Comma: You can't not bet. The poem "just in case" Mezhirov Alexander Petrovich Rather goes just in case

"As if" and his friend "as if" are among the first contenders for commas. Remember: these words are never introductory, being either particles (“It’s like you really don’t hear”) or unions (“She smiled at him, as if nothing had happened”).

2. Ultimately

Most likely, difficulties arise because the adverbial expressions “eventually” and “eventually” are often confused with the similar in meaning “in the end”, which can be introductory and requires commas. The same expressions are not isolated: “In the end, Ivan decided this” and “In the end, colleagues found a common language.”

3. Anyway

And again we have an adverbial expression (as well as “in extreme cases”, “in our case” and the like), which does not require commas. It is correct to write like this: “In our case, we did not risk anything” and “He can go to graduate school anyway”).

4. Just in case

Another common with the word "case", which often raises questions. The adverbial combination “just in case” is semantically and syntactically related to other words of the sentence, therefore it is not introductory. It is correct to write like this: “Just in case, the seller offered to try on this thing in a different color.”

5. However

An adverbial expression can be at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence, but in none of the cases does it act as an introductory one. “At the same time, they loved each other deeply” and “The strength of this cocktail, however, is low - the girls will like it too” - this will be true.

6. By decision

Like the synonymous combination "by decree", it is not introductory. Therefore, punctuation marks are not required: “By decision of the court, the offender was brought to administrative responsibility.”

7. Allegedly

This word can be both a particle and a union, but not introductory. When “allegedly” plays the role of a union, we separate it from one part of the sentence with a comma (if this word is not followed by a separate turnover): “Grisha, he allegedly ran across a sunlit meadow.” In the case of the particle, signs are not required: "At this time he was allegedly at home."

8. Maybe

Despite its colloquial origin, the particle requires increased attention to itself and often successfully achieves commas. So, in Ozhegov's dictionary, the word is indeed classified as introductory, but practicing linguists, relying on modern language norms, unanimously say that it is not necessary to single out “maybe” with commas. The following spelling would be preferable: “Maybe everything will work out!”.

9. The so-called

The combination "so-called" is often equated with the introductory phrase "so to speak", which is always separated by commas. Hence the extra signs. It is correct to write like this: "She received the so-called ticket to life." And here's another thing: the word or phrase that follows "so-called" does not need to be enclosed in quotation marks - this is considered a mistake.

10. At least

“At a minimum” and “as a maximum” are adverbs with the meanings of “the least” and “the most”, respectively. Both adverbs play the role of a circumstance in a sentence and are not introductory. The only exception is the author's punctuation, in which phrases can still stand apart. But for everyday speech, this is irrelevant.

11. Still

A phrase can be both a conjunction and an intensifying particle. In the first case, "nevertheless" may be preceded by a comma if it is needed to separate one part of a complex sentence from another. For example: "Lesha appreciates friendship with Yegor, however, sometimes he cannot find a common language with him." In the case of the particle, commas are not needed at all: "Nevertheless, he came home on time."

12. Once

This word is sometimes distinguished by commas even by those who can be called literate people. To avoid mistakes, ask the question: “When? One day". If you can ask a question to a word in a sentence, it means that it carries a certain semantic load and is not introductory. Therefore, it will be true: "One day he will regret what he said."

13. Meanwhile

Many confuse the phrase with the consonant "by the way", which is introductory. However, the adverb “in the meantime” plays the role of an adverb of time and not in the sentence and requires isolation: “Meanwhile, after the meeting, nothing has changed in the work of managers.”

"Meanwhile" can also be a conjunction. In this case, a comma is placed before it, but it is still not necessary to highlight the union with commas on both sides. It is correct to write like this: “It was sad in my soul, meanwhile I had to pretend to be a joyful person.”

What other words do commas ask you for? Share in the comments.

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forty-fifth year
Through the middle
and all summer
Over the Big Kaluga downpour poured,
There was a loud rumbling somewhere.

Fears far-fetched entirely
Don't torture yourself in vain.
What, soldier, woke up? Do you live?
How are you?
Yes so. Just in case.

And just in case came
To the house on Kaluga.
— Hello, Shura!
There fell on the drawing table
Blue shadow from the lampshade.

Tracing paper is tightly rolled into a roll.
That's all.
Diploma completed.
Shura leaned over the table,
Slightly slanted and slightly cheekbones.

Shura, Shura!
How good you are!
How languishing unfinished life
Young soul,
As the forty-fifth shower comes.

Oh, until the rain stops
Dig a deadly ditch between us,
embodying female ideal,
Achieve, vey, improvise.

The downpour is pouring.
We went out to the balcony.
Wet to the skin and fell asleep.
Young. Good in ignorance.
In forty-five... Lord... In July.

And this dream lasts all summer
This dream, unburdened by dreams.
Thunder Sky
Above us.

Lightning like spokes in a wheel
Steam curls up the outer walls.
Black Kaluga Highway
It spun with a belt whistle.

Even just because you were sleeping
On the balcony in this summer heat,
Our lives are justified
And earthly existence.

It rained all summer long.
Above me
The ashes of a flying thunderstorm moved.
And the war ended in the spring, -
I stayed alive just in case.

More poems:

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  7. The order is short, but the path is not easy. We pull the connection along the beams and hillocks, And time does not allow us to rest, Get out the pouch and smoke shag. In the evening, along a barely noticeable path...
  8. Once upon a time there was a Telephone Telefonovich. Chernomaz whole, like midnight. Telephone wires from him, always crowded with voices. Either beeps, then words in a narrow wire, like my head - then words, then ...
  9. That evening fog rose over the Neva!.. And the city of Peter Wrapped his head in a white cloak of silver... And immediately, for a start, With a languid cry, in the distance, Slipped and fell...

When using combinations of words that are perceived as a turnover that is integral in meaning, questions arise related to the placement of punctuation marks. For example, when using the phrase “just in case” in writing, is a comma needed? Having determined which group of words - introductory or adverbial expressions - the turnover belongs to, you can find out whether “just in case” is highlighted with commas or not and where to put a comma if it is needed.

No comma needed

“Just in case” is not an introductory phrase, because you can ask “how?” questions to the expression. or “why?” and in the sentence it plays the role of a circumstance. The construction “just in case”, which is integral in meaning, can be replaced by synonymous expressions “just in case a fireman (in case)”, “in reserve” or the word “for future use”. In the sentence, the phrase acts as an adverb of purpose associated with the action: bought (for what? why?) just in case. In writing, adverbial expressions are not distinguished by punctuation marks, so there is no need to separate them “just in case”.

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Extra punctuation marks are the same mistake as missing ones. Commas are the most insidious of them, because subconsciously it seems that the more of them, the better. The American writer Timothy Dexter also knew about this, who in 1802 wrote a novel without punctuation marks, where he offered to arrange them for readers as they wish.

We are in website collected words that are tempting to highlight with commas, because they are very similar to introductory constructions. But commas are not allowed for these words. Well, maybe just one. Let's figure it out to remember once and for all.

1. Allegedly

This supposedly introductory word is actually not. If this is a particle that means doubt, then it is never separated by commas on both sides. If "allegedly" acts as a union, then it is separated by a comma from the other part of the sentence. For example: “I often dreamed that it was already summer.”

2. In extreme, as well as any, our, your, their case

Even in the most extreme case, a comma is not useful. These adverbial expressions are never introductory, and a comma is not needed after them in the sentence either.

3. Just in case

If you want to put a comma just in case, then you do not need to do this. This is an adverbial expression, and usually it is so closely related to other members of the sentence that it does not require commas.

4. Especially

This word is a little special, because a comma can appear next to it, but only when we want to highlight the whole phrase in which we explain or clarify something. For example: "My relatives have always considered me talented, especially my grandmother, who sincerely believes that I will be a great singer." Separately, "especially" is never separated by commas.

5. Hardly

You are unlikely to forget this insidious particle when you understand 2 rules - it is always written separately and never separated by commas, no matter where it is in the sentence.

6. Of course

Be sure to remember this word, as it is very similar to ordinary introductory words that can be removed from a sentence without losing its meaning. But it is never separated by commas and can be said to be an exception.

7. Meanwhile

Meanwhile, this phrase should not be confused with another very similar and introductory: "by the way." “Meanwhile” is most often a circumstance of time, that is, it answers the question “when?” or "how long?". This means that its loss in the sentence will be noticeable - in contrast to introductory words. The phrase can also be a union, then a comma should be placed only before it.

For example: "Help could arrive only from the other side of the island, meanwhile, the narrow path was not visible from here, which means that people are not visible either."

8. Once

Once a comma can be incorrectly put by a literate person. This is another word to which you can ask the question “when?”, which means that it carries a semantic load in the sentence and will not be highlighted with commas.

9. That is