Small cozy house project. Small houses - design and design of comfortable dwellings (65 photo ideas)

The growth in the pace of construction of houses for permanent residence in the nearest suburbs shows the desire of urban residents for silence and favorable environmental conditions. True, one has to take into account that everything has its price: the construction of a private house involves the cost of buying, as well as preparing a piece of land, creating an architectural project, and paying a team of professional builders. The total costs are quite high, so spacious housing in a quiet suburb is not available to every family.

A suitable option to reduce costs is the construction of a mini house for year-round use. The modest size of the living space is easily compensated by the competent use of space, compact built-in furniture and laconic design.

Also, several mini houses are being converted into hotel rooms.

Advantages and features of building small houses

The main advantage of choosing a small dwelling is its low cost. For example, the construction of a miniature two-story house made of timber with dimensions of 6 * 6 meters in the basic configuration will cost about 400 thousand rubles. At the same time, the delivery of building materials to the nearest suburbs is most often carried out free of charge.

The compact dwelling is built by a team of specialists within a month, so the owners of the site will be able to start finishing and furnishing in the shortest possible time to start using the building in the current season.

The cost of heating and power supply of a miniature design is minimal, so suburban housing will not become an item of additional serious expenses.

The laconic layout of such buildings makes the most efficient use of the usable area, so living quarters are being built without architectural frills in the form of empty corridors, spacious halls, dressing rooms. Projects of small houses suggest that everything in them will be located compactly, the necessary things are always at hand.

Video description

An example of the interior of a mini house on the video:

Travel lovers will appreciate the design of mini trailer houses, in which you can comfortably travel long distances, saving on hotel accommodation.

Even outwardly, a motorhome can resemble an ordinary one.

Methods for creating a miniature housing project

The abundance of available information, as well as samples of projects of existing houses, allow you to independently create a project for a small cozy house, taking into account all the needs of customers. For example, for many it is important to have an open veranda or a certain layout of the living space. As a rule, the creation of a structure on an individual project takes more time, and for some projects additional building materials are required.

Functional reliable housing requires special knowledge in the field of building technologies, so most specialized firms offer customers ready-made projects for small houses. A clear, detailed cost estimate, as well as the availability of all the necessary premises, makes standard projects the most convenient and in demand among connoisseurs of suburban beauty and silence.

Also, mini houses are suitable for connoisseurs of complete privacy.

Materials for the construction of the finished structure

The total cost of construction is determined by the area, as well as the selected building materials. Depending on climatic conditions, tastes and budget of customers, one of several options is selected.

Mini houses on a frame basis

Structures are erected on a solid wooden or metal base, to which sandwich panels are attached - ready-made elements for future walls. After that, the house is insulated, finishing work is carried out, and customers can begin to use housing.

The advantages of the technology are the speed of construction, the ability to work in all weather conditions, as well as the stability of the structure. Therefore, frame houses are suitable for silty, swampy soils with unstable ground.

The main disadvantage of this technology is the low sound insulation of the premises. Therefore, it is worth additionally checking that the proposed projects of mini-houses on a frame basis take into account this feature. In addition, structures on a wooden frame are susceptible to fire.

The frame is made the same - for a small or large house

Construction of a miniature wooden house

Ecologically clean, well retaining heat, a miniature house made of wooden beams is easily heated and provides good air exchange, forming a comfortable microclimate.

The disadvantages of the selected material include fire hazard, as well as the need to care for natural wood to preserve its performance properties. For example, the paint layer should be renewed periodically so that the wood retains its appearance.

Wooden house with jacuzzi

Domillions made of bricks

Durable and environmentally friendly brick houses serve the owners for many decades, the material does not require any repair or maintenance. In such a building, heat is well preserved, and the level of sound insulation is high.

The disadvantage of brick structures is the severity, which requires the construction of a solid foundation. In addition, the construction process takes a significant amount of time, especially compared to the construction of frame structures.

Even small brick houses are capital construction

Residential structures made of foam blocks

The construction of this material is reliable, frost-resistant, and the outer surfaces can be finished with any materials. Small houses are cheap to build from foam blocks, the material is a compromise between expensive brick and affordable frame houses.

The disadvantage of this material is its large mass, due to which it is necessary to create a solid foundation.

A two-story mini house made of foam blocks is a large usable area

Options for optimal use of space in miniature houses

The owners of inexpensive small houses carefully approach the arrangement of living space in order to create comfortable housing in a modest area.

Free places under the stairs, as well as niches in the walls, are occupied by shelves and cabinets for storing things. Decorated with glass or wooden doors, textile curtains or roller blinds, such designs do not attract attention, complementing the interior.

Narrow built-in wardrobes, as well as miniature household appliances, take up minimal space while maintaining full functionality.

Video description

Examples of interior solutions on video:

The main method of saving living space is the choice of compact multifunctional furniture. Folding chairs and beds, folding tabletops and pouffes with built-in storage baskets will create a cozy interior that adapts to the needs of the owners.

Kitchen in the interior of a mini house

The abundance of windows, mirrors, as well as glass elements of the interior visually expands the space, and vaulted ceilings visually increase the size of a modest room.

The visual perception of a small house is improved due to light shades in the interior design, an abundance of lighting fixtures, as well as the use of natural materials for decoration.

Popular projects of inexpensive small houses

The popularity of mini houses is once again confirmed by the number of finished projects. The small size only spurs the imagination of the owners in terms of arranging the interior and appearance of the buildings.


Mini-houses for giving and traveling on wheels allow you to literally travel without leaving your home.

    The dwelling, equipped in a trailer, has everything necessary for a comfortable life. There are several beds, storage sections and a miniature veranda. At the same time, such a house is easily moved along with the owners.

Mobile house-transformer

    A full-fledged mobile home based on a wooden frame is equipped with a cozy porch, while easily transforming into a car trailer.

Wooden house that you can take with you

    The two-story design allows you to comfortably accommodate a small family. The abundance of windows and a small attic create a personal space for each family member.

Two-story camper

    The container house on wheels “folds” if necessary so as not to damage the glass on the road. Wooden paneling and insulated windows protect the owners of the structure from bad weather.

It doesn't take long to get your house ready for camping.

    In a mobile home with an attic, a porch and a small hallway, if necessary, you can receive a company of guests. The abundance of windows and the glazed front door provide a natural level of illumination of the interior.

If you do not notice the wheels, then you might think that this is an ordinary house

Country mini houses

If permanent residence in the country is not supposed, then there is no reason to build a full-fledged house. The way out will be small country houses, inexpensive in cost, but capable of providing the necessary level of comfort on vacation.

    A bright miniature house with large windows allows you to comfortably spend warm summer evenings. A modest footage accommodates a mini-kitchen, a bed and a work desk.

With a well-thought-out layout, small sizes are not felt

    The round house, finished with tiles, is equipped with several windows and one glass wall. The design is ideal for relaxing during seasonal living in the purchased summer cottage.

In such a house you feel like a hero of a fantasy novel.

    A wooden house with a rounded roof is a cozy, durable analogue of a camping tent. A durable floor and a metal roof finish will protect the owners from the weather. If you bring the necessary communications to the dwelling, then you can use it in the cold season.

The veranda fits perfectly into the layout of the house

    The design of the "mailbox" type combines the original solution and the minimum set of necessary functions. The lack of light in the room is easily compensated by additional electric lamps.

You can’t blame such a house for unoriginal

    The converted building change house is a functional house with an area of ​​11 meters, equipped with everything necessary for life. The mini kitchen has a traditional window above the sink.

This design has its own associations for everyone.

Complete small houses

Small full-fledged houses are most often needed in two cases: if you need to save on construction, but there is no desire to sacrifice quality, or with limited space on the site. In any case, you can choose a worthy project that will solve all the tasks.

    A stone two-storey house with a balcony and a porch is stylized as half-timbered construction technology based on wooden beams. Thanks to the spacious layout, up to three people can permanently live in the house.

The attic completely replaces the second floor

    The project of a small two-story house with a veranda and a balcony is the best option for living in a summer cottage.

Modern layout that combines the living room and kitchen

    A miniature copy of a classic mansion with a terrace and columns will accommodate a small family, and a peaked roof will add extra flavor.

The house looks great on the site

    A mini version of a standard country house with an entrance hall, a porch and a large common room is a country housing option for budget-conscious owners. Traditional siding will protect the walls of the house from moisture.

American style house

  • The rectangular design of the house with glass walls and a wide canopy will give the owners a good overview of the surroundings. If necessary, the glass walls are closed with wooden shutters, which in good weather replace the walkways.

House project for fans of non-standard solutions

  • Domillon with an attached garage and two separate rooms is a suitable option for year-round living.

Layout of the house for the full use of usable space

And also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects small houses from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.


The construction of a small house is inexpensive, and will also allow the owners to save time and money. In addition, the variety of materials and ready-made projects will allow you to arrange a functional and comfortable home on a minimum area. Domillions are not only an option for temporary residence during the construction of a capital house, but also a good way to save on maintenance of suburban real estate.

The need to build a compact house can arise due to various reasons. For example, such a small design is perfect for placement in a summer cottage that is not used for permanent residence. In a small house it will be possible to change clothes comfortably, fold things and spend the night.

Of course, ready-made change houses are sold on the market, but the quality of their workmanship often leaves much to be desired, and the cost is definitely overpriced. For the same money, you can build a great little house on your own.

There is nothing difficult in self-construction of a compact structure. Follow the guide and everything will definitely work out.

Any construction must begin with planning, without which the construction will take much more time, finances and effort. There is a chance that the finished structure, built without a plan, will not meet your needs and expectations.

For a small house, it is not necessary to draw up detailed documentation with many drawings. Even a simple sketch will suffice, indicating the main dimensions, communications and other design features.

First think over the order of the internal organization of the future small house. Will he have only one room, or will there be enough space for arranging a small kitchen and a small bathroom? At this point, be guided by your personal preferences and capabilities.

For example, many prudent owners use a very interesting trick: they raise the ceiling and equip a sleeping place in the attic. This solution allows you to significantly save usable space.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the experience of the Japanese. Even on a few square meters, they manage to place everything necessary to create a comfortable and cozy environment, because even a mini house is still a house in which it is definitely more convenient than on the street.

This guide will give instructions for building a fairly simple little house. Approximately 75% of the space will be occupied by living quarters, and the remaining space will be used for placing a pantry and dry closet.

If everything is very difficult with free space, you can make separate entrances to the mentioned premises from the street. If there are no such problems with free space, and you don’t want to constantly go outside, equip the entrance to the technical room from the living quarters.

Make changes to the plan if you wish. For example, instead of a pantry, you can equip a kitchenette with a table, a couple of folding chairs or small stools and a compact stove.

After the approval of the plan, proceed directly to the implementation of construction activities. Start by arranging the foundation.


For the construction of a small house, the simplest foundation of blocks is perfect. A very interesting solution came up with Western private developers. They create a foundation block with four channels. A reinforcing bar is inserted into each of these channels. The rods themselves are driven into the ground. As a result, the block is securely attached to the ground.

In the project under consideration, the foundation will consist of six such blocks. You will place four blocks at the corners of the future building, the remaining two - under the internal partition.

You can make blocks yourself from concrete or buy them ready-made.

Dig a hole 200 mm deep with sides corresponding to the dimensions of the blocks.

Fill the hole with a 20 cm layer of sand and gravel. Pack the pillow carefully.

Install the blocks and insert the reinforcement in accordance with the recommendations given earlier.

Cover the blocks with a layer of roofing material.

Make sure that the blocks are installed evenly and proceed to the implementation of further planned activities.

floor laying

First step

Install the bottom harness. Make it from a beam with a section of 15x15 cm. To connect the strapping bars, use a convenient mounting option. You can, for example, connect them using the tongue and groove method with additional reinforcement with glue and bolts.

Second step

Lay on top of the strapping a platform previously assembled from a 15x5 cm board.

Third step

Sew up the platform with plywood.

Fourth step

Turn the resulting box over and place the insulation in it.

Fifth step

Sew up the insulation with a double layer of plywood. Lay plywood 1.2 cm thick along the box, 0.9 cm thick across the box. As a result, the floor will have a thickness of 2.1 cm. Use PVA glue to fasten the plywood layers.

sixth step

From all sides, sew up the platform with roofing material.

On this floor is ready. If you wish, you can additionally trim it with other material to your taste.

Linoleum is perfect for finishing the floor.

First step

Treat the timber and boards intended for the construction of walls with an antiseptic.

Second step

Assemble the frame of the planned dimensions.

Third step

Set up the top harness.

Fourth step

Sheathe the entire structure with plywood.

Fifth step

Attach the windscreen to the outside of the walls. At the same time, this material will perform the functions of waterproofing.

In the process of building walls, do not forget to leave openings for mounting doors and double-glazed windows.

Arrangement of the roof structure

The roof structure must be such that in the future, when the door is opened, the roof overhang does not touch. To comply with this rule, the slope of the roof slope must be 25 degrees.

First step

Install rafters. To do this, use boards 10x5 cm. Use corners and self-tapping screws to fasten the boards.

Second step

Mount the roof ridge. For its manufacture, use a board 15x5 cm.

Third step

Additionally fasten the roof rafters with 10x2.5 cm puffs.

Fourth step

Attach 0.9 cm plywood to the rafters.

Fifth step

Lay your preferred roofing material over the finished base. Flexible shingles work well. This is a relatively light material with good performance properties. At the same time, the roof of a small house will have a small area, so you will not spend a lot of money on finishing material.

Doors and double-glazed windows

To create a healthy microclimate in the room, even if it is very small, you need to install windows. It is better to provide places for placing double-glazed windows even at the frame assembly stage.

To determine the optimal total window area, divide the floor area of ​​your small house by 5. Divide the resulting value by the number of windows you need.

If you plan to equip your small house with a bathroom and a kitchen, consider in advance the order of furniture placement so that the windows do not interfere with the normal use of the house in the future, but are a useful addition.

If possible, windows should be placed facing southeast, as there is very little sunlight on the north side, and low western sunlight is bad for the eyes.

Doors can be bought ready-made or you can make your own. It is enough to assemble the frame, fill the voids with thermal insulation (mineral wool is perfect), sheathe the frame with plywood and upholster it with the desired material.

wall decoration


Proceed to the exterior wall decoration.


Proceed to interior decoration.

  1. Fix a layer of heat-insulating material.
  2. Cover the insulation with a layer of vapor barrier.
  3. Close the walls with clapboard.

On this wall decoration is ready. After that, it is recommended to start arranging the ceiling and make the porch to your taste. These activities are best done before the start of the arrangement of the roof structure.

Furnish and technical equipment of a small house, do it to your taste.

Ceiling finish

  1. Cover the ceiling with vapor barrier material.
  2. Fix the thermal insulation material.
  3. Sheathe the ceiling with insulating layers of clapboard.

You can lay boards in the attic. At this point, focus on the specifics of your particular situation, taking into account exactly how you will use your attic.

Necessary communications

If necessary, bring electrical wiring, sewerage and water supply into the house.

For heating a small house, both an electric heater and a gas convector are well suited. Such gas convectors use liquefied gas as fuel. To ensure the most efficient heat distribution, the system should be equipped with a galvanized steel reflector.

The gas convector must be equipped with a chimney. The chimney is carefully insulated to prevent fires. To protect the chimney from snow, rain and various debris, install a special protective visor on its street end.

On this small country house is ready. You did an excellent job without involving third-party specialists for this, which allowed you to save a significant amount of money, and made sure that there is nothing complicated in the construction of such structures - you just need to follow the instructions in everything and follow the advice of professional builders. You can start using your own built house.

A miniature house is a housing option for citizens who do not have a large plot of land for construction, but want to live in their own home. In addition, compact cottages are affordable and have many other benefits. Our catalog contains various projects of small houses: cozy country cottages and interesting city houses.

Characteristic features of houses up to 40 sq. meters

Residential buildings with a modest area are usually one-story, rarely have a second floor or attic. All free space inside is used as rationally as possible, therefore, in such buildings, walls and interior partitions are installed at right angles. Materials used for this type of structures:

  • aerated concrete;
  • tree;
  • combination of several building materials.

The project of a small house, although it is being developed miniature, does not lose its comfort. The dining area is grouped in the form of a studio, and the most remote place is allocated for the bedroom:

  • at the end of the hallway;
  • in the attic;
  • on the opposite side of the kitchen.

The compactness of the design also affects the layout - all functional rooms are minimized, and furniture and appliances are used built-in to save space. In bathrooms, instead of a bath, a shower cabin is most often mounted. As an alternative to the usual cabinets, there are modules and wardrobes hidden in the walls.

The small cottage is designed for two or three tenants. This version of the project is best for a young family on a limited budget or an elderly couple who find it difficult to take care of a large house. To build a small log house for a summer residence will cost less than the construction of a brick building. And with a larger budget, you can build a modern small wooden castle.

The attractiveness of small house projects

A micro-house is economical, lower costs for building and finishing materials and work, lower prices for repairs and maintenance. This type of building is beneficial for other reasons:

  • versatility - it is suitable for any size and shape of plots;
  • ease of adaptation to customer requests;
  • speed of design and construction;
  • practicality in operation;
  • low utility costs.

The choice of a small house project allows you to quickly implement the construction of an economy class cottage. Depending on the purpose of the structure, the cost of its heating can be easily optimized due to a small area of ​​​​insulation or the choice of heat-retaining materials. If the developer wishes, the project of a country house can be supplemented with a small extension with a sauna or an outdoor pool.

Among our selection of original projects of small residential houses with photos there are layouts for young people with a modern facade design and discreet classic solutions for mature owners. In addition to plastered facades, in the catalog you can find projects of small houses up to 50 sq. m. with unusual stone cladding or wood paneling.

If you think that the small area of ​​your country house is a good reason why it cannot be beautiful, comfortable and cozy, then think again! We have selected photos of amazing country houses, the area of ​​​​which does not exceed 40 sq.m. And most of them are much smaller! You will see inspiring examples of the successful organization of a small space.

Summer residents create houses that are not only compact, comfortable and beautiful, but also incredibly original, and the photos of houses in these summer cottages are truly unique.

Country house with two bedrooms on different levels: 7 photos

This house, with the exception of the porch and carport, has an area of ​​37.6 sq.m. Despite its small size, it has two bedrooms - one downstairs, the other in the attic.

From the side of the main entrance, a covered terrace is attached along the entire wall, which helps to hide from the heat. For maximum shading, most of the windows of the house open onto the terrace.

The house combines a seating area, dining area and a compact kitchen built along the back wall. At the entrance to the house from the side of the carport there is a wardrobe closet.

On the other side of the house is a small bedroom.

Next to the bedroom is the bathroom, which is accessible from both the living room and the bedroom.

In the attic above the bedroom and bathroom is the second bedroom.

Because the upper bedroom is spacious enough, then if the family is small, but likes to receive guests, you can increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room on the lower floor, abandoning the bedroom there.

For the same purpose, you can make a wider terrace at the entrance to the house, which will also give more space for guests.

Modern country house with a loft style: 6 photos

The area of ​​the house in the photo is a little more than 37 sq.m, the house has a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a bathroom and 2 bedrooms.
Looking at photos of the interior, it's hard to believe that it all fits into this tiny space.

Thanks to the large number of windows and light, from the inside the house does not seem small at all. On the contrary, it creates a feeling of spaciousness and comfort at the same time.

Behind the kitchen are the bathroom and bedroom. The place under the stairs to the attic is used as a storage room.

The small bedroom downstairs seems bright and cozy due to the large windows.

In the attic there is a fairly spacious children's bedroom.

Country house with a bright interior: 3 photos

And this lovely house, immersed in greenery, was built by a married couple with their own hands. They did absolutely all the work themselves (including making furniture!), and it took them six years to build this house!

The interior of the house is filled with retro things and bright colors.

As well as original design solutions.

Original hut house: 4 photos

This pretty country house captivates with its atmosphere: the tree is everywhere in it, and this creates a unique charm. But admit it, you are one of those who look at such houses and sigh: “Yes, it’s original, but it’s difficult to properly place everything in such a house ...»

Let's see its interior, how everything is conveniently placed in this small space. The stairs lead to a cozy bedroom.

And on the ground floor there is a neat compact kitchen, a living room and a surprisingly spacious bathroom.

The kitchen has access to the terrace at the back of the house.

But the main thing in this house is the spirit of solitude and quiet life.

Practical country house 25 sq.m

Beautiful and functional - no extravagance. It is not difficult to imagine such a house standing in the most ordinary village or in a summer cottage.

The same can be said about the interior.

The house has everything you need, while its area is only 25 square meters.

Country house from a construction trailer.

It turns out that a construction trailer can be turned into a stunning open-plan country house.

At the same time, the space inside such a structure cannot be called cramped.

Inside there is absolutely everything for a comfortable life up to the shower and toilet.

Unusual country house in the form of a castle.

This house rightfully bears the proud name of a miniature castle. Being located quite high in the mountains, it impresses not only with its design, but also with picturesque views.

Despite its modest size, there was room for everything inside, including a bedroom, a modern kitchen, a fireplace and - of course! - rocking chair.

Country house from old windows.

We change everything to new ones, while throwing away a lot of old windows of varying degrees of wear. The owner of this house is just installing windows, and she was always tormented by the desire to find a use for still good old windows. This is how the house was built.

A special charm of this house is given by various cozy little things: an iron bed, old paintings. Huge windows let in a sea of ​​light, so sleeping until twelve in such a bedroom is unlikely to succeed!

Country house with a sleeping attic: 9 photos

This country house with an area of ​​31.2 sq.m is made of used materials: wood and roofing iron, at the same time, for safety reasons, the electrical wiring and plumbing in the house are completely new.

Downstairs the open plan kitchen is connected to the living room. This small room is quite comfortable for relaxing and accommodates a sofa and an armchair. In addition, a folding dining table is provided on the back wall of the kitchen island.

It is also possible to place a dining area on a covered veranda at the back of the house.

The bathroom is located behind the kitchen and is equipped with a toilet, sink and shower.

As you can see on the plan, next to the bathroom there is a pantry, and at both ends of the house, the country house has sleeping attics.

On the one hand, the bed is located above the bathroom. The stairs up are successfully combined with a rack for the kitchen.

At night, the house is lit by candles, oil lamps, and electricity stored from solar panels during the day.

Country house in the trunk of an old spruce.

But the first place in terms of originality should be given to this incredible structure. It is so small that it is very difficult to call it home. But the history of its creation is truly fantastic! The fact is that this house is carved by hand from the trunk of a giant spruce. All this enormous work was done by the artist Noel Wotten alone. It took him 22 years.

So if you dream of a small cozy country house, then know that your dream is feasible!

Beautiful projects of compact houses up to 150 sq m: photo, catalog

Projects of compact houses up to 150 sq m are popular among developers. Therefore, in this section of the catalog, we have collected the best projects of 150 m2 houses: comfortable layouts of compact houses, solutions that save the construction budget, will delight you!

Before choosing and buying a house project for turnkey implementation, it is necessary to think carefully about the location, purpose and number of rooms in the future house. The option of a country house with an area of ​​​​65 m2 for a family of two, for example, may turn out to be optimal, and not small. Rather than building extra rooms that will not be used, it is better to spend the saved money on decorating the facade, sauna, barbecue, beautiful and rich landscape design, and original interior design.

We are constantly adding compact house projects to our Z500 catalog with new layout ideas! The prices for our projects are average market prices at the level of 2017.

Small house - comfortable life.

With a well-thought-out layout, projects of houses up to 100, 120 m2 can be designed for a family of 4 people, who will be comfortable in such a house all year round. For example, see our projects of houses up to 120 sq m: Z220, Z213, Zx51, Z93, Z101, Z297, Z233, Z8, Z43, Z210, Z233. The rooms will not be the largest, it's true, but good design will make them cozy and homey. See ready-made design solutions for projects: Z93, Z101, Z43, Z210.

Projects of houses up to 120 sq m: how to increase space

Visually increase the size of the premises in the house will help: large areas of glazing; terraces and balconies; combined living room, dining room, kitchen; a second light above the day zone; optimal area of ​​connecting premises (corridors, halls, stairs).

The compact dimensions of the house will help save space on the site, which is especially felt if the house is two-story or with an attic. On a building area of ​​100 m2, it is possible to build a one-storey house with a total area of ​​78-84 m2, a house with an attic with a total area of ​​129-144 m2, a two-storey house with a total area of ​​133-147 m2. Therefore, if you want to set up a beautiful garden on a small plot, two-story house projects of 140 sq m are the best option for this!