What is the reason for the decline of the Russian language and does it exist at all? Magazine "union state" Quotes from Boris Strugatsky.

There is no decline, and there cannot be. It’s just that censorship was softened, and in part, thank God, it was completely abolished, and what we used to hear in pubs and gateways now delights our ears, coming from the stage and from television screens. We tend to consider this the onset of lack of culture and the decline of the Language, but lack of culture, like any devastation, is not in books and not on the stage, it is in the souls and in the heads. And with the latter, in my opinion, nothing significant has happened in recent years. Unless our bosses, again, thank God, diverted from ideology and got carried away more by sawing the budget. So the languages ​​have blossomed, and the Language has been enriched with remarkable innovations in the widest range - from “hedging the GKO portfolio with the help of futures” to the emergence of Internet jargon.

Talk about the decline in general and Language in particular is, in fact, the result of the lack of clear instructions from above. Appropriate indications will appear - and the decline will stop as if by itself, immediately giving way to some kind of "new flourishing" and universal sovereign "good air".

Literature is flourishing, finally remaining almost without censorship and in the shadow of liberal laws concerning book publishing. The reader is spoiled to the limit. Every year, several dozen books of such a level of significance appear that, if any of them appeared on the shelves 25 years ago, it would immediately become a sensation of the year, and today it causes only condescendingly approving grumbling of criticism. Talk about the notorious “crisis of literature” does not subside, the public demands the immediate appearance of new Bulgakov, Chekhov, thick ones, forgetting, as usual, that any classic is necessarily a “product of the time”, like good wine and, in general, like all good things. Do not pull the tree up by the branches: it will not grow faster from this. However, there is nothing wrong with talking about a crisis: there is little benefit from them, but there is no harm either.

And Language, as before, lives its own life, slow and incomprehensible, constantly changing and at the same time always remaining itself. Anything can happen to the Russian language: perestroika, transformation, transformation, but not extinction. It is too big, powerful, flexible, dynamic and unpredictable to take and suddenly disappear. Except with us.

It is pleasant to note the friendly atmosphere in which the testing of dictations took place - mutual assistance and interest were literally in the air, and most importantly, they speeded up the work, and despite the fact that the deadlines were running out, we gave accurate and confident marks. (Alina Ulanova, student of the Faculty of Philology, Russian State University for the Humanities)

…A unique opportunity to feel involved in this linguistic holiday is a great joy. This is an excellent practical way to educate real philologists and linguists, who are attentive and loving to the word. (Evgenia Kireeva, student of the philological faculty of the Russian State University for the Humanities)

The total dictation united teachers and students, they became allies, colleagues, which, of course, helped them to better understand each other. When the guys with burning eyes handed over dozen after dozen proven dictations and each time said with inspiration “More!”, We looked at them and rejoiced that we had made new good friends, that we had such wonderful young people - capable, hardworking, striving for knowledge. And now we have not a hundred such friends, but hundreds and thousands!

Members of the Expert Council of the Total Dictation Elena Arutyunova, senior researcher at the Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradov RAS, deputy. editor-in-chief of the Gramota.ru portal;

Vladimir Pakhomov, Research Fellow at the Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradov RAS, editor-in-chief of the Gramota.ru portal

Boris Strugatsky

TD-2010. What is the reason for the decline of the Russian language and does it exist at all?

There is no decline, and there cannot be. It’s just that censorship was softened, and in part, thank God, it was completely abolished, and what we used to hear in pubs and gateways now delights our ears, coming from the stage and from television screens. We tend to consider this the onset of lack of culture and the decline of the Language, but lack of culture, like any devastation, is not in books and not on the stage, it is in the souls and in the heads. And with the latter, in my opinion, nothing significant has happened in recent years. Unless our bosses, again, thank God, diverted from ideology and got carried away more by sawing the budget. So the languages ​​have blossomed, and the Language has been enriched with remarkable innovations in the widest range - from “hedging the GKO portfolio with the help of futures” to the emergence of Internet jargon.

Talk about the decline in general and Language in particular is, in fact, the result of the lack of clear instructions from above. Appropriate indications will appear - and the decline will stop as if by itself, immediately giving way to some kind of "new flourishing" and universal sovereign "good air".

Literature is flourishing, finally remaining almost without censorship and in the shadow of liberal laws concerning book publishing. The reader is spoiled to the limit. Every year, several dozen books of such a level of significance appear that if any of them appeared on the shelves 25 years ago, it would immediately become a sensation of the year, and today it causes only condescendingly approving grumbling of criticism. Talk about the notorious “crisis of literature” does not subside, the public demands the immediate appearance of new Bulgakov, Chekhov, thick ones, forgetting, as usual, that any classic is necessarily a “product of the time”, like good wine and, in general, like everything good. Do not pull the tree up by the branches: it will not grow faster from this. However, there is nothing wrong with talking about a crisis: there is little benefit from them, but there is no harm either.

And Language, as before, lives its own life, slow and incomprehensible, constantly changing and at the same time always remaining itself. Anything can happen to the Russian language: perestroika, transformation, transformation, but not extinction. It is too big, powerful, flexible, dynamic and unpredictable to take and suddenly disappear. Except with us.

Once again about the XXI century

(Speech at the IV Congress of science fiction writers of Russia "Wanderer")

Public opinion has imposed on science fiction writers the image of a kind of prophets who supposedly know the future. On the one hand, this has always annoyed me, because such an approach narrows the real possibilities of science fiction, distorts its essence, and, in addition, obliges it to do something that it is not at all capable of. But, on the other hand, such an opinion about science fiction writers is not without certain foundations, because there are hardly any other people in the world who think about the future with such pleasure, so systematically and, most importantly, almost professionally.

Of course, I do not know what - specifically - the future awaits us in the 21st century. I don't think it's possible to know at all. The experience of the great predecessors shows that all attempts to somehow detail the image of the future look like aposteriori laughable, if not pathetic. But at the same time, truly brilliant divinations are possible and really happen (it’s hard to call them otherwise), when it’s not about specific details, not about the little things of life, not about fantastic technologies, but about the very spirit of the times.

When Jules Verne designed his Nautilus, it was truly a feat of brilliant imagination. We, the people of the 20th century, know that, in fact, he, without suspecting it, designed a nuclear submarine cruiser. But when we get to the description of the luxurious salons with five-meter ceilings, antique vases and marble statues, carpets and paintings hanging on the walls in the womb of this nuclear submarine, we begin to involuntarily giggle or even get annoyed. And in the same way we giggle when we read descriptions of Wells' "terrible and terrible" flying fortresses, those stupid half-airships armed with a machine gun (the only machine gun!), Forgetting in annoyance that the brilliant writer guessed the main thing: the terrible and almost decisive role of aviation in the coming wars.

Details are the daily bread of literature and a deadly trap for any divination. Any PRE-CALCULATED, calculated, detailed future is worthless. But after all there is still the future PREDICTED, grasped intuitively. Now this is serious. This is real divination. For example, I do not know of a more convincing and tragic prophecy than the idea of ​​the 20th century, brilliantly captured by the same Wells, as a time when they will try to create a new humanity by passing it through the crucible of suffering. What an unexpected, terrible and accurate guess! The only trouble is that the calculated future always looks (in the eyes of contemporaries) more solid than the intuitive one. Maybe we are confused by the very details that look so convincing and authentic today (and over which our descendants will giggle half a century later).

Somewhere I read curious considerations about weather forecasting. It turns out that the simplest prediction: "tomorrow will be the same weather as today" - gives the correct result in two-thirds of the cases. And the so-called "accurate", "scientifically based", carefully calculated forecast turns out to be correct in seventy-seven (it seems) percent of cases. This is impressive: a giant worldwide network of weather stations, powerful computers, billions and billions of dollars - and all this in order to increase the reliability of the forecast by seven to eight percent! In my opinion, something similar takes place in social prognostication. You can involve billions of dollars and all the resources of the Rand Corporation in calculating the future, or you can just quietly assume that the next century will be the same as the previous one - the same people, the same problems, the same ups and downs, the same records of high morality. and cruel immorality - only the technological background, of course, will change and the amplitudes will increase.


1 Total dictation 2010 COMMENTS TO THE TEXT OF THE DICTATION Sentence Rule 1 of separate words Spelling 1 What is the reason for the decline of the Russian language (1) and is there any at all? (1) In a compound sentence, a comma is not placed if the parts are united by the unity of interrogative intonation (PAS. C, paragraph 5: commonality of interrogative, motivating or exclamatory intonation). A comma before connecting or separating unions in a compound sentence is not put if it includes: a) interrogative sentences: Who are they and what do they need? (Pushkin); b) incentive sentences: Let the cold end and the warmth come! c) exclamatory sentences: How funny he is and how stupid his antics are! (Rosenthal. S. 240; 30, p. 3) This is a compound sentence in which the parts are connected by the union and. Usually, a comma is placed between parts of a compound sentence, for example: [I have two brothers in my neighbors who are physicists who love to work at night.] By two in the morning they run out of cigarettes, and then they climb into my room and start fumbling around, banging furniture and arguing (ABS. Monday starts on Saturday). However, in this case, the action of the "rule of a complex sentence" is canceled by the action of the "rule of homogeneity": the parts are united by interrogative intonation. This feature turns out to be more significant than the presence of two grammatical bases (two subjects and two predicates). 1 The abbreviation "PAS" is used to refer to the following source: Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Ed. V. V. Lopatina. M., 2007 (2nd ed. M., 2009). The abbreviation "Rosenthal" refers to any edition of the directory: Rosenthal D. E. Spelling and Punctuation Handbook (any edition). We propose to rely on the PAS academic publication approved by the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences. one

2 2 There is no decline (2), and there cannot be. 3 They simply softened censorship (3), and in part, (4) thank (5) God, they completely abolished (6), and what [what we used to hear in pubs and gateways] (7) today delights our ears (8 ), coming from the stage and from television screens. (2) A compound sentence with an adjunct yes and. Do not confuse the connecting union yes and with the connecting union yes, which is used in the enumeration. Cf .: connecting union and yes: I had several questions for the cat Vasily, and the mermaid living on the oak was of some interest, although at times it seemed to me that I still dreamed of her (ABS. Monday starts on Saturday ); Unfortunately, they spoke quietly, and I was sitting with my back to them, so it was hard to hear (ABS. Monday starts on Saturday); And you're not Cristobal Junta, and neither am I... (ABS. Monday starts on Saturday). The connecting union yes (=u), in which the comma is not put: Everything was the same in the room, only deep scratches from the claws of the neck gaped on the stove and the ribbed marks of my boots were wildly and ridiculously dark on the ceiling (ABS. Monday starts on Saturday) . Opposite union yes (=but), in this case a comma is placed, as with adversarial unions: I ordered Air glasses for myself, but I lost it, I can’t find it ... (ABS. Monday starts on Saturday). (3) A comma between homogeneous members connected by an opposing union a (PAS. C: If there is an opposing union between homogeneous members (a, but, yes in the meaning, but, however, though, but, however, however) and connecting (and also, but then and) a comma is put.) (4) thank God an introductory combination of words: “Introductory words and combinations of words are distinguished or separated by commas” (PAS. C) (5) thank God it is written with a small letter, since a common colloquial phrase is used introductory a combination of words denoting an emotional attitude to what was said: At that time, thank God, he came on time! If the context indicates that the speaker really thanks the Lord God (in prayer, when directly addressing God as the Creator and Creator), it is written with a capital letter: glory to God (PAS. From “Names associated with religion”) (6) A comma between parts of a compound sentence (grammatical foundations: softened and abolished, and that delights). (7) Paired commas highlighting the subordinate (dependent) part that we used to hear in pubs and gateways, which is located inside the part with a grammatical basis that delights. (8) A separate participial turnover coming from the stage and from television screens. censorship abolish 2

3 4 We tend to consider this the onset of lack of culture and the decline of the Language (9) (10), but lack of culture (11), [like any devastation] (12), is not in books and not on the stage, () (13) it (14) () in the souls and in the heads. (9) A comma between parts of a compound sentence connected by the union but. (10) Language: capitalizing the word Language in this context emphasizes the opposition of Language as a means of communication and language as an organ of the body. Writing the word language with a small letter further down the text was not considered a mistake, the mark for this was not reduced. (11) lack of culture. PASS. From “Prefixes ending in z / s” (without-, vz-, voz-, iz-, nid-, raz-, through-): before letters that convey deaf consonants (k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, u) the letter s is written, and in other cases the letter z. The rule “similar with similar” applies: on the border of morphemes (prefix + root), voiced consonants are combined with voiced, and deaf with deaf. Wed in the same text there are other words for this rule: devastation, sawing, blossoming, flourishing, conversation, etc. It is interesting that it was in the word lack of culture, which was in the “blind” text, that many made a mistake. And NOBODY made a single mistake further in the text on this rule when taking dictation. In one of the NSU classrooms, there were not enough forms with a "blind" text, and about 50 people wrote this part of the dictation by hand. And only two made a mistake. It seems to us that this is due to the influence of the "blind" text, which assumes an abstract knowledge of the rule. When filling in blind text, the rule is separated from automatic writing. Our consciousness naturally reconstructs the original form of this prefix with a voiced consonant at the end, and only secondarily is the position in which this prefix stands before a deaf or voiced consonant (or vowel) taken into account. (12) Paired commas that highlight a comparative turnover (PAS. C “Punctuation marks for comparative turnovers”: “Comparative turns that begin with the union as are distinguished if they indicate assimilation”: in this case, lack of culture and devastation are likened to each other). (13) Between parts, lack of culture is not in books and not on the stage, () it is in the souls and in the heads that a comma and a dash can be set. A dash can be put according to the rule: in a non-union complex sentence, a dash is put if comparative and opposite relations are established between the parts (PAS. C). (14) In this place, the setting of a dash between the subject and the circumstance of the place is variable. Both options (with and without a dash) are accepted and do not count as an error. There are no unambiguous rules here. Compare: “In incomplete sentences, a dash is put in place of the missing members of the sentence or their parts” (PAS, p. 16). For the text of our dictation, the Note to paragraph 2 on p. 210: “In a simple sentence with an omitted predicate indicating the direction of movement: Tatyana into the forest, the bear follows her. Note: the dash may be absent with less intonation in the sentence: they both spoke at once: one about cows, the other about sheep; the same in sentences characterizing the subject by location: Secretary at the director; He is at a meeting. There is no dash in the first part of the sentence either, so there is no parallelism in the construction. If there is a dash in position (13), then the second dash is of course undesirable. incivility 3

4 5 And with the latter, [in my opinion] (15), nothing significant has happened in recent years. 6 Unless (16) our bosses, [again, thank God] (17), were distracted from ideology and got carried away more by sawing the budget. 7 Here (18) languages ​​have blossomed (19), and (20) The language has been enriched with remarkable innovations in the widest range (21) from "hedging a portfolio of GKOs using futures" to the emergence of Internet jargon (22). (15) Paired commas to highlight the introductory combination of words in my opinion (PAS 91, paragraph 1). (16) Unless it is a particle. Commas are not used for particles. Wed also the last sentence. (17) Paired commas to highlight the introductory combination of words thank God (PAS 91, paragraph 1). The component is again part of the introductory combination, it is similar in function to the particle (=too, and too), therefore it is not distinguished. If it is singled out, then semantic unity will be assumed with the following fragment: *again, (thank God) digressed from ideology. If you remove the introductory combination, you get: *again, distracted from ideology. The text of the dictation does not imply that the authorities have again / again / once again been distracted from ideology, but a positive emotional assessment of this fact is repeated (cf. above, censorship, thank God, was softened and abolished). (18) There is no comma after the word here. This is not an introductory word, but a particle. (19) languages ​​\u200b\u200bwith a small letter, since a stable combination of loosening the tongue is played out (simple contempt. Without restraining oneself, losing control over oneself, blurting out, saying too much). Language capitalization is optional, this is the author's use of the word Language in the meaning of "a means of communication, a system of signs." The capitalization is supported by the opposition played in this context “tongues have blossomed” in the meaning of “the organ of the speech apparatus” and “Language” as a semiotic system. Lower case spelling is not considered an error. (20) A comma in a compound sentence before an adversative conjunction a. (21) The dash is placed according to the rule "Punctuation marks with clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence" (PAS. C). In this context, the word innovation is explained, in place of the dash could be an explanatory union namely, that is, etc. (p. 253). “The explanatory members of the sentence Unlike the clarifying members of the sentence, which are not equivalent in their meaning to the members being specified (they narrow the concept being specified), the explanatory members of the sentence are equivalent to the explained ones, but call them differently. They are the second names in relation to the first, explained, which express this or that concept is not clear enough or for some reason is not clear enough. (22) Internet jargon: in the "Newest Dictionary of Foreign Words" it is recommended to write the word Internet with a capital letter as a proper name (on the Internet, the structure of the Internet), and as part of compound words with a small letter (Internet cafe, online store, online portal, etc.). ideology again (written separately, since this is a separate word, particle) Internet jargon range 4

5 8 Talk about decline in general (23) and Language in particular (24) (25) is [essentially] (26) the result of a lack of clear guidance from above. 9 Appropriate indications will appear, () (27) and the decline will stop as if by itself, (28) immediately replaced by some kind of “new flourishing” and universal sovereign “good air”. (23) The word is generally not distinguished by commas, since in this case it is an adverb with the meaning “in general, in relation to most cases, in general” (according to Ushakov’s dictionary), “in general, in general, mainly” (BTS ). Not to be confused with words in general and in general (cf. also introductory words in general / in general) as introductory in the sense of “generalizing, concluding; as a matter of fact, in essence” (BTS). (24) In particular, it is not distinguished by commas, since in this case it is not an introductory word, but a noun with the meaning “detail, detail, special case”, cf.: In general, this is true, but in particular there are exceptions (Ushakov's dictionary). Wed also: “The construction in general and in particular DOES NOT STAND OUT with commas: Over tea, the conversation turned to the economy in general and gardening in particular (S.-SH.) (Rosenthal. Section 7 “Introductory words and phrases”, 25 (9.9)). In this text: the decline in general (of the economy, culture) and the decline of the language as a kind of general decline, its special case. (25) A dash between subject and predicate of pronounced nouns (with the demonstrative particle it). (26) Paired commas with an introductory word in essence (PAS: 91, Note 1, paragraph a, p. 261: “indicate the degree of reliability of the message, fact”). Only half of all those who wrote the dictation wrote this sentence correctly, without a single mistake (592 people out of). (27) Both a comma and a dash are possible. Dash preferred. The rule “Punctuation marks in a compound sentence”: “A dash is placed between the parts of a compound sentence if the second part of the sentence contains the meaning of the result, consequence, sharp opposition” (PAS, 114, p. 283). See also the Note to this rule: “A comma and a dash can be between parts of a compound sentence as a single punctuation mark. Such a division of parts of a compound sentence is somewhat outdated” (p. 284). (28) Separate participle turnover. in fact (written separately, since this is a preposition) from above (cf. up) as if right there (written separately, since it would be particles) flourishing (cf. dawn) 2 This is a little less than half of all written on that day in Novosibirsk, the work of dictations (NSU, Gymnasium "Ermine", Gymnasium 8, "Pliny the Elder", Regional Library) was checked by students, graduate students and teachers of NSU. 5

6 10 Literature flourishes (29), remaining (,) [finally] (,) (30) almost without censorship and (31) in the shade (32) of liberal laws (33) concerning book publishing. (29) A separate participial turnover remained almost without censorship and in the shadow of liberal laws. (30) A problematic place with the word finally, which can be interpreted as an introductory (then it is separated by commas on both sides) or as an adverb (then commas are not put). PAS 96: The word is finally introductory if it sums up any explicit or hidden enumeration (as a result of some events) effort): We have been waiting for him for a long time, and finally he came. Such a meaning is sometimes difficult to distinguish from the meaning of the final completion of something. The particle to (p. 268) can serve as an indicator of adverbial meaning: * Literature flourishes, finally remaining without censorship. In our opinion, the word finally here is introductory, therefore, it must be isolated. In this context (and in the context of the life of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, who suffered a lot from censorship), it introduces an emotional positive characterization of this fact (literature remained uncensored and this is a long-awaited, and therefore a positive fact). This positive assessment is built into a single row with other introductory words in the previous text (thank God), which express a similar attitude towards the events described (in this case, relief, joy). And this is the main function. introductory words, which fully corresponds to the use of the word finally in the text of this dictation. However, due to the fact that the opinions of philologists about the meaning of the word finally differ, we decided not to consider either the placement of commas on both sides or their absence as an error. However, we still consider the presence of one comma (before or after the word finally) to be erroneous. Quantitative calculations that we carried out on the basis of 1171 works showed the following distribution of punctuation options for the word finally: Total 1171 (100%). Of these: a comma on both sides 738 (63%) without commas 345 (29%) one comma (before or after the word finally) 88 (8%). Thus, statistics also show that the majority of those who wrote the dictation finally feel the word as an introductory one. Separation for this context is still preferable. (31) A comma is not placed before the union, since it combines a number of homogeneous members: without censorship and in the shadow of liberal laws. (32) The expression in the Senú of liberal laws proved difficult to understand. Obviously, the word canopy is not included in the active stock. Instead, options were proposed in seven liberal laws, in the family of liberal laws, and others. liberal in the canopy 6

7 11 The reader is spoiled to the limit. 12 Every year there are several dozen books of such a level of significance that [if any of them appeared on the shelves 25 years ago] (34), it would immediately become the sensation of the year, and today it causes only condescending grumbling of criticism. 13 Talk about the notorious "crisis of literature" does not subside, the public demands the immediate appearance of new Bulgakov, Chekhov, Tolstoy (35), [as usual (36) forgetting at the same time] (37) that any classic (38) is necessarily a "product of the time ”(39), like good wine and in general (40) like all good things. The expression in the shadow of liberal laws means "under the auspices of liberal laws." See the interpretation of the word canopy from the "Big explanatory dictionary»: CANOPY 1. Crown or branches of trees forming a canopy, tent. In the canopy of branches. Rest in the shade of lime trees. * Come to me, dear friend, Under the shade of bird cherry and acacia (Lermontov). / About the tent, canopy, canopy. S. tent. Take shelter under the shadow of an ancient temple. 2. Protection, patronage. Under the shadow of friendship, the law. (33) Separate participle turnover. (34) Paired commas highlight the part that any of them appeared on the shelves about 25 years ago from both sides. She is inside the part that she would immediately become the sensation of the year, and today causes only condescendingly-approving grumbling of criticism. Of the 1171 people who wrote the dictation, only 556 (47%) put a comma after that. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the predicate of this part is expressed by the form appear, which introduces the meaning of the condition. It is likely that with a typical expression of the value of the condition using the union if, there would be fewer errors. (35) Bulgakovs, Chekhovs, Tolstoys, spellings with a capital (uppercase) and a small (lowercase) letter were accepted. PASS. Rules for the use of uppercase and lowercase letters. 158, c “Proper names can be used to generically designate homogeneous objects, becoming common nouns; at the same time, the capital letter is in many cases replaced by a lowercase one. The proper names of historical persons, literary or mythological characters, used in a generalized (figurative) way as the names of people with certain traits of character and behavior, are written non-uniformly, some with a lowercase letter, others with a capital letter. As you can see, this wording of the rule allows for variability in spelling. The text of this dictation is directly related to the "Note" to this rule (p. 166): face assessments: modern chichikovs, azefs, robkspys, newly-minted Goebbels, etc.”. to the limit In the text of B. Strugatsky, the expression the emergence of new Bulgakovs, Chekhovs, Tolstoy is understood as "the appearance of new great writers." Considering the general ironic tone of this fragment, it would be recommended to write these surnames with a small letter. However, respect for such names (according to the dictation writers themselves) prevented them from being written with a small letter, although everyone was well aware that they were not referring to the classics of Russian literature, that their names were used in a figurative sense, as common nouns. Some found a compromise: the notorious 7

8 quotes. The distribution of spelling options is as follows: Total 1171 (100%) with a capital letter 728 (62%) with a small letter 443 (38%) streamlined) rule. (36) After the introductory combination of words, as usual, a comma is not put: “If the introductory word or the introductory combination of words is at the beginning or at the end of a separate member of the sentence, then it is not separated from it by a punctuation mark, i.e. commas separate the sentence member along with the introductory word: The student returned the book to the library, probably without even reading it (PAS, 93, p.). Here Roman, apparently due to his youth, lost his patience (ABS. Monday starts on Saturday); Janus Poluektovich, let me ask you one question? Raising his eyebrows, he looked at me for a while, and then, apparently remembering something, he said: “Please, please. Only one?" (ABS. Monday starts on Saturday) I also thought it was strange the appearance of this dead green parrot, apparently so well known to Janus Poluektovich, and some too unusual fire burial ceremony with scattering of ashes in the wind, but I could not wait to tell about journey into the described future, and I began to talk (ABS. Monday starts on Saturday). (37) The beginning of the dependent part introduced by the conjunction what. (38) A dash between the subject and the predicate (with the particle it), expressed by nouns. Wed approx. (25). (39) A comma in comparative turnover is like good wine and in general like all good, which consists of two homogeneous members connected by a coordinating conjunction and, not separated by a comma. In one of the audiences, the "total dictator" did not read the second as, thus he saved all those who wrote in this audience from one of the typical mistakes that became widespread for those who wrote the dictation under the leadership of another dictator. This is an example of how the human factor of the dictator's slip of the tongue contributed to a reduction in the potential number of errors (40) The word is not separated by commas at all (see comment (23)). eight

9 14 It is not necessary to pull the tree up by the branches: (41) it will not grow faster from this. 15 However (42), there is nothing wrong with talking about a crisis (43): there is little benefit from them, but there is no harm (44) either. (41) A colon in a non-union complex sentence is placed if the second part of the non-union sentence has the meaning of reason, justification, which is checked by the possibility of substituting the union because, because (PAS, 129, paragraph 2, p. 296). Wed: if the second part expresses the result, the consequence, then a dash is put (p. 298). However, it is not the result that is expressed here, but the cause. One may ask the question: why should this not be done? Because the tree will not grow faster. BUT: in Rosenthal, Section 19 “Variable Punctuation Marks” says: VARIATIVE colon and dash in non-union complex sentences with cause-and-effect relationships: And we could not go deeper, the earth froze (Grand.), Do not pronounce these words with him (:) can offended, With such a partner, you can even fly to Mars (:) reliable comrade. In this case, we decided to consider the statement of the colon as normative, and the statement of the dash or comma was regarded as an error, since the colon corresponds to the modern norm, enshrined in the academic reference book. Unfortunately, only 123 people out of 1171 put a colon, i.e. 10.5%. This indicates a poor assimilation of this rule, although it is clearly formulated in the Russian language textbook for the 9th grade (Barkhudarov, Kryuchkov, Maksimov, Cheshko): what is said in the first, for example: Paul did not like autumn and winter: they brought him much physical suffering, cf.: Paul did not like autumn and winter, because they brought him much physical suffering. (42) However, the introductory word is separated by a comma (PAS, 91, Note 1, p. 262: Indicates the relationship between parts of the statement). (43) Colon in a non-union complex sentence (see comment (33) meaning of justification, explanation). A colon was put by 476 people out of 1171, i.e. 40%. Wed continuation of the wording of the rule named in the commentary (41), from the Russian language textbook for the 9th grade (Barkhudarov, Kryuchkov, Maksimov, Cheshko): “A colon is placed between the parts of a non-union complex sentence in the following cases: ) explains the first, that is, reveals its content, for example: The steppe is merrily full of flowers: the gorse turns bright yellow, bluebells modestly turn blue, fragrant chamomile turns white with whole thickets, wild carnation burns with crimson spots. (44) After all, it is not distinguished by commas, since this is a particle, and not an introductory word. up (cf. above) will grow however 9

10 16 And Language, [as before] (45), lives its own life, [slow and incomprehensible] (46) (47), constantly changing and at the same time (48) always remaining itself. 17 Anything can happen to the Russian language (,) (49) anything (50): restructuring, transformation, transformation, (51) but not extinction. (45) A comparative turnover with a union as distinguished by commas (including), if expressed by the phrase as before / as before: She has now become again slender and thin, as before (M.G.) (Rosenthal. Section 11 “Comparative turnover ”, 42 (4)). (46) A separate definition of a slow and incomprehensible life after the defined word is separated by commas. (47) A separate participial turnover, constantly changing and at the same time always remaining itself, in which homogeneous members, changing and remaining themselves, are connected by a union and, therefore, a comma is not put. (48) At the same time, it is not an introductory word, therefore it is not separated by commas. (49) Anything (,) you can omit the comma. Both options with a comma and without a comma were considered correct. Formally and historically, anything is a subordinate clause (so you can put a comma), but it has already turned into a stable expression (=different, unpredictable, so you can not put a comma). National Corpus of the Russian Language (shows different variants punctuation in this turn. In all the texts of the Strugatskys from the National Corpus there is a comma. But in the printed editions of the Strugatskys there was an example without a comma. Of those who wrote the dictation, 635 people (54%) put a comma, that is, slightly more than half. Preliminary observations of the functioning of this turnover allow us to assume that the differences in the punctuation of this combination are also due to the difference in semantics and structure: the comma is not put if this turnover has the meaning “any, anything, different”, for example: Why was it, if it could play anything (= any piece, any work) by ear? [AND. Grekov. Pheasant (1984)]. If in the structure of the sentence there is an opposition or exclusion of a single fact from the whole, then there is a tendency to put a comma, for example: As always, anything comes across, but not what you are looking for [Boris Levin. Foreign body ()] Therefore, in this context, it would be better to put a comma. (50) A colon with a generalizing word, anything with homogeneous members, restructuring, transformation, transformation and a dash at the end of the enumeration, since the sentence is not completed (PAS “Punctuation marks with homogeneous members of a sentence with generalizing words.” 33, p.). The colon and dash in this case is a paired sign that marks the beginning and end of a series of homogeneous members. : oh, oh, oh (51) A component, but not extinction, is not part of a series of restructuring, transformation, transformation. It belongs to another row: everything (,) anything, but not extinction with the meaning of excluding a part from a whole. Therefore, a comma is placed before it (PAS 35, s). Before the union but there is a confluence of two punctuation marks: a dash, which closes a number of homogeneous members, and a comma before the union but. INCREDIBLE Rebuild Transformation Transformation Extinction 10

11 18 He is too big, powerful, flexible, dynamic and unpredictable to take () (52) and suddenly disappear. 19 Except () (53) with us. Wed literary example with exactly the same punctuation: Anything: be funny and ridiculous, get into stupid situations, and be rejected, and be mistaken for someone else, and wait for a miracle, day after day, without admitting it to yourself hiding this expectation even deeply from oneself, but getting up every morning and looking out the window and waiting... [Gala Rudykh. Such a sustainable world // "October", 2002]. Only 61 people out of 1171 suggested the correct combination of characters in their works, i.e. only 5%. Apparently, the writers of the dictation were embarrassed by the confluence of two commas and dashes, each of which is placed in accordance with “its own” rule. (52) You can not put anything: take it and suddenly disappear. You can put a dash before or after the union and: take and suddenly disappear; take and suddenly disappear. These are valid options. In PAS (p. 212) it is proposed to put a dash after the union (“Dash in the function of highlighting.” 21, p. 2) for stylistic purposes: Death razoul worn down bast shoes, lay down on a stone and fell asleep. In Rosenthal, such cases may fit under the "Intonation dash" rule, although exactly the same examples are not given in this reference book. (53) This is an incomplete sentence, in which a dash can stand with us in place of the omitted members. It is acceptable without a dash. The use of a comma is erroneous, since it is only a particle and not an introductory word (cf. comment 16). mighty unpredictable 11

Program compiler: language and literature Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian Department Kuzmicheva N.V 2014 Reviewer: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Russian Language Department

Thematic planning n / n Timing Theme of the lesson 1 1 week Basic principles of Russian punctuation 2 2 week Phrase as a syntactic unit Quantity Requirements for the level of training of the student

CONTENTS Preface 3 I. Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence and during a break in speech 7 1. Period 7 1. Period at the end of a declarative sentence (7). 2. Period after short sentences to add emphasis

2. Semantic analysis of the text. The student is required to know the following topics: "Text as a speech work", "Semantic and compositional integrity of the text", "Text analysis". 1. Read carefully and thoughtfully

Methodological materials for preparing 9th grade students for the OGE in Russian language Prepared by: Borshcheva N.A., teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Chehlomeevskaya School" 2. Semantic analysis of the text. From a student

The work program on the Russian language in grades 0 and 0 is compiled on the basis of the Program “Goltsova N.G. The program for the textbook “Russian language. 0-grades” (Authors: N.G. Goltsova, I.V. Shamshin, M.A. Mishcherina) / N.G.

EXPLANATORY NOTE This work program is based on the program of a special course in Russian for the class "Russian spelling", the author of which is S.I. Lvova. This program corresponds

The program of entrance examinations in the Russian language 1 Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root. Checked unstressed vowels in the root. Unchecked unstressed vowels in the root. Alternating vowels in the root.

MUNICIPAL BUDGET GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "SECONDARY SCHOOL 2 of the city of Gvardeysk" 238210, Kaliningrad region, tel/fax: 8-401-59-3-16-96 Gvardeysk, st. Telmana 30-a, E mail: [email protected]


Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Yekaterinburg Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution Secondary School 138 Considered and agreed upon at a meeting of the ShMO Minutes

PROGRAM of entrance examinations in the Russian language (for those entering the SVE programs on the basis of grades 9 and 11) Biysk General instructions At the written exam in Russian, the examiner must show


Work program for the Russian language grade 9 Explanatory note Thematic planning of Russian language lessons in grade 9 is compiled in accordance with the program for educational institutions of the Ministry

PROGRAM of entrance examination in Russian for applicants on the basis of basic general secondary education for specialty 44.02.02 TEACHING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL 39.02.01 SOCIAL WORK

PROGRAM OF ENTRANCE TESTS IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1. EXPLANATORY NOTE This program is intended for applicants for educational programs higher education- undergraduate programs,

Municipal General Educational State Institution "Lopchinskaya Secondary School" of the Tyndinsky District Work program for the subject "Russian Language" Grade 9

EXPLANATORY NOTE This adapted work program in Russian for grade 5 complies with the requirements of the federal component of the State Standard for Basic general education and

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school 16" with. Nikolskoye DISCUSSED at the meeting of the ShMO head: () 20 g AGREED: () deputy. Director for SD 20

The volume of requirements for the Russian language. At the Russian language exam, the applicant must demonstrate: spelling and punctuation literacy, knowledge of the relevant rules within the given

Planned results The work program of the subject "Russian language" for grade 8 As a result of studying the Russian language, the student must Know / understand the role of the Russian language as the national language of Russian


Order dated August 29, 2016. 143 Work program Russian language 11B grade for 2016 2017 academic year Galukhina G.I. The highest qualification category, Skopin, 2016 The graduate will learn: Planned results

Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education National Research University Higher School of Economics Entrance Test Program in Russian 2017 Program

2 The program of the entrance examination in the general educational subject "Russian language", which is included in the list of entrance examinations for the main educational program of higher education. The program is drawn up

Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher vocational education National Research University Higher School of Economics Russian Admission Test Program


Theme of the lesson Number of hours 1 Literary Russian language. Norms of the literary language, their variability. 2 Repetition of the spelling of the main types of orthograms (spelling-vowels) 3 Repetition of the spelling of the main

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Ulyanovsk State University The program of the entrance test Form I APPROVE and U l GU.Kostishko 2017 PROGRAM of entrance examinations in the Russian language

Thematic planning Subject: Russian Grade: 8 Program: in Russian, edited by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.A. Trostentsova. M .: Education, 20. Textbook: for 8 classes

Criteria for assessing spelling literacy In the written work of students there are two types of incorrect spelling: spelling errors and typos. Spelling errors are a violation

Calendar-thematic planning in Russian for grade 11 (distance learning) for the 1st half of the 2018-2019 academic year. Basic textbook: Handbook for Russian language classes in high school.

The program of the general educational entrance examination, conducted independently by KubSU, in Russian Language system Basic concepts of phonetics, graphics, orthoepy. Sounds and letters. phonetic analysis.

State educational institution "School 2" of the city of Moscow Agreed on MO: Akopdzhanova T.I. 207 Approved: 08.207 Headmaster: Smetlev V.S. Work program in the Russian language,

Non-state educational organization secondary vocational education non-profit partnership "Tula College of Technology, Economics and Law" PROGRAM of entrance examinations in Russian

As a result of studying the Russian language, the student must know / understand: the relationship between language and history, culture of the Russian people; meaning of concepts: speech situation and its components, literary language, language norm, culture

Requirements for the level of training of students. Russian language course for high school is aimed at improving the speech activity of students on the basis of mastering knowledge about the structure of the Russian language

"Workshop on Russian spelling" Compiler of the annotation: Pryanikov A.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Department of the Russian Language and Methods of its Teaching Objectives of studying the discipline: a brief description of

General information about language The role of language in the life of society. Language as a historically developing phenomenon. Russian literary language and its styles. Phonetics, graphics and spelling Sounds of speech: vowels and consonants.


Ministry of Education and Science Chelyabinsk region GOU SPO "Troitsky College of Education" Working programm academic discipline"Russian language" for students in the specialties: 050709 Teaching in

Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language Grade 8 Lvov's program S.I., M .: "Mnemozina", 2009 Textbook by Lvov S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language, grade 8, M.: "Mnemozina", 202 3 hours a week

Grade 8 (105 hours, 3 hours a week, 35 academic weeks) About language (1 hour) Russian language in the family of Slavic languages. Speech (17 hours) Systematization of information about the text, styles and types of speech; expanding understanding of language

After receiving test tasks pay attention to their completeness, check the quality of printing documents. During the test, all participants must: after the announcement by the organizer

Explanatory note This program in the Russian language was created on the basis of the program of basic general education in the Russian language, the author's program for educational institutions “Russian language.

Planned results of studying the subject As a result of studying the Russian language, students should know: - the role of the Russian language as the national language of the Russian people, state language Russian


SEPARATION OF DEFINITIONS 1. Are there any words in the sentence that are an agreed definition? 2. What word do they refer to and what part of speech is the word being defined? If the pronoun


Theme of the lesson 1 The international significance of the Russian language 2 R.R. Oral and written speech. Monologue, dialogue. number of hours per Lesson Type Requirements for the level of preparation of students Preparation for the State Examination 3 Styles of language 4 Simple

Lesson Calendar and thematic planning of Russian language lessons in grade 9 Name of topics, name Number of objectives of the lesson Forms of control Timing of lessons hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Russian language National language Russian

Grade 8 Russian Theme of the lesson Number of hours Date Planned result Forms of lessons (types of activity) On the function of the Russian language in the modern world. 3.09 Get an understanding of the role of the Russian language

WORKING PROGRAM in the Russian language for grade 11 2018 2019 academic year Explanatory note This work program is designed for students of grade 11 "a". The program is built in accordance with the requirements


Planned results of studying the subject As a result of studying the Russian language at a basic level, the student must know / understand the relationship between the language and history, culture of the Russian and other peoples; meaning of concepts:

I. Planned results of mastering the subject "Russian language" As a result of studying the Russian language, the student must know / understand: the relationship between language and history, culture of the Russian people; meaning of concepts: speech

The work program in the Russian language for the class is based on the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of secondary (complete) general education basic level taking into account the educational

The textbook provides the necessary theoretical information on the main sections of the Russian language course; exercises are given to consolidate the acquired knowledge and develop the ability to analyze language material,

Requirements for the level of preparation of students completing the 8th grade. As a result of studying the Russian language, the student must know/understand - words with unchecked spellings; - types of phrases, types of communication

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 4 in Baltiysk Work program of the elective course in the Russian language "Complex issues of the Russian language"

EXPLANATORY NOTE The Russian language interview program complies with the rules for admission to higher education educational institution and exemplary entrance examination programs approved by the Ministry of Education

Phonetics Sound as a unit of language. Pronunciation rules. Vowels and consonants. Classification of vowels and consonants. The relationship between sounds and letters. Designation of sounds in writing. Syllable. Accent and rhythm.

4 PROGRAM OF ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Form of conducting entrance examinations testing. Duration 3 hours (180 minutes); maximum score 100 points. Spelling

CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING SPELLING LITERACY There are two types of incorrect spellings in the written works of students: spelling errors and typos. Spelling errors are a violation

Sad, very sad news! The last of the Mohicans of fiction has passed away

Boris Natanovich Strugatsky
15.04.1933 - 19.11.2012

He is best known as the creator of works of modern science and social fiction. Most of the works were written by him in collaboration with his brother Arkady Strugatsky, who passed away in 1991.

Their books constituted a whole epoch in Russian literature. The classics, beloved by more than one generation of readers, have become their works “It's hard to be a God”, “Monday starts on Saturday”, “Roadside Picnic”, “Lame Fate”, “Stalker”, “Inhabited Island”, “Burdened by Evil, or 40 years later", "Predatory things of the century" and many others.

The work of the brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky left an indelible mark not only in the history of Russian and world literature, but also in the hearts and souls of millions of admirers of their talent. For many readers, who do not even respect the genre of science fiction, familiarization with large, serious literature began precisely with the books of the Strugatsky brothers.

The site of the almanac "Noon XXI century", created by Boris Strugatsky at 00.00. November 20 opened with an obituary:

“Boris Natanovich Strugatsky has died.

Writer, publicist, teacher, who brought up a whole galaxy of modern domestic and not only domestic authors. Editor-in-chief of the almanac "Noon, XXI century", who discovered more than a dozen young talents.

The joint work of the Strugatsky brothers had a huge impact on millions of people born in the middle of the last century. The “World of Noon” created by the Strugatskys, in which one would like to live and work, has become the dream of several generations. This dream will continue to exist as long as people have hope for justice.

The whole life of Boris Natanovich was devoted to hard everyday work, the main goal of which was to bring Russian science fiction to a new qualitative level, where the main characters would not be scientific ideas, but the most ordinary people in unusual circumstances.

His contribution to Russian literature cannot be overestimated. His creative spirit will live on in us as long as we walk the earth.

Thank you, master, for your wisdom and exactingness, for your advice and questions, for your help and support!

What can I say, the books of the Strugatskys opened, open and will open new dimensions for us, both around us and within us. Reading their books, we are immersed in a completely different, so unlike the world around us, and yet so familiar, dear, world.

That is why for most of us reading the books of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky has long become a kind of necessity, a kind of spiritual food that nourishes our mind and does not allow it to rot in the "gray" routine of everyday life.

On the Lib.ru website and the official website of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky you will find everything works of art writers, their translations, some sound files related to their work, as well as parodies, continuations, imitations - a kind of "fuss around the Strugatskys".

Perhaps someone does not know, but in 2010 Boris Strugatsky became the author of the text for the Total Dictation - an unprecedented worldwide action when everyone who cares about the Russian language writes a dictation at the same time.

Here is the text of the dictation 2010

“What is the reason for the decline of the Russian language and is it even there?”

There is no decline, and there cannot be. It's just that censorship was softened, and in part, thank God, it was completely abolished, and what we used to hear in pubs and gateways now delights our ears, coming from the stage and from television screens. We tend to consider this the onset of lack of culture and the decline of the Language, but lack of culture, like any devastation, is not in books and not on the stage, it is in the souls and in the heads. And with the latter, in my opinion, nothing significant has happened in recent years. Unless our bosses, again, thank God, diverted from ideology and got carried away by sawing the budget more. So the languages ​​have blossomed, and the Language has been enriched with remarkable innovations in the widest range - from “hedging the GKO portfolio with the help of futures” to the emergence of Internet jargon.

Talk about the decline in general and Language in particular is, in fact, the result of the lack of clear instructions from above. Appropriate indications will appear - and the decline will stop as if by itself, immediately giving way to some kind of "new flourishing" and universal sovereign "good air".

Literature is flourishing, finally remaining almost without censorship and in the shadow of liberal laws concerning book publishing. The reader is spoiled to the limit. Every year, several dozen books of such a level of significance appear that, if any of them appeared on the shelves 25 years ago, it would immediately become a sensation of the year, and today it causes only condescendingly approving grumbling of criticism. Talk about the notorious “crisis of literature” does not subside, the public demands the immediate appearance of new Bulgakov, Chekhov, thick ones, forgetting, as usual, that any classic is necessarily a “product of the time”, like good wine and, in general, like all good things. Do not pull the tree up by the branches: it will not grow faster from this. However, there is nothing wrong with talking about a crisis: there is little benefit from them, but there is no harm either.

And Language, as before, lives its own life, slow and incomprehensible, constantly changing and at the same time always remaining itself. Anything can happen to the Russian language: perestroika, transformation, transformation, but not extinction. It is too big, powerful, flexible, dynamic and unpredictable to take and suddenly disappear. Unless - together with us.

B. N. Strugatsky

Thank you, Boris Natanovich!
For Love for the Great and Mighty Russian Language and Pain for it!

Quotes from the books of the Strugatsky brothers:

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic"

You can think of anything. In fact, it never happens the way it is imagined.

Why the hell are we spinning like that? To make money? But why the hell do we need money, if all we do is spin? ...

The trouble is that we don't notice how the years go by, he thought. Don't care about the years, we don't notice how things change. We know that everything changes, we are taught from childhood that everything changes, we have seen with our own eyes many times how everything changes, and at the same time we are completely unable to notice the moment when a change occurs, or we are looking for a change in the wrong place, where it should.

It's strange, why do we like it when we are praised? It won't make any money. Glory? What glory can we have? "He became famous: now three people knew about him"...

Funny creature man! .. It seems that we love praise as such. Like kids ice cream.

A person needs money in order to never think about it.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky - "Monday Starts Saturday"

And what's the point of buying a car to drive around on asphalt? Where there is asphalt, there is nothing interesting, and where it is interesting, there is no asphalt.

- What are you doing?
- Like all science. Human happiness.

Science, in which we believe, prepares us in advance and for a long time for future miracles, and the psychological shock occurs to us only when we are faced with the unpredictable.

Only he will reach the goal who does not know the word "fear" ...

People came here who were more pleasant to be with each other than apart, who could not stand any kind of Sunday, because on Sunday they were bored.

In your crazy country, everyone knows that money is dirt. But in my country everyone knows that dirt is, unfortunately, not money.

Arkady Strugatsky and Boris Strugatsky - "Interns"

Arkady Strugatsky and Boris Strugatsky - "Snail on the slope"

There is nothing in the world but love, food and pride. Of course, everything is tangled up in a ball, but no matter what thread you pull, you will definitely come either to love, or to power, or to food ...

Or maybe you don't understand what it is - needed? This is when you can not do without. This is when you think about all the time. This is when you strive for all your life.

Quotes from Boris Strugatsky:

How sweet it is to inform the reader: this and that happened, but why it happened, how it happened, where it came from - it doesn’t matter!

The great thing is a creative crisis! It is unbearably painful to experience it, but when it is experienced, you seem to be reborn and feel ... almighty, beautiful and great.

No matter how badly you write your story, it will definitely find readers.

Every decent book lives for two human generations: as long as fathers read it, and as long as fathers manage to convince their children that the book is worth reading. Then, as a rule, comes the book's death.

We will not argue with you today, dear Boris Natanovich! It seems that the books of the Strugatsky brothers have been read, are being read and will be read. Perhaps they will reveal new truths to future generations.

Farewell, our memory will remain
- eternal bright memory as a great science fiction writer, citizen and person!

M. QUEEN: Well, we are starting. 12 hours 9 minutes in Moscow. Marina Queen.

O. SEVERSKAYA: Olga Severskaya.

M. QUEEN: Ksenia Larina will come right now. This will be visible even on the Network Viewer. Setivizor are our partners.

O. SEVERSKAYA: How does it all happen.

M. QUEEN: How does this happen, how does she run into the studio, sit down. We started with NetworkView, which allows you to see what is happening in the studio from several angles. This is the "We speak Russian" program. You can see what dictionaries we have in the studio. In addition, we have +7-985-970-45-45.

K. LARINA: Well, they announced it. What it is!

M. QUEEN: Now you see everything. Here she came. It can be seen on NetworkView. Unfortunately, it is not visible on the radio. But on the radio you can send questions.

K. LARINA: Air, air! Give me air.

M. QUEEN: While you were walking, we already have a guest on a direct telephone line. Dmitry Bykov.

K. LARINA: We don't talk to him.

M. QUEEN: How is it?

K. LARINA: We don't talk to him. Talk without me, and I will listen.

M. QUEEN: Ohh. So, today we are talking about total dictation. Total dictation is an action that is taking place, but not in Moscow, I will say right away.

O. SEVERSKAYA: I used to pass it too. In Novosibirsk. April 23, if I remember correctly, there will be another all-Russian dictation. And this time it will be held not only in Novosibirsk, but also in 10 cities of Russia.

M. KOROLEVA: In general, all this has been happening since 2004. But, as I understand it, in many cities the action takes place this year. And since this year the writer and publicist Dmitry Bykov will read the dictation, we wanted to talk with him: how it all happens. Dmitry, hello!

D. BYKOV: Hello!

M. QUEEN: As far as I understand, you are not yet in the process of reading the dictation. You are still in Moscow, right?

D. BYKOV: Yes. I will only leave on the 23rd in the morning.

M. QUEEN: I see. Tell us briefly, please, how you imagine it. How would this happen?

D. BYKOV: Nothing. I've never done this before. I can't be specific about it. I know that I wrote a dictation.

M. QUEEN: Did you write a special text?

D. BYKOV: Wrote and recorded the reading for distant regions. Not for Novosibirsk, but, say, for Barnaul. Because I will not be able to physically attend all these venues. Accordingly, we decided to combine business with pleasure. I am going with my wife, we will have an evening there with such a wonderful Solzhenitsyn title "15 years together." We decided at the same time to read this dictation aloud at several school and university venues. Because when the author reads, he knows where the tricky places are and almost unintentionally bypasses them.

M. QUEEN: That is, do I understand correctly that you wrote this text on purpose. Did you take some excerpt from your own work? I somehow imagined that you chose a piece and read it.


M. QUEEN: And this is a specially composed text.

D. BYKOV: Under the terms of the game, this is impossible, because the text must be absolutely fundamentally new, unknown to anyone. It should be devoted to the problems of Russian spelling and the state of the Russian language. Boris Natanovich Strugatsky wrote a brilliant essay last year. With very, by the way, cunningly spaced spelling. And now I have written some text, which is the author's credo, based on the results of the old novel "Spelling". And there are quite a few traps out there. Since I continued to teach at school, I know what children usually get caught up in. And there are quite a lot of these gray pits.

M. KOROLEVA: But tell me, what do children usually catch?

D. BYKOV: Of course, it is -sn- or -st- in suffixes, it is -n- and -nn- in participles. -tsya and -tsya, by the way, departed. This was done more or less successfully. But no- and no- - this is some kind of disaster. The horror happens in punctuation. An interesting pattern. If earlier, say, in the turbulent 90s, they were simply neglected, then the loyal zeros put them on more than they should. Separate what has never been isolated at all.

M. QUEEN: That's for sure.

O. SEVERSKAYA: That's for sure.

D. BYKOV: Well, we will fight this. Lots of introductory words, lots of post-positive definitions. In general, we will try.

O. SEVERSKAYA: That is, you proceeded from your teaching practice. Do I get it right?

D. BYKOV: Not only from the teachers' room. I regularly read newspapers, especially Moskovsky Komsomolets, where, in my opinion, where proofreading is a complete disaster. Although they are no exception in this sense. There are a lot of newspapers today where obviously a proofreader's hand would not hurt.

O. SEVERSKAYA: Speaking of newspaper tests. Today I opened the horoscope and saw a wonderful form: today you can solve several important problems if you believe in yourself and do not waste time on trifles after that. In general, the advice is good. But what about the STANITE form? How do we make mistakes that we can't even make?

D. BYKOV: But this is the same reinsurance that I spoke about. This hello since Putin's times. –nn-– a sign of literacy, so we will write it everywhere. Not only in the word “strange”, but also, for example, in the word “NRZB”, which occurs all the time. Thank God I have several simple examples explaining to children why the prefix or dependent word gives -nn-. But again, you can’t put your head in, so on the machine the hand often tells the child: give me two, just in case.

M. QUEEN: Dmitry, I have another question. The action seems to be good, the idea is good. Why is it called so weird? Total dictation. Not common, not universal. It's true, it's strange.

D. BYKOV: There is nothing strange in this.

M. QUEEN: Do you like it?

D. BYKOV: I really like it. Because the word “general”, in my opinion, on the contrary, has negative connotations. For example, a common fund, a common place, a common line that I never share. Well, and so on. The destroyer of the community is a process that is inevitable in Russia.

M. KOROLEVA: But there are options: an open dictation.

D. BYKOV: Open means with open sources. Here is a dictionary in front of you, and you look into it. Such is, by the way, the practice at school. An open dictation is when a student can always ask the teacher. We do this sometimes to understand where the gaps are. So you take a class, and you conduct a dictation quickly so that a person can immediately ask: here it is, but here I don’t know. And you already know where his hole is. But here total means, firstly, ubiquitous and, secondly, all-age. That is, this is a dictation for those who want to test their literacy from 8 to 80 years old. And I really like the word “total” here, although I am opposed to totalitarian practices in general, but I, perhaps, advocate totalitarianism in promoting literacy.

M. QUEEN: Everything, thank you very much.

D. BYKOV: And thank you.

M. QUEEN: Let's look at the results now. Somewhere they, I think, will appear in the public domain. Dmitry Bykov, poet, publicist, and besides - a school teacher.

K. LARINA: But in front of me is the text of the dictation, which was last year. Its author is Boris Natanovich Strugatsky, as Dmitry Bykov has just spoken about. And it is really not only very interesting in terms of spelling and literacy, but also very important in the context of our conversations. Have you not read this text?

O. SEVERSKAYA: No, I didn't get caught.

K. LARINA: It's called "The text of the dictation 2010. What is the reason for the decline of the Russian language and whether it exists at all."

There is no decline, and there cannot be. It’s just that censorship was softened, and in part, thank God, it was completely abolished, and what we used to hear in pubs and gateways now delights our ears, coming from the stage and from television screens. We tend to consider this the onset of lack of culture and the decline of the Language, but lack of culture, like any devastation, is not in books and not on the stage, it is in the souls and in the heads. And with the latter, in my opinion, nothing significant has happened in recent years. Unless our bosses, again, thank God, diverted from ideology and got carried away more by sawing the budget. So the languages ​​have blossomed, and the Language has been enriched with remarkable innovations in the widest range - from “hedging the GKO portfolio with the help of futures” to the emergence of Internet jargon.

Talk about the decline in general and Language in particular is, in fact, the result of the lack of clear instructions from above. Appropriate indications will appear - and the decline will stop as if by itself, immediately giving way to some kind of "new flourishing" and universal sovereign "good air".

Literature is flourishing, finally remaining almost without censorship and in the shadow of liberal laws concerning book publishing. The reader is spoiled to the limit. Every year, several dozen books of such a level of significance appear that, if any of them appeared on the shelves 25 years ago, it would immediately become a sensation of the year, and today it causes only condescendingly approving grumbling of criticism. Talk about the notorious “crisis of literature” does not subside, the public demands the immediate appearance of new Bulgakov, Chekhov, thick ones, forgetting, as usual, that any classic is necessarily a “product of the time”, like good wine and, in general, like all good things. Do not pull the tree up by the branches: it will not grow faster from this. However, there is nothing wrong with talking about a crisis: there is little benefit from them, but there is no harm either.

And Language, as before, lives its own life, slow and incomprehensible, constantly changing and at the same time always remaining itself. Anything can happen to the Russian language: perestroika, transformation, transformation, but not extinction. It is too big, powerful, flexible, dynamic and unpredictable to take and suddenly disappear. Except with us.

M. KOROLEVA: I myself would love to write such a dictation. With pleasure! Show me the place, and I'll go write it.

K. LARINA: Girls, I have a question about this dictation. This is a dictation recorded on video. The author reads, people write. Here when about the language: “We tend to consider this the onset of lack of culture and the decline of the Language”, language with a capital letter.

K. LARINA: Well, how! It's a dictation!

M. QUEEN: So what?

K. LARINA: So I must understand this as a person who listens and reproduces all this on paper.

O. SEVERSKAYA: First, we have not seen the video. Maybe that's what he said, "language with a capital letter."

K. LARINA: In other words, it’s impossible in terms of intonation?

M. QUEEN: You can! And you know very well.

O. SEVERSKAYA: Say solemnly.

M. QUEEN: Listen, let's get people involved. We also have +7-985-970-45-45. Here Dmitry Bykov started a good conversation. He started talking about common mistakes. I invite our listeners to imagine a situation in which they find themselves on such a total dictation. What mistakes do you fear the most? You probably know what you slow down, what you are weak in, where you can put a comma, and where not to put it. Send us now what mistakes you fear the most. What do we people think. 363-36-59. What are you afraid of. For example, where do you stop when you write. Can you remember?

K. LARINA: Non-, together or separately.

O. SEVERSKAYA: I am thinking about the forms of full and short adjectives, where there is -n-. Because verbal adjectives and participles sometimes differ very subtly. And secondly, sometimes I need to focus and understand how half a lemon differs from half a tangerine.

K. LARINA: Exactly.

O. SEVERSKAYA: I'm not mistaken, but I have to repeat the rule in my head for one split second.

M. QUEEN: I have, perhaps, also not-: together or separately. I started to swim. After reading the Internet in large quantities.

K. LARINA: And I put punctuation marks arbitrarily, as I feel.

K. LARINA: Sometimes there are extra commas, but I think that commas are not superfluous, just like dashes. So we want phones? I have them.

M. QUEEN: Of course!

K. LARINA: 363-36-59 - live phone number. So your typical mistakes, Dear friends. What do you swim in, please share your experience. And how do you deal with it, if you do, of course. Hello! Hello!

LISTENER: Hello! My name is Tatyana Aleksandrovna.

K. LARINA: Yes, Tatyana Alexandrovna.

LISTENER: I am 61 years old, I am a programmer. I write very competently, without excessive modesty. When I worked, the entire metallurgical holding came to me to check official letters and everything else. The only thing I swim in is when water sentences are either commas or dashes on both sides, like in your dictation from last year. There are many such examples out there. Either colons or commas.

K. LARINA: And how do you deal with it? Do you repeat the rules?

LISTENER: Oh no! I consult with my daughter, she is my philologist. I call her, she says.

K. LARINA: Do you have such innate literacy?

LISTENER: I have a congenital. And my son is born with it. But my daughter doesn't. Although she is a philologist, she has learned all the rules.

K. LARINA: Thank you! So, introductory sentences. Tell us when they are separated by commas and when by dashes.

M. QUEEN: Right now?

K. LARINA: Yes, tell us quickly. For example: I called my son on the phone (my phone is in the kitchen) and asked him to come early. Here! The phone is in the kitchen - an introductory sentence. Is it separated by commas or dashes?

O. SEVERSKAYA: Clarifying rather. It can be distinguished either by a dash or by parentheses.

K. LARINA: And what is the right way?

O. SEVERSKAYA: And so, and so it is possible.

M. QUEEN: There is no hard and fast rule here.

O. SEVERSKAYA: And sometimes there is confusion with introductory words.

K. LARINA: What are introductory words, for example?

O. SEVERSKAYA: However, of course, of course, etc.

K. LARINA: As we know.

O. SEVERSKAYA: Yes. However, it causes the greatest difficulty.

K. LARINA: And “as you know” is marked?

O. SEVERSKAYA: Of course. A common feature is this: if you can remove the word from the context without prejudice to the meaning.

K. LARINA: And if it is at the beginning of a sentence?

M. QUEEN: There are also options. Here “however” you can highlight with a comma, or you can not highlight if it is a union, and not an introductory word.

O. SEVERSKAYA: Quite right.

K. LARINA: So, let's make the next call. At the same time, we will learn something useful. Hello! Hello!

LISTENER: Hello! I'll tell you how I fight. I know the rules myself. With time everything is forgotten. So here I am shortening the sentences as much as possible. That is, “It was getting light. Dot". And so on. If in doubt, cut back. Put short sentences. And in general it always helps.

M. QUEEN: Well, yes, when you write an essay during exams.

K. LARINA: And if you don't know exactly how this or that word is spelled, replace it with a synonym.

LISTENER: Yes. Or change the direct speech, as simple as possible. He graduated from three institutes and just always went to this.

M. KOROLEVA: By the way, would you go to such a total dictation if he were here? To test yourself, would you write such a dictation?

LISTENER: Of course.

K. LARINA: You didn't tell us about your typical mistakes. What are you not sure about?

LISTENER: Direct and indirect speech, third person speech. Well, dash. The rest, as you say, is on intuition. Commas on pure intuition. Like this.

K. LARINA: Thank you very much. So, direct and indirect speech. Direct speech is simple: commas, quotation marks.

M. QUEEN: And when does it stop?

M. QUEEN: Dot or dash. It's not that simple.

O. SEVERSKAYA: If you suddenly forgot it, go to the Gramota.Ru portal. There is an absolutely wonderful section there, called the "Handbook of Punctuation." And also a writer. As well as the current rules, which are somewhat more complicated because they are grouped differently. You will find everything there and you will definitely be able to check yourself. And by the way, about punctuation is not accidental. There was a poll conducted by VTsIOM several years ago. They gave me a simple test, which consisted of 8 questions. And only 1% of the respondents can answer all the questions. For 7 questions - 4%. It's terrible, of course. Even more or less separate the suffix from the prefix, disassemble the word by composition. But worst of all is punctuation. It's just a problem, guys.

K. LARINA: Let's call again, we'll have time to hear it. 363-36-59. What are your typical writing mistakes and how do you deal with them? At the same time, listeners give us some advice, which is very correct. Hello! Hello!

LISTENER: Good afternoon!

K. LARINA: Kind.

LISTENER: This is Igor from Moscow.

K. LARINA: Please, we are listening to you!

INTERVIEWER: Ask questions.

K. LARINA: No, thank you. Goodbye! Listen further. Hello! Hello!

LISTENER: Hello! Good afternoon.

K. LARINA: Good!

LISTENER: You know, I have such problems: when I use numerals in the case as numbers: the second year, 11 years. My wife is a proofreader. I often have to call her. She tells me the rules every time, but I forget them.

M. QUEEN: And why do you write numerals in words, in letters? Maybe it's easier, if this is not an official document, to write a figure?

LISTENER: I sometimes write such letters.

K. LARINA: This is called the amount in words.

LISTENER: I think the rule here is simple, it must be remembered. You know one more thing.

K. LARINA: Come on!

LISTENER: I'm not a philologist. Adjectives with the prefix non-. When together, when separately: stupid, non-standard, imperfect.

K. LARINA: This is a problem for me too. And how do you deal with it? Are you asking a proofreader?

LISTENER: I'm calling my wife. Or, you know, I have this rule: if it can be replaced by a synonym, then together: stupid - stupid.

O. SEVERSKAYA: Quite right. And if there is opposition...

LISTENER: Yes, a kind of continuation: not smart, but ...

K. LARINA: Thank you. Not a thin person - together?

O. SEVERSKAYA: Depending on what you mean.

M. QUEEN: I would write together if there is no opposition. And if there are no dependent words.

O. SEVERSKAYA: I would write separately.

M. KOROLEVA: How thin you are - how will you write?

O. SEVERSKAYA: I will write together. And “he is not a thin person,” I would write separately.

M. QUEEN: Why?!

O. SEVERSKAYA: Because it means that it could be thin, but in fact it is not.

M. QUEEN: Wait, you can replace the word rude.

O. SEVERSKAYA: I'm telling you that this intonation seems to me. Because there is such a subtle moment. Because it is not written that there is a contrast: he is not a subtle person, but rather rude. Then definitely separate.

K. LARINA: Or “he, unfortunately, is not a thin person”

M. QUEEN: How to formalize it!

K. LARINA: Girls, news.

O. SEVERSKAYA: And in the rules, if it is implied ...

K. LARINA: Girls, then we will continue.


K. LARINA: This not thin person became the main character of our program.

M. KOROLEVA: I think they will write and write to us now. Here they write: Olga is right.

O. SEVERSKAYA: Someone also hears opposition. There are thin people, and there are not thin people.

K. LARINA: You are not a subtle person. But not successful? Also together or separately?

O. SEVERSKAYA: Not successful. Despite the fact that he is successful now ... I would write separately.

M. QUEEN: Although there is no opposition, no dependent word.

O. SEVERSKAYA: It is implied. Because the opposition of our hero to others, successful.

K. LARINA: Let us remind you of the phone number: 363-36-59. Maybe we'll take a few more calls on your mistakes. Since we are talking about dictation today.

M. QUEEN: What mistakes are you afraid of.

K. LARINA: This is very interesting, because each person has his own recipes for how he struggles with his literacy problems. So, your typical mistakes. How do you fight them. Let me remind you the phone number: 363-36-59.

M. KOROLEVA: There are also a lot of text messages. Here Konstantin writes to us: is a comma needed in the sentence “it means it’s not given” in response to “didn’t understand”. You need a comma.

O. SEVERSKAYA: It is necessary, yes, because this is an introductory word.

M. QUEEN: Yes, typical.

K. LARINA: However, I still don’t quite understand it either, because my corrector in the wording always removes the comma after “however” when the word is at the beginning of a sentence.

O. SEVERSKAYA: You know what's the matter. If this is a continuation of the phrase and a synonym for the union "but".

M. QUEEN: That is, neither you nor your corrector are right. You can't always put a comma after "however", but a corrector can't always remove it either.

K. LARINA: Let's say, what example would you give. For example: “He is a big eater. However, this does not spoil his figure.

O. SEVERSKAYA: A comma is not needed here.

M. QUEEN: No need, yes, because this is a contrast.

K. LARINA: That is, when I can replace it with the union "but", I do not put commas? Yes? And “however, hello” like Mikhail Leontiev’s?

O. SEVERSKAYA: It can be safely withdrawn. You can just say "hello".

K. LARINA: So, you need to put a comma?

M. QUEEN: Rather, it is necessary.

K. LARINA: What an amazing language!

O. SEVERSKAYA: Once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that these are difficult moments, and it is better to really study them using Gramota.Ru. There is such a special section there: “commas with introductory words”

K. LARINA: Let's take a couple more calls, dear friends. Please! Hello! Hello!

LISTENER: Hello, dear Xenia, if you allow me to address you this way. The fact is that I realized that there are no completely literate people and cannot be. A small observation: here you said a little earlier, quoting Strugatsky with “good air”. This was a bit of a nuisance to the ear. If you let me, I'll correct you.

K. LARINA: No, no! It's not me! Wait a minute! “Appropriate indications will appear - and the decline will stop as if by itself, immediately giving way to some kind of “new flourishing” and universal sovereign “good air”. So it is written by Strugatsky.

LISTENER: I understand, but AIR!


LISTENER: Air is a woven cover for sacred vessels. At every liturgy. Favorable air - meaning dissolved the window, dissolved the cover.

K. LARINA: What a beauty.

LISTENER: I'm not sure if Strugatsky used it correctly. As for literacy, a small observation. You know, my mother is 87 years old, she went to school in Kazakhstan. For some reason, not so important. I defended my PhD, the language is in my work. She had nothing to do with philology, but she was taught the language in that Tmutarakan better than me, who has a Ph.D., experience in writing books. You know, my first censor is still mother. She writes and speaks absolutely competently. It has nothing to do with philosophy. I think it gets lost with every generation. And the well-being of the air in general will remain somewhere in the archives.

K. LARINA: Thank you very much! By the way, there are still such tricks in this text. But we are adults, we know how it is written: a small letter - "the public demands the immediate appearance of new Bulgakov, Chekhov, thick." And children often get confused. And when you tell them that you need a small letter here, they say: why, these are the Bulgakovs. Perhaps they mean the Bulgakov brothers and the Chekhov sisters. Another call?

M. QUEEN: Look, about the “however” they wanted to. There are three cases. However, as an introduction. The same as “nevertheless, vsO. NORTH." It is separated by punctuation marks, usually commas. (How, however, it was necessary to rig public life to achieve this effect! But, however, I would ask you to move on to the question, otherwise there is not enough time) 2. Union. Same as "but". The union "however" can be at the beginning of a sentence; it also connects homogeneous members and parts of a complex sentence. A comma is placed before the conjunction "however". (However, dinner was delayed, there was not enough coal, and the fisherman put dried wood in the fire. Wolf pit. This is unpleasant for us, but it does not change general rule. However, in the handwriting of VSO. SEVERSKAYA is like something dog) 3. Interjection. Expresses surprise. It is issued as a separate sentence or highlighted with punctuation marks. The introductory word "however" cannot be at the beginning of a sentence, connect homogeneous members and parts of a complex sentence. (“However, it’s getting light,” Savchenko agreed. “And I still have not cut rations in Kuty.” Three hundred thousand, however! A. Pisemsky, Predators. However! Three thousand acres!).

K. LARINA: I see. The same goes for Strugatsky. “The talk about the notorious “crisis of literature” does not subside, the public demands the immediate appearance of new Bulgakov, Chekhov, thick ones, forgetting, as usual, that any classic is necessarily a “product of the time,” like good wine and, in general, like all good things. "As usual" is not allocated to this text with a comma. This is right?

M. KOROLEVA: I would single out…

K. LARINA: That is, in this text there is a comma after “at the same time”. This is right? "As usual" is an introductory sentence.

O. SEVERSKAYA: There is also a participial turnover, among other things.

K. LARINA: There can be no mistake here, because I printed the text from the website of the total dictation. Everything is very accurate here.

O. SEVERSKAYA: A subtle question. Maybe someone will send us text messages on how to highlight. But if we don’t completely curtail the topic of total dictation now, then we won’t have time to play books totally.

K. LARINA: Come on, yes.

M. QUEEN: And we will return to this. Maybe someone will write to us separately.

O. SEVERSKAYA: Maybe Dmitry Bykov hears us.

K. LARINA: Maybe make a separate section? For example, in the Almanac. With such problematic things. Introductory words.

M. QUEEN: We are only talking about this.


M. QUEEN: Okay, let's go.

K. LARINA: What do you want from me? What should I do now?

O. SEVERSKAYA: So that we can play. We have very little time left.

M. QUEEN: Let's say that we are losing. So I'm showing. We have a lot. This is how it looks. Firstly, this is Viktor Slepenchuk, Bright Sunday, Moscow, Gorodets publishing house, since today is Palm Sunday, and Bright Sunday will be literally in a week. And Irina Shcherbina, "Reproduction of Personality". This is the New Literary Review. We give both books at once, if you answer our question. Well?!

O. SEVERSKAYA: That is, I will ask?

M. QUEEN: Yes.

O. SEVERSKAYA: My question is completely off topic. The question is about the knowledge of films, because they are now replenishing our phraseological stock. “And in prison now there is a pasta dinner” - this is how they say about something irretrievably lost, about something that they nostalgically regret. Please tell me from which movie this expression came from. Try no options.

K. LARINA: Oh, baby! I beg you. Who doesn't know this?! Do you even want to give options?

M. QUEEN: Don't, don't! What are you!

K. LARINA: Hello! Hello! 363-36-59 - live phone.

LISTENER: Hello! Alexander!

K. LARINA: Yes, Alexander!

LISTENER: "Gentlemen of Fortune."

K. LARINA: Right! And who is speaking? What is the character's name?

LISTENER: This one, like his…

K. LARINA: Vasily Alibabaevich! Thank you!

O. SEVERSKAYA: You get books.

K. LARINA: Are we recording the phone?

M. QUEEN: We are recording, recording. Second question. Quite often in a situation of dating, before the start of courtship, you can often hear the question: who is our husband. where it was first heard. By the way, I didn't know.

K. LARINA: What are you doing?

M. QUEEN: Yes, I didn't know.

K. LARINA: This is the generation code, Queen.

M. QUEEN: I knew the phrase, but did not know where it came from.

K. LARINA: So, who said it, in what movie? Please, 363-36-59. And why do we have such a cinematic theme today?

M. QUEEN: Phraseology.

K. LARINA: Hello! Hello!

LISTENER: Hello! This is the Ordinary Miracle.

K. LARINA: Right! And who said?

LISTENER: The hero of Mironov. I just don't remember his name.

K. LARINA: Quite right. Minister-Administrator.

M. QUEEN: And what is your name?


M. QUEEN: Great!

O. SEVERSKAYA: Excellent!

M. QUEEN: You also get two books. And finally, one more cinematic quote.

O. SEVERSKAYA: "In the meantime - our royal thanks." They usually say this jokingly when they don’t want to pay with something specific. What movie is she from?

K. LARINA: I don't know for sure.

O. SEVERSKAYA: I think that I will give options after all.

K. LARINA: “In the meantime, our royal thanks.”

O. SEVERSKAYA: “Ivan Vasilievich is changing his profession”, “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “By Pike”.

K. LARINA: Come on. 363-36-59. Hello! Hello!

LISTENER: Hello! Good afternoon! I think it's "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession."

K. LARINA: Unfortunately, no. We're still trying. Hello! Hello!

LISTENER: This is "By the Pike's Command".

O. SEVERSKAYA: Yes, that's right. This is such an old movie "By Pike". There the king was like absolutely all kings. And so thanked.

M. QUEEN: Well, let's read the text messages.

K. LARINA: And remember, we had a little book, which we played. With catchphrases and expressions.

M. QUEEN: Yes, yes!

K. LARINA: Wonderful! You can return to it. This book is invigorating.

M. QUEEN: Look, the person writes: I recently bought a dictionary of introductory words. Very comfortable. All cases are there. Write, by the way, a dictionary of introductory words of whom? Who is the author? And here's another. “What a useful song “Dark Night”. I taught it yesterday with students: nothing will happen, but no matter what happens. Indeed, it would be useful to learn from songs, if not for another text message.

K. LARINA: Everything is correctly formulated there!

M. QUEEN: But this is where it is correctly formulated! But about Pugacheva's song: "Whatever the day prophesies to me."

K. LARINA: Yes, she carefully sings “not”.

M. QUEEN: And there is “no”, yes. We even made a program about it, yes. Text messages about signs are written to us. There were a lot of valuable comments here.

O. SEVERSKAYA: May I answer the question for now. Victoria from the Seychelles asked: in serious documents they often write: “agreed” - and a signature. How many letters -n- are in this "agreed". This is just the very short participle, it should contain one letter -n-.

K. LARINA: Auntie, I also have a problem. "Dedicated to his profession" - one -n-?


K. LARINA: But “a devoted person”, right?


K. LARINA: Are there cases when -nn- is written?

O. SEVERSKAYA: Yes, of course.

K. LARINA: For example?

M. QUEEN: No, when in the masculine gender, there will never be -nn at the end.

O. SEVERSKAYA: He faithfully looked into my eyes.

K. LARINA: We are stumped by the end of the program.

M. QUEEN: Train for now.

K. LARINA: And write!