Protective speech for the final qualifying work. What is the best way to build a defensive speech and speech at the defense of the final qualification work? Sample report for the thesis

The speech prepared for the defense of the WRC is of great importance for the successful delivery of work. The article discusses how to competently prepare a report for a speech, the structure of speech is determined.

The report is a kind of hint for the speaker, which contains the main ideas of the work. If the speech is not composed correctly, even with a good WRC, the defense will fail. The quality of the performance determines the success of passing the diploma.

How to prepare a speech for the WRC

Approximately 15 minutes are allocated for the defense of the WRC. During this time, the graduate must describe the essence of the work, the topic, and practical significance. To do this, you need to prepare in advance, write a report.

Before writing a report, the student additionally re-reads his work, highlights important points. It is necessary to identify the fundamental theses and combine them into one logically connected text. A well-prepared speech should include a smooth transition from one thought to another.

A well-written and structured report contains the following parts:

  1. The text begins with a highlight. It should be briefly described in 2-3 sentences.
  2. Then the speaker briefly describes the selected object and subject of research, which are indicated in. You also need to prescribe the means to achieve it.
  3. The speech should contain brief conclusions. This is an important part of the speech. The results of each section are written separately. by the most the best option is demonstration .
  4. It is also important to talk about the proposals that are developed in order to improve the topics being studied. This will confirm your competence as a specialist in the eyes of teachers.
  5. Describe the practical significance and justify the hypothesis that was put forward in the course of the work.

There are some nuances that the speaker should be familiar with before defending the project:

  • On the eve of the performance, you need to get a good night's sleep;
  • take sedatives in the morning, drink warm tea;
  • come to the defense half an hour before the appointed time;
  • before leaving, check if everything is taken;
  • on defense, you don’t need to say too much, only on the merits;
  • do not answer questions with “I don’t know”;
  • statistics show that the introduction and conclusion are better remembered from the speech, therefore they need to be written as best as possible;
  • tell interesting, with intonation.

It is important to remember that VRC defense is not a terrible procedure. What tips can you use to write a report:

  1. Don't forget about time. The speech is given 5-7 minutes. Don't rewrite all your work. The report should briefly describe the diploma, and not retell it.
  2. Before writing your speech, consider what questions committee members might ask you and include answers to them in your report.
  3. Be sure to apply the information from and the introduction. Start with the tasks, then tell how they were solved and explain what happened as a result of the study. The speech should contain only the essence of the WRC. Therefore, it is advisable to include conclusions for each chapter.
  4. Highlight important points in bold so that when searching main information they immediately came into view. It can be -, problems, methods.
  5. Rehearse your defense speech in front of a mirror, in front of friends or parents. So there will be confidence, there will be no fear in front of the commission. Another advantage is that you can meet the set time.
  6. Try not to be nervous during the presentation. Don't be afraid of failure. Excessive excitement will lead to the fact that you will start to get lost and confused.
  7. Present your prepared speech clearly without stuttering. Better to learn it by heart. Reading the text indicates an irresponsible attitude towards one's work.
  8. Use the presentation slides (16) for guidance.
  9. You can format your speech in a Word document. Set the indent of the top and bottom margins to 2 cm, the left - 3 cm, the right -1.5 cm. Select Times New Roman font, line spacing - one and a half. But this is optional. You can write the text by hand, if it's more convenient.

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How to start a report at the defense of the WRC

The speech at the defense begins with a greeting to the commission. You can say this: “Dear members of the State Attestation Commission! I present my thesis on the topic: Financial results activities of the enterprise CJSC "Plant of Drilling Equipment".

Then comes the introduction, which should be devoted to just a few sentences.

Approximate plan of the report on the defense of the WRC

There are several points to be followed:

  • introduction, introduction to the topic and clarification of the relevance of the topic is taken from the introduction of the project;
  • familiarization with the structure of the WRC - how many chapters, what sections are devoted to;
  • theoretical part - to determine the sources that were used in the process of writing the graduation project, methods, analysis of the problem;
  • a practical chapter on calculations, job expectations;
  • the results of the study - the conclusions can be duplicated from the conclusion of the WRC.


  • Diploma, master's, dissertation works;
  • Increasing the uniqueness of works (rewriting);
  • Materials for protection (report, presentation, handout);
  • Solving tests and tasks in personal account(answers to tests);
  • Control, term papers, problem solving;
  • Essays, abstracts;
  • Delivery of the session on a turnkey basis, assistance with training debts.

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Speech sample for the defense of the final qualification work

Dear members of the commission!

Your attention is presented diploma

Work on a course project is quite complex and painstaking. It includes several stages: preparatory, main and final. At the preparatory stage, students collect material, study literature and, together with the supervisor, draw up a work plan. The main stage includes the actual writing of the work and its design in accordance with the state standard and the requirements of your university. If you have already passed the first two stages, then there is very little left: to prepare for the defense of your project.

What is needed for this?

Firstly, you need a speech or report with which you will speak before the certification commission, and secondly, you should decide on visual material that illustrates your report. These can be wall posters, graphics, maps, but it is better to actively use innovative technologies and make a multimedia presentation to defend the project, you can also use folders with handouts for all members of the commission. Thirdly, you need to organically link your speech and illustrative material.

Don't underestimate the value of an opening speech, even if you've been hard at work on a project for months. Without preparation, your speech will be chaotic, without a clear structure and many small details. Therefore, let's get acquainted with the basic requirements of the student's opening speech.

One of the most FAQ, which worries students about how much to write, i.e. how much should the report have to defend the term paper. There will be no clear criteria here, since the volume of the report is closely related not only to the content of your term paper, but also to the number of minutes that are given for defense. The time can vary from 5 to 10 minutes, it will depend on your faculty or department, the number of defenders and even on the composition of the attestation commission, so it is better to focus on the average indicator - 7 minutes. To find out how many pages of text you can tell (read) during this time, it is enough to conduct a simple experiment - read one of the chapters, after turning on the stopwatch. Of course, the resulting number of pages will be some kind of abstract indicator, since you still need to comment on your illustrations, and at the end of the defense, answer questions from members of the commission.

In general, your speech should not exceed 5 pages of printed text (printing requirements are standard, as in the main text of the work - 14 font, one and a half spacing). You should not get carried away and write a very common report (7-10 pages), you may be interrupted after the time has elapsed, because the protection regulations have not been observed. Too short a speech will not reveal the essence of your research, therefore, it will significantly reduce your grade for the work.

Your speech should have a certain order or structure. One of the common options for writing a report is the layout of two sections of Introduction and Conclusion. But you should not make your work easier, the totality of these sections can only serve as the basis for your speech, which needs to be finalized.

5 basic principles of a successful essay defense speech

1. Introduction
Any speech begins with a small introduction or greeting. You must present yourself and your work to the members of the evaluation committee. As a rule, it is enough to limit yourself to a few sentences:

  • “Good afternoon, dear chairman of the attestation commission and members of the commission. I (full name), 2nd year student, present to your attention my course project, the theme of which is "

2. Theoretical part

This section of your speech can be written based on the Introduction section, as many concepts will be borrowed from it. In addition, you must necessarily talk about the relevance of the research problem, define the object and subject, formulate the purpose and objectives of the research. It would be nice to include here the structure of the work (how many sections (chapters), subsections, applications and references).

3. Main body
The main part should be given maximum time. It should be noted that this is the most voluminous and difficult part of your report to write. In this section, you can give an analysis of each chapter, indicating its title, basic terms, what was done (not done), brief conclusions. Do not forget about the personal contribution of the author, that is, what was done personally by you - collecting and processing information, compiling tables and graphs, developing specific proposals to solve the problem, and so on. In addition, this section should be accompanied by illustrative material and your comments on these illustrations.

4. Final part
The final part can be written by analogy with theoretical section your speech. Only instead of the Introduction, we use the Conclusion section. This section of your report should contain the following information: a small conclusion on each of the tasks set in the Introduction, the personal contribution of the researcher, the prospects for new developments on this issue. Be sure to indicate that you have achieved the goal set at the beginning of the study.

5. The final part
We write by analogy with an introduction or a greeting, limited to a couple of sentences, that your report is over, and you are ready to answer the questions of the commission members.
You should not go to the defense with a "raw" speech, leave at least a day or two for rehearsal. Read the text at least 5-6 times, say it in front of a mirror, mom, roommates. After that, you can read the text for a while, you may have to correct it several times (reduce or increase it).

Consider the most common turnovers that a student can use when defending a thesis. Any speech must begin with a greeting from the graduation committee. If you already have the material ready, then see if there is a greeting from the teachers. Use the standard phrase: "Good afternoon, dear members of the Graduation Certification Commission".

Competent speech on defense will increase the chances of success!

Let us pay attention to such an important aspect as appearance graduate student during the defense: teachers always look at how the student looks. You must look neat and tidy. If the report is read by a young man, then he must be in a jacket. A tie is desirable. If a girl, then - a strict office dress, or a trouser suit. In this case, there will be more chances to win over teachers and this will play into the assessment. In no case do not wear sportswear, casual clothes.

Do you want to receive a presentation and speech for the defense, made according to all the requirements of the university?

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The first step in defending your diploma is to distribute your handout (“handout”). Next, with the help of an assistant, you turn on the flash card in your laptop and prepare your presentation for protection. Before entering, make sure in advance that the prepared speech, presentation, and handout do not contradict each other and are elements of a single whole.

The necessary equipment is ready, teachers are provided with visual material, you can begin the defense procedure. You greet the teachers, voice the topic of the diploma, name the main goal, list the tasks and consistently outline the chapters of the work.

Remember: you need to be positive, look neat and, of course, prepare in advance. In this case, you will not have any problems during the report.

Oleg Bolsunov is a well-known business coach and teacher with great experience. In a special video for our website, he reveals the secrets of a successful speech at the thesis defense.

We will prepare a report and presentation that will help you defend yourself perfectly! Submit an application.

"I defended my graduate thesis 2 years ago, and it was much more difficult than it seemed at first glance.

I note that I had prepared a speech and a presentation in Power Point. They also demanded handouts that duplicated the information from the WRC (Slide by slide, while you read out the material, the members of the commission see all the key points in front of them).

I would like to note that during the defense everyone is worried. Our group was quite scattered in terms of grades and academic performance. There were also excellent students (applicants for a red diploma) and often truant students. But there were no major problems that day. Everyone was preparing, striving to finish their studies, get a certificate of higher education. Only students had problems, who by all appearances showed that they did not need it. Someone didn't even bother to write a speech in advance.

Remember that the commission consists of "normal" people who are not in the mood to "flunk" you. Our task is to come and tell the material that forms the basis of the study in 7-10 minutes. You can make a small cheat sheet (tips) in the form of a plan. No need to retell the thesis in detail, no one needs this.

A number of points regarding the behavior of the attestation commission. At first, they are in a good mood, because. the table is laid, flowers, sweets. The teachers are full of energy, the morning has just begun. Everyone has high level mindfulness. But after a dozen people, the concentration disappears. I defended my diploma somewhere in the middle of the list, no one listened to me at all. Then I realized that when you go to the defense, the members of the commission look at how much you need it. Teachers evaluate not only the project, but also the student along with the work."

An example of a graduation speech

Hello, dear members of the attestation commission! My graduation theme qualifying work- Organization of Internet advertising for a tourist organization. The relevance of the topic should also be named. The purpose of the work is to conduct a study to improve the efficiency of the travel agency through the use of the direct mail method.

The first chapter deals with Theoretical basis Internet advertising organizations. The analysis of the issue showed that the features and use of the Internet for promotion are as follows:

  • narrow target orientation of information;
  • democracy in the field of PR;
  • interactive communication;
  • wide scope;
  • relative cheapness.

The study of tourism services made it possible to determine the Directions for improving Internet marketing in tourism activities, they are on the slide ... One of the promising areas of modern technologies is direct marketing. When preparing and sending advertising messages using e-mail, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of this communication channel.

The second chapter of the work is devoted to the study of the features of the advertising activities of the travel agency, which is the object of our study. Organizational structure enterprises are shown on the slide. An analysis of the financial and economic performance of the organization shows that the organization has bottlenecks in this area. Next, an analysis of consumers of services was carried out. Identification of the target segment of consumers of services was carried out by polling 112 buyers of tours by random sampling. The age of the buyers is shown on the slide. An analysis of the company's advertising policy made it possible to identify the most effective channels of communication with the audience. An analysis of the work of sales managers of the company was also carried out using the "mystery shopper" method. The result of the analysis was a SWOT-matrix, which reflects the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company. The results of the SWOT analysis are presented on the slide.

Further, the concept of an advertising campaign was developed: SUMMER 2014-2015 and the most promising sources of promotion were identified. The slide shows the results of the analysis carried out on the effectiveness of the distribution of advertising messages within the campaign. The slide graphically presents the results of the study. The result of the project chapter was the calculation of the predicted efficiency. To calculate the efficiency, data for the year were taken.

During the preparation of the work, the tasks set at the beginning of the work on the project were solved. The purpose of the work - to conduct a study to improve the efficiency of the travel agency through the use of the direct mail method - has been achieved. This concludes my thesis defense. Thank you for your attention!

Defense Speech and Presentation Sample

What should be the speech for the thesis defense? How to properly prepare it? Every student is asked this question sooner or later. In this article, we will try to present a thesis defense speech (sample). However, nowadays a diploma is most often referred to as a final qualifying work (WQR).

On the importance of preparation

As you know, a diploma must not only be completed, but also properly defended. And the procedure for this very protection is a very important stage in obtaining it. Therefore, the speech and the presentation itself must be planned and thought out no less carefully than the preparation of the thesis itself.

What points must be included in a student's "defensive" speech? By tradition, it begins with an indication of the degree of novelty and relevance of the presented work. The aims and objectives of the study are then presented, which should be formulated as specifically as possible, indicating the main issues raised.

Further in the work, an indication should be given of the methodology for analyzing the collected material and the degree of independence of the student in his search. The main scientific literature used in the preparation of the work should certainly be mentioned. The methods of scientific research used in the diploma must be listed in detail.

What to talk about

The description should cover the plan of the thesis, its structure and disclose the content of sections and chapters. It is advisable to focus on the degree of completeness of the disclosure of the topic with theoretical justification. The results of the study should mention its features, highlighting their significance, both theoretical and practical.

Be sure to focus the commission's attention on mastering the necessary amount of both theoretical and practical skills by the author in this direction preparation. At the end, it does not hurt to give a list of measures or rationalization proposals that can solve the problem under study as much as possible.

It is highly desirable to have pre-prepared materials for demonstration and distribution at the WRC defense. These include posters placed on the stands, presentations in the form of slides, tables, graphs and diagrams made on paper. The content of any of these manuals should correspond to the essence of the qualifying work and confirm the main idea of ​​the author.

How is the thesis defense

The diploma (VKR) is defended at a meeting of the examination committee, which is open. An exception is in the case when the student's thesis belongs to one of the closed topics. As a rule, each graduate is given no more than 10 minutes to deliver a speech. That is why the student must carefully think over his own performance in advance in order to meet the allotted limits and not abuse the attention of those present.

The introduction begins with a greeting. You should contact the chairman and members of the attestation commission. The graduate brings to their attention a thesis with a clear indication of its topic.

In the following sentence, it is appropriate to emphasize the reasons why this topic is especially relevant right now. The list of such factors can be made quite extensive. The purpose and object of the study should be named.

A good example of a goal would be the development of something, or the development of a particular concept (which should be as clear as possible). Further, it should be mentioned that the work consists of certain parts, sections, chapters. It would be useful to emphasize that such a division contributes to a more complete achievement of the designated goal and the solution of the task set.

Thesis defense speech - more details

Next, you should briefly reproduce the content of each of the chapters with the designation of its purpose and essence. It is necessary to focus on the presence of a conclusion in which the main conclusions on the work done are formulated. If the purpose of the work was to study a certain hypothesis indicated in the introduction, then the end of the speech should be devoted to the fact of confirmation or refutation of this assumption.

If it does not contain any hypothesis, this paragraph can be omitted. It will never be superfluous to mention the prospects and further, more detailed studies of the mentioned topics. This thesis is especially relevant if you plan to enter a master's or graduate school.

The very procedure for defending a diploma is not an easy event and carries a lot of unrest. After all, members of the commission will evaluate the performance not only depending on the level of performance of the work, but also on the successful or unsuccessful behavior of the defender. Often even a round honors student can be let down by emotions.

Getting ready mentally

To feel comfortable, you need to prepare in advance and take into account all the problematic points. Preparation, in addition to the actual writing and rehearsal of a defensive speech, must also provide for the creation of the necessary psychological mood. If the last component is not given due importance, you can spoil the impression of the most wonderful thesis.

In addition, when an insecure student is not able to coherently and in detail state the content of his own project, competently and reasonably answer questions about it, any examiner will think about how independently his thesis was completed. Did the student really collect materials, conduct the necessary research and draw the necessary conclusions? Or was the diploma bought from specialists whose professional services are not a problem to find these days? So the excitement can play a cruel joke on you. In any case, confusion and tongue-tied speech in front of the examination committee will not affect the grade in the best way.

How to help yourself?

What can be done to achieve a psychologically stable state? We should look at the defense procedure not as a formidable test, but as great opportunity tell the world about the results of your long labor.

The necessary glibness in owning one's own speech is achieved by regular small speeches in front of any possible audience on a variety of occasions, as well as by learning a foreign language and similar linguistic exercises. As you know, such exercises train brain activity.

On the eve of the day of protection, you should rest, relax as much as possible physically and psychologically. But we want to warn you against the use of sedatives. Most of them have an inhibitory effect, that is, they act as sleeping pills. You should not appear at a meeting of the certification commission, having a slow reaction. It is best and easiest to get enough sleep before the defense.

Believe in yourself

Surprisingly, for many successful graduates, speaking at the defense of their own diploma is a considerable problem. Sometimes, in every sense, an excellently executed project can be rated undeservedly low only because of the author's uncertainty when delivering a notorious speech.

From this we can conclude that the defense procedure plays no less important role than the process of writing a diploma. The graduate should be prepared for the questions that the members of the commission will ask him without fail at the end of the speech.

In order to adequately answer them, one should, as already mentioned, not only prepare theoretically, but also psychologically gather. For those who like to approach any matter thoroughly, there are many benefits to improve the effectiveness of communications, both ours and foreign authors. But in practice, the speech for the defense of the diploma is based on three main questions that should be clearly formulated to yourself.

What, exactly, are we talking about?

The first one is: what do I want to achieve with my message? Second: what exactly should I convey to the audience so that the goal can be considered achieved? And the third, no less important than the first two: how much time do I have and how can I distribute it correctly? Let's take a look at a typical example of a thesis defense and highlight its components.

The structure of any speech delivered during the defense procedure is always approximately the same. It includes an introduction, main body and conclusion. All moments not directly related to the subject under consideration (greeting, emphasizing the purpose and relevance of the study, etc.) should be briefly formulated in the introduction.

It is given no more than 10 or 15% of the total time provided. The introduction should be bright enough to grab the attention of the audience, set the listeners on an attentive and trusting approach to the speaker, and let the audience know that this is a serious and necessary project.

Let's go to the main

The main part is devoted directly to the content of the graduation project. The main part contains all the main theses of the work. Do not overload it with unnecessary details, especially in theory. The basis of the problem raised should be schematically indicated with a mention of one's own opinion on each of the points.

The subject of the thesis is analyzed in more detail. The main content of the main part of the speech should be a description of the object under study and the most important results and achievements of the work carried out. Then one should proceed to the recommendations developed in the work or the outlined prospects for further research of the problem. The share of the main part in the speech is about 70% of the total time.

And finally...

The conclusion summarizes the main conclusions obtained during the work on the project. In addition to the informational part, it carries several additional functions. This is, firstly, summarizing the speech (summarizing the main theses). Secondly, the psychological and organizational end of the report. Thirdly, the end of the speech in a positive emotional way. No more than a tenth of the entire speech should be devoted to the conclusion.

Which typical mistakes allow graduates in the preparation and delivery of their speech? As a rule, they cannot always meet the allotted time and often exceed the limit by delving into unnecessary details. At the end of the presentation, instead of a smooth conclusion to the topic, the speaker may suddenly remember that some of the problems remained uncovered.

How to avoid mistakes

If you have overlooked any aspects of the work, it is better to keep silent about it in order to maintain the integrity of the report. When preparing the text of a speech, you should check it in advance for consistency and structure. Ask yourself how comfortable your listeners are with your text. Does it have a beginning, middle and end? Does your thesis defense include words and phrases that can be classified as incomprehensible or difficult to pronounce? Does your report contain a lot of unnecessary "water" (not supported by facts and figures general provisions)? Will the audience understand most of the terms chosen for use? Does the report contain clear, memorable conclusions?

When giving a speech to defend a diploma, follow certain rules that are relevant to all speakers. First of all, don't rush. If speech is too fast, breathing becomes shallow, excitement automatically increases. The tone of voice should not be too high. Low-sounding voices are always more convincing.

Other tricks of a good speaker

The voice should not be too quiet, sitting in the back row needs to hear you. Try to make your breathing deep enough, the pace and tone of speech should be changed before pronouncing any particularly important or interesting points. To do this, pause a little and lower your voice. This will serve as a signal to the listeners to pay special attention to the following words.

The speech should be convincing, delivered with enthusiasm and quite emotional. Try to avoid cheat sheets. When addressing the audience, you should look at the faces of the listeners, and not at the sheet of text. Use a printed report on paper only if absolutely necessary. In this case, the pages should not be turned over, but carefully moved aside.

A significant role in establishing contact with the audience belongs to the so-called non-verbal messages. What it is? These are the moments that are not contained directly in the spoken text, but no less important for this. They consist in the ability to maintain visual contact with the audience, avoid fuss, look confident.

How to hold on while defending

You should perform standing up if possible. It is necessary to take a stable position with an even distribution of weight on both legs. Stay straight, but without tension. This will allow you to breathe freely and create an overall impression of ease.

The chin should be slightly raised, hands should not be constrained. If you prefer moderate gestures during a speech, you should not give up this habit.

In conclusion, the audience should be thanked for their attention.

Often students are asked to point to an example of a more or less successful speech in order to take it as a model. Spread. Enjoy.

I’ll make a reservation right away that this sample was “taken out” by me from the expanses of the worldwide network. I just corrected the content a little and corrected grammatical errors.

This report was prepared for the defense of a thesis in civil law. But it is the scheme that is important to us, so speech is quite suitable for our purposes.

Dear Chairman, dear members of the State Examination Commission.

I present to your attention the thesis on the topic: "Legal regulation of relations for the protection of property rights in the Russian Federation."

The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the following circumstances.

Economic property relations form the basis of any society, their legal regulation in all civilizations was of paramount importance in comparison with other areas of social relations.

In conditions modern Russia property is of the utmost importance. This is explained by the fact that the institution of property rights is the basis of political and economic transformations, a source of democracy, an indispensable condition for building a state of law.

At the same time, it can be stated that there are unresolved problems of legal regulation of property relations in our country, which makes this topic even more relevant.

The purpose of the thesis is to develop theoretical provisions and practical advice aimed at improving the legal regulation of relations for the protection of property rights in Russian Federation.

In accordance with the stated goal, the following tasks were set:

  • determine the meaning and correlation of the concepts of protection and protection of property rights
  • disclose the content of civil law and other ways of protecting property rights
  • determine the ratio and distinguish between vindication and negator claims as a means of protecting the property rights of the owner
  • identify legal problems arising from the application of civil law methods of protecting property rights in practice
  • develop proposals for improving the current legislation governing relations for the protection of property rights.

object diploma research are public relations arising in the field of protection of property rights in the exercise by the owner of the powers of possession, use and disposal of property.

Subject of study— legal and organizational aspects of the protection of property rights, state of the art and ways to further improve this institution.

The thesis consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

The first chapter discusses the history of the development of the institution of protection of property rights.

In the second chapter, given general characteristics ways to protect property rights.

The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the property rights methods existing in the current legislation for protecting property rights, in particular, a vindication claim, a negatory claim, a claim for recognition of property rights, and protection of the rights of an owner who is not an owner.

The fourth chapter discusses other ways to protect property rights, namely: binding legal methods, self-defense of property rights, invalidation of an act of a government body, recognition of a voidable transaction as invalid.

Based on the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

  1. The essence of property as a social phenomenon lies in property, or rather economic relations between subjects of law regarding the appropriation of material goods.
  2. The right of ownership is the broadest right in rem in terms of content. In the subjective sense, the right of ownership is the right of specific subjects, fixed by law, to own, use and dispose of property by their own power, as well as to eliminate the interference of all third parties in the sphere of its economic dominance over such property, while acting at its own discretion, in its own interest, without contradicting existing laws and without violating the rights and legally protected interests of third parties. In an objective sense, the right of ownership is defined as a set of rules of law that regulate relations in the possession, use and disposal by the owner of a thing belonging to him.
  3. Under the method of protection of property rights are understood - methods of protection subjective right property and ways to protect the property interests of a person. The main, most effective methods of protection are those that provide for judicial protection provided to the subject of civil legal relations as a result of filing a lawsuit with a court to protect his violated or disputed property rights.
  4. Civil law protection of property rights should be understood as a set of means provided for by civil law, applied in connection with violations committed against these rights and aimed at restoring or protecting the property interests of their owners.
  5. The system of civil law means of protecting property rights is a combination of four groups:
    — proprietary means. These include vindication, negatory claims and claims for recognition;
    - legal means of obligations. These include claims based on the protection of the property interests of the parties in a civil transaction, as well as persons who have suffered damage as a result of non-contractual damage to their property;
    - funds flowing from various institutions civil law. Such, for example, are the rules on protecting the property rights of an owner who is recognized as missing in the established manner or declared dead in the event of his appearance (Articles 43, 46 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), on protecting the interests of the parties in the event that the transaction is declared invalid (Articles 167-180 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), etc.;
    - funds that are aimed at protecting the interests of the owner in the event of termination of ownership on the grounds provided for in the law. These include, in particular, the guarantees established by the state in the event of the conversion into state ownership of property owned by citizens and legal entities(nationalization).

Based on the results of the study, we consider it appropriate to make some changes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. The competition of vindication and restitution claims is inadmissible. Such competition (although this problem has been resolved in a certain way by the highest judicial bodies), as directed in circumvention of the rules of the law on the protection of a bona fide purchaser, should be expressly prohibited in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. To eliminate it, it is necessary to amend the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on vindication, namely, to supplement Art. 302 with a new part, as follows: “In the cases provided for in Part 2 of this article, (the owner or other person having the right to a thing) does not have the right to bring an action for the application general rules on the consequences of the invalidity of transactions to a bona fide purchaser.
  2. The legal status of the long-term owner under our legislation cannot be considered satisfactory. In this regard, it should be recognized in the presence of the conditions provided for by Art. 302 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the immediate emergence of the acquirer's right of ownership by supplementing, for example, Art. 223 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation with a new clause 3, approximately as follows: “The acquirer who received property from a person who did not have the right to alienate it becomes the owner if, in accordance with the rules of Article 302 of this Code, the property cannot be reclaimed from him.”
  3. Due to the fact that at present state registration authorities may refuse to register property rights on applications based only on documents confirming acquisitive prescription, since this is “not statutory order”, a way out of this situation may be a judicial procedure for the recognition of rights, carried out in accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If claims are satisfied, the right of ownership will arise on the basis of the court decision itself, which, in turn, is the basis for registration by the authorized body of the claimant's ownership of real estate.
  4. It is necessary to expand the conditions for vindication of Art. 302 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, giving the owner the right to file a lawsuit against a bona fide purchaser when he is deprived of his property due to the presentation of false documents (false certificates and extracts from the USRR, etc.). In order to protect the rights of a bona fide purchaser, it is necessary to provide in the civil code for such a basis for the emergence of property rights as the paid acquisition of property by a bona fide purchaser from an unauthorized alienator.

Thank you for attention.

The above speech is not perfect. Once again I emphasize that I cite it only as a layout of the report.

I'll point out an obvious flaw. The report completely lacks reference to the practical part of the study.

  • How are the conclusions of the author confirmed in practice?
  • What can be said based on the analysis of judicial practice?
  • What are the author's proposals not only on changing the legislation, but also on law enforcement issues?

The report does not provide answers to all these questions.

Do you have any questions? I will be happy to answer them in the comments to this article (at the bottom of the page). I do not guarantee answers to questions through the contact center of this site or by e-mail.

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Successful defense.