Rites for the summer solstice and bathing. Rituals on the Day of the Summer Solstice: what the ancient Slavs practiced Rituals on the Day of the Summer Solstice

June 21 is the summer solstice. This is the beginning of astronomical summer. The longest day and shortest night of the year.

This time marks flowering of nature. The earth is full of beauty and abundance of greenery. The first fruits ripen.

The summer solstice is the union of the elements of fire, water, earth and sky. This is a celebration of the coming of summer.

How to use this period the best way, read the article.

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Summer solstice occupies an important place among the key astronomical points of the year.

Summer solstice:

  • It symbolizes the highest point, maximum peak, rise, rise, both in nature and in human life.
  • is the transition point and lays the foundation of what will unfold in your life subsequent 6 months.
  • It is an energy portal that allows you to connect with the divine plan of life and experience the deepest connection with all forms of life and the world.
  • Possibility fulfill true desires both for yourself and for the world around you.

Spiritual sources about the summer solstice 2019

Celia Fenn: First Solstice 2019

This is a powerful moment of change in the vortex of the 2018/19 cycle before the start of a new cycle in July/August.

Expect significant changes in your life and path as you become more aligned with your life purpose.

stay centered on your heart, be at peace and joy.

Emmanuelle Daguerre: Healing Solstice

June 21, 2019 you will experience peak frequencies healing solstice and then full solar eclipse July 2, 2019.

The upcoming solstice will help improve your new start by opening you to even more magic, healing, abundance, expansion and beauty.

When entering on the Solstice Day (June 19th to 23rd) you may notice that you are receiving higher wisdom, understanding and "downloads".

These downloads can bless all areas of your life, including expanding your business, improving your relationships with yourself and others, and more.

This Solstice will also serve as a love boost to help you become more organized and motivated when it comes to God-directed activities.

Weeks and months after the solstice no time to sit and do nothing.

So it's important that when you feel an inner urge to act and work on an idea, inspiration, or opportunity, you focus and act!

Practices and rituals for the Summer Solstice

Celebrate the summer solstice by remembering your unique spiritual journey that led you to where you are today, and with gratitude for what you have in life at this moment in time.

1. Be filled with Light and Love upon awakening

Immediately after waking up on the day of the solstice, even before you get out of bed, focus on the flow of Light that flows through you, radiating joy and love.

Remember all that you are grateful for in life, imagining / feeling how the energy of Light fills you and the space around you.

Say hello to your guides, Divine Light, your multidimensional selves, the energy and vibration of Love.

Be filled with divine light, love and positive energy.

Feel the Unity and Interconnection with the spiritual world and all things.

And when you feel ready, direct a powerful stream of Light from within you into the outer world.

How to remember your multidimensional nature, activate your ...

2. Get solar powered

On this day, the energy of the Sun is enhanced. Let her in.

Let it wash away energy blocks from you, the remnants of outdated negative thought forms, heal from emotional trauma and fill your body with vitality.

Ignite your own sun within you in sound meditation.

3. Express gratitude to Gaia

For thousands of years, the summer solstice was of great importance for our ancestors, who lived in harmony with Mother Earth, obeyed the cycles of nature.

Remember this day about the gifts you receive from Gaia:

  • food on your table
  • housing where you live
  • material goods that you use
  • the beauty of nature around you.

The most valuable gift you have received from Mother Earth is your physical body.

Take care of him on this day with special love.

Send Gaia your love. Thank her for her help and care and feel love in return for you.

On this day, she is especially strong.

Feel that you are one, that you are one organism. Pass.

Feel Oneness with Mother Earth

Go outside, take off your shoes and stand barefoot on the ground.

Feel how your energy is anchored in the center of the Earth in a column of light.

Imagine how everything that is outdated in your life descends down this channel of light to the center of the Earth, being transformed into light.

Feel how the sunlight passes through your crown, warming you, filling you with the divine light of the Sun.

Spread your arms out to the sides in acceptance…Give thanks for everything you have in your life.

And if you like, tune in to the intentions, desires, or goals you want to achieve in the next 6 months.

Enjoy your deep connection with the Earth, Light, everything that surrounds you.

4. Meditate with a Candle

Choose a moment when no one will distract you, light a candle and direct your attention inward.

Look at the light of the candle, breathe deeply, relaxing.

Try to attune with the flame of the candle and also with the Light within you.

When you're ready, close your eyes and imagine your inner light getting brighter and brighter.

Your inner Light is pouring around you, surrounding your apartment, city, country in which you live with the radiance of divine light.

5. Summarize subtotals and set new intentions

Half of the calendar year behind.

Look back, remember what intentions you launched on New Year's Eve, what came true from this, and what else requires your attention and energy.

The summer solstice is the perfect time to extensions and connecting with the divine plan of your soul.

Think about what area of ​​your life needs expansion... what you lack and would like to experience/live more often.

6. Pass the fiery spiral

The fiery spiral is a living structure, the cooperation of people and the fire element, an honor to fire at the Earth holiday.

This is a sacred ritual and confirmation of ancient experience in the new space of your life, magic in modern times, mastery in everyday life.


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  • Answers to viewers' questions

Summer solstice, the middle of natural summer and the longest day of the year, when the sun reaches its highest position. Many centuries ago, our ancestors believed that the sun is the patron of all natural processes and the head of the entire living world.

The sun was assigned true divine power, even before the advent of religions. That is why most people are still convinced that the sun is an incredible force, thanks to which all living things exist. And the solstice was considered a magical phenomenon, so today there are a variety of solstice conspiracies that are really effective.

At the solstice, our luminary is endowed with tremendous magical power, and this best time for solar magic.

Love spell on pancakes on the holiday of the Solstice

On the solstice (in 2019 - June 21), as well as on Maslenitsa, it is customary to bake pancakes, symbolizing the sun. Pancakes are talking, sprinkled with holy water.

For example, if you treat your loved one with a pancake baked on the day of the solstice with the words:

"Eat a golden pancake"

and then add to yourself:

"You will be mine forever"

then this will help to bind the chosen one to himself so that he will certainly soon make the girl an offer to marry. But since the solstice falls on the period of Peter's Lent, when it is forbidden to eat dairy products, the pancake should be lean, but you can replace it with another product or dish that resembles the sun (for example, an orange).

Ritual for early marriage

And here is another ritual of love magic that can be performed on this day. To get married faster, on the evening of June 21, a girl alone must collect 12 different herbs or flowers and put them under the pillow with the words:

“Fragrances of the meadow, aromas of the field, take me away to a sleepy expanse. I'll lie down as a girl, wake up as a wife. Exactly".

After that, you need to go to bed. The next morning, the collected bouquet is wrapped in paper and burned in a fire.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

The solstice is also good for making a wish. Early in the morning, go to the window and, looking at the sun, say:

“Sun-priest, red sun, help me in my work, fulfill my dream, illuminate with a bright light, warm with a beam.”

After that, make a wish in your own words. They say that it should be fulfilled within a year.

love plot

If a girl suffers from unrequited love, then you can attract the attention of your chosen one like this. At dawn, go out into the open and, turning to the sun, say:

“I got up on the damp earth, I look at the eastern side, as the red sun shone. As it shines and warms everything that exists on earth, so would the servant of God (the name of the man) light up a tender feeling for me. God's servant (your name). May it be so!"

Ritual for health

If you need to improve your health, on the morning of the solstice, go outside or open a window so that the sun's rays fall on you, and say 3 times:

“Warm me, sun, illuminate me with your rays, endow me with good health, expel the disease, the evil ailment. As the sun drives away the darkness, so my illness will also be driven away. May it be so!"

Remove the evil eye

Solar energy will help get rid of the evil eye. Pour water into a saucer and place it in direct sunlight for 3 hours. Then take a clean rag white color, dip it in water that has already been charged with solar energy, and wipe your face, neck, arms and legs with it. Pour the rest of the water under any plant, and burn the rag itself.

There are many amazing rituals and rituals for the summer solstice that will help make life a little better, happier and more enjoyable. They will be discussed in this section.

The rite of nourishment with the energy of the Sun

On this day, the energy from the Sun is especially powerful, because today is the peak of its influence. Therefore, you should definitely take advantage of the great opportunity that comes only once a year.

Here's what needs to be done:

  1. Early in the morning go to nature: to the forest, to the park or to the cottage. It is advisable to be there already at dawn.
  2. When the disk of the Sun is completely above the horizon, you can begin. Stand on the ground with bare feet, facing the Sun.
  3. Relax and close your eyes.
  4. Feel a warm stream of energy rise from the ground along your feet, it completely fills you.
  5. If you have not worked with energies before, then it is quite possible that you will not feel anything. In such a situation, just imagine how a wave of heat goes through you to the top of your head.
  6. Stay like this for about 30 minutes until you feel a "buzz" in the body or a slight dizziness and swaying. This is fine. Such manifestations are a sign of filling your aura with energy.
  7. Raise your arms up, spread them out to the sides with your palms up. Ask the Sun to give you strength. Look towards the Sun, but not directly at it (this is dangerous). Accept solar energy with gratitude.

As a result of the ritual, you will become a stronger and more charismatic person, gain self-confidence. The sun also removes negativity from your aura.

Ritual of rejuvenation with morning dew

Morning dew collected from June 20 to 22 has extraordinary anti-aging properties. I'll tell you more about how to collect dew correctly.

  1. Prepare gauze measuring one and a half meters.
  2. Early in the morning at dawn, go to a forest glade, to a park or to your summer cottage.
  3. Gently lay the gauze on top of the grass and other plants.
  4. After half an hour, you can remove the gauze, it is already saturated with dew.

To give youth, freshness and beauty to the face, make compresses from this gauze, folding it into 4-5 layers. Mentally imagine how all wrinkles are smoothed out, age spots disappear. After the procedure, do not wash your face and do not wipe your face with anything for 3 hours.

Rite of unity with nature

On the day of the summer solstice, an invisible door opens between the worlds: ours and the magical one. Trees, flowers, and other plants can talk to a person, answering questions and giving helpful hints.

  • On this day, during daylight hours, go to nature: to the park, to the forest, to the beach, to the river, and so on. It is important that you feel comfortable and at ease there.
  • Ask mentally those questions that you cannot find the answer to lately.
  • Listen for sounds, watch birds and animals if you meet them.
  • Hug the tree tightly, stroke the grass or foliage with your hand. Feel their texture, what do they feel like? Breathe in the scent of flowers.
  • Just relax and listen to your inner voice. He will definitely give you clues from the wildlife world.
  • Thank nature for communicating with you.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

The summer solstice is inextricably linked with the making and fulfillment of desires. Therefore, do not miss such a great opportunity, because a magical day happens only once a year.

  1. Gather wild flowers.
  2. Weave them into a wreath. While weaving, think about your desire. Imagine that the wish has already come true. What are your feelings? Feel this joy and satisfaction.
  3. When the wreath is ready, put it on your head, wear it for a while.
  4. This item is optional, but it will enhance the effect of the ritual. Make a fire and throw in any item of little value (but not garbage) as a sacrifice. Then say out loud: "Paid." This means that you paid for the fulfillment of a wish.


There are many signs for the summer holiday. Here is some of them.

  • If there is a lot of dew in the morning, the harvest promises to be plentiful. Dew, by the way, was collected in a vessel, as they believed in its rejuvenating and healing properties.
  • Bad weather for crop failure.
  • If the sky is starry on the night of the solstice, mushroom abundance is expected in early autumn.
  • For those who meet the dawn in nature, health and strength are provided for the whole year.
  • If a guy pours on a girl that day, they will soon get married.
  • Born June 21 - carriers of " evil eye", can jinx anyone. Now, however, it is believed that these children were lucky - nature endowed them with strong energy and magical abilities.
  • If you make a wish on this day, it will certainly come true.

look interesting video with new rituals:

The time from June 20 to 23 is called magical. These are very strong energy days, which are fed by the Sun. That is why you can use this period to attract wealth, good luck and personal happiness. The main thing is to direct all your energy, thoughts and aspirations in the right direction. Wish only the best for yourself and your loved ones!

The date of the attack Soviet Union- June 22, 1941 - Hitler chose not by chance. Some scientists think so. The fact is that the Fuhrer was fascinated by the occult sciences and hoped that the time would be good for the fulfillment of all desires. As subsequent events showed, this was the beginning of the collapse of Nazi Germany.

So, here are a few clues:

  • Bad weather on that day promised a crop failure. That is, it is better not to count on buckets of cucumbers from a summer cottage.
  • And vice versa! If a lot of dew has gathered in the morning, prepare jars for salting. The harvest will be bountiful.
  • If a guy pours on a girl that day, they will soon get married. Even if a glass of water spills on your favorite dress - immediately make a claim and drag it to the registry office.

The sun has long been held in special esteem by our ancestors as a source of heat, light and all life on earth. It symbolized the eye of God, through which the Lord looks at people. Therefore, there were many prohibitions regarding the luminary:

  • from the day of the solstice you can’t turn your back to the sun,
  • on the solstice you can’t point your finger at the sun,
  • on the shortest night of the year you can’t go to bed, otherwise you’ll oversleep all happiness,
  • you can not quarrel, scandal, swear.

To recharge with the energy that the summer solstice gives, and meet the astronomical summer correctly, perform a few simple rituals:

  • Wake up at dawn, face the sun with your arms wide open, and say the words of welcome.
  • Open all the windows in the house - let the sun into it.
  • After brewing tea or coffee, place the cup on the window for 1 minute so that the drink absorbs the positive solar energy.
  • When leaving the house, put on something orange or yellow - these are the colors of the Sun.
  • If possible, buy something made of gold, solar metal. Bought on this day, it will become a reliable talisman-amulet.
  • Be sure to get creative - draw, embroider, sing, write poetry ... In a word, do everything that helps you express yourself.
  • Speak only life-affirming phrases.
  • In the evening at dinner, do not turn on the electric light - give preference wax candle. Let her be the "sun of your table."

The people paid special attention to people who were born on June 21. It was believed that very strong and healthy people are born on this day. In addition, among them were many capable of quackery and magic. So if your baby was born on this day, it is better for him to opt for the profession of a doctor, he has a calling for this!

Magical abilities also have a dark side: it was believed that people of the summer solstice were able to jinx, even if they had no such intention. They have a "heavy", "black eye".

Finally, if Ivan Kupala today is remembered for many folk rituals associated with finding a couple (for example, the famous jumping of a guy and a girl over a fire), then on the day of the summer solstice it is best to marry. A family born on the brightest day of the year will certainly be strong, strong and large!

Media news

Partner news

  • Gathering herbs on the summer solstice
  • Herbs in Midsummer Rituals
  • Charm Plants
  • Water in the rituals of the summer solstice
  • Signs for the summer solstice
  • Summer Solstice, children and marriage
  • The longest day of the year, the day when life triumphs, but there is already a premonition of the inevitable winter, was a special, magical day for our ancestors. Moreover, this magic was truly folk, accessible to everyone and, despite this, very effective.

    Well, dear sibmum, shall we conjure?

    The longest day and the holiday of Ivan Kupala

    The longest day (and the shortest night following it) occurs on June 21 every year, except for leap years. In Novosibirsk, it will last, no more, no less, 17 hours 22 minutes and 31 seconds.

    Earlier, in pre-Christian times, in Russia it was the day of midsummer, for which many magical rites and rituals were invented (and intuitively found). But the Christian Church used the pagan holiday it did not need for its own purposes - it “combined” it with the day of remembrance of the Baptist John, so that in the public mind two significant events merged in the most bizarre way. Now John the Baptist (Ivan Kupala) was responsible for the collection of medicinal herbs, the pacification of mermaids and marriage forecasts.

    Because the Orthodox Church ignored the inaccuracies of the Julian calendar, the day of John the Baptist (and at the same time the summer solstice) moved to July 7th. If you are interested in ethnography, you like folk customs, you are not averse to taking part in a folklore festival - wait for this date.

    However, the Sun does not plan to adjust to the Julian calendar, so if you want to do home magic, do it exactly on June 21 (or on the night of 21 to 22) June.

    Gathering herbs on the summer solstice

    Since ancient times, medicinal herbs collected on the day of the summer solstice have been endowed in the minds of the people not only with healing, but also with supernatural magical powers. In Siberia, the following plants can be harvested on this day:

    • calamus leaves;
    • marsh rosemary leaves;
    • hawthorn flowers;
    • cornflower flowers;
    • calendula flowers;
    • linden flowers;
    • strawberry leaves;
    • raspberry leaves;
    • fir needles.

    Not all the collected plants were used for their intended purpose - it was customary to leave a bunch of dried herbs in the hut as a talisman against evil spirits.

    Herbs in Midsummer Rituals

    If a medicinal plants collected mainly by herbalists, then ordinary people prepared brooms for the bath. Bath procedures with such brooms were supposed not only to give health, but also to charge with natural strength, good luck and luck.

    Healing herbs collected during the day were slightly dried in the sun and thrown into the fire in the evening. If smoke spread along the ground, it foreshadowed illness and trouble. Such a fire had to be lined with birch branches and allowed to burn as long and hot as possible. If the smoke from dried herbs rose in a column upwards, this foreshadowed good harvest and a rich year.

    Embers from such a fire can be laid out around the house and garden, as security amulets from thieves and fires.

    Girls on the evening of June 21 can pick up an armful of herbs - different, indiscriminately, and put a large bunch under the pillow for the night. If in the morning 12 different herbs were found in a bunch, a quick marriage is ahead. If not, you will have to spend another year in the parental home. However, the girls successfully repeat this ritual on July 7, so if the result of fortune-telling does not suit you, you can try again!

    Charm Plants

    Surely, many have heard that on Ivan Kupala you need to look for a “fern flower”, which will open treasures to the finder, and also make him invisible and even allow him to fly. As you understand, the fern does not bloom, so you first need to acquire remarkable magical power, and only then go in search of the cherished flower.

    The fern was collected anyway - leaves with small dots along the edges, where fern spores ripen. Such a leaflet, collected on the day of the summer solstice, should have been placed in shoes, under the heel. This makes its owner, if not invisible, but less noticeable. Sometimes that's helpful too!

    But what you don’t need to look for is rowan: on this day in Russia, rowan branches were cut and hung around the house, like birch branches on the Trinity. It was believed that the mountain ash would protect the house from evil spirits. Bunches of St. John's wort were hung for the same purpose.

    Water in the rituals of the summer solstice

    Water, especially spring and well, collected on the day of the summer solstice, was considered by the people as useful as baptismal water.

    But the dew collected on the morning of June 21 gained special strength. Sick children were given water with it, and women washed themselves in order to restore (or gain) beauty.

    It was believed that when the Sun turns to winter, mermaids and mermen lose their magical power and you can swim in rivers and ponds without fear. Mermaids are mermaids, but we recommend swimming only on .

    Finally, water on the day of the summer solstice could give a hint for the future: by letting a wreath down a river or lake, one could make a wish and understand whether it would come true, or whether it was worth wasting time and energy on it. If the wreath floats quickly and evenly, the wish will come true. If he was washed ashore, it is better to postpone these plans for another year. Well, if you drowned at all - you should think about whether you need the fulfillment of this desire?

    Signs for the summer solstice

      By the day of the summer solstice guessed weather for autumn: if the night is clear and starry, then the autumn will be warm, but rainy.

      A clear starry night foreshadowed a nice bonus from mother nature - abundance of mushrooms. So look up to the sky!

      Abundant dew in the morning - rich autumn harvest. But the rain and especially the thunderstorm on June 21 is an undesirable phenomenon. The hay will swell this year, the bad weather will drag on, and in general, the year will be unsuccessful.

    Summer Solstice, children and marriage

    The people paid special attention to people who were born on June 21. It was believed that very strong and healthy people are born on this day. In addition, among them were many capable of quackery and magic. So if your baby was born on this day, it is better for him to opt for the profession of a doctor, he has a calling for this!

    Magical abilities also have a dark side: it was believed that people of the summer solstice were able to jinx, even if they had no such intention. They have a "heavy", "black eye".

    Finally, if Ivan Kupala today is remembered for many folk rituals associated with finding a couple (for example, the famous jumping of a guy and a girl over a fire), then on the day of the summer solstice it is best to marry. A family born on the brightest day of the year will certainly be strong, strong and large!

    The solstice is coming soon, don't miss the magical day!

    Prepared by Safira Nizamova

    Many centuries ago, our ancestors believed that the sun is the patron of all natural processes and the head of the entire living world. The sun was assigned true divine power, even before the advent of religions. That is why most people are still convinced that the sun is an incredible force, thanks to which all living things exist. But the solstice was completely considered a magical phenomenon. That is why today there are a variety of conspiracies on the solstice, which, according to professionals, are really effective. Consider which conspiracies for the winter solstice existed earlier, and which ones are quite common today. And most importantly, you should figure out what can be achieved using these magical rituals.

    The most common conspiracies for the winter solstice and summer

    Both the summer and winter solstice were considered a real holiday for our ancestors. This day was usually accompanied by festivities and solemn celebrations, since in ancient times almost all people worshiped the sun. In the evening, at sunset on the summer solstice, a huge fire was usually lit, and serious rituals were performed. On the day of the summer solstice, the most famous ritual was jumping over the largest fire. The person who managed to overcome all the bonfires without problems will be able to increase his harvest and establish business with livestock in the future. Plus, it is believed that such a ceremony prolongs the life of the participant.

    If on such a day a child was born during sunrise or sunset, then it contains Magic power which should be developed in the future. Many signs say that such a child will become a psychic. The most important thing is to develop this gift of God in him and in no case interfere with his activity. But all this is possible only if, from the very early years the child will worship the sun. If bad weather is recorded on the day of the summer or winter solstice, this means that the Sun God is angry with people and the whole next year will be lean for them.

    There were also signs for young people. It was believed that if they could climb over 12 fences on this day, then all their wishes would come true, and life would only be happy. Usually the festivities continued until sunrise. During this time, various ceremonies and rituals were performed. It was believed that if there was a starry sky at night, then the harvest this season would be worthy. But if there is no dew on the grass in the morning, this means that there will be few mushrooms in the forest. Many literate people in magic at that time collected herbs, in which, according to them, supernatural magical power was laid.

    Some signs emphasized that if you spend at least a little time in a bath (or sauna) on this day, then over the next year a person will be able to completely get rid of all ailments and serious chronic diseases. It was the solstice in ancient times that brought people the long-awaited healing. Therefore, worshiping the sun, the population of most countries of the world believed in its significance and incredible power.

    What ceremonies and rituals are possible?

    There are certain rituals that can be performed at the solstice. Before choosing the right ritual for the solstice, you should carefully consider which solstice conspiracies and other magical actions can be considered effective and effective from a magical point of view. Among them we can safely name:

    • rituals for making special solar amulets and amulets: any solar talisman made at the solstice will protect its owner from troubles;
    • people in whom magical power is found will not hurt to establish contact with the astral universe - it will help a person in resolving many problems over the next year or at least until the next solstice;
    • it does not hurt on the day of the summer solstice to establish contact with such magical creatures that live in the forest and often help us, although we ourselves do not notice it - we are talking about gnomes and elves;
    • any love conspiracies on the day of the summer solstice will be several times more effective;
    • on the solstice, divination rites can be performed, such rituals usually demonstrate the whole truth about a person’s future;
    • on the day of the winter and summer solstice, any conspiracy and prayer acquire special power: if you read them sincerely, you can even heal a person;
    • and, of course, during this period you need to collect medicinal herbs and other plants.

    Solstice is a real "gold mine" for sorcerers and magicians, which gives people faith in a brighter future.

    What conspiracy on the summer solstice can bring what the sorcerer desires?

    The summer solstice is June 21 of every year. This actual date is the same for every year. Previously, there was a tradition that all healers at that time carried out the bulk of their magical rites and conspiracies. A key role in the magical properties of each conspiracy was played by simple pure water. The water charmed on such a day was used all next year for healing and curing people.

    Many magicians claim that during the summer solstice, a person can ask nature for the fulfillment of all dreams. To do this, it is enough to go out in the evening after sunset into an open field and shout about all your desires. After that, you should bow in all four directions. It is important to direct your requests not to the sky, but to the sun. Going home, you can not talk to anyone and when you come home you need to take a bath. It will be nice if the water contains medicinal herbs. After taking a bath, you should go to bed. In the morning you should go to the same place and repeat your desires again and do the same operations on the way home again. The very next morning, your life will begin to improve. And as you can see, the most ordinary water takes part in this magical ritual.

    You can conspire on a linden. Such a rite is able to attract a soul mate. To do this, you need to pick a few leaves from the linden and at the same time repeat the plot several times:

    “Now I’m picking a linden and blooming from incredible love. Let the linden find my betrothed and quickly bring me to me.

    The torn leaves should be poured with boiling water at home and drink this decoction for 3 days. Enough 100 milliliters for 1 dose. The remaining water should go into the bathroom, in which you will bathe on the last day of taking the decoction.

    No less interesting are the rituals to improve the harvest. On the solstice, you should water your garden and at the same time repeat the plot:

    “May our harvest be as rich as our land is fertile, and as bright as the sun above us. Let everything flourish and bear fruit. Amen".

    It is very important to perform this ritual only on a sunny day. If it rains outside, then the harvest will be rich anyway.

    All of the above conspiracies for the summer solstice are very effective. If you want to improve situations in a particular case, be sure to use these magical rites. The result will not keep you waiting.

    The best conspiracies in the winter solstice

    December 21 - Solstice Day winter time of the year. It is on this day that the longest night of the year is recorded. Some rituals performed during this period are gaining a special unearthly power. Particularly relevant is rightfully considered a conspiracy to eliminate all serious problems in life. It is necessary to carry out such rituals alone and already when it is dark outside. In a dark room, light a candle and look into it. After that, you should say the following text:

    “I protect myself from difficult problems, as with this flame I drive away the darkness. As soon as the clear morning comes, my problems will be gone.

    After that, you should extinguish the fire on the candle, say the text and put the rest of the candle in a safe place:

    “May all that I desire come into my life.”

    The candle should not be thrown away or used until the next such occurrence.

    You can perform rituals to attract good luck. Water is also involved in this ritual. Pour some water into a glass container. It is important to do this before sunset and put it on the windowsill. After sunset, you should speak some water with the following phrase:

    “The power of the sun, absorbed by this natural liquid, may it bring me success in business. The brighter the sun shines, the greater my success will be. Saint Spyridon, help me with this. Amen".

    As soon as the water is spoken, you need to immediately drink it to the bottom. You will see positive results very soon. Solstice is a truly special day in the life of every magician. If you want to improve your life, then perform some of the above rituals.

    The calendar known to us indicates that the year begins on January 1 and is divided into 12 months. However, nature has other laws, which, alas, are poorly coordinated with the modern calendar. However, our ancestors have always respected the laws of nature. A significant event in the annual cycle is the summer solstice - what date will it be in 2020 and what rituals should be performed? Read the details in this article.

    What happens on this day?

    First of all, let's figure out what the summer solstice is. On this day we can observe the shortest night and the longest day of the year. Magic time, right? Our ancestors did not doubt it.

    Holiday dates:

    • June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere (these are all countries above the equator);
    • December 21st or 22nd southern hemisphere(Australia, most countries of Latin America, etc.).

    The exact date depends on the year, it's all about the calendar shift due to leap years.

    What date will be in 2020?

    In 2020, the summer solstice will occur on June 21 at 00:44 Moscow time. If you live in another region, you can calculate the time yourself, knowing Moscow.

    On this day, the Sun reaches its highest position. Further, at the end of June and July, it will begin to descend lower above the horizon, making daylight hours shorter.

    In astrology, on June 21, the Sun moves from the zodiac sign Gemini to the sign of Cancer, and the astrological summer begins (the period of Cancer, Leo and Virgo).

    The Cancer zodiac sign is associated with gender and family. On this day, astrologers advise spending time with your family, going out into nature in order to receive new strength from Mother Earth.

    On the first day of the astrological summer, you should think about your lifestyle, change it in better side. Go to use useful products and clean water. All this will help maintain internal energy for many years.

    Our ancestors viewed the summer solstice as a time of mysticism and magic.

    They wondered: for love, and for prosperity, and for the harvest. Certainly performed a variety of rituals, which will be discussed later.

    Some call the holiday the summer equinox. However, this is not true. The equinox occurs in spring and autumn, in March and September, when day equals night. And in winter and summer - solstices. There is also a second name - the summer solstice.

    Table of summer solstices until 2025

    Year Date and time in Moscow
    2019 June 21 at 18:54
    2020 June 21 at 00:44
    2021 June 21 at 06:32
    2022 June 21 at 12:13
    2023 June 21 at 17:57
    2024 June 20 at 23:50
    2025 June 21 at 05:42

    Ceremonies, rituals and signs

    There are many amazing rituals and rituals for the summer solstice that will help make life a little better, happier and more enjoyable. They will be discussed in this section.

    The rite of nourishment with the energy of the Sun

    On this day, the energy from the Sun is especially powerful, because today is the peak of its influence. Therefore, you should definitely take advantage of the great opportunity that comes only once a year.

    Here's what needs to be done:

    1. Early in the morning go to nature: to the forest, to the park or to the cottage. It is advisable to be there already at dawn.
    2. When the disk of the Sun is completely above the horizon, you can begin. Stand on the ground with bare feet, facing the Sun.
    3. Relax and close your eyes.
    4. Feel a warm stream of energy rise from the ground along your feet, it completely fills you.
    5. If you have not worked with energies before, then it is quite possible that you will not feel anything. In such a situation, just imagine how a wave of heat goes through you to the top of your head.
    6. Stay like this for about 30 minutes until you feel a "buzz" in the body or a slight dizziness and swaying. This is fine. Such manifestations are a sign of filling your aura with energy.
    7. Raise your arms up, spread them out to the sides with your palms up. Ask the Sun to give you strength. Look towards the Sun, but not directly at it (this is dangerous). Accept solar energy with gratitude.

    As a result of the ritual, you will become a stronger and more charismatic person, gain self-confidence. The sun also removes negativity from your aura.

    Ritual of rejuvenation with morning dew

    Morning dew collected from June 20 to 22 has extraordinary anti-aging properties. I'll tell you more about how to collect dew correctly.

    1. Prepare gauze measuring one and a half meters.
    2. Early in the morning at dawn, go to a forest glade, to a park or to your summer cottage.
    3. Gently lay the gauze on top of the grass and other plants.
    4. After half an hour, you can remove the gauze, it is already saturated with dew.

    To give youth, freshness and beauty to the face, make compresses from this gauze, folding it into 4-5 layers. Mentally imagine how all wrinkles are smoothed out, age spots disappear. After the procedure, do not wash your face and do not wipe your face with anything for 3 hours.

    Rite of unity with nature

    On the day of the summer solstice, an invisible door opens between the worlds: ours and the magical one. Trees, flowers, and other plants can talk to a person, answering questions and giving helpful hints.

    • On this day, during daylight hours, go to nature: to the park, to the forest, to the beach, to the river, and so on. It is important that you feel comfortable and at ease there.
    • Ask mentally those questions that you cannot find the answer to lately.
    • Listen for sounds, watch birds and animals if you meet them.
    • , stroke the grass or foliage with your hand. Feel their texture, what do they feel like? Breathe in the scent of flowers.
    • Just relax and listen to your inner voice. He will definitely give you clues from the wildlife world.
    • Thank nature for communicating with you.

    Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

    The summer solstice is inextricably linked with the making and fulfillment of desires. Therefore, do not miss such a great opportunity, because a magical day happens only once a year.

    1. Gather wild flowers.
    2. Weave them into a wreath. While weaving, think about your desire. Imagine that the wish has already come true. What are your feelings? Feel this joy and satisfaction.
    3. When the wreath is ready, put it on your head, wear it for a while.
    4. This item is optional, but it will enhance the effect of the ritual. Make a fire and throw in any item of little value (but not garbage) as a sacrifice. Then say out loud: "Paid." This means that you paid for the fulfillment of a wish.


    There are many signs for the summer holiday. Here is some of them.

    • If there is a lot of dew in the morning, the harvest promises to be plentiful. Dew, by the way, was collected in a vessel, as they believed in its rejuvenating and healing properties.
    • Bad weather for crop failure.
    • If the sky is starry on the night of the solstice, mushroom abundance is expected in early autumn.
    • For those who meet the dawn in nature, health and strength are provided for the whole year.
    • If a guy pours on a girl that day, they will soon get married.
    • Those born on June 21 are carriers of the "evil eye", they can jinx anyone. Now, however, it is believed that these children were lucky - nature endowed them with strong energy and magical abilities.
    • If you make a wish on this day, it will certainly come true.

    Watch an interesting video with new rituals:

    Festival of the summer solstice in different nations

    In Slavic culture

    The holiday is now called the day of Ivan Kupala. ancient name the summer solstice has not survived, but it was celebrated by the pagans long before the advent of Christianity.

    The modern name Ivan Kupala is the name of John the Baptist in a folk manner.

    On this day, it was customary for the Slavs to take a bath in natural reservoirs, but residents of cold regions bathed in a bath.

    The eve of the holiday was considered especially significant. At sunset, fires were kindled, a pole was set in the center of the fire, on which a wheel or a tar barrel was mounted. In some regions, fired wheels or barrels were rolled down the mountains. It symbolized the solstice.

    Everyone jumped over the fires, sang ritual songs. The girls exchanged wreaths of flowers.

    There is a tradition of searching for a fern flower. If someone finds it, they will get magical powers. Learn to understand the language of animals and see treasures, become invisible and open any locks.

    After the change of the Julian calendar to the Gregorian, the date of the holiday changed, it moved to July 7th.

    In the Baltics

    1. In Latvia they are called Ligo or Yanov day.
    2. In Lithuania it is called Jonines.
    3. In Estonia it is New Year's Day.

    I propose to consider the traditions on the example of the Latvian holiday.

    June 23 and 24 are official holidays here. Therefore, Latvians, as a rule, go out to celebrate Ligo in nature. This is one of the brightest holidays of the year.

    In nature, it is customary to sing songs and make fires. Special songs - with the chorus "Ligo, ligo".

    Weave wreaths of wild flowers and oak branches. An oak wreath is traditionally given to a man. And the girls get flowers.

    Many collect medicinal herbs and herbal teas, as they are considered particularly effective.

    Ligo prepares special drinks and treats:

    • special beer;
    • cheese with cumin, which has a characteristic pungent smell and taste.

    Wide festivities on Ligo are widespread in Latvia. Beer flows like water, fun reigns everywhere, festivals are held. This day is also called the holiday of love. The culmination of the holiday takes place on the night of June 23-24:

    How is it celebrated in Celtic culture?

    The summer solstice is called Lita. This is a bright and exuberant holiday, which is still celebrated in some European countries.

    On Litu the Sun turns on the Wheel of the Year. It is believed that forest spirits and fairies roam the earth, dreams are mixed with fantasies.

    On this mystical day, all 4 elements are combined:

    1. Fire;
    2. Water;
    3. Earth
    4. Air.

    The key moment of the holiday is the opportunity to completely surrender to joy and pleasure, to love life with all your heart and breathe full chest. Indeed, at the end of June is the brightest and most joyful time of the year, there is still a large part of the summer ahead, which means warmth and pleasure.

    If on the previous holiday of the Wheel of the Year - - young people entered into a love affair, now in the middle of summer the girls were already pregnant. The holiday symbolizes the fertility of women and the fertility of the earth.

    On this day, people were guessing, especially for love. Traditionally, a guy and a girl were taken by the hand and jumped over the fire together. It was believed that if you jump three times, then a happy marriage and large families are guaranteed.

    Houses were decorated with tree branches and flower garlands. And with the onset of darkness, processions with torches were held.

    Healing herbs were collected in the forests. They were cut with a sickle in the light of the moon, and it was allowed to cut off only the upper third of the trunk. In this case, the plant will continue to grow and in the future will bring a new crop. The Celts treated Mother Nature very carefully.

    On the solstice there is a tradition to burn a sacrificial effigy. It should burn with the first rays of the sun. The scarecrow is a sacrifice to the gods of fertility. People thus ask for a bountiful harvest that neither hail nor torrential rains will destroy.

    Johannus in Finland

    Celebrated on Saturday between 20 and 26 June. At the same time, the Finnish Flag Day is celebrated here. Citizens were given an official day off on Friday on the eve of the celebration.

    It is customary to go out into nature. Swim in open water or saunas. Kindle fires.

    Midsommar in Sweden

    It is also customary to go out of town for the weekend. Relatives get together. Either youth meets the solstice in a larger company.

    On this day, flowers are picked and wreaths are woven. They decorate the symbol of the holiday - a pole, which is installed in a clearing. They dance around, dance round dances.

    Pickled herring, fresh boiled potatoes with herbs and sour cream are served on the table. They eat grilled meat. And as a dessert - strawberries with cream.

    Swedes on this day drink beer and sing drinking songs. See for yourself:

    Xiazhi in China

    On the Summer Solstice in China, the Xiazhi season begins, although the holiday is not celebrated as such. According to Chinese philosophy, at this point, the Yang energy in the world reaches its peak, and the level of Yin energy is at its lowest..

    Therefore, people wake up early in the morning more easily, activity increases social life. It is easier to maintain a good mood and maintain clarity of thought. In the summer, laziness, melancholy, apathy are contraindicated.

    Places of power

    Stonehenge in the UK

    Stonehenge is a place of concentration of the secrets of the ancient civilization of the Celts. The complex is built in such a way that its axis is correlated with the location of the sun on the days of the summer and winter solstices.

    Every year, the festival takes place here on the night of June 20-21. People come to have fun, celebrate the shortest night of the year and meet the magical dawn.

    Many dress up in medieval costumes, perform ancient rituals, drums are heard everywhere. There is a mystical atmosphere around.

    Arkaim in the South Urals

    It's mysterious ancient city, in which people lived for 2-3 thousand years BC. Mystics believe that here is the cradle of human civilization and the ancestral home of the Slavs.

    Organized groups and single tourists come here to touch the amazing atmosphere of this place of power.

    On the summer solstice here:

    • climb the legendary mountain Shamanka;
    • bathe in the Karaganka River, which, according to psychics, removes negative energy from a person;
    • meditate (on our website);
    • make wishes, which (as they say) will certainly come true;
    • doing yoga and practices;
    • attend concerts and other events in Arkaim.

    Watch an interesting video about the celebration in Arkaim. Maybe you would like to come here too?