What diet for weight loss with aerobics. Proper fitness nutrition before and after training

The gym is a place to work on your body. Everyone has their own goals and wishes, it depends on them how to eat during training. However, the basics are the same for everyone.

The basics of proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is necessary not only for weight loss or weight gain, but simply for healing the body.

Principles of healthy eating:

Refusal of food waste;

Fractional frequent meals;

A sufficient number of calories for the normal functioning of the body;

Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits;

The use of healthy fats;

Eating enough slow carbohydrates;


Doctors recommend eating more vegetables and fruits of local origin - the world is arranged in such a way that everything that is most useful for the body grows in its native area. Overseas products should be eaten in a limited way, as delicacies, and not as the basis of nutrition.

Proper nutrition and sports

Alone, these factors do not work enough, without an integrated approach, you can not reach the goal at all. Only by combining proper nutrition and sports, you can achieve the desired results.

It is very important to know that healthy eating- this is not only a restriction of sweet, flour, semi-finished products. The main thing is the absence of a large and good ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the diet. There are applications for calculating the number of calories consumed, broken down by nutrients. The minimum number of calories for an average person is 1300 kcal, of which proteins are 100 g, fats are 60 g, carbohydrates are 300 g. When playing sports, their number increases to 1800.

A healthy diet and a gym can not only give you a dream figure, but also preserve beauty and youth for a long time. Physical activity releases hormones that improve physical and mental health, but this is not possible without proper nutrition. If you want to lose weight, the number of calories decreases, while increasing muscle mass- increases.

Features of nutrition during cardio training

Cardio training is used to increase the stamina of the body and for weight loss. Can be done on a separate day or after strength training.

There is a myth that morning cardio is more effective for burning fat, but experiments have not proven this. The desire for a quick result can adversely affect health. Fasting cardio is not recommended due to the high load on the heart and the burning of muscle mass along with fat. In order to avoid muscle loss in the morning, it is recommended to consume 2-3 egg whites or 6 capsules of BCA.

If endurance training, you need to consume fast carbohydrates before it. It can be a mass gainer, banana or juice, or a cocktail of all three products.

If the goal is to lose weight, after a workout, you should drink protein or eat a couple of proteins. This is due to the significant energy consumption and the need to restore it. Meals - in an hour. If there is no need to lose weight, there is no restriction in the use of carbohydrates after training (which does not mean uncontrolled eating of sweets at all).

Features of nutrition during strength training

Strength training requires the mandatory intake of slow carbohydrates 2 hours before class. Protein is also essential for maintaining muscle, and it is recommended to consume protein before and after training. Fast carbohydrates after training contribute to good muscle growth. Even for losing weight, their consumption is necessary immediately after training.

Meals while exercising gym must be complete and balanced. It depends on him whether the expected result will be achieved or not. If you neglect the post-workout meal, you can get a deplorable result: due to a lack of nutrition, the body will split its own muscles. Muscle first, then fat.

Before going to bed, it is important to consume slow proteins to maintain and restore muscle mass. It can be cottage cheese or casein. Cottage cheese should not be fat-free, you need a normal fat content of 5%.

Water for sports

Drinking water is very important when playing sports. Dehydration is dangerous to health, it threatens with a long quality workout.

The norm of drinking water is 1-2 liters per day. During training, about 1 liter of water evaporates and is excreted with sweat per hour. Replenishment of the water-salt balance of the body is necessary for a comfortable state of health and for less fatigue. It has been proven that when drinking water during a workout, the session lasts longer and the result is more effective. If during training it is worth drinking only a few sips, then after that you can replenish the entire volume of fluid spent.

During prolonged intensive training, it is permissible to drink water with honey to maintain the endurance of the body. On sale there is a drink for athletes with additional minerals and additives. It can be used for long cardio endurance training, and short for weight loss. It has no sugar. Before buying, you should carefully read the composition.

Products for proper nutrition

Absolutely all natural products are suitable for proper nutrition with moderate or limited consumption. Below is a healthy diet pyramid.

Sources of fast proteins are meat, Slow - cottage cheese. (they are also slow carbohydrates) - legumes. Also, these are all cereals, durum pasta. Fast carbohydrates - fruits. Fats - oily fish, vegetable oil, nuts. Fresh vegetables - fiber, boiled these are fast carbohydrates, the use of which should be limited.

All these products must be consumed daily, then the body will be healthy and young. And no depression and overwork are terrible if such nutrition is during exercise in the gym.

Daily routine and nutrition of a healthy person

Let's imagine an approximate Table of the daily regimen with meals will help with this.

timeactionproduct% DV
7:00 wake up, light exercise or cardioBCA or proteins-
8:00 breakfastcarbohydrates + proteins35%
11:00 snackprotein for weight loss / fruit for a healthy diet10%
13:00 dinnercarbohydrates + proteins + vegetables25%
15:00 snackprotein for weight loss / fruits, nuts for a healthy diet10%
18:00 dinnerprotein + vegetables for weight loss / carbohydrates + protein + vegetables before training10%
20:00 trainingafter - protein-
21:00 second dinnercottage cheese for weight loss / protein + carbohydrates + vegetables for weight gain10%
23:00 dreamcasein for weight gain-

Recipes for healthy, simple dishes without heat treatment

Products for proper nutrition are very diverse, you can cook anything from them. Banal marinated chicken breast with fresh vegetables in thin pita bread - very tasty and there are more interesting recipes healthy meals that allow you to eat tasty and healthy.

A carbohydrate bar for a post-workout snack. Dry oatmeal in a pan (100 g), add a spoonful of honey, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, 2 tbsp. l. dried fruits (previously chopped with a blender). Mix everything and form a bar. It is a good substitute for high-carb sports nutrition while exercising in the gym.

Soufflé of whipped proteins with a sweetener. 4 proteins are whipped, dissolved gelatin is gradually added. The mass is poured into a mold and placed in the refrigerator. After 2 hours, you can take out the soufflé, cover with melted natural chocolate, crushed nuts. Such a simple dessert will keep your figure and please you with excellent taste. You should not get carried away with sweeteners, their use is permissible only in extreme cases. It is better to consume enough carbohydrate foods, then you do not want sugar.

Sweets for evening tea. You will need: cottage cheese, cocoa, nuts, sweetener. Everything is mixed and cooled in the refrigerator. Fiber can be added to the mass, which will make the recipe even more useful. Instead of cocoa, you can use flavored protein with your favorite flavor. Such an evening dessert will have a positive effect on the figure.

Healthy pastries

Homemade healthy bread is simply necessary for people who take care of their health. Its composition: fiber, rye bran, 1/4 of rye flour, favorite spices, a little oil, yeast, salt. Mix everything, let the dough rise, put in a mold. Baked in the oven on low heat for an hour. Healthy fresh bread is ready.

Pumpkin curd cake. Ingredients: cottage cheese - 200 g, pumpkin - 500 g, eggs - 4 pcs., pumpkin seeds, sweetener to taste. Everything is crushed with a blender (except seeds), laid out in a mold and baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 0 C for an hour. After removing the form, it is necessary to allow the cake to cool well, only then cut it out and put it out of the form. It is very light and gentle.

Nutrition when exercising in the gym should not be scarce, otherwise weakness, depression, and illness are possible. Don't forget the importance of a proper diet. Only by eating tasty and healthy, you can achieve the desired results and not give up halfway.

One of the most common causes cessation of fitness becomes an incorrectly chosen diet, which does not provide the body with energy and does not make it possible to fully restore strength for the next workout. Or, on the contrary: there seems to be strength, and trainings are held regularly, but there is no result, or, in total, worse: the result is directly opposite to the desired one.

In order for sports to be a joy and beneficial, it is necessary to choose the right fitness nutrition.

Nutrition during fitness should provide the body with a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, fats, and fluids. If this rule is not respected, then instead of health and beauty, such sports will lead to physical and moral exhaustion. That is why, only a properly selected diet will make the body beautiful and strong, normalize the ratio of muscle and adipose tissue, and also engage in fairly high intensity, while avoiding the rapid onset of fatigue.

Fitness: nutrition for girls and women

Often for women, the main goal when visiting the gym is. It is important to remember that proper nutrition for fitness for weight loss in no case provides for strict restrictions, and even more so hunger strikes. Proteins and carbohydrates are the key components of the diet for fitness. Very often, when losing weight, girls are afraid of carbohydrates. But you need to understand that the latter supply the body with energy and provide nutrition for the brain. In the body, carbohydrate stores are present in the form of glycogen, which accumulates in muscle cells and the liver and is consumed during sports. Therefore, with a deficiency of carbohydrate food in the diet, full-fledged intensive training becomes problematic - energy reserves are quickly exhausted and the body gets tired.

Nutrition during fitness, even for the purpose of losing weight, can be not only useful, but also really tasty.

Let's figure out what should be the right nutrition for girls when doing fitness, allowing you to get the most out of them.


It is difficult to imagine sports nutrition without the presence of a sufficient amount of proteins in it: it is these substances that act as a building material for muscles. Therefore, if insufficient amounts of protein are supplied with food, the muscles will not be able to become more enduring and stronger. In addition, if you are doing fitness to lose weight, it is important to include proteins in the diet: the process of burning fat is impossible without the participation of proteins.

Nutritionists recommend calculating the daily need for proteins, fats and carbohydrates during fitness using special calculators, based on body weight, physical activity and other factors. Similar calculators are easy to find on the Internet, but on average, the need for protein, as in the most important "body builder" can be characterized as follows: if a person's life activity is not associated with heavy physical labor, then the body needs to receive 1-1.2 grams of protein with food per 1 kg of weight. That is, a person weighing 60 kg needs an average of 60-70 grams of protein per day, all further calculations are carried out taking into account specific corrections for activity coefficients.

  • eggs;
  • cheese, milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products;
  • fish;
  • bird;
  • lean meat;
  • seafood;
  • legumes.

It is recommended to limit the intake of animal fats as much as possible. At the same time, you should not stop eating foods containing useful polyunsaturated fatty acid. These substances are necessary for the full functioning of the body, in particular, the cardiovascular system.

Immediately before class, you should avoid eating foods containing fats. Such food is slowly digested and can significantly interfere with the full implementation of the exercises during training. For more information on how to make a better meal schedule before exercise, you can read in our article.

Good sources of polyunsaturated fats:

  • vegetable oils (especially olive, linseed, mustard, sunflower, soybean, peanut);
  • fatty and semi-fat sea fish (for example, salmon, herring, trout, tuna).

Sesame also contains a lot of useful minerals and vitamins, Walnut, almonds, spinach and other greens.


Fitness nutrition for weight loss must necessarily include slow (complex) carbohydrates that provide a uniform supply of energy. The use of fast (simple) carbohydrates for those who decide to lose weight should be avoided. In general, for girls who train to lose weight, nutritionists recommend eating slow carbohydrates before exercise, and after fitness, sometimes a small amount of fast is allowed. For example, immediately after a workout, it is allowed to drink a protein-carbohydrate cocktail with a predominantly protein-, rather than carbohydrate-component. The main theses of nutrition after exercise are presented in our article.

Good sources of slow carbohydrates:

  • cereals (in particular, buckwheat);
  • pasta made from durum flour;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • "non-sugar" fruits (apples, citrus fruits);
  • berries (for example, cherries).

Drinking regime

Compliance is just as important as diet. To prevent dehydration of the body, it is extremely important to ensure sufficient fluid intake. At least 1.5 liters of fluid should be drunk per day. Also, experts often advise maintaining water balance during fitness classes. So, during intensive training, it is recommended to drink water in small regular portions (sips).

    1.5–2 hours before training, you should eat: you need slow carbohydrates and protein; fatty foods are prohibited.

    If the above meal was absent, then 30 minutes before class, you can drink a protein-carbohydrate cocktail.

    During training, it is allowed to drink water in small sips every 15 minutes.

    If the goal is not only to lose weight, then you can eat immediately after a workout, but you are allowed to eat no more than 100 grams of a product containing fast carbohydrates. For example, you can eat a banana, drink a glass of fruit juice.

    A full meal is allowed no earlier than 2 hours after class.

    It is important to know that even if the main goal of training is weight loss, a hunger strike on the eve of fitness classes is strictly contraindicated.

When compiling an individual menu, one should not forget about its balance and diversity. You should also include in it products that are subject to minimal processing: you should refuse semi-finished products, fast food, refined food. Preference is given simple meals, especially when steamed and in the oven.

Girls should remember that when doing fitness (including for weight loss), the basis of success is. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that the effect of diet and training is not immediately noticeable. However, thanks to a well-chosen diet and proper training, you can soon achieve stable high results without harm to your own health.

diet , fitness ,

You have decided to "catch the wave" of modernity: stick to healthy lifestyle life, keep fit, eat right. You are on the right track. But how not to harm yourself by refusing certain products, because we get most of the energy through food. Therefore, proper nutrition in fitness plays an important role. A nutritionist will help us to understand the basics of a healthy balanced diet during sports training and draw up a daily menu, where at any time of the year you can spend a fitness vacation on the Black Sea coast - improve your health, lose weight, visit Crimean sights and recuperate after exhausting everyday life.

Fitness and proper nutrition

The effectiveness of losing weight by 30% depends on physical activity, and 70% - on the diet. Therefore, it is extremely important to stick to a healthy menu, and not starve yourself, because the process of natural fat burning is affected not only by calories, but also by the fat-carbohydrate-protein composition of foods, as well as the duration of the intervals between meals. Properly selected balanced diet will be the key to a positive result of sports training.

If you want to drop overweight as quickly as possible, you will have to turn to a diet. There are several complexes on which the fitness diet for weight loss is based. But before we move on to its detailed analysis, let us recall the postulates of the correct functioning of metabolism. These include:

  • moderate balanced diet;
  • physical exercise;
  • compliance with the meal regimen (every 4 hours);
  • selection of products with an optimal protein-carbohydrate balance;
  • compliance with the water regime.

It should be remembered that the duration of the diet should not exceed 14 days. Next, you should combine fitness and proper nutrition, which is determined by the proportionality of all components and compliance with the optimal intervals between meals. This will not only fix the results of getting rid of extra pounds, continue losing weight, but also maintain health and energy.

Compliance with protein-carbohydrate balance

1. Carbohydrates

The fitness diet menu implies the correct protein-carbohydrate balance. Once in the body, carbohydrates undergo chemical oxidative processes in order to eventually become active components of the immune system, take part in other protective reactions of the body, and most importantly, provide it with uninterrupted energy.

2. Proteins

The role of proteins in general cannot be overestimated. Proteins take part in all metabolic and oxidative processes, are the "building" material for muscles, form immune system. In addition, food rich in protein helps to quickly satisfy hunger and maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time.

3. Fats

Many people think that it is better to give up fats while losing weight. Why eat fat when you want to get rid of it? But proper nutrition during fitness includes not only carbohydrates with proteins, but also fats. They provide the absorption of a number of minerals, serve as a source of vitamins A, D, E, K, participate in the synthesis of male and female sex hormones. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids help regulate metabolism and maintain normal cholesterol levels. The amount of fat in the daily diet needs to be strictly controlled, but it is absolutely not recommended to refuse them completely.

What can you eat before a workout?

With a fitness diet for weight loss, protein foods will be useful before training. You can drink a protein shake or a regular egg drink using only whey proteins in a ratio of 0.22 g per 1 kg of weight.

Pre-workout meals should consist of light, low-calorie meals (avoid fats before training). It can be:

  • oatmeal porridge boiled in milk or water with a protein omelet;
  • boiled brown rice with chicken fillet and a slice of wholemeal bread;
  • lean beef steak (or a piece of lean fish fillet) with boiled potatoes in uniform.

Eating should be at least 1 hour before training. But if you didn’t manage to eat, you can eat any fruit or berries with a minimum glycemic index (pears, strawberries, raspberries, apples) 30 minutes before the start of classes.

Compliance with water balance

For the effectiveness of fitness and proper nutrition, fluid intake and water balance are extremely important.

About 20-30 minutes before a sports activity, you can drink a small cup of black or green tea. The drink should be strong and clean (no sugar, milk or cream) to stimulate the fat burning process and lower amino acid, glycogen and blood glucose levels. This will ensure the performance of the body, so the training will take place in a more intense mode.

Drinking large amounts of water during exercise is not recommended, as this creates an additional load on the heart muscle. Therefore, if you really want to, then a small amount of water should be drunk in small sips every 15-20 minutes, but only after the rhythm of physical activity has decreased and the heart rate and breathing have been restored.

30-40 minutes after training, you can drink a glass of sour or sweet and sour juice. Orange juice diluted with water (the optimal ratio is 1:1) is especially welcome in the fitness diet menu.

Water imbalance can lead to dehydration, which manifests itself during exercise in the form of a headache, a strong feeling of thirst, irritability, fatigue and weakness. Therefore, do not forget about water, because it stimulates the metabolism and contributes to more intense weight loss. The required amount of the treasured liquid (about 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight) should be drunk evenly throughout the day. The first glass is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, the last - 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Nutrition after exercise

Proper nutrition during fitness involves the use of "good" foods after training. The menu should contain dishes consisting mainly of proteins and complex carbohydrates. They will quickly replenish the reserves of lost energy and satisfy hunger, but will not cause an increase in body weight.

Eating should be soon after training (no later than 2 hours) to restore muscles, increase muscle mass and speed up metabolism. To restore the protein level, choose products that promote the growth of muscle tissue and restore the body's resources:

  • poultry meat (boiled chicken breast, turkey);
  • veal fillet;
  • egg white omelet;
  • boiled lean fish;
  • skim dairy products;
  • apples, pears, grapefruit;
  • decoctions of wild rose, cranberries;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, oats;
  • cabbage of all kinds, spinach, celery, cucumbers.

Recommendations for the menu of the protein-carbohydrate fitness diet

1 day

When following a fitness diet for weight loss, you need to calculate the amount of protein you need in grams, based on the formula: 3 times the desired weight in kg. For example, your goal is 60 kg. According to the formula, you need 180 grams of protein per day: lean meats, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products will be a useful part of your menu.

At the same time, carbohydrate-rich foods are excluded completely. Carbohydrates are allowed only as part of protein foods and in an amount of not more than 25 grams per day. Fat is also not more than 25 gr. If calorie content is important to you and you are striving to lose weight, limit your diet menu to 1200-1500 kcal per day. At the same time, remember that not starvation, but fitness and proper nutrition will help you get your dream figure.

note that the text indicates the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates absorbed with food, and not the weight of the products. Understand calories and quantities nutrients in a particular product, special tables will help or mobile applications, which will calculate the calories of the daily diet and the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it.

2 day

Everything is the opposite. Minimum protein, maximum carbohydrates. As in the case of proteins, calculate the amount of carbohydrates you need in grams using the formula 4 times the desired weight in kg. Again, for the desired weight, we take 60 kg. According to our formula, you need 240 grams of complex carbohydrates for the whole day (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, flour products).

We reduce proteins to a minimum (up to 1.5 gr.), But the last meal should be strictly protein (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir). Fat - about 25 grams per day.

3 day

Minimum carbs, maximum protein. In the fitness diet menu, the diet of the third day is made up of white lean poultry or fish, that is, it is built on protein products. Feel free to include sour-milk products, cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses. In the form of a small amount of carbohydrates, you can eat baked potatoes, boiled rice, stewed or sauerkraut, coleslaw with herbs without oil and salt. Fruits should be included in the diet every day. For dessert: baked apples and pears.

Day 4

This fitness diet day - averaged. The menu of our diet should contain approximately the same amount of carbohydrates and proteins: 2-3 and 2-2.5 grams per kilogram of weight. Daily norm: no more than 1200 kcal per day!

Alternate every other day, alternately increasing the intake of proteins and carbohydrates, adhering to the protein-carbohydrate balance. The number of meals during the day should be 5.

Summing up:

  • before and after classes in a fitness club, you must eat foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates and excluding fats. The maximum fat content per day should not exceed 25 grams;
  • if it was not possible to eat before the workout, before the lesson you should drink a protein shake or a glass of milk with a low percentage of fat content, eat a serving of fruit;
  • eating after training no later than two hours;
  • it is better to replace white rice with brown varieties, drink only fresh juices, buy lean meat and low-fat dairy products, and replace fried foods with boiled, stewed or steamed ones;
  • do not forget to drink water (about 2 liters per day);
  • strictly follow all the rules of the chosen fitness diet.

Now you know about proper nutrition when doing fitness and you can get the most out of sports positive effect, But remember that a fitness diet can please you with results only on the condition that physical activity is regular, and not only during the period of food restrictions.

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Prepared for the site "Be in shape"

Every fitness fan knows that during intense sports it is unacceptable to cut the diet to hungry days, as most diets require. Therefore, in order to achieve ideal weight in addition to strong muscles, sports nutritionists have developed their own fitness diet for girls that does not cause starvation or dehydration.


Fitness diet for weight loss is built on the principle of "4-3-2-1". These numbers indicate the proportions of products that need to be taken every day, and indicate proteins, fibers, complex carbohydrates and proteins, respectively.

Group "4" or proteins - occupies a large share of the daily diet of a fitness diet for girls (4 parts). Proteins are essential for maintaining and building muscle mass.

For one serving of proteins, you can have 150 g of skinless chicken breast, 200 g of lean fish, about the same amount of seafood, 180 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 g of tofu, or 6 egg whites.

Group "3" or dietary fiber is the fruit and vegetable component of the fitness diet, which accounts for 3 parts. One such serving can be 250 g of any salad, a couple of medium apples or oranges, one medium banana or grapefruit, or 250 g of vegetables.

Group 2 or complex carbohydrates are the two parts of the diet, which include cereals and whole grain bread. One serving can include five tablespoons of any boiled cereal or 50 g of bran or whole grain bread.

Group “1” or healthy fats are the most nutritious part of the diet, which can be 30 g of any unsalted seeds or nuts, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, vegetable oil added to a salad, or just sea fish oil.

Secrets of losing weight on a fitness diet

The diet of the fitness diet for weight loss, which we describe below, is designed for women who work out in the gym at least three times a week. A loss excess weight occurs smoothly and without returning to the previous parameters.

A fitness diet for girls involves fractional nutrition: five or six small portions a day that do not cause a feeling of overeating, but do not allow a feeling of hunger either. To make it easier for the body to cope with the new regimen, it is recommended to eat at the same time.

Fluid is an important part of the diet, as dehydration is far worse than food restriction. You need to drink at least two liters of water, although some of this volume can be replenished with green tea.

The composition of dishes should not include an appetite stimulant - spices, smoked meats, sauces, artificial flavor enhancers. Ideally, during the fitness diet for weight loss, you should learn to feel the true needs of your body for food and not eat when hunger is already satisfied.

A more stringent version of the fitness diet prohibits eating protein foods five hours before a workout, and fat-carbohydrate foods and fiber three hours before. An hour before classes, fluid intake is stopped, including during physical activity. After you have worked in the gym, you can not drink for about an hour and eat for about three hours. But before following such a strict regime, it is worth consulting with your trainer.

Fitness diet menu

If you are going to go on a fitness diet for girls, you can create your own menu by following the 4-3-2-1 rule. But if you like accurate counting and clear instructions in everything, try following the special fitness diet menu, which is designed for 14 days.

For breakfast, one yolk and two proteins are used, 100 g of oatmeal, 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of orange juice. For second breakfast, you need to chop fruit salad with low-fat yogurt (you can combine). For lunch, eat 100 g of boiled chicken and rice, as well as a serving of green salad. At noon, the Fitness Diet menu offers baked potatoes and yogurt. For dinner, we prepare 200 g of fish, a salad of greens and vegetables, and for a snack - an apple.

The morning starts with two eggs, 100 g of porridge, a glass of low-fat milk and any amount of fruit. For the second breakfast we eat 50 g of cottage cheese and drink a glass of carrot juice. For lunch, a salad of 200 g of chicken and one boiled potato is prepared, plus an apple for a snack. For an afternoon snack, we have a snack of yogurt and any fruit. Dinner consists of 150 g of fish, a glass of boiled beans and a vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil.

2 eggs, 100g oatmeal and 200g strawberries will start your day. For a second breakfast, the fitness diet menu offers one banana and 100 g of cottage cheese. For lunch - 200 g of fish, 100 g of rice and vegetable salad. This is followed by a snack of yogurt and fruit. For dinner - 100 g of turkey, a glass of corn and vegetable salad.

For the first breakfast, the fitness diet menu recommends 100 g of oatmeal, a glass of milk and grapefruit. For a snack - a banana and 100 g of cottage cheese. For lunch - 50 g of rice and 150 g of chicken. For the second snack - vegetable juice and wheat bran. For dinner, we prepare 150 g of beef and a glass of boiled corn.

In the morning, a fitness diet for girls recommends 100 g of oatmeal, scrambled eggs, juice and peach. For a second breakfast - only 100 g of rice and a glass of vegetable juice. For lunch - 100 g of turkey and an apple. For an afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese and vegetable salad. For dinner - 100 g of chicken and vegetable salad.

    • The dream of many women is to have a beautiful fit athletic figure. And with the approach of the beach season, many of us are seriously thinking about how to remove extra pounds and centimeters from the waist. Some are looking for the perfect nutrition for weight loss, someone gets a club card to the fitness room and signs up for group workouts, because sports activities improve mood, relieve fatigue, burn calories and tone our muscles.
        • However, with the help of physical activity alone, we will not get closer to the figure of our dreams, it is also necessary to eat right. You should not resort to express diets, you should have the strength for both training and regular pastime, and the body should have enough nutrients for its normal life.
        • Now many people eat only twice a day, while skipping breakfast or drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. Eating irregularly, our body does not know when the next meal will come, and it insures itself by creating reserves for “hungry time” in the form of fat deposits, so hated by us. Thus, the metabolism begins to slow down, and we put on weight.
        • Let's first understand why people still need food? Everything is not so complicated here. We need food to meet the basic needs of the body. There are only two of them: energy supply (if we draw an analogy between a person and a car, then this is gasoline) and plastic supply (auto parts).
        • Our food consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. We need proteins only for plastic support. Carbohydrates are required for the energy supply of the body, and fats are required for both plastic and energy supply. Therefore, fats cannot be completely excluded from the diet, the hormonal system will cease to function normally, cells will not be built, our nails and hair can become dull and brittle.
        • Go ahead. Carbohydrates are fast and slow, they are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates (this is sugar, glucose), entering the body, are immediately absorbed. Glucose enters the blood, and the biochemical level of the blood changes. If it is rough, then it becomes thicker and sweeter. It is harder for the heart to pump such blood, which means that its level needs to be normalized. When a lot of glucose comes in at once, it needs to be removed somewhere. And where does the body put it, especially if such a huge amount of energy is not required now? Of course, in the fat depot. That is why you should not eat chocolate in the evening, even if you did not eat anything during the day. After all, you will get 300 calories, 150 of which will be deposited in fat reserves. You can't eat anything, you need to eat right!
        • Unfortunately, for many, there is no one proven and effective nutrition plan that works for everyone. Everyone has their own characteristics of the body, their taste preferences and it is simply impossible to choose a diet that would suit everyone. And yet you can identify the basic rules of proper nutrition. There are few of them.

The dream of many women is to have a beautiful fit athletic figure. And with the approach of the beach season, many of us are seriously thinking about how to remove extra pounds and centimeters from the waist. Some are looking for the perfect nutrition for weight loss, someone gets a club card to the fitness room and signs up for group workouts, because sports activities improve mood, relieve fatigue, burn calories and tone our muscles.

However, with the help of physical activity alone, we will not get closer to the figure of our dreams, it is also necessary to eat right. You should not resort to express diets, you should have the strength for both training and regular pastime, and the body should have enough nutrients for its normal life.

Say No to Express Diets

Now many people eat only twice a day, while skipping breakfast or drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. Eating irregularly, our body does not know when the next meal will come, and it insures itself by creating reserves for “hungry time” in the form of fat deposits, so hated by us. Thus, the metabolism begins to slow down, and we put on weight.


Let's first understand why people still need food? Everything is not so complicated here. We need food to meet the basic needs of the body. There are only two of them: energy supply (if we draw an analogy between a person and a car, then this is gasoline) and plastic supply (auto parts).

Our food consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. We need proteins only for plastic support. Carbohydrates are required for the energy supply of the body, and fats are required for both plastic and energy supply. Therefore, fats cannot be completely excluded from the diet, the hormonal system will cease to function normally, cells will not be built, our nails and hair can become dull and brittle.

Go ahead. Carbohydrates are fast and slow, they are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates (this is sugar, glucose), entering the body, are immediately absorbed. Glucose enters the blood, and the biochemical level of the blood changes. If it is rough, then it becomes thicker and sweeter. It is harder for the heart to pump such blood, which means that its level needs to be normalized. When a lot of glucose comes in at once, it needs to be removed somewhere. And where does the body put it, especially if such a huge amount of energy is not required now? Of course, in the fat depot. That is why you should not eat chocolate in the evening, even if you did not eat anything during the day. After all, you will get 300 calories, 150 of which will be deposited in fat reserves. You can't eat anything, you need to eat right!


Unfortunately, for many, there is no one proven and effective nutrition plan that works for everyone. Everyone has their own characteristics of the body, their taste preferences and it is simply impossible to choose a diet that would suit everyone. And yet you can identify the basic rules of proper nutrition. There are few of them.

8 rules of fitness nutrition for women



We eat every 3-4 hours in small portions. This will help the food to be easily digested and avoid fluctuations in blood sugar levels. And you will not experience excruciating hunger throughout the day.


Never skip breakfast! He is the key to our success towards the dream figure! Breakfast activates all body systems to work, having a full breakfast in the morning, you will be full of energy and be able to keep your weight normal, do not reach for chocolates and sweets during the working day, you will not be obsessed with hunger in the late evening.


Get enough lean protein. The best foods containing protein are fat-free cottage cheese, fish, chicken breast, tofu.


When composing your diet, give preference to complex carbohydrates, reducing the number of simple ones to a minimum. This will help to spend all the energy received on the work of the muscles, and not on the deposition of excess fat reserves.


Eat only healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated). They are found in flaxseed oil, nuts (we eat in moderation, because they are very high in calories), avocados, red fish, fatty dairy products.


It is important to drink 2-3 liters of water during the day. During training, you should not refuse a glass of water, dehydration of the body should not be allowed.


Avoid junk food (chips, crackers, fast food), convenience foods, processed foods, and sugary soda.


We replace sweets with dried fruits. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes and other dried fruits are not inferior in their sweetness to cakes and pastries, and are still useful!

And now we will analyze what and how to eat if you go to training in the evening after a working day.


If you have a desire to lose weight and you train in the evening, then I recommend eating two to three hours before training - a regular meal that includes complex carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, durum wheat pasta) or whole grain bread and protein (eggs, fish, poultry).

If you do not have time to eat 2 hours before, then 40 minutes before training, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt or kefir. These products will be quickly digested and will give the body the necessary portion of protein for muscles. You can also eat fruit.


It is important to choose the time and foods so that you do not feel heaviness from eating during classes and you have enough strength and energy during and after training.

During training, it is recommended to drink water in small portions.

After a workout, our body is in fat burning mode, and proteins are required to restore the muscles that we have given a load. So we can drink protein cocktail(which you can buy at the bar of your gym) or eat cottage cheese. But fats and carbohydrates in the evening should be feared: they will give us extra calories and energy.

Proper nutrition is certainly not easy, it requires a habit that is not developed immediately. But you should not come up with excuses that proper nutrition is not tasty, that there is no time to cook, now there are a lot of useful and useful things on the Internet. delicious recipes! Do not be lazy, watch what you eat, because 80% of success is nutrition, and 20% is training!