How to put a door handle on an interior door - we can master any mechanism. Installing a door handle-lock in an interior door How to install a latch handle on an interior door

In an apartment set on interior door the latch is enough to lock it securely in the closed position. There are the following types:

  • Fale with a mechanical tongue. The tongue of the latch has a beveled shape on one side, and when it gets into a special groove, this shape prevents the door from opening arbitrarily. When the tongue enters the striker groove, a clicking sound is heard. You can open the door by turning the handle, which will actuate the mechanism, compress the spring and release the tongue. This is the most common type of mechanism, installed on push and turn handles. Rotary handles have the shape of a ball or oval, less often the shape of a cylinder, and are also called knobs.

Door locks. According to the principle of operation, they are similar to locks, only the function of the key in this case is performed by the latch - a special wrapping, which can be located on the same bar with the handle or installed separately at a certain distance. The latch does not allow the door to be opened only with the handle.

Roller, which are usually installed on doors with spring hinges. When the door closes, the roller enters the hole in the striker and locks the door in the closed position. The latch can be returned to the "open" position without pressing the handle - the door must be pulled with a little effort towards you. Roller latches are ideal for children's rooms. With it, you do not need to call a locksmith from the management company to get to your little mischief-makers.

Magnetic ones close almost silently (there is no characteristic mechanical click). The magnetic tongue "sticks" to the striker already in the closed position of the door. The advantage of magnetic latches is that they are much easier to install. It is not necessary to achieve an exact fit of the canvas in the box, the magnetic latch will work even if the canvas appears slightly skewed. The familiar magnetic latch is produced by everyone, which consists of a magnet and a metal plate. There are also more complex varieties, for example, a latch with a moving magnet that acts as a tongue.

Important! For interior doors, either latches without a latch are used, which hold them in the closed position without locking, or mechanisms with a latch, which can lock the door without the possibility of opening it from the outside (with the exception of plumbing locks). As a rule, latches with a latch are made in the form of a knob-knob

In this case, the latch can be located both on the handle itself and on an individual outlet.

Installing a door handle on an interior door

When installing fittings and mechanisms on the interior canvas, you need to know a few nuances. Now I will tell about them in more detail.

What is the best height for a doorknob?

If by standard standards, then the door handle should be from the lower edge of the interior door at a height of 1 meter, plus or minus 5 cm, it depends on the height of the people living in this house.

If the tenants are not satisfied with this size, then it is better to proceed from their needs and parameters, independently adjust the desired size

For children's interior paintings, according to the standard, the doors recede 80 cm from the bottom, but here you should also take into account your needs in size.

Door leaf marking

First, decide in which direction the interior door will open, this is necessary in order to install the door tongue correctly, because it has a bevel for slamming. Now we measure the required height, it can be either 90 cm or 100 cm.

Usually on the packaging from under the mechanism, there are parameters that need to be cut out for a particular lock model. Especially ordinary, simple handles are installed in the same way.

And so, we mark the height with a pencil at the end of the canvas, and on it we mark the middle, along which we will drill in the future. It is best to mark it with a sharp object, such as a self-tapping screw, a nail or an awl. A latch will be located in this place. But at this stage we do not drill anything, but continue to apply marks further. Now let's decide where the handle will be. For a knob, this is done in this way, we continue the same marked line at the end, draw it with a square, strictly perpendicular to the canvas, and mark it on both sides

Most often, the knob is installed at a distance of 6-7 cm from the edge, but here it is necessary to pay attention to decorative elements, that is, sockets (if another type, for example, is solid, then we pay attention to this bar), which will be directly attached between the handle and the door , it is necessary to make sure that they do not crawl out to the edge. Another thing to pay attention to, for example, if the canvas is decorated with decorative elements or glass is inserted, it is also worth calculating that the decorative elements of the fittings do not fit and do not interfere with the elements on the canvas

Making a hole for the latch

For this work, fix a pen drill in the chuck. And drill a hole exactly perpendicular to the canvas. In fact, this is not so difficult, just keep an eye on the evenness of the recess around the entire perimeter.

Making a hole for the handle

Now let's start drilling the hole. To do this, fix a crown under a tree with a diameter of 50-54mm in a drill. At the marked point, we set the center of the drill and with careful movements begin to drill. After a while, without turning off the drill, we pull out the crown. If necessary, turn it off and let it cool, meanwhile clean it from sawdust. Next, we get to work, insert the drill back and turn it on. As soon as half of the canvas has been drilled, go to the other side and do the same. Just before finishing work, do not press hard on the drill, otherwise the crown will slip into the hole, and the drill will hit the canvas.

Installing the lock mechanism

Before installing the mechanism in the interior door, it is necessary to drown the bar flush with the canvas. This is done like this, a latch is inserted into the hole (we put a bar on it) and circle it with a pencil, then we hollow out a small plane with a chisel.

Now we look at the installation instructions and follow it, it is not difficult, since the mechanism itself does not need to be assembled, it remains only to insert and fix it.

Installing handles

Now the assembly time has come, pay attention to which side it locks, if the side on which the latch mechanism (for locking) does not suit you, then you can swap this “pimpochka”, just rearrange it to the second handle. So, in each box there is an assembly instruction, and, as a rule, it is not complicated. We assemble and insert the handle. Next, we look at which method of fastening to self-tapping screws or to a threaded stud.

For mounting on self-tapping screws, it is necessary to attach it to the canvas at a suitable height, and screw it onto self-tapping screws. If on a threaded stud, then first we drill a hole with a drill and put a stud into it, then we take the handles and screw it on both sides. In order for the product not to hang out, we turn only one handle. If the fasteners are on self-tapping screws, then it is necessary to tighten the hardware.

Installing a latch handle on an interior door

If this is your first time installing a latch handle on an interior door, this task may seem quite complicated and time consuming for you. But this is only at first glance. There is nothing particularly complicated about this. By following the instructions and having necessary tool, it is quite possible to install a latch handle in one hour.

Handles with latch locks are divided into three types: without a latch - the door with such a handle is not locked from the inside with a latch - an additional mechanism installed on the handle, with which the door is locked from the inside with a key - on the outside of the handle there is a key connector that allows you to lock the door from the outside , and with inside the latch is located.

Also, there are two types of latch handles: Knob - a spherical handle with a latch and a rotary mechanism. Together with the handle, the kit usually comes with instructions for installing it and a template for marking the door. The file handle is almost identical to the knob, the only difference is in the push mechanism, which is set in motion by pressing, not by rotation.

And although some handles have a difference in their design and internal mechanism, the installation process is practically the same and is identical.

First you need to make markings for the handle and latch. In most cases, along with the pen, the kit comes with instructions with detailed diagram markings, where all the necessary dimensions are indicated. If for any reason it is not there, it's okay, you can do without it.

The height of the handle depends on the individual approach, but most often it is installed at a distance of 90-100 cm from the floor level. Having marked the required height on the door, we measure a distance of 60 mm from the edge of the door and mark it with a pencil. With the help of a square, we transfer the markings to the end of the door, making a mark with an awl exactly in the middle of the end.

Now we need to drill two holes for the handle and latch. The order does not matter, so we start from the end of the door. Using a drill, we drill a hole with a diameter of 23-24 mm with a pen drill. Then we install a crown with a diameter of 50 mm on the drill and on the side of the door where we put the markings, we drill a hole for the handle. It is better to drill from both sides so that when the crown comes out, the door covering is not damaged. As a result, we should get two holes.

We insert the latch mechanism into the hole at the end of the door and trace the front cover along the contour with a pencil. Using a chisel and a hammer, we select a groove under it to the required depth so that the overlay is flush with the door. We fasten the latch to the door with screws, having previously drilled holes for them with a slightly smaller diameter. The installation of the latch mechanism is ready.

Let's start installing the door handles. On one side of the door, we install an overlay with a square rod into the latch so that the rod and bushings for the screws fit into the holes of the latch mechanism.

To insert the second part, it must be disassembled. First, remove the handle by pressing the key included in the kit on the internal latch on the side of the handle. Then, using the same key, remove the round decorative trim. We insert the inner lining onto the square rod on the other side of the door and tighten both parts with the fixing screws that come with the kit. Then we put the decorative trim in place and insert the handle until it clicks, if the latch is beveled. If not, then you need to press it to fix the handle to the end.

It remains to install the striker on the door frame. We determine the place of contact of the “tongue” of the latch on the jamb of the box. It can be done different ways, for example, we mark the tip of the “tongue” with a black marker and open and close the door several times. As a result, we should have a mark on the door jamb.

In the marked place, we drill a hole for the "tongue" of the latch. Then we attach the reciprocal bar and circle it with a pencil. Using a chisel and a hammer, we hollow out a groove to a depth equal to the thickness of the plank. We put it in place and mark the places for the screws with an awl. We drill holes for them slightly smaller in diameter than the screws themselves, and tightly fasten the bar. This completes the installation of the handle with a latch lock.

Installing the latch handle:

I advise you to listen to these tips, because they did not come from the ceiling.

  1. Do not forget that for frame doors, the handle is installed at a height of 100 cm, since there is a special beam there, which is built in during the manufacture of the canvas specifically for handles. Since the rest of the door is simply not suitable for such cases, and you simply ruin the doors;
  2. All marks should be measured at least twice;
  3. After inserting the locking mechanism, check it. To do this, turn the key several times, at all speeds;
  4. It is also worth taking the work seriously and not rushing anywhere.

Well, that's it, my article is coming to an end. I hope to see you again on the pages of my blog. Happy repair!

Door Hardware Care

In order for a thing to last for many years, it needs to be looked after. It's the same with accessories. Over the years, it ages and wears out, which negatively affects the product as a whole. To slow down this process, do not forget to take care of the fittings.

To take care of your hands:

  • Wipe them from dust with water and special cleaning products. Avoid products that contain acids, alkalis and abrasive particles. They can damage the outer coating of the product, resulting in rust. After washing, the product must be wiped with a dry cloth.
  • Tighten the loose handle. If this is not done, the mechanism will break.
  • Protect the product from rough mechanical influences.

In addition to the handle, the door lock also needs your care. In this case, basic care means regular lubrication of the mechanism with special means.. Sometimes sunflower or other vegetable oil is used as a substitute.

Considering that it is not easy to get to many parts of the mechanism, a special nozzle is used for lubrication in the form thin tube. Often, for these purposes, the lining is removed or the handle is dismantled.

For lubrication of hard-to-reach places of the handle, a tube nozzle is used.

Thus, having studied the basic subtleties of mounting the handle, you are able to master this task without outside help. The main thing at the same time is to believe in yourself and then the reward in the form of a qualitatively installed handle won't keep you waiting long.

Location for the handle

You can insert the handle into the door yourself only when the door is completely immobilized. This can be achieved in two cases: by removing it from the hinges, and if this is not possible, you need to substitute a foreign object that can keep it at rest (for example, a stool).

Since overhead handles are very easy to install, it is pointless to consider the process itself. In addition, the use of mortise models has become popular. It is by their example that one should learn and gain experience.

Initially, we determine the location of this unit. This refers to the height of the interior door handle. Often, its norm varies within 1 meter from the floor surface - this is the most optimal footage, suitable for both a child and an adult.

It is necessary to take into account the presence of handles on adjacent doors, if any.

It is also worth paying attention to the texture of the door itself, checking for the presence of hardware components on the surface, or other distinctive bumps and protrusions that can affect the location of the handle.

Having marked the height point on the door leaf, we draw a horizontal line using a pencil and a charcoal ruler for this. We retreat from the edge of the door 60 mm, revealing the location of the central hole. Duplicate the data on the opposite area of ​​the canvas.

Next, you need to set a place for the tongue from the lock. To do this, you need to move the horizontal line to the end of the door, find the center point. After that, the striker plate is applied and circled at this point.

Installing a handle with a locking mechanism

First of all, you should prepare materials and tools, because no one wants to delay the installation of fittings in the door due to the need to look for a drill or screws of the desired diameter? So, let's prepare the following set: a drill and drills, among which you can use a pen, a hammer and a chisel, a tape measure, a pencil, a screwdriver and, in fact, the fittings that will be installed.

How to make a template: making the embedding process easier

It will be easier to insert the fittings if you first prepare a paper template. Often it is already in the instructions for the castle. Otherwise, you can do it yourself:

  • a strip of paper is applied to the end of the door;
  • mark on it in the center the point of the hole for the tongue of the lock;
  • draw two lines at the top and bottom along the height of the lock plate;
  • note the distance on both sides from the center to the support screw - the square rod of the locking mechanism.

The template is ready. It can be applied to the future exit point of the tongue and mark the entry point of the drill into the door leaf on one side, before inserting the fittings.

If you don’t want to make a template, you can simply attach the assembled lock to door leaf and mark the entry point of the drill - this is the fixation point of the handle.

How to find a place for a pen

Drill a hole first in the door leaf. Here, before installing the fittings, you need to make a small digression and tell what height the handle is most correct to install.

If the door is made of solid wood, then the handle and the embedded element of the lock can be at any height convenient for residents to open the door. If the door is “Canadian”, or made according to a similar principle, that is, it has a hollow or filled with corrugated filler inside, then you should know that in such doors the frame beams are located at a height of about 90 cm from the floor. At the location of the frame beam, the installation of door handles is required so that during operation they do not damage the canvas. The exact location of the frame beam will allow you to do the usual tapping with your knuckles on the door leaf.

Making a hole in the fabric

In order to drill a hole, you will need a regular or feather drill. In the second case, the hole will look neater. As soon as the tip of the drill appears on the opposite side of the leaf, you should move the drill and continue drilling on the other side of the door. This is necessary so that chips do not form in the decorative sheathing layer of the fabric.

A part of the handle mechanism with a locking screw is inserted into the drilled through hole on the outside of the door leaf, on which three rings of the locking mechanism, a socket with a ring and a handle are put on (if this part of the handle is not already assembled in the package). On the other side of the door, a handle is put on the rod. Most of the work is done, it remains only to prepare a place for closing the lock tongue.

Making a hole in the door frame

First of all, it should be noted the place of contact of the tongue of the lock with the door frame. You can do this by simply closing the door a little with a pencil mark. You can stain the tongue with oil or graphite and close the door - the imprint from the contact of the hardware element with the surface of the frame will be noticeable.

After the point of the future entrance of the castle is marked, a hole is drilled in this place. Around it, a platform is hollowed out along the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe metal lining. Its depth should be a millimeter less than the thickness of the plate. Now this element of the door handle can already be applied and fixed with screws. At this point, the operation of inserting the lock handle for the interior door can be considered successfully completed and proceed with the installation of locks on the front doors.

Let's get to work what to do first

To quickly and efficiently mount a latch handle or a mortise mechanism that is more difficult to install, you will need the following tool - a tape measure, a screwdriver, a square, an electric drill, self-tapping screws, a chisel, a hammer, crowns of various sections and a set, a simple pencil. It is also advisable to stock up on a conductor. It is a template that greatly simplifies the operation of marking holes on the door leaf and their subsequent drilling.

Mortise mechanism

Having prepared these devices, determine the installation height of the fittings we are interested in. Experts say that the handle should be about 0.8-1 m away from the floor. In principle, you can choose a different height, given your own height. The main thing is that you and your family members feel comfortable using the pen. Now you can do the markup. If you purchased a conductor, this process will take a minimum of time. Just screw it from the end to the door structure. Subsequently, the holes on the jig will completely coincide with the tongue lining of the handle used.

If you do not have such a template, mark the installation location of the fittings with a simple pencil and a square:

  1. Measure the desired height from the floor, draw a horizontal line on the canvas (first on one of its sides), and then transfer it to the other side of the door and to the end.
  2. In the middle of the drawn line at the end of the interior design, put a mark. It indicates the place where you will drill a hole for the tongue.
  3. On the drawn line, you also outline areas for mounting the handle itself (marks must be placed on both sides of the canvas).

This completes the preparation for installation. You can proceed to the main event.

Interior door handle

To begin with, let's consider what a similar pen is in general. We are all familiar with them, but hardly the majority thought about its design features.

It is important for us that she helps to open the door. However, during installation it would be nice to get acquainted with its design.

Here's what's in a standard doorknob:

  1. Handle for opening doors (2 pcs.).
  2. Decorative rings that cover the bolts and fasteners of the handle.
  3. One rod or bar of metal that connects one and the other handle of the handle.
  4. The socket is the body of the mechanical part of the structure, in which locks, springs and a tongue cannot be dispensed with.
  5. Stoppers that limit the movement of the tongue and handle.

But, in addition to the standard configuration, all handles for interior doors differ in the installation method, their shape, principle of operation, material and the presence of a lock. If we talk about the installation method, then there are two types of door handles:

  • overhead or stationary;
  • mortise.

Overhead - fairly simple products that are enough to attach to the door leaf. The work is easy and fast. But the mortise door handles are installed in the canvas in the mortise holes. Here you will have to work hard.

As for the way the door handles work, they are divided into the following types:

  1. With push mechanism. These are elongated products, when you press the handle of which the tongue extends from the groove in the frame and allows the door to open. The smaller the turn at which the door opens, the more convenient it is to use. Such products are very popular due to their simplicity. Remaining in a horizontal position, the doors are securely closed.
  2. With swivel mechanism. Here the principle of work is already a little different. In order for the tongue to open the door, you need to perform a circular motion. In this case, the handle is represented by a spherical knob (noba). There is no lever in it, it is enough to grab the nobu with your hand and turn in a certain direction.
  3. The easiest option is a stationary pen. It does not have a latch and opens even with a simple push. The handle only allows you to conveniently open the door. This design is the cheapest and has no locks.

If we talk about the materials from which they are made, then there is plenty to choose from. Some are made of wood, others are made of metal (aluminum, brass), there are even glass, plastic and stone interior handles. The most popular are metal products coated with chromium, nickel, etc. The material guarantees the wear resistance and service life of the handle.

Note! Products can be equipped with a lock or sold without it. It's up to the user's needs.

When the doors often have to be closed as needed, it is better to stop at models with a latch and put it on.

It is more convenient to work when the door is removed from the hinges. This makes it much more convenient to work. Therefore, do not rush to install it in its place immediately after purchase. When it is impossible to remove it, then you need to properly fix it so that the canvas does not move during operation. This is how you can clearly and correctly mark up and embed the lock.

Another important point- read the instructions for the pen. We are accustomed to resorting to it only after wrong actions. However, to avoid them, you just need to read the instructions first. It will indicate all the dimensions, thanks to which it will be possible, ideally, to choose the diameter of the pen and the crown.

Now you can consider the installation instructions, which will help you cope with the task quickly, easily and without errors. And for those who take up such work for the first time, a visual video will be provided.

Making holes for latches and handles

After carefully set markings, it's time to apply the drill. With its help, without much difficulty, the necessary holes will be made. When drilling, you should use a feather drill. It will allow you to more accurately and clearly make holes for connecting handles in the form of a square.

Important to remember! You need to buy inventory for such work after purchasing pens. This is justified by the fact that the parameters for each product are different and may not correspond to the available drills.

To work in the end part, a pen model drill is also used. The recess is made similar to the length of the snap mechanism.

Door handle holes

Then, having deliberately measured the thickness of the lining, with our own hands, using a chisel, we eliminate the excess. We clean everything until the bar can tightly and completely calmly enter the door leaf.

Inserting door locks do-it-yourself installation instructions

From this moment, we will begin to deal in detail with the issue of directly inserting the lock with our own hands.

First you need to decide on the door itself, or rather, with its location in the installed state. You must clearly understand on which side of the canvas the hinges will be installed, and on which lock. For clarity, it is better to attach the door leaf to the wall near the opening. We mark the installation location.

Everything is quite simple here - we measure 800-900mm from the bottom edge of the canvas with a tape measure. This will be the place where the handle will subsequently be installed. But this is still far away, and first you need to deal with the castle itself.

Now we mark the center of the end of the door - we put two marks and draw a straight line, which will indicate the axis of the lock installation.

We will be connected to it in the future. Now we take the lock and measure the length of its part cut into the canvas, divide the resulting size in half and postpone this calculation result from the center (the mark at which the handle will be installed), in both directions, along the drawn center line.

In this interval, we will make a recess under the castle

Drill the mounting hole. We measure the width of the embedded part of the lock, select the appropriate feather drill and install it on a drill or screwdriver.

The drill should be a few millimeters larger than the width of the embedded part of the lock.

Now we are drilling, but this must be done in a special way - we set the tip of the drill to one of the extreme marks, indicating the dimensions of the tie-in, and then we go deeper by about 1 cm. Now we move the drill higher by half its diameter and again drill 1 cm deep. So, moving the drill further along the line and going deeper each time by one centimeter, we reach the final mark.

Now we repeat the procedure and go deeper by one centimeter, then another and another, and so on until the required depth is reached.

We insert the lock and mark the recess for its decorative strip - just circle it with a pencil, and then take out the lock.

Cut out the sweat. If available manual frezer, very good - with it you will get a neat recess. If not, then we arm ourselves with a hammer and a chisel, and for starters, by setting the chisel perpendicular to the end of the canvas, we make notches along the entire contour of the sweat.

Then we take out its insides to a depth equal to the thickness of the decorative strip of the lock. You need to work carefully so as not to damage the coating of the door leaf. door locks

Now our task is to drill holes for the handle and the secret of the lock, if any. First you need to mark up - for this, the centers of the holes in the lock are transferred to the door leaf with a tape measure.

Again, a pen is installed on a screwdriver or drill (only now with a larger diameter) and through holes are drilled straight through the canvas.

There is one subtlety here - if you drill these holes on only one side, then the likelihood that the finish of the canvas will be damaged is very high. When the tip pen drill will appear from the opposite side, drilling must be stopped and continued on the other side. Do-it-yourself installation of handles on the door

Now that all the holes are ready, you can start assembling and installing the lock and handles on the door.

Everything is already simple here - first we insert the lock into the end of the door and fasten it with two or four self-tapping screws. Then we insert the secret, which is fixed with one screw from the side of the decorative strip of the lock. After that, we insert a square into the hole above, on which the handles are put on and fix them with self-tapping screws or ties that come with them.

This is how locks are inserted into interior doors

I’m not afraid to remind you once again that all work must be done with the utmost care and caution - it should be understood that one wrong move or incorrect marking will lead to damage to the door leaf. Constantly control your actions, and everything will be fine!

Installing a handle on an interior door

Interior doors are sold without fittings, the delivery set includes only the door leaf and racks, from which the door frame is to be assembled. There are no factory-made holes in the canvas for installing locks and handles. This is due to the fact that handles, being standardized, have different designs and sizes.

In addition, the choice of accessories depends entirely on the preferences of the buyer. Therefore, a person who has started a repair with the replacement of interior doors faces the problem of choosing whether to invite a master or install handles on his own.

It should be noted that, having decided to install doors with your own hands, you will definitely cope with the installation of door handles.

Door hardware repair manual

Would need:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • screwdriver

During operation, the fittings on the door may loosen or come off. In this case, its repair will depend on the type of handle. If it has a spherical or similar shape, then its fastening is carried out using a through pin. To repair it, you need to turn one of the handles counterclockwise with the door open, fixing in place the other part of it and the decorative lining. When they are separated, the pin should remain in one of them. Next, you need to adjust the pin and, putting back the lining, insert the element with the pin. Then, on the other hand, attach another part of it, and carefully wrap everything with your hands, without using tools.

When repairing a door handle in the form of a bracket, you need to screw in all the screws with either a screwdriver or a screwdriver. In the event that the screws are scrolled, they must be unscrewed. Further, moving the handle on one side so that it covers the old holes, on the other side of it, all the screws are screwed into new places. To avoid their scrolling, you need to screw them in without effort. Fittings of this type are arranged vertically for convenience.

Inserting locks into interior doors, the necessary tools and their purpose

The choice of the tool necessary to cut the lock into the interior door depends primarily on the technology with which this process will be carried out.

There are two of them - one is professional, which involves the use of high-precision modern power tools, and the second, one might say, is handicraft, carried out by means of a hammer and chisel.

The choice of which one you stick to is, of course, up to you. I will only say one thing - in the latter case, the result may upset you. On average, if we talk about a tool for cutting locks, then you will need the following set.

  • Manual milling cutter for cutting locks - it is he who is used by professionals to ensure high accuracy and quality of selection of landing recesses for the lock strip.
  • Due to the high rotational speed of the cutter, it allows you to cut recesses for the lock without damaging the decorative coating of the door.
  • A hammer. But what about without him? Most likely, it will be needed to work in tandem with a chisel with an artisanal tie-in method.
  • But it can also come in handy with a professional approach to business.
  • Chisels of different widths. With their help, you will have to cut a mounting hole for the lock bar - this tool is rather clumsy, and the result of working with it depends more on the hand of the master.
  • Drill or screwdriver - you will need to drill holes for the handles and a deep seating hole for the lock itself.
  • Flat and Phillips screwdrivers. It is with them that it is best to tighten the screws that secure both the lock and the handles themselves - if the screwdriver jumps off the screw, then most likely the door will be damaged.
  • A set of drill bits for wood.
  • They are mounted on a drill or screwdriver and are used to drill mounting holes. How this is done, we will tell a little later.
  • Roulette. You don’t have to talk about her appointment, everyone already knows what she serves for. How to embed a lock in a photo

That's all you need to solve the question, how to embed a lock in a wooden door? You can also talk about the tools rarely used in this matter, but probably not worth it, because without a certain experience with them you can do a lot of irreparable things.

Visually, the process of installing a lock in an interior door can be seen in the video below.

What does it consist of

To make it easier to cope with the installation of door fittings, we will find out what parts and elements are included in the handle.

  • Lever. This is the main decorative part of the product.
  • Each handle has a special ring that is attached to the door.
  • Rod and rosette- also two integral parts of the door handle.
  • Stroke limiter. This element prevents the sash from hitting the wall when opened.
  • Stoppers.

And here is how the handle is repaired plastic windows can be read in this article.

In addition to the above, the following elements are also sometimes included in the "composition" of the door handle:

  • lock mechanism;
  • tongue;
  • metal box overlay; (therefore, be sure to know the dimensions of the door frame of the interior door)
  • screw for tightening the structure. This detail is necessary when the handle is installed on a hollow interior door.

It happens that the “composition” of the handle also includes a latch. In order to install such a model, you will need to insert an additional rotary screw. Keep this in mind.

It may also be useful and interesting for you to learn more about how

Types of handles for interior doors

Installed door handle in section.

Depending on the type of door, the handle may need to be right or left, handles are also different for doors of different thicknesses. The locking mechanism must operate smoothly and quietly. The less turn of the handle is required to move the lock tongue into the groove, the more comfortable handle in operation. When buying, you need to clarify how the material relates to various kinds of cleaning products, as some coatings peel off or become stained. Locks on interior doors are push, which are made in the form of a lever and have the same principle of operation. When using such handles, the doorway is securely closed, cannot open on its own and closes tightly enough.

Brass is considered a comfortable material for the manufacture of door handles, as it quickly takes on the temperature of the room, and when in contact with them, the hand does not freeze. A popular variety of push and turn mechanisms are knobs, or knobs, a ball-handle.

Height marking diagram for installing the handle.

They do not have a lever to press, and in order for the door leaf to be moved in the right direction, you need to turn the ball. The inconvenience of such mechanisms is that they cannot be opened without a free hand, like a lever, by pressing with an elbow, shoulder or a foreign object.

Often such mechanisms are equipped with locks, lever (safe) or cylinder English. Interior partitions, as a rule, do not need very complex locks, and therefore simplified models are used in the configuration. Lever locks good quality must have at least 6 levers, or code plates, since the more teeth on the key, the more difficult it is to open the mechanism. English locks are even more difficult, as they are made up of cylinders. To open the lock, you need to build all the cylinders at the required height. Good level secrecy has a lock if the key has a side perforation. A variety of cylindrical locks is disk, instead of cylinders, they have disks with cutouts of a certain size and shape.

Two types of door handles and differences in their installation

If you deal with the varieties of door handles, depending on the method of their installation, then you can distinguish only two main types of these devices - these are just handles that are not responsible for the operation of any mechanism, and handles that work in tandem with a lock or latch.

  • Stationary handles are the simplest type of these products, which sometimes do not differ in sophistication. It's just a knob that turns and turns only when something is wrong with it. Such handles are installed very simply and in this respect do not deserve any attention - in most cases they are either simply screwed with screws to the door leaf, or connected through it by means of a threaded stud. In the latter situation, to install a stationary handle, you only need to drill a through hole in the door leaf at a height of 800-900mm from the floor. Then everything is simple - a pin is inserted into the hole, onto which handles are screwed on both sides of the canvas.
  • Handles paired with a lock or latch (falium) have a more complex installation process, which is more influenced by the presence of a locking mechanism. Such handles can be divided into two subspecies - rotary and push. The rotary knobs include the so-called knobs, made in the shape of a ball, into which a primitive locking mechanism is integrated. Types of door handles

You can continue to deal with the varieties of door handles - they may differ in the material from which they are made, in some design features and the like, one might say, minor nuances. But we will not do this, at least within the framework of this article - at the moment our goal is to understand the principle of installing handles. What are we going to do next.

The video shows the process of installing a door handle with your own hands.

How to disassemble and assemble the interior door handle

The installed handle-knob can be disassembled in two ways, depending on its design. Unfortunately, most of these models are of rather low quality and often fail.

Disassembly of one structure begins with the fact that you need to carefully pry and remove the decorative trim. . The lining has a special groove, usually it looks down

The ball-shaped handle will interfere with unscrewing the screws, so you need to press the locking pin and at the same time, with a little effort, remove the handle from the central rod. Once the handle ball is removed, it will be very easy to remove the screws.

The lining has a special groove, usually it looks down. The ball-shaped handle will interfere with unscrewing the screws, so you need to press the locking pin and at the same time, with a little effort, remove the handle from the central rod. Once the handle ball is removed, it will be very easy to remove the screws.

To disassemble the second structure, which does not have a locking pin, it is necessary to press the spring pin through the technological hole with the key from the delivery set and remove the handle ball. If the key length is not enough (it happens), use a simple nail.

Then the decorative overlay and self-tapping screws are unscrewed. If you can't find the spring pin through the access hole, the knob has not been assembled correctly. Rotate the decorative trim 180° and the problem will be solved.

The handle is assembled in the reverse order.

Types of door handles

There are various types of handles that are different from each other in color, shape, material, mechanism and installation method. If we take the last feature as the basis for the classification, then two types of handles are distinguished:

  1. Overhead.
  2. Mortise.

Installation of first class products is simple and hassle-free. They are simply fixed to the surface of the canvas, unlike other types of products. Installation of mortise handles involves pre-drilling a hole in the door leaf.

Mortise devices are divided, in turn, into two more types:

  1. Rotary or knobs. They open the door without pressing the handle. The operation is performed by turning the holder. This kind of device can be equipped with a latch that blocks the lock tongue. This allows the door to be closed from the inside. The handles are very comfortable to use, as they have a round shape. The rotary handle is convenient to use due to the round shape
  2. Push or push handles. Here it is easy to guess that the mechanism comes into action after pressing the lever. The push handle-latch is activated after pressing the lever

When buying accessories, pay special attention to what raw materials it is made from. Products are metal, wood, glass or natural stone

They should be selected according to the color and model of the canvas, as well as to the style of the interior.

For sliding systems, hidden handles can be installed

It is worth noting that the handles are of a hidden type.. They are designed for sliding systems such as sliding doors. When the doors move, the products do not interfere, do not spoil the wallpaper and walls.

Installation Tool

The tool will require the most common, which is in every home:

  • Screwdriver or drill with a set of drill bits (including drill bits) and crown.
  • Chisel.
  • A hammer.
  • Awl.
  • Square and soft pencil. The trace of a soft pencil is clearly visible on the veneer.

A marking scheme is attached to the door latch, but it is easy to make marks for the holes without it. From the bottom edge of the canvas on both sides, 1.0 meters are measured. 6 cm must be measured from each edge of the door and a mark is made. With the help of a square, a strictly horizontal line is drawn that will connect these two points. At the end of the canvas, a mark with a pencil and an awl is placed on this line in the center. A latch bar is applied and the veneer is cut with a sharp knife. Remember that the bar must be recessed into the door leaf so that it forms a single surface with the leaf.

Some experts advise starting drilling from the end of the canvas with a pen drill. With this sequence of work, the chips, when drilling with a crown, will fly into an already made hole, and not clog the teeth of the crown.

The pen drill should go to the depth of the blade, no more. The drill is pressed to a point on the end of the canvas and a hole is drilled. Then, with the help of a crown, holes are drilled alternately on each side of the web, they do not need to be made through. As soon as the tip of the crown appeared on the opposite side, the drill must be stopped and drilling started on the other side. So the veneer will not be damaged when the crown exits.

After the holes are ready, with the help of a chisel and a hammer, we make a selection along the line cut with a knife under the latch bar. Install the latch and tighten with two self-tapping screws. It is better to take self-tapping screws not "regular", which are attached to the latch (they have ordinary soft metal), but high-quality ones.

Using the key that is included in the kit, we disassemble the handle into two parts so that it can be installed. To do this, one fixing screw must be loosened, the other unscrewed. The central rod is inserted into the hole and on one side the fixing screw is tightly tightened. Then the second half of the knob is put on the rod, and the second screw is tightened. Self-tapping screws are screwed on both sides, which will close the decorative overlays and the screws will not be visible.

After installing the knob-knob, it remains to install the "return" on the box. The door is covered, but not completely, and the upper and lower edges of the tongue are marked with a pencil. Using a square, the distance from the edge of the leaf to the center of the latch bar is determined, and this size is transferred to the door frame. Then a “return” bar is applied to the box, the veneer is cut with a knife, and a cutting is made under the bar and tongue with a chisel. The door is closed and the operation of the latch is checked.

Then a bar is installed on the box. Special “pockets” are sold for recesses under the tongue, they are made of plastic or metal. Self-tapping screws that fix the "return" bar can be closed with self-adhesive plugs. After that, the installation is complete.

Installing a handle with a lock is a little more complicated.

With mortise mechanisms, you will have to tinker a little longer. As noted earlier, in such a case, it will be necessary to make a special sufficiently roomy hole for the lock.

Door handle installation

In this case, the scheme for mounting the handle will remain the same:

  • mark the door structure;
  • draw a contour;
  • drill several holes in the marked area, and then, using a chisel, hollow out the required area to accommodate the mechanism;
  • remove 2–3 mm of the door covering to install the decorative trim flush;
  • mount the lock, fix its elements.

After that, insert the handle, fix it. Put the nozzle into the recess on the frame and fasten it with self-tapping screws. In cases where the handle gives a slight backlash, its axis must be filed with a grinder to a suitable length. This completes the work. Use the interior door, which you yourself equipped with a comfortable and functional handle!

Step-by-step instructions for installing a door handle

  1. Canvas marking.
  2. Drilling a hole for the handle and lock.
  3. Lock installation
  4. Handle notch.
  5. Luke marking.
  6. Cutting a groove in a hole

Let's pay special attention to each stage of work, analyzing it in detail. . Web marking

Web marking

Installation begins with markings on the door leaf. First you need to decide what height will be chosen for the location of the handle. With the help of a square, tape measure and pencil, places on the canvas are marked in which holes need to be made. To do this, we measure the required distance from the floor and draw a horizontal line with a pencil, first on one side, and then transfer it to the end and the other side.

At the end in the middle of the drawn line, we mark the place where a hole will be made for the lock tongue. On the same line on both sides at the same distance from the beginning of the canvas - this is usually 60 mm - we mark the places where the handle itself will be inserted.

Drilling a hole for the handle and lock

Using a drill and a crown, we make a hole for the door handle. You need to check on each side of the canvas to a depth of half. For convenience, experts recommend making a mark on the outside of the crown with a marker. First, on one side, we drill to the required depth, and then on the other until the drilling is complete. This is done so that the crown does not go to the side and so as not to damage appearance when selecting material for fittings. You need to hold the drill at an angle of 90 degrees and not allow it to deviate either vertically or horizontally. With the help of a chisel, we smooth out all the bumps.

We make a hole for the lock with a drill and a pen. Work should be carried out carefully, since the distance between the pen and the corner of the butt is not at all large.

Some experts prefer to first make a hole for the latch, and then for the handle. In what order you will do it does not matter.

Lock installation

To install the lock, it must be inserted into the corresponding hole. Overlay, apply on top and circle it around the perimeter with a pencil. Now you need to use a chisel to select the material to a depth equal to the width of the lining in order to drown it in the canvas. For convenience, you can use several chisels of different widths.

The trim is attached to the door with screws. Holes for them are recommended to be made in advance using a thin drill, attaching an overlay and marking the right places with a pencil.

Handle inset

There are products in which the screws are outside. You don't need to parse them. Putting one part in place, you need to get into the holes of the latch with two guides, in which threads for bolts are provided. Then you need to attach the second half and tighten with bolts. You need to twist them evenly so that the handle works well and the latch easily returns back.

Products in which screws are hidden must be disassembled. Included with them are instructions and a key for disassembly. The handle can be easily removed if you find a stopper on it and press on it with a key. The collapsible part is bolted, after which the handle is put in place. Don't use force, assembly should be easy if you do it right.

Loot marking

After installing the handle, you need to make an appropriate hole for the tongue in the loot

Therefore, first of all, it is important to correctly mark the door so that the door closes well and the lock enters the groove without effort and friction.

We close the interior door and mark the top and bottom of the tongue with a pencil on the loot. Using a square, we determine the exact middle of the castle and mark this value on the loot. We make a hole with a drill and a pen and remove excess material with a chisel.

Cutting a groove in a hole

Before screwing the trim, it is important to check how the door closes. This will allow you to be sure that the groove for the tongue is made correctly and there will be no difficulties during operation. When closed, the door should have a slight play, that is, it should stagger a little. This is necessary because the thickness of the latch striker metal will be added to the groove.

The strap is fastened flush with the loot. To do this, as with the installation of the castle, it must be drowned in the loot to the required depth.

A slight play may remain even after you have screwed on the pad. This defect is easy to fix. The striker always has a tongue with a small hole for a screwdriver. It is designed specifically to bend it. Using a flathead screwdriver inserted into this tab, you can adjust the doors by bending it slightly.

The entire described process can be clearly seen on the video on fitting fittings into interior doors. The installation of the handle can be considered successful if it turns easily and the latch enters the groove without friction and effort.

Introduction to the design of a sheer plate for the dog

In order to correctly install the sheer plate for the dog, you need to find and mark the middle of the hole on the frame box. At home, it is customary to use toothpaste for this, but another similar ingredient can also be used.

With one hand, press the handle and hold it in this state. Meanwhile, with the other hand, apply the paste to the tip of the dog along the entire vertical edge. Then close the door and release the handle. At this point, the dog will come into contact with the box part.

Press the door handle again and bring it to the open position. Opening it, we find that the paste has left traces. This area will be the mark for embedding the sheer plate. This method is the most reliable and error-free. It is used even by experts.

We circle the resulting imprint from the protruding part of the latch with a contour. Using a drill and a pen, we need to drill a hole for the dog. It is also necessary to make openings for self-tapping screws that act as a fastening system.

Finishing preparatory work, we carry out screwing the lining in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe location of the screws. For a tight and soft fit of the door leaf in the opening, the plate that lives on the opposite side of the latch is subjected to a pressing process.

From the above material, the following instruction emerges:

  1. Determine the point of attachment of the handle with a lock;
  2. We measure the locking units and mark them on both sides of the door;
  3. We make recesses for placing the locking apparatus and the actual handles in them;
  4. We first install the core, and then the handles themselves;
  5. We identify the location of the sheer plate and make a recess;
  6. for self-tapping screws.

After carrying out such work, you will no longer have questions about how to install a handle in an interior door. Having done this once, you can easily repeat all subsequent installations with the same success.

One more point should be taken into account. It is necessary to install handles with a crashing lock only in the door, the material of which will be subject to painting in the future. Good luck in your work!

How to embed a lock

Installing a simple handle is easy, but sometimes it becomes necessary to equip the door with a lock. In this case, for proper installation, it is best to remove the door from the hinges.

Stages of work

  • Mark on the door leaf the place where you want to install the handle with the lock. Circle the contours of the locking system with a simple pencil.
  • Drill with a drill with a pen attachment several holes in the desired space. Then try to push the corresponding elements of the lock into these holes. If they won't go through, widen the holes with a chisel.
  • Remove two millimeters of the door top cover so that it is possible to drown the iron lining in the thickness of the material.
  • To insert the handle, drill holes of equal diameter on both sides of the door leaf. Consider their size so that the rod passes freely.
  • Insert the lock, and fix it with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver or screwdriver. Place the axis inside the lock, and then deepen the ring. Install the handle on the axle, firmly fix it in the proper place.
  • Make a small indentation on the door frame to accommodate the pin and tongue. After that, drown the iron nozzle, and carefully secure it with self-tapping screws.

But how to change the lock in a metal door, and what you should pay attention to, is set out

Purpose of the latch

To date, a large number of models of such products are presented on the market, which, in terms of design, differ markedly from the first samples of these mechanisms. However, both in those and in others are still their main function is. which boils down to holding the sash in a closed but not locked position.

The owner can appreciate this option when an interior door separates a heated room from an unheated one. If the interior door will fit as tightly as possible to the sash, then this help to minimize heat loss and better protected from the penetration of extraneous noise. Also, this element will be very useful in the summer months, when the temperature rises to critical levels: if the room is well insulated, then the air conditioner will take less time to create a comfortable thermal regime in it, for which it will not need to increase the intensity of work .

You should also pay attention to such an important point as injury risk. Situations are not uncommon when a draft causes an interior door to open arbitrarily, which can cause injury to a child or an adult

If there is a handle with a latch in the design of the interior door, this is excluded

It is also important that this accessory is not able to change the appearance of the interior door. as it is carefully disguised

Installation of mortise locks with handles

Mortise locks with a rotary handle and a lock at the end of the door leaf, with a special design of the lock cylinder, are produced by manufacturers of more than a million types of locks. The number of such models is produced enough for metal and wooden doors. Do-it-yourself installation of mortise mechanisms begins with careful marking on one side of the door of the scheme of mounting mechanisms.

Door marking scheme for installing a door lock

When working, you have to use chisels different sizes, periodically sharpening on a grinding machine or bar at a certain angle.

After making sure that the design of the lock is completely recessed into the door leaf, we use a drill to make a signal hole with a thin drill for the rotary handle, after removing the lock from the door.

We check the accuracy of the hole and drill the door with a crown of the required size from both sides of the door to the middle of the leaf for the handle. After the installation of the lock and handle is completed, it is necessary to tighten all the screws. After checking the operability of the lock without closing the door, you can start marking the groove for the loot.
In the door frame opposite the lock, make a mark on the box for the latch. Having opened the door leaf, mark up, arrange and secure the loot with a groove.

If the marking of the loot is made with an error and the lock tongue does not enter or there is a large backlash, it is necessary to dismantle the loot and mix the groove with a chisel tool. The loot plate and the lock bar should fit snugly, but without friction.

Putting the handle back in place

The market of door handles offers the consumer models for any premises and for every taste. Installing a door handle is not an easy task, many people prefer to entrust it to specialists. But if you have the necessary tools and follow the instructions exactly, you can do this work yourself.

Types of door handles

According to the installation method, the following groups of handles can be distinguished:

  • Stationary handles. Their installation is very simple and takes only a few minutes. There are overhead and through.
  • Latch handles. Depending on the type of handle, there are push and turn. There are models equipped with a keyhole or latch.
  • Lockable handles.
  • Mortise handles for sliding doors.
  • Handles with magnetic lock.

Required Tools

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • pencil, tape measure, square;
  • screwdriver and screwdriver;
  • a drill, a set of feather drills and a 50 mm crown drill (you can buy a set called the “Latch handle insertion kit”);
  • a hammer;
  • bit;
  • awl;
  • chisels.

Mounting height calculation

Before proceeding with the installation, you need to determine at what height it is most convenient to place the handle. According to the requirements of GOST, handles must be mounted at a distance of 1 m from the floor. But the average height of each family member is different, and sometimes it is more expedient to mount above or below the specified height, usually 80-120cm.

The most comfortable opening will provide a handle located at the level of a person's belt.

Installation of door handles of various modifications

Below are step by step instructions how to put a door handle of one type or another.

Installation of stationary handles

In order to install a stationary handle, the only tools required are a screwdriver and a drill. Overhead handles are simply attached to the door in the intended place with self-tapping screws. To install through models, it is necessary to drill a hole in the door leaf, insert a threaded stud into it. After that, the handles are screwed onto it from both sides.

Mounting the latch handle

Before installing a rotary or push handle with a latch tongue, you must familiarize yourself with the device of its mechanism. As you can see in the photo, the main details are as follows:

The installation process itself looks like this:

For those models that have 3 additional screws in the kit for attaching the base to the door leaf, it is not necessary to drill a large hole with a crown. It is enough to make a hole for the “square” with a pen drill with a diameter of about 12 mm and holes for the tightening bolts. This design will last longer.

Installing a handle with a lock

A more difficult question is how to put a handle with a lock on the door? In order for the work to be neat, it is better to remove the door from its hinges.

Stages of work:

  1. We circle the contours of the lock at the end of the door.
  2. With a drill with a pen drill inside the contour, we drill several holes close to each other, after which we take out the remnants with a chisel, periodically applying the lock. He must fit in there completely.
  3. We make a recess for the front plate.
  4. We drill holes for the handles, the diameter must be chosen so that the square rotates freely inside it. The place for drilling must be marked accurately.
  5. We prepare a hole for the keyhole and make a recess under the base, which can be either a plank or two circles.
  6. We insert the lock, put a square pin.
  7. We fasten and fix the base and handles. We make a recess under the reciprocal bar, sink it flush with the box and fasten it.

Installation of handles for sliding doors

Installing a handle on a sliding door will require only a drill with feather and simple drills and a milling cutter with a cylinder cutter. Consider the procedure for installing an oblong handle. It looks like this:

For a round pen, the installation process is much easier. You just need to make a round recess with a pen drill of the desired diameter, and then everything is the same as in the case of an oblong one. If desired, you can additionally install, as well as an end grip, if the handle is equipped with them.

Mounting the handle with magnetic lock

As for the question of how to insert the handle into the door if it is equipped with a magnetic latch, everything here is the same as inserting a handle with a lock. Difficulties arise only when mounting the striker, because it is necessary that the lock snaps into place smoothly.

You need to do the following:

  1. Close the door and mark the top and bottom of the magnetic latch on the box.
  2. Attach a striker to the markup and mark the contour of the recess for the magnet.
  3. Make a recess in the center using a pen drill or a milling cutter.
  4. We fasten the bar with self-tapping screws and check the operation of the lock. If you need to move the bar a little, we close up the old holes with wooden chopsticks and drill new ones.

A process such as installing a door handle with your own hands requires patience, accuracy and strict adherence to instructions. For more information about the installation process, see the video.

The door handle is an important element of any door. Together with the door, the handle carries significant loads during daily use, and also plays a role decorative element, which should be harmoniously inscribed in the interior of the room.

When installing doors yourself, replacing an unsuitable or broken handle home master I have to face the question - how to install a door handle? A good work result will help ensure that the instructions for installing the door handle are strictly followed. In addition to the direct installation of fittings, the correct selection of a handle that can perform its functions for a long time is important.

Useful information:

Types of door handles

Before buying handles for interior doors, you need to figure out how they differ from each other, except for the manufacturer and price. In addition, knowledge of the classification of door fittings will allow you to choose a handle that the best way will fulfill its purpose - to participate in the opening / closing of the door.

Lever handles are one of the most common types of door handles. They can be used for both entrance and interior doors. The design feature of the push handle is a special tongue - a latch damper. When you press the handle, a special mechanism draws the damper into the door leaf, and it opens. When the handle is released, the damper returns to its place, the tongue protrudes above the end of the door and does not allow it to open. To open the door, you need to press the handle again.

Push handles are available in two versions.

First option- with a separate overlay. In this version, a separate mechanism with a cylinder and a key is used to lock the door. The handle and lock are mounted separately. When choosing, pay attention to the size of the pads. The distance between the axes of the tongue and the deadbolt is not significant, since it is possible to install the lock at a sufficient distance so that the operation of the mechanisms does not interfere with each other.

Second option- when both the latch and the lock cylinder are enclosed under one overlay on the door. When choosing a lock for such a handle, you need to take into account the parameters of both the lining and the lock. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the damper axis and the deadbolt, the shape and size of the turnkey slot on the lining.

The easiest option for installation will be a handle, in the thickness of which the lock mechanism is located. In this case, the key hole is located on the handle itself, and the tongue consists of two parts. When the lock is open, the latch and bolt of the lock act as a single unit. Turning the key blocks the movement of the bolt and when the handle is pressed, the latch gate is removed, and the door remains closed due to the bolt.

Push door handle, without a locking mechanism, is most often used as interior fittings.

push button handle

Push-button pens or ball pens are similar in mechanism of action to push-buttons. Handles balls also hold the door due to a special dog. But in order for the dog to hide, it is necessary to scroll the ball - hence the second name of this variety - the handle - the ball. Round doorknobs are most commonly used on bathroom doors. This is due to the fact that the lock of these handles contains a key slot on one side, and a special latch on the other. It turns out that you can easily block the door from the inside of the room. And in case of an emergency - for example, if a child is blocked in the room or there is a suspicion that the state of health of the locked one worsens - you can easily open the door from the outside with a key. However, the market does not stand still, and some modern lever handles contain a similar locking mechanism.

Stationary handles

Perhaps the most ancient and simplest type of interior fittings. The principle of operation is push / pull. The stationary handles are fastened with tightening screws. Screws are used to fasten handles to interior doors. The difference between stationary handles is only in the form:

  • bracket or U-shaped (with a straight or intricately curved bar);
  • mushroom (round, polygonal or artistic element on a leg).

To hold doors with stationary handles, it is better to use a roller mechanism. The roller in a free state protrudes above the surface of the door leaf and does not allow the door to move. However, if a certain force is applied, the roller sinks into a special groove and the door opens.

Sliding door handles

These handles have a special design. This is due to the recessed handle in the door leaf during installation. Such a handle practically does not protrude above the surface of the door leaf and does not interfere with opening.

Handles for sliding doors differ in thickness. The thickness of the handle for sliding doors must match the door leaf. A handle that is too thin will be difficult to mount correctly. A handle that is too thick will stick out and interfere with the opening of the door. .

What are door handles made of?

The purpose of the fittings determines the material from which it is made.

For example, the handle for the front door should be more durable, since the weight of the front door is much greater, which means that the load on the handle is higher. So high-quality steels are often used for the manufacture of handles for the front door. The door handle for the front door must withstand the main mechanical methods of opening - breaking out and drilling.

Be sure to take into account the operating conditions. So wooden handles are afraid of high humidity, which means that it is not advisable to use them on the doors to the bathroom and kitchen.

The most commonly used door handle materials are:

  • wood. Very beautiful material, but capricious in terms of room humidity, not very resistant to active use.
  • plastic. The cheapest material, but at the same time the most unreliable.
  • Brass is the most common metal used to make door handles. The main advantages of the material are strength, wear resistance. In addition, it creates a feeling of warmth when touched.
  • various grades of steel, including stainless steel. The main advantages are strength and durability.

In addition to the main material, finishing elements made of glass or natural stone can be used.

How to properly attach a handle to a door?

No matter how complicated the mechanism or decor of the door handle is, its installation can be laid in a few standard steps.

Step 1. Selecting fittings

As already mentioned, the handle should fit the design of the door itself and the interior of the room as a whole. So the modern high-tech style is maximally answered by laconic chrome-plated handles. For a room in the Rococo or Baroque style, luxurious fancy-shaped handles with gilding are suitable.

In addition to the handle, the visible fittings of the door are the hinges, which means that the hinges and handles must be made in the same color. Find out more in our material about.

It is also necessary to take into account the purpose of the door and the features of the room where the door is located.

Be sure to clarify the method of placing the castle. Namely, the method of its attachment in relation to the handle - a separate installation of the locking mechanism is required or it is built into the handle. Preliminary measurement of the door leaf thickness is important not only for sliding doors. It will be difficult to mount a lock and handle designed for a massive front door into a thin interior door. If the lock cylinder and the handle are located under one overlay, it is necessary to take into account the size of the internal elements of both mechanisms in such a way that they do not interfere with each other's work.

When buying, it is advisable to hold on to the handle, squeeze it in the palm of your hand. Protruding elements should not leave a clear imprint on the skin. Otherwise, it will be unpleasant to use the pen. In addition, there should be no burr on the handle.

Step 2. Determine the location of the handle

Before marking and drilling, you need to determine the location of the handle.

The distance between the handle and the edge of the door leaf is regulated by the size of the mechanism and the length of the tongue, if any. If the handle is stationary, it should also not be placed too far from the edge. This arrangement will make it difficult to open / close the door.

For ease of use, the height of the door handle is also important. This parameter is easy to calculate when approaching the door - the height of the door handle is determined by the level of the belt. The height of the handle directly depends on the height of the regular user, which means that the level of location of the handle in the living room and the nursery will be different. Door handle height common use, such as the kitchen and bathroom, should be at an average level, usually 80 - 120 cm from the floor.

Step 3. Marking the locations of the handle and its fastening on the door leaf

Having determined the location of the handle, it is necessary to prepare the canvas for making holes for mounting. The standard length of the tongue in the lock is about 60 mm. That is how much you need to set aside from the edge of the door. A straight line is drawn through the obtained point parallel to the end edge of the door leaf. Next, using a square at the desired height, a perpendicular line is drawn to the end of the leaf, along the end of the door and again along the other side of the leaf at a distance of 60 mm.

To clarify the dimensions of the hole for the mechanism, it must be freed from the lining, attached to the door and draw the boundaries of the groove. If the door is equipped with a separate locking mechanism, it is necessary to make markings for it as well. The marking of the door under the lock is carried out in a similar way.

Do not forget to mark the place for the release of the tongue at the end of the door. This place should be exactly in the middle of the web thickness.

All marks must be made accurately and accurately. Reducing the dimensions may lead to installation difficulties or prevent the free movement of parts of the mechanism. Too large a hole will be visible under the lining and ruin the whole look.

Step 4. Making holes for the elements of the handle and lock

For drilling holes of large diameter, there is a special drill - with a crown. In order not to damage the opposite side of the canvas, you should not immediately try to drill a hole through the entire thickness of the canvas. It will be optimal to drill about half the required depth. Further, it is better to continue drilling from the opposite side until the channels are connected. This trick will not only save the appearance, but also ensure the correct passage of the channel under the mechanism - strictly perpendicular to the surface of the canvas.

When drilling, you need to keep the drill strictly perpendicular to the canvas. Deviations are unacceptable, this will lead to a distortion of the mechanism and incorrect or short-lived operation of the handle and lock.

After preparing the groove for the mechanism, you can begin to create a hole for the tongue and the deadbolt of the lock. This must be done very carefully and carefully. An excessively wide passage can lead to damage to the door leaf during operation and create a noise effect. It is better to cut the hole with a chisel.

Step 5. Directly installing the handle

After making the necessary holes, you can proceed to attach the handle. Before screwing, it is worthwhile to outline and mark with a thin drill the places for screwing in the bolts directly holding the handle in the door. Pre-drilling is designed to ensure that the handle and normal work latches. If the bolts for connecting the halves are hidden by a cover, it must be removed before installation using a special key. The key must be included with the handle.

Step 6. Making a slot in the door frame

After attaching the door handle and installing the lock mechanism, it is necessary to mark and cut a groove in the door frame where the tongue and bolt of the lock mechanism will hide. There are two marking methods.

First option. A dye is applied to the installed dog: ink, paint, chalk, toothpaste, and so on. Then, with the door closed, by pressing or turning the handle, a mark is made on the door frame. This option is convenient if there is a very small gap between the door and the frame or it is closed with a decorative overlay on the door leaf

Second option. With the door closed, the level of the tongue is marked with a ruler inserted between the door and the frame.

After completing the installation work, you must make sure that the handle is attached correctly. If the lock works without difficulty, the deadbolt is easily controlled by the key and securely fixes the door, opening / closing the door does not cause difficulties, the handle is installed correctly.

The following door handle installation instructions are suitable for most interior door handles. Installation of the handle for the front door in most cases is carried out by the manufacturer. This situation is explained by the complex structure of the lock and the need for special accuracy during installation. In addition, entrance doors are made of especially durable metal, which is difficult to drill with home tools.

We recommend watching a video about installing an interior door handle

Door handle replacement

Sometimes it is necessary to replace the old handle on an already installed door. The process of replacing a door handle is somewhat different from installing a new one. First of all, it must be taken into account that there are already various holes in the door, the size of which must be measured and guided by them when choosing a new handle.

So the size of the mechanism and the decorative lining should not be less than that of the old handle. Otherwise, the edges of the old hole will be visible and ruin the look. If, however, the hole is large, it must be filled with putty, and after hardening, carefully clean it.

If the size of the new lock is larger, it is necessary to expand the grooves for it with a chisel or drill.

If the old tongue has remained operational, it is worth leaving the old mechanism, this will help to avoid difficulties during dismantling and reduce the likelihood of damage to the door leaf.

To clean the painted lock bar, it should be dismantled, and after cleaning, put back in place.

When painting doors, it is better to remove the door handle. Thus, it is not necessary to seal the handle and the escutcheon with newspaper or masking tape, since there is no danger of staining them.

Now you have all the necessary information for a quality installation or replacement of the door handle. With the correct marking of the door leaf and the careful drilling of all holes and grooves, installing the handle will take only a few minutes.

When replacing a broken handle, a similar sequence of operations must be followed, paying particular attention to the selection of a new handle.


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The most common type of lock for doors between rooms is a latch handle. Regardless of the design and shape of the product, installation is very easy. Consider the procedure for installing such a handle on an interior door with your own hands.

Latch handle design

The models of this plan consist of two main elements: the product itself and the working mechanism. Both parts of the handle cut into the door leaf separately.

Latch models are available with or without a latch. The lock is an additional rotary mechanism. If it is not there, the door cannot be locked from the inside with a lamb, as well as with a key (a keyhole is placed on one side, and a latch tongue on the other, as in the photo).

Door handles differ in design type, but this does not affect the installation process.

Height and distance from the edge of the door

The internal element (latch) is uniform, so it is installed in the same way for different handles with a snap mechanism. The height from the bottom of the door and the distance from the edge are standard.

For latch handles, there are two options for inserting into the canvas: 60 or 70 millimeters from the edge. The rotary latch mechanism can "walk" to the right or left by about 1 cm, and this must also be taken into account.

  • If the handle has a spherical shape, and the distance from the edge of the door to the decorative element of the leaf (for example, glazing) exceeds 140 mm, it is better to fix the mechanism 70 mm from the edge. If you install the handle at a distance of 60 mm, when closing the interior door from the inside, you can hit your hand on the door frame.
  • When mounting the pressure product, the indentation must definitely be 60 mm.

The standard handle installation height (distance from the floor to the center of the latch) is 900–1100 mm. If the door is usually used by one person, the optimal height will be at the level of his belt.

Installation of the product on the interior door is carried out on the right or left side. For models with a round handle, you only need to turn the latch design over. At the same time, the tongue should look towards the closing of the interior door. If the device is not symmetrical, the elements simply need to be swapped, focusing on the opening side.

What will we need?

To make the insertion process as simple as possible, prepare the following:

  • drill (or screwdriver);
  • wood crown (half a centimeter in diameter);
  • drill (about 24 mm);
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • pencil.

Mounting process

Step-by-step instructions for installing a latch include several steps.


The procedure begins with marking the door leaf.

  • Mark the spot for drilling with a pencil. Schemes are usually attached to the product.
  • If there are no explanations, you can apply the dimensions yourself. To do this, mark with a pencil a distance of 60 mm from the door edge, the location height is from 90 to 1100 mm.
  • We mark the central point for drilling on the side edge of the door leaf. Dimensions are applied along the center line.

Hole preparation

At this stage, we do the following:

  • Using a chisel, we hollow out a recess of 3 mm under the front plate of the latch, corresponding to its width. It is better to mark the center in advance with an awl so that you do not have to re-mark.
  • Using a half-centimeter crown, we drill a through hole. It is best to do this on both sides of the door leaf so as not to damage the door coating at the exit of the crown.
  • Now let's move on to the side edge. We take a drill for wood (about 24 mm in diameter). They need to make a hole for the latch in the marked center. Do not go too deep, otherwise you can make a hole in the canvas right through to the very panel.

Product installation

At this stage, we have two holes ready. We proceed in the following order:

  • We install a snap-in mechanism in the side hole, fasten it with self-tapping screws.
  • Remove the top of the handle. There must be a side hole for this.
  • Using the key included in the set (you can take any other thin flat object), press the tongue inside the hole and remove the handle itself.
  • We remove the decorative trim, we find the mounting holes under it.
  • We install the outer part of the product, and then the inner half.
  • We tighten both parts with the screws that are included in the kit.
  • We put on a decorative overlay and the body of the latch handle. In this case, it is necessary to press on the inner tongue with a key or other suitable object.
  • Now the door needs to be closed in order to circle the place where the latch tongue touches the door frame. According to this markup, we hollow out a recess for the entrance of the lock.
  • We install a decorative plastic pocket covering the wooden groove.
  • We fasten a metal plate over the hole for the tongue of the latch. At this point, the installation of the handle is completed.

In the absence of a drill, all holes can be cut with a chisel. At the same time, the process of installing a door handle will require some experience and skill and will take more time.

Video instruction

The following video will help to visualize the process more clearly.

A door handle is a door element that is used repeatedly throughout the day. In addition to decorative decoration, the handle is the main mechanism for opening / closing the door. Stores that sell door fittings offer a wide range of these products.

Classification of handles for interior doors according to the principle of operation

In order to choose the necessary accessory and install it correctly in the future, it is necessary to imagine what types of handles manufacturers produce. According to the design features, the handles are divided into four troupes:

  • stationary;
  • pressure;
  • push-button (rotary);
  • for sliding doors.

Stationary handles and fittings for sliding interior doors are not equipped with moving elements that fix the door in the closed position. The door is opened with force. The most common type of stationary handle is this.

Rotary and push types of handles are similar in design. Both types have a lever mechanism for fixing the door, the first are activated by turning the handle, for example:, the second - by pressing it, for example: classic.

When buying handles for interior doors, a set is purchased, consisting of a pair of handles of the same design, two sockets, a square and several screws (screeds, self-tapping screws).

Consider the mechanism for installing a handle with a latch (push and rotary versions of products).

Tool preparation

When installing a door handle on a wooden door, you will need the following tools and auxiliary items:

  • measuring device in the form of a centimeter tape, ruler or tape measure;
  • square;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • pencil (marker);
  • drill;
  • a set of chisels;
  • a hammer;
  • bit.

Step by step installation technology


The stage that requires attention and special accuracy is marking. Approximate measurements and inaccurate markings will entail a number of problems. The handle may further complicate the operation of the doors, in addition, the fittings will not look aesthetically pleasing.

The distance from the end of the door to the center of the handle is determined by the "Handle square removal" parameter of the latch or lock mechanism. The location of stationary products is determined by ease of use, as it does not depend on the length of the mechanism. However, a handle located too far will make it difficult to open the doors, as well as one located too close to the edge.

The height at which the product will be located depends on personal preferences. The most convenient location would be to find the handle at waist level (90-110 cm). It should be noted that on the door to the children's door, the handle is installed a little lower for ease of use by the owner of the room. Often, the door manufacturer applies approximate markings for the location of the handle. According to existing SNiP, the handle is mounted at a height of 100 cm.

If there are several doors nearby in a room, the height at which the fittings are installed should be the same for all doors, then the handles will look harmonious.

A height point is marked on the door leaf and a horizontal line is drawn. From the end of the door along the intended segment, the distance is measured. To do this, the latch is applied to the door leaf, the front plate is aligned flush with the end and the location of the handle is marked with a pencil or marker, i.e. the place of the hole for the square. Some manufacturers attach a ready-made template to the fittings. It is necessary to make the same marks on the other surface of the canvas.

Continuing the horizontal line to the end, mark the mounting location of the latch. Having attached the front plate of the latch to the end, we circle it around the perimeter.

Drilling and preparing holes

First, a hole is made for the latch or lock mechanism from the end of the door. For this, a drill and a chisel are used. It is necessary to carefully make a hole without damaging the canvas itself.

With a chisel, you need to remove excess material and try on the bar. She should calmly enter the resulting groove.

Using a pen drill, a drill makes a hole for the square of the handle according to the intended markings. To make a hole in wooden door neat and strictly perpendicular, it is better to drill the canvas not to the full thickness immediately in one approach, but half. The same operation must be performed on the other side of the door. Deviations can lead to further distortion of the mechanism.

Latch Installation

A latch is placed in the prepared hole and fixed at the end with two self-tapping screws.

The handle must be disassembled, one handle is inserted on one side of the canvas, the other on the opposite side. Handles are attracted to the square with a special screw. The mechanism is fixed to the canvas with self-tapping screws. In some models, the fastener is closed with a decorative overlay.

You can secure the handle with zip ties. To do this, the body of the latch or lock must have special through holes. According to these holes, additional marking of the web is made, after which two holes for screeds are drilled.

Mounting the striker in the door frame

When the handle is fully installed, proceed to the design of the slot on the frame box. To do this, close the door so that the tongue touches the doorway. Holding the door with one hand, mark on the box with the other the place where the tongue touches the top and bottom. Chalk or toothpaste can be applied to the tongue; when the door is closed, the tongue will leave a mark on the box.

Using a drill and a chisel, make a groove and a hole for the tongue and lining. An overlay is inserted into the prepared place and fixed with self-tapping screws. For a better entry of self-tapping screws into the box, the screwing points are prepared by pre-drilling with a drill of a smaller diameter.

If, when the doors are closed, the latch works and holds the door, the lock mechanism works without difficulty - the fittings are installed correctly.

Replacing the old handle with a new mechanism

Before you buy a new door handle, you need to dismantle the old fittings, carefully examine and measure the hole in the door leaf. It will be a guideline when choosing a new mechanism. Otherwise, the slot may be larger than required for the new handle, which will noticeably spoil the appearance of the door. This often happens when replacing a knob with a classic socket handle.

If the mechanism of the old lock is working properly and you only need to replace the handle, the latch or lock should not be removed from the door leaf. Installing a new handle will take no more than half an hour.

The algorithm of actions when installing the handle:

  1. Removing the socket to gain access to fasteners (screws or ties)
  2. Unscrewing the fasteners, loosening the screw that fixes the handle to the square and separating the handle into two halves
  3. Removing the square, if necessary, replacing it
  4. Installing a new square and two halves of the handles, tightening the screw that fixes the handle to the square
  5. Fixing the product to the door leaf with ties or self-tapping screws
  6. Installing a socket (lining) covering the fasteners