Growth stimulator for flowers at home. Plant growth promoters

Plant flowering stimulants are phytohormones (gibberellins) that affect the crop in a certain way. There are natural and artificial. The former are obtained from other plants, as well as from various organic matter, including peat, coal (sometimes). As for artificial ones, stable production has been established in their relation for a long time.

What are they needed for?

Stimulants in this case accelerate the formation of flower buds, increase the immunity of the plant and its resistance in general. In addition, some complexes can affect the fruits: make them larger, tastier and more aromatic. The specific effect depends already on what kind of composition we are talking about.

When should they be used?

It happens that the plant is too "hung" at rest, rather sluggishly reacts to external stimuli. In such a situation, stimulants can help induce flowering, provided that there are enough nutrients, the environment is favorable, and the culture itself is quite healthy. Otherwise, the use of such funds can even harm.

The use of the composition is limited in time. As a rule, it is advised to start using it 2 weeks before the expected flowering and continue until the end of this period. Many compounds can also be used during the development of the fruit almost until the final ripening. But it already depends on the properties of a single stimulant.

How exactly is it applied?

Most stimulants are sold in liquid form, some are diluted. Using such a tool is quite easy: you need to take a certain amount of the substance per liter of water, dilute it (if it is a concentrate), and then spray the green part or enter it under the root. Some are used in the same way that top dressing is used.

Novice gardeners often ask: can stimulants be mixed with fertilizers? As a rule, yes, since these funds do not replace, but complement each other. But it is worth considering that not everything is combined with each other, that is, unwanted chemical reactions. Therefore, if the manufacturer himself does not say that simultaneous reception is acceptable, then it is better not to experiment.

And yes, stimulants and fertilizers intended for plants during flowering and fruiting (they are usually referred to as Bloom) should not be confused. The former are phytohormones, the latter are a set of nutrients in which the representative of the kingdom of flora is currently experiencing the greatest need.

Are stimulants dangerous for humans?

Many gardeners fundamentally refuse to use stimulants, believing that they are harmful to humans, that subsequently such a crop cannot be eaten or used in another way. In fact, even in case of an overdose, the risk exists primarily for plants. All these components will not get to a person, since some can be sifted out in the soil, and some can be processed, say, by a bush. In addition, phytohormones are natural substances that are already found in a wide variety of cultures. We eat them, we drink them, and sometimes we inhale them.

However, to ensure safety and for your own peace of mind, the use of stimulants should be taken carefully. And do not try to achieve a better result by increasing the dose! Otherwise, you run the risk of ruining everything still in the process of flowering and instead better harvest get none at all.

Common Mistakes

If you use flowering stimulants long before the plant enters the appropriate phase, then this will only harm it. Or, at best, will not give any effect. In addition, stimulants are not able to cover up the mistakes made by the gardener during the cultivation of the crop. If the food was bad, then there will be no good harvest. Similarly, if the plant was sick for a long time, if the selection turned out to be frankly unsuccessful, etc.

Stimulants have rather an auxiliary function, they should not be taken as a miracle remedy that can solve all issues. And if the matter is still in nutrition or in a specific disease, then first of all you need to deal with this problem, and not try to activate flowering in this way. This is especially true for perennials, where there is an opportunity to correct the situation and reach normal or good performance next year.

What should be considered when choosing?

Bloom stimulants can be sold alone or in combination with nutrients. What and how to apply is highly dependent on the crop, on what has already been used in relation to this plant, on the environment in which it is grown, etc. In the present, a huge number of options on the market makes it possible to calmly choose the best one for a particular plant stimulant.

Plant growth stimulants are chemical or natural substances that provoke the active rooting and development of flowers and seedlings. It is much more correct to call these additives growth regulators, because they allow you to control the growth rate of your plants.

Dietary supplements are used everywhere, because with their help you can control the development of your plants. But it is worth remembering that these substances should be used wisely and strictly in accordance with the instructions. After all, an overdose will not add benefits at all, but rather the opposite.

An excess of stimulants can lead to inhibition of development and even death of the plant.

With the help of biologically active additives, you can influence the following processes:

  • Rootstock growth. If you apply them at home, then the cuttings and seeds take root and germinate faster.
  • Increasing the yield.
  • Reduce fruit drop before picking season. This property is relevant for avid gardeners and farmers.
  • Root germination control. Stimulants can slow down the spoilage of your crops.

Also, biologically active additives are often added to control weeds and pests. But these are rather specific protective measures.

Depending on the composition, all plant growth stimulants can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • natural;
  • chemical.

If the latter can mainly be bought in stores, then natural remedies can be prepared with your own hands.

How do these substances work? Many gardeners ask this question, because they don’t want to harm the quality of the crop or spoil the beauty of flowering. In fact, just like humans, plants have their own hormones.

The main characters in it are the following components:

Most of the drugs have a complex effect, accelerating rooting, provoking flowering and the first ovaries, as well as stimulating the growth of shoots. For example, a complex tool Zircon.

Terms of use

Most gardeners seek to make their lives easier by buying store-bought products. From them you get the same effect without wasting your time preparing the drug. But you should not buy the first remedy that comes across, it is important to choose the right dietary supplements.

Your choice should be influenced by the following factors:

  1. Plant type. Some fertilizers are used for indoor flowers, and others are used for seedling growth. Accordingly, the use of stimulants for the growth of tomatoes will not be relevant to accelerate the flowering of pelargonium.
  2. Scope of work. If you have only a couple of plants at home, then you should not stock up on tons of drugs.
  3. Desired effect. Study each stimulant carefully. For example, the Athlete drug accelerates the development of rhizomes, but slows down the growth of the aerial part, making the plants more powerful, but less tall. This effect will not suit everyone.

Remember: if you buy chemicals for plants in a store, carefully read the instructions. It is important to strictly adhere to the recommended dosages. After all, chemical compounds with a high concentration can damage delicate roots, which will lead to the death of the plant.

The first treatment of a plant is usually carried out immediately after planting seeds, cuttings, or transplanting into a new pot. Then experts recommend re-use, but strictly following the instructions for using the drug. Usually it is carried out no later than two weeks from the moment of the first watering or spraying using chemistry. Further feeding with growth stimulants is carried out strictly according to the schedule from the instructions and only if necessary.

Popular stimulants: what you can buy in the store

There are dozens of different fertilizers produced by companies from all over the world. In our country, the most popular are already familiar substances: Athlete and Zircon. They are actively and safely used by many gardeners and flower growers.

But it should be understood that even a proven remedy should be used wisely. Therefore, it is better to know in advance about the specifics of its action and the effect that will be exerted on plants.

Work of the Athlete

Athlete is a biologically active agent that stimulates the active growth of roots. This tool is great for growing seedlings at home, when there is no open ground, the place is limited and dense planting is used.

There are such advantages of the drug "Athlete":

But it is worth remembering that, despite such significant advantages, this tool has its drawbacks. So, the use of the Athlete is not recommended if you want to get the overgrowth of the aerial part. The stimulant concentrates its action on the growth of roots and strengthening of the plant, muffling the development of above-ground elements. Such plants are squat, do not give up, etc.

The basis of the drug Athlete is water solution chlormequat chloride. It is this compound that affects the leaves and roots of the plant.

At home, the drug is applied to the leaves of plants, by spraying, or to the rhizomes by watering. It should be remembered that the processing is carried out strictly in certain phases of the growth of seedlings or indoor flowers. For example, if you want to stimulate more abundant and rich flowering, spraying and watering should begin at the budding phase, not earlier.

Growth with Zircon

Zircon is a growth stimulant for roots, aerial parts, fruiting and flowering. The drug also acts as protective agent from damage by various diseases, increasing immunity at the cellular level.

Zircon has a specific composition, it includes echinacea extract and hydroxycinnamic acids.

Thanks to this, top dressing leads to such positive effects:

In fact, Zircon is a kind of immunomodulator that helps the plant grow and develop normally, steadfastly withstanding negative impacts environment. It acts gently, not suppressing seedlings or flowers, but positively influencing homeostasis.

Please note! Zircon should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions. Only adhering to the rules of watering and dosage of the drug, you can get the result.

Zircon is a rather specific remedy. After all, at lower dosages, the effectiveness of its action only increases. Therefore, do not try to increase the amount of the drug diluted with liquid, this will not be beneficial.

As you can see, Zircon and Athlete are effective growth stimulants that help plants actively take root, bloom and bear fruit. But you should use the funds strictly in accordance with the instructions.

natural growth stimulants

In addition to chemical compounds that are actively sold in stores, there are also natural, natural substances. They also stimulate the growth and strengthening of plants, but do not contain artificial compounds and are completely safe to use.

Most often gardeners and amateurs indoor plants use the following natural remedies:

As you can see, plant growth stimulants can be different. But they have one thing in common - high efficiency and no harmful effects. They do not accumulate in fruits or rhizomes, giving quick effect. But in order to benefit from their use, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.

Resorting to the use of drugs to improve the development of plants, many gardeners try to choose exactly the remedy that would have as few piece components as possible in its composition. Why is it so important? Often can affect the natural quality of the fruit. When buying products on the market, many are interested in the naturalness of a particular vegetable or fruit. The question is often asked whether they are grown at home or in the fields of agricultural enterprises. Each person wants to eat ripe, liquid, beautiful fruits, but at the same time they must be natural.

Private gardeners and summer residents do not even want to hear about factory fertilizers and plant growth stimulants. Many use them rarely or not at all. First, they require a significant amount of money to acquire. Secondly, the quality of finished products is questionable. Therefore, people use folk plant growth stimulants that they prepare on their own. Everything that is needed to create a natural remedy is at hand for many summer residents. One has only to take a good look around and you can find a lot of suitable raw materials to bring to life long-proven recipe combinations.

Nettle as a growth stimulant

One of the most popular means to improve the growth and development of many crops is nettle. The properties of this plant have been known for a long time. It contains many useful trace elements, vitamin K (which plays an important role in the process of photosynthesis), potassium and calcium, as well as a small amount (about 6%) of magnesium. In combination, all these components provide a significant impact on the vegetation of cultivated crops (especially often used for feeding tomatoes and cucumbers).

To prepare a growth stimulator from nettles, it is necessary to collect it even before the seeds appear. It is worth choosing the stems carefully. They must be clean, without signs of disease. The plant should be dried out of direct sunlight. Then grind. To get an effective, natural, home growth stimulant, you must:

  • In a small container (one liter) with water, add a handful of dried chopped nettles. Accordingly, 10 such parts are needed per bucket.
  • The solution is infused for about 10 days. Approximately every 2-3 days it is stirred. The addition of ready-made sourdough or yeast (about 1:20) will speed up the fermentation process.
  • To eliminate unpleasant odors, it is recommended to add valerian root or one bottle per 10 ml. tinctures (you can buy at a regular pharmacy).

When the infusion is ready for use, it is necessary to apply it by watering under the root about once a week. Summer residents recommend for faster assimilation of this growth stimulant, pour the area with water.

Quite popular is the combination of nettle with many plants. The most commonly used is the common dandelion. Such a do-it-yourself plant growth stimulator will provide crops with comfortable conditions throughout the growing season. Preparing is very simple:

  • Dandelions and nettles are harvested before the formation of seed material, slightly dried and crushed.
  • Pour a mixture of dandelion and nettle into the prepared container, filling it 1/8.
  • Next, a solution of water with humate is poured at the rate of 1 tsp / 10 l. until the container is completely filled.
  • Insist about 5 days. After that, many summer residents improve this growth stimulator by adding ash (10 g / 10 l.).

In addition to dandelions, nettles can be combined with chamomile, wormwood, coltsfoot, stepchildren of tomatoes, shepherd's purse, yarrow. As you can see, making plant growth stimulants at home is not difficult. It makes no sense to spend money and buy drugs in the store.

Aloe is the best plant growth stimulator

Surely many summer residents have a pot of aloe. This plant is medicinal. It is used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Extracted from the juice of this medicinal plant useful material which have excellent restorative properties. Aloe juice is also used as a plant growth stimulant.

Aloe itself belongs to the lily family. There are up to 356 varieties of this culture. To prepare a homemade, natural biostimulant, you need to cut juicy aloe leaves. Many summer residents recommend preparing a plant growth stimulator according to the following scheme:

  • Rinse the leaves well with warm water and place in a deep metal container with inner, smoothed edges of the bottom (bowl, saucepan, small bucket).
  • Next, they take a wooden pusher and knead the leaves until a homogeneous mass, which looks like gruel.
  • The next step is dosage. For 1 liter running water should add about 10 tablespoons of gruel from aloe.
  • The resulting mixture must be covered with a lid and insisted in a cool room without access to sunlight. This period lasts up to 7 days.
  • The concentrate, after the expiration date, is diluted with previously prepared water, increasing the volume to 5 liters.
  • Water should first be boiled, then cooled to room temperature.

All is ready. It is recommended to soak cuttings, bulbs, seeds, and also apply under the root. It is an excellent root growth stimulant. At home, this biostimulant is prepared, apparently, very simply, and in terms of properties it is not at all inferior to factory preparations.

Willow as a growth stimulant

Willow is used as an excellent folk remedy to improve the growth of the root system of many crops. As summer residents note, the infusion completely replaces the well-known drug called Kornevin. It is not at all difficult to make a willow plant growth stimulator yourself. It is enough just to cut willow branches and put them in water at room temperature. The readiness of the concentrate will be signaled by the formation of roots on the branches and the rich brown color of the water. In this tool, you can soak the seeds (for 5-8 hours), as well as remove the root system from the cuttings. Willow infusion is used when planting plants in the ground.

The branches that remain after the preparation of the infusion can be refilled. In this case, the infusion can acquire a jelly-like form. To dilute the concentrate, you must add warm water to it in a ratio of 1: 1. As you can see, it is not at all difficult to prepare a plant growth stimulator with your own hands.

How to choose the right ingredients for plant growth stimulants at home?

What other substances are used to prepare plant growth stimulants at home?

Trying to choose the best plant growth stimulants, summer residents resort to the use of some non-vegetative products. We are talking about hydrogen peroxide, yeast, honey and succinic acid. All these ingredients are the basis for the preparation of natural plant growth stimulants. Folk remedies, as experienced summer residents note, it is best to feed the crops themselves. So there is a guarantee of impeccable quality of the crop.

Every summer resident can use plant growth stimulants prepared from improvised materials. It is enough to follow some rules and make a minimum of effort.

How, besides epin, zircon, HB-101, you can cheer up your green pets? It turns out that there are a lot of tools in the home arsenal that can successfully replace newfangled preparations that can not only facilitate plant care, but also completely replace micronutrient fertilizers or growth and flowering stimulants. Moreover, they are good not only for indoor, but also for seedlings of vegetable and garden plants, strawberries.

The most elementary , and does not require any tricks - hot shower! Hot water(not boiling water, of course), but with a temperature of about +50 o C it will not only be a prophylaxis against pests, but a good growth stimulant.

Before the procedure itself, all indoor plants should be well watered, after 1-2 hours put in the bath and turn on the shower.

The temperature of hot water should be such that the hand endures. Water the plants with a hot stream for one to two minutes. Hot water that has fallen into the pot will help in the fight against soil pests (if they are wound up). After showering, plants should be left in the tub overnight to dry out excess water from glass pots. hot shower you can do almost all indoor flowers, except saintpaulia. Such procedures begin to be done in February and continue throughout the season. The results will not be long in coming, they can be seen in a week.

Sugar. For top dressing, it is enough to pour one teaspoon of granulated sugar on the surface of the soil in a pot before watering, or water it with sweet water once a week. Two teaspoons of granulated sugar are taken for one glass of water. Cacti adore top dressing with granulated sugar.

Castor oil. Castor oil top dressings are good for stimulating flowering and fruit formation. One teaspoon of castor oil is enough for one liter of water. Shake the solution well before use.

Plain brilliant green(brilliant green solution), as well as fucorcin(red liquid), which have a powerful antifungal effect, will help in the fight against fungal diseases. Bulbs of hyacinths, lilies, tulips and other bulbous and bulbous plants in places of damage, as well as scratches and damage to the stems of roses, especially after winter, can be smeared with brilliant green or fucorcin. Scratches and damage, heal and do not rot.

Boric acid. A solution of boric acid is also a stimulant for the formation of buds, ovaries. Boric acid can easily replace the well-known "Ovary" in the garden to stimulate flowering and fruit formation in vegetable crops, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, as well as during the formation of heads on cabbage, and even all fruit bushes and trees. Working solution - dilute a sachet of boric acid in two liters of water. Spray the plants with this solution several times per season: before flowering, immediately after flowering, two weeks after flowering, so that the ovary does not fall off.

An effective stimulator of growth and root formation is considered aloe juice. It is good for soaking or germinating seeds.

Honey, to be exact. honey solution, is also a powerful biostimulant. It can be successfully used for soaking and germinating seeds, rooting cuttings. Honey solution can be used in the garden during flowering for better pollination and ovary formation.

Honey solution is good to use in bucket traps hung on fruit trees, for the preservation of fruits from pests.

fresh apples. One kilogram of chopped apples insist in five liters of water for two days, and top dressing for all plants is ready. An infusion of fresh apples is especially adored by such plants as Schlumbergera, Zygocactus, Ripsalidopsis.

Milk. For variegated and ornamental leafy plants, regular milk can be used as a top dressing. Working solution: 100 ml of milk is diluted in one liter of water. Such watering is very fond of ferns. Watering with milk water is alternated after 2-3 waterings with plain water.

Vitamins of group B (B 1, B 6, B 12), as well as vitamin C, can be used for rooting cuttings, soaking seeds, and developing the root system. For a working solution, just a few drops per liter of water are enough.

yeast solution can with great success replace such a root stimulator as heteroauxin. Preparation of a working solution: 100 mg of yeast must be dissolved in one liter of water. In this solution for a day, place the cuttings prepared for rooting. After that, the cuttings must be removed from the yeast solution, rinsed with water and placed for rooting in a mini-greenhouse or a container of water. If you put the cutting into the water, then do not forget to put a small piece of charcoal there.

Yeast solution can also be used in the garden. In the spring, when planting, they can water all plants, including roses.

Decoction of onion peel is perceived by all plants without exception as a complete fertilizer. With a decoction, you can not only water the ground, but also sprinkle the entire plant for prevention from pests. Preparation of a working solution: pour one or two handfuls of onion peel with one liter of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, let cool. After that, strain the broth and you can use it! It is advisable to use all the cooked decoction of onion peel at a time.

Excellent fertilizer for indoor plants - aquarium water. There are many substances in aquarium water that stimulate plant growth. It is recommended to use aquarium water as top dressing only in spring and early summer, when new shoots and leaves are actively growing. In the second half of summer, when young shoots and seeds are already ripening, and also for feeding slowly growing cacti and succulents, it is better not to use aquarium water.

Potato broth can also be used as a top dressing for all plants. Cool the water in which the potatoes were boiled, strain and then dilute it strongly. I tested, it works! Of course, at first I was very afraid, I thought that suddenly the earth in the pots would immediately turn sour, then, nevertheless, I took a chance. Satisfied with the result.

Water used to wash raw meat, can be used as a top dressing for all plants. To feed indoor plants, it is recommended to insist this water for two weeks so that it ferments and becomes suitable for irrigation. I watered the plants in the garden with such water without insisting. Dahlias, which often got water after washing their meat, bloomed much earlier than the others, the bushes were gorgeous, and the buds were dark. So that's checked too.

Decoctions and infusions from other plants are the best suited not only for feeding, but also help to cope with pests.

Infusion of wormwood increases the immunity of plants, helps to cope with rust on the leaves of pelargonium, stock roses, lavaters, roses, and is also used in the fight against aphids, various caterpillars and other leaf-eating insects. Preparation of working solution: wormwood can be used dry and fresh, pour cold water and let stand for 1-3 days. Used without dilution. This infusion is very effective in the spring.

You can hold the infusion of wormwood for two weeks, let it wander. Such an infusion is recommended to be diluted ten times. It can be used for watering and spraying indoor and garden plants.

As has long been noted, some garden plants possess not only healing power, but also restrain the onslaught of pests. For example, gypsophila and lavender prevent the attack of aphids and ants on neighboring plants, marigolds and calendula protect neighboring plants from nematodes and other underground pests, garlic kills fungal and viral diseases, including powdery mildew. Therefore, infusions and decoctions of these plants have exactly the same power and can be used with great success as biological pest and disease control agents.

Nettle infusion increases the immunity of plants and is also used as a complete top dressing for all plants. Nettle infusion is prepared according to the same principle as wormwood infusion. You can insist nettles in water for a day or three and water the plants with this infusion, or you can wait until fermentation begins. In order not to stink so much, you can add a little borax to this infusion. After fermentation, strain the nettle infusion, dilute with water at a concentration of 1:10. Such herbal infusions are good to do outdoors in summer. And the herbs are in abundance, and the house does not smell. To combat aphids, you can spray the plants with undiluted nettle infusion.

Nettle infusion is a natural and versatile complex with micro- and macroelements, which surpasses all chemical growth stimulants in its effect on plants.

Infusion comfrey can be used as top dressing in the second half of summer, when plants need a lot of potassium to prepare for winter.

Making an infusion of comfrey is similar to making an infusion of wormwood or nettle. Comfrey infusion can be used for all plants, but it is especially useful for plants that need a lot of potassium and a little nitrogen for full development. Spraying with comfrey infusion over the leaves very quickly removes the signs of potassium starvation. In the infusion of comfrey, the main nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are in such a proportion of 3:1:7.

A decoction of horsetail it will help not only strengthen plant tissues, it will help to cope with rust on leaves, powdery mildew, spider mites. Horsetail can be used both fresh and dried. Preparation of the working solution: Pour the grass with cold water and leave for a day. After that, boil the infusion with horsetail, let it cool, strain into a glass or plastic bowl. A decoction of horsetail can be sprayed on both indoor and garden plants. A decoction of horsetail can be added to water for irrigation. Against the spider mite, for a lasting effect, it is necessary to carry out repeated sprayings with a decoction of horsetail.

Valerian juice. Grind fresh valerian herb, add a little boiled or rain water, squeeze. The resulting valerian extract, pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. The container with valerian extract must be shaken well before use. It is enough to add only 30 drops of such an extract to a bucket of water. It is recommended to water and spray all plants, including orchids. They say that this is truly a "magic remedy". Why not HB-101, which is sold for big money?

Such extracts, infusions, decoctions can be made from almost any plant and in any combination.

Now almost all gardeners and gardeners can stimulate plant growth. For this, there are special preparations that accelerate germination, rooting, fruit formation. When using the stimulation agent, not only growth is accelerated, but productivity, the level of resistance to diseases, and bad weather conditions increase.

What are plant growth stimulants

Plant growth regulators are now widely available. They exist different types. Some funds affect successful root formation, increase the level of seed germination (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers). Others act more on the thickening of the stem, are able to regulate flowering, the formation of the ovary. These funds play an important role in protecting small seedlings. Still stand out plant growth stimulants made from natural extracts of fungi, algae, bacteria, coal and peat. And there are custom-made ones that are also very effective.

Succinic acid for plants

Contained in brown coal, animal organisms and some plants, in amber. You can buy this drug in the form of tablets or a white powder that dissolves well in water. The substance is non-toxic, harmless even in case of overdose. Succinic acid is used to treat weak plants, to stimulate root growth, to form new shoots, and to increase the number of flowers. The tool is considered a universal remedy, but not a fertilizer. Prepare a solution by dissolving 2 g of the drug in 1-2 liters of warm water. Use no later than 3 days later.

Humic fertilizers

Made from natural raw materials: sapropel, peat, brown coal. Humic fertilizers affect the general condition of the soil. Thanks to the introduction of such substances, its structure improves, moisture capacity, water permeability increase, and density decreases. A plant planted in such soil receives all nutrients in an accessible (digestible) form. It is better to process the plants themselves (soak seeds or seedling roots), the effectiveness of the product increases when humic acids come into contact with the plant itself. It is very important to follow the instructions when working with the solution.

Boric acid

Feeding plants at home leads to the acceleration of their development. Boric acid is often used for this purpose in horticulture and horticulture. Its use also helps to increase the number of ovaries, improve the taste of the resulting fruits. The drug does not cause burns in humans when it comes into contact with the skin, but it can accumulate in the body, it is poorly excreted by the kidneys. An excess of boron is dangerous for plants, symptoms appear: burns on the lower sheets, yellowing, twisting of the upper ones.

Plant growth stimulator for flowering

Often gardeners and gardeners use such biological plant growth stimulants as flowering accelerators containing gibberellin. Even if conditions do not allow him to release the ovary at this time, some drugs can help this. Such products are suitable for processing indoor orchids, tomatoes, grapes, potato plantations, that is, different crops. You will learn about the most popular stimulants below.


It is a drug of natural origin, a stimulant of flowering, fruit formation. The active substance are gibberellic acids of sodium salts. The "Bud" tool increases the number of ovaries, prevents their falling off, the appearance of barren flowers, improves the amount of the crop, its taste, guarantees the content of vitamins. This plant growth stimulant carries a moderate hazard, following the instructions is essential.


Gibbersib (as this drug is also called) was created to increase the number of ovaries on plants, accelerate the ripening of flowers. It is also used to protect against bad weather conditions, even with them the stimulant increases the yield at times. The working solution (1 g per 1 liter of water) is used for spraying on the day of its preparation. At the same phase (budding, flowering), the drug "Immunocytophyte" is often used. It is used to create immunity in plants against powdery mildew, gray rot, late blight, bacteriosis.

Rooting stimulator

The phytohormones gibberellins help seeds germinate. Auxins, on the other hand, are considered substances responsible for cell elongation in plant tissues. A tool containing auxins is a root former, an accelerator of stem growth. For growing seedlings, it is very useful to have a preparation on hand that stimulates its growth from the very first day. There are many drugs that are used for this purpose, you will learn about them below.


Growth stimulator for plants, accelerates root formation. Available in bags of 5 g. Can be used dry: the stalk is powdered before planting. A solution (a bag of 5 liters of water) is watered with small seedlings after planting in the ground. Some experts argue that for better root formation, it is necessary to process compost (you can take Baikal, Sodium Humate), which fertilizes the soil. This will provide increased yields, provide protection to plants during frosts, and improve soil microflora.


This drug is not only a root growth stimulator. It acts as a development enhancer, rooting agent for small seedlings, root former for seeds. The action of "Zircon" helps young plantations to survive even in adverse weather and light conditions. The use of a stimulant reduces the risk of diseases (bacteriosis, late blight, fusarium, etc.), while it is practically harmless to people, animals, and insects. The drug "Athlete" has also established itself as an excellent assistant in stimulating the growth of seedlings.


It is useful in root formation, but the work of the nutrient preparation does not end there. Treatment with a solution helps seedlings to take root, increases the germination of bulbs and seeds, prevents leaves and ovaries from falling off. "Heteroauxin" increases productivity, yield of seeds from fruits, increases their quality. For transplanted seedlings, a solution is prepared (2 tablets per 10 liters of water), in which its roots are soaked for 20 hours. After planting, water with the remaining liquid. "Krezatsin" has a similar effect, the seeds in its solution are soaked for 5 hours before sowing.


It is used to rejuvenate tired, weakened plantings, stimulate the formation of roots, increase the level of protection against pests and diseases. For spraying, 5 ml of the drug is diluted in 5 liters of water. In the evening, a procedure for thoroughly wetting each leaf is carried out. The solution is not stored for more than 3 days. "Etamon", "Potassium Humate", "Seedling", "Ecosil" have a similar effect and are very helpful in propagating plants, accelerating their growth, rooting, and increasing yields.

How to use plant growth stimulants

Each drug should be used only according to the instructions. Any deviation can lead to sad consequences: the opposite result or uncontrolled plant growth. There is a certain ritual that is carried out by many gardeners and gardeners to grow different crops. You can learn more about it below (be sure to keep the sequence). To achieve growth stimulation will help:

  • Solutions "Heteroauxin" or "Kornevin". Soak the seeds in them for 6 hours, then plant them in the ground. This will increase the percentage of germination.
  • Preparations for strengthening and growing roots ("Etamon", "Epin"). After the emergence of sprouts, care must be taken to form a good root system. It is advisable to spray according to the instructions.
  • Means for rooting (for example, "Kornevin"). Before planting seedlings in open ground soak it in a stimulant solution. After that, it is recommended to treat the plantations with "Etamon" 2 times a month to strengthen them, adapt, and accelerate flowering.

Can I make my own plant growth regulator?

It is not necessary to buy funds to accelerate the growth of seedlings or your pets. Everything you need for this, you can find at home. For example, aloe juice is very useful for creating roots at the cutting. The tops of any grass from the yard, ground or soaked, are also a great stimulant. It is advisable to water seedlings or flowers with a solution of germinated and grated barley (to insist on water). Growth stimulants for plants can also be prepared from a decoction of dried mushrooms, honey, egg white, willow twigs, onion peel.

Video: stimulants and fertilizers for plants