How to write off meter readings. How to take readings of the electricity meter

Almost immediately, as electricity spread widely around the planet in the 20th century, primitive electric meters appeared. Electricity meters today are direct-connected electrical devices that are designed for individual single-tariff or multi-tariff metering of active energy in circuits alternating current. Let's take a closer look below different types electricity meters, as well as ways to take readings.

Correct meter reading

How to get reliable readings for the most accurate consumption calculations? Almost until today, in our country, meter readings were taken manually: either crawlers with notebooks came to enter information into databases, or it was required to ask residents to submit their own readings.

But, it turned out to be costly and unreliable, since it gave freedom to the human factor, in addition, special crawlers and analysts had to be kept on staff, who calculated these results.

Why do you need meter readings at all? The answer is extremely simple - for the convenience of payment. According to statistics, the power industry is one of the most expensive resources on the planet, with the exception of oil and gas. It is clear that its accurate and correct accounting is a paramount task for electricity supply companies. The most famous supplier today is the Energomera concern.

Automated collection systems are now becoming more common:

  • Readings from meters for electricity (in particular, for light);
  • As well as control systems;
  • Accounting for the electric power industry (ASKUE).

It is cheaper and easier than using obsolete systems for remote accounting of information from meters such as gas and electric. Electricity meters are single-phase (CE 208), two-phase (CE68038) and three-phase (CE6803V).

How to take readings from an electricity meter correctly

An electric meter is an indispensable element of every house or apartment. We all have to deal with them, which means we must understand how they work and learn how to use them correctly.

Electricity in meters is written in kilowatt-hours.

The unit of power called "watt" (W) was named after the Irish inventor James Watt. Before the invention of the watt, power was measured in horsepower, and in 1960 the international scientific community recognized the watt and officially introduced it into the system of units (SI).

Electrical power, as is known from the course of physics, is equal to 1 W = 1 J / 1 sec. in plain language, power is the energy consumption (J) for some certain time(sec). The prefix "kilo" means "thousand" in Latin. 1 kilowatt is 1000 watts. So, to convert watts to kilowatts, you just need to divide them by a thousand, or simply move the comma 3 digits to the left. A kilowatt-hour is the energy consumption (J) for a time equal to 1 hour.

In order to better navigate in modern tariffs, are given here different types electricity tariffs:

  • One-rate (single) tariff - the price of electricity is the same at any time of the day;
  • Two-zone tariff - electricity is cheaper at night than during the day;
  • Three-zone tariff - focused on three times of the day and provides for a different price in the peak zone, semi-peak and night.

It is easiest to pay at a one-part tariff, but using, for example, a two-zone tariff, you can reduce current electricity costs. To change the tariff, you should submit a request to Energosbyt, fill out a special form there and make sure that the entry into the database is successful. In order to calculate the amount required for payment, you need to write down the numbers from the scoreboard (write, excluding everything that follows a comma, change is not provided). These numbers mean readings for the entire time the meter has been running. To get data specifically for the last month, you need to subtract from this number the value taken from the counter in previous months. Write down the resulting number and multiply by the cost of 1 kilowatt-hour at the rate you use.

Tips: how to correctly take readings from the electricity meter

To remove data, you should know some small nuances. Firstly, there may be malfunctions in the operation of the meter, and this will cost money if you do not notice it in time.

A situation is possible where there can be any number of reasons:

  • The counter is spinning;
  • Shows load, but incorrect data;
  • But there is no load, all electrical appliances are turned off.

The first reason is a malfunction, called "self-propelled". Do not try to enter any numbers, try to remake or repair the device yourself, it is better to call the management company or the housing office. It may be easier and cheaper to get a new meter than to fix this one. The second reason is that someone (for example, neighbors), in order to reduce their expenses, connected through your new meters. In this case, it is necessary to call the representatives of Energosbyt and “throw off” this matter to them.

Description of the essence of the indications of an electric meter

What other data can be transmitted by a rotating disk of an electric meter? In addition to the amount required for monthly payment, you can also find out other energy supply parameters, such as electricity consumption. In 1 kilowatt-hour, it equals 6 or 12 hundred revolutions of the disk, depending on the model of the equipment. It is also possible to determine the load connected to a specific device by the rotation speed of the electric meter disk.

To choose the right equipment, you need to know:

  • Permitted parsing power;
  • Wire quality;
  • Reading method;
  • Check it all against the values ​​given in technical passport devices.

It is better not to install the meter yourself, but to call an electrician. We remind you that each meter model has a different load, if the maximum value is exceeded, the meter may burn out.

Instructions: how to look at the electricity meter readings

For the convenience of users, various meter manufacturers have developed auxiliary equipment for monitoring, configuring and collecting data from some electricity meters.

The most interesting items of auxiliary equipment that will help you see the readings are:

  • COM-IR;
  • USB-IR;
  • Reading head;
  • A mysterious device called CE901.

Options for reading electricity meters

The readings of electricity meters are distinguished by the following interesting and most useful detail: electricity consumption varies based on the time of day. Let us consider in more detail the boundaries of the time zones of the above tariffs, and it will be easier and clearer to watch the meter readings.

Time zones of three-zone accounting are somewhat more interesting:

  1. The so-called peak zone lasts from 7 am to 10 am, then from 5 pm to 9 pm.
  2. The next, semi-peak zone lasts from 10 am to 5 pm, and from 9 pm to 11 pm.
  3. And finally, the night zone - from 11 pm to 7 am.

This is true if you use a two-zone or three-zone tariff. So, the time periods of two-zone accounting include 2 zones: day (from 7 am to 11 pm), and night (from 11 pm to 6:30 am, respectively).

Three-phase meter: how to take readings correctly

When reading readings from a three-phase electric meter (for example, the well-known model codenamed TsE6803V or the most popular model “Mercury, it’s a pity that such an interesting device does not know how to write off money from an electronic account, but this is a matter of the near future), questions often arise about the situation an ordinary comma located on the drum of the counting mechanism.

Below we will consider this issue in detail, thanks to which you can figure out how to take readings (read) from a three-phase electricity meter. When taking readings, it is required to take into account only the whole part of kW / h, since in some cases not only the whole part, but also fractions are reflected on the drum of the reading mechanism, and they are not required to be taken into account.

Must be a different color than the whole ones, and separated by a comma according to GOST:

  • Dials;
  • Numbers;
  • As well as the very edging of the window, designed for fractions of kW / h.

The most famous three-phase meter is Mercury 234. Its unique device makes it easy to read and parameterize information, count active and reactive energy.

Electronic electricity meter: how to take readings

An electronic electricity meter is a good solution for those who need to account for high-capacity electricity, such as directors of enterprises, and remotely transmit and write off this data to special companies. Taking readings from the electronic version is not very different from taking readings from the same induction meter. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to take into account some details that distinguish this particular category of counters.

Firstly, they have a long calibration interval (MTI), and have small overall dimensions. In addition, electronic meters have the highest accuracy (1.0 and higher) and, as a result, are very sensitive to power quality: to surges and voltage drops, as well as atmospheric and switching overvoltages.

Secondly, electronic meters are practically beyond repair, so be careful, replacing the meter can cost a pretty penny. Thirdly, electricity is accounted for in 2 directions at once, in addition, measurements are made of the quality and quantity of power. It is possible to take readings of electricity remotely using various communication interfaces. There is one more, more than bad feature of this class of counters. Electric meters, of course, are very accurate, but their price is quite high. The cost of these electric meters varies from 2000 rubles. and higher.

How to take readings of an electricity meter (video)

The ability to handle electricity meters is an indispensable skill in our time. Analyze, learn and you can save very good money.

The owner of the apartment is obliged to independently pay for the readings of the electricity meter. A special device is designed to account for energy consumption and is installed in each apartment or house. For competent accounting, you need to know how to correctly transmit readings and calculate energy bills.

Types of electricity meters and their readings

In accordance with current legislation, it is necessary to pay monthly for the amount of electricity consumed. To check the readings, it is necessary to provide free access to the device to representatives of the services supplying energy.

Types of electricity meters:

  • induction devices;
  • electronic models.

Induction counters of type SO - I446 and EAK3M are single-phase, equipped with a rotating disk, which is located under the indication frame. Coils inside the instrument generate an electromagnetic field that spins an aluminum disc.

The more electricity is consumed, the faster the disk spins along the axis. When all are turned off electrical appliances, the rotation will stop.

The number of values ​​that need to be taken depends on the device of the model. Depending on the modification, the devices have 5 - 7 digits. The last value is usually highlighted in red, size, or a comma. The numbers after the decimal point are not taken into account when deducting. They mean tenths and hundredths of a kilowatt. Sometimes you can find models without a comma. In this case, it is necessary to write down all the numbers in the frame.

Gradually, induction devices are being replaced by more advanced electronic counterparts. Mercury, Energomera, Cascade and Micron received the best reviews.

Simple subtraction: how to read the electricity meter

After replacing or installing the meter, special services issue an act on the work and the initial readings of the device. Electricity meter data must be taken monthly.

To calculate, write the numbers on a piece of paper to the comma. Leading zeros are not taken into account. Then subtract the previous value from the result. The result is the number of kilowatts used for the current month. If this is the first month after the installation of a new device, then the data must be taken from the act. After that, you can keep a log or save previous receipts to calculate new readings. The resulting number of kilowatts is multiplied by the tariff values ​​established in the given region. For example, residents of cities and villages of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, all useful information can be obtained on the official website of Krasenergo.

If the counter is reset to zero, it is necessary to record the parameters with all zeros and put one in front. From this value, you need to subtract the kilowatts of the last month.

  • The last reading of the month of June was 99865;
  • In August, the device showed 00005;
  • We substitute 1 for the last data, we get the number 100005;
  • We subtract the previous month from it: 100005 - 99865 \u003d 140 kW;
  • The calculation for the current month was 140 kW.

Next month, we count kilowatts as before, without substituting 1 without zeros.

Some organizations send a ready-made receipt. It is necessary to enter the current figures from the device into it, the operators will make the calculation automatically, entering the necessary data into the receipt. The consumer only needs to make a payment.

Multi-tariff devices: how to take readings of the electricity meter day / night

Electronic meters are more expensive than induction counterparts, but they have more accurate readings and can take into account different tariffs. They are equipped with an electronic dial and a microcontroller that analyzes the signal and calculates the amount of electricity consumed. The scoreboard shows information, reflected in the form of numbers. The device can display the date, time of the counter, work zones. The information alternately changes several times a minute.

Electronic counters can be:

  • Single-tariff, while recording readings with the letter T1;
  • Two-tariff T1, T2;
  • Three-tariff T1, T2, T3.

Multi-tariff appliances can significantly save energy. Different phases use separate tariffs and zones.

To take readings, you can wait until the device displays the data on the scoreboard, and write them down in a notebook.

The second way will allow you to do this work manually. On the device, press the enter button until the desired information is displayed in the window. Depending on the model, the data will be displayed under the signs T1, T2, T3. You must remove each result.

Three-tariff meter: how to count electricity

Regardless of the models, readings are taken in the same way. The difference lies in the number of clicks on the "enter" button.

For a three-tariff device, there is a division into 3 tariffs:

  • Peak hours from 7 to 10 and from 17 to 21, tariff T1;
  • Night tariff T2, preferential time from 23:00 to 07:00;
  • Half peak the rest of the clock.

To take readings, press the enter button and write down the data T1, T2 and T3 to the decimal point. We subtract the previous ones from them, multiply by the current tariff and add up the resulting amounts.

To understand how many kilowatts to contribute to the receipt and determine the total cost of electricity, we will analyze good example: in May T1 was 80 kW, T2 - 64, T3-75. At the moment, T1 - 102, T2 - 104, T3 - 125 kW. Tariffs for the peak zone - 4.25 rubles, for the semi-peak - 3.20 rubles, at night - 1.60 rubles.


  • T1 \u003d 102-80 \u003d 22 kW x 4.25 rubles. = 93.5 rubles;
  • T2 \u003d 104-64 \u003d 44 kW x 1.6 rubles. = 70.4 rubles;
  • T3 \u003d 125-75 \u003d 50 kW x 3.2 rubles. = 160 rubles;
  • We add up the results: 93.5 + 70.4 + 160 = 323.9 rubles.

The receipt requires you to fill in the total amount and you can go to the nearest branch for payment.

With the help of a two- or three-tariff device, you can save a lot cash. Transfer automatic washing, phone charging, heating appliances to work at night.

Popular energy meter Energomera

When choosing a meter, it is necessary to determine the number of its phases. If the voltage in the room is 220 - 230 volts, you can use the single-phase option. For higher voltages, a three-phase model will be required. It allows you to separate consumption zones, for example: sockets are connected to one phase, light to the second, other needs to the third. For a three-phase device, a transformer must be installed. Most often, the device is placed in cottages and industrial premises.

The Energomer CE102 day-night model is in demand in terms of pricing and quality. The manufacturer produces a single-tariff single-phase model CE101, which is equipped with a mechanical dial that allows you to maintain performance at low temperatures.

The device has several advantages:

  • Acceptable price varies from 700 to 1000 rubles;
  • Manufacturer's warranty 5 years;
  • Accuracy of measurements;
  • Small energy consumption.

The modern se102m device is an interesting, versatile, multi-tariff model that has received an award for quality. The device has a memory and archives data for 12 months. Ce102 integrates with many automatic programs, for which checking companies love it.

Depending on the modification of the model, the number of buttons may vary. Readings are displayed when you press the "Frame" or "View" button.

For three-phase use the company has developed the models tse68038, and the more advanced ce301, which has protective functions: an electronic seal and control of opening the cover of the device. It can count up to 12 different traffic and up to 32 exclusive days when there is preferential treatment.

Energy meter: how to take readings from a two-tariff electric meter

To take electrical readings on a two-tariff device Energomera 102, you just need to take a sheet and write off the readings that will appear on the display one by one. Parameter T1 corresponds to the daily consumption of the energy carrier, T2 - to the night one, T - to the total number of kilowatts consumed.

The second way is manual control:

  • It is necessary to make a short press on the "SHOT" button, the indication T1 will appear, write it down in a notepad;
  • Press the button again, T2 appears;
  • By the third pressing we will get the total result Т1+Т2 =Т.

All data must be recorded. Next, we make a calculation from the readings obtained, subtract the previous ones, and obtain the consumed kilowatts for each parameter. We multiply the separately obtained figures by the night and day rates. We add up the results and get the necessary figure for payment.

If there is no data for the previous month, you can find out which numbers to take for calculation by viewing the information on a smart device. To do this, hold the "SHOT" button for a long time. Information for the past month will appear on the scoreboard.

You need to write off the numbers only up to a decimal point, since when calculating, management companies can take them for kilowatts, and demand payment for unused energy.

Modern electricity meter with remote reading

Modern models are equipped remote control. This allows you to automatically transfer data without human intervention. The process of remote transmission takes place through a network on the Internet.

Remote Control Advantage:

  • Work in multi-tariff mode;
  • Remote control by smart phone to turn off the power in the room;
  • Efficient reading of information for checking companies;
  • Remote monitoring of readings in rarely visited places, cottages or apartments for rent;
  • Save useful time.

In addition to the above merits, meter readings can be read daily, which will help to avoid conflict situations.

The installed program directly affects the functions of the microcontroller, which transports the signal between the interface lines. The consumer is not required to submit new data, it is his responsibility to show the first parameter once after installation.

User manual: how to read the Mercury 230 meter

Mercury models are in particular demand. These devices are actively installed in apartment buildings. Mercury 230 is a further improvement of the well-proven devices of this series 200, 201, 206, 208.

230 models can work standalone and connect to automated system control via cable over the Internet. A multi-tariff meter can take readings at 4 tariffs. If the use of several tariffs does not suit you, you need to pay attention to 231 models. It is equipped with a mechanical scale and is much cheaper. The latest development was the multifunctional three-phase device Mercury 234, which surpassed its counterparts in functionality.

The procedure for consuming electricity using different models is similar. The counter is controlled by 2 buttons. "Enter" is used when showing individual tariffs, the other - switches the operating modes.

Before taking data, it is necessary to check the readiness of the device. The dash in field A should be lit on the screen.

Procedure for taking readings:

  • Briefly press the "Enter" button, the tariff T1 will be displayed;
  • Write data;
  • Press “Enter” again, T2 will appear;
  • Repeat the procedure, record the T3 readings.

The warranty period of the device is 5 years. To make it convenient to use, each device is accompanied by instructions for use and operation.

In the event of a malfunction, eights or error indications will appear on the screen. You can see the value in a special table, where its decoding is given. Certain numbers and letters indicate a malfunction that has occurred. If the problem cannot be corrected, the device must be returned to a service center.

Ways to give electricity meter readings

The consumer can submit testimony to the electric company without leaving home. The older generation does not trust Internet resources, and prefers to submit electronic meter data by visiting the office of an energy company or a housing office. Reporting is required on a monthly basis.

Ways to take readings of the energy meter:

  • Use the point or box for receiving readings by visiting the energy sales company on your own;
  • Give evidence by phone to the contact center of the energy supply company;
  • Enter meter readings via the Internet by registering on the energy sales website;
  • Calculate the data yourself and enter in the receipt

You can deposit money through terminals, mail, Personal Area in the Internet.

Unscrupulous consumers are trying to disassemble the meter, reset the data, remake software algorithms, discard and rearrange zero and phases. The seal must be removed, the readings must be reset by the direct representative of the energy company, otherwise you can get a big fine.

How to take readings from a two-tariff electric meter (video)

You can buy electricity meters at the site of the online store, which delivers to Ekibastuz, Zaporozhye, Kramatorsk and other regions. The site demonstrates the display of various models. You can watch and read specifications, as well as purchase distributors hot water indiv.

People are already accustomed to paying for electricity by meters. It is much easier to take readings from an old, induction meter. A new generation of electronic devices is increasingly being introduced into operation, and often subscribers do not know how to correctly read the electricity meter. Seeing and writing down the necessary numbers is not all. In accordance with the payment methods, you must either submit the deducted figures to the service company, or calculate the expense and pay the resulting amount in rubles.

Principle of operation and types of counters

An electricity meter is a device designed to account for the consumption of electricity by individual or collective users. Its mode of operation is automatic. The subscriber pays for electricity upon consumption.

So far, two types of devices are used:

  1. Induction. The old design is based on the electromechanical principle of operation. It is simple in design, reliable and durable. It has disadvantages: no accounting for reactive energy; large error, especially at low currents, high own consumption;
  2. Electronic. Equipped with microprocessor modules. It features high sensitivity and low error.

Both devices are united by one property: they work in continuous mode, counting the power consumption, giving out the values ​​in numbers on the display panel or metering mechanism. The readings of electric meters are constantly changing upwards.

After a certain period of time, you can find out the consumption, thanks to the difference between the fixed values.

You need to choose a day of the month for yourself and each time record the readings of the electric meter for a fixed date. Now energy sales organizations often set time limits. How to take readings of a different type of electricity meter?

Induction counter

Appliances used in everyday life are mostly single-phase. The reading mechanism consists of rotating wheels with numbers appearing in the display windows. Usually these are four main digits and the fifth, separated by a comma. When the device starts its work, the display shows five zeros. Five nines will mean the complete end of the reading cycle. If work continues, the readings are reset to zero again.

Important! When calculating, be careful about the position of the comma. You can ignore the last figure in a rough approximation. But if instead of a decimal fraction, fix it as an integer, the result will be distorted significantly. The decimal fraction of the instruments is designed differently.

  • let's say they wrote off the current readings for May 23 - 9949.6 kW. hours;
  • fixed figures for April 23 - 9825.3 kW. hours;
  • from the last amount you need to subtract the previous 9249.6 - 9125.3 \u003d 124.3 kW. h.

The second example next month has some complications:

  • April 23 was 9125.3 kW. hours;
  • May 23 - 0038.3 kW. h.

The last number is less than the previous one. How to find out the cost in this case? Since the reading mechanism has gone through its full cycle and reset to zero, you can represent the last number as 10038.3. This amount would have been obtained if there was another register. The further calculation method is similar to the previous one:

10038.3 - 9925.3 = 113 kW. h.

Important! When calculating the power consumption for the next month, you need to take the number without adding one - 0038.3.

The main difficulty is not to make a mistake in recording the readings of electric meters, taking into account the digits of numerical characters at the end of the cycle of the reading mechanism.

Meter replacement

Sometimes representatives of energy sales organizations remove devices for testing in the laboratory. Instead, they install a new electric meter.

In this case, record the last reading of the dismantled instrument. The consumption is then calculated using the previous value. The new counter may have characters other than zero on the display. This figure must also be fixed in your calculations for the next reporting period and use it.

Determining the correct operation of the counter

At home, it is possible to determine the correct operation of the accounting mechanism. This is needed when the subscriber is not sure that his consumption is summed up correctly.

On the display of electricity meters in the table under the rotating disk, information is recorded on how many revolutions are made at a consumption of one kW.

Visually, the number of revolutions of the disk is easy to calculate by the red mark. You need to arm yourself with a stopwatch to fix the time - exactly 1 minute.

Suppose we know that electrical appliances with a power of approximately 1 kW are connected to the network. If the mechanism works correctly in the counter, then you can calculate how many revolutions it should make per minute. The control number 600 corresponds to 1 kW. h. This means that with a load of 1 kW. the disk should make 600 revolutions. Then in one minute - 600/60 = 10 revolutions. If the counter is working correctly, then these numbers should roughly match. With a load of 2 kW - 20 revolutions per minute, etc.

Of course, it is difficult to accurately set the load outside the laboratory conditions, only approximately. Therefore, slight discrepancies are possible. But if the deviations are serious, it is necessary to contact service companies. Basically, these are local branches of Energosbyt.

Important! If, in the absence of consumption, the rotation of the disk continues, such a device is definitely faulty.

Electronic counter

The industry produces many models of electronic metering devices. Mercury or Micron are most often installed. There is no universal methodology that can describe how to take readings. Each electronic device has its own control sequence, which is described in detail in the attached technical documentation. Subscribers need to read the instructions.

All electronic meters have general rules devices. Their work is based on the calculation of power consumption over time. This implies the obligatory use of the clock as one of the main controls.

They serve to control the course of the technical process in time by calculating the consumed power. With the help of the clock, control takes place, the calculation is divided into periods, zones, it is performed separately during the day or at night.

Separation of accounting into day and night

The division of tariffs into "day" and "night" allows, by economically stimulating subscribers to consume electricity at night, to solve the problem of network congestion during the day. The load during the day can be distributed more evenly, which will ensure reliable operation of the power grid and improve energy quality indicators. The population remains the winner, receiving savings in payment.

To implement separate accounting, apply multi-tariff meters. If you fully use their capabilities, you can significantly reduce the money spent on paying for electricity, especially when powerful consumers are working, when night falls, and the tariff is reduced.

Varieties of tariffs

Electronic devices can be programmed for separate counting in 3 zones with different time limits:

  • T1 - one zone with a combined one-part tariff;
  • T2 - division of the tariff for day, night;
  • T3 - division of the tariff into 3 periods.

Time limits of the current tariffs:

  1. T1 corresponds to a one-rate tariff, like induction meters;
  2. T2. A day is considered from 7 am to 11 pm At this time, the main tariff is in effect. The rest of the day is the night when the reduced rate is valid. Time is local;
  3. T3. The day is divided into 3 periods. One main and two preferential, which are provided to industrial enterprises, firms, depending on their activities. In each case, time limits and payment methods are subject to adjustment. Usually for T3 the first segment is from 10 am to 5 pm; the second - from 21:00 to 23:00

Taking readings

For example, you can consider how to correctly take readings from the Mercury electricity meter. On other models, the algorithm is similar. Only the "Enter" button can be implemented in different places.

There are single-tariff electronic devices. It is necessary to write off readings from an electric meter of this type in the same way as from multi-tariff models. The difference is that the waiting time for the desired numbers is reduced, or it is less required to press the input button. A three-rate electronic device will require the largest number of manipulations, but it is not difficult to understand their sequence.

The display in automatic mode alternately shows the current time, date, then tariffs. Other data may also be present: current power consumption, meter number, etc. Each digit lingers on the screen for several seconds. Not always, if you just looked at the screen, you can have time to record. In order to record readings from the counter in a convenient mode, there is an introductory button. By clicking on it, you can force the selection of the desired value.

It is not difficult to understand how to determine the desired figure when a three-tariff meter is used. By alternately pressing the input button (it may be called "Input" or have a different name - the data is recorded in the instruction), the T1, T2 and T3 modes are called.

T1 and the numerical value of the power should appear on the display, respectively; T2 and a number, etc. At the end, the total amount of power consumed is displayed. It is labeled "TOTAL" on some models.

Example for a two-tariff meter:

  • T1 - indications are recorded for the control date (tariff - day);
  • T2 - recording is made in the same way (tariff - night);
  • TOTAL - read indication for control;
  • from the values ​​​​taken one by one, the figures recorded on the previous key date are subtracted, separately for each tariff.

Indications with three-tariff meter are supplemented with T3 values. The rest of the scheme is identical.

Three-phase meters

In apartment buildings, single-phase models of electronic devices are mainly used. But in private homes, three-phase meters are often used. A single-phase system is not always convenient. For example, when you need to connect powerful three-phase motors. Or you can connect sensitive digital equipment to one phase, and use the other for energy-intensive devices.

For old three-phase metering devices or in the case of a large power limit, a transformer is used for each phase when connected. In the case of using a three-phase direct connection meter of a new sample (without transformers), you can take readings as in the cases described above: simply by switching the input button until the necessary information is obtained.

Important! If there are transformers in the connection diagram of metering devices, the values ​​taken must be additionally multiplied by the transformation ratio. The resulting figure will be the power consumption in kW. h.

It's best to read the contract first. It should indicate how the calculations are made. In some power supply companies, only the recorded values ​​\u200b\u200bof the meter are required to be entered on the receipt, indicating the transformation ratio below. Calculations are made by the operator of the organization. Therefore, the subscriber should always clarify which forms of calculation will be used.

How to calculate the amount of payment in rubles

Power consumption for the reporting period is the same for all models of metering devices. The difference is that several values ​​​​are written off from the electronic meter. How many digits should be entered in the receipt? Forms of the document for payment may be different. As a rule, these are the readings taken (previous and last), the calculated monthly consumption in kW. h. and the amount in money, which is obtained by multiplying the expense by the cost of the current tariff (per 1 kWh).

Important! When using multi-tariff devices, it is necessary that the consumer enters the values ​​​​for all tariffs.

Transfer of testimony

Now most energy sales organizations oblige the subscriber to simply transfer meter readings, and the operator calculates the actual consumption and issues an invoice. You can pass the removed values:

  • via SMS;
  • phone call;
  • over the Internet;
  • using a PO box.

The subscriber, when giving testimony, enters the recorded figures for all tariffs.

Correct reading of electric meters is possible when familiarizing yourself with their device and features. You need to read the values ​​carefully and not make mistakes in the entries.


Since the second half of the nineteenth century, mankind began to actively use electrical energy, since that time the volume of its consumption has been constantly growing. Electrical energy is a rather specific product produced at power plants, a feature of which is the simultaneity of the process of production and consumption. But, as with the production of any product, resources are spent on the production of electrical energy, and resources of any nature cost money. Accordingly, there was a need to account for the consumed energy.

The history of the creation of electrical energy meters

Officially, it is considered that the first electric energy meter was created in 1888 by Oliver B. Shellenberger, but this event was preceded by a number of physical studies and discoveries carried out at different times by different scientists.

Since 1894, the same Schellenberger has been creating an induction watt-hour meter, this invention served as a leap for further modernization and research of electrical energy metering devices. Induction meters produced today use the same principles, and the unit of measurement has become the unified standard for calculating the amount of electrical energy consumed.

Varieties of electricity meters

Induction electric meters are still the most common metering device in everyday life. The principle of operation of such a device is based on the effect of a rotating magnetic field. Voltage is constantly applied to one of the coils, and the load current flows through the second, the magnetic field from these coils rotates the aluminum disk, which, in turn, rotates the counting mechanism. This is a fairly reliable, simple and cheap design, but it has a number of vulnerabilities, which allows unscrupulous consumers to distort its readings.

Later, electronic metering devices with a mechanical counting mechanism were created. Here, electricity is accounted for by converting the amount of power consumed into electrical impulses. The impulse rotates the stepper motor, which, in turn, rotates the counting mechanism. Such a meter has a slightly higher cost, but is no longer picky about the ambient temperature and is more resistant to attempts to manipulate the readings.

Electronic electric meters appeared relatively recently, flowing through them Electric Energy is taken into account by the microprocessor, and the data is displayed on a liquid crystal display. Such meters often have a built-in clock, which allows you to divide the consumed electricity into tariff groups. Also, these metering devices can be combined into a system of automated control and metering of electricity (ASKUE), that is, by means of a cable or a GSM modem, transfer data to a computer, where they are systematized and processed. Such counters have a high degree of protection against interventions in work and a high class of accuracy.

Taking electric meter readings

Despite the large differences in the design and principles of electricity metering, it is quite easy to remove on any of them. Readings can be taken independently by the consumer or a representative of the power supply organization.

How to take readings of an electricity meter with a mechanical counting mechanism? The number of characters that determine the consumed kilowatt-hours is different, most often it is four to six. It is important to understand that most metering devices contain in their readings not only integer values ​​​​of consumed kilowatts, but also tenths. A sign that is considered a decimal must be separated from the rest by a comma, and (or) placed in a separate box, most often red. If there are no compartments, all dial data is considered consumed kilowatt-hours.

How to correctly take meter readings from an electronic scoreboard? The digital values ​​​​of the meter readings are displayed on the liquid crystal display, integer and fractional parts in this case are separated by a dot. Depending on the type of meter, the number of characters, both before and after the decimal point, can vary significantly. Also, it is worth noting that multi-tariff metering devices can display a lot of data on the display, this is the current time, the instantaneous value of current and power, voltage, and readings in different tariff groups. Here it is important to know the numeric or alphanumeric code of the desired indications, for example, T1 - indications consumed in daytime, and T-2 - at night.

Calculation of consumed electricity

In the absence of an electricity meter, the calculation is made according to the consumption rate and is provided in the payment already in the calculated form. In the case of an installed operable meter, at the beginning of each month (preferably on the 1st day), by taking meter readings, the consumed electricity is calculated. Mathematically, it is very simple, the previous ones are subtracted from the current readings - this difference is the volume consumed per month. It is important to remember that in everyday life only whole parts of the meter readings are taken into account.

In case of two-tariff meters, there is an alternate subtraction of the values ​​of the current and previous readings for each tariff group. The total consumption can be checked by comparing the amount of tariff costs with the difference in the total readings for the month.

At enterprises, the calculation is somewhat more complicated; tenths and hundredths of the meter readings are taken into account here. If measuring transformers are installed in the metering circuit, then the difference in readings is multiplied by the current and voltage transformation ratio. For example, there is a voltage transformer 6000/100 and a current transformer 75/5, the difference in readings for the month is 100.01. Multiplying 100.01 * 60 * 15 we get the value of 90090 kWh, this will be the electrical energy consumed per month.

In order for electricity to come to our homes in endless streams and be of proper quality, it is important to pay for it correctly and in a timely manner. Attempts to distort the readings of the meter, most often end with a huge fine.

Every person in his life sooner or later faces the question: how to take the readings of the electricity meter, if nothing is clear. Of course, there are also simple situations when it is enough just to write down all the numbers and pay for them. But it also happens when it is not clear how to take the readings of the meter, which considers different tariffs (day-night), has incomprehensible values ​​on the dial, or the meter is electronic. In this article, we will look at all these situations and teach you how to read readings correctly. If you think that you know everything - you are mistaken, there are mind moments that should be taken into account.

How to take readings from modern meters

As a rule, it is with modern or two tariff meters that the most problems arise. Actually no, it's easy to take a reading from them. Such counters are counted in automatic mode, there are no usual rotating disks and dials. A simple display is installed, which in some modifications shows another kW / hour and even the operating time, takes into account the consumption at a certain time of the day (day-night). You can save a lot if you use it, but there are some significant drawbacks.

All these indications can be easily removed, just follow the following recommendations:

  1. We find to take the instruction, where all the values ​​​​on this counter are indicated. As a rule, you will find a hint in it, but look further and follow simple steps.
  2. Press "Enter", with it you simply select the desired parameter.
  3. If you have a one-tariff meter, then remove the value - T1, if two-tariff, then - T1 and T2, respectively, three-tariff - T1, T2, T3.
  4. We take readings from last month.
  5. Submitting testimonies.

Watch a video on how to take readings from a Mercury counter.

In a similar way, you can take readings from Mercury 200, Cascade, Energomera, Line Electro, Neva, Micron, etc. devices. As you can see, there are no problems, you just need to find out.

How to take readings from an old-style electricity meter

If you have an old induction electricity meter installed in your house or on a pole, then a disk is constantly spinning on the front panel, which counts the electricity consumed. Taking readings from it is always simple, follow these steps:

  • Write down the values.
  • Subtract this value from the previous month's readings.
  • Multiply the finished result by your tariff plan. For example, your tariff plan is 1.2 rubles, if you have wound 100 kW, then the amount payable will be 120 rubles.

Be sure to listen to our advice, taking the meter reading does not end there. There are tricks that you should always take into account without fail.

You need to take readings of the old-style counter only up to a decimal point, see photo. The last digit (red) is never taken into account.

See what readings you should get - “000004” kW / h. The last number is not taken into account.
Video on how to take readings from an old-style electricity meter.

And of course, we pass all the evidence to the relevant authorities. Based on this, receipts for payment will fall. As you can see, there are no difficulties, watch the video on how to take readings from an old-style electric meter.

Everyone should know this

Now we will tell you how to take readings from the electricity meter if something went wrong. Here we will consider all non-standard situations, and show you the way out of them.

So we considered the question of how to calculate the monthly electricity consumption yourself, as you may have noticed, it is not difficult. If you have any questions, please contact us, we will be happy to answer all of them.