Curly tarot cards. Court cards or curly tarot cards representing another person

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Herald, gossip, some news (on neighboring cards), help, support. Friend, foreigner.

Handsome, enthusiastic, tends to get carried away. Admirer, lover.

Make new friends, implement new ideas.

A change in family, work, etc. is possible.

Business is small.

Health is strong, maybe VVD.

flipped card

Change, warning, instability. Leads to change. Keep your mouth shut.

Business is a failure.

Health is victory over minor ailments.

Page of Cups

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Good news, new idea, work, work. Acquaintance. Perhaps the birth of a child. Good outcome. Reflection, more determination. There may be a change in emotions. Directness, trust. Settlement of the conflict.

The business is small, the money is medium.

Health - mental illness, underdevelopment, childhood diseases.

flipped card

Flattery, cunning, deceit, seduction, selfishness, inability to translate plans into reality. Love for luxury. Short truce.

Business - does not go because of laziness, deceit.

Health - childhood illnesses are difficult.

Page of Swords

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Spy, traitor, curiosity. Bad news, gossip, envy. Man will do evil. Showdown. You calculate everything. Heather, vindictive.

Business is small business.

Health - hidden diseases, difficult diagnosis.

flipped card

Cunning, quarrels, bad news, surprise, any changes. Mutual insults before breaking off relations. Health problems. Sudden blow.

Business is dishonest.

Health - mumps, chicken pox, kleptomania, pathological lies.

Page of Pentacles

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Good news (from relatives). Luxury. Material changes are possible. Kind, generous, caring. The beginning of an ambition, a career. Training, work, impracticality.

Business is at an early stage, but stable.

Health - joint problems or just need to be strengthened.

flipped card

Bad news, slowing down something. Illness, selfishness. Insolence, rudeness, robbery. Embezzlement. Impostor. Waste. Bad luck. Don't lend money.

Business is of low quality, requires repayment of debts.

Health - stretch marks, dislocations.

Knight of Wands

Aries, Taurus, Gemini

Departure, arrival soon, resettlement. Change of any kind. Friend, family - ready to help. Unable to control the situation.

Business is risky.

Health is strong, but does not protect.

flipped card

Divorce, scandal, quarrels, breakup, jealousy, separation. Loss of a friend. Trouble. There will be no wedding. Suspicion. The trip (change of place) will be forced.

Business is full of adventures.

Health - dangerous injuries.

Knight of Cups


Arrival, guest, visit, lover, beloved. Good friend, honest, smart, talent. Unexpected receipt of money. Loyal. Unable to control the situation. There has been a change in emotions. Dreamer. New acquaintance.

Business is well established, money is average.

Health is a quick recovery.

flipped card

Deception of trust, thief, laziness, deceit, vile deeds. Tempter, seducer, suggestibility.

Business is good, empty promises.

Health - sexually transmitted diseases.

Knight of Swords


Acts only in their own interests. Cunning, jealous. Conflict. Military. Attack. Unable to control the situation. There has been a significant change in plans and intentions. Unexpected turn (on adjacent maps). Clear and sober mind.

With the King, Lady - a quarrel, a scandal.

Business - booming business, sometimes leaving work.

Health is an acute process of the course of the disease.

flipped card

Trouble of any kind. Insolence, enemy, cruelty, stupidity, theft.

Business is a loss.

Health - complications after surgery, sciatica, arthritis.

Knight of Pentacles


Departure, arrival, impatient. Useful, profitable business. Profit. There has been a material change. Unable to control the situation. Luck.

Business - slowly but surely.

Health - physical strength, endurance.

flipped card

Gossip, loss of money, work. Calm, stagnation. Loan. Scam. slowdown. Ignorance.

Business - little or no money, poorly planned.

Health - always something hurts.

Queen of Wands

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Glamorous, love of money. Honest. Now is the time. The beginning of the enterprise. Development. Realization, fidelity. A sensual woman with a very strong character. Success is likely. Doesn't lose possession.

Business - business lady.

Love is faithful, loving.

Health is strong.

flipped card

Jealousy, greed, betrayal, lies. Will provide a service. The meeting will take place. Sacrifices too much for a ghostly idea.

Business - wrong direction, petty tyrant.

Love - do not trust, talkative.

With the Devil - envy, jealousy, revenge.

Health is deteriorating.

Queen of Cups

Honest, blonde, good friend, dreamy, mother, grandmother. Generous woman, tender.

Business - profit, development.

Love is emotional love.

Health - a tendency to edema, excess weight, sluggish diseases.

flipped card

Divorce, termination of relationship. Duplicity. Psychical deviations. Unstable psyche, insidious. Scandal, whims, jealousy, debauchery, mother cuckoo. Communication without feelings. Wishful thinking.

Business - no money, no development, chaos.

Love - Abuses alcohol or anything, in any case - unstable (a)

With the Magician - problems in intimate life.

Health - drug poisoning, substance abuse.

Queen of Swords


Business is up for the better.

Love - will not trust your feelings.

With 3 of Swords and the High Priestess - secret love.

Health is a successful operation, a tenacious struggle for life.

flipped card

Cunning, deceit, stubbornness, gossip, misfortune. Losses.

Business - wrong calculations, waste.

Love - gossip, jealous, lonely woman, with 9 Cups - depression.

Health - neuralgia, thyroid gland.

Queen of Pentacles

Brunette, trust, wealth. Achieves prudence, knows how to dispose. Home improvement, mother, mistress, charming, ambitious. The event is fun.

Business is established

Love - will be betrayed all his life, does not accept any relationship, except for serious ones.

Health is good care of the body.

flipped card

Evil is inevitable, indecision, doubtfulness. Sly, gossip, swindler. Failure, fear, illness, trouble. The events are sad.

Business is mismanagement.

Love is a marriage of convenience, obsessed with greed, envious, full of ambition.

Health - takes little care of the body.

King of Wands

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Kind, honest, modest, achieves everything with his work. Worthy opponent. Good news, success, career advancement. Iron will.

Business is expanding.

Love - a meeting at work, with 3 of Swords - is not able to respond to feelings.

Health is a strong, quick recovery.

flipped card

Tyrant, selfish, fighter, harsh temper, will not help just like that, hard work. Throws the family, for the sake of work, affairs.

Business - problems with management.

Love - will not stop to win, and then immediately leave, the hero-lover.

Health - apathy, temporary disability.

King of Cups

Cancer, Scorpio

The beginning of the novel, blond, honest, friend. Impractical in money, sometimes greedy. Loves family, good lover. Amorous. Fickle. Educated, with developed intuition. With a sense of humor. Promises a lot, but quickly forgets. Father, patron, guardian, relatives.

With the Magician - success in everything.

With the Emperor - Alphonse.

The business is stable with great earnings.

Love - you won’t be bored with him, improving relations.

Health is good, health improvement.

flipped card

Sex without love, family breakdown, drunkard, drug addict. High position. Thief. A shame. Extortion. Unfair, dishonest, cunning, mean. Deception, betrayal. With a bad past, mot.

Business - losses, losses.

Love is a deceiver, betrayal, a decrease in potency, inconstancy in love, relationships, an insolvent lover, uncertain relationships, intentions.

Health - exhaustion in drinking, partying, parties.

King of Swords


Official, competitor, jealous, danger, cunning, precarious situation, physical danger. Highly educated with a tendency to control others. Doesn't believe in a word.

Business is a state business.

Love is smart.

Health - severe head injuries, meningitis.

flipped card

Deceit, cruelty, an evil person, rude, violence, a complicated court case.

Business is layoffs.

Love is two-faced, a gossip, a liar.

Health is harder than in a straight position.

King of Pentacles


Always gets things done. Brunette, businessman, father. The owner, rich, educated, patron, faithful husband, sponsor, teacher. Prosperity. Reliability, talent. Ready to protect. Patient, practical.

Business is solid.

Love is hard to conquer, the owner, a good family man.

Health - salts (inclination).

flipped card

Weakness, misorganization, disorder, danger. A dangerous person, a competitor, not far off in the mind, revenge.

Business is speculation.

Love is boring, petty, jealous, vengeful. With the Devil - the relationship ends because of jealousy.

Health is the deposition of salts.

In any form of divination, curly tarot cards cause the most difficulty in interpretation due to the uncertainty in the order of the cards in each suit. In addition, due to their duality in divination, they show two aspects - internal and external, and you will have to choose which one to give preference to.

Meaning and interpretation of curly tarot cards

The first aspect indicates some stranger next to you, and the second indicates the character traits that you need to show in order to cope with the situation. Therefore, when curly tarot cards appear in the layout, think carefully, are other people involved in your problems? So…


These curly tarot cards represent the 4 basic elements - Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Pages can represent in the layout both a specific person (for example, you), and traits of his character, and also various events or receiving some kind of news.

Page of Wands- represents enthusiasm, energy, strength of character, ambition, the makings of a leader, the desire to always be in sight. Means a dynamic, spontaneous event. It could also be good news or news.

Reversed - A person who will stop at nothing to get attention.

Page of Cups- soft character, responsiveness, sensitivity, rich imagination. Symbolizes the birth of a creative idea. Inspirational news.

Inverted - a person lives in a fictional world, an unsociable loner, tightly closed from others.

Page of Swords- diplomatic skills, sharpness of mind, vigorous activity, love of trials. Such a person is in the eternal search for something interesting, he quickly gets bored with everything. The card denotes surveillance and espionage in the broadest sense. It might be bad news.

Inverted - an overly sharp mind and, as a result, a manifestation of cruelty and intolerance towards others, this is a cynic.

Page of Pentacles- patience, breadth of views, pragmatism, prudence, outstanding ability to study and science. Educational event. Receipt useful information.

Inverted - rebellious spirit, nonconformism, inability to learn from either others' or one's own mistakes.

The remaining 12 figured tarot cards are traditionally considered to correspond to the 12 signs of the zodiac.


Knights are the most powerful of all the figure tarot cards. They symbolize a young man 18–35 years old. They have two categories of interpretation: 1) character traits, 2) an upcoming important event.

Knight of Wands- truthful, impulsive, sociable, cheerful, has an independent mindset.

Reversed - selfishness, stubbornness, irascibility. Upcoming event - problems at work, the threat of dismissal.

Figure cards. Knight of Cups- a sensitive, idealistic dreamer, kind, capable of empathy and sympathy, has a developed intellect. The upcoming event is romantic or love affairs.

Inverted - a fugitive, hiding from reality and responsibility, unreliable. The upcoming event is a lie and a deceit.

Knight of Swords- guided by the head, not the heart, indomitably inquisitive, defends his convictions, his interests and hobbies are very versatile. An upcoming event is an event of an unexpected and sudden nature.

Inverted - cruelty, injustice, rudeness, sometimes dictatorial manners. The upcoming event is an unexpected departure.

Knight of Pentacles- practical, hardworking, reliable, loves the established order of things.

Inverted - prudent cunning, complete irresponsibility.

Upcoming events in both the direct and reverse positions of the cards are related to work or entail financial problems.


queen in curly cards taro is a woman over 18 years old.

Queen of Wands- a creative nature, a constant search for adventure, a career, the makings of a leader. Charming, smart, ambitious - always in the spotlight. Strides to achieve its many goals.

Inverted - a symbol of temptation and deceit. "Black cat". Indomitably ambitious, envious, jealous.

Queen of Cups- love of harmony and peace, developed intuition, sensitive and vulnerable soul, selfless devotion to home and family.

Inverted - exorbitant impressionability, emotional imbalance. You need to live with your head, keep your feelings in check.

Queen of Swords- the main features: strength, self-control, independence, intelligence, the power of the mind over the heart, the desire to live a full life.

Inverted - brings a bunch of bad news. Stubbornly strives to live in the past, turns the mind into evil, feels sorry for himself, prone to deceit.

Queen of Pentacles- has creative inclinations, prudent, wise, practical, appreciates material well-being, reliable, independent.

Reversed - feels confused and insecure. Her talents are wasted. Experiencing constant hesitation and indecision.


The King as a curly tarot card symbolizes a mature man who has reached a solid position in life.

King of Wands- the main qualities: decency, generosity, reliability. Exemplary husband and family man. Enterprising person, with the desire to play a major role, to live a full life. Constant search for adventure.

Inverted - selfishness, arrogance, "I want everything to be done at once and in my own way."

Figure cards. King of Cups- outstanding intelligence, creative talents, rich imagination. Responsible, caring, has a deep understanding of life.

Inverted - an emotionally immature person, flares up at the slightest provocation. Display of hostility.

King of Swords- represents in the scenario a fair decision made to you. It is a symbol of a born leader.

Inverted - you were given an unfair verdict.

King of Pentacles- for him, money is above all, a practical warehouse, the ability to "spin". Hard work has paid off.

Inverted - stubbornness, intransigence, rudeness. Materialism is his idol. For the sake of money and position, he will stop at nothing.

Now, knowing all the cards and their meanings, you can try to look into the future, as well as into the past and present - because often there is also a lot of new and unknown for us hidden there.

The knights symbolize the powers of the letter Yod in the Name. They are the most exalted, primordial, active part of the Energies of the Elements; for this reason they are depicted as riders in full armor. Their action is swift and violent, but transient. In the Element of Fire, for example, the Knight corresponds to a flash of Lightning; in the Element of Water - Rains and Springs; in the Element of Air, Wind; in the Element of the Earth - Goram. It is very important, as a spiritual exercise, to understand for oneself these correspondences between the Symbols and those Forces of Nature which they represent; for magical work, this knowledge must be fully assimilated.

The queens represent the first letter X E in the Name. They complement the Knights: they receive, excite and pass on their original Energy. They accept this Energy quickly and are well adapted to their function, but they are not yet the final product. Queens are the second stage of the creation process, the fourth and final stage of which is material fulfillment. They are depicted sitting on thrones. This highlights the fact that the Queens are appointed to certain functions.

Princes symbolize the Powers of the letter Vau in the Name. The Prince is the son of the Queen (daughter of the old King) and the Knight who conquered her; therefore he is depicted in a chariot carrying the combined Energy of his parents. He is the active offspring of their union, his outward manifestation, his intellectual image. Therefore, the action of the Prince is longer than the actions of his predecessors. In a sense, it even acquires a relative eternity, being the "public testimony" of what was done in secret. Furthermore, he is the "Dying God" who delivers his Bride at the hour of his death (and at the cost of it).

The princesses depict the final XE in the Name, the last result of the original Energy in its completion, crystallization, materialization. They also represent the balancing and self-absorption of this Energy, the Silence into which everything returns. Thus, they are both eternal and non-existent at the same time. The result of the equation is 0 = 2.

Princesses have no zodiac counterparts. But it is obvious that they depict four types of people. These are the numerous "elemental" people whom we recognize by their lack of sense of responsibility, whose moral qualities lack clarity. They are subdivided according to the dominant planets. Such types are repeatedly described in fiction. Eliphas Levi wrote: "The Magician's love for such beings is insensitive and can destroy him."

The relationships between the four elements of the Name are too complex to be described in one book; for each shade of meaning they are special.

For example, the Princess does not appear until the Prince wins her in marriage and she ascends to her Mother's throne. Thus she awakens the Antiquity of the first, old King, who thereafter becomes a young Knight, renewing the cycle. Princess is not only perfect Virgo, but, due to the death of the Prince, also a lonely, lamenting Widow. All this can be found in the myths characteristic of the Aeon of Osiris. These complexities can hardly be fully unraveled, but it is enough for the student to sort through one legend at a time.

For the Aeon of Osiris, when Air, struggle, intelligence reigned, such confusion is quite natural; its symbols and formulas were supposed to overlap, contradict each other. All these numerous fables and parables cannot be brought into a state of harmony, because each of them had to emphasize a special formula necessary to achieve some local or temporary goal.

General Description of the Sixteen Figure Cards

Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands represents the fiery part of Fire; it governs from the 21st degree of Scorpio to the 20th degree of Sagittarius. This is a warrior in full armor. His helmet is adorned with a black horse head. In his hand is a flaming torch; his cloak also flames; on the flame, he rides on a black horse.

This figure corresponds to such moral qualities as activity, generosity, ferocity, swiftness, pride, impulsiveness, speed and unpredictability. With improper energy supply, he is angry, cruel, ignorant and rude. In any case, he is poorly adapted to perform his activity and cannot modify it according to circumstances. If the first attempt fails, he no longer has any resources.

In Yijing, the fiery part of Fire is represented by the 51st hexagram, Zhen. Its meanings are fully consistent with the doctrine of the Tarot, but special emphasis is placed on the amazing, dangerous and revolutionary nature of the events associated with it. The querent is advised to be cautious, but calm, resolute and cheerful; be wary of untimely action, but continue to move forward with self-confidence.

All correspondences from the Yijing should be studied directly from this book; we will refer to this text when important passages are too long to quote.

Queen of Wands

So, this card has great power; Libra, moving into Scorpio, has an extremely active, critical energy and weight. Good will, sincerity and right partnership are necessary for such people to succeed; dangerous for them is presumptuous ambition.

Princess of Cups

The Princess of Cups symbolizes the earthly part of Water - in particular, the property of crystallization, the ability to materialize an idea, support life and serve as the basis for chemical combinations. She is depicted as a dancing female figure in a flowing robe with a pattern of crystals around the edges.

Her head is crowned with a swan with spread wings. This reminds us of the swan, which in Eastern philosophy represents the word A U M or AUMGN, the symbol of the entire process of creation.

The princess is holding a covered bowl from which a tortoise protrudes. She is also from Hindu philosophy: the same turtle that supports the elephant, on whose back the universe rests. The princess dances on the foamy surface of the sea, in which the dolphin frolics, the king-fish, symbolizing the power of Creation.

By nature, this Princess is infinitely merciful. She is all - attractiveness, sensuality, softness, kindness and tenderness. She lives in the world of Romance, in an eternal ecstatic dream. A superficial glance may see selfishness and laziness in her, but this is a false impression; silently and effortlessly, it still does its job.

In Yijing, the earthly part of Water is represented by hexagram 41, Sun, which means "reduction", the dissolution of everything dense. The people indicated by this card are very dependent on others, but at the same time they are useful to them. On their own, they are rarely important at best, but helpers are unsurpassed.

Knight of Swords

He is dressed in chain mail of very fine weaving, with decorations, and in his chariot different geometric shapes are easily distinguishable. The chariot is pulled by winged children, jumping erratically in all directions wherever their eyes fall; they do not know the reins and are extremely capricious. Therefore, the chariot is quite mobile, but unable to move in any particular direction, except random. This is the perfect picture of Mind.

The performance of this logical mental process has reduced Air, the element of this card, into many different geometric patterns, but there is no intention in this; they simply demonstrate the powers of the Mind without any particular purpose. In the right hand of the Prince is a raised sword with which he creates, in the left is a sickle, with which he immediately destroys everything created.

The person to whom this symbol refers is purely intellectual. He is full of ideas and plans clashing with each other. He has many subtle ideals that find no practical way out. His Apparatus of Thinking works flawlessly, he is very smart, remarkably rational, but his goals are unstable; in fact, he is indifferent even to his own ideas, knowing that any of them is no better or worse than any other. He will bring any thing to unreality, removing its substance and methodically transforming it into an ideal - purely formal and not even connected with the facts on which it is based.

In Yijing, the airy part of Air is represented by hexagram 57, Xun.

This is one of the most difficult figures in the whole book, because it is ambivalent: it means both flexibility and penetration. Extremely strong due to complete freedom from established principles, always ready to resort to any conceivable argument, not subject to regret and repentance, smartly and deftly "quoting Scripture" in support of any thesis, indifferent to the fate of the opposite argument put forward by them two minutes earlier, invincible, since any situation for them is no worse and no better than others, able to enter into an alliance with anyone who is at hand, these slippery and flexible people can be useful only when they are firmly subjugated by a creative will, backed up by a mind stronger than theirs. In practice, this is rarely possible: you can’t pry them with anything, even indulging their appetites. But they can also be violent, even uncontrollable. Weirdos, drinkers, drug addicts, humanitarians, music or religion often belong to this class; but in this case there is no stability. They wander from one cult or vice to another, always fanatically and brilliantly upholding what is, in fact, just a passing fad.

It is easy to be deceived by such people, because the external manifestation has great power: it is as if an imbecile read to you the dialogues of Plato. In this way they can acquire a reputation for being both deep and broad-minded.

Princess of Swords

The Princess of Swords represents the earthly part of Air, the fixation of the volatile, the materialization of the Idea, the influence of Heaven on Earth. She shares in the characteristics of Minerva and Artemis, even with a hint of Valkyrie. To some extent, she symbolizes the wrath of the Gods and is depicted in a helmet adorned with a snake-headed Medusa. She stands in front of an empty altar, as if about to avenge her neglect, and pokes her sword down. Her home, the skies and clouds, seem angry.

The character of this Princess is tough and vindictive. Her logic is destructive. She is adamant and aggressive, in material matters she has practical wisdom and subtlety, cleverly and deftly manages them, especially when they are contradictory. He handles conflict very well.

In a bad environment these qualities dissipate; The princess acts incoherently and all her talents add up to an example of low cunning, not understanding the means.

In Yijing, the earthly part of Air is represented by hexagram 18, Gu. It means "trouble" and is indeed the most unlucky character in the entire book. All subtle qualities of Air are crushed, oppressed, suffocated.

The people denoted by this hexagram are slow-witted, constantly worried, unable to bear any responsibility, especially in family matters. One or both parents usually had the same problems.

It is difficult to understand the commentary on line 6, which "shows us one who does not serve either the king or the prince, but, exalted in spirit, prefers to follow his inclinations." This is explained as follows: the Princess as such, being the "throne of the Spirit", is always free to throw everything overboard, "arrange a dressing up to heaven." Such an action could be attributed to the above characteristics in a good environment. Such people are exceedingly rare; and, quite naturally, they often appear as "children of failure." However, they did right choice and in due time will receive their reward.

Knight of Disks

This Queen sits on the throne of plant life. Her gaze is turned back, to where a calm river winds its way through the sandy desert, bringing fertility with it. Among the wastelands, oases begin to appear. A goat stands on a ball in front of the Queen. This is an allusion to the dogma of the Great Work as fertilization. The Queen's armor consists of small coin scales, and her helmet is decorated with huge spiral horns of markhor. In her right hand she has a scepter crowned with a cube, inside of which a three-dimensional Hexagram is visible, and in her left hand her "disk" is bent - a sphere of intertwined loops and circles. Thus the Queen depicts the aspiration of matter to take part in the great work of Creation.

Persons denoted by this card have the quality of the subtlest calmness. They are active, but only in a useful direction. They have huge reserves of love, kindness, generosity. They are not intellectuals and not even particularly smart, but instinct and intuition are more than enough for their needs. These people are calm, industrious, practical, prudent, love homeliness, often (in a restrained and unpretentious manner) lustful and even depraved, prone to alcohol and drug abuse. They seem to be able to realize their essential happiness only by going beyond themselves.

In a bad environment, they are stupid, servile, stupid - more like laborers than workers. Life for them is a purely mechanical process, and they cannot rise, or even try to rise, above the lot prepared for them.

In Yijing, the watery part of the Earth is represented by hexagram 31, Xiang. Its meaning is Impact. The commentary describes the results of the movement of various parts of the body, from the big toes to the teeth and tongue. This is more of an extension of the above than an indication of exact matches; but there is no disagreement here. The general advice is to calmly move forward without intruding too much into the current situations.

Prince of Discs

The appearance of this Prince is thoughtful. This is the element of the Earth, which has already become intelligible. He is dressed in light armor and his helmet is adorned with a bull's head; the bull is also harnessed to his chariot - this animal is especially sacred to the element of Earth. In his left hand, he holds his "disk" - a ball that looks like a globe, marked with mathematical symbols and, as it were, hinting at planning, without which it is impossible Agriculture. In his right hand he has a scepter crowned with a ball and a cross, a symbol of the Great Work accomplished, for the function of this Prince is to extract from the material of his element the vegetation that the Spirit itself feeds on.

This card denotes tremendous energy applied to the most "dense" practical matters. Such a person is strong and enduring; he is a capable manager, stable and persistent worker. He is a good specialist: inventive, thinking, cautious, reliable, imperturbable, constantly looking for new applications for known things and little by little, thoughtfully, systematically remakes his circumstances "for himself."

He is almost completely devoid of emotion, somewhat insensitive, and may appear dull, but he is not; he just doesn't try to understand ideas he doesn't need. May look stupid, tends to take offense at more spiritual types of people. Rarely gets angry, but if he gets excited, he becomes inexorable. Distinguishing between good and bad elemental virtues for this card is not very practical; we can only say that in a bad environment, its characteristics both quantitatively and qualitatively deteriorate somewhat. The reaction of others to the Prince will depend almost entirely on their own temperament.

In Yijing, the aerial part of the Earth is represented by the 53rd hexagram, Jian. The commentary speaks of the flight of wild geese "approaching the shore," then "great rocks," then "dry plains," "trees," "high hills," and finally "great hills." This symbolizes a slow, gradual release from everything that suppresses.

This interpretation is even happier than the Kabbalistic one, although it is in full agreement with it. Chinese thinking - even the most abstract and metaphysical - has never shied away from practical considerations. The main heresy of the Black Lodge is contempt for "the world, the flesh and the devil", which are very important for the design of the universe; for the Great Work, it is absolutely necessary for the Adept to organize his affairs in such a way that "even the evil microbes of Matter also become useful and good."

The error of the Christian mystics in this matter has been the cause of cruelty, suffering and collective madness more than all other factors put together; its poisonous traces can be recognized even in the teachings of Freud, who considered the Unconscious "devil", while in fact it is an instinct that veiledly expresses the inner Point of View of everyone and, correctly understood, is the key to Initiation and an indication of the seed that can blossom and bear fruit of the "Knowledge and Communication of the Holy Guardian Angel". For "Every man and every woman is a star."

But, undoubtedly, the judgment of the Exceptional Adepts (for it is they who, under the guidance of the Lords of the Temple, determine such details of the doctrine) in the case of this card was influenced by its position - transitional from Aries to Taurus. It is too often forgotten that Taurus is the house of Venus and the Moon is exalted in Taurus. The new doctrine states that the basic color of the Earth is not black, but green; she insists that each Disc is a living and rotating symbol. The central thesis of the "Book of the Law" is the Perfection of the Universe. In her pantheistic conception, all possibilities are equally valuable; any and every Point Event is a "game of H and t" as it is said in the "Book of Wisdom or Folly". "Do not tie! Let there be no difference for you between one thing and any other; for from this there is harm. Whoever contributes to this, let him be the leader over all." Or, even clearer and simpler: "Every number is infinite; there is no difference."

Disk Princess

The Princess of Disks, the last of the Figure Cards, represents the terrestrial part of the Earth. Therefore, she is on the verge of transformation. She is strong and beautiful, expresses deep thoughtfulness - as if she is about to know a secret miracle.

Her headdress is adorned with a ram's head, and the scepter is lowered to the ground, and there its tip becomes a diamond, the gem of Keter, thus symbolizing the birth of the highest and purest light in the deepest and darkest of the Elements. She stands in a grove of sacred trees in front of an altar resembling a sheaf of wheat, for she is a priestess of Demeter. Her body contains the secret of the future. The greatness of the Princess is also emphasized by her disk, in the center of which is a Chinese ideogram showing the double helical force of Creation in perfect balance; from it is born the rose of Isis, the great fertile Mother.

The characteristics of the person represented by this card are too varied to be listed. Let us summarize them by saying that she is Femininity in its extreme manifestation. It contains all the feminine qualities, and which of them manifest itself depends entirely on the influences to which it is subjected. But in any case, her attributes will be of the purest water and not necessarily associated with any other attributes that are usually considered symbolic. In a sense, it can be interpreted as a "confusing inconsistency". It is like a wheel: whatever number comes up, it in no way promises or influences the next numbers. Each turn of the wheel is equally likely and, in a certain sense, a reward. For each Event is a "play of H and t".

In Yijing, the earthly part of the Earth is represented by the hexagram "Mountain". How subtle is the meaning of this Chinese doctrine of Balance to the doctrine of the Holy Kabbalah!

The mountain is the most sacred of all earthly symbols: unshakable in its aspiration to the Highest, as if stretched out by the titanic energy of the Hidden Fire. It is as much a moment of the Hidden Divinity as the Phallus itself, like Capricorn, the sign of the New Year, exalted in the Zodiac.

It is very important that the Student follow this symbolism for himself: Air is malleable and flexible, but all-pervading, and Water is fluid, but incompressible, the most neutral and connecting the components of living matter; Fire is so close to the Spirit, a substance, but only a phenomenon, and at the same time so inalienable that it can be considered the heart and essence of every thing.

The characteristic of G en in Yijing is peace; in the first line describes rest in the various members of the body—fingers, back, and jaws—and its consequences.

In this sense, the hexagram Gen is related to the 31st hectogram of which the second part of the I Ching begins.

Figure cards difficult to learn and understand for a beginner in Tarot. The Major Arcana show the amazing energy of the archetypes that elicits an inner reaction, while the Minor Arcana numerical cards show the everyday lessons we are living. Figure cards reflect psychological nuances that are difficult to understand for a beginner.
Let's take a look at the various figure cards, linking them to the corresponding one.
There are two ways to interpret court cards is the consideration of each of them as real people in the life of the Questioner or as attributes of the Questioner. If you consider the figure card as a different person, then the suit to which it corresponds can shed light on the character of the person it represents. this card. You must decide for yourself what the card means in this case.
Wands indicate people with a fiery temperament and a passionate character. cups indicate people emotional and sensual. swords can represent a person who is indifferent, with analytical thinking or emotionally unreceptive, and Pentacles represent people who are practical, firmly standing on their feet. In another aspect of the interpretation, the four elements are associated with four inclinations, which, according to medieval psychology, determine the state of health and temperament of a person. In this case, the Wands represent the choleric, the Cups represent the sanguine, the Swords represent the melancholy, and the Pentacles represent the phlegmatic.
The dignity of each plays an important role in interpretation. Pages, for example, are children and teenagers, or very young boys and girls. Knights are middle-aged men. Kings are mature men. Queens are women. The Page of Wands, for example, can be a stubborn and rebellious child, prone to flare up overnight. In another aspect of interpretation, the Page card can symbolize a person younger than the Questioner, the Knight can represent his peer, and the King or Queen, respectively, a man or woman older than the Questioner. For example, if the issue of divination affects the professional activities of the Questioner, then the Page may be a subordinate of the Questioner, the Knight - a colleague or equal in position, and the King or Queen represent persons holding the highest position.
The Page can represent a person who helps the Questioner or brings a message, the Knight can represent a person who helps the Questioner investigate something, the Queen can represent a person who supports and trains the Questioner, and the King is an authoritative person who guides and helps the Questioner.
, to which the Figure card corresponds, determines the area in which this character influences the life of the Questioner.
For example, if desire and enthusiasm are attributed to the Wands, the King of Wands can represent a person who helps the Questioner satisfy some desire. If you associate Cups with love relationships, the Queen of Cups can represent a woman trying to maintain a love relationship. Swords - mean thoughts and ideas, which means that the Knight of Swords can symbolize a person exploring the hypotheses of the Questioner. Pentacles are associated with work, and the Page of Pentacles can represent a person who helps the Inquirer learn the skills needed to do the job.
As an alternative to using Figure Cards to shed light on someone's personality, they can be used to indicate a person's physical characteristics. One way of ascribing physical characteristics to the four suits is that Wands represent people with reddish-brown hair or ruddy cheeks, Cups represent blond people, Swords represent people with brown hair and an olive complexion, and Pentacles represent people with dark hair and swarthy complexion. face. And again, the value of Figure cards can indicate a person's age.
However, there are several options for associative links, so if you stick to another way of identifying figure cards with a person's appearance, of course, use it.
We have examined Figure cards with you, personifying not the Questioner himself, but another person. But any court card may also represent aspects, roles and character traits the Questioner himself. Let's look at this in the next article.

There are sixteen curly cards. They are also called court cards, as they represent the king and his retinue. These cards mean the people you meet in your life: they can be your acquaintances and family members, all those whom you encounter at work, close and distant relatives. Sometimes they can also denote certain “ideas” that live in your mind. If the last card in the spread is one of the Courtiers, this may mean that someone else must make the final decision for you.


Men aged 35 and over. The king symbolizes the paternal figure, authority, wisdom and life experience.


Women aged 35 and over. Queens carry the image of a mother. This is a significant figure for you, combining such qualities as maturity, care and understanding.

Note. If the King or Queen is reversed in the layout, then this card can mean a hostile or unpleasant person. In addition, the inverted King can sometimes symbolize a woman of the astrological sign corresponding to this card (both benevolent and hostile). In the same way, the Queen can indicate a man of the corresponding zodiac sign - both positively and negatively towards you.

People aged 25 to 40 years. These are messengers. If the card is upright, it means either a man or some good news. The Knight of Swords is an exception and most often means bad news. The upside down knight denotes the woman of this astrological sign.


Young people under 25 years of age. Pages denote children or young men (girls) of different ages. Along with this, they can denote messengers or couriers, students, young people, as well as various kinds of problems. Sometimes a Page in a straight position is a male face, and an inverted Page is a female. Sometimes in the course of fortune-telling you have to clarify: “Do you have a son or daughter?” It also happens that the Page indicates a feminine male child or a strong, strong girl. Pages can be deceiving!