Hot bath for flowers. Hot shower for indoor plants: how and why it is done

To appreciate the benefits of a hot shower for home plants, it is enough to remember your feelings during this procedure. The body relaxes, the pores open, the skin breathes. Plant leaves also have pores through which respiration occurs. And for plants, this is the only way to breathe. When the pores become clogged, it starts to hurt. To avoid this, it is useful to arrange a bath day for the plants. Moreover, the shower is much more effective than ordinary rubbing cleans the leaves and stem.

plants with boiling water and do not do this too often. There will be no benefit, and the plant may die.

Do not carry out this procedure in winter or do it rarely, only with severe pollution.

In winter, plants do not need a shake. Most of them are at rest at this time of the year, growth slows down, the flower accumulates strength. A hot shower can wake it up and cause it to grow.

It would seem that it could be easier - to wash the flower in the shower. But this procedure has its own rules, which are recommended to be followed so as not to damage the plant. And do not forget that despite the benefits, it is often impossible to do this.

Some gardeners recommend washing plants in this way once a month, others once every two months. Sometimes after the first procedure, the effect may not be. Do not despair, after several times the plant will definitely respond with gratitude to your care.

Never wash a dry flower. It needs to be watered and given time to soak in water (about 30 minutes) - otherwise it will just boil.

How to carry out the procedure:

  • Put the watered flower in the bath. Tilt the pot slightly with one hand, and water the flower with a gliding motion with the other.
  • The water should not be too hot. The temperature is about 50 degrees. It is not necessary to measure the temperature. Submit your hand. If the hand recognizes the water as hot, but tolerates it, the temperature is sufficient.
  • No need to hold the shower from above, directing the jet at the plant. The water must slide. The plant should be under water for no more than 30 seconds.
  • You can wash everything: pot, earth, stems. But too much water should not get into the soil, so the pot must be tilted.
  • If you are afraid to overfill, wrap the pot with earth plastic wrap.
  • After washing, do not place the plant on a cold windowsill. It is better to leave it in the bathroom for the night, and do not open the door to prevent temperature differences and maintain high humidity.
  • After a shower, you can put the plants in a new place. After the procedure, it will tolerate the move well.

A hot shower has its contraindications. So, for example, you can not carry out this procedure with flowering plants. Delicate flowers may not survive this. If your flower has already bloomed, it is better to spray the leaves with a spray bottle. hot water trying not to hurt the buds.

The plant must be already rooted for a hot shower to be beneficial, not harmful. That is, if you have just transplanted it, refrain from carrying out the procedure for some time.

Plants with pubescent leaves, such as begonia, gloxinia, may die. In general, it is better not to moisten them with water, they do not like excess moisture.

We list the plants that will gratefully accept a hot shower.

What indoor flowers "love" a hot shower:

  • Gardenia. This is a rather capricious flower. A hot shower will do her good if she does not use it too often and protect tender buds from water. This flower does not like heat at all, try not to overdo it with the water temperature.
  • . A hot shower is very often used to resuscitate an orchid. Experienced gardeners recommend not to exceed the water temperature of 45 degrees. A shower will help if you want to re-bloom. Do not water the plant from the shower if it has signs of rot.
  • . unpretentious plant, hot shower likes and tolerates well. If the flower begins to turn yellow, then the place is too sunny. Wash it in the shower, and after the procedure, put it in a new place.
  • . Dracaena tend to have dried yellow leaf tips. Sometimes spraying is not enough, then you can resort to a hot shower procedure. They love humidity, try to leave them in the bathroom after a shower, where the air is quite humid.

A hot shower is an opportunity to improve the condition of plants and give them a great look. If carried out correctly, it will bring significant benefits.

More information can be found in the video.

"Scalding" indoor plants better to spend in the evening. Make sure your pet in the pot has good drainage beforehand, otherwise the roots of the plant will simply boil.

Half an hour before "bathing" water the plant abundantly. Then you need to bring the pot with the plant into the bathroom, taking a plastic bag or film with you. We cover the stem of the plant or only the ground with this film or bag. Covering the ground and the stem, you can carry out "scalding" twice a week. You can do without shelter by watering the trunk, leaves, stems and the ground at the same time - hot water removes all excess salts from the substrate.

When I talk about "scalding", I don't mean boiling water. Of course, the water should be hot, but such that your hand can tolerate it. The first hardening of indoor plants with a hot shower is best done at a water temperature of +40 degrees, then, gradually, from time to time, you need to increase the temperature by 5 degrees, and so - up to +60 degrees.

Depending on the size of the plant, we select the duration of the procedure. It is enough for a small flower to stay under such a shower for 10 seconds, we process adult plants for up to 30 seconds. After a shower, it is better to leave the flower in the bathroom so that excess water is drained and the soil dries. And then you can remove the flower in place.

After a hot shower, the plant should not be watered or sprayed for up to 12 days, but this is an average - a lot depends on the size of the pot and the size of the plant itself. When the soil in the pot is completely dry, you can start regular watering.

Let's repeat the basic rules for "scalding":

  • Be sure to water the plant until "scalding".
  • When watering for the first time, the water should not be too hot.
  • The jet from the shower should be soft.
  • A hot shower should be carried out at arm's length from the plant.
  • The plant should be under a hot shower for no more than 30 seconds.
  • Leave the flower after the procedure in the bathroom for no less than three hours. During these hours, it is better not to open the bathroom door so as not to create a temperature difference, otherwise the plant may catch a cold.
  • After the soil has completely dried, you can feed the flower with complex fertilizer so that the soil does not become depleted.
  • For plants affected by pests: first wash the leaves, then put the plant under a hot shower. To wash the leaves, you need to use non-aggressive detergents, and cover the soil on the surface of the pot with plastic wrap.
  • For those who decide to bathe the plants under a hot shower more than once a month, it is imperative to cover the surface of the soil with plastic wrap so as not to wash organic matter out of the soil.
  • After "scalding" do not put the plants on a cold windowsill, protect your flower from a sharp drop in temperature and drafts.

How scalding helps

Of course, having decided to apply such a risky and responsible procedure as a hot shower, I want to know what it gives flowers? So let's talk about the results. Firstly, the plant quickly gets out of a stressful state, the leaves that have not yet unfolded are straightened, new ones quickly appear, premature wilting and leaf fall stop. Secondly, the growth of the plant increases, the drying of the tips of the leaves stops and the spotting disappears.

Of course, not all plants benefit from a hot shower; here, each pet must be approached individually. But here are the plants, which, judging by my personal experience, "scalding" definitely did no harm if the rules were followed correctly. These are gardenia, spathiphyllum, changeable aglaonema, dracaena and dracaena marginata, arrowroot, guzmania, syngonium, fittonia, calathea, ferns, dieffenbachia, hamidorrhea, violet.

Inna Semirod, Chernihiv

Good afternoon friends!

My story today is about caring for flowers and probably a little-known procedure.

- excellent awakening from hibernation. But not only. After all, indoor plants require attention and care. On the leaves of plants there are pores through which they breathe. Dust that settles on the leaves clogs the pores and prevents breathing. The plant can get sick, so in order for houseplants to be beautiful and healthy, you need to give them a hot shower once a month!

How to make a hot shower for flowers

We are talking about a hot shower, and not about spraying with warm water. I'll tell you right away how to do it right.

  • First of all, plants in pots need to be watered, dry plants cannot be immediately sent to the shower!
  • Half an hour after watering, put in the bath, slightly tilt the pot with one hand, and water the plants from the shower with hot water for 20-30 seconds with the other. The water temperature is 50-70 degrees, as far as the hand tolerates. The movement should not be directed, but sliding back and forth and very fast. We scald everything: the pot, the ground, the stem, the leaves on both sides.
  • We leave it in the bathroom for several hours to let the water drain. It is better to leave it overnight, let it breathe in moist air.
  • Then you can put the flowers in place or even in a new place - after such a procedure, they easily survive the move.
  • After treatment with a shower, plants can not be watered for ten days.

    Benefits of a hot shower for plants

    After a hot shower:

    • the fall and yellowing of the leaves stops;
    • drying of the tips and spotting of the leaves stops;
    • new leaves quickly appear and unfolded ones straighten out;
    • Plants quickly recover from stress.

    Of course, you may not feel any visible benefit from one procedure. This should be done regularly, but not more than once a month. And then you can refuse to spray the plants.

    Spraying with a solution of hydrogen peroxide gives almost the same effect.


    As with many methods of treatment, there are contraindications here. Hot showers are not allowed:

    • flowering plants, it is better to just spray leaves with hot water from a spray bottle (bypassing flowers)
    • transplanted plants, until they take root, can only be sprayed with warm water
    • plants with pubescent leaves, such as saintpaulias, gloxinias, begonias, geraniums. They can not be wetted with water at all, from excess moisture they can die.


    I will give reviews of flower growers that I read on the forum on the topic “Hot Shower for Plants”:

    Svetlana: I give my indoor plants a hot shower once a month and they love it very much! And calathea, and spathiphyllum, and ficus are simply transformed!

    Alina: Two days ago I took a hot shower to a dying spathiphyllum. He just died. The leaves hung like rags. And nothing helped: neither transplanting nor sorting the roots. 5 hours after the shower, the leaves were as young! And today, for the first time in 1.5 years, the first bud appeared! I'm happy!

    Oksana: My plants like hot showers. I see if the plant is standing, does not give new leaves for a long time, I take it under a hot shower. A few days later, new leaves come.

    Natalya: My ficus began to wither, and after a hot shower, I'm already watching the young leaves.

    Zhanna: After bathing in a hot shower, my Decembrist threw away so many buds that I lose count. Hot showers are AMAZING!

    Love: I saved many of my flowers with a hot shower - I didn’t grow at all, and after a hot shower I even bloomed, one rose froze and then a hot shower helped - I’m waiting for flowering. Then she gave hot showers to all her flowers and, apparently, they are happy!

    I also want to note that spraying from a spray bottle does not give the same effect as a hot shower. The atomizer sprays water in very small drops, they cool in the air. And when you arrange a shower, you get a steam room in the bathroom, the leaves are washed, moisture is collected, and when you get them out of there, they are like cucumbers.

    In any case, a hot shower for indoor plants will like it, they love it. It certainly won't be redundant!

    A shower, and even hot, for indoor flowers ... When we first came across such information, we were somewhat surprised. But, the eyes are afraid, the hands are doing. Searched, systematized, tested in practice. Conclusion: it is possible and necessary.

    The procedure is useful and effective. It allows you to stimulate the growth of flowers, prevents the death of weakened plants, and eliminates pests.

    The main task when bathing is the correct approach and the mandatory implementation of certain steps.

    Two things to do strictly:

    1. Before bathing, be sure to spill the soil with water for irrigation, about half an hour before the bath. The roots will have time to be saturated with water and will not boil in the future.
    2. After bathing, leave the plants in the tub until completely dry. We usually spend bathing in the evening, and the flowers remain in the bathroom until the morning. They will have time to dry out, and there will be no sharp temperature drop in different rooms. Here a Russian person can dive from a bathhouse into an ice hole, and then back. With plants, this number will not work.

    So listen...

    Bathing plants under running water hot water is an excellent shake that brings flowers to internal and external healing, can revitalize, tone, heal, strengthen your green friend. Even after a single procedure, after a few days you will see the effect produced. In addition, the exit from hibernation will accelerate, which is no less important, especially in our northern conditions.

    First things first, you need to water the plant well so that its roots get drunk. So we eliminate the possibility of scalding the root system. Watering should be done half an hour before the start of the water procedure. It will not be superfluous to pre-steam the bathroom, turning it into a steam room for a while, so that it becomes warm and humid there.

    To protect the soil of the plant, we recommend covering it with polyethylene, especially if you bathe the flower every two weeks. Plant shower with open ground perfectly flushes out unnecessary salt deposits, but at the same time, organic matter is also washed out. If you plan to shower once a month, it's okay, if more often, then be sure to use a film or plastic bags to prevent washout useful substances from the earth.

    The water temperature should be in the range of 38-50 °C. For plants that you bathe for the first time, the water should be made cooler (37-38 ° C), in subsequent baths you can use warmer water. Often the temperature is determined by eye, so that the hand is hot enough, but tolerable, comfortable. The shower head itself must provide soft streams, otherwise fragile shoots can be damaged.

    We water the plant at different angles, slightly tilting the pot. We try to make sure that water gets into hard-to-reach places. Do not hold the watering can from above, the water should slide over the leaves, and the hand holding the nozzle should make such movements “back and forth”. The duration of watering depends on the size of the plant. For small ones - 10-15 seconds, for large ones - from 30 seconds to a minute.

    After washing, leave the plant in the same room for at least three hours, and preferably until the morning, if you organized a shower in the evening. It is much more convenient, and it is not recommended to open the door to the bathroom in order to avoid a sharp change in air temperature. In no case do not immediately take the flowers out of the steam room to a cool place, the flowers can catch a cold.

    After shower procedures, especially if the soil did not close, do the next watering after the earth has completely dried and be guided by the required irrigation regime (in general case pause in watering from one to two weeks).

    What flowers benefit from a hot shower

    There are a number of plants that are incredibly responsive to bathing in indoor steam rooms. These are spathiphyllums, shefflers, chlorophytums, aglaonemas, gardenias, arrowroots, calatheas, syngoniums, gusmanias, fittonias.

    Bathing under hot water will not harm various dracaenas, ferns, chlorophytums, some types of succulents, nolinas, orchids, citrus fruits, ficuses, hibiscuses and many others.

    In just a few days, new shoots and leaves appear, the flowers themselves rush to growth. Even fat women are transformed, showing everyone their bright glossy leaves, on which all dust particles disappear. Calatheas, usually suffering from the dry air of city apartments, after bathing experiments practically do not require spraying, and the angle of lifting the leaves before going to bed increases dramatically.

    Floral contraindications

    Firstly, do not test the strength of plants with terry pubescent leaves: uzambar violets, gloxinia, some begonias, pelargoniums.

    Although we have a positive experience with hot douches regarding pelargoniums. Plants after shaking with water begin to grow actively, and unsettled chlorinated water has no effect on appearance plants.

    Secondly, hot water procedures will not benefit flowering plants. They can easily drop buds.

    Thirdly, it is impossible to arrange high-temperature dousing of newly transplanted flowers. You should first wait for their full rooting, and before that only spraying them with a sprayer is permissible.

    And remember that such shock therapy in some cases may not be beneficial. There are both capricious plant species and capricious representatives of even the most unpretentious species. Observe, memorize, analyze, and over time, an understanding of the language of flowers will come to you.

    Surprise your flowers, you won't regret

    You can bathe the plants under such a shower about once a month. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the plants will like it too much. They will ask for the bathroom a lot and often)))

    We have been carrying out such procedures for two years already, the growers are satisfied, and so are we.

    Yes, you read that right – it’s hot! Many times I heard advice on how useful it is to bathe your plants in boiling water.

    And a hot shower for indoor plants is a great awakening from hibernation. But not only. A "hot shower" for your plants with a water temperature of 40-50°C is a very effective procedure for caring for indoor plants. Often the result of even one such procedure can be seen with the naked eye within a week.

    A hot shower is a healing shake for indoor plants, it has a tonic and revitalizing effect on them, invigorates and strengthens them.

    But I note Hot showers should be handled with care., not all plants will be happy with it. As with many methods of treatment, there are contraindications here:

    flowering plants should not take a hot shower, it is better to just spray the leaves with hot water from a spray bottle (bypassing the flowers);
    transplanted plants also cannot be given a hot shower until they take root, they can only be sprayed with warm water;
    plants with pubescent leaves, such as saintpaulias, gloxinia, begonias, cannot be wetted with water at all, they can die from excess moisture.

    Hot shower technology and comments on it.

    A hot shower very rarely affects plants negatively, I personally have not had such cases yet. To make everyone happy, it is enough to follow a few simple rules.

    The technology for conducting a hot shower for indoor plants is something like this:
    About an hour before the procedure, the plant needs to be watered. A hot dry shower can "cook" the plant.
    The water temperature for the shower is approximately 40-50°C. The water should be warm, maybe a little hot, but the hand should be able to tolerate it freely.
    If you don't plan on shedding soil with the leaf shower, you can cover it with cling film or a bag.
    We turn on the shower, spray smaller and water the plant at different angles, washing all the pores and veins inaccessible to rags and sponges. Depending on the size of the plant, the duration of the procedure ranges from 30 seconds to 1 minute.
    After the procedure, it is important not to catch a cold for the plant: if the apartment is cool, it is better to leave the freshly washed plants for several hours in the bathroom so that they dry out a little and come to their senses.
    After watering the soil during the shower, the plants do not require watering for a week or two, depending on the size of the plant and pot.

    A few more notes. At the Phalaenopsis orchid, after water procedures, I shake out the water from the axils of the leaves so that they do not rot. Noline, before a shower, I cover the soil with cling film - after all, the plant comes from arid places, you should not flood it. Our biggest lovers of hot showers are phalaenopsis, aglaonema, spathiphyllum and chlorophytum. In phalaenopsis, the turgor (density) of leaves improves before our eyes, aglaonema after a shower stopped dropping the lower leaves and released several new ones, and in spathiphyllum and chlorophytum, the edges of the leaves stopped turning yellow and began to tie several new leaves at once.

    Hot shower for phalaenopsis orchid

    Some plants like a hot shower, and some are indifferent to it.

    Here are some plants that can be prescribed hot showers:

    Affelandra, Alocasia, Strelitzia, Anthurium, Adenium, Scindapsus, Croton, Aglaonema, Coleus, Cordilina, Dracaena, Clivia, Zameoculcas, Gardenia, Phalaenopsis Orchid, Fuchsia, Arrowroot, Dendrobium Orchid, Monstera, Calathea, Eucharis, Chlorophytum, Nolina, Dieffenbachia, Citrus.

    Here are a few plants that cheer for this procedure:

    The listed plants, even without any soul feeling normal, respond to hot douches very gratefully, literally within a week releasing new leaves and shoots and rapidly starting to grow.

    Calamondin, ficus and phalaenopsis after a shower.