September folk omens. September: signs and traditions

September is one of the most festive months in the folk and religious calendar. Signs for September have been verified by more than one generation and constant observations. They will tell you a year ahead what to expect and fear.

General signs for September

September is one of the busiest months of the year. There are folk signs for September, many of which are not associated with a specific holiday, weather conditions. General signs of September:

  • warm weather lasts all month - winter months will be long and cold;
  • thunder and thunderstorm at the beginning of the month - autumn will be long and warm;
  • a clear and sunny month - ahead of a fierce and frosty winter time;
  • the clouds went against the wind - the weather will deteriorate sharply, it will rain;
  • night wind - it will rain;
  • frequent morning fog - to rainy weather;
  • evening fog - to the sun and warming;
  • a lot of cobwebs and spiders - the whole autumn will be warm;
  • starlings sit in nests - to warm long weather;
  • a rainbow and not one - to rain and mushrooms;
  • the stars began to blink and fall - it will be cold;
  • morning rain - a sharp change in weather;
  • the hotter this month, the later the first snow will fall;
  • how stronger wind, the longer there will be no frost;
  • bubbles appeared during heavy rain - misfortune awaits in the house.

Signs for September and folk superstitions rarely lie, you just have to look at the weather conditions to find out when to harvest or prepare for snow.

5 number and migratory birds

September 5 is the day of Loop Brusnichkin. From that day on, the birds begin to fly south. If the birds do not fly yet, autumn will be golden. If they start migrating, autumn will be cold. A flock flew in a low wedge - there will be no frosts in the near future.

If the trees are frozen, there is no need to wait for frosts in September. The trees have blossomed this month - February will be long. Peas bloom in the beds - the first snow will fall in the fall.

On the 5th, according to folk beliefs, lingonberries were harvested. If it is ripe, then there will be oats soon. On this day, the cranes swept by - snow will fall soon.

7 number and mushrooms

The people on September 7 are referred to as Titus Leaf Falls. On these dates, mushrooms were collected and attention was paid to their harvest. They said: "Titus grows the last mushroom."

  • it started to rain in the afternoon - the day will be long and cold;
  • leaves crackle and rustle - to dry autumn;
  • crows croaked unusually - for the rain;
  • at night the stars sparkle - there will be frosts;
  • the bucket handle in the constellation Ursa Major looks down - there will be frosts;
  • the fish swam to the shore - the weather will change.

There is a belief: if a person was born on Titus Leaf Fall, his life will be happy.

11th Ivan

September 11 is a Lenten holiday, popularly called Ivan Lenten. On this day, it is forbidden to work, cook, pick apples and poppies. Summer ends and autumn begins.

Signs associated with the 11th day of autumn:

  • cranes flew south - expect early frosts;
  • snails hid in shells - colds begin;
  • water lilies opened later than 8 in the morning - to the cold;
  • lilacs began to turn yellow - October will be cold;
  • the apple tree turns yellow - November will be cold and snowy.

Women prepare pickles on this holiday. If the rooks are drawn in long flocks, then the autumn days will be warm.

14th and Indian summer

On the 14th, Indian summer begins. People refer to this time as Semenov's day or the equinox. Previously, on the 14th, they moved to new houses, celebrated housewarming. They said that Indian summer lasts 8 days. If the first day is clear, then the whole week will be warm.

  • Indian summer has not come - the month will be dry, and autumn will be rainy;
  • a large amount of cobwebs - to cold weather;
  • too many flies - there will be trouble;
  • thunderstorm and downpour - early snow;
  • wild geese flew south - early snow.

According to tradition, they did a “general cleaning”, the house and garden were prepared for the winter. They left the garden work and the festive preparations began.

15th and the day of the Martyr

September 15th - Orthodox holiday, the day of the Holy Martyr Mammoth, the patron saint of small cattle. Animals were not driven out of the stands to pasture. It was believed that you will expel - to be in trouble. Cleaned, cleaned sheds.

  • clouds flew low - to adversity;
  • the wind increased in the evening - the weather will change;
  • the mole dragged the straw into the hole - it will get colder;
  • birds fly south - it will get colder very soon;
  • lightning struck in the field - to a bad harvest next year;
  • cherry turns yellow - portends warm weather.

Bird cherry begins to shed its outfit. They also start picking potatoes. If it rained and the potato harvest was delayed, the next year's harvest would be poor.

23 number and mountain ash

September 23 - the feast of Peter and Pavel Ryabinnik. On this day, like the 22nd, they prepared rowan: they collected it, dried it, made compotes and medicinal decoctions. According to tradition, they plucked it after the first frost, leaving a few bunches for the birds. They believed: if you do not leave a little for the birds, there will be hunger in the house.

  • game dressed in weak fur - the winter will be warm;
  • hares often run - to a harsh winter;
  • the hare sheds spots - a warm winter is coming;
  • the old stump is damp - it will rain;
  • the cork from the barrel stretches badly - to the rain.

There are few rowan berries on the bush - the month will be dry, a lot - the month will be sunny.

27th and Exaltation

September 27 - the erection of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. The people refer to the date as "cabbage day". Whoever fasts on Exaltation, 7 sins will be forgiven.

  • cranes fly high - frost is close;
  • the bear did not go to bed - devilry walks nearby.

This is a fast holiday, but it is allowed to work for the exaltation.

28 and livestock

September 28 - the day of Nikita Autumn. The slaughter of livestock and poultry begins. They believed that the geese were guarded by Vodyanoy, so the most beautiful and autumn gander was sacrificed to him. They cut off his head and left it in this form for the night, because Domovoy counts living creatures by their heads. If the "owner" is missing, he will get angry and let trouble into the house.

  • wild geese flew - winter is coming;
  • the goose raised one paw - to the wind;
  • the goose rinses in the water - to warm weather;
  • sleeps on the ground - there will be a second Indian summer;
  • cranes flew - in 4 weeks severe frosts will begin;
  • wild geese stopped in a garden or field - they brought short happiness.

29 bird bones

September 29 - bird's bone or Mikhailov. At this time, they rested, guessed by the bones of poultry. If thunder struck at the end of autumn, winter is coming snowy and fierce.

  • swans flew against the wind - a storm ahead;
  • squirrels collect nuts - a cold winter is coming;
  • the squirrel sheds in shreds - winter awaits wet and cold;
  • the walls inside the house became wet - to the bad news;
  • mice run around the field - the winter will be warm;
  • if the moles show their noses, winter will come and go in time.

30th and women's day

September 30 - women's name day. It is customary to cry for your family and children so that tears wash away all sorrows and illnesses. According to signs about the end of the month, hope and love come to the house these days.

In the evening they cover festive table, treat guests, call for love and success. If the cranes flew like a wedge, there will be frost on Pokrov.

  • the cat washes - a cold rain is coming;
  • the hedgehog runs around the garden - the winter will be fierce.

By tradition, pies and Easter cakes were baked, if they burn, there will be contention in the family.

Folk omens for September

Beginning of autumn. September, folk omens. Presentation for children. The world.

Folk omens for September


Since ancient times, people have been following folk signs for September and knew what lay ahead for them. It is full of church and folk holidays.

There are much fewer Orthodox holidays in September than in summer or spring, but the first month of autumn is still marked by important dates. The day of the beheading of St. John the Baptist, the Church New Year, the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Exaltation, the Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia - the history of these holidays revered by Ukrainians goes back to ancient times, in pagan times.

Styler collected the most important and significant holidays of September and found out how they are traditionally celebrated by the people.

Day of the beheading of St. John the Baptist, the greatest prophet, the Baptist of the Lord Jesus Christ

This is a special day in the life of the Church. St. John the Baptist (Forerunner) or "messenger" of Christ, who predicted his coming, marks a link between the Old and New Testaments. This man is the last of the Old Testament prophets and the first New Testament saint to tell his story.

The Gospel of Mark describes in detail the story of the terrible martyrdom of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus Christ. King Herod, during whose time John the Baptist and Jesus Christ lived, fell in love with the wife of his brother Philip and married her. Herod was afraid of John, for he saw in him a righteous and holy man, in many cases he obeyed him. John frankly told him that he had committed a shameful act by linking his life with his brother's wife.

Herodias, Philip's ex-wife, who wanted to kill John, did not like such frank and bold words either. And finally, the opportunity presented itself. On Herod's birthday, many guests were invited, they sang and danced. The dance of the daughter of Herodias especially delighted the king, so much so that for the pleasure that she gave him, he promised her everything she asked. The girl, after consulting with her mother, asked the king for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. Herod did not refuse, and the head of John was brought, the legend says.

Service in the church, rituals and traditions on the Day of the Beheading

On this day, the All-Night Vigil is served: believers spend the day in prayer, trying to drive away irritation and anger at their neighbor from their hearts. On September 11, believers exclude noisy fun from their lives. This is a day of strict fasting, when you can not eat meat, dairy products, fish.

For centuries, superstitions associated with this day have spread among the people. Many of the signs are not related to the church. For example, they say that on this day you can not eat round-shaped food - potatoes, cabbage, apples, red tomatoes and watermelons, because they resemble the head of a martyr-saint. Priests advise not to attach any importance to this sign.

Several centuries ago, on the Day of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, borscht was not cooked for a day. It was the only day when eating borscht was a sin. Potatoes were boiled in uniforms, pumpkins were baked, bread was broken off by hand. Ate only meatless dishes or not eat at all. Those who suffered from headaches, it was on this day that they asked for healing. In addition, medicinal roots were collected in the forest at this time. Now these traditions are much less common.

Church New Year

The church holidays of September 2016 were marked by another event - the Church New Year. This day, according to the ancient tradition of Constantinople, is also called the “beginning of the indiction”. Emperor Constantine the Great ordered to end military service after 15 years, after which to provide retirees with state benefits at the expense of an indict (in Latin - tax), which was collected on September 1, at the end of the harvest.

In Rus', each was called an indict New Year fifteen years, and the fifteen years itself.

Since 1492, the New Year was celebrated in Rus' as a church and state holiday. The meaning of the service in the New Year was the recollection of the Savior's sermon in the Nazareth synagogue, when Jesus Christ said that He had come "to heal the brokenhearted ... to preach the acceptable year of the Lord." After the adoption of Christianity civil year until the 15th century, it began in March. From March 1, all the ancient Russian chroniclers, including St. Nestor, began the year.

What did they do in Rus' on the day of the Church New Year

It has long been believed that on this day times and spaces are connected to each other - this is a particularly favorable time to fight evil in all its manifestations. On the day of the Church New Year, they took a mental look at the past year and, if something was done wrong, then mentally it was possible to correct the situation or ask for forgiveness.

Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary

This important religious holiday, celebrated annually on September 21, belongs in Orthodoxy to the twelve most important after Easter. It was established by the church back in the distant IV century.

According to legend, Mary's parents - the righteous Joachim and Anna - were childless for many years. And only in old age, after many years of prayer, God sent them a daughter. According to legend, the couple lived together for fifty years, but they had no children. This greatly upset Joachim and Anna, and they tirelessly prayed to God to grant them a child, promising to dedicate a child to him.

Once in the temple, a man standing next to Joachim began to reproach him that God had not blessed him with children for some secret sins. Saddened, Joachim left the temple and, not returning home, went to the desert, where his flocks were grazing. There he prayed for a long time and asked God to give him children and remove his reproach before people.

Anna, seeing that her husband was not returning home, began to cry. But then she saw an angel in front of her, announcing that her prayer had been answered: “Your daughter will be born and you will name her Mary.” (In translation from Hebrew, this name means “hope.”) The angel disappeared, and Anna, having promised to dedicate her daughter to God, went to Jerusalem. Then an angel appeared to Joachim, telling him the same news. The envoy's words were fulfilled: on September 8 (according to the old style), a daughter, the Virgin Mary, was born to the elderly spouses, and the happy parents brought gifts to the Jerusalem temple.

Traditions and beliefs for the Nativity of the Virgin

September 21 was considered a holiday when the last sheaf was tied in the fields. Our ancestors believed that he had great power. From his ears they made strong amulets and amulets. On the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, women and girls went out early in the morning to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to wash themselves. It was believed that if you do this, you can preserve your beauty until old age.

On this day, our ancestors renewed the fire in the huts - the old one was extinguished, and the new one was lit. To avoid damage from evil eye and diseases burned old clothes and shoes. And the children were doused on the threshold with water.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Church holidays in September continue in the second half of the month. On the 27th, believers remember how in the year 326 in Jerusalem a cross was miraculously found, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The full name of the holiday is the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

According to Holy Tradition, the cross was found in 326 in Jerusalem. It happened near Mount Calvary, where the Savior was crucified. The second event celebrated on this day is the return of the Life-Giving Cross from Persia, where he was in captivity. In the 7th century it was returned to Jerusalem by the Greek emperor Heraclius.

Both events were united by the fact that they erected the Cross before the people, that is, they raised it. At the same time, they turned him to all parts of the world in turn, so that people could bow to him and share with each other the joy of finding a shrine.

Church rituals, folk signs and traditions on the day of the Exaltation

This date for the Orthodox marks a strict fast. Do not eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Food can only be seasoned vegetable oil. On the day of the Exaltation of the Cross, it is also necessary to celebrate the All-Night Vigil and the Liturgy. But now they rarely serve all night, so the festive Divine service on the eve of the holiday - the vigil - becomes central.

They say that the last mop is removed for the Exaltation. This means that just at that time the peasants tried to harvest the entire crop as soon as possible and finish the field work. This was explained by the fact that frosts were already observed in the mornings, which could destroy everything that grew in the fields and gardens.

Also, from September 27 until about mid-October, it was customary to plant apple and currant trees. It was believed that it was on September 27 that birds begin to fly to warmer climes.

The people called the holiday Kapustnik and prepared pies with cabbage. On September 27, evening gatherings were arranged, which could last for two weeks.

On the Exaltation, they tried to plan important matters, as they could end unsuccessfully. It was also forbidden to go to the forest, because, according to popular beliefs, on this day the bears made a lair for themselves and could attack a person. They also believed that now the goblin is examining his kingdom, and it’s better not to catch his eye.

In ancient times, the peasants on September 27 were engaged in harvesting cabbage for the winter and often did it together, organizing the so-called cabbage parties. The work was accompanied by jokes. It was believed that if a girl, going to a gathering, read a special conspiracy, she would meet a guy she would love.

Day of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

In September 2016, the church also honors the memory of the martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, and women with these names celebrate their angel day.

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are early Christian martyrs who lived in the 2nd century AD in the Roman Empire. It is known that Sofia was originally from Milan. She was widowed early, after which she moved to Rome. Sophia raised her daughters in the Christian faith and even gave them names in honor of the main Christian virtues - Faith, Hope and Love.

In those years, the Roman state severely persecuted believers in Christ. Little girls (the eldest Vera was then only 12, and the youngest Lyubov was only 9) were arrested, tortured, and then killed in front of their mother. Sophia herself died the next day at the grave of her daughters. But tragic fate on earth turned into eternal glory for the martyrs in another world. The Church canonized them as saints, and today, through prayers, miracles happen to them.

Interestingly, in the Russian tradition, the name Sophia (which means “Wisdom” in Greek) remained without translation, but the names of her daughters Pistis (Vera), Elpis (Hope) and Agape (Love) have already taken root in our Russian translation .

By the way, contrary to traditional ideas, not all owners of these beautiful names celebrate their name day on this very day: for some, Angel Day falls on a different date.

Angel Days for Faith:

Angel Days for Hope:

Angel Day for Love:

Angel Days for Sofia:

February 28, April 1, June 4, June 17, August 14, September 30, October 1, December 29, December 31.

Customs, signs and traditions

In folk traditions, the day of September 30 is also called the "universal woman's name day" or "the woman's holiday." According to beliefs, all women should start the morning of this day with a loud cry, which serves as a kind of amulet. Indeed, according to custom, even those to whom it was a sin to complain about fate were supposed to cry. They cried, if not about their own fate, then about the fate of relatives and friends, because "an woman's fate does not happen alone."

The tradition of such crying did not appear by chance, because on September 30 they remembered not only Vera, Hope and Love, but also their mother Sophia, who suffered and cried for her daughters. In general, tears in the folk tradition are not only an expression of natural grief or sadness, but also a form of ritual behavior. So, for example, the bride always “cried” before the wedding, saying goodbye to her home.

People believe that if you mourn all your loved ones and your own share on September 30, then nothing bad will happen during the year. That is, on the one hand, crying reminded of the suffering of Sophia, who lost her daughters, but on the other hand, there was a subtle calculation in this rite.

Married women, in order to ensure a calm atmosphere in the house, on this day bought three candles in the church, of which two were placed there, in the temple, in front of the face of Christ, and the third was reserved for the house. At midnight, a candle was placed in the middle of a loaf of bread, specially put on the table for this purpose, lit and uttered as many as 40 times in a row the cherished words that all evil would disappear and peace would come to the family. In the morning, this bread was fed to the household (only them and none of the outsiders, even guests), and in no case was a crumb thrown away.

Signs of Faith, Hope, Love

On this day, the first frosts come.

If the cranes fly that day, then there will be frost on Pokrov, and if not, then winter will be late.

Who sheds tears in the morning - he protects his family.

If the thunder rumbled, the autumn will be warm and long, and the winter will be late.

September- the first month of autumn. Its popular name is "frown", since the sky at this time begins to frown, it often rains. At this time, there is a wonderful period - Indian summer, when a lot of cobwebs fly in the air and the weather is warm and sunny. “September sees off the red summer, meets the golden autumn,” they say among the people. AT this month the trees begin to slowly change their color from green to yellow. The days are getting shorter and cooler, migratory birds are gathering south. During this period, the harvest ends, preparations are being made for the winter. Through repeated observations of our ancestors over animals and natural phenomena, many folk signs of September were composed, which allow us to predict the weather, to predict what the coming autumn, winter and spring will be like.

September weather tips

  • Thunder in September portends a warm autumn and a snowy winter.
  • The drier and warmer September, the later the arrival of winter.
  • September is cold - next year the snow may melt faster than usual.

Signs about nature in September

  • A lot of cobwebs in September for Indian summer - to a clear autumn, to a cold winter.
  • Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter.
  • Leaf fall passes soon - the winter will be cold.
  • If there are a lot of acorns on the oaks in September, expect a lot of snow before Christmas.
  • If in autumn the leaves of birches begin to turn yellow from the top, spring will be early, from below - late.
  • If in September ants run along the tops of the grass, then the snow will be deep and the winter will be early, and if along the bottom, then it will be long.
  • If the cranes fly high, slowly and cooing, it will be a good autumn.

Autumn creeps up slowly. Embraces nature with gentle embraces, envelops with deceptive warmth. And as a skilled artist, taking brushes with paints, he begins to paint the vegetation tired of the hot summer in unimaginably colorful colors. Nature in September will have to prepare for a long sleep. But there is still time to rise from the sweltering heat, delighting with light gilding and a late harvest. Summer does not want to give up its rights to the rainy season. And a temporary cold snap turns into summer warm days - Indian summer. And every day in September tells about the weather in winter, about the upcoming spring and even future harvests. It is not surprising that the people noticed signs of the weather for September by day.

Folk omens for September 1

In the folk calendar, the 1st day of September was called Andrey-teplyak or Fekla-beetroot. Teplyak is southern, which means a warm wind. It was this wind that carried heat and contributed to the early ripening of oats.

Father teplyak all covered in oats

Send the oats hastily - father south let the wind blow on the oats

The day was usually warm, which made it possible to carry out cleaning work.

The pre-autumn day is hotter than July

Teplyak holds on, bows after the departed summer

And Fyokla ordered the beets to be harvested, as it would rain very soon.

Dig beets on Thekla

Signs for the first of September are associated with weather and rains.

Lots of fog in autumn - lots of snow in winter

The moon hangs down in the sky with its horns - it will be cloudy and rainy for a long time

Folk signs and traditions on September 2

In the folk calendar, 2 September day bears the name of Samuel, Samoylin's day, and also beetroot.

For the peasants, the weather at the beginning of September was important, since the harvest was not over yet. Yes, and winter crops need to have time to get stronger before the cold weather. And they asked Samuel about the weather, who could help in this matter.

Since Samoylin's day, a fur coat stretches behind a caftan

To make it easier for the peasant to work in the field, rich tables were laid by the hostesses on September 2. Meanwhile, the girls were harvesting beets.

Beetroot girl - slave to all girls

It was the girls who had to do this hard work. And the lower they bowed, the more, according to signs, they preserved health and beauty.

If you like the beetroot, you will keep your beauty and ruddy face

Wormholes look north - to a warm winter

Mice from the fields run to the houses - to the fierce winter

Moles drag straw and spikelets into holes - be cold in winter

The mountain ash is strewn with berries - the rains in the autumn will be lingering and plentiful

Folk signs and traditions on September 3

Yasny Fadey promises another month of warmth

Flax is a blue-eyed and fair-haired girl who gave signs that it was time to harvest flax. But only good owners could see such signs. It was from this day that the harvesting of flax began.

Choose flax in the spit - the seed in the sheaves will still ripen

Mice built nests on flax - to the big snows

Nests of mice on the tops of bread for a cold winter and heavy rains

A lot of mountain ash has ripened - it will be rainy autumn

The birch turns yellow from the very top - autumn will be early, the foliage below turned yellow - by late autumn.

Chickens began to molt in early September - it will be a warm winter

Folk traditions and signs on September 4

In the folk calendar, September 4 is called Afanasyev's day, and also Agathon the beggar. The goblin raged against Agathon: he dragged and scattered straw, sheaves. Moreover, the goblin appeared in the most unpredictable and eccentric images. It was fashionable to recognize him by his clothes in the form of a woolen green sheepskin coat and a red sash.

They asked Saint Agathon for protection from the goblin. But the peasants themselves tried to protect their supplies. To do this, they went out into the night, putting on a sheepskin coat on the back side, tying a towel around their heads. They took a poker in their hands, with which they outlined a circle around the protected object. It was dangerous to go beyond such a circle.

A sunny day promised a few more weeks of warmth

An abundance of acorns - for a snowy winter

A lot of nuts in the absence of mushrooms - a fierce winter

Folk signs and traditions on September 5

The name of September 5 in the calendar is Loop-cowberry. By this day, not only oats and flax ripen, but also lingonberries with cranberries.

Luppa will hit the woman on the back - she bows to the ground with berries, the peasant will slap - he is in a hurry in the field

On Luppu you can expect the first morning frosts.

Did not collect oats before Luppa - you will swallow more tears

On St. Lupp frost peels oats

However, if this day was without frost, then there will be no frost until the end of September.

Frosts begin to hit on Luppa

Flax began to “peel”, that is, the seeds began to fly. Began harvesting lingonberries.

Lupe frosts sweeten lingonberries

Lingonberries are ripe - oats have reached

Cranes fly silently and low - to be bad weather

Cranes fly high - to a cold winter, low - to a warm one

Cranes flew in early September - wait for early winter

Folk traditions and signs on September 6

In the folk calendar, September 6 is called Eutychius the Quiet. The weather on this day is calm and quiet.

Eutychius is quiet - you will hold back the flaxseed

Daylight hours are noticeably shorter.

The dawn sits on the gatherings of heaven

Dawn in summer with sun and flowers, in autumn with spindle, spinning wheel and bottom

But such weather was deceptive, as it beckoned into the forest, into the very thicket. Leaving home is simply dangerous.

According to signs, it is fashionable to meet a magical red flower or fire.

They, rolling on the ground, lure a person into dangerous places.

Rain on Eutychius to dry autumn and good harvest

Folk traditions and signs for September 7

Many hurried to the forest for mushrooms, as the mushroom season was ending.

Titus dragging the last mushroom

But they were afraid to offend the old man Borovichka. Such a fairy tale hero, according to legend, lived under mushrooms and kept order in the forest so that mushroom pickers would not pick mushrooms inedible for humans in vain, so that branches would not be broken and garbage would not be thrown.

You can take any mushroom in your hands, but not everyone puts it in a box

It is necessary to keep an eye on the children, since Borovichok took the children away from negligent parents into the thicket.

Mushrooms collected after September 7 were not suitable for salting. The hostesses prepared various dishes with mushrooms: soups, hodgepodges, pies. But they hurried not only to the forest, but also to the field, as the threshing began.

Mushrooms are mushrooms, and threshing is behind the furnaces

Titus went to thresh

A lot of mushrooms have been born - there will be long frosts

The trees are cracking to the dry weather

After lunch it started to rain - it will continue for a long time

Crows often and abruptly croak - soon it will rain

Folk signs and traditions on September 8

If you don’t mow the oats, then you wind yourself up to tears

The first sheaf, according to tradition and signs for September 8, was brought into the house with songs and placed in a red corner. The guests were treated to oatmeal and pancakes.

Natalya brings an oatmeal pancake to the barn, and Adrian brings oatmeal in a pot

They also made porridge, oatmeal jelly and other dishes from fresh grain.

Oats on the table - full in the stomach

Fescue will succeed if the oats are crushed to a sour smell

The day was three hours shorter than the summer solstice.

Peter and Paul reduced the day for an hour, Elijah the Prophet dragged two, and Adrian and Natalia took three

Frosts on Adrianna - winter will be cold

A lot of mountain ash - there will be early frosts

Oak and birch hold a leaf - winter will be harsh

Folk traditions and signs on September 9

In the folk calendar, the name Anfisa, Kuksha-field ash, is found. By this day, the mountain ash ripened, and its collection began. A lot of folk rites and rituals are associated with the tree itself and berries, branches.

The berry itself was harvested by preparing jams, tinctures, or simply dried. It was then used to treat colds and other diseases.

In September, it is the only berry, and even that one is bitter mountain ash.

The leaves on the mountain ash turned yellow early - by early autumn and winter

Rowan blossomed in September - autumn will be warm and long

Rowan was born in the forest - it will be rainy autumn

The birds did not peck all the mountain ash - the winter will be warm

Folk traditions and signs on September 10

Day of Anna the Prophetess, the stacker, Savva and Moses.

On Anna, they tried to remove all the stacks from the fields before the onset of autumn bad weather.

A similar day to Anna - do not wait for winter soon

In the fields, work was completed, and preparations for folk fairs began. In the villages, holidays were held to mark the end of the harvest.

But it’s better not to plan matchmaking for September 10 - such an undertaking did not bode well. The day was associated with the drunkard Moses. He was asked to rid people of addictions. Signs for September 10 are also related to the weather and harvest.

The foliage turned yellow at the birch - hurry for mushrooms

Leaves flew clean from aspen and birch - the coming year to be fruitful and light

Thunder rumbles in September to a warm spring

Video: calendars - signs of September

September, the first month of autumn, was called differently in Rus': “frown”, “spring”, “rain bell”. There was another name - "leaf fall", since in September the leaf on the tree does not hold at all. In September, winter was determined: a lot of acorns on oak - for a warm winter, a snowy Christmas and a fertile summer next year. If not all the leaves fall cleanly, then the winter will be cold. They predicted the weather for autumn: cranes fly high and call to each other - for a good autumn. Thunder in September - to a warm autumn. "The jackdaws of warmth shouted - Indian autumn is bright." September 22 is the day of the autumnal equinox, when day equals night.

This is how an old park looks today in the village of Morozovo, Dmitrovsky district

Knowledge Day, September 1 - the beginning of a new school year.
This day used to mark the end of the harvest. Fun, with ceremonies in which there were elements of paganism. They carried a straw doll around the village, dressed it in a red sundress and decorated it with beads.
Dezhen (jelly made from oatmeal) was eaten by the owner and the workers at the same table.
On the day of Fekla, the beet growers began to harvest carrots and beets. "The beetroot girl is a slave to the girls."
If the wind blows from the south, then the oats will be good.

Commemorative date "Day of the end of World War II (1945)". On September 2, 1945, the Japanese surrender was signed.
The holiday "Day of the Russian Guard" was established in 2000 by decree of Vladimir Putin.
Day of memory of the prophet Samuel ("heard by God"), the men of the intercessor. "Samuel prays to God for a peasant."
In Rus', it was a holiday when women gave gifts to their fathers and husbands, a festive table was laid. With mushrooms and potatoes.

Started harvesting flax.
A clear day promises four weeks of good weather.

It was believed among the people that on this day the goblin runs around the villages, has fun, sheaves in different sides scatters. You can drive him away if you put on a sheepskin coat inside out and grab a poker with you.
A sunny day promises good weather until the end of the month.

The cranberries are ripe.
Morning frosts are starting. "Lupov frost freezes the nose."
If the cranes fly south, then the winter will be early.

Rain for a dry autumn and a fruitful next year.

Those born on this day will be lucky in maturity.
"Mushrooms mushrooms, and threshing behind."
"Saint Titus grows the last mushroom."
Mushrooms were cooked that day, served on the table.
A lot of mushrooms in autumn - long winter cold.

The day has become three hours shorter (from summer solstice). “Peter and Paul reduced for an hour, Elijah the Prophet dragged two, and Adrian and Natalya dragged three.”
The first sheaf of oats with songs was brought into the hut, placed under the image.
Kissel is cooked from oats, pancakes are baked. Dejen (jelly from oatmeal) in Rus' on this day was treated to workers.
The horses were fed a lot of oats. “They don’t carry horses, they carry oats.”
Rowan and viburnum are harvested.
Cold morning for early and cold winter.
A lot of mountain ash - for a frosty winter.
The leaves from the birch and oak have not fallen off until this day - by the harsh winter.

Rowan is harvested, jam is made from it. Clusters are hung under the roof of houses.

On this day, it is better not to marry, the groom does not need to come to the house of the bride's parents, since this does not bode well.
Sheaves were taken out of the fields, stacked in stacks.
In Rus', on this day, the harvest was glorified. The autumn fairs have begun.

The Church celebrates the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist.
The strict fast of John the Lenten, when it was considered a sin to drink wine and have fun.
They commemorate soldiers who died in battle.
Many customs are associated with this day: do not pick up knives, axes and other sharp objects resembling a sword. Therefore, bread was cut the day before, so as not to break it with your hands. They did not eat foods that have a round shape (cabbage, apples, potatoes, etc.), reminiscent of the severed head of John the Baptist. It was believed that red food (watermelons) resembled blood. The peasants were afraid to violate these customs, so that John the Baptist himself would not punish them.
On this day, they went to church and asked John the Baptist to save them from a headache.
The young "Indian summer" was ending.
On this day, medicinal roots are collected.
"John the Baptist chases the birds away."
“The swan flies towards the snow, and the goose towards the rain.”
Cranes fly this day - early snow will fall.

Barley stalks with oat and flax curled, a cornfield for the harvest was spoken.
It is customary on this day to set tables, treat guests

Cranes gather in the swamps on this day.
Potatoes and other root crops are dug up.
Kupriyan takes people out of the swamp.
From that day on, they began to collect cranberries.

This day is considered lucky. Wedding weeks have begun.
The beginning of the old "Indian summer".
From that day on, the sowing of winter crops in the fields was completed.
Rites were arranged for the "funeral of flies", cockroaches and other insects that were found in the house. They said: "Eat a fly, and the last one will eat itself."
The girls spun in the evening and wondered: the thread lies straight - you will be lucky with your husband, unevenly - the spouse will be bad.
Warm day to warm autumn (and vice versa).
Dirty Marfa - rainy autumn.

Cattle were not driven out of the barn in the morning, so that there would be no trouble.
Mammoth Ovcharnik is the patron saint of goats and sheep.
Guys on this day in Rus' arranged comic fights and games.

On this day, worn-out bast shoes and other old things were hung on fence stakes, they were considered a talisman. In the evening they were filmed and burned in a fire. Potato tops and peelings were thrown into the fire. This promised prosperity for the whole year.

Burning Bush protects from fire and lightning.
Onions are dug out of the ground.
On this day, the men pierced haystacks with pitchforks in order to drive away the evil spirit Kumokha.

The girls are guessing at the grooms in the evening.
On this day, it is customary to take a steam bath in order to drive away all diseases.
The women of Kumokha were afraid, so they did not rinse the linen on the river.
On this day good shepherds are born. A man who was born on September 18 is afraid of evil spirits.
The rowan leaves turned yellow - the winter will be early and cold. A lot of berries on the mountain ash - by a rainy autumn.

We tried not to work that day, so that God would not punish.
In Rus', brotherhoods were arranged on this day, at which they discussed business over food.
Michael took the ground with a freeze.
A leaf from an aspen falls face up - to a cold winter, inside out - to a warm one.

On this day in Rus', the Lukov holiday was celebrated.
The girls braided the bow into braids.
A lot of husks on the bulbs - for a frosty winter.

Harvest festival, which was sometimes celebrated all week. We went to visit, the tables were set.
The women went to the water and whispered a request: “Our Most Pure Theotokos, deliver me from maety, take away the strains from the soul, illuminate my life.”
Relatives were invited to visit.
If the weather is good, then the whole autumn will be fine.

autumnal equinox
Congratulations to the new mothers.
In Rus', earlier on Podneseniev Day, they sat down at the table with their neighbors, invited them with the words: “We ask you for our bread and salt!”. Be sure to bake a round cake.
The sun was honored that day.
World Car Free Day.

From that day on, "the sun dies."
They hung rowan under the roof. Be sure to leave some of the berries for the birds.
A lot of mountain ash - for a damp autumn.

End of the old. It often rains.
"Autumn rides a piebald mare": about unstable weather.
"Reverend Theodore - Amen to every business."
Cabbage evenings began, when cabbage was fermented for two weeks. During the day, cabbage rolls and pies with cabbage were put on the table. The cabbage soup was cooked.

Serpentine day, when snakes go into the forests, hide in the ground.

In Rus', this day was called not the day of St. Cornelius, but Cornelius, associating with the harvesting of root crops.
“From this day on, the root in the earth does not grow, but shivers.”
It usually rains.

Lent holiday. “Whoever fasts on Exaltation, seven sins will be forgiven.”
Important things are not started so that they do not turn out to be unsuccessful.
Cabbage was chopped, skits were arranged.
They pray to God about the harvest (for the next year).
Often there are frosts.

"Geese on the tail drag the winter."
Geese fly high - a high spring flood is expected.
Shearing sheep.

The peasants tried to find out about the winter by the state of the bird's bone. It was believed that the more fat - the stronger the frost will be.
Thunder - to a snowless winter.
Warm and dry weather leads to a late mild winter.

Girls', women's day.
The women on this day were sure to cry in the morning. Grieve over your fate. After that, it was possible to proceed with economic affairs with a clear conscience.
This day is often clear and warm.
Cranes fly south - it will be frosty on Pokrov.

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