How to water eggplant wither leaves. Why do eggplant leaves turn yellow and what to do about it? Video “10 commandments for growing eggplant”

Like other nightshade crops, eggplant is a heat-loving plant that does not like high humidity and sudden changes in temperature. It is these factors that most often cause eggplant diseases, and their treatment becomes necessary.

It is worth saying that peppers, tomatoes and eggplant have common diseases, so crop rotation should be observed so that the diseases of these crops are not inherited.

Eggplant: diseases and their control

Fungal diseases of eggplant

The most common disease of eggplant seedlings, as well as seedlings of other crops, is blackleg. The fungus lives in the soil, and under favorable conditions moves to the stem at the point of contact with the soil, clogs the vessels and blocks the nutrition of the plant. The root section of the stem darkens, after which a constriction occurs, the stem becomes thin, rots, the plant falls and dies.

Prevention and treatment of black leg on eggplant seedlings

Since the fungus lives in the soil, it must be disinfected before sowing the seeds. Avoid high soil moisture, acidic soils, dense plantings, insufficient lighting, sudden temperature changes, and do not overfeed seedlings with nitrogen fertilizers.

It is possible to cure the black leg of eggplant if the fungus has not severely damaged the culture, otherwise it is advisable to get rid of the seedlings. If you notice only a few diseased plants, remove them with a clod of earth, and be sure to add fungicides to the soil in the form of tablets, powders (Gliocladin), or in the form of water-soluble preparations (Fitosporin, Alirin, Gamair, Planriz, HOM, Previkur). In the absence of preparations, at least shed the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or sprinkle it with coal, ash, or better, a mixture of coal / ash with river sand.

Eggplant late blight disease

Phytophthora is the main enemy of all nightshade crops. At first, this disease affects eggplant leaves - characteristic brown-red spots appear on them with a light green border, quickly spreading to the stem and fruits. Symptoms are aggravated by high humidity (morning fogs), sudden changes in temperature, dense plantings - a white coating appears on the back of the leaves, and in dry weather they dry out. brown-brown, vague spots form on fruits and peduncles. Eggplant late blight can catch a plant at any growing season.

Prevention and treatment of eggplant late blight

After the autumn harvest of the nightshade, all the tops of the nightshade must be disposed of as a possible source of the fungus. It has been noticed that if late blight has affected potatoes and tomatoes, in ten to fifteen days it will reach eggplants. For the prevention of eggplant late blight, alternative methods can be used. For example, spraying with garlic tincture (200 grams of crushed garlic is infused for several days in three liters of water, diluted with water 50/50 immediately before treatment), spraying with whey diluted with water 50/50. If you are not a fan of organic farming, you can use fungicides to prevent eggplant late blight.

Late blight treatment without fungicides is unlikely to be successful. To do this, use a Bordeaux mixture or 0.2% solution of copper sulphate, Quadris, Antracol, Consento preparations. But keep in mind that after spraying with these preparations, you can eat eggplant no earlier than 10 days later. Sprinkling with ordinary ash slows down the growth of late blight spots.

eggplant disease sclerotinia

White rot of eggplant, or sclerotinia, first settles on the root system of the plant, since the fungus lives in the ground. In the future, a white coating begins to appear on the stem, and seals form inside the stem - sclerotia. Over time, these seals soften, the access of food to the plant slows down. Dark wet spots appear on the leaves and fruits, the fruit becomes watery, soft, with time - slimy, covered with white spots. Later, black sclerotia appear on the fruits. Most often, this eggplant disease affects young plantings, especially if the seedlings were planted in cold waterlogged soil. By the way, it is from the white rot of eggplant that fruits most often suffer during storage.

Prevention and treatment of eggplant sclerotinia

Since sclerotia can live in the soil for up to 10 years, pay great attention to preparing the soil for planting. Contributes to the development of white rot fog, frequent rains, high humidity during thickened plantings.

Treatment of white rot eggplant consists in removing the affected parts of plants and dusting the cut points with wood ash. You can also use traditional fungicides - copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid. To support a diseased plant, it is advisable to feed eggplants with complex mineral fertilizers, ventilate greenhouses, and keep the garden clean.

Eggplant disease Alternaria (gray rot)

Alternariosis of eggplant on the leaves appears as round brown spots, on the fruits as "wet" depressed spots, increasing in area. Later they merge and soften. The color of the affected areas of the fetus is from olive gray to black. This fungus is transmitted through plant debris, sometimes through insects, lives in the ground for about two years. Most often, this type of rot affects eggplants in places of minor damage - mechanical, cracks, burns, etc. The ideal conditions for the development of eggplant Alternariosis are high temperature and humidity. Eggplants growing at the bottom of the bush, as well as late-ripening and mid-ripening varieties, are most prone to gray rot.

Prevention and treatment of eggplant gray rot

The main preventive measure is the disposal of all plant residues, soil disinfection, crop rotation, timely weed control and greenhouse ventilation. Treatment of eggplant gray rot consists in the treatment with fungicides - copper sulfate, Fitosporin, Trichodermin, colloidal sulfur, HOM, Antrakol, Horus. In this case, it is recommended to dry the soil a little.

Fusarium eggplant disease

Among tracheomycotic wilting eggplant The causative agent of fusarium wilt of eggplant brings the greatest harm, and we will pay attention to it. It should be noted that another causative agent of tracheomycosis wilt, which causes verticillium, is also quite common, but causes less damage to eggplant plantings, and its symptoms and treatment are similar to Fusarium.

This is mainly greenhouse eggplant disease, manifested during the period of mass fruiting. Pathogenic fungi penetrate from contaminated soil into the stem, cause blockage of blood vessels and release toxins, due to which toxicosis develops in plants. The latter manifests itself in the form of necrosis on the leaves, withering of the eggplant, starting from the top. Eggplant leaves curl, turn yellow, dry out. It is also possible for fungus spores to penetrate through mechanical damage to the fruit. Fusarium is activated at a temperature in the region of 22-26 degrees against the background of high humidity. Often this fungal disease of eggplant in a greenhouse takes on a chronic character, depleting plants and reducing their productivity.

Prevention and treatment of fusarium eggplant

These pathogenic fungi are resistant to most fungicides, so all the forces of the gardener should be directed to the prevention of the disease. So, it is necessary to grow varieties that are resistant to eggplant wilt, in case of fixing the disease in previous years, replace all the soil in the greenhouse, disinfect it in a timely manner, and also disinfect the seed material before sowing. If Fusarium is detected, the plant is recommended to remove the entire affected plant, treat the rest of the plants and the soil with preparations of the benzimidazole group.

Eggplant disease cercosporosis (cercospora leaf spot)

At first, this fungal eggplant leaf disease, stems, stalks - small chlorotic spots of a round shape appear on them, which grow over time, can stretch, the leaf tissue dies. If the weather is humid outside, eggplant cercosporosis will appear in the form of sporulation spots. Due to the reduction of the photosynthetic surface of the leaves, the fruits grow small, underdeveloped. The mode of transmission of this disease to eggplant is by spores during the growing season, through irrigation water, wind or garden tools. In plant residues, it can survive up to a year. Eggplant cercosporosis, caused by Cercosporosa physalidis, is also dangerous for physalis and pepper.

Prevention and treatment of eggplant cercospros

Prevention of this eggplant leaf disease consists in the correct crop rotation, utilization of plant residues, ensuring low humidity. It is also necessary to ensure that during watering the droplets do not fall on the eggplant leaves. Treatment can be carried out with Bordeaux liquid and other traditional fungicides. The resistance of the culture to this fungal disease increases significantly when complex mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil.

Eggplant anthracnose disease

This fungal disease is typical for eggplants in open ground; it is rare in greenhouses. Imperfect fungus Colletotrichum melogena Lob. also poses a danger to pepper and tomato, but can be transmitted by plant residues not only of nightshade, but also of soybean, pumpkin and a number of weeds. Eggplant anthracnose on the leaves appears as oval brown spots, on the fruits - in the form of depressed brown-gray spots that grow and merge, the affected fruit may crack.

Prevention and treatment of eggplant anthracnose

Since this eggplant disease lives in plant debris, less often in soil and seeds, prevention will consist in cleaning plant residues from the garden, preventing the neighborhood of nightshade and pumpkin in anthracnose-prone farms.

The fight against eggplant anthracnose disease is carried out by treating plants with a solution of HOM 0.3-0.4% concentration.

Phomopsis eggplant disease (dry rot of eggplant)

Dry rot is more common in outdoor plants, but also occurs in greenhouses. This eggplant disease can manifest itself at the stage of the first entrances - the seedlings turn brown and rot. In mature seedlings, phomopsis has the appearance of a wet ring rot on the basal section of the stem. Brown rounded spots with a light center begin to form on the veins of the leaves, which are soon covered with black dots. On the fruits of eggplant, phomopsis appears as dry, depressed brown spots with black dots of spores, which become slimy over time. As a result, the fruits rot, starting from the base, covered with spots - brown at the edges and light in the center, the spots grow until they cover the entire fruit. Eventually, the flesh of the eggplant turns into a soft rot covered with black dots of mushrooms in the form of concentric rings. Phomopsis can appear on eggplants and during transportation.

Prevention and treatment of dry rot of eggplant

pathogenic fungus causing phomopsis eggplant stored in seeds and plant debris. Favorable conditions for its development are hot weather, accompanied by high humidity. Thus, prevention consists in the removal of plant residues, the use of varieties resistant to Phomopsis, the disinfection of seeds before sowing.

Treatment of dry rot of eggplant can be carried out with a Bordeaux mixture, as well as fungicides based on chlorotolonil, mancozeb, prochlorase, carbendazim.

Bacterial diseases of eggplant

Bacterial blotch of eggplant

Spotting is caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas vericatoria. It is possible that this manifestation eggplant diseases in the greenhouse just like in open ground. It affects all organs of the plant in any period of vegetation: leaves are covered with small black spots with a yellow border, stems and petioles - with oblong spots, fruits - with convex dots with watery edges. The latter eventually grow to a huge size and turn into ulcers. The disease is activated at temperatures above 25 degrees and high humidity. Bacteria are stored in plant debris and seeds, penetrating into fruits through microtraumas, and into leaves through stomata.

Prevention and treatment of bacterial spot of eggplant

The main safety measure is to use treated seeds, observe crop rotation and burn plant residues.

If young seedlings survive after being hit by bacterial spot, they will no longer give a good harvest. Treatment is usually not successful. All that can be recommended is to destroy the affected fruits and keep the garden clean.

Virus diseases of eggplant

Eggplant mosaics - tobacco, cucumber, common

Among viral diseases of eggplant most often found tobacco mosaic (Tabacco mosaic virus), although it is possible that other mosaics - common (speckled) and cucumber - are also affected. The infection lives in plant debris, it enters plants through inventory (during transplantation, picks) or through insects (aphids, whiteflies, thrips). Much less often, this viral eggplant disease is transmitted through the soil. The symptoms of mosaic on eggplants are as follows: at first, light spots of a characteristic mosaic shape form along the leaves, which increase and die. Fruits on cultures affected by the virus grow ugly, underdeveloped.

Eggplant disease phytoplasmosis

Phytoplasmosis, or stolbur, affects tomatoes, eggplants, grapes, peppers, potatoes, as well as a number of weeds. This viral disease is more typical for open ground, although in the second half of summer it can also affect greenhouse plantations. It appears on all organs of culture: the leaves grow small, pale, with a purple tint; flowers - deformed, with fused, discolored petals, underdeveloped stamens and a shortened pistil; stem - sclerotic or lignified; fruits are small, hard, ugly, with few seeds. This virus is transmitted mainly by leafhoppers. By the way, this eggplant disease outwardly strongly resembles spider mite damage, but the symptoms are much more pronounced.

Prevention and treatment of eggplant diseases of a viral nature

As you know, diseases of a viral nature are practically not subject to treatment, so all the efforts of summer residents should be aimed at prevention. To do this, in farms that are unfavorable in terms of stolbur and mosaic, it is recommended to treat plants with insecticides, starting from seedling age (viruses are spread by insects). To do this, you can use Aktara, Mospilan, Konfidor. It is also necessary to destroy weeds - breeding grounds for insects, and treat the plots and the adjacent territory with Aktellik, Fufanon, Decis, etc. means. Plants affected by the virus are removed from the plots and burned. And, of course, clean planting material should be used, equipment should be disinfected, seed material should be treated before sowing.

Thus, eggplant diseases most often occur when pre-sowing activities are ignored, on clogged beds, and also in hot, humid years. Eggplant diseases and their treatment will cost the gardener much more than simple preventive measures. Do not spare diseased seedlings, do not thicken the plantings, treat the seeds - and the harvest will surely please you.

Usually, yellowness on the leaves of plants is a sign of improper care or the development of a fungal disease. In the absence of competent actions on the part of the summer resident, the seedlings will die. Therefore, it is important to know why the leaves wither and how to prevent this. That is what our article today is about.

The green part of the seedling withers for many reasons. Knowing them, you can understand how to solve the problem.

Too much sunlight

Eggplants require sunlight, but too much often leads to wilting of the leaves. It is easy to detect if the green part of the plants begins to "come to life" in cloudy weather. To avoid this problem, eggplants are grown where direct sunlight falls only in the morning or evening.

soil acidification

Soil acidification occurs with frequent watering. As a result, moisture stagnates on the surface, which causes the plants to wilt. To prevent the problem, the soil is regularly loosened, dolomite flour is added to it - it lowers the acidity of the soil, reduces the risk of the spread of rot and mold.

Temperature changes

One of the main mistakes of novice gardeners is the early picking of seedlings into the ground. With a sharp change in temperature, the vegetable crop begins to fade, and dies during night frosts. Therefore, seedlings are planted in the garden when stable warm weather is established, and the soil warms up to + 15 ° C.


Most often, eggplant affects fungal diseases.:

  1. verticillium wilt. Usually provoked by a large amount of nitrogen fertilizers. Signs of the disease - wilting from the edges of the leaves gradually moves to the center.
  2. Fusarium wilt. The leaves wither, dry, then this process covers the entire plant. The reasons are increased humidity, acidity of the soil, temperature more than + 25 ° C.

With the defeat of most of the culture get rid of diseased plants so that the disease does not spread to other bushes.

Wilting immediately after transplanting seedlings

The process of withering immediately after picking seedlings associated with the adaptation of culture to new conditions. To help the eggplants tolerate the transplant normally, without experiencing stress, work is carried out in warm but cloudy weather. Seedlings are pre-hardened, taking out into the open air.

Why do eggplant leaves wither in a greenhouse

Many gardeners grow eggplants in a greenhouse: there are no drafts or sharp temperature fluctuations. Despite this, often the leaves of plants begin to fade. This happens for various reasons.:

  1. High humidity. Since the space in the greenhouse is very limited, the water during evaporation gradually increases the humidity level to levels that are unacceptable for the crop (above 75%).
  2. Wrong watering. If the humidity level in the greenhouse is increased, eggplants need less water.
  3. Lack of air. Due to the limited space in the greenhouse, young seedlings simply do not have enough oxygen. Therefore, they create high-quality ventilation, regularly airing the room.

In the open field

When cultivating in the open field, vegetables wither with improper care: lack of light, too frequent or rare, non-observance of crop rotation.

Advice. Eggplants are planted only where perennial grasses, peas, cucumbers were previously grown, and only after at least three years.

Fungal diseases cause leaf wilt. In this case, the green mass first slowly turns yellow, then fades and falls off, the bushes themselves die.

Why do the leaves of the seedlings wither

If the leaves wither during the day, and in the morning or evening they are in a normal state, then this is how the plant reacts to the sun's rays. When the process is delayed, despite good watering, regular feeding and weather conditions, wilting is provoked by such factors:

How to save the harvest

Methods of struggle depend on the cause wilting occurs:

  1. If wilting started after planting, it is usually caused by plant adaptation. Within 1-2 weeks, the eggplant will get stronger.
  2. The culture is planted when it is warm but cloudy outside. To reduce the stress of the bushes, at first the bed is shaded.
  3. Eggplants are afraid of sudden temperature fluctuations, so they are planted when the threat of frost has passed.
  4. The problem of stagnant water is solved by regularly loosening the soil, adding dolomite flour to it.

Other methods will help in the fight against fungal infections. Against verticillium wilt, beds are more often weeded, weeds are removed, and plantings are not overfed with nitrogen fertilizers. To avoid damage by Fusarium, the culture is moistened in moderation.

If the seedlings are still sick, they are processed"Vitaros" or "Previkur".

Prevention measures

To prevent leaf wilt comply with the basic rules of agricultural cultivation of crops:

Landings are regularly inspected in order to notice signs of damage in time.. When symptoms of fungal diseases are detected, plants are treated with special preparations.

Advice. Eggplant is a fairly demanding crop, so it is important to create comfortable conditions for growing it.

In many ways, the choice of variety helps to avoid wilting of leaves. suitable for cultivation in the region, taking into account its climate and weather conditions.

This culture is demanding on the soil: Grows best in sandy or loamy soils. In other cases, it grows more slowly, gives a small crop, and requires more careful care.

Many summer residents do not grow seedlings in peat pots: despite the fact that they provide plants with nutrients, seedlings in them often wither.

When planting eggplants in open ground, it is impossible:

  • thicken plants: this will not only lead to wilting of the leaves, but also significantly reduce yields;
  • dry the bushes;
  • loosen the soil deeply so as not to damage the roots.

For prevention, all tools and containers are disinfected to store seedlings.


Leaf wilt is a common problem in aubergine cultivation. It is associated with improper care for a capricious crop (insufficient shading of plantings, frequent watering, an excess of fertilizers, unsuitable soil composition), and disease damage.

It is important to observe the agricultural technology of growing plants, regularly inspect seedlings in order to start "resuscitation" measures in time.

Do not exclude wilting of the leaves, as a consequence of plant transplantation. Since the conditions for growing in pots at home and in the ground in a greenhouse are different, the plant must go through a period of adaptation and acclimatization. After the eggplant takes root in the newest soil, the leaves will again become jaunty and greenish.

Why eggplant leaves wither Eggplant diseases


Nina Kurlykova wrote: Thank you for all your videos. Last year, for the first time, such a story happened to all eggplant plants. The neighbor has the same. I was not too lazy and did this procedure. After cooking kebabs, black coals remained. Their bucket has accumulated - 10 liters. Turned these coals into powder. With all my heart I took a handful and pollinated all eggplant plants right from below and from above along the leaves. Of course it hit the ground. I saved my eggplants. They weighed up to 500g and I have never collected such an abundance. And I have been growing eggplant for 20 years. The varieties were different. I agree with you, I did not process the seeds when sowing. This is the exact reason. Since I planted my eggplants on a warm bed after growing cucumbers. But the neighbor's plants are gone. All great harvests.

Natalia Gerasichkina wrote: Natasha! Thanks for the detailed answer.

Natalia Ivushina writes: Natalya, at first white spots appeared on my eggplant seedlings - as if sprinkled with ash. Then these spots began to darken, and holes appeared in the leaves (if you look at the light). Is this also root rot?

Elya Sh writes: Here, please look at the profile photo of the plant, it is good and the harvest is very weak

Lena Kaptyug writes: Hello))) Will trichodermin go under the root?? This is all we have so far))) Glyocladin has not been met with us at all)))

Also, the composition of the earth can become a prerequisite for wilting. Eggplant grows well on crumbly soil with the highest content of mineral and organic fertilizers. With all this, they do not take root very well in the beds where tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers used to grow.

Why do seedling leaves wither. Site "Garden world"


Larisa Kuryata wrote: thanks for the video! my tomatoes now have such a problem: there are a lot of fruits, but the leaves began to dry, the dry ones turn brown. Why? All summer this was not the case, but as the tomatoes began to ripen, the bush dries up. I water moderately, there is no lack of moisture. HELP!

Taisiya Sumlinova writes: Is it possible to combine gliocladin and phytolavin?

Natalia Ivushina writes: Thank you very much for the video and for saying specifically the names of the drugs. After all, now there are a lot of things around and you don’t even know what to choose. Thanks again.

Luba Tsaplina writes: According to smart people: 80% of diseases of vegetable crops are transmitted with planting seeds and only the remaining 20% ​​can get through the soil. Be sure to disinfect the seeds before sowing. The best way is heat treatment.

winter2066 wrote: Thanks for the video! Like!

The yellowness of the leaves indicates a lack of sun, water or fertilizer. Eggplants are demanding on the sun, the lack of light and heat plays a negative role in their growth, it does not matter in a greenhouse or in open ground, which does not happen in our latitudes, they grow.

With proper watering and sufficient lighting and warmth, include a nitrogen component in top dressing. Processed with products to restore the vital activity of plants. For these purposes, many use Epin, which is able to resurrect drooping seedlings. Or Kornevin, damage to the roots causes a lack of nutrients, the leaves turn yellow Kornevin restores the roots. Eggplants do not have adventitious roots; loosening the earth requires accuracy.



Anastasia Shkura

Anastasia Shkura writes: Nowhere can I find information about what is happening with my eggplants. White and striped varieties turn yellow, but not the leaves, but the fruits themselves, and green stripes appeared on the classic purple varieties. The leaves look healthy, do not turn yellow, do not dry. What happens to them?

Spotting on the foliage also occurs due to viral diseases: speckled, cucumber and tobacco mosaic. In order to avoid the appearance of these eggplant ailments, care should be taken to competent crop rotation, regular control of weeds and the remains of other plants. It is important to observe the temperature regime of water, air, soil, not to overmoisten the ground.

Unfortunately, eggplant is a very vulnerable vegetable. He has many enemies, such as tobacco mosaic and late blight. In the fight against them, the preparations "Fitosporin" and "Zircon" have proven themselves well. Preventive watering with solutions of these products will help protect eggplant from late blight and tobacco mosaic. And pre-sowing treatment of the soil with preparations containing copper will neutralize the earth.

Eggplants often suffer from Fusarium. This fungal disease is detrimental to the plant. The fungus, penetrating into the culture through the root, affects the entire vascular system. This is why eggplants turn yellow in a greenhouse. This is the first sign of Fusarium. Then the leaves wither and fall off. Because the vascular system is affected, it will not be possible to save the plant. On the transverse section of the stem, you can see a change in the color of the vascular ring - it becomes brown, and on the root neck there is a pinkish coating of fungal spores. Infected seeds may be the cause of the problem. In this case, you will need to change them. Failure to comply with agricultural practices for growing eggplant can also cause various viral infections. Therefore, the fight against them includes not only the treatment of crops with drugs, but also various agricultural practices. How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse without viral diseases? Let's try to understand what preventive measures should be taken.

Slugs can also harm your crop, damaging not only the leaves, but also the fruits of plants. For prevention, the furrows are treated with slaked lime or a mixture of ash with lime and tobacco, ground into dust. Also, plant bushes are pollinated with ground pepper.

Having decided to plant eggplants in your greenhouse, you must take care of disease prevention in advance. Then you, most likely, will be able to avoid yellowing of the leaves, and their wrapping, and even insect attacks. After all, it is not for nothing that many consider the cultivation of eggplant an exam for gardeners.

Growing eggplant. Control of eggplant diseases.


Svetlana Tyryshkina

Olga Ogorod wrote: Thanks for the clarification. Using your advice for the first time in my life in the suburbs, I eat eggplant.

Svetlana Tyryshkina writes: what is the secret? why don't you say how you process eggplants now?

If the eggplant leaves turn yellow, then the first thing to do is to identify the cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon. And there are many reasons why eggplant leaves turn yellow: lack of certain minerals, problems with watering, diseases and pests. Naturally, in each case, the option of saving the plant will be different. We will talk today about what to do if the eggplant leaves turn yellow.

Eggplant leaves turn yellow: possible causes

Eggplant leaves turning yellow

If this is the only alarming symptom, it is most likely a normal biological process. Often lower leaves of eggplant seedlings turn yellow after transplanting to the "permanent" - this is an adequate reaction of the plant to a stressful situation. Eggplant, directs all forces to maintain the top of the plant in a viable state, while sacrificing the lower leaves.

Another option is that they have grown old, cannot fully cope with the functions of photosynthesis, and the plant gets rid of them. In this case, you can carefully remove the lower leaves.

Yellowing of the lower leaves is also possible in very dense plantings - since the leaves do not receive light, the plant “does not see” the need for their maintenance, and gets rid of it.

And yellowing of the lower leaves of eggplant is also possible due to problems with the roots: insect pests gnawed, moisture stagnation, root rot, etc.

Leaves turn yellow due to diseases

Usually, all kinds of fungal diseases appear on the leaves of eggplant in the form of spots, and not the entire yellowing of the leaf plate, so diseases are easier to identify. For example, with late blight, brown spots appear on eggplant leaves with a light green border; with alternariosis - small brown spots, which eventually necrotic; with cercosporosis - small chlorotic spots of a round shape, which turn brown over time; with anthracnose - oval brown spots on eggplant leaves; with bacterial spotting, the leaves are covered with small black spots with a yellow border.

Phytophthora on eggplant
Alternaria on eggplant Cercosporosis on eggplant

However, with tracheomycosis wilts (fusarium, verticillium), which are usually found on eggplants in greenhouses, the leaves turn yellow, starting from the edge of the leaf plate, curl and dry out. This is very similar to the potassium or calcium starvation of eggplant. Pathogenic fungi cause blockage of blood vessels and release toxins, which causes toxicosis in plants. Fusarium and verticillium often become chronic, depleting the eggplant and reducing its productivity.

Verticillium on eggplant

Fusarium on eggplant

To eliminate the possibility of fusarium or verticillium, first feed the eggplant with potash top dressing (read below). It didn’t help - remove the affected specimens (there will be little sense from them, but you will save healthy plants), and treat healthy ones with drugs from the benzimidazole group.

Another eggplant disease that can be confused with a lack of magnesium is mosaic (in the case of eggplant, it is more often tobacco, but ordinary or cucumber is possible). With mosaic virus eggplant leaves turn yellow spots irregular, acute-angled shape. At first, light, yellow-green spots appear along the leaf blades, then spread to the entire leaf, increase and become necrotic over time. Fruits on such cultures grow ugly, underdeveloped. Viral diseases are not treated - plants are removed and burned so that the infection does not spread.

This is what a tobacco mosaic looks like on an eggplant
And so - the lack of magnesium

How do you know if an eggplant is infected with mosaic virus and not magnesium deficient? First, the plant is treated on a leaf with a weak solution of magnesium nitrate or a universal microfertilizer. If after a week there are no positive changes, then the matter is in the virus.

Eggplant leaves turn yellow due to lack of myrrh and macronutrients

Eggplant is a rather difficult crop in terms of feeding. It is very demanding on nitrogen, quite demanding on potassium, and relatively undemanding on phosphorus.

Before you know why eggplant leaves turn yellow and what to do about it , let's remember how it generally needs to be fed and fertilized. 15-20 days after transplanting the seedlings to the "permanent" it is fed with a full complex fertilizer (for a bucket of water - 2-3 tablespoons, 0.5 liters per bush). When the plants bloom, organic top dressing is applied - either mullein (1:10), or herbal infusion (1:5), or chicken droppings (1:20). And during fruiting, they rely on potash and phosphate fertilizers (ash, superphosphate, potassium salt).

If the eggplant lacks macronutrients, then the lower leaves will turn yellow first, and the young ones will grow inferior (twisted, small, etc.); if there is a deficiency of trace elements - yellowing appears on the upper leaves. Why do exotic borons, molybdenum, copper, manganese, which eggplant needs in tiny doses, have such a strong effect on the plant? The main task of trace elements is the activation of certain enzymatic systems. That is, everything that is connected with the "start" of growth, assimilation, ovary, is the work of microelements. In our soils, microelements are often found in forms that are inaccessible for plant uptake. Most often, gardeners find themselves in such a situation, who decided to get by with compost, litter, ash and other "home" organics, which, as a rule, are poor in trace elements. That is why eggplants need foliar feeding with microelements.

nitrogen deficiency in eggplant

Light green leaves, thin stem, generally puny appearance of the plant indicate nitrogen starvation. In this case, feeding with urea (a tablespoon of water per bucket), as well as mullein (a liter per bucket of water), droppings (half a liter per bucket of water), 0.5 liters for each plant, will help. And to nitrogen deficiency in eggplant replenished faster, carry out foliar feeding with the mentioned fertilizers on the leaf, but in a concentration of 2 times more.

nitrogen deficiency in eggplant

If a single top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers is not enough, you can repeat it with an interval of 2 weeks. But do not overdo it: an excess of nitrogen is also fatal. Plants can begin to fatten: the plant builds up powerful, beautiful greenery, while not in a hurry to tie and pour fruits.

Potassium deficiency in eggplant

With a lack of potassium eggplant leaves turn yellow around the edge , forming at first a yellow, and over time, a shrunken border (marginal leaf burn). At the same time, the leaves can bend up with a boat, and new ones grow small, dense, shriveled, the stems become denser. And even with a potassium deficiency, eggplants have problems with fruit setting and ripening. They solve this problem by adding potassium sulfate, potassium humate, potassium monophosphate, or at least ash (preferably not wood, which has more calcium, but herbal - it has more potassium).

Potassium deficiency in eggplant

By the way, sometimes a potassium deficiency, and therefore yellowing of eggplant leaves, is not associated with a potassium deficiency in the soil, but with the fact that potassium is poorly absorbed at temperatures above 35 degrees. This problem is especially relevant for greenhouses. Therefore, do not forget to ventilate greenhouses, whiten roofs, mulch the soil and do not overfeed with nitrogen.

Phosphorus deficiency in eggplant

If the eggplant leaves are directed upwards, towards the stem - at an acute angle, we are talking about a phosphorus deficiency. The introduction of any phosphorus-containing preparation - both under the root and along the leaf - will correct this situation.

Phosphorus deficiency in eggplant

Zinc deficiency in eggplant

Zinc deficiency can be confused with fungal diseases - Alternaria, cercosporosis - as it manifests itself in the form of brown, grayish spots on the leaves, which eventually become necrotic. Initially, eggplant zinc deficiency appears on the lower leaves, but over time it can also appear on the upper leaves. To compensate for zinc deficiency, zinc sulfate is used for leaf processing along with phosphorus-containing fertilizers.

Micronutrient deficiency in eggplant

Micronutrient deficiencies in eggplant are manifested by various yellowing of the upper leaves, while macronutrient deficiencies affect the lower leaves. So, with a lack of calcium, the tips of young leaves become as if burned, and old leaves darken; with a lack of boron, the eggplants begin to lighten and curl up the upper leaves, the color falls off, the growth points die off, the plant begins to bush; the lack of sulfur in eggplant manifests itself at first in the same way as nitrogen deficiency (yellowing), but only on the upper leaves.

The upper leaves of eggplant also turn yellow from a lack of manganese, iron, chlorine, although this happens less often. We emphasize once again that the shortage of microelements in eggplant is most conveniently compensated by the introduction of a complex organic microfertilizer.

Finally, we note that eggplant leaves sometimes turn not so much yellow as curl. More often this is caused by a lack of moisture, sudden changes in temperature, inept, excessive pinching of eggplant, as well as problems with the root system (pests have worked, stagnant water, root rot, etc.)

So, to summarize: eggplants, which have yellow leaves in the lower part, suffer from a lack of macronutrients; in the apical part - microelements; if yellow spots of all kinds are observed on the leaves - from diseases, and wilting of the leaves indicates problems with the root system or improper watering.

Kira Stoletova

Eggplants belong to the nightshade family. They love heat and die when frosts. Before landing, you should understand the causes of possible diseases. Consider why eggplant leaves dry and how to avoid such a problem?

Why do eggplants dry in a greenhouse

If dryness manifests itself even in the greenhouse, the reason is an insufficient amount of trace elements. The soil is not fertilized, dries up and is poorly moistened.

Stimulates the growth of eggplant nitrogen. This element is responsible for the normal development of vegetable crops. And with its lack, even if it is properly watered, given normal lighting and maintained at the right temperature in the greenhouse, the lower part of the bush will wither and dry out. It is necessary to immediately fill the deficiency of nitrogen, and the seedlings will take on a healthy appearance.

Why do eggplants dry in the garden

After transplanting from a greenhouse into open ground, the leaves of eggplant seedlings dry very often. This is normal. This is how seedlings respond to stress. This phenomenon is especially observed with a sharp change in temperature. The second reason why the leaves of eggplant seedlings dry is the improper care of the sprouts in the initial stage of development. If further care is taken well, then the green and healthy appearance will return to the plants.

If the eggplant dries in the later stages, then the matter is in the wrong care or illness. Improper care includes:

  • violation of crop rotation;
  • lack of lighting;
  • poor feeding;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of air;
  • temperature changes;
  • violation of the irrigation regime.

It is very important not to disturb the crop rotation and follow the rules of sequential planting. This will help to avoid poor plant development. The soil will retain all the necessary nutrients.

Prolonged exposure to the sun also causes dryness. Ultraviolet promotes the breakdown of chlorophyll. It is this element that allows plants to breathe, promotes photosynthesis. The top coat gets sunburnt. At first it looks like yellow dots. Then it can go into complete drying. Therefore, you need to pay attention to how the beds are located on the field or in the greenhouse. To avoid burns, you can shade the windows in the room or arrange the beds in a different way. You can cover with paper or cloth during the hottest period from 12 to 15 hours of the day.

Types of leaf deformation and methods of struggle

Deformation can manifest itself in different ways. One type of deformation is its wilting. This is the first signal before yellowing and further dryness.

Usually this phenomenon occurs on a bright sunny day, and later in the evening the bush can fully recover. If there is a musty smell from the ground, the soil is overly moist. It is necessary to dry it, skipping the next watering and loosen the ground near the bush. If this happened in a greenhouse with seedlings, before planting it in a permanent place, then you can simply transfer the eggplants to another box and add new dry land.

The leaves are the first to take the hit from the temperature difference. From this, they can wither, lose elasticity, stain, and later turn yellow and dry. To avoid this in the greenhouse, it is necessary to raise the pots with seedlings higher. Approximately 20 cm from the ground. To prevent this from happening in open ground, it is necessary to maintain the required time for transplanting seedlings or sowing seeds.

The same conditions apply to hypothermia. Often, when not properly hardened, deformation occurs. Before the procedure, it is necessary to water the seedlings. Seedlings do not like cold water. You need to water with warm water. Otherwise, the sheet may curl, begin to dry and die.

Another type of deformation is the appearance of black spots before the sprout is completely dry. This causes a disease called Blackleg. Seedlings are completely removed. The remaining healthy seedlings are sprinkled with ashes. This will draw excess water out of the soil. Subsequently, the Previkura agent is introduced.


Eggplant culture is prone to fungal and viral diseases, which also sometimes lead to its drying. These diseases include:

  • fusarium and gray rot;
  • speckled, cucumber or tobacco mosaic;
  • verticillosis;
  • late blight.

Fusarium and gray mold

Fusarium is one of the most unpleasant fungal diseases. The microorganism lives in the ground and infects weak plants. Often falls into the ground along with poorly treated seeds. Fungi grow from spores and penetrate plants that have been injured during transplantation or care. Diseased plantings differ from healthy ones in their appearance:

  • lagging behind in development;
  • a brown coating appears on the stem and on its cut;
  • pinkish roots;
  • pink shade of the basal part of the stem;
  • yellowed, dried leaves with light veins along the edges;
  • cotyledon leaves are twisted into tubules.

Gray rot is distinguished by a white bloom. At first it is fluffy, then it turns gray. The bush is dying.

late blight

From late blight, brown spots first appear on the lower leaves. The whole plant is sick: leaves, stems, and fruits, if they have already appeared. Gradually everything turns black.


The fungus Verticillium causes the disease vertisillium. This is manifested by yellowing, dryness and falling off of the upper cover. At first, the affected areas become variegated, the veins turn yellow. Then the disease captures all the vegetative parts. They begin to twist into a spiral, dry and fall off. The lesions are similar to burns with boiling water. If you make a cut, you can see that the stem inside has turned brown.

Methods of combating viral and fungal diseases

To destroy the fungus, you need to use special store tools: Quadris, Antrakol, Consent.

Phytosporin and radomide work well. These are more radical means. After processing, the result should be expected 20-25 days.

Mottled, cucumber or tobacco mosaics are viral diseases. So that they do not appear, you need to follow the principles of crop rotation, weed well and remove the remains of plants between the beds. Incorrect watering temperature can also cause these diseases. Therefore, it is important to follow the recommendations for watering, air and soil temperature.

There is only one way to fight vertisillosis. Sick seedlings or plants are burned. In no case should the leftovers be thrown into the compost, so that the entire compost pit is not contaminated and further infection of other vegetables.

Healthy vegetables need to be transplanted elsewhere. If this is seedlings, then a new, processed box with earth. Carry out subsequent treatment with fungicides. Such as Previkur, Rovral or Topsin.