The Red Terror of Trotsky and K°1918-1922 Red Terror during the Civil War - History in Photos


HOW 18 million Russians were killed just because they were Russians ...

Two words as a preface. This whole theme of the "Red Terror" or, as a synonym, the "Great Terror" should be completely banned as anti-Semitism. This horror ended only after the execution of Yezhov and with the arrival of Beria in 1938, who began to correct everything, but it was not before that, the Second World War collapsed. The alignment of forces at the top before the war was such that if Stalin had said even a word against the repressions, he would have been accused of deviating from Lenin's principles, arrested and shot on the same day. The figure of losses from the "Red Terror" of 18 million people is not taken from the ceiling, it is substantiated by Yuri Kozenkov in his four-volume work. Why is the theme of "great terror" in pure form anti-Semitism? Judge for yourself by the works of Kozenkov and this short material ...

“... No imagination is able to imagine a picture of these tortures. People were stripped naked, their hands were tied with a rope and hung from the crossbars so that their feet barely touched the ground, and then they were slowly and gradually shot from machine guns, rifles or revolvers. The machine gunner first crushed the legs so that they could not support the body, then aimed at the arms and left his victim hanging bleeding in this form ... Having enjoyed the torment of the sufferers, he began to shoot them again in different places until a living person did not turn into a bloody mass and only after that finished it off with a shot in the forehead. The invited “guests”, who drank wine, smoked and played the piano or balalaikas, sat right there and admired the executions ...

Skinning of living people was often practiced, for which they were thrown into boiling water, cuts were made on the neck and around the hands, the skin was pulled off with tongs, and then thrown into the cold ... This method was practiced in the Kharkov emergency, headed by "Comrade Eduard "and the convict Saenko. After the Bolsheviks were expelled from Kharkov, the Volunteer Army found many “gloves” in the basements of the Chechens. This was the name of the skin torn from the hands along with the nails. Excavations of the pits where the bodies of the dead were thrown revealed traces of some kind of monstrous operation on the genital organs, the essence of which even the best Kharkov surgeons could not determine ... On the corpses of former officers, in addition, epaulets on the shoulders were cut with a knife or forehead - a Soviet star, and on the chest - orders; noses, lips and ears were cut off ... On female corpses - cut off breasts and nipples, etc., etc. Many people were flooded in the basements of the emergency, where the unfortunate were herded and then the water taps were opened.

In St. Petersburg, the head of the Cheka was the Latvian Peters, who was then transferred to Moscow. Upon assuming his position as "head of internal defense", he immediately shot over 1000 people, and ordered the corpses to be thrown into the Neva, where the bodies of the officers shot by him in the Peter and Paul Fortress were dumped. By the end of 1917, there were still several tens of thousands of officers who survived the war in St. Petersburg, and more than half of them were shot by Peters, and then by the Jew Uritsky. Even according to Soviet data, obviously false, over 5,000 officers were shot by Uritsky.

Transferred to Moscow, Peters, who, among other assistants, had the Latvian Krause, literally covered the entire city with blood. There is no way to convey everything that is known about this beast woman and her sadism. It was said that she terrified with her appearance alone, that she trembled with her unnatural arousal ... She mocked her victims, invented the most cruel types of torment mainly in the genital area and stopped them only after complete exhaustion and the onset of a sexual reaction. The objects of her torment were mainly young men, and no pen is able to convey what this Satanist performed with her victims, what operations she performed on them ... Suffice it to say that such operations lasted for hours, and she stopped them only after young people writhing in suffering turned into bloody corpses with eyes frozen in horror ...

Its worthy collaborator was the no less perverted sadist Orlov, whose specialty was to shoot boys whom he pulled out of houses or caught on the streets...

“... Cheerleaders usually occupied the most best houses cities and were placed in the most luxurious apartments. Countless "investigators" sat here. After the usual questions about personality, occupation and place of residence, an interrogation began about political beliefs, membership in a party, about attitudes towards the Soviet government, its program, etc. questions that are completely meaningless, calculated on the fact that the interrogated person will stumble, get confused in his testimony and thereby create the basis for the presentation of specific charges.

Hundreds of such questions were asked, the answers were carefully recorded, after which the interrogated person was transferred to another investigator. This last one started the interrogation from the beginning and offered literally the same questions, only in a different order, after which he handed over the victim to the third investigator, then the fourth, and so on. as long as the accused, brought to complete exhaustion, agreed to any answers, attributed non-existent crimes to himself and put himself at the complete disposal of the executioners. Methods were polished and developed that have survived in a softened form to this day. Ahead were even more terrible trials, even more brutal tortures.

In the pamphlet The October Revolution published by Trotsky, he boasts of the indestructible might of the Soviet regime. “We are so strong,” he says, “that if we declare tomorrow in a decree the demand that the entire male population of Petrograd appear on such and such a day and hour on the Field of Mars, so that everyone receives 25 blows of the rod, then 75% would immediately appear and would have been in the tail and only 25% of the more prudent thought to stock up on a medical certificate exempting them from corporal punishment ... "

In Kyiv, the emergency was in the power of the Latvian Latsis. His assistants were Avdokhin, "Comrade Vera", Rosa Schwartz and other girls. There were fifty emergency workers here. Each of them had its own staff of employees, or rather executioners, but among them the girls mentioned above were distinguished by the greatest cruelty. In one of the basements of the Cheka, a kind of theater was arranged, where chairs were placed for lovers of bloody spectacles, and on the stage, i.e. on the stage, executions were carried out. After each successful shot, shouts of “bravo”, “encore” were heard, and glasses of champagne were brought to the executioners. Rosa Schwartz personally killed several hundred people, previously squeezed into a box, on the top platform of which a hole was made for the head. But shooting at a target was only a piece of fun for these girls and did not excite their dulled nerves. They demanded more thrills, and for this purpose Rosa and "comrade Vera" gouged out their eyes with needles, or burned them out with cigarettes, or hammered thin nails under their nails.

In Odessa, the famous executioners Deutsch and Wichman raged with a whole staff of servants, among whom were Chinese and one Negro, whose specialty was to pull the veins from people, looking into their faces and smiling with his white teeth. Vera Grebenshchikova, who became known under the name "Dora", also became famous here. She personally shot 700 people. Among the instruments of torture were not only weights, hammers and crowbars, with which heads were broken, but also tweezers, with which the veins were pulled out, and the so-called "stone bags", with a small hole on top, where people were squeezed, breaking bones, and where in a crouched they were doomed specifically to insomnia. The purposely assigned guard was supposed to watch the unfortunate, not letting him fall asleep. They fed him rotten herring and tormented him with thirst. Dora and the 17-year-old prostitute Sasha, who shot over 200 people, were the main ones here. Both were sadists and in cynicism even surpassed the Latvian Krause.

In Pskov, all the captured officers were handed over to the Chinese, who sawed them into pieces with saws. In Blagoveshchensk, all the victims of the emergency had gramophone needles stuck under the fingernails and toenails. In Simferopol, Chekist Ashikin forced his victims, both men and women, to pass him completely naked, looked at them from all sides and then cut off their ears, noses and hands with a saber blow ... Bleeding, the unfortunate people asked him to shoot them so that they would stop torment, but Ashikin calmly approached each one separately, gouged out their eyes, and then ordered them to cut off their heads.

In Sevastopol, people were tied up in groups, severely wounded with sabers and revolvers, and half-dead they were thrown into the sea. In the port of Sevastopol, there were places where divers refused to go down for a long time: two of them, after having been at the bottom of the sea, went crazy. When the third decided to dive into the water, he went out and said that he had seen a whole crowd of drowned men tied with their feet to large stones. Their hands were set in motion by the flow of water, their hair was disheveled. Among these corpses, a priest in a cassock with wide sleeves, raising his hands, as if uttering a terrible speech ...

In Pyatigorsk, the Cheka killed all its hostages, massacring almost the entire city. The hostages were taken out of town, to the cemetery, with their hands tied behind their backs with wire. They were forced to kneel a few steps from the dug hole and began to chop off their arms, legs, backs, gouge out their eyes with bayonets, pull out their teeth, rip open their stomachs, and so on.

In the Crimea, the security officers, not limited to the execution of captured sisters of mercy, raped them first, and the sisters stocked up on poison to avoid dishonor.

According to official information, and we know how accurate Soviet "official" information is, in 1920-21, after the evacuation of General Wrangel, 7,500 people were shot in Feodosia, 12,000 in Simferopol, in

Sevastopol - 9000 and in Yalta - 5000. These figures, of course, need to be doubled, because alone the officers who remained in the Crimea were shot, as the newspapers wrote, over 12,000 people, and this task was carried out by Bela Kun, who declared,

that the Crimea was three years behind the revolutionary movement and that it must be put on a level with all of Russia at one stroke.

After the occupation of the Baltic cities in January 1919, the graves of the dead were opened by Estonian troops, and it was immediately established by the appearance of the tormented corpses with what cruelty the Bolsheviks dealt with their victims. Many of the dead had their skulls crushed so that their heads hung like tree stumps on a trunk. Most of the victims before their execution had bayonet wounds, inside out, broken bones. One of the fugitives said that he was taken with fifty-six arrested people and placed over the grave. First they started shooting women. One of them tried to run away and fell wounded, then the killers pulled her legs into the pit, five of them jumped on her and trampled her to death with their feet.

In Siberia, the Chekists, in addition to the tortures already described, also used the following: in flower pot they planted a rat and tied it either to the stomach or to the anus, and a red-hot rod was passed through a small round hole at the bottom of the pot, with which they burned the rat. Escaping from torment and having no other way out, the rat dug its teeth into the stomach and gnawed a hole through which it crawled out into the stomach, tearing the intestines, and then crawled out, gnawing its way out in the back or side ...

The whole country was turned into a huge concentration camp. It is impossible not to refrain from citing some excerpts from Diveev's article, published in 1922 abroad. The author picturesquely depicts the manners that prevailed at that time. “Six months ago, I had the opportunity to meet with one person who spent the whole of 1918 in the Moscow Butyrka prison. One of the hardest duties of the prisoners was burying the executed and digging deep ditches for the burial of the victims of the next execution. This work was carried out day by day.

The prisoners were taken out on a truck under the supervision of armed guards to the Khodynka field, sometimes to the Vagankovsky cemetery, the warder measured out a wide, man-height ditch, the length of which determined the number of intended victims. They dug graves for 20-30 people, prepared ditches and dozens more. The forced laborers did not have to see the executed, because by the time they arrived, they were already “covered with earth” by the hands of the executioners. The prisoners had only to fill the ditches with earth and make an embankment along the ditch, which swallowed up the next victims of the Cheka ... "

The growth of cruelty has reached such enormous proportions and at the same time has become such a common occurrence that all this can only be explained by a mental infection that has gripped all sections of the population from top to bottom. Before our eyes, a wave of intense cruelty and bestial sadism is passing across the face of Eastern Europe, which, in terms of the number of victims, far leave both the Middle Ages and the French Revolution behind them. Russia positively returned to the times of the Middle Ages, resurrecting from the ashes to the smallest detail all their features, as if deliberately in order to give the historians of the Middle Ages, living in the 20th century, to simultaneously experience and explore the tyranny and darkness of the Middle Ages.

Prince Zhevakhov Red Terror in Russia. 1918 - 1923

On August 30, 1919, Denikin's troops defeated the Reds near Brovary. Many residents, despite the fact that shells were exploding in the city, rushed to the doors of the Cheka to look for relatives and friends. A terrible sight met their eyes. As witness Ekaterina Gaug wrote:

“A strong putrid smell hit my face. All the walls were spattered with blood... The floor was covered with blood for several inches. On the floor, like on the counters of a butcher's shop, lay human brains. There was a recess in the middle of the garage, where the driver used to go down during the repair of the car. In front of the hole stood a huge block of wood, all bloody. On it lay a saber, also covered in blood. Here heads were chopped off or some kind of bloody tortures were used ... The hole, as if with water, was filled with blood. There was a huge noose on the wall and a piece of iron lay - as it turned out, it was an instrument of torture with a red-hot iron.

“The corpse of a 17-year-old girl was also dug up in front of us. Completely naked, lay this girl, almost a child, in front of us. Her head was mutilated beyond recognition, her whole body was covered in wounds and bruises. And the hands! These hands bore the marks of savage atrocities. The skin was removed from them up to the elbow and a piece of paper fastened by some fanatic turned white. It was written on it: “Bourgeois glove” ... Relatives tried to identify the mutilated corpses at least by their teeth - but the gold teeth and bridges were torn out by the Chekists ... officer badges were carved on the foreheads of the male victims, on the chest was a harness, on the shoulders were shoulder straps " .

The tortures and tortures used by the Jewish Communists against the Russian people are innumerable. Such degenerates and geeks could not give birth to normal women. Are these schizoid dregs and monstrous fanatics even people?

“In Ekaterinodar, for example, torture was carried out in the following way: the victim is stretched out on the floor of the dungeon. Two hefty Chekists pull on the head, and two on the shoulders, stretching the muscles of the neck in this way, on which at this time the fifth Chekist hits with a blunt iron weapon, most often with the handle of a revolver or browning. The neck swells, blood comes out of the mouth and nose. The victim suffers incredible suffering... In solitary confinement, the teacher Dombrowskaya was tortured for having found a suitcase with officer's belongings, left by an officer who happened to be passing by, her relative... She was first raped, and then tortured. They raped according to seniority. The Chekist Fridman was the first to rape, then the others. After that, she was tortured, trying to find out where her gold was allegedly hidden. First, they cut the naked body with a knife, then with iron tongs, pliers squeezed the limbs of the fingers ... On November 6, at 9 pm, they shot her ”(V.N. Gladky,“ Zhids ”).

“In the village of Kavkazskaya, they use an iron glove during torture. This is a massive piece of iron worn on the right hand, with small nails inserted into it. On impact, in addition to severe pain from an array of iron, the victim suffers incredible torment from shallow wounds, which soon become covered with pus. In the newspaper “Obshchee delo”, a correspondent said: “In Simferopol, they use a new type of torture, arranging enemas from broken glass, and putting burning candles under the genitals. In Tsaritsin, they used to put the tortured on a hot frying pan ... "

Here is a description of one of the Kyiv Cheka ("slaughterhouses" as they were called). After Kiev was occupied by the Volunteer Army in August 1919, the commission got acquainted with it: “... the entire cement floor of a large garage (we are talking about the“ massacre ”of the provincial Cheka) was no longer flooded with blood that had stopped running due to the heat, but stood for several inches, mixed into a terrible mass with the brain, cranial bones, tufts of hair and other human remains. All the walls were spattered with blood, brain particles and pieces of head skin stuck to them next to thousands of bullet holes. From the middle of the garage to the adjacent room, where there was an underground drain, a chute led a quarter of a meter wide and deep and approximately 10 meters long. This gutter was filled with blood all the way to the top ... Near this place of horrors in the garden of the same house, 127 corpses of the last slaughter lay hastily, superficially buried ... Here it was especially striking to us that the skulls of all the corpses were crushed, many even have completely flattened heads. They were probably killed by crushing their heads with some kind of block. Some were completely headless, but the heads were not cut off, but torn off ... All the corpses were naked.

Such obscurantism was going on in almost all the cities where the Cheka was. In Odessa, the executioner Vera Grebennyukova (Dora) was widely known. Her atrocities were legendary. She pulled out her hair, chopped off limbs, cut off her ears, twisted her cheekbones, and so on. During the two and a half months of her service in the Cheka, she alone shot more than 700 people. Rebekah Plastinina (Meisel) raged in Vologda, she shot more than 100 people with her own hands. This ex-wife of Kedrov then raged in the Arkhangelsk province. The newspaper "Voice of Russia" in 1922 reported that Maizel-Kedrova shot 87 officers, 33 townsfolk with her own hands, sank a barge with 500 refugees and soldiers of Miller's army. In Odessa, the main executioner was a Latvian woman with an animal-like face. As a rule, all these premature embryos used cocaine. It made it easier for them to do their job. And the main Moscow executioner Maga shot 11,000 people in his lifetime.

So what really happened? Great Socialist Revolution? Great? No, tragic. Socialist? No, Jewish. After all, on October 24-25 (November 6-7), 1917, there was no uprising in Petrograd. Only on October 26 (November 8) in the morning the inhabitants of the city learned that the Provisional Government had been arrested, and power had passed to the Council of "People's" Commissars appointed by the Second Congress of Soviets.

Here is what academician A. Dorodnitsyn recalls about those times: “... strange as it may seem, but it has never happened that a Russian was a commissar of those Red Army soldiers, not to mention a Ukrainian. How do I know about the nationality of the commissioners? My father was a doctor. Therefore, the command of all passing military formations always stayed with us. Our village was not far from Kyiv, and we heard rumors about what the Kiev Cheka was doing. Even the children in the village were frightened by the name of the local Chekist Bluvshtein. When Kyiv and our village were occupied by Denikin's troops, my father went to Kyiv to get medicine for the hospital. The piles of corpses - victims of the Cheka - have not yet been sorted out, and their father saw them with his own eyes. Corpses with torn nails, with skin torn off in place of shoulder straps and stripes, corpses crushed under pressure. But the most terrible picture he saw was 15 corpses with skulls pierced by some kind of blunt instrument, empty inside. The ministers told him what the torture was. One was punched in the head, and the next was forced to eat the brain. Then they pierced the head of this next one, and forced the next one to eat his brain ... ". Yes, the medieval Inquisition, compared to the Chekists, is just a noble institution for saving lost souls.

In Erde's book "Gorky and the Revolution" (1922, Berlin), the following words are quoted from Gorky's appeal to the Bolshevik government (about the fact that Jews are engaged in murders, torture, desecration of shrines):

Is it really impossible for the Bolsheviks to find Russians for these, in general, “correct” deeds and do all this with Russian hands. After all, the Russians, he says with alarm, are vindictive. They will remember Jewish crimes for centuries.

And also that in his "Notes" the son of Gorky's literary friend - N. G. Mikhailovsky - remembers a conversation with a young security officer:

This nineteen-year-old Jewess, who arranged everything, explained frankly why all the emergency cases are in the hands of the Jews.

“These Russians are soft-bodied Slavs and are constantly talking about the end of terror and emergency situations,” she told me: “If only they are allowed into the emergency department for prominent posts, then everything will collapse, soft-bodiedness will begin, Slavic sloppiness and nothing will remain of terror. We Jews will show no mercy, and we know that as soon as terror ceases, there will be no trace of communism and communists. That is why we allow the Russians to any places, but not to the emergency room ... "

With all the moral disgust ... I could not disagree with her that not only Russian girls, but also Russian men - the military could not compare with her in her bloody craft. Jewish, or rather, all-Semitic Assyrian cruelty was the core of Soviet terror ... "

The Bolsheviks responded to the Jewish terror against the Ashkenazi leaders with genocide against the Russian people. Perhaps they thought that this was what would reconcile them with the leaders of Judaism.

By that time, a significant number of Ashkenazim had already moved from Jewish shtetls to central Russia, where they sought to earn money, for example, in checks. One of the Chekists of that time informed the Special Investigation Commission of the White Guards in southern Russia about the principles of recruiting the Kyiv Cheka: “by nationality, we can safely talk about the advantage over all other Jews. I will not be mistaken if I say that the percentage of Jews in relation to the rest of the employees of the check was 75 to 25, and command positions were almost exclusively in their hands.

Noisy by nature, they created an atmosphere of undivided dominance with their fuss about the premises of the check. I call this period Jewish for two reasons:

1) the vast majority of the members of the commission were Jews;

2) during this period there was not a single execution of a Jew.

This period is rich, on the other hand, with a complacent attitude towards the affairs of the Jews. Here is how an employee of the Kyiv emergency described Ashkenazi colleagues:

Commission Chairman Bluvshtein (aka Sorin) “played the role of a great nobleman. His participation in the assassination of the deposed Emperor Nicholas II and his family created a special revolutionary halo. Encouraging junior employees to consolidate their revolutionary consciousness by personally shooting the victims of the check, Bluvshtein himself personally participated in the executions.

Tsvibak Samuil, stubborn and angry, rude to the point of assault, participated in executions himself. Meanwhile, this Samuel was the head of the legal department of the check.

The head of the operational department, Yakov Lifshitz, is “cruel to the point of infinity. He participated in the execution of the victims of the check not as a guest performer, but as a professional ”(ibid.).

His deputy Tsvibak Mikhail "out of imitation participated in the executions of the victims of the check" (ibid.). The commandant of the check, Furman (aka Mikhailov), “is cruel, cowardly, impudent, self-confident, voluptuous, was for a long time the executioner of the Kyiv check” (ibid.).

Shvartsman, deputy head of the sector department, "is cruel, personally shot, beat and tortured the arrested."

Nahum Rubinshtein, secretary of the legal department, “is cunning, voluptuous. Participating in executions out of curiosity, he savored the agony of the victims, in one of which he fired about 30 bullets in succession” (ibid.).

In the check, “the lower service personnel, both in the center and in the provinces, consisted mainly of Jews and scum of all kinds of nationalities - Chinese, Hungarians, Latvians and Estonians, Armenians, Poles, freed convicts, criminals released from prisons, villains, murderers and robbers. These were the direct executors of the directives, the executioners, who received a piece-rate payment for each executed. It was in their interest to execute as many people as possible in order to earn more. Among them, a prominent role was played by women, almost exclusively Jews. The earnings were great: everyone was a millionaire. Between these "people" there was not a single physically and mentally normal: they were all degenerates, with clearly expressed signs of degeneration, all were distinguished by violent depravity and sadism. Being in an increased nervous state, they calmed down only at the sight of blood. Some of them even put their hand into the steaming and hot blood and licked their fingers, and their eyes burned with extreme excitement.

“In terms of the size and scope of its activities, the Moscow Cheka was not only a ministry, but, as it were, a state within a state. It covered literally the whole of Russia, and its tentacles penetrated into the most remote corners of the state. The commission had a whole army of employees, military detachments, gendarmerie brigades, a huge number of border guard battalions, rifle divisions and brigades of the Bashkir cavalry, Chinese troops, etc.”

“Like a terrible vampire, the Cheka spread its nets on the territory of Russia and proceeded to destroy the Christian population, starting with the rich and noble, prominent representatives of the cultural class, and ending with the illiterate peasantry, to whom only belonging to Christianity was charged with a crime.

Within a short period of time, almost all representatives of science, scientists, professors, engineers, doctors, writers, artists were killed, not to mention hundreds of thousands of all kinds of government officials who were destroyed in the first place.

“There was no question of any resistance, no communication of the population was allowed, no meetings on ways of self-defense were impossible, no escape from cities, villages and villages cordoned off by the Red Army was unthinkable. They soon stopped staging the murders of people with all sorts of staging, and began to shoot every passer-by in the streets.

“Under the pretext of searches, these gangs of robbers came to the best houses of the city, brought wine with them. Often there were cases when the champagne brought by the robbers was mixed with the blood of the victims they shot, celebrating their satanic feasts. These monsters, in front of their parents, not only raped their daughters, but even corrupted young children, infecting them with incurable diseases.”

“Having caught their victim, the Jews took her to the emergency room. People were stripped naked, their hands were tied with a rope and hung from the crossbars so that their feet barely touched the ground, and then they were slowly and gradually shot from machine guns, rifles and revolvers. The machine gunner crushed his legs first, then aimed at his arms, and in this form left his victim hanging, bleeding. Having enjoyed the suffering of the sufferer, he began to shoot him again in different places until the living person turned into a shapeless bloody mass, and only after that he finished him off with a shot in the forehead.

After the capture of Taganrog in 1918, the Bolsheviks completely exterminated the enemy, who surrendered on the condition of saving his life. The massacre was "exceptional in its cruelty". “The wounded and sick were not spared. The Bolsheviks broke into the hospitals and, finding a wounded officer or cadet there, dragged him out into the street and often shot him right there. But the death of the enemy was not enough for them. They mocked the dying and the corpses in every possible way. The staff captain, the adjutant of the head of the school of ensigns, died a terrible death: the Bolshevik "sisters of mercy" took his seriously wounded by the arms and legs and, swinging, hit his head against a stone wall.

“Most of those arrested were taken to the metallurgical, leather and, mainly, Baltic plant. There they were killed, and the Bolsheviks showed such cruelty that outraged even the workers who sympathized with them, who protested to them about this. At the metallurgical plant, the Red Army soldiers threw up to 50 cadets and officers into a blazing blast furnace, having previously tied their hands and feet. Subsequently, the remains of these unfortunates were found in the slag waste at the plant.

“The dead were left to wallow at the place of execution for a long time and did not allow relatives to remove the bodies of their loved ones, leaving them to be eaten by dogs and pigs who dragged them across the steppe” (ibid.). “On many corpses, in addition to ordinary gunshot wounds, there were stab and chopped wounds of intravital origin, often in large numbers and on different parts of the body. Sometimes these wounds testified to a complete felling of the entire body. The heads of many, if not most, were completely crushed and turned into shapeless masses with a complete loss of facial contours. There were corpses with severed limbs and ears” (ibid.).

Having occupied the village of Elizavetinskaya in April 1918, the punishers broke into the hospitals, where they began to "cut everyone in a row from the left flank, and one of them took out an ax and chopped it." In another infirmary, the Nazis used axes and shovels (ibid.). “The bodies of the dead were lying around all the rooms in a mutilated form, so one officer lay holding his own severed leg in his ossified hands, the other had both eyes gouged out, some had their heads cut off and their faces chopped off, while others had their entire chest and face punctured with bayonet wounds, etc. The floor was covered in huge pools of blood. The priest and the Cossacks, who buried the grave, showed that most of the bodies were so mutilated and chopped up that they were directly separate pieces of human meat ”(ibid.).

There were more than fifty Chekas operating in Kyiv, led by the Satanist and Latvian Latsis. “His assistants were monsters of the Jewess“ Comrade Vera ”, Rosa Schwartz and others. The two Jews mentioned above were distinguished by the greatest cruelty. In one of the basements of the Cheka, a kind of theater was arranged, where chairs were placed for lovers of bloody spectacles, and executions were carried out on the stage. After each shot, shouts of “bravo”, “bis” were heard, and glasses of champagne were brought to the executioners. Rosa Schwartz personally killed several hundred people, previously squeezed into a box, on the top platform of which a hole was made for the head. But shooting at a target was only a joke for these Jews and did not excite their already dulled nerves. They demanded more thrills, and for this purpose Rosa and "Comrade Vera" gouged out their eyes with needles, or burned them out with a cigarette, or hammered thin nails under their nails. In Kiev, the favorite order of Rosa Schwartz was whispered, so often heard in the bloody dungeons of the Chechens, when nothing could drown out the heartbreaking cries of the tortured: "Pour his throat with molten tin so that he does not squeal like a pig." And this order was carried out with literal accuracy. Rosa and Vera were especially furious with those who fell into the state of emergency, in whom they found a pectoral cross. After incredible mockery of religion, they tore off these crosses and burned the image of the cross on the chest or on the forehead of their victims with fire. “Practiced in the Kyiv emergency and other methods of torture. So, for example, the unfortunate were squeezed into narrow boxes and hammered with nails, rolled the boxes on the floor. When the imagination in inventing methods of execution was exhausted, then the unfortunate sufferers were thrown to the floor and, with blows of a heavy hammer, their heads were broken in half with such force that the brain fell out onto the floor. Soldiers of the volunteer army found a barn, the asphalt floor of which was literally littered with human brains. It is not surprising that during the six months of Bolshevik rule in Kyiv, up to 100 thousand people died, and between them the best people cities, pride and beauty of Kyiv.

The Jewish-Leninists called the torture chambers of the Kyiv Cheka slaughterhouses. In one of them, “the entire cement floor was covered for several inches with blood, mixed into a terrible mass with brain, skull bones, tufts of hair and other human remains. All the walls were spattered with blood, brain particles and pieces of head skin stuck to them next to thousands of bullet holes. From the middle of the garage to the adjacent room, where there was an underground drain, a chute led a quarter of a meter wide and deep, and approximately 10 meters long. This gutter is filled with blood all the way to the top. Next to this place of horrors in the garden of the same house lay 127 hastily buried corpses of the last slaughter. All the corpses have their skulls smashed, and many even have their heads completely flattened. They were probably killed by crushing their heads with some kind of block. Some were completely headless, but the heads were not cut off, but torn off. All the corpses were completely naked. There were about 80 corpses in another grave. Here lay corpses with open bellies, others had no genitals, some were completely chopped off, some had their eyes gouged out, and at the same time their heads, faces, necks and torsos were covered with stab wounds. Next, we found a corpse with a wedge driven into the chest. Several did not have languages. In one corner of the grave, we found a number of only hands and feet. There were old people, men, women and children. One woman was tied with a rope to her daughter, a girl of eight years old. Immediately in the yard, among the buried graves, we found a cross on which the Jews crucified Lieutenant Sorokin.

In the torture chamber of another Kyiv cheka, “the block on which the head of the victim was placed was especially striking, and broken with a crowbar. Directly next to the deck was a pit, like a hatch, filled to the top with a human brain, where, when the skull was crushed, the brain immediately fell.

“The famous executioners Deutsch and Vikhman raged in Odessa, both Jews, with a whole staff of servants, among whom, in addition to Jews, were Chinese and one Negro, whose specialty was to pull the veins from people. Every inhabitant of Odessa knew the saying of Deutsch and Wichman that they had no appetite for dinner before they had shot a hundred "goyim." According to newspaper reports, they shot over 800 people, but in reality this figure needs to be increased at least ten times.” Odessa Jews opened their Gestapo torture chambers on the battleship Sinop and the cruiser Almaz. “The “Sinop” and “Almaz” brought on board were attached with iron chains to thick boards and slowly gradually moved forward with their feet into the ship’s oven, where the unfortunate were roasted alive. Then they were taken out of there, lowered on ropes into the sea and again thrown into the oven, inhaling the smell of burnt meat. Others were quartered, tied to the wheels of the engine room, which tore them to pieces. Still others were thrown into the steam boiler, from where they were taken out, carefully carried out on deck, supposedly in order to alleviate their suffering, but in reality so that the influx of fresh air would increase their suffering, and then they were thrown into the boiler again.

By the beginning of 1920, there were more than 1,000 emergency troops in Russia, with the conquest of Siberia and the Far East, this number increased significantly. Researchers claim that by the beginning of 1920, the Nazi Jewish checks brutally exterminated more than one and a half million Russians a year, while this number is considered underestimated. "Denikin's commission for investigating the actions of the Bolsheviks in the period 1918-1919 counted 1,700,000 victims."

Zhevakhov. Memories. In 2 volumes. Moscow, Rodina, 1993.

Quotes from Lenin:

“The more representatives of the reactionary bourgeoisie and the reactionary clergy we manage to shoot on this occasion, the better. It is necessary now to teach this public a lesson in such a way that for several decades they will not even dare to think about any resistance.

For Lenin, all classes and estates were reactionary. Only the reactionary workers are not mentioned. Still, his party was called a workers' party. But the workers were also shot.

“We are not waging war against individuals, we are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. Do not look at the investigation for material and evidence that the accused acted in deed or word against the Soviet regime. The first question that you should ask him is what is his origin, upbringing, education or profession. These questions should determine the fate of the accused.”

Martin Latsis, early otd. Cheka for the fight against counter-revolution

“Extrajudicial executions were carried out in the yard of any institution of the Cheka/GPU/OGPU. The executed were taken out of the basement at night, blinded by the headlights of trucks and opened fire on them. The noise of the running engines drowned out the shots. Since the end of the 20s. the monopoly of executions belongs only to the OGPU, and since 1934 - to the NKVD of the USSR.

Jacques Rossi, historian, compiler of the Gulag Handbook

“Wage and carry out a merciless and terrorist struggle and war against the peasant and other bourgeoisie. Shoot conspirators and waverers, without asking anyone and without allowing idiotic judicial red tape.

Vladimir Lenin, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars

“According to the brother who was present at the execution, the atrocity was carried out in this way: at three o'clock in the night all the prisoners in the house were awakened and asked to go downstairs. Here they were informed that the enemy would soon come to Yekaterinburg, and that therefore they should be killed. Following these words, volleys followed, and the Sovereign and the Heir were killed immediately, while the rest were only wounded, and therefore they had to be shot, pinned with bayonets, finished off with rifle butts. Especially a lot of fuss was with the maid of honor; she kept running and defending herself with pillows, there were 32 wounds on her body. Princess Anastasia pretended to be dead and she was also finished off with bayonets and rifle butts.

Kapitolina Agafonova, petty bourgeois

“After the first volleys, the heir was still alive, groaning; Yurovsky approached him and shot him point-blank two or three times. The heir is silent.

Pavel Medvedev, Red Army soldier

“At the gates of the prison fence, they were met by armed executioners from the Extraordinary Investigative Commission, who took Tatishchev and Dolgorukov behind the Ivanovo cemetery to a remote place where, as the Cheka activists put it, “people were usually expelled”. There, both faithful to their duty and the oath of the general were shot and their corpses were thrown, not even buried. The body of Countess Anastasia Vasilievna Gendrikova had not yet completely decomposed: it was strong, white, and her nails even gave a pinkish tint. There were no traces of bullet wounds on the body. Death followed from a terrible butt blow to the left side of the head from behind: part of the frontal, temporal, half of the parietal bone were completely demolished and the entire brain fell out of the head. But the entire right side of the head and the entire face remained intact and retained full recognition.

Mikhail Diterikhs, General, Commander of the Siberian Army

“Before the revolution, there were 360,000 clergy in Russia. By the end of 1919, 40,000 priests were still alive. In books about that time, against each name - the kind of his martyrdom. We read: "drowned", "pierced with bayonets", "beaten with rifle butts", "strangled with stole", "shot through and frozen", "chopped with sabers", and most often "shot".

Vladimir Soloukhin, writer

“Having chosen the rural prison of the village of Ternovskoye as his dungeon,“ comrade ”Trunov called the arrested people brought from the surrounding villages into the corridor and his conversation with the arrested people boiled down to the same stereotypical phrase: - Show me your hand! Undress! They tore off the prisoner's clothes, pushed him to the exit, picked him up on bayonets and threw the body into the pits, which retained the name "plague base" after the plague epidemic on cattle.

Vladimir Krasnov, prosecutor

“The city was divided into quarters and each quarter was entrusted to the care of a punitive detachment headed by sailors. The punitive detachments were instructed to carry out general searches in all apartments and, in the event that weapons were found in the apartment, significant supplies of food, or on the basis of suspecting someone living in the apartment of active counter-revolutionary activity, the heads of the punitive detachments were given the right to destroy the perpetrators at their place of residence " .

Vladimir Krasnov, prosecutor

“It was a few days after the assassination attempt on Lenin. There, in the courtyard of the anatomical theater, I saw a huge tarpaulin spread out, from under which a pair of dead legs in socks stuck out. The minister Gregory threw away the tarpaulin and I saw 24 corpses with crushed skulls. All lay in the same linen, in various poses, in two rows, head to head. Their skulls looked like smashed ripe watermelons, and from wide, torn-edged holes, disfigured brains and fragments of bones fell out. I could not help but recognize the all-destroying action of a shot from a rifle at point-blank range. Most were shot in the temple, some in the forehead.”

R. Donskoy, professor of medicine

“The bacchanalia of death has come, Peters transferred the methods of emergency to the Moscow Tribunal. Several people were sentenced to death every day. They were shot decisively for any crime. The Tribunal competed with the Cheka."

Sergey Kobyakov, lawyer

“Very often Yakov Peters himself was present at the executions. They shot in batches. The Red Army soldiers say that his son, a boy of 8-9 years old, always runs after Peters, and constantly pesters him: "Dad, let me."

"Revolutionary Russia", 1920, N 4

“Those sentenced to death were taken to the basement and along the way they were shot in the back of the head. To make it less noisy, the heroes of the revolution were finished off not with real military weapons, but with small small-caliber bullets, with which boys shoot at rats and crows. Nearby, the door to the dead room opened, where the corpses of those who had already been shot lay in piles. At night, these corpses were taken out of the city on trucks, dumped into common graves like plague carrion, poured with lime and covered the graves level with the ground. Then such a cemetery was cordoned off with barbed wire and warning signs were put up: “Danger of an anthrax epidemic! Entrance denied!" This is how the Soviet government rewarded those who created this government.”

Grigory Klimov, analyst

“The Lutoslavskys, Shcheglovitov, Khvostov, Beletsky were put on a car and taken away. They shot everyone in Petrovsky Park. The execution was carried out in public. A few minutes before the execution, Beletsky rushed to run, but the butts of the Chinese drove him into the circle of death. After the execution, all the executed were robbed. The Bolshevik government in the form of encouragement allows the executioners to rob the corpses of the executed.

Sergey Kobyakov, lawyer

“The intimidated, bruised and always half-starved hairdresser Ralph turned into an elegantly dressed Yekaterinoslav commissar, with a gold bracelet on his hand, with a manicure; on the table lay a golden cigarette case, open and filled with cigarettes, and right next to it was a small, almost ladylike Browning, which Comrade. Ralph shot in his own office.”

Vladimir Krasnov, prosecutor

“All sorts of ways to destroy people were used by the communists. Hundreds were sent to the other world by the emergency. The Supreme and city tribunals did not lag behind her. But this was not enough. The Bolsheviks came up with another way to destroy their opponents, and I affirm that never, no government in the world has resorted to such a vile and disgusting method. I am talking about the shootings of the accused a few days before the hearing of their case in the Revolutionary Tribunals.

Sergey Kobyakov, lawyer

“In the basements of the emergency commandant's offices and just in the yards, they were shot. From steamships and barges they were thrown directly into the Volga. Some unfortunates had stones tied around their necks. Some had their hands and feet tied and thrown from the side. In one night, about one hundred and eighty people were dropped from the Gogol steamer. In Arkhangelsk, Mikhail Kedrov, having gathered 1200 officers, puts them on a barge near Kholmogory and then they open fire on them from machine guns.

"Will of Russia", 1920, N 14

“You, a communist, have the right to kill any provocateur and saboteur you like, if in battle he prevents you from walking over corpses to victory.”

“For the execution, we do not need any evidence, or interrogations, or suspicions. We find it necessary to shoot and shoot. That's all".

Goldin, authorized by the Cheka in the Kungur Cheka.

“The execution prison is specially equipped, with a soundproof basement, a special path, walking along which the victim receives a bullet in the back of the head; With automatic device for flushing blood, etc. Every inner prison is a firing squad. There are additional execution prisons in the largest cities.”

"The Extraordinary Commission is the beauty and pride of the Communist Party."

Grigory Zinoviev, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks

“Secret. Circular. Chairmen of the Cheka, Cheka - for special departments. In view of the abolition of the death penalty, we propose that all persons who, for various crimes listed, are subject to capital punishment, be sent to the zone of hostilities, as a place where the decree on the abolition of the death penalty does not apply.

“On August 13, the military revolutionary tribunal of the 14th army, having considered the case of 10 citizens of the mountains. Alexandria, taken hostages, he recognized those designated not as hostages, but as counter-revolutionaries, and decided to shoot them all.

"Communist", N 134, 1918

“The Tiraspol garrison was completely shot. It was ordered to evacuate from Odessa due to the betrayal of all Galicians, but when they gathered at the freight station with their wives, children and luggage, they began to be shot from machine guns. A report appeared in Izvestia that the Galicians fell victim to an embittered mob.

Sergei Melgunov, historian

“In the Crimea, after the defeat of Wrangel, more than 120 thousand men, women, elders and children were shot. Official Bolshevik information at one time determined the number of those executed at 56,000.

Ivan Shmelev, writer

“Shoot the fifth (literally): traditionally, when quelling uprisings, or at least a collective protest, one in five of the survivors is shot. Sometimes - every tenth. For example, in 1921, the regiments that refused to open fire on the Kronstadt sailors were disarmed, lined up in ranks, and every fifth was shot.

Jacques Rossi, historian, compiler of the Gulag Handbook

“Will we find in life and literature a description similar to that given by I.Z. Steinberg (People's Commissar of the NKJ of the RSFSR) about the incident in the Shatsk district of the Tambov province.? There is the Vyshinsky Icon of the Mother of God revered by the people. The Spanish flu raged in the village. They arranged a prayer service and a religious procession, for which the local Cheka arrested the priests and the icon itself. The peasants learned about the mockery carried out in the Cheka over the icon: “they spat, threw on the floor”, and went to “rescue the Mother of God with a wall”. There were women, old men, children. The Cheka opened fire on them with machine guns. The machine gun mows down the rows, and they go, terrible eyes, the mothers of the children go ahead; they shout: “Mother, Intercessor, save, have mercy, we will all lie down for you.”

Sergei Melgunov, historian

“In the winter of 1920, the RSFSR included 52 provinces - with 52 emergency commissions, 52 special departments and 52 provincial tribunals. In addition: countless ertecheks (district, transport, through, com.), Railway. tribunals, tribunals v.o.h.r. (troops of the internal guard, now the troops of the internal service), visiting sessions sent for mass executions "on the ground." This list of dungeons should include special departments and tribunals of the armies (then 16), and divisions. In total, one can count up to 1000 dungeons - and if we take into account that at one time county checks also existed, then even more.

Since then, the number of provinces of the RSFSR has increased significantly - Siberia, Crimea, Far East. Increased, therefore, exponentially and the number of dungeons.

According to Soviet reports, it was possible (at that time, in 1920 - since then, terror has not declined at all, only less is reported about it) to establish an average figure per day for each dungeon: the curve of executions rises from 1 to 50 (the last figure in large centers) and up to 100 in the bands just conquered by the red army. These explosions of terror were found, however, periodically and again subsided, so that the average (modest) figure should be set at approximately 5 people per day, or by multiplying by 1000 (dungeons) 5000 people, and about 1.5 million per year.

Evgeny Komnin, journalist

“Order of the operational headquarters of the Tambov Cheka. September 1, 1920: “Perform a merciless red terror against the families of the rebels. Arrest everyone from the age of 18, regardless of gender, and if the bandits continue to act, shoot them. On September 5, 5 villages were burned; On September 7, more than 250 peasants were shot.”

"News of the Tambov Council"

“They shot children in the presence of parents and parents in the presence of children. Particularly raging in this regard was the Special Department of the Cheka, which was under the jurisdiction of the half-mad Mikhail Kedrov. He sent from the "fronts" to Butyrki whole packs of juvenile "spies" from 8 to 14 years old. He shot these juvenile schoolboy spies on the spot.”

Sergei Melgunov, historian

“At nights, the chairman of the Yekaterinoslav Cheka, former. Valyavka, a worker at the Shoduar plant, continuously and hastily shot those held in the Cheka. Letting out ten to fifteen people into a small yard fenced with a special fence, Valyavka with two or three comrades went out into the middle of the yard and opened fire on these completely defenseless people. Their cries reverberated throughout the city on quiet May nights, and frequent revolver shots ceased only at dawn. Late at night, a truck was transporting a batch of corpses shot by Valyavka to a dumping site outside the city.

Vladimir Krasnov, prosecutor

“Three hundred people were shot on the first night. By the time they finished, it was already quite light, so they decided to finish the job in the dark and settled on 250 prisoners per night. Excluding weekends, they did it in a month. I asked Blokhin: "Where can you find so many people to dig six thousand graves?" Blokhin replied that he would bring an excavator from Moscow and two people from the NKVD would do the job.

Vladimir Tokarev, head Kalinin NKVD

“A rally of ten thousand people peacefully discussing their difficult financial situation Astrakhan workers were cordoned off by machine gunners, sailors and grenade launchers. After the workers refused to disperse, a volley of rifles was fired. Then machine guns crackled, aimed at a dense mass of participants in the rally, and hand grenades began to explode with a deafening crack. At least two thousand victims were snatched from the workers' ranks.

Collection "Che-Ka", Berlin, 1922

“Employees of the Ryazan Gubchek also contributed to the struggle against the enemies of Soviet power. In 1918, the officers of the gubchek, with the help of the Red Guard detachments of the Cheka and rural activists, suppressed counter-revolutionary armed demonstrations in Kasimovsky, Spassky, Sapozhkovsky, Ryazhsky and other counties.

Yuri Mosyakov, head. Ex. KGB of the USSR in the Ryazan region.

“The leadership of the party decided in the “interests of the proletariat” to shoot more than a million people. Massive torture was used. But in no case did the prosecutor's office find a violation of socialist legality. In 1955-56. the party leadership found that it was in the “interests of the proletariat” to rehabilitate them posthumously, and the prosecutor’s office recognized this as legal, but did not bring to justice either hundreds of thousands of state security workers who used torture, or judges who sent the now rehabilitated people to death.

Jacques Rossi, historian, compiler of the Gulag Handbook

Khrushchev's Trotskyists kept telling us all the time about the Stalinist terror. However, here is a collection of testimonies of the revelry of overseas migrants Trotsky and Lenind:

Where is it written about Comrade STALIN, who at that time was engaged in filing cabinets in the secretariat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union (W)?

When comrade STALIN in 1937 killed all these peysat flayers described in the book, then, together with comrade BERIA, called from Georgia, stopped the Talmudic terror and released up to a million Russians from prisons, including priests.


Jews (ASHKINAZI) are marked with an asterisk (*). Dash (-) non-Jews

In Izvestia of November 29, 1935, it was printed: “the following ranks are assigned to employees of the NKVD:

* General Commissioner of State Security - Yagoda G. G. - People's Commissar of V. D. of the USSR.

Commissars of State Security of the 1st rank:

* Agranov Ya. S. - Deputy. People's Commissar V.D. THE USSR.

Balitsky V, A. - People's Commissar V. D. of the Ukrainian SSR.

Deribas T. G. - Head of the Far Eastern Directorate of the NKVD.

* Prokofiev G. E. - Deputy. People's Commissar V. D. USSR.

* Redens S. F. - Head of the Moscow Directorate of the NKVD

* Zakovsky L. M. - Head of the Leningrad Directorate of the NKVD.

Commissars of State Security II rank:

* Gaya M.S. - Head of the Special Department of the GUBG of the NKVD of the USSR.

Goglidze S. A. - People's Commissar V. D. ZSFR.

* Zalkis L.V. - Head of the NKVD Department of the Kazakh ASSR.

* Katsenelson - Deputy. People's Commissar V, D. Ukrainian SSR.

Carlson K. M. - Head of the Kharkov Department of the NKVD.

* Leplevsky - People's Commissar V.D. BSSR.

Molchanov G.A. - Head of the Special Department of the NKVD of the USSR.

* Mironov Ya. G, - Head of Economy. Department of the NKVD of the USSR.

* Pauker B.V. - Head of the Operational Department of the NKVD of the USSR.

* Slutsky A. - Head of the Foreign Department of the NKVD of the USSR.

* Shanin A.I. - Head of the Transport Department of the NKVD of the USSR.

* Velsky A. I. - Head of the Main Directorate of the Republic of K. Militia.

Pilar R.A. - Head of the Saratov Directorate of the NKVD.

Total: Jews (*) - 14; Gentiles (-) - 6

In addition, the Jews in the NKVD at the end of 1935 and the beginning of 1936 were:

* Frinovsky, Komkor - Deputy. People's Commissar V.D. and border teams. troops.

* Boris Berman, commissioner. III rank - Head of the Department of the NKVD of the USSR.

* Matvey Berman, Komis, III rank - Initial. Main Ex. Correct. Work. Camps (GULAG).

* Ostrovsky Joseph - Head of the Department of the NKVD of the USSR.

* Shpigelglas - Deputy. Initial Foreign Department of the NKVD.

* Shapiro - Secretary of the People's Commissar of the USSR.

GULAG workers (Heads of large camps):


Head - Berman Yakov Matveevich.

Deputy and head of the free-settlement department of the NKVD of the USSR - Firin Samuil Yakovlevich.

The head of the camps and settlements on the territory of the Karelian ASSR, at the same time the head of the White Sea political camp - Kogan Samuil Leonidovich.

The head of the camps and settlements of the Northern Territory is Finkelstein.

The head of the camps and settlements of the Sverdlovsk region - Pogrebinsky.

Head of camps and settlements in Western Siberia - Sabo.

The head of the camps and settlements of Kazakhstan - Volin.

Head of the SLON (Solovki Special Purpose Camp) - Serpukhov.

Head of the Upper Urals political detention center for special purposes - Mezner.


Moscow region - Redens,

Leningrad region - Vakovsky.

Western region - Blat,

Northern Territory - Ritkovsky,

Azov-Cherpomorsky Territory - Friedberg.

Saratov region - Pilyar.

Stalingrad region - Rappoport.

Orenburg region - Paradise.

Gorky Territory - Abrampolsky.

North Caucasian Territory - Faivilovich.

Sverdlovsk region - Shklyar.

Bashkir ASSR - Zelikman.

Western Siberia - Gogol.

Eastern Siberia - Trotsky.

Far Eastern Territory - Deribas.

Central Asia - Krukovsky.

Belarus - Leplevsky.

Such was the terror after the coup in October 1917.

Even now they are arguing about the “red” and “white” terror to useru. The arguing, since the time of Trotsky, have been involved in this matter, some abstract Russian peasants - “Bolsheviks”, some abstract Russian peasants - “whites”, it turns out that the Russians, with a fierce hatred from no one knows where, started in millions cut and kill each other. Everything is coded. Everything is encrypted. Everything is hidden.

The Russians rose to defend themselves against small-town Ashkinazi, from the Trotsky-Bronsteins, from the serial killers of the Uritskys, from the ideologists of the genocide of the Russian people, the Trotskys, Bukharins, Gubelmans ... - this is at the All-Russian level. But in each company of the Red Army sat Commissar Trotsky, who was taller than the company commander and who could shoot him just like that - he didn’t like it. And the Cheka at all levels was completely small-town. No civil war there was no between the Russians, but there was, as they say now, a "war of civilizations." The Russian village fought off organized and mobilized shtetls, shtetl. The Russian city fought back, defended itself from the St. Petersburg and Moscow keile (Ashkinaz community). It's all in the archives. Secret? From whom? From the Russians.

Taken from here:

“... We must turn Russia into a desert inhabited by white negroes, to whom we will give such a tyranny that the most terrible despots of the East never dreamed of. The only difference is that this tyranny will not be from the right, but from the left, and not white, but red, for we will shed such torrents of blood before which all the human losses of capitalist wars will shudder and turn pale. (Leo Trotsky)

What is the Red Terror?

Red Terror - punitive measures taken by the Bolsheviks during the Civil War (1918-1923) to suppress the resistance of class enemies and the hostile actions of internal and external counter-revolution.

The Red Terror was carried out in post-revolutionary Russia by the Cheka, headed by Felix Dzerzhinsky, and some parts of the Red Army. The reason for the punitive measures was an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Lenin (August 30, 1918). As a result, this was, to a certain extent, the justification for the creation of the secret police and some parts of the army, dealing with people allegedly involved in one or another counter-revolutionary or political activity.

The Red Terror was officially announced on September 2, 1918 by Yakov Sverdlov in the appeal of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and confirmed by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of September 5, 1918 as a response to the assassination attempt on V. Lenin on August 30, as well as to the murder on the same day of the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka, M. Uritsky.

End justifies the means. Such a phrase, attributed to Machiavelli, became an unspoken justification for the actions of the Bolshevik authorities in times of terror.

Essence of the Red Terror

The essence of this social and political institution is that there was a total extermination of people, social elements who did not agree with the existing regime in the state and the activities of the Bolsheviks.

November 1, 1918 - The Red Terror newspaper frankly published: “We are not waging war against individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. One should not look at the investigation for materials and evidence that the accused acted in deed or word against the Soviet Power. The first question you need to ask him is what class he belongs to, what origin, upbringing or profession he is. Such questions should determine the fate of the accused. This is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror.”

The right to be shot

Terror in Russia began long before the October Revolution. Ever since February - in the form of soldier-sailor lynching, village pogroms of landowners and "world-eaters". And by the autumn of 1918, it had grown to a very significant scale. Commissars sent to form a military unit or perform other responsible tasks were given a mandate with the right to be shot. Terrible cruelty reigned on the fronts of the civil war, during the suppression of uprisings and simply during the destruction of objectionable people.

Repressions were initiated by the central and local bodies of the Bolsheviks, but no less often they were manifestations of the cruelty of ordinary military men. “A special commission to investigate the“ atrocities of the Bolsheviks ”, which worked in 1919 under the leadership of the baron, revealed numerous cases of cruel, bordering on sadism, treatment of the population and prisoners by the Red Army. On the Don, in the Kuban, in the Crimea, the commission was able to obtain materials testifying to the mutilation and murder of the wounded in hospitals, the arrests and executions of everyone who was shown as opponents of the Bolsheviks - often with their families. All executions were usually accompanied by a requisition of property.

The historical reality of the "Red Terror"

After the accomplishment of the February revolution, the population of the country ceased to take the law seriously. Also, the activities of the Cheka were not regulated at all. Dzerzhinsky could, without any reason, take and execute 800 people in St. Petersburg. There was no trial, no evidence of guilt, a person could die only because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Such actions of the Cheka found the support of many statesmen those times, namely Lenin and Zinoviev. They encouraged this activity in every possible way and even considered it necessary for building a new statehood.

Given the confusion in official papers in 1918 and the secrecy of many aspects of police activity, it is difficult to find accurate data on the victims during the Red Terror. There is a curious opinion that if the main purpose of the activities of the Cheka and the police was to intimidate the population, then the data can be deliberately overestimated, but be that as it may, the figures are quite staggering. It is believed that about 10-15 thousand people were executed by the Cheka from September to October 1918 in areas that were in fact under the control of the Bolsheviks. There is also an opinion that the figures are somewhat underestimated, since there are some facts that essentially fall under the concept of "red terror", and which are simply colossal in scale. For example, Lenin's order to execute 50,000 people in the Crimea.

In addition to a wide variety of sanctions against direct participants in the anti-Bolshevik movements, they widely used the hostage system. For example, after the murder of M. Uritsky, 900 hostages were shot in Petrograd, and the reaction to the murder (in Berlin!) of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht was the execution of all the hostages under arrest. And after the assassination attempt on Lenin, several thousand people were executed in various cities. The anarchist act of terrorism in Moscow's Leontievsky Lane (September 1919) resulted in the execution of a large number of those arrested, who, in the overwhelming majority, had nothing to do with the anarchists.

From the event archive. torture

Each locality during the civil war had its own specific features in the sphere of manifestation of human atrocities. The forms of abuse and torture are innumerable.

Bolsheviks in Kharkov. Such terror reigned there that many people went crazy from all the nightmares they experienced. They shot mercilessly, not excluding women and children.

Corridors were dug in 2 streets and in the cellars of some houses, at the end of which they put the executed and, when they fell, they were covered with earth. The next day, the next ones were shot in the same place, and again sprinkled with earth, and so on to the top. Then the next row of the same corridor began. In one of these corridors, about 2,000 people were found shot. Some women were shot only because they did not accept the courtship of the Bolsheviks. In cellars, people were found crucified on the floor and screwed to the floor. Many women had their hands and feet skinned in the form of gloves and stockings and all the skin in front.

Penza - the chairman of the Cheka was a woman, Evgenia Bosch, who committed such atrocities in 1919 that she was even recalled by the center.
In Penza and the surrounding area, Bosch's cruelty during the suppression of peasant uprisings was remembered decades later. Those communists who tried to prevent the massacre of people, she called "weak and soft-bodied", accusing them of sabotage.

Torture in the so-called "Chinese" Cheka in Kyiv:

“A person was tied to a wall or a post; after that, an iron pipe a few inches wide was firmly tied to it at one end ”...“ A rat was put into it through another hole, the hole was immediately covered with a wire mesh and fire was brought to it. Driven to despair by heat, the animal began to eat into the human body in order to find a way out. Such torture continued for hours, sometimes until the next day, while the victim was dying. This kind of torture was also used: “a person was buried in the ground up to his head and left so as long as the unfortunate could endure. If the unfortunate lost consciousness, they dug him up, laid him on the ground until he came to his senses and again buried him in the same way ”...

Voronezh - the unfortunate were put naked in barrels studded with nails and rolled. A pentagonal star was burned on the forehead; Priests wore wreaths of barbed wire on their heads.

Tsaritsyn and Kamyshin sawed bones.

Poltava and Kremenchug - all the priests were impaled. "In Poltava, where 'Grishka the Prostitute' was in charge, 18 monks were impaled in one day." “Residents reported that here (on the burnt poles) Grishka the prostitute burned especially rebellious peasants, and he himself ... sitting on a chair, enjoyed the spectacle.”

Yekaterinoslav - preferred crucifixion and stoning.

Odessa - officers were tortured, tied with chains to boards, slowly inserted into the furnace and roasted, others were torn in half by winch wheels, others were lowered in turn into a cauldron of boiling water and into the sea, and then thrown into the furnace.

Kyiv - the victim was placed in a box with decaying corpses, they shot at her, then they announced that they would be buried alive in the box. The box was buried, half an hour later it was opened again and ... then they interrogated. And they did this several times in a row. Is it any wonder that people really went crazy.

Vologda - the chairman of the Cheka 20-year-old boy loved this technique. He sat down on a chair by the river bank; brought bags; interrogated persons were taken out of the Cheka, put in sacks and lowered into the hole. Later in Moscow, he was declared insane when the rumor about his atrocities reached the center.

“The Bolsheviks ordered the unfortunate to kneel and stretch their necks. After that they struck with checkers. Among the executioners came across inept, unable to deliver a fatal blow with one stroke, and then the victim was hit five times, or even more. Or “first they chopped off their arms and legs, and then their heads”

To the 95th anniversary of the beginning of one of the most tragic periods in the history of Russia

On September 5, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars issues a decree on the "Red Terror", which the Soviet government unleashed allegedly in response to counter-revolutionary terror. The “last straw” was the assassination attempt on V.I. Lenin, which led to his severe injury.

Responsibility for carrying out terror was assigned to the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission and "individual party comrades", who made every effort to intensify repression. So, already on September 17, the chairman of the Cheka, F.E. Dzerzhinsky demands from local commissions "to speed up and complete, that is, to eliminate, unresolved cases."

1. Not everything is so simple

It is not possible to calculate the exact number of victims of the Red Terror, although researchers are trying to clarify this issue. For example, the Western historian R. Conquest calls the number of 140 thousand executed. And his Russian colleague O.B. Mazokhin, relying on archival materials, considers it possible to talk about 50,000 victims.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the scale of repression often depended on local authorities. So, in Petrograd in the fall of 1918, 800 people were shot, while in Moscow - 300. (In addition, not all the dead and injured were innocent victims or political opponents of the Bolsheviks. Among those who fell under the "red scythe" there were many criminals - murderers, robbers , crooks, etc.)

The punitive apparatus of the famous All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) was not created immediately. It is significant that the local bodies of the Cheka began to be formed only by a decision of March 22, 1918. And they were by no means engaged in mass repressions. Thus, from March 1 to June 6, the Petrograd Cheka considered 196 cases, most of which were related to speculation (102) and banditry. And only 18 cases were of a political nature, and even then 10 of them were closed due to lack of evidence, and 3 were closed under an amnesty.

The Bolsheviks at first behaved quite liberally. They released from prison all the tsarist dignitaries who had been imprisoned there by the "democratic" Provisional Government (in particular, the head of the St. Petersburg security department A. Gerasimov). The attitude of the participants in various conspiracies was very liberal.

So, after the disclosure of the conspiracy of V. M. Purishkevich, its participants were given some completely ridiculous terms. Purishkevich himself received four years of community service, and in the spring of 1918 he was finally forgiven (after which he fled to the white South).

The confrontation, however, grew, and from all sides. The agrarian and food policy of the Bolsheviks caused a special rejection, the peasants stubbornly did not want to hand over their bread. So, in January-September 1918, 7309 members of the food detachments were killed. In total, 15 thousand people died at the hands of the rebels. Only in July, the opponents of the Bolsheviks killed 4110 Soviet workers.

But the Bolsheviks did not sit idly by, the flywheel of red repressions was unfolding in the field. The officers were especially hard hit. Thus, the chairman of the Sevastopol Revolutionary Tribunal, Yu. Gaven, boasted that 500 officers were shot on his initiative. Or here are the memoirs of the worker of the New Lessner plant S.P. Petrova: “We took all the workers of our factory to anti-SR demonstrations ... We were not shy then - we drowned inveterate enemies in barges on Lisy Nos ...”

Of course, one cannot ignore the fact that among the Bolsheviks, including among the Chekists, there were different opinions regarding terror. One of the leaders of the Cheka M.I. Latsis wrote: "We do not wage wars against individuals, we exterminate the bourgeois as a class." But colleague Ya.Kh. Peters, in an interview with the Menshevik newspaper Morning of Moscow, said: “As for the executions, I must say that, contrary to popular belief, I am not at all as bloodthirsty as they think. On the contrary, if you want to know, I was the first to raise a cry against the Red Terror in the form in which it manifested itself in St. Petersburg.

2. Who was the most zealous?

All the leaders of the Bolsheviks are responsible for the extremes of revolution and terror. However, the contribution of each was different - someone tried more, someone less.

It seems that the most radical positions on this issue were taken by Ya.M. Sverdlov, canonized at one time by Soviet historiography.

At the Fifth All-Russian Congress of Soviets, with a report to the Congress on the activities of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (July 5, 1918), he called for "mass terror" to be carried out against the "counter-revolution" and "enemies of Soviet power" and expressed confidence that "the entire labor Russia will react with full approval to such a measure as the execution of counter-revolutionary generals and other enemies of the working people. It is curious and indicative that the congress approved his doctrine, however, the mass terror itself did not unfold at that time. Obviously, not everyone inside the Bolshevik leadership supported the "terrorists".

Sverdlov in May 1918 held two most important posts - chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and secretary of the Central Committee, heading the entire party apparatus. Yakov Mikhailovich himself considered himself the leader of the entire party. Thus, documents have been preserved under which Sverdlov signs as "Chairman of the Central Committee." Party documentation testifies to his steady rise, which was accompanied by a weakening of Lenin's position. “It is Sverdlov who reads instead of Lenin at the Moscow citywide party conference on May 13 “Theses of the Central Committee on the modern political position”, notes the historian Yu.M. Felshtinsky. - In the minutes of the meeting of the Central Committee of May 18, Sverdlov is in the first place in the list of those present. The meeting of the Central Committee on May 19 is a complete triumph for Sverdlov. He is entrusted with absolutely all party affairs ... At this meeting, Lenin was given only one order ... To trace the further growth of Sverdlov's influence ... according to the protocols of the Central Committee is not possible, since the protocols for the period from May 19 to September 16, 1918 were not found. Obviously ... because in them Lenin's position looked in an extremely unfavorable light. There is only fragmentary information about this. Thus, on June 26, the Central Committee discussed the preparation of a draft Constitution of the RSFSR for approval at the Fifth Congress of Soviets. The Central Committee recognized the work on the preparation of the draft as unsatisfactory, and Lenin, supported by some other members of the Central Committee, proposed "to remove this question from the order of the day of the congress." But "Sverdlov insisted that this issue remain." ("Leaders in Law")

3. Strange attempt

There is reason to believe that it was Sverdlov who was involved in organizing the assassination attempt on Lenin on August 30, 1918. Then, on his orders, Lenin was sent to the Michelson plant without guards. And this looks especially strange, given that before that, the chairman of the local Cheka, M.S., was killed in Petrograd. Uritsky.

And here's another oddity, Sverdlov ordered F. Kaplan, who allegedly shot the leader, to be taken away from the VChK prison and placed in a private prison, which was located under his Kremlin office.

And he also gave the order for her execution, although he had no right to do so. Noteworthy is the haste with which Kaplan was executed. No examination (forensic and ballistic) was carried out, no one even thought to interrogate witnesses and victims. In addition, it is very doubtful that it was Kaplan who shot at Lenin, because this woman was almost blind. She simply could not make an accurate shot, while Lenin, after the assassination attempt, asked: “Have they caught him?” That is, it is “his”, not “her”.

It turns out that some man shot at Lenin? And here it is necessary to remember that two Socialist-Revolutionary militants were involved in the attempt on the leader - G. Semenov-Vasiliev and L. Konopleva. In 1921, at the trial, which was carried out over the Social Revolutionaries, the authorities officially admitted that it was they who were preparing the assassination attempt on Lenin. And the most piquant thing is that these individuals from the beginning of 1918 worked in the Cheka. Thanks to their undercover work, the entire work of the combat organization of the Social Revolutionaries was paralyzed. The conclusion suggests itself - the terrorist attack against Lenin was organized by the leadership of the Cheka.

By the way, the chairman of the Cheka, Dzerzhinsky, was in a very trusting relationship with Sverdlov. "Iron Felix" was ready to fulfill almost any request of Yakov Mikhailovich. When the latter asked to hire his young relative G.G. Yagoda (the future chairman of the OGPU and People's Commissar of the NKVD), Dzerzhinsky not only made him an employee of the Cheka, but immediately assigned the new employee a responsible task. Yagoda was instructed to resolve the issue of a certain Lopukhin, who played an important role in exposing the provocateur Azef. Yagoda decided that he could be released abroad. Lopukhin was released, but he never returned, for which Yagoda was only reprimanded. At the same time, Dzerzhinsky did not even check the data on Yagoda, who attributed to himself 10 years of party experience, and until 1917 he was an anarchist.

The tandem of Sverdlov and Dzerzhinsky ousted the wounded Lenin from power, doing everything so as not to “disturb Ilyich” for as long as possible.

The leader was confidently on the mend and already on September 1 took part in a meeting of the Central Committee. This was by no means part of the plans of the conspirators, and Sverdlov achieved the creation of Lenin's country residence in the village of Gorki. There he was transported, away from the authorities - "to recover." Incidentally, it is characteristic that terror itself began long before the decision of the Council of People's Commissars mentioned above. It was announced by Sverdlov himself on September 2, 1918. And already on September 3, the Petrograd Cheka shot 500 hostages. Thus, Sverdlov clearly demonstrated that he was the owner, and not the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, Lenin.

4. Taming the Zealous

But Lenin, despite being wounded, was still on the mend. Ilyich was extremely concerned about the ambitions of his zealous colleague, and besides, he was afraid that his leftist "experiments" would cause irreparable damage to the Bolsheviks. Relying on other dissatisfied people, perhaps even on Trotsky, Lenin began to "correct" his comrade-in-arms. So, on November 6, the "Red Terror" was officially terminated. In November, by the decision of the VI All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the committees of the poor (kombeds), hated by the majority of peasants, were abolished, the creation of which began in June-August, that is, at the time of Sverdlov's strengthening of positions. (The committees carried out a grandiose redistribution of property in the countryside, depriving the wealthy peasants of 50 million acres of land - more than the landowners had.) In addition, the "extraordinary revolutionary tax" was abolished. And in January of the next, 1919, a surplus appraisal was introduced. Now they began to determine at least some ceiling of state requirements, but earlier there were no norms, and the food detachments could take at least all the bread from the peasants.

Sverdlov, however, continued his leftist "bend". He adopted the infamous directive of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of January 14, 1919, which ordered “to carry out mass terror against the wealthy Cossacks, exterminating them without exception; to carry out merciless mass terror against all Cossacks who took any direct or indirect part in the struggle against Soviet power. Thus began the decossackization, which cost tens of thousands of lives.

However, Sverdlov did not have long to rule. Until the VIII Congress of the Party (March 1919), he did not live., Having died, according to the official version, from the "Spanish flu" (flu).

There was a persistent rumor that the angry workers who beat Sverdlov during one of the rallies acted as the "Spaniard".

And there is a version based on the study of the history of his illness, according to which Yakov Mikhailovich was treated very “unconventionally”, which did not contribute to recovery in any way, rather, on the contrary. And who was behind such "alternative" medicine, one can only guess.

At the party congress, Lenin very talentedly portrayed grief and grief over the "departed comrade." But the annoyance at the deceased nevertheless broke through - Vladimir Ilyich told the delegates that Sverdlov had taken on too many party and state concerns.

Then Lenin lowered the importance of the Secretariat, placing at its head a minor figure - E.D. Stasov, who was strictly subordinate to the Politburo. At the same time, Lenin put the Tver peasant M.I. in the chair of the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Kalinin. The center of power finally moved to the Council of People's Commissars.

5. Another terror

Finally, we should not forget about the White Terror. Critics of the Soviet government somehow do not like to talk about him, often claiming that this is, they say, an invention of the Reds. However, the leaders themselves and participants in the White movement admitted that it was the case.

A.I. Denikin in his “Essays on Russian Troubles” wrote: “There is no peace of mind - every day is a picture of theft, robbery, violence throughout the territory of the armed forces ... I must say that these bodies ( counterintelligence- A. E.) having covered the territory of the South with a dense network, they were sometimes centers of provocation and organized robbery. The counterintelligence services of Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Rostov (Donskaya) became especially famous in this regard.

And here is what the Minister of War of the Kolchak government A.P. Budberg: “The degenerates who came from the detachments boast that during the punitive expeditions they gave the Bolsheviks to the Chinese for reprisal, having previously cut the tendons under the knees of the prisoners (“so as not to run away”); they also boast that they buried the Bolsheviks alive, with the bottom of the pit lined with entrails released from those buried (“to make it softer to lie”).”

By the way, on November 24, 1919, the Special Conference under Denikin adopted a law according to which everyone who contributed to the Soviet power, participated “in a community called the Party of Communists (Bolsheviks), or another society that established the power of the Soviets of the Workers, was subject to the death penalty, sol. and cr. deputies." “Thus,” notes the historian Yu.I. Semyonov, - the death penalty threatened not only all members of the Communist Party, of which there were more than 300 thousand people, but also all workers who participated in the nationalization of factories and plants or contributed to it, were members of trade union organizations, etc., all peasants who participated in the division of landlords' lands and their processing, to everyone who served in Soviet organizations, fought in the Red Army, etc., i.e. to the majority of the population of Soviet Russia" ("White Cause against Red Cause").

Obviously, the terror of (any) civil war was and is not so much a manifestation of some villainy as a tragedy that reflects the sharpness of the contradictions inherent in the country.

Special for the Centenary

Red terror - a set of punitive measures carried out Bolsheviks during Russian Civil War (1917–1923) against the social groups proclaimed class enemies , as well as against persons accused of counterrevolutionary activities. Was part of a repressive public policy of the Bolshevik government, was applied in practice both through the implementation of legislative acts, and outside the framework of any legislation, served as a means of intimidating both anti-Bolshevik forces and the civilian population

Currently, the term "red terror" has two definitions:

- For some historians, the concept of the Red Terror includes all repressive policies Soviet power , beginning with lynching October 1917. According to their definition, the Red Terror is a logical continuation October revolution , started before white terror and was inevitable, since Bolshevik violence was not directed against the current resistance, but against entire sections of society that were proclaimed outlaws: nobles, landowners, officers, priests, kulaks, Cossacks, etc.

Another part of historians characterizes the Red Terror as an extreme and forced measure; a protective and retaliatory measure, as a reaction against the White Terror, and considers the decision to be the beginning of the Red Terror SNK RSFSR from September 5, 1918 « About the red terror ».

The very concept of "Red Terror" was first introduced by the Socialist-Revolutionary Zinaida Konoplyannikova who told the court in 1906

“The party decided to respond to the white but bloody terror of the government with red terror…

In turn, the term "Red Terror" was then formulated L. D. Trotsky as "a weapon used against a class doomed to perish that does not want to perish."

A new wave of terror in Russia is usually counted from a murder in 1901 SR militant of the Minister of Public Education Nikolai Bogolepov. In total, from 1901 to 1911, about 17 thousand people became victims of revolutionary terror (of which 9 thousand fell on the period revolutions of 1905-1907). In 1907, up to 18 people died on average every day. According to the police, only from February 1905 to May 1906 were killed: governor generals , governors And mayors - 8, vice-governors and advisers to provincial boards - 5, police chiefs , county chiefs and police officers - 21, gendarmerie officers - 8, generals (combatants) - 4, officers (combatants) - 7, bailiffs and their assistants - 79, district guards - 125, police officers - 346, officers- 57, guards - 257, gendarmerie lower ranks - 55, security agents - 18, civilian officials - 85, clergy - 12, rural authorities - 52, landowners - 51, manufacturers and senior employees in factories - 54, bankers and large merchants - 29.

The death penalty in Russia was canceled on October 26, 1917 by the decision Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies .

November 24, 1917 Council of People's Commissars (SNK) issued Decree "On Court" , according to which workers and peasants were created Revolutionary Tribunals for the struggle against the counter-revolutionary forces in the form of taking measures to protect the revolution and its conquests from them, as well as for solving cases of struggle against looting And predation , sabotage and other abuses of merchants, industrialists, officials and other persons.

On December 6, 1917, the Council of People's Commissars considered the possibility of an anti-Bolshevik strike of employees in government institutions on an all-Russian scale. It was decided to create emergency commission to find out the possibility of combating such a strike by "the most energetic revolutionary measures." Nominated for the post of Commissioner Felix Dzerzhinsky .

On December 7, Felix Dzerzhinsky at a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars made a report on the tasks and rights of the commission. In her activities, she, according to Dzerzhinsky, should have paid attention primarily to the press, "counter-revolutionary parties" and sabotage. It should have been given fairly broad rights: to make arrests and confiscations, to evict criminal elements, to deprive food cards, to publish lists enemies of the people . Council of People's Commissars headed by Lenin, having heard Dzerzhinsky, agreed with his proposals to endow the new body with emergency powers.

At the same time, on December 17, 1917, in his address to the Cadets, L. Trotsky announces the beginning of the stage of mass terror against the enemies of the revolution in a harsher form:

“You should know that within a month the terror will assume very strong forms, following the example of the great French revolutionaries. The guillotine will await our enemies, and not just prison.

The use of shots.

1. All former gendarmerie officers on a special list approved by the Cheka.

2. All gendarmerie and police officers suspicious of their activities, according to the results of the search.

3. All those who have weapons without permission, unless there are extenuating circumstances for the person (for example, membership in a revolutionary Soviet party or a workers' organization).

4. Everyone with found false documents, if they are suspected of counter-revolutionary activities. In doubtful cases, cases should be referred to the final consideration of the Cheka.

5. Exposure of dealings with a criminal purpose with Russian and foreign counter-revolutionaries and their organizations, both on the territory of Soviet Russia and outside it.

6. All active members of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party of the Center and the Right. (Note: active members are members of leading organizations - all committees from central to local city and district; members of combat squads and who are in contact with them on party affairs; performing any assignments of combat squads; serving between individual organizations, etc. d.).

7. All active leaders in the c/revolutionary parties (the Cadets, Octobrists, etc.).

8. The case of executions is necessarily discussed in the presence of a representative of the Russian Party of Communists.

9. Execution is carried out only subject to the unanimous decision of three members of the Commission.

10. At the request of a representative of the Russian Committee of Communists or in case of disagreement among the members of the R.Ch.K. the case is necessarily referred to the decision of the All-Russian Cheka.

II. Arrest followed by imprisonment in a concentration camp.

11. All those who call for and organize political strikes and other active actions to overthrow Soviet power, if they are not subjected to execution.

12. All former officers who are suspicious according to the data of searches and do not have certain occupations.

13. All known leaders of the bourgeois and landlord counter-revolution.

14. All members of the former patriotic and Black Hundred organizations.

15. Without exception, all members of the S.-R. parties. center and rightists, popular socialists, Cadets and other counter-revolutionaries. As regards the rank-and-file members of the party of the Social-Revolutionaries of the Center and the Right workers, the days can be released on receipt that they condemn the terrorist policy of their central institutions and their point of view on the Anglo-French landing and, in general, the agreement with Anglo-French imperialism.

16. Active members of the Menshevik Party, according to the indications listed in the note to paragraph 6.

Examples of the Red Terror:

The newspaper "Socialist Vestnik" dated September 21, 1922 writes about the results of the investigation of torture practiced in the criminal investigation department, which was conducted by the commission of the provincial tribunal of Stavropol, headed by the public prosecutor Shapiro and the investigator-rapporteur Olshansky. The commission found that, in addition to “ordinary beatings”, hangings and “other tortures”, during the Stavropol criminal investigation under the leadership and in the personal presence of the head of the criminal investigation department Grigorovich, a member of the Stavropol Executive Committee, the Provincial Committee of the RCP (b), the deputy head of the local State Political Administration:

1. hot basement- a cell without windows, 3 paces long and one and a half wide, with a floor in the form of two or three steps, where 18 people are placed, as established, men and women, for 2-3 days without food, water and the right to "departure of natural needs ".

2. cold cellar- a pit from a former glacier, where during winter frosts a prisoner stripped “almost naked” is placed and watered, as established, up to 8 buckets of water were used.

3. skull measurement- the head of the interrogated is tied with twine, a stick, a nail, or a pencil is passed through, necessary to narrow the circumference of the whip by rotation, as a result of which the skull is compressed, up to the separation of the scalp along with the hair.

4. killings of prisoners "supposedly while trying to escape"

According to the research of the Italian historian J. Boffa, about 1,000 counter-revolutionaries were shot in response to the wounding of V.I. Lenin in Petrograd and Kronstadt.

Women arrested in the course of the fight against the "counter-revolution" were subjected to cruelty - as reported, for example, from the Vologda transit prison, where almost all female prisoners were raped by the prison authorities

According to information published personally by M. Latsis, in 1918 and for 7 months of 1919 8389 people were shot, of which: Petrograd Cheka - 1206; Moscow - 234; Kyiv - 825; VChK 781 people, 9496 people imprisoned in concentration camps, 34334 people in prisons; 13,111 people were taken hostage and 86,893 people were arrested.

Some historians report the execution of 9641 people from 1918 to 1919, and the execution could be carried out as a preventive measure in relation to hostages and other suspicious persons. According to paragraph 37 of the Instruction "Extraordinary local commissions" dated December 1, 1918, Extraordinary commissions were given the right to use execution "in an administrative order, but not judicial" in case of special need

At the same time, terror was directed not only against political opponents, but also against ordinary criminals:

“In the interests of Petrograd and the revolution, it is necessary to declare a red terror to the entire criminal element, who should be declared counter-revolutionaries and only a wall should be punished”

Notable victims of the Red Terror:

Members of the Romanov family:

- Nicholas II (his entire family was killed along with him, Dr. Botkin and servants)

Grand Dukes: Mikhail Alexandrovich, his secretary Englishman Brian Johnson, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Pavel Alexandrovich, Nikolai Konstantinovich, Dmitry Konstantinovich, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Georgy Mikhailovich.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich; princes of imperial blood John Konstantinovich, Konstantin Konstantinovich (junior), Igor Konstantinovich (children of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich), Prince Vladimir Pavlovich Paley (son of Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich from his morganatic marriage with Olga Pistohlkors).

Royal ministers:

A. N. Khvostov, N. A. Maklakov, A. A. Makarov, A. G. Bulygin, A. D. Protopopov, I. G. Shcheglovitov.

Verdict of the Cheka of the 5th Army in the case of Maria Bochkareva. Krasnoyarsk, 1920


N. N. Dukhonin, Ya. G. Zhilinsky, N. V. Ruzsky, Radko Dmitriev, P. K. Rennenkampf.


N. A. Nepenin, R. N. Viren, A. M. Shchastny, V. K. Girs

Cultural figures:

Nikolai Gumilyov

According to the Decree of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 9-P dated November 30, 1992, “the ideas of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the red terror, the forcible elimination of the exploiting classes, the so-called enemies of the people and the Soviet government led to the mass genocide of the population of the country in the 20-50s, the destruction of the social structures civil society monstrous incitement of social discord, the death of tens of millions of innocent people"

September 5, 1918 - the day the decree "On the Red Terror" was signed. On this day, the Bolsheviks who seized power in Russia legalized murder and violence, elevating terror to the rank of state policy. Looting, torture, lynching, executions, rape accompanied the Soviet government from the first days, although it is worth noting that this orgy of arbitrariness began in February 1917, after the fall of the monarchy and the transfer of power into the hands of left.

From the very first days of the February Revolution, a wave of violence swept over the naval bases of the Baltic Fleet, Helsingfors (now Helsinki) and Kronstadt. From March 3 to March 15, 1917, 120 officers became victims of sailor lynching in the Baltic, of which 76 were killed (45 in Helsingfors, 24 in Kronstadt, 5 in Revel and 2 in Petrograd). According to eyewitnesses, “the brutal beating of officers in Kronstadt was accompanied by the fact that people were surrounded with hay and, doused with kerosene, burned; they put people still alive in coffins together with the people who had been shot earlier, they killed fathers in front of their sons. Among the dead were the commander of the Baltic Fleet, Adrian Nepenin, and the chief commander of the Kronstadt port, the hero of Port Arthur, Admiral Robert von Wieren. Never, in any of the naval battles of the First World War, did the command staff of the Baltic Fleet suffer such serious losses as in these terrible days.

After the October coup, terror took on larger forms, since Bolshevik violence was directed not against the current resistance, but against entire sections of society that were proclaimed outlaws: nobles, landowners, officers, priests, kulaks, Cossacks, scientists, industrialists, etc. . P.

A Russian officer killed by the communists. Irkutsk, December 1917

Sometimes the murder of the leaders of the Kadet Party, deputies of the Constituent Assembly, lawyer F.F. Kokoshkin and doctor A.I. Shingarev on the night of January 6-7, 1918 is considered the first act of the Red Terror.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR Vladimir Lenin and the leadership of the Communist Party opposed softness in response to the actions of counter-revolutionaries, "encouraging the energy and mass character of terror" called "quite correct revolutionary initiative of the masses", as V.I. Lenin writes in his letter to Zinoviev on June 26, 1918:

Only today we heard in the Central Committee that the workers in St. Petersburg wanted to respond to the assassination of Volodarsky with mass terror, and that you ... withheld. I object strongly! We compromise ourselves: even in the resolutions of the Soviet of Deputies we threaten with mass terror, and when it comes down to it, we slow down the revolutionary initiative of the masses, which is quite correct. This is impossible! The terrorists will consider us rags. Archival time. We must encourage the energy and mass character of terror against the counter-revolutionaries.

At the Fifth All-Russian Congress of Soviets, Ya.M. Sverdlov spoke to the Congress on the activities of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on July 5, 1918. In the context of the deepening crisis of the Bolshevik government, Sverdlov in his report called for "mass terror", which must be carried out against the "counter-revolution" and "enemies of the Soviet government" and expressed confidence that "the whole of working Russia will react with full approval to such a measure as the execution of counter-revolutionary generals and other enemies of the working people." Congress officially approved this doctrine.

As early as September 1917, in his work The Impending Catastrophe and How to Fight It, Lenin stated that:

... without the death penalty in relation to the exploiters (that is, the landowners and capitalists), any revolutionary government can hardly manage.

For the first time, the words "red terror" were heard in Russia after August 30, 1918, when an attempt was made on the life of the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Vladimir Lenin in Petrograd (although terrorism has always been the only way for the left to fight for power, it is enough to recall the activities of the Socialist-Revolutionary bombers). A few days later, an official report appeared that the attempt was organized by the Left Socialist-Revolutionary Party, and the activist of this party, Fanny Kaplan, shot at the "leader of the world proletariat". Under the pretext of revenge for the blood of their leader, the Bolshevik Party plunged the country into the abyss of red terror.

Immediately after the assassination attempt on Lenin, the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK), Yakov Sverdlov, signed a resolution on the transformation of the Soviet Republic into a military camp. Here is what Martin Latsis, a member of the collegium of the Cheka, wrote at that time in an instruction sent to the provinces for provincial Chekists: “For us, there is not and cannot be the old foundations of morality and “humanity” invented by the bourgeoisie for the oppression and exploitation of the “lower classes.” Everything is allowed for us, because we were the first in the world to raise the sword not in the name of enslavement and oppression of anyone, but in the name of emancipation from oppression and slavery of all...

The sacrifices that we demand are salvific sacrifices, sacrifices that pave the way to the Bright Kingdom of Labor, Freedom and Truth. Blood? Let the blood, if only it can paint the grey-white-black standard of the old bandit world scarlet. For only the complete, irrevocable death of this world will save us from the rebirth of the old jackals, those jackals with whom we end, end, almond, and we can’t end once and for all ... The Cheka is not an investigative board and not a court. It destroys without trial or isolates from society, imprisoning them in a concentration camp. At the very beginning, it is necessary to show extreme severity, inexorability, straightforwardness: that the word is the law. The work of the Cheka should extend to all those areas public life where the counter-revolution took root, behind military life, food work, popular education, all positive economic organizations, sanitation, fires, public communications, etc., etc. "

However, calls for terror sounded from the lips of the leader of the Bolsheviks from the first months of his stay in power, which was the reason for attempts to eliminate this enraged maniac.

On August 8, 1918, V.I. Lenin wrote to G.F. Fedorov about the need for mass terror to “establish revolutionary order.”

In Nizhny, obviously, a White Guard uprising is being prepared. It is necessary to exert every effort, to form a trio of dictators (You, Markin, and others), to instigate mass terror at once, to shoot and take out hundreds of prostitutes who solder soldiers, former officers, etc.

Not a moment's delay.

It is necessary to carry out a merciless mass terror against the kulaks, priests and White Guards; the dubious are locked up in a concentration camp outside the city.

Decree and implement the complete disarmament of the population, shoot mercilessly on the spot for any concealed rifle.

Izvestia of the Penza Gubchek publishes the following information:

"For the murder of Comrade Yegorov, a Petrograd worker sent as part of the food detachment, 152 White Guards were shot. Other, even more severe measures will be taken against those who dare to encroach on the iron hand of the proletariat in the future."

As already mentioned, in the light of the policy of suppressing the enemies of the revolution, the Cheka local authorities received the broadest powers, which at that time were not in any power structure. Any person, on the slightest suspicion, could be arrested and shot by the Chekists, and no one had the right to even ask them what kind of charge was brought against him.

The wide scope of the Bolshevik terror is due to the fact that almost all segments of the Russian population were against the Bolsheviks and perceived them as usurpers of power, so Lenin and the company understood that the only chance to retain power was to physically destroy everyone who did not agree with their policies.

The wording of the direction of the activities of the punitive organs of revolutionary power, published in the newspaper Izvestia of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, is quite widely known. The first chairman of the Revolutionary Military Tribunal of the RSFSR K. Danishevsky said:

“Military tribunals are not and should not be governed by any legal norms. These are punishing organs created in the course of the most intense revolutionary struggle.

The largest of the first actions of the Red Terror was the execution in Petrograd of 512 members of the elite (former dignitaries, ministers, professors). This fact is confirmed by the report of the Izvestia newspaper dated September 3, 1918 about the execution of more than 500 hostages by the Cheka of the city of Petrograd. According to the official data of the Cheka, about 800 people were shot in Petrograd during the Red Terror.

According to the research of the Italian historian J. Boffa, about 1000 people were shot in Petrograd and Kronstadt in response to the wounding of V.I. Lenin.

In September 1918, G. Zinoviev makes a corresponding statement:

You need to be like a military camp, from which detachments can be thrown into the village. If we do not increase our army, our bourgeoisie will massacre us. After all, they have no other way. We can't live on the same planet with them. We need our own socialist militarism to overcome our enemies. We must carry with us 90 million [ions] out of a hundred that inhabit Soviet Russia. The rest cannot be spoken to - they must be destroyed.

At the same time, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) and the Cheka are developing a joint instruction with the following content:

Shoot all counter-revolutionaries. Grant the districts the right to shoot independently… Take hostages… set up small concentration camps in the districts… Tonight the Presidium of the Cheka will consider the cases of the counter-revolution and shoot all obvious counter-revolutionaries. The same should be done by the district Cheka. Take measures to ensure that the corpses do not fall into unwanted hands ...

The Red Terror was announced on September 2, 1918 by Yakov Sverdlov in an appeal to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and confirmed by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of September 5, 1918 as a response to the assassination attempt on Lenin on August 30, as well as to the murder on the same day by Leonid Kannegiser of the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka, Uritsky.

The official publication of the Petrosoviet, Krasnaya Gazeta, commenting on the murder of Moses Solomonovich Uritsky, wrote:

“Uritsky was killed. We must respond to the single terror of our enemies with mass terror ... For the death of one of our fighters, thousands of enemies must pay with their lives.

“... so that pity does not penetrate into them, so that they do not flinch at the sight of a sea of ​​enemy blood. And we will release this sea. Blood for blood. Without mercy, without compassion, we will beat the enemies by tens, hundreds. Let there be thousands of them. Let them choke on their own blood! Not spontaneous, mass slaughter, we will arrange for them. We will pull out the true bourgeois moneybags and their henchmen. For the blood of Comrade Uritsky, for the wounding of Comrade. Lenin, for the attempt on Comrade. Zinoviev, for the unavenged blood of comrades Volodarsky, Nakhimson, Latvians, sailors - let the blood of the bourgeoisie and its servants be shed - more blood!

Thus, for the blood of the Nakhimsons and Latvians, it was decided to drown the Russian aristocracy and the "White Guards" in blood, although the Russian military, and even more so the "bourgeois", had nothing to do with the attempt on Lenin or the murder of Uritsky - the Jew Kaplan shot at Lenin from the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, the murderer of Uritsky is also a Jew, but from the party of the Socialist-Revolutionaries.

The "Decree on Red Terror" itself read:




The Council of People's Commissars, having heard the report of the Chairman of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Profiteering and Crime ex officio on the activities of this Commission, finds that in this situation, the provision of rear by terror is a direct necessity; that in order to strengthen the activities of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Profiteering and Crime ex officio and to introduce greater planning into it, it is necessary to send there the largest possible number of responsible party comrades; that it is necessary to secure the Soviet Republic from class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps; that all persons connected with the White Guard organizations, conspiracies and rebellions are subject to execution; that it is necessary to publish the names of all those who were shot, as well as the reasons for applying this measure to them.

People's Commissar for Internal Affairs G. PETROVSKY

Managing Director of the Council of People's Commissars Vl. BONC-BRUEVICH

SU, No. 19, Division 1, Art. 710, 09/05/18.

After its announcement, a delighted Dzerzhinsky declared:

"The laws of September 3 and 5 finally endowed us with legal rights to what some party comrades have objected to until now, to end immediately, without asking anyone's permission, with the counter-revolutionary bastard."
The well-known researcher of the Bolshevik terror Roman Gul noted: "... Dzerzhinsky raised a "revolutionary sword" over Russia. In terms of the incredible number of deaths from communist terror, the "October Fouquier-Tenville" surpassed the Jacobins, and the Spanish Inquisition, and the terror of all reactions. Having connected the terrible hard times of its history with the name of Dzerzhinsky, Russia for a long time covered in blood."

The well-known Chekist M.Ya. Latsis defined the principle of the Red Terror as follows:

“We are not waging war against individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. Do not look at the investigation for materials and evidence that the accused acted in deed or word against the Soviet regime. The first question that we must ask him is what class he belongs to, What is his origin, upbringing, education or profession. These questions should determine the fate of the accused. This is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror. "

According to information published personally by M. Latsis, in 1918 and for 7 months of 1919 8389 people were shot, of which: Petrograd Cheka - 1206; Moscow - 234; Kyiv - 825; VChK 781 people, 9496 people imprisoned in concentration camps, 34334 people in prisons; 13,111 people were taken hostage and 86,893 people were arrested.

At the same time, in October 1918, Y. Martov, the leader of the Menshevik Party, stated that since the beginning of September there had been “more than ten thousand” victims of the repressions of the Cheka during the Red Terror.

"in the last days of August, two barges filled with officers were sunk and their corpses were thrown out on the estate of one of my friends, located on the Gulf of Finland; many were tied in twos and threes with barbed wire."
And if in Moscow and Petrograd the number of those killed lends itself to at least some account, you can find evidence of the stars of the KGB executioners, then in the remote corners of Russia the red terror took uncontrollable forms. The self-proclaimed "chekushki", consisting of former criminals, parasitic alcoholics and all kinds of outcasts, did any lawlessness, reveling in power and impunity, under the guise of "fighting the bourgeoisie" killing everyone who they personally did not like, often with the aim of taking possession of the property of the murdered, or even just to satisfy their own sadistic needs.

A separate topic is the attitude of the Red Army to the captured White soldiers. For white officers, red ones beat out epaulettes with nails on their shoulders, and for Cossacks on their feet, stripes were cut out with knives. During the capture of Astrakhan, for example, prisoners and dissatisfied were drowned by whole barges in order to save cartridges. People were thrown alive into blast furnaces and burned in the furnaces of locomotives. It got to the point that it was considered a special chic among the Reds to coat boots with human fat ...

Entertainment Chekists

In parallel with the murders of Russian military and intelligentsia, the Bolsheviks carried out terror against the Russian Orthodox Church and killed clerics and believers.

On November 8, 1917, Archpriest Ioann Kochurov of Tsarskoe Selo was subjected to prolonged beatings, then he was killed by dragging the railroad tracks along the sleepers. In 1918, three Orthodox priests in the city of Kherson were crucified on a cross. In December 1918, Bishop Feofan (Ilmensky) of Solikamsk was publicly executed by periodically dipping into an ice hole and freezing, being hung by the hair, in Samara, the former Bishop of Mikhailovsky Isidor (Kolokolov) was impaled, as a result of which he died. Bishop Andronik (Nikolsky) of Perm was buried alive in the ground. Archbishop Joachim (Levitsky) of Nizhny Novgorod was executed, according to undocumented data, by public hanging upside down in the Sevastopol Cathedral.

In 1918, 37 clergy were executed in the Stavropol diocese, including Pavel Kalinovsky, 72 years old, and priest Zolotovsky, 80 years old.

Bishop of Serapul Ambrose (Gudko) was executed by tying a horse to the tail; in Voronezh in 1919, 160 priests were simultaneously killed, headed by Archbishop Tikhon (Nikanorov), who was hanged on the Royal Doors in the church of the Mitrofanov Monastery. In early January 1919, among others, Bishop Platon (Kulbush) of Revel was brutally murdered.

In August 1919, when the troops of the Volunteer Army liberated the vast territories of Russia from the Reds, and the investigation and publication of the facts of the crimes of the Bolsheviks began, it was reported that there were so-called “human slaughterhouses” of the provincial and district Cheka in Kiev:

The whole ... the floor of the large garage was already covered with ... several inches of blood, mixed into a terrifying mass with brains, skull bones, tufts of hair and other human remains .... the walls were spattered with blood, brain particles and pieces of head skin stuck to them next to thousands of bullet holes ... a chute a quarter of a meter wide and deep and about 10 meters long ... was filled with blood all the way to the top ... Next to this place of horrors in 127 corpses of the last massacre were hastily buried in the garden of the same house ... all the corpses had their skulls crushed, many even had their heads completely flattened ... Some were completely headless, but their heads were not cut off, but ... came off ... we came across another older one in the corner of the garden a grave containing about 80 corpses…there were corpses with their bellies torn open, others had no limbs, some were completely chopped off. Some had their eyes gouged out… their heads, faces, necks and torsos were covered with stab wounds… A few had no tongues… There were old people, men, women and children. One woman was tied with a rope to her daughter, a girl of eight years old. Both had gunshot wounds.

In the provincial Cheka, we found a chair (the same was in Kharkov) of the dental type, on which there were still straps that tied the victim to it. The entire cement floor of the room was covered with blood, and the remnants of human skin and head skin with hair stuck to the bloodied chair ... In the county Cheka it was the same, the same floor covered with blood with bones and brain, etc. ... In this room, the deck was especially striking , on which the head of the victim was laid and broken with a crowbar, directly next to the deck there was a pit, in the form of a hatch, filled to the top with a human brain, where, when the skull was crushed, the brain immediately fell.

No less cruel are the tortures used by the so-called "Chinese" Cheka in Kyiv:

Torture was tied to a wall or pole; then an iron pipe a few inches wide was firmly tied to it at one end ... A rat was planted in it through another hole, the hole was immediately closed with a wire mesh and fire was brought to it. Driven by heat to despair, the animal began to eat into the body of the unfortunate person in order to find a way out. Such torture lasted for hours, sometimes until the next day, while the victim died.

In turn, the Kharkiv Cheka under the leadership of Saenko reportedly used scalping and “removing the gloves from the hands”, the Voronezh Cheka used to skate naked in a barrel studded with nails. In Tsaritsyn and Kamyshin "bones were sawn". In Poltava and Kremenchug, the clergy were impaled. In Yekaterinoslav, crucifixion and stoning were used, in Odessa, officers were tied with chains to boards, inserted into the furnace and roasted, or torn in half by winch wheels, or lowered in turn into a cauldron of boiling water and into the sea. In Armavir, in turn, “mortal whisks” were used: a person’s head on the frontal bone is girded with a belt, the ends of which have iron screws and a nut, which, when screwed, squeezes the head with a belt. In the Oryol province, people are widely used to freeze people by dousing cold water at low temperature.

Information about the use of torture during interrogations penetrates the revolutionary press, since this measure, of course, was unusual for many Bolsheviks. In particular, the newspaper "Izvestia" dated January 26, 1919, No. 18 publishes an article "Is it really a medieval dungeon?" with a letter from a random injured member of the RCP (b), who was tortured by the investigative commission of the Sushchevo-Mariinsky district in Moscow:

"I was arrested by accident, just in the place where ... fake kerenki were fabricated. Before the interrogation, I sat for 10 days and experienced something impossible ... Here people were beaten until they lost consciousness, and then they carried them unconscious right into the cellar or refrigerator, where they continued beat with a break of 18 hours a day. It affected me so much that I almost lost my mind. "

On October 6, 1918, the 3rd issue of the "VChK Weekly" publishes an article dedicated to the "Lockhart Case" "Why are you almondy?", The author of which was the Chairman of the Nolinsk Cheka:

"Tell me - why did you not subject ... Lockhart to the most subtle tortures in order to obtain information, addresses, of which such a goose must have a lot? Tell me, why, instead of subjecting him to such tortures, from the mere description of which a chill of horror would seize the counter- revolutionaries, tell me why he was allowed to leave Che.K. instead?
And this despite the fact that N. A. Maklakov, I. G. Shcheglovitov, S. P. Beletsky, A. N. Khvostov, John Vostorgov, Bishop Ephraim (Kuznetsov), and many other people were shot on September 5, 1918 , who had been in prison for a long time, and, accordingly, had nothing to do with the attempt on Lenin or Lockhart's plans.

John Ioannovich Vostorgov (1867 - 1918), archpriest, Black Hundreds, holy martyr.
Commemorated on September 4 (August 23), in the Cathedrals of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Church of Russia and Moscow Saints.

This is very short description criminal activity of the red invaders in the Russia they captured in the first year of the reign of Lenin and his gang. All the atrocities of the Bolsheviks cannot be described within the framework of one article, and such a goal was not set. For those who want to learn more about the history of the Red Terror, I recommend website of the historian Sergei Volkov where comprehensive information is collected. But even what has been said above is enough to understand that the communist regime was the most bloody and anti-human regime in the world.

Actually, Lenin is guilty of 2.5 million deaths in our country. These are the results of the Red Terror sanctioned by him. Adding here the victims of the civil war unleashed by the Bolsheviks and the artificial famine arranged to suppress the peasant anti-Soviet resistance, we get completely different figures. The terror that began during Lenin's lifetime continued after his death - decossackization, dispossession, forced collectivization, Stalin's purges are a continuation of the policy he started, and then Lenin is guilty of 60 million deaths in our country.

So why are there still monuments to this bloodthirsty tyrant on the streets of Russian cities, and the streets of cities bear his name cursed by millions?

Everyone is now well aware of the methods by which the Bolsheviks suppressed peasant uprisings - an example of the use of chemical weapons against the Tambov rebels is enough, it is known how many priests were killed by the communists and churches destroyed. It is known about the unprecedented massacre organized by the Bolsheviks in the Crimea, after the retreat of the Russian army of Wrangel from there. The murder of the royal family, the genocide of the Cossacks, the Holodomor, wars ...

We must give the crimes of communism an unequivocal legal and moral assessment so that this will never happen again.

Memorial to the victims of the Red Terror in Rostov-on-Don