Materials for finishing the facades of private houses. Decorative finishing of the facade of the house Decorative cladding of the facades

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Properly executed facade decoration of a private house fully meets the basic requirements. It protects the walls from external influences, insulates the house, and is a great decorative decoration. In today's material, we will present the most common options for exterior decoration of the house, photos that allow you to appreciate the decorative features different materials, and comparative analysis the cost of various coatings.

A harmonious selection of finishes ennobles appearance at home

The basic requirements for the finishing of facade surfaces are regulated by the Code of Rules 71.13330.2017. Based on this document, it is prescribed for fixing facing boards requiring an adhesive layer to use materials in the form of mastic or glue of class C1 (on the lower floors) and C2 (above the first floor).

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wood siding

Being the predecessor of all other types of similar finishes, wood siding has not lost its popularity. For the manufacture of modern products, the wood pulp mixture is pressed when heated, which makes the panels durable. Additives are added to improve performance. Raw materials are preliminarily cleaned of harmful impurities and resins, which makes wood siding an environmentally friendly material. The coating from it, thanks to the natural structure, looks cozy and natural.

Among the shortcomings, the need for periodic treatment with compounds that protect against fire, mold and repel insects is noted. Also, wooden cladding requires painting, as it periodically fades in the sun. It is not recommended to sheathe the walls of private houses made of foam or fiberglass with wood siding.

metal siding

If we compare metal siding with analogues, then it is the most resistant to natural influences, has a service life of 30 years or more. The material is durable, withstands shock loads well, does not become brittle when heated and cooled. All dirt is easily washed off with a jet of water from a hose. Metal siding is resistant to rotting, it will not be damaged by rodents and insects. This material is fire resistant, does not melt in the presence of an open flame nearby. Under the influence of sunlight does not fade.

The disadvantages include the possibility of rust due to exposure to moisture, higher cost. Cutting requires a special knife, and installation cannot be carried out without professional skills. When fixing the cladding, installation is mandatory.

Sandwich panels

Due to the three-layer structure, which includes a metal or polymer shell located on both sides, and a heater between them, sandwich panels have excellent thermal insulation qualities. In the role of insulation, or polyurethane foam is used.

This is a worthy material for finishing the facades of private houses, the positive characteristics of which are quick installation, low weight, good sound insulation, and environmental safety. Affordable cost is an important factor. After proper installation on a frame (wooden or metal), sandwich panels serve flawlessly for a long time.

The downside may be the possibility of freezing of the joints if the installation was performed with violations.

Ventilated facades

Multi-component ventilated facades protect the walls when the temperature drops and extend their service life. They are a system with the presence of special gaps that provide ventilation of the insulation. It is recommended to use galvanized or aluminum profiles for the frame.

The advantage of ventilated facades is a long service life of at least 50 years. In winter, they save heat well, are non-flammable and environmentally friendly. With temperature differences, cracks do not form on the surface. Simple installation methods are attractive, which can be carried out at any time. If necessary, the lining can be easily dismantled.

The disadvantage of a ventilated facade is the possibility of condensation between the wall and the insulation if the installation was carried out illiterately. From this, the walls begin to freeze through, and moisture forms on them, which reduces the service life.

Modern cladding of the facade of the house, which material is better - comparison of options

The variety of options for finishing the facades of houses with modern materials complicates the choice, so it is important to first analyze their range and decide on priority criteria.

Material nameKey BenefitsFlaws





Aesthetic appearance

breathable coating

Potential for mechanical damage




Environmental Safety

High resistance to external influences

High price

The need for installation skills

Facing brick:







With high decorative qualities

Need a solid foundation

Careful docking

Porcelain stonewareExcellent durability

Resistant to any weather conditions


Significant weight

High price

Ceramic facade tilesGood decorative qualities, durability

low price

The need for careful ground preparation

Must have styling skills

Brittleness of the material

Decorative siding:


Wooden (larch);


Easy installation

low price

Nice decor

Some species have a short lifespan.

Poor UV resistance

Sandwich panelsEnvironmental Safety

Quick installation

Good sound insulation


Joints can freeze
Ventilated facadeLong service life

High thermal insulation performance

Available mounting

Condensation may form in gaps

Even a brief overview analysis allows us to draw certain conclusions. More detailed information can be found in the article in the descriptions on specific types of facing varieties.

Harmonious combined facade decoration

If there are difficulties with what material to finish all parts of the building, you can choose different types of finishes, harmoniously combining them. How such an exclusive facade of private houses will look like, the photos below will demonstrate from various angles.

Additional decor can be inserts from another type of material. This technique is more common in order to ensure reliable protection of the foundation and basement.

You can choose different materials for a combined finish. It is important not to create variegation by performing a harmonious arrangement of individual elements. The result is an exclusive design style that draws attention with originality and demonstrates the artistic ability and taste of the owners.

Overview of prices for facade materials for exterior decoration of the house

When deciding how to sheathe a house outside cheaply and beautifully, you should analyze the prices for the most popular facing materials.

Material namePrice per m², rub.The cost of turnkey work, taking into account insulation per m², rub.
Mineral350−750 ˃850
Acrylic1600−1905 ˃2100
silicate2600-2615 ˃3100
Silicone2406−3900 ˃3500
Natural1400−2750 ˃7340
Artificial550-2350 ˃4550
Facing brick
Clinker1250−2650 ˃2600
Ceramic400-800 ˃1400
hyperpressed665-1250 ˃1700
Silicate280-350 ˃1000
Porcelain stoneware630-1850 ˃3680
Ceramic facade tiles958-2350 ˃1700
decorative siding
Vinyl185 ˃750
Wooden (larch)590-1950 ˃2000
Metal450-600 ˃1550
Sandwich panels600-1800 ˃3100
Ventilated facade1150-1500 ˃650

Among the improved varieties of new generation cladding, it should be noted Russian-made facade thermal panels, the price of which varies from 2050 to 7000 rubles. per m2. Such material is a gas-filled plastic with a decorative surface made of mineral chips or tiles of various colors and textures.

Choosing the right type of finish for your home is a serious job that requires a comprehensive analysis of many factors. We will be interested in your experience, express your opinion, share tips and recommendations, ask questions in the comments.


One of the synonyms for the word "facade" is the word "face". Indeed, the front part of the building plays the role of a kind of showcase and is considered the hallmark of the whole house. Along with the decorative, the facade also performs a practical function. Even at the design stage, it is necessary to consider the combination of finishing materials, coordinating them with the entire structure of the building. On the modern specialized market, a variety of finishing materials for the facades of houses are presented, which involve installation of various levels of complexity.

  • What to look for when choosing materials for the facade?

    The need for exterior decoration of the facade is determined not only by aesthetics, but also by the ability to significantly increase performance characteristics building. Thinking about what material to finish the facade of the house, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

      Resistance to atmospheric precipitation and climatic manifestations;

      Resistance to moisture and frost;

      The level of thermal insulation;

      Environmental Safety;

      Possibilities of material as a design element.

    Do not forget to insulate the walls before finishing the facade

    If there is a use of imitation material, then you should pay attention to the level of its similarity with the original. The soundproofing characteristics of finishing raw materials and the level of wind protection are also taken into account. High-quality cladding of the facade of the house is a guarantee of strength, durability and aesthetics of the facade. By choosing the best materials for the facades of the building, you can increase its service life and add originality to the overall design. When selecting facing materials, one should also take into account the complexity of installation and cost.

    Types of facade decoration

    Modern decoration of the facades of private houses is most often carried out using the following types of finishing materials for the facade:

      Facade plaster- the material is the most "ancient" and popular way of cladding, it requires good preparation of the walls. There are many types of plaster - silicone, silicate, acrylic, etc.

      - inexpensive facade cladding material. The vinyl look is usually installed on homes in temperate climates, as it heats up quickly from high temperatures.

      Brick facing- a classic type of finish, made of cement and shell rock. Possesses high operational and esthetic characteristics.

      Clinker tiles– durable material for finishing facades, resistant to abrasion, therefore, it is most often installed in places with high traffic so that the facade does not lose its appearance due to many numerical touches.

      Panels– optimally suited for facade decoration and can be different types: metal, wood, glass, polyurethane foam, etc.

    Choose the right material

    Facade plaster

    Such facade finishing material as plaster is used very often and is easy to apply. Its main purpose is to create an attractive appearance for your home decoration and protection from climatic influences.

    Advantages of the modern finishing method decorative facade stucco:

      Wide decorative possibilities - the creation of different textures and colors.

      Ease of application;

      Resistance to temperature fluctuations;


      Small cost.

    However, if the technology for applying the finish has been violated, then cracks, swelling, spotting, peeling of the finish layer may occur. Plastering the facade of a private house is a simple process that can be done on your own, with minimal skills in this area.

    The decision to finish the facade with siding will allow the owner of the house to get a good result and a beautiful appearance of the building. The most popular is vinyl and metal siding.

    Pros of vinyl:

    The disadvantages of vinyl siding include:

    Metal siding for facade cladding is most often made of aluminum.

    Facing brick

    The use of brick facing options gives the house respectability and solidity. Professionals should carry out the installation of this material, since the process requires certain skills.

    Advantages of facing bricks:

      It does not require special care;


      Environmentally friendly;

      The facade gains strength and stability;

      Brick protects the house from precipitation and other climatic manifestations;

      Adds service life to load-bearing structures;

      A wide range of textures and colors.

    The disadvantages of facing the facades of houses with bricks include:

      The formation of white plaque (efflorescence) over time, which spoils the appearance of the building;

      The high price of the material.

    A special method of processing clay allows the clinker tiles to achieve high performance. The result is an optimal facing material that is suitable for outdoor use in all respects.

    Advantages of clinker tiles:

      Strength and resistance to mechanical stress;

      UV resistant;

      Frost resistance;

      Low water absorption;


    The lining, familiar to us all, is the very first type of facade panels. After it, various variations of this cladding began to be used, making it from metal, porcelain stoneware, stone, and polyvinyl chloride.

    What are the advantages of cladding a house with panels:

      Installation of cladding does not require long preparatory work, can be carried out in all weather conditions, the laying process is fast;

      The facade is reliably protected from temperature changes and other adverse influences;

      The material is not combustible;

      Does not require special care;

      Light weight.

    What material should be chosen for finishing facades?

    Choosing the best material for the facade, you should consider what the house itself is built from. After all, wooden and timber houses, for example, require the construction of a ventilated facade, and siding or panels are optimal for such needs. Whereas brick and stone buildings "love" plaster and brick. You should also focus on your financial capabilities, because the market for modern facade finishing materials is so large that it will satisfy the needs of any category of citizens. Facing should be ideally combined with the overall design of the building and act as a single ensemble with it.

    Read about the previous stages of construction:

  • The construction of modern housing cannot be considered fully completed until the exterior decoration of all its walls has been completed. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the cladding of building facades with the help of one or another finishing material is usually performed not only for decorative purposes.

    At the same time, the finishing layer performs the function of protecting the outer surface from the damaging effects of natural factors such as precipitation, solar radiation or wind, which can destroy even the most durable concrete over time.

    Materials used

    There are several ways to decorate the facades of the house, using which you can give your home a fairly attractive and modern look, and, in addition, thoroughly protect it from all kinds of natural disasters.

    When familiarizing yourself with these methods, special attention should be paid to facing materials that determine key features wall decoration of buildings under construction. Today, the following types of decorative cladding of buildings are very popular:

    In the following sections of our article, all these types of facade surface finishes will be discussed in more detail.

    One of the most famous finishing coatings used for cladding buildings is considered to be facade panels, the basis for the manufacture of which can be the most modern materials. Using special decorative bases in panels (such as siding or aluminum composites, for example) will allow you to imitate the structure of most known natural materials.

    It should be noted that facade panels provide reliable protection of building walls from mechanical and climatic influences; however, they are usually used as a heater. Another advantage of finishing with panels is the possibility of their quick installation (assembly according to the principle of the designer).

    We also note that products made of aluminum composites are rarely used in private construction; most often they are intended for facing commercial buildings of one class or another. A photo of the decorative finish of the facade using siding panels is given above.

    Facade plastering

    The use of special plaster mixtures for facing facades can also be attributed to the most common finishing methods. The special attractiveness of this type of surface decoration is due to the high versatility of all operations performed, as well as the following distinctive characteristics:

    • No restrictions on color shade, since the surface covered with plaster can be painted in almost any color. In recent years, color painting of stuccoed facades has been increasingly practiced.
    • Low cost of the source material, made on the basis of a purchased decorative mixture.
    • Possibility of independent application of decorative plaster .

    Nowadays, through specialized trading establishments in retail sale all kinds of dry mixes used for plastering facades are supplied. At the same time, the most popular are the so-called pebble mixtures, as well as special compositions under the name "Bark beetle". To obtain a ready-to-use composition, it will be enough for you to read the instructions for preparing the mixture that comes with the package.

    Note! The disadvantages of compositions of the "bark beetle" type, which provide a porous surface, include the fact that the facade is easily clogged with dirt over time. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult to remove this dirt from the surface of the walls.

    Unlike them, pebble plaster mixtures do not have such a drawback, since when they are used, an almost even coating with a fine-grained pattern is formed. The procedure for preparing and applying plaster mixtures of any type is described in detail by us in one of the articles published earlier.

    Natural and artificial stone

    Finishing with decorative stone is traditionally considered one of the most expensive ways of facing building facades. Moreover, this is explained not only by the high cost of the material used for finishing, but also by quite significant labor costs. But, despite the high costs, many owners of their own homes prefer this method of cladding to all of the previously considered ones.

    Nowadays, when decorating walls and facades of residential buildings, the so-called fake diamond, which provides a significant gain in the cost of the source material. We note right away that the domestic industry has mastered the production of two types of artificial material; while one of them is made on the basis of cement mixtures, and the other has a gypsum base.

    Note! When choosing a specific type of facing material, it is necessary to proceed from the quality of the surfaces of the walls to be finished. Solid substrates are covered with cement-based stone cladding, while foam-insulated surfaces are best covered with gypsum-based artificial material.

    Another way to design facades involves the use of special clinker tiles imitating brick as a cladding. Such a cladding, both in its appearance and in its main technical characteristics, differs little from ordinary brick walls.

    One more method of wall cladding, associated with the use of multi-colored decorative tiles, should be mentioned. Thanks to the use of multi-color finishing material, you will be able to completely transform the facade of your house, giving it a rather original and unique look.


    This video shows the technique of applying bark beetle plaster:

    Choosing the material and technology for finishing the facade of the house should be at the design stage. Modern market offers a lot of different materials, so it will not be difficult to equip the facade in accordance with a certain budget or design idea. When choosing a material for finishing the facade of a private house, two most important factors should be taken into account. Firstly, the house must be in harmony with the surrounding area, look aesthetically pleasing and in accordance with the tastes of the owner. Secondly, the facade material should become a protection for the house, playing the role of an additional insulation and sound insulator, as well as protecting the supporting structures from moisture, sunlight and other negative influences. Not every finishing material cope with the tasks, so let's focus on the best options.

    Types of facade structures

    Among other things, when choosing a facade material, it is necessary to take into account what the building is built from, the principle of organizing facade decoration may depend on this. For example, for wooden houses, it is advised to equip a ventilated facade.

    It is customary to divide facades into the following types:

    Depending on whether there is a gap between the outer wall of the house and the finishing material, the facades are divided into:

    • ventilated;
    • non-ventilated.

    Ventilated facade

    Ventilated facades assume the presence of a ventilation gap between the facade material and the wall, or if it is used. The gap is necessary for free air circulation and removal of excess moisture that condenses or leaves the house through the walls. At the same time, the ceiling wall material remains completely protected from all atmospheric influences. It is better to equip such a facade when the walls breathe. involves the installation of finishing material directly to the wall. Sometimes facades are classified simply as ventilated and "wet", although this is not entirely correct.

    Now we can move on to materials that are widely used in the decoration of the facade of a private house.

    No. 1. Facade plaster

    Number 3. Facing brick

    Among the most popular materials for facade decoration has always been and is. Of course, for these purposes, not an ordinary building one is used, but a special decorative one, which is called.

    ceramic brick

    Ceramic bricks, made from clay by firing it, are well known to each of us. Its facing variety strikes with a wide variety of colors and textures, but this is not the only advantage of the material.


    • durability;
    • environmental friendliness;
    • good sound and heat insulation characteristics;
    • resistance to temperature extremes, sunlight, fire;
    • relative cheapness.


    Hyper pressed brick

    Such material is obtained by using shell rock and some special additives by semi-dry pressing. Outwardly, it resembles a ceramic brick, but in many respects it is ahead of it.


    • durability and strength;
    • good geometry;
    • frost resistance;
    • a large assortment;
    • ease of processing.

    The water absorption of such a brick is at an average level - about 5-6%, and the obvious disadvantages of the material include high thermal conductivity, the ability to change color over time and a lot of weight, which affects transportation.

    silicate brick

    Facing silicate brick it is made from a cement-sand mixture by autoclaving, special additives can be used. Due to the ease of production and low cost of raw materials, silicate brick is considered one of the most affordable materials among other types of bricks.


    • high strength;
    • exact geometry;
    • environmental friendliness;
    • good soundproofing qualities;
    • low price.


    No. 4. Porcelain tile for facade


    • durability;
    • the widest range. You can find tiles of any size, color and texture, as well as imitating stone, brick and other materials;
    • resistance to negative environmental factors;
    • fire resistance;
    • relatively small weight.

    Tiles can be installed both in a “wet” way and by equipping a ventilated facade.

    No. 6. Concrete facade tiles

    The material is produced on the basis of cement, quartz sand, filler and additives.


    • durability and moisture resistance;
    • strength and rigidity;
    • big choice;
    • relatively low price.


    No. 7. decorative siding

    Siding is one of the most inexpensive, easy to handle and modern materials for the facade of the house. It has excellent decorative qualities, is sold in a wide range, boasts decent durability (up to 50 years), excellent sound and heat insulation qualities. With siding, you can revet any surface and even ennoble a long-built house.

    The main types of decorative siding:

    • vinyl;
    • wood;
    • metal;
    • cement.

    Vinyl siding

    Made of PVC, can imitate stone, brick, wood and others natural materials. - one of the most popular materials for facade cladding, it is most often used in domestic private construction.


    Often the advantages include resistance to mechanical damage, but a strong blow can violate the integrity of the material. Among shortcomings a large coefficient of linear expansion, which must be taken into account during installation, low thermal insulation qualities and the difficulty of replacing a damaged element in case of repair.

    Separately, it is worth highlighting basement siding. It is completely identical to vinyl, but has an increased thickness: 3.5 mm versus 0.7-1.2 for conventional PVC siding. Due to this, resistance to mechanical damage is increased, which makes the material one of the best in terms of price and quality for.

    wood siding

    metal siding

    It is made of aluminum or steel, which are covered with a layer of primer and polymer coating. in private construction is used infrequently due to the high price. Best suited for home cladding steel sheets with a zinc protective layer and a polymer or powder coating.


    • strength;
    • durability (up to 50 years);
    • resistance to temperature extremes;
    • incombustibility;
    • resistance to any weather vagaries;
    • high aesthetics;
    • relative ease of installation.

    In addition, metal siding is resistant to corrosion due to protective coatings, but if such a coating is damaged, rust should appear. Naturally, it is not necessary to talk about heat and sound insulation qualities.

    cement siding

    The material is obtained by mixing and pressing cellulose fibers and cement. Cement siding can replace stone in terms of its decorative and operational qualities.


    • high strength;
    • resistance to precipitation, sunlight, high and low temperatures;
    • fire resistance.

    Among cons heavy weight, installation complexity, high cost and insufficiently wide selection of colors and textures.

    No. 8. Sandwich panels

    They are a multilayer material consisting of two layers of rigid material (usually metal) and a layer of insulation between them. All this "sandwich" is connected by hot pressing, the surface of the panels can be smooth, embossed or decorative.


    Of the minuses, only a high price.

    No. 9. Facade cassettes

    Metal facade cassettes are widely used today for facing the facades of administrative buildings, but more recently they have also been used in private construction. The material is easy to recognize by its characteristic appearance: these are square or rectangular elements made of metal (steel, aluminum, less often copper) with a polymer coating.


    • high reliability and durability;
    • aesthetics;
    • a large selection of sizes and colors;
    • resistance to negative factors environment and fire.

    Metal cassettes can be used for cladding old and newly erected buildings, they are mounted on a frame. The only negative is the high price.

    No. 10. New and Undistributed Materials

    In addition to those materials that have already become traditional in the field of facade cladding, there are more innovative and in some ways even more progressive. The most interesting of them:

    • concrete siding. It is made from cement, sand and dyes. The material has a beautiful appearance and a pleasant rough surface, it is durable, but heavy enough, so it will require reinforcement;
    • clinker thermal panels consist of ordinary clinker tiles and a welded layer of expanded polystyrene, and this is an excellent insulation. With external attractiveness, such a finish becomes an additional heat insulator. The disadvantage is the high price;
    • glass panels is a popular choice for shopping centers and administrative buildings. For arranging a private house, it is suitable only if you like bold decisions.

    The choice of finishing material for the facade should be preceded by a multivariate analysis, including the climatic features of the region, the type of house, the particular style of the site, your own preferences, the material of the walls, your own requirements and preferences. Fortunately, there are plenty to choose from.

    After completing the main construction work, you can think about the exterior decoration of the house. Usually the choice of material for cladding is made at the design stage of the house. At the moment, the construction market is represented by a sufficient number of finishing materials for facade works, which allows you to finish the facade in any style and design.

    Variants of modern materials for finishing the house outside

    More recently, there has been a tendency to decorate the facade of the house so that it is as strong and reliable as possible, but now certain indicators of materials according to various criteria are added to these requirements.

    The main operating conditions of the material are as follows:

    • Strength, since the outside of the structure is subjected to significant loads.
    • Frost resistance. The material should not form cracks and bubbles on the surface during severe frosts, which are not uncommon for our climate.
    • The permeability of the material. Exterior finishes should not interfere with the removal of excess moisture from the main walls of the house.
    • Presentable appearance facade. This indicator is very important for the visual perception of the structure.
    • The possibility of supplying a heater.

    Modern options for facade cladding materials combine all these qualities and differ in cost and appearance. For a better understanding of how to finish the facade of the house, we will present a list of decorative materials for facade decoration.

    Decorative plaster

    This finishing material is used as a decorative facade cladding. Skillful craftsmen with its help create a unique relief that is difficult to distinguish from natural material.

    For finishing the facade, plaster based on cement and sand with the addition of plasticizers and other components is chosen. Before registration, it is necessary to perform insulation and waterproofing of the facade.

    The most popular decorative plaster under the name "Bark beetle". It is able to imitate the surface eaten away by this insect. For high-quality processing, the material is purchased in dry form, packaged in bags or the finished mixture in buckets.

    For finishing the plastered surface, various paints and varnishes are used. Usually these are acrylic-based paints that form the outer protective coating of the house from the adverse effects of the environment.

    Clinker bricks and tiles

    This version of the cladding material is created from refractory clay. To give high quality characteristics, the finished elements are heat treated in a furnace at high temperatures. Thanks to this, brick and tile become very strong and durable materials.

    Decorative bricks are available in a wide range of surface designs. It can be glossy, matte, rough, or antiqued. Such material has proven itself due to heat resistance, environmental friendliness, a variety of shapes and ease of installation and maintenance. To some extent, the brick also insulates the facade of the building.

    A variety of colors of clinker finishing bricks allows you to use several options at once for combining on the facade of the house. For example, the walls can be decorated with beige, and the plinth and window slopes with brown or dark green material. And this is not the only option, even the walls may not be completely finished in one color, but combine similar shades.

    Clinker tiles are small plates of clay of the same size, thanks to which you can get a unique design of the facade of the house. The material is presented not only in the form of straight tiles, but also has many decorative elements, such as, for example, parts for neatly decorating corners. With their help, the corners of the house will be reliably protected from chips.

    Porcelain stoneware

    This decorative material is one of the most durable and is made from substances of artificial origin, or rather, slip powder by pressing and firing. The appropriate paint is added to the finished composition to give color.

    Porcelain stoneware has a sufficient margin of safety and does not react at all to external influences. Excellent decorative characteristics of the material allow you to create the original cladding of the house with minimal effort.

    From porcelain stoneware, decorative finishing of the facade of the house can be done in several ways. The first one is ventilated. For its implementation, a frame is pre-created from metal guides, on which the plates themselves are attached. Moreover, with this option, it is easy to create external insulation of the house. In the second method, which is called "wet laying", the material is mounted on the facade base using glue.

    Facade cassettes

    With the help of such material, the facades of multi-apartment buildings, shopping pavilions or public buildings are most often finished. But even in private construction facade cassettes are used.

    Composite cassettes have a finished design with machined corners that, when installed, form a single protective surface that resists various negative impacts. Cassettes can be attached in several ways. The choice depends on the type of profiles that are used:

    • Concealed installation is the fastening of the profile of the upper element to the profile of the lower one. With this assembly option, you can create a solid cladding in a short time.
    • Open mounting. During such installation of the material, each element is fixed on the supporting frame at the corners. Open installation on the facade allows you to get a continuous decorative coating.

    Important! The facade can be equipped with additional insulation when decorating with this material.


    Siding panels are made from vinyl polymer materials and are lightweight, easy to assemble and low cost. It is very convenient that before carrying out such a finish, the facade does not need long preparatory work.

    Important! Siding hides the unevenness and roughness of the walls.

    If the material is of high quality, then during operation it will not change its appearance, fungus will not form on its surface, and insects will not start. The facade material will also shine with colors, like new. Thanks to these qualities, finishing a house with siding is the most profitable alternative to cladding, besides, the cost of the material is low, and it is possible to create an additional layer of insulation.

    Artificial and natural stone

    Stone is the most reliable facing material, both natural and artificial. Decorative tiles made of natural stone will create such a strong and durable coating on the facade that its service life can be even longer than that of the house itself. An artificial analogue of a decorative stone does not differ in quality characteristics, but has a lower cost and a range of colors.

    Important! Before installing the stone on the facade surface, you need to make sure that the foundation has sufficient bearing capacity.

    If the technology was not observed during the installation of the material, then some tiles may fall off during operation, which will entail the need for repair finishing work. To exclude such an outcome of events, you must clearly follow the instructions and not violate the algorithm for working with this material.

    Decorative panels

    At the moment, building decorative panels are produced in a huge number of different materials. Each type has its own characteristics, dimensions and mounting options. Here are some options for the most popular panels for cladding the facade of a house:

    This version of the panels has a high degree of insulation and gives the effect of sound insulation. Due to their low weight, SIP panels are used for houses not built on a solid foundation, even a shallow one is enough strip foundation. Thanks to SIP panels, you can build a full-fledged house with insulation in a fairly short time.

    Important! SIP panels practically do not react to environmental influences and are protective.

    Wet facade

    The system called "wet facade" consists of several layers that act as thermal insulation, reinforcement and protective and decorative coating. Due to the fact that the components of such a facade are ideally combined with each other and can show high specifications, such a decorative finish is used in many areas of construction.

    It will be quite difficult to do the work on decorating a house with a wet facade with your own hands without the appropriate experience, so it is imperative to use the services of professionals. Highly qualified specialists will perform the design with high quality, which will allow for a long time to extend its service life, without reflecting on the protective qualities.


    Recently wood trim is gaining more and more popularity, as the owners of country houses strive for environmental friendliness. decorative trim facades from a board or a bar has a lot of positive qualities. Among them are environmental friendliness, moisture resistance, ease of care, durability, unique natural design and insulation.

    At right choice wood, such cladding can last a long time. To reduce the adverse external impact, the wood is treated with special protective solutions, which are now available in a wide range.

    Important! When choosing a material, it is better to give preference to those options that are made from wood growing in the same region where the house is located, since their adaptability to climatic conditions can make the design better.

    Ceramic facade tiles

    The wide popularity of this material appeared due to the presence of high decorative and technical characteristics. This is almost an analogue of the tile that is used for interior cladding, with the exception of only the porosity index, which is less for the facade analogue. Due to this, the water permeability of facade ceramic tiles is less, which is an indisputable advantage in outdoor conditions.

    Important! facade ceramic tile has a relatively small weight, so that strengthening the foundation before its installation is not necessary.


    What finish to perform, and what material to choose for it? Only the owner of the house can answer this question, based on their needs and capabilities, as well as those goals that are planned to be achieved in the end. This article presented the options for materials for home decoration and their features that will help when buying.