Buteyko breathing technique. Improving breathing technique according to the Buteyko method K

Proper breathing is an important preventive measure for many diseases. According to experts, this is a true barometer showing the state of human health. Breathing is closely connected not only with health, but also with consciousness.

The famous scientist K.P. Buteyko developed his own breathing technique, which helped many people cope with their illnesses.

Buteyko Konstantin Pavlovich - a doctor, physiologist, scientist who conducted many experiments on breathing. After that, he convincingly substantiated that deep breathing is harmful to the human body. This is because a large amount of oxygen displaces carbon dioxide, which is an important chemical compound for the body. According to the scientist, the deeper a person breathes, the more seriously ill he is. Deep breathing can provoke a spasm of some organs, especially the vessels of the brain. It is important to understand that if the vascular network and muscle tissue are reduced, the required amount of oxygen ceases to reach the organs and metabolic processes are disrupted.

Buteyko argues that carbon dioxide cannot be wasted, so you need to be able to breathe properly. The scientist's experiments showed that in the blood of healthy people, the volume of carbon dioxide is much higher than in patients.

Breathing exercises Buteyko method treats more than 100 diseases. A positive result is achieved by 90% of patients.

Principles of Buteyko breathing

To begin Buteyko exercises, you need to learn shallow breathing. It is difficult for an unhealthy person to do exercises, you need to be patient. In the early stages of doing gymnastics, profuse sweating often occurs.

During the course of the treatment course, it is imperative to eat right. It is preferable to use vegetable food with minimal fat. It is forbidden to take alcohol, smoke. It is recommended to sleep lying on your stomach, breathe through your nose.

Try not to bring yourself to a stressful state, as the respiratory rhythm is disturbed.

Thanks to Buteyko gymnastics, those who have been suffering from chronic diseases for a long time recover.

Buteyko breathing affects the body in the following ways:

  • Improves nasal breathing, which helps to eliminate rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • The cough goes away;
  • Mucus comes out of the lower part of the lungs;
  • Allergic diseases are cured;
  • The activity of the cardiovascular system is resumed;
  • Blood pressure returns to normal;
  • Significantly improves blood circulation in the brain.

Breathing according to the Buteyko method is based on a successive decrease in the duration of the depth of inhalation and exhalation, but the breath holding pause is lengthened. In humans, the balance of chemicals is restored, the immune system is strengthened, and the disease begins to recede.

Practicing Buteyko is very convenient, because the exercises can be performed anywhere and at any time.

The exercises are simple, so they are suitable for all ages. Children are encouraged to engage from the age of four.

To perform breathing exercises, you need to sit in a comfortable position, but your back should be even. Pull your neck up, put your hands on your knees. Relax completely. Before starting to perform gymnastics, it is important to be able to make a “control pause” (after exhaling, a person must hold his breath until he feels a lack of oxygen). Gymnastics begins with a reduction in the depth of breathing, reducing it to a minimum. This procedure lasts about 5 minutes, after which a control pause is measured. This is repeated five times - this is one cycle. During the day, do these six cycles with a break of 4 hours. Record all measurements in a special diary. The increase in indicators indicates the correctness of the exercise. But when the numbers are the same, this explains the slow effect of the exercises. With a pause of 60 seconds, you can do gymnastics twice a day. Full mastery of the technique allows you to do the cycle only once a day.

Health test

To find out what kind of health a person has, you can conduct a test. Prepare a stopwatch, sit on the edge of a chair, do not cross your legs, relax, raise your head. After exhaling, squeeze the nose with two fingers and hold out until the first sensation of a lack of oxygen appears. The state of health is assessed by the following pause indicators:

  • 3–5 sec. - the person is very sick;
  • 30 sec. – have minor health problems;
  • 60 sec. - good health;
  • 2-3 minutes - a person has super endurance.

Gymnastics according to the Buteyko method should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. This is especially true for people with serious illnesses.

Some exercises can not be performed in severe asthma.

This workout is a great workout. If you do it every day, you can significantly increase the air retention pause. It is best to test on an empty stomach.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

  • with the threat of bleeding;
  • during exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • with diabetes, if there is dependence on insulin;
  • with aneurysm deep blood clots;
  • in the presence of foreign transplants in the body;
  • if there was a heart operation;
  • during pregnancy.

It will be difficult to perform exercises for people with chronic tonsillitis.

Below are some exercises that can help in different life situations.

Exercises "Ambulance"

This section will describe exercises that help with various diseases, pains, emotional experiences.

Bronchial asthma

If there is a problem with bronchial asthma, you need to show great perseverance, since training should take 2-3 hours a day and no less. You need to try to gradually reduce the speed of inhalation and its depth, learn to pause after a measured, prolonged exhalation. Make long breathing pauses at least 3 times a day (up to 60 seconds or more).

Hold your breath according to the following rules:

  • take a comfortable sitting position, slightly touching the back of the chair;
  • having exhaled, squeeze the nose with two fingers, making a respiratory pause until the moment when the lack of it becomes very strong;
  • take a long and shallow breath;
  • rest and repeat the exercise.

Systematic respiratory pauses contribute to the normalization of carbon dioxide in the blood and prevent asthma attacks.

stressful state

Two options are offered.

1 option. After exhaling, hold your breath for at least three seconds.

Option 2 "Blowing out the candle." Stop breathing after taking a deep breath. Fold your lips into a tube, and sharply do three exhalations:

  • 1 exhalation - air is exhaled from the abdomen;
  • 2 exhalation - from the chest;
  • 3 exhalation - from the top of the lungs.

The back is straight, the gaze is directed forward. Perform "Blowing out the candle" vigorously, a maximum of three times.

Fears, anxiety

Knowledgeable people say that negative emotions are collected in the place between the ribs and the top of the abdomen. To get rid of fears, negative emotions, you need to do three deep breathing cycles. Breathing is measured. On the third time, the air is completely exhaled and pause in breathing. Then inhale. This will fill the body with living energy, freeing itself from negativity.


After a full inhalation, a respiratory pause is made and a long exhalation through the mouth. Make sure that all the air comes out with a long whistling sound. Do this three times.


When your head hurts, you should immediately begin to make your breathing shorter. At first, it follows with a maximum pause after exhalation. This will give a rapid accumulation of carbon dioxide. At the end of the pause, hold your breath. The head will clear up, the pain will go away.

Stuffy nose

If one nostril of the nose is blocked, it is necessary to close the breathing nostril with a handkerchief and stop breathing for several seconds. After doing this several times, the nostril will open.

Exercises to strengthen the body

A set of breathing techniques is offered to help strengthen the body.

Breathing in rhythm with a long exhalation

Order of execution:

  1. Take a comfortable position;
  2. At the expense of 2-3 - a breath is taken;
  3. At the expense of 4-6 - exhale.
  4. Over time, the inhalation lengthens to a count of 4-5, and the exhalation to a count of 7-10. Control the rhythm. Do 4-5 times.

Regular breathing with active exhalation

Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth as if blowing out a candle. Exercises are done at least 4 times.

cleansing breath

Inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale in short bursts (3-4 strokes) through half-pursed lips. This exercise is useful to do after a long stay in a stuffy room. Do it at least 3 times.

Calming breath


  • On a deep lingering breath, raise your arms forward and spread apart, turning your palms up.
  • Raise your head;
  • With a long exhalation, go to the starting position, lowering your head and arms.

Breathing according to the Buteyko method. Description of breathing technique.


Modern medicine has centuries of experience. It originates from famous people like Hippocrates and Avicenna. Their contribution to the “treasury” of medical theory and practice is enormous. Time has passed, the descriptions of diseases and the approach to their treatment have changed. Many diseases that were considered incurable have changed their status and become amenable to therapy. But there are diseases that medicine has remained powerless against: bronchial asthma, high blood pressure, allergies, angina pectoris, etc. At best, doctors simply put the patient on medication and achieve temporary relief. Patients are looking for a way out of the situation themselves. All techniques, traditional and non-traditional, are included. Among such non-traditional methods of treating chronic and difficult-to-treat diseases is Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko's breathing technique. It has nothing to do with breathing exercises, and is only aimed at changing the depth of breathing during training.

*The most important indicators of breathing and health The object that allows a person to breathe shallowly is the diaphragm. KP Buteyko formulated the essence of his method as a decrease in the depth of breathing by relaxing the diaphragm.

Proper breathing according to Buteyko is neither seen nor heard, only through the nose. The breath is so small that neither the chest nor the stomach sways. Breathing is very shallow, the air descends approximately to the collarbones, and carbon dioxide “stands” below. You seem to be sniffing something unknown to you, possibly a poisonous substance. In this case, inhalation lasts 2-3 seconds, exhalation 3-4 seconds, and then a pause of 3-4 seconds, the volume of inhaled air, the smaller the better.

And so let's get started with the exercises.

Sit on a chair, relax, look just above the eye line. Relax the diaphragm (breathing should be shallow) in the chest there is a feeling of lack of air. Stay in this state for 10-15 minutes. If the desire to breathe intensified, increase the depth of breathing a little. At the same time, breathe as if with the very tops of the lungs. With proper training, it will definitely appear at first warm, then it will become hot, after 5-7 minutes perspiration may appear with any desire to breathe - fight only by relaxing the diaphragm.

After training, come out of this state without deepening your breath.
After training, MP should be 1-2 seconds more.
Calculation of the level of CO2 in the body: with a pause of 15 seconds, carbon dioxide is 4-4.5%, at a rate of 6.5%, your pause should be 60 seconds. From this it follows that 60:15 = 4, that is, you breathe 4 times deeper than normal.

All exercises are performed necessarily with breathing through the nose and without noise. Before the implementation of the complex and after it, control measurements are performed: MP - maximum pause, pulse. Normally, for adults, MP is satisfactory - 30 seconds, good - 60 seconds, excellent - 90 seconds. Pulse satisfactorily - 70 bpm, good - 60 bpm. excellent - 50 beats / min. For children of middle and senior school age, the MP is normally 1/3 less, the pulse is 10 beats / min. more. For children of preschool and primary school age, the MP is 2/3 less, the pulse is 20 beats / min. more.

Recommended set of exercises

A set of breathing exercises K.P. Buteyko aimed at development the right breath, as well as on the development of a person's ability to hold his breath, both on inhalation and exhalation, both at rest and during physical exertion.

  1. The upper parts of the lungs work:
    5 seconds inhale, 5 seconds exhale, relaxing the muscles of the chest; 5 seconds pause, do not breathe, be in maximum relaxation. 10 times. (2.5 minutes)
  2. Full breath. Diaphragmatic and chest breathing together.
    7.5 seconds - inhale, starting with diaphragmatic breathing and ending with chest breathing; 7.5 seconds - exhale, starting from the upper sections of the lungs and ending with the lower sections of the lungs, i.e. diaphragm; 5 seconds - pause. 10 times. (3.5 minutes)
  3. Acupressure nose points at maximum pause. 1 time.
  4. Full breath through the right, then the left halves of the nose. 10 times.
  5. Retraction of the abdomen.
    Within 7.5 seconds - a full breath, 7.5 seconds - maximum exhalation, 5 seconds - a pause, keeping the abdominal muscles drawn in. 10 times. (3.5 minutes)
  6. Maximum ventilation of the lungs (MVL).
    We perform 12 fast maximum breaths and exhalations, i.e. 2.5 seconds - inhale, 2.5 seconds - exhale, for 1 minute. After MVL, we immediately perform the maximum pause (MP) on exhalation, up to the limit. MVL is performed 1 time.
  7. Rare breath. (By levels)
    First level:
    1-5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause. It turns out 4 breaths per minute. Perform 1 minute, then, without stopping breathing, the following levels are performed.
    Second level:
    2-5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - hold your breath after inhalation, 5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause. It turns out 3 breaths per minute. Runs 2 minutes
    Third level:
    3-7.5 seconds - inhale, 7.5 seconds - hold your breath after inhalation, 7.5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause. It turns out 2 breaths per minute. Runs 3 minutes.
    Fourth level:
    4-10 seconds - inhale, 10 seconds - hold your breath after inhalation, 10 seconds - exhale, 10 seconds - pause. That's 1.5 breaths per minute. Runs 4 minutes. And so on, who can endure how much. Bring the norm to 1 breath per minute.
  8. Double breath hold.
    First, MP is performed on exhalation, then the maximum delay on inhalation. 1 time.
  9. MP sitting 3-10 times, MP in walking in place 3-10 times, MP in running in place 3-10 times, MP while squatting. 3-10 times.
  10. Shallow breathing.
    Sitting in a comfortable position for maximum relaxation, perform chest breathing. Gradually reduce the volume of inhalation and exhalation - to an invisible breath or breath at the level of the nasopharynx. During such breathing, at first a slight lack of air will appear, then a medium shortage or even a strong one, indicating that the exercise is being performed correctly. Stay on shallow breathing for 3 to 10 minutes.

All exercises must be performed with breathing through the nose and without noise. Before the implementation of the complex and after it, control measurements of MP and pulse are carried out,

It is advisable to perform a set of exercises on an empty stomach.

At the final stage of breathing exercises according to the method of K. P. Buteyko, the reaction of cleaning the whole organism takes place. It is impossible to predict when the reaction will start. It happens, and after a few tens of minutes, and after a few months of classes. There may be several, or there may be none at all.

On the eve of cleansing, there is a sharp increase in CP* (sometimes for 3-5 seconds), and during cleansing - its fall, because the accumulated CO2 during cleansing is spent on the restructuring of all body systems: intestines, liver, lungs, cardiovascular, nervous , musculoskeletal. Although CP drops during brushing, on average it does not fall below the initial level at the beginning of classes. The duration of the reaction is usually from a few minutes to three weeks.

Reactions are not to be feared. She should be happy - because the body is recovering. If it hurt where it didn’t hurt before, then you simply didn’t feel it, but the disease was. It is better not to use drugs, but if you do not dare to give them up, then at least half or less of the usual. Severe patients need monitoring (diabetes requires constant laboratory monitoring).

The following stages of the purification reaction are revealed: they correspond to the CP - 10,20,30,40,60 seconds.

1. Line 10 seconds. What is on the surface is removed from the body. Most often, this is accompanied by discharge from the nose, salivation, liquid stool, frequent urination, thirst, sweat, plaque on the tongue, sputum. If there were problems with the kidneys and bladder before, cramps may appear. There may be a flu-like condition: chills, fever, purulent discharge from the eyes, nose, weakness or aches all over the body. Appetite is reduced or completely disappears. Tormented by thirst and there is a terrible dryness in the mouth, nose, nasopharynx.

2. Milestone 20 seconds. The nose, lungs, intestines, skin (itching) will react, the joints become painful, the spine hurts, all former postoperative scars, fractures, places of former injuries will be ill, the places of former injections will itch, all infiltrates will resolve after injections that have ever been given to you. Metabolic processes are also partially affected: eczema worsens, headaches may appear. Profuse sputum is produced. If there were sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, the nose was operated on, a large amount of pus, plugs, often with blood, can be released from the nose. The sense of smell and taste sensations will be restored. There may be stool disorders, vomiting. Some people stay at the CP for 10-20 seconds for six months or more, because their body is too toxic. And in order to cleanse yourself, you need to constantly be in the VLHD method. In pulmonary patients, when cleaning, the temperature rises to 41 degrees, but it does not last for days, it jumps up and down. Don't drop the temperature! It is better to use vinegar wraps (only for children). Sputum can go not only in pulmonary patients, but also in hypertensive patients. There may be hemoptysis. It's sloughing off lung tissue destroyed by bronchoscopies and your hoarse old cough. It takes 2-3 years for a complete restructuring of the lungs. Massage helps with restructuring. The liver and heart are massaged only when jogging or jumping rope. Acute emphysema disappears in 1-2 weeks. According to x-ray data, you will get positive dynamics in the lungs. Pictures should be taken before the VLHD session and every six months thereafter.
If dry sputum has gone, it is necessary to put jars, mustard plasters, massage, increase fluid intake (hot salted water). Go to the sauna (dry steam) if the pulse is not higher than 70 and there are no cardiac manifestations.
If there are any skin disorders, be sure to visit the bath, do not use soap, just rinse and rub with castor oil after the bath.
Hypertensive patients and angina pectoris can start going to the bath only after reaching a stable CP within 30-40 seconds and a pulse not higher than 70. Patients with coronary heart disease should take validol for heart failure and during cleaning. Hypertensive patients may have nosebleeds. Do not pack your nose, but substitute a bath of water, put a cold compress on the bridge of your nose.
The discharge from the nose lasts longer than from the lungs. It is not necessary to rinse the nose with medicines, you can
apply lightly salted water, drawing in and releasing it with each nostril in turn.

3. Milestone 30 seconds. With a CP of 30 seconds, the nervous system reacts, a person cries for no reason, becomes easily excitable and irritable. Depression may occur, aversion to classes by the VLHD method. This is the so-called psychological cleansing.
In patients with skin diseases, cleansing manifests itself in the form of itching, rashes, which themselves will disappear without the use of ointments and medicines, but under the condition of persistent practice of the VLHD method. In patients with thyrotoxicosis - sobs, tears, in hypertensive patients, the pressure jumps up and down.

4. Line 30-40 seconds. Cleansing is very cardinal: vessels, metabolism, intestines, kidneys are rebuilt, neoplasms dissolve, pressure normalizes. A hypertensive person after reaching 40 seconds is no longer hypertensive. All cardiovascular pathologies disappear with a stable CP of 42-44 seconds. Asthmatic says goodbye to asthma at 22-24 seconds of CP. There is a restructuring of all endocrine functions and systems: menstrual cycle thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, genitourinary sphere. Mastopathy is aggravated, pains appear and menstrual irregularities are possible. With the appearance of mastopathy, no additional actions are needed. Erosion and toxicosis go away. People are losing weight. They lose weight and are very thin, but after cleansing they acquire normal weight, restoring the missing forms, but already with clean, healthy cells.
All metabolic disorders, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis give 40 seconds of wild pain on the CP. There is sand in the urine. Remove stones from the gallbladder and bladder. At the moment from walking the stone, you need to train hard, move, jump, dance, because during physical activity the content of CO2 increases, the channels expand and the stone will pass without pain.

Hemorrhoids are cleaned, there may be bleeding and purulent discharge. Varicose veins disappear. An ulcer patient has short-term pain, vomiting, feces with mucus. There may be intestinal colic, cramping pains in the abdomen, urination also becomes more frequent and stool disorder appears. Do not rush to surgical interventions, do not use any painkillers. Try to get rid of all the symptoms with increased training by the VLHD method.
Sleep is normalized. The need for sleep will be reduced to 4-5 hours a day.

5. Milestone 60 seconds. Everything that was not cleaned at the previous stages of purification is cleaned. Here it is recommended to provoke a reaction of recovery with some cold disease in combination with a violation of the rules of life (usually in nutrition). At this time, a huge amount of sputum can be released, the deepest parts of the lungs are cleared.

Sometimes during the recovery reaction there is a breaking of the voice. It could be from a previous cough, bronchoscopy. By the way, asthma can start with loss of voice. The first attack of suffocation is
laryngospasms, swelling of the larynx. After the recovery reaction, the voice is restored.

It will hurt the heart, even if there were no complaints about it before. Urine during cleansing brick-red, turbid, with sediment, mucus, fetid with bloody discharge, smelling of drugs. In patients with osteochondrosis, a huge amount of salts comes out, their urine is white, frothy. Saliva in such patients is very unpleasant, it should be spit into a jar. There may be uterine bleeding.

Language is the mirror of reaction. Normally, it should be pink, moist, clean, without furrows and cracks. Yellow plaque - the liver is cleaned, white - the gastrointestinal tract. Dry - lack of water in the body. When the tongue is coated, the patient has an aversion to food, in no case should he be forced to eat. It is necessary at this time to drink plenty of water to remove all toxins from the body. You can tell by the tongue whether it's a purge or a cold. As soon as the tongue becomes pink, clean, moist, this means the reactions of recovery at this turn. If the pulse during the cleaning period is more than 100 beats, do not grab the inhaler. It is better to help yourself for 1-2 days by taking the hormonal medicine that helped you before - about half the maximum dose that you have ever taken. Then, gradually training your breathing, get away from taking the hormone. Do not be afraid of taking a hormonal drug - it reduces breathing, which is good. And this is the most harmless of all the drugs taken by asthmatics.

To facilitate the cleaning period, follow the following:

  1. Do not give up the method, engage in a weak degree of self-suffocation with a relaxation decrease in breathing. The main task is not to breathe, to hold on, not to give up positions won from deep breathing.
  2. Take hot showers, sitz baths (only thighs in water), visit the sauna. This is all with chills, if there is no temperature and the heart allows.
  3. Drink more hot salted water. Do not forget to take ordinary table salt during cleaning. Often weakness is due to lack of salt. This salt has nothing to do with the deposition of "salts" in the spine.
  4. Do not eat by force, do not distract the body from its own work - cleansing.
  5. You can put jars, mustard plasters, massage.
  6. In no case do not lie: sit or move around the room, but it is better on the street, in the fresh air. While brushing, take honey, tooth powder (washed). white clay - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. They will transit through the intestines and collect all the poisons.
  7. If during cleaning there are strong cramping pains in the intestines or stabbing pains in the heart, then you need to help yourself with validol and train your breathing hard.
  8. Add 2-3 drops per day of potassium iodide solution to food.
  9. Try to suppress your cough with shallow breathing. Without coughing, sputum is easier to pass.
  10. If the bowels are not working well, take an enema or take a laxative (sodium or magnesium sulfate, senna leaf, buckthorn bark, joster).
  11. The lungs need warmth during the rebuild, so don't overcool at this time, wear a vest. Don't be in a draft. However, do not overheat - you can not wrap yourself up either. Thermal procedures, chest massage are useful.
  12. If the cleansing comes in the form of an unbridled cough, then do a distracting water treatment - warming up the hands and feet in as hot water as you can tolerate. You can massage the collar area.
  13. Do not use sugar, it is better to switch to dried fruits. Grapes and tomatoes have a bad effect on a diseased liver.
  14. If purulent conjunctivitis (purulent discharge from the eyes) appears, then rinse the eyes with a strong solution of green tea, slightly salted.
  15. During cleaning, carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity, constantly rinse it in an infusion of herbs, the tongue must be cleaned of plaque with a spoon.
generally - Control Pause(KP) and Maximum Pause(MP).
KP This is a breath hold performed after a normal normal exhalation. The delay is made until the first slightest desire to inhale. The time of this delay is KP. Before measurement KP you should rest for 10 minutes. After the measurement, neither the depth nor the respiratory rate should be greater than before the measurement.
MP includes CP plus some volitional delay. The measurement conditions are the same as for KP. Usually MP about twice as much as KP

My greetings to all! Breathing according to the Buteyko method will teach you how to improve breathing, as well as treat high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and 118 other diseases. Experts will tell you how to breathe properly in order to gradually get rid of various diseases.

Proper breathing is health

The instinct of breathing is laid down by nature itself. Each person makes about 20,000 breaths and exhalations and does not notice it. Breathing is natural process. But even ancient people thought about how to solve its riddle.

Scientist and doctor Konstantin Buteyko, observing the breathing of people, made an incredible discovery, saying that people breathe incorrectly, therefore they often get sick.

It turns out that when we were taught to take a deep breath, we deprived the body of the oxygen required for healthy life.

As it turned out, the cause of many ailments is hyperventilation ( intense breathing that exceeds the body's need for oxygen. - Author. ).

Buteyko has developed a set of exercises that will help you become healthier. The system is available to all people, of any age, even children master it. Moreover, children begin to get sick twice as often.

The essence of Buteyko breathing is to limit the depth of breaths, because with deep breaths, the amount of oxygen just does not increase. At the same time, the volume of carbon dioxide decreases. It is his lack that leads to the appearance of various pathologies.

According to Buteyko, by removing carbon dioxide from the body, we ourselves lead to spasms of all blood vessels, including those of the brain. The vessels are strongly compressed and oxygen does not reach the cells. That is, an excess supply of oxygen leads to its deficiency.

According to the doctor, the shallower the breath, the healthier and more resilient the human body.

What does the Buteyko technique treat? The doctor named 118 diseases, including hypertension, which leads to stroke, heart attack and other serious illnesses.

For example, asthma, just indicates oxygen starvation, although the patient has a lot of oxygen in the blood. An asthma attack is a forced breath holding, during which the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases.

A patient with asthma during suffocation should make breathing very shallow, making delays of 3-4 seconds after each exhalation.

How to determine the degree of your health

Using a special technique, you will find out the degree of your health:

  1. Sit upright in a chair, preferably with a straight back, without straining, breathe normally.
  2. Exhale in the same way as usual, pinch your nose with your fingers, stop breathing, noticing the time on the clock in the second hand. This is the beginning of breath holding. Do not breathe until the first desire to breathe.
  3. Note this indicator.

And now find out about the state of your health by the time you hold your breath:

  • less than 20 sec. - the body is sick;
  • 30 sec. - you should pay attention to your health;
  • 60 sec. - you are a healthy person;
  • 90 seconds or more - you have an excellent margin of safety.

For clarity, a table of breath holdings is offered.

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Getting Started with Technology

In order for the technique to bring recovery, it is necessary to understand what is meant by the concept of “normal breathing”.

This is the most superficial, that is, a shallow slow breath in 2-3 seconds.

Then, after exhalation, a respiratory pause is also mandatory for 3-4 seconds, then inhale again.

The frequency of correct breathing is 6-8 breaths per minute.

To learn proper technique, you need to train at rest for at least 3 hours a day. And then practice on the move. It is necessary to learn by willpower to reduce the depth of inspiration.

If you decide to master healing breathing, then you need to tune in to a long and regular study. Better yet, make the doctor's technique a way of life. Then gradually the breath treatment will lead to a decrease in the use of lifelong drugs, if they are prescribed to you.

Description of the method strong-willed liquidation deep breathing

  • Breathe only through the nose. The breath is imperceptible and very small, the stomach and chest should not rise. The air should be slightly drawn in for 2-3 seconds, and exhalation should be done for 3-4 seconds, then a pause of 4 seconds.
  • Sitting on a chair, relax, look just above the line of the eyes;
  • Breathe shallowly until there is a feeling of lack of air in the chest;
  • Breathe at this pace for 10-14 minutes;
  • If you feel like taking a deep breath, don't do it, just increase the depth slightly;
  • Soon the heat will spread throughout the body, then the heat will “come”, there will be a strong desire to take a deep breath. This desire must be fought by relaxing the diaphragm;
  • The exit from the training is gradual, with an increase in the depth of breathing.

How to determine the degree of respiratory failure?

  1. Count your pulse, then align your breathing for 10 minutes.
  2. Sit up straight, tighten your stomach, take a free breath, followed by a spontaneous exhalation.
  3. Here, fix the position of the second hand by holding your breath.
  4. During the measurement period, look away from the second hand, close your eyes.
  5. You can not exhale until the tension of the muscles of the abdomen and neck appears. At this moment, look at the second hand, take a deep breath
  6. Next, straighten your breath.

Wellness system according to Buteyko

Look at the detailed steps:

  • Two seconds of shallow inhalation, 4 seconds of exhalation;
  • Pause with a breath hold for 4 seconds (with a further increase), look up. Do not be afraid of lack of air during a pause. This is fine.
  • When inhaling and exhaling, the movements of the chest and abdomen should not change. Breathing for others is almost imperceptible, quiet and superficial.
  • After class, you can again take a test for the duration of holding your breath.

As soon as you start learning the Buteyko method, you may experience dizziness to the point of nausea, fear and other unpleasant sensations. This is not a reason to give up practice.

Indications for the use of this method:

  • pneumonia, chronic bronchitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • high pressure;
  • allergies, bronchial asthma, urticaria and so on;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the hepatobiliary system;
  • skin diseases;
  • chronic lung pathologies: emphysema, obstruction, pneumosclerosis, and so on;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • vascular disease, multiple sclerosis;
  • obesity; heart disease;
  • all diseases of the skeletal system;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the reproductive system, in particular, infertility;
  • diabetes mellitus, other disorders of the endocrine system;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • all eye diseases.


  • Nervous and mental diseases;
  • Infectious diseases in acute form;
  • Bleeding.

A set of exercises for healing the body

It is very difficult to immediately start breathing superficially, so the author developed a simplified complex in the form of gymnastics.

See how gymnastics is performed.

Exercise One

  • Sitting on a chair, shoulders straightened, back straight. Raise your shoulders as you inhale and lower as you exhale.
  • Close the back of the shoulder blades as you inhale, as you exhale, stretch your arms forward.
  • Inhale - tilt the body to the side, exhale - straighten up. Repeat tilts in the opposite direction.
  • As you inhale, take your head back, as you exhale, tilt forward.
  • Turn your body to the right as you inhale, as you exhale, return to the SP. Repeat turns to the left.

Breathe normally, make circular movements with your shoulders as if you were rowing.

The exercise will take 10 minutes to complete.

Exercise two

  • Stand up straight, pull in your stomach.
  • While inhaling, stand on tiptoe, raise your hands up, hold your breath for 5 seconds.
  • Lower yourself slowly and exhale.

Take a break after each lift.

Breathing practices have been known to us since ancient times. Yogis, Tibetan monks, free divers, divers, martial arts enthusiasts actively practice exercises that allow you to control your breathing. Such practices strengthen the immune system well and help get rid of various diseases. The effectiveness of breathing exercises has long been proven, and no one disputes in the modern world.

Such practices include yogic breathing, bodyflex, meditative breathing techniques, etc. Today, numerous online publications, print media, and television actively popularize breathing exercises using the Buteyko method. The authors of the articles, like a carbon copy, talk about the incredible miracles that this technique creates. Only contraindications and the number of diseases that the system treats change. Someone claims that these are more than 300 diseases, someone stops at more modest numbers. Let's figure out together where is the truth and where is the lie.

The essence of the technique. Myths and reality.

Konstantin Buteyko argued that people do not breathe correctly: too often and deeply. This leads to hyperventilation of the lungs. The body is oversaturated with oxygen, and gets very serious poisoning. To prove his theory, the scientist cites the fact that the amount of air that an asthmatic inhales is many times higher than the average. At the same time, the level of carbon dioxide in the body remains low. Thus, oxygen poisons the human body.

Oxygen poisoning does exist. This applies to technical (deep) divers. The fact is that at a depth of more than 60 meters, the air that the scuba diver breathes begins to toxic effect. It is for this reason that a certain percentage of the oxygen in the breathing mixture for such dives is replaced by helium. The main signs of oxygen poisoning are tinnitus, tunnel vision, convulsions, loss of consciousness. Such poisoning is treated simply: the victim is lifted several meters up, and all symptoms disappear. This condition is dangerous only if the scuba diver has dropped the breathing apparatus from his mouth. To achieve such poisoning while on the ground is impossible. Moreover, there are diseases that are treated exclusively with a pressure chamber. Where a person breathes oxygen under high pressure. Such therapy is prescribed for people with vascular problems of the brain, some autoimmune diseases, etc. That is, we will exclude the version with oxygen poisoning of the body due to deep breathing.

Now let's move on to carbon dioxide. What is it in general, what role does this element play in our body. Carbon dioxide in the human body appears in the process of breathing. At the first stage, a fresh portion of oxygen enters the lungs. It descends into the alveoli, and through a network of blood vessels enters the blood, which carries oxygen throughout the body. Organs and tissues take the element necessary for life and send it for processing (slow burning). The product of this processing is carbon dioxide. It is taken by blood on the reverse cycle, delivered to the lungs, and this element leaves the body on exhalation. That is, carbon dioxide is nothing but a product of processing. However, this element cannot be called useless. It serves as a sensor that signals to our brain that it is time to take the next breath. And also a normal level of carbon dioxide maintains the correct acid-base balance of the body. Therefore, while a person's breathing is slow, measured, he does not experience any problems.

What happens in the process of so-called hyperventilation of the lungs? Logically, the more oxygen gets into the alveoli, the more carbon dioxide should be produced. But, consider the example of a panic attack. During an attack, a person takes frequent breaths, trying to capture as much air as possible. As a rule, such breathing is very superficial. And part of the oxygen remains in the upper part of the lungs, not reaching the alveoli. Thus, part of the air does not enter the blood, but remains at the top. The amount of oxygen in the patient increases, and the level of carbon dioxide, on the contrary, decreases. This imbalance leads to health problems.

Do not forget that carbon dioxide is a decay product. Its excess in the body leads to severe headaches, fatigue, poor health.

View of modern medicine on the Buteyko respiratory system

To date, clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of Buteyko breathing exercises only in the treatment of asthma and allergies in adults (manifestations associated with respiratory failure). However, many note the effectiveness this method in panic conditions and the treatment of depression. What makes it work? It's simple, so the patient learns to control his breathing. Buteyko breathing is quite difficult to perform, and requires strength and concentration. This allows you to voluntarily take control of an incipient asthma attack, or distract yourself from depressive thoughts.

In many cases, breathing practices help in the prevention of various respiratory diseases. The Buteyko breathing method can also be attributed to such practices.

Contraindications and warnings

Breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method are far from being shown to everyone. It is not recommended for people with the following contraindications:

  1. Various mental disorders.
  2. Impaired nutrition of the brain (with such diseases high level carbon dioxide and lack of oxygen can lead to irreversible damage to the cerebral cortex)
  3. Tendency to bleed
  4. Aneurysm
  5. Diabetes
  6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  7. Infectious diseases in the acute stage
  8. Pregnancy period (remember that mother and baby are connected by the same circulatory system. Lack of oxygen can lead to serious disturbances in the development of the fetus)

Numerous sites describing Buteyko breathing exercises recommend completely abandoning drug therapy and additional procedures. This is absolutely impossible to do. Remember that the therapeutic effect of this method is clinically proven only in the treatment of bronchial asthma. If we are talking about the treatment of a chronic disease, oncology, etc., then this technique can only be used with the permission of the attending physician

Preparatory exercises

And now, let's go directly to the Buteyko gymnastics itself. In order to start performing basic exercises, you need to prepare the body:

  1. Switch to shallow breathing
  2. Learn to inhale only when you feel short of breath
  3. Breathing in longer than exhaling

In order to master these skills, K. Buteyko developed several preparatory exercises.

Exercise 1. It is called "rower in a kayak." All movements are performed in parallel with breathing.

  1. On the inhale - you need to raise your shoulders, on the exhale - lower.
  2. On inspiration - we take our shoulders back, connecting the shoulder blades, on exhalation - we take our hands forward.
  3. On inspiration - tilt to one side, on exhalation - return to the starting position. Repeat the movement in the opposite direction.
  4. Inhale - tilt your head back, exhale - forward.
  5. Inhale - turn the body to the right, exhale - return to the starting position. We repeat the movement on the other side.
  6. The final movement is circular movements of the shoulders that mimic rowing.

The last movement is performed without breath control. The total time to complete the exercise takes 6-10 minutes.

Exercise 2. Soldier

Starting position: you need to stand up straight, raising your head and straightening your chest. The stomach is drawn in, the shoulders are deployed. While inhaling, we slowly rise on our toes, hold our breath for a few seconds and slowly lower ourselves. We take a slow breath.

After each exercise, you need to relax and unwind.

Proper breathing according to the Buteyko breathing system

Proper breathing is the basis of breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method. A set of three exercises will help you master the correct breathing technique. With their help, you can quickly and easily learn shallow breathing.

Exercise 1.

It is necessary to sit comfortably and breathe briefly for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the author of the exercise recommends that you suppress the desire to take a deep breath with all your might.

Exercise 2.

The second exercise is performed lying on the stomach. The chin is pressed to the floor. In this position, you need to hold your breath, increase the pressure on the floor with your chin. To avoid injury, you can put a roller or palm under the chin.

Exercise 3

Take a deep breath, hold your breath for as long as possible. Exhalation is done through the mouth.

Shallow breathing training

These workouts can be done anywhere. They consist in holding the breath for as long as possible. The first time holding the breath is done while standing in one place, the second time it needs to be done in motion (walking around the room).

The final stage of the training will be superficial rapid breathing. The duration of this exercise is from 1 to 15 minutes. Such training is advised to be carried out from daily, up to 4 times a day. This will help you achieve maximum results.

Exercises to strengthen the body

In addition to therapeutic purposes, Buteyko breathing exercises are recommended for strengthening the body and preventing various respiratory diseases. To do this, it is enough to study a few not difficult exercises, which we will discuss below, and repeat twice a day. Followers of this technique claim that the result can be felt after a week of daily training.

Breathing in rhythm with a long exhalation

The essence of this exercise is very simple: the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation. The best way to do this is by counting. For example, a breath is taken at the expense of 1 - 2. The exhalation will be longer and calmer at 1 - 4. Such breathing relieves psychological stress well.

Regular breathing with active exhalation

Another popular exercise in the Buteyko breathing system. You need to take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. The action is very similar to blowing out a candle on a birthday cake. You need to repeat it 4 times in a row. After that, it is recommended to take a break and transgress to other exercises.

Stages of recovery

How does recovery take place? Or how to understand that the disease recedes? In most methods of treating certain diseases, a sign of recovery is an improvement in well-being. Vivid symptoms of the disease recede, pain, fatigue, etc. disappear. But, with the Buteyko method, things are somewhat different. The author himself claims that all the unpleasant sensations that a person experiences after Buteyko training indicate that the healing process has begun. What will you have to face:

  1. Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  2. Nervous disorders
  3. Sleep disturbance
  4. Increase in body temperature
  5. Frequent headaches and migraines
  6. Pain in the lungs

K. Buteyko argued that these symptoms are clear signs of recovery. Their duration depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person. Most sources say that when a person can hold his breath for 60 seconds, the acute manifestations of such ailments pass. But, modern doctors explain this action in a slightly different way.

All of these side effects are not an indicator of recovery, but classic symptoms of excess carbon dioxide in the body. Indeed, with prolonged training, symptoms may decrease. This is due to the body's natural adaptive mechanisms. Which of these versions to trust is up to you.

Stuffy nose

If you are sick and your nose is completely stuffed up, then you cannot perform Buteyko breathing exercises. But, in the event that one nostril is blocked, this can be easily corrected. To do this, you must perform the following actions: close the breathing nostril and stop breathing for a few seconds. After a few repetitions, the problem of stuffy nose will be solved.


Headaches are familiar to everyone. There is little pleasure in this. Especially for people who suffer from migraines. Buteyko in such cases advised to switch to short shallow breathing. But, remember that a high level of carbon dioxide in the body causes headaches, migraines and poor health. It will be much safer and more effective to do some classic yoga breathing exercises.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

As mentioned above, some effectiveness of Buteyko's asthma treatment has been experimentally proven. True, doctors say that success can only be achieved by early stages diseases. Including this technique in the course of treatment, you should not abandon the classical treatment. Moreover, the whole process must be supervised by a specialist. Remember that each person is individual. What works for one doesn't always work for another.

Fears and anxieties

In matters of combating anxiety, fears, and an increased level of anxiety, the Buteyko breathing system proved to be really effective. Through breath control, people who suffer from such ailments actually get some relief or get rid of such problems altogether. Due to the need to focus on the task at hand.

Breathing should be measured. In order to quickly relieve tension, it is enough to take three deep breathing cycles: inhale - hold your breath - exhale completely. This will be enough to lower the level of adrenaline and cortisol in the blood.


Getting rid of fatigue with the help of Buteyko breathing exercises also consists in conducting several deep breathing cycles. During the procedure, you need to relax, throw all negative thoughts out of your head and focus on your own feelings. After the first cycle of breathing, a feeling of relaxation and peace will come.

How to get rid of pain during gymnastics

Painful sensations during breathing according to Buteyko cause a lot of discomfort. Many authors of articles on this topic argue that in order to get rid of pain, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. However, this is unlikely to be done right away. Volitional suppression of deep breathing is essentially a technique that changes the natural biological process of breathing. Such changes cannot be painless. However, after the body gets used to the load, the pain in the lung area will decrease significantly and after a while it will stop bothering you.

Breathing gymnast according to the Buteyko system is a rather controversial thing. There are a lot of rave reviews on the Internet about miraculous healing from cancer, varicose veins, bronchial asthma and other misfortunes. Checking which of these reviews are true and which are not is almost impossible. We cannot say that this technique is completely useless or dangerous. Any artificial impact on the biological processes of the body leads to serious changes. What these changes will be is very difficult to predict.

Breathing practices are becoming more and more popular. This trend is caused by the extreme simplicity of the proposed exercises, which is simultaneously combined with a high degree of effectiveness.

The progenitors of breathing exercises are the monks of the enlightened East, who passed on the wisdom of unique practices to subsequent generations.

Breathing Gymnastics by Konstantin Buteyko

The Buteyko shallow breathing technique belongs to the category of breathing exercises, the effect of which is aimed at healing and restoring the body.

The author's gymnastic method has received millions of fans who tirelessly talk about the healing, miraculous nature of the developed complex. Without understanding the essence and effectiveness of Buteyko gymnastics, it is impossible to objectively judge the veracity of the reviews of the doctor's satisfied patients. We propose to study the issue in more detail.

The essence of the complex: myths, reality

Doctor-physiologist, holder of a professorship in the field of medical sciences, Buteyko Konstantin, put forward an innovative hypothesis. It says that by changing the usual depth of breaths, you can fight hundreds of diseases, from minor to serious diagnoses.

The author of the gymnastic complex of breathing exercises claims that proper breathing can save a person from arterial hypertension, attacks of bronchial asthma, allergic reactions, and many other diseases.

Dr. Buteyko was able to prove in practice that deep breathing is detrimental to the body. Inhaled oxygen (at excessively large volumes) displaces carbon dioxide, without which vital systems are not able to function correctly.

In addition, deep breaths trigger the process of spasm of muscles, vascular networks, which subsequently leads to malfunctions in the metabolic system. According to the author's method, the obesity of many patients is provoked precisely by improper breathing, just like the baggage of human pathologies.

The condition described by Buteyko is very similar to oxygen poisoning. However, in practice, such intoxication in a normal environment cannot be achieved.

Moreover, for the treatment of many pathologies, pressure chambers are used (devices in which a person is given a large dose of oxygen under high pressure).

So, Dr. Buteyko's hypothesis that the body, receiving increased doses of oxygen, can be poisoned is a myth that has little in common with reality.

If we talk about carbon dioxide, the role of this substance for the functioning of organs, then this element really plays an extremely important role. Carbon dioxide is formed in the lung tissues and is nothing more than a product of the processing of inhaled oxygen. It is this element that becomes a signal for the parts of the brain responsible for breathing that you need to take a new breath.

The human body produces a sufficient, and most importantly, the right dose of carbon dioxide with measured, smooth breathing. Too deep, frequent breaths, exhalations lead to an increase in carbon dioxide in the blood. The result of this process can be ailments, frequent migraines, a decrease in immune functions, and, as a result, the development of pathologies.

Control over the depth of breaths and saturation of blood bodies with carbon dioxide is one of the goals of Buteyko gymnastics, which has become absolutely real.

However, the doctor's breathing exercises are more related to alternative methods of treatment. The use of this technique certainly requires the approval of a qualified medical professional.

The position of modern medicine regarding the gymnastic complex of Dr. Buteyko

The methodology of Konstantin Buteyko has been carefully studied by specialists from the field of traditional medicine. Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the gymnastic complex in the treatment of patients with asthmatic and allergic pathologies, the prevention of respiratory diseases.

No less positive were the results of the application of the technique noted in mental disorders: panic attacks, depressive states.

Konstantin Pavlovich claims that the treatment of diseases, which with the use of traditional therapies is reduced to a period of 12 or more months, can be reduced to 2 months. To do this, you need to show patience, perseverance, discipline yourself for regular classes according to the Buteyko method.

Breathing technique is an alternative method of influencing the body, rather than the traditional one, however, it requires no less caution, consultation with a specialist before use.

Therefore, before starting classes, you need to take seriously the study of the list of contraindications and warnings.

Contraindications, warnings

The method of Konstantin Buteyko is a rather serious method that requires the absence of the following pathological changes in the practitioner’s state of health:

  • Complex disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Pathologies due to which blood flow to the cerebral cortex is impaired.
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  • Pregnancy (regardless of the term).
  • Periods of exacerbation of chronic or infectious diseases.
  • People who have problems with the vascular system and heart valves.
  • Patients who have experience in cardiac surgery.

In the presence of any of these diseases, it is imperative to obtain permission from the attending physician even before the start of the gymnastic complex.

Preparing for Buteyko Method Classes

An important factor after the approval of gymnastics by the therapist is the preparatory stage. This will allow you to introduce the technique into the life of the student as smoothly and safely as possible, without causing damage to the health of the patient.

The very first thing to do before starting regular training is to determine the initial state of health, the degree of endurance and readiness. To do this, simply pass a short test, the essence of which is to hold your breath while exhaling and count the time of this delay.

The countdown of seconds (minutes) starts from the moment of complete blocking of oxygen until the first urge to take a breath.

At the time of passing the test, the student takes a sitting position and relaxes the body as much as possible. For a more accurate count of time, it is recommended to use a stopwatch. According to the results of such a test, the intensity and regularity of gymnastics is determined.

The results of the health test before the respiratory technique:

  • holding your breath from 3 to 5 seconds - very low indicators of endurance and health;
  • half a minute - the state of health is average, there are problems;
  • minute - good (excellent) state of health;
  • more than a minute - super-endurance, excellent health.

Once the test is completed, you can judge whether there are any problems, how accurate, gradual you need to be when introducing gymnastics into daily life. Control over the conduct of classes is carried out by a specialist in the presence of serious pathologies in the patient.

For those who plan to use the technique to improve well-being, maintain the health of the body, it is permissible to use the complex on their own at home.

Some preparatory exercises that will help the body adjust to regular exercise include:

  1. Transition to the technique of shallow breathing.
  2. Teaching self-control during inhalations and exhalations: control not only over the superficiality of those, but also over their regularity. According to Dr. Buteyko's theory, a person breathes only when he feels a lack of oxygen. It is this breathing that is considered the only true one.
  3. Exhale air longer, make breaths less interval, long.
  4. Learn to simultaneously perform simple physical exercises and control proper breathing.

1. “Rower in a kayak”.

This exercise is performed in 6 stages and contains several movements that are combined simultaneously with the technically correct breathing of the patient:

  1. Stage 1: when inhaling, the shoulders smoothly rise up, when exhaling, they return to their original position.
  2. Stage 2: while inhaling, the shoulders are retracted, while exhaling - forward.
  3. Stage 3: inhale - tilt the torso to the right, exhale - return to the standing position, inhale - tilt to the right, exhale - return to the starting position.
  4. Stage 4: when inhaling, the back of the head deviates back, while exhaling, it smoothly moves forward.
  5. Stage 5: inhale - gently turn the body in one direction, exhale - return to the straight position (the exercise is done in both directions).
  6. Stage 6: within 5-10 minutes, circular movements of the shoulder joints are performed without the use of breathing techniques.

2. "Soldier".

This exercise is also performed in a standing position. At the same time, the head of the practitioner is slightly raised, the shoulders are laid back, the back is tense.
An extremely long breath is taken, a gradual rise on toes. Then - breath holding, which is feasible for the patient, smooth long exhalation.

Correct breathing technique

Technically correct shallow breathing, careful control over the depth and rhythm of inhalations and exhalations are fundamental factors according to Dr. Buteyko's gymnastic complex.

in order to make it easier to master the technical side of breathing exercises, the author of the complex offers patients training exercises aimed solely at improving breathing techniques.

  • Exercise 1. Starting position - sitting on a chair, hands on knees, back as straight as possible, gaze directed upwards. Within 10-15 minutes, superficial breaths are performed, exhalations through the nasal cavity, involving the upper thoracic region.

This exercise is one of the most effective in preparing for the main complex. Its regular use will allow you to switch to Buteyko breathing exercises in the least noticeable way for the body.

  • Exercise 2. To perform this exercise, the patient lies on his stomach, pressing his chin firmly to the floor. For greater comfort, you can put a soft roller, palm or additional aerobics mat under the chin. In this position, the breath is held.
  • Exercise 3. In any position convenient for the practitioner, a superficial inhalation is performed through the nose, maximum breath holding, and a long exhalation through the oral cavity.

Proper breathing according to the system of Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko: doctor's recommendations, target orientation, stages of action

According to the doctor, a person comes to recovery in stages, approaching the solution of the problem facing him in a complex way. The combination of breathing techniques, minor physical activity, proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, motivation lead to the expected result.

Konstantin Buteyko's recommendations for shallow breathing training

In order to constantly breathe correctly, you need to regularly train the body. The effectiveness of classes is inextricably linked with whether the patient adheres to the author's advice:

  1. Breath holding is trained gradually. At first, the student learns not to breathe for an extremely long time being in one place, then the breath is held in the process of minor physical activity.
  2. Superficial rapid breathing is most effective in preparing the body for breathing exercises.
  3. The duration of each preparatory exercise depends on the capabilities of the student. However, each exercise lasts at least a minute and no more than 15 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to train shallow breathing 2 to 4 times a day.

A competent approach to the main complex guarantees an increase in its effectiveness and eliminates possible negative consequences for the practitioner's body.

Stages of recovery

The approach to diagnosing an improvement in the patient's condition, according to the described technique, has fundamental differences with generally accepted symptoms indicating an improvement in the general condition. Buteyko K.P. claims that the appearance of discomfort after exercise (fever, insomnia, increased sweating, etc.) are signals that the disease is receding. The duration of each stage is inextricably linked with the individual characteristics of the patient.

Traditional medicine interprets this statement differently: with a lack of carbon dioxide, the body experiences an acute shortage of the latter and such a state is expressed by the mentioned symptomatic manifestations. With regular training, which leads to holding your breath for a minute, the symptoms recede.

Among the Buteyko breathing exercises, there are narrowly focused techniques that allow you to eliminate single manifestations of diseases. Let's explore some of these techniques.

Nasal congestion exercise

With complete nasal congestion, the use of the Buteyko method is strictly prohibited. However, with a slight congestion (for example, only one nostril), you can not only perform exercises, but also improve the current state of affairs with them.

The order of execution is as follows: the nostril is closed, which breathes and the breath is held for a few seconds. This exercise must be repeated several times and nasal congestion will stop bothering the patient. With repeated symptoms, you need to perform the same exercise again.

Exercise to relieve headache, fatigue

Due to the crazy rhythm of life and the constant workload, migraines occur in most people. Schoolchildren and students are no exception.

The method of shallow breathing, its correct stop is able to get rid of regular pain. However, this applies only to the regular use of breathing techniques. In the initial stages, a lack of carbon dioxide can backfire. Over time, when the body gets used to the new way of breathing, this problem will disappear.

To relieve headaches and fatigue, it is enough to perform preparatory exercises daily, gradually moving to a more serious level of the main complex.

Exercises for the treatment of bronchial asthma

The effectiveness of the complex in the treatment of asthma has been clinically proven and is fully supported by traditional medicine. However, do not forget that the effectiveness of the method depends on a number of related factors. These include: the degree of neglect of the disease, the correct medication support for treatment, regular prevention and specialized control of pathology.

For effective treatment, the patient must exercise at least 2 hours daily for 2-8 weeks.
A gradual reduction in the duration of inhalation, an increase in the duration of exhalation, the ability to stop breathing for a minute can permanently eliminate the patient's asthma attacks.

Buteyko exercises for stressful conditions, fears, anxieties

Method of Dr. Buteyko K.P. It helps to cope with states of increased nervousness and excitability. Using the exercises described below can restore a person to his original calm, isolating him from haunting fears, panic, and stress.

Exercise 1

Short inhale → stop breathing (at least 3 seconds) → long exhale.

Exercise 2

Deep breath → cessation of breathing (lips folded into a tube) → three sharp exhalations.

Exercise 3

Inhale (5 seconds)→exhale (5 seconds)→breath-hold (5 seconds).

Unpleasant sensations accompanying gymnastics: is it possible to suppress them

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of pain and discomfort by changing the way you breathe. The body is under stress, because. the processes of obtaining oxygen and removing the product of its processing are changing radically.

Only with regular exercises, careful and smooth preparation for the complex, it is possible to minimize the consequences of volitional suppression of the depth of breathing.

Exercises to strengthen the body

The Buteyko gymnastic complex is aimed not only at treating certain pathologies, but also at strengthening biological processes and increase the endurance of the body.

Just a few simple exercises performed twice a day are able to prevent many diseases, strengthen immune system. restore the health of the body.

Exercise 1. Breathing in rhythm with a long exhalation.

This exercise involves exhaling for a longer time than inhaling.

Inhale (2 seconds)→exhale (4 seconds).

Breath holding is not provided.

Exercise 2. Uniform breathing with active exhalation.

Deep inhalation through the nose → long exhalation through the mouth. Repetition cycle - 4 times.

Exercise 3. Cleansing breath.

Deep breath through the nose → sharp exhalation through the mouth through pursed lips (3-4 times in a row). The cycle of repetitions is 3-4 circles.

Exercise 4. Rare breathing.

The next exercise is a special way of shallow breathing, consisting of 4 levels:

  1. Inhale (5 seconds) → exhale (5 seconds) → stop breathing (5 seconds). The execution time is at least 60 seconds.
  2. Inhale (5 seconds) → pause (5 seconds) → exhale (5 seconds) → hold your breath (5 seconds). Duration - at least 2 minutes.
  3. Inhale → pause → exhale → stop breathing. Each of the actions is performed for 7-8 seconds for at least 3 minutes in total.
  4. Inhale → pause → exhale → hold the breath. The time for each of the elements increases to 10 seconds.

The total duration of the stage is at least 4 minutes.

Exercise 5. Calming breath.

Deep breath → hands rise forward and spread apart with palms up → the head gently rises → long exhalation and simultaneous return of the body to its original position.

Dr. Buteyko's gymnastics includes several varieties of specialized breathing exercises:

  • Breathing in the upper part of the lungs.
  • Full breathing (abdomen and chest).
  • Acupressure of the nasal sinuses.
  • Retraction of the abdominal cavity.
  • Double breath holding and many others, which can be found in the videos below.