Names of mushrooms that grow on trees. Edible, inedible and poisonous mushrooms growing on a tree

Some mushrooms growing on trees are quite edible. In addition, many of their representatives also have valuable medicinal properties.

In nature, oyster mushrooms grow from May-June until the first frost.

The most popular and famous among mushroom pickers is honey agaric, whose speaking name (a mushroom growing on a stump) leaves no room for double interpretation.

But there are other varieties, the edibility of which many mushroom pickers do not even suspect, while it is important to know which mushrooms can be eaten and which not.

These are tinder fungi, with an external structure resembling a shell or a hoof and cap mushrooms. Their mycelium develops in wood, and only the fruiting body remains in sight, like in terrestrial counterparts. Due to their nutritional characteristics, they are classified as xylotrophs, that is, tree destroyers. Some xylotrophs feed on stumps and dead trees, enriching the soil and thus benefiting the ecosystem. Others harm, penetrating inside a living tree through cracks and other damage, they destroy the forest. But of greatest interest are their gastronomic qualities and properties that are beneficial to the human body.

Grifola curly or ram mushroom

The Japanese actively cultivating griffola curly call it "maitake" (dancing mushroom). They grow at the base of the trunks of old deciduous trees or on stumps. Quite rare, although they grow quickly and are not attacked by worms and insects. Among the tinder mushrooms, the ram mushroom is a giant, reaching a size of 1 meter and a twenty-kilogram weight.

According to the criterion of edibility, it belongs to the fourth category, and it is impossible to eat raw ram mushroom. As a rule, it is boiled, used in the preparation of broths and soups. Its smell is pleasant and persistent, and the flesh is white. But this applies only to young specimens, the old maitake darkens, acquires a fibrous texture and is bitter. So the freshness of the collected material matters. Those mushroom pickers who know this mushroom appreciate its unusual taste and a considerable number of useful properties.

Exotic lovers may well use the ram mushroom as an independent dish, but most often it is used as an additive or seasoning. Soups and sauces with maitake take on new facets of taste. And to prepare a seasoning from a mushroom, it must be dried and ground. This powder can be seasoned with fish, meat, salads. The use of mushroom seasoning is limited only by the imagination of the culinary specialist.

Sheep mushroom is rich in amino acids, polysaccharides and proteins. It contains such important minerals for the body as magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins D2, B2 and niacin. Traditional medicine of the East has found application for this fungus in strengthening human immunity. Modern researchers have discovered a number of other remarkable pharmacological properties in him:

The sulfur-yellow tinder fungus is a very significant mushroom for the medical field, containing a number of antibiotics in its composition.

  • lowering total blood sugar and preventing diabetic complications;
  • antiviral and antisclerotic activity;
  • beneficial effect on the state of the liver, hepatoprotective effect;
  • the effect on tumor growth and metastasis, anticancer activity is manifested in the suppression of cancer cells (the fungus showed clear effectiveness in cancer of the prostate and bladder, ovaries, mammary and thyroid glands);
  • anti-stress effect and adaptogenic properties;
  • a noticeable decrease in blood pressure;
  • decline side effects from chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Curly griffon cannot harm, but a large amount of chitin in its composition can cause indigestion, so you should refrain from overeating.

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This is a very significant mushroom for the medical field, containing in its composition a number of antibiotics that can effectively resist such forms of staphylococcus, which are highly resistant. In addition, a significant part of the fruiting body of the fungus is equipped with valuable resinous substances that have a beneficial effect on the functional parameters of the liver and biliary system, on the condition of the lungs and bronchi. And the Japanese pharmaceutical industry has long established the production of weight loss products from sulfur-yellow tinder fungus.

Grifola curly grows at the base of the trunks of old deciduous trees or on stumps.

He prefers living trunks of deciduous trees. In the forest expanses of the Russian middle lane this mushroom can be found from the second half of May until the onset of the autumn season. The fruit body is distinguished by a bright yellowness and an interesting shape, resembling a drop in appearance. In terms of structure, a sulfur-yellow tinder fungus colony looks like a large number of caps stuck on top of each other.

The pulp of this variety of tinder fungus in its consistency is characterized by a combination of softness and brittleness. Young mushrooms smell of lemon, and the taste also gives off sourness. They are used in the preparation of salads, for which they are fried or pickled. Delicious minced mushrooms are made from it, which can be added for originality to egg casseroles or pie fillings.

Old mushrooms should not be consumed because they become poisonous with age. Such a tinder fungus can cause allergies, provoke poisoning with nausea and dizziness. The most serious cases are characterized by the appearance of visual hallucinations. So only connoisseurs who know both the benefits and the dangers of such an unusual product should be engaged in the collection and preparation of dishes from this mushroom.

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Oyster mushroom

Sheep mushroom is boiled and used in the preparation of broths and soups.

In recent years, oyster mushroom has gained some notoriety as an object of cultivation in home gardens and farms. It can be found on the shelves of shops, and in the menu of various catering establishments.

In nature, oyster mushrooms grow from May-June until the first frosts, preferring to settle on aspens and oaks, lindens and birches, elms and mountain ash. In a word, like edible species xylotrophs, oyster mushroom grows on deciduous trees.

Rounded and fan-shaped cap, not at all leathery to the touch (unlike inedible counterparts). The color is gray to grey-brown, almost no mushroom aroma. The size of the mushroom is quite large: the diameter of the cap varies from 5 to 20 centimeters. The flesh is firm and quite fleshy.

Dishes that can be prepared from oyster mushrooms are very diverse. It is applicable both as a main ingredient and as a side dish or supplement. There are hundreds of recipes for aspic and pancakes, goulash and pies, casseroles and cutlets with this mushroom. Oyster mushroom is a very versatile product.

In addition to culinary advantages, one should not forget about the healing qualities of oyster mushrooms. So, its water and alcohol extracts are used for the prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension. Heavy metal salts and radionuclides are more actively excreted from the body when oyster mushrooms are consumed. The polysaccharides that make up the fungus inhibit the growth of malignant neoplasms, and also activate the activity of the thymus gland, helping to strengthen the immune system. In the composition of oyster mushrooms, compounds that can destroy cholesterol were also noticed.

Thus, it is not easy to overestimate the importance of oyster mushrooms both in gastronomy and in medicine. It is only important to remember that cooking with the participation of this fungus involves mandatory heat treatment. Oyster mushroom spores can be dangerous, since getting them into the lungs can provoke an allergic reaction.

Edible mushrooms often grow on trees, but there are not many varieties. Many of them are well known to mushroom pickers, as they have a pleasant taste and are nutritious. Allocate such mushrooms growing on trees, edible:

  1. Grifola curly. It has fibrous flesh. It has a whitish tint and a pleasant persistent aroma. The hat is very bushy and dense, there are pseudo-caps that are intergrowths. The leg is clearly expressed, has a light color.
  2. Chicken mushroom. It may also be called sulfur yellow tinder fungus. The pulp differs in elasticity and density. She is very fat. The young mushroom is very juicy. The hat is teardrop shaped. Has yellow and orange tint. The leg is also yellowish, it is poorly expressed. Sometimes it turns out to grow such a fungus with your own hands.
  3. Horn-shaped oyster mushroom. The pulp has a whitish tint. Very fleshy and elastic, but does not have a pronounced taste or smell. The hat has a funnel-shaped or horn-shaped shape. Has a whitish-gray color. Plates are located on the leg. With your own hands, such a mushroom can be grown at home, using wood and hemp.
  4. The polypore is scaly. This is another mushroom that grows on trees. The pulp has a pleasant smell. It is juicy but dense. The leg is short, has scales of a brownish shade. The hat also has such scales, but it itself is yellowish and leathery. This tinder can also be eaten.
  5. Polyporus cellular. The cap of this mushroom has an oval or semicircular shape. She is covered in scales. Distinguished by yellow-red flowers. The leg is short, located as if on the side. She is white and smooth. You can grow polyporus with your own hands, but this is not easy to do. The pulp is white. It is harsh, does not differ in expressive taste, and its smell is barely distinguishable.
  6. Winter honey agaric. It can also be grown by hand. The pulp has delicate taste and a slight mushroom aroma. Distinguished by white color. The hat is slippery and convex. It has a brown tint, and in the center is even darker. The foot is velvety and hairy to the touch. It also has a brown color.

Edible mushrooms often grow on trees, but there are not many varieties.

poisonous mushrooms on trees

  1. Fluffy trametes. It has thin flesh. It has a leathery texture and a white tint. The hat has furrows, which are covered with grayish bristles at the top. The leg is the same color.
  2. Postia knitting. This is a mushroom that can grow directly from a tree. Its flesh is fleshy and juicy, but the taste is bitter. The white leg is short or absent altogether. The hat has a semicircular, shell-shaped, triangular or kidney-shaped shape. The surface is white.
  3. Piptoporus oak. It can grow directly from trees. The hat has a fan-shaped or round shape. Differs in velvety. Cracks often. Has a brown tint. The leg has the same color, but is weakly expressed. The pulp is juicy, soft and white.
  4. Ischnoderma resinous. It can often be seen next to trees. The hat is round. She sits tightly, and her base is downward. Has a reddish or brownish color. But the leg is lighter than her. Differs in smoothness. Average in size. The pulp is fibrous and juicy. Has a light brownish or white shade.
  5. Ganoderma southern. It grows from a tree. She has practically no legs, and her hat is flat. Sits tight, slightly convex. The wide part grows directly to the ground or wood, if it is on the trunk. The flesh has a dark red or chocolate hue. Very tender and soft.

How to get rid of tinder fungus on a tree (video)

Medicinal varieties of mushrooms on trees

A mushroom that grows on a tree may have medicinal properties. There are several varieties, parts of which grow directly into the tree trunk. Many mushroom pickers actively collect such products and prepare medicines from them at home. Here are common organisms that have healing properties:

  1. Lacquered tinder. It can also be called Reishi mushroom. It has a strong antitumor effect. In addition, it has immunomodulatory properties, stabilizes blood pressure, improves fat metabolism. Actively used in case of loss of strength.
  2. Trutovik beveled. It is also called chaga. It has an antispasmodic effect, and also fights bacteria. It also has reparative and diuretic properties. Can grow on a birch. It has a gastroprotective effect, accelerates the healing of erosions and ulcers in the stomach and intestines. Able to maintain normal intestinal microflora. It normalizes the work of the entire digestive tract.
  3. Larch sponge. This is another 1 mushroom growing on trees. It has a pronounced laxative effect. In addition, it stops bleeding, has a hypnotic and sedative effect. Helps reduce sweating. Tinctures are made from the leafy sponge.

Mushrooms that grow on trees are useful as food for people with the following problems:

  • elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood;
  • the presence of anemia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • weakened immunity.

By the way, medicinal mushrooms, like some edible ones, can also be grown independently, but this is a rather complicated process. So it's much easier to collect them in the forests.

How do fungi infect trees?

Xylotrophic fungi are those that destroy wood. Infection occurs through damaged areas of the bark: broken or cut branches, dry sides, wounds, frost holes, mechanical damage. Spores that disperse in the air enter the bark and then germinate in the wood. Gradually, the mycelium spreads along the trunk, destroying it. Some varieties of xylotrophs prefer to settle on wood that has already been machined. For example, these are boards, poles, logs. In such places, tinder fungi, brownies, fence, pillar, sleeper mushrooms grow. There are separate varieties of organisms that grow on root rot. They are also considered xylotrophs, but spread not only by spores, but also by contact with a healthy root system.

Various signs can indicate that a wooden trunk has rot inside. For example, this is the presence of dry bogs, fruiting bodies of mushrooms, swellings in the lower part of the trunk. The rate of linear growth is also decreasing. However, there are cases when rot is present, but outwardly this is not expressed in any way. To determine the presence of a mycotic disease, you can use special devices that allow you to study the tree from the inside, but there will be practically no harm to it.

For example, this is a resistograph. They need to drill into an unhealthy tree trunk. A special thin drill is used. At this time, the sensors register various indicators, including the density of wood in terms of its resistance to drilling. Then, using a computer program, the internal state of the plant is determined.

You can use another device - arbot. This is a kind of tomograph. The principle of its operation is based on the fact that the speed at which the sound impulse of the equipment passes through the wood is measured.

After the diagnosis, a decision is made on whether to remove or leave the plant. However, in addition, it is necessary to take into account the architectonics of the crown, the slope of the tree, the features of the tree species, soil, land plot, the presence of other objects next to it. Depending on how neglected the state of the plant is, measures are taken to remove the tree if it is recognized as emergency. But sometimes it can be cured or at least stop the spread of rot. The hollow is treated by removing those parts that are affected by mycelium. Then they need to be treated with fungicidal agents. Next, fittings are installed, which are closed with an insulating layer. Then the tree is sealed, and the seal itself is masked. All these works should be carried out only by a specialist.

But it is best to carry out the prevention of mycelial damage. It is best resisted by healthy and strong plants, so it is necessary to remove dry sides in time, heal wounds, fill hollows, and remove dry and diseased branches. Saw cuts should be treated with a special sealant, pitch or paint. If there are diseased plants in the garden, then they must be removed in time.

Mushrooms growing on trees are represented by a wide variety of species that differ in structure and belong to different groups, but it is the growing environment that unites them.

It is generally accepted that trees grow only poisonous mushrooms. But this is not entirely true, of course, there are much more unsuitable for human consumption and poisonous ones, but among them there are also edible species that, when properly cooked, are very popular even among the most spoiled gourmets.

Therefore, if you missed the season for picking porcini mushrooms and champignons, you can always find edible mushrooms that grow on trees, the main thing is to have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow they look in order to distinguish them from poisonous ones.

Tree mushrooms grow on live and half-dead trees, old rotten stumps, recently some of their species have been actively grown at home.

Themselves edible tree mushrooms have a positive effect on the human body, because they are rich in proteins, vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus. They are recommended to eat for people suffering from anemia, high cholesterol, low immunity, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system. The main thing is to cook mushrooms correctly so that they do not turn from edible into poisonous ones.

And so, let's take a closer look at exactly which mushrooms grow on a tree, whether they can be eaten, and by what signs they can be distinguished from dangerous species.

Brief description of mushrooms

In the forest on tree trunks most often grows:

  • Grifola curly (mushroom-ram);
  • Polypore sulfur yellow;
  • Oyster mushroom;
  • Honey agaric (although he likes rotten stumps more).

A mushroom that grows almost at the very base of old trees or even stumps is called curly griffon or ram mushroom (a type of tinder fungus), because it has a characteristic curly hat, up to one meter in size. If we have a species that grows wild in the forest, then in Japan, it is grown industrially and is called the “dancing mushroom”.

Grifola curly has a pleasant aroma and pulp white color, so the mushroom is very popular with mushroom pickers, because you can cook from it delicious meals, use it as seasoning. In addition, the ram mushroom well improves immunity, normalizes blood sugar levels, and improves the condition of the liver. The beneficial effects of the fungus on cancer cells in the body have also been noted. But any use of grifola for therapeutic purposes must be justified, as well as after consulting a doctor.

Also, you can safely collect the scaly tinder fungus in the basket. This is a mushroom with a long eight-centimeter leg and a rather impressive hat (fifty centimeters), which is covered with scales. mushroom color:

  • the leg is black at the base and white along the entire length;
  • cream or white hat.

Winter tinder is used only at a young age. You can distinguish it by a hairy hat with brown or yellow scales. The size of the mushroom is not too large, the leg does not exceed four centimeters, a ten-centimeter hat sits on it. Likes to grow on deciduous trees and stumps.

Sulfur-yellow tinder fungus, a mushroom that is very popular. The scope of its application is not limited to cooking. Its medical characteristics are so extensive that in many countries they began to grow it on an industrial scale. We, having often met a mushroom grown on a tree, pass by. But in vain, because it is salted, marinated, fried, used as an independent dish or added to salads, pies. The use of sulfur-yellow tinder fungus in food improves the functioning of the liver, bile, lungs, bronchi.

The tinder fungus grows on living deciduous trees and stumps. You can recognize it by its bright yellow color and oval shape, which narrows a little, on the one hand, the photo below will help you navigate.

Mushrooms grow in large families, one above one. If you break the tinder fungus, then its flesh will be white and fragrant, with a well-detectable smell of lemon. It is considered edible only at a young age.

Another popular "wooden" mushroom is the birch tinder fungus. Only young people can eat it. The mushroom has a flattened yellowish hat, and when it ages, it turns brown. It grows on the trunks of living birch and its stumps.

As you can see, many names of tinder fungi naturally characterize them.

Another common species that can rightfully be called mushrooms that grow on trees and stumps is, of course, oyster mushrooms.

Today, many people know them as industrially grown mushrooms, which are sold in many stores. And for some reason they forgot that oyster mushrooms can be collected on forest trees, where during May and June they grow on aspens, oak, linden, birch, mountain ash and other deciduous trees.

Forest oyster mushrooms are recognized by their fan-shaped hat, on which there is no skin at all (therefore, they are not cleaned before cooking, but only washed well), light gray or brownish in color. Mushrooms grow in large families, located on top of each other. If you happened to be in the forests, then this mushroom should have often caught your eye, since it has an extensive habitat.

Oyster mushrooms are eaten in various fried, stewed dishes, they are salted and pickled.

Mushrooms are not only tasty, but also useful, because they have a beneficial effect on the human body.

This is just a small list edible mushrooms that grow on trees. Also, they include fistulina mushroom, golden flake, chaga, Chinese mushroom, honey agaric and others.

The summer period is expanse for those who like to pick mushrooms. Lovers " silent hunting» usually look for prey in the grass, on the ground, look under their feet, rarely anyone raises their head and pays attention to what grows on trees. However, among these species there are many edible and tasty ones, which are in no way inferior to the "earthly" forms either in terms of usefulness or taste. What mushrooms on trees are edible?

Oyster mushrooms grow on the trees, a mushroom with dense white flesh, which coarsens over time and becomes grayish and “rubber”. The surface of the fungus is rounded, blue-gray, convex, matte. This mushroom is harvested in May or June, in autumn, until frost. The food product grows on old stumps, trunks of deciduous trees, such as mountain ash and oak, aspen and willow, birch and elm. Oyster mushroom is grown industrially, it can be found on store shelves. The product is suitable for various dishes, mushrooms can be fried and boiled, filling for pies and pies, preparing first and second courses, snacks.

The oak polypil or the curly griffon is popularly called the "ram-mushroom". The fruit body really resembles this animal, it is oval or spherical in shape, can grow to a diameter of more than half a meter. The surface is wavy, the skin is matte, thin, gray or brownish-brown. This is one of the largest mushrooms that grow on a tree, this has its own plus - you can feed the whole family with one plant. The pulp is elastic and light, has a gray, brown-brown or yellowish tint, has a taste similar to a radish, a sharp pleasant smell. You need to collect the mushroom in August or September; it grows on oaks and maples, beeches and chestnuts.

The sulfur-yellow mulberry is conditionally edible, only at a young age. Specimens growing on deciduous trees such as willow, oak, pear, ash-leaved maple are suitable for food. Mushrooms growing on coniferous trees, you can get poisoned. The fruit body is rounded, fan-shaped, grows sideways to the trunk, the surface color is yellow, pinkish-orange. The pulp is juicy and whitish, with a pleasant smell. Mulberry is harvested from May to September.

Also, scaly tinder fungus can be found on trees. This is a fairly juicy mushroom and dense, has a pleasant taste and aroma.

A few more species that can be classified as edible are cellular polyporus (it has a white tint, harsh, practically does not smell, the taste is not pronounced), winter honey agaric (has a white tint, tasty, with a pronounced mushroom aroma).

Tree fungi have different morphologies, most of them are not just inedible, but also poisonous, capable of causing significant harm to our health. It is better not to collect unfamiliar specimens, even if they look quite appetizing.

Poisonous mushrooms include:

  • Fluffy trametes. The cap of the mushroom has furrows, and a grayish tint.
  • Postia knitting. It can be found in various shapes, from round to triangular. Has a white tint.
  • Piptoporus oak. Appearance the mushroom is very attractive, the hat is round, velvety, the color palette is brown.
  • Ischnoderma resinous. Mushroom round shape with a brownish-red tint.
  • Ganoderma southern. The stem of the fungus is practically absent, it grows tightly to the tree.

No matter how outwardly attractive the mushroom is, you need to be careful about the collection.

The benefits and harms of wood mushrooms

Mushrooms growing on trees can be not only tasty, but also healthy. Those parts of the mushroom that are eaten have a delicate taste and pleasant aroma. They can positively influence the human body. Contains useful ingredients:

  • Vitamins of groups C and B.
  • Vegetable proteins.
  • Iron and calcium.
  • Phosphorus.

Mushrooms growing on trees should be consumed by people suffering from anemia. The rich composition of the product can increase cholesterol. Such mushrooms perfectly increase human immunity.

Moreover, calcium, phosphorus and iron are contained in tree mushrooms in large quantities. According to such indicators, it is several times higher than meat. Also, mushrooms have some chemical compounds that reduce rice development. various problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Sometimes tree mushrooms cannot be eaten due to individual intolerance to the product, which is fraught with allergic reactions. The fungus can harm the body if processed and cooked incorrectly.

The collection of tree mushrooms must be carried out in ecologically clean areas, otherwise harm to the body is possible. Roads, expensive various industry should be located away from mushroom zones.

On a note! Mushrooms, in particular forest mushrooms, are a heavy food, so it is not recommended to give them to small children. Also, don't eat them before bed.

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Mushrooms growing on trees have different morphologies and belong to different botanical groups. In this article, they are united only by the place of growth.
Inedible mushrooms predominate among tree mushrooms, since most of them are tough and have a bitter taste, many are also poisonous. A much smaller part of these mushrooms is edible, but this article is devoted to them.

Mushrooms growing on trees, their edible representatives, as a rule, do not have a high nutritional value, but, despite this, among them there are also such types of delicious mushrooms as mushrooms.

Some facts about tree mushrooms

This type of mushroom grows not only on the trunks and stumps of trees, but also different types soil. They have a smooth and soft texture, and taste more like seafood. Their hats are large and fleshy, and the legs can be short or long. The color of the cap depends on which family and variety the mushroom belongs to, but the environment in which it grows also affects it.

The color of young mushrooms can vary from grayish to blue, but with age they become grayish-brown. Despite the fact that the color of the cap can be gray, white, brown, yellowish or pink, their flesh is always white.

Those parts of the mushroom that can be eaten have a pleasant taste and have a beneficial effect on the body. They contain a large amount of protein, vitamins C and group B. They also contain many trace elements necessary for humans. And they contain more iron, calcium and phosphorus than any kind of meat. As for the content of vitamin B3, mushrooms contain 5-10 times more of it than greens and vegetables.

For whom are tree mushrooms especially useful?

Tree mushrooms are a useful component of nutrition, especially for the following categories of people:

Having high cholesterol levels in the blood;
suffering from anemia;
wishing to improve immunity;
suffering from diabetes and obesity;
having increased acidity of gastric juice;
those suffering from high blood pressure.

The most common types of tree mushrooms

Tree mushrooms grow on stumps and on the sides of trees away from the ground. They are often leathery and large. Consider the most common mushrooms growing on trees.

Mushroom-ram(Tinder leafy, Grifola curly) has a fruiting body in the form of many branching legs that end in flat or semicircular caps. They can reach 20 kilograms in weight and 70 centimeters in diameter. It grows mainly at the base of chestnut, hornbeam, oak, beech and other hardwoods. Edible.

Polypore scaly(Hare, Pied) has a whitish or cream-colored hat with scales up to 50 centimeters in diameter, often with a folded and thinner edge. The leg is whitish-cream, almost black at the base, up to 8 centimeters long.

Tubular layer white. The pulp is whitish, dense, has a floury smell. Grows on living or dead branches and trunks of broad-leaved and fruit trees. It is conditionally edible, consumed at a young age.

Tinder fungus winter has a hat up to 10 centimeters in diameter, covered with hairs or small scales. Color brownish or yellowish. Leg up to 4 centimeters long, naked, has the same color as the hat. The flesh is white, as is the tubular layer, which becomes brownish when dry. Grows on deciduous trees. Conditionally edible, consumed at a young age.

Sulfur yellow tinder fungus has a fleshy loose body, a semicircular hat, up to 40 centimeters in diameter. The color is grayish yellow or orange. The tubular layer is also sulfur-yellow, the flesh is yellowish-white, soft. Grows in groups in deciduous forests (sometimes in coniferous) on living or dead tree trunks. Used at a young age.

Birch polypore has a flattened lateral fruiting body of a yellowish color, which eventually turns brown. The pulp is white. It grows on dead, and sometimes on living birch trees. Conditionally edible, consumed at a young age.

Fistulina(Liverwort, Tongue, Ox Liver) has a semicircular, tongue-shaped lateral fruiting body of orange or blood-red color. The flesh has a reddish color and lighter streaks arranged radially. The tubules are whitish, cylindrical, becoming brownish-yellow when touched. Grows on live trunks of deciduous forests, in hollows of old chestnuts and oaks. Conditionally edible.

Psatirella Kondola has a wrinkled bell-shaped hat with a diameter of up to 7 centimeters of cream or brownish color. The plates are gray-blue, becoming almost black with time. The tubular leg is up to 10 centimeters long, has a whitish color, a fluffy top from small scales. Grows in small groups on living trees, hardwood, on the ground. Conditionally edible.

Scales golden has a cap with a diameter of up to 15 centimeters of a dirty golden color with flaky reddish scales. It grows in large groups on the trunks of poplars, willows and other hardwoods. Conditionally edible.

Oyster mushroom steppe- grows at the base and on the roots of dead stems of some umbrella plants. Edible.

Oyster mushroom grows on poplar, beech, aspen. Also an edible fungus!