One-day fasting dry and on the water: the rules of cleansing. How to fast on water

There are 2 types of fasting - dry fasting and fasting on the water. You can fast, like one day a week or a month, or a longer period. In the first and second options, it is important to do it correctly so as not to harm your health. Dry fasting is very radical, so in this article we will talk about water fasting.

Fasting once a week on the water: benefits

Fasting on water - refusal of food (both solid and liquid). In simple words- We do not eat anything, we drink only clean water without gas at room temperature. Daily rate - at least 1.5 liters - 2 liters. It is important to know that the amount of water that you use when normal mode food will not be enough, so we increase the drinking rate.

Fasting on water: rules and methods of caution

Refusal to eat can be hazardous to health, so it should be carried out according to the rules. Along with some danger, fasting on the water can have a cleansing and healing effect. Before you start fasting, be sure to CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR.

Fasting on water can last as much as one day, and stretch for several months. How many days fasting lasts depends on:

  • Operating principle fasting or what processes occur in the body;
  • Result, which you want to achieve by fasting - weight loss, cleansing, recovery;
  • Risks- it is important to take precautions;
  • entrance and exit from fasting on the water - it is worth leaving and entering correctly, no matter how many days you are starving.

Types of fasting:

  • Food break (up to 24 hours);
  • One-day fasting on the water;
  • 2 and 3 day fasting;
  • Fasting on water to an acidotic crisis;
  • Fasting on water after an acidotic crisis;

What happens to the body during different types of fasting:

1. Food break up to 24 hours - is not fasting.

2. One-day fasting on the water.Effect:

  • immunity increases;
  • the body is cleansed;
  • rejuvenation of the body occurs;
  • the intestinal microflora is healed;
  • the digestive system rests;
  • putrefactive intestinal microflora dies;
  • sour-milk flora is healed;
  • in the intestine, the synthesis of biologically active substances improves.

Of course, the greatest result is achieved with regular fasting, for example, once a week, but after the first fasting, the effect is already visible.

3. Regular water fasts, which are held for 1-3 months, will be a good preparation in order to resort to a longer period.

How to prepare the body for one-day fasting on the water

Step 1. Weekly or at least a few days before fasting, give up animal products (meat, eggs, dairy products). Drink more water, give up alcohol and sugary sodas.

Step 2 Before fasting, a day before, completely give up any fast food, go vegetarian - your choice is fruits, vegetables, cereals.

Step 3. Fasting Day try not to sit at home so that there is no temptation to break loose. It is best to do something pleasant and useful.

Step 4 During the fasting period you can do an enema to cleanse the intestines. Lungs physical exercises outdoor activities will also be beneficial.

What can you expect during the fasting period

You may experience sensations such as:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • plaque on the tongue or bad breath;
  • Bad mood.

Over time, with regular fasting, the unpleasant sensation should not bother you.

How to get out of fasting

It is best to end fasting in the evening. Try to go to bed early so that before going to bed you are not overwhelmed by thoughts of delicious dinner. The day after the water fast, consume fresh vegetables, fruits, vegetable and fruit juices. You can make a panicle salad - from kaput, carrots, apples, with a spoonful of olive oil. Boiled and stewed vegetables are also suitable. Give up meat, eggs, milk and dairy products for at least 1-2 days. After fasting, try to restrain yourself and not lean on food, do not overeat. Yes, it is difficult, but this is the secret of success and the consolidation of the result. Keep drinking plenty of water.

What is dangerous fasting on the water

One day fasting practically no harm to any person. But, in order to avoid unexpected and unpleasant consequences - consult your doctor.

Two- and three-day fasting

If after one day of fasting, you feel good and you have a desire to prolong the cleansing - you can continue. You can refuse food for 3 days - be guided by your feelings. However, if you have little experience of fasting, still stop at one day. In the future, feel free to fast 3 days in a row. If you begin to feel unwell, immediately come out of fasting. Another signal that the experiment should be stopped- very cloudy or dark urine.

During a 2-3 day fast, immunity increases, the body is cleansed and rejuvenated, the intestinal microflora improves. The skin becomes better looking, acquires a healthy tone and a fresh look. Three day fast It will also help to get rid of addiction - drugs, tobacco, alcohol.

On the second and third days of fasting, the release of proteins and unsaturated fatty acids stops, the feeling of hunger is suppressed, the digestion process slows down, the consumption of one's own fats is activated.

Prepare for a three-day fast It costs the same as for a one-day trip.

During evolution, mankind had to starve so many times that the body developed a perfect mechanism of protection from starvation. Starting from the third day of fasting, only 100-200 grams of your own fat per day is enough to fully provide the body with energy. The reserves of trace elements and salts in the body are sufficient for several months of existence. The record of fasting, recorded by medicine, is more than 250 days, and with improved health. As a rule, in the absence of food in extreme conditions, the cause of death of people is not the lack of food, but psychological stress.

“On the fourth day of fasting, hunger disappears, and there is a feeling that you are flying.”
“I need fasting as much as my eyes, it opens my eyes to spiritual world"(M. Gandhi.)
Recently become popular one-day fasts. Of course, compared with prolonged fasting, their effect is weaker. However, under certain conditions, the effect of even one-day fasting once a week can increase dramatically. For this, one-day fasting must be repeated. Professor of Medicine Koda Mitsuo, known for his research on fasting, says:
“If you fast at the end of each week and carefully exit the fast, you will get the effect of a long fast. In six months or a year, you will become healthy beyond recognition.

Therapeutic starvation is highly appreciated by many doctors and enjoys hidden popularity among specialists, as well as entrepreneurs.
Here's what doctors say about a one-day weekly fast:
If one-day fasting once a week is continued for a year, then this will improve the constitution of a person and save him from diseases.
Fatigue of the internal organs is largely removed by one-day fasting. There are many cases where a mild degree of diabetes was cured only by allowing the pancreas to rest for several days of fasting.


It turned out that Hippocrates, Avicenna, Paracelsus and other doctors treated patients with the help of fasting in ancient times. At present, there is already a lot of scientific evidence that reveals the mechanism therapeutic effect fasting, which stimulates metabolism, rejuvenates the body and prevents aging.
The most amazing thing is that after such therapeutic fasting you look like after SPA treatments.

We do not know what is the matter, but the body is clearly cleansed both externally and internally. By the way, if you have already decided to treat diseases with hunger, then in no case do not take any medicine. You can only drink water - often and in small portions.
By the way, short-term fasting, in addition to cleansing and significantly improving appearance, has another unexpected effect. It consists in increasing the power of imagination and the ability to create. For example, John Lennon, one of the legendary Beatles, practiced meditation and was fond of fasting. It is possible that his creative insights in the musical field were the result of not only talent and hard work, but also the periodic rejection of daily bread.

T.Toeo, former member House of Commons of the Japanese Parliament strongly recommended weekly one-day fasts to all doubters as a way of healing and activating thinking. He repeatedly emphasized that this is not just a diet, because thanks to fasting, the head works better and ideas constantly arise.


It seems to people that they will suffer from unbearable hunger and will not be able to think normally if they do not eat every 2-3 hours. Imagine for a second the consequences from an evolutionary standpoint, if that were true. Considering that regular periods of fasting and even a full-scale hunger strike were part of Everyday life at primitive man, do you think we would have survived to this day if we could not function normally, when obtaining food was most critical?

Our body has developed very efficient mechanisms to maintain a certain level of sugar in the blood, even under extreme conditions, because. task is a high priority. If you were forced to fast for 24 hours and then run for 90 minutes at 70-75% of your maximum oxygen intake, your blood sugar levels after running would be the same as if you ran fed. In order for the blood sugar level to drop to a level that affects your mental activity, at least 3 days or 84 hours of fasting must pass; and then this is temporary, tk. the brain adapts to use ketone bodies for energy. During 48 hours of fasting or severe calorie restriction, blood sugar is maintained at a normal level and does not affect your cognitive abilities in any way.
The belief that skipping meals or intermittent fasting causes "fasting mode" is absurd and preposterous.
Why are we susceptible to myths?

Countless studies on the topic show the first signs of a decrease in metabolism in response to fasting after 60 hours (-8% of resting metabolic rate). Other studies point to the stability of the metabolism up to 72-96 hours (George Cahill made a huge contribution to this topic).
36 hour fasting did not reveal any changes in the metabolism of the subjects. Moreover, food generally does not have a serious effect on metabolism.
It may sound paradoxical, but in fact, metabolism even increases during short-term fasting.
Studies have shown an increase of 3.6-10% after 36-48 hours (Mansell PI, et al, and Zauner C, et al). And that makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline/norepinephrine) sharpen our minds and make us do things. Just what is needed to motivate us to search for food, hunt for prey, thereby increasing the chances of survival. In a certain period, after several days without food, this mechanism becomes not beneficial for survival, and rather does more harm than good; instead, the energy conservation mechanism becomes more beneficial. But in any case, the metabolism increases during short-term fasting (up to 60 hours).


The profound influence of fasting on consciousness and the possibility of using this method for spiritual development is confirmed by the fact that in almost all known cultures, religions, directions of spiritual development there are references to it.
All the famous patriarchs of antiquity were starving.
- Moses was starving on the sacred mountain several times for 40 days and divine revelations and truths were revealed to him.
— Christ fasted for 40 days before bringing the new religion to the masses. There are references in the scriptures that Christ fasted for 40 days in several of his various incarnations.
— The Buddha fasted for 40 days shortly before his enlightenment, when the path to liberation was opened to him.
- Mohammed and Ali, the founders of the two branches of Islam, also practiced fasting for 40 days.
— Mahavir, the founder of Jainism, observed a fast for 12 years and during this period repeatedly experienced himself by starvation.
— The founder of the healing direction of Reiki Japanese Mikao Usui fasted for 21 days on the mountain, in a place of power. After that, he became a conductor of healing life-giving energy.
Accordingly, in most religions and spiritual movements, fasting is prescribed for purification and development of fortitude.
In Christianity, there is a fasting system that prescribes certain restrictions and recommendations in nutrition.
In fact, this is a way to switch to healthier food. Also during periods of fasting, it is recommended 2 days a week on Wednesdays and Fridays, complete abstinence from food, that is, hunger for water. In addition, true Christians are encouraged to fast for certain weeks during the entire fast.
Jesus Christ called on his apostles to fast for the purification of soul and body, calling the body “the temple of the soul”.
Islam also has prescriptions for fasting. The most devout Muslims these days are starving dry.
In ancient traditions and cultures, fasting was widely used to prepare for various rituals. In many tribes, there was a ritual of the transition of a young man into a man in the form of initiation. To do this, the young man was subjected to a series of tests. One of the main tests was solitude and hunger, in some traditions quite a long time.
Warriors and hunters made objects of power in the form of amulets. In order for the item to really have power, the warriors cleansed themselves with the help of fasting.
The use of fasting in shamanic cultures was mandatory. Shamans retired for several days from places of power in nature and used only water. During this period, many truths were revealed to the shaman, he got the opportunity to negotiate with the forces of nature, acquired the gift of foresight, could predict the events that awaited the tribe, weather changes, dangers, surprises.

There is a practice in the shamanic tradition called "seeking visions". It consists in the fact that the subject retires to a secluded place of power in nature, preferably in the mountains or in the forest. He stays there from 1 to 3 days, consumes only water. Being in solitude under the open sky, a person learns to feel the forces of nature more, to communicate with them. The basis of this process is the development of mindfulness. It is important to be attentive to all surrounding signs, to internal processes.
Fasting as a method of cleansing the body and developing the will and spirit is used in such ancient systems as qigong and yoga. It is known that Paul Bragg also regularly practiced yoga and cleansing pranayamas, but emphasized that his flexibility of the body, clarity of mind and freshness of breath are associated primarily with the effects of fasting.


Back in the middle of the last century, it became clear that fasting significantly increases the lifespan of a variety of living creatures - from unicellular yeast to primates, but the cause of this phenomenon at the cellular level remained unknown.
A study by American biologists shows that the key lies in the changes in mitochondrial function provoked by starvation.

Scientists from Harvard, Cornell and the American National Institutes of Health, led by Harvard Associate Professor David Sinclair, have identified two enzymes that mobilize mitochondria, often referred to as "energy factories", during difficult times for cells. This allows prolonging the life of the cell and delaying its death. Mitochondrion is a cellular organelle that provides cellular respiration, as a result of which energy is released or accumulated in the easily used form of adenazine triphosphate (ATP). In an article published in the latest issue of the journal Cell, scientists showed that fasting leads to the activation of a protein that promotes saturation of mitochondria with molecules of the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), one of the main energy carriers in the cell.

It is the abundance of NAD, according to researchers, that makes it possible to fully use the “youth enzymes” of mitochondria encoded by SIRT3 and SIRT4 - instead of the natural extinction of organelle activity, which inevitably leads to the death of the entire cell, mitochondria not only restore their performance, but begin to work better than when whatever. The increased return with which mitochondria begin to produce energy can significantly slow down the aging process of cells, practically turning off the natural mechanism of suicide of old cells. Moreover, the activation of mitochondria is able to temporarily compensate for the loss of all other sources of life in the cell. Even if its core turns out to be completely inoperable, making further preservation of the vital unit pointless, the mechanism of cellular suicide refuses to start. How exactly mitochondria block cell death, scientists do not yet know.


One of characteristic symptoms atherosclerosis - sluggish inflammation in the walls of the arteries, which is accompanied by the accumulation of immune cells of macrophages. As scientists write in the journal Cell Metabolism, in such macrophages the waste processing mechanism is corrupted. The biomolecules in the cell gradually fail and must be replaced. Instead, newly synthesized molecules come, but the old ones also need to be put somewhere. To do this, there are special “self-digestion” systems in the cell - they break down a variety of molecular debris.
Researchers believe that if you activate the garbage collection system in cells, then the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis will greatly decrease. Of course, this opens up a wide field of activity for pharmacists. But, according to scientists, we can try on our own to bring the waste-processing enzyme systems to life - with the help of fasting. Restrictions in food, a low-calorie diet will force the cells to look for additional energy resources, and they may turn out to be deposits of molecular debris inside the cells.


If you competently and efficiently prepare for daily fasting, and do them consistently and systematically every week, then you can achieve good results for weight loss.
American experts say that even 1 day of fasting per month can be very beneficial for health.
Scientists conducted a study that showed that people who abstain from food every first Monday of the month have a 40% reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. And in patients with asthma, the number of attacks decreases. According to experts, the mild stress that the body experiences during moderate fasting has a positive effect on immunity and reduces the likelihood of cancer. Some experts even say that it is not necessary to starve all day: you can skip breakfast or dinner. A prerequisite - if you have already decided to starve, then do it regularly and drink water during this process.
Fasting is that necessary chance, the opportunity that we give our body for self-recovery. The complete cessation of food intake allows the body to direct all its forces to the processes of removing waste and restoring the functions of all organs and systems. The body does everything itself, and we do not even fully know all the mechanisms by which this happens. Therefore, the concept - fasting treatment - does not reflect the essence of what is happening to us. You just stop eating and the body does the rest. In this regard, it becomes clear all the universality this method recovery, in which the whole organism is involved and the limitations that are associated with the inability of the body to fully restore lost functions in advanced diseases.


Often headache observed during therapeutic fasting. In this case, the pain is concentrated in the occipital region and is of a pressing or bursting nature. Often the pain is very strong and even analgesics do not relieve it.
Usually the goal of therapeutic fasting is to cleanse the body of toxins. The ancients spoke about this. “Eat for six days, fast for one,” they advised. Fasting, which is mentioned in the Bible, is not only a tribute to the Divine principle, but also a way to improve the body. After winter doing nothing, plentiful meals - great post. The body is cleansed. The body is healthy. Ease, spiritual clarity, inner purity appear.
Man, being the crown of the evolutionary process, received the most perfect adaptive mechanism. When the body does not receive food from the outside, it switches to its own resources. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, all obsolete old cells, painfully altered tissue, as well as tumors, edema, adhesions, slags go into the "energy furnace" - all that the body does not need. During hunger, the body is cleansed of toxic substances that accumulate in it as a result of illness, medication, alcohol, tobacco, and malnutrition. Along with the stimulation of vital processes, the opposite process occurs - relaxation, rest critical systems and organs of our body.

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I first heard about therapeutic fasting from Bragg Paul's book - The Miracle of Fasting. A rather convincing book, in which the author claims that he has been cleansing the body in this way for a very long time and uses long-term fasting, that is, over 21 days. At the age of 82, the absence of joint diseases is a rather serious argument, and I read more and more.

The essence of this whole method is that nutrition in modern world leaves much to be desired and harmful substances are contained in almost everything. The body takes what it needs and expels the rest. The kidneys, skin, intestines and sweat glands are responsible for the removal of rubbish. However, the volume harmful substances so large that it is not always possible to cope. Surplus accumulates and causes a lot of suffering.

When the intake of food stops, the body has the opportunity to remove what has accumulated. For this, it is important not only to starve, but also to drink plenty of water. Earlier I told you what living water is, only it is suitable for cleansing the body. The author talks about a certain study in which he starved, drank living water and daily passed urine for analysis. Surprisingly, the amount of harmful substances in the urine increased, which signaled their exit from the body.

Yoshinori Osami received nobel prize for the discovery of self-eating in cells. Autophagy is the process by which a cell gets rid of junk, everything unnecessary in it. And for biology, this is a huge step forward. It turns out that the body knows exactly what it does not need, but it is waiting for a signal to get rid of it. With hunger, the cells begin to throw out garbage, and the body utilizes unnecessary, diseased cells. So there was a theory that cancer can be defeated by hunger. At least in the United States, there are a huge number of clinics that allow you to undergo long-term fasting under close supervision. And many diseases can be cured in this way really.

With an active process of autophagy, cells are updated more often, which means that aging occurs more slowly. But if the cells are updated less often, then the risk of diabetes and cancer increases. We are waiting for evidence of this theory, but for now we are only guessing.

Benefits of one day fasting

All that was listed above is more related to long-term fasting, that is, more than 21 days. Carrying it out at home without consulting a doctor, and even more so without constant monitoring, is dangerous to health! More recently, a woman, after reading on the Internet about the magical benefits of fasting, forced her daughter to refuse food, who allegedly had cancer. The girl lasted about 3 weeks, after which she died. No need to blindly rush into the fire, turn on your head.

Fasting once a week is a great start. It is important to understand that any methods of alternative medicine are risky, but it is still quite difficult to harm a one-day fast if a person does not have serious diseases that require regular food intake. This method will allow you to cleanse the body 52 times a year, which means that the body will get enough time to remove toxins and poisons.

Mode modern man does not allow him to take care of his digestion, so a fasting day with no food and plenty of water allows the internal organs to rest. One day a week is not much, but the effect is really felt.

The psychological component is very important. Addictions are terrible and most human problems are related to them. How often have you heard from fat people phrases like - I can't live without meat. I love buns. How can you eat bread without mayonnaise?!

You can develop willpower and reduce dependence on food using one-day fasting. Over time, the craving for overeating disappears on ordinary days. The stomach is no longer stretched to the size of a barrel and appetite is reduced to normal. You will no longer want to eat all the time, you will only feel like it when you really need it.

The process of self-eating in cells occurs after 36 hours of fasting, but even 24 hours will help you get rid of the remnants of drugs, junk food, poisons. The main thing is to drink purified water. Only living water helps to cleanse the body, everything else will reduce the effect or completely reduce it to zero. Juices, milk, and even more so alcohol with a one-day diet under an absolute ban. You may have noticed how at normal temperatures you have increased sweating. This is a sign that the body is trying with all its might to get rid of something, but it does not work. Unloading day will help with this.

Harm of a one-day diet

I repeat once again - any methods of self-treatment can harm health, each organism is individual and there are categories of patients who are forbidden to remain without food even for 12 hours. Take tests and consult with your doctor if you are one of these people.

Opponents of this theory argue that the body regularly receives stress in the form of starvation will begin to store fat in case of a longer absence of food. And this will lead to obesity. One day a week, in my opinion, is unlikely to lead to such a result, but I'm not a scientist, I just collected information on the topic, so I won't argue.


I am sure that the benefits of fasting once a week will definitely be, at least psychologically. It is necessary to develop willpower constantly and this is an excellent reason. Given what we eat, it's important to give the digestive organs some time to breathe. And 52 days a year is a good stretch. Personally, I chose Saturday and will not eat on this day weekly.

The remaining 6 days are no less important. If you endure 24 hours, and then eat everything that you find next to you, then there will definitely not be any benefit.

Take time for your health, see you soon!

A person eats more food in a day than he needs. Unused calories the body turns into fat, which settles on all parts of the body. In addition, modern food is made from flavor enhancers, preservatives, flavors, stabilizers, etc. All this must be processed and removed from the body, and since a person constantly replenishes supplies, the process of cleaning the body is delayed. We accumulate fat, waste and toxins.

In order for the body to be able to remove all this, it needs time. Just one-day fasting will contribute to this process. The stomach and intestines will not spend energy on digesting food, their work will be aimed at removing harmful substances.

Fasting once a week: features of the method

  • 2-3 days before day X, fatty meat and fish, beans, peas, sweets and alcohol should be removed from the diet.
  • The day before fasting, only fresh vegetables and fruits should be included in the menu.
  • It is better to start fasting in the evening, having previously cleansed the intestines with an enema.
  • During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water.
  • Avoid tea, coffee and juices.
  • Fasting day is best done at home, as there may be a deterioration in well-being.
  • When a sharp headache and weakness appear, honey and lemon juice are added to the water.
  • You need to get out of such a diet gradually, adding freshly squeezed juices and vegetable salads on the first day. In the following days, add 1-2 familiar foods to the menu, but they should not contain a large amount of fat and carbohydrates.

What are the benefits of fasting?

For the body, a day of refusal of food allows you to:

Change your attitude to food, the feeling of dependence on food decreases;

Metabolic processes in the body are accelerated;

The digestive tract has the opportunity to be cleansed;

Increased protective functions.

For some people, it takes a week of fasting to lose weight. The results of this method are not only in weight loss, but also in the acquisition of pain in the stomach, kidneys, head.

When sports and diets do not help to lose weight, then you can try this method of getting rid of excess weight like fasting on water. Don't be afraid, you won't starve to death even if you don't eat anything for quite some time. A person can live without food for about a month, but without water - only a few days.

Classical therapeutic fasting always implies a plentiful drinking regime and this differs from extreme dry fasting. This article presents useful information for people who want to starve in the name of gaining a slim figure. What happens in the human body during hunger, how to fast on water, reviews of this method - read everything right now.

How much weight can you lose while fasting on water?

No need to think that giving up food for a day or two, you can drastically deal with excess fat. A short hunger will help get rid of just a couple of kilograms (about one kg per day). At the same time, the bulk of the weight lost will be occupied by excess fluid, which is always present in abundance in the body of overweight people.

A longer fast (for 7-10 days or even several weeks) allows you to lose weight much more effectively. Weight will go away faster during the first days, then the body will be able to adapt to new conditions and will spend fat reserves more economically. It is impossible to specify an exact figure that characterizes how much you can lose weight during a hunger strike, much will depend on your individual characteristics and the duration of the hunger strike.

How much water to drink during fasting?

As mentioned earlier, fasting on water for weight loss requires compliance with a special drinking regimen. How much water should you drink during such a diet? Authoritative sources recommend adhering to the norm of 1.5-2 liters per day. This amount of water allows the body to cope with intoxication and maintain well-being at the proper level.

At the same time, you do not need to drink water through force. You need to listen to your body and its needs.

Is it okay to drink anything other than water while fasting?

Not! You can drink only water, clean, preferably spring. No teas, juices, herbal infusions, etc., no matter how useful they may be! Any other liquids, except water, will interfere with the cleansing processes taking place in the body during fasting. In summer, in hot weather, you can get by with simple cold water. But in the cold season it is better if it is warm or even slightly hot. The fact is that during a hunger lasting more than 2-3 days, the body begins to feel cold, and the flow of cold fluid into the body can increase the chills.

One day fasting

One-day water fasts are practically not hazardous to health, and therefore they can be practiced at least every week. Choose a day that suits you best, such as Wednesday or Friday, and regularly give your body a break from eating during this time.

This unloads the digestive system and gives it the opportunity to renew itself. Can you lose weight with these short fasts? This will depend entirely on you. If after a hungry day you greedily pounce on food and do not observe moderation, then you are unlikely to be able to noticeably lose weight in this way.

What happens in the body during fasting

The human body is a very smart and perfect system. When food does not enter it for a long time, many complex processes are launched aimed at cleansing and healing. Interested in taking a closer look at water fasting?

Already on the second or third day of hunger, the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract changes qualitatively. The secretion of gastric juice stops, proteins and unsaturated fatty acids are filled into the stomach from the inside. fatty acid that activate the neurohormone cholecystokinin, which suppresses the feeling of hunger.

From the second day, a rather strong smell of acetone begins to come out of the mouth, which indicates the beginning of the stage of increasing ketoacidosis, lasting from 6 to 8 days. During this period, a person may be disturbed by severe weakness, headache, sleep disturbances, sometimes nausea and even vomiting. At this time, there is an active breakdown of fats. On the 6-8th day of fasting, the so-called acidotic crisis occurs, after which the body switches completely to internal nutrition.

Feeling better, there is a surge of strength, the smell of acetone disappears, urine brightens, headache, dizziness disappear. After the passage of the acidotic crisis, the loss of body weight is 500-300 g per day, and this rate is maintained almost until the end of the fast. This is water fasting. Reviews of people who have tried this method of losing weight on themselves say that it is very effective.

If you decide that in the morning of the next day you will start fasting, then in the evening carry out a special cleansing procedure for the intestines - an enema. Some experts advise before a long fast to clean the liver, joints, kidneys, blood vessels. This will help pre-unload the body from toxins and thereby facilitate well-being during hunger. But such measures should be resorted to if you really dared to embark on a very "long voyage" (30-40 days of hunger); a week-long hunger strike could well do without such extra effort. However, it's up to you.

How to get out of hunger

The correct way out of fasting is very important. General principle here is this: a gradual return to a normal diet should take about as many days as the hunger itself lasted. Those. if you refused food for a week, then the exit should last 7 days. On the first day, only natural juice can be consumed, and it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

On the second day, before lunch, again, you can only drink juice, but already clean, without water, and after lunch, eat mashed vegetables or fruits. On the third day, it is allowed to add porridge on water, a small amount of bread and dried fruits to fruit and vegetable puree. The fourth day is even more varied: allowed vegetarian soups, vegetable oil. On the fifth day, you can already eat kefir, fermented baked milk and butter(a little). Sixth day: the diet is enriched with sour cream, cheese, and salt. But on the seventh day you can already eat eggs and cottage cheese. After a seven-day recovery period, it will be possible to gradually start eating fish, chicken meat, etc.

Rules of conduct during fasting

Fasting on water is well tolerated by healthy people. In addition to observing the drinking regimen, a starving person is recommended to do daily cleansing enemas. This contributes to the removal of decay products from the rectum. If enemas are not done, then toxins will be absorbed into the blood, which can cause severe self-poisoning of the body. It is also necessary to take a shower every day.

It is good if a starving person leads an active lifestyle and spends a lot of time outdoors, and not just lying on the bed. I must say that during fasting, the body can become very cold, so you need to dress warmly. Stressful situations should be avoided.

Should you fast for more than 7 days?

Is weekly fasting on water effective in terms of weight loss? 7 days have passed, you have experienced the full burden of ketoacidosis, overcame the hardships of an acidotic crisis, and if so, you probably could continue the hunger strike further. Why not try to take a higher altitude, especially if you are well prepared and know the theory perfectly. But still, if this is your first week of fasting, then it is better to stop, make the right exit, evaluate the effect. How many kilograms did you manage to lose weight, are you satisfied with your result? After a while, you will be able to venture to great heights, based on your own experience.

Healing effect

Increased immunity, rejuvenation, improvement of intestinal microflora, getting rid of many chronic diseases, etc. - all this can give a person fasting on the water. The results after getting out of hunger can be truly stunning! But this is only if everything is done according to the rules and does not allow amateur performance. Improved health and overall well-being will be a nice bonus to lost pounds and a prize for the willpower and patience shown during the complete refusal of food.


Fasting on water, if it is carried out independently at home, is recommended to be practiced only by healthy people. And it is not so important for what purpose you are starving, in order to lose weight or for general recovery. Absolute contraindications are:

  • severe heart disease;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • severe blood diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diabetes mellitus type I;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • deficiency of body weight;
  • post-infarction period;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

There are also relative contraindications to water fasting. It:

  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • gout;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hypotension;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • children's or senile age;
  • feverish conditions.

Positive and negative feedback about fasting

The benefits of water fasting have been known to people since ancient times. The mechanisms of this method have long been studied by doctors, and vast experience has been gained in using hunger to get rid of many diseases and to normalize body weight. On the Internet, you can read a lot of reviews from people who have tried the full power of healing fasting and were satisfied with the results.

But, unfortunately, there are not only positive reviews about fasting, but also negative ones. Basically, they are expressed by people who have made any mistakes, for example, the exit from fasting was carried out incorrectly, which led to health problems. Before trying the method on yourself, it is recommended to study the theory better - this will help to avoid most common mistakes.