Igor borshchenko is a smart neck. Igor Borshchenko - The Big Book of Exercises for the Back: The Smart Spine Complex

Igor Borshchenko
Original name: The big book of exercises for the back. Complex "Smart spine"
Year of issue: 2016
Series: Russian health practices
Genre: Handbooks, physiotherapy, health
Released: Russia, Moscow, AST
Language: Russian

Description: This book is a super hit by Igor Anatolyevich Borshchenko, neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences. The set of exercises "Smart Spine" has long become a bestseller number 1 on this topic. You can find out why your back hurts, how to get rid of lumbar backache, how to restore nerve cells, the rules for spinal movement, how to correctly draw up a fitness plan. Unique positional gymnastics, based on space rehabilitation technologies, will help to strengthen the deep back muscles that form the internal corset of the spine, find the perfect posture and forget about chronic diseases of the spine and joints forever!

I part. Spinal problems? Educational program for the patient
What is osteochondrosis?
Why does my back hurt?
Lumbar backache: what to do?
Why does a man need a ponytail?
Very dark disc
Salt deposits, or narrow thinking
We are looking for a hernia between the vertebrae: C5-C6, L4-L5
Where the tail starts
Shall we cut or let him live?
Where did the call go?
Surgical hit parade
When the world is unstable
Pain Management
II part. Setting and maintaining posture. Tips for every day
Where does posture begin?
Rules for the movement of the spine
How to sleep
What is your preferred sleeping position: on your back, on your side, or on your stomach?
Sleep and rest on the back
Sleep and rest on your side
Sleep and rest on the stomach
Communication with the bed: get up and go to bed
Making the bed
Behavior in the bathroom
How to properly dress and wear
How to sit
Learning to stand
How to behave in a car
Car repair and care
Spine and washing machine
During cleaning
washing dishes
When interacting with children
In the shop
Lifting loads
Seven Golden Rules for Lifting Loads
Balanced position of the spine
Lifting loads in a balanced position
Lifting loads in awkward positions
Man's way of lifting a load
"Frog" lifting of cargo
Women's way of lifting a load or lifting loads on one leg
Memo: good habits for the spine
III part. Spinal overload. Work on mistakes
Making a fitness plan
Herniated disc, spinal osteochondrosis… who's next???
"Why me?"
Take care of your spinal cord!
Is it possible to help a damaged spinal cord restore lost functions?
Advances in medical science
Nerve cells: and yet they are restored!
Stem cells are the hope of the 21st century
Hormonal protection
Medicine of the future
Why does a giraffe have a long neck
Take care of your neck!
I love my osteochondrosis
The ten most common misconceptions associated with osteochondrosis of the spine
The ten most frequently asked questions related to osteochondrosis of the spine
IV part. Smart Spine System
Neck positional gymnastics
Exercise "Pendulum"
Exercise "Consent"
Exercise "Sky"
Exercise "Oh-oh"
Exercise "No-no"
Chest positional gymnastics
An exercise
Exercise "Castle"
Exercise "Bird"
Exercise "Door"
Lumbar positional gymnastics
1st level
Exercise "Heel"
Exercise "Press"
Exercise "Swim hands"
Exercise "Let's swim"
Exercise "Stapler"
Exercise "Fish-hands"
Exercise "Fish-legs"
Exercise "Fish-arms-legs"
2nd level
Exercise "Beetle-hands"
Exercise "Beetle-legs"
Exercise "Beetle-hands-legs"
Exercise "Hands on the head!"
Exercise "Throne"
Annex 1. Spinal Cord Injury: Optimistic Predictions
Apoptosis is the delayed death of nerve tissue.
Apoptosis in damaged spinal cord
How to slow down apoptosis
Dynamics of apoptosis in spinal cord injury
Life-saving watch - the hope of spinal surgeons
Ways to suppress delayed cell death
Possibilities for spinal cord repair
Stimulation of regeneration of damaged spinal cord
Nerve fibers: enough 10%
Optimistic forecasts of doctors: a breakthrough is inevitable
Appendix 2. What is scoliosis, why does it occur and what threatens it?
Planning for pregnancy with scoliosis
The severity of scoliosis
Steps to take before pregnancy
Management of pregnancy and childbirth
How to reduce the risk of scoliosis in a child

Click to close spoiler: Contents

In the book of the neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences Igor Anatolyevich Borshchenko, the reader will find a unique method of isometric muscle training to strengthen the deep muscles of the back and form posture. The peculiarity of this gymnastics is that the muscles are tensed in special ergonomic positions, practically without movements or using special movements of small amplitude, which EXCLUDES OVERLOADING OF THE JOINTS AND VERTEBRAS. It is no coincidence that Igor Borshchenko's system of muscle training "Smart Spine" is called "fixed" (static) gymnastics.

The technique is unique in its simplicity and accessibility. It is suitable for everyone who suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for patients who have been injured or have undergone surgery on the spine and joints, for those who experience pain in the back, arms and legs. It can be recommended to office workers, drivers and tourists, the elderly and inactive people.

How often do we hear from doctors: "It is necessary to strengthen the spine ... We need to do gymnastics and exercises ... Now strengthen your back!" Patients echo them: "I'm ready to exercise ... Show me what exercises to do ... Tomorrow I'll sign up for a fitness club!" Indeed, most people intuitively understand that health is associated with a certain physical activity, and it is desirable to receive it during special classes. It is at this point that many questions arise that can become an insurmountable obstacle to health. How to practice? Go to the gym or start exercising at home? The last question is by no means idle: yoga, Pilates, callanetics, aerobics, aqua aerobics, fitness with an instructor, training on simulators and, finally, just physiotherapy exercises in the clinic. That's far from full list variety of recreational activities that life offers. And there is also a favorite job that takes up the lion's share of time, and morning laziness, when you just want to soak up in bed ...

And as a result, the choice falls on the section of life-giving classes according to the system of an Indian teacher with an unpronounceable name. And it's good when these classes will be useful. And if after a week you feel pain or a sharp aggravation of problems, then most people stop training and the myth of a healthy lifestyle is dispelled like steam from a cold dinner.

The other extreme is a complete reluctance to engage. “I run at work, like a clockwork, that’s enough ...” or “I have physical labor, physical education is superfluous.” Such arguments, of course, can be understood, but we should not forget that the physical and emotional stress of the main job, unless, of course, you are a fitness trainer, this is the wrong load. The daily work of a storekeeper, or a worker, or a cook gives a load only to individual muscle groups, wearing out overloaded joints and cartilage. The spine, your muscles, all joints need, they just require a special correct load, safe movements and a cyclical rhythm of classes.

Imagine the crossroads at which a patient stands after spinal surgery, or a person who was diagnosed with a herniated disc, but fortunately did not need surgery. On the one hand, there is a need and desire to exercise, on the other hand, there is a fear that physical education can worsen an already unhappy situation.

That is why this book is addressed to those who already have problems with the spine and joints. Those patients who have undergone surgery in the area of ​​the musculoskeletal system, those who feel the need for classes with age, but do not know where to start. The epigraph of this book was the famous Latin saying - Do no harm! Non nocere! Physical education can be not only a pleasure, but also a medicine, which, as you know, has a certain dose.

I wish you health and success!

Igor Borshchenko

The big book of exercises for the back. Complex "Smart spine"

The book was created with the participation O. S. Kopylova

© Borshchenko I. A., text

© Metaphor LLC

© AST Publishing House LLC


Dear reader! You are holding a unique book in your hands. Its author is a wonderful Russian neurosurgeon, vertebrologist, a well-known specialist in the treatment of spinal diseases. For his patients, Dr. Igor Borshchenko has developed a highly effective applied technique for spinal restoration based on advanced space rehabilitation technologies.

The main problem that astronauts face in weightless conditions is a sharp weakening of muscles devoid of any load: almost any movement is given without effort, and in such conditions the muscles quickly lose their strength and elasticity. Immediately after returning to earth's surface Astronauts can hardly move their limbs, often unable to take a sitting position. Their spine becomes abnormally flexible, and growth due to the weakening of the muscular frame increases by several centimeters.

In 2005, in order to return the Russian Expedition 10 member Salizhan Sharipov to Earth from the ISS, he had to sew and deliver a special “penguin suit” to the ship. This tight-fitting penguin-shaped suit helped "compress" the relaxed space explorer, thanks to which he was able to sit in the chair of the Soyuz spacecraft and return to Earth. Currently, physical training systems have been developed for astronauts that allow them to quickly and effectively restore and maintain the muscular corset of the spine, and prevent serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. Exercises for astronauts were developed primarily to strengthen the deep muscles of the back and maintain posture.

In ordinary life, we often also neglect movement or move incorrectly. This leads to the fact that the muscles that support the spine in an upright position weaken, posture suffers and a tone-strength imbalance occurs when one or more back muscle groups are not included in maintaining the body position. A person begins to experience back pain, then he develops diseases of the spine and internal organs.

In order to quickly and effectively correct incorrect posture and create a reliable muscular corset for the spine, Igor Borshchenko applied space technologies for the rehabilitation of astronauts. His system of muscle training "Smart Spine" was developed based on the physiological principles of the functioning of the human musculoskeletal system. The method will help you quickly get rid of back pain, create additional support for the spine and protect it from overload.

Weakness of the back muscles and poor posture are the root cause of many diseases. And setting and maintaining posture is the key to solving many health problems. The unique positional gymnastics of Dr. Borshchenko will help to engage the short and long muscles of the spine, strengthen the deep muscles of the back that form the internal corset of the spine, and find the perfect posture. The “Smart Spine” muscle training system is strictly physiological, eliminates overstrain and muscle spasm, which makes it sparing in relation to the vertebrae and joints.

By starting to exercise regularly according to the method of Igor Borshchenko, you will not only get rid of diseases of the spine. The symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia will disappear forever, the work of internal organs will improve, and high blood pressure will decrease. Positional gymnastics will restore the tone of the nervous system, help get rid of extra pounds. Your vision and hearing will improve, problems in the genital area will disappear. You will feel lightness in every movement, you will gain beautiful walk your body and soul will rejuvenate!

We wish you success in mastering the positional gymnastics of Igor Borshchenko!

I part. Spinal problems? Educational program for the patient

What is osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases. After flu and colds, back pain is the first reason that will make you see a doctor. When we say "osteochondrosis", we mean a disease of the spine. But it is not so. Can there be a spine without osteochondrosis? Of course, this is our ideal. Is there osteochondrosis without a spine? No, you will answer, and you will be mistaken. How else can. For the sake of curiosity, let's look at the International Classification of Diseases (www.mkb10.ru): what you will not find there: osteochondrosis of the hip and pelvis, osteochondrosis of the humerus, radius and ulna ... Let's not bother ourselves with boring names of places where osteochondrosis can develop - tarsus, patella, metatarsus, tibia, tibia, bones of the hand, separately the head of the femur ... I think you are already tired of this enumeration. A person has no less than 300 bones at birth. Osteochondrosis of the spine is a separate line and has its own code. Therefore, it is more correct to use these two terms together.

But since no one has met with osteochondrosis of the patella in everyday life, and advertising only keeps talking about the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine, therefore, here and now, osteochondrosis for us will be precisely a disease of the spine: formidable, cunning, the most common, and most importantly - an interesting disease.

Although abroad you almost never see osteochondrosis of the spine - they usually say “spondylosis”, “degenerative disc disease”, which is closer to the point. But traditions must be respected, but for a Russian citizen osteochondrosis is somehow clearer and closer.

So, you were informed that you have osteochondrosis of the spine. Everyone knows that appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, hepatitis is something with the liver. And go ask what is osteochondrosis? Here are some typical answers ordinary people: "This is when the back hurts ..."; “Well, when the back was crossed ...”; “It’s something with the spine…”; “My parents and I definitely have it…”. Like this. No idea what most often leads to sick leave and "with what osteochondrosis is eaten." Let's try to figure it out together. As you know, any medical term that ends in "-oz" means the degeneration of a particular organ. Degeneration is the reverse process of regeneration, or recovery. Cartilage in the dead, but tenacious among doctors, Latin - chondro. As the famous humorist said: "Whatever you do with a person, he stubbornly crawls to the cemetery." The aging of the body begins already in the blooming 30 years, and for someone - even earlier, therefore, cartilage degeneration - chondrosis- inevitable, whatever one may say, and no matter what medicines you buy at the pharmacy. In medicine, there is the concept of a target organ. Osteochondrosis aims at the intervertebral disc located between the vertebrae (very, by the way, complex and beautiful bones - osteo in Latin), which are also involved in the disease. We get the most mathematics: OSTEO + CHONDRO + OZ = OSTEOCHONDROSIS. Here is such a “health formula”, almost a Kabbalistic spell. By solving this equation with four unknowns, you will get rid of the disease. I hope that by the end of the book you will succeed and you will be able to find the promised happiness.

The spine can be considered the most important organ. Do a simple experiment. Ask a four-year-old child to draw a little man. Where will he start? That's right - from a vertical stick, which personifies the spine. And only then will he paint on the arms, legs, for some reason a cucumber - the long-awaited little man will turn out. This first wand is involved in any movement of a person, even during sound sleep. The most active part of the spine is the intervertebral disc.

For those who care about terminological accuracy, I want to clarify - it is intervertebral, because it lies between the vertebrae. And certainly not intervertebral.

You yourself understand that the spines of even siblings are not connected in any way - unless they are Siamese twins. In order not to complicate our lives, we will continue to simply say “disk” and know that this is the same organ that lies between the vertebrae, does not allow us to sit straight, gets old with age, can get sick, is completely responsible for osteochondrosis, and adults need it , and children, and so on - you can continue for a long time ...

Although according to appearance the intervertebral disc is completely uncomplicated, it is not just a piece of cartilage. In order to firmly connect the vertebrae, the disc has many circular ligaments that intertwine and form a fibrous ring. But it cannot soften all the blows and shocks that the spine experiences at our mercy. This work is performed by the central part of the disk - the kernel. In appearance, it looks like jelly, which is why it is called so - gelatinous, or pulpous, nucleus. It was preserved as a remnant of the primary notochord, the precursor of the vertebral column in the embryo. There are very few cells in the nucleus and 95% is an intercellular substance that can swell and retain water. Therefore, the core of the disk is very elastic and well absorbs the loads transmitted to the spine. But it is this part of the disk that is its Achilles' heel. As in any cartilage, there are no blood vessels in the disc, so its cells are forced to feed on diffusion, that is, absorption nutrients from neighboring vertebrae. This is a very slow process, and if it is disturbed, then the few cells of the nucleus slow down the formation of the intercellular “jelly” or even die. The core loses water, dries out, the height of the disk decreases, and then all the blows of fate are transmitted directly to the fibrous ring, which endures for the time being, and then cracks. At this significant moment, a loud “Ai!” and the little man understands that something has happened inside, and his majesty, osteochondrosis, opens a new case history.

Aching pains in the back, backaches, stiffness and tension - such symptoms are familiar to everyone.

They are especially acute during sedentary work or travel, when your spine has been in a non-physiological state for several hours. Is it possible to eliminate pain and problems while in a stationary position?

We bring to your attention a selection of the most effective and affordable "sitting" exercises. To perform them, you do not need special simulators - only desire and a few minutes of free time. Some of the exercises you can perform even while working. Freeze in special ergonomic positions, tensing your muscles and eliminating stress on the joints and vertebrae, and recover in this way natural state your spine.

Isometric gymnastics by Dr. Borshchenko will help your body easily endure the journey and not experience aching pain from sitting in a monotonous position for a long time.

Neck hurts - what to do

Neck pain is a problem that worries many people and causes a lot of inconvenience. Acute or aching pain in the neck, muscle spasm, headaches, and even blurred vision can be manifestations of osteochondrosis or a herniated disc.

Isometric gymnastics by Igor Borshchenko - The best way effectively get rid of persistent pain, prevent the development of the disease. Special muscle training will allow you to restore mobility to stiff vertebrae, and you - the freedom and joy of movement.

Exercises based on small amplitude movements eliminate excessive stress on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Therefore, both elderly people and those who have undergone spinal surgery can perform such gymnastics. It is enough just to freeze for a while in certain ergonomic positions - and the muscles themselves will strengthen without additional load.

Give gymnastics just a few minutes a day to get rid of tiring pain in the neck and collar area.

The book was also published under the title “Neck without pain. Unique isometric training.

The Big Book of Exercises for the Back: The Smart Spine Complex

This book is a super hit by Igor Anatolyevich Borshchenko, neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences. The set of exercises "Smart Spine" has long become a bestseller number 1 on this topic!

You will be able to find out: why your back hurts; how to get rid of lumbar backache; - how to restore nerve cells; rules for the movement of the spine; how to write a good fitness plan.

Unique positional gymnastics, based on space rehabilitation technologies, will help to strengthen the deep back muscles that form the internal corset of the spine, find the perfect posture and forget about chronic diseases of the spine and joints forever!

Hands hurt - what to do

The joints of the hands are the weak link of the musculoskeletal system, which sometimes bears the maximum load. Therefore, it is they who most often remind themselves of pains of a different nature. From constant voltage joints are injured and lose mobility, which leads to a variety of diseases.

Simple and affordable isometric gymnastics by Dr. Borshchenko will help you get rid of pain in the joints of your hands and restore their mobility. Such isometric training will not require any extra effort and sudden movements from you - it is enough just to freeze for a while in certain ergonomic positions that provide specific muscles with the necessary tension for their training without additional stress on the vertebrae and joints.

How to get rid of arthrosis, restore the former flexibility and mobility of the fingers, enjoy the freedom of movement again? Start practicing according to the method of Igor Borshchenko. A few minutes a day devoted to isometric gymnastics will help you relieve pain in the joints of your hands.

The book was also published under the title "How to get rid of pain in the joints of the hands."

Isometric gymnastics for busy people

Sedentary work takes up most of the time, and you simply have no time to take care of your own health, although constant pain in the back and joints are your constant companions?

Start exercising according to the unique isometric technique of Dr. Borshchenko. Affordable and effective exercises can be performed right at the workplace, giving them only about 10 minutes a day. Freezing in special ergonomic positions, you will not overload the joints and vertebrae, which will avoid injuries and sprains.

Isometric gymnastics will not require you to great effort- only muscle tension in special poses and movements of small amplitude. You can perform them anytime and anywhere, it is better to do it daily. The result will pleasantly surprise you - you will forget about pain in the spine and joints!

For pain in legs and arms

Our joints of the arms and legs are always in motion, they bear the maximum load. Therefore, they are often injured, lose mobility, and the person experiences sharp or aching pain. The diagnosis of doctors is often disappointing: arthritis or arthrosis.

What can help get rid of suffering and restore the mobility of the arms and legs? Dr. Borshchenko explains the causes of joint diseases in an accessible way. And he tells in detail how to properly conduct therapeutic isometric gymnastics - soft muscle training without sudden movements in the joints, without tension and pain, without the use of simulators. All you need is to freeze in special training positions, and then relax your muscles. Just a few weeks of classes according to the method of Igor Borshchenko will bring the joy of freedom of movement.

The book will help anyone who suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, was injured or underwent surgery on the joints, who is experiencing pain in the arms and legs. It can be recommended to office workers, drivers, tourists, elderly and inactive people.

Isometric exercises can be done not only on a gymnastic mat, but also in an office chair, and even... in the water!

Spine without pain. Isometric gymnastics course

Aching pains in the back, backaches, stiffness and tension - such symptoms are familiar to everyone. Is it possible to prevent, and most importantly, get rid of back pain?

We bring to your attention a saving technology for restoring the health of the spine - isometric gymnastics by Dr. Borshchenko. This technique is based on muscle tension in special ergonomic positions and does not provide for sudden movements that cripple the spine. You just need to freeze certain time in special poses, and then relax.

Gymnastics is simple and accessible, therefore it is suitable for everyone who suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, has suffered an injury or surgery on the spine.

Loins without pain. Unique isometric training

The lower back is the part of the spine that accounts for the entire weight of our body. And it is not surprising that many are constantly worried about backaches, spasm of the muscles of the lumbar zone, aching pains and unpleasant tingling in the legs. Is it possible to save yourself from suffering and restore the health of the vertebrae and joints?

The course of isometric exercises by Dr. Borshchenko is simple and effective method restore freedom of movement, get rid of constant pain and restore joint mobility. The available exercises do not require special physical preparation from you - you just need to take healing postures and stay in them for a while. Such isometric training eliminates excessive stress on the joints and vertebrae, and prevents pain.

The exercises are designed for sedentary people, for those who have suffered an injury or surgery on the lumbar spine. Just a few minutes a day devoted to isometric gymnastics will restore your mobility and give you a feeling of ease of movement.

"Live posture" system. Unique course of posture setting in 30 days

Try to walk around the room for five minutes, leaning slightly to the side. Within a minute you will feel pain not only in the lower back, but also in the neck, and later a headache will appear.

But many people walk in this way all their lives, not realizing that minor changes in posture can lead to a variety of chronic diseases! Headaches and pains in the spine, vegetovascular dystonia, osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs - this is far from complete list ailments caused by incorrect body position. The conclusion is obvious: you need to correct your posture.

In the book of the famous vertebrologist, a specialist in the treatment of diseases of the spine, Igor Borshchenko, his unique course of posture setting at any age is published. Studying according to the method of I.A. Borshchenko, you will acquire a healthy habit of moving physiologically.

Joints without pain. Isometric gymnastics course

The weakest link in our musculoskeletal system is the joints. They often remind of themselves with loss of mobility and pain, because the main load falls on them.

How to get rid of constant pain that hinders and restricts your movements? Start practicing Dr. Borshchenko's isometric gymnastics and return mobility to your joints without exercise equipment. By simply freezing in certain training positions, you tense your muscles with little to no movement, which eliminates the possibility of injury.

Current page: 9 (total book has 12 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 8 pages]

IV part. Smart Spine system

The Smart Spine System is an approach to the spine that allows us to teach our back to be healthy.

This system was developed on the basis of rehabilitation technologies for astronauts and pilots. Daily sedentary work, physical and psychological overload lead to the fact that a person hunches under the pressure of constant problems. To have a healthy spine, it is not enough to tell yourself "Sit up straight!". After a few seconds, the body forgets the order, and the stoop, pain and bad mood return. Our task is to teach the muscles and nerves that control the spine, the correct movements and postures. Just like a child who first learns to hold his head, then sit, stand and finally walk, the spine needs to be taught the simplest right movements. These movements and postures support proper posture, while strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the spine, relieve pain in the spine and are the prevention of its diseases.

The Smart Spine System step by step strengthens precisely those muscles that are important for the healthy functioning of the spine. It is an excellent prevention of spinal diseases. If there are pains and movement disorders associated with spinal disease, it allows you to naturally relieve muscle spasm, restore local blood circulation in the spine and brain.

That is, the Smart Spine system also serves as a remedy.

As a result, back pain disappears, headaches disappear, mood and sleep normalize. The figurative names of the exercises make it easy to remember and perform them even with children. And most importantly, it becomes part of our healthy lifestyle life.

Neck positional gymnastics

Correct posture starts with head position. All our movements are subordinated to one goal - to maintain balance in the part of the body that collects the most information about the world around us. And this is our head, where the organs of vision, hearing, balance are located. Working in a sitting position, at the computer, leads to the fact that the head is constantly tilted excessively forward. This causes flexion of the cervical spine, and its kyphotic deformation is formed - that is, the arc of the spine is directed backward. In a healthy cervical spine, it should be the other way around - the arc is facing forward. The correct position of the head and neck is easy to control: the plane of the auricles should be in the plane of the shoulder joints. It is this position that a soldier takes in the ranks at the command “Attention!”. The following exercises are aimed at acquiring the correct position of the head and neck and strengthening the muscles necessary for this.

Exercise "Pendulum"

Starting position - sitting on a chair. Put a medium-sized book on top of your head. Start lightly rocking your head back and forth. As soon as you feel that the book is slipping, start moving in the opposite direction. This way you will balance the book in a neutral position. This is the ideal correct position of the head and neck. Try to hold the book for 1-5 minutes. Five minutes a day is enough for the muscles to remember the desired position.

The following exercises are performed in isometric mode - that is, without movement. During the exercise, resistance to movement is carried out with the help of hands. The pressure and tension of the neck muscles should be started gradually, avoiding the appearance of pain. The duration of each voltage is from 10 to 20 seconds. At the end of the exercise, gradually, smoothly relieve the pressure of the hands and the tension of the neck muscles.

Exercise "Consent"

We nod our heads when we agree, and this exercise is like a nod. Starting position - sitting straight on a chair. One hand placed on the forehead. Try to bend your head - "agree", while resisting this movement with your hand. Continue for 10-20 seconds without moving. At the end of the exercise, you can slightly tilt your head back and tilt it back. It is permissible to help this with a hand that is already on the forehead, and place the second on the back of the neck, creating support for movement. This at the end of the exercise stretches the front muscles of the neck that were involved in the movement. It is important to perform this stretch without violence and without the slightest pain for 2-5 seconds.

Exercise "Sky"

An attempt to look at the sky consists in throwing the head back - this is the movement used. Starting position - sitting straight on a chair. One hand placed on the back of the head. Try to throw your head back - look at the sky, while resisting this movement with your hand. The exercise lasts 10-20 seconds without movement. At the end, you can slightly bend your neck. It is permissible to help this with the hand that lies on the back of the head. This stretches the back muscles of the neck that were involved in the movement. It is important to perform this stretch without violence and without the slightest pain for 2-5 seconds.

Exercise "Oh-oh"

When we groan, we often shake our heads from side to side. This movement is basic in this exercise. Starting position - sitting straight on a chair. One hand is placed on the side of the head. Try to tilt your head to the side while resisting this movement with your hand. The exercise lasts 10-20 seconds without movement. At the end of the exercise, you can slightly “groan”, that is, tilt your head to the side with the hand that lies on your head. The other hand is simultaneously located on the side of the neck on the opposite side and creates support for movement. This stretches the lateral muscles of the neck that were involved in the movement. It is important to perform this stretch without violence and without the slightest pain for 2-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise for the opposite side.

Exercise "No-no"

The expression of disagreement is accompanied by a turn of the head - this is the basic movement. Starting position - sitting straight on a chair. The mouth is closed and the teeth are tightly closed. The palm of one hand is placed on the cheek. Try to turn your head to the side while resisting turning with your hand. The exercise lasts 10-20 seconds without movement. At the end of the exercise, you can turn your head slightly to the side and slightly up with the help of the hand that was lying on the cheek. The other hand simultaneously lies on the side of the head on the opposite side and helps rotation. This movement at the end of the exercise stretches the neck muscles that are involved in the rotation. It is important to perform this stretch without violence and without the slightest pain for 2-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise for the opposite side.

The described exercises for the cervical spine are an excellent tool not only for strengthening muscles and acquiring proper posture, but also for relieving tension headaches that most people suffer from. After this gymnastics, muscle spasm disappears, blood circulation in the brain normalizes. These exercises can be comfortable office gymnastics, which is advisable to perform several times a day to maintain general tone, both at work and during sedentary travel in an airplane, car, etc.

Chest positional gymnastics

The following exercises affect the muscles shoulder girdle located at the level of the thoracic spine. Very often, sedentary workers, patients with cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis of the spine complain of pain between the shoulder blades, less often in the chest. "Pectoral gymnastics" allows you to relieve muscle spasm and effectively deal with pain.

The chest exercises described below have two parts. First - isometric, that is, muscle tension without movement. The second part - dynamic aimed at stretching the working muscles.

An exercise

"Japanese greeting"

Starting position - sitting or standing. Place the palms of both hands together in front of you, pointing your fingers up like a Japanese who greets you. The palms are located at the level of the pectoral muscles. Within 10-30 seconds, we press the palms against each other. At this time they work pectoral muscles. Start and stop pressure smoothly. Then you need to stretch the working muscles. To do this, go to a free corner of the room or stand in an open doorway. Hands are placed on the walls of the corner or on the edges of the doorway. As you move your torso forward, you will feel the pectoral muscles stretch. Stretch duration 10-30 seconds.

Of course, you should feel complete comfort when moving - and no pain.

Exercise "Castle"

Starting position - sitting or standing. Clasp the palms of both hands in front of you in the castle, hooking the fingers of one hand to the fingers of the other. Stretch your arms for 10-30 seconds. The distance from the arms to the chest is about 10 centimeters. It is important to feel the tension of the back muscles, especially the muscles between the shoulder blades. Then you need to stretch them. To do this, grab the opposite elbow joint with the palm of one hand and pull it. At the same time, the shoulder, shoulder joint, shoulder blade stretch behind the elbow joint, and behind it the back muscles. Continue stretching for 10-30 seconds. Like other exercises, they should be painless. Repeat the stretch for the other side.

Exercise "Bird"

The flight of a bird is the flapping of its wings, which allows it to overcome any obstacles. In this exercise, the movements of the hands resemble a bird's flight. The muscles of the chest are directly involved in the act of breathing, so in this exercise it is especially important to coordinate movement and breathing.

Starting position - standing upright.

The first part of the exercise is to slowly inhale while raising your arms vertically upwards. At the highest point, inhalation reaches its maximum. In this position, you should hold your breath for 2-3 seconds.

The second part of the exercise - you continue to hold your breath while inhaling and slowly lower your hands down. In this phase, you feel a chest filled with air - hold the state of inhalation with your arms down for 2-3 seconds.

The third part of the exercise is to exhale slowly and get complete relaxation. Unlike the previous exercises, in the Bird exercise, most of the dynamic, that is, associated with movement, the static part, is associated with holding the breath. During this part, the lung tissue is stretched, which favorably affects breathing and oxygen exchange.

The total number of repetitions of the exercise is from 3 to 10. The exercise should be performed smoothly, without pronounced tension, enjoying breathing.

As an office option, the Bird exercise can be performed while sitting on a chair.

Exercise "Door"

This exercise is aimed at strengthening and stretching the lateral muscles of the back, among them the most massive are the latissimus dorsi. The movements of this exercise are similar to opening a door.

Starting position - standing. Find something you can pull yourself on - it could be a wall bar, a real door handle, or if there is nothing suitable - you can pull yourself on the opposite knee in a sitting position. The static part of the exercise is connected with the tension of the lateral muscles of the back - feel it.

The duration of the tension is from 10 to 20 seconds.

The second part of the exercise is associated with stretching the lateral muscles. To do this, you need to stand upright, raise both arms and lean to the side, stretching the lateral muscles of the back, which previously worked. For greater effect, stretch these muscles while inhaling, while taking the hand that previously “opened” the door by the wrist and, helping with the opposite hand, further stretch the lateral muscles of the back. Stretch duration 5-10 seconds.

Repeat for the opposite side of the body. The total number of repetitions is 1-3.

Lumbar positional gymnastics

Lower back pain is the most common complaint of patients with spinal osteochondrosis. Therefore, "lumbar gymnastics" is aimed not only at maintaining the spine, but also at stopping a pain attack. It normalizes the tone of the muscles that hold the lower back, equalizes the pressure inside the lumbar discs and thereby reduces pain irritation during exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis, serves prevention and treatment of pain syndrome in herniated intervertebral discs.

1st levelExercise "Heel"

This exercise is to lift your heels off the floor. Outwardly simple, it is very complex from a biomechanical point of view. In a sitting position, a person begins to gradually hunch over, the lower back bends back, the head drops down. It is necessary to tear off the heel from the floor, as the body involuntarily straightens. Such changes are associated with the biomechanics of the body, since when the heel is raised, it is more difficult for the body to maintain balance, and it begins to include the muscles of the back and abdominals that were not working until that moment.

Starting position - sitting on a chair. Alternately lift off the floor and lower your heels. Do the exercise for 1 minute. It is important to keep the abdominals tense during the exercise.

A more difficult version of the exercise. Starting position - sitting on a chair. The brushes are located on the knees. As you lift your heels off the floor, apply pressure to your knees and hips, making it difficult for your legs to move up. At the same time, tighten your abdominals. Do the exercise for 1 minute. At the same time, the calf muscles are also strengthened.

You can maintain the correct posture during sedentary work throughout the day. For To do this, you just need to slightly tear off the heel of one foot from the floor. Nobody will notice this. However, your correct posture will be appreciated very soon. This is a very useful habit for the spine!

Exercise "Press"

The abdominal press is the main stabilizer of the lower back. Weakening of the abdominal muscles contributes to improper distribution of the load and pressure on the intervertebral discs and joints, which leads to pain.

Starting position - lying on your back. Hands along the body. It is necessary to tighten the abdominal muscles and hold the tension. Breathing is not interrupted, although it does not become very deep. It is allowed to periodically increase muscle tension, while holding your breath on exhalation for a few seconds. The total duration of the exercise is 1 minute. Then you can rest for 1 minute and repeat. The total number of repetitions is 2-3.

The advanced version is designed for more trained practitioners. During tension of the abdominal press with both hands, you can additionally apply pressure on the stomach, increasing the load on the abdominal press.

When performing this exercise, it is important to strain not only the abdominals, but also the perineum. The muscles of the pelvic floor and anus support the abdominal organs and affect intra-abdominal pressure. This exercise, like all others, should not be performed immediately after eating.

Office version - tension of the abdominal press, sitting on a chair.

Exercise "Swim hands"

Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms extended forward in front of you. The abdominal press tenses smoothly, slowly, and at the same time we move our hands in opposite directions - one rises to the head, the other falls to the legs, then the hands move in opposite directions. The total duration of the exercise is 30-60 seconds. Repeat the exercise 1-3 times.

Exercise "Let's swim"

Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms extended forward in front of you. The abdominal press is tense; smoothly, slowly alternately raise the bent legs up to right angle hips with the floor plane. The total duration of the exercise is 30-60 seconds. Repeat the exercise 1-3 times.

Exercise "Stapler"

In this exercise, we bring opposite arms and legs together - a real "stapler". Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms extended up behind the head, lying on the floor. The abdominal press tenses, and smoothly, slowly and simultaneously raise the bent right leg and left arm up until the knee and hand meet, slowly return them to the opposite position. Repeat for the opposite side. The total duration of the exercise is 30-60 seconds. Repeat the exercise 1-3 times.

The following exercises train the long and short muscles of the back.

Exercise "Fish-hands"

Starting position - lying on your stomach. You can place a small roll of towel under your lower abdomen and pelvis, as well as a small towel or mat under your forehead - the latter is especially important for people who have problems with the cervical spine, for whom it can be difficult to keep their head up. Arms extended forward, legs extended back. Raise your outstretched right hand forward, hold it for 30-60 seconds. The same is for the other side. Repeat the exercise 1-3 times.

Exercise "Fish-legs"

Starting position - lying on your stomach. Arms extended forward, legs extended back. Raise your extended right leg up, hold it for 30-60 seconds. The same is for the other side. The leg lift may be slight and should not cause lower back pain. Repeat the exercise 1-3 times.

Exercise "Fish-arms-legs"

Starting position - lying on your stomach. Arms extended forward, legs extended back. Raise your extended right leg up at the same time as your extended left leg, hold the position for 30-60 seconds. The same is true for opposite limbs. Repeat the exercise 1-3 times.

Useful can be walking on toes around the room with tense abdominals. Training the calf muscles, strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and abdominals, remembering the correct posture - this is the essence of this exercise.

2nd level

Level 2 exercises require better physical fitness.

Exercise "Beetle-hands"

In this exercise, you lie on your stomach on a large fitness ball and look very much like a bug from the side. The size of the ball should be such that it occupies the entire space under the stomach in a position on all fours.

Starting position - lying on the ball with your stomach. The knees and hands are on the floor and maintain balance. The head and neck are slightly raised and parallel to the floor. Stretch your right arm forward, hold the pose for 30-45 seconds. The same for the other side. Repeat the exercise 1-3 times.

Exercise "Beetle-legs"

This is one of the most difficult of all exercises and requires sufficient preparation. Starting position - lying on the ball with your stomach. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows and rest the palms on the floor. Feet shoulder width apart rest on the floor. The knees are slightly raised and do not touch the support. Raise and extend your right leg back to a straight line. Hold the pose for 30-45 seconds. Repeat for the other side. Repeat the exercise 1-3 times.

Exercise "Beetle-hands-legs"

This is the most difficult of all exercises and requires sufficient preparation. Starting position - lying on the ball with your stomach. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows and rest the palms on the floor. Feet shoulder width apart rest on the floor. The knees are slightly raised and do not touch the support. Raise and extend your left leg back to a straight line, at the same time lift and hold your right arm straight forward. Maintain the pose for 30-45 seconds. The same for the other side. Repeat the exercise 1-3 times.

Exercise "Hands on the head!"

The order of the policeman during the search - and the hands are located on the back of the head. Starting position - lying on the ball with your stomach. Hands are closed at the back of the head. Knees rest on the floor and maintain balance. Raise your head, neck and torso to a horizontal level. Hold the position for 10-45 seconds. Gradually increase the exercise time as you get better. The total number of repetitions is 1-3.

Exercise "Throne"

The exercise is to sit on the ball. During this position, the body has to constantly maintain balance and load the muscles of the back and abdominals. This is an excellent workout for lumbar stabilizers, in addition, the position of the cervical spine and posture in general are normalized. You can save time in class if you combine sitting on the ball with watching your favorite movies.

For the most active practitioners, a very useful exercise is "Crawling on all fours". When performing it, it is necessary to protect the hands with gloves, the legs with tights or knee pads. It is advisable to crawl on a soft carpet. Now - go ahead! It is important to keep the abdominals in a certain tone and not allow the stomach to sag limply. In this case, the spine performs complex movements, combining flexion, extension and rotation in all its sections. Each vertebra moves. The range of motion of the vertebrae is small, but sufficient to normalize the condition of the joints, discs and muscles. Young parents! Take your time and do not force the newborn baby to sit and walk. The longer your child will crawl, the better for his spine. Try it too! 1-3 minutes of crawling around the room will bring a cheerful mood and health to the spine.

It is best to allocate special time for classes on the "Smart Spine" system. I recommend exercising three times a week.

At the end of the session, it is best to do cardio. This means a light jog, treadmill, stationary bike or pool. Do not overdo it and practice every day. Muscles and nervous system should be given rest. In this case, classes will bring more joy, and they will become more effective.

Many exercises from the Smart Spine system can be performed at work, sitting on a chair, while traveling. Thanks to this, you can do micro-pauses and mini-workouts, bringing your spine back to normal.

Make the "Smart Spine" system your habit, and then your spine will become not only smart, but also healthy.