Pink salt in Cyprus. Salt lake of Larnaca

Church of Saint Lazarus

Having noticed that WizzAir offers very low prices for a flight towards fabulous Cyprus ( 50$ per person one way), without hesitation we bought tickets for the end of April.

Spring weather in Cyprus

Despite the fact that the weather was quite windy and the water was cool, we had a lot of fun and arrived, as they say, on time.

It is worth mentioning here that I was born in the south of Ukraine, and therefore spent a lot of time at sea, if not too much. Every summer we traveled all over the southern coast of the country and repeatedly visited the Crimea. Therefore, now I am rather indifferent to the rest in the style of "beach-and-sloth-whim", preferring an active vacation.

Our goal was the sights and incredible beauty of the landscapes that Cyprus is famous for. It was decided to spend the first days in Larnaca- since the plane flew to this port city, it was reasonable to inspect its memorable places.

Internet in Cyprus

Architecture in Larnaca, by VSmthSmb

I always recommend travelers not to be greedy and buy a SIM card upon arrival in any country. Although there are many free Wi-Fi hotspots, most of them ask for a local number in order to send an SMS with a verification code. Of course, if you ask for help, there will be those who will provide it, but it's much calmer when you have your own working connection at hand. Who is used to what.

How to get to the city from the airport?

By taxi, the trip to the city center costs € 8-10. But the cheapest way to get there is to take one of the regular buses Zenon Larnaka Buses No. 417, 419, 425, 429, whose price is 1.5 € during the day and 2.5 € at night. If you decide to rent a car, please note that left-hand traffic is accepted in the country.

Accommodation in Larnaca. Our choice

We booked a spacious apartment through for a low fee ( $ 20 per day), not far from the famous Finikoudes promenade.

As it turned out, the accommodation was really worth it: a modern living room, a cozy bedroom, an equipped kitchen with all appliances, a bathroom and a long balcony overlooking the sea - this is even more than we expected.

Architecture of Larnaca, by VSmthSmb

After unpacking, we went to the sea. Numerous cafes, restaurants and ice cream trucks have grown along the coastline, why not happiness?

Food in Cyprus

Everyone will be able to find what he likes: from fast food to expensive restaurants. By the way, I was always surprised by those people who said that abroad MC Donald's is the food of the poor. Tasteless - yes, so far no country has impressed me with quality compared to ours. But for cheap...

Wherever we are, the most the best option for the price-quality was the local cuisine, that's really satisfying, and the pocket does not empty.

Also, in Cyprus the so-called " English breakfast»: scrambled eggs with bacon, beans and other vegetables. average price € 5-10 for two, depending on the location and season. Usually, signs of establishments are full of a variety of interesting offers, so you won’t have to starve here. In general, it was difficult for us to get used to the huge portions that the good-natured Cypriots brought. Only at the end of the holiday did we develop the habit of ordering one dish for two, and not out of greed, but from the fact that it is simply impossible to eat everything alone.

After the meal, we wanted to walk around the city. Well, modern architecture is quite simple and monotonous, most of all the houses resembled boxes in which windows were cut out. But the more ancient monuments of architecture, of course, deserve close attention. What is the Church of St. Lazarus, Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque and Larnaca Castle worth. They can be safely called the visiting cards of Larnaca.

Salt Lake.

Salt lake in Larnaca

The salt lake consists of four reservoirs. Especially it is that in the warm season, the water almost completely dries up, leaving the view of a snow-white salt marsh.

At first, I didn’t even believe that it was real, it seemed to me that there was snow in front of us, and therefore I just went forward. Only after a few steps I felt a damp champ under my feet. A little advice: wear comfortable shoes, preferably sneakers, otherwise you will understand the meaning of the words “don’t rub salt in my wound” 😂 . Fortunately, there was a path of rounded stones that you could stand on.

According to scientists, this phenomenon can be explained by the fact that as a result of shifts of tectonic plates, sea water penetrates into the lake through their porous rocky rock. And according to legend, once this place was famous for its vineyards. In one of summer days, Lazarus(the one whom Christ resurrected) passed by and, thirsty, asked the woman for a bunch of berries. She rudely refused him, and in punishment, the wanderer cursed the fertile soil.

Be that as it may, the Salt Lake is a miracle of nature, and in winter time flocks of pink flamingos can be seen on its waters. It’s a pity that we didn’t manage to capture this magical spectacle, but we visited the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque and the Kamares Aqueduct, which deserve a separate article.

On the way back, we boarded public transport. As far as I remember, the same bus numbers pass there, which have the airport indicated in the route. We returned to the center, went to the store. I was pleased that the city is full of small shops where you can buy both food and goods for a reasonable price.
After that, tired but happy, we went home.

General impression of Larnaca.

Let me explain: big shopping centers not in Larnaca, nor is there a stormy nightlife, so lovers of youth recreation will be bored here. The maximum that you can do as an alternative to walking is to visit the numerous restaurants located in the center near St. Lazarus Square.

But, as I said, we were lucky - just at this time of the year Easter was celebrated in Cyprus. That is why the atmosphere of the holiday triumphed everywhere: bright dyes, happy people - everyone was preparing for Great Sunday. You can read about how we celebrated this day

In the meantime, I wish you a good evening and fast travels!

Stay tuned for updates on our page

Today we will visit the nearest suburb of Larnica, visit the salt lake, take a walk to the Kamares aqueduct and look into the Hala Sultan Tekke mosque (one of the mosques in Larnaca).

These places are included in the list of the main attractions of Larnaca, which are recommended for visiting. So, if you are bored of wallowing on local beaches, then this post is written just for you.

What can be reached

Attractions are suburban, so we will need transport, or we will have to walk a lot. You can walk on foot, but walking in the heat is a pleasure for everyone. In a word, the choice is yours.

By car

Cyprus is a car country, so the best remedy transportation to explore the island is a car.

Pay attention to this map, it shows car and pedestrian routes, as well as the main attractions around the salt lake.

On the map you will find:

  • Aqueduct Kamares;
  • Mackenzie Beach;
  • Larnaca airport;
  • Center of Larnaca;
  • Salt Lake Park;
  • Walking path along the lake;
  • Dirt road from the mosque to the aqueduct.

The Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque is one of the four shrines of the Muslim world, in front of it are only the mosques of Mecca, Medina and the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

It is believed that the mosque was built on the burial site of Umm Haram, exactly in the place where the pious woman fell from her donkey and broke her neck. This is what the prophet Muhammad predicted when he visited the house of Umm Haram.

Interesting fact. Hala Sultan Tekke is the only mosque in the world dedicated to a woman.

How to get from Larnaca

The most convenient way to get to the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque is by car or taxi. There are no bus stops in the immediate vicinity, so you have to stomp on foot for several kilometers. The road is comfortable, and goes along the salt lake, along the way there is a bench, if you are lucky you will see flamingos.

There is information on the Internet about a bus that goes directly to the mosque, but I have never seen it live. If you have ridden it, please share.

Legend and Brief History of the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque

Around the mosque, sometimes it is called the mosque of a pious woman, there are many legends. There are both quite plausible legends (about the fall of Umm Haram from the donkey), and obvious fables (about 15 tons of stones of cosmic origin hovering over the grave of Umm Haram), but people believe.

It is believed that the temple is one of the most revered in the Muslim world, that it is as important as the mosques of Mecca and Medina. But the Internet has a different opinion on this matter, and besides, the popularity and attendance of the Larnaca mosque, in comparison with other Muslim shrines, is very modest. Who was in Saudi Arabia will not let me lie.

Why is the mosque named after a pious woman? The history is confusing and ambiguous. It is believed that Umm Haram (that same pious woman) was a relative of the Prophet Muhammad, or close to him.

The legend says the following, the prophet visited the house of Umm Haram in Medina, and told her about his afternoon dream. In a dream, Allah appeared to Muhammad and predicted a Muslim campaign around the world to spread the young religion. Islam was not widespread in those days, so all who die for the faith and its promotion will immediately go to heaven.

Despite her advanced age, Umm Haram was going on a military campaign, for which she received the personal consent of Muhammad. The prophet also said that the campaign would be difficult, and there would be many human sacrifices for the faith, and she would be the first to die in a holy war.

To conquer the island and promote a new religion, in 649 the Arabs landed in Cyprus. It happened in the Salt Lake area.

Umm Haram was of advanced age, so she rode on a donkey. In the immediate vicinity of the landing site, the animal stumbled, and the pious woman fell to the ground, breaking her neck. On this, her military campaign ended, as the prophet promised, she immediately went to heaven.

Umm Haram was buried exactly at the place where she fell from the donkey. As you can understand, this happened in the 7th century. The grave of a pious woman was safely forgotten for many centuries. But during the Ottoman Empire, the existence of this story was remembered, and in 1760 the Ottoman governor of Cyprus (his name was Ali Aga) built a temple on the site of the death of Umm Haram.

The Turks are still those builders, so for the construction of the mosque, several Orthodox churches. Actually, the Hala Sultan Tekke mosque was built from the stones of Christian shrines. However, these are standard construction methods used by the Ottomans in many occupied territories.

Visit the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque

We turn off the highway, which goes towards the airport, and find ourselves on the territory of the Salt Lake Park.

Right at the entrance you will find a convenient car parking, next to it there will be a stall with a simple snack. If there are flocks of flamingos on the lake, then we leave the car here. We go to the mosque along the edge of the lake, stare at the shy birds and take pictures of the mosque.

If there are no birds on the lake, then we go to the parking lot at the mosque. The parking lot is inhabited by hordes of local cats, be careful not to run over inadvertently. Animals are homeless, peaceful and waiting for your gifts (do not forget about it).

Nowadays, the mosque operates according to a strict schedule, it is impossible to get inside outside the visiting hours (the territory is locked). During Orthodox holidays Christmas and Easter, January 1, etc. visiting is also impossible. During Friday prayers, tourists will not be allowed inside either.

Working mode:

  • 7:30-19:30 (June-August);
  • 9:00-18:00 (April-May, September-October);
  • 9:00-17:00 (November-March).

Hala Sultan Tekke is a small religious complex that includes a mosque, a mausoleum of a pious woman, a minaret, a cemetery, a garden, and several living quarters for pilgrims (separated into female and male parts).

In 2015, the entire complex was completely renovated, so it has a wonderful view.

This photo shows several structures. What is closest is the tomb of Umm Haram (small dome), around which (behind the green fence) there are graves for privileged Muslims. Here are buried: Queen Adil Hussein Ali, the wife of the ruler of Mecca Hussein bin-Ali, the eldest daughter of the Vizier of Turkey Mustafa Rezi Pasha, the great-grandmother of the late King Hussein of Jordan - Khadija, etc.

The main prayer place of the mosque is located under the large dome.

On the eastern side there is a small cemetery with the graves of the Turkish governors of Cyprus, some of the graves have beautiful tombstones.

The word Tekke can be translated as a monastery, once dervishes lived here. Entrance inside is free, but you must follow the dress code, take off your shoes and cover the bare parts of the body before entering (they give out a cape for free). In Cyprus, Islam is not aggressive, but it is still not advisable to go here in a mini bikini, respect the feelings of believers.

The first room is a mosque, inside it is light and clean. A ladder leads to the second floor, there is a small enclosure for Muslim women. According to strict religious rules, the place for their prayers is fenced off with a wicker fence.

There are no special beauties in the first room, but you can sit on the carpets, relax and go explore the next room.

The second room is the tomb of that very pious woman. It is believed that the ashes of Umm Haram rest under three stones that were brought from Sinai.

The tomb of Umm Haram is covered with several layers of green cloth, on top of which lies a beautiful embroidery with a quote from the Koran.

This completes the inspection of the mosque and the mausoleum. We go outside and walk around a small courtyard.

If you look behind outbuildings then you discover excavations ancient city. Very rough masonry, once there was someone's home.

It is authentically known that the settlement on the shore of the lake was in the VI century BC. During archaeological excavations, ancient artifacts were found: ceramics of the Mycenaean period, ivory objects, a lotus-shaped scepter. All finds are exhibited in the Larnaca fort.

After visiting one of the shrines of Islam, we move on. If you are by car, you can try to drive along the dirt road, if on foot, it is better to bypass the lake from the side of the city.

Directly at the mosque, the road is paved (see photo), but after 300 meters the asphalt ends and a regular dirt road begins (see photo).

Larnaca Salt Lake Park

The entire area around Lake Aliki (this is its real name) is a protected natural park, but only a part from the side of the city (see map) is suitable for leisurely walks along the water surface. There are cozy paths, benches for rest and observation platforms for bird watching.

In winter, the lake fills with water, flocks of pink flamingos and other migratory birds fly here for the winter. In summer, the lake dries up, it looks more like a snowy valley, which looks surreal in the thirty-degree heat.

With a dry lake, you should be especially careful, I do not recommend walking on a salty crust without special need. The problem is that some areas remain swampy, and on top of the swamp there is a thin salty crust. On the surface, everything looks the same, but falling into a quagmire is a matter of chance.

Legend and history of the salt lake

There is one legend circulating on the Internet, which is more like a fake, but none the less. Legend has it that there were picturesque vineyards on the site of the salt lake, allowing the locals to reap rich harvests and live happily ever after.

Everything would be fine, but one fine day Lazarus (an associate of Jesus Christ) wandered along the vineyards on his holy deeds. The weather was hot, and the holy man asked the local farmers for some grapes (according to another version, he asked for water).

The peasants did not see the holy man in the passer-by, and simply sent him away. Saint Lazarus without thinking twice brought a curse on the farmers, and on their livelihood. Since then, instead of fertile land with vineyards, there is a lifeless lake.

Other peasants, having learned this terrible story, have never refused travelers, who knows what kind of person can ask for help. Because of the fear of losing everything, the Cypriots became hospitable and friendly. Here is such interesting legend about St. Lazarus and the teaching of hospitality to Cypriots.

Was Saint Lazarus so cruel? But what about the basic Christian commandments "Love your neighbor, etc." The legend is obviously fake!

If you do not take into account such tales, then a long time ago the salt lake was part of the sea. Several million years ago, the sea receded, forming an isthmus on which today stands the airport and Mackenzie Beach. Take a look at the map, then it will immediately become clear that Saint Lazarus is not guilty. This is where all the legends end.

Not so long ago, the lake was a place of fishing, salt was mined on it and this product was exported abroad. But offshore business (Cyprus is the largest offshore in Europe) and tourism are much more profitable than digging in the mud, and they put a fat cross on salt exports.

Salt lake pink flamingos

Pink flamingos are the hallmark of Larnaca, they are immortalized on postcards, tourist magnets, calendars, etc. Especially fierce lovers of these birds can buy an inflatable ring in the form of a flamingo, take it to the beach and swim, this is also a great souvenir.

Migratory birds arrive in Larnaca at the end of October. If there is not enough water in the lake, then the birds turn around and fly further (to Turkey, Greece or Italy). So there is no guarantee to catch flamingos in Larnaca. Under favorable conditions, the lake can accommodate up to 25,000 birds.

In addition to natural, there are also man-made factors that make the stay of flamingos on the Aliki salt lake uncomfortable. Among them is the increasing air traffic every year, tourists trying to get as close to shy birds as possible. As well as restless lovers of quadrocopters, more and more often disturb the calmness of these graceful birds.

In addition to flamingos, more than 350 species of birds live in Cyprus, some of them can be found on the salt lake.

Here is a small list of birds that are on the salt lake:

  • pink flamingos;
  • large mediterranean gulls;
  • little seagulls;
  • white-fronted geese;
  • red ducks;
  • spoonbills;
  • small sea plovers;
  • mute swans;
  • whooper swans;
  • broad-legged ducks;
  • teal whistles;
  • black-necked grebes;
  • red-headed dives;
  • loaves;
  • herons;
  • stilts.

Walk along the salt lake to the Kamares aqueduct

You know almost everything about the salt lake, now I suggest taking a walk along its shores. Our path will run along the improved part (see the map), from the turn to Mackenzie Beach, to the aqueduct near the village of Kamares.

The road is very simple, it is impossible to get lost on it, everywhere there are signs with the distance, and the trail itself has such nice signs (see photo).

From the trail you can see the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque, behind which wind turbines rise. I won’t say that the field of windmills adorns the Cypriot landscape, but they clearly help the locals with electricity. Pay attention to the high hill, the Stavrovouni Monastery is located there.

The trail is not uniform, somewhere there is a lot of vegetation and almost no water is visible, as in this photo. And somewhere the road goes to the shore of a dry lake.

This photo shows the true depth of the lake (it is very shallow). In summer, it dries up completely and takes on the appearance of a snow field, but I don’t recommend running on it, read about the reasons a little higher.

A little further from Larnaca, denser vegetation and less well-groomed park begin. But sometimes you can find signs with pointers and explanations, they indicate what kind of tree it is and how it is scientifically called. There are benches for rest.

If you see rough thickets of reeds, then the aqueduct is already very close.

Soon the path rises to the hill, and the whole salt lake is in full view. In the background you can see the residential areas of Larnaca and the international airport.

The aqueduct was built during the Turkish rule (around 1746), when Larnaca was ruled by Abu Bekir Pasha, the building was originally called that - Bekir Pasha water.

The length of the Turkish water pipeline is about 10 kilometers, the water was taken from a mountain river and ran by gravity to the inhabitants of Larnaca. In those places where natural obstacles formed on the path of water (ravines, hills, lakes, etc.), the landscape was adjusted to the needs of the water conduit.

In our case, a salt lake formed on the way of the conduit. For the passage of water, an arched bridge was erected, the height of which exceeds 25 meters.

In total, 3 aqueducts were built along the path of the Turkish water pipeline, the closest to Larnaca is a bridge in the town of Kamares. It is not clear here whether the village was named after the aqueduct, or vice versa.

During construction, around the aqueduct was deserted. Nowadays, Larnaca is very upset, and came close to the ancient bridge. Local authorities were forced to impose restrictions on new construction in the immediate vicinity of the attraction.

Interesting fact. The Larnaca water pipeline supplied the city with clean mountain water until 1940.

The attraction is of course not for everyone, but even those who do not really like to photograph "old stones" can take some great selfies against the backdrop of tall arches.

The surrounding area has signs of gentrification (pointers, paths, night lighting, etc.), but there is no special control over visitors.

At the top of the aqueduct (farthest from Larnaca), there is a tourist sign that can mislead you. Pay attention to this photo. On it you can see a sign to the European hiking trail E4 (passes through the whole of Europe).

The sign points to the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque (approximately 4 kilometers, approximately 1 hour walk), and Larnaca Airport (approximately 5.5 kilometers, approximately an hour and a half walk).

The problem is that the pointer points to the primer, which during the rainy season can be broken (you can’t walk on it in sneakers). To visit the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque, I recommend walking through the salt lake park.

Have a good rest in Larnaca and pleasant walking tours.

I was very happy that I was in season to see the big pink flamingos on the Salt Lake.

Flamingos on the Salt Lake in Larnaca: when?

When does that most cherished time come and flamingos arrive at the lake in Larnaca? Exactly when it is off-season for swimming in Cyprus - in winter. Flamingos arrive in December and leave somewhere in late February - March. By the way, the Salt Lake near the airport in Larnaca is not the only place where you can see them, it’s just more famous, and it’s easier to get there, and there are several lakes where flamingos winter in Cyprus.

Is there any secret about the time of day? I don't think so. I have been to the Salt Lake several times, and the birds have always behaved differently: they were either closer, then further from the shore, then on one side of the lake, then on the other.

How to get to the Salt Lake, and where to look for flamingos

If there is no car, then the lake can be reached on foot from the nearby area (Rock or Mackenzie Beach), or take the bus that goes to the airport (424, 425), it will pass next to the lake. If you do not want to stomp for a long time on foot, it is better to take a taxi.

It is impossible to guess exactly where the flamingos will be, so it does not matter from which side of the lake you approach / drive up. In general, if there is a very strong desire to see them, then it is better to stay in a hotel closer to the lake in order to be able to return again or even several times if the birds are too far from the shore.

How close can you get to a flamingo?

Flamingos in Cyprus are protected and are strictly forbidden to be disturbed. In practice, this only means that you can not climb into the lake or try to walk on the pebbles to get closer to the birds.

Don't be afraid to disturb the flamingos by getting too close to them while on the shore of the lake. Firstly, it is almost impossible, birds always keep a certain distance. Secondly, Larnaca flamingos are accustomed to noise - there is a busy road and an airport nearby, so they are not afraid of the sounds of steps and people's voices, you can even talk at the top of your voice.

And here I am on the Salt Lake, admiring the flamingos ...

Well, now I have told all the secrets about how to see flamingos in Larnaca, and you can get to the point: when you surf the Internet or look at booklets in a hotel, flamingos are big, bright and numerous, and when you come to the Salt Lake, to finally to see this miracle of nature, everything is different.

This is what flamingos look like on the Salt Lake in Larnaca if you have a semi-professional zoom camera:

And this is what flamingos look like when you look at them with your own eyes:

A flying flamingo accidentally fell into the frame - a popular topic for advertising sites and booklets (of course, with a telescopic zoom, not like mine). It seems that it is worth coming to the Salt Lake, and flamingos will cut back and forth, flapping their pink wings. I have only seen flying flamingos twice.

In the photo - the closest distance at which you can approach them.

What's the point?

Despite the fact that you can’t see flamingos up close, and even through the zoom they are not very big, it is still interesting to watch them in nature. This is completely different from seeing flamingos in a zoo, even if it is an imitation of the natural environment. Therefore, the Salt Lake in Larnaca is a special place.

It was only here that I learned that flamingos talk all day, and their conversation sometimes looks like grunting, and sometimes like croaking. It's especially cool in the dark when you can't see them, but you know by the sounds which way they are. It looks like a hunt.

Most of the day, flamingos spend their heads in the water - they collect some kind of fat crustaceans, from which they turn pink.

Very young flamingos are gray and white, like this one:

On the opposite side of the lake from Larnaca is the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque. For Muslims, it is important, because. it contains the ashes of Mohammed's nurse, who died in Cyprus. Surrounded by flamingos, it looks very romantic, especially at sunset:

Is it possible to swim in the lake with flamingos in Larnaca?

No. The lake is shallow, where flamingos walk at most knee-deep in water, and be deeper, it is unattractive for swimming. Here in Aruba you can swim with flamingos, they walk there in clear sea water.

We are surrounded Amazing places. Some of them are known from a historical point of view, others are interesting for their nature, while others have cultural value. And the Larnaca salt lake meets all three parameters. It is located near the city and is called Aliki in Greek. You can see the Larnaca salt lake only for a few months of the year. In hot weather, all the water evaporates, and the lake turns into layers of salt. At this time, Aliki is the only place on where salt lies on the surface.

Origin of the lake

An interesting legend is connected with the origin of the lake. It says that Saint Lazarus lived here in Cyprus. And on the site of the lake in those days there were lush vineyards. Once Lazar passed by them and, exhausted by thirst, asked the mistress of the field for a bunch of grapes in order to quench his thirst. But the stingy woman refused, saying that in her basket she did not have grapes, but salt. Enraged by the woman's greed, Lazarus cursed the place. Since then, there is a salt lake of Larnaca.

By the way, although scientists do not take seriously this version of the origin of the lake, they cannot come to a consensus on this matter. Some of them believe that there used to be a sea bay on the site of the lake, but a little later, part of the land rose and a salt lake formed. Others believe that under the lake there are huge reserves of salt, which, due to heavy rains, are washed out. And still others suggest that salt enters the lake through groundwater from the Mediterranean Sea.

Salt mining

The extraction of salt from this lake has long been the driving force behind the economy of Cyprus. The Venetians, who dominated the island in the 15th-16th centuries, left behind a lot of documents indicating that the sale of salt acquired simply grandiose proportions. Every year more than seventy ships left the island, loaded to the brim with salt from Lake Larnaca.

Salt mining began during a dry season, when the water from the lake evaporated. The silt surrounding the lake did not allow using at least some technique for extracting salt, so all work was carried out only with the help of shovels and human hands. The extracted salt was piled in large piles - so it was stored for several days. After that, she was loaded and sent to the island on donkeys. On the island, she had to dry on the shore for at least another year.

Place of pilgrimage and home for birds

Larnaca salt lake is known not only for its rich salt deposits. On its banks is one of the most revered shrines in Islam - in which the aunt of the Prophet Muhammad Umm Haram is buried. Not only Muslims, but also representatives of any other religion can visit the mosque.

In winter, when the salt is hidden under the water column, here, on the Larnaca salt lake, you can observe the amazing: thousands of migratory birds fly to the lake. Swans, wild ducks, pink flamingos - there is just no one here. This is how the beautiful transformation of lifeless salt layers into a mirror surface, filled with life and colors, takes place.

Salt Lake is an important city that everyone will be interested in seeing, and this can be done not only as part of an excursion group, but also. Moreover, tourists feel no less comfortable here than migratory birds. Along the lake, special paths are made for them, on which there are benches. On them you can relax and admire the lake.

The inhabitants of Cyprus call this lake Aliki Larnakas. Speaking quite accurately, in fact, four lakes are united by one name at once. Three of them are connected by ducts, and the fourth is located separately. But all this is considered one body of water, officially called the Salt Lake, located very close to Larnaca in Cyprus and covers an area of ​​just over two kilometers.

Such an abundance of various birds feed here that Aliki Larnakas is protected by the Ramsar Convention (this international organization protecting the unique habitats of waterfowl).

One of these species that attracts the most attention to the Salt Lake is the flamingo. Unfortunately, they appear on it only in autumn, when the rainy season begins, and the reservoir, completely dry from the summer heat, is again filled with life-giving moisture.

October 20 is the earliest date when flamingos arrive at the lake. If the autumn turns out to be as dry as the summer, the birds will of course ignore Aliki Larnakas. Because at such a time, the surface of the lake is a salty crust ten centimeters thick, which can withstand even a person walking on it. So tourists who come to Cyprus during the hottest time of the year are unlikely to be able to see the most beautiful birds of those that live on the Salt Lake.

Cypriot birds belong to the red flamingo species, but there is nothing red in them. There is pink - a beak and paws. And the inner part of their wing is also painted in intense pink.

Most of the area around the Salt Lake is well equipped - there are paved paths for those who love hiking. And if you want to see flamingos, be quiet. Hide, hide among the greenery. Your reward will be a wonderful sight - magnificent, white and pink birds against the background of the blue expanse of Aliki Larnakas.