Signs that I'm pregnant. What methods of determining pregnancy, in addition to the test, are there? Frequent trips to the toilet

Pregnancy is a certain state of the body, which means the birth of a baby, after a certain period of time. It can be identified by some symptoms.

When a woman is looking forward to the birth of her first child, she tries to find any hints of pregnancy in all the changes in her body. Many people think that when irritability or nausea appears, that’s all, they are in position! Although, most mothers really found out about their pregnancy precisely by such signs. Of course, all this may suggest the presence of pregnancy, but, unfortunately, such signs do not always occur when determining this interesting situation.

How was pregnancy recognized in women in ancient times?

A thousand years ago, ancient people were already able to recognize the first signs of pregnancy.

The ancient Egyptians, in order to find out about a woman’s interesting situation, they prepared special “test drinks” for her , which consisted of a special herb and the milk of a mother who was breastfeeding the boy. If such a mixture after its use caused a woman to vomit, then this verdict was confirmed - she is pregnant!

Previously, pregnancy was determined by numerous signs

But old Jews asked women who might be pregnant walk on soft grass. After that, they studied her traces and drew certain conclusions. But, unfortunately, the details of how exactly they could determine pregnancy from their prints have not survived to this day.

The main symptoms and signs of pregnancy

The real existence of pregnancy in a woman can only be confirmed tests that will show elevated levels of hCG in her blood or if the doctor listen to the baby's heartbeat in the womb, or ultrasound results . All other methods are only possible signs and symptoms.

Accurate Signs of Pregnancy

Elevated hCG levels - the presence in the blood of a woman of a large amount of pregnancy hormone. It begins to grow a week or 10 days after the conception process. This analysis is quite accurate in determining pregnancy. Having donated her blood from a vein in any laboratory, a woman will be able to find out about her situation, even before the menstruation is late.

Listening to the baby's heartbeat is carried out by a gynecologist using an electronic or wooden stethoscope. The doctor can hear the baby's little heart beating in the womb at 10-12 weeks. His heart rate is between 120 and 160 beats per minute.

Ultrasound - this is an ultrasound examination of a woman, which is preferably carried out at 7-12 weeks. With its help, you can determine the exact gestational age from 2 or 3 weeks.

The doctor can hear the fetal heartbeat with a special device

To signs of pregnancy phenomena or sensations can be attributed, such as:

  • Small discharge in the form of a few brown drops that you can find on panties. It might not be the start of the monthly menstrual cycle, a implantation bleeding . It occurs as a result of the search for the uterine wall, the cell that will eventually become a child. She, as it were, "travels" through the mother's genital tract and is looking for a suitable place for herself, where she will continue to grow and develop. it one of the earliest signs which, in general, may not always manifest itself.
  • Constant fatigue and feeling weak. Most women who are not yet aware of their condition believe that they are simply tired or sick. But this may be true. Because the first cause of weakness is decreased immunity . Some expectant mothers may even have a runny nose and cough.
  • Increase in basal body temperature. If you think that you will have a baby, then do not be too lazy to monitor your basal body temperature during the menstrual cycle. Are you really pregnant if you the temperature will rise to 37 degrees , or abruptly go down one day in the second phase of the bleeding cycle. This process is referred to as "implantation sinking", the main reasons for which are a decrease in the production phase of the hormone progesterone in the middle of the second phase of the cycle, which is responsible for the state of temperature. Or, when the hormone estrogen begins to be thrown out. He is responsible for lowering the temperature.
  • sensitive chest. In cases where at some time you experience increased sensitivity of the nipples, then it is likely that you have a pregnancy. This symptom may appear only 14 days after conception . Your chest can make itself felt even with the most gentle touches. It may also swell slightly and hurt a little. Darkened skin around the areolas of the nipples can also indicate pregnancy.
  • The appearance of noticeable tubercles of Montgomer, which are located on the nipple of the breast. They are tiny bumps on the areola of the chest that resemble goose bumps . These tubercles are absolutely harmless, but their appearance may indicate an interesting position for a woman.

    Nausea, extreme sensitivity to certain smells- This is a classic well-known sign of pregnancy. He makes himself known 3rd to 8th week after conception . Most of the expectant mothers met with similar and unpleasant sensations. Such a sign can also appear when you overeat or poison yourself. Therefore, do not rush to rejoice if you have such an indicator in the morning.

    Insomnia or sleep disturbance appear in many pregnant women, due to certain changes in their body. That is, despite the fact that they go to bed early, expectant mothers still do not get enough sleep. Sleep can drive them even in the middle of the day even in the workplace. If your job is serious enough and responsible, then you should change it, or move to a quieter department. This is not worth much worries. It's just that the body gives all kinds of signs about its new status.

  • Delayed monthly cycle of menstruation considered the most common sign of pregnancy. Having noticed its failure, we begin to assure ourselves that we are pregnant and immediately run to the pharmacy for a test. But, in the event that a woman has an irregular bleeding cycle, then you should not rely only on the delay.
  • Pain in the lumbar region or in the back can become very noticeable. Such unexpected "lumbago" in the lower back of the expectant mother can manifest itself throughout the entire period of bearing the baby, periodically making itself felt.
  • Unpleasant bloating may occur due to the fact that during pregnancy the woman's intestines become "lazy". He ceases to monitor the level and process of gas formation well. Also, a similar phenomenon can be felt because the intestinal walls begin to swell a little.
  • Frequent urge to urinate. Two weeks after conception, a woman may feel frequent urge to the toilet, little by little . They are explained by what happens in her body. her hormonal changes - distension of the uterus and the growth of the fetus, which constantly presses on the outer membranes of the bladder.

Frequent urination could be a sign of pregnancy

How to find out if you are pregnant without medical tests?

Do you want, but do not know how to determine whether you are pregnant or not and you do not have the opportunity to purchase a medical test? Then this can be done using other methods, including folk ones. Many women prefer to seek help during the period of uncertainty with pregnancy precisely to proven folk grandmother's methods. Therefore, we will reveal to you some secrets that will help you know that you are in a position without a test.

Of course, you can accurately find out about pregnancy without using a test after receiving a gynecologist, ultrasound, or by measuring body temperature daily.

5 Ways to Know You're Pregnant (Without Taking a Test):

Method 1 (veracity 5: 5)

Take half a liter of warm water and dissolve a few granules of potassium permanganate in it, until a light pink color. After that, add a small amount of your fresh morning urine to it. See if the color of the resulting solution has become light yellow and brightened - the result is negative. If the color has not changed and small flakes appear, then you are 100% pregnant.

Method 2 (Truthfulness also 5:5)

Collect a small amount of morning urine in a clean container and drop a few drops of iodine into it. Pregnancy will not be confirmed if it immediately spreads on the surface of the urine. And if the droplet lingered for some time on the surface, then your result is positive, you can start celebrating this good news.

Method 3 (degree of truthfulness 4: 5)

Prepare a white piece of paper and wet it with your urine. After that, put a few drops of iodine on it. And watch out, if the color of the paper turns blue, then you are not pregnant. And if a bright purple or lilac hue appears, the result is positive. This method is one of the most reliable. Although there may be inaccuracies, due to the different composition of the paper.

Method 4 - (Truthfulness 3 out of 5)

Collect morning urine in a clean bowl, and pour wine into it, in a ratio of 1: 1. Then follow the result: if the resulting mixture remains light and transparent, the result will be negative. And if it has become cloudy and slightly changed its consistency, it has become like cottage cheese - congratulations, you are a future mother.

In fact, the degree of veracity of this method is not high, due to not always high-quality inexpensive wine. It must be completely free of dyes and various chemical additives, which affect the results of this test.

Method 5 (Truthfulness 2: 5

Take your morning urine and place it in a container in which you bring it to a boil. Then pour it into a clear glass container. Look, if you are pregnant, then a sediment in the form of flakes will appear in the urine.

This technique has no high level truthfulness, because when boiled, the protein that is in the urine can simply coagulate. As a result, it will be difficult for you to distinguish it from the resulting flakes.

To determine the presence of pregnancy, home pregnancy tests are used, which are easy to purchase at any pharmacy. But often a woman wants to know if she is pregnant even before the test is able to show two stripes.

Definition of pregnancy by your condition

Before the onset of the next menstruation, indirect signs of pregnancy may appear (soreness and breast enlargement, mood changes and taste preferences, etc.). It is impossible to rely on them with absolute certainty, since the same symptoms can be before menstruation.

And the delay itself will speak of the probable onset of pregnancy only on the condition that the woman is completely healthy and before that her body worked without the slightest failure, and the cycle was always stable.

But still, let's analyze the symptoms that the interviewed girls noted in their position a few days before the expected menstruation. So, with the onset of pregnancy, many observed the following changes:

  • worries about weakness in the body;
  • pulls the lower abdomen, colitis in the ovary;
  • swelling and soreness of the breast;
  • urination becomes more frequent (in the presence of this symptom, the development of cystitis should be excluded).

Some of the respondents did not have breast pain at all, although they were pregnant. Mostly women complained of weakness, drowsiness, and rapid fatigue. This is directly related to hormonal changes. But even with chronic lack of sleep, frequent stress, lack of rest, such well-being can also be observed outside of pregnancy. Therefore, this condition cannot be taken as a sure sign of pregnancy.

It is also necessary to say about body temperature. Many pregnant women thought they had a cold because their temperature was 37 degrees Celsius. In general, this is a normal body temperature during pregnancy. Therefore, if a constant elevated temperature (37.0-37.4 degrees) is observed within 2 weeks after the alleged conception, then such a phenomenon is often considered as the first symptom of a successful conception. Doctors explain this condition by the fact that during pregnancy, the level of progesterone in the body of a woman rises, which causes an increase in body temperature.

Ways to determine pregnancy without a test

Home pregnancy tests are very convenient, but not always available. Consider folk methods for determining pregnancy a few days before the expected menstruation or during the period of delay.

The use of iodine

Iodine was often used by our grandmothers to detect pregnancy. There are several ways to use this tool:

  1. You need to collect urine in a clean bowl and add a drop of iodine.
  2. Pregnancy did not occur if the drop of iodine dissolved.
  3. If iodine lingers on the surface in the form of a floating spot, there is a high probability of pregnancy.

To this method was the most accurate, several important rules must be observed. The test is carried out only on the first morning urine. Before collecting the material, hygiene procedures are mandatory, but without the use of soap. Iodine is added using a pipette, which should be brought as close as possible to the surface of the urine.

You can use the second diagnostic method at home:

  1. A small strip of paper is taken and soaked in the first morning urine. The strip must be completely saturated.
  2. A drop of iodine is applied to the paper.
  3. The paper has changed color to a blue or purple hue - there is a high probability of pregnancy.

These methods are considered folk, as science refutes their reliability. Iodine changes color to blue/violet with high starch content in paper. Whether iodine will dissolve or not depends on the acidity (pH) of the urine. In an alkaline environment, iodine will dissolve.

Baking soda

Experts on the Internet recommend using baking soda, which is in almost every home, to determine whether a woman is in an interesting position or not. This method is based on the following statement - if the egg is fertilized, the acid-base indicator (pH) of the urine changes to alkaline. That is why soda does not give a reaction.

So, it is advised to carry out the following procedure:

  1. Morning urine is poured into the container and a spoonful of baking soda is added, and now watch the reaction of the soda.
  2. If intense hissing begins, and bubbles form, as during the preparation of a fizz, pregnancy is not confirmed.
  3. In the case when there is no reaction, and the soda powder just settled to the bottom, then there is a pregnancy.

It is worth considering the fact that the “pregnant” phenomenon can manifest itself with the predominance of plant food and milk in the diet, as well as in kidney diseases. With regular consumption of meat, or vice versa, with starvation and dehydration, the urine becomes acidic (i.e. "not pregnant"). So this method is also doubtful, because the pH of urine depends on our menu and health status.

Measurement of basal temperature

As experts say, this way allows you to determine the presence of pregnancy with the greatest accuracy and can be used at home. It is necessary to take measurements a few days before menstruation should occur.

After ovulation, there is a slight increase in basal body temperature (BT), which is kept around 37 degrees. If this temperature lasts all two to three weeks after ovulation, then it is most likely that pregnancy has occurred.

To get the most accurate information, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • you need to take measurements of basal temperature in the morning, immediately after sleep, at about the same time, and always before you get out of bed (keep the thermometer under your pillow);
  • for measurements, the simplest mercury thermometer is used, which is inserted into the vagina and held for at least 3 minutes;
  • you can not make sharp and jerky movements, otherwise the result will be distorted;
  • during testing, it is important to exclude the possible influence of pathological factors such as influenza or SARS;
  • it is necessary to carry out such measurements over several cycles and maintain a special schedule.

Indeed, during pregnancy, the basal temperature is about 37 degrees from the moment of conception and the entire first trimester. In this case, there is no menstruation. But in obstetric practice, there were a lot of examples of how pregnancy also occurred with menstrual irregularities (but with the presence of ovulation and open sex life). And in such patients, the basal temperature was unstable or did not reach 37 degrees at all. So, if a girl has a delay in menstruation and BBT is kept at about 37 degrees, then there is a possibility that there is a pregnancy. But if BT does not reach 37 degrees, then pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

By selection

In the early stages of pregnancy, a change in vaginal discharge may occur - they may become more abundant due to an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood, or turn brown or pink as a result of the fact that the egg, when attached to the wall of the uterus, damages the small blood vessels of the endometrium, then something in the discharge and there is an admixture of blood (this is called "implantation bleeding"). Usually, it bleeds poorly during implantation (a couple of drops are observed or it smears slightly) and this phenomenon lasts a couple of hours (a maximum of several days), besides, there is no pain.

In case of heavy bleeding, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible (he, if necessary, will prescribe a hemostatic and send him to donate blood for hCG, which will make it possible to find out whether the woman is actually pregnant or not). If there is a pregnancy, then this is a threat of miscarriage, and if there is no pregnancy, then it’s just menstruation or bleeding has opened (if such heavy menstruation is not characteristic of you).

"Grandma's" methods

To date, a large number of different ancient methods are being retold that used to help our ancestors determine whether a woman is pregnant or not.

By urine

On the early term pregnancy, if there is suspicion, you need to take urine, heat it and pour it into a glass vessel. If a woman is in an interesting position, flakes and a cloudy sediment should appear in the urine. Of course, during the test, an unpleasant and pungent odor will appear, but this method is one of the most popular among our grandmothers.

By pulse

To the number folk methods the measurement of the pulse in the abdomen also applies:

  • you need to lie on your back and completely relax;
  • just below the navel (5-6 cm) feel the pulse;
  • if a pulsation is felt, then there is a pregnancy;
  • provided that there is no pulse in this area, the woman is not pregnant.

The taste of metal

According to folk omens, the expectant mother has a persistent metallic taste in her mouth. This phenomenon is typical for the first weeks after fertilization, thanks to which it is possible to determine the fact of conception.

All these methods are very entertaining, but they will in no way help to confirm the pregnancy or disprove it.

Determining pregnancy with a test

In order for a rapid test to determine pregnancy to give the most accurate result, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • inspect the packaging for damage;
  • use only the test, the expiration date of which has not expired;
  • prepare a clean and sterile container;
  • it is best to examine the first morning urine;
  • hands must be washed and dried before the examination;
  • the test strip is lowered into the urine to the specified level;
  • then the test is laid out on a flat, dry surface (preferably on the bag in which the test lay);
  • in a few minutes the result will be visible.

It is necessary to evaluate the result after 3-5 minutes. On some tests, it is indicated that after 5 minutes it is impossible to reliably evaluate the result. And on others, on the contrary, it is said that the result should be viewed after 10 minutes, but no later than 30 minutes after the test. So read the instructions before you test.

In any case, if the second strip is barely visible, then repeat the test in 2-3 days. If the second strip does not become brighter, then there is no pregnancy, and this is just a reagent. During pregnancy, the second strip becomes brighter each time until it equals the intensity in the control.

Learn more about how to use a pregnancy test -.

How to know that you are pregnant? (video)

The above methods are almost all unreliable, so they will not help to independently determine at home whether conception has occurred or not. And to get more accurate information, you will have to additionally pass tests.

The most reliable way to determine pregnancy before a delay is to donate blood for hCG. More on this in the following video:

Modern private laboratories can determine pregnancy a few days before the expected menstruation. You just need to donate venous blood and pay for the analysis.

In the early days? some are set with obvious hope, while others - with undisguised fear. Whatever motives women are guided by, both of them need to find out if pregnancy has come. But how do you know if there are still a few days before the next menstruation, and it is still pointless to do a pregnancy test? And how early can you find out that conception did happen?

Fertility specialists assure that one hundred percent can be said about whether a woman is pregnant using only proven methods - ultrasound diagnostics, a woman's blood test for quantitative indicators of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone. All the rest, according to them, cannot be attributed to one hundred percent. Even pregnancy tests, which are freely available in pharmacies and used at home, are sometimes wrong.

However, even the best ultrasound machine will not “see” the pregnancy until a certain time. Meanwhile, a woman may already begin to experience some new sensations. From the first minutes after conception, her body begins to change, new mechanisms are launched in it that contribute to the consolidation of pregnancy and its successful development. And yet, no matter what doctors say, there are certain signs that help determine (or at least begin to guess) the fact of a pregnancy that has taken place already in the first days after conception.

Naturally, when we say “first days”, this does not mean at all that we are talking about the first or second day after unprotected intercourse. But already in a week and a half, the first messengers will certainly make themselves felt.

So how to determine pregnancy in the early days? Listen to yourself. And take a look.

If one day you notice a small spot of bloody discharge on your underwear (they can be almost bloodless, yellowish), and the next period is still far away, you may be pregnant. This happens when the egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus. But for many women, this procedure occurs "dry", which, like the first case, is a variant of the norm. By the way, if you have cervical erosion, then pinkish or yellowish discharge is also possible if pregnancy has occurred.

As we know, an increase in a woman's body is a sign of an upcoming or accomplished ovulation. But a sharp decrease in basal temperature, it is also called implantation retraction, indicates the conception that has occurred. But a sharp drop in temperature occurs within one day, and therefore only those women who daily and conscientiously monitor their basal temperature and make up will be able to track this sign. At the same time, the constant basal temperature of a woman in the first days of pregnancy will be at the level of “above 37”.

An exacerbation of the sense of smell, an aversion to certain smells, and not yet pronounced nausea are sure signs of an onset of pregnancy. They are even called classic. These symptoms are experienced even by those women who have never vomited during their entire pregnancy. But vomiting in the first days of pregnancy is a very common occurrence. Often it is accompanied by a significant decrease in appetite, a change in taste and increased salivation.

The breast of the woman in which she was born new life becomes more sensitive. Swollen mammary glands are a frequent, but not always unambiguous, sign of pregnancy, which appears already 6-7 days after conception. Ambiguous - because for many women, the breasts swell and ache a few days before the onset of the next menstruation. But soreness of the breast during pregnancy does not go away in 2-3 days. The chest, on the contrary, increases even more, and reacts even to the slightest touch. By the way, darkened areolas around the nipples indicate that a woman will become a mother. Their enlightenment occurs not even after childbirth, but through certain time after the end of lactation.

The feeling of heaviness felt on the “lower floor”, or rather, in the pelvic region, is another sign that helps determine pregnancy in the first days. The fact is that the body of a woman, if the pregnancy has taken place, directs all its resources to the area where tremendous work needs to be done. Now the most important task for him is to create the most favorable conditions for the development and preservation of a new life. Blood flow to the pelvic organs is now increasing, the uterus begins to grow. Thus, women feel “something is wrong”, but what exactly is happening to them, they cannot understand until a certain point. Some women, especially those who have already given birth, may have an unpleasant symptom - hemorrhoids. Its occurrence is associated with the same increased blood flow.

Many pregnant women in the first or second week may feel an incomprehensible tingling in the uterus and “shoots” in the perineum. The feeling of pain is so sudden and strong that women are seriously frightened. But doctors explain this by physiological changes occurring in a woman's body. Lower back pain also often indicates that a woman is pregnant.

Quite often, an indicator that a woman is pregnant is a strong feeling of drowsiness and slight malaise. Someone may even assume that he is starting to get sick. Increased fatigue is a completely natural phenomenon in the first days and even weeks of pregnancy. The body is rebuilt, the immune system “falls” a little. The hormone progesterone, produced in a larger volume than usual, depresses the psyche and provokes a feeling of depression, drowsiness and even irritability. In addition, progesterone contributes to the retention of fluid and salts in the body, which, in turn, can lead to swelling of the hands.

If not determined, then at least it is possible to suspect pregnancy in the early days if a woman has frequent urination. At the same time, urination is not accompanied by pain or burning. As a rule, such a symptom of pregnancy as frequent urination passes on its own by about four months. And hormones are also “to blame” for this, which are now produced in a woman’s body in a completely different way.

Not always, but often it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early days by observing a woman's sleep. Restless sleep, feeling "broken" in the morning, falling asleep early - almost all pregnant women know what it is, from their own experience.

If a woman has at least two or three of the signs described above at the same time, the probability that she is pregnant is about 75%. This means that you need to contact a specialist to accurately establish the fact of pregnancy and, in case of a positive answer, start a new life.

Specially for Olga Rizak

Very often, pregnancy becomes a surprise, both for the woman herself and for her environment. Some, on the contrary, plan a pregnancy for a long time and listen to all the changes in their body, sometimes wishful thinking. Our infographic will tell you how to accurately determine pregnancy in the early stages.

pregnancy symptoms

Well, of course, based only on the symptoms, it is definitely impossible to determine pregnancy. Although they may suggest doing a test. Consider the main symptoms in more detail:

1. Sensitive breasts. Within a few days after conception, a pregnant woman may notice the first changes. Nipples become more sensitive than usual. This also applies to the rest of the chest. But not always sensitive breasts are a sign of pregnancy. Similar sensations can occur during ovulation or before menstruation.

2. Delayed menstruation. One of the main signs indicating pregnancy, but not 100 percent. Perhaps you are experiencing climate change, hormonal failure, or gynecological diseases. This is a serious symptom and it is better to consult a doctor. However, a delay of no more than five days is considered the norm. It can also happen that you are pregnant, but your period continues to go. Here you can only advise: after unprotected intercourse, listen to your body and take a pregnancy test.

3. Frequent urination. It is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. But it can also be a symptom of illness, hypothermia, stress, etc.

4. Darkening of the areola of the nipples. It usually happens no earlier than two weeks later. However, darkening can be caused by the influence of sex hormones in a non-pregnant woman.

5. Increased salivation. As a rule, it appears with nausea in the first three months of pregnancy. Also, salivation characteristic symptom with almost all diseases of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, and even with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

Types of tests

Any symptom characteristic of pregnancy may be a harbinger of a disease. Therefore, you need to listen to your body, but on the basis of symptoms alone, you should not diagnose yourself. Moreover, medicine has long allowed women to determine pregnancy with an accuracy of up to 100%. For a more effective result in the early stages, you can donate blood for the pregnancy hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). Every day of pregnancy, the amount of this hormone in the body increases, but at very early stages only very sensitive tests can catch it. Pregnancy can be determined by the level of hCG in the blood within a few days after conception.

If you cannot go to a medical institution for one reason or another, then home tests will help. Of course, a few days after conception, such a test will not show anything. All tests for the determination of hCG in the urine should be done no earlier than a week before the onset of menstruation. The cheapest test strips will show a valid result only from the first day of delay. More expensive tests - inkjet or tablet, can determine pregnancy just a week before critical days. In general, in order not to guess on coffee grounds - is it too early to take a test, or is it time already - you need to know some values. Such home tests have a sensitivity of 10 to 25 Mme/ml. So the smaller the number, the more sensitive the test. For example, a ten test can show pregnancy as early as four weeks. What a week you can have - it's easy to calculate, you need to remember the first day of your last menstruation - this will be the starting point.

Test results

Any pregnancy test can show both false positive and false negative results. False-negative results are associated, as a rule, with incorrect testing, violation of the instructions. Or too short a pregnancy. It may be that the second band is weakly expressed. This is possible if you took the test before the expected delay, or if you have an ectopic pregnancy. False positive test results are rare, but possible. It may occur due to medicines containing hCG, tumors, recent miscarriage, etc.

Ultrasound will show the most accurate result. It will confirm pregnancy and help rule out an ectopic. You can do it no earlier than 3.5-4 weeks after conception. If you do not know when the conception occurred, then you can count about 5-6 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation. Before this time, there is no point in going to the ultrasound. It is better to consult a gynecologist, and he will prescribe the necessary examinations in the early stages of pregnancy.

Whether the conception was a long-awaited miracle or an unplanned surprise, any girl wants to know about it as early as possible. Therefore, women are so fond of sharing descriptions of the first signs of pregnancy. After all, tests promise results only after a delay. But you still need to live up to it! And what is a girl to do, eaten by curiosity, hope or anxiety?

We warn you right away: it is useful to know about these signs, but you should not give them too great importance. Because they are very subjective and can serve as symptoms of very different conditions.

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception?

The female egg is capable of fertilization the first 12 hours after ovulation. If a woman keeps track of her cycle and knows exactly when the egg was released, she can determine whether conception occurred after the act or not.

The symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception are similar to the signs of PMS of varying severity. The fact is that during the luteal period, a woman’s body always prepares for pregnancy - just in case. And the processes that take place in it after the release of the egg are always the same for about two weeks, regardless of whether conception has occurred or not.

The corpus luteum, which remains in the ovary after ovulation, produces the hormone progesterone, so in women the breasts swell and become sensitive, irritability, drowsiness, fatigue appear, more often you want to go to the toilet, and so on. If pregnancy really has come, then the signs continue, intensify and become more characteristic, and if not, menstruation comes.

Therefore, before the onset of menstruation, many women notice certain symptoms in themselves, which are often considered signs of conception. Their presence, severity and strength depend on the characteristics of the organism. They are not at all mandatory - neither in the case of pregnancy, nor in the absence of it.

Many symptoms may not even be caused by PMS, but by ordinary illness or stress. Therefore, relying on such signs of conception is not 100% worth it. But knowing them is useful - at least for your own peace of mind.

If a woman usually passes the second phase of the cycle without pronounced symptoms, the presence of such signs can serve as a kind of “beacon” and allow one to suspect an interesting situation.

As a rule, at 1 week, pregnancy is not even considered a pregnancy yet. At this time, the fertilized egg moves through the tubes to the uterus, where it will have to gain a foothold and spend the next 9 months. There are no obvious signs these days, although there may be uncharacteristic for the phase of the discharge cycle, pulling sensations in the abdomen, drowsiness, headache and irritability. But for many women, the entire second phase is accompanied by just such symptoms - the notorious PMS is made up of them.

Usually the first signs appear about 8-10 days after conception. In many ways, it depends on the characteristics of the body of each particular woman, on her attentiveness and level of sensitivity. It is at week 2 that some expectant mothers are faced with such a phenomenon as implantation bleeding.

After the fertilization of the egg has occurred, it moves to the uterus and is fixed in one of its walls. In this case, microruptures of vessels and capillaries may occur, which are accompanied by bleeding. This phenomenon occurs in only 20-30% of all pregnancies, and sometimes it is mistaken for menstruation that began ahead of time.

However, it is not difficult to distinguish blood smearing during embryo implantation from normal menstruation. It lasts only a few hours, less often it goes all day. At the same time, its intensity is weak and does not increase. The color of the discharge is light brown, bright red or pink. The analysis for the level of hCG at this time is not yet informative, since the changes are just beginning.

Signs of pregnancy at week 3 are already more distinct. The sensations in the chest increase - soreness, sensitivity, tingling, the areolas around the nipples darken. Taste preferences and reaction to smells change, chronic diseases become aggravated. As a rule, at this time a delay in menstruation is already detected, so it's time to do a test or donate blood for hCG.

How to recognize pregnancy early

Precisely recognizing pregnancy before a delay is an unrealistic task. After all, the main reliable sign is the absence of bleeding on day X. However, there are certain symptoms that tell a woman that something is wrong with her. However, as mentioned above, you cannot completely rely on it.

Increased BT

Those women who regularly measure basal body temperature, know that after ovulation, it always rises sharply by a few tenths of a degree. This usually lasts about two weeks and before menstruation, the temperature returns to normal. If pregnancy occurs, the temperature will remain above 37 for about two more months.

It is believed that a sign of conception after ovulation is an increase in BBT to 37-37.5 degrees at the very end. This is noted by many mothers, although there is no exact confirmation of this phenomenon. At 1 week of pregnancy, this is facilitated by a high level of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum.

Insomnia and nervousness

With hormonal imbalance caused by changes in the female body, many systems and organs work in a new way. This greatly affects the emotional background of a woman. Therefore, the first symptoms of pregnancy can also manifest themselves in the form of irritability, nervousness, which lead to insomnia.

Drowsiness, fatigue, low blood pressure

Sometimes a feeling of drowsiness appears in the first days of pregnancy, a woman gets tired faster and feels tired even after a long rest. Head starts to spin reduced pressure. These signs of pregnancy are also subjective and unreliable, they can happen due to normal overwork.

Discomfort in the abdomen and lower back

Secondary symptoms of pregnancy also manifest as strange sensations in the abdomen or lumbar region. At the beginning of pregnancy, the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases, so women often feel heaviness and pressure, discomfort in a sitting position.

There may be a pulling pain in the lower back, although this is often a sign of kidney problems. But the growing pain in the lower abdomen can warn of an ectopic or threatened miscarriage. Changes in the uterus sometimes cause a tingling sensation, although not all girls feel it. Another sign of pregnancy in the second week, and even later, is bloating. Hormonal changes lead to relaxation of the intestinal muscles and flatulence.


The first signs of pregnancy before menstruation include spontaneous headaches. They are caused by hormonal fluctuations. At the same time, there are no external reasons for a migraine - the girl did not catch a cold, slept well, did not sit in a stuffy room.

Zhor or lack of appetite

After conception, the metabolism speeds up, so signs of pregnancy also include an increase in appetite.

The opposite picture can also be observed - a woman cannot swallow a spoon. As a rule, this is due to changes in the perception of taste and aromas of food.

Intolerance to certain odors

During pregnancy, many women become very sensitive to smells and tastes. This applies not only to food, but to everything that surrounds a woman - cleaning products, cosmetics, perfumes, flowers. The girl vividly feels smells and tastes that she had not paid attention to before. Or unexpectedly “fell out of love” with those that she used to like.


Hormonal changes are often accompanied by changes in the digestive tract. Girls may suffer from constipation or diarrhea, belching, heartburn. Nausea and vomiting, which are the first signs of pregnancy, are rare before a missed period. As a rule, toxicosis begins at about 4 weeks.

Increased body temperature, cold

So that the body does not reject the embryo, which is a foreign body for it, after conception, the woman's immunity decreases. That is why one of the common symptoms of pregnancy is a cold (ARVI).

However, an increase in body temperature to 37 degrees is, in principle, typical for the first months of pregnancy, and due to hormonal imbalance, a woman is sometimes thrown into heat or cold.


After a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins a large-scale hormonal restructuring, so many people notice the appearance of rashes on the skin - acne, blackheads - among the early symptoms of pregnancy. It is especially worth paying attention to those who have not been bothered by such symptoms before. It should be remembered that acne often accompanies the second phase of the cycle, so the symptom is subjective and unreliable.

Pigmented spots on the face and darkening of the nipples

Many consider the appearance of various age spots on the face or darkening of the areolas of the chest as a sign of fertilization of the egg. These signs are also subjective and cannot serve as a reliable guide. In some women, the areolas become very dark already in the first month of pregnancy, while others do not notice this until the very end. The body of each woman is unique, so the birth of a new life always goes a little differently than others.

Frequent urination

Pregnancy before the delay can also be determined by the frequency of trips to the toilet in a small way. Frequent urges are associated both with increased blood flow to the female organs, with a hormonal storm. And they can be explained by exacerbated inflammatory processes, for example, cystitis.

Is there an early pregnancy without symptoms

If the child is long-awaited, the expectant mother anxiously monitors the slightest signs and changes in her body. But it happens that a woman finds out about her new position only after a delay. And if the cycle is irregular and her periods are regularly late, then even later. It happens that pregnancy is detected only in the third or fifth month after conception, when the belly is already growing. Since there were no symptoms before. Occasionally, even menstruation can persist (or rather, it is no longer menstruation, but bleeding) in the first 1-2 months. This, of course, rarely happens.

As a rule, signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception are almost imperceptible or may be absent altogether, and this is the norm. At this time, changes in the woman's body have not yet entered into full force, and basically coincide with the usual sensations in the second phase of the cycle or with the symptoms of PMS.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

The true signs of pregnancy in the first month include characteristic symptoms that appear a few weeks after fertilization. As a rule, the time of their appearance is the third or fourth week of pregnancy, when the restructuring in the mother's body is gaining momentum. Their appearance can tell a woman that conception has occurred. But not all of them will necessarily appear: the absence of any of these symptoms is only an individual feature of the body.

Delay of menstruation

Delayed menstruation is one of the most famous and true signs of conception. But only if the woman has a more or less regular cycle and does not suffer from diseases that cause long delays.

As a rule, at healthy woman menstruation occurs at the same time, although slight fluctuations of 1-2 days in one direction or another are possible, associated with illness or stress. Therefore, a delay of 4 days is already an occasion to listen more carefully to the sensations and conduct a pregnancy test.

If the cycle is not too regular, then a delay of up to 5-6 days, not accompanied by other symptoms, cannot yet serve as a reliable sign of pregnancy. In this case, it is advisable to postpone the test for 7-8 days of delay, since earlier it can give either a false positive or a false negative result.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days of delay already appear more noticeably, so if the absence of menstruation is accompanied by abundant white discharge, increased fatigue and drowsiness, chest pain and nausea, a woman may well think about her interesting position.

breast swelling

Another characteristic symptom is changes in the mammary glands. They can swell, become painful, sensitive, the areola darkens - although all this refers to unreliable signs. Typically, the increase in progesterone secretion associated with conception causes a marked increase in breast size, as well as the appearance of nipple bumps. Sometimes colostrum may ooze.

Pigmentation on abdomen

Almost all pregnant women notice the appearance of a dark pigmented strip on the abdomen - it goes from the navel to the pubic bone. Sometimes this sign of pregnancy appears even in the early stages, although it usually happens later - by about 4-5 months.


A lot of women are waiting for pregnancy with fear, having heard a lot of horrors about toxicosis. Of course, it also happens that nausea and vomiting simply bring the expectant mother to exhaustion, and the smell of some products literally turns inside out. But for many girls, morning sickness passes quickly, with little to no inconvenience. And some women note that they have not encountered toxicosis at all.

How to detect early pregnancy

Diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages is possible, starting from the day of the alleged delay in menstruation. The earliest is the tenth day after conception, before this period no one will give a reliable result.

Diagnostic methods include:

Expecting pregnancy, a woman can take any manifestations and reactions of her body for her signs. Therefore, it is still not worth buying a test with loss of appetite, it is better to wait for a delay. In addition, many signs are only secondary and subjective. They are caused by the hormone progesterone, which is actively produced in the second phase of the cycle, regardless of whether conception has occurred or not.

Online test: find out the truth in two minutes

Is something weird happening to you? Are you already pregnant? Some signs of pregnancy are so subtle and unexpected that many girls do not notice them or take them for a common ailment. Pass our test (it will take just a couple of minutes) and a lot will become clear to you. The test is intended only for those who doubt their position, and whose expected obstetric period does not exceed 5-6 weeks, and not for "deeply pregnant".

1. Are you late?

2. Some smells that you had not paid attention to before became unpleasant to you, did your sense of smell become aggravated?

3. Suddenly drawn to some foods (not necessarily salty, maybe sour or spicy)?