How to help a drowning person. Rules for rescuing and providing emergency first aid to a drowning person - an algorithm for resuscitation

Today I want to continue the theme of summer holidays, but with a focus on water.

Of course, I would like the essence of the article to be as easy as its beginning, but, unfortunately, this will not work out here. Because the sun is getting hotter. Water in the sea and other bodies of water is warming up. The number of picnics is increasing. The degree in the body of many people rises, and sanity often fades into the background. The result is drowning. Moreover, as statistics and news reports show, people, despite all the warnings and other preventive measures, still continue to drown. The reason in most cases is heat, alcohol, water - a cramp, loss of consciousness ...

Our mind can replace the three dots of the previous paragraph with “drowned man”, but I want to replace them with “saved person”, who next time will be more conscious about his own safety on the water.

Let's look, dear readers, how we can help in a situation where a person begins to drown and needs the help of another person. Moreover, after pulling a person out of the water, it is also necessary to provide him with first aid. So…

Help a drowning man. What to do?

If you saw a drowning person, no matter how trite it sounds, you must:

1. Pull a person out of the water;
2. Call an ambulance;
3. Provide him with first aid.

These 3 points, if done correctly and quickly, are actually the key to a successful conclusion to the situation. Delays are not allowed!

1. Pulling a drowning person out of the water

A drowning person in most cases panics, does not hear words, and does not understand what is happening. He grabs for everything that is possible and this becomes dangerous for the person who wants to save him.

If a person is conscious

To pull a person out of the water, if he is conscious, throw him a floating object - an inflatable ball, a board, a rope, etc., so that he can grab onto it and calm down. Thus, you can safely pull it out.

If the person is unconscious or weak:

1. While still on the shore, get as close as possible to the drowning person. Be sure to take off your shoes, excess clothing (or at least heavy ones), turn out your pockets. Jump into the water and approach the drowning man.

2. If a person has already gone under water, dive after him and try to see him or feel him.

3. When you find a person, turn him over on his back. If a drowning person starts grabbing you, quickly get rid of his grip:

- if a drowning person grabbed you by the neck or torso, then grab him by the lower back with one hand, and push his head away with the other hand, resting on his chin;
- if you grabbed a hand, then twist it and pull it out of the hands of a drowning man.

If such methods do not help to get rid of the grip, then take air into your lungs and dive, the drowning person will change the grip, and you will be able to free yourself from it at this time.

Try to act calmly and do not show cruelty to a drowning person.

4. Transport the drowning person to the shore. There are several methods for this:

- Being behind, clasp your chin with your palms on both sides and row towards the shore with your feet;
- put your left hand under the arm of the left hand of the drowning person, at the same time, grab with your left hand also the wrist of his right hand, row with your feet and with one hand;
- take the victim by the hair with your hand and put his head on your forearm, row with your feet and with one hand.

2. First aid to a drowning person (First aid)

When you have pulled the victim ashore, urgently call ambulance and begin to immediately provide him with first aid.

1. Get on one knee next to the injured person. Lay him on your knee, belly down, and open his mouth. At the same time, press with your hands on his back so that the water that he swallowed flows out of him. The victim may appear and - this is normal.

If the person is semi-conscious and is vomiting, do not let him lie on his back or he may choke on the vomit. If necessary, help remove vomit, mud, or other substances that interfere with normal breathing from his mouth.

2. Lay the victim on their back and remove any excess clothing. Put something under his head so that it is a little elevated. To do this, you can use his own clothes, twisted into a roller or your knees.

3. If a person does not breathe for 1-2 minutes, it can be fatal.

Signs of cardiac arrest are: lack of pulse, breathing, dilated pupils.

If these signs are present, immediately begin to take resuscitation measures - do "mouth to mouth" and.

Draw air into your lungs, pinch the victim's nose, bring your mouth close to the victim's mouth and exhale. It is necessary to do 1 exhalation in 4 seconds (15 exhalations per minute).

Place your palms on top of each other on the victim's chest between his nipples. In the pauses between exhalations (during artificial respiration), do 4 rhythmic pressures. Press on the chest quite hard - so that the sternum moves down by about 4-5 cm, but no more, so as not to aggravate the situation and additionally harm the person.

If the affected person is elderly, then the pressure should be gentle. If the injured child, then press not with the palm of your hand, but with your fingers.

Give artificial respiration and chest compressions until the person is awake. Don't give up and don't give up. There were cases when a person came to his senses even after an hour of such measures.

It is most convenient to resuscitate together, so that one would do artificial respiration, and the second.

4. After breathing is restored, before the ambulance arrives, lay the person on their side so that they lie stably, cover and warm them.

If an ambulance cannot arrive, but there is a car, follow all the above points in the car while driving to the nearest medical facility.

May the Lord keep us all, dear readers, from such situations.

Help a drowning man - video

Summer is the time for vacations and recreation on the water, but a lot of dangerous situations are associated with this fun sometimes. One of them is drowning. Rescuing a drowning person is exactly the situation when you need to act as quickly as possible. Any delay or inaction can cost a human life, and the timeliness of assistance is often more important than its quality.

More than 90% of victims survive if help is provided in the first minute after drowning. If help arrives within 6-7 minutes, then the chances of survival will be much lower - 1-3%. That's why It is very important not to panic, to pull yourself together and take action. Of course, it is better to have professional rescuers help, but if they are not around, it is better to try to help to the best of your ability than to do nothing.

How to rescue a drowning person

If you see a drowning person, then the first thing to do is to call the rescuers. You can swim to rescue yourself only if you are sure that you swim well and feel good. Swimming at random and joining the ranks of the drowned is not worth it in any case. It is necessary to swim up to a drowning person strictly from behind, so that he does not grab the rescuer in convulsive attempts to escape. Remember, a drowning person does not control himself and can easily prevent you from swimming and even drag you under water, and it will be very difficult to get rid of his convulsive grip.

If the drowning person has already managed to submerge completely in the water, you need to swim up to him along the bottom and at the same time take into account the direction of the current and its speed. When a drowning person is within reach, you need to take him under the armpits, by the hand or by the hair and pull him out of the water. In this case, it is important to push off the bottom strongly enough and actively work with your free hand and feet.

Once you are above the water, it is important to keep the drowning person's head above the surface of the water. Thereafter it is necessary to try as quickly as possible to deliver the victim to the shore for first aid.

The concept of drowning and its types

In order to effectively provide first aid to a drowning person, it is necessary to understand what drowning is and what types of it are distinguished by doctors. Drowning is a condition in which airways become blocked and air cannot enter the lungs, resulting in oxygen deprivation. There are three types of drowning and they all have their own characteristics.

White asphyxia or imaginary drowning This is a reflex cessation of breathing and heart function. Usually, with this type of drowning, a very small amount of water enters the airways, which leads to spasm of the glottis and cessation of breathing. White asphyxia is relatively safe for a person, since the chances of returning to life remain even 20-30 minutes after direct drowning.

Blue asphyxia is a real drowning that occurs when water enters the alveoli.
Usually, in drowning people, the ears and face take on a blue tint, and the tips of the fingers and lips have a violet-blue color. It is possible to save such a victim, if only no more than 4-6 minutes have occurred since the moment of drowning.

Drowning with depression of the function of the nervous system usually occurs after a cold shock or in a state of extreme intoxication. Respiratory and cardiac arrest usually occurs 5-12 minutes after drowning.

First aid for drowning

In the case of drowning, even if the victim is conscious and feels relatively well, an ambulance must be called. But before her arrival, you need to try to provide the victim with first aid, and the first thing to do for this is to check his vital signs. If breathing and pulse are present, then it is necessary to lay the person on a hard, dry surface and lower his head. Be sure to rid him of wet clothes, rub and warm, if he can drink, give him a warm drink.

If the victim is unconscious, then after removing from the water, you can try to clean his mouth and nose, pull his tongue out of his mouth and start doing artificial respiration. You can often hear recommendations for removing water from the lungs, but this is not necessary, in most cases there is either very little or no water there, since it has managed to be absorbed into the blood.

by the most effective way carrying out artificial respiration in case of drowning is considered a classic "mouth to mouth". If it is not possible to unclench the victim's jaws, then the mouth-to-nose method can be applied.

Carrying out artificial respiration

Usually, artificial respiration begins with an exhalation. If the chest rises, then everything is normal and the air passes, you can take several breaths, pressing on the stomach after each breath to help the air out.

If the victim does not have a heartbeat, it is important to do an indirect heart massage in parallel with artificial respiration. To do this, put your palm at a distance of two fingers from the base of the sternum and cover the second. Then, strongly enough, using the weight of your body, press 4-5 times and inhale. The speed of pressing should depend on the age of the victim. For infants, pressing is done with two fingers at a speed of 120 pressures per minute, for children under 8 years old at a speed of 100 times per minute, and for adults - 60-70 times per minute. At the same time, the sternum of an adult should bend by 4-5 centimeters, and in a child under 8 years old - 3-4 cm, in an infant - 1.5-2 cm.

It is necessary to carry out resuscitation until breathing and pulse are restored on their own or until undeniable symptoms appear. signs of death,
like rigor mortis or cadaveric spots. One of the most common mistakes in the provision of first aid is the premature termination of resuscitation.

Usually, during artificial respiration, water is released from the respiratory tract, which got there during drowning. In such a situation, it is necessary to turn the head of the victim to the side, so as to allow the water to flow out and continue resuscitation. With a properly performed resuscitation, water will flow out of the lungs on its own, so squeezing it out or lifting the victim upside down does not make any sense.

After the victim comes to his senses and breathing is restored, it is necessary to take him to the hospital, since deterioration after improvement is practically the norm for drowning. You should not leave the victim unattended for a single minute, as swelling of the brain or lungs, respiratory and cardiac arrest can begin at any minute.

Some features of resuscitation of drowning people (Video: "Rules for first aid for drowning people")

There are quite a lot of prejudices and rumors associated with the rescue of drowning people. We will recall some of the rules and features of resuscitation in case of drowning. These rules are important to remember and use in a real situation.

Resuscitation measures must be carried out, even if a person has been under water for a long time. Cases of revival with complete recovery of the patient's condition are described even after an hour of being under water. Therefore, if a person has been under water for 10-20 minutes, this does not mean that he died and there is no need to save him, this is especially important when resuscitating children.

If, during resuscitation, the contents of the stomach are ejected into the oropharynx, it is necessary to carefully turn the victim to one side, trying to ensure that the relative position of the head, neck and torso does not change, then clean the mouth and, turning to its original position, continue resuscitation.

If there is a suspicion of damage to the spine, especially its cervical region, then the patency of the respiratory tract must be ensured without tilting the head of the victim, but simply by using the “pull forward of the lower jaw” technique. If this action does not help, then it is possible to throw back the head, despite the suspicion of spinal injuries, since securing an airway is a priority action in rescuing patients in an unconscious state.

It is possible to stop resuscitation only if the signs of respiratory failure have completely disappeared. If there is a violation of the rhythm of breathing, rapid breathing or severe cyanosis, it is necessary to continue resuscitation.

Many drowning people find themselves in the water unexpectedly, for example, when a boat capsizes, when falling from a pier or bridge. Others are not able to stay afloat for various reasons - due to the inability to swim, fatigue, poisoning by poisonous marine animals, intoxication, due to a heart attack.

Young children can drown by falling into the toilet if left unattended. Even an adult can drown in a bathtub with very little water, or drown in a bucket of water (see "How to Prevent Drowning").


Even the most skilled swimmer can have misfortune in the water. Be on the lookout if you notice the following signs:

  • labored breathing;
  • signals for help (although some drowning people cannot give them);
  • floundering almost without moving forward.

Do not rush to rescue a drowning person without special training. It can pull you under the water too.

Do not overestimate your strength by rushing to help. Know your physical limits.

Symptoms after rescue

A drowning person pulled out of the water may be unconscious or in a state of stupor (low level of consciousness). He may be frightened, irritated, restless, or inhibited. Other symptoms at this point may include:

  • rapid, slow pulse or lack of it;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • shallow or choking breathing, ;
  • vomiting;
  • low body temperature (if a person drowned in cold water);
  • cough with pink frothy sputum;
  • bloating;
  • pale or bluish skin tone;
  • cardiac arrest.


What happens when a person drowns

Diving under water is life-threatening, but not directly for the reason that one might assume - inhalation of water. This really begins a dangerous sequence of events, but the lack of oxygen in the body is truly fatal.

Path to death

Having plunged under water, a person inhales or swallows water. So he tries to hold his breath. This increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood.

At some point, the level of carbon dioxide acts on the respiratory center in the brain, the person begins to breathe again and inhales even more water. Then vomiting begins, the person swallows water again, then loses consciousness, he begins to have convulsions, and he again inhales water.

What happens when the larynx is blocked

For some people, the larynx closes after inhaling water. The airways are blocked, due to lack of oxygen, the person stops breathing and loses consciousness.

cold water survival

Some people - especially young children - drowning in cold (below 12 ° C) water survived without damage to the brain. In such a situation, artificial respiration and heart massage should be started immediately and continued until the rescued person begins to breathe on his own. This may take several hours.

What to do

If you decide to save a drowning person, remember that due to incorrect actions, you can both drown. For example, a drowning person can drag you under water in.

Therefore, it is better to save a drowning person by giving him something or throwing a life buoy. Here different ways rescue of the drowning.

Standing on the shore, give a sinking hand or some object: an oar, a stick, a chair, a board, a rope, a branch of a tree.

Throw a life buoy tied to your boat, jetty, pole, pool edge to a drowning person.

To help a drowning person in a shallow place, go into the water, but not deeper than the waist. Stretch a stick, a board, throw a rope, a circle. Then drag the drowning person to a safe place.

If there is a boat, swim towards the drowning one. Let him try to grab onto the side as you row to shore. If he can't hold on, try to be careful not to overturn the boat, pull him on board.

How to prevent drowning

The best way is to follow the safety rules when swimming. If you're spending time near the water, be aware of the safety precautions.

Don't swim alone. Remember the basic rule: if everyone is responsible for the other, no one can slip under the water unnoticed.

Do not dive in shallow water and if you do not know how deep the water is.

Before swimming or boating, do not drink alcohol or take drugs that cause drowsiness.

In winter, do not walk on ice unless you are sure of its strength.

Do not sled from the shore if the ice is fragile.

In the spring, never drive on a road blocked by a river.

Keep children away from unexpectedly overflowing streams. The child may not realize that the brook where he splashed last summer has now become a roaring stream that can carry him away. Even better, do not leave children unattended by the water at all.


When you reach the victim, check if he is breathing. If not, immediately start artificial respiration (by mouth-to-mouth method), even without completely pulling the drowning person out of the water. Call an ambulance immediately. Perform artificial respiration even in a boat or in shallow water. Then put the victim on a hard surface and continue with your actions. If you know how, proceed to an indirect heart massage (see,).

  • Don't waste time trying to empty your lungs of water. If the rescued person is not breathing, begin artificial respiration immediately.
  • Do not rush to interrupt your actions: this method takes time for breathing to recover. Continue until the rescue service arrives. If you are tired, ask someone to relieve you.
  • If a neck injury is suspected, do not move the victim unless there is an immediate danger to his or your life. If you still need to move it, put a board. If the person is lying face down in the water, gently roll the person, keeping the head, neck, and body in a straight line (see "Keep the Victim's Neck").
    Protect the victim's neck

Every year, many people dive in shallow water or get injured while surfing. At the same time, some injure the neck or spine, which can lead to.

That's why it's important to know what to do - and what not to do - in the event of an accident while diving or surfing. Doing the right thing will help a person avoid injury.

Send someone for an ambulance immediately.

If the doctors can arrive soon, wait. They have everything you need for neck injuries.

If you can't wait for help, you have to move the victim. This will require an assistant. Remember the main rule when moving victims with a neck or back injury: the head, neck and torso must always be in the same line.

If the casualty is lying face down, gently turn them over. While he is still in the water, put a board under him so that it reaches to the buttocks. On it and pull the victim out of the water. If there is no board, gently pull it under the armpits.

Do not drag the victim sideways. Keep his head in line with his body at all times.

Leave the victim lying on the board. Don't move it unless absolutely necessary.

If artificial respiration or chest compressions are required, move the victim as little as possible. For example, raise your chin no more than necessary in order to allow air into the airways.

The water element rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Swimming, diving, boating, surfing - these and many other water activities are a lot of fun for both children and adults. At the same time, being in the water is a rather dangerous activity that requires increased attention and good coordination of movements.

From incidents leading to sad results, no one is immune. Of particular danger to swimmers, including experienced swimmers, are reservoirs with numerous whirlpools and strong currents, areas near bridges and ice cutters. That is why everyone should know how to provide first aid to a drowning person.

What is drowning and how does it happen

Drowning is an asphyxial condition resulting from the filling of the respiratory tract with fluid. Once under water, a person instinctively holds his breath at first, but as he weakens, he swallows. At some point, he experiences laryngospasm, and then loss of consciousness.

While the swimmer is unconscious, water continues to flow passively into the lungs. The result of pathological changes in the body is the defeat of the respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and central nervous systems. The composition of the blood changes. There may be muscle cramps. After cardiac arrest, brain function is impaired. It is noteworthy that death in fresh water occurs 4-5 times faster than in salt water, namely after 2-3 minutes.

How to understand that in front of you is a drowning person? There is an opinion that a drowning man is actively fighting for life, calling for help. In fact, due to impaired breathing, he is unable to speak or row. Moreover, a person who tries his best to stay afloat sinks faster, using up precious oxygen.

Assistance is needed in the case when the swimmer periodically dives into the water above the line of the mouth. At the moments when he manages to raise his head above the surface, he only manages to convulsively swallow the air, tries to clear his throat. A drowning person is always in an upright position and does not make supporting movements with his legs. He has a glassy look. He does not wave his arms, but, spreading them to the sides, randomly repels himself from the water.

This is how real (wet) drowning proceeds, but there are other types of this condition.

  • False (dry, asphyxic) drowning is accompanied by a feeling of lack of oxygen due to respiratory spasm. Sometimes this condition leads to a panic attack, sudden muscle cramps in the legs, dizziness. A choking person, unlike a truly drowning one, can give signals (call for help, wave his arms), but without outside support it is difficult for him to get ashore.
  • Reflex (instantaneous) drowning occurs as a result of vascular spasm, stroke, heart attack. A person who has had an attack first turns pale, and then quietly and quickly goes under the water. Having pulled such a victim ashore, the rescuer must, skipping the stage of clearing the airways from water, proceed to resuscitation measures.

Drowning behavior rules

Feeling tired while swimming, you need to lie down on the water and relax. Breathing should be even: inhale deeply and, after a short pause, exhale slowly. Another option to stay on the water is to take the “float” position. To do this, you need to pull your legs to the body and hold your knees with your hands. The face is lifted above the water while inhaling, immersed while exhaling. Having become disoriented while diving, you need to exhale a little and, noticing where the bubbles rushed, follow them. In case of cramps, you should straighten your leg, grab your thumb and pull the foot towards you with effort.

If a person drowns near you, follow these steps.

  • Look around for a lifeboat. If you find one, take it with you.
  • Before you swim, really assess your capabilities: consider your ability to swim, distance, wind strength and water current.
  • If you are not sure that you will make it, contact the lifeguard on duty for help.
  • Rescuing yourself, calm and encourage the drowning. If he is conscious, offer him to hold on to your shoulders.
  • Take an unconscious person under the armpits from the back or grab by the hair and tow to the shore.
  • If the drowning person has gone under water, dive as deep as possible in the place where you last saw him.

Important! Rule number "1" - swim up to the victim from behind so that he, being in an inadequate state, does not accidentally drown you too.

What to do with true drowning

First aid in rescuing a drowning person depends on the type of drowning. In a person who has swallowed water, the face and neck become bluish. True drowning can also be indicated by coughing, vomiting, pink foam released from the mouth and nasal cavity.

According to the degree of severity, three phases of the state are distinguished: initial, agonal, terminal. First aid to the victim, who is conscious, is to warm and calm, not to let him choke on vomit. Signs of initial drowning usually subside quickly. If the victim still feels bad after half an hour or an hour, you should contact the doctors.

At the agonal stage, the victim is unconscious, but breathing, has a weak pulse. First aid is to:

  • clear the airways. Vomit, silt, algae are removed from the oral cavity;
  • remove water from the lungs. The victim is turned on his stomach, thrown over the knee of the bent leg. Supporting the head, it is strongly patted in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades;
  • do artificial respiration. The victim is placed on his back, his head is thrown back and his mouth is opened. With one hand they hold his face by the chin, with the other they pinch his nose. They inhale deeply and, clasping the mouth of the victim with their lips, make two exhalations lasting a second each;
  • normalize blood circulation. Raise the victim's legs, put a roller under them;
  • combine artificial respiration with closed heart massage. They put their palms on the chest of the victim and with effort, rhythmically make 30 pushes. When doing a massage to an adult, the arms do not bend at the elbows - this allows you to lean with all your weight. As for the child, the pressure should be lighter. Breast massage is done with thumbs. Alternate two breaths with thirty clicks.

At the terminal stage, clinical death occurs: there is no pulse even on the carotid artery, there is no breathing, dilated pupils do not respond to light. How to help such a drowning man? Artificial respiration is started as soon as possible. Still in the water, as soon as the victim's face is above the surface, they exhale into his nose. To prevent air from escaping, the victim's mouth is covered with a palm. After inhalation, they are removed so that a passive exhalation occurs. Blowing is done every 4-5 seconds.

On the shore, they begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation. To start the heart, a precordial blow may be required: a palm is placed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower third of the sternum, and then it is sharply hit with the fist of the second hand. Check the pulse on the carotid artery. If it is not there, they switch to artificial ventilation of the lungs and closed heart massage. An adult is given sixty pressures per minute, a child eighty. Every fifteen shocks make two blows into the mouth. To provide qualified medical assistance to a drowning person, he must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

What to do with false and reflex drowning

With dry or instantaneous drowning, resuscitation begins with a heart massage and artificial respiration. The provision of first aid to a drowning person should continue after he regains consciousness. In a victim who has undergone clinical death, the functioning of the heart and respiratory organs may stop again, and pulmonary edema may develop. A person who has come to his senses needs to be changed into dry clothes, warmed with a warm drink and a blanket.

Physicians should also provide first aid: it is necessary to call an emergency aid or take the victim to the hospital on their own. The patient may need further examination and hospitalization.


On a hike, when near various bodies of water, people usually bathe. Unfortunately, this is far from a safe process: it can drag you into a whirlpool, it can tighten your muscles, you can even just slide off the shore, not having the desire to swim. In any case, the victim needs urgent help.

This article will cover two key points of water rescue:

  • Pulling out a drowning person;
  • First aid.

So let's get started.


The very process of salvation can become dangerous for the rescuer. The fact is that a drowning person panics, frantically grabs everything he can reach and, at the same time, his thinking is clouded by adrenaline, which is why he may not respond to words of help.

In addition, do not forget that speed is extremely important in saving. If circulation is interrupted for more than 5 minutes, the victim's brain is likely to be damaged.

To reduce the risk, the rescuer is advised to take the following steps: If the drowning person is able to fight for his life, throw him the end of the rope, a board, any floating object. If the drowning person has already lost strength or consciousness, do the following:

  1. Get as close as possible to the victim along the shore;
  2. Remove shoes and outerwear;
  3. Turn pockets inside out - water can accumulate in them, making it difficult to move;
  4. Jump into the water and swim to the drowning man;
  5. If the victim has gone under water, dive and try to see him, and if visibility is poor, feel for him;
  6. Try to turn him over on his back;
  7. In case of interference caused by the reflex movements of a drowning person, get rid of the grips as quickly as possible. This is done like this:
  8. If you were grabbed by the torso or neck, grab the drowning person by the lower back, and with the other hand push his head away, resting on his chin;
  9. When grabbing a hand, twist it and pull it out of the hands of a drowning person;
  10. If these methods do not help, take air into your lungs and dive;
  11. The victim will try to change the grip, and you can free yourself;
  12. Try to act calmly and not show unnecessary cruelty.

To transport the victim to the shore is recommended in one of the following ways:

  1. grab the head of the victim from behind on both sides by the chin with your palms, row with one foot;
  2. slide your left hand under the armpit of his left arm and grasp the wrist of his right hand. row with one hand and feet;
  3. with one hand, taking the victim by the hair and holding his head above the water, laying it on your forearm, row with the other hand and legs.


After you pulled the victim ashore, you need to resuscitate him. To do this, first help the victim get rid of the water in the internal organs. It is done like this:

  1. Get on one knee next to the victim;
  2. Put him on his knee with his stomach and open his mouth;
  3. By pressing your hands on your back and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stomach, help the water flow out.

Then the victim should be given artificial respiration and, if necessary, indirect heart massage:

  1. Undress the victim and lay him on his back;
  2. Get on your knees before him. It is most convenient to put the head of the victim on his knees or some kind of elevation, such as a roller of clothes;
  3. Take air into your lungs, pinch the victim's nose and, bringing your mouth closer to the victim's mouth, exhale;
  4. The best option would be one exhalation in 4 seconds, that is, 15 exhalations per minute;
  5. In order to conduct an indirect heart massage, place your palms on top of each other on the chest of the victim between the nipples. In the pauses between exhalations, do 4 rhythmic pressures. You need to press on the chest quite hard, so that the sternum moves down by about 5 cm.

It is most convenient to resuscitate a drowned person together: one does artificial respiration, and the second massage.