Is it possible to graft an apple tree on a rowan chokeberry. Unusual fruit grafting

Why do we vaccinate? Of course, in order to improve some of the characteristics of the trees already growing in our garden. As a rootstock, this particular plant is used quite often, and even the most novice gardeners quite successfully master this science. Raw materials are available, very cheap and take root well in almost any conditions. Why not perfect solution for vaccination? Let's figure out what can be grafted, and which tandem with mountain ash will be the most successful in practice.

What decorative and fruit can be grafted onto a mountain ash?

To make it easier to navigate this topic, we will divide all possible scion options into several groups:

  1. Many gardeners are interested in the moment which fruit trees can be grafted to mountain ash, because it is resistance to various weather factors and the preservation of the taste of fruits that become the goal of the graft itself. First of all, everyone tries to try a tandem of pears and mountain ash. Almost certainly success is guaranteed. There are only two small stumbling blocks: after about three years, the graft may fall off due to a strong difference in growth rate, and not all varieties are suitable for this purpose. What fruit trees can and should be tried to be grafted to mountain ash is with the parent form of a plum-shaped apple tree.
  2. Everything that can be grafted into a wild species will also turn out into a variety. If you want exotic, there is always a place for experiments. Some are looking for something that can be grafted on a tree no less spectacular than the chokeberry itself. After all, the tree itself is decorative, and paired with the grafting of Japanese quince, shadberry or German loquat, you get a completely interesting result.
  3. And finally, what can be grafted onto a red mountain ash is a hawthorn. How useful is such a tandem? It fully claims to be a green hedge on your site: we plant grafted trees along the perimeter and after a while a prickly and very effective living fence is guaranteed to protect it with thorns.

Modern gardens are different high level decorative. Knowing what mountain ash and other fruit trees can be grafted onto, they get beautiful plants with a delicious harvest of berries and fruits.

Main advantages

Experienced gardeners know that grafting trees has a number of benefits:

  • safety varietal qualities;
  • grafted cuttings yield earlier;
  • saving space in the garden;
  • increases winter hardiness and disease resistance.

Gardeners choose red forest rowan for stock, because it is low-growing and has a high resistance to cold.

The tree grows well in any soil and transfers its maternal characteristics to scions.

Grafting chokeberry

The inoculation of chokeberry (aronia) is done in order to have a beautiful, neat tree with useful berries instead of a large sprawling bush. After grafting, a standard tree is obtained with a height of about 1 m. Among the advantages are the following:

  • grafted plants look beautiful both in single plantings and in group ones;
  • fruiting begins 1-2 years after vaccination;
  • productivity increases.
  • For grafting chokeberry, budding is used. This is one way to grow a grafted seedling.

Grafting chokeberry is also convenient because the survival rate is about 100% (subject to technology). Gardeners recommend grafting several branches in different places.

Optimal timing

The whole vaccination process can be divided into two parts:

  • Preparatory work.
  • Scion.

Preparatory work begins in early spring, gardeners prepare cuttings. It is easy to determine the degree of readiness of the branches for the scion: if the buds begin to swell, you can cut the cuttings. Planting material is stored in a refrigerator or basement.

Replanting cuttings is carried out when the buds begin to bloom on the mother tree. An important condition for survival is the difference between the scion and stock of 2 weeks or more. In an adult tree, active vegetative processes should begin, and the scion should sleep.

If it was not possible to get vaccinated in the spring, then you can shift the dates until the fall. Cuttings are planted on rowan branches in late August, early September.

Care rules

In order for the grafted stalk to develop well and quickly take root, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Shoots below the graft must be removed throughout the summer, because they take away the elements necessary for the growing graft.
  2. As the cuttings grow and thicken, the strapping on them is loosened to avoid fracture.
  3. If the grafted seedling is actively growing, the top needs to be pinched.
  4. If 2 cuttings grow on the same branch nearby, then only the stronger one is left, and the weak one is removed.
  5. If cracks appear on the bark at the cut site on the re-grafted tree, then they must be covered with garden pitch or other composition to prevent infection.

Grafting of fruit crops

On an ordinary mountain ash, you can graft not only chokeberry, but also some varieties fruit trees. With this interaction, varietal fruits grow on a compact, low tree. Rowan is often grafted on:

  • Apple tree.
  • pear.
  • Hawthorn.

Grafting does not affect the taste of the fruit and the safety of varietal qualities. When planting fruit trees on the rootstock, there is a risk of late rejection or fracture of the fruit branch.

The compatibility of apple and mountain ash is not very high, but gardeners are trying to plant new varieties. Small-fruited varieties are chosen, the plum-leaved apple tree (Kitayka or Paradise apple tree) is ideal. Her apples are small, weighing about 100 grams, they do not weigh down the branches of the rootstock.

Many gardeners plant a pear on a mountain ash. Survival depends on the selected variety. There are varieties that are incompatible with the mother plant, and there is no point in such a procedure. Among the proven pears for scion choose:

  • Ussuri;
  • Chizhevskaya;
  • Lada;
  • Otradnenskaya;
  • Cathedral.

There are cases when, after 5 - 6 years of good growth and fruiting, the mountain ash rejected the pear or could not withstand the load.

Among the shortcomings, the fact that the pear quickly builds up wood, and the weak stock does not keep up with it, is distinguished. The scion breaks off.

Hawthorn on rowan

Hawthorn perfectly takes root on the mountain ash. This is done for two main reasons:

  • Saving space in the garden.
  • Obtaining a stunted tree.

Hawthorn is a vigorous tree and requires regular pruning, so it is frequently grafted.

This tree is often used as a rootstock for pears, apple trees, dogwood, aronia.


Rowan ordinary - a unique tree-like plant. The grafting of shrubs and fruit trees on this stock is characterized by good survival and fruiting.

When choosing this method of growing an orchard, it is worth considering not only varietal compatibility, but also the future size of the scion.

Planting rowan as a pollinator for apple trees is useless. Yes, these plants are very close relatives, but they do not pollinate. But it can be used as a rootstock.

rowan on rowan

Rowan is usually planted as an ornamental crop and for the sake of medicinal fruits. You can kill two birds with one stone if you graft an ordinary chokeberry (chokeberry) on a mountain ash. They get along very well. Nearly 100% fusion.

For the best effect, you need to graft several branches in different parts of the crown. Then the bush in the spring looks like a flowering ball, and in the fall it bends under the weight of the fruit. After a couple of years, a wonderful weeping and fruit-bearing tree of very compact size is obtained.

More from ornamental plants brilliant cotoneaster is grafted onto the mountain ash. Which is also interesting, although not so beautiful. Sometimes there is incompatibility.

Weak rootstock

But the main value of mountain ash is that it is a frost-resistant and low-growing stock for apple and pear trees. If in the South pears are grafted onto quince to get dwarfs, then in middle lane- on a rowan.

Mountain ash well withstands wet years. It is not afraid of frost and is perfectly compatible with most varieties of pears. And most importantly - mountain ash is unpretentious to soils, gives excellent yields in almost any conditions. She transfers this property to the varieties grafted onto her.

As a rule, pears on such a rootstock are so productive that supports must be placed under each branch. Otherwise, they just break off. Often, the trunk itself has to be strengthened by driving a two-meter stake so that the pear does not fall off the mountain ash under the weight of the crop.

True, in order for the pear harvest to be the best, the mountain ash itself is kept in a black body. That is, rowan twigs are regularly cut below the graft.

Quince on rowan

If the usual quince does not go to the North, then the Japanese (henomeles) grows quietly in the Middle lane and withstands the most severe conditions. She's just small in stature. And if you graft it onto a mountain ash, you get a real tree with a trunk of mountain ash.

Such vaccinations grow together well, but you should not expect a huge tree. The Japanese quince does not grow much anyway, and on the mountain ash, the growth is even less. But almost no one has such an unusual "mountain ash".

What else to instill

Exotic plants can also be grafted onto mountain ash: German medlar and irga. But the apple tree - is grafted, but then dies off. But there are craftsmen who manage to make friends with an apple tree and mountain ash.

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We all love pears and want them to grow on our estates. However, often the site that we have is unsuitable for growing this crop. This may be due to both the location of the site in a swampy area, and with a high occurrence. ground water.

And the root system of a pear, as you know, does not tolerate dampness for a long time.

This is where rowan comes to our rescue. The most common wild mountain ash, which grows so much in the woods.

Mountain ash feels good in damp, swampy areas, and a pear grafted onto it grows compact (2-3 meters tall) and often begins to bear fruit already in the third year, abundantly endowing us with high-quality fruits. A pear grafted onto a mountain ash is not afraid of frost - the root system of a mountain ash has no equal in this regard!

However, it must be remembered that mountain ash is sensitive to a lack of moisture in the soil, so in dry summers it may be necessary to water. Mulching the trunk circle (eg with hay, straw, sawdust, grass clippings) also helps, especially for young trees.

Ideal for vaccinations. Plant young rowan plants in advance in permanent places in your garden. After a short time, a pear can be planted on them. You can graft not only on young seedlings, but also in the skeletal branches of already mature rowan trees, if these are already growing on your site. If the site borders on a forest and young mountain ash grows there - graft on them! It is advisable to vaccinate either in the spring, before bud break, or in the second half of summer (late July - early August), during the so-called "secondary sap flow". The leaves on the scion must be pinched off, leaving no more than three. This is necessary to limit photosynthesis and reduce the evaporation of moisture through the leaves.

Grafting of annual and biennial rowan seedlings is carried out at a height of up to 20 cm from the root neck (from ground level). For grafting on mature trees, young, healthy, well-leafed, side-growing rowan shoots are chosen. Optimal Thickness plants at the grafting site - 6-9 mm.

You can graft a pear not only on wild rowan, but also on varietal, sweet-fruited. Over the past decades, breeders have obtained many wonderful varieties of sweet-fruited mountain ash, characterized by large, juicy, sweet, fragrant fruits, almost devoid of bitterness. By planting a pear on such a mountain ash, you will be rewarded with both berries and pear fruits. Of the most interesting varieties of sweet-fruited mountain ash, Businka, Daughter of Kubovoy, Vefed, Sorbinka, Scarlet large, Pomegranate, Burka, Titan should be distinguished.

In the specialized literature, it is widely believed that pear varieties descended from the Ussuri pear, which Michurin actively used in the selection of winter-hardy pears, have the greatest compatibility with mountain ash. As the experience of reputable gardeners shows, almost all known pear varieties can be grafted onto mountain ash, however, for some varieties it is necessary to use the intermediate insertion method. It consists in the fact that at first one of the most compatible varieties with it is grafted onto the mountain ash (for example, Chizhovskaya, Lada, Otradnenskaya, Cathedral), and next year any other pear variety is grafted onto it. Fruits on grafted trees grow quite typical of a particular variety.

Many gardeners who have grafted a pear on a mountain ash have a natural question: what to do with the mountain ash growing from the rootstock? The answer is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance, because we are used to breaking off shoots growing from the root (i.e. from the stock) of apple, pear, and cherry trees acquired in nurseries. That's right, this is how it should be done in order to reduce the likelihood of rejection of a varietal scion. But not in the case of grafting a pear on a mountain ash! The fact is that the root system of mountain ash for full functioning requires the supply of specific substances from the crown of the plant. The photosynthetic part of the pear is not able to supply such components, therefore it is recommended to leave at least 25% of rowan branches in the crown. In this case, the rowan root system will feel good and fully nourish our pear!

It is worth paying attention to the disadvantages of grafting a pear on a mountain ash.

The main and, perhaps, the only serious drawback is that the pear trunk grows in thickness faster than the mountain ash trunk - such is the genetics of the plant. As a result, an influx forms at the grafting site, and a more powerful pear plant is on a thinner rowan trunk. However, there is a solution! Already in the second year after vaccination, two or three young mountain ash can be planted in the immediate vicinity of our tree and grafted onto the pear stem using the ablactation method (read about ablactation in the "") section. As a result, we will get the original octopus tree, in which a pear trunk will grow steadily on several rowan trunks. Another, simpler solution to this problem is to tie a tree to a support.

The second, not so serious, disadvantage of using mountain ash as a rootstock for pear is associated with the sensitivity of the root system of mountain ash to the lack of moisture in the soil, already described above. In dry years, deterioration in the quality of fruits can be observed: the presence of stony inclusions, some astringency, lower sugar content, drier fruit pulp.

To summarize: a pear on a mountain ash rootstock is an ideal solution for those who do not normally grow pears on pear rootstocks due to a swampy area or high groundwater, but such a plant requires increased attention and care.

In conclusion, we want to give you advice that is not related to vaccination. Remember that for full-fledged fruiting, a pear needs pollinators - other varieties of pear. Therefore, we recommend placing at least three different varieties this wonderful plant.

And the last. You should not plant a pear on an apple tree and an apple tree on a pear. Why exactly, we will tell in a separate article.))

Good luck with your experiments!

The material was prepared with the support of Timiryazevskaya
Agricultural Academy (RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev)

What a pear grafting on a mountain ash looks like, see.

Vaccination instructions are located.

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963 03/14/2019 6 min.

Tree grafting technology allows gardeners to independently breed new varieties, grow trees that grow different fruits. Vaccinations in progress different ways and require strict adherence to technology (otherwise you simply will not achieve the desired results). Work can be carried out using root shoots, seedlings. The availability of materials makes it possible to grow a large number of rootstocks for grafting at the same time. The main thing is to be patient, since the seeds planted in the spring of the desired age reach at least a year later. You can use different vaccination methods.

Breeding experiments by Michurin and Yakovlev and results

Breeders have repeatedly attempted interfamily vaccinations and achieved good results. At the beginning of the 20th century, L. Daniel grafted roses on oak, grapes on roses, and spruce on linden. In the 1920s, Michurin and Yakovlev tried to graft lemon cuttings to a pear tree. The reverse grafting showed that the grown stalk acquires the properties of a rootstock - the pears stopped shedding foliage for the winter. Since apple and pear trees belong to the same family, the trees are viable and tolerate winters normally. Apple trees with lemons need to be crossed and grown in greenhouse conditions.

The desire to improve different cultures and curiosity have become main reason appearance of southern varieties of apple trees on winter-hardy rootstocks.

What can be vaccinated

Best of all, apple tree cuttings take root on apple trees, but this does not mean that you cannot use other rootstocks during experiments.

The closest group of plants on which appropriate work can be carried out is pome.

From a genetic point of view, fruit crops are similar to an apple tree, so survival rates are high. Vaccinations on berry trees are considered successful. Combination occurs without difficulty, but vaccinations also have certain limitations and features.

To the apple tree

It is best to cross apple trees with apple trees, the main thing is to take into account the characteristics of the varieties (they may be incompatible). Grafting is best done with scion and rootstock of the same variety, but the need for appropriate work is low (they are suitable for propagating local varieties, renewing old crops). You can try to plant several shoots on a live stump from an old apple tree - in this case, it makes sense to use either for the bark.

The update will be more successful if the cutting is grafted onto one of the skeletal branches.

To propagate a local variety, it is enough to sow the seeds, and the seedlings will grow by themselves. Vaccination is carried out to accelerate fruiting by about two times. Nurseries most often use vaccinations, in other cases this method achieving varietal identity is unjustified.

Antonovka seedlings are a universal stock for all cultivars.

To the wild

Often cultivars apple trees are grafted onto small-fruited ones - this is a wild game, that is, Chinese and ranetki. Cuttings of southern varieties on wild winter well in the northern and central latitudes. Please note that some large-fruited varieties of apple trees are not compatible with wild game - these are Borovinka, Grushovka and others.

Small fruits are small in stature and reduce the height of tall apple trees with a stock.

Selections are easy to care for, compact, do not present difficulties in harvesting. Not every wild game is suitable for vaccination - the variety should be selected according to a number of indicators.

On a plum

Plum, subject to all growing conditions, begins to bear fruit only after 8 years or more. You can speed up the process by grafting apple trees onto a three-year-old seedling - in this case, the fruits will appear a couple of years after the procedure. Grafting improves the properties of the base variety, increases the taste characteristics of the fruit. It may be the only way to save a favorite variety of plum or apple tree - for example, as a result of rodent damage, burns, improper care it is impossible to save a tree, but it is quite possible to save a variety using cuttings.

On rowan

Rowan - small decorative tree, which grows in all regions of Russia. It gives healing fruits, is a honey plant, and can be used as a rootstock for apple trees and a number of other crops. Apple trees on mountain ash do not take root very well, but gardeners are constantly trying to improve this technique.

The main advantage of mountain ash is frost resistance.

The culture normally withstands frosts down to -50 degrees. The second advantage is undemanding to the types of soil used for cultivation. Rowan is used as a low-growing rootstock, which guarantees abundant early harvests. Since the tree has small dimensions, it is possible to plan the land area of ​​the site with maximum accuracy. Grafting apple trees on mountain ash usually does not affect the tasting characteristics of the fruit.

On the hawthorn

Hawthorn is a very valuable stock. It has strong wood good performance frost resistance, due to the strong root system is not afraid of drought. Hedge from this plant will securely protect country cottage area or the estate from uninvited guests. You can cut beautiful shapes from shrubs - a ball, a triangle, etc. Harvesting and sowing hawthorn seeds should be done at the end of August, when the fruits begin to turn brown little by little - you can get seedlings from such seeds next spring.

He will tell you about growing apple trees from seeds at home.

The seeds collected and sown in October will sprout only a year later.

Apple and quince, grafted onto hawthorn, take root normally, but poor growth may also form, small fruits with tasteless pulp.

On a pear

The apple tree on the pear takes root well and gives high yields. This procedure is most often carried out by owners of small gardens who want to grow the maximum number of varieties in a limited space. Use grafts with 2-3 buds, make the bottom cut oblique and the top straight. Make sure that the cutting and the branch to which it is grafted are approximately the same thickness - this will allow you to accurately align the cambium.

If the cambium docking is not very good, the cutting will not have enough juice to live.

The connection area is tightly wrapped with tape, the cut of the cutting at the top is processed with garden pitch and blue vitriol. Cuttings that were grafted near the base of a branch or branch do not form dense wood, so it is advisable to place the first grafted cutting at a distance of at least 45 cm from the base of a large knot or trunk. The survival rate of a correctly made vaccination is quite high and ranges from 80%. In the third year after engraftment, the branches begin to bear fruit.

Read about the use of iron sulfate for apple trees in spring.

To the birch

Fruit trees are grafted onto birch, but the results of such experiments rarely live up to expectations. When cross-grafting, remember that the results of such multiplications are short-lived - in comparison with crops that were obtained from a single variety. For tying the grafting material, be sure to use threads or lime washcloth, durable films, and compress oilcloth. After tying the grafting, the oilcloth is not weakened, since it itself stretches as the plant grows, and then bursts.

  1. Choose healthy young trees - up to 15 years for pears, up to 20 for apple trees, up to 12 for plums. How younger tree- the better the vaccination will go.
  2. Varieties that finish the growing season late are not grafted to early ripening ones. Summer root to summer, winter to winter, autumn, summer, autumn to summer and autumn. Read about the growing season of the apple tree.
  3. Be sure to consider the compatibility of varieties.
  4. Before vaccination, carry out sanitary and anti-aging.
  5. The diameter of the grafted branches should not exceed 8-10 cm, the branches growing inside the crown are left, the skeletal ones are grafted at a distance of 100 cm from the trunk or a little less.
  6. On the grafted cuttings, the kidneys should sleep. Before starting work, the material cut in advance is immersed in water for a couple of hours.
  7. Grafted trees should be watered regularly, otherwise the movement of juices in the crown will end early, and the grafts will not take root.
  8. In order for the grafted branch to bear fruit well, choose the length of the cutting correctly (the apple tree should have about 6-8 buds).

You can transplant a tree for a rootstock, but in this case it will take time for it to take root. For growing dwarf trees, aronia is used for rootstocks, for pears, game or quince. Rootstocks should be taken young and healthy - a weakened, diseased tree will grow, but the main forces will be spent on restoration, and not splicing.

Read about pruning dwarf apple trees.


This video will tell you when and how to properly cut tops on fruit trees.


  1. Vaccinations serve different purposes. To get maximum yields in the future, root an apple tree on an apple tree.
  2. All possible combinations for apple trees are an apple tree of a different variety, plum, pear, mountain ash, hawthorn, birch.
  3. To achieve maximum results, follow the technology, the timing of the work. Choose young and healthy, because they grow best and do not waste energy on recovery, recovery.
  4. The compatibility of varieties during the procedure must be taken into account - the same apple trees do not always take root well with each other.
  5. In interspecific crosses, the survival rate is usually worse than in intraspecific ones. Grafting of a similar variety is done in order to rejuvenate the tree, to preserve a non-viable culture.