Derain planting and care, propagation by cuttings, pruning in the spring. Easy planting and maintenance of white turf Sod plant

Many people want to see their garden not only well-groomed, but also attractive, but sometimes there is simply not enough time for this. And the weather conditions often do not indulge. But, fortunately, nature is so diverse that you can always find suitable plants. Here, for example, white derain is an unpretentious shrub, which, moreover, does not lose its decorative effect at any time of the year. Well, why not a solution for a summer cottage?

Derain (Cornus), or svidina, is a genus of decorative deciduous shrubs of the dogwood family, it combines several dozen species (both deciduous and evergreen), most of which grow in the temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.
This genus of shrubs is distinguished by absolute undemanding conditions, excellent frost resistance. And in addition, they are very decorative, and all year round. In spring and summer, derain pleases us with its beautiful foliage (especially variegated varieties) and cute flowers. In autumn, the foliage becomes especially bright and amazing fruits of white, black, blue or reddish hues ripen. In winter, it will also not get lost in the garden, because the bark of its shoots can have rich green, yellow, red and coral colors.

Derain is a shrub with strong and hard wood, thanks to which it got its name (translated from Latin means "horn").

Several types of this plant are used in ornamental gardening.

Shrubs in landscape design given a special place - they maintain a balance between woody and herbaceous ...

Derain white

The most common in our region is white derain (Сornus alba). It is a deciduous shrub growing up to three meters. Its upright branches have a reddish color of various shades. Young shoots are often with a slight bluish bloom. Green leaves are oval, pointed upwards, slightly wrinkled. May have a whitish edge. The length of the leaf plate is about ten centimeters. It blooms twice a year: the first time in early summer, and the second - in the first half of autumn. Small white or light pink flowers are combined in a corymb inflorescence. At the end of summer, inedible, rounded drupes, blue-white or yellowish, ripen.

Derain white is represented in ornamental gardening by many varieties. Let's pay attention only to some of them.

  • Shpeta (Spaethii)- a very common look, has a golden yellow border along the edge of the sheet, combined with the same spots and stripes. Foliage turns purple in autumn. Shoots are red-brown. Doesn't bloom.

Derain white "Shpeta"

  • Aurea (Aurea), or Golden, - with yellow and yellow-green foliage and red shoots. Winter hardiness is average.
  • Elegantissima (Elegantissima)- the most frost-resistant, distinguished by a bright and wide white border, as well as red branches.

Derain white "Elegantissima"

    • Gauhaultii (Gauchaultii)- low (up to 1.5 m), has bordered leaves with pink and yellowish-white spots.
    • Siberian or Siberia (Sibirica)- the height of the bush is one and a half meters, it has a very beautiful red shade of the branches. The leaves are green, turning yellow and red in autumn.
    • Siberian Variegata (Sibirica Variegata)- variegated form (up to 2 m), foliage with a white border and specks, in autumn the green part of the leaf becomes brownish-purple. Shoots are bright red.

Derain white "Sibirika variegata"

    • Argenteo-marginata (Argenteo-marginata)- the leaves are distinguished by a grayish-white, as if silver, border, maroon shoots.

Derain white "Kesselring"

  • Kesselring (Kesselringii)- an unusually beautiful chameleon bush. The leaves are purplish-brown when they open, then turn greenish-brown, and turn bronze in autumn. fruits - white color, and the shoots are black and red.
  • Cream Cracker- this is one of the new varieties, low (about 1 m), with red shoots, the leaves have a yellowish border, which gradually becomes cream.

White turf has many more varieties, they are all distinguished by good frost resistance. Representatives of this species bloom after two years of life.

Deren red, or blood-red svidina

Another species is red derain (Cornus sanguinea). Slightly less common in gardens than white sod. Flexible green shoots turn red over time. The pointed ovate leaves are covered with villi. Dark green in summer, they glow with all shades of red in autumn. Thanks to the autumn color of the leaves, the species got its name. Blooms in the seventh year in late spring. Small white flowers are collected in inflorescences-shields. Sometimes it re-blooms. Black round inedible fruits ripen in August.

Derain red is also an unpretentious species, quite frost-resistant, but in severe winters it can freeze a little.

It has decorative forms and varieties:

  • Compress (Cornus sanguinea Compressa)- a very interesting shrub with reaped rounded leaves. Foliage is dark green in summer, turning red in autumn. The crown is dense, vertical, about 1 m high. The bark on the branches is reddish-brown. Doesn't bloom.

Derain red "Compress"

  • Winter Beauty (Cornus sanguinea Winter Beauty)- the owner of a rounded, sprawling bush shape (about 2 m). Shoots are orange-yellow. The leaves are oval, pointed upwards. Dark green in summer and red in autumn.

Derain red "Winter Beauty"

  • Midwinter Fire (Cornus sanguinea Midwinter Fire)- a spreading shrub up to one and a half meters, shoots are bright red-orange. The leaves are rich green in summer, changing color from yellow-orange to dark red by autumn.
  • Varigeata (Cornus sanguinea Variegata)- a variety with variegated leaves, they have yellow-white spots and a border on a green background, then the leaves turn red. Young shoots are green, but gradually acquire a burgundy hue.

We also note some of the decorative forms:

  • Atro-sanguinea- with rich purple branches.
  • Viridissima- Differs in bright green fruits and shoots.
  • Mietschii- young twigs and leaves of an unusual light yellow color.

The varieties of blood-red pork we have considered, like white turf, are frost-resistant.

Deren coase, or Japanese dogwood

This species, unlike such as white derain and blood red derain, is a tall flowering shrub, or even a tree, and can reach a height of 9 m. found in wild nature China and Korea).

The crown is wide-spread, old branches descend strictly horizontally and form tiers. The leaves are oval, pointed upwards. The foliage is dark green in summer (with a bluish tint below), and with the onset of autumn, their palette diverges from golden yellow to dark crimson. Flowering begins in June. The flower is a simple yellow-green head, collected from small flowers, around which there are bracts-wrapping leaves (bractei). It is bracts (up to 9 cm) that make the flowers beautiful, as they have an interesting shape and color. At the end of August, drupe fruits ripen. They have a pink color and a slightly rounded shape, similar to strawberries (about 2 cm). The fruits are edible.

Decorative varieties:

    • Satomi has bracts of pink-red color;

Deren Kouza "Satomi"

    • gold star distinguished by a yellow pattern in the middle of the sheet;

Deren Coase "Gold Star"

    • milky way has a high yield and creamy bracts;

Deren Coase "Milky Way"

  • Schmetterling profusely flowering variety with white bracts.

This species is considered "aristocratic" and the most beautiful among its fellows. But, unfortunately, less resistant to our winters.

Derain blooming

This species came to us from North America and is a deciduous tree with a spreading crown. Blooming Derain (Сornus florida) - famous for its abundant flowering, which occurs even before the leaves appear. The flowers are inconspicuous, small, collected in a small head. Their beauty lies in large bracts, bracts, which come in different shades. It is these modified leaves that turn flowers into big stars in spring and attract the eyes of others.

In summer, the leaves of this type of derain are simply green, but in autumn, like its counterparts, it does not give up its positions and paints the foliage in bright yellow, orange and red tones.

This species also has decorative varieties, which differ mainly in the color of the bracts.

    • Rubra- the most popular of them, bracts can be colored from light pink to deep red.

Derain blooming "Rubra"

    • Cherokee Princess- has snow-white bracts.
    • Cherokee Chief- enchants with dark pink bracts.

Derain blooming "Cherokee Chif"

Although this species can withstand frosts of more than 20 degrees, it is not as winter-hardy as white derain, and can freeze slightly.

Deren male, or common dogwood

Derain male (Сornus mas) is well known to all of us under the name "dogwood". It is widely distributed in Russia (European part), Ukraine, Moldova, Caucasus, Western Europe and even in the Middle East. Under natural conditions, it can grow up to 9 meters and live up to 250 years.

Deren male, or common dogwood

For most of us, this shrub is associated with red, sour-sweet, slightly pear-shaped drupes. And with the most delicious jam of them. However, dogwood is also used as an ornamental plant.

Its shoots are ribbed grayish-brown (young ones are yellow-green). The leaves are oval, pointed upwards, covered with small hairs, rich green in color. It blooms in spring, even before the leaves appear, collected in numerous inflorescences-umbrellas with yellow flowers. The fruits ripen by the end of August. They are not only tasty, but also have medicinal properties.

Male deren, or dogwood (fruits)

Quite winter-hardy, and with partial freezing it grows quickly.

There are many dogwood varieties that are focused on increasing yield and fruit quality. However, there are also decorative varieties. For example, Aurea distinguished by yellow leaves, Elegantissima is a variegated variety with a wide yellow border, and Variegata- with white.

In addition to the above species, you can also name the dwarf creeping Canadian turf (Cornus canadensis), but it is not frost-resistant, as well as offspring or silky turf (Сornus stolonifera), which is very similar to white turf, only gives abundant shoots.

Barberry is a fairly common shrub. Its widespread use in landscape design is due to the presence of…

Derain planting

So, you have decided to plant sods in your area. It is best to do this in early spring. Although the species we have considered are very unpretentious, you should pay attention to some features.

Let's choose a place. Do not forget that these are fairly tall shrubs, so consider the distance between the plants themselves, as well as to the walls of buildings and other garden objects. They are not particularly demanding on illumination, but under direct sunlight in the hot summer period they can get burned. That's why perfect place there will be partial shade for them. Sunny places are suitable for variegated varieties.

The soil is preferably neutral, or slightly acidic, and necessarily loose. Sand should be added to heavy clay soil.

We prepare a small pit (30-50 cm), since the roots of the derens are superficial. Set up drainage. These plants like slightly moist soil and can tolerate some drought, but stagnant water is bad for them. Fertilizer can not be applied, it is enough to prepare a nutrient soil mixture by adding humus and compost to it. After planting, water thoroughly and be sure to mulch the root circle.

Derain propagation

As a shrub, deren can be propagated by cuttings and layering, as well as seeds. However, note that some ornamental varieties do not bear fruit, which precludes seed propagation. And dogwood cuttings take root poorly.

When the shrub begins to fully bear fruit, then having collected berries in the fall, they can be immediately planted shallow in the ground, choosing a well-lit area. Pour a thin layer of sand on top and cover with fallen leaves. In the spring, when the seeds germinate, we select the strongest specimens and leave to grow for another 2 years. And only then they should be transplanted to the place of your choice.

You can spend and land them in the spring. But it should be noted that propagation by seeds is a very long process.

When the young shoots are already a little lignified and become flexible, cuttings up to 10 cm long are cut from them, dropped into moist soil to a depth of about 3 cm and covered (5-liter PET bottles can be used). It is important to constantly monitor the soil moisture, it should not dry out. It is better to plant cuttings in partial shade. In two months they will take root. For the winter, they should be covered, and with the onset of spring, it will be possible to transplant them to the chosen place.

The simplest propagation of deren is done by layering and offspring. To make layering, you should bend the lower branch to the ground and dig in (slightly injuring the bark at the place of digging). It is desirable to fix the layers in the ground with something. You can use a wire staple or just a not very heavy stone. And if your derain variety gives offspring, then they just need to be carefully separated and transplanted into a young plant.

Features of care

As has been noted more than once, deren is a very undemanding plant. But he also needs minimal care.


Given the superficial location of the root system, the soil under the bush should be constantly wet, but it is not recommended to heavily flood the turf. Permanent mulching is desirable. In tree-like forms, ground cover perennials can be planted around the trunk, they will help retain moisture.


Aeration is important for this plant, so regular loosening is recommended. It is important to loosen the soil shallowly so as not to damage the surface roots of the shrub.

top dressing

Deren feels fine even without fertilizers, but spring complex feeding of an adult plant will not be superfluous. It is important not to alkalize the soil.


The types of derain considered by us are relatively winter-hardy. The question of shelter for the winter should be considered in relation to your particular climatic conditions. First-year seedlings need mandatory shelter. The most winter-hardy species is white derain.


Derain tolerates pruning well, it should be done depending on the type of use of the plant.
In older branches, the bright color disappears over time. If you want to see your bush beautiful in winter, then in early spring (before the leaves appear), the shrub is cut radically, leaving only 20 cm in height. This will renew the bush and give rise to many young bright shoots. This pruning is done every few years. Or you can just cut old branches in the spring, leaving a young growth.

To maintain beautiful foliage, sanitary and shaping pruning is necessary, since without this the lower branches of the bush will become bare over time.

A hedge should be trimmed after the young shoots slow down active growth (in the second half of summer).

They begin to trim the deren in the fourth year of life.

Diseases and pests

Diseases most often affect deren with care errors, for example, severe waterlogging leads to root rot, as well as the development of fungal diseases. Here you can recommend to reduce watering and use colloidal sulfur or Bordeaux mixture. growing in good conditions sod is rarely attacked by pests. Most often they move from neighboring affected plants. Here it is necessary to use insecticides.

Deren in landscape design

A classic use of derain bushes is as hedges. In this role, he is ideal: frost-resistant, unpretentious and loyal to pruning. Especially white sod.

The undemanding nature of derain to lighting makes it great solution for shady areas of the garden.

Derain is plastic and cuts well, so it can be easily given suitable shape, this is an indispensable quality when creating topiaries. Also molded bushes are excellent tapeworms. They are very original in the form of balls, hemispheres, pyramids, arches, and also as standard forms.

They go well with other plants: conifers and perennials. Can be used as a background for summer flowering plants. A variegated derain will perfectly decorate monochrome compositions.

Derain coase and blooming are especially beautiful among coniferous plants. Ground cover perennials will look original around their trunk.

And the most unpretentious white sod with its superficial and highly branched roots will perfectly fix the slopes.

Deren can safely be called the king of landscapes. It is beautiful in spring with its flowers, decorative in summer with its foliage, in autumn it is admired by the bright colors of the leaves and interspersed with contrasting fruits, and in winter we are fascinated by red and yellow vines on dazzling white snow.

Derain is from the dogwood family and has more than twenty species. Prefers in nature temperate climate. Derain shrubs are decorative and therefore they are planted on their plots as a design and decoration.

In care, he is unpretentious, always pleases with dense inflorescences and easily reproduces. There are many varieties and varieties of derain, but not all of them get along in our territories. But white turf is most common in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Varieties and types of turf

It is a shrub whose fruits can be eaten. It reaches a height of up to 8 meters. The leaves are green with a yellowish tint, turning brown in autumn. The inflorescences are yellow, blooms in June, the fruits ripen in late August.

The most popular and widespread. In height, the bush can reach up to 2.5 meters. The bush is decomposed, the shoots are rich red. The leaves are olive in color, and the leaf edging is white, on some leaves the core is white.

This species tolerates cold winters quite well and is resistant to weather changes. Flowering at the derain begins after planting in about the third year and falls in mid-May and early June.

In nature, it lives in the Carpathians, Russia, and the Caucasus. Habitats on the banks of rivers and forest edges. In comfortable conditions for him, he can reach up to 4 meters in height.

The leaves of a reddish hue become more distinct with the age of the tree, and on young shrubs they are juicy green. Leaves are oval. Blooms in May and a second time in August. The fruits ripen by autumn, and at this time the leaves reach a real bloody shade.

The shrub is resistant to external conditions, winter-hardy, tolerates dry times well, but prefers moist soil. The shoots of this shrub are used for weaving baskets, hoops, and carpentry items are made from wood. Even the oil from its seeds has been used for technical purposes.

The bush is a good strong base in the soil, due to the large number of additional root shoots. Therefore, it is planted as a hedge or on the slopes.

This species reaches a height of up to two meters. The leaves are broad in shape with white edging along the edges and specks and stripes in the middle. In the second half of August, the leaves change color to brown. The bark on this shrub is bright red. Flowering falls in June, blooms sparsely. Resistant sod to frost and drought.

His homeland is Great Britain, northern Russia, Japan. It is a semi-shrub with a horizontally weaving root system. It reaches a height of 6 to 25 cm. The leaves are green, oval or ellipse. Blooms at the end of May beginning of June. The fruits ripen in August, have a red tint, tasteless, but not poisonous.

His homeland is the Far East. At home, it prefers coniferous forests with damp soil. It also has a horizontal weaving root system. Its stem in winter completely dies off to the very base.

The leaves are oval or elliptical, yellow-green in color. Flowering occurs in late June early July, the fruits are rich red, ripen by early September.

(Kesselringii), shrub with brownish red branches. The leaves are rich red, the fruits are white. Pretty cold hardy variety.

(Svidina), shrub up to 2.5 meters high. The leaves are green with a white border. Blooms twice in June and August. Inflorescences are white or cream.

Derain planting and care in the open field

Planting is best done in the middle of spring, so that before the onset of cold weather, the shrub is well rooted and can survive the winter well. Deren shrub can be propagated using seeds. Before sowing, the seeds are rearranged in layers with sawdust, peat or sand with a temperature of 0 to + 4 degrees and left for 3-4 months.

In variegated derain, planting and care are unpretentious, landing sites can be both sunny and shady. But you should avoid the neighborhood of coniferous trees planted too close and high. The shrub loves soil fertilized with humus, moistened. In the spring, it must be fertilized with an all-purpose fertilizer.

Propagation of deren by cuttings

In derain, reproduction occurs by cuttings in the spring. They are planted in early June in a cool place or greenhouse. In September, there will already be a strong root system. In winter, it is worth warming with foliage or transplanting into a container and lowering it into the basement, and planting it in the right place in the spring.

Deren can also be propagated by cuttings in water. To do this, cut the stalk from a well-grown bush and put it in water, after a certain period of time it sprouts roots, then it should be transplanted into the ground so that the plant gets stronger and rooted, and cover it with spruce branches in winter in order to safely survive frosts.

Deren pruning

An important aspect of care is pruning the turf in the spring to give the plant a decent look. Trim white sod in early spring and as low as possible, as it grows too quickly.

Also, it is worth considering that the plant belongs to Chimeras - plants with tissues of various genotypes. And therefore, having noticed monophonic leaves, pruning should be done so that the shrub does not completely become green.

Derain in landscape design goes well with other plantings. Derain is white in landscape design, often planted in green spaces in order to add light and personality. Also, bushes are planted in front of trees to create composition and additional volume.

Derain variegated will decorate any garden, its bright, bordered leaves, combined with the unusual color of the bark, make the plant unusually decorative. Planting a shrub should be provided for in a free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden - the turf grows very quickly, the free space around the bush makes it easier to carry out periodic inspection of plants and care.

Variegated derain: varieties and varieties for planting in the garden

The name of the plant is translated as "horn", which is associated with a very heavy and durable wood of the plant. In culture, deren grows in the northern regions of our planet, but is found wild in the center of the African continent. In total, about 50 species are known, which include deciduous and evergreen varieties, you can see in the photo different types plants.

Even the leaves of the derain beautifully decorate the garden.

Variegated derain usually grows no higher than 3 meters, has the shape of a sprawling shrub, but can grow to the size of a low tree. The plant looks very decorative - the bark is painted in bright brown-red tones, has a shiny surface. The leaves of the plant are green, or bordered with a yellow or white border, which, in combination with unusual branches, looks very decorative.

The variegated derain blooms from May to June with white flowers that reach almost 5 cm in diameter; in autumn, white-bluish berries are formed. Berries should not be eaten, they are inedible.

The culture is quite unpretentious, turf perfectly tolerates forming pruning, which makes it very popular for decorating parks and squares and is often used in landscape design to create colorful compositions. Excellent resistance to freezing allows the use of variegated sod in landscaping the northern regions.

In botany, the following popular species are distinguished from the genus derains:

A photo various kinds plants convey the inexpressible charm and originality of the color of the leaves.

Planting a plant in compliance with agrotechnical requirements

Planting a plant should be timed to coincide with the warm season, it is best to carry out planting work in the spring. This allows the plant to get stronger and grow over the summer and prepared to leave for the winter.

young plant

To stimulate growth in the first year of cultivation, the plant is fed with complex fertilizers, alternate root and foliar top dressing. The first wintering of a young plant should be soft, for this it is useful to cover the bush from frost. Shelter should not be excessive, otherwise, during thaws, the plant may rot.

Advice. The place for planting derain can be shady or sunny, it is only important not to bring the planting closer to tall trees. The planted bush should have enough free space for the development of branches.

Shrub care and propagation

Shrub care does not contain special recommendations. Watering the culture needs uniform without overflow. If necessary, the bushes should be treated for pests, if any are found. Hedge from derain requires periodic shearing, sometimes this must be repeated several times per season.

It is very easy to propagate variegated deren, one has only to cut cuttings from an adult plant, which quickly take root in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Plants obtained from cuttings completely retain maternal characteristics: leaf color, shape and height of the bush, flowering time. After three years of cultivation, the turf forms berries that contain seeds.

Deren requires minimal care

Propagation of the crop by seeds is also possible; for this, seeds should be sown in loose soil and grown in a greenhouse for about a year. Planting on a permanent place of young seedlings is carried out in the spring. Considerable distances are left between plants, since the derain is characterized by violent growth.

In the first year of life, sods are fed frequently, using complex fertilizers. In the following years of life, the plant is fertilized several times per season, while fertilizer is applied under each bush. The last feeding of the shrub is carried out in the first decade of September.

Inspect the plant regularly and remove pests as soon as they appear

Deren: diseases and pests

Deren is a fairly disease-resistant crop, but aphids and fungal diseases can cause severe damage to the plant. The fight against aphids comes down to the destruction of the pest mechanically - it is washed off the branches with a stream of water from a hose.

Attention. With a large infestation of aphids, shrubs should be treated with special aphids.

Fungal diseases develop on the plant when improper care, especially when there are overflows. You can prevent the development of fungal infections by observing the irrigation regime. With extensive lesions by fungal infections, diseased bushes are treated with foundationazole, topaz or other drugs against fungal infections.

Derain types: photo

Derain white is an incredibly beautiful shrub that will serve as a hedge in the garden. The culture is not very whimsical in care and is not demanding on the soil. In the article we will tell you how the planting and care of Derain white takes place, we will consider how to grow it in your garden.

Description bush Derain white and popular varieties

The second name of white turf is white dogwood. This is a shrub 1.5-3 m high, depending on the variety. Gardeners fell in love with the plant for its decorative effect and the possibility of using it in landscape design. The plant blooms in early summer with white flowers, and by autumn, white-blue fruits are formed, which are loved by birds.

The bush changes depending on the season. In summer, the leaves are dark green, up to 10 cm long. In autumn they turn red-purple. When growing derain on the site, it is taken into account that it grows slowly. In a year, the growth is 20 cm. Some varieties give up to 50-60 cm of growth per year, but this is rare. The bush is resistant to frost, drought, diseases and pests.

There are more than 20 types of white derain. Consider the popular ones:

  1. Elegantissima. The bush is frost-resistant. The leaves are dark green with white edges. Grows up to 3 m in height.
  2. Siberia. The variety looks spectacular due to the red bark in winter. Grows up to 1.5 m.
  3. Siberian Variegata. Has spotted leaves. Grows up to 2 m in height, suitable variety for small areas.
  4. Aurea. This variety has the largest leaves of a burgundy hue with a transition to yellow.
  5. Shpet. The bush grows up to 2.5 m in height, has a spreading crown. The leaves are green with golden stripes and do not change color throughout the year.
  6. Kesselrings. The most cold hardy variety. The leaves, like the branches, are reddish.
  7. The most widespread variety for the Moscow region and the middle strip of Shpet and Elegantissima.

How to propagate a bush in a garden plot

There are three ways to propagate turf:

  1. Cuttings. Cuttings are harvested in the spring during pruning. The top of the shoot is cleaned and planted vertically in the ground. With regular watering, the branch takes root in two weeks.
  2. Reproduction by seeds. Sod seeds remain viable for up to three years. After collection, they are stored in a cool place. It is not necessary to collect seeds, sod shoots can be found throughout the site, because the seeds are carried by birds.
  3. layering. The crown of the derain is spreading and the branches bend low to the ground. If you sprinkle them with earth in the spring, then a new bush will grow next year.
  4. The division of the bush. This method is suitable for spring and autumn planting. The shoots are immediately planted in a new place.

A feature of White Derain is that it takes root quickly under favorable conditions.

If sod seedlings are planted for the winter, then frost-resistant varieties are chosen. Heat-loving plants will die. Be sure to cover the seedling with agrofiber or straw for the winter. Cuttings are the fastest and most popular method of propagation.

How to choose a place to land

Sod white is not whimsical to the soil. It grows equally well in loamy, sandy and clayey heavy soils. The difference in cultivation is only in the care and degree of watering. When growing, the following nuances are taken into account:

  1. Shrubs grown in the sun have a brighter color and grow faster. In the shade, the turf slows down its growth.
  2. When growing in marshy areas, the soil must be drained, otherwise the roots will fester.

For active growth create the most comfortable conditions. Consider the main factors of growing a bush.

Care Options Peculiarities
Light This factor is not the main one for turf. The bush grows in shade and partial shade, so it is often planted near a fence or building.
Temperature regime It tolerates heat and frost very well. The bush is suitable for growing in Siberia, the Moscow region and the South.
The soil Grows well in any soil. Prefers soil with a normal level of acidity and lime content.
Humidity Likes moderately to abundantly moist soils. Grows well near water bodies.

Tip #2 It is necessary to grow turf for decorative purposes only in a sunny area. The bush grows faster and has rich shades of leaves and shoots.

Growing from seeds and cuttings

Cuttings are the most popular way to propagate a bush. Sod grows in two years. Choose a strong varietal bush and cut the cuttings. This procedure is best done at the beginning of the summer, it is not necessary to cut off the green shoots. Brown branches take root well. The cuttings root well in open field or greenhouse. The latter method is used when growing in the fall.

But cuttings in greenhouse conditions do not hold for a long time. After rooting, it is desirable to plant them in open ground. Before planting, the seeds are stratified. They are mixed with the substrate in a ratio of 1:4 and put in the refrigerator for two months. Consider the features of growing by cuttings and sowing seeds in the table.

Characteristic cuttings Reproduction by seeds
Planting period June, immediately after pruning cuttings autumn or early spring
Landing site preparation dig holes 20 cm deep planted in holes to a depth of 5-6 cm
Fertilizers at planting compost, a mixture of sand and peat in equal quantities peat, sand and sawdust in equal quantities
Distance between seedlings 10-15 cm 5-15 g per 1 sq. m., then thin out
Transfer to a permanent place after 1-1.5 years after 4-5 years, when the bush reaches 70-80 cm in height
Advantages fast and effective method cultivation cheaper way to grow
Flaws there is a chance that the stalk will not take root seedlings appear after 2-3 years, and the bush is formed after 5-8 years

Derens are rarely grown from seeds, because the bush is formed no earlier than five years later.

How to care for a derain bush

In early spring, the bush is fed. Humus is used (up to 5 kg per 1 sq. M.), As well as complex mineral fertilizers. ". These funds contain all the necessary nutrients to restore the bush after winter and the development of foliage. In the middle of summer, after flowering, the sods are fed with peat or compost. On average, up to 150 g of organic fertilizers are applied under a bush.

From fertilizers, deren prefers wood ash. Among store fertilizers, the following are distinguished:

  1. Lime or dolomite flour. Fertilizers are used when growing a bush on soddy-podzolic soil.
  2. "Diamophos". This is a mineral nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer, which increases the resistance of the bush to diseases and cold.
  3. Complex fertilizer "Master" for decorative and deciduous plants. Suitable for root and foliar nutrition of culture.
  4. Ecoplant. This is a potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. Apply in spring or late autumn at 20 g/m. sq.
  5. Mineral fertilizer for the landscape "Rosla". Increases resistance to cold and promotes bush growth. Norm - 60 g / m. sq.

All fertilizers are used either earlier in the spring under the root, or in the fall when loosening and mulching the soil. To preserve moisture in summer, the soil is mulched with sawdust, peat or humus. Adult bushes do not need watering, unless the summer turned out to be hot. Young plants are watered twice a month. Pour up to 20 liters of water under the bush.

Formation and pruning of the bush

The formation of a bush is necessary for white turf, because the branches are sprawling and grow randomly without pruning. With a large annual increase, the bush is cut up to three times per season. The last time pruned in early August. Pruning shoots stimulates the growth of new branches. After the procedure, shoots up to 20 cm from the soil level are left. It is desirable to form a bush in the spring.

Autumn pruning can adversely affect the development of the plant and reduce its frost resistance. How to cut, and what kind to give the bush depends on the preferences of the gardener. For the procedure, sharp garden shears are purchased.

Pruning features:

  1. In order for the bush to please with red shoots in the fall, branches are cut in early spring or at the end of winter (for the southern regions).
  2. The shoots are pruned before the first leaves appear, so that by the end of summer the bush will please with abundant foliage.
  3. In autumn, the sod is cut so that it pleases with lush foliage and flowering in summer. In the spring, you can slightly adjust the shape. ".

With strong pruning, the bush blooms little and bears fruit. If you grow deren because of flowers and fruits, then cut the branches by a quarter. To update the old bush, the shoots are cut at the root. Do this every three years after ten years of plant life.

Diseases and pests of white turf

Mature plants rarely get sick, but young seedlings are often affected by powdery mildew. Fungal disease develops in early spring and spoils the appearance of the bush. The disease can be recognized by the following signs:

  • white bloom on the leaves;
  • brown balls on branches and stem;
  • flowering stops;
  • leaves wither and fall off.

Except powdery mildew sods can be attacked by pests. Consider the measures to combat them in the table.

Disease Cause How to fight
powdery mildew fungal disease Fungicides are used to fight, for example, Fundazol, Skor or Vitaros. Do up to 4 sprays with an interval of 7 days. To prevent the disease, water the bush under the root and remove the fallen leaves from the flower bed.
comma-shaped scab An insect 0.5 to 1.5 mm in size that eats leaves To fight, insecticides are used, for example, Decis, Karbofos or Kinmiks
Aphid Insects up to 2 mm in size, multiply rapidly and eat the bush For processing, use a solution of onion, tobacco, laundry soap or garlic. With extensive spread of aphids, insecticides are used, for example, Akarin, Aktaru or Bankol

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question number 1. When does the bush start to bloom?

The bush blooms in the third or fourth year after planting.

Question number 2. How is a bush used in landscape design?

Derain white is suitable as a green decoration for a garden plot. They form hedges, with the help of garden scissors they make columns, balls, arcs, trees or balls on legs from a bush. It all depends on the gardener's imagination. ". For standard forms, the Ivory Halo variety is suitable. It is desirable to tie the stem to the support.

Question number 3. Do I need to cover the bush for the winter?

Deren is resistant to frost and strong temperature changes, so even when grown in Siberia, it is not necessary to cover it. It is enough to compact the snow tightly around the stem.

Question number 4. What regions are suitable for white turf?

For derain, the region of the Moscow region is suitable, middle lane and Siberia. The bush is frost-resistant and loves precipitation. When growing in the southern regions, special attention should be paid to watering.

Question number 5. What types of turf are suitable for hedges?

Suitable varieties for hedges are Atrosangvineya, Winter Flame, Elegantissima, Shpeta, Aurea Elegantissima and Sibirika Variegata

Mistakes gardeners grow white deren

We offer common mistakes in growing deren:

  1. For cuttings, do not choose green cuttings. They often freeze in winter. Preference is given to brown four-year-old shoots.
  2. On poor soils, there is a risk that the cuttings will not take root. Be sure to apply fertilizer. Sand, sawdust, humus or compost are added to clay soils. On sandy - peat and humus.
  3. When growing several turf bushes in one flower bed, they are planted no closer than 3-4 m from each other. A ten-year-old plant grows up to 4 m wide.
  4. The bush is transplanted in the spring along with a clod of earth into a prepared and fertilized hole. If the root system is damaged, the development of the plant will slow down.

Garden plots have long ceased to be utilitarian in nature. Their owners try to decorate every corner.

Hedges and solitary plantings of variegated shrubs are in fashion. One of the favorites among summer residents is derain.

The low shrub is distinguished by bright foliage and white flowers. It grows quickly and is cold hardy.

In the wild, the culture grows in the temperate climate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Most species are deciduous shrubs, but there are also evergreen representatives.

Canadian Derain, native to North America and Japan, naturally prefers mossy cedar forests.

It is not surprising that creeping shrubs grow very slowly in the garden. He is valued for his effective appearance and edible berries.

Svidina blood-red is a deciduous shrub that grows on the banks of rivers in the European part of the country. In autumn, the leaves of this type of derain turn red.

Another popular species is coase deren. Its homeland is Japan and China. Bush reaching a height of 9 m, during flowering is covered with white inflorescences.

Edible berries taste like strawberries. The most popular type is white derain. It will be discussed in the article.

White sod is found in undergrowth, floodplains, and wetland forests. In summer, the shrub is covered with green leaves and small white flowers.

A feature of the species is a whitish bloom on the underside of the leaf. With the onset of autumn, the crown acquires red and purple hues.

In winter, against the background of snow, the red bark of the plant looks spectacular. Shrubs do not need shelter, they grow well in the southern regions, the Moscow region, Siberia and Far East.

The first varietal shrubs appeared about a hundred years ago, but selection continues to this day.

Ornamental culture can be conditionally divided into white-colored and golden-colored varieties. The most popular are:

Popular varieties of deren

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Doren white sibirica variegata. The compact bush reaches 2 m. The foliage is bordered by a white stripe, with the onset of cold weather the middle becomes purple. In summer, the plant is covered with white flowers, ripened blue fruits are inedible. The variety is resistant to pests.

Döhren white elegantissima. Spreading shrub reaches three meters in height. The bark is red, green leaves have a cream-colored border. In autumn, they turn yellow, red and purple. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

Siberian doren. A two-meter bush is covered with green leaves of an oval shape. In autumn they turn dark purple. Bushes grow rapidly. Frost hardy variety.

Döhren white Kesselrings. The plant is distinguished by dark brown leaves that turn coral and purple in late summer. White berries turn bluish in autumn. The variety is fast growing

Dören white gouchalti. Compact bush does not exceed two meters. Light green foliage edged with pink stripes. Shoots dark red. Light blue fruits have decorative value.

Doren white cream cracker. The height of the bush is 1.5 m. The adult foliage has a cream border. White flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases.

Doren white aurea. The two-meter shrub is covered with foliage of a yellow shade. By autumn, it turns slightly red. Shoots have a burgundy hue. It tolerates heat and drought well.

Derain white spat. The height of an adult plant is 3 m. The foliage has a golden border, in autumn the bush is painted in purple. Coral-colored bark gives decorative effect in winter.

white soren begins to bloom and bear fruit from the second year of life.

Landing features

The shrub is moisture-loving and prefers high-lying areas. ground water.

He feels good near water bodies, on loose soils.

The culture is shade-tolerant, but some varieties need a lot of light to make the foliage variegated.

Planting and caring for turf in the open field differs little from caring for other ornamental shrubs.

planting material

Seedlings that are 4 years old are considered ideal material for work.

They quickly take root and give healthy shoots after the first pruning.

On healthy seedlings there are skeletal shoots, a lot of healthy roots; there are no lesions on the bark.

Before planting, the seedlings are immersed in water so that the root system is saturated with moisture and easier to endure the adaptation period.

Planting material with a closed root system does not need this procedure.

Landing dates

It is preferable to plant the plant in late autumn, during the period of leaf fall.

If the seedling is healthy, then in the spring it will immediately begin to grow. In the spring, the plant must be planted before the start of sap flow.

Landing site selection and preparation

Although the culture is unpretentious, it acquires the greatest decorative effect in sunny areas with sandy loamy soil.

The plant is undemanding to the acidity of the soil. The diameter of the planting hole for a young plant is 50 cm.

Step by step procedure for planting seedlings

If the area is swampy, the landing pit is pre-drained. Compost, peat, sand must be added to it.

If the soil is poor, add 100 g of superphosphate, dolomite flour and wood ash. The bush is planted with a deepening of the root neck by 3 cm.

For a hedge, they dig a trench 70 cm deep and 50 cm wide. You can outline the line of the future green fence with a stretched twine.

After planting, the earth is tightly tamped, and the bush itself is watered abundantly. Then the turf is mulched with straw.

Reproduction methods

The shrub is easily propagated by all available means. Almost always, juveniles retain the characteristics of the mother plant.

Ease of reproduction is one of the main reasons for the popularity of the species.


The method is ideal for gardeners who want to get a hedge.

During the flowering period, it is necessary to cut off the lignified shoots of the previous year, on which there are two internodes.

The lower foliage is removed, the upper one is cut in half.

The cuttings are immersed in water so that the lower buds are completely in the water. Thin roots form within a week.

When their length reaches a centimeter, the seedlings are ready for transplanting into a cold greenhouse. Plants are sent to a permanent place next spring.


In spring, young and flexible shoots are bent to the ground with metal studs.

From above they are sprinkled with soil so that only the top of the shoot remains.

The daughter plant will need watering, organic and mineral feeding during the summer.

The next year, in spring or autumn, it can be taken away from the mother plant.


Such a laborious method attracts gardeners with almost one hundred percent germination.

Seeds propagate off-grade white turf.

You can sow freshly harvested seeds in the fall, then they will sprout at the beginning of next summer.

Before spring sowing, the material will be needed.

Seeds are placed in a damp cloth and placed in a bag with sphagnum moss.

The bag is kept for 2–3 months at 3°C.

In spring, the seeds are sown in the same way as the seed of annual crops.

In the first year, deren seedlings are grown in room conditions.

Sod care

Shrubs are not among the capricious plants that need to be given a lot of time.

The average life expectancy of one bush is 50 years.

Loosening and watering

Young plants need regular watering. In a dry summer, 10 liters of water are added under each bush every three weeks.

The soil is loosened the next day after watering. Adult bushes need only weeding.

top dressing

White sod is not one of those plants that require constant fertilization.

In order for the foliage to have a rich shade, two dressings per season are enough.

Mineral fertilizers are applied in spring, and organic fertilizers are applied at the height of summer.


Variegated turf in landscape design cannot do without formative pruning.

Plastic shrubs are given the shape of a column, arch, ball, cube, hemisphere. To maintain a given shape, pruning is carried out all year round.

In hedges, the height is periodically adjusted, the line is corrected, diseased and dried branches are removed.

Sanitary pruning of variegated turf is carried out in spring or autumn. Damaged, diseased and shoots growing inside the crown are removed from the bush.

Preparation of young seedlings of white deren for winter

With the onset of frost, tree trunks are sprinkled with compost or sawdust.

This layer will prevent the shrub from freezing.

To protect the shoots, they must be covered with spunbond with a density of 60 g / m².

Spruce branches are placed on top, which will protect from the winds.

Potential Growing Problems

The culture is resistant to most diseases. The most common problem is root rot.

Affected roots indicate poor drainage. The plant is also resistant to pests.

Aphids can move from other bushes to sod.

At the first signs of damage, the plantings are sprayed with insecticides "Stop aphids", "Aktara" or "Tanrek".