Mannitol, Veroshpiron, Triamteren). In addition, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, which provoked the development of such symptoms.

With edema of renal origin, Canephron tablets are taken according to the instructions for use - 2 tablets three times a day. Pathology of the urinary system often occurs in childhood. In girls, this is usually associated with poor perineal hygiene, with the bacterial flora spreading via an ascending pathway after vulvovaginitis. This is often the cause of not only cystitis, but also pyelonephritis.

Sometimes such pathologies are due to congenital structural features of the pelvic organs. At an early age, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract have a tendency to frequent relapses. Kanefron will help to avoid prolonged use of antibiotics and other synthetic medicines. Unlike adults, it is dangerous to give pills to a child, so doctors recommend using drops. They are more convenient and safer in terms of dosage.

Kanefron tablets are contraindicated for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder for children under 6 years of age.

The dosage of the solution is 15-25 drops (depending on age) three times a day. Children under 3-4 years of age should use the drug with caution due to the ethanol content. A positive property of Kanefron tablets is the possibility of use during pregnancy and lactation.

Gynecologists often prescribe this medication to women with a history of kidney disease and cystitis, when urolithiasis is detected, to prevent and as part of complex therapy for preeclampsia in a standard dosage. Dragee should also be taken up to 2 weeks after childbirth. As a prophylactic, the amount of the drug is reduced to 2 pills per day (morning and evening). However, self-administration of Canephron tablets, even according to the instructions for use, and combination with other drugs is unacceptable.

Canephron medicine: analogues, cost, reviews

In addition to Canephron medicine, doctors may suggest other herbal remedies. The most common is cystone. The composition of this herbal remedy is more diverse. It contains more than 10 active ingredients.

Among them:

  • Flowers of the stalk bicarp. The plant regulates calcium metabolism and increases the effectiveness of urolithiasis therapy. It also has antimicrobial activity.
  • Grass saxifrage reed. In folk medicine, it is widely used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Grass madder cordifolia. Usually they use infusions and decoctions from the roots of the plant, ignoring its aerial part. Leaves and stems of madder remove toxins and have a general tonic effect.
  • Rhizomes of saty membranous. It has long been used in oriental medicine as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent.
  • Rough strawflower seeds have a diuretic, antispasmodic, antipyretic and antimicrobial effect.
  • Flowers, leaves and stalks of osma pariflorum, contribute to the speedy healing of the epithelium of the ureters and urethra damaged after the passage of the stone, and has a general tonic effect.
  • Vernonia ashy (whole plant) is known for its antibacterial activity.
  • Mummy. Many people note the stimulating and tonic effect of this remedy; with prolonged use, mumiyo strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to various pathogenic factors.

The indications for taking Cyston are the same as for Canephron. With urolithiasis, it is taken 2 tablets three times a day for six months or until the stones are completely removed from the kidneys.

After surgical removal of calculi, Cyston is drunk in the same dosage for a month, then 1 tablet twice a day for another 5 weeks.

For bacterial urinary tract infections, it is also prescribed in combination with antibiotics. The course of treatment is up to 3 months in the amount of 2 pills 2-3 times a day. Taking Cyston, like Canephron medication, is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But this drug is produced only in the form of tablets, so its use in childhood is limited.

Another herbal preparation for the treatment of various diseases of the urinary tract is Phytolysin, which contains:

  • goldenrod grass, stimulates metabolic processes, removes toxins and has a general anti-inflammatory effect;
  • horsetail grass, a diuretic known in folk medicine;
  • herb Knotweed (knotweed), fenugreek seeds and couch grass rhizomes, regulate salt metabolism, contribute to the prevention and slow dissolution of kidney stones;
  • onion peel, relieves spasm of the urinary tract, has a slight bactericidal and diuretic effect;
  • birch leaves, parsley root have a diuretic and antiseptic effect.

In addition, Phytolysin contains general tonic ingredients - peppermint, pine, and orange oil. The disadvantages of the drug include the release form, it is produced in the form of a paste, which is not convenient for everyone to take. The Ukrainian pharmaceutical company has relatively recently mastered the production of a complete analogue of the drug Canephron - Trinefron. But to date, the drug has not been registered in Russia, although it costs less than the original medication.

As for the price of Kanefron for a package containing 60 tablets, you will have to pay about 450 rubles, for a bottle of drops (100 ml) - 430 rubles. Reviews of patients after therapy with this phytopreparation are overwhelmingly positive. This is especially true for the treatment of young children. When observing the child during the year, not a single case of relapse was detected. But doctors draw attention to the fact that the effect of Canephron, like any other herbal medicine, develops slowly. Therefore, it is important to observe the dosage and mode of application.