Theoretical and practical training of students. Preparing students for internships

Practical training of students is a mandatory component of the educational and professional program for obtaining a qualification level and is aimed at acquiring professional skills and abilities. The purpose of the practice is to master students with modern methods, forms, means of future professional activity, its organization, the formation of professional skills, and the education of the need for systematic renewal.

Student practice:

¨ is an integral part of the process of training specialists in higher educational institutions;

¨ provides for the continuity and consistency of its implementation when obtaining the necessary sufficient amount of practical knowledge and skills in accordance with various educational and qualification levels: junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master

¨ is carried out primarily on the basis of educational institutions, scientific institutions, legal associations, law enforcement agencies and government bodies, as well as at enterprises and organizations, institutions various industries economy.

The list of types of practices for each specialty or specialization, their forms, duration and timing are determined in the curricula.

The main types of practice in higher education legal education are:

¨ extracurricular, carried out in the form of attracting students in their free time from planned classes to work in legal institutions and associations, measures to protect public order, prevent delinquency among young people, and the like. This type of practice is assumed in the annual plans and schedules for the educational process of a higher educational institution on the proposal of the relevant departments;

¨ introductory, which is intended for the initial acquaintance of students with various types legal activity, formation of professional value orientations, improvement of professional selection;

¨ internship - is the final stage of training and is carried out after mastering its theoretical part and before implementation qualifying work or a graduation project, in order to prepare future lawyers for the independent performance of professional functions in a specific position or area of ​​professional activity, to acquire the necessary professional skills and abilities, to collect factual material for performing qualifying and thesis work, and to pass state exams. During this practice, theoretical knowledge in all disciplines of the curriculum is aggravated and consolidated.

¨ a through program of practice, which must comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, other ministries and departments, the requirements of customers, the curriculum, the educational and professional program of the specialty, the qualification characteristics of specialists;

¨ work programs of relevant types of practice, which in particular contain recommendations on the types, forms, tests to check the level of knowledge, skills, skills that students must achieve.

The practice of students is carried out on the bases of practice, which must meet the requirements of the program, are determined by the higher educational institution and customers for the training of specialists. Students can independently, with the permission of the relevant departments or cycle (subject) commissions, select for themselves the place of internship and offer it for use.

Organization, conduct, management and control over the passage of practice by students is carried out by the heads of higher educational institutions, relevant departments or subject (cycle) commissions, in some higher educational institutions - by the heads of practice (heads of practice departments), and in technical schools, colleges and other educational institutions of an equivalent level - Deputy Director for practical training.

Organization, conduct, management and control of the internship provides for:

¨ control over preparedness of bases of practice;

¨ distribution of students for practice, taking into account orders for the training of specialists and their future place of work after graduation;

¨ carrying out organizational measures before the start of the practice: briefings on the procedure for passing the practice and safety precautions, providing student interns required documents(direction, program, diary, calendar plan, individual task, topics of term papers and theses, methodological recommendations and others);

¨ informing students about installed system reporting on practice, namely: a written report, the performance of qualifying work, the procedure for completing an individual task, preparing reports, messages, speeches, etc.;

¨ appointment of practice leaders as bases of practice, definition of their responsibilities;

¨ monitoring the provision of normal working and living conditions for students and conducting mandatory briefings with them on labor protection and safety;

¨ monitoring the implementation of internal regulations by students-probationers, maintaining a report card of students visiting the practice base;

¨ passing tests for practice and the like.

For students studying on the job, an internship lasting up to one month may be provided.

If there are vacancies, students can be enrolled in positions if the work on them meets the requirements of the practice programs. At the same time, at least 50 percent of the time is devoted to general professional training under the practice program. After the end of the practice period, students report on the implementation of the program and individual tasks, as a rule, in the form of a written report signed and evaluated directly by the head of the practice base, and also pass the test. A written report, together with other documents established by the educational institution (diary, characteristics, etc.), is submitted by the student for review to the head of practice from the educational institution.

The credit is accepted by students by the commission on the bases of practice in the last days of its passage, or in a higher educational institution during the first ten days of the semester, it begins after practice.

A student who has not completed an internship program without a valid reason may be granted the right to repeat the internship if the conditions determined by the higher education institution are met. A student who received a negative assessment from the commission on practice is calculated from a higher educational institution.

During practice during the period of work at workplaces and positions with wages, students retain the right to receive scholarships based on the results of the final control. All student trainees of state higher educational institutions for the period of practice conducted outside the location of higher education are paid daily allowances at the expense of practical training costs, as well as their travel by rail, water and road transport to and from the location of the bases of practice, accommodation in the dormitories of the bases practices or in residential premises rented for this purpose.

Preparing students for practice involves:

1) development of a program for each type of practice, forms and methods of its implementation; drawing up a unified schedule of internships;

2) organization of educational and educational work (preparation of packages of tasks and recommendations for students, updating teaching materials, etc.);

3) holding introductory and final conferences for students, meetings of faculty and staff responsible for organizing and conducting internships, concluding agreements with basic institutions, holding coordination meetings with their representatives, monitoring students' internships, etc.

The most important condition for ensuring the effective use of study time allotted for practice is the preparation of the student for this type of activity throughout the entire period of study. It should be carried out in the following directions:

Actually vocational training, implemented through theoretical and practical courses;

Professional education of a personality, which acts as a specially organized process of introducing a student to professional activities and forming professionally important qualities of a specialist's personality.

The first direction, first of all, is connected with the assimilation of the system of theoretical knowledge by students. Such training is carried out at lectures and practical classes, which can take the form of seminars, trainings, simulation role-playing and business games.

At the seminars, a preliminary defense of activity projects is expected, which helps the student to improve his methodological skills and abilities. Playback various situations, conducting fragments of classes, conversations, events for the organization of leisure activities for children, etc. This contributes to successful practical activities, gives self-confidence, allows you to see miscalculations and mistakes in your actions in advance. In addition, even before students enter the practice, they must have formed at least two groups of skills, namely:

Analytical (the ability to highlight the main thing, pose a problem, put forward a hypothesis, collect the necessary information, select methods and methods for solving a problem, develop an action plan, evaluate its results);

Communicative (the ability to get in touch with a person, maintain communication with him, solve specific problems in communication).

Analytical skills are developed by the student as a result of observing the actions of experienced teachers, analyzing their own activities, jointly discussing problems during lectures and seminars, etc.

Communication skills are implemented through group and collective teaching methods: trainings, situation modeling, game models, group discussions.

The second direction is professional education. This process is very laborious, takes a lot of time and, ultimately, allows students to form such professionally significant personal qualities like humanity, altruism, empathy, self-respect, reflection, authenticity and congruence. For the formation of such qualities, it is necessary to build humanistic relations in the university, to develop the students' desire for mutual assistance.

Practical training of students as a factor in the training of professional young personnel

“Knowledge is a treasure, but the key to it is practice”

Thomas Fuller

The problem of training highly qualified workers and mid-level specialists in professional educational organizations is one of the most urgent. It became especially acute with the beginning of the post-perestroika process, the advent of modern technologies, wide application computer facilities. The modern economy needed such personnel who are able to solve new problems in complex and constantly changing conditions. In system vocational education is currently undergoing a change public policy. There is a search for forms and methods to improve the quality of education. The role of innovative and experimental teaching methods aimed at developing creativity personality, increasing its activity, adaptability and adaptability to new conditions.

On February 12, 2015, at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation dedicated to improving the system of secondary vocational education, D.A. Medvedev announced the main goal of improving the system of secondary vocational education as follows: “to create a modern, effective system vocational education, which is focused on the needs of enterprises, is able to meet the needs of our economy.”

Among the set of measures developed by the Ministry of Education and Science, one of the three strategic directions is: "to focus the resources of business, the state, the educational sector as a whole on the development of the system of secondary vocational education."

Here we are talking, first of all, about the fact that students combine theoretical training in college with practical training at the enterprise. At the same time, employers can be more actively involved in the planning and implementation of training programs - this is the so-called dual education system.

There are still problems with this.

Situation modern market requires new methods of work of educational organizations and employers. Employers, as potential customers, should be actively involved in the process of forming the state order, determining professional competencies, and participating in the student's professional training. At this point in time, elements of dual training are being actively introduced in professional educational organizations of the Tyumen region. The Center for Continuing Agrarian Education operates. Starting with teaching schoolchildren in agricultural classes and ending with college or university education.

Studying in the agricultural class is the first stage of agricultural education, the tasks of which are not only to develop a set of skills vital in the modern market environment, but also to effectively career guidance, to a conscious choice of professions in the agro-industrial complex, to running your own business.

One of the most important components of the learning process is practice: training, usually carried out in the laboratories of the college, as well as production - outside the walls educational organization. Among the main tasks of the practice, we include not only the consolidation and development of students' knowledge and skills, but also the development of general and the formation of professional competencies laid down by the Federal State Educational Standards, the acquisition of skills for the implementation of labor functions referred to in the relevant professional standards.

A systematic approach to organizing practical training in our case is as follows:

Theory and practice are interconnected in such a way that without assimilation of the knowledge gained in the classroom, it is almost impossible to perform practical work with high quality, and, in parallel, it is very difficult to understand and remember all the theoretical material given out in the classroom and acquired in the course of independent work, if not consolidate it in practical exercises;

In order to cope with the tasks set during the internship at the highest level, it is necessary to use knowledge and skills not only in interdisciplinary courses included in a specific professional module, but also in the previous disciplines of general education, general humanitarian and socio-economic, as well as mathematical and general natural science cycles, for example, frequent difficulties for students who neglect the study of the norms of the Russian language cause tasks related to the correct compilation of texts of documents and even reporting documentation based on the results of practice;

The study of a specific professional module is completed, as a rule, with educational and industrial practice, and then with a qualifying exam. The success of passing the qualifying exam will directly depend on the results of the practice;

Upon completion of the internship, the employer draws up a characterization for the student, issues a conclusion and fills out an attestation sheet, thereby, in fact, carries out an independent examination of the professional level of the future specialist, and only after that the student defends his report on the internship and receives a final grade for it;

The college has a number of organizations - social partners, whose representatives are invited as heads of commissions for qualifying examinations. Thanks to such partnerships, employers get the opportunity to get to know future specialists, assess their level of training, professional qualities, and in the future invite students they like for subsequent internships, and graduates for work, at the same time, students, respectively, get the opportunity to find a job in their specialty.

Thus, practical training in college is an integral part of the process of training specialists, since it:

Increases the effectiveness of training, and therefore reduces in the future the material costs of retraining, the elimination of gaps in knowledge and skills;

Makes a specialist psychologically adapted to work in a team;

Allows you to maintain a balance between the content of educational programs and modern requirements of the labor market.

In accordance with the “Complex of measures aimed at improving the system of secondary vocational education for 2015-2020”, a consistent introduction of a practice-oriented (dual) model of education in the subjects of the Russian Federation is envisaged in secondary vocational education.

The purpose of dual training is to ensure the quality of professional training of workers for the basic industries in the context of the development of social partnership.

When implementing dual training great attention given to the passage of industrial practice, in connection with this there is a need for closer cooperation with employers.

We held negotiations with the employers of the region in the agricultural direction, as a result, we concluded agreements on dual training with five enterprises: IP Bobrov, IP Devyatyarov, LLC Turai, LLC PK Moloko, IP GKFH Sharmazanov.

Since May 5, the group by profession "Tractor driver-machinist of agricultural production" has been undergoing industrial practice.

In general, bilateral cooperation is carried out between the college and organizations providing practice bases, as a result of which we get the opportunity to attract highly qualified specialists for practical and educational work with students, to develop General requirements to the competence of specialists, to facilitate the process of professional adaptation of graduates and employment. Organizations and enterprises, in turn, receive a specialist that meets their needs, can carry out work on continuing education of their employees, get the opportunity to quickly adapt young professionals. The results of joint activities are discussed at meetings, the topics of which relate to the quality of education, the quality of work performed in professional activities. Such meetings help to understand the needs of both educational organization from enterprises and organizations, and take into account the requirements of employers in the preparation of a specialist. Without a constructive dialogue, it is impossible to determine the directions for improving vocational education.

The college constantly assesses the degree of readiness of students for professional activities, based on the results of a survey of social partners. Based on the responses received, mentors determine the work of students as successful and give a positive assessment of the quality of professional readiness of their interns. They note such qualities of students as competence, a sufficient level of professional training, activity and interest in work, discipline and diligence. The analysis of the obtained characteristics after passing the industrial practices allows us to trace the dynamics of the professional competence of college students. This approach improves the professional level of the graduate and reduces the time and costs of the enterprise for the adaptation of a young specialist.

Currently, the problem of employment of college graduates is quite acute in the context of modern trends in the development of a market economy. Each graduate expects to find a job in the profile of the received specialty, receive a decent salary and see the prospect of career growth.

Working in your specialty is the key to professionalism.

The acquired knowledge is a launching pad for further professional growth of graduates. Some students get jobs at enterprises where they had an internship. All the specialties in which training is conducted at our college are promising and, despite the current crisis, we want to believe that our graduates will become sought-after specialists, professionals in their field.

In the educational process, the main form of education has been and remains the class-lesson system. With the advent of computers and computer information technologies this system can be made more efficient, interesting and practical.

Having created an educational and methodological complex, the work of the teacher is facilitated. The developed educational and methodical complex will help the teacher in presenting the material on the topic, and students can use this educational and methodical complex for independent study, because in it, the material is presented in detail, systematically and consistently, precisely on the foundations of logic. Also, the educational and methodological complex contains exercises, practical tasks to test the knowledge gained during the training.

The educational and methodical complex contains thematic planning, computer presentations, diagrams, outline plans, which are included in the mandatory minimum of the content of education in a secondary vocational educational institution.

Theoretical training creates a certain foundation of knowledge, which constitutes the professional horizons of a specialist. Practical training provides training in professional knowledge and skills covering all professional activities of a specialist. The educational institution must provide the future specialist with this practical training in the course of performing laboratory and practical work, conducting business games, analyzing and solving production situations, tasks, completing term papers (projects), passing all types of training production practices.

Students must master all the actions (operations) that they have to perform in their professional activities. However, the range of functions of a specialist with a secondary vocational education is wider and more varied than the range of functions of a worker, and in their nature they are more diverse than those of a worker. Therefore, a specialist can work in different positions. Along with the functions of a manipulative nature, performed in strict accordance with the instructions (the use of computers, counting equipment, measuring instruments, calculation and graphic skills, manipulation procedures in the work of nurses, etc.), in the performance of which students must achieve a certain automatism, mid-level specialists have to solve intellectual problems (analytical, design, constructive, organizational) that require a reasonable choice of the decision to be made from the possible options based on the analysis of the initial data and the tasks facing the specialist. Such tasks are often of a complex interdisciplinary nature and require considerable time to solve them. Practically during the training, students are not able to solve (test solutions) all the problems that they may face in their professional activities, working in different positions. But the selection of the main types of them and teaching them to solve on the example of specially designed training and production tasks that can be performed by students both in industrial practice and in specially created conditions (analysis of industrial situations, solution situational tasks, business games), are mandatory requirements for the training of mid-level specialists.

We have to approach the formation of the content of practical training in higher education in a somewhat different way. The range of tasks solved by a specialist with higher education, their complexity, the novelty of setting in each case require, first of all, the development of problem thinking: the ability to see, understand the problem and find non-standard solutions, using a wide range of knowledge gained in the learning process, as well as being able to independently search for, acquire, extract the necessary information and use it in practical professional activities. Undoubtedly, a specialist with a higher education must also possess the skills of computational, measuring, computational and graphical activities, be able to use the algorithms of intellectual activity, but both of them are in this case a tool for solving problematic problems.

The next indicator of the level of education is the ratio between general scientific, general professional and special training within the framework of theoretical training. General scientific disciplines in the system of higher education occupy a significant place: they are not only the basis for general professional training, but also have independent significance, providing a high level of erudition of specialists, contributing to the mastery of the logic of scientific thinking, a historical view on the development of science, technology, society, and man. It is the high level of general education that ensures the ability of specialists with higher education to solve creative problems in the creation of new technologies and new equipment, new methods and new economic plans, contributes to a deeper understanding of the links between facts, phenomena, and events. General scientific training in higher education is at least 40%.

In the system of secondary vocational education, students receive some general scientific knowledge, but, as a rule, these are only the basics of sciences that are of applied importance and integrated with special disciplines, for example: "Fundamentals of geodesy and their application in forestry", "Geodesy in construction", "Hydraulics and pumps", "Designs of tasks and structures with static elements", "Fundamentals of electrical engineering and application electrical energy in agriculture".

However, in contrast to primary vocational education, the structure of specialized knowledge in secondary specialized educational institutions is given in expanded form; academic disciplines characterize different components of labor: the purpose of labor, the subject and material of labor, means of labor, methods of activity, labor organization and management. A significant proportion of this knowledge is generally professional value and can be transferred within a professional group from one specialty to another.

The type of organization of the educational process implies the ratio of the volumes of compulsory and elective courses, compulsory classroom and independent extracurricular work, the inclusion of students in educational research and research work, its volume and content; preferable attitude to such organizational forms of education as lectures, seminars, business games. It depends on the attitudes towards the upcoming professional activity, on the degree of independence of students and their readiness to participate in those organizational forms of education that require more high level intellectual development, initiative, activity, personal responsibility in the performance of collective work.

Let's consider the organizational forms of training aimed at the practical training of students.

Laboratory lesson - a form of organization of training, when students, on assignment and under the guidance of a teacher, perform one or more laboratory work.

The main didactic goals of laboratory work are experimental confirmation of the studied theoretical positions; experimental verification of formulas, calculations; familiarization with the methodology of conducting experiments, research. In the course of work, students develop the ability to observe, compare, contrast, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, independently conduct research, use various measurement methods, and arrange results in the form of tables, diagrams, graphs. At the same time, students develop professional skills and abilities in handling various instruments, equipment, installations and other technical means for conducting experiments. However, the leading didactic goal of laboratory work is to master the technique of experiment, the ability to solve practical problems by setting up an experiment.

In accordance with didactic goals, the content of laboratory work is also determined:

establishing and studying the properties of a substance, its qualitative characteristics, quantitative dependencies;

  • - observation and study of phenomena and processes, search for patterns;
  • - study of the device and operation of instruments, apparatus and other equipment, their testing,
  • - removal of characteristics;
  • - experimental verification of calculations, formulas;
  • - obtaining new substances, materials, samples, the study of their properties.

A practical lesson is a form of organization of the educational process, which involves the implementation by students on assignment and under the guidance of a teacher of one or more practical work.

The didactic goal of practical work is the formation of professional skills in students, as well as practical skills necessary for studying subsequent academic disciplines.

So, in practical classes in mathematics, physics, technical mechanics, students develop the ability to solve problems, which in the future should be used to solve professional problems in special disciplines. In practical classes in engineering graphics, students master the skills of making drawings, which are necessary when performing various graphic works in special disciplines.

Particularly important are practical exercises in the study of special disciplines, the content of which is aimed at the formation of professional skills. In the course of practical work, students master the ability to use measuring instruments, equipment, tools, work with regulatory documents and instructional materials, reference books, draw up technical documentation; perform drawings, diagrams, tables, solve various kinds of problems, make calculations, determine the characteristics of various substances, objects, phenomena. To prepare students for the upcoming labor activity it is important to develop their intellectual skills - analytical, design, constructive, therefore, the nature of the tasks in the classroom should be such that students are faced with the need to analyze processes, states, phenomena, design their activities based on the analysis, outline specific ways to solve a particular practical problem. tasks. As methods of practical training of professional activity, analysis and solution of production situational problems, business games are widely used. When developing their content, the level of complexity of the middle-level specialist should be taken into account.

When selecting the content of practical work in a discipline, they are guided by a list of professional skills that should be formed by a specialist in the process of studying this discipline. The basis for determining the full list of works are the qualification requirements for a specialist. An analysis of the State requirements and the content of the academic discipline makes it possible to identify the skills that can be mastered in the course of studying the educational material.

Thus, the content of practical work is:

  • - study of regulatory documents and reference materials, analysis of production documentation, performance of tasks using them;
  • - analysis of production situations, solving specific production, economic, pedagogical and other tasks, making managerial decisions;
  • - solving problems of various kinds, calculating and analyzing various indicators, compiling and analyzing formulas, equations, reactions, processing the results of multiple measurements;
  • - study of the structure of machines, devices, tools, apparatus, measuring mechanisms, functional diagrams;
  • - familiarization with the technological process, development of technological documentation;
  • - work on various machines, devices, fixtures, with measuring instruments; preparation for work, maintenance of equipment;
  • - design according to a given scheme; assembly and dismantling of mechanisms, production of models of blanks;
  • - Diagnostics of the quality of various substances, products. The methodology for teaching students to solve practical problems requires following a certain sequence: complete and clear clarification of the conditions; clarification of knowledge and practical experience, on the basis of which the problem can be solved; drawing up a solution plan.

The effectiveness of laboratory and practical classes depends to a large extent on how students are instructed to perform practical and laboratory work. Experienced teachers use instruction cards for students to independently carry out such work. Maps allow not to describe in detail the entire course of the work performed, but to pay attention to the most significant points: updating knowledge on the topic, practical actions, theoretical substantiation tasks being performed. In preparation for work on the map, students get the opportunity to plan their activities.

Course design - organizational form training applied at the final stage of studying the academic discipline. It allows you to apply the acquired knowledge in solving complex production and technical or other problems related to the field of activity of future specialists.

Production (professional) practice is an integral part and a peculiar form of organization of the educational process. According to the Regulations on the industrial (professional) practice of students of secondary specialized educational institutions, the practice is carried out in stages and consists of practice for obtaining primary professional skills and abilities (training), practice in the specialty profile (technological), pre-diploma practice (qualification or internship).

Educational practice is usually carried out in educational or training workshops of the university, technological and pre-diploma - directly at the enterprise, organization, institution.

The purpose of the internship is to prepare students for the upcoming independent professional activities. Practice links theoretical teaching at the university and independent work in production. In practice, students acquire the initial experience of professional activity in their specialty.

Technological and pre-diploma practice are carried out on the basis of contracts between the educational institution and enterprises. Work programs of practices are developed taking into account the specific features of the basic enterprises. Along with various types of practical work, excursions, lectures, talks, seminars, and practical training in production are planned in the work program. For each topic, specific objects are identified.

Teachers are looking for ways to improve the training of specialists. In a number of specialties, teachers conduct interdisciplinary classes at the expense of additional time spent as part of methodological searches. Some interdisciplinary classes began to be included in the curricula. For example, students colleges of education, using both psychological and pedagogical knowledge at the same time, make up psychological and pedagogical characteristics for an individual student and a class team. With the correct fulfillment of this task, students develop important pedagogical skills to analyze the psychological characteristics of the student and his personal qualities, in accordance with objective data, design the development of the student and the class team, plan their activities aimed at developing the student's personality; establish proper relationships with children, etc.

The emergence of such studies in practice educational institutions due to a number of circumstances.

One of the important directions in the implementation of the training of specialists is the formation of their professional skills in the process of training, which ensure their readiness for professional activities. The current practice of disciplinary teaching does not provide for the mastery of complex professional skills by students in the process of studying individual disciplines. However, professional activity requires the integration of knowledge obtained from different academic disciplines, combining them in a specific work. Consistently organized practical training, carried out in interdisciplinary practical classes, in course design, and in the process of industrial practice, should be directed to this.


The practical work of students, carried out during educational and industrial practices, is the most important part of the training of highly qualified specialists. It provides a connection between theoretical training and engineering production activities.

Practical training contributes to the development of students' skills and abilities, regulated by the qualification characteristics of an electrical engineer in the specialty 140610 - Electrical equipment and power supply of organizations, enterprises and institutions, and is carried out according to a cross-cutting program covering all types of practices.

Each practice is a stage of continuous training of a young specialist. The tasks of each stage pursue specific goals and, at the same time, ensure the continuity of practices, forming a unified system of training specialists.

On the basis of continuous practical training, the main goal of the practice is achieved - consolidating and expanding the knowledge gained by students in the process of studying at the institute, through a deep study of the work of enterprises (organizations), mastering advanced labor and management methods, professional skills, gaining experience in organizational and educational work in production team.

When developing this program, the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty 140610 - Electrical Equipment and Power Supply of Organizations, Enterprises and Institutions, STP 053-2.04-92 KubGTU - Industrial Practice was used. The order of organization and control, A through program and guidelines for practice for students of all forms of education of the specialty 1813 - Power supply of industrial enterprises, cities and Agriculture.

Organization and management of practical training of students

In accordance with curriculum specialty 140610 - Electrical equipment and power supply of organizations, enterprises and institutions (protocol of the Academic Council of KubGTU No. 3 dated 06/31/96) provides for the practices indicated in table 1.

Table 1 - Practice of students of specialty 140610

To manage each practice, leaders are appointed from the department and the enterprise (organization) where the student is doing the practice.

The head of practice from the department is obliged to:

1. Two months before the start of the practice, prepare and submit to the dean's office a draft order on sending students to practice, signed by the head of the department.

2. A week before the start of the practice, ensure that organizational measures are taken, including briefing on the procedure for passing the practice, as well as on ensuring life safety at this enterprise. To acquaint each student with the cross-cutting program (before introductory practice), issue a diary of practice, an individual task with methodological instructions approved by the head of the department, and a referral to practice. To control in the dean's office the receipt of travel certificates by students leaving for other cities.

3. During the period of internship, together with the head of the enterprise, organize an introductory tour of the enterprise, training sessions (lectures, seminars), group and individual consultations, student teams to perform complex production tasks, excursions to related enterprises, supervision of students' research work. To control the participation of students in the social work of the team, to check the creation of normal working and living conditions for students at enterprises, and to conduct briefings with students on the organization of life at this enterprise.

4. At the end of the practice, check the availability of all documents on the practice, the completeness, correctness and quality of the assignments, organize a student conference on the results of the practice, take part in the work of the commission for the protection of reports.

The administration of enterprises is obliged:

1. Provide and conduct an internship in accordance with the contract concluded with the institute and this program.

2. Provide students with places to work that ensure the effectiveness of practice, create the necessary conditions for students to acquire knowledge and practical skills, provide an opportunity to use literature, technical and other documentation, assist students in the selection of initial data and materials to complete the assignment for practice.

3. Ensure and monitor students' compliance with the internal labor regulations, impose penalties on students, encourage them and report this to the rector of the institute.

4. Conduct mandatory (introductory and at the workplace) briefing on the organization of life safety with the execution of the necessary documentation, training students in safe working methods; take full responsibility for accidents that may occur to students during practice.

The head of practice from the enterprise is obliged:

1. Draw up a calendar schedule for the internship and organize the internship in strict accordance with the schedule.

2. Ensure high-quality briefings on the organization of life safety at this enterprise.

3. To exercise constant control over the production activities of students; help them to perform the tasks in this workplace correctly; familiarize with advanced working methods; advise on production issues; teach safe work practices; to involve students in research, rationalization and social work at the enterprise; organize classes and consultations with leading employees of the enterprise on scientific, technical, socio-economic and legal issues, conduct excursions within the enterprise.

4. Monitor students' compliance with production discipline, report to the institute about all cases of violation by students of the internal labor regulations and moral and ethical standards.

5. Control the completion of diaries and the preparation of reports by students, draw up production characteristics containing data on the completion of the assignment for practice, on the student's attitude to work, his participation in public life.

The trainee student must:

One week before leaving for practice:

1.2. Find out the exact place and timing of the practice.

1.3. Return the literature received for the next semester to the library.

1.4. Get an internship program at the department, a referral for internship (a letter to the director or chief engineer).

1.5. Prepare 2 photo cards 3x4 in size for a pass.

1.6. Appear at a practice meeting held by the department,

1.7. Get individual practice assignments.

2. Having arrived at the enterprise, the student must:

2.1. Get a business pass.

2.2. Come to the head of the practice from the enterprise, acquaint him with the program and individual task, clarify the plan and task in relation to this enterprise, find out the procedure for using documentation, technical literature, workwear, etc.

2.3. No later than the next day upon arrival, the student must start work. Admission to work is carried out after mandatory briefings on the organization of life safety: introductory and at the workplace with the execution of the established documentation and order for the enterprise.

3. During the period of practice, the student must:

3.1. Fully complete the tasks provided for by the practice program.

3.2. Obey the internal labor regulations in force at the enterprise (institution, organization).

3.3 Strictly observe the rules of life safety and industrial sanitation. If possible, pass an exam for a qualification group in the organization of life safety and receive a certificate.

3.4. Participate in research, rationalization and inventive work of the enterprise or on the instructions of the department.

3.5 Actively participate in the social life of the enterprise team.

3.6. Be responsible for the work performed and its results on an equal basis with full-time employees.

3.7. Prepare sketches, sketches, diagrams, technological maps, tables, descriptions and other material for drawing up a technical report. The technical report is drawn up during the entire practice.

3.8. The student is obliged to notify the leaders of the practice from the enterprise and the institute about all violations of the course of practice.

4. Upon completion of the practice, the student must:

4.1. All materials, devices, drawings, etc. received at the place of practice should be returned in a timely manner according to their belongings. Submit your pass to the Human Resources Department.

4.2. Submit a written report on the completion of all tasks to the head of practice from the enterprise.

4.3. Get a description and assessment of the work done in practice, a report (with an assessment) from the head of practice from the enterprise.

4.4 Defend the report before the commission chaired by the head of the practice from the institute with the final mark on the practice. In the absence of the head of practice from the institute, the report is defended before the head of practice from the enterprise. The student must be given a preliminary assessment for the practice. The final grade is given after the defense of the report at the department.

5. Returning from practice to the institute, the student within five days must:

5.1. Submit a report to the department for verification, to the head
practice from the department.

5.2. Protect the practice report (if it has not been protected at the enterprise).

5.3. Make a presentation at a student conference on the results of practice.

5.4. The senior of the group to pass the practice program to the department.