The film on the kitchen facades has peeled off - what to do? The PVC film is peeling off the MDF kitchen facades! What to do? The film on the MDF facades fell behind what to do.

Allows you to update the interior, make it more fresh, outwardly attractive. Replacement kitchen set can be quite expensive, so you can only update the facade. help change appearance furniture, while its main parts will remain old, which will significantly save on replacing cabinets.

Benefits of façade renovation

Used to restore facades. There are times when it begins to move away: if a film has peeled off in the kitchen from MDF, you should not rush to change it for a new one. The film often peels off due to humidity, temperature changes, steam, the use of low-quality glue.

Do not be surprised if peeling occurs quickly enough, even during loading after manufacture or with a short service life of the product. It peels off for the following reasons:

  • Glue is not applied to the entire surface. When the substance is applied manually, often the worker skips parts of the product, and the film does not stick to them. You can solve the problem using colored glue.
  • Using cheap, poor quality material. Quite often, a two-component polyurethane composition is used. It is quite difficult to stir it in the correct proportion, so the glue hardens incorrectly and does not hold well, bubbles may appear on the film.
  • Use of expired glue. When using such a material, the film will stick, but peel off rather quickly.
  • Insufficient temperature during gluing, resulting in the connection did not go well enough. There can be many reasons: poorly heated film, vacuum was applied too early, adhesive layer was thin, blanks for facades were cold, it could be cold in the working room, the film was not pressed well enough, due to weak vacuum supply, the wrong adhesive was selected, the composition of which is not in contact with a particular film. The facades themselves could also be used incorrectly: for example, they were located next to heating appliances, a stove, sources of moisture. Before buying, it is important to find out how to properly care for furniture, for what conditions it is made.

How to fix the problem?

If the film has peeled off on the facade of the MDF kitchen , from the edge you need to carefully smear it with glue and press down. There is a chance that the film will take the desired shape. You can restore the coating in another way - use an adhesive membrane. To do this, you need to lay out the boards on a dry and even surface, for example, on a table, cover them with a membrane, use a vacuum. The membrane should tightly fit the facades. If you want more reliability, you need to use high-quality glue, heat the material so that it can be activated. Heating must be carried out evenly. This method is suitable only for unmilled facades: if the surface is uneven, the membrane will not stick and will quickly peel off. Therefore, it is so important to properly restore kitchen facades, observing certain conditions.

Use of heating appliances

If the PVC film peels off from the MDF kitchen facades, you can try replacing it with a new film or sticking the old material in place using improvised electrical appliances. It can be an iron, a powerful home or building hair dryer. The film must be gently heated: it should become soft enough, blurry, but not start to melt. If you have something to try, use these pieces or on an inconspicuous place on the facade. The device is pressed against the edge, which is not glued, for a few seconds. The film should stretch, the glue should warm up at this moment, and the material should protrude towards the back of the facade and stick firmly. If this can be done, then it will be possible to glue the entire facade in this way, in places where the film has receded.

Tip: the film itself cannot be heated with a hair dryer at close range, from this it will curl up and be damaged.

Such a restoration of kitchen facades with your own hands requires some skill, but it is quite simple to perform and does not require the use of expensive tools or materials. If the corners are poorly glued internally, you can use a metal rod comparable in size to the frame. It needs to be warmed up first. For this, you can use, for example, a gas burner.

Coating restoration by friction

Restoration of MDF kitchen facades in this way does not require any tools at hand. In order to glue the detached section of the film, you need to cover it with a rag and start rubbing it with your fingers, pressing down on the film. If there is glue under it, the temperature from friction in a small area is enough to activate chemical reaction and force the film to stick.

Tip: this method should be used carefully, as there is a high risk of damaging the film, exposing its edge or removing the top layer, which will ruin the appearance of the coating.

Application of glue

Restoration of a glossy kitchen can cause some difficulties, since the gloss does not tolerate strong physical impact, which is why it should not be rubbed roughly with your fingers or heated closely with any appliances. You can try a safer method - gluing the detached film with the help of "Moment". Most often, such a film peels off in the kitchen, since it is not affected by hot steam. It is necessary to restore the coating as soon as possible, otherwise it will be damaged. The glue must be applied to the untreated section of the facade and to the film itself along the edge so that it can isolate the seam from negative impact. All this must be done carefully, as the glue easily sticks and gets dirty.

Conclusion: an inexpensive do-it-yourself kitchen restoration is quite affordable, it is advisable to see a photo of the finished results in advance. With a careful and competent approach, you can easily restore the appearance of the kitchen without resorting to replacing parts and without spending cash and produce .

Furniture manufacturers are constantly wondering what kind of furniture to make in order to buy it? On the other hand, the consumer is looking for a manufacturer who will produce custom-made furniture that meets his tastes. As a rule, the cost, appearance and attractiveness of cabinet furniture determines its facade. Therefore, both the manufacturer and the buyer, in order to reach a compromise, must answer main question- which facade is best suited for this piece of furniture.

According to marketing research, the following types of furniture facades won the greatest popularity among the domestic consumer (from the indicators of the offer range):

1. chipboard, including postforming and softforming;

2. Facades made of MDF, including in PVC film and painted;

3. Facades made of solid wood and veneer;

4. Frame facades from MDF;

6. Other types of facades.

To determine which facade is better, one should draw an analogy with their cost indicators, or rather, try to identify the relationship between the market price of a furniture facade and its popularity. The rating of price groups of furniture facades is as follows (in descending order of cost):

The greatest advantage of painted MDF facades is the variety of colors used in paintwork materials, which can be selected independently by tinting. In addition, coatings manufacturers offer a wide range of special coating effects: metallic, chameleon, pearl, marble, space, mother-of-pearl and much more. On the other hand, the positive characteristics of the MDF board (strength, environmental friendliness, moisture resistance) significantly affect the position in the quality rating of furniture facades, and the increased heat resistance of the paint layer raises it one step higher.

However, in fact, all technological stages of manufacturing painted MDF facades are based on manual labor (priming, grinding, painting, patination, polishing), which significantly affects the cost of the final product and practically puts it in the same price range as products from solid natural wood.

Solid wood facades

Furniture facades made of solid wood are most often approved by respectable people, fans of antiques and natural materials. Solid wood furniture, made in a classic style, combines not only aristocratic nobility and elegance, but also sensual warmth, weightlessness and harmony of home comfort.

In addition, solid wood facades are the most environmentally friendly, they will always remain in fashion and proper care will last a long time. As they age, they are easy to restore. Yes, and the facades of solid wood grow old in their own beautiful way.

For the manufacture of facades, such valuable species of wood as beech, oak, alder, pine, acacia are used ... Often, to reduce the cost of the product and increase the resistance to deformation of the facade structure, veneer and chipboard (or MDF) are used, covered with veneer, including birch, cherry , chestnut, walnut, maple, as well as exotic species: wenge, teak, zebrano, makore, anegri and others.

The technology for manufacturing furniture facades from solid wood includes a long process of drying wood, as well as sawing, milling, grinding and assembling a large number of small parts of the frame and facade panel, coating paintwork materials. Practically at all stages of production, manual labor is used, which is why the price of a solid wood furniture facade is so high.

Despite its advantages, wooden furniture has its drawbacks: increased sensitivity to humidity, temperature, sunlight, special requirements for the care of facades, the ability to absorb odors, moisture and change its color over time.

Frame facades from MDF profile

MDF frame facades are a structure made of a special MDF profile with an insert inside glass (including mirrors), MDF board, laminated chipboard or plastic. The profile can be straight or with decorative milling, usually lined with PVC film (less often melamine paper) with a textured pattern for wood, metal, etc. A special advantage of frame facades is the ability to combine different contrasting colors of the MDF profile and internal filling.

Even a small furniture company is able to purchase inexpensive equipment and master the manufacture of frame facades. In addition, it becomes possible to get away from the standard sizes of furniture facades and work with individual orders.

The disadvantages of MDF frame facades are, first of all, open seam joints, which allow moisture to pass through when washed. The profile covered with PVC film does not withstand high temperatures. The prefabricated structure can loosen and sag over time.

Frame facades made of aluminum profiles

Understanding the questions of what are the facades for furniture and which facade is better, one cannot help but touch on the topic of frame facades made of aluminum profiles, which are an aluminum frame with fillings from various materials inserted into it: MDF, glass, plastic and others. The best use of facades is the manufacture of modern or hi-tech furniture. Particularly original look facades filled with various glass with decorative films, stained glass, engraved, textured or mirror. Most often, facades made of aluminum profiles are used in combination with other furniture facades kept in the same style.

Basic information about film facades

Finally, I’ll still talk about what film facades are, what are their advantages and disadvantages.

Foil facades are a popular solution for making furniture, mainly for kitchens and bathrooms.

The scope of furniture made from such material is not accidental, since the MDF board covered with PVC film is resistant to excessive moisture. That is, if the kitchen does not have an extractor hood, and the bathroom does not effective system ventilation, the furniture you bought will last for many years.

Can the same be said about self-adhesive vinyl-covered furniture? Unfortunately, self-lined facades are not as reliable as factory counterparts.

Self-adhesive, no matter how well it is glued, cannot guarantee the absolute tightness of the coating. Factory facades do not have open areas of gluing, and therefore humid air cannot have any effect on MDF.

Comparing which film or enamel or plastic is better for MDF, I note that all coatings have certain disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing furniture. But, film facades have one drawback - this is the impossibility of restoration if the film is damaged. However, the price of these facades is acceptable and, if necessary, they can be completely updated.


This time you learned about how film facades are made in industrial conditions and how to make a semblance of a factory facade at home. Any questions left? Ask them in the comments to read, I will answer everything. By the way, I recommend watching the video in this article.

Peeling off of the PVC film at the edges can appear both immediately after the production of facades, and during operation under the influence of external factors(temperature, moisture) or time.

Reasons for peeling and lifting the film on MDF facades :

1. Lack of glue. When applying glue by hand, it is easy to overlook and miss one of the sides of the part, especially if the glue is transparent. For elimination this shortcoming many manufacturers use glue with the addition of dyes.

2. Poor quality adhesive for PVC film. For example, when using a two-component polyurethane adhesive, the proportion of hardener in the adhesive composition was incorrectly calculated. It is also possible when using glue with an expired shelf life. As a rule, this defect does not appear immediately, but after some time. At the same time, the PVC film effortlessly peels off the facade over the entire surface.

3. The adhesive did not activate and did not react with the PVC film due to insufficient temperature at the junction. The following factors may have an impact here:

· underheating of the PVC film itself;

· fast supply of vacuum;

· too thin adhesive layer;

· cold blanks of MDF facades;

· low air temperature in the room and the working table of the press;

· insufficient vacuum in the process of facing the MDF facade, which did not provide sufficient force for pressing the film to the adhesive layer;

· the adhesive is not suitable for this press due to its technological parameters (the activation temperature is higher than the one provided by the technology).

4. Incorrect operating conditions for MDF film facades: location near sources of heat, hot steam and moisture. When purchasing furniture with facades in PVC film, the buyer must carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations on operating conditions, maximum allowable temperatures, air humidity, resistance to household chemicals, etc.


In the absence or lack of glue, use a brush to carefully apply it to the edge of the MDF facade, and then glue it in one of the following ways:

With silicone membrane

It is necessary, according to all the rules, to lay out the details of the facades on linings on the desktop and close them with a membrane. Then turn on the vacuum. After the membrane covers the facades, you should make sure of the quality of the covering (no folds, pressing over the entire surface of the film). Next, it is necessary to warm up the facades to the temperature of activation of the glue. As a rule, under the silicone membrane, the warm-up temperature should be slightly higher than during the normal veneering process. Attention! For MDF facades with a milled surface, this technique is unacceptable, as it can lead to peeling of the film in the milling cavity.

With heating appliances

It can be an ordinary household electric iron or any other heated tool, for example, using an industrial hair dryer. The tool should initially be heated to a temperature at which the film begins to “lead”, but not melt. It is best to test first on film scraps, or invisible areas of fronts in PVC film. Then, pressing the tool tightly against the non-glued edge of the facade for 1-2 seconds, perform a movement, as if stretching and wrapping the film on the inside of the facade. In this case, the glue at the place of the clamp should warm up, and the film itself should stretch slightly and protrude above the plane of the back side of the part. After all sections of the facade have been glued in this way, the protruding excess film can be cut off with a clerical knife.

Unstretched inner corners of frame facades can be glued in the same way using a heated metal rod commensurate with the radius of the cutter used when selecting the frame opening.

Attention! You should not heat the film directly with a hair dryer, as it begins to shrink and curl. This will only make the situation worse.

Friction film bonding

The method is interesting in that it does not require any devices and devices. Through a piece of rag, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot stuck PVC film is rubbed with your thumb. In this case, friction creates pressure and temperature sufficient to activate the adhesive. The disadvantages of this technique include a high probability of exposing the edge of the edge of the MDF facade and damaging the decorative layer directly to the PVC film itself by friction.

Gluing the film with instant glue

During the operation of MDF film facades, film peeling is often observed near heating devices or sources of hot steam. In such cases, you should not delay the elimination of the defect, since over time the film may deform so much that it will no longer be possible to restore the facade. To glue the PVC film, you will need a quick-drying second glue, such as "SuperMoment" or similar. At the same time, it is necessary to coat the place of gluing so that the glue gets not only inside, but also partially on the film itself and on the exposed areas of MDF, thus ensuring the strength and protection of the facade from the influence of external factors during further operation.

Padding of MDF facades

An extreme case is when the PVC film peels off over the entire surface of the MDF facade. The old film is torn off using a hair dryer, after which the facade is thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of low-quality glue. The process, despite its simplicity, is quite laborious and requires a lot of patience, as the old glue quickly clogs all the sanding agents used. It is even possible to repeat

Lost its former attractive appearance, then it's time to update it. If purchase new kitchen is not suitable for everyone, then replacing the film on the facades will be the best option for each owner. The use of vinyl film is the most budget option, which allows you to restore the former appearance of the facade of the kitchen or completely change it. You can replace the film yourself, but it is better to entrust this task to a professional, because very often in the process there can be difficulties that you simply cannot cope with without special skills.

The main advantage of vinyl film is that it can perfectly imitate natural wood, stone, leather and other natural materials. It only takes a couple of rolls of such a film and the kitchen will completely change its appearance. Such a replacement of the film on the facades will not hit the pocket, therefore it is an affordable option for every homeowner.

Despite the fact that the work will be carried out independently or this task will be entrusted to a professional, in any case, the following list of materials will be required:

  • Vinyl film;
  • Dense fabric for smoothing the film on the surface of the facade. A plastic spatula is also suitable;
  • Alcohol or solvent;
  • Roulette;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Ruler and pencil.

In order for the replacement of the film to bring the desired effect, the facade must first be removed and placed on a solid surface. It is not recommended to carry out work on weight, as it is terribly inconvenient and there is a big risk of ruining both expectations and the vinyl film itself. In order to complete the task in accordance with all the rules, it is necessary to know well the main stages of the procedure:

  • The door is removed and all available fittings are unscrewed. If the fittings, frankly, are outdated or worn out, then it is better to replace them with a new one. Thus, it will really be updated beyond recognition;
  • Before gluing the film on the facade, it is necessary to carefully treat its surface with water and soda. After everything needs to be wiped dry. This procedure is required to degrease the surface;
  • Cutting the vinyl film itself is very simple. Regardless of the manufacturer, markings in centimeters are offered on the reverse side of the film. It is enough just to measure the cabinet and cut out pieces of the film of the required size;
  • The film is laid on the facade face up. The protective paper is peeled off from the top of the film, and the film itself is applied to the facade and leveled with a rubber spatula, a soft cloth or just a hand. If air bubbles appear that can no longer be removed with a spatula, then they can be pierced with a pin and the film can be smoothed out again;
  • If any segment turned out to be uneven, then it is better to remove it immediately and replace it with a new one. If you do not do this right away, then the film will be very strongly fixed with the facade, and there is nothing you can do but remove it with a clerical knife.

It is easiest to work with a single-color film, then you need to make sure that it does not cover the scratches of wood or marble, depending on what material the facade is made of.

If the updated facade does not look quite impressive, then it can be diluted with vinyl stickers or patterned inserts. It all depends on personal imagination and the materials used.

Rules for the operation of facades with PVC film

  • If it is necessary to replace the film on the facades, then it is best to look at expensive and high-quality options that can normally tolerate high humidity in the kitchen and exposure to high temperatures;
  • Various solvents, alkalis and other acids are not in the best way affect the condition of the film;
  • Do not use lighting devices that will be installed to the facade with a film at a distance of less than 10 centimeters. This is especially true when a conventional incandescent lamp is used in the lamp. This will lead to the fact that the film will begin to fade, wrinkle and burn through;
  • Facades with film, which are installed near ovens, must be drowned by 3 or more centimeters in relation to a gas or electric stove.

If there are also a few points that are by no means allowed with the use of facades and other furniture that is pasted over with vinyl film:

  • Do not install facades near a source of high heat, as well as in places where there is direct sunlight. Otherwise, the film may change its color, which will lead not only to the loss of the attractive appearance of the entire product, but also to the delamination of the film;
  • It has been laboratory proven that it is forbidden to operate facades and other furniture with pasted vinyl film at temperatures below 20 degrees and above 60 degrees, relative to air humidity of 80%. Otherwise, significant damage to the material occurs;
  • After replacing the film on the facade, you must wait a few hours so that it is well fixed on the surface. After that, the facade can be returned to its place. Otherwise, cracking of the film may occur;
  • It is necessary to exclude, as far as possible, the ingress of moisture on the facade. If this happens, try to immediately remove moisture with a soft cloth.

Facade painting

It is worth noting that it is possible to restore a damaged kitchen facade not only with the help of a vinyl film, although its presence will serve additional protection. A very popular option for updating the kitchen facade is painting it. It is worth noting that coloring is useful when the facade has retained normal condition. If there are large cracks or chips, then regular painting you won't get off here. To paint the facade, you must perform the following steps:

  • The facade is removed;
  • All fittings and hinges are unscrewed;
  • The surface is well cleaned and degreased;
  • The facade is cleaned with an abrasive skin;
  • The surface of the facade is wiped with a solvent;
  • The façade is being painted. Initially, it is best to paint hard-to-reach places. For this, a thin brush is useful. On a flat surface, it is most convenient to use a paint roller. It is necessary to apply paint in several layers. It is worth noting that it is best to cover the facade with new paint using a car spray;
  • After finishing painting, using a stencil, you can create interesting patterns, which will only increase the aesthetic component of the updated facade. After that, you can return the facade to its place.

Separately, it is worth noting that after the paint has dried, you can stick the already familiar vinyl film on the facade. You can use both a transparent film and an already existing shade, which, when right choice will create a very beautiful effect. The film should only be applied after several hours of painting. Before this, the surface of the facade must be degreased well again so that the film can be well fixed with the surface of the facade.

Everything, of course, is individual, you need to see where and how the film has peeled off.

If it is all over the facade, then most likely this is a factory defect, such a facade must be returned to the seller, it can be glued at home, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely glue the film.

Before starting work, you need to know that the PVC film is glued to the MDF facade under pressure and temperature, you can start with similar methods.

The easiest way (by the way, he helped me, surprisingly, he glued the facade of the kitchen) is to pick up a dry rag and translational movements"back and forth" to begin, as it were, to overwrite the unstuck place, by doing this you will create both temperature from friction and pressure, the temperature will bring the dried glue under the film to working condition.

Work without fanaticism with stops, too great effort are not needed here.

rub and look at the result.

If this method does not help, proceed to plan "B".

We pick up a hair dryer, you can use an ordinary one, but better industrial (construction) and heat up the place where the film has lagged behind, the glue will “melt” then, as it were, “rub” the film into the facade, towards the edges.

The next method is similar, but instead of a hair dryer we use an iron and a cloth, “ironing” the surface, activating the glue, then pressing the film.

If nothing helps, then go to the last plan "C".

We buy quick-drying glue, such as "Super Moment"

and apply it both on the facade and on inside film, then pressing "rub" the film into the facade.

Something, yes, should help, but in general you need to remember that PVC film is afraid of high temperatures and if your film has come off on the kitchen facade in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe oven or gas stove, then you need to think about how to isolate the facade and stove, the film will go away forever if don't do it.

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Instructions on how to glue PVC and MDF panels to the wall

PVC panels

One of the popular facing materials for indoor use are MDF and PVC panels. This cladding has an attractive appearance, a wide selection of shapes, textures and shades.

Thanks to a wide range of products, consumers have the opportunity to choose the most suitable option for wall cladding in the apartment. But in addition to a successful purchase of materials, you need to know how to properly attach the panels to the wall surface.

About the benefits and scope

The main difference between PVC and MDF panels is the feedstock. In the first case, plastic is used, in the second - wood fibers. Both types of material are durable and practical. Decorative panels are used for cladding walls and ceilings, which makes them attractive. The advantages of both types of cladding are almost identical.

MDF panels

They are as follows:

  • Beautiful design.
  • Strength.
  • Profitability.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Ease of transportation.

MDF panels are not suitable for lining bathrooms, swimming pools and other areas with high humidity. In such rooms it is recommended to use PVC material. It easily tolerates high humidity and temperature changes. Both options can be used for wall and ceiling cladding in the kitchen, balcony, loggia, hallway, corridor.

Mounting methods

MDF and PVC cladding panels can be fixed to walls in two ways:

  • On the crate with self-tapping screws.
  • Directly on the wall with adhesives.

Frame on the wall

The first method involves the initial installation of the frame on the wall. As a basis, a metal, plastic or wooden profile is selected. The profile is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws or nails.

In this case, the distance between the slats must be at least 60 cm.

What to do - PVC film is peeled off from MDF facades?

In places of increased likelihood of damage, the step between the profiles is reduced to 40 cm. After creating the crate, decorative panels are attached to the wall.

With the use of adhesives

Panels on the walls

The second installation method is much simpler and no less practical. You can glue PVC panels on the wall in the bathroom using liquid nails. A similar method is used when facing residential premises with decorative MDF panels.

Not only liquid nails can be used as an adhesive. Experts say that the construction adhesive Moment gives no worse result in the process of installing decorative wall cladding.

Surface preparation

MDF panels in the interior

Some argue that before gluing the panels, it is not necessary to prepare the walls and ceiling. But if you want to do quality work, it is better not to skip the preparation stage. So, before facing, the old coating should be removed. Remove dust and fungus. Repair cracks if necessary. After waiting for the putty to dry, we proceed to the treatment of the walls with a primer. What is it for?

Insect pests, fungal spores and a large amount of perennial dust can live in the old coating. All this will not allow you to do quality work. In addition, if the walls are not treated and leveled, the PVC panels will not adhere properly. The primer will ensure reliable adhesion of the adhesive to the existing cleaned surface.

Let's start installation

Installation of MDF panels

To glue the plastic panels to the wall, it is necessary to apply liquid nails or Moment glue pointwise on the back. When installing MDF panels, the method of staggered application of the adhesive composition is used. The distance between adhesive dots must be at least 20 mm.

After applying glue over the entire surface of the panel, carefully attach the sheet to the wall. The panel is pressed down, tapped and detached from the surface. This is necessary for easy weathering of liquid nails. After 5-7 minutes decorative cladding firmly fixed to the surface. We check the evenness and correctness of fastening using the building level.

Finishing corners and sockets

PVC panels in the interior

In order to beautifully and efficiently glue the panel in the kitchen to the wall, it is necessary to correctly veneer the corners and sockets in the process. For decorative finishes corners use a separate element - a plastic corner. It can be purchased at a hardware store, matching in color and texture to the main finish. Plastic corners are suitable for both MDF and PVC cladding.

At the time of finishing the wall, where the switch and sockets are located, it is necessary to carefully cut a hole in the panel for the desired element. Subsequently, the places of cuts can also be trimmed plastic corners. Since these elements do not have grooves, installation can be done using silicone. At the very last moment of wall decoration in the kitchen, skirting boards are glued or drilled.

Detail step-by-step instruction gluing MDF and PVC panels is shown in the video.


The process of wall cladding with plastic or wood panels is not complicated. Before finishing, it is necessary to clean the walls from the previous coating, remove wallpaper, plaster. If necessary, the surfaces are leveled, primed. Then the decorative panels are attached to the wall using liquid nails or Moment construction adhesive. The ease of installation work allows for the lining of any home master.

Peeling off of the PVC film at the edges can occur both immediately after the facades are made, and during operation under the influence of external factors (temperature, moisture) or time.

Reasons for peeling and lifting the film on MDF facades:

1.Lack of glue. When applying glue by hand, it is easy to overlook and miss one of the sides of the part, especially if the glue is transparent. To eliminate this drawback, many manufacturers use glue with the addition of dyes.

2. Poor quality adhesive for PVC film. For example, when using a two-component polyurethane adhesive, the proportion of hardener in the adhesive composition was incorrectly calculated. It is also possible when using glue with an expired shelf life. As a rule, this defect does not appear immediately, but after some time. At the same time, the PVC film effortlessly peels off the facade over the entire surface.

3. The glue was not activated and did not react with the PVC film due to insufficient temperature at the junction. The following factors may have an impact here:

underheating of the PVC film itself;

fast supply of vacuum;

too thin adhesive layer;

· cold preparations of MDF facades;

low air temperature in the room and press desktop;

Insufficient vacuum in the process of facing the MDF facade, which did not provide sufficient force for pressing the film to the adhesive layer;

· glue does not approach this press on the technological parameters (temperature of activation above the provided technology).

4. Incorrect operating conditions for MDF film facades: location near sources of heat, hot steam and moisture. When purchasing furniture with facades in PVC film, the buyer must carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations on operating conditions, maximum allowable temperatures, air humidity, resistance to household chemicals, etc.


In the absence or lack of glue, use a brush to carefully apply it to the edge of the MDF facade, and then glue it in one of the following ways:

With silicone membrane

It is necessary, according to all the rules, to lay out the details of the facades on linings on the desktop and close them with a membrane. Then turn on the vacuum. After the membrane covers the facades, you should make sure of the quality of the covering (no folds, pressing over the entire surface of the film). Next, it is necessary to warm up the facades to the temperature of activation of the glue. As a rule, under the silicone membrane, the warm-up temperature should be slightly higher than during the normal veneering process. Attention! For MDF facades with a milled surface, this technique is unacceptable, as it can lead to peeling of the film in the milling cavity.

With heating appliances

It can be an ordinary household electric iron or any other heated tool, for example, using an industrial hair dryer. The tool should initially be heated to a temperature at which the film begins to “lead”, but not melt. It is best to test first on film scraps, or invisible areas of fronts in PVC film. Then, pressing the tool tightly against the non-glued edge of the facade for 1-2 seconds, perform a movement, as if stretching and wrapping the film on the inside of the facade. In this case, the glue at the place of the clamp should warm up, and the film itself should stretch slightly and protrude above the plane of the back side of the part. After all sections of the facade have been glued in this way, the protruding excess film can be cut off with a clerical knife.

Unstretched inner corners of frame facades can be glued in the same way using a heated metal rod commensurate with the radius of the cutter used when selecting the frame opening.

Attention! You should not heat the film directly with a hair dryer, as it begins to shrink and curl. This will only make the situation worse.

Friction film bonding

The method is interesting in that it does not require any devices and devices.

The PVC film is peeling off the MDF kitchen facades! What to do?

Through a piece of rag, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot stuck PVC film is rubbed with your thumb. In this case, friction creates pressure and temperature sufficient to activate the adhesive. The disadvantages of this technique include a high probability of exposing the edge of the edge of the MDF facade and damaging the decorative layer directly to the PVC film itself by friction.

Gluing the film with instant glue

During the operation of MDF film facades, film peeling is often observed near heating devices or sources of hot steam. In such cases, you should not delay the elimination of the defect, since over time the film may deform so much that it will no longer be possible to restore the facade. To glue the PVC film, you will need a quick-drying second glue, such as "SuperMoment" or similar. At the same time, it is necessary to coat the place of gluing so that the glue gets not only inside, but also partially on the film itself and on the exposed areas of MDF, thus ensuring the strength and protection of the facade from the influence of external factors during further operation.

Padding of MDF facades

An extreme case is when the PVC film peels off over the entire surface of the MDF facade. The old film is torn off using a hair dryer, after which the facade is thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of low-quality glue. The process, despite its simplicity, is quite laborious and requires a lot of patience, as the old glue quickly clogs all the sanding agents used. Even repeated milling of the MDF facade is possible.

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How to choose a good adhesive for PVC film

When carrying out cosmetic repairs, you can use different materials. The most popular today is PVC film, as it is convenient, reliable and easy to install. This type of film is made from polyvinyl chloride, which has a high water resistance, which is its main advantage. In addition, it is presented in a large assortment: various colors, textures and more. Therefore, it is perfect for arranging any room.

Choosing an adhesive for the film

How to glue PVC film: process features

Gluing PVC film is not difficult, but it is important to follow certain rules. Otherwise, bumps and bubbles cannot be avoided. Thus, the surface on which the film is pasted will have an unsightly appearance. Subject to the rules, the wall will be attractive for a long time.

To perform this work, you can contact the experts. They have all the necessary knowledge, skills and experience in solving such problems. But, as experience shows, this can be done with your own hands. Thus, save money on paying for the work of the master. And the result will be no worse.

In order to glue the PVC film, no special equipment or tools are required. It is enough to have a roll of decorative film, putty or other material that will help you plaster the walls, room temperature water, detergent, plumb line, scissors, and a napkin.

How to glue PVC film: work steps

Pasting the PVC surface consists in performing a number of works:

  • Preparation of the surface on which the film will be glued. On the this stage it is necessary to clean the wall of old wallpaper, paint and other things. Then it is leveled and all irregularities are removed. Various methods can be used for this;
  • Wall degreasing. Warm water with detergent will help in this process;
  • Drying the work surface. In order for the film to hold firmly and reliably, it must be glued to a completely dry wall;

  • Film cutting. This will require sharp scissors. They will allow you to do it accurately and accurately. When measuring the strip, it must be taken into account that shrinkage is possible. Therefore, cutting costs a little more than the actual size of the wall;
  • Film sticking. This is done from top to bottom and using a plumb line. Thus, the film will stick as evenly as possible;
  • Film smoothing. It is carried out with a sponge or napkin from the center to the edges of the canvas. Moreover, this work requires maximum care so as not to damage the material. If it is performed poorly, then there will be tubercles. They indicate that air remains under the film.

The film strips must overlap, as they may come apart after gluing. In addition, you should not allow the formation of wrinkles and other things that will spoil the look of the canvas.

Adhesive for PVC film: features

Depending on the surface for which the PVC film is used, this type of adhesive is selected. It differs in its composition and characteristics. This will allow her to fix firmly and securely.

Thus, the adhesive for PVC film for facades must have special adhesion properties. In addition, its composition provides a fast reaction and corresponds to the technology of membrane-vacuum pressing. At the same time, it allows you to connect various surfaces.

What to do if PVC film peels off from MDF facades?

They may differ in their chemical and physical properties.

As for the use of soils and primes, they are not mandatory. This greatly reduces the cost of the entire process.

Membrane-vacuum pressing has a number of features that are important to consider, since its implementation requires compliance with certain temperature conditions. If they are violated to uneven spreading of the material on the facade, this will lead to the formation of folds and so on.

Another important requirement that applies to glue concerns its heat-resistant properties. It should not be affected by high temperatures, which are inevitable during the operation of the film. If this indicator is at a low level, then it will simply begin to peel off or deform. This will ruin the look of the wall.

Adhesive for PVC film for MDF facades: types

Adhesive for PVC film for MDF facades different types. They differ mainly in their composition. So, there is one- and two-component. The first is used less frequently, since it contains a hardener, which is added during the preparation of the mixture. It reduces the period of operation of the prepared solution.

Adhesive for furniture PVC film is one-component (shown in the photo). It differs significantly from the previous one. Despite the fact that the composition also includes a hardener, but it is added during the production of glue. Therefore, it does not affect the shelf life of the prepared solution. So it can be used for a long time. However, its properties remain unchanged.

When using this adhesive, it is important to consider several parameters. These include the condition of the surface and the degree of humidity in the room. The film is glued in the same way as on other surfaces. Furniture must be pre-cleaned and degreased.

PVC Film Adhesive for Swimming Pool

Due to its properties, PVC film is widely used. It is especially popular in the arrangement of swimming pools, bathrooms. As you know, these are specific premises. They are quite picky when choosing. finishing materials. Because they are dominated by high humidity, which can adversely affect them.

PVC film has a high moisture resistance. Therefore, it can be used in swimming pools. At the same time, the adhesive should have similar properties. This is the only way to get a strong and reliable wall, pasted over with PVC film. At the same time, it is used at the stage of seam processing and provides additional sealing. This mixture should dry out under the influence of air, but remain elastic. Such glue remains visible on the surface, so it should be matched to the color of the film.

It's no secret that the kitchen is the center of every home. And our task with you is not only to plan it competently - in order to spend a minimum of effort and time when cooking - but also to operate it so that its presentation will please us and household members for many years. Most often, the consumer opts for furniture made of chipboard with MDF facades covered with PVC film. This choice is primarily due to the relatively inexpensive price, as well as the availability of a wide range of configurations and colors. That is, there is an opportunity to satisfy almost any, even very demanding, taste.

Care rules

So, here your beloved and long-awaited kitchen was brought and installed, or you, after poring over the project for a long time, assembled it yourself. What should be done or what should not be done so that in a couple of months you will not be disappointed with the purchase. After all, the production technology of such facades, unfortunately, does not have the best effect on their wear resistance: the film may begin to peel off over time, especially along the perimeter. We will announce a few simple operating rules relating specifically to MDF facades covered with PVC film.

  1. You can wash the kitchen only with “soft” detergents. Never use scouring powders containing abrasives. Well suited for this are various sprays for surfaces (possible for glasses) and a soft sponge, napkin.
  2. Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations. Try to maintain from +10 to +35 degrees. Lower or higher temperatures may cause peeling of the film. Sooner or later, an open oven, a closely located heated stove, too intense ventilation (especially in winter), and heaters will lead to the same result.

Operation features

Think about it, PVC film is glued at a temperature of 120 - 180 degrees, and if your oven gives out at least 60 -100 degrees, this already poses a threat to cabinets located nearby.

Install the heat shield. It protects the ends of the cabinet from heating by the stove and avoids delamination of the edges. Its installation is made to the ends of the cabinet. In care, it is very unpretentious: to remove dirt, it is recommended to wipe with a damp cloth, but it is not recommended to use any cleaning products.

  1. Avoid high humidity. If you are still in doubt whether to install a hood or not, then I think now your choice is obvious. Steam from pots, grease from pans will also not have the best effect on your furniture.
  2. Water is the enemy of any furniture.

    Make sure that it does not fall on the facades.

  3. Close doors and slide drawers carefully, avoiding sudden movements. Do not expose them to mechanical stress (contact with sharp objects, friction, impacts).
  4. The close location of lighting devices can lead to excessive heating of the facade and, as a result, deformation of the film, as well as a change in the color of the cladding. The luminaire and the facade should not be closer to each other than 15 cm.

Do-it-yourself MDF facade repair

What to do if you notice that the PVC film is peeling off.

Defects of MDF film facades. Peeling off (lifting) the film

First of all, if the kitchen is still under warranty, report this unpleasant incident to the seller. He is simply obliged to replace defective kitchen facades with new ones. Perhaps the marriage is related to the quality of the glue with which the film is glued, or its insufficient quantity. Simply put, the manufacturer saved on you. However, the seller may also ask how correctly you exploited the furniture.

If the warranty has already ended, then you can try to fix the defect yourself. Type PVA glue or Moment-type superglue into a medical syringe, you can also use “liquid nails” and carefully glue it under the film. However, this method can be used if the film has simply peeled off. If it “shrinks”, which most often happens as a result of overheating, then there is little that can be done. Try to mask it with putty that matches the color. But, despite all your efforts to restore furniture in this case, I cannot guarantee you a good result. The best way out is to order new facades, but keep in mind that they must either be ordered for the entire kitchen at once, since film facade manufacturers do not guarantee an exact match in the color of films from different batches; or discover the designer in you and "play" with the colors of the facades. For example, if your kitchen is light green, then you can order facades for cabinets on which they need to be replaced in yellow.

After the blanks are laid on a membrane-vacuum press and the PVC film is stretched, the most crucial and, perhaps, the most intriguing moment of the entire technological process of manufacturing facades from MDF comes. However, before turning on the press, several important indicators should be studied.

Characteristics of PVC film for crimping MDF facades.

· PVC film thickness. Varies from 0.2 to 0.55 mm. The maximum possible and minimum required heating temperature of the film surface depends on it.

If overheated, the PVC base will melt, which will lead to the formation of melted holes and a violation of the vacuum tightness. On some types of films, due to such “roasting”, glossy spots form, which negatively affects the appearance of the finished MDF product.

At a low heating temperature, the film will not achieve its elasticity properties necessary for successful tightening of the bends of the parts and the reaction of the adhesive.

Reheating the film to the required temperature reduces its quality.

· PVC film color. It also affects the temperature indicators in the process of manufacturing facades from MDF. Dark shrink films acquire their own technological properties at temperatures from 45 to 60 °C. Light and especially glossy films are able to heat up to 120-135 °C.

· Adhesive for PVC film. Here, one should take into account the fact that some adhesive compositions are activated only after reaching a certain temperature.

· The temperature in the room and the temperature of the membrane-vacuum press itself. In the hot season, as a rule, the heating process is faster, so you should beware of overheating the film.

Having studied all the above factors and made the appropriate conclusions, you can proceed directly to the process of wrapping MDF facades with PVC film.

Crimping of MDF facades with PVC film.

After turning on the heating, the PVC film in the machine begins to “move”. At this point, you should be wary of the formation of large folds, which may later remain on the MDF facades. However, if you see a crease at the beginning of the heating stage, you should not panic. The fact is that the first sign of the "readiness" of the film is its stretching. At a certain temperature, all its folds are aligned, and it is pulled "into a string" above the surface of the press table.

Peel off PVC film from MDF facades

At this point, the vacuum pump must be started.

The second sign that you can turn on the vacuum is the appearance of a slight haze over the surface of the film. This means that the maximum possible temperature has been reached and it is time to start the wrapping process. At this time, it is necessary to slightly open the vacuum valve and turn off the heating for 2-3 seconds, and then turn it on again. The PVC film will begin to settle on the horizontal surfaces of the MDF facades. In places where the film comes into contact with the surface of the parts, it begins to cool, so there is almost no danger of overheating here.

After the PVC film lies tightly on the surface of the MDF facade parts and begins to bend around their sides, the vacuum taps should be opened a little more.

The formation of a vacuum also has the property of absorbing heat. Therefore, heating should continue until the PVC facing film covers all the curves of the pattern on the surface of the MDF facade and its side parts, slightly tucking under the bottom edge. Then you can turn off the heat, but the vacuum pump should work a little more, in case the press is leaking air somewhere.

It is worth remembering that PVC films have maximum allowable heating temperatures, the excess of which leads to melting and burnout. It is worth being afraid to bring the process to such temperatures. In cases where Maximum temperature heating has been reached, and the facades are not completely covered, or folds have appeared somewhere, it is possible to repeat the cladding process again.

To do this, let the machine cool down by opening the taps, turn off the vacuum, and re-heat the MDF facades. Non-adhered areas of the film will stretch from heating, after which it will be possible to turn on the vacuum again and continue the pressing process.

Also, do not forget that PVC film adhesive tends to react only at a certain temperature. Therefore, if the shrinkage of the film was successful, it is not a fact that adhesive composition activated, and it is necessary, without turning off the vacuum, to heat the MDF facades in PVC film to the required temperature for 2-3 minutes.