Proper planting and care of perennial evening primrose. Evening primrose flower night candle growing from seeds planting and care in the open field photo of varieties Legends of evening primrose and other names

This photo shows a close-up of the Evening Candle evening primrose flower. See how unique and beautiful flower this evening primrose. Not only is it quite large, it also has one feature reflected in its name. And she got her name "Night Candle" because her flower opens only in the evening and early in the morning, until the sun has risen.

In our nursery, two types of evening primrose grow, evening primrose quadrangular and evening primrose with beautiful name"Night Candle" shown in this photo.
Evening primrose flowers night candle are just as bright with golden yellow petals, but their size is much larger. Maybe due to this, the number of them on the bush is much less.

Enotera Night Candle got its name for a reason, since it begins to bloom actively at night, or rather in the evening. Therefore, in rainy and cloudy weather, the flower opens during the day, and when the sun appears, its petals are covered again. But this does not prevent evening primrose flowers from looking beautiful all day long.

This type of evening primrose differs from the quadrangular primrose primarily in the large size of the flower. We specially placed a tape measure near the flower so that you can see its real size.

If you love growing yellow flowers in your garden, be sure to buy this plant. It blooms not as profusely as evening primrose four-coal, but it is very beautiful and spectacular.

Seedlings are sent by mail with a closed root system, therefore they are able to withstand a long shipment in the mailbox. And most importantly, the survival rate of such seedlings in open field almost one hundred percent.

In addition, unlike evening primrose quadrangular, this variety of evening primrose retains its flowering until the end of summer. And even at the end of September, individual flowers are still preserved, and in the early autumn morning you can find their bright radiance.

All photos of evening primrose are made in our nursery. You can use photos on other resources only with the consent of the site owners.

Video of flowering evening primrose quadrangular and evening primrose Night candle.

Brief description of the plant:

This flower is amazing in that its time of greatest activity is night. That is why this plant is called evening primrose "Night Candle".
A plant with creeping stems growing from 30 to 30 cm. Huge flowers of bright lemon color reach a diameter of 10 - 12 cm. The leaves on the stem are narrow, elongated.

Enotera "Night Candle" blooms in the evening or on cloudy days. It begins to bloom already in June and finishes blooming almost before the onset of frost, in any case, almost all summer.

By winter, the shoots die off, and new ones appear in the spring. The night candle is a perennial and can live ten years in one place. Winters well, prefers partial shade.

Evening primrose "Night candle" can be used as a ground cover plant, also planted in front of taller perennials, Flamentanz roses, etc.

Buy seedlings of evening primrose in a plant nursery

Buy one Enotera plant Night candle can be purchased for 250 rubles.
The minimum order amount can be 1500 rubles, but the cost of delivery by mail (or PEK) in this case is paid by you.
Delivery by post is free if the cost of plants (set) is 3000 rubles.
The maximum weight of one parcel is no more than 5 kg.
The parcel is sent by Russian Post 1st class or PEK transport company.

Other plants:

There is no need to introduce the bearded hybrid iris, just look at it, and immediately there will be a desire to buy it.

Everyone who likes to decorate a garden with plants should definitely have loosestrife in their collection.

Euphorbia cypress, like other types of milkweed, when cutting the stem, it secretes milk. Although outwardly this plant looks like coniferous plant, on cypress.

The forest anemone is somewhat similar to evening primrose. And if these two flowers grow side by side, they will be in harmony with each other.

Derain variegated has a unique feature, its leaves change color in autumn, from green to red, unexpectedly, on autumn days, giving the garden additional elegance.

Viburnum viburnum looks good along paths, hedges, fences. The red leaves of this shrub will decorate your garden even in late autumn.

Delphinium is white with a black eye, as well as other perennial plants, you can buy seedlings or seeds in our nursery.

In our plant and seed nursery you can buy seedlings of Syrian hibiscus with a closed root system (in containers with soil).

Oenothera (Oenothera) - flowering garden plant from the fireweed family, it also bears the names Oslinnik or Night Candle. Grow several types of evening primrose annuals, biennials, perennials, have straight, slender stems from 20 to 120 cm high, some species are creeping, the trunk and leaves are rigidly pubescent.

Large, cup-shaped flowers up to 7 cm in diameter are mostly bright yellow, but there are white, pink and red-brick colors with a delicate pleasant aroma. Evening primrose blooms all summer until September, opening its flowers in the evening at night, and during the day only in shading or in cloudy weather. After flowering, boxes with small seeds are formed.

Most popular:

  • Evening primrose Drummond is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant up to 80 cm high, there are low-growing varieties up to 20 cm tall. Evening primrose reaches a height of 90-120 cm, grown as a perennial crop.
  • Oenothera Missouri is a creeping herbaceous plant 35-40 cm high.
  • The beautiful evening primrose is distinguished by delicate pink fragrant flowers, but it is not winter-hardy enough and it needs shelter for the winter.
Evening primrose looks good in a group with other flowering plants, slightly shaded, for example by a shrub, the flowers remain open during the day. Low-growing evening primrose varieties can be used for alpine slides, on the lawn.

Evening primrose is an unpretentious and hardy plant, tolerates drought, almost all species are winter-hardy, they need shelter for the winter. The soil for growing evening primrose is suitable for any, preferably light and loose, does not tolerate low areas with stagnant water.

Evening primrose is propagated mainly by seeds. The seeds are very small, so they are mixed with sand and sown, sprinkled with earth no more than 5 mm. After sowing, the ground must be constantly sprayed, maintaining moisture, otherwise germination will decrease when it dries. In order for evening primrose to bloom this year, it is grown through seedlings, sowing in March. When sown in the ground in May, it will bloom only next year.

Annual species of evening primrose can reproduce by self-sowing, in the spring it will only be necessary to thin out seedlings.

Perennial plants can be propagated by dividing the bush, and this procedure must also be done after a few years to thin the plant. Please note that perennial species evening primrose is a strong sprawling rhizome, which should be limited in growth, otherwise it will drown out nearby growing plants.

Evening primrose is also known as a medicinal plant and is widely used for the manufacture of medicines and in folk medicine. A decoction of leaves and flowers is used for diarrhea, a decoction of roots for washing wounds, bruises, rashes and as a diuretic.

donkey, or onager, or evening primrose (lat. Oenothera)- a large genus of plants of the Cyprian family, represented by 80-150 species according to various sources, among which herbaceous plants and shrubs of various kinds. Aspens are distributed mostly in Europe and America. The scientific name of the genus "Enotera" consists of two Greek roots, which are translated as "wine" and "wild beast": in ancient times it was believed that a predator who smelled a plant treated with primrose wine could be quickly tamed. The evening primrose flower has another name: "night candle". In culture, evening primrose is grown as an ornamental and medicinal plant.

Planting and care (briefly)

  • Landing: sowing annual seeds in the ground - before winter or in late April-early May. Sowing biennial seeds for seedlings - in late February or early March, transplanting seedlings into open ground - in May.
  • Bloom: from June to September.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or partial shade.
  • The soil: any, except for too wet and swampy. Fertilize the soil before sowing.
  • Watering: while the plant takes root - once a week, and then moisturizing is required only during a prolonged drought.
  • Top dressing: in spring - with a weak solution of mullein on the leaves, during flowering - with a liquid mineral complex under the root.
  • Reproduction: dividing the bush, seeds.
  • Diseases: root rot.
  • Pests: the plant is stable.
  • Properties: the plant has medicinal properties.

Read more about cultivation below.

Evening flower - description

Evening primroses are annual, biennial or perennial rhizomatous plants, reaching a height of 30 to 120 cm. The stems of donkeys are stiffly pubescent, straight or creeping. The alternate leaves can be simple, serrated, entire, pinnately dissected, or lobed. White, yellow, pink, purple, blue or red flowers 7-8 cm in diameter, usually very fragrant, located in the axils of the leaves singly, in a bunch or form a long brush.

Each flower blooms at sunset and only for one day, after which it fades. In rainy or cloudy weather, the flowers remain open all day, and in sunny weather they close by noon, but bees, flies and other insects manage to pollinate them before lunch. Flowering evening primrose lasts from June to September.

The fruit of the aspen is a box in which up to 3000 seeds ripen.

Planting evening primrose

It is better to grow evening primrose in the sun, although it also tolerates slight shading. The evening primrose flower does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil, but swampy and too wet areas will definitely not suit it: primrose tolerates drought much more easily than waterlogging. The optimal soil for evening primrose is light sandy soil with a pH of 5.5-7.0 pH.

In the photo: Growing evening primrose in the garden

Oslinnik biennial can be grown in seedlings: sow seeds in boxes at the end of February or at the beginning of March, wait for germination, and when the primrose seedlings get stronger, transplant it into holes located at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other.

If you do not want to grow seedlings, sow immediately in the flower garden. Evening primrose seeds are sown in moist soil before winter or in late April-early May, 2-3 pieces to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, maintaining a pattern of 30x30 cm. However you need to dig the area first to an average depth, with the introduction of two glasses of Nitrophoska and 3 kg of compost or humus for each m².

When seedlings emerge, they are swooped down in 10 cm increments. Depending on what species and variety you are growing, you may need to do a few more thinnings to ensure that each plant has a sufficient feeding area. In the first season, biennial and perennial primrose species form the root system and basal rosette of leaves, and flower stalks and flowers are formed for the next season.

Evening primrose care in the garden

Watering young evening primrose carried out once a week until it takes root, and mature plants need watering only during a prolonged drought. After watering or rain, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the bushes, while removing weeds.

If you did not add fertilizer to the soil when planting, it is advisable to carry out foliar in the spring top dressing evening primrose with a weak solution of mullein. If the soil was fertilized, then the mineral complex in the form of a solution is introduced into the soil at the site during the flowering of evening primrose.

In the photo: How evening primrose blooms

A mandatory procedure is to remove wilted flowers from the bushes: this measure will not only prolong flowering, but also prevent the propagation of evening primrose by self-sowing. The root system of some types of aspen, growing, gives rise, and in order for the roots of the plant not to spread, you need to dig into the soil around the flower garden to a depth of 25 cm limiters made of old slate or metal.

Donkeys degenerate quickly enough, therefore at the first sign of growth, the bushes should be dug up, divided and transplanted to another place. It is advisable to do this at least once every 3-4 years.

At the end of the season, the faded biennial evening primrose is disposed of, and the aerial part of the perennial is cut off. It is not necessary to cover perennial species for the winter, but if you expect severe frosts with little snow, cover the sockets with peat or compost.

Types and varieties of evening primrose

Aspen species grown in horticultural crops are divided into biennial and perennial. Biennials include:

Semishrub from 30 to 80 cm high with a powerful, highly branched stem, opposite dark green, entire, elongate-lanceolate leaves pointed to the top and four-petal fragrant yellow flowers up to 7 cm in diameter.

In the photo: Drummond's evening primrose (Oenothera drummondii)

Biennial up to 120 cm high with orange flowers. Most often, a variety of this species called Sunset Boulevard is grown in gardens: a bush with brick-orange flowers reaches 35-45 cm in height, and 15-25 cm in diameter.

In the photo: Multicolored evening primrose (Oenothera versicolor)

Or evening primrose, or enotera "night candle" - a plant with erect stems up to 120 cm high, covered with short hairs. Lanceolate, entire, sparsely toothed, almost entire leaves can reach a length of 20 cm. This evening primrose is yellow: its regular flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, collected in terminal racemose inflorescences, are painted in a lemon yellow hue and open only in the evening or in cloudy weather. The most famous variety of the species: Evening Dawn is a plant about 1 m high with fragrant golden flowers with a red tint.

In the photo: Oenothera biennis (Oenothera biennis)

A young plant up to 40 cm high with oblong, rarely serrated leaves along the edge and pink or white fragrant flowers cup-shaped, up to 5 cm in diameter, collected in an apical few-flowered spike-shaped inflorescence.

In the photo: Beautiful evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa)

Or Oenothera Lamarck - a biennial plant of unknown origin, but it is likely that it appeared in the Old World as a result of a mutation. This is an upright, densely branched shrub up to 1 m high with smooth light green oval-lanceolate leaves and yellow flowers forming dense brushes. The plant has been cultivated since the 19th century.

In the photo: Oenothera erythrosepala (Oenothera erythrosepala)

Of the perennial species of evening primrose in horticultural crops, the following are grown:

Or evening primrose, originating from south-central North America. Its ascending stems reach a height of 30-40 cm. Dense leaves can be oval or narrow-lanceolate. Fragrant single golden-yellow flowers up to 10 cm in diameter practically lie on the ground. This spectacular primrose has been in cultivation since 1811.

In the photo: Missouri Oenothera (Oenothera missouriensis)

Native to eastern North America. This is a low-growing plant up to 25 cm tall with narrow-lanceolate leaves up to 1.5 cm wide and yellow flowers about 1.5 cm in diameter, collected in an ear. Cultivated since 1757.

In the photo: Perennial primrose (Oenothera perennis = Oenothera pumila)

Or evening primrose Fraser - view from the east of North America. Bushes up to 70 cm high with oval blue-green leaves, which acquire a reddish tint in autumn, are decorated with corymbose inflorescences of yellow fragrant flowers. The most famous varieties are Sonnenwende (golden yellow flowers), Friwerkeri (golden yellow flowers, red stems and buds), Hoes Licht (canary yellow flowers).

In the photo: Quadrangular oenothera (Oenothera tetragona)

Native to the east coast of North America. This is a semi-shrub species up to 120 cm high with dark green elongated oval leaves and fragrant yellow flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. This plant has been in cultivation since 1737.

In the photo: Shrub primrose (Oenothera fruticosa)

Evening primrose properties - harm and benefit

Useful properties of evening primrose

Oenothera has many useful properties, which are due to chemical composition. It contains saponins, carotenoids, steroids, flavonoids, tannins, phenolcarboxylic acids, polysaccharides, anthocyanins, mucus, polyterpenoids, a large amount of vitamin C, as well as macro- and microelements calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, selenium and iron. . The roots of the plant contain resins, sterols and reducing sugars. A decoction of the aspen root is used in folk medicine for the treatment of colds and pulmonary tuberculosis.

It's biennial wild plant which blooms from June to September. It grows in the Mediterranean countries, on the territory of Eurasia, Japan, USA, New Zealand. The primrose grows along the course of rivers, in fields and wastelands, on the edges and along embankments.

What are the benefits of evening primrose oil? Reviews of gynecologists about this drug are mostly positive. It is recommended for various female diseases, as well as during pregnancy. More detailed information in the article.

Composition of evening primrose

The plant contains the following substances useful for the body: ascorbic acid, flavonoids, tannins and evening primrose - one of the sources of the latter. It helps to restore immunity and cellular composition, due to increased release of prostaglandins.

Medicinal properties and uses of the plant

Evening primrose has an anti-inflammatory, sedative, astringent effect. An infusion of the plant is used for debilitating diarrhea, for diseases of the respiratory system, heart disorders, migraines, and colds. Also used in the complex treatment of gynecological diseases: endometriosis, mastopathy, fibroids, premenstrual syndrome.

Evening primrose oil, reviews of gynecologists about which we will consider in the article, has antimicrobial, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effects, cleanses the body of toxins and free radicals, therefore it has anti-aging and regenerating properties. The plant prevents the aging of the body.

Reviews of gynecologists about evening primrose oil

What are the benefits of evening primrose oil for women? Reviews of gynecologists about this plant and preparations based on it are positive. Experts advise pregnant women to use evening primrose in the form of capsules. This drug will prepare and soften it. This is not only beneficial for the woman, but also for the child.

Evening primrose preparation can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is classified as a biologically active food supplement. Contains irreplaceable fatty acid(omega-6), vitamin E. Doctors prescribe the drug for hormonal disorders that can be caused by taking contraceptives, as well as in preventive measures for endometriosis, as a help to a woman in the treatment of infertility, with disorders that are caused by menopause.

Evening primrose oil in capsules, reviews of which are presented to your attention in the article, helps to increase the elasticity of the ligaments in the pelvic area. The oil is used according to the prescribed scheme: during the 34-35th week of pregnancy, take 1 capsule per day, at 36-37 the pregnant woman takes 2 capsules, from the 38th week, 3 capsules are taken.

during pregnancy: reviews

When using evening primrose during the period of gestation, pregnant women notice an improvement in well-being. Before pregnancy, when using contraceptive hormonal drugs, there may be violations of the concentration of hormones in the body. Primrose oil gradually normalizes hormonal levels.

Experts recommend using evening primrose oil during pregnancy. The reviews of both gynecologists and the patients themselves about this drug are positive. When using the evening primrose plant, childbirth is more successful and faster. This prevents stretch marks and skin changes that usually occur during pregnancy.

After using evening primrose, midwives note that during childbirth, the cervix is ​​​​elastic, soft enough when probing. Childbirth is comfortable for a woman, the cervix opens quickly. It is clear that for a good course of labor and birth healthy child a large number of factors are needed, including a rational and nutritious diet, physical exercises the presence of comorbidities. But reception this plant has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy.

Reviews about the drug for myoma

What women's diseases recommend evening primrose oil? Reviews for myoma of most specialists and women who took the drug are positive. Patients note that after applying the oil of this plant in a month, the formation can decrease by 2 times.

Women take the medicine "Evening Primrose Oil" at a dosage of 500 mg. With uterine fibroids in patients, a hormonal imbalance occurs. The course helps to normalize the concentration of hormones in the female body. Changes appearance: reduced hair loss, dandruff formation, nails become stronger, and the skin acquires firmness and elasticity.

Evening primrose oil is effective in various gynecological situations: in violation of fat metabolism, menstruation, in the treatment of mastopathy, fibroids and other formations. This topic is relevant for many women, because recently, when conducting an ultrasound examination, fibroids are often found in women. After taking the plant, after a while, the patients feel the normalization of the general condition, there is a positive trend - a decrease in education - during an ultrasound examination.

Evening primrose oil: reviews of gynecologists with mastopathy

When conducting a regular physical examination and the presence of formations in the chest, the gynecologist can diagnose fibrocystic mastopathy. A trial was conducted in which women took 3 grams of evening primrose oil. Reception occurred every day, for 3 to 6 months. The trial involved 92 women. In 50 percent of patients who felt discomfort, pain in the chest area, there was a significant improvement in general condition and a decrease in pain. Relief of well-being was noted by patients with cyclic and non-cyclic nature of pain. Many women decide to start taking an evening primrose preparation. After a month of taking them, they note that chest pains occur less often, and the seal decreases.

There are reviews of women who are literally amazing. For example, some note that the diagnosis of mastopathy could stand for quite a long time before taking the drug "Evening Primrose Oil". Reviews for mastopathy inspire confidence, so patients consult with specialists and experience the effect of the oil on themselves. The changes that occur during the period of use of this drug are surprising. In some cases, cystic cavities disappeared altogether.

Evening primrose oil capsules

Girls often use the drug in capsules to improve the quality of the skin and hair. Positive changes are observed, but a noticeable effect occurs after 2-2.5 months.

As mentioned above, women, on the advice of gynecologists, take evening primrose capsules. There are several advantages to using the drug in this form. Firstly, this medicine is not a cheap purchase, buying capsules is a more budgetary solution than buying oil in a container. Secondly, taking evening primrose in capsules is easier, because the plant is very bitter. Thirdly, the capsules are distinguished by a convenient dosage.

Evening primrose oil for menopause

Can evening primrose oil be used for menopause? Reviews of gynecologists about this drug inspire confidence. During menopause, changes in the female body begin to occur, associated with a violation of the ratio of female and male sex hormones. Gynecologists prescribe the evening primrose preparation, and it really gives a positive result. The condition gradually normalizes, sleep improves, mood becomes more even, calm. Women are satisfied with the result of the reception.

During menopause, there are violations associated with the exchange of calcium in the female body. Women who are concerned about their health leave many favorable reviews after consuming evening primrose. The plant contains fatty acids that stimulate calcium metabolism in the body. This helps to strengthen bone tissue, reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis. After taking the drug, there is an improvement in the state of health, the nails become stronger. It renders positive effect and on bone tissue.

Evening primrose oil for pregnancy planning

Obstetrician-gynecologists recommend evening primrose oil when planning a pregnancy. Reviews about the drug are even more than positive. First, the oil increases the elastic properties of the fabric. Secondly, it strengthens the general condition of the body, prevents the formation of inflammatory changes. Thirdly, it acts as an antioxidant. In addition, the child develops normally during pregnancy, the risk of placental abruption decreases, and a normal hormonal background is created.

Some women say that the first pregnancy is accompanied by weak labor. Childbirth is difficult. When planning a second pregnancy, attending physicians recommend starting the use of evening primrose. There are many positive reviews after using this drug. During the second birth, women note a good effect from the action of this plant.

Evening primrose oil (Solgar)

Many gynecologists recommend this drug is produced by Solgar. Evening primrose oil, reviews of which we reviewed in the article, is an assistant to improve the health of a woman. The drug contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6). They are necessary for the normalization of hormonal processes. Oil produced by "Solgar" is packaged in amber-colored capsules. Usually this oil is taken for 2 months and it is noted that there is a result. Formations that can be a finding during ultrasound diagnostics resolve within one cycle. The girls are satisfied with the result, besides, they note the comfortable use of capsules.

Girls often advise their friends the preparation of evening primrose from the manufacturer "Solgar". During childbirth, they did not experience ruptures, since this remedy contributes to the fact that the birth canal becomes more elastic. By the end of pregnancy, some women decide to purchase the drug and try the effect on themselves. But such a decision should be made only after consulting a gynecologist.


Should You Take Evening Primrose Oil? Reviews of gynecologists and patients about this drug are never negative. Of course, like every drug, evening primrose oil has its own contraindications, so it must be taken under the supervision of a doctor. With reasonable and proper use, a positive result will not be long in coming. Also, women note that after taking the remedy, favorable changes occur with hair and skin. Hair becomes stronger, the skin acquires elasticity and freshness. The drug normalizes the hormonal background. Such changes that occur with appearance are caused by normal levels of hormones.


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