Three-tariff electricity meter. Three-tariff electricity meters

We have already told you, but they may not be enough. Therefore, in this article we will consider what a three-tariff electricity meter is, we will try to highlight its differences and tell you in what situations it should be installed. Just want to note that it is installed as usual single phase meter. True, its cost is slightly higher than two and one-tariff.

What is a three-tariff electricity meter

A three-tariff electricity meter is a device that allows you to track electricity consumption at three different tariffs. The essence of its work is very simple, depending on the time of day, and the consumption of only a certain tariff plan is included. According to this principle, everything is considered:

  1. The daily rate is included from 10.00 to 17.00 and from 20.00 to 23.00 it is valid.
  2. Average fare: from 7.00 to 10.00 and from 17.00 to 20.00.
  3. Night rate: from 23.00 to 07.00.

As you understand, the cost of electricity in all these three tariffs is significantly different. The most expensive is considered to be the daily one, the maximum price is always set for it. The average tariff is slightly higher, but using electricity during this period of time can also save quite a lot. And of course, the cheapest one is night one, we recommend using it, because the cost is several times lower than the day one. Also read about.

Of course, a three-tariff electricity meter is not bad, but we have already said in one article whether it is worth installing or not, where you can find answers to many of your questions.

Is it worth it to install a three-tariff electricity meter

Now let's move on to a more global question, but is it worth installing such a counter at all, and in what situations it is better not to do this at all.

When such a counter can be installed

  • If you are constantly at work, then such a counter can help you out. Coming home from work at 17.00, so you can safely turn on all the appliances, knowing that the cost is lower.
  • If you are driving night image life.

Such a counter can be safely called effective, it helps to save money in the best way. By the way, read the article, because the principle here is slightly different.

When a three-tariff meter cannot be installed

Many people have not even heard of such a meter, because not every region of our country has all these tariffs. As a rule, there are two tariffs everywhere, but one tariff is often found. Therefore, before installation, you must clearly understand what tariffs you have, otherwise there will be no sense from it.

Also, do not forget to do the calculation in advance. For example, light may not differ significantly between all tariffs at all. Then the installation will be meaningless. Try to calculate how much you can save approximately and only after that think about purchasing it.

Remember! It should fully pay for itself in one year, maximum two. If this does not happen, then there is no point in installing it. Such a unit costs a lot of money, and they should return.

An interesting video about who benefits from a counter for three tariffs:

Interesting article

There are few ways to legally save on the cost of electricity. So many find it profitable to install three-tariff meters. The main feature of the devices is energy metering at three different rates depending on the time of day. By purchasing a Cascade meter, you can reduce your electricity bill.

Transition to multi-tariff electricity meters: tariffs and accounting

Anyone can switch to a multi-tariff system. It can be a household user or entity. For the need to switch to a three-tariff system, it will be necessary to reasonably assess the consumption of electricity at night.

Stages of transition to a multi-tariff system:

  1. It is necessary to fill out an application and go with it to the branch electrical network at the place of residence. In Moscow, you should contact Mosenergo.
  2. The application shall indicate the contact details of the consumer and the required type of payment.
  3. Based on the application, an agreement is created, according to which paid services for installing the meter and parameterizing are provided. The user buys the counter independently.
  4. After paying for the services, the meter is installed. The user is transferred to a new tariff calculation.

Next, you will need to select the estimated rates. You can switch to a two-tariff system or a three-zone system. To determine, you will need to calculate for each type of tariff. You will need to multiply the tariff coefficient of a certain time of day by the value of the tariff rate.

Advantages of a three-tariff meter and disadvantages

When using three-tariff meters, the day is divided into three zones. At peak times, there is the highest charge for electricity consumption. In the semi-peak zone, the payment is less. But night time is considered the most profitable.

Benefits of using the three-tariff system:

  1. You can save on electricity by bypassing the peak zone;
  2. This is an absolutely legal way to reduce the cost of using electricity.

But the system also has disadvantages. So for many it is quite difficult to use most of the technology at night. Gradually, the cost of tariffs for a three-tariff meter increases. In addition to having to pay for the device itself, tariffs can increase dramatically and there will no longer be much benefit. The cost of tariffs should be known in advance in a certain region. But if the work is set up clearly, then you can quickly beat off the cost of the meter and save on paying for the service.

The principle of operation of a three-tariff meter: accounting time

A three-tariff electric meter calculates electricity for three different periods of the day. So daytime starts at 7 am and ends at 11 pm. For daily accounting, generally accepted tariffs are taken. Multi-tariff devices divide daytime into two zones: peak and semi-peak. The peak zone captures the time from 7 to 10 am and from 5 to 9 pm. At this time, the highest energy consumption is recorded, so the tariffs will be quite high.

For users of three-tariff meters during the peak period, the cost of energy will be higher than for other consumers.

The semi-peak zone starts at 10 am and lasts until 5 pm, as well as from 9 to 11 am. The night period starts at 11 am and lasts until 7 am. This is the most profitable time, because then the cost of a kilowatt is halved. It is the night time that is the most economical.

For domestic use, it is recommended to purchase two-rate counters. Manufacturing enterprises you should choose three-tariff metering devices. It is better to postpone the main load on the power grid at night, thereby reducing costs. So at night you can start washing, heating the house, heat the water with a boiler. But there are many factors to consider when choosing a meter. The choice of appliance depends on the climate, the type of stove installed, the category of users and other criteria.

How to take readings from a three-tariff meter with different tariffs

Three-tariff meters imply the use of several tariffs at once. The operation of the device is based on the use of different tariffs depending on the time of day. Such a device is equally beneficial for both the consumer and the energy supplier. The user saves on electricity, and the supplier receives a moderate load on the equipment.

Thanks to the use of three-tariff meters, the peak zone lends itself to less loads.

When taking readings from the meter, a number of rules must be observed. There are certain differences from taking readings from a single-zone device. You will need to remove the difference from each tariff and multiply by the tariff rate.

The procedure for taking readings from a three-tariff meter:

  1. On the counter, you must press the "Enter" button to access the readings;
  2. The screen with an interval of 30 seconds will show all the indicators that need to be rewritten;
  3. Then the real readings are taken at the daily rate and the previous measurements are subtracted;
  4. The resulting number is multiplied by the current tariff in the region;
  5. Two other tariffs are calculated in the same way: night and half-peak hours;
  6. Then all the calculations are put together;
  7. If there are benefits, they are deducted from the amount received;
  8. This receipt can be paid at any branch of the state bank.

If there are no readings for the last month, then you can find them using the counter. To do this, press "Enter" and hold it for a few seconds. Then go to "Indications on the day of payment."

The benefit of a three-zone meter: how to save on electricity

The three-zone metering device has a fairly simple principle of operation. Different rates apply for the three segments of the day. It remains to figure out what is the benefit of using the system for several tariffs.

What are the benefits of three-tariff meters:

  1. At night, the fee is charged at a rate that is several times less than during the day;
  2. It is possible to save in semi-peak zones approximately 20% percent off daily rates.

Savings are made by shifting the main load to night time. It is at night that they perform washing, heating water in the boiler, charging electrical appliances. So the benefit is obvious not only for consumers, but for the power plant, removing the load from it.

In Moscow when using multi-tariff meters you can save a quarter of your electricity bill.

The complexity of such savings concerns the implementation of all night procedures. It is not always possible to carry out all manipulations with technicians at night. This way of life is suitable for people who do not have a stable work schedule and who do not need to get up early.

Today, more and more often, the widely used one-rate meters are being replaced by three-tariff energy meters. The three-tariff type of the meter allows you to significantly save the family budget, since electricity consumption is recorded for three different periods of the day. But, despite the large number of advantages, both for the energy company and for its ordinary consumers, a three-tariff meter is not used in all cities of Russia. However, if we analyze the rapidly growing popularity of the device, we can safely say that in the near future the situation in our country may change dramatically.

The fact that a three-tariff electricity meter is beneficial for consumers is quite obvious. It should be noted that its use by consumers is no less beneficial for both energy companies and the environment. Thus, according to Mosenergo, three-tariff metering equipment is the most acceptable option for devices that fully meet the requirements of both the electricity supplier and its consumer.

For consumers of electricity, this type of equipment is beneficial for a number of reasons. Firstly, it allows you to save on paying bills, as well as competently organize the process of controlling energy consumption. Charging is carried out depending on the time of day: the periods from 7 to 10 hours and from 17 to 21 hours are related to the daily rate, and are the most expensive to pay. Time of day from 10 am to 5 pm and from 9 pm to 11 pm refers to the average tariff, and the night tariff scale applies to the period from 11 pm to 7 am. The last tariff is four times less than the daily rate. Due to the existence of a distinction between the time period and the tariff rate, there is a significant economic benefit.

For electricity suppliers, a three-tariff meter is an equally advantageous type of device. The usefulness of the device is as follows: at peak moments of electricity consumption, the station equipment experiences extreme loads, which have the most negative effect on its technical specifications. Because of this, energy companies are forced to carry out frequent repairs and use unprofitable reserve capacity. Three-tariff meters help to optimize energy consumption, therefore, they are extremely beneficial for the energy system as a whole.

Due to the fact that the three-tariff device makes it possible to reduce the load on the station equipment, the amount of toxic emissions into the atmosphere, which are a necessary side effect when the devices operate at full capacity, is also reduced. The reduction in emissions has a positive effect on environment therefore, each of us has the opportunity to be conscious and contribute to improving the environmental situation. The price of a three-tariff meter is twice as much as a conventional single-rate device, however, this does not matter much - in six months of operation, the device will fully pay for itself and begin to save the family budget.