What productions are in the Crimea. Crimean chemical industry

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Crimean industry- one of the leading sectors of the Crimean economy.

The volume of industrial production in Crimea in 2015 amounted to 74.4 billion rubles, including:

  • mining - 9.8%;
  • manufacturing industries - 59.7%;
  • production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 30.5%.

The main industries of the Crimea: food, chemical, mechanical engineering, natural gas production, construction materials production, electric power industry.

In 2015, the Crimean industrial production index increased by 12.4%.



Natural gas, oil, gas condensate, building materials are being extracted.

The extraction of hydrocarbons is carried out by the Chernomorneftegaz company.

Mechanical engineering and metalworking

Mechanical engineering of the Crimea specializes in the production of electrical and electronic equipment, radio and television devices, communications, optical and navigation devices. The industry is represented by more than 50 enterprises, of which the leading ones are Machine-Building Plant Firma SELMA OJSC, Krymprodmash OJSC, Simferopolselmash OJSC, Feodosia Shipbuilding Company More.

Shipbuilding is one of the largest branches of mechanical engineering in the Crimea, represented by large enterprises in Sevastopol, Kerch, Feodosia. The Kerch plant "Zaliv" specializes in the production of tankers of medium and large capacity, lighter carriers.

  • Simferopol TV Factory -> Production Association "Photon"
  • Plant "Selkhozdetal" (Simferopol)
  • Gidropribor Plant (Feodosia)
  • Plant "Santekhprom" (Simferopol)


  • Sevastopol Marine Plant named after S. Ordzhonikidze

Electrical industry

Ferrous metallurgy

  • Kerch Metallurgical Plant named after. P. L. Voikova

Chemical industry

The chemical industry of Crimea has a clearly defined orientation towards sources of raw materials and therefore is located in the city of Saki, adjacent to the large salt lakes Sasyk and Saki and on the Perekop Isthmus, where a system of bitter-salt lakes is located. Almost one fourth of the total volume of industrial production is represented by chemical and petrochemical enterprises. The largest chemical enterprises are located in Crimea, which act as monopolists in Ukraine and in the CIS countries and produce products that are competitive on the European and world markets.

They form the export core of the republic. An important factor in the successful production activity is the presence on the peninsula of a local base of raw materials and significant labor resources.

Leading enterprises chemical industry are CJSC "Crimean TITAN", OJSC "Crimean Soda Plant", PJSC "Brom", LLC "Akvavita", OJSC "Polivtor".

The main enterprises of the chemical industry:
  • Saki Chemical Plant (Saki)
  • Research and Production Association "Iodobrom" (Saki)
  • Crimean soda plant (Krasnoperekopsk)
  • Perekop bromine plant (Krasnoperekopsk)
  • Crimean Titan (Armensk)
  • chemical production in Simferopol

Building materials industry

  • Plant "Stroydetal" (Feodosia)
  • Production Association "Stroyindustriya" (Bakhchisaray)

food industry

Among the branches of the food industry, fruit and vegetable and fruit and vegetable canning industries stand out. The oil and fat industry has two large plants for the production of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds in the cities of Simferopol and Kerch. They enjoy well-deserved prestige essential oils Crimea.

The flour and cereals industry is represented in the Crimea by ten bakeries that produce flour and cereals, bakeries, and a macaroni factory in Simferopol. The wine-making industry has received a powerful development in the Crimea. Agriculture of the Crimea is historically oriented towards the development of agriculture. The branches of his specialization are viticulture, horticulture, the cultivation of tobacco, essential oil crops, and grain farming. The products of Crimean winemaking are well known on the world market - vintage dessert wines and champagne.

Light industry

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An excerpt characterizing the Industry of the Crimea

I stood completely shocked, as it was almost always after the next story of the North ...
Was that tiny, newly born boy really the famous Jacques de Molay?! How many different bizarre legends I heard about this mysterious man!.. How many miracles were connected with his life in the stories I once loved!
(Unfortunately, wonderful legends about this mysterious man have not survived to this day... He, like Radomir, was made a weak, cowardly and spineless master who "failed" to save his great Order...)
– Can you tell us a little more about him, Sever? Was he such a powerful prophet and miracle worker as my father once told me? ..
Smiling at my impatience, Sever nodded in the affirmative.
– Yes, I will tell you about him, Isidora... I have known him for many years. And I talked to him many times. I loved this man very much ... And I missed him very much.
I did not ask why he did not help him during the execution? It didn't make sense, since I already knew his answer.
– What are you?! Have you spoken to him? Please, will you tell me about this, Sever?!. I exclaimed.
I know I was like a child in my excitement... But it didn't matter. Sever understood how important his story was for me, and patiently helped me.
“Only I would like to know first what became of his mother and the Cathars. I know that they died, but I would like to see it with my own eyes... Help me, please, Sever.
And again, reality disappeared, returning me to Montsegur, where wonderful brave people lived their last hours - students and followers of Magdalene ...

Esclarmonde lay quietly on the bed. Her eyes were closed, she seemed to be sleeping, exhausted by losses ... But I felt - it was just protection. She just wanted to be alone with her sadness... Her heart suffered endlessly. The body refused to obey... Just a few moments ago, her hands were holding a newborn son... Embracing her husband... Now they are gone into the unknown. And no one could say with certainty whether they would be able to get away from the hatred of the "hunters" who filled the foot of Montsegur. Yes, and the whole valley, as far as the eye covered ... The fortress was the last stronghold of the Cathars, after it there was nothing left. They suffered a complete defeat ... Exhausted by hunger and winter cold, they were helpless against the stone "rain" of catapults that rained down on Montsegur from morning to night.

“Tell me, Sever, why didn’t the Perfect Ones defend themselves?” After all, as far as I know, no one was better than them in "movement" (I think they mean telekinesis), "breath" and much more. Why did they give up?!
“There are reasons for this, Isidora. In the very first attacks of the crusaders, the Cathars did not yet give up. But after the complete destruction of the cities of Albi, Beziers, Minerva and Lavour, in which thousands of civilians died, the church came up with a move that simply could not work. Before they attacked, they announced to the Perfects that if they surrendered, not a single person would be harmed. And, of course, the Cathars surrendered... From that day on, the fires of the Perfect Ones began to blaze all over Occitania. People who devoted their whole lives to Knowledge, Light and Goodness were burned like garbage, turning the beautiful Occitania into a desert scorched by bonfires.
Look, Isidora... Look, if you want to see the truth...
I was seized by a real sacred horror! .. For what the North showed me did not fit into the framework of normal human understanding! .. It was Hell, if it ever truly existed somewhere ...
Thousands of knights-murderers dressed in sparkling armor cold-bloodedly slaughtered people rushing about in horror - women, old people, children ... Everyone who fell under the strong blows of the faithful servants of the "forgiving" Catholic Church ... Young men who tried to resist immediately fell dead , hacked with long knightly swords. Heart-rending cries sounded everywhere... the clash of swords was deafening. There was a suffocating smell of smoke, human blood and death. The knights mercilessly cut down everyone: whether it was a newborn baby, which, begging for mercy, was held out by an unfortunate mother ... or there was a weak old man ... All of them were immediately mercilessly hacked to death ... in the name of Christ !!! It was sacrilege. It was so wild that my hair really moved on my head. I was trembling all over, unable to accept or simply comprehend what was happening. I really wanted to believe that this was a dream! That such a reality could not be! But, unfortunately, it was still a reality ...
HOW could they explain the perpetrated atrocity?! HOW could the Roman Church FORGIVE (???) those committing such a terrible crime?!
Even before the start of the Albigensian Crusade, in 1199, Pope Innocent III “graciously” declared: “Anyone who professes a belief in God that does not coincide with church dogma should be burned without the slightest regret.” Crusade on Qatar was called "For the Cause of Peace and Faith"! (Negotium Pacis et Fidei)...
Right at the altar, a handsome young knight tried to crush the skull of an elderly man... The man did not die, his skull did not give in. The young knight calmly and methodically continued to beat, until the man finally twitched for the last time and calmed down - his thick skull, unable to stand it, split ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp far appearance in Crimea, the structure, nature of the placement of production and the population developed historically, in accordance with its natural and socio-economic conditions.
      Until 1917, the republic's economy was predominantly agrarian. Subsequently, it developed into an industrial-agrarian one.
      In the structure of industrial production, the leading place belongs to the food industry (38.9% of the total industrial production). This is followed by mechanical engineering and metalworking (33.5%), chemical industry (9.1%), industry building materials (4,4%).
Many industries (chemical industry, ferrous metallurgy, building materials industry) come into conflict with the environment and only to a small extent work for the needs of the republic.
food industry
& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsping industry, today is one of the most successfully developing sectors of the Crimea economy, partially works for export, supplying the best products of rural cerens and, of course, guilt to foreign markets. The ancient traditions of winemaking, combined with the latest production technologies, make Crimea one of the famous suppliers of the finest Muscat wines. Crimea is one of the oldest granaries of the world, and the gifts of gardens and plantations of essential oil crops of the peninsula are known far beyond its borders.
      In 2001, more than five thousand enterprises served buyers in Crimea retail. Compared to last year, 383 stores were added to the total number, and the number of stationary catering establishments increased by 141 units. The volume of household services provided to the population increased by 1.6 times.
& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp general annual volume of trade in Crimea, including catering, is over 880 million hryvnias, which is 31% more than last year. This is the highest growth rate in two years. The goods sold amounted to UAH 209.9 million more than in 2000. The most characteristic sign of the current consumer market is a noticeable increase in buyers' interest in domestic goods.
      These products seriously compete with imported products. The products of the Soyuz-Viktan company, the Simferopol pasta factory, the Krym Brewery and Non-Alcoholic Plant JSC, the First May and Kirov canning factories are in great demand among our buyers. The Simferopol confectionery factory, the Dionis winery, a number of enterprises that produce household chemicals are also increasing production volumes, which, by the way, are not inferior, by the way, to imported ones, not only in quality, but also in their appearance, over which our designers and artists have worked hard. In general, in Crimea, the sale of domestically produced goods accounts for 97.9% of food products and 65.7% of the industrial group of goods. 86 exhibitions-fairs were held, which contributed to filling the market with domestically produced goods. Small enterprises also took an active part in them, which is in line with the National Program for the Development of Small and Medium Businesses. This work is carried out most successfully in Simferopol, Feodosiya, Yevpatoriya and Krasnoperekopsk.
Fuel and energy industry.
         Gas fields in the Crimea began to be exploited in the 60s of the last century. The wells were drilled on the Tarkhankut Peninsula, the Arabat Spit and in the Dzhankoy District. In the 1970s, the main gas production moved to the shelf of the Black and Azov Seas. The largest natural gas field under development is Galitsynskoye. Today, Crimea can almost completely provide itself with gas from its own reserves. However, in addition to natural gas, the peninsula is in dire need of liquefied gas (about 100,000 tons annually), which primarily feeds Kerch and Feodosia.
      Electricity produced by the Crimean thermal power plants satisfies the needs of the autonomy only by 11%. There are wind and geothermal electrical installations in Crimea.

      Metallurgical production of Crimea is located in the city of Kerch. Iron ores mined in this area are classified as low-quality, their iron content is about 40%, in addition, they contain a lot of harmful impurities.
      Today, on the basis of the old metallurgical production in Kerch, there is a plant that produces small batches of steel castings from scrap metal. The most promising at the Kerch Metallurgical Plant is the shop of enamelware.
      In 1992 Crimean metallurgy entered the concern "Ukrrudprom" through the enrichment of iron ore and the supply of flux limestone mined in the Balaklava region.
Mechanical engineering and metalworking.
      Engineering originated in the Crimea at the end of the 19th century and overtook other sectors of the economy in terms of development rates, turning into a specialization sector in almost every city of the republic. This was facilitated by the favorable transport and geographical position of the peninsula, the availability of highly qualified labor resources and the need to service the needs of other sectors of the economy.
      One of the largest machine-building industries in Crimea is shipbuilding. It is represented by enterprises in Sevastopol, Kerch and Feodosia.
                       development predetermined formation of a ship repair base in Crimea.
& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp machine engineering of Crimea specializes in the production of electrical equipment, radio and television tools, electronic equipment, communications, optical and navigation devices.
Chemical industry
      The emergence of chemical industries in the Crimea dates back to the first decades of the 20th century and is associated with the presence of unique salt deposits here. The first chemical enterprise in the city of Saki produced bromine, magnesium chloride, bromine salts and medicines. Today, the number of enterprises created near the sources of raw materials includes the Saki Chemical Plant and the Yodobrom Research and Production Association, based on the use of brine from local lakes, as well as two plants in Krasnoperekopsk - Crimean soda and Perekop bromine.
          A number of chemical enterprises are located in the Crimea due to the availability of places for dumping production waste here (Titan production association, Krasnoperekopsky district).

Publication date: 08/03/2016

Despite the fact that the Crimean peninsula is not so large in area, it can surprise with its diversity not only with its multinational composition, architectural monuments, the azure shores of the Black and Azov Seas, but also with large factories, such as those in Crimea. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a peninsula without vineyards and wineries. Vineyards in Crimea are among the best and give a large and tasty harvest of various grape varieties. Many varieties of wines are made from it, mainly Muscat, which are later exported. And the berries themselves are also sold in unlimited quantities. Crimean wine is valued not only on the peninsula itself, but throughout Europe. And this is not strange, because in terms of grape harvest, Crimea exceeds many union republics and is second only to Georgia, Moldova, and Uzbekistan. In order to preserve the vineyards, it is necessary to plant at least 4,000 hectares of new vineyard seedlings every year. To easily rent any room in a hotel or hotel in Crimea, go to.

List of wineries and factories on the Crimean peninsula:

  • Alushta (wine enterprise).
  • "Solnechnaya Dolina" (wine enterprise).
  • Winery "Massandra".
  • Sudak (wine enterprise).
  • Factory of vintage wines and cognacs "Koktebel".
  • Livadia (wine enterprise).
  • Inkerman factory of vintage wines.
  • Malorechenskoe (wine-making enterprise).
  • Gurzuf (wine enterprise).
  • Sea (wine enterprise).
  • New World (factory).
  • Privetnoe (wine-making enterprise).
  • Institute of viticulture and winemaking "Magarach".
  • Tavrida (wine-making enterprise.

These are the largest factories and enterprises that are in the Crimea for the manufacture of wine products.

Chemical large plants, which are in the Crimea

Chemical production in the Crimea began in the first decade of the 20th century - this is due to the presence of unique salt deposits on the peninsula. The first chemical enterprise was located in the city of Saki, where they produced magnesium chloride, bromine, bromine salts and medicines. To date, these are the Saki Chemical Plant and the Iodobrom Research and Production Association, based on the use of brine from local lakes. Also in the Crimea there are two plants in Krasnoperekopsk - Crimean soda and Perekop bromine.

A number of chemical enterprises are located in the Crimea due to the availability of places for dumping production waste here (Titan production association, Krasnoperekopsky district).

Metallurgy in Crimea

The production of metallurgy on the peninsula is located in the city of Kerch. Iron ores are mined in this area, but they are classified as low-quality, and all because the iron content in them is about 40%, and there are many harmful impurities in them. On the basis of the old metallurgical production, today a plant operates in Kerch, which produces not very large batches of steel castings made from scrap metal. The most profitable and promising at the Kerch Metallurgical Plant is the workshop for the manufacture of enamel utensils.

Food factories in Crimea

In Crimea, domestically produced goods account for about 97.9% of food products and 65.7% of the industrial group of goods. The products of the Soyuz-Viktan company, the Simferopol pasta factory, the Krym Brewery and Non-Alcoholic Plant JSC, the First May and Kirov canning factories are in the greatest demand. No less popular products are the Simferopol confectionery factory, the Dionis winery, and many others. These are bakeries, dairy plants and others. The products of a domestic manufacturer are in no way inferior to imported ones, both in taste and in aesthetic terms.

Crimean studies Grade 9. Lesson #20 . Chemical industry of the Crimea. Placement principles. Large enterprises. Environmental problems of the industry.

Planned results:

Personal: to cultivate a careful attitude to the nature of the Crimean peninsula;

Metasubject: develop the ability to analyze the consequences of the impact of human economic activity on nature and understanding the occurrence environmental issues;

Subject: determine the place and role of the chemical industry in the Crimean economy.

Equipment: textbook "Crimean studies -9" (Social and economic - geographical review of the Crimea), atlas of the Crimea, notebook with a printed basis, edited by A.V. Suprychev, a demonstration map of the Crimea, a multimedia complex with direct Internet access.

Lesson type: assimilation of new knowledge

I . Organizing time: the fifth lesson we study the economy of the Crimea. We got acquainted with the fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering. Today our lesson belongs to the chemical industry.

II . Updating the basic knowledge and skills of students:

At the 8th grade geography lessons, we got acquainted with the chemical industry of Russia and talked about its leading features in the modern economy of the country.

    Why is it impossible to imagine human life without chemical technologies?

    Give examples that prove that chemical industry products not only surround us, but life without them “loses” its taste (mining and chemical production: extraction of chemical raw materials: table and potash salt).

    Give examples of chemical industry products that replace natural products and surpass them in their properties.

III . Motivation of educational and cognitive activity .

"Warm-up" from the heading "I want to know everything" allows us to draw an important conclusion: the science-intensive chemical industry is the leading branch of the economy.

I want before studying new topic ask a problematic question to the class:

“Which scale will tip: economic profit from the chemical industry or respect for the house where we live?”

IV . Learning new material:

We, native Crimeans, remember well that after the collapse of the USSR, the products of the Crimean chemical industry were uncompetitive due to high prices, high energy intensity and old production equipment. The enterprises of the chemical industry - the Krasnoperekopsky industrial hub, were among the dangerous pollutants of the peninsula. Many scientists spoke about the inexpediency of the development of chemical production in the Crimea. But today we are forced to admit that the industry has overcome the development crises and is stable and dynamic in terms of the value of products sold, it ranks second in the Republic of Crimea after the food industry. The chemical industry has retained its production capacity and the export nature of products that are in demand on the foreign market.

The modern chemical complex in the Crimea is represented by two sub-sectors: basic chemistry and chemistry of organic synthesis. Chemical industry enterprises, as a rule, are guided by raw materials and consumers.

The Iodobrom plant in Saki is located near the sources of raw materials. The oldest enterprise in the Crimea, which is 90 years old. It produces iodine, inorganic iodine-containing products of high purity and anti-corrosion equipment made of titanium.

In Krasnoperekopsk there are two plants of basic chemistry - the Crimean soda plant, which produces technical and baking soda, edible salt. Perekop bromine (JSC Brom) The plant is located on the shore of the salt lake Staroe, uses the brine of Lake Krasnoe, Sivash waters. The enterprise produces bromine and bromine-containing chemical compounds, which are used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, rubber industry and are in demand in Eastern Europe and the CIS countries.

In the village of Ikhodnoye, near the city of Armyansk, the Titan Production Association was established. This is the largest producer of titanium dioxide, which is necessary for the production of corrosion-resistant paint and varnish products, printing inks. "Crimean Titan" produces mineral fertilizers, sulfuric acid, liquid sodium glass. The enterprise discharges harmful effluents into local lakes and the Sivash Bay. Why such an enterprise for Crimea, if the natural landscapes of the peninsula are being destroyed?

The chemistry of organic synthesis originated in the Crimea under the influence of the consumer factor. Today it is represented by the Kerch plant "Algeal", which produces plastic products. Simferopol plant "Composite" produces products from polymers and composite materials. Composite materials replace metal where there is friction of parts. Since 2014, the Crimean Household Chemicals Plant has been operating in the village of Ukromnoye near Simferopol, producing glycerin, soaps, detergents, cleaners and polishes.

The expansion of the pharmaceutical industry is planned in Crimea. The Dzhankoysko-Sivash experimental plant is operating, producing the medical preparation "Polysorb", which is necessary for the removal of toxins. The Nizhnepharm enterprise in the village of Listvennoye, Nizhnegorsky District, produces Septol, which is used for hand disinfection. The Kerch Scientific and Technical Center "Yunis" produces calcium preparations, fish oil, drugs, which are based on sea mollusks and algae.

Together with Indian companies, it is planned to build a new pharmaceutical plant in Simferopol. An environmentally friendly enterprise will allow Crimea to produce its own medications and not depend on their imports.

Chemical enterprises of Crimea - dangerous pollutants environment and their harmful effects of activity are manifold.

The air environment of the peninsula is polluted by emissions of sulfur dioxide, of hydrochloric acid, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, soda dust, etc. Every year 60-70 thousand tons enter the nature. For many years, the brine of Saki Lake and the coastal zone of the Black Sea was poisoned by the storage tank of untreated wastewater from the Saki chemical plant and the Yodobrom plant. Currently, the Saki chemical plant is closed.

Serious damage is caused to the aquatic environment. Annually, 16-18 million cubic meters of bromine-free brine from Krasnoperekop enterprises are dumped into the coastal zone of the Karkinitsky Bay. Plant death and animal world, the upper limit of hydrogen sulfide has risen. The lakes Krasnoye, Staroe, Krugloye, Kiyatskoye have been turned into a dead zone. Industrial pollution of the Armenian-Krasnoperekop junction destroyed 43 square kilometers of the Sivash Bay.

The chemical industry is causing enormous damage agriculture peninsulas. Acid rains, born at the chemical enterprises of the Northern Crimea, destroy vegetables and fruit crops reducing their productivity.

Water is essential for the development of the chemical industry. Previously, the problem was solved by the waters of the North Crimean Canal, but for three years there has been no Dnieper water on the peninsula. Today, this problem is solved by groundwater, but we all know that their possibilities are limited. What will happen if the underground waters of the Northern Crimea are exhausted? This question remains unanswered.

We all understand that modern man will not be able to do without products created by the chemical industry. But it is necessary to approach the solution of this problem in a balanced way, saving our small common home, which is called planet Earth.

Demonstration of the video clip “In the Crimea began to restore production pink salt” (duration 3.10 min., dated 10/12/2014) After watching, exchange opinions about what you saw.

V . Consolidation of the studied material:

1 Let's return to the problematic question of the lesson. What will win: economic profit from chemical enterprises or respect for the house where we live?

I really want the harmful enterprises of the chemical industry to be closed on the territory of the Crimean resort for the sake of the future of the peninsula!

VI . Lesson results.

Highlighting the main and summing up.

VII . Homework: paragraph 20, in the course of work in the lesson was filled workbook pp. 49 -50 (to know the answer to question No. 6).

The Crimean economy is going through a transitional period. Businesses are hindered by the difference between Ukrainian and Russian legislation, firms recalculate taxes, sometimes they are forced to look for new suppliers and consumers. And if it is easier for small market players to reorganize due to flexibility, then for large companies the time has come for serious decisions.

The Crimean economy is going through a transitional period. Businesses are hindered by the difference between Ukrainian and Russian legislation, firms recalculate taxes, sometimes they are forced to look for new suppliers and consumers. And if it is easier for small market players to reorganize due to flexibility, then for large companies the time has come for serious decisions. In addition, they attract greater interest from the Ukrainian authorities, who hope, if not to return them to property, then to receive compensation for them. FederalPress presents a list of the five largest enterprises in terms of revenue operating in the territory of the new constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Most large enterprises - some with joy, some with difficulty - have accepted the new rules of the game and set a course for integration into the Russian economic field. As a rule, they had no choice: large production is either impossible or unprofitable to move (and in the shortest possible time) even to a neighboring region. However, there are exceptions. According to Forbes magazine, the second place among Crimean companies in terms of revenue (after Crimean Titan) and profitability (after Crimea CHPP) was occupied by the manufacturer and retailer of alcoholic products Crimean Vodka Company. During the spring events on the peninsula, the company's owners chose to curtail business and invest in production on the territory of continental Ukraine. It turned out to be easy to do, since the Crimean Vodka Company did not invest in the construction of its own production, but rented several long-established alcohol production plants.

It is unlikely that any of the subjects of our material will follow the example of the Crimean Vodka Company, however, it is possible that the owners of large companies with interests in the remaining Ukrainian regions will give up their Crimean assets under pressure and the enterprises will change owners, therefore, interest in these companies in the near future from the media will remain high.

Crimean Titan, chemical industry

Revenue - 13.7 billion rubles (2013)
Head: Sergey Kosenko

The largest producer of titanium dioxide in Eastern Europe is experiencing some difficulties, both industrial and legal, during the transition of the Crimea to the Russian Federation. Dmitry Firtash, the owner of an enterprise consisting of two factories on the Perekop Isthmus, was recently under house arrest in Austria, and has now been released on a record bail of 125 million euros. He dragged to the last with the re-registration of the company to Russian jurisdiction, but he failed to avoid a quarrel with the Ukrainian authorities, because of which Firtash lost control over titanium mining and processing plants in the Dnepropetrovsk and Kherson regions. Thus, the main task for "Crimean Titan" in the near future will be to find ways to supply raw materials. Also, we must not forget that the production of titanium dioxide is water-intensive, and therefore dependent on the supply of water.

"Atan-Crimea", transportation and sale of fuel

Revenue - 6.5 billion rubles (2013)
Head: Alexander Tereshchenko
Main beneficiary: Alexey Tikhomirov

The company is engaged in transportation, wholesale deliveries and retail fuel - its fuel trucks are used by TNK and Ukrnafta brands, it has its own network of filling stations and is a monopoly on the supply of fuel for small boats. During the Ukrainian period of the life of the peninsula, Atan often managed to receive government orders, and its future largely depends on building relationships with the new authorities. Aleksey Tikhomirov, the owner of the company, should be able to work with the authorities; he is a member of the Crimean parliament from the Communist Party. The relationship between Russia and Ukraine largely determines whether Atan will be able to maintain its business outside the Crimea - for example, in 2013 the company invested heavily to enter the Dnepropetrovsk market.

Crimean soda plant, chemical industry

Revenue - 5.6 billion rubles (2012)
Head: Vladislav Shmelkov
Main beneficiary: Dmitry Firtash

Another enterprise controlled by Dmitry Firtash, in connection with the sanctions, may experience significant problems with the sale of its products, which previously met the domestic demand of Ukraine, and were also exported, including to the EEC countries. However, Krymsoda, which provides 1.5% of the world demand for soda ash, is unlikely to be completely without consumers. Another thing is that in recent years the global situation has been unfavorable for the company and it will not be easy to win back the markets lost due to sanctions. It should be noted that the plant is the city-forming enterprise of Krasnoperekopsk and can be supported by the authorities based on considerations of social stability.

Chernomorneftegaz, mining

Revenue - 5.5 billion rubles (2012)
Head: Sergey Golovin
Main beneficiary:-

Chernomorneftegaz carries out exploration, development and production of oil and gas in the Black and Azov Seas, as well as storage and transportation of fuel. For the peninsula, the company is the main supplier of gas. Before the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Ukraine was the key in matters of its own gas production. Now the question of ownership of the company has not yet been resolved - so, only at the end of summer Russian Ministry Energy, a commission was created to solve problems related to the existence of Chernomorneftegaz. The fact is that 100% of its shares belonged to the Naftogaz of Ukraine company, but in March of this year, the State Council of the Republic of Crimea issued a decree according to which all the property of Chornomorneftegaz was transferred to Crimea. It is possible that the company will become the subject of a material dispute between Kyiv and Moscow.

KrymTETS, utilities

Revenue - 4.9 billion rubles (2013)
Leader: Igor Senko
Main beneficiary: Konstantin Grigorishin

Konstantin Grigorishin is a Russian businessman who has invested a lot in the Ukrainian economy. He owns controlling stakes in utility companies in several areas of the neighboring state. In January 2014, the Ukrainian authorities wanted to raise the rent for those thermal power plants operated by Krymteploelektrotsentral, but did not have time. Now Grigorishin's name appears in materials discussing the prospects for freezing or liquidating Russian assets in Ukraine. However, this will no longer affect the Crimean company - it continues to develop and invest in projects to develop the energy sector of the peninsula.