What to expect from ravens according to signs. Folk sign "Crow

Many of our contemporaries are interested in the question of why the crow croaks. This is not surprising. After all, huge birds of a gloomy color have long attracted the attention of people. Mystical abilities were attributed to them (it is witches that can turn into ravens, these birds invariably accompany black magicians and sorcerers).

Negative superstitions about ravens appeared due to their habit of eating carrion, living on burial sites, circling over the battlefield after the battle. Therefore, many signs about ravens portend troubles of various sizes, including death.

When a feathered croaks behind its back - this is a harbinger of injury or the appearance of an enemy

But over time, everything has changed. In cities, these gloomy birds live mainly in the garbage heaps (which is unpleasant, but not so terrifying in comparison with the cemetery), for many peoples the raven is a symbol of wisdom, good beliefs are associated with it.

Signs about a crow

There are many positive signs. If a raven shits on you, this is a very good sign, portending a profit or promotion.

When a whole flock is located on the roof of the house, and the birds are sitting quietly - you can wait for matchmakers (for a girl), or you yourself will soon make a marriage proposal (for a guy).

There are signs regarding the relationship of a person with these sinister birds:

  • If a blind man takes care of the crows, he will see clearly.
  • The one who destroys the crow's nest is in for a big misfortune - misfortune will touch his child, who will become seriously ill.
  • The destruction of crows will lead to hunger, troubles, fire, death of livestock or domestic animals, diseases. It is believed that troubles will haunt the killer wise birds and his children and grandchildren for as many years as the crow lived (and these birds are long-livers).

Among the crows there are many arrogant and fearless individuals. If a black bird pounces on you (touches with its wing, sits on its head, tries to peck) - a sign portends material well-being, success in business and a high position in society. If a gray individual attacks, this is to death.

Signs by the number of birds:

  • 1 - portends bad events;
  • 2 - most often they promise good luck, a successful outcome of affairs;
  • 3 - trouble is coming;
  • 4 - replenishment in the family is expected.

Bird actions:

  1. Bone pecking - a warning about a possible fracture, injury, disease of bones or joints.
  2. Carries food in the key - portends profit.
  3. Holds a piece of wood (bark, chip, branch) in key - an omen of friendly relations with a wonderful person.

Signs about a crow are of particular importance for those who are away from home, on a hike:

  • flies nearby on the right - a harbinger of trouble;
  • “accompanies” on the left side is a good sign: enrichment awaits you along the way;
  • sitting on a stone - a warning about dangerous fellow travelers, watch your things, and try not to talk too much;
  • the bird flew away from the traveler to the right - to good luck, retired to the left - there will be difficulties on the way to the goal;
  • located next to you while relaxing in a forest clearing - a warning about the proximity of a wild animal, it is better to change your place of rest;
  • sits on a charred tree by the road - predicts a quick death;
  • flies around when you put up a tent - trouble awaits you, do not stop at this place, look for another clearing;
  • hear the cry of a crow in the forest and get scared - the situation will turn out unsuccessfully, calmly go, without even flinching - to success in business;
  • the raven sat on the car - predicts an accident, refuse to travel today;
  • the crow has something in its beak - a harbinger of illness, theft, the attack of a predatory beast.

When a feathered croaks behind its back, this is a harbinger of injury or the appearance of an enemy.

If a raven circles behind you screaming - a warning about future problems, obstacles in the way.

Before the road, be sure to pay attention to this sign, especially if the raven has retired in the opposite direction to your intended route. The sign has the same meaning if the crow pursues the traveler "on the heels".

When a flock of crows flies out of the thicket, it promises a bad harvest. An odd number of birds portends a major quarrel, anger, trouble. Well, if two flocks of crows attacked each other, this is a formidable sign of an imminent war.

A company of two crows carries a different meaning, depending on the behavior of birds:

  • Two crows feed each other - they prophesy luck and joy to those who see this.
  • If they croaked at the same time - a harbinger of a meeting with a person who can make you happy.
  • Two black birds near the house - perhaps a wedding is coming.
  • 2 birds are circling over someone's home - soon in this house you can expect the birth of a baby.
  • 2 crows at a wedding or wedding - a harbinger of a happy long marriage in harmony and wealth. In addition, good luck awaits all those present at the celebration.

When a crow screams for a long time on the street in front of the house in the morning, you can get ready to get a lot of trouble

Crows near the house

According to superstition, if ravens suddenly left the place where they nested for a long time, this is a harbinger of approaching famine and devastation. When the birds unexpectedly return, there is hope for an improvement in the situation.

When in the morning a crow screams in front of the house for a long time, you can get ready to get a lot of trouble.

If a crow calmly tells something near the house, this portends material problems.

If a crow flies outside the window with a cry - a harbinger of the illness of one of the family members.

When a bird under the window makes long sounds - beware of problems in communication (in business) with other people.

When a lonely crow croaks, sitting on the roof of a house, this sign indicates that some friend remembers you and wants to meet.

A lone crow, located on the roof of a house or cathedral, has always been associated with an approaching funeral or ruin. In the first case, it was not difficult to determine where the deceased would be carried from. And in the second, they looked where the crow's tail was pointing, and in this way they determined the house where trouble would happen. If the bird sits on the cross of the temple - a harbinger of the death of the priest of this parish.

Another interpretation of the crow sitting on the roof:

  1. for a large family - pleasant events, a rich feast;
  2. for young people - a love date;
  3. for creative individuals, the promise of recognition in society.

If a crow sits on a roof against the sun - a sign promises problems to those who saw it. Troubles can appear in the form of a quarrel with influential people, legislative bodies, robbery (if the crow's beak is directed to the main cardinal points: east, west, gray, south).

If in an intermediate direction, the sign warns of a threat to the life of your pets (or in another interpretation, danger to you from pets).

Long continuous cawing of crows - an omen of bad weather

But a large concentration of birds on the roof meant an approaching wedding. By the way, the presence of a lone crow next to the motorcade does not bode well for the newlyweds in their future married life.

If a crow has built a nest on a tree near the house, the family is protected from the evil eye and witchcraft. If a bird croaks in or near its nest, it does not mean anything.

And a bird walking on the windowsill portends an approaching death. Moreover, if a crow enters the room and croaks there, trouble cannot be avoided.

If a crow is walking on the threshold of your house, be vigilant - thieves are already preparing to visit your home. No wonder crows and magpies love everything that glitters.

When a raven on a roof torments a fabric (for example, a banner or a flag), trouble threatens the head of the family.

Why do crows croak?

The cawing of a crow can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the number of calls, the direction of the bird, and other circumstances. Did you hear the cry of a crow that is not visible, or did you notice it only after it croaked? How many "cars" heard:

  • 2 times is a great sign! Get ready to make a profit. You can start to implement the plans that you put off on the back burner. You will be successful in business.
  • 3 times - a very bad sign, portending death.

A crow croaks to your left - portends difficulties in business. This sign is especially strong for those who are in the water (bathing in the river or just got into a puddle).

I had to hear a crow cry in the evening from 20:00 and 22:00 - a harbinger of happiness. These two hours are the time when the cawing of the crows definitely means good.

The bird croaks in a southerly direction - portends a robbery of the one who saw and heard it.

Crow croaks - predicts the weather

For old-timers, crows are the most accurate weather center. Sensitive birds accurately predict changes in weather conditions. Moreover, due to the large size of the birds, it is difficult not to notice changes in their behavior.

If "kar-kar" were the first sounds that you had to hear in the morning, count how many times the crow called. Even - to good weather, odd - to bad. In fact, the cawing of crows early in the morning almost always promises cloudless weather during the day.

When the crows cry for a long time in the field, the harvest will be bad. A flock of crows high in the sky - a harbinger of clear weather

When the crows in the flock were talking loudly among themselves, and then abruptly flew away for no reason - a harbinger of a change in the weather, probably not better side. Most likely, rainfall and cooling are expected.

When the crows cry for a long time in the field, the harvest will be bad. A flock of crows high in the sky is a harbinger of clear weather.

The long continuous cawing of crows is an omen of bad weather. AT winter time portends frosts and snowstorms, and in summer - a downpour. One or more birds scream at the water - to the precipitation. When in the evening a lot of individuals gather near the water - a harbinger of a storm.

The sign of crows circling with a cry in a large number speaks of an approaching strong wind and worsening weather. But the birds flying in the direction of the rising star predict cloudless warmth.

You can believe or not believe in signs about events in life (ravens, by the way, are not carriers of troubles, but only anticipate the future), but weather predictions are easy to check, so you should pay attention to birds.

Any corvid bird has an extremely negative reputation in our area. Her piercing screams are annoying, and her gloomy appearance brings heavy thoughts. This is a scavenger, a bird of warlocks. Therefore, in the beliefs of our people, corvids took the place of the "bad messenger". So, if a crow croaks, a sign speaks of bad news.

Meanwhile, this opinion is not entirely fair. Often in various mythologies (including Slavic) this bird is revered as divine, prophetic.

Famous signs about ravens

Often signs about birds are unfavorable. This is especially true for crows, here are some popular folk wisdom with their participation. There are, however, some signs in which the crow refutes this trend.

There are an odd number of crows in front of you on the road - you will be angry with someone. And to see a crow or a crow in a dream - to death or trouble.

If you find a dead crow near the road, this is a possible sign: the path is unfavorable for you.

Although not everything associated with it is synonymous with trouble. The dream books say that when you dream of a dead crow, a bright streak will come in life.

Crow croaks: weather phenomena

Most superstitions about crows are related to the weather:

  • Karkusha walks with his mouth open, and "says" a lot at the same time - wait for the rain.
  • Corvids scream in a flock on a tree - to frost.
  • If the crow croaks an odd number of times, tomorrow it will rain, and even if it will be dry.
  • There is also such a belief: a crow croaks - to bad weather, and a raven - unfortunately.

How to react if a crow is nearby

In general, corvids pay quite a lot of attention to people. If the crow sat on its head, the sign is as follows: expect a pleasant surprise, a messenger, a letter.

As for the situations when this bird flies to the window of the dwelling and knocks on it, there are different opinions.. Some argue that when a crow is on the window, the sign is as follows: if it behaves calmly and peacefully, does not knock on the glass, then there is no danger. And even vice versa: bright news awaits you. Others say that the corvid can remain on the windowsill for a long time when it brings bad news.

All signs about a crow

If a crow sits on a house for a long time and at the same time croaks with its head tilted towards the cemetery- then this prophesies to the house of the imminent deceased.

The crow flutters under the clouds- to bad weather.

Crows cawing in a flock: in winter- to frost, and in summer - to bad weather.

The crow walks with its mouth open, and croaks intensely at the same time- be rain.

The crow bathes - to bad weather.

The crow is plucked- to the rain.

The crow croaks - for worse or for rain.

When a crow sits at the top of a tree in winter at the lodging for the night in the wind- then the next day there will be calm weather, when she sits down on the lower parts of the tree and hides between the branches, then bad weather should be expected at night and the next day.

If a crow has five or seven eggs in its nest- to good year, what if three or four- to the bad.

If a crow cries- then a lot of chickens will soon divorce.

Crows gather together- to bad weather, bathe - too; croak in a flock in summer- to bad weather, in winter - to frost.

If a crow croaks an odd number of times- Expect wet weather. If even - the weather will be clear.

Since ancient times, crows were considered bad birds. There is practically no good omen associated with them among the people. This largely depends on the fact that the feathers of this bird are painted black, and they feed on carrion and carrion. Therefore, most of them are gloomy, sad and do not bode well.

AT folk tales Baba Yaga or an evil sorcerer always had a crow with him. In addition to its direct connection with evil spirit this bird is also endowed with a divinatory ability.

The crow croaks. Signs.

The croaking of crows is especially unpleasant. There are many bad things associated with it.

If you heard that a crow is croaking far from its nest, then troubles are coming in life. The crow croaked 3 times - a sure sign of imminent death. The bird croaks without stopping - to bad weather.

If a crow flew into the house or flies over it and croaks - to impending death. To hear a crow croaking in the interval of 20.00-22.00 - favorable events are expected (perhaps the only good sign), in the interval of 22.00-00.00 - to death.

If the bird sat on the very top of the church cross and croaks, it is a sign that one of the clergy of this church will soon die.

In a lean year, the raven was blamed for the lack of bread. They said they were "scribbled no bread".

Crow on the window. Sign.

Finding a crow on the windowsill, know that this is a loss of money. Therefore, spend a certain amount on something pleasant in the near future, thus turning away a bad omen from your home.

There is another interpretation of the situation when a crow sits on the windowsill for a long time: the imminent death of one of the inhabitants of the house. However, if the crow does not look and does not knock on the window, this means that she just found a convenient place.

If a flock of crows gathers on a tree opposite the window for several days in a row, it means that you will soon find yourself in a whirlwind of gossip.

To protect yourself from negative impact signs associated with crows sitting on the window should be tied with a red thread to the window handle for each family member. You can also put a handful of mountain ash on the windowsill to protect yourself from dark forces. But the most the right way protection is to take all the bread that is in the house and feed the birds in the churchyard with this bread.

Other signs about ravens.

Crows flying towards each other - to war; sitting with a beak to the cloud-covered sun - to be hot; hustling - to the rain.

Seeing a lonely crow sitting is in trouble.

A flock flies from the forest - hard times ahead; in the morning it flies towards the sun - to warm, dry weather.

Crows gather in a heap, bathe - to bad weather; croak in summer - to rain, in winter - to frost.

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Even in ancient times, our ancestors associated many signs with birds. If the swallows fly low above the ground, it will soon rain, bullfinches begin to fly in unexpectedly - a cold snap and early winter are coming. There are also various signs about the raven, which we will discuss in this article.

Sign value

According to modern and ancient soothsayers, a bird like a crow has always been considered a harbinger of bad events and news. And the signs themselves associated with the crow are nothing good man did not foretell. It is not in vain that the expression “Nakarkal” is widespread. It means "inviting trouble." Far worse to see a flock of ravens. Such a sign foreshadowed a person continuous troubles, illnesses and failures.

As practice and experience of observers who believe in omens show, not all beliefs associated with ravens have a negative interpretation. Let's consider them in more detail.

see crow

Signs about crows, depending on whether they saw one or more birds, and also on how they behave, have different interpretation in the people:

  1. To see one flying crow in the sky - to bad events.
  2. If you notice how a crow sits on a roof, pecks at some kind of banner (flag, banner or other fabric), for the head of the family who lives under the roof of this house, this is a sign of impending misfortunes. At the same time, for the owner living in apartment building, the sign does not fit.
  3. To see screaming and flying ravens is a great misfortune.
  4. If you notice four flying crows, soon there will be a replenishment in the family.
  5. To see how one crow hit another with its beak, and then they started a bloody fight - to big trouble. Also crows fight much to the misfortune of the family.
  6. A flock of crows flying high in the sky portends good and clear weather.
  7. If the bird flew to the left, great difficulties and obstacles await on the way to the goal, to the right - you should expect great luck.
  8. Folk signs about a crow that pecks a bone promise a person health problems. Most likely they are associated with diseases of the joints, bones, a fracture is possible.
  9. Seeing a crow that carries food in its beak is a big profit.
  10. If a bird has flown over a person holding something wooden (a twig, a sliver) in its beak, then a useful and fruitful friendship with a very good person awaits him.
  11. At the wedding, to see one crow - to failures and quarrels in the future family, if two crows fly, the newlyweds will have a happy life.
  12. For a lonely girl and a guy, a flock of crows sitting quietly on the roof is a sign of an imminent wedding.
  13. If on the way they met a raven that sat on a stone, one must beware of an unpleasant and evil fellow traveler.
  14. A raven sitting on a charred tree - to death.
  15. Seeing a dead bird in front of your house is not good. This means that a person is in big trouble, financial losses, serious problems with health. To see the carcass of a black bird on the street (in the forest, on the road far from home) - to minor troubles that will end on the same day.

Bird in the house, outside the window, on the window

Folk omens about ravens are becoming more and more popular every year among residents of not only villages, towns, but also cities. Given the fact that annually the area of ​​agricultural land is significantly reduced, predatory birds are increasingly appearing on the roofs of city high-rise buildings in search of food. Birds can sit on the windowsill without fear and fear, knock on the glass outside the window, and even fly into the house. What does this appearance of birds signify? Let's take it in order:

  1. A crow flies into the house to a great misfortune: someone in the family will die. If one of the relatives is sick in the house, and the bird flew into the room right to him, and even knocks, the sign is intended for this particular person.
  2. A raven or crow knocked on the glass outside the window and croaks, a person will die in this house. Surely such a sign comes true if before that a whole flock of black birds flew over the house.
  3. If the crows fly in a flock, then sit together on a tree in front of the house and constantly croak, this is a sign that someone is gossiping and discussing.

Birds in the cemetery, near the church

Even in ancient times, our ancestors considered this bird to be close to the world of the dead, so there are also signs of ravens that met in a cemetery or near a church.

For people to see a crow flying in the churchyard, and then landing on the ground, was a sign of an imminent funeral. Such a belief did not necessarily come true for the one who saw it. Grief could happen to anyone.

To see how a crow sat down on a church roof, knocking with its beak and croaking, is a hint of the dead. Again, folk beliefs do not give an unambiguous answer, who is to have a funeral.

If a black raven flew in and sat on the grave of the deceased, this is evidence that the priest to whom this cemetery belongs will soon die.

If a crow sat down on a grave cross and pointed to someone's house with its tail, soon there would be a dead person in this house.

bird cry

What do the signs promise about the crow that we hear but do not see? It is sometimes possible to detect only after she croaked. Signs have different interpretations:

  1. A good sign is the crow, which croaked twice and immediately fell silent. This is big money. Therefore, if there is some kind of deal or project ahead, it's time to get down to business: success is guaranteed.
  2. The triple cry of a black bird portends death.
  3. If you heard a bird screaming on the left side, big problems and troubles await the person. The effect of such a sign is even more enhanced if you managed to hear the croak while standing in the water, for example, in a puddle or swimming in a pond. A cry from the right - financial affairs will go uphill.
  4. The interval between 8 and 10 pm is the only time of the day when the cawing of a crow portends good to people. And you can expect good from anyone: from relatives, family members, colleagues or superiors.
  5. If you hear the continuous and prolonged croaking of a bird, worsening weather conditions are coming. In winter, this phenomenon means that frosts and snowstorms will soon begin.
  6. It is a bad omen to hear a crow croaking from the south side. This is a sign that a person needs to be very careful and attentive: he may be robbed.
  7. A harbinger of a meeting with a friend or acquaintance will be a lonely croaking crow on the roof of the house where a person lives, or on a tree, a fence in front of him.
  8. If a person heard the cry of a bird in the forest and was very frightened, failures and difficulties will overtake him; if he passed by and without looking back, everything will be fine.

Crow Encounter

This species of birds is distinguished by special fearlessness and arrogance in front of people. Some species are afraid of humans, while others do not feel any fear when they see a human. This behavior of black birds can be explained in different ways.

On the street

For example, if a bird sat on its head, popular belief claims that a person will have great luck and profit. Things will get better not only in public, but also in personal life. If this happens, you must try not to frighten the bird so that it does not peck, otherwise there is a risk of severe injury.

A sign, if a crow has marked, has the same meaning as a sign with the droppings of other birds: this is for money, and it doesn’t matter if the droppings fell on the head or on another part of the body, the meaning of the sign does not change from this.

If the bird touched the wing, this is a warning about the persecution by one of the ill-wishers: he pursues and waits for the most convenient time to annoy.

If a black crow attacked, big changes in life await you soon. You can be sure: the bird attacks only for good events. Black color portends getting rid of all troubles and problems. If the attack was made by a gray individual, you need to wait for trouble. Most likely this will be due to the deterioration of the general state of health.

In car

If a crow beats into the glass of a car or crashes into it on the go, you should expect trouble: most likely there will be an accident. This is a sign to be more careful and attentive on the road that day.

  • If a bird flew into the house, you should try to expel it, and so that it does not get hurt. Often you can meet a gray or black individual on the windowsill, outside the window. Birds can fly to the balcony or even into the room. The places where the crow sat should be thoroughly washed, and after visiting the bird, it is better to clean the house itself with the help of prayers and church candles. A winged bird that has entered the house promises a person or his loved ones health problems.
  • To protect their relatives and friends from diseases after the arrival and pasture of the bird, a red thread is tied to the window handle.
  • Crows are the most famous birds among the mystics. And the most sinister. It is believed that these creatures are intermediaries between the worlds, capable of visiting the dead. Moreover, churchyard masters are advised to pay special attention to the graves, over which crows circle or sit. Also, these birds are traditionally associated with black magicians.

    In the old days, they tried to determine the weather or the near future by their croaking. Having met them on the way, the great-ancestors expected both good news and bad news. Some signs about crows about crows are given:

    1. Ravens were avoided as messengers of failure, problems and death. It is also believed that the crows themselves do not carry danger, but rather try to warn about it.
    2. You should not be afraid if a crow croaks at a person once. She also wants to talk sometimes. However, if a bird flies after a person or gives a voice for more than a minute, special attention is paid to this fact.
    3. A crow that sits on the roof of houses against the sun brings misfortune to one of the inhabitants of this house who notices it. This sign informs that there may be problems with the servants of the law, the danger of robbery or quarrels increases for the unfortunate who sees the mystical bird.
    4. The sign described above can be interpreted differently, putting a person’s life in danger because of his pets. There is also a version that a crow sitting on a roof becomes a herald of death, ruin, and all sorts of misfortunes.
    5. The inhabitants of some countries, on the contrary, will be glad to see the feathered messenger on the roofs of their houses, since, according to their beliefs, it carries money, tasty treats and other pleasant things.
    6. When young people saw a bird on the roof, they could count on a love interest, and people of creativity expected well-deserved recognition for their work.
    7. When a feathered predator was seen at a height (for example, a temple, but not on crosses), and especially outbuildings, then it portends wealth.
    8. When a lot of crows sit on top of the houses, but do not scream, this is a notice of a possible wedding.
    9. If these birds croak and rush over the house, misfortune will happen in this house.
    10. If an unfortunate crow decides to take a walk near a certain house, its owner must quickly install security systems in the building to ward off thieves.
    11. And if there is more than one crow next to the house, and they all croak at this building, then the owner should have been afraid of evil witchcraft on the family, the death of the patient and other troubles.
    12. Even worse, if at least one of the birds flies into the house, starts to examine the rooms and croak. Death is expected in the family visited by such a guest. The same applies to the house where the sick old man lived. If a crow sat on the roof of his house, it is time to prepare for death.
    13. Opinions differ as to how good it will be for business if the feathered messenger decides to keep a person company. If she follows, and even to the right, problems cannot be avoided. Others argue that a crow flying in front of or behind a person will certainly bring wealth.
    14. If a bird decides to bask on a stone, the person who met her should be more attentive to possible fellow travelers. And in general, the black messenger that sits is a symbol of failure. Yes, if there is still an odd number of them - anger, irritability, trouble. Traveling through the forest and meeting crows - it is advisable to turn back to miss the predator.
    15. It is very bad if a raven sits, and even on a charred tree. It is just as bad if she holds something in her beak - a symbol of misfortune.
    16. Tourists who have chosen a place to stay for the night will have to change it if they see a crow croaking and flapping its wings in the neighborhood.
    17. It’s not good at all if a crow sits on a temple - to the dead. Her tail indicated the house of the likely dead or the direction to him. The same meaning if the feathered messenger chose a tombstone as a resting place. When the bird wanted to sit on the crosses of the church - to the death of the priest who manages this church.
    18. When one crow feeds the second - pleasure and joy, which will only intensify if they croak at the same time.

    Folk omens about ravens