What land to use for cacti. Proper soil for cacti


Most of all, I am now offended that in my early cactus-growing youth no one told me what the best dishes for cacti. I tried everything: plastic, ceramic, metal utensils.
Of course, I prefer plastic pots, and here's why. The surface of metal utensils gets very hot during the day, because of this, the gentle suction roots of cacti dry up and die (they literally “roast” like in a frying pan). Ceramic dishes absorb water, which then quickly evaporates through the walls - and the roots of cacti, reaching for ceramics for water, die painfully.
The situation is aggravated by the situation when cacti are given little room for growth: the pots are tiny, the bowls are small - the roots cannot develop under such conditions.

In the literature on cacti, some authors write that a cactus pot should be selected according to the size of its roots, while others believe that cacti should grow in small, cramped pots. But where do the roots grow? After all, even if the plant itself is compact, then its roots are usually many times larger than the size of the aerial part.
It is wrong to think that if we do not see the roots, then we can not pay attention to them (as if the cactus grows by itself, and its roots live their own lives). But it is the thin roots of the cactus that collect moisture and nutrition, allow it to grow.

How often can you see unkempt cacti on the windows, huddled in small cramped pots for years, not watered on time and dusty - and yet not giving up, persistent, like tin soldiers ... living cacti!
I had a "light" when I arrived in Israel and saw magnificent huge cacti growing near houses with virtually no care. That's when I realized what a normal healthy cactus should look like!
For cacti, I choose dishes 2-3-4 times the size of the plant along with the roots - so that there is a place where to grow full-fledged roots, and not "mouse tails" in tiny pots. Of the 30 years of growing cacti, a quarter of a century passed before I understood this. For 25 years I tried in vain to grow large beautiful cacti in small pots, and no one told me about this important point.
Now I always plant several plants at once in deep and spacious plastic dishes. In this "hostel" in one cactus, the roots develop violently, in the other - weaker; here it is convenient for them next to each other, and so they are less supercooled.

The soil

"Terra incognita" is an unknown land ... Among cactus growers there is a belief that there is either some kind of "magic cactus" earth mixture, or an "amazing cactus" soil, or an "extraordinarily miraculous cactus" substrate. And no matter what people invent, and wherever they look for this "cactus" soil! How many cactusists there are in the world, the same number of land recipes for cacti (even more :)).

I myself, by a sinful deed, spent a lot of time of my life searching for such land (I looked for it both in the forest and in the field), but now I know which land is completely unsuitable for cacti.
Do not listen if you are called to plant cacti in sand, gravel, gypsum, loose-looking clay soil, and especially in clay (this is death for cacti). Their tender roots do not breathe in such a land. Clay retains moisture for a long time, so the roots rot and the cacti die; and when the clay earth dries up, it cracks and tears up the roots. Dry clay soil may look crumbly, but when wet, it sticks together like cement. The same goes for fine river sand, which quickly sticks together, compacts and becomes like a concrete crust. If plants live in such, so to speak, "land", then they are probably well fed with all kinds of fertilizers.
Although there is both helmoculture and hydroponics, this is not for beginners.

What kind of soil is needed for cacti?
Remember the three main rules about the ground for cacti:
1) The earth should be as loose as possible, but it should not be as loose as sand.
2) Black nutrient soil is desirable (this is my opinion based on the experience of growing cacti in the south), but without strong organic fertilizers.
3) There should be a lot of land so that the roots can grow at least 2.3 times.
So, what kind of soil is needed for cacti?
This soil should not be either very sandy or clayey, but should always be loose and fertile: deciduous soil, black fertile soil and peat are taken in equal proportions for looseness (it is also used as an acidifier).
Deciduous land for cacti cannot be taken from under the oak; land from under coniferous and resinous trees is not suitable either. Look for black fertile soil in the field, good earth from molehills. No need to add sand and gravel to the soil.

After 30 years of caring for cacti, I found an excellent substrate in the store - this is the usual Dutch flower soil; Now I use just this, the easiest and most practical way to acquire soil for cacti.


So, the land is prepared: a mixture of deciduous, field black soil and peat - all equally divided. You can add a little coarse sand and charcoal to it; we also add pieces of foam rubber. At the bottom of the pot is placed a drainage of several pebbles.

Young cacti need to be transplanted in the spring every year, adults can be transshipped with a clod of earth in two to three years. Having deep and spacious pots for all cacti, you can transplant less often. Old plants are very sensitive to transplants, so if they grow in a large dish, then they can not be transplanted for five or more years.
I transfer the cactus along with a clod of earth, and even if it blooms at this time, it will continue to bloom. Although there is an opinion that “it is necessary to shake off the earth from the roots”, or “wash and cut the roots”, or do other manipulations - I never do this and will not do it! Why injure the plant once again if it is juicy, healthy and growing?

After transplanting the cactus, do not water it, wait 3-4 days (and in a temperate climate - even 5-10 days). If possible, choose an east or southeast location for the transplanted plant, put it on a windowsill, in a window greenhouse or on a balcony and shade well. After watering, when the plant begins to grow, gradually reduce the shading.


Water is a symbol of life, no living creature can do without it. Cacti also love water very much, just in the process of evolution they were able to adapt to hardships: to unbearable heat and hot stones, to a huge blazing sun (to conditions where many plants cannot live).

Yes, adult cacti can go without water for a long time. That is why many people believe that cacti need to be watered very rarely, or they can not be watered at all. This is fundamentally wrong: in nature, droughts are replaced by heavy rains, when the soil reaches its maximum degree of moisture - then the plants begin to grow rapidly and bloom.
About 30 years ago, when buying the first cacti, I heard that "it is better to underfill them than overfill them." Therefore, in my cactus-growing youth, I was afraid to pour water when watering cacti - "I dripped like a pipette", I watered my cacti less and less often than they should have been watered in the warm south of Ukraine. And what is surprising: at the same time, my cacti somehow lived, grew slowly and even sometimes bloomed (especially Chilean astrophytums).
And only in Israel I began to water the cacti abundantly (as soon as the soil dried up on top), water, water! I made the soil for cacti more fertile, did not "dilute" it with sand, clay and other additives, placed the cacti in a window greenhouse, increased watering ... and the results exceeded all my expectations.

... And then I created the earth, and gave it moisture and warmth,
so that she grows cacti and other succulents :-)
My cacti began to grow 2-3 times faster; bloomed those that had not bloomed before. Gymnocalyciums, Notokaktusy and Lobivia were especially happy about the good soil and moisture. Astrophytums Ferocactus, Oreocereus, Espostoa and Cleistocactus grew powerfully. And in general, all plants liked it: my cacti began to grow rapidly and bloom profusely all summer, and some even winter.

I believe that each cactus grower should determine the issue of the necessary watering of cacti for his area. The main thing is that the clod of earth near the cacti should not dry out, and the dilapidated layer of the substrate should dry out between waterings. Therefore, I do not cover the root collars of my cacti with gravel or coarse sand.
We have such a hot summer in Israel that you can't go outside without a bottle (I mean a bottle of water). I also water my cacti in winter, they do not stop growing. But in a temperate, humid, cold climate, cacti cannot be watered in winter!

Especially in hot weather, cacti, like all living things, are thirsty; it is necessary to spray them (in the form of "fog") with boiled water. It is undesirable to spray on cacti with a jet of water in the form of thin long "hairs". While spraying cacti, the sun should not fall on their stems - a burn may occur.

Often the cause of the death of cacti is the attack of insect pests: microscopic wounds appear in places where the skin of the cactus is most tender (on the roots, root collar or at the point of growth). Through these "gates" rot penetrates into the tissues of the cactus, in fact, instantly killing the plant. Many dangerous pests of cacti, such as mealybug and a tick (red spider), terribly afraid of water. Since I live in a hot country, I do not arrange wintering for my cacti and continue to water them, then pests do not start in them.
Moreover, I water my cacti directly on the stem (except for espostoa oreocereus and cephalocereus, in which the hairs turn yellow and stick together from water), but in a cold climate this is not safe!

I have lived and live in areas where there is a lot of calcium in the water, so I periodically boil the water for watering cacti, stand for a day and acidify it. For the next watering, I don’t boil the water and don’t acidify it, but I take only settled water for better absorption of microelements by the roots (since almost all substances precipitate in boiled water).

When preparing cacti for wintering, you need to reduce watering, commensurate it with your climate (weather and temperature). At the end of October-November, if there are no sunny days, watering the cacti should be completely stopped. Start gradually watering the cacti from March (if it's warm), awakening the plants with a foggy warm spray - then in the spring there will be fewer unpleasant surprises with cacti.

Always look closely and try to predict what your cactus wants and loves: it will be pleasant for him, and useful for you!

Plants that are able to accumulate moisture in their stems and leaves belong to the "succulents" group. This group, in turn, is divided into two varieties: stem and leaf succulents. At home, they grow: cacti, Kalanchoe, agave, jade, stone rose (echeveria) and aloe. Such plants are adapted to exist in areas with an arid climate. They require a special soil composition, which you can prepare yourself if the store does not have ready-made substrates.

To properly prepare the soil for succulents, you need to know them characteristics and morphology. Succulents, even in their appearance, are noticeably different from other houseplants.

  1. Stem succulents have thick, ribbed stems. Their leaves are small or in the process of evolutionary changes have disappeared completely, or turned into thorns and spines. This subgroup includes most varieties of cacti and milkweed. Moisture is collected in the tissues of the bark and core of the stems.
  2. Leaf succulents - thickened leaves serve as a place for the accumulation of moisture. Members of this subgroup include: different types aloe, fat woman, havoria, echeveria.

Succulents have an underdeveloped root system - this is the most vulnerable part of the plant. At home, succulents do not experience problems with getting moisture, as happens in arid areas of their natural habitat. Domestic succulents do not grow long basal offspring that produce water. The roots of domestic cacti and aloe are very small and fragile, they need special soil to make them feel comfortable in pots and planters.

Soil for succulents: composition and proportions of components

Succulents grow slowly. Some give a growth of only 1 centimeter per year, or even less. Their roots are small in size, and require a special soil composition, corresponding to the soil in arid areas. The desert land where succulents grow is sand, stones, lack of nitrogen in the soil and minimal content of fertile land. The same conditions must be followed when forming the soil for indoor succulents. To these requirements, the most necessary nuances should be added:

  • succulents grow well in loose, quickly drying soil;
  • the soil should be well aerated and drained;
  • the surface of the earth in pots should remain dry.

Advice. Succulents are content with rare waterings, after which sprinkle the earth in pots with small pebbles, pebbles, granite chips, that is, any material that dries quickly, but does not delay the evaporation of moisture from the soil.

The composition of the soil for succulents must include:

Attention! Soil for succulents is not recommended to be made on the basis of peat and other similar components. Peat retains moisture for a long time, which slows down the development of the plant. Do not buy ready-made mixtures containing this component.

Additional information about the composition of the soil for succulents

Cacti and aloe, let's take them as an example, almost do not react to the acidity of the soil, but it is better to take ground lands with a neutral pH value.

Among the components that make up the soil for succulents, there should not be organic matter. Such substances contain a lot of nitrogen, and succulents do not accept its oversaturation. An excess of nitrogen-containing components leads to extremely rapid growth and moisture accumulation for these plants. They become soft and loose, their stems crack and burst, the leaves lose their decorative appearance.

Leaf humus used to prepare the substrate must be free of debris: small twigs, knots. To do this, it is necessary to sift it through a sieve with large holes or a grate with small cells.

All components must be disinfected to avoid the introduction of pathogenic microbes:

  • fry sand and earth for succulents in the oven in a pan or baking sheet for 1-2 hours;
  • rinse the drainage material from dirt and place in a solution of potassium permanganate for several hours, then dry in the oven.

Properly prepared soil for succulents will create all the necessary prerequisites for the normal survival of the plant, its growth and development. Measures taken for prevention will protect succulents from disease.

Many succulents are grown not only for decorative purposes, but also as medicinal plants. Them medicinal properties have long been known to the people: aloe is used to heal wounds, from inflammation, cacti are protection from electromagnetic rays emanating from TV or computer monitors.

Special soil for succulents: video

It is a mistake to believe that if cacti are succulents and their natural habitat is not very favorable, then there is no need to take special care of the soil.

Not only should the earth be nutritious and enriched with microelements, it is also individual for each group of cacti, which are desert, forest. Therefore, the soil for cacti should be selected as similar in composition to the one in which they grow in nature. However, in practice, these plants are grown using mixtures based on universal soils, which are often compiled empirically.

The composition of the soil for cacti

Desert cacti, as well as species with turnip roots, prefer clayey cloddy soil, while forest and species with a fibrous root system prefer loose soil. But in any case, the soil should be air and moisture permeable, with a low Ph level (no higher than 6.5). At the same time, fertilizers should not be included in the composition of the soil, since cacti do not need additional substances that stimulate rapid growth, minerals, in particular, a high nitrogen content.

Types of cacti prone to decay, such as Ariocarpus, Strombocactus, Blossfeldia, are grown in permeable soil with a lot of stones.

Species with spines need more calcium than species without spines. Therefore, it is advisable to add eggshells crushed into dust into the soil.

To retain moisture, soddy land is needed (clay, but black soil is not recommended). Leafy land is rich nutrients, charcoal - an antiseptic, prevents the appearance of rot, is added in the form of pieces, and wood ash, dolomite flour reduce the acidity of the soil.

Lime is added only to the soil for cacti that need it, such as astrophytums and other species with long spines.

Coarse-grained sand (river or building sand), brick chips sifted and washed from dust, expanded clay, small pebbles, crushed stone, vermiculite give additional looseness and breathability to the soil. The listed components, with the exception of sand, should be selected depending on the size and age of the cacti. For example, for young plants, seedlings, it is better to use a small fraction, and for adults - a large one. Before compiling the soil, all components are sterilized.

How to make soil for cacti

Soil for desert species should consist of equal parts of soddy, leafy soil, peat and coarse sand.

A different soil composition is needed for plain cacti, which include a huge genus of echinopsis. The soil mixture should be porous and nutritious, may consist of:

2 parts of sod land
1 part leaf ground
1 part peat
1 part humus
1 part coarse sand

Very fertile soil is necessary for cacti of the Cereus family, which are characterized by rapid growth and large sizes.

1 part of sod land
1 part leaf ground
1 part peat
1/4 humus

Based on the finished soil mixture, simple soils are made up for unpretentious cacti:

2 parts prepared soil
2 parts coarse sand
1 part gravel

When planting, a drainage layer of expanded clay or crushed stone is laid on the bottom of the pot, then earth is poured, and another layer of expanded clay or pebbles is laid on top to prevent rotting of the root neck. But top drainage is not always used, because it makes it difficult to control soil moisture.

Ready soil for cacti

When choosing a universal ready-made soil for cacti, you should carefully study the composition, which should contain turf and leaf soil, humus and (or) high peat, coarse sand. Perhaps the content of vermicompost, but such nutrient soil added in small amounts. Other components of the composition are dolomite flour, charcoal, wood ash.

The most popular ready-made soils include Vermion soil enriched with biohumus, as well as the Flower Happiness soil mixture with the addition of dolomite flour, Fasco's Tropic for Cacti.

Special soil purchased at the store requires the introduction of some components, depending on the type of cactus.

There are flower growers who believe that the soil for cacti is a detail that you don’t even have to worry about. Say, these plants live in those places where there is only dust and stones, so it makes no sense to buy some special land for them.

Many will be surprised to learn that the substrate should not be anyhow, but special, enriched with microelements and nutrients.

Important! For each group of cacti, the soil should be selected individually.

The reason is that plants are forest and desert. Of course they grow in different conditions so that what suits one will be ruinous to another.

It is not in vain that specialists are working on creating a soil mixture so that it is as similar as possible to the one that exists in the natural environment.

Therefore, this issue must be approached with all responsibility so that cacti grow and develop.

Soil for cacti - what is it

Cacti that grow in the desert, as well as those that have turnip roots, grow in clay-cloddy soil. As for forest species with fibrous roots, loose earth will be ideal for them. Generally speaking, both species need a moisture- and breathable substrate, with a Ph level that does not exceed 6.5.

It is very important to ensure that fertilizers are not included in the composition of the soil, since given plant there is no need for various fertilizers intended for rapid growth or building green mass. They also do not need minerals and nitrogen-containing supplements.

Every flower needs its own soil

It is chosen according to the following principle:

  • Those species that are susceptible to decay (blossfeldia, ariocarpus, strombocactus and the like) are grown exclusively in waterproof soil, where stones are present in large quantities.
  • Instances with thorns are demanding on some components, especially they lack calcium. Therefore, this element must be present in the soil. To do this, it is enough to take an egg shell, grind it to the very minimum and add it to the soil mixture in small quantities.
  • Some types of cacti, one of these - astrophytum, as well as similar specimens with long spines, need lime, which must be applied to the ground from time to time.

Important! If lime or calcium is added to the substrate of those types of cacti that do not need these elements, then the plant may begin to die.

As for the substrate, some gardeners do not know how to achieve additional looseness, as well as breathability. And for these purposes it is necessary to use coarse-grained sand. Suitable for both construction and river. In addition, you can use vermiculite, expanded clay, crushed stone, small pebbles and brick chips (previously well sifted and washed).

All these components, except for sand, must be selected based on the size of the cactus, as well as its age. If the mixture is made for a young cactus, then it is best to pay attention to the small fraction, if for an adult, then to the large one.

Important! In the case when the land for cacti is compiled by hand, all components must be sterilized.

Substrate for cactus: how to make it

It is impossible to say what kind of soil a cactus loves, because, as mentioned above, each species needs its own substrate. Which one will be described below.

The soil mixture for desert species consists of the following components collected in equal parts:

  • peat;
  • leaf land;
  • sod land;
  • coarse sand.

A completely different soil should be used for cacti that live naturally on the plains. These include a large genus of echinopopsives. As for the substrate, its features are nutritional value and porosity.

Special requirements are placed on the soil for the Cereus family, because they grow quickly and reach impressive sizes. Such flowers will feel good only in a fertile substrate.

Therefore, compiling it yourself, you should add:

  • one part of leafy land;
  • a quarter of humus;
  • one part of sod land;
  • one piece of peat.

For unpretentious cacti, it is possible to partially compose the soil mixture using 2 parts of the purchased land, as well as:

  • one part gravel;
  • two parts of coarse sand.

When planting a cactus, it is imperative to put drainage on the bottom of the flowerpot. It can be crushed stone or expanded clay. After that, you will need to fill in the ground, and add a little pebble or expanded clay on top. It is necessary and mandatory to do this in order to prevent rotting of the root neck. Wherein great attention soil moisture is given.

How to choose the right soil for cactus

Today in stores soil for cacti is presented in a wide range. However, this does not mean at all that you can take the first one that comes across. You need to carefully study what is included in its composition. So, the obligatory elements should be: sheet and sod land, top layer or humus layer, as well as coarse sand. The content of vermicompost is acceptable, however, given that this is a nutrient, it is added to the composition of the substrate in small quantities. Among other components, you can find wood ash, charcoal and dolomite flour. All of these components are redundant.

Today, the most popular soil mixtures are products from the Vermion company, most of them are enriched with biohumus; soil "Flower happiness", which includes dolomite flour; "Tropic for cacti" from the company "Fasco".

It should be remembered that when purchasing a substrate, at home, you will still need to add some additional components, depending on the variety of cactus.

Indoor cactus can be found on the windowsills of offices and apartments. This home plant is valued for its unpretentiousness and cute appearance. However, if you want to plant such a succulent baby, you need to know how to choose the right soil for cacti.


In fact, there are many recipes for the composition of the ground for cacti, and you can choose the one that is right for you. However, regardless of the composition of the ground for cacti you choose, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. The first condition is that the earth must be loose and pass water and air well.
  2. The second prerequisite for the substrate is low acidity. The optimal value is pH 4.5–6.

Looseness gives leafy earth. In addition, you can use brick chips or river sand for this, adding them to the composition of the soil. The use of peat is allowed (if you want to increase the acidity), and if you want to reduce it, then lime is perfect.

It's time to find out what kind of land old and young cacti need.

Young plants need a looser substrate, so leafy soil should be the basis. But older plants feel great in denser soil. Consider these points when compiling the substrate.

Video "Soil for cacti"

In this video, an expert will share tips for choosing soil for cacti.

Required Components

So, the soil for cacti consists of the following main elements:

  1. Leaf land. Used as a main element, very loose and great for these little ones.
  2. Clay-turf soil. Used to hold water. In addition, nutrients are washed out of it much more slowly.
  3. Old greenhouse soil. This is a fallback if the previous two are not available to you for some reason.
  4. Humus. Use it very carefully, in scanty amounts. It can only be added to very nutrient-poor soil.
  5. River sand. It is used to give looseness, and is part of all the main soil mixtures for these plants.
  6. Burnt clay. Also used to give looseness.
  7. Charcoal. It is added to the substrate in small pieces. Prevents putrefactive processes.
  8. Brick crumb. Can be used to increase the looseness of the substrate.
  9. Peat. Used to increase the level of acidity, if necessary.
  10. Lime. It is used only if it is necessary to reduce the level of acidity.

Features of self-cooking

Do-it-yourself soil is quite simple to make, you just need to know what basic elements are included in the mixture for these plants. The only difficulty may be finding all the ingredients, since not every grower is ready to go to specialty stores for them. However, there is nothing complicated here either, because, as follows from our previous paragraph, some components can be an excellent alternative if the required ingredients could not be found.

It is also worth paying attention to one nuance: the components of the substrate will change slightly if you plant different varieties of the plant. So, here are the basic recipes for the soil mixture.

For desert cacti

For these plants, it is necessary to make a substrate, taking the following components in equal proportions:

  • sod and leaf land;
  • peat;
  • coarse sand.

For plain cacti

When compiling a potting mix for flatland varieties, it is important to consider that they need looser soil than their predecessors. This is the reason for the changes in the composition of the soil mixture:

  • sod and leaf land;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • coarse river sand.

Sod land will require a little more than the rest of the components - two parts. All other ingredients are needed in one part.

Cereus family

These plants are fast growing and fairly large. Because of this, the soil in which they are planted should be more fertile. So, the following elements are included in the substrate for plants of the Cereus family:

  • sod and leaf land;
  • peat;
  • humus.

All ingredients, except humus, are taken in equal proportions. Humus is 1/4 part, since even such a small amount is more than enough to ensure the required level of fertility.

Soil for unpretentious cacti

These varieties have the simplest soil composition. It should be noted that humus is not added there at all, since they are not particularly selective in choosing a substrate.
So, to prepare the soil mixture for unpretentious varieties, you will need the following components:

  • ready soil;
  • coarse sand;
  • gravel.

It is necessary to observe the proportions 2:2:1, and then the substrate will turn out to be good and nutritious.