Tatyana's Day is celebrated on January 25th. The history of the holiday Tatyana's day

International Students' Day is celebrated annually on November 17th. It was established in 1941 at an international meeting of students from countries that fought against fascism, which was held in London (Great Britain), but began to be celebrated in 1946. The date was established in memory of Czech patriotic students.

In Russia, Student's Day is celebrated on January 25th. In 2005, the President of Russia even issued a corresponding decree No. 76 “On the Day Russian students”, which officially approved the “professional” holiday of Russian students.

On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, Prague students and their teachers demonstrated to mark the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state (October 28, 1918). The occupiers dispersed the demonstration, and Jan Opletal, a medical student, was shot dead.

The funeral of Jan Opletal on November 15, 1939 again turned into a protest action. Dozens of demonstrators were arrested. On November 17, the Gestapo and SS surrounded the student dormitories early in the morning. Over 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in a prison in the Ruzyne district of Prague. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher educational institutions were closed until the end of the war. In honor of these events, the International Students' Day was established, and in post-war years his celebration is confirmed on

World Congress of Students, held in Prague in 1946, and since then it has been celebrated annually. Today, Students' Day is celebrated in many countries of the world, and although the programs for celebrating this day vary, it is very popular with student youth. And almost no university stays away from the noisy and long-awaited holiday.

Student's Day in Russia is traditionally celebrated on January 25

Students' Day in our country is traditionally celebrated on January 25, although the International Students' Day is celebrated on November 17. Russian students received such double name days thanks to the opening of Moscow University in 1755.

It was on this day that Empress Elizabeth signed the decree "On the Establishment of Moscow University." And this holiday became all-Russian under Emperor Nicholas I, who ordered to celebrate January 25 as the day of all higher educational institutions in the country.

The holiday received the nickname "Tatiana's Day" in honor of the holy martyr Tatyana Kreshchenskaya. Since January 25 often falls at the end of the session, students still light candles and pray to St. Tatiana for help in their studies and enlightenment. Well, on the territory of Moscow State University there is even a house church - the church of St. Tatyana.

Traditions of celebrating Student's Day in Russia

In Russia, students have always celebrated their professional holiday on a grand scale. Even Anton Chekhov recalled how on January 25, 1884, the students "drank everything except the Moskva River, and then only because it froze." Students were allowed a lot on their holiday - even the quarters and the police did not touch the tipsy revelers once again.

Today, each university has its own traditions for Student's Day. For example, in Moscow state university On January 25, the birthday of the university is also celebrated, so every year students are treated to mead. It is boiled according to an old monastic recipe and insisted for 40 days, and on the holiday itself, the rector personally pours it into mugs and treats students.

In addition to mead and festivities, there are other traditions - at the Belgorod Technical University Tatyana's ball is held in pre-revolutionary style, in Volgograd they hold a city exhibition of art works written by the Tatyanas, and in Vladivostok they fill big book student records.

Student's Day in Russia has its own signs

Not a single Tatyana's day is complete without signs. Most of them are about academic success. For example, according to one of these signs, you need to lean out the open window or go out onto the balcony with a record book, wave it in the air and shout “Freebie, come!”. Passers-by are supposed to shout “Already on their way” in response - getting such an answer is considered the most accurate guarantee of an excellent session.

Another sign is to draw on Tatyana's day on the last page of the record book a village house with a chimney and smoke from it. It is better to draw smoke more authentically - the longer it turns out, the easier it will be to study.

Those who do not want to risk their grade book can climb on January 25 to the highest place in the district and make a wish while looking at the sun. It will come true for sure - it has been tested by generations of students.

For almost two hundred years, January 25 (according to the new style) has stood out among a large number of holidays. And this is no coincidence: on this day, all Tatiana and all students gather together, celebrating Tatiana's day, or Student's Day.

From the history of Tatyana's Day

Born at the beginning of the 3rd century, Saint Tatiana was brought up by her parents in the Christian faith. Having crossed the threshold of adulthood, the girl adhered to virginity and chastity, subordinating the flesh to the spirit with prayer and fasting.

She carefully looked after the sick, went to prison, helped the poor in any way she could, as she constantly tried to please God with good deeds. For such a righteous life, Tatiana was made a deaconess.

In those days, Christians were severely persecuted for their faith by pagan emperors, daily subjecting many of them to martyrdom. So Tatyana was seized by the pagans and brought to the temple of Apollo, where they wanted to force her to sacrifice to the pagan god. But suddenly an earthquake began, and the statue of Apollo was shattered into pieces. Then Tatyana was summoned by the head of the city Ulpian and ordered her to renounce Christ, but she was unshakable. Saint Tatyana was subjected to torture and torment for a whole day, and then they were imprisoned for the night.

All night the dungeon was illuminated with a wonderful light, Tatyana praised God at the top of her voice, and the angels echoed the saint and healed her wounds. But even this miraculous phenomenon did not bring the head of the city to reason, and he ordered that the saint be tortured with iron hooks. Subsequently, Tatyana was transferred to the temple of Zeus, where she was imprisoned for two days. On the third day, priests and people came to the building to offer sacrifice to Zeus. Throwing open the doors of the temple, they saw that the statue of their god had fallen and shattered. For this, Tatyana was given to be torn to pieces by a lion. But the mighty and terrible beast did not rush at the martyr, but began to caress her. Then they decided to burn Tatyana, but the fire did not harm her either. Seeing that nothing could destroy the saint, she was brought to court, where she was sentenced to death, and Tatyana was beheaded with a sword. Together with her, her father was also executed, because they knew that he was also a Christian.

Decree of Empress Elizabeth

But not only for the good deeds, merciful soul and strong faith of St. Tatiana, this day has become a universal holiday for students. The history of this day in Russia began in the 18th century. On January 25 (12), 1755, the day of memory of St. Tatyana, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree submitted by Count I. I. Shuvalov on the establishment of Moscow University. A temple at the university was consecrated in the name of Tatyana.

So, the Day of the Angel of all Orthodox Tatyanas received a new meaning: now it was celebrated not only by believers, but also by students. The saint began to be considered the patroness of students and from Tatyana the Martyr she turned into Tatyana University. In the XVIII - early XIX century, this day was mentioned in the prayer service of the university church as the Foundation Day of Moscow University.

In the 18th century, Tatyana's Day was held widely, on a grand scale, as it was an official and newfangled holiday: from year to year solemn speeches and congratulations were made on this day, feasts were arranged.

Tatyana's Day is a widely known and beloved holiday by many. This is not surprising, because it is both ecclesiastical and secular. Over the long period of its existence, many interesting traditions, some of which are still observed today.

Day of veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana. This happened because it was on this date that the decree on the opening of Moscow University was signed. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of knowledge and all students.

history of the holiday

First of all, Tatyana's Day is a Christian holiday dedicated to the veneration of Tatiana of Rome. The thorny life path of the saint is an example of perseverance and sincere faith.

Saint Tatiana was born into a wealthy family, but from childhood she was indifferent to material wealth and aspired to the spiritual side of life. Even in her youth, she decided to devote herself to the service of God. The virgin took a vow of chastity and led a secluded and righteous life, for which she was awarded the title of deaconess.

However, Rome at that time was torn apart by religious contradictions: belief in idols coexisted with Christianity. During the persecution of Christians, Tatyana was captured by the pagans. The Gentiles tried to force her to pay homage to their gods, but the saint was strong in her faith. The power of her prayer destroyed the pagan temple to the ground.

Tatyana endured many severe tortures, but they did not break her will: thanks to help from above, mortal wounds healed. After much torment, Tatyana was beheaded. For her great feat, she was canonized as a saint, and the day of her memory is celebrated annually on January 25th.

And on January 25, 1755, Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of a university in Moscow. From that day on, the veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana by the church coincided with the celebration of the opening of the university. After some time, Tatyana's day was also called Student's Day, and the saint was revered as an assistant and protector of students.

Tatyana's day has always been widely celebrated by students. On January 25, festive events, concerts and friendly gatherings were organized. Many traditions and signs associated with the holiday are still observed. In 2005, the holiday was made official, and now it is called the Day of Russian Students.

On January 25, it is worth praying for enlightenment and help in teaching. This is important not only for students, but also for every person - after all, folk wisdom has long noticed that it is necessary to study all your life. We wish you good luck and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

20.01.2017 05:10

Tatyana's Day is a fairly well-known holiday, not only folk, but also Christian, church. He...

The feast of the Holy Trinity is an important day for every Orthodox person. According to legend, it is with this ...

Student years are recognized as one of the brightest and most special in a person's life. Rapid maturation, independence, the desire to try new things, the search for oneself - this is only a small part of what awaits freshmen on the way to obtaining a diploma. One of the main questions that worries everyone who starts this stage is when and how is Student's Day celebrated? November 17 or January 25 is worth it, and why did two dates appear at once?

Cause time

Among the people, students are considered the time when they close their eyes to pranks and mistakes, because ahead adulthood where there is almost no room for them. But it is worth remembering that fun and a wild lifestyle are not the main activities.

Since ancient times, young people went to universities for knowledge, set goals for themselves that they wanted to achieve in order to declare themselves to the whole world. History shows us that students have often faced the injustice and harshness of the world. This is what gives me a lot to think about. student - an opportunity to remember not only how fun this time is, but also about what it gives for our future.

Memorial day for the whole world

For starters, it’s worth figuring out if they celebrate Student’s Day on November 17 or January 25? The fact is that both dates exist and have the right to life. The difference lies in the history, which served as a reason to consider each of them memorable.

This is exactly what November 17 is - International Students' Day. It is considered global because the events that preceded it affected the entire world community.

Student's Day - November 17, the history of the tradition of which gives a special idea about it and fills the date with serious meaning. This is by no means a holiday in the usual sense of the word. More precisely, it can be described as a day of remembrance, symbolizing the unity and solidarity of students from all over the world. It originated many years ago.

In 1939, on October 28, young people studying in higher educational institutions took to the streets of Prague. They participated in the demonstration, which was dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the formation of the state of Czechoslovakia. The country at this point was already under the occupation of German troops.

The demonstrators were brutally dispersed. Weapons were used. A student named Jan Opletal was shot dead. Death young man stirred up the public. The funeral was attended not only by everyone who studied at the university, but also by teachers. The reaction to the murder was a mass demonstration, denouncing all the injustice and cruelty of the fascist regime.

The occupiers did not keep themselves waiting: on November 17, hundreds of demonstrators were detained. Some of them were shot, others were sentenced to imprisonment in concentration camps.

A. Hitler ordered the immediate closure of all educational institutions. Students were able to resume their studies only after the end of the war.

In 1941, the First International Anti-Nazi Congress was held in London, where the students decided to assign November 17 the status of a day of memory for the dead Czech students. Until now, this date is honored by young people of all countries, nationalities and religions.

Domestic analogue

But we know another date. Because of her, there are disputes, to celebrate Student's Day on November 17 or January 25? The second date has an even older history, but is common in Russia.

Back in the 18th century, on January 25, 1755, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree prepared by Ivan Shuvalov. It marked the emergence of the first university in Moscow. IN church calendar this day was the veneration of the holy Great Martyr Tatyana. So, she became the protector and patroness of students.

There is an opinion that he chose this particular day because of his mother. Her name was Tatyana, and the decree became a birthday present.

Why is Student's Day celebrated on January 25? This date has already become special, because in 1791 Nicholas I signed a decree on the celebration, and this year the Church of St. Tatiana was opened, where the guys came before the session with prayers and requests.

Traditions of World Students Day

Why is World Student Day, November 17, so important to people? This is an opportunity to honor the memory of those who died at the hands of the Nazis. Memorial services are held all over the world. Their organization unites and unites students from all over the world.

Large-scale events are also held in the village of Nakla, where Jan was buried. This day shows a different side of student life. Here, young people, who seem to many not yet quite conscious, show that they know history and understand how important it is to honor its memory.

Russian holiday traditions

In Russia, it is fun and noisy. January 25 is the time when all the worries and fears from the session are left behind, which means that nothing overshadows the celebration.

It all started with official events, where diplomas, awards and thanks were issued, and then noisy festivities were held. Lucien Olivier, who created one of our favorite salads, was very fond of students. As a sign of his disposition towards them, he gave the guys his own restaurant "Hermitage" for a feast.

The policemen, who kept order on the streets, took pity on the tipsy youth and did not arrest them for minor violations.


IN different countries There are other features of this holiday. However, we have a great opportunity do not choose to celebrate Student's Day on November 17 or January 25.

You can honor the youth studying at the university twice: for the first time, remembering those who became victims of war and cruelty, and for the second time, to praise yourself for the successful completion of the session. After all, the student time passes, like everything else in this world, which means that you should get as many impressions from it as possible.

There is a day in frosty January, painted with a joyful, some kind of spring mood ... This is January 25 - Tatiana's Day and Students' Day in Russia.

This is probably the only case in history when both the ministers of the church and the students claim the same day, and each side understands the holiday in its own way. Let's find out the history of this holiday, signs and traditions in order to celebrate Student's Day in 2018 in accordance with all the rules.

Why is Student's Day January 25 - the history of the holiday

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the establishment in Moscow of the 1st Russian university and two gymnasiums on Tatyana's Day, January 12 (25), 1755. This project was developed by Lomonosov.

And Adjutant General I.I. took patronage over him. Shuvalov. As contemporaries testify, he was a cultured and educated person, and also “he was modest, even timid. Constantly refused the title of count, but jealously sought the fame of a patron of the arts.
Shuvalov chose the day of signing the Decree not by chance. His intentions were to serve the Fatherland, and to make a gift on the name day of his beloved mother Tatyana Petrovna. "I give you a university" - he said the phrase, which later became winged.

And in 1791, on Easter, the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana was opened at Moscow University. Empress Catherine herself sent decorations for her. The parishioners of the Temple of Tatiana were many generations of the Russian intelligentsia.

Later, Emperor Nicholas I issued a Decree, where he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the day of signing the act of its establishment. So, thanks to the love of the all-powerful favorite Shuvalov for his mother, as well as the will and decree of the monarch, a new holiday appeared - Tatyana's Day or Student's Day.

The traditions of celebrating this day were laid down in 1755 by Elizaveta Petrovna. She ordered the celebrations to be held in the traditions of Peter the Great, which she loved and revered. On this day, divine services were held, solemn speeches were made. And in the evening there were illuminations, fireworks, theatrical performances and, of course, all this was accompanied by refreshments.

Initially, this holiday was celebrated only in Moscow and, according to eyewitnesses, the annual celebration of Tatyana's Day was a grandiose event for Moscow. The holiday, in accordance with the tradition laid down by Elizabeth, consisted of two parts:

  • a short official ceremony at the university building, where awards were handed out and speeches were made
  • noisy festivities, in which almost the entire city took part.

Every professor, engineer, doctor, writer, lawyer was once a student. Therefore, everyone felt their involvement in this holiday.

Therefore, on January 25, on Tatyana's Day, everyone walked: both former students who were now important people and current students, both poor and rich, and simple and noble, everyone felt like members of one big student family that day.

The main events took place in the city center: on Tverskoy and Nikitsky Boulevards, on Trubnaya Square.

Toasts were made, heated speeches were made, songs were sung. The classic student anthem Gaudeamus igitur sounded everywhere that day.

Everyone tried to shout louder, as if asserting on this day their independence and freedom from all those restrictions that accompany us every day in life. On this day, everyone allowed himself to be liberated. They occupied restaurants, walked in crowds through the center of the old city, rode in groups in cabs.

The police on that day had clear instructions from above to act only “preventively”, smoothing out the most acute conflict situations and not to arrest anyone, including "rocking" students.

And if the policeman approached such a student, then he saluted and inquired: “Does Mr. Student need help?”

On this day, everything was like in the novels of utopians: surreal, noisy, free, everyone felt the unity and brotherhood of everyone with everyone and everyone with everyone, there were no differences in class and age, ranks and titles were canceled, the poor and the rich were equalized. That is why, with such speed and ease, the founding day of one university became a common student holiday for the whole country.

Tatyana's Day began to be celebrated throughout Russia.

This is how Permskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti describes this day in 1899. “...On the occasion of the anniversary of Moscow University, a friendly dinner was held at the Public Assembly for former students of higher educational institutions. They remembered youth, student years ... The toast proclaimed in verse by A. Kavalerov was especially enthusiastically received:

It has become our habit
honor almas matris birthday
In the circle of her own sons
This custom is no longer new.
From generation to generation
He passes from his fathers ... "

This is how Tatyana's Day was celebrated by students of pre-revolutionary Russia. After the October Revolution, this holiday was rarely remembered. But in 1995, the church of St. Tatiana at Moscow University was reopened.

And in the assembly hall of the old building of the university, on that day, awards were presented, established in honor of its founders - Count I.I. Shuvalov and scientist M.V. Lomonosov. And again in Russia there was a cheerful student holiday - Tatiana's Day.

On January 25, 2005, a Decree was signed by President V. V. Putin, which read: "To establish the Day of Russian Students and celebrate it on January 25."

Student traditions on Tatyana's Day

Tatyana's Day has become a favorite holiday for students also because in the Russian system of higher education it traditionally coincides with the end of the autumn semester and the beginning of winter holidays ... Therefore, this day with its fraternal feasts, pranks of respected professors, sleigh rides, has become an indispensable object of student folklore , an attribute of student traditions.

In Russia, back in the middle of the last century, Tatiana's Day (Student's Day) became a cheerful and noisy holiday for the student brethren.

At first, students' day was celebrated only in Moscow, and it was celebrated very magnificently. According to eyewitnesses, the annual celebration of Tatyana's Day was a real event for Moscow. It consisted of two parts: a short official ceremony in the university building and a noisy festivities, in which almost the entire capital took part.

The holiday usually began very decorously - with official ceremonies in the building of Moscow University, but then smoothly turned into street festivities, in which not only students, but also professors willingly participated. They celebrated, as it should be, with drunkenness, brawling on the streets and in taverns. It also came to fights with the police, who, however, on Tatyana's day were very condescending to the students.

On this day, crowds of students walked around Moscow until late at night with songs, rode, embracing, three or four of them, in one cab and bawled songs. It should be noted that on this holiday quarter, even "extremely sober" students, did not touch. And if they approached, they trumped and inquired: “Does Mr. Student need help?”

The owner of the Hermitage, the Frenchman Olivier, gave the students his restaurant for a party that day ... They sang, talked, shouted ... The professors were raised to the tables ... Speakers changed one after another. This is how Tatyana's Day was celebrated by students of pre-revolutionary Russia.

From Moscow, the festive tradition spread first to the capital St. Petersburg, and then to other university cities.
Despite the fact that the history of the holiday has its roots in the distant past, the traditions of celebrating it have survived to this day.

The student brethren, as they organized wide festivities more than a hundred years ago, and at present, on January 25, Student Day is vigorously and cheerfully celebrated by all students throughout Russia.

However, students will never miss their chance to take a break from a long and tedious educational process - and, according to popular wisdom, only the session period distracts them from the endless celebration.

Signs, rituals and conspiracies for students on Tatyana's day

Tatyana's day is both a holiday and a special date for students. For them, this is not only an excuse to digress from the sciences and plunge into fun, but also an opportunity to attract good grades to the record book with the help of special rituals and conspiracies.

Summon Shara

The most important student tradition on Tatyana's day is, of course, the call of Shara. This is done as follows: on the night of January 25, students go out onto the balcony or look out the window, shake their record book, calling “Shara, come!”.

And in response you need to hear (and not necessarily from a student!) “Already on the way!”. This ritual allows you to get good marks "on the ball", i.e. without much effort.

House and chimney with smoke

Also on January 25, students draw a house with a chimney on the last page of their grade book. Moreover, the house should be small, small, and the smoke from the chimney - long, long.

To make it more authentic, it is drawn in the form of a swirling labyrinth with one line. And so that the line in no case crosses and does not touch itself.

If you manage to draw such a "smoke" without an error (crossing and touching the line) - this is a good omen. And the longer this “smoke” turns out, the easier and more successful your studies will be this year.

Study ban

Finally, on Tatiana's Day, in no case should you study and even look at the notes! On January 25, you need to forget about classes altogether! Only rest and fun! So that studying was not a burden, but a joy.

Monuments to help students

In Moscow, in Maryino, a monument dedicated to student signs was opened 5 years ago. This is a round granite platform on which the names of universities are written, and in the middle is a huge cherished nickel of the Soviet era.

Remember one of the student signs? She recommends putting a copper nickel under the heel before the exam, then you will get an easy ticket, and the “excellent” mark is guaranteed. So this penny was immortalized. Nearby are bronze shoes, in which there is also a nickel, and on the contrary - a record book with the inscription "5 (ex.)".

You need to stand on a pedestal with a penny, make a wish, then rub your shoes (or try them on) and touch the record book, preferably not with your hand, but with your own record book. Then, according to belief, there will always be only fives in it.

There is another ritual associated with this monument. Students are “instructed” to hold a copper nickel in their hand, get into their shoes and try to throw the money exactly to the middle of the “monument nickel”, and do it in such a way that it lies on the engraved number “5”. Then you need to stand on this “five” and, having found the name of your university on the site, throw a coin already before it. And then again rub the shoes and the record book.

In addition, for many years in Moscow, students have been “polishing” the nose and paw of a dog near the “Border Guard with a Shepherd Dog” figure from the Ploshad Revolutsii metro station before exams and on Tatiana’s Day for many years. It is believed that before the exam, you need to rub the dog's nose with your hand, and then touch it with a record book, notes or cheat sheets. But before the offset, the same manipulations are done with the dog's paw.

  • In St. Petersburg, students are rubbing the "causal place" of the horse of Peter I at the monument, which light hand A. S. Pushkin was named "The Bronze Horseman".

Previously, only graduates of the famous “navigator” “sinned” with this, but now local and visiting students from other educational institutions have joined them.

On the pedestal is a lizard with the tip of its tail fallen off. 91 lucky nickels are fixed on it, and in the hands - a record book. To successfully pass the session, it is enough just to hold on to the remaining tail of the lizard, and in order to defend the diploma, you need to rub the record book. It is also recommended to take a picture with the monument and lay flowers to it. This is especially true on Tatyana's day.

  • In Polotsk and Minsk (Belarus) in 2010, two monuments to the “Bronze Schoolboy” were opened at once. And in 2011, these "guys" had a "girlfriend". In Novopolotsk, they installed, or rather, “seated” the “Student of the 21st century”.

In the foyer of the PSU main building, a bronze girl with a book and a mobile phone is sitting on a bench. All these figures personify the young generation's craving for knowledge. And, despite the "young age", the monuments have already acquired their own traditions.

Students try to sit next to the girl before the exam. But the seal of the university is tindered at the Polotsk schoolboy in order to defend his diploma without problems and delays. However, students “communicate” with him not only before graduation. Exams are also an important occasion, so someone shakes his hand, and someone tries to reach for a square academic cap.

  • In Kazan, it is customary to sit down with a summary next to the monument to the young Ulyanov-Lenin and remember his famous phrase: "study, study and study again."

You should not bypass this sign on Tatyana's day. They say that such a ritual helps to still take up the mind and at least look through the textbook before the exam.

  • In Togliatti last year, a monument to the "Hurrying Student" was unveiled.

A young man, running up the steps of TSU in a rush, rushes to the light of knowledge. There is only one sign associated with him so far - you need to pat him on the head, then the session will be handed over on time.

  • In Kharkov there is a monument to "Shara". Near KhAI (Kharkiv aviation institute) there is a large metal ball on the pedestal, under which it is written: "The ball is free for everyone, and let no one leave offended."

By rubbing the ball with your hand or a record book, you can lure what Russian students call "Freebie" and call it by sticking the record book out the window. The second (and if we talk about the time of creation, then the first) monument to "Share" was installed in Sevastopol. The ball is hollow inside, so you must not only rub it with a record book, but also rinse it with an alcoholic drink, then Shara will definitely come.

By the way, in order to get the support of "Shares", it is not necessary to go to Kharkov or Sevastopol. Probably, in every city there is a monument in the form of a ball, so it is quite possible to use it. So, for example, the people of Kiev "Shara" call the monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky.

As you understand, all these rituals and signs are mostly comic and are needed in order to fill yourself with self-confidence. Since, no matter what the students themselves say, luck is luck, and no one has yet canceled knowledge.

Therefore, the best sign is to methodically "nibble on the granite of science" ... And sometimes, for example, on Student's Day, visit the "reserved" places in your city in order to "negotiate with Freebies."

Congratulations on Student's Day in Russia

Funny congratulations on Student's Day

Tatyana, you inspire us to study, work, and allow us to have fun, and protect us from trouble. Accept, Tatyana, worship, be our patroness, bless us for learning and illuminate the educational path.

Are you student. We'll say out loud, "That's right for you." May luck even smile at you in your sleep.

Get loose, student army! Razzudy, disperse, tear off! Only if you don’t sneeze, tomorrow all the same appear at the institute!

“To Tatyana - students are always drunk!” Tomorrow is January 25th, which means a double holiday: the feast of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana and the merry Student's Day!

Student's Day is a holiday of knowledge, a holiday of youth for all. Hey, students! Get together, let's celebrate soon!

The brothers of Saint Tatiana live! In the arms of the session - be bold! May your teacher be like a lion who licked her feet!

Given the amazing coincidence of two great holidays - St. Tatyana's Day and Student's Day in one day - January 25, as they say, God himself ordered these two holidays to be combined and celebrated.

The name is wonderful - Tatyana! If you, friends, are not too lazy, celebrate the victory of knowledge on Tatyana's day!

Let's be cheerful and drunk on the day of the beautiful Tatiana

The valiant student rejoices, they would have to make a fuss about everything ... But I have a different accent: Congratulations to Tatyanochka! ..

Tatyana's Day, he is also International Students' Day! Happy holiday to you, martyrs of science!

Tatyana's Day is a holiday of youth, a holiday of all those who keep in their souls the fire of creativity, the thirst for knowledge, search and discovery.

So pour a student for a student - students also drink wine. Non-drinking students are rare, and they have already died out a long time ago.

May Tatyana's day give all students a lot of good mood, warmth and smiles. Happy Holidays!!!

Saint Tatyana, a martyr for the faith, is the patroness of all loafers, martyrs and martyrs from science, ignoramuses, bullies and young drunkards-revelers - Slavic idlers of the entire CIS.

Tatyana's day - how sweet it is, students' holiday is mischievous. The frosty air is ticklish, and the laughter of the girls is jellied.

Outside the window is frost and snow, but in the heart is summer. Together we will celebrate Student Day tomorrow! We will congratulate Tanya and give gifts. Sing, walk and relax - such are the orders!

Tatyana's day is a holiday for students, it brings joy, positive. The prankster student is in a hurry to walk about the couples, temporarily forgetting.

Praise to the student fraternity! Year after year, century after century. On Tatyana's Day, thousands of people rush to gather for the holiday.

Congratulations to all students on a mischievous and cheerful holiday, Happy Student's Day! We wish you patience, diligence. So that knowledge is given to you freely and easily, so that you can realize yourself in later life, as well as resourcefully answer the most tricky questions of teachers, wisely skip classes and have fun celebrating today's holiday.

Tatiana's day is a good occasion, and not only for Tatiana. Let it be cold outside for now, the student is resourceful - he will be drunk !!!

I know a girl, her name is Tatyana. Graceful and smart, like a heroine from a novel, yes, yes, well, I can’t speak without compliments, because Tatyana’s day is today, he’s Students’ Day!

On January 25, in the winter cold, every student is young. Even if this “student” is already 52 years old.

A student has two holidays - Student's Day and ... every day!

Short congratulations in verse

We celebrate Student's Day.
On this precious day
We wish all students
For happiness to be everything.

Congratulations - my apartment neighbor,
You are just like me - a carefree student.
Every day we sit with you in the classroom,
We create a look, as if science is crammed.

But today will be a special time
We will say our congratulations to each other.
Finally, we've been waiting for this moment!
Let us remember our native "Student's Day".

Merry holiday - Student's Day,
There's a commotion in the hostel,
And the teacher is evil, as a sign of a present
It turns out not so bad:
He will present his poem
Crazy, funny, young
Cancel your boring lesson.
Let's celebrate, maybe with him?

Happy student day, we congratulate everyone,
We are happy to celebrate this holiday
We wish you an interesting study
And in the future - a decent salary!

Student, forget about everything today
Let's celebrate Tatyana's day at five
May this holiday bring joy
And on the day of January the sun shines brighter!

Let the student's day pass
Without sadness and worries.
Let luck smile
And at least in something lucky!

We wish perseverance, we wish excitement,
To make learning easy and enjoyable.
Students, relax! Today is your day!
And let the shadow not overshadow his session!

Patience to you for many years
And happiness in this life is not easy!
Accept congratulations, student,
And smile, because today is your holiday!

We wish to learn, sometimes - to fall in love
And in the search for life, do not get lost.
May your head always be bright
Beautiful - thoughts, deeds, words!

A flock of white snowflakes will explode with fireworks -
Winter is in a hurry to congratulate all students.
May these years be a beautiful bright light
Which will stay in your heart forever!

Being a student is great!
Being a student is a beauty!
Let things go great
And no fluff, no feather!

Happy student day
And I want to say now:
Let a palette of bright colors
Your life is full of more than once!
May it last for a long time
Wonderful youth fuse,
Failure to make way
Lik Tatyanin ordered!

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