What will happen to the body if you arrange a one-day fast on the water. How to conduct therapeutic fasting on the water

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! I want to ask you an interesting question: have you heard anything about fasting? Do you have friends who have experienced it for themselves?

Personally, I heard about fasting. I have not tested it myself, but I read about its beneficial and negative properties. Among my acquaintances there are even people who went through fasting. Whether this is good or bad, we will try to find out today. We will also consider one of the most popular options - fasting 1 day a week.

It is impossible to answer the question unambiguously. One camp of alternative medicine and life extension practitioners argue that fasting is no food and lots of water. Supporters of this theory are: Paul Bregg, Yuri Nikolaev.

The other camp is convinced only of the benefits of dry fasting. Since it creates more severe conditions for the body and forces it to start the processes of removing toxins and poisons as quickly as possible. Dry fasting, in addition to the absence of food, is carried out without the use of water. Supporters of this approach are: Valentina Lavrova, Leonid Shchennikov, Sergei Filonov.

Despite different points of view, it can be said that fasting is the intentional abstinence from eating any food in order to benefit the body.

Intermittent fasting

One of the most gentle fasting options is intermittent fasting (PG). It gives you the opportunity to metered into your normal life rhythm periods of hunger strikes. Exist various systems conducting periodic abstinence from food.

Fasting 24 hours

According to this system, you should refrain from eating food for 24 hours. It is necessary to arrange such "unloading" days once a week.

The entrance and exit from hunger is important. Before you close the refrigerator for 24 hours, you need to eat tightly. But don't overeat! After a meal, you should not have a feeling of heaviness. The exit from fasting should be smooth. The first meal can be a vegetable salad and a piece of boiled fish or chicken. After all, your stomach needs to get involved in work after a vacation, albeit not a long one.

Directly during fasting, drinking plenty of water is allowed and even encouraged. It is water, since it does not contain calories. Juices and other drinks are not allowed. But there are exceptions!

If you work with iron and use fasting to get rid of excess weight, then it will be advisable to use amino acids to prevent muscle breakdown. But numerous studies show no difference in changes in body composition between diets with and without intermittent fasting. Along with this, the probability of negative consequences from the use of GHGs is several times higher.

The duration of the fasting period may not necessarily last 24 hours. You can reduce the time of abstinence from food to 16 hours.

Separately, I would like to mention people involved in bodybuilding, but prone to rapid weight loss. You for weight loss starvation is strictly prohibited. After all, each gained gram of muscle must be protected, like the apple of an eye with the help of proper nutrition and good sleep. Especially dry!

Daily food restriction

There is also a system in which you can starve every day. The following rule applies here: divide the day into two parts, eat in one of them, and not in the other.

Parts may vary in length. For example 10 am and 2 pm. But the greatest result, according to the author, brings 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of food. At 8 o'clock you need to fit all the daily calories. At the same time, it is not necessary to eat often, as many fitness athletes are used to. Enough three meals, but plump.

The essence of this system is that after 16 hours of fasting, the body activates the process of fat burning and accelerates metabolism. The other 8 hours are needed to obtain the necessary nutrients before training and recovery after it.

The creator of such a system is Martin Berhan. And as he claims, as a result of daily food restriction, he managed to achieve impressive results.

To get the most out of this technique, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Use on all days.
  2. On training days, slightly increase calories by increasing the carbohydrate content of the diet while reducing fat.
  3. On rest days, on the contrary, it is worth reducing carbohydrates and increasing the amount of fat in food.

Berkhan allows the use of low-calorie drinks during the diet, such as Diet Coke. He also does not exclude the possibility of eating fast carbohydrates (confectionery, fruits), but only after a workout.

Despite the advantages of his methodology described by him, such an approach seems extremely doubtful and will most likely lead to the opposite result!

Fasting according to the method of Paul Bragg

Perhaps one of the most famous proponents of therapeutic fasting, not only in America but throughout the world. No wonder his book "The Miracle of Starvation" was sold in millions of copies in the shortest possible time after publication. Of course, the fasting system he outlined was criticized more than once by other specialists. Reviews of those who have lost weight according to his method are often negative.

Moreover, many skeptics argue that Bragg's good health is not the result of starvation, but of natural nutrition, clean environment and psycho-emotional state. By the way, he could afford to live in the most heavenly corners of our planet, eat the highest quality products and just enjoy life. And perhaps it was this that had a positive effect on his body.

According to Bragg, fasting is in the most efficient way life extension. He promoted the theory that our body is poisoned by various poisons that enter us from the outside. They can penetrate with water, with food and with polluted air. The only way to get rid of them is hunger. Bragg himself went hungry for about 70 days a year. But I did it at intervals, using intermittent fasting 1 day a week and four 7-10 day intervals 4 times a year.

He drank only distilled water, as he opposed ordinary water because of its mineral content. He believed that inorganic minerals burden our body and harm it.

For beginners in fasting, Bragg advised to start with periodic one day fast. As the body gets used to it, you can increase the intervals without food up to 36 hours or more. Some of his clients went as far as 30 days of continuous fasting! But such a radical approach seems dubious. For example, the physiologist Minvaleev claims that after 3-4 days, dystrophic processes in the brain can begin from a lack of glucose.

In addition, there is a risk of developing acidosis (acidification of the blood), which can lead to sad consequences.
Fasting has its contraindications. In particular, with acute pancreatitis, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, cirrhosis of the liver and a number of other diseases, one should not starve. In any case, it is better to carry out the fasting process under the supervision of a doctor.


Fasting can be beneficial. Many studies prove this. After all, it is not without reason that clinics have been actively operating in our country since the 80s, in which patients are starved to death. Meanwhile, the use of intermittent fasting in sports can have negative consequences for your performance. The most rational way out if you want to keep yourself in good shape can be a balanced diet (5-6 times a day) and an active lifestyle.

On this I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to updates by mail and repost on social networks. Bye bye!

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The fact that a little fasting is useful has long been known. After all, our ancestors could not always eat well. We try to eat on time, not allowing hunger to clear up.

But recently, one-day fasting has become popular. Of course, compared with prolonged fasting, their effect is weaker. However, under certain conditions, the effect of even one-day fasting, carried out once a week, may rise sharply. For this one-day starvation need to be repeated. Professor of Medicine Koda Mitsuo, known for his research on fasting, says: “If you fast at the end of each week and carefully come out of fasting, you will get the effect of a long fast. In six months or a year, you will be healthy beyond recognition.” Therapeutic starvation is highly appreciated by many doctors and enjoys hidden popularity among specialists, as well as entrepreneurs.

Here's what doctors say about a one-day weekly fast:

If one-day fasting once a week is continued for a year, then this will improve the human constitution and save his from diseases.
- Fatigue of internal organs to a large extent removed one-day fasts. There are many cases where a mild degree of diabetes was cured only by allowing the pancreas to rest for several days of fasting.
One day of fasting rejuvenates organism for three months.

It turned out that Hippocrates, Avicenna, Paracelsus and other doctors treated patients with the help of fasting in ancient times. At present, there is already a lot of scientific evidence that reveals the mechanism therapeutic action fasting, which stimulates metabolism, rejuvenates body and prevents aging. During complete fasting, the energy that we spent on digesting food is used to treat existing diseases and, in fact, to cleanse. On personal experience I was convinced that an empty stomach copes with a runny nose in two days, with the strongest flu for some reason in three. But if in the first case you can move around, then the flu is accompanied by alternately terrifying fever and drowsiness. The most amazing thing is that after such treatment you look like after SPA treatments. I don’t know what’s the matter here, but the body is clearly being cleansed both externally and internally. By the way, if you have already decided to treat diseases with hunger, then in no case do not take any medicine. You can only drink water - often and in small portions. Need to drink in a day 1.5-2 liters of liquid. In addition to pure water, you can drink a weak infusion of wild rose or green tea(sugarless!).

By the way, short-term fasting, in addition to cleansing and significant appearance improvements has another unexpected effect. It consists in increase the power of imagination and the ability to create. For example, John Lennon, one of the legendary Beatles, practiced meditation and was fond of fasting. It is possible that his creative insights in the musical field were the result of not only talent and hard work, but also the periodic rejection of daily bread.

T.Toeo, former member House of Commons of the Japanese Parliament strongly recommended weekly one-day fasts to all doubters as a way of healing and activating thinking. He repeatedly emphasized that this is not just a diet, because thanks to fasting, the head works better and ideas constantly arise. The only thing that should not be forgotten: before fasting, you need to cleanse the body. To do this, 2 days before the scheduled date, exclude animal products from the diet. Switch to a plant-based diet. The menu should consist of all kinds of cereals, vegetables and fruits. Always start with no more than 1-2 days of fasting, then move on to 3 days. How long the hunger lasted - so much the way out of it. It is possible to alternate one-, two-, three-day fasting in a row, ending each with the same exit from the process in duration. A further increase in the timing should be carried out after longer breaks. Gradually, you can bring fasting up to 7 days. It is advisable to carry it out once every 6 months. Longer fasting at home (at least until you get it right) is not recommended.

And most importantly, in the process of self-cleaning is very important optimistic mood. Start fasting, believe in success, and you will achieve amazing results. The body will independently cope with any diseases, and when regular fasting becomes your habit, you will generally stop getting sick.

If you properly and efficiently prepare for daily fasting, and do them consistently, and systematically every week, it is possible to achieve good results for weight loss.

American experts say that even 1 day of fasting per month can be very beneficial for health.

Scientists conducted a study that showed that people who abstain from food every first Monday of the month have a 40% reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. And in patients with asthma, the number of attacks decreases. According to experts, the mild stress that the body experiences during moderate fasting has a positive effect on immunity and reduces the likelihood of cancer. Some experts even say that it is not necessary to starve all day: you can skip breakfast or dinner. A prerequisite - if you have already decided to starve, then do it regularly and drink during this process water.

Where to begin?

You have to start with attitude. At first, fasting causes discomfort, a slight stressful constant background, and in order to overcome it, one must have sufficient motivation.

On the day before fasting, be restrained in food, it is advisable not to drink alcohol, do not eat a lot at night, do not eat meat in the evening.

Try to find something to do. It is better if these are things in the fresh air, in the country, in the forest. Don't have your first fast at work. Possible problems in the form of various unpleasant sensations - headaches, dizziness, weakness, bad mood, bad breath, can ruin your relationship with others, and make starvation itself difficult. In the future, you can starve "on the job" and no one will even notice.

I do like this:
Sunday. At 18:00 a light dinner, then I try to go to bed early.
Monday. Throughout the day (until 18:00), as I think about food, I drink water.
Monday 18:00, exit from fasting. I make a salad of grated carrots (I don’t season with anything). Then you can eat a piece of bread, preferably coarse, stale. After 2 hours, you can cook the porridge (preferably on water and without oil).

Exit from a one-day fast

P. Bragg's recommendations for nutrition during the recovery period.
1 day (24 hours) = If you like, you can add 1/3 teaspoon of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to distilled water, this makes the water pleasant and dissolves mucus and toxins.

At the end of this fast, the first meal should be a salad of fresh vegetables, mostly grated carrots and grated cabbage. As a seasoning, you can use lemon or orange juice. Such a dish acts like a broom on the intestines. After that, you can eat boiled vegetables, such as stewed tomatoes. You can eat a variety of greens - spinach, pumpkin, collard greens, cooked celery, or string beans. Never do not interrupt fasting with animal products: meat, cheese, fish, nuts or seeds. Do not eat any acid food for 2 days.

Any person can do without food and water for several days without serious consequences, and only our ignorance makes us die of fear in such a short time.

Every day the human body consumes a large amount of food. For many of us, it is several times higher than the required norm. This results in problems such as overweight and poor health. If you periodically fast on water for 1 day, you can solve these problems.

The benefits of fasting for the body

In the diet of most people there is a lot of junk food. This leads to the fact that the body is overwhelmed with toxins, toxins, fats, which it cannot get rid of. The benefit of a one-day fast is precisely to help the intestines cleanse and give it a little rest. This is recognized by dieticians and traditional medicine, paying attention to contraindications such as severe illness and pregnancy.

A daily break in eating is not a full-fledged fasting, when the work of the digestive tract completely stops and deep cleansing takes place. But this time is enough to:

  • give the digestive system a rest;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • increase immunity;
  • with systematic practice, there is a revision of the attitude to food and food addiction has disappeared;
  • start burning fat
  • recover from certain diseases.

One day water fast

If you decide to go without food for a day, it is very important to learn how to fast 1 day a week and prepare carefully for this time. You need both mental and physical preparation. If you are doing this for the first time, then choose for yourself daily fasting on the water. Water helps to endure hunger more easily and reduces intoxication. It is important to properly spend time before a fasting day:

  • Eat more three days before starting plant food.
  • Limit yourself in meat, fish, alcohol.
  • On the day before the procedure, eat only vegetables and fruits, cereals on the water.
  • It is better to start in the evening before the day off, so that during the next day you do not struggle with weakness.
  • Only water is allowed to drink, but not juices or teas, otherwise a one-day fast will turn into a starvation diet.
  • If during the process starts headache, it is allowed to add a spoonful of honey or lemon juice to the water.

One day dry fasting

The simultaneous refusal of food and water is the most difficult. One-day dry fasting does not need to be decided if this will be your first experience. Although there are few differences, only the lack of drinking, going one day completely without food is psychologically much more difficult than drinking water. The body will survive this easily, because during the absence of food, an active process of splitting fats begins. At this moment, a lot of water is released, but the stomach, twisted from hunger, wants to deceive at least something.

How to get out of fasting

Refusing to eat even for one day is not an easy task. But no less difficult and important is the way out of one-day fasting. Correct behavior the next day allows the body to continue to work in a normal rhythm and will not result in negative consequences. Whatever type of fasting you do, consider the following recommendations:

  • It takes as much time to get out of fasting as the process itself lasted.
  • The best result is achieved if you consume the minimum amount of food for 1-2 days after the wellness procedure.

Exit from one-day fasting on the water

There is a special nutrition system that will allow you to properly exit from fasting on the water. In the morning it is recommended to carry out the procedure of cleansing the stomach. To do this, you need to drink 1 liter of water, in which 1 teaspoon of soda and salt are dissolved, then cause a gag reflex. Afterwards, clear your taste buds by chewing on a few pieces of apple without swallowing. After half an hour you can drink Herb tea, then freshly squeezed juice or other natural drink. Avoid purchased ones, as the body will immediately absorb all the chemicals.

During the first day, it is necessary to refrain from heavy food, it is recommended to eat only fruits, vegetables, and drink teas. The body will perfectly perceive a salad of fresh cabbage with carrots. If hunger overcomes, you can cook lean porridge, and in the evening drink a glass of curdled milk or kefir. On the second day, regular foods are allowed to return to the diet.

Exit from one-day dry fasting

You need to end the fast, which took place without food and liquid, a little differently. The way out of one-day dry fasting according to the rules begins with drinking. Add a little lemon juice to half a liter of water, drink. After a couple of minutes, you are allowed to eat a banana, which helps coat the stomach and neutralize the acid that has accumulated there. After 30-60 minutes, it's time for a light breakfast.

Harm of fasting

Like everything else, there are downsides to eating weekly. The harm of one-day fasting occurs when it is carried out incorrectly. The main danger concerns weight. What we think of as lost pounds is water and intestinal contents. If, immediately after the end of the procedure, we begin to fill the stomach, we overload it even more and knock it off normal operation. Especially dangerous is fasting every other day, when the body is completely out of rhythm.

In the increased feeling of hunger lies the main danger. Most people underestimate the importance of going out right, jumping on food as soon as the time is up. The need to eat food of plant origin during the first day after cleansing is perceived by them extremely negatively. But if this is not done, there will be no improvement.

Video: is fasting useful?

Different diets, magic pills no longer help? Overweight remain unpleasant rollers on the sides, the stomach sticks out, do not want to look in the mirror? Then you should try one-day fasting, though you need to perceive it as a whole complex, even if it lasts only 1 day. This is the day of fasting itself, and before it you need preparation and the right way out of daily fasting. So, consider fasting 1 day on water or dry: how to do it, reviews and results in this article.

The name justifies itself here. It doesn't matter if it's a one-day fast or 3, 5, even 7 days. "Starvation" itself is defined by the word "hunger". A person, according to science, is able to live without food for up to 45 days, these are average results if there is a source of water. Interestingly, fasting 1 day a week is often practiced now, calling it rather a fasting day. This is a period of complete rejection of any food. Fasting has several varieties:

Dry (absolute) fasting is considered the most severe type of fasting, when a person not only refuses to eat, but does not even drink water. Any contact with the liquid is excluded: you can not wash your hands, wash, wash dishes, even rinse your mouth. Doctors warn that it is safe to fast dry for no longer than a day. Sometimes even daily dry fasting gives results.

Fasting, on the water - a person drinks water in unlimited quantities, without food. It also differs in timing:

  1. Short (1-3 days);
  2. Medium (3-5, 7 days);
  3. Long (7-15 days);
  4. Extreme (21, 28 or 40 days).
  5. The latter type can only be endured by the experienced, who have practiced fasting for a long time.

The most commonly used is one-day fasting. A day is enough for the body to clear the internal bins of toxins, unload, but any fasting is a whole complex that involves the correct entry, i.e. preparation. It doesn't matter if it's dry or wet.

Important Points

You can’t just get up one day and decide not to eat until tomorrow morning, anxiously waiting for the result. Any, even one-day dry fasting requires preparation, attitude, especially from beginners. Here you should learn the basic rules:

  1. Only healthy people who do not have chronic diseases can starve (others must definitely vouch for the consent of their doctor, otherwise the results of fasting may be harmful instead of good). Yes, and it is better for healthy people, of course, to first consult a doctor, at the same time a specialist will tell you which method is better to use. After all, fasting is used not only for cleansing, but also for weight loss;
  2. For the body, fasting is a great stress, even when it is fasting on water. You can not aggravate it with drugs. Therefore, only healthy people who do not need to drink medicine can starve.
  3. When fasting, the intake of any drugs, even vitamins, is excluded;
  4. Fasting and on the water for 1 day is unlikely to give stunning results in terms of weight loss, it is more used for cleaning as a weekly unloading day. Yes, a person can lose up to 1.5 kg of their weight, this is a normal reaction;
  5. Before using any method of fasting, you should learn more about it, what are the benefits and harms, what will happen inside the body, what are the contraindications, it helps against certain diseases (psoriasis, stomach ulcers, etc.);
  6. There is a group of people who are forbidden even one-day therapeutic fasting. It's worth figuring out the list before you start, in case you end up there;
  7. The most important points for fasting: the right entry, motivation, the right exit, knowing what the procedure gives, carefully monitoring any changes in oneself;
  8. During fasting, unpleasant symptoms may appear, although they rarely come out when daily fasting, but sometimes it happens. Weakness, dizziness, even nausea or vomiting. You need to know how to deal with it.

Who Shouldn't Starve?

Even daily fasting is prohibited for persons (opinion of an experienced doctor):

  • Suffering from severe pathologies in the brain (encephalopathy);
  • Elderly (those over 60);
  • Outgoing only after serious illnesses (after surgery or long courses);
  • Experiencing an exacerbation of diseases (any);
  • Who has tumors (any localization, any character);
  • Suffering from ischemic heart disease;
  • Diabetics (only with the consent of their doctors);
  • Who has thyrotoxicosis;
  • Suffering from blood diseases (various leukemias, myeloid leukemias);
  • who has tuberculosis.
  • Who is unlikely to benefit from a one-day fast:
  • Teenagers - they are actively growing, forming. Any hunger will cause a rapid development of exhaustion.
  • lactating, pregnant;
  • Forty-year-old women (hormonal changes).

Who can benefit from fasting

  • Suffering from high degrees of obesity (although fasting here is long, 30 days, with the consent and under the supervision of a doctor of course);
  • Global cleansing for the body (fasting 3, 7 or 10 days);
  • A short fast (1-3 days) is usually healing, cleansing the body, good unloading of the entire gastrointestinal tract, clogged with harmful, sweet and starchy foods, drug residues and other toxins. A good help will be fasting once a week, called periodic. Then the body quickly gets used to the "day off", only here it is worth remembering the rules of entry and exit.


To get started, learn more materials about daily fasting. Then choose one specific day when you plan to fast. If this is the first time, experts advise to focus on the day off. The first 1-2 days are the most difficult for any starving person and it is not known what reaction the body will have. It is easier for some to survive fasting in winter, while others, on the contrary, in summer. Let there be 1.5-2 weeks before day X for preparation.

Then the “entrance” itself begins, gradually exclude spicy, fatty foods from your diet, slowly reduce the amount of meat, chicken, eggs. So that 24 hour and fasting does not become a complete stress and passes with more efficient, the last week before it will be vegetarian. More cereals, vegetable salads, fruits. Forget about alcohol, carbonated drinks. Usually, if fasting once a week, then the preparation takes less time, because. it is periodic. Usually 1-2 days.

If you are planning a dry fast, drink plenty of fluids. Warm, boiled water or distilled, without gas. In the evening on the eve of day X, dedicate an enema - you need to clean the intestines. Give yourself a regular saline enema or laxative ( activated carbon), so that the intestines are already cleared in the morning.

Important: doctors warn dry fasting and 36 hours is safe only with medical supervision. There are special dispensaries where patients undergo fasting, they are monitored, they are talked to, answering all questions, explaining whether fasting is useful for their particular case. At home, dry fasting for longer than 1-2 days is dangerous.

Further, in the morning the fasting itself begins. If it is on water, then drink plain water, without sweeteners, but without restrictions, as much as you want. Slags will leave faster, stagnant masses in the intestines will soften under the influence of water. Any 24-hour water fast is easier, although dry fasting proponents say otherwise. If fasting is dry, that's it, no contact with liquid, in the morning, no shower, no brushing your teeth, until the set time is up.

Motivation is extremely important. To live quietly 24 hours without food and not imagine this time as endless torment, motivate yourself in advance. Imagine the results that therapeutic fasting is extremely useful, the body will be cleansed, the skin will be renewed. Stock up on good movies, plan your day. You can’t overload yourself with physical activity, a day of fasting, of course, is unlikely to exhaust the body, but you shouldn’t increase stress.

Walking yes, yoga yes, no more. The main thing is to plan your day so that there is no time left for thinking. After all, hunger, the desire to eat, to find food will be pursued. The main thing is to relax. Then the time will fly by faster. You can’t just wait for the end of the term, you need to maintain a positive attitude, otherwise the body will perceive 24-hour fasting as a test, and not a useful thing.


So, the set time is up, one day of fasting has passed.

Important: the recovery period should be equal to (and preferably twice as long as) the fasting period. If the hunger strike itself lasted a day, a 2-day recovery is useful for the body. If 24 hour, dry fasting - 48 full hours to exit.

The difference between the exit from dry and ordinary fasting at the beginning. If dry, the way out of a one-day fast is water. The "exit" itself implies the beginning of eating. You can’t just pounce on your favorite foods in a hurry to reward yourself for your time of abstinence. Knowing how to fast properly, it is worth remembering a healthy exit. Otherwise, all the results of fasting turn into a failure, especially if everything goes 1 time.

So, the beginning of the exit during dry fasting - slowly, in small sips, empty a glass of boiled, but cooled water. Ideal - warm, room temperature. Drink the entire glass slowly. Then come homemade juices diluted with water. Vegetable or fruit, only fruits and vegetables cannot be mixed. Either different vegetables or different fruits. Reviews of those who know are advised not to take citrus fruits, even when fasting is weekly and the body seems to be used to it.

Output scheme:

water - diluted homemade juices - undiluted juices - fruit (vegetable) salads - vegetable soups- main dishes, vegetables - cereals (all without spices).

For dry fasting. Do not rush to introduce meat, spicy or smoked foods into your menu, let such a diet last longer, then fasting will bring maximum benefit. Sometimes after him, people generally became vegetarians.

Exit scheme, if fasting is normal, on the water:

Diluted homemade juices - undiluted - fruit (or vegetable) salads - vegetable soups, cereals on the water - main dishes - dairy products - cereals already in milk.

The first product, not counting water, will be vegetables or fruits. You need to eat in small but frequent sessions, every 2-3 hours. No feeling of satiety. Don't fill your stomach.

How to fast for yourself, without daily restrictions? To begin with, remember the entry-exit scheme, then gradually develop your own, which is more suitable for you. And keep a close eye on your condition every time. Your body will let you know when something goes wrong. Hunger strikes are certainly not a very pleasant thing, but hardly fatal. Healthy people need to give themselves rest for the digestive tract. You can spend fasting once for the experiment, and if the benefits are obvious, if you wish, turn it into a periodic one.

One-day fasting cannot be compared with longer ones, especially when you need to cleanse the body or lose weight. After all, daily fasting will not give the body enough time for a complete transition to internal resources (their splitting). Why is one-day fasting (we will consider the huge benefits, rules and reviews in the article) then popular?


This is a method of temporary refusal of food, which has been common since ancient times. There are several separate subspecies of fasting:

Dry fasting (absolute) - 1-2 days of such fasting is considered safe. A person stops eating and drinking, moreover, stops any contact with water. You can not wash your hands, even brush your teeth or take a shower. The most severe of all subspecies of starvation. Often, either daily fasting or dry fasting is used the first day before a long fast as an effective entry. Such a one-day dry fast becomes a good cleansing for the body.

Important: the period of exit, which is considered a recovery period, is equal to the period of fasting, preferably twice as long. Then the day of the hunger strike is 2 days of recovery. Then digestion will smoothly “turn on” after the unloading period.