Angel Wings - Chinese rose Angel Wings: tips for caring for and growing from seed. chinese garden rose plant angel wings

Angel Wings - Chinese Rose Angel Wings: Tips for Care and Growing from Seed Angel wings are a type of Chinese rose or Chinese hibiscus. Variety - perennial is both a garden and potted plant. And he feels great in the weather conditions of Russia. Chinese rose Angel Wings (Angelwings) is not in vain received such a name. Her appearance answers him completely. A small shrub up to 20 cm tall. It has small neat leaves of rich bright green color, a thin but strong stem of the same green color. There can be a very large number of leaves, they can vary greatly in size. The most important thing is the flowers collected in inflorescences. On one bush there can be up to a hundred inflorescences. The flowers are most often white or pink, and all their shades. Petals can be double and smooth. As the whole plant grows, the number of petals increases, at the end of growth an elastic bud is formed. Angel wings are considered undemanding plants , but if not properly cared for, they die very quickly. This variety is grown from seed. There are usually a little more than ten in a package. Growing Sino Angel Wings roses from seeds is not an easy task. The seeds must be placed in a special substrate (sold in stores) to a depth of 5 mm, sprinkled with earth on top, slightly moistening it, and covered with glass. Glass can be occasionally removed to moisten the soil and saturate it with oxygen. You can make your own soil. Pour drainage at the bottom of the pot (for example, crushed polystyrene foam), pour a universal flower mixture, add sand, and a peat tablet on top, after soaking it in hot water. For greater confidence, before planting seeds, they can be soaked in water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2 weeks. The first shoots should appear within 30 days. During the period of growth and during the flowering period, you need to water abundantly (both if the flower is in the open field, and if the flower is in a pot at home). If the plant is in a pot, then you need to pour water into the pan, only a little water can be poured under the roots of the flower to moisten the top layer of soil. Stagnant water also has a bad effect on the flower, so it is better to pour out the remaining water from the pan. The topsoil must always be moist. The leaves must be sprayed. After flowering stops, when the leaves begin to fall off, watering should be stopped, only occasionally moistened with an earthen ball. Lighting, temperature Plants are very fond of light and heat. If the house has windows facing south, then it is better to put Angel Wings there. The same applies to the situation with open ground. For long and persistent flowering, flowers need 4-6 hours a day in the sun. The ideal temperature is from +24 to +30. If the temperature drops below +10, the plant will die. However, if the temperature is very high and the sun's rays are direct, then it is necessary to protect the roots of the rose from overheating. It is better to do this immediately upon planting, sprinkling the roots on top with an extra 2-3 cm of earth. Top dressing Hibiscus "Angelwings" must be fed. Any general purpose potted plant will do. This type of plant also needs magnesium. It is better to take magnesium in chelated form. You need to feed the flower in the morning, in a non-hot time, once a week. It is possible more often, but then the dose should be significantly reduced. Flowers grow very quickly, so you will need to stock up on a large number of pots. Young plants several times a year. As it grows, it is necessary to transplant into a pot with a large diameter. Adult plants are transplanted less often - once every few years. For a safe transplant, the earthen ball must be completely braided with the roots of the plant. After transplantation, at first, it is better to water the plant from a pallet. So the roots will cling to the new soil.

Angel wings(Angel wings) is a type of Chinese rose or Chinese hibiscus.

Variety - perennial is both a garden and potted plant. And he feels great in the weather conditions of Russia.
Table of contents:

Chinese rose Angel Wings (Angelwings) is not in vain received such a name. Her appearance fully corresponds to him. A small shrub up to 20 cm tall.

Has small neat leaves saturated bright green color, thin but strong stem of the same green color.

There can be a very large number of leaves, they can vary greatly in size. The most important thing is the flowers collected in inflorescences.

On one bush can be up to a hundred inflorescences. The flowers are most often white or pink, and all their shades.

Petals can be double and smooth. As the whole plant grows, the number of petals increases, at the end of growth an elastic bud is formed.

You can also find other types of hibiscus on our website: Red-leaved, Swamp, Tree-like, Bush.

A photo

You can admire the Chinese rose Angel Wings (Angel Wings) in the photo:


Let us consider in more detail the stages of planting and caring for the Chinese rose Angel Wings.


Hibiscus, including Angel Wings, are considered unpretentious plants, but if not properly cared for, they die very quickly. This variety is grown from seed. There are usually a little more than ten in a package.

Growing Sino Angel Wings roses from seeds is not an easy task. Seeds must be placed in special substrate(sold in stores) to a depth of 5 mm, sprinkle with earth on top, moistening it a little, and cover with glass. Glass can be occasionally removed to moisten the soil and saturate it with oxygen.

You can make your own soil. Pour drainage at the bottom of the pot (for example, crushed polystyrene foam), pour a universal flower mixture, add sand, and a peat tablet on top, after soaking it in hot water.

For greater confidence, before planting seeds, they can be soaked in water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2 weeks. The first shoots should appear within 30 days.

A video on the topic Chinese rose Angel Wings, growing from seeds will help you understand the intricacies of the issue:


Hibiscus are not too whimsical in the ground. The only thing is that it must be air and waterproof. Important. You can purchase ordinary peat soil or a flower mixture, add humus, sand and drainage to them.

During the growth and flowering period, hibiscus need water abundantly(both if the flower is outdoors, and if the flower is in a pot at home).

If the plant is in a pot, then you need to pour water into pallet, only a little water can be poured under the roots of the flower to moisten the topsoil.

Stagnant water also has a bad effect on the flower, so the remaining it is better to pour water from the pan. The topsoil must always be moist.

The leaves must be sprayed. After flowering stops, when the leaves begin to fall off, watering should be stopped, only occasionally moistened with an earthen ball.

Lighting, temperature

All hibiscus are very love light and warmth. If the house has windows facing south, then it is better to put Angel Wings there. The same applies to the situation with open ground. For long and persistent flowering, flowers need 4-6 hours a day in the sun.

The ideal temperature is from +24 to +30. If the temperature drops below +10, the plant will die. However, if the temperature is very high and the sun's rays are direct, then it is necessary protect the roots roses from overheating. It is better to do this immediately upon planting, sprinkling the roots on top with an extra 2-3 cm of earth.

top dressing

Hibiscus "Angelwings" must be fed . Suitable any universal remedy for potted plants. This type of plant also needs magnesium. It is better to take magnesium in chelated form. You need to feed the flower in the morning, in a non-hot time, once a week. It is possible more often, but then the dose should be significantly reduced.


All gardeners unanimously say that this type is better propagate by cuttings , propagation by seeds practically does not give results. For cuttings, it is better to choose the healthiest bushes.


In a pot, Angelwings can bloom almost nonstop. In open ground, the flowering period is the period from late April to mid-July.


This rose is perennial plant, so it will delight the eye from a year to five years with proper care.

Hibiscus grow very quickly, so you will need to stock up on a large number of pots. young plants several times a year.

As it grows, it is necessary to transplant into a pot with a large diameter. Adult plants are transplanted less often - once every few years.

For a safe transplant, the earthen ball must be completely braided with the roots of the plant.

After transplantation, at first, it is better to water the plant from a pallet. So the roots will cling to the new soil.

Pests, diseases

Important. If the care is completely correct, then pests and diseases will not bother the rose.

spider mite

Millimeter insects that cover the leaves of plants with a barely noticeable cobweb. The leaves turn yellow, fall off and wither. Because of it, the plant can be affected by gray rot. As a preventive measure, the plant is necessary spray regularly, but do not allow water to stagnate in rosebuds.

It is necessary remove fallen leaves and dried buds. If the disease nevertheless overtook the rose, then it should be sprayed even more often. You can properly water the plant and close it for three days with a plastic bag. From high humidity, ticks should die.

You can also irradiate the underside of the leaves with ultraviolet light. But in this case, it is better to prevent the appearance of the pest, since the fight against it greatly exhausts the rose and its owner.


One aphid does not pose a threat, but if there is a lot of it, then the plant is in real danger. The leaves of a diseased plant will turn yellow, wrap in tubules and fall off. Hibiscus will become lethargic and will not bloom, but if there are a lot of pests, then the leaves will become sticky from aphid secretions.

It is easier to prevent the appearance of aphids than to fight them later. But it is also possible to win. If aphids settled on a plant in the amount of several pieces, then you can try wash the leaves very cold water or wipe them down with soapy water.

If the aphid has already captured the plant as a habitat, then you will have to use special chemicals that can be purchased at the store. After defeating aphids, Angel Wings will recover for some time, and at this time they need especially careful care.

An unpleasant disease of hibiscus caused by a violation of its conditions of detention. Appears with improper care.

The leaves begin to change shape, twist, they appear stains of dirty flowers, rose buds fall without blooming.

Chlorosis is a disease in which a plant lack of Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Potassium and other substances.

To save the flower, it is worth transplanting it into a new substrate with the necessary fertilizers, carefully and daily spraying the leaves.

If the disease has just begun, then you can do without a transplant by adding useful substances to the soil.

Absolutely all Angelwings diseases are due to improper care therefore, subject to all the rules, the plant must be absolutely healthy. If there are any signs of the disease, then you need to immediately correct the errors in the content of this flower. This can stop the disease in the bud.


Rose "Angelwings" is An excellent choice for the garden and home. It will delight the eye of the owner and look really beautiful. And caring for her is simple and pleasant.

Angel Wings variety is also called Angel Wings (Angelwings). It belongs to perennials, both garden and potted. Despite the fact that the tropics remain his homeland, he feels great in the Russian climate.

Detailed description

ATTENTION: Angel Wings is a shrub 20 cm high. It has small and neat leaves of bright green color. The stem is thin, but strong. His color is also green.

There can be quite a lot of leaves, and they also differ in size. On one bush can form up to 100 inflorescences. Most often there are white and pink flowers, as well as all their shades.. Petals are double and smooth. As the flower grows, the number of petals increases, and at the end of growth, an elastic bud is formed.

A photo

Below you can see a photo of the plant.

History of occurrence

The plant was first discovered in southern China, and only in the 18th century was it brought to Europe. Today, Angel Wings are successfully grown in the tropics and subtropics, as this climate is the best suited for culture.


When and how?

If you grow Angel Wings in a pot, then flowering lasts without interruption. Outdoors, this period lasts from April to July. During flowering, the bush is strewn with double and simple flowers of pale pink and white-yellow color.


During flowering, top dressing should be applied 1 time in 2-3 weeks. To do this, use complex mineral compositions in which nitrogen is present in a minimum concentration. In addition, during the flowering period, hibiscus needs abundant watering. In spring and summer, do it 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

After the buds have faded, they must be removed. not to violate decorative look culture. At the end of flowering, the plant needs pruning (you can find out more about when and how to properly prune a Chinese rose). Watering can already be reduced, as can application nutrients.

You can find out more about the features of caring for a Chinese rose at home.

There are many reasons why the Angel Wings variety does not bloom:

To stimulate a flower, he needs to arrange a "winter". The bottom line is that during the winter months, limit watering (once a week).

  1. Set the pot with the plant in a room where the temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, flower buds are laid in the required quantity.
  2. Also limit lighting by not placing the container in direct, bright sunlight.
  3. At the end of February or at the beginning of March, water the hibiscus frequently.
  4. Loosen the soil after wetting.
  5. Return the pot to its original place with good lighting and perform the first, and then all regular top dressing.

Growing from seed Angel Wings

Landing activities are carried out according to the following plan:

  1. The substrate for planting can be bought ready-made or prepared with your own hands. To do this, combine in equal proportions peat, sod land, sand.
  2. Lay drainage at the bottom of the container. Shredded foam is perfect. Next, pour the substrate, and on top of the peat tablet, after soaking it in hot water.
  3. Before planting, hold the seeds in water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2 weeks.
  4. Lay the planting material in the ground to a depth of 5 mm, sprinkle with earth, slightly moisten it and cover with glass.
  5. Every day, clean the shelter for ventilation.
  6. The first shoots are formed after 30 days, and when 2-3 leaves are formed, you can start picking.

For more information on how to grow hibiscus from seeds at home, see.

How to propagate?

IMPORTANT: Angel Wings is propagated by cuttings and seeds. The second method of reproduction is preferable, as it is simpler and takes little time.

The process of planting seeds was discussed earlier, so it is worth dwelling on cuttings in more detail:

  1. In the spring, cut cuttings from young shoots of the plant. Just choose the ones that aren't too skinny.
  2. Set the material in water and wait for the formation of roots.
  3. After that, send the cuttings to the ground.

You can find out more about how to propagate a Chinese rose at home.

Diseases and pests

This is a small insect that covers the leaves with a barely noticeable cobweb.. After a while, the leaves turn yellow, fall off and wither.

It is the spider mite that is the main cause of the development of gray rot. For prevention, spray the bush with water, but do not allow the liquid to stagnate in rose buds. Remove all fallen and dried buds in a timely manner. If overtaken by a flower, then spraying should be carried out more often. You can carefully water the plant and cover it for 3 days with a plastic bag. The high humidity will kill the mites.

Effectively irradiate the inside of the leaf plate with ultraviolet light. But this is more suitable for prevention, since such treatment will greatly exhaust the flower.

And although this insect is not so terrible for a rose, but with a mass defeat, the flower is in great danger.

In case of massive damage to aphids, it is necessary to use chemicals that can be purchased at a specialized store.

Prevention of various problems

When growing the Angel Wings variety, the following problems and ways to solve them are possible:

  • dropping leaves. If this process occurs in winter, then this indicates a low temperature in the room or the plant is standing in a draft. To solve this problem, you will have to find a warm place for the flower and reduce watering. If the leaves fall in the summer, then the reason is frequent waterlogging.
  • Falling buds. This is due to dry air. Every day, spray the plant with water at room temperature using a spray bottle.
  • Spotting on leaves. The main reason is increased fertilization or lack of light. To solve this problem, you need to temporarily stop making the nutrient composition and provide full coverage.
  • Chlorosis occurs as a result of impaired plant care. The leaves are deformed, twist, change shape, the buds fall off without blooming. Lack of zinc, manganese, potassium and iron can affect the development of chlorosis. You can save a flower if you transplant it into a new soil with the necessary fertilizers. Spray every day.


Angel Wings is a variety that is valued by gardeners for its abundant and beautiful flowering, as well as resistance to diseases and pests. The plant rarely gets sick if it is properly and regularly looked after. But you can grow it both at home and on the street. Here it all depends on the choice of grower.

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A garden plot is hard to imagine without flowers. Even if the garden is small in size, an amateur florist will definitely find a place for his favorite plants, pleasing with their abundant flowering. Currently, the choice of flowers is great - from huge bushes to miniature bushes. Perennials or annuals to grow - depends on the desire of the gardener. This article will talk about one of the varieties Chinese rose- Angel wings.

General information about Chinese rose

The Chinese rose (or hibiscus) naturally grows in countries with a mild continental climate and is an evergreen perennial. The bark of the trunk and shoots is black or brown. At home, these perennials rarely grow up to 2 m in length. Chinese rose does not require special conditions for growth, does not require special care and blooms very beautifully.

Rose-Chinese-"Angel Wings"

For those who are just starting to plant a flower garden in their apartment, a Chinese rose will be an ideal option - there are quite a lot of varieties of hibiscus, they differ in the shape of foliage and flowers, size and color, as well as growing methods.

But this perennial is also grown in garden plots, they use different varieties of this flowering shrub as hedges, decorating arbors or blank walls country houses. Such a shrub can reach a height of 15-18 m, and in diameter - about 4.5 m.

The main advantage of this variety of "queen of flowers" is high level adaptation to changing weather conditions, as well as average resistance to frost - bushes withstand frosts down to -19 -21⸰С. However, in middle lane and regions with a similar climate, it is recommended to cover the bushes with polyethylene or similar covering material for the winter.

Characteristics and features of the variety

Rose Angel Wings - one of the most beautiful varieties of Chinese roses, the main advantage of the plant are large, beautiful and pleasantly scented flowers.

Note! The variety is a perennial shrub, which can be grown in the garden and at home. This tropical plant feels great in many regions of Russia.

The main advantage of the plant are large, beautiful and pleasant-smelling flowers.

The height of the Chinese rose Angel Wings reaches 19-21 cm. The shoots are thin and powerful, well leafy. The color of the stems and numerous foliage is bright emerald. Foliage size may vary.

More than 90 inflorescences can appear on one bush. The color of the petals is white or pink, as well as different shades of these flowers. Sometimes flowers of both colors can bloom on the same plant. Flowers can be ordinary and double.

The garden variety of Angel Wing blooms already in the first decade of April, and flowering ends at the end of July. At home, Chinese rose Angel Wings can bloom year-round.

Agricultural technology

You can grow Angel Wings roses from cuttings or seeds. The seed of this variety sprouts for a very long time, so flower growers who want to grow a rose from seed material will have to be patient. But this method has its own advantage - 80-90 days after germination given plant already starting to bloom.

Those who want to grow a rose from seed material will have to be patient

When growing this variety of rose from seeds, a nutritious soil mixture should be properly prepared - it should be fertile enough and pass moisture and air well. Planting this seed is no different from planting any other seeds at home.

Propagation of this hibiscus variety by cuttings - more fast way, and almost all the resulting seedlings take root. Cuttings should be cut only from young shoots and immediately placed in containers with water until they give roots. Planting seedlings with roots in open ground follows in the middle of spring, when the soil warms up well.

Seedlings quickly adapt to a new place and grow. The main conditions for their active growth and the beginning of flowering are regular watering and fertilizing. As a result, already a couple of months after planting the cuttings in open ground, the first buds appear on them. They should be cut off in order to activate the abundant formation of flowers in the future.

Seedlings quickly adapt to a new place and grow

Wintering of young bushes goes well if they are covered in a timely manner plastic wrap. In the future, this perennial can not be covered for the winter if the winters are not too cold.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of the variety include:

  • abundant flowering;
  • medium frost resistance;
  • resistance to diseases and pests - above average.

There are practically no drawbacks to the Angel Wings rose, you just need to remember that this shrub can be affected different types rot with improper watering.

This type of Chinese rose is valued for its abundant and fairly long flowering. You can grow this flower at home or in flower beds in the garden - it all depends on the desire of gardeners.

Rose Angel Wings is a perennial that belongs to the Chinese hibiscus. grown and how indoor plant, and in gardens. It is difficult to grow a Chinese beauty with large bright flowers. But with a strong desire, following the rules of planting and the advice of professional gardeners, it is quite possible. Growing roses Angel Wings from seeds at home will be discussed in this article.

Characteristics and features of the Angel Wings variety

A small lush bush with many branches strewn with delicate inflorescences of light shades has long been one of the most popular Chinese hibiscus scrubs among gardeners. It grows up to 20 cm high with thin, but strong, green stems. There are a lot of branches on the bush, which gives it splendor and elegance. The leaves are bright green, small in size, serrated along the edges.

The angelic polyanthus rose blooms for a long time and plentifully. One rose bush can have up to a hundred inflorescences. Buds for a plant half a meter long, large, from 4 to 9 cm. The petals of each subspecies are different. They can be terry, semi-double or flat. The color of the flowers is white and pale pink. Sometimes one bush can combine flowers of both colors. They are connected in inflorescences.

Chinese rose Angel Wings, grown in the garden, blooms from early April to late July, in a pot - all year round without interruption. It can be grown by seeds and cuttings. Seeds of culture germinate for a very long time, so patience is required during its reproduction. After they have ascended, the first flowers appear already in the third month. Rose Angel Wings differs from other Chinese roses in higher winter hardiness. This is especially noticeable on bushes grown from seeds.

Growing Rose Angel Wings from Seeds

Chinese rose is not demanding on the soil. The main condition is that it should be light and pass moisture and air well. It is recommended for planting seeds to purchase a special soil designed for hibiscus. But you can prepare the soil yourself. The peat substrate must be mixed with humus and river sand. Then pour a weak solution of potassium permanganate to destroy the larvae of pests and midges.

In order for the sprouts to hatch through the shell, they must be stratified. For this you need:

  1. Disinfect seeds. Dip in hydrogen peroxide. Keep 20 minutes. Remove floating seeds, as they are empty and unsuitable for planting.
  2. Take out the seeds, put them on a slightly moistened non-woven material, cover them on top. You can also use cotton pads. Wrap in a plastic bag and put in the bottom of the refrigerator for 60 days. After this time, the first shoots should form.
  3. Seeds should be constantly checked and moistened if necessary. For prevention, you can re-treat with peroxide.
  4. Seeds that have sprouted should be planted in a pot. The container for planting should not be too deep. Small holes should be made in the bottom so that water does not accumulate.
  5. Pour drainage (fine gravel or gravel) on the bottom of the pot, and pour the prepared soil on it.
  6. Put the seeds on the ground and sprinkle with river sand or vermiculite.
  7. Cover the container with a transparent lid, glass or tighten with a film.
  8. Place the pot with planting material on a windowsill, where there are no drafts, or in another well-lit place.

When growing Angel Wings roses with seeds from 10-12 pieces, only 3-5 can grow.

Stratification can be carried out by another method, combining it with landing. To do this, you need a container with a plastic lid (a great option is confectionery packaging), which will serve as a greenhouse. Place drainage at the bottom, then soil and lay out the seeds previously soaked in a growth stimulator. Fill with sand, moisten.

Keep at room temperature for 10 days, then refrigerate. After 30 days, sprouts should form. With their appearance, take the container from the refrigerator and place it in a place with good lighting and an air temperature not higher than +20 degrees.

It is best to sow Angel Wings rose seeds in February.

Until the seedlings get stronger, they need to be carefully looked after. In this case, it is necessary:

  • provide the plant with heat and moisture;
  • maintain a temperature not lower than +14 degrees;
  • provide good lighting for 10 hours a day. If necessary, use phytolamps or devices daylight;
  • do not open the greenhouse;
  • prevent the soil from drying out, moisten the top layer using a spray bottle;
  • avoid excess moisture;
  • strengthened sprouts begin to ventilate, opening the greenhouse, thereby hardening them. Then gradually increase the ventilation time;
  • do not allow sunlight to hit the plant;
  • in March, the rose can be slowly fed with fertilizers for apartment plants. It is better to fertilize in the morning.

If a second pair of leaves has formed on the seedlings, you can start picking. The best period for this falls on April-May. Small roses need to be seated in separate pots.

The flowering of the angel rose occurs in the spring, three months after sowing. The first flowers must be removed so that in the future the bush produces more flowering buds. In order for the rose to grow and sprout new shoots, you need to pinch its top.

You can propagate Chinese hibiscus Angel Wings not only by seeds, but also by cuttings. They are cut from young stems. Placed in water until roots appear. Then they land in open land. But the sown plants are not so whimsical and more frost-resistant.

In May, when the frosts end, a warm stable temperature sets in and the earth warms up, the rose is planted in open ground. For some time, the plant will get used to the new conditions, after which it begins to grow and bloom. The most abundant flowering occurs in June-July. Continues to bloom until September, but not as much.

Chinese roses tolerate cold well. With weak frosts they do not need shelter, but in order for the plants to successfully overwinter in severe frosts, they still need to be covered. As a covering material, it is good to use spruce branches, non-woven material, burlap, brushwood. To protect the bushes from freezing, their bases and the soil between the rows are spudded with additional earth, mullein with straw and foliage. After wintering, the shelter is removed.

With the advent of spring, pruning is necessary. Dead and damaged stems are removed, healthy ones are shortened by 1/3 of their length. Spring pruning promotes the formation of new shoots and helps to form correct form bush. The pruning tool must be very sharp and disinfected. Places of cuts are recommended to be processed activated carbon.

To ensure lush long-term flowering, rose bushes need to be regularly looked after. The earth around should be periodically fluffed up so that air can better enter the root system and saturate it with oxygen. It is also important to get rid of weeds.

Mulching is an integral part of Angel Wings rose care, thanks to which moisture will be preserved around the plant and grass will stop growing. Be sure to water the flower, preventing the soil from drying out. Feed with mineral fertilizers and organic matter. With a lack of nutrients, a rose can get sick with leaf chlorosis, in which buds and flowers begin to fall off, and the foliage curls and changes color.

In the presence of aphids, the Angel Wings rose will stop blooming and begin to fade. The leaves will turn yellow, curl and fall off. To get rid of the insect, the leaves must be washed with cold water or soapy water. With too much accumulation of aphids, the bush must be treated with a special chemical preparation designed to control this pest.

With proper regular care, the Chinese angel rose can grow for more than five years, delighting with its luxurious beautiful flowers.

Rosa chinensis from seeds: