The main active points of the thigh. Points on the human body for relaxation

Acupressure acupuncture points, which we will consider, actually has a miraculous effect, and anesthetizes more effectively than the known medications. It does not harm the liver and kidneys, as when taking painkillers. In addition, all medicines only relieve the symptom, but do not eliminate the causes of pain. Acupressure restores the movement of qi and blood energy, removes blocks, opens the access of these substances to the muscles, which relieves their spasms.

Cheng-fu point massage.

Cheng-fu point refers to the channel of the Bladder.

The point is symmetrical and is located in the center of the lower gluteal fold.

The figure shows how to find it.

massage effect on given point relieves pain in the lumbosacral region, in other words, in the lumbar region and coccyx, with sciatica and lumbago, with sciatic nerve neuralgia.

How to do massage?

Massage is done by pressing on the point with the thumb (although it is more convenient for me to massage these points specifically with the index finger).

Then, in a circular motion, rub the found point properly.

It is necessary to act on the point, which is located on the side where there is strong pain.

In addition to massaging the Cheng-fu point, work your finger along the line that connects this point to the Yin-men point (this is the next point in massage).

Yin-men point massage.

The Yin-men point has another name "yin gate" and also refers to the Bladder meridian.

It is located symmetrically on the back of the thigh, 4 cun below the cheng fu point.

Massaging the Yin-men point eliminates pain in the lower back and back, significantly alleviates the condition and gives a therapeutic effect in case of sciatic nerve neuralgia.

Press on the points on the left and right at the same time with two thumbs for 1-2 minutes, periodically increasing or decreasing the pressure.

Additionally click on the area along the line that goes from Cheng-fu to Wei-chung.

The Wei-chung point also belongs to the bladder meridian. It is located symmetrically on the back of the leg under the knee.

Massage of this point allows you to get rid of acute and chronic pain in the lower back, has a therapeutic effect on neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, and also helps to significantly alleviate pain in the knee joints.

Within 1-2 minutes, press on both points, on the left and on the right.

The Wei-zhong point is a unique point.

If it is regularly acted upon, then the circulation of the lymph is stimulated.

A poor outflow of lymph is often the cause of pain due to the fact that toxins are not removed by lymph, inflammation develops.

Shen-shu point massage.

The Shen-shu point also belongs to the bladder meridian.

It is located symmetrically on the back, on a line between the second and third lumbar vertebrae.

Just define this line by projecting the navel onto the back.

Massage of Shen-shu points in the lumbar region allows you to cope with back and lower back pain, lumbago, sciatica, relieve spasms of the spine and back muscles.

Massage is best performed in a sitting position.

In this case, it is performed with fists. With the backs of your fists, massage the Shen-shu points for 1 minute clockwise, then the same amount of time against.

Then warm your palms against each other and put warm palms on both sides of the lower back, on the indentations.

Take 3-5 full breaths, transferring energy, and rub your palms hard on your back from top to bottom to the tailbone.

Repeat this movement thirty-six times.

You can directly influence the points of Shen-shu by massaging them with your thumbs with slight pressure.

Important note!

Be careful when performing pressure, rotation, rubbing.

It is better to start with small efforts, gradually increasing the strength.

Do not end the massage abruptly, reduce the force of exposure gradually.

Never massage with tumors, injuries and mechanical damage, with uncertainty about the diagnosis.

Remember that back pain can be caused by diseases of the internal organs. Then you need to consult a doctor. published

Galina Apolonskaya

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Back pain and discomfort are faced by a huge number of people. To eliminate these unpleasant symptoms, massage is recommended. It is used to relax muscles, which leads to an improvement in human well-being. Acupressure of the back is characterized by a simple technique, which makes it possible to perform it at home.

Indications and contraindications

Massage points should be carried out only in accordance with the indications. Most often it is recommended for use in osteochondrosis. It is also carried out for pain and chronic fatigue in the back. Massage is quite effective for sore joints. Thanks to acupressure, the fight against alcoholism and smoking is carried out. The back is characterized by the presence of a huge number of points, so it is impossible to list all the diseases that can be cured with acupressure.

Despite the fact that acupressure of the back is highly effective, it is characterized by the presence of contraindications that must be taken into account without fail. The procedure is not recommended during acute respiratory diseases and hyperemia. Also, the technique is not prescribed if the patient has malignant neoplasms. Contraindications to massage are manifested in the form of:

  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • bleeding;
  • purulent lesions;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • back injuries;
  • chronic osteomyelitis;
  • lymphadenitis.

If the patient has inflammatory, fungal or infectious skin lesions, then massage is strictly prohibited for them. With tuberculosis, venereal and mental diseases, the procedure is contraindicated. When diagnosing pulmonary, hepatic, cardiac, renal failure, the technique is not recommended. Doctors prohibit the procedure if the patient has a crisis of hypo- or hypertension.

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Location of acupressure points

In order to properly massage and influence the required area, you need to know where the corresponding points on the back are. The location of the points can be:

If a person pre-determines all points for back massage, this will greatly simplify this procedure for him.

Types of massage

Despite the fact that the points are located in the same place, the massage scheme can be varied. To date, several types of back massage have been developed for relaxation, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. With the help of this procedure, the whole body is rejuvenated. During the application of the technique, the rehabilitation of nerves that are compressed by the vertebrae is carried out.

During the massage period, the elimination of chronic fatigue syndrome is observed. The action of the procedure is aimed at enhancing lymphatic drainage and increasing the level of endorphins. Proper manipulation helps to strengthen immune system and improving performance. Thanks to this technique, the elasticity of the skin returns and the fight against excess weight is carried out. Regular massage helps to increase joint mobility and restore blood circulation in the body. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to align the posture.

Features of acupressure

In China, massage is carried out according to several methods. They believe that the procedure heals the body and soul of a person. There are about 700 points on the back, which are almost impossible to learn. Experienced massage therapists use 140 of the most effective points. With the help of massage, the skin on the back of a person is irritated in those places where the points are located.

With the help of acupressure, the trophism of the intervertebral discs is enhanced, lower back pain is reduced, muscle relaxation, and spinal mobility is increased. During the massage period, the impact on those points that are responsible for the painful areas is carried out. The implementation of this procedure is quite difficult, since a person can be mistaken in the location of a certain point, which is explained by the individual characteristics of the human body.

Before performing the procedure, it is mandatory to study the points. Tense and painful places are affected with fingertips - all except the little finger. In this case, it is necessary to apply strong pressure, but it should not bring severe pain. The massage can be carried out with vibration or circular movements. You can also use the method of cyclic pressure on the skin. It is necessary to act on one point for no more than 5 minutes. Pressing movements can only be done while inhaling.

Features of the Shiatsu technique

Shiatsu back massage is a process in which pressure points are acted upon. For the first time this type of massaging began to be used in Japan. When using this technique, the fingers and palms of the hands act on the skin. With the help of this technique, harmony is restored, and the body's defenses increase, as well as the fight against depression and insomnia.

Shiatsu back massage is performed according to a special technique. Since the points on the back of a person are not exactly located, the Japanese advise using intuition when performing this technique. During the massage, the most painful places are preliminarily determined. After that, they are influenced.

Carrying out therapeutic massage

The therapeutic point procedure is carried out not only with the help of hands, but also with the use of special devices. The technique consists in a mechanical effect on the spine, muscles, skin, joints. With the help of this procedure, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and muscular hypotension are treated. With long training sessions, it is possible to carry out manipulations at home. The massage technique consists in rubbing, kneading, stroking, squeezing, sawing, rolling. All actions must be performed sequentially.

Performing massage movements should be carried out only along the muscle fiber. A therapeutic massage is recommended for the entire back. The collar and lumbosacral area should be qualitatively massaged, which will have a positive effect on muscle relaxation and pain relief. Before the procedure, the massage therapist's nails should be cut short, and you must also wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure. To ensure an easier procedure, the skin must first be lubricated with cream.

Acupressure is a highly effective procedure in the treatment of various diseases. Before the procedure, it is recommended to study all points on the back of a person. Proper massage is the key to the health of the patient.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Chinese medicine uses points on the human body to lose weight. Active weight loss can be achieved with acupuncture. According to the teachings of the ancient sages, the human body is like an atlas in the form of a crystal with 365 points lying on 12 meridians and faces. The energy of life Qi flows through the channels. By influencing the energy passage zones, one can achieve health improvement, weight loss and elimination of ailments.

What are weight loss points

Among the many areas of the body responsible for health and energy storage, acupuncture points for weight loss stand apart. By pressing on them according to the rules or by doing acupuncture, you can achieve a decrease in appetite, weight loss and normalization of the work of the digestive department. There are several points for losing weight. When you press them, metabolism is activated, blood circulation and digestion improve, fat is broken down.

Acupuncture for weight loss at home can lower the concentration of glucose in the blood, stabilize the functions of internal organs. By clicking on the weight loss zones, a person receives the hormone of happiness, forgetting about hunger. Impact on the centers of the body with a needle or self-massage helps to reduce weight, the increase of which is caused by the following reasons:

  • excess food intake;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • low physical activity;
  • stress, depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • chronic fatigue, emotional burnout.

In addition to losing weight, exposure to acupuncture gives a person the following benefits:

  • improving the condition of the whole organism;
  • not limited by age;
  • compatible with massage, gymnastics, diet;
  • safely.

At the same time, body reflexology has a number of contraindications, in which exposure is dangerous:

  • the first trimester of pregnancy and immediately after childbirth;
  • nervous excitement;
  • tumors;
  • blood diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • pulmonary, heart failure.

Acupuncture points on the human body

In order for the massage points on the human body to work for weight loss, you need to look for them correctly and act on them. The cun, which is equal to the width of the first phalanx of the thumb, is adopted as a measuring unit of distance in therapy. To avoid inconvenience in the difference in the width of fingers in different people, men and women, one cun is considered equal to 2.4 cm.

Experts identify from 12 to 20 zones that promote weight loss. Among them, Tai Chun is considered to be famous, pressing on which, in addition to weight loss, cleanses the liver and removes toxins from it. Most of the points are located on the auricles - they control appetite and are responsible for metabolic processes. The slimming zone is located in front of the protruding cartilage on the ear. Tragus should be pinched for about three minutes to dull the feeling of hunger.

Other Special Interest Areas:

  1. San-yin-jayu - removes swelling on the legs, gives a person the opportunity to lose weight, get rid of toxins and toxins. It is located 3 cun above the protruding tibia bone.
  2. Yin-ling-quan - in combination with the first removes excess weight. Located on the crease in the bend of the knee. For a greater effect, you need to hit the biopoint with the fist of the opposite hand 30 times.
  3. Bai Hui - able to save a person from excess weight on the background of chronic fatigue. Located on the top of the head, for the effect, press with the pad of your finger for five seconds.
  4. Dai-mai - stimulating it controls appetite, removes overeating from emotional burnout, burns fat from the abdomen and waist. It is located between the extreme rib and pelvic bones at the waist in line with the navel.
  5. Feng Shi - eliminates fat from the thighs, is important for the normalization of sleep. You can find it on the outer femoral side at the level of the tips of the middle fingers of the outstretched hand.


Correct exposure and a certain stimulation time require acupressure for weight loss, or Su-jok. Each point has its own method of pressing - with a finger, pads or a fist. Following the scheme, you can achieve impressive results. For a week, the feeling of hunger decreases, a person eats little. In addition to losing weight, you can get rid of other diseases.

12 active points for weight loss

The most famous are 12 active points for weight loss, located on different parts of the body. If you follow the method, you will be able to lose weight by tapping on them. Each area requires its own exposure time - from five seconds to a couple of minutes. It is better to massage on an empty stomach in the morning or in the evening, you need to relax and calm down in advance.

Tai Chun

The top of the tide, or the Tai Chun point, in addition to losing weight, is responsible for the liver channel and getting rid of insomnia. It is located on the back of the foot, in the deepest place between the joints of the first toes. To stimulate, sit down, inhale deeply, exhale and press on the skin, holding in the starting position for five seconds. Do 30 times, switch to the other leg.

Guan Yuan

The most famous is the Guan Yuan zone, the stimulation of which allows you to achieve weight loss. In women, it is located three cun below the navel, in men - four. For the effect, lie down, relax your stomach, massage the area with uniform, medium-speed movements for half an hour twice a day. Soon a person feels that he is losing his appetite, losing 3-5 kg ​​in a course of 25 days. It is better to carry out manipulations in the morning before meals. Instead of using fingers, it is allowed to take a massager or a smooth object with a rounded end.

The best results can be obtained by dieting and exercising. In addition to weight loss, the point is important in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. With hormonal problems and weight gain, stimulation is different - stand up straight, put your feet on your shoulders. Inhale deeply, exhaling, tighten your stomach, bend your legs, tilt your head. Squeeze intensely with your thumb, after four seconds, ease the tension, return to the original stance. Repeat 30 times. There is an option to press with the bases of closed palms.

Nei Guan

The inner border, or Nei Kuan, is responsible for the pericardial canal, located on the threshold of the shoulder 2 cun from the crease of the wrist, between the tendons. To stimulate, stand up straight, inhale, stretch your arms up. Exhale, stretch your hands to the chest line, press hard, release after two seconds. Repeat 30 times and then on the other side. Stimulation helps to get rid of stress, mental tension, overeating. In addition, it relieves headaches, eliminates discomfort in the heart, chest areas, abdomen, and improves mood.

Da Zhui

A solitary asymmetric zone is Da Zhui, which lies between the processes of the extreme thoracic and cervical vertebrae. To detect, place the middle finger with the index finger over the vertebrae, move your head and find a point between them. Sit down, tilt your head slightly, massage for a few minutes. Stimulation relieves hunger, reduces muscle tension.

Lao Gong

The most accessible and easy to detect is the Lao Gong zone, located in the middle of the palm (its deepest place). Exposure to massage for five minutes daily in the clockwise direction will help normalize the functions of the digestive tract, reduce appetite. By reducing the volume of food consumed, a person loses weight by 1.5-2 kg per month.

Shao Shan

The complex of massage for weight loss includes the Shao Shan point, located at the thumb near the nail. You can find it like this: measure from the outside of the finger 1/10 cun (3 mm) from the growth line of the nail plate. It is recommended to press on the area daily for a couple of minutes with a force of medium intensity. The touch will be painful, in addition to losing weight, it relieves the common cold and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Zi Gong

Zi Gong will help to cope with excess weight caused by hormonal changes. It is located outside the channels, has a symmetrical pair, is located 4 cun down from the navel plus 3 cun in both directions. To stimulate, stand up straight, place your feet on your shoulders, bend your knees. Put your hands on your waist, squeeze the areas with your thumbs, perform circular rotations of the hips 30 times in a clockwise direction. Keep a small amplitude, repeat against the direction of the arrow. You can do 2-3 sets per day. This massage is effective for infertility.

Zu San Li

The Zu San Li point is considered the most bioactive. With daily massage of the site for a third of an hour a day, a person achieves a loss of 400 g per week. It is located under the knee, for impact, grab it with your palm, with the pad of your ring finger, feel for a small recess under the cup, massage. Massage clockwise in circles 9 times one leg, then the other.

During the process, not the most pleasant tingling is felt on the forehead, in the shoulder blades and legs, but after completion, lightness comes. Before going to bed, point massage is not recommended, as well as too strong actions - energy is lost. In addition to improving digestion and losing excess weight caused by constant depression, the effect increases immunity, eliminates osteochondrosis, and convulsions.

Gian Jing

In the area of ​​​​the articulation of the shoulders and neck from the back is the Gian Jing zone, which is responsible for controlling appetite. It must be stimulated strictly for a minute, then go to the parallel arm. Daily exposure in a complex scheme with similar points helps a person lose weight by a couple of kilograms per month. Massage should be of medium intensity, do not press hard.

Feng Chi

With excess body weight, which appeared due to menopause, the Feng Chi point is massaged. The site is located in the middle of the depression on the back of the head up from the hairline to the cun. To massage, fold your fingers in a cross, massage in a circle 9 times inward and the same outward. Move the brushes to the front of the neck under the cheeks of the face, stroke with four fingers, release. During the process, a pull or radiation is felt when exposed to a small force. In addition to losing weight, massage helps to get rid of headaches, dizziness, weakness.

Yu Pe

The effective point of Yu Pe is responsible for the nerve endings in the saturation section of the brain. It is located in the center between the joints of the elbow and shoulder of the outer surface of the arm. It should be acted upon with light circular movements for half a minute, constantly changing hands. If you feel hungry, stimulation will allow you to forget about it, although it will be a little painful in sensations.

Tian Shu

The last popular area on the human body for weight loss is called the Tian Shu point, which lies in the navel region for two cuns on each side of it. Stimulation is carried out for a minute with the index finger, pad or smooth massager. To reduce weight by 2-5 kg ​​per month, massage daily for three weeks.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Points on the human body for weight loss

The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the forearm above the wrist, between the tendons. Massaged like point 2.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the little finger 2 mm from the edge of the nail hole towards the ring finger. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the lower leg above the ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the foot in the deepening of the calcaneal tendon. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.


    1. The massage is carried out with a tonic method using deep pressure, rotational and vibrating stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

    2. Massage is carried out daily 1-2 times a day until the swelling disappears completely.

    If the allergy is accompanied by itching, then the effect is on the next group of points (Fig. 34).

Point 1. Asymmetrical, located on the spine between the spinous processes of the VII cervical and I thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits with his head slightly tilted forward.

Figure 34.

point 2. Asymmetrical, located 6 cun above the anterior border of the scalp. The patient sits with his head slightly tilted forward.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the outer surface of the thigh 6 cun above the kneecap. The point is easy to determine if you lower your hands along the body: the point will be under the middle finger. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun above the outer ankle. Massaged like point 3.

Point 5. Asymmetrical, located on the spine between the spinous processes of the VII and VIII thoracic vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach.

Point 6. Asymmetrical, located on the abdomen one and a half cun below the navel. The patient lies on his back.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the lower leg below the kneecap. The patient sits with his legs bent. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located on the back of the leg in the middle of the popliteal fossa. The patient sits with legs stretched out. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 9. Symmetrical, located on the outside of the arm at the beginning of the crease formed when the elbow is bent.

The patient sits with his arm bent at the elbow on the table. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the leg in the region of the popliteal crease. The patient sits with his legs slightly bent. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located in the middle of the lateral surface of the foot from the side of the big toe. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the foot in the heel area. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 13. Symmetrical, located in the middle of the inner side of the lower leg. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 14. Symmetrical, located 3 mm from the edge of the nail hole of the little toe towards the edge of the foot. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 15. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 5 cun above the outer ankle. The patient sits with his knees bent.

Point 16. Symmetrical, located on the border of the outer and inner sides of the hand at the level of the little finger. The patient sits with his fingers curled into a fist. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 17. Symmetrical, located on the border of the plantar and dorsal surfaces of the foot at the level of the heel. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.


    1. The massage is carried out with a tonic method using deep pressure and stroking with vibration and rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

    2. Massage of points 10-13 eliminates itching on the inner surfaces of the limbs and the front surface of the trunk.

    3. Massage of points 14-17 eliminates itching on the outer surfaces of the limbs and the back of the body.

The method of applying acupressure in atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a vascular disease resulting from inactive lifestyle, eating disorders (excessive consumption of meat, fats, alcohol), constant nervous overload, smoking.

With atherosclerosis, memory loss, fatigue, sleep disturbance, headaches, dizziness and some other negative phenomena can be observed. In atherosclerosis, the effect is on the next group of points (Fig. 35).

Figure 35.

Point 1. Symmetrical, located at the beginning of the fold formed when the elbow is bent, from the outside. The patient sits with his half-bent arm on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the back of the hand between the thumb and forefinger. Massaged like point 1.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the surface of the lower leg 3 cun below the patella and 1 cun outward from the anterior edge of the tibia. The patient sits with legs stretched out. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located 3 cun above the inner ankle. Massaged like point 3.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the back 3 cun away from the midline between the spinous processes of the IV and V thoracic vertebrae (Fig. 36). The patient lies on his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Figure 36.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the back in the middle of the supraspinous fossa of the scapula. The point is easy to determine if you put your right hand on the right shoulder of the patient, the point will be under the index finger. Massaged like point 5.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the outer side of the lower leg 3 cun above the ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located at the level of the navel, 4 cun away from the anterior midline. The patient lies on his back, as relaxed as possible. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 9. Symmetrical, located on the upper branch of the pubic bone 4 cun away from the anterior midline. Massage like a point 8.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the hand on the middle crease of the wrist in the recess between the tendons. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately left and right.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located on the front surface of the forearm 1 cun above point 10, between the tendons. Massaged like point 10.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the shoulder 3 cun above the elbow. Massaged like point 10.

Point 13. Symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae. Massaged like point 5.

Point 14. Symmetrical, located on the middle part of the arch of the foot. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 15. Symmetrical, located under the inner ankle, on the border of the dorsal and plantar surfaces. Massaged like point 14.

Point 16. Asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline between the spinous processes of the II and III lumbar vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach.


1. Massage of 1-15 points is done with a soothing method using pressure and slow stroking with rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 2-3 minutes.

2. Impact on the 16th point is carried out using the techniques of tonic massage: deep pressure and rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

If atherosclerosis is accompanied by memory impairment, then massage of the following points is shown (Fig. 37).

Point 1. Symmetrical, located 2-3 mm from the corner of the nail hole of the little finger of the hand towards the ring finger. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the forearm one and a half cun above the middle crease of the wrist, in a depression. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Figure 37.

Point 3. Asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline between the spinous processes of the VI and VII thoracic vertebrae. The patient lies on his back.

Point 4. Asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline 5 * 6 cun above the border of the scalp. The patient is sitting.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located in the middle of the arch of the foot. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located at the beginning of the fold formed when the arm is bent at the elbow. The patient sits with his half-bent arm on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 7. Asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline between the spinous processes of the VII cervical and I thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits with his head slightly tilted forward.

Point 8. Asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline 5 cun above the anterior border of the scalp. The patient sits with his head tilted forward.

Point 9. Symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.


1. Massage (except for point 2) is carried out with a tonic method using deep pressure and both types of stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

2. The 2 point massage uses a soothing method of gentle pressure combined with a rotational stroke. The duration of exposure to the point is 4-5 minutes.

3. Full course acupressure for atherosclerosis consists of 14 sessions daily. A second course, if necessary, can be carried out no earlier than a week later.

4. A good result is the alternation of the massage of this group with the massage of the points of the previous group.

5. Massage of the first and second groups of points can be carried out not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

If atherosclerosis is accompanied by dizziness, after consultation with a specialist doctor, you can massage the next group of points (Fig. 38).

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on the shoulder 3 cun above the elbow, at the inner edge of the biceps muscle. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

point 2. Symmetrical, located half a cun away from the anterior midline and 1 cun below the navel. The patient is sitting or lying down. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the back of the shoulder, 1 cun above the elbow. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the back of the hand at the base

I phalanx of the index finger. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately left and right.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the back of the hand behind the head

II metacarpal. Massaged like point 4.

Point 6. Asymmetrical, located on the anterior midline 4 cun below the navel. The patient lies on his back, as relaxed as possible.


    1. Massage (except point 2) is performed by a soothing method using pressure and rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 4-5 minutes.

    2. When massaging point 2, a tonic method is applied using deep pressure with vibration. The duration of exposure to a point is a few seconds.

    3. If necessary, this massage can be alternated with massage points of the first and second groups. In this case, the full course of treatment will be 24 sessions. A repeated course of massage can be carried out no earlier than a week later.

Figure 38.

The method of applying acupressure in bronchial asthma

One of the most severe manifestations of bronchial asthma is severe asthma attacks, so the main task of acupressure in this disease is to activate the respiratory function of the body.

Acupressure for bronchial asthma should be carried out under the systematic supervision of a physician. It is carried out by influencing such groups of points as (Fig. 39).

Point 1. Asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline between the spinous processes of the VII cervical and I thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits with his head slightly tilted forward.

Figure 39.

point 2. Symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of II and III thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits with his head slightly tilted forward. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located under point 2. Massaged in the same way as point 2.

Point 4. Asymmetrical, located on the anterior midline at the jugular notch of the sternum. The patient is sitting.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located in the first intercostal space under the clavicle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the back in the center of the supraspinous fossa of the scapula. It is easy to determine the point if you put your right hand on the right shoulder of the patient: the point will be under the index finger (Fig. 40). The patient sits, slightly leaning forward, or lies on his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located in front on the inner surface of the shoulder between the beginning of the axillary fold and the elbow bend. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located in the skin fold, which is formed when the elbow joint is flexed. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 9. Asymmetric, located in the center of the sternum under point 4. The patient sits or lies on his back.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the 1st and 2nd thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits with his head slightly tilted forward. The point is massaged simultaneously to the right and left.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located 2 cun away from the anterior midline under the clavicle. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits, slightly leaning forward and putting his hands on the table. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.


    1. Massage is carried out in a soothing way using light pressure and both types of stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 3-5 minutes.

    2. The impact on point 12 is during the massage of a child suffering from bronchial asthma, in addition to the previous ones. Massage of this point is performed with a tonic method using deep pressure and rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to the point is 0.5-1 min.

Figure 40.

If the patient is over 40 years old, then during his treatment, the massage of the first group of points should be alternated with the impact on the following points (Fig. 41).

Point 1. symmetrical, located on inside lower leg 3 cun above the ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

point 2

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the back of the hand between the thumb and forefinger. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately left and right.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the rear; midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes II and III belt-

Figure 41.

vertebrae. The patient sits, slightly leaning forward, or lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.


    massage is carried out with a tonic method using deep pressure with rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

    Massage of the next group of points is used in the period between attacks of suffocation in order to prevent them (Fig. 42).

Figure 42.

point 1. Coincides with point 8 of the first group.

Dot 2. Symmetrical, located on the forearm one and a half cun above the middle crease of the wrist, on the side of the thumb. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately left and right.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the front surface of the wrist 1.5 cm below the crease, on the side of the thumb. Massaged like point 2.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the border of hair growth. The patient sits with his head slightly tilted forward. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 5. Coincides with point 3 of the first group.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located in the depression between the calcaneal tendon and the outer malleolus. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot at the narrowest point of the gap between the I and II metatarsal bones. Massaged like point 6.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located at the inner end of the popliteal crease. Massaged like point 6.

Point 9. Coincides with point 11 of the first group.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the XI and XII thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits, slightly leaning forward. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 11. Coincides with point 12 of the first group.

Point 12. Coincides with point 2 of the second group.


    1. The massage is performed with a soothing method using pressure with rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 3-5 minutes.

    2. At the beginning of the course, massage is carried out every other day, then after 2-3 days, and at the final stage - once a week.

The technique of acupressure for sinusitis

Sinusitis occurs, as a rule, as a result of an acute infection or chronic rhinitis. Its main signs are fever and severe headache, which radiates simultaneously to the cheek, temple and jaw.

With sinusitis, there is an impact on points such as (Fig. 43).

Point 1. Symmetrical, located 12 mm below the lower eyelid. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from
midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes III and IV
thoracic vertebrae. The patient is sitting or lying down. The point is massaged at the same time
at both sides.

Figure 43.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the occipital region of the head. The patient sits with his head slightly tilted forward. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 4. Asymmetrical, located 1 cun above the border of the scalp. The patient is sitting.

Point 5. Symmetric, located half a cun above the inner beginning of the eyebrow. The patient is sitting or lying down. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the outer surface of the forearm above the middle crease of the wrist. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately left and right.


    1. The massage is carried out by a soothing method using rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 4-5 minutes.

    2. A full course of massage is carried out for 10-12 days, gradually increasing the number of daily procedures from one to three.

The method of applying acupressure for hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, the enlarged venous plexuses of the rectum form nodes: external (under the skin) and internal (under the mucous membrane of the rectum), which, increasing, cause pain and bleeding.

Hemorrhoids, as a rule, occur in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, in women during pregnancy and as a result of chronic constipation.

With hemorrhoids, the following group of points is affected (Fig. 44).

Point 1. Asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline 5.5 cun above the border of the scalp. The patient is sitting.

point 2. Asymmetrical, located in the middle between the coccyx and the anus. The patient is squatting.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located in the recess, which is formed in the middle of the sole when the fingers are bent. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located in the middle of the arch of the foot. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the forearm one and a half cun above the middle crease of the wrist in the region of the styloid process of the radius. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately left and right.

Point 6. Asymmetrical, located on the head, on the posterior midline, above point 1. The patient is sitting.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun above the inner ankle. Massaged like point 4.

Figure 44.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located on the foot in the recess between the calcaneal tendon and the outer ankle on a line passing through its center. Massaged, point 4.

Point 9. Symmetrical, located 3 mm outward from the corner of the nail socket of the little toe of the foot. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the IV and V lumbar vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located in the recess in the middle of the back surface of the wrist. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the outer surface of the lower leg 4 cun above the center of the outer ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 13. Symmetrical, located on the second toe at -3 mm from the angle of the nail hole towards the third toe. Massaged like point 12.

Point 14. Symmetrical, located in a recess on the front side of the ankle joint. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 15. Symmetrical, located on the abdomen 2 cun away from the navel. The patient lies on his back. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 16. Symmetrical, located on the neck at the level of the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage. It is massaged like point 14, but very carefully, without strong pressure.

Point 17. Symmetrical, located in a recess on the highest part of the dorsum of the foot. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 18. Symmetrical, located on the abdomen 4 cun away from the anterior midline at the level of the navel. The patient lies on his back. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 19. Symmetrical, located 4 cun away from the anterior midline at the level of the superior branch of the pubic bone. Massaged like point 18.

Point 20. Symmetrical, located in a recess on the back of the foot. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 21. Symmetrical, located on the border of the dorsal and plantar sides of the foot behind the head of the first metatarsal bone. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 22. Asymmetrical, located on the lumbar region of the back between the spinous processes of II and III lumbar vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach.

Point 23. Asymmetrical, located on the abdomen in the anterior midline, 2 cun below the navel. The patient lies on his back.

Point 24. Symmetrical, located 3 mm from the inner corner of the nail hole of the big toe. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.


    1. Massage is carried out by a soothing method (except for points 14, 17, 22, 24) using light pressure and rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 3-5 minutes.

    2. Massage of points 14, 17, 22, 24 is carried out with a tonic method using deep pressure and rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

    4. The course of massage consists of 12 sessions held daily. If necessary, a second course is carried out no earlier than a week later.

    If the patient has cracks in the mucous membrane of the anus, then the impact on the following points can alleviate his condition (Fig. 45).

#Point 1#. Asymmetrical, located on the abdomen in the anterior midline 4 cun above the navel. The patient sits or lies on his back.

#Point 2#. Asymmetrical, located on the abdomen, 1 cun below point 1. Massaged like point 1.

#Point 3#. Asymmetrical, located on the abdomen in the anterior midline one and a half cun below the navel. Massaged like point 1.

# Note#. The massage is performed in a soothing way using light pressure and rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 3-5 minutes.

Figure 45.

The method of applying acupressure in diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus occurs as a result of malnutrition, excessive alcohol consumption, and frequent nervous overload. Middle-aged people are especially susceptible to this disease.

Signs of diabetes are dry mouth, intense thirst, frequent and copious urination, decreased performance.

An indispensable condition for the appointment of acupressure in diabetes - the patient should not take insulin. During massage, the following points are affected (Fig. 46).

Point 1. Symmetric, located half a cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the X and XI thoracic vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Figure 46.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the back, one and a half cun away from the posterior midline. Massaged like point 1.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located near the inner corner of the eye 2-3 mm towards the nose. The patient sits with his elbows on the table and his eyes closed. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located in a recess near the outer corner of the eye 5 mm towards the ear. Massaged like point 3.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the outside of the arm, at the beginning of the fold formed when the elbow is bent. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun below the patella and 1 cun back from the anterior edge of the tibia. The patient sits with legs stretched out. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located in a depression on the lower leg 2 cun below the patella and one and a half cun outwards. The patient sits with his knees bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located in the heel area, in the depression between the calcaneal tendon and the outer ankle at the level of its center. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 9. Symmetrical, located at the border of the intersection of the plantar and dorsal sides of the foot with the calcaneal tendon. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the border of the plantar and dorsal surfaces of the foot. Massaged like point 9.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 2 cun above the inner ankle. Massaged like point 9.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the big toe 3 mm towards the second finger from the angle of the nail hole. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 13. Symmetrical, located on the dorsum of the foot between the heads of the I and II metatarsal bones. Massaged like point 12.

Point 14. Symmetrical, located on the anterior surface of the lower leg 6 cun below the patella and one and a half cun outward from the anterior edge of the tibia. Massaged like point 12.

Point 15. Symmetrical, located in a recess above the collarbone. Massaged like point 12.

Point 16. Symmetrical, located in the depression between the calcaneal tendon and the medial malleolus. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 17. Symmetrical, located on the border of the dorsal and plantar surfaces of the foot behind the head of the first metatarsal bone. Massaged like point 16.

Point 18. Symmetrical, located to the right of point 17 from the side of the heel. Massaged like point 16.

Point 19

Point 20. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the forearm 1 cun above the lower crease of the wrist, on the side of the first finger. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 21

point 2 2. Symmetrical, located on the foot at the point of attachment of the calcaneal tendon to the calcaneus. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 23. Symmetrical, located in a recess on the highest part of the back of the foot. Massaged like point 22.


1. Massage is performed with a tonic method (except for points 9 and 20) using deep pressure. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

2. The massage of points 9 and 20 is performed in a soothing way using light pressure and rotational stroking, gradually slowing down its pace. The duration of exposure to each point is 4-5 minutes.

3. The massage course consists of 12 sessions every day. If necessary, a second course is carried out after consultation with the attending physician not earlier than in a week.

The method of applying acupressure in vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, as a rule, occurs as a result of nervous stress. Under the influence of atmospheric changes, physical and emotional stress, the patient experiences a strong heartbeat, increased sweating, his hands and feet become cold.

Point 1. Symmetrical, located almost in the center of the plantar surface of the foot in the depression formed when the fingers are bent. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately left and right.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the big toe 3 mm from the angle of the nail hole towards the adjacent toe. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot at the narrowest point of the gap between the I and II metatarsal bones. Massaged like point 2.

Figure 47.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun above the inner ankle. Massaged like point 2.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the front surface of the lower leg 3 cun below the kneecap. Massaged like point 2.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located in the middle of the arch of the foot. Massaged like point 1.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the border of the back side and the sole of the foot between the I metatarsal bone and the main phalanx of the big toe. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot between the heads of the I and II metatarsal bones. Massaged like point 7.

Point 9

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the front of the thigh 3 cun above the patella. Massaged like point 9.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 6 cun above the outer ankle between the bone and muscles. Massaged like point 9.


    1. Massage of points 1, 2, 6, 7, 9 is performed with a tonic method using deep pressure and both types of stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

    2. Massage of points 3-5, 8, 10,11 is performed with a soothing method using light pressure. The duration of exposure to each point is ~ 4-5 minutes.

    3. The massage course consists of 12 sessions held every other day. If necessary, the massage course can be repeated, but not earlier than in a week.

    If the patient's hands are getting cold, then massage of the following points can help him (Fig. 48).

Figure 48.

Point 1. Asymmetrical, located on the back on the posterior midline between the spinous processes of the VII cervical and I thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits with his head tilted forward.

Point 2. Symmetrical, located on the thumb 3 mm outward from the corner of the nail hole. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the middle finger 3 mm from the corner of the nail hole towards the index finger. Massaged like point 2.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the little finger of the hand 3 mm from the corner of the nail hole towards the ring finger. Massaged like point 2.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the palm at the base of the I metacarpal bone. Massaged like point 2.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located in the middle of the palm between the III and IV metacarpal bones. Massaged like point 2.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the palm in the widest part of the gap between the IV and V metacarpal bones. Massaged like point 2.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located on the outer surface of the forearm one and a half cun above the middle crease of the wrist in the fossa at the styloid process of the radius. Massaged like point 2.


1. Massage of points 1, 5-7 is performed with a tonic method using deep pressure and both types of stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

2. Points 2-4 are massaged in a soothing way using light pressure and rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 2-5 minutes.

3. The massage course consists of 12 sessions every day. If necessary, you can conduct a second course, but not earlier than in a week.

If the patient experiences a burning sensation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe soles, then the following points should be massaged (Fig. 49).

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on the sole of the foot in a depression formed when the fingers are bent. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

point 2. Symmetrical, located at the inner end of the popliteal crease between the tendons. The patient sits with his knees bent. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located under point 2. Massaged like point 2.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot between the heads of the II and III metatarsal bones. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot between the heads of the IV and V metatarsal bones. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot next to the little toe. Massaged like point 5.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the lower leg 2 cun below the kneecap. The patient sits with legs stretched out. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Figure 49.


1. The massage is performed in a soothing way using light pressure and slow rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 3-5 minutes.

2. The course of massage is 12 sessions held daily. If necessary, a second course is carried out, but not earlier than in a week.

The method of applying acupressure for stuttering

Stuttering is a speech disorder resulting from mental trauma. The use of acupressure in this type of disease does not lead to a complete cure, but the impact on the following points can greatly alleviate the patient's condition (Fig. 50).

Figure 50.

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the arm on the wrist between the tendons. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the forearm 2 cun above the middle crease of the wrist. Massaged like point 1.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the outer side of the shoulder 1 cun above the elbow crease of the unbent arm. The patient sits with his hand down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun below the patella and 1 cun back from the anterior edge of the tibia. The patient sits with legs stretched out. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits, slightly leaning forward. The point is massaged simultaneously to the right and left.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the face in a recess above the zygomatic arch at the base of the ear. The patient sits with his elbows on the table. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun above the inner ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located on the forearm one and a half cun above the middle crease of the wrist, in a depression. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 9. Asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline on the lower border of the scalp. The patient sits with his head tilted slightly.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the hand on the border of the inner and outer sides of the palm at the little finger. The patient sits with a slightly bent hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.


1. Massage (except point 10) is performed with a soothing method using light pressure. The duration of exposure to each point is 3 minutes or more.

2. Point 10 is massaged with a tonic method using deep pressure. The duration of exposure to the point is 0.5-1 min.

3. The massage course consists of 12 sessions every day. If necessary, you can conduct another 2-3 courses with an interval of one week.

The method of applying acupressure for impotence

Impotence occurs as a result of excessive use of alcohol, sleeping pills and some other medications. It can also be caused by diabetes, obesity, spinal injury or mental trauma.

Figure 51.

Acupressure is carried out after a mandatory consultation with the attending physician. The impact is on the following points (Fig. 51).

Point 1. Asymmetrical, located on the back in the lumbar region between the spinous processes of II and III lumbar vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline near point 1. The patient lies on his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae. Massaged like point 2.

Points 4-7. Symmetrical, located on the back in the region of the intervertebral foramina of the I-IV sacral vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach. Each point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located on the abdomen at the level of the navel. The patient lies on his back. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 9. Asymmetrical, located on the abdomen 3 cun below the navel. The patient lies on his back.

Point 10. Asymmetrical, located on the anterior midline in the pubic region. The patient lies on his back.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located on the inner thigh. The patient lies on his back. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the back of the leg at knee level. The patient lies on his back or sits with his leg bent. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 13. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun above the inner ankle. Massaged like point 12.

Point 14. Symmetrical, located on the foot in the area of ​​the calcaneal tendon. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 15. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the lower leg 2 cun below the kneecap. Massaged like point 14.

Point 16. Symmetrical, located on the pubic region half a cunning away from the anterior midline. The patient lies on his back, as relaxed as possible. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 17. Symmetrical, located on the abdomen 4 cun below the navel and half a cun away from the anterior midline. Massaged like point 16.

Point 18. Symmetrical, located on the shoulder 7 cun above the elbow. The patient sits with his arm bent at the elbow on the table. The point is massaged alternately left and right.

Point 19. Symmetrical, located in the middle of the arch of the foot (massaged with insufficient erection). The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 20. Symmetrical, located on the big toe next to the nail hole. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 21. Asymmetrical, located on the back on the posterior midline between the spinous processes of I and II thoracic vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach or sits, slightly leaning forward.

Point 22. Asymmetrical, located on the abdomen one and a half cun below the navel. Massaged like point 8.

Point 23. Asymmetrical, located on the back in the lumbar region between the spinous processes of the IV and V lumbar vertebrae. Massaged like point 1.


1. Massage of points 1-7, 13-15, 18-21 is performed with a tonic method using deep pressure and rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

2. The massage of points 8-12, 16, 17 is performed with a soothing method using light rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 4-5 minutes.

3. It is not necessary to massage all of the above points at each session, you can limit yourself to half, choosing the points so that the tonic effect is combined with a calming one.

4. The massage course consists of 14 sessions every day (2-3 procedures daily). If necessary, a second course is carried out in a week.

If impotence in a patient is accompanied by dizziness and an unbalanced state, then the following points can be massaged (Fig. 52).

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 2 cun above the inner ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Figure 52.

point 2. Symmetrical, coincides with point 2 of the first group. The patient lies on his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the big toe 3 mm from the nail hole towards the second finger. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 4. Symmetrical, coincides with point 16 of the first group.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located in the depression between the calcaneal tendon and the inner ankle at the level of its center. Massaged like point 3.

Point 6. It is located on the lower leg at the inner end of the popliteal crease.

Note: massage carried out by the tonic method using deep pressure and rotational stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

With premature ejaculation, the following points are massaged (Fig. 53).

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot between the heads of the I and II metatarsal bones. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

point 2. Coincides with point 19 from the first group.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot in front and below the inner ankle, in a recess. Massaged like point 2.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the abdomen 2 cun below the navel. The patient lies on his back, as relaxed as possible. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 8 cun above the inner ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Figure 53.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the border of the dorsal and plantar sides of the foot under the I metatarsal bone. Massaged like point 5.

Point 7. Coincides with point 9 of the first group.

Point 8. Coincides with point 22 of the first group.

Point 9. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the forearm 2 cun above the middle crease of the wrist. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the border of the dorsal and plantar sides of the foot behind the head of the first metatarsal bone. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 11. Coincides with point 13 of the first group.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 6 cun below the kneecap. Massaged like point 11.

Point 13. Asymmetrical, located on the abdomen in the anterior midline, 4 cun below the navel. The patient lies on his back.

Point 14. Coincides with point 2 of the first group.

Point 15. Symmetrical, located on the back in the region of the sacrum half a cun away from the posterior midline. The patient lies on his back, a pillow is placed under his stomach.


1. Points 1-9 are massaged with a tonic method using deep pressure with rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

2. The massage of points 10-15 is performed with a soothing method using light stroking. The duration of exposure to each point is 4-5 minutes.

The method of applying acupressure in case of insufficient lactation

Lack of milk is observed, as a rule, in women after the first birth. Massage of the following points can help with this (Fig. 54).

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on the outer side of the forearm half a cun above the middle crease of the wrist, in a depression at the styloid process of the radius. The patient sits with her hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Figure 54.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the index finger 3 mm from the corner of the nail hole towards the thumb. Massaged like point 1.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the back of the hand at the base of the index finger. Massaged like point 1.

Point 4. Asymmetrical, located on the anterior midline in the chest area. The patient is sitting.

Point 5

Point 6. Symmetrical, located 4 cun away from the anterior midline at the level of the fifth rib. Massaged like point 5.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the little finger of the hand 3 mm from the corner of the nail hole. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the VII and VIII thoracic vertebrae. The patient lies on her stomach, a pillow is placed under her stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 9. Symmetrical, located on the back under point 8 at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the IX and X thoracic vertebrae. Massaged like point 8.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the back of the hand between the I and II metacarpal bones. The patient sits with her hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 1 1. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the forearm 2 cun above the middle crease of the wrist, between the tendons. The patient sits with her hand on the table, palm up. It is massaged alternately on the right and left.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located 4 cun away from the anterior midline. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.


1. Massage is performed with a tonic method, using deep pressure with vibration. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

2. Massage sessions are held every day for 2 procedures daily.

The method of applying acupressure for migraine

Migraine - prolonged attacks of pain that occur in a specific area of ​​​​the head - is especially common in women.

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on the outer surface of the forearm 2 cun above the upper crease of the wrist, in a depression. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Figure 55.

point 2. Symmetrical, located in the temple area on the border of the scalp. The patient sits with his elbows on the table and his head resting on them. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located in the recess at the outer corner of the eye. Massaged like point 2.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located in a recess at the base of the ear above the zygomatic arch. Massaged like point 2.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located in the recess at the outer end of the eyebrow. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the face at the inner corner of the eye 2-3 mm towards the nose. The patient sits with his elbows on the table and his head resting on them. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the back of the hand between the I and II metacarpal bones. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately left and right.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located at the end of the fold, which is formed when the arm is bent at the elbow joint. The patient sits with a slightly bent arm on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left,

Point 9. Symmetrical, located on the foot 3 mm from the nail hole of the thumb towards the second finger. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun above the inner ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot between the II and III fingers. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the second toe 3 mm back from the nail hole. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 13. Symmetrical, located on the back of the foot between the heads of the IV and V metatarsal bones. Massaged like point 12.

Point 14. Symmetrical, located on the face at the bridge of the nose above point 6. Massaged like point 12.

Point 15. Symmetrical, located on the foot 3 mm back from the corner of the nail hole of the little finger. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 16. Symmetrical, located on the foot under the inner ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 17. Symmetrical, located on the temporal part of the head. To find it, you need to bend your ear forward: the point will be at the very top of the ear. Massaged like point 16.

Point 18. Asymmetrical, located on the abdomen one and a half cun below the navel. The patient lies on his back, as relaxed as possible.

Point 19. Asymmetrical, located 6 cun above the navel, above point 16. Massaged like point 18.


1. Massage (except for points 15, 16, 18) is performed with a soothing method using light stroking and rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 4-5 minutes.

2. Massage of points 15, 16, 18 is performed with a tonic method using deep pressure and rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

3. Massage can be done between attacks or during them.

4. During the session, you can not massage all the points, but only those, the impact on which gives the maximum analgesic effect.

The method of applying acupressure in cardiovascular diseases

The use of acupressure can have a beneficial effect on such manifestations of heart disease as sudden attacks of increased heart rate and pain in the heart area. With an increased heartbeat, the following points are affected (Fig. 56).

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the IV and V thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits, slightly leaning forward. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

point 2. Symmetrical, located one vertebra below point 1. Massaged like point 1.

Point 3. Asymmetrical, located on the anterior midline at the level of the fourth intercostal space. The patient lies on his back.

Figure 56.

#Point 4#. Asymmetrical, located on the anterior midline under point 3. Massaged like point 3.

#Point 5#. Symmetrical, located on the back 3 cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits, slightly leaning forward. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the wrist in a depression between the tendons on the middle carpal crease. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the forearm 5 cun above the middle crease of the wrist between the tendons. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged with the index finger alternately to the right and left.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the forearm, between points 6 and 7. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged with the middle finger alternately on the right and left.


1. The massage is performed in a soothing way using a light rotational stroke, the pace of which gradually slows down. The duration of exposure to each point is 2-5 minutes.

2. Points 7-8 are massaged simultaneously.

It is advisable to alternate the massage of points 1-8 with the impact on subsequent points (Fig. 57).

Point 9. Symmetrical, located on the lower border of hair growth one and a half cun away from the posterior midline. The patient sits with his head slightly tilted forward. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Figure 57.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located in the middle of the occipital cavity. Massaged like point 9.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the II and III thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits or lies on his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the 1st and 2nd thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits or lies on his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 13. Symmetrical, located on the back to the left of point 12. The patient sits or lies on his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 14. Symmetrical, located 6 cun away from the anterior midline in the third intercostal space. Massaged with the thumb, like point 13.

Point 15. Symmetrical, located on the inner surface of the arm in the area of ​​the elbow. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 16. Symmetrical, located on the front surface of the lower leg 3 cun down from the lower edge of the patella. The patient sits with legs stretched out. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 17. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the forearm 3 cun above the middle crease of the wrist, between the tendons. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 18. Symmetrical, located 2 cun away from the anterior midline. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged with the thumbs simultaneously on both sides.

Point 19. Symmetrical, located on the back away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the IV and V thoracic vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Acupressure can lower blood pressure and improve the general condition of the patient. In this case, a sequential massage of several groups of points is performed.

The first group includes the points described below (Fig. 58).

Point 1. Asymmetrical, located on the anterior line 5 cun above the upper border of the scalp in the region of the crown. The patient is sitting.

point 2. Asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline 3 cm above the lower border of hair growth. The patient is sitting.

Figure 58.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the back in the middle of the supraspinous fossa of the scapula. The patient lies on his stomach or sits, slightly leaning forward. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 5 cun above the inner ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the outer surface of the hand at the end of the fold, which is formed when the arm is bent at the elbow, from the side of the thumb. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach or sits, slightly leaning forward. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the back under point 6 at the level of the prom.
between the spinous processes of the VII and VIII thoracic vertebrae. massaged,
like point 6.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located in the lumbar region of the back on the same vertical line with points 6 and 7. Massaged like point 6.

Point 9. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun above the inner ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously" on both sides.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 5 cun above the inner ankle. Massaged like point 9.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located on the sole of the foot in a small depression formed when the fingers are bent. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.


1. Massage (except points 4, 11) is performed with a soothing method using light pressure with rotation, the pace of which gradually slows down. The duration of exposure to each point is 4-5 minutes.

2. The massage of points 4 and 11 is performed with a tonic method using deep pressure with vibration. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

3. A particularly good effect is given by frequent exposure to point 11.

The second group includes the following points (Fig. 59).

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the forearm 1 cun above the middle crease of the wrist. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 13. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the shoulder 3 cun above the elbow. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Figure 59.

Point 14. Symmetrical, located in the middle of the arch of the foot. sick si
dit. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.
Point 15. Symmetrical, located on the border of the rear and sole of the foot. Massaged like point 14.
Point 16. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the forearm on
2 cun above the middle crease of the wrist, between the tendons. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 17. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the hand on the wrist, between the tendons . Massaged like point 16.

Point 18. Symmetrical, located on the abdomen 4 cun away from the front
midline at the level of the umbilicus. The patient lies on his back. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Dot 19. Symmetrical is located 4 cun away from the anterior median line at the level of the superior branch of the pubic bone. Massaged like point 18.

Point 20. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the arm on the middle
crease of the wrist in the depression between the tendons. The patient sits, laying on
table hand palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.


1. Massage should be carried out in combination with medical treatment prescribed by a doctor. As blood pressure decreases, the use of medications can be limited, and acupressure sessions can be continued until the pressure is completely normalized.

3. During the entire massage course, it is necessary to systematically monitor blood pressure.

Figure 60.

Point 1. Asymmetrical, located 5 cun above the upper border of the scalp in the parietal region. The patient is sitting.

point 2. Asymmetrical, located 3 cm above the lower border of the scalp. The patient is sitting.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 5 cun above the inner ankle. The patient sits with legs stretched out. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the hand 1.5 cm below the lower crease of the wrist from the side of the thumb. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged with the thumb alternately on the right and left.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the outside of the wrist in the recess, which is formed when the hand is extended, between the tendons. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged with the index finger alternately to the right and left.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the wrist in line with the middle finger, in a recess. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged with the thumb alternately on the right and left. ;

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the wrist, between the tendons. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged with the middle finger alternately on the right and left.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located at the end of the fold, which is formed when the arm is bent at the elbow, from the side of the thumb. The patient sits with a slightly bent arm on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 9. Symmetrical, located on the foot at the point of attachment of the calcaneal tendon to the calcaneus. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located under the inner ankle on the border of the rear and sole of the foot. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 11. Symmetrical, located on the middle finger 3 mm from the angle of the nail hole towards the index finger. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the wrist from the side of the little finger, in a recess. Massaged like point 11.

Point 13. Symmetrical, located on the border of the back side and the sole of the foot under the I metatarsal bone. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 14. Symmetrical, located on the outer side of the forearm one and a half cun above the middle crease of the wrist at the styloid process of the radius. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 15. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun below the patella and 1 cun outward from the anterior edge of the tibia. The patient sits with legs stretched out. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

point 16, Symmetrical, located half a cunning away from the anterior midline at the level of the upper edge of the pubic bone. The patient lies on his back. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 17. Symmetrical, located in the chest in the subclavian fossa. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.


1. Massage (except for point 3) is carried out with a tonic method using deep pressure with vibration. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

2. Point 3 is massaged in a soothing way using light strokes. The duration of exposure to the point is 2-5 minutes.

3. Point 4 with point 5 and point 6 with point 7 are massaged at the same time.

4. When performing a massage, you can limit yourself to influencing only those points that give the maximum effect in this patient.

5. Usually acupressure sessions are held every 2 months.

The method of applying acupressure for varicose veins

The cause of this disease is insufficient outflow of blood through the veins. It occurs, as a rule, as a result of a long stay on the legs or during pregnancy in women. Patients may experience itching, a feeling of heaviness and numbness in the legs, fatigue.

Acupressure in the treatment of varicose veins is best used at the initial stage of the disease - then its effect will be most effective. With varicose veins, the following points are affected (Fig. 61).

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on the foot under the ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 4 cun above the ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located 2 cun above the kneecap. The patient sits with legs stretched out. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.


1. Massage point 1 is performed with a tonic method using deep pressure. The duration of exposure to the point is 0.5-1 min.

2. Massage of points 2, 3 is performed with a soothing method using pressure. The duration of exposure to each point is 3-4 minutes.

Figure 61.

3. The massage course consists of 12 sessions every day. After consulting with a doctor, you can repeat the course in 1-2 weeks.

If there are ulcers on the lower leg, act on the points listed below.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located 2 cun away from the anterior midline above the superior ramus of the pubis. The patient lies on his back. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the abdomen in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe XI rib. The patient lies on his side, stretching out one leg and pressing the bent other leg to the stomach. The point is massaged first from the healthy side, and then from the side on which the ulcer is located.


1. Massage is performed with a tonic method using deep pressure. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

2. The course of treatment for leg ulcers consists of 10-12 sessions every day. A second course can be done in 1-2 weeks.

The method of applying acupressure for enuresis

Enuresis - involuntary urination during sleep - is most common in children suffering from any chronic disease.

With enuresis, the following points are affected (Fig. 62).

Point 1. Asymmetrical, located in the lower abdomen on the anterior midline, 3 cun below the navel. The patient lies on his back.

Figure 62.

point 2. Asymmetrical, located under point 1 above the upper edge of the pubic bone. Massaged like point 1

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the lumbar region of the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the back 3 cun away from the posterior midline near point 3. Massaged like point 3.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline in the sacral region. Massaged like point 3.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the front surface of the leg 3 cun below the patella, 1 cun outward from the anterior edge of the tibia. The patient sits with legs stretched out. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located at the point of attachment of the calcaneal tendon to the calcaneus. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 8. Asymmetrical, located on the abdomen 4 cun below the navel. The patient lies on his back.


1. The massage is performed in a soothing way using light pressure with rotation, the pace of which gradually slows down. The duration of exposure to each point is 4-5 minutes.

2. It is desirable to conduct sessions 2 times a day.

For the treatment of enuresis in the elderly, massage of the following points is used (Fig. 63).

Figure 63.

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on the lumbar region of the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the IV and V lumbar vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

point 2. Symmetrical, located on the back of the neck one and a half cun away from the posterior median line at the border of hair growth. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously to the right and left.

Dot 3. Symmetrical, located on the foot on the border of the rear and sole at the base of the fifth metatarsal bone. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the foot 2 mm from the corner of the nail hole of the little finger. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located in the center of the lateral surface of the foot from the side of the big toe. Massaged like point 4.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 2 cun above the inner ankle. Massaged like point 4.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the lateral surface of the foot in the heel area. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located near point 7 on the border of the outer and plantar surfaces of the foot. Massaged like point 7.

Point 9. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the arm in the area of ​​the elbow joint in the fold from the side of the thumb. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately to the right and left.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.

Point 11. Asymmetrical, located in the lower abdomen on the anterior midline, 2 cun below the navel. The patient lies on his back.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The patient lies on his stomach, a pillow is placed under his stomach. The point is massaged simultaneously on both sides.


1. Massage (except points 7, 8, 9, 11) is performed with a tonic method using deep pressure with rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 0.5-1 min.

2. Points 7, 8, 9 and 11 are massaged in a soothing way using light stroking with rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 4-5 minutes.

3. During the massage, it is necessary that the patient strictly observe the diet.


Studies by many Russian and foreign scientists have shown that diseases of the internal organs are often associated with dysfunction of the connective tissue. As a rule, this disrupts the mobility of the skin, subcutaneous tissue in relation to the fascia, in addition, the relief of the skin over the foci of the disease is disturbed. When you touch these areas, pain occurs, they look compacted and swollen.

To restore the function of connective tissue, connective tissue massage should be performed, which helps to normalize metabolism and improve blood circulation.

Connective tissue massage is recommended for pathology of the musculoskeletal system and diseases of some internal organs. Before starting it, an examination of segmental zones and palpation should be carried out to determine areas with increased voltage, seals, swelling. Such areas during massage can be painful, the skin in these places during the massage procedure may turn red or turn pale.

Connective tissue massage brings a greater effect in combination with water procedures, when the patient's muscles are as relaxed as possible. The water temperature should be 37 degrees C.

Connective tissue massage technique

When massaging, the tissues should move in relation to the muscles, tendons and bones. The main method of connective tissue massage is tissue displacement. It is more convenient to capture tissue with the thumb and forefinger. The duration of the massage is from 5 to 15 minutes.

Connective tissue massage should begin with healthy tissues and gradually approach painful points. At first, the movements should be superficial, but gradually (as tension and pain are relieved), the massage should become deep.

Movements are made along the edges of the tendons, along the location of muscle fibers, as well as the places of attachment of muscles, fascia and joint capsules.

When massaging the back and chest, movements should be directed towards the spine, while massaging the limbs, movements are directed to the proximal sections (Fig. 64).

The procedure must be started from the sacrum (paravertebral zone of the back) and gradually move up to the cervical spine. After that, you need to massage the hips, legs, and only then - shoulder girdle sick.

Figure 64.

When massaging reflexogenic zones, in order not to cause sharp pain and worsen the general condition of the patient, the movements of the massage therapist should be directed along the border of these zones.

The order of the procedure and the areas of influence on the connective tissues in certain diseases

At headache it is necessary to act on the back of the head, on the interscapular region and on the region of the muscles of the forearm.

For diseases spine you need to act paravertebral on the lumbar region and move smoothly to the cervical spine.

At lumbago produce impact in the lumbar region, sacrum and behind the ilium.

At sciatica massage is performed on the lumbar region, intergluteal fold, popliteal fossa, back of the thigh and calf muscle.

For diseases shoulder joint And shoulder should act on the area between the spinal column and the scapular region, on the costal arches and on the front of the shoulder.

For diseases elbow joint, forearm and hand it is necessary to influence the area between the spine and the scapula, the area of ​​the costal arches, the elbow bend, the inner surface of the forearm and the radio-metacarpal joint.

For diseases hip and thigh it is necessary to act on the buttocks, along the gluteal fold, inguinal region, as well as on the hip joint area.

For diseases knee and tibia massage is performed on the buttocks, along the gluteal fold, on the inguinal region, on the hip joint and on the popliteal fossa.


Many years of research by specialists have shown that many diseases of the internal organs of a person are accompanied by changes in bone tissue. To restore it, a so-called periosteal massage should be carried out.

Periosteal massage is a type of massage that has an effect on altered painful points that have a reflex connection with various human organs. It is recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints, skeletal system and some internal organs. This type of massage has a beneficial effect on blood and lymph circulation, metabolic and trophic processes. This is because when pressure is applied to pain points, highly sensitive interoreceptors of the periosteum, as well as the walls of extraosseous venous vessels, are irritated. When conducting a periosteal massage session, it is necessary to take into account the topography of the nerves and the Zakharyin-Ged zone.

Periosteal massage should be done in those pain points in which painful sensations were localized. In this case, it is necessary to take into account: how severe the patient's pain is. In the event that the pain is very strong, the procedure must begin with exposure to the areas surrounding the painful point and gradually approach its focus. If the procedure is performed on the patient's chest, it is imperative to observe the rhythm of breathing. So, during exhalation, one should press on the chest, and during inhalation, let go.

In the process of massage, one should act on the skull, on the spinous processes of the vertebrae, the exit points of the nerve trunks. The middle sacral scallop, patella and clavicles are not affected.

When massaging the skull, the impact is carried out on the mastoid processes and the occipital protuberance. In the pelvic area, the iliac crests should be affected. When massaging the joints, the actions should be directed to the greater trochanter, tuberosity of the tibia, near the joint space. On

metacarpal bones are massaged in the hands. In the region of the spine, areas near the spinous and transverse processes are massaged. On the ribs, massage is performed near the corner of the rib. The area of ​​the acromial process is massaged on the collarbones.

In case of lumbago (lumbago), the area of ​​the pubic articulation, the ischium, the ilium and the sacrum should be affected.

With sciatica, the main points of influence are the areas of the sacrum, ischium, greater trochanter and pubic joint.

In the treatment of diseases associated with changes in the joints and muscles of the arms and legs, it is recommended to act on various areas.

1. During the procedure in the area of ​​the shoulder and shoulder joint, it is necessary to press on the spine of the scapula, on the acromion of the clavicle and on the external and internal condyles of the shoulder.

2. During the procedure in the area of ​​the elbow joint, forearm and hand, the spine of the scapula, the acromial part of the clavicle, the internal and external condyles of the shoulder, the styloid process of the radius and ulna, as well as the metacarpal bones should be massaged.

3. During the procedure in the area of ​​the hip joint and thigh, it is necessary to act on the iliac crest, sacrum and pubic joint.

4. During the procedure in the area of ​​the knee joint and lower leg, pressure should be applied to the sacrum, pubic joint, greater trochanter and tibial crest.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, deforming spondylosis and other diseases of the spine, the areas of the sacrum, ischium, ribs, scapula, sternum, pubic articulation of the spinous processes of the vertebrae should be massaged.

Contraindications for periosteal massage: osteoporosis, bone tuberculosis.

Periosteal massage technique

During the procedure, one or more fingers should rhythmically press on the periosteal point, located not far from the course of the nerve trunks, or on the periosteal point of the periosteum. Press on this point should be 1 time per second, without taking your fingers off the massaged area. The patient should be in a sitting or lying position. He should relax his muscles as much as possible. Massage should be done on exposed areas.

The duration of massaging one point, as a rule, is from 1 to 3 minutes. After that, you should massage other points. When pressing on the point, the fingers should not tremble and vibrate.

Periosteal massage can be carried out in the form of independent procedures and in combination with hydroprocedures and physiotherapy. Periosteal massage should be carried out 2-3 times a week.

Evidence of effectiveness, detailed technique, we influence the point of longevity - in the article.

The main advantage of shiatsu

The possibility of self-massage in any situation and place (at home, at work, in a car).

Having mastered the basic techniques of pressure and having learned to find the right acupuncture points, we are able to independently:

  • overcome fatigue,
  • get rid of mental overload,
  • remove or reduce any pain,
  • reduce the unpleasant symptoms of diseases,
  • normalize blood pressure
  • increase energy,
  • improve health,
  • provide emergency assistance
  • improve sleep and overall well-being.

Shiatsu Evidence

Let us refer to the publication of the results of experiments in well-known international publications.

Sleep quality and relaxation

July 2004, the study was conducted in England and Germany. In an in-depth interview, 14 practitioners and 15 long-term clients testified to the positive effects of shiatsu massage on falling asleep, sleep patterns, and body relaxation.

Journal of Integrative Medicine(Journal of Integrative Medicine):

year 2014. Difficulty falling asleep is a common problem for people suffering from pain. Individuals with musculoskeletal pain and sleep problems were selected to participate in the study (Canada). They were taught self-massage of the hands and interviewed after 8 weeks.

Participants noted a long-term increase in uninterrupted sleep time, more than during nocturnal awakenings. None of the participants reported adverse effects of the intervention.

Thus, shiatsu can be beneficial to apply during nocturnal awakenings, as well as before bed.

Reducing pain, chronic fatigue, stress

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine(official journal of the Acupuncture Research Society, USA):

2008, the study covered 948 people from England, Austria, Spain. They received shiatsu therapy for 6 months.

Indications: pain in the joints and muscles, chronic fatigue, fatigue, stress.

633 subjects provided complete information on treatment effects.


  • all respondents improved their health, decreased pain, stress and fatigue.
  • 80% have made positive changes in their lifestyle after introducing shiatsu into their daily routine.
  • 16-22% have reduced their use of traditional medicine.
  • In a third, drug dependence has decreased.

Signs of chronic fatigue, causes, risk group, provoking factors, how to avoid illness.

Increasing vitality

International Journal of Palliative Care(International Journal of Palliative Nursing):

September 2013 This qualitative 6-month study was designed to evaluate the impact of shiatsu on clients attending hospice day services. Three overlapping groups of eleven patients with progressive disease received 5 weeks of shiatsu therapy.

The results of the analysis revealed significant progress in levels of energy, relaxation, confidence, mental clarity and mental stability.

The effect lasted in some cases for several hours, but in most cases exceeded the 5-week treatment regimen.

Reducing anxiety and stress

World Journal of Plastic Surgery(World Journal of Plastic Surgery):

in 2013 (Tehran), 60 patients with burn injuries (10-45%) and associated severe post-traumatic nervous disorders received a 20-minute shiatsu massage (each hand was massaged for 10 minutes).

As a result, the degree of anxiety and pain was significantly reduced, recovery came faster.

It is explained by the fact that the pressure on the points causes the production of serotonin and dopamine hormones, which reduce anxiety, muscle tension also disappears, the heartbeat slows down, blood pressure and metabolism normalize.

Reducing back pain

Journal of Holistic Care(Journal of Holistic Nursing):

year 2001. 66 patients with low back pain received four sessions of shiatsu and reported their feelings 2 days after each session. All noted a significant reduction in pain and anxiety.

Massage technique

Active participation in shiatsu hand massage gives a predictable therapeutic effect: in the hands, fingers and in those organs with which the pressure zones are associated, the metabolism is also stimulated.

In addition, the fingers are connected directly to the brain by numerous nerve endings, and therefore shiatsu perfectly calms and relieves mental fatigue.

For pressure use:

the entire area of ​​the fingertips

  • large ones (Tokujiro considered them the most important and powerful tool of influence);
  • three put together (index, middle and nameless);
  • two fingers superimposed one on the other.


Clicks do strictly perpendicular to the skin, without displacement and sticking, without "smearing".

"PRESSURE, not rub or massage!" - Namikoshi succinctly described the difference between his technique.

Pressing force

Moderate. The response should not cause discomfort and severe pain.

If you are massaging someone, take a position so that, if necessary, you can control the pressure with your own weight.


If the execution technique is correct, then numbness, aches, warmth or slight soreness occurs at the place of pressure.

Press duration

depends on the area of ​​the body, health status and specific instructions for the procedure. Most often, single 3-second pressures are applied in the neck area, 5-7 seconds on other parts of the body.

Another option is also used: pressing lasts 1-3 breaths. Repeat the pressure 2-10 times.

How to find the right point

Anatomical landmarks are: bony protrusions and depressions, hair growth boundaries, skin folds, gaps between muscles and tendons, places where pulses can be felt on the arteries, etc. The point can be palpated with a tubercle or fossa.

Response sensations in it differ from other parts of the body.

Aches, numbness, tingling (like a weak current discharge), soreness, stiffness - these feelings are an indicator of the correct definition of a biologically active point.

Pain in BAT may indicate a pathology in the organ associated with it.

Preparing for a massage

Warm up your hands well: rub your palms and fingers together.

If you touch the body with cold hands, there are distorted reactions that can aggravate the condition of the disease. Cold is one of the most disease-causing factors.

It is undesirable to massage on an empty stomach (fainting is possible) and immediately after eating.

Longevity Point ZU-SAN-LI

Restorative paired point, belongs to the meridian of the stomach.

Synonyms: gui-se, xia-lin.

The miraculous properties of zu-san-li are mentioned in ancient medical treatises. This point is deservedly called the point of longevity, since it affects three levels of the body at once, which in ancient China correlated with Man, Heaven and Earth.

Through these three energy levels, with the help of very thin hormonal connections, all systems and organs are influenced, recovery processes are launched in them.

The list of indications is huge:

Zu-san-li - dot emergency room with fainting, postpartum shock, cerebral hemorrhage, sunstroke.

Located at the junction of the tibia and fibula.

How to find: put the center of the palm on the center of the patella, press your fingers to the lower leg (under its pad).

To make sure that the point is correctly determined, pull the foot up, a muscle tubercle should form under the ring finger. Lower your foot and a depression will appear under your toe. You have to click on it.

How to massage: press simultaneously on the points on both legs for 5-7 seconds, release for 2-3 seconds, repeat 3-4 times.

It is desirable to work with zu-san-li in the first half of the day, preferably before 10 am, when the stomach channel is most active. Massage in the afternoon and especially in the evening can provoke insomnia.

Even experts in oriental medicine advise using the first 8 days of the growth of the moon

Massage zu-san-li for a long time can increase pressure. Therefore, people prone to hypertension can be advised to massage the Yang Ling Quan point for similar purposes.


Shiatsu acupressure is an amazing technique: very simple, affordable and effective. Having mastered simple tricks, we can help ourselves in time and restore our health.

Watch for skin reactions, if in some place the skin starts to hurt, then there is a problem in the organ corresponding to this area.
Put your hand there and try to find the most painful point. This does not require an acupuncture atlas, the body itself indicates its location.

It is enough to apply 5-7 seconds of pressure with repetition a couple of times and throughout the day for the pain to subside. And this means that the process of self-healing is started.

And finally, advice from Tokujiro Namikoshi, who lived 95 years:

“To live a long and fulfilling life, avoid prolonged overwork and get enough sleep. While we are young, an 8-hour sleep removes the most severe fatigue like a hand.

Be sure to pay attention to - they are sure signs of prolonged fatigue and lack of sleep, which lead to serious problems with health".

Be healthy!


  • Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,
  • US National Library of Medicine,
  • P.V. Belousov " acupuncture points Chinese Zhenjiu Therapy

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

In preparation: shiatsu for immunity, youthfulness of the face, for various problems.