Is liquid stool bad for a pregnant woman. Loose stools during pregnancy

Loose stools in pregnant women can appear against the background of various diseases. To make a final diagnosis, a pregnant woman is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Medical indications

occur during pregnancy various problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is considered the norm, since the woman's body is constantly being rebuilt, while the organs begin to work in a new way. Some changes are accompanied by diarrhea.

Loose stools during pregnancy are characterized by the rapid passage of feces through the large intestine. At the same time, pregnant women may have frothy, dark, bloody loose stools.

The condition under consideration is not an independent disease, since loose stools during pregnancy are considered a response of the body to a malfunction in some organs.

Also, this phenomenon may indicate the presence in the body of a certain irritant.

To eliminate loose stools in a woman during pregnancy, it is necessary to identify the primary cause of its appearance.

Obstetrician-gynecologists distinguish the following etiology of diarrhea in a pregnant woman:

  • malnutrition;
  • toxicosis;
  • extensive HP in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • in the last months of pregnancy, the body prepares for the upcoming birth. If loose stools are not accompanied by other dangerous symptoms, then therapy is not required.

Diarrhea in a pregnant woman can be triggered by serious illnesses, since during this period the immune system weakens.

Loose stools bother pregnant women for the following reasons:

  • intestinal infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • hereditary deficiency of certain substances in the body.

Diarrhea in early pregnancy

In the first months of pregnancy, diarrhea appears in the morning. It may be accompanied by signs of toxicosis, including weakness and nausea.

Similarly, a woman's body adapts to a new life, hormonal changes.

Against the background of the formation of the placenta during the first trimester of pregnancy, the work of some systems is disrupted. Similar changes concern the gallbladder, pancreas.

Against this background, gross changes in the carbohydrate and protein balance occur.

If in pregnant women in the 1st trimester loose stools appear once in the morning and do not bring discomfort, therapy is not required.

If, against the background of these changes, the weight of a woman decreases, the general state of health worsens, a consultation with a gynecologist is required.

Diarrhea in the last stages

Loose stools in pregnant women, which appears from 39 weeks, indicates an early birth.

By increasing the excretion of feces, the body tries to remove negative substances, which will ensure a good course of labor.

Strong and frequent loose stools indicate that childbirth will occur in the next day.

If such a clinic is observed 3 weeks before the expected date, gynecologists do not recommend considering this condition as a sign of childbirth. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to pass laboratory tests.

If loose stools during this period of pregnancy are accompanied by mucus, blood, high fever, abdominal pain, increased uterine tone, a gynecologist's consultation is required.

These symptoms can lead to premature labor.

Classification of diarrhea

During pregnancy, the following types of diarrhea may occur:

  • acute - duration 2 weeks. This phenomenon is of viral origin. Loose stools disappear on their own;
  • not passing - duration longer than 14 days. The reasons for its appearance are the lack of enzymes in the digestive organs, the lack of the necessary treatment for the virus or bacteria, dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic - lasts longer than a month, while the intestinal walls become inflamed.


If the following symptoms appear during any period of pregnancy, an urgent consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is required, in which a woman is observed in the position:

  • liquid stool disturbs more often 5 times a day;
  • in addition, the patient is worried about weakness, sweating, skin turns pale;
  • vomiting appeared;
  • increased body temperature;
  • concerned about sharp pains in the abdomen;
  • there is blood in the feces;
  • black loose stools indicate internal bleeding.

To find out the etiology of diarrhea, the patient's history is collected before and during pregnancy.

The doctor must be informed about the food that was consumed the day before. The patient tells in detail about the nature of the stool.

During pregnancy, you can undergo gastro-, rectoromano- and colonoscopy. But these techniques are applicable at an early gestational age. In the later stages, you can do an ultrasound.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a coprogram, pass bakposev and tests for helminths. With the help of biochemical analyzes, changes in the balance between acids and alkalis are detected.

Also, this technique reveals during pregnancy violations in liver tests, a disorder of the pancreas, changes in the hormonal plan.

Self-diagnosis by the nature of feces

To find out if the clinic in question is dangerous during pregnancy, the consistency and color of feces are studied.

If it has a black tint, and there are also lumps of uncooked food in it, the woman has dysbacteriosis.

Tar-black stool during pregnancy, which smells unpleasant, indicates intestinal bleeding.

More often it is localized in the upper parts of the digestive system. In such cases, it is necessary to hospitalize the woman.

Dark brown stools, which have a putrid odor, while the composition includes undigested food, indicate obvious malfunctions of the pancreas.

In such cases, defecation is observed in the morning or 30 minutes after eating.

Gray-white feces during pregnancy indicates diseases of the liver, bladder.

If at the same time the temperature rises, even to a febrile value, the apples in the eyes darken additionally (to a light yellow tint), a complete examination is required.

A similar clinic indicates hepatitis. This disease is very dangerous during pregnancy for the woman herself and the fetus. In this case, the outcome of the disease does not depend on the etiology. More often with jaundice, pregnancy is interrupted.

Frequent liquid emptying of the intestine with the release of feces of a light yellow or gray hue indicates enteritis, amyloidosis, scleroderma.

With such diarrhea, the smell of rancid fat appears. This condition is characterized by a lack of absorption of fats and carbohydrates. The fetus does not form the skeletal system.

Dyspepsia is classified into 2 types:

  • putrefactive - when there is stagnation of products in the intestines, while they are not digested;
  • fermentation - an increase in the frequency of defecation against the background of an accelerated metabolism.

All of the above conditions during pregnancy require medication. They can be prescribed by a doctor only after examining the patient.

It is forbidden to drink drugs during pregnancy on your own. This may adversely affect the fetus.

Particular attention should be paid to diarrhea, which occurs with fever, vomiting, bloody feces. A similar condition is associated with infection of the female body, which requires hospitalization.

Carrying out therapy

With diarrhea, you need to abandon fatty and spicy, strong broths. The basis of nutrition is oatmeal, rice porridge.

To correct nutrition, the doctor may add some medications:

  • Activated black charcoal - effectively and rapidly removes toxins accumulated in the intestines, while not disturbing the development of the fetus;
  • Smecta - promotes the production of mucus in the intestines, which envelops its microflora, removing microbes in a natural way. The drug cannot cross the placenta;
  • Enterosgel - promotes the evacuation of bacteria and toxins from the intestines, while preventing their absorption to the COP. Against the background of its reception, the work of the stomach, kidneys and liver improves. At the same time, Enterosgel protects the intestines from inflammation and erosion;
  • Regidron - prevents the process of dehydration, normalizing water and electrolyte balance, effectively fights acidosis.

Preventive methods

To prevent the occurrence of intestinal disorders, it is recommended to follow the preventive advice of gynecologists.

The expectant mother needs to eat only high-quality products, refusing to visit public catering.

The main thing is to observe personal hygiene, avoid stressful situations. Diarrhea in any trimester is a serious test for a future mother.

In order not to expose your health and the condition of the baby, it is recommended to control the diet throughout all months of pregnancy, and at the first symptom of diarrhea, seek gynecological care.

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Girls who are expecting a baby are in awe of health. Pregnancy, especially the first trimester, is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting in the morning and other unpleasant processes. Such a phenomenon as diarrhea worries the expectant mother, sometimes serious diseases that can adversely affect the health of the unborn child become the causes of malaise. The pathology that caused loose stools in the first trimester requires diagnosis and immediate treatment.

Causes and diagnosis of diarrhea in pregnant women

Since the woman's body during this period is preparing to perform new tasks, and immunity is reduced - loose stools at the initial stage of pregnancy acts as a manifestation of early toxicosis and is an indirect sign of pregnancy along with nausea and vomiting. Most diarrhea is short-term, disappears the next day. Such a case does not require medical intervention. It is acceptable to take motherwort to calm down, but special antidiarrheals are not needed. There are reasons that caused an undesirable reaction of the body, more seriously.

Causes of diarrhea

There are many factors that can affect the functioning of the digestive system. Most common cause diarrhea in pregnant girls becomes:

  • Violation of the diet, excessive food intake.
  • Emotional disorder, nervous strain. Pregnant women are too susceptible to any events, even a simple trip to the doctor can cause stress.
  • Food poisoning with food.
  • Acceptance of exotic products. New taste preferences during the gestation period can cause gastrointestinal upset.
  • Overdose of laxatives.
  • Taking vitamins can in rare cases provoke loose stools.
  • Intestinal infection. The most dangerous cause of diarrhea in the first trimester.
  • Chronic diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis can cause diarrhea if the gastric juice is present in small quantities, the food is not digested completely.
  • Hormonal changes in the body. Hormones slow down the digestive tract.

Diagnosis of diseases that caused the disorder

Initially, the doctor will prescribe a diagnosis so that the cause of the symptom becomes obvious. Tests that the doctor will require to pass to make a diagnosis:

  • A smear for intestinal dysbacteriosis.
  • A smear for enterobiasis.
  • Study of feces.
  • Bacteriological culture.
  • Biochemical study of blood.

When the disease is detected, you need to start immediate treatment.


Doctors in extremely rare cases prescribe potent drugs during pregnancy to relieve symptoms, some drugs can have Negative influence on fetal development. First of all, it is recommended to adjust the nutrition of a woman. Eliminate foods that weaken.

Medical treatment

If after a day the diarrhea does not disappear, medical treatment is required. A pregnant woman should not choose medicines on her own. The appointment is made by the attending physician.

First of all, the doctor prescribes to the woman adsorbents that are safe for the fetus:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Polysorb - relieves intoxication.
  • Smecta is a powder used in the development of diarrhea of ​​various origins.
  • Enterosgel is a drug with enterosorbent, antidiarrheal effects.

Nifuroxazide has bactericidal and antibacterial properties. Effective in viral intestinal infections and approved for early dates pregnancy. Indicated for acute and chronic diarrhea. Antidiarrheal tablets based on Loperamide are allowed from 30 weeks.

Viruses cause diarrhea

Infectious diarrhea rarely lasts long. At the first stage, the woman must stabilize the condition by taking a rehydration agent. If the condition worsens, hospitalization is necessary. In a hospital, droppers with ionic solutions are used. Smekta will help reduce diarrhea. A strict diet that excludes fatty and spicy foods, dairy products will contribute to a speedy recovery.

bacterial infection

In addition to frequent loose stools, the patient may experience fever, fever, pain, and nausea. If symptoms persist for several days, the condition requires immediate medical attention. It is not recommended for a woman to attempt self-treatment. Bacteria can be destroyed by an antibiotic prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication is fraught with irreversible consequences.


When frequent loose stools have arisen due to poisoning with poor-quality food, you should not immediately take medication to normalize the stool. The body must get rid of harmful toxins in a natural way within a day. If this does not happen after a day, take action.

At the first stage, therapy consists in detoxifying the body by taking approved drugs: activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel.

Folk recipes

Selected natural recipes will become an alternative to medical intervention. Only if the diarrhea is not caused by bacteria or viruses. Some herbal preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy. Means are recognized as safe:

  • Brewed pomegranate peel can be used instead of tea.
  • Blueberry jelly after a meal.
  • Soothing mint tea, if the violation is caused by an emotional disorder, nervous strain.
  • Rice water stops diarrhea.
  • Potato starch as a home adsorbent.

Do not forget that some plants can cause an allergic reaction and only aggravate the situation. All medications taken should be reported to the doctor observing the woman.


The safest treatment during pregnancy is diet. Proper nutrition and eliminating a number of foods from the diet will help prevent the disorder or speed up recovery if symptoms have already appeared.

It is better to refuse the use of dairy products during the bearing of the baby. Fruits and vegetables should not be eaten raw. Spicy, fatty foods cause intestinal irritation, which enhances the manifestation of pathology. Rye croutons help restore microflora.

After a day, it is permissible to eat porridge boiled in water. If the condition has improved, you can eat boiled lean fish or meat, except for pork. Meals are recommended fractional and frequent.

Even after the symptoms disappear, a sparing diet should be followed for some time. In order for the digestive tract to return to normal, you should not overload it with heavy food in large quantities. It will take at least a week to fully recover. But even then a woman should control nutrition.

What is dangerous diarrhea in the early stages

Abundant long liquid stool is dangerous not only for a woman, but also for the health and even the life of the unborn baby. The microorganisms that caused the disorder penetrate the fetus, which can affect its development. A child with a painful condition of the mother does not receive useful microelements.

Dehydration and severe intoxication also negatively affect the child. Frequent loose stools cause uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage. If diarrhea caused by bacteria accompanies a woman who is in the fourth week of pregnancy, it will affect the heart of the baby. Starting from the sixth week, a protective layer is formed - the placenta, which creates a barrier to infections and microorganisms on the way to the fetus. The most dangerous disorder is considered in the seventh week of gestation.

A woman should seek immediate medical attention if she has symptoms of:

  • Abundant loose stools up to ten times a day.
  • Severe dizziness and weakness.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Nausea, vomiting, intestinal spasm.
  • Mucus, blood is present in the stool.
  • Signs of dehydration: dry mouth, dry lips, infrequent urination.


The position obliges a woman to be attentive to her health and personal hygiene. Wash your hands whenever possible, thoroughly rinse vegetables and fruits. Subject food to heat treatment. It is better for pregnant girls to eat freshly prepared food, focusing their diet on boiled foods and low-fat foods. It is better to eat little and often, avoiding overeating.

If the first trimester fell in the winter months, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes for pregnant women. It is better to refuse visits to restaurants and cafes.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is an unpleasant moment in the period of expectation of the baby. Diarrhea can occur at any time, but the malaise is of particular danger in the first trimester, when the fetus is forming. It is better to prevent diseases accompanied by loose stools by taking simple preventive measures. If this does happen, it is important to take action in a timely manner and first of all report the symptoms to the doctor.

Pregnant women often experience indigestion. This is fine. The fact is that the body of every expectant mother is forced to adapt to new way. Now almost all the internal organs and systems of a woman work in a completely different way. That is why loose stools during pregnancy are far from rare. Diarrhea occurs for many reasons. Diarrhea can be caused by bowel disease or some other pathology. In addition, loose stools in pregnant women are often accompanied by discomfort and severe pain, nausea, increased gas formation, temperature, and even the appearance of a special taste in the oral cavity.

Most often, diarrhea in the expectant mother appears as a result of damage to the body by some serious infection. For example, cholera, typhoid or dysentery. These diseases must be treated in the so-called hospital. However, loose stools during pregnancy are sometimes provoked by ordinary food poisoning. Its symptoms appear suddenly. It is necessary to treat food poisoning strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

If the body of a pregnant woman is not enough of some useful substances she may also have diarrhea. In such a situation, it is enough to follow a special diet, which is compiled by the attending physician based on the results of the patient's blood tests. If the fair sex follows all the recommendations of a specialist, then loose stools during pregnancy will no longer bother her.

Food allergies are also quite often accompanied by diarrhea. Add to list possible causes This process should include diseases of the pancreas and stomach, dysbacteriosis, some hormonal changes, a neurogenic reaction, and worms.

Loose stools during pregnancy is something that absolutely every mother faces during the entire period of development of the baby. The issue here is completely different. Is it worth worrying about this and urgently contacting your doctor? In this case, it all depends on the situation. For example, if diarrhea occurs after eating a food product, in addition, you do not have an increase in body temperature, vomiting, and the like, you can postpone a visit to a specialist. However, it should be noted that many infectious diseases develop in this way. This in turn often stimulates the uterus, causing a miscarriage.

If you have severe diarrhea, vomiting and pain in the intestinal area, a fever, consult a doctor immediately. So most often an acute intestinal infection develops or an exacerbation of a chronic disease occurs. This condition threatens, first of all, the child and the mother herself. Pulling in this case with the call of the doctor is pointless and very dangerous.

Diarrhea during pregnancy can have other causes. For example, every expectant mother sometimes worries a lot. Stress contributes to the weakening of the whole organism, the appearance of allergies, including diarrhea. In this case, it is enough to simply calm down, drink special infusions and teas.

Quite often there are women who do not stop loose stools throughout pregnancy. It does not have any complications similar to those described above. It is quite possible to cure such diarrhea at home. The main thing is to drink more liquids, infusions, which have a fixing effect, and so on. Fluid loss must be replenished. It is worth remembering that in such moments it is impossible to overload your stomach in any case. Eliminate fruits, milk, vegetables and meat from your diet for a while. It is best to eat low-fat cereals and dairy products. Perfectly eliminates all signs of diarrhea, a decoction of ordinary rice or porridge from this cereal. It is better not to add salt to food yet. Remember that it is impossible to treat loose stools during pregnancy with medication alone. To select the most suitable treatment for you, be sure to consult a specialist.

Loose stools during pregnancy are not uncommon, although less common than constipation, with the exception of the last weeks before childbirth.

Firstly, pregnant women are subject to the same factors for the appearance of loose stools as all other people.

Secondly, hormonal changes in the body cause disruptions. various systems during pregnancy.

Thirdly, the mechanical pressure of the fetus on the digestive organs changes the pace of their work.

The appearance of loose stools during pregnancy can be frightening like any incomprehensible symptom, but in the vast majority of cases this is not a cause for concern, but for careful monitoring of your body.

Features of loose stools during pregnancy

Diarrhea is usually understood as frequent loose stools. For the most part, this is true, but such a definition does not take into account another important characteristic of diarrhea - the excess of the daily fecal mass, which is 200 ml.

However, the appearance of loose stools in pregnant women, although not something out of the ordinary, requires attention for several reasons:

  • the choice of methods of drug treatment of diarrhea in pregnant women is limited, self-medication, which is fraught with negative consequences for any person, becomes completely unacceptable during pregnancy;
  • diarrhea is often accompanied by spasms in the intestines, which can provoke uterine tone and premature birth. If at the 31st week the fetus is already quite viable, then at an earlier date it may die.

Pregnancy does not insure against intestinal infections, so during this period it is important to be especially careful about the choice of food and drinking water.

The greens plucked from the garden should be washed thoroughly, allowing them to lie in water for some time, preferably pour boiling water over them. Water should be drunk only purified.

Having noticed loose stools, the main thing that should not be done is to panic. It is important to exclude an intestinal infection by bringing together the clinical picture of your condition.

With intestinal infections, in addition to diarrhea, vomiting is often observed, feeling unwell, body temperature may rise.

If there are no other symptoms besides loose stools, then an intestinal infection can most likely be ruled out.

A greenish liquid stool hints that diarrhea can be caused by increased bile secretion during digestion.

This is due to the action of the female hormones estrogen, the amount of which increases dramatically during pregnancy.

Perhaps diarrhea is accompanied by colicky pain in the right hypochondrium, which confirms the indicated cause of loose stools. If the condition has not improved, with diarrhea, you can try to reduce the amount of choleretic products.

In the later stages, for example, at 38 weeks of gestation, the fetus is considered fully mature and ready to be born, so loose stools are one of the typical reactions to the approach of childbirth. Together with a lowered belly, this may be a signal that it is time to get ready for the maternity ward.

Effect of diarrhea on fetal development

Competent obstetricians tirelessly repeat that pregnancy is not a disease, and one should not treat the slightest changes in well-being as symptoms.

There are 12 danger signs of complications in which you should immediately consult a doctor, but diarrhea is not included in this list.

However, it is important to understand what is happening in the body and how the state of the mother and her unborn baby are interconnected.

Diarrhea can weaken the double-loaded immune system mother, and its effect on the fetus is different depending on the month and even the week of development.

Week 15 is the period at which the tiny liver is already producing bile, and the pancreas is able to secrete insulin for energy from glucose. Mother's diarrhea at this time may affect the development of these particular organs.

Week 16 is the period at which it is important for the expectant mother to protect herself from loose stools, since the formation of the fetus and placenta is completed at this time.

Dehydration and contact with unfriendly microorganisms for the unborn child at this stage of its development is fraught with serious consequences.

Until the end of the 20th week, the baby's senses are laid, his reaction to the mother's condition becomes more active.

If at this time the mother experiences stress that causes diarrhea, this may affect the formation of the senses.

Starting at this age, dehydration of the mother's body as a result of diarrhea can reduce the amount of amniotic fluid that protects the baby from injury.

The 22nd week of pregnancy is a time of active growth of the muscles and bones of the fetus, so doctors recommend that pregnant women eat foods rich in calcium and iron, supplement the diet with special vitamins.

If these changes lead to diarrhea, then the expectant mother should consult a doctor for nutritional correction and revision of vitamin and mineral supplements.

At the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby's body already weighs more than half a kilogram, all organs and systems are fully formed in it.

Moving, the baby can cause light contractions, which are temporary. There is nothing dangerous in this - this is how the uterus prepares for childbirth.

By this time, the weight of the fetus and amniotic fluid becomes significant enough to cause diarrhea.

Diarrhea and third trimester of pregnancy

Starting from the 27th week, the child grows rapidly. Viruses and bacteria can not only cause maternal diarrhea, but also adversely affect the immune and respiratory systems of the fetus.

In the period from 28 to 31 weeks, the probability of having a viable baby as a result of preterm birth is quite high and amounts to 90%.

The formed lungs of the fetus allow doctors to prescribe more medications to their pregnant patients if necessary.

From 32 to 35 weeks, the mother's body is actively preparing for future labor, which is often accompanied by a number of symptoms, including loose stools, nausea and vomiting, decreased appetite, and false contractions.

The possible appearance of diarrhea is also facilitated by disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system of the mother due to hormonal perturbations and stress.

There is a hypothesis that diarrhea in the later stages is a special mechanism for cleansing the body of the expectant mother from toxins and pathogens.

Every week, the fetus puts more and more pressure on the cervix, which can also increase intestinal motility and thin the stool.

Special treatment is not required, but the stool can be held together with rice water, pomegranate peel, blueberry jelly and other safe but effective folk remedies.

The child is already almost fully formed, and the state of the mother is practically not capable of harming him.

At the 36th week of pregnancy, you should not be afraid of diarrhea, but it is important to stop it in order to prevent dehydration and oligohydramnios, which is fraught with starvation of the fetus.

In addition, thickening of the blood due to dehydration can lead to thrombosis, which will significantly complicate childbirth.

At week 36, as well as during the entire third trimester, good nutrition is important, in which there are many valuable macro- and microelements.

It is important to listen to the state of the body, evaluating the symptoms as a whole, and not individually.

It is not worth dramatizing, but when really alarming symptoms appear, it is important not to delay the visit to the doctor in order to respond in time to such serious complications as, for example, preeclampsia.

indigestion in recent weeks before childbirth, doctors consider it a normal physiological reaction of the body, if it is not accompanied by other symptoms.

Any drugs, including medicinal herbs, can be taken only after consultation with a specialist.

Digestive disorders during pregnancy are considered normal, since the mother's body is completely rebuilt in a new way, many internal organs begin to work differently. Diarrhea or, as it is simply called by the people, (increased bowel movements), can occur in pregnant women for a number of reasons, including both diseases of the large intestine and general pathologies. Most often, diarrhea is accompanied by pain, increased gas formation, as well as general body reactions such as weakness, nausea, fever, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

So, the main reason why diarrhea occurs is severe intestinal (dysentery, typhoid, cholera, etc.), requiring mandatory treatment in a specialized hospital. In addition, loose stools can be triggered by food poisoning that occurs suddenly, but they are also best treated under the supervision of a doctor. It can also appear with hereditary deficiency in the body of certain substances. In this case, it is necessary to develop an individual diet and stick to it constantly. Sometimes loose stools are a symptom of food, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the stomach, pancreas, expressed hormonal changes, neurogenic reactions ("bear disease"), helminthic lesions.

During pregnancy, diarrhea and constipation is something that almost every expectant mother faces. The question is when to worry and see a doctor, and when you can recover at home. If, after consuming this or that product, you experience nausea, and the stool becomes liquid, but without impurities of blood and mucus, the temperature does not rise and there is no weakness, then there is nothing to worry about. Most likely, this is a mild food poisoning, which is easy to cure at home. However, it must be remembered that even such an infection can lead to an increase.

If, during diarrhea, the temperature rises, vomiting opens, there are sharp pains in the intestines, then this may be a sign of a “big” intestinal infection or acute exacerbation of a chronic disease. In any case, such a condition is a direct threat to both the mother and the child, so you can’t delay calling a doctor. Diarrhea can also be caused by stress, then it is worth drinking soothing infusions and teas.

In principle, if the entire period of pregnancy is accompanied by loose stools without the complications listed above, then it is possible to develop a scheme for its treatment at home. First, you need to make up for the loss of fluid (unsweetened strong tea, diluted rehydron or lactosalt, herbal infusions are suitable). You need to drink a lot - at least half a glass of liquid per hour. Secondly, with diarrhea, you should not overload the stomach and intestines, you should at least a day sit on a diet that includes white bread crackers and black tea. In the next few days, fruits and vegetables, meat, butter, milk should be excluded from the diet and limited to mucous cereals, low-fat sour-milk products. Well eliminates diarrhea decoction of rice, rice porridge itself (preferably without salt) and a decoction of pomegranate seeds. Drug treatment of loose stools, especially during pregnancy, should be discussed with a doctor (taking the infant dose of the drug prescribed in the annotation is unacceptable!).

To avoid diarrhea during pregnancy, never eat foods that are out of date or that are poorly packaged and have a suspicious taste and smell. You can not try unwashed fruits or vegetables in the markets and buy perishable food from your hands. There is no such thing as too much caution.

Specially for- Sandra Berezhnaya