Basic methods for assessing the analysis of the activities of a commercial bank. Management of profitability (efficiency of commercial activity) of a bank Efficiency of management of a commercial bank


At the present stage, the search for the most optimal ways of organizing the activities of Russian credit institutions in the context of the globalization of the financial market, the penetration of foreign capital into the domestic banking system and, as a result, increasing competition with international financial intermediaries represented by subsidiaries of the largest transnational banking holdings, is of particular relevance.

Changes in the construction and functioning of the banking system have become the starting point for the development of the direction of "bank financial management" in Russian economic science. But at present, not all issues of financial management in a bank have been worked out by domestic authors deeply enough, which is due to the specifics of the activities of a commercial bank as the only economic entity that systematically manages all the functions of money.

The course towards the formation of a strong and dynamically developing banking sector in our country increases the importance of the issues of managing the performance of each particular commercial bank for the banking system as a whole. Therefore, the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of a commercial bank and taking measures to improve it requires a detailed study and development of a scientific concept.

Thus, we can talk about the relevance of the topic of the course work.

The object of study of the course work is the management of the efficiency of a commercial bank in the financial management system of a bank.

The subject of research in the course work is the evaluation of the effectiveness of a commercial bank and the development of measures to improve it.

The purpose of the course work is to develop, within the framework of banking financial management, a system for evaluating the effectiveness of a commercial bank and making managerial decisions to improve it.

The objectives of the course work are as follows:

    to consider the theoretical foundations for assessing the effectiveness of a commercial bank, in particular, to substantiate the content of the concept of "efficiency of a commercial bank" on present stage development of the economy and determine possible approaches to building a system for assessing and managing the effectiveness of the bank's activities;

    to study methodological approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of a commercial bank in the framework of banking financial management, namely approaches based on balance generalizations;

    assess the effectiveness of the commercial bank and develop recommendations to improve the efficiency of its activities.

When writing the term paper, a wide range of sources was used. The regulations of the federal legislative authorities and the legislative authorities of the subject of the federation, as well as the instructions of the Bank of Russia, define the mandatory requirements for the state to conduct their activities by commercial banks, and the directions for reforming and developing the Russian banking sector. In the educational literature on the scientific areas "Financial Management", "Banking", "Financial Analysis", in particular, such authors as L.T. Gilyarovskaya, I.A. Kiseleva, Yu.S. Maslenchenkov, T.V. Nikitina, K.K. Sadvakasov, E.S. Stoyanova, Peter S. Rose, Timothy W. Koch, A.D. Sheremet and others, highlights the theoretical foundations of the financial management process in a commercial bank and the methodology for evaluating the bank's activities in the system of bank financial management. Scientific articles in periodicals and publications in electronic media provide an insight into the latest developments in the field of financial management and financial analysis in banking, as well as highlight the latest developments in the Russian banking sector. Internal documents and annual financial statements of ROSBANK reflect the nature of the activities of this commercial bank and make it possible to identify its strategic direction.


1.1. The concept of the effectiveness of a commercial bank

The bank, as a specific enterprise, produces a product that differs significantly from the product of the sphere of material production; it produces not just a commodity, but a commodity of a special kind in the form of money, means of payment. The bank is more of a trading, intermediary, rather than an industrial enterprise. The similarity of the bank with trade is not accidental. The bank really, as it were, buys resources, sells them, functions in the sphere of redistribution, promotes the exchange of goods. It has sellers, warehouses, a special inventory, its activity largely depends on turnover.

Commercial banks are an active element of the market economy. Banks accumulate funds of legal entities and individuals and place them on their own behalf on the terms of payment, repayment and urgency, as well as carry out settlement and cash, commission and intermediary, trust operations, operations with securities, credit cards, currency, leasing, factoring, insurance, brokerage services and others.

Commercial banks are the only economic entity that systematically manages all the functions of money and, in this regard, is the primary link in the market economy.

Commercial banks are intermediaries for moving other market participants into the system of a market economy and world economic relations - industry, trade, the non-banking financial sector, the state and the population - through servicing their cash flows. Moreover, banks, unlike other financial non-banking structures, provide the bulk of all the means of monetary circulation of a particular country.

Risk is an integral part of banking activity. The characteristics that distinguish commercial banks from other commercial enterprises, as well as confirming the riskiness of their activities, are as follows:

Banks operate with large assets, issue and trade financial instruments that have a market value, the fall of which may affect the capital and solvency of the bank;

Banks attract borrowed funds, which, in the presence of a low ratio of equity to total assets, in the event of force majeure, can lead to a loss of confidence of depositors, a liquidity crisis and bankruptcy;

Banks carry out trust management of assets belonging to other persons, which may give rise to liability for breach of trust;

Banks are involved in transactions that are initiated in one jurisdiction, registered in another, and managed in a third; moreover, transactions can be initiated and completed by the client without the intervention of the bank, for example, via the Internet or at an ATM;

Banks have exclusive access to clearing and settlement systems for checks and transfers of funds, foreign exchange transactions, etc., are an integral part of national and international settlement systems, therefore, can cause systemic risk.

All of the above indicates a constant complication of banking activities and, consequently, an increase in the requirements for its conduct.

Commercial banks are subject to constant prudential supervision by the central bank and other financial agencies. Banking supervision is based on a system of licensing and serves as a means of verifying that commercial banks comply with laws and regulations. The financial statements of commercial banks are subject to audits by external auditors, the conclusion of which gives credibility to the statements and strengthens confidence in the banking system.

In the context of the rapid development of the financial services market, which has been observed in the world economy over the past decades, the problem of the identity of assessing the effectiveness of credit institutions on a transnational scale is of particular importance.

In modern scientific literature, there are many interpretations of the concept of "efficiency", but they all lead to two general definitions:

Efficiency is the ratio of resource costs and the results obtained from their use;

Efficiency is a socio-economic category that shows the influence of the methods of organizing the work of participants in the process on the level of results they have achieved.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of banking activities is most often given using the first provision, according to which the efficiency of a bank or banking system is calculated based on the proximity of the values ​​of the performance indicators of each bank (for example, costs, profits, etc.) to a certain predetermined efficiency frontier.

In order to comply with prudential requirements, avoid banking risks, and ensure sustainability, banks must develop and apply effective procedures for assessing and managing their activities.

Commercial banks in Western countries (for example, the USA) pay great attention to the analysis of their activities. The concept of “high-profitability banking” has become widespread in the banking business, the main principles of which are:

Income maximization - involves maximizing income from the provision of loans and income from securities, etc., maintaining a flexible asset structure adapted to changes in interest rates;

Cost minimization - involves optimizing the structure of liabilities, minimizing loan losses, controlling current expenses, etc.;

Effective banking management is considered as a system for managing relations related to strategic and tactical planning, analysis, regulation, control of the bank's activities, financial management, marketing activities, as well as personnel, designed to ensure the effective operation of a commercial bank. According to Western economists, the stable development of a commercial bank in the long term should ensure the formulation of a global strategy for the bank and the establishment on its basis of strategic goals and objectives for all areas of activity and structural divisions of the bank.

The concept of "efficiency" in English corresponds to several terms that are interpreted in the financial literature as follows: effectiveness- the ability to achieve previously defined goals (regardless of the cost at which this was done); efficiency- the optimal ratio of the resources spent and the results obtained (regardless of whether the goal was achieved); effectuality- combination effectivenessandefficiency. The concept of "efficiency" also corresponds to the term performance , indicating the general condition of the organization, including financial and non-financial parameters, the level of development achieved and prospects.

In management, historically, the problem of efficiency was the first to be independently discussed. In fact, the first management theories are formed in the process of reflection on the problem of the efficient use of labor and technology in industrial production. Thus, the fundamental work of one of the "fathers" of management G. Emerson, published in 1912, was called "The Twelve Principles of Efficiency". The problem of reliability begins to be developed later, starting from the late 40s - early 50s of the twentieth century, and mainly by representatives of the direction associated with the control of technical systems. And even later, somewhere from the beginning of the 70s of this century, the problem of quality acquires its own sound, mainly in management works.

Thus, the term "efficiency" is a multi-valued concept and reflects the relationship of various aspects of activity: results and costs, results and goals, results and needs, results and values. "Efficiency" as a characteristic of an activity reflects the ratio of the result as one of the "elements" of the activity to all its other "elements", and each of the distinguished relations is a particular criterion of effectiveness. The multi-criteria concept of "efficiency" requires special ways of coordinating the criteria among themselves, and depending on how they are built, different efficiency values ​​will be obtained. Different points of view about the effectiveness and methods of its evaluation are associated with different ways of agreeing on particular criteria and have a pragmatic, rather than a theoretical basis.

Refracting the foregoing into the concept of "the efficiency of a commercial bank", we can also talk about its multidimensionality and ambiguity. Therefore, as criteria for the effectiveness of the bank, one can consider both the financial results of its activities (income and profit), and performance (profitability), as well as the entire set of indicators of the financial condition (stability, liquidity, solvency) achieved by the bank, taking into account their value or target significance. both for the bank itself and for the socio-economic environment of its activities. The set of criteria must be considered as a system, as a complex characteristic, reflecting the compliance of the results of a commercial bank's activities with the set goals at each time period of its operation, and in this aspect, only the achievement of all, and not several, criteria will allow us to talk about the effectiveness of its activities.

Thus, the effectiveness of a commercial bank is not only the results of its activities, but also an effective management system built on the formation of a scientifically based strategy for the bank's activities (a system of goals for the bank's activities, ranked by significance and value) and control over the process of its implementation.

  1. Methods estimates efficiency activities commercial jar

    Thesis >> Banking

    ... : Methods estimates efficiency activities commercial jar Work... activities commercial banks. Thus, the choice of such direction of research as grade efficiency activities commercial banks, analysis and development effective ...

  2. Analysis and grade financial activities commercial jar on the example of LLC Home Credit and Fina

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    41 2.3 Grade efficiency activities commercial jar based on balance... grade financial activities commercial jar. The subject of research in the thesis is financial grade efficiency activities commercial jar ...

  3. Financial activity commercial banks (2)

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    financial sustainability commercial banks.// Money and credit. - 1993. - No. 7. Korolev O.G. Systems Analysis estimates efficiency activities commercial banks.// Accounting...

* This work is not a scientific work, is not a graduation qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information, intended to be used as a source of material for self-preparation of study papers.


1. Theoretical foundations of the management of the banking system

1.1 The essence of banking management

1.2 Features of banking system management

1.3 Regulatory support for the functioning of banking

2. The state of the management system on the example of OJSC "Bank of Moscow"

2.1 Characteristics of OJSC "Bank of Moscow"

2.2 Analysis of the management system in OJSC "Bank of Moscow"

2.3 Analysis of the financial activities of OJSC Bank of Moscow


The relevance of the research topic is due to the growing role of banks in the system of financial and economic relations and their increasing impact on the macroeconomic processes of a market economy. Against the backdrop of tensions in the banking sector caused by the revocation of licenses from banks that have carried out illegal operations, as well as the desire of the Bank of Russia to reduce the number of operating credit institutions by tightening requirements for their activities, each individual commercial bank is forced to look for ways to increase operational efficiency through quality management with its activities.

Banking management can be recognized as high-quality, and the bank’s activity itself can only be recognized as effective if the bank successfully implements long-term and current goals, taking into account the accepted levels of risks, adequately responds to changes in external conditions, meets the requirements of supervisory and control authorities and promotes development real sector of the economy.

The relationship between the effectiveness of the bank's functioning and quality management is two-way: on the one hand, efficiency is a criterion for quality management, on the other hand, quality management is a necessary condition for achieving efficiency. Therefore, in order to study intra-bank management decisions that affect the financial condition of the bank, as well as to identify the potential for its further development and increase in efficiency, an important task is to assess the quality of banking management, which is of particular importance in connection with the establishment by the Bank of Russia of strategic objectives for the development of the domestic banking system and its achievement of a level comparable to the level of the banking systems of the developed countries of the world.

Quality requirements relate to such stages of the banking management process as analysis, planning, regulation and control.

troll. The quality of strategic planning and business plans depends on carefully conducted analysis, which, in turn, influence the choice of regulatory instruments. Qualitative control covers all banking processes, including management ones, it is necessary to prevent deviations from the set goals, to determine the compliance of the bank's capabilities with its targets, and also to prevent banking risks.

High-quality management of the activities of a single bank is a necessary condition for the development and improvement of the banking system as a whole. In connection with the expansion of geographical boundaries and the integration of the markets of banking products from different countries, domestic banks are required to improve the quality of management. This, in turn, makes it relevant to create a methodology for assessing the quality of banking management, since a universal methodology for assessing the quality of banking management does not exist either in foreign or in domestic practice.

The above arguments testify to the need to assess the quality of management of the activities of a particular commercial bank, Bank of Moscow OJSC, which is relevant both from the standpoint of theory and practice of its application by commercial banks.

General issues of the theory and methodology of managing credit institutions were considered in the works of both foreign and domestic scientists. Among foreign scientists, the works of R. Koch, K.D. Campbell, P.S. Rose, J. Sinki Jr., P. Horvat et al.

The elements of the process of organizing banking activities to create an optimal organizational structure in order to achieve the efficiency of the functioning of a commercial bank are devoted to the work of I.T. Balabanova, V.V. Kiselev, D.I. Shumsky, etc. A comprehensive study of corporate governance, combining strategic thinking with corporate values ​​inherent in credit institutions, is contained in the works of I. Ansoff.

Paying tribute to the contribution of many scientists to the development of the subject of banking management, we note that in their works there is no comprehensive approach to assessing the quality of management and its relationship with the effectiveness of the functioning of a commercial bank. This problem is considered only from the point of view of specific elements and management functions.

The author of the textbook V.V. Kiselev "Management of a commercial bank in the transition period", affects and analyzes the state of management on the basis of the current organizational structure of a commercial bank, namely: management bodies (Board of Directors of the bank, the bank's board, units that bring the lion's share in obtaining the maximum profit of the bank: corporate business, operations with securities, lending to small and medium-sized businesses and other structural divisions of the bank and their relationship in solving issues related to the management of active and passive operations, personnel management. does not offer measures to improve the quality of management of a commercial bank.

Considering the author of the textbook D.I. Shumsky "Prospects for the development of the management system of a commercial bank" it should be noted that the author of this textbook considers the management system of a commercial bank based on the general foundations, principles and methods in management theory. DI. Shumsky conducts an analysis of the management system of a commercial bank in his textbook, based on the regulations of the structural divisions of a commercial bank and the current organizational structure of the bank, but it should again be emphasized that he does not offer specific proposals for improving management efficiency in the activities of a commercial bank. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the author in the textbook describes the prospects for the development of a commercial bank management system that are based on a universal organizational structure the bank, which is built on a strict hierarchical management system, the subordination of lower divisions to the top management of a commercial bank, and there are no duplicating bank divisions that perform functions and tasks that are atypical for them. The author of the textbook does not propose a methodology for assessing the quality of personnel management and streamlining the structural divisions of the bank.

The scientific interest of the author in this topic is due to both the relevance of the problem and the fact that in the domestic economic literature there are not enough special works devoted to assessing the quality of banking management. This problem cannot be solved by simply transferring foreign methods for assessing the quality of management and efficiency to the practice of Russian banks due to the obvious specifics of the national banking system and its level of development.

Thus, the incompleteness of theoretical studies, as well as the practical significance of assessing the quality of management of the activities of a commercial bank, led to the choice of the topic, object and subject of research, setting goals and formulating tasks.

The purpose of the master's thesis is to develop measures to improve the efficiency of managing the activities of the Bank of Moscow OJSC.

The subject of the research is managerial relations arising in the process of improving banking activities.

The object of the study is the management system of OJSC "Bank of Moscow".

The objectives of the master's work are as follows:

consider the theoretical foundations of the management of the banking system;

study the features of the banking system;

describe the legislative regulation of banking activities;

to analyze the state of the Bank of Moscow management system;

to analyze the financial and economic indicators of the Bank of Moscow OJSC functioning;

develop ways to improve management efficiency and measures to develop the management system of the Bank of Moscow OJSC;

To achieve this goal, normative and legislative acts, statistical data, research articles in periodicals were used.

The information base of the dissertation was the materials of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia, regulatory documents Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Methods of forecasting, economic-mathematical, system analysis, graphic representation were used.

Scientific novelty The main scientific result obtained in the master's thesis is to develop and substantiate a set of theoretical and methodological provisions that allow assessing the quality of management of a commercial bank, and on their basis, identifying ways to improve the efficiency of its functioning.

The main results of the dissertation research, containing elements of scientific novelty, include:

clarified the essence of the concept of "quality of management of the activities of a commercial bank";

based on the study of domestic and foreign experience the main directions of bank activity management that affect quality are identified: asset and liability management, business process management, focus on corporate governance principles, etc.;

a scientifically substantiated methodology for assessing the quality of management of a commercial bank, including the construction of a system of key performance indicators for its functioning in such areas as stability, liquidity, profitability, quality of assets, liabilities and capital, as well as the quality of management of the current organizational structure of a commercial bank OJSC "Bank of Moscow" ;

a model has been built that includes an algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of a commercial bank, an inseparable element of which is a system of key performance indicators;

on the basis of the developed methodology, the quality of management and the efficiency of functioning of the Bank of Moscow were assessed, and based on the results of the assessment, recommendations were made to improve the efficiency of their activities.

The theoretical and practical significance of the study is:

in streamlining theoretical views on the problem of content

banking management system, including such areas as

asset and liability management, business process management based on

compliance with the principles of corporate governance;

in expanding ideas about possible approaches to assessing the quality of banking management, depending on the goals of the parties conducting the assessment;

in the systematization of ways to improve the efficiency of the functioning of a commercial bank, used in foreign and domestic practice.

The main provisions of the dissertation research can be used:

departments of the Bank of Russia that analyze the activities of commercial banks in order to regulate the processes taking place in the banking sector;

planning, analytical and resource departments of commercial banks in terms of using a methodology for assessing the quality of their management, as well as a system of key performance indicators adapted to the conditions of the bank conducting the assessment;

universities of economic profile in the educational process in the study of the disciplines "Banking", "Organization of the activities of commercial banks", "Financial management", "Management theory".

As a hypothesis, the following assumptions are put forward in the master's thesis, which ensure an increase in the management efficiency of the Bank of Moscow OJSC:

if the legislative standards in the field of the banking system are observed;

the organizational structure of management of the Bank of Moscow OJSC and the optimal distribution of functions between the various parts of the bank will be improved;

activities related to achieving the maximum result will be developed on the basis of the strategic development plan of the Bank of Moscow OJSC.

The practical significance of the master's work is determined by the fact that the methodological and methodological provisions contained in it, transformed into specific recommendations, can significantly increase the level of elaboration of short-term and long-term organizational and management decisions in various areas of development of Bank of Moscow OJSC and thereby strengthen its competitive position . The key points of the study of the effectiveness of the organizational structure are highlighted. A set of qualitative and quantitative indicators has been formed to determine the effectiveness of the current organizational structure.

1 Theoretical foundations of banking system management

1.1 The essence of banking management

“Achieve perfection, prosper, defend yourself”, this is how its head, Baron Guy de Rothschild, defined the activities of one of his branches. These words are also relevant for Russian banks, which, in the conditions of a transformational economy, are constantly forced to develop clear and well-coordinated management systems to implement their chosen development strategy. After all, to achieve perfection means to flourish, to reach a higher quality level of development. Any bank should strive for excellence.

The specifics of the economic situation in Russia has placed commercial banks in front of the need to develop a clear and well-coordinated management system to implement their chosen development strategy.

Until now, the problem of banking excellence in modern Russia has not been the subject of special consideration. Articles appeared in the periodical press in which only certain aspects of the successful functioning of banks were considered. Thus, the problem of generalizing the experience of banks in Russia and determining the most important components of their success, based on a systematic approach and taking into account the Russian reality, seems to be quite relevant.

In the conditions of radical economic transformations in the Russian Federation, commercial banks were faced with the need to develop a clear and coherent management system to implement their chosen strategy of existence, not to mention the successful development. In the current economic situation in modern Russia, the “theme of banking excellence” was not at all the subject of consideration. After all, domestic banks, unfortunately, have to function:

First, in a transitional economy;

Secondly, with the uncertainty of strategic goals;

Thirdly, in the absence (or non-recognition) of the basic principles of effective bank management.

So, to the question "What hinders the development of the banking system of Russia?", the participants of the conference "Development of the banking system of Russia: Contemporary Issues and prospects” responded as follows:

80% insignificant amount of capital of banks

60%existing taxation procedure

47% presence of unfair competition in the banking environment

40% lack of the necessary regulatory framework

34% slow transition of banks to international financial reporting standards

30% insufficiently high level of bank management.

At the same time, the majority of respondents do not despair and believe that there are positive changes, although they are insignificant.

Therefore, on this stage development, it became necessary to determine the most important components of the successful functioning of banks and develop a general approach to bank management from the positions of top management, which, however, should be carried out solely taking into account the Russian reality.

At the same time, in countries with developed banking systems, the criteria for successful operation, which also influence the practical policies of the world's leading banks, have long been defined. Yes, S. Davis in his book Excellence in Banking outlines the following criteria:

A high culture of relationships, which is the basis for making the right decisions. After all, the choice of the only right decision, according to him, depends not so much on the speed of its adoption, but on reasonable prudence.

The presence of common values, which is the core of the culture of communication. The surest way to do this is to replenish the leadership cadres from your own staff.

Pay attention to intangible values, despite the fact that making a profit is the goal of any commercial bank, such as high quality service, encouraging employees to be creative in finding optimal solutions, etc.

The struggle for the client, his trust, here we are talking about "orientation to the depositor", which is typical for successful banks that make every effort to help clients solve their problems.

Innovative activity in the form of development of new services.

Many successful banks tend to invest their resources and management efforts in innovative projects, develop new mechanisms for the use of plastic cards, electronic payment systems.

Confident leadership, the ability to distinguish the main from the secondary.

The best specialists, intellectual savvy is not always the main criterion for prosperity, it is more important for an employee, having absorbed the tasks and goals of the bank, to contribute to its prosperity through their activities, for which such qualities are important: the ability to work in a team, flexibility, loyalty (at least to the core values ​​of the organization): successful banks tend to make large investments in human capital

Existence of a balanced and sustainable lending process.

Development information systems management and information management in the bank: it is important that successful banks consider information technology not as a source of costs, but as assets that provide the means to bypass competitors and directly reach consumers - this is the core of success.

Flexible and adequate policy in the field of management of own and borrowed funds, which would contribute to the profitable operation of the bank while complying with the requirements of the law.

Since Russia is one of the countries with a transitional economy, domestic banks incur large costs in relation to their rather limited resources, and have less free access than foreign banks to domestic and foreign capital. All this forces us to make certain adjustments in the analysis of Russian reality.

Given all of the above problems, solutions to standard situations should be developed taking into account the operating conditions of Russian banks. Due to these conditions, it is obvious that the criteria for the effective management of banks in the Russian Federation are special, moreover, exceptional. Let's consider them in more detail:

Liquidity is of paramount importance for all banks in Russia (this problem became especially acute in 1998, resulting in a crisis in the financial system of the Russian Federation on August 17, a “liquidity crisis,” as they said about it).

The main strategic goal of a commercial bank is to achieve a profitable operation of the bank while ensuring its liquidity. Based on the liquidity and profitability management system, the possible options are:

Work for a fixed profitability and maximum liquidity

Fix the level of liquidity and "go out of your way" for the sake of maximum profitability

In the conditions of Russian reality, it is more correct to “set a certain level of liquidity and strive for maximum profitability with given parameters of market reliability”. Providing additional liquidity is also an important aspect, carried out through insurance mechanisms.

Successful domestic banks should increase their efficiency by:

Expansion of the client base (an individual approach to all clients, regardless of the amount of the deposit: although this requires painstaking work - "the end justifies the means");

Increasing the range of services (for example: services related to programs for the issuance of plastic cards, consulting services for enterprises in managing financial flows, etc.);

However, this kind of activity must be thought out, otherwise everything may end in failure. So, there is an example of one St. Petersburg bank that introduced the position of an account manager and developed, on this occasion, an instruction for clients (about 60 pages). As a result, all this remained unclaimed (and customers - as a rule, are dissatisfied (or even frightened) with such a service).

The activity of any commercial bank in a market economy requires a high level of management, without which it is impossible to achieve the goals of a credit institution, ensure its competitiveness and efficiency.

The bank is, first of all, a public institution in which the monetary deposits of many creditors (legal entities and individuals) are concentrated, therefore the banking business is focused not only on making a profit, but also on ensuring the safety of borrowed funds, i.e. on the reliability and trust of depositors.

Bank management is characterized by the effectiveness of the organization and management of the bank in a constantly changing environment. It is an important tool for the stability of the bank, its invulnerability against any external shocks.

Modern bank management is a combination of strategic and operational management, in which strategic management is the process of determining the goals of the organization and deciding what needs to be done to achieve them, and operational management determines how to act to achieve the goals.

Strategic planning as a logical and analytical method determining the future position of the organization depending on the external conditions of activity is a more complex, multifaceted process that requires more time than long-term planning. At the same time, if the activity of strategic management is aimed at ensuring a strategic position that will ensure the future viability of the organization in a changing environment, then operational management deals with the use of the existing strategic position to achieve the goals of the organization.

Let us consider and analyze in more detail the authors on the problem under study of improving the management efficiency of commercial banks.

The author of the textbook is Kiselev V.V. “Management of a commercial bank in transition” writes that the essence of effective management of a commercial bank should be: constant, continuous, consistent, correspond to the tasks facing the bank, ensure the effective operation of the bank.

Also Kiselev V.V. from the standpoint of theory, considers the organizational structure of the bank as a four-level, namely: “from the point of view of managerial decision-making, a commercial bank is considered as a four-level organizational structure. Let us consider in more detail the “elements of efficiency” of the work of each level:

The first level is the level of strategic decision-making (Council, Board), where it is necessary to make decisions not only on the most critical issues of the current moment, but also for the future. This level is influenced by a number of factors:

The number of officials working at this level should be kept to a minimum;

A strict division of powers between decision-making officials should be combined with full mutual awareness of the decisions made and being prepared, so that each leader can “keep in mind” the impact of the provisions of the document being prepared on his decisions;

Each operating model of the bank should be developed and modified, adequately to the new circumstances. In this model, structural units should be linked to functional responsibilities, taking into account the real tasks facing the bank. This will allow promptly and purposefully taking measures to stabilize the bank's work after the impact external factors. This model defines and consolidates the personal responsibility of bank officials for certain areas of work.

Currently, in banking structures, software solves technological problems. Otherwise, management activities are automated to a small extent. The existing methodology for managing individual processes of Western banks, on the basis of which it would be possible to create automated management technologies, is very little suitable for Russian specifics. Consequently, successful banks will have to independently create methodological and software tools to ensure management problems, although there are already: SAP, BAAN, Orade;

The second is the level of development of solutions for certain areas of the bank's (Directorate's) activities. At this level, the transformation of the adopted strategic decisions into normative, regulatory and technological documents takes place. The main task of this level is to turn the strategic decisions of the Board into technological solutions for the activities outlined in the concept and development plans of the bank. Functional duties serve as the basis for organizing the work of this level (where the tasks and goals facing the Directorate are described in the most general form);

The third is the level of management of the bank's operations (Directorates and branches), since the functions and structure of this level are highly dependent on the organization of the work of higher levels;

The fourth level is the level of providing bank services (employees of branches and departments), this level is purely industrial and does not actively participate in the organization of management. 2

Another author of the textbook Temnikov V.F. “Some Problems of Organizing the Management of a Commercial Bank” writes the following: “Due to the constant complication of working conditions in the banking market, when intuitive management methods lose their effectiveness, other methods are needed, but many bank managers lack “rescue techniques” to help manage the bank. And at the same time, the market also requires the creation and maintenance of clear management standards, which are templates for management procedures.”

Business Unit Management, Marketing Planning and Risk Management technologies make it possible to create an integrated bank management system and formalize the solution of most of the management tasks. The developed technologies are designed to solve typical management problems:

1. They make it possible not just to “treat” a business in places where it is clearly no longer working, that is, to eliminate the consequences, but to conduct a comprehensive inventory of the business and build it on new principles. “Figuratively speaking, not to patch up a broken road, but to remove the old asphalt and roll out a new one using modern technology.” The result is the self-elimination of the root causes leading to problems that, as a rule, lie in the field of management imperfection.

2 Kiselev V.V. "Management of a commercial bank in the transition period. Money and credit", 2008 No. 12 p. 1114

2. The use of the so-called "management complex" helps the bank create a strategic management system and fulfill the main task of ensuring the profitability and competitiveness of its business.

Resident banks, working in a highly competitive environment, are constantly improving and mastering the most advanced management technologies that allow them to optimize their activities to the maximum. And as a result, their services have a minimum cost, and their range in many ways exceeds the total arsenal of products presented on the domestic market. Therefore, competition with resident banks will be possible only if Russian banks introduce the management technologies offered by Western management practices. Otherwise, we will lose technologically. Mastering modern management technologies brings Russian banks closer to the international management standard and helps to increase their competitiveness.”3

Based on the above and having considered domestic authors, it should be noted that in the conditions of Russian reality, in times of crisis, it is much more difficult to optimize: when urgent problems arise and the implementation of the ideas of strategic restructuring fades into the background. Therefore, only a preliminary mastery of the mechanisms of one's own optimization, embedded in management technologies, will allow not only to successfully resist crisis changes in the external environment, but also to benefit from them. The experience of the 1998 crisis only confirmed this, when it was mainly those banks that survived and became leaders that, long before it, began to introduce modern management technologies. Another important moment for effective system managing a perfect tank is something that any leader wants to know what is going on in his organization.

3 Temnikov S.V. “Some problems of organizing the management of a commercial bank”, 2009 No. 5, p.2

Within the framework of the traditional mechanism of management, this can be done only in direct contact with people. But after all, as soon as the structure of the organization becomes "divided in space", the leader practically loses an objective idea of ​​what is happening there. If we also take into account the need for a quick and adequate change in the control system in response to changes environment, we can postulate the need for a flexible cell of information and control flows of the organization.

At present, within the framework of the “perfect bank” concept, there is a need to search for new approaches to building management systems, their use and modification, because often all problems, whether they are bankruptcies, crises, ruins, are associated with the fact that management is not built on a detailed analysis of information flows, but on sensations, intuition, purely psychological moments. However, on the contrary, the structure of organizations should be based to a greater extent on a system of careful analysis of information flows (not only outside, but also inside the company). Such an analysis in a hierarchical structure is most effectively carried out using the information management apparatus, because the information management flows in an organization that uses such an apparatus in its work can be easily modified. In general, the issue of modifying the control structure, its flexible response to changes in the external environment is currently one of the key issues when considering such structures.

We usually mean the organizational chart when talking about the bank management system, but it is only an approximate arrangement of people according to the levels of the hierarchy, and not their direct work. Modern management systems are created not so much by developing an organizational structure, but through the formation of information management flows for collecting, processing, compressing and providing information for each structural unit, which is provided by the use of the information management apparatus.

Thus, the optimal management of a successful bank involves anticipating changes, adapting to them and controlling the process for the benefit of customers, shareholders, employees, certain social groups and society as a whole. It also means constantly strengthening strengths, embracing new opportunities and reducing risks, eliminating dangerous situations, and this is the only sure way to increase efficiency and improvement.

Management systems, especially their degree of formalization and decentralization, depend on many factors, including the size and structure of the organization, management style, competition and economic regulation. At the same time, there are many private interests that can oppose each other and, in the absence of effective management, lead to its destruction.

Therefore, the main task of effective management is to combine available resources and interests to work towards a common goal.

Bank management covers the following important areas.

Credit risk management.

Due to the increasing responsibility for credit risk management, banks have begun to develop their own credit risk management systems, including the procedure and policy of lending, as well as the creation of analytical services. Subsequently, banks have made the transition to a complete credit risk management system, including procedures for initiating, approving, monitoring and managing problem loans, in accordance with the needs of each bank. At the same time, special attention is paid to internal control procedures, methods for assessing and minimizing credit risks, as well as classifying and tracking overdue payments and their control.

Financial management.

With the liberalization of interest rates, the expansion of financial markets through the introduction of new instruments, the acquisition by banks of the right to provide loans, accept deposits in foreign currency and trade in foreign exchange, the assets and liabilities of the bank are diversified, as well as their sensitivity to fluctuations in interest rates. This necessitated the creation of systems for managing liquidity, assets and liabilities, market and operational risks, which required the training of the necessary specialists.

Personnel Management.

The banking sector is highly competitive and requires highly qualified and motivated personnel. To ensure the high quality of personnel, appropriate procedures and rules for managing them are necessary. Personnel management should become one of the main activities of the leaders of a commercial bank, if it seeks to provide itself with highly qualified personnel. At the same time, there is a need to change attitudes and behaviors to improve performance.

The organization of the bank's structure is closely related to its business strategy and the degree of decentralization of the decision-making process, which requires the development of a structure for defining powers, obligations and responsibilities in order to limit duplication of efforts.

Control system.

To be sure that the bank is operating in a stable and reliable manner, the bank's management, together with managers and specialists, must ensure that control systems are in place that would indicate how official duties employees in accordance with the policies and procedures of the bank. Control systems may include systems of external audit, internal control, asset quality analysis, creation of a common banking risk management system (risk management system).

Information technology is an important part of banking management, so banks must carefully select software and hardware, determine the sequence of programs and their ability to absorb technology.

Thus, modern management is a universal process that performs several interrelated functions: planning, organization, motivation and control aimed at the formation and achievement of a goal. four

The task of banking management:

Ensuring profitable activities;

Meeting the needs of customers in the structure and quality of the services offered by the bank;

Availability of adequate systems for monitoring the level of banking risks;

Creation of an effective organizational structure of the bank;

Organization of the work of control systems, audit, security, information and other systems that ensure the life of the bank;

Creation of conditions for the recruitment of qualified employees and the full realization of their potential;

Creation of systems for training, retraining and placement of personnel;

Providing conditions for the implementation of a strong and consistent management of the bank;

Creation of conditions for improving the culture of employees, the presence of common values, ensuring a favorable moral climate in the team.

One of the necessary features of a well-managed bank is the compliance of its activities with the regulatory requirements of the banking supervisory authorities and the legislation of the country. However, this is not enough. The quality of bank management is determined by a combination of such factors as leadership style, methods of overcoming competition, the size and structure of the bank, the effectiveness of the applied management methods, leadership and competence in determining policy, strategy and managerial functions. Often, the brilliant characteristics of the bank's management staff are considered signs of clear, highly effective management. The presence of qualified leadership, although a very important factor, nevertheless, it should not be considered as a single criterion for determining the quality of management.

The effectiveness of the management process depends on the ability to foresee the future, think ahead and closely control risks. The quality of training and the level of professionalism and competence of all bank personnel are also decisive. In addition, the success of this business is impossible without the priority of universal human values ​​in the bank's value system. As you can see, most of the listed features are not subject to quantitative measurement and belong to the group of qualitative characteristics of banking management.

Banking management is often viewed as an art that is not subject to precise definition, but is embodied in practice, subject to its own laws. After all, management decisions are often based on intuition, perception and expectation of changes in market parameters, provision for the movement of financial indicators. Since banking activity is closely related to the state of financial markets, and their main characteristic is aging, the result of bank management essentially depends on the ability to anticipate these changes and respond and coordinate activities accordingly.

In the modern world, values ​​are being actively reassessed, and more and more people are coming to the conclusion that money is not the only and main indicator in the system of universal human values. Shareholders and customers of the bank are increasingly interested in how their money is used. They become not indifferent to the sources and means of profit. Banks that proclaim and implement programs for environmental protection, housing construction, social programs, lending to small businesses, are increasingly supported by the population.

1.2 Features of banking system management

The need for a deeper reform of banking was caused by the conditions of an emerging market, requiring the introduction into wide practice of a new procedure for managing monetary relations, the introduction of market, commercial relations between banks and clients. A banking system adequate to the developing market relations was needed. In this regard, at the second stage of the reform, it was decided to create a two-tier banking system in Russia, at the top level of which are the State Bank of the USSR and the central banks of the republics, and at the second a wide network of commercial banks. At the top level, the issues of pursuing the state policy in the field of money circulation and credit should be resolved.

The next step was needed towards a deeper transformation of banking in the country. In December 1990, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the Law "On Banks and Banking Activity". Simultaneously with these laws, republican laws are adopted, including the Law of the RSFSR "On the Central Bank of the RSFSR" and the law "On banks and banking activities in the RSFSR". For many years, for the first time, thus, the activities of banks received a legislative basis. Banks were declared independent legal entities, economically independent institutions, not liable for the obligations of the state (just as the state is not liable for the obligations of banks). The institutional foundations of the new banking system began to be laid.

The second stage of the banking reform gave the necessary impetus to the development of the second link in the banking system - commercial banks. The law "On banks and banking activity in the RSFSR" that came out put an end to the activities of specialized banks, which, having existed for more than three years, were still unable to introduce qualitatively new changes into their work. Instead of specialized banks, a course was taken to increase the number of commercial banks. At the beginning of 1991, the number of commercial banks was 1357, and the number of their branches was 2293 (for comparison: at the beginning of 1989 there were 43 commercial banks in the USSR).

According to the laws on banks and banking activities, all banks were transformed into joint-stock commercial banks, their authorized capital could be formed from the funds of at least three bank participants. In this case, both legal entities and individuals could become participants in the bank. It is also extremely important that the law "On banks and banking activities in the RSFSR" allowed the possibility of forming a bank on the basis of any form of ownership (including with the involvement of foreign capital). This meant that again, after many decades, the private sector in the banking sector was allowed to operate in Russia.

The reform in the second period summed up the process of creating a two-tier banking system that had begun. Issuing banks emerged as an independent link in the form of central (state) republican banks, commercial banks formed the second link of the banking system, taking over the functions of credit and settlement services for enterprises and the population.

In its form, the banking system was transformed into a new type of structure, which has a significant similarity with that adopted in world practice. 5

The reform of the banking system received a new continuation as a result of the collapse Soviet Union and formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The liquidation of state union structures (ministries, departments, committees) inevitably led to the abolition of the State Bank of the USSR.

5 "Money, credit, banks" textbook for university students, ed. O.I. Lavrushina, M.: Finance and statistics, 2001

The State Bank of the USSR ceased to exist, the emission business was completely transferred to the Central Bank of the RSFSR. Russia was to enter the third period of banking reform aimed at coordinating monetary policy, overcoming inflation, preparing monetary reforms, and strengthening the position of commercial banks.

Thus, the banking reform, which began in mid-1987, led to fundamental fundamental transformations of the banking system and its transformation into a new type of structure. During the years of reform, the following transformations took place and features of the banking system emerged:

1) liquidation of the state monopoly on banking. After a long break, the right to create banks was given to legal entities and individuals,

2) the transition to the formation of a two-tier banking system adopted in the world, in which the issuance business (the Central Bank of Russia) is concentrated on the first level, commercial banks operate on the second, serving the needs of enterprises and the population;

3) transferring the activities of banks to a legislative basis: laws are issued that define the tasks and regulate the activities of both the Central Bank of Russia and commercial banks.

4) decentralization of banking management. Instead of the State Bank of the USSR with its centralized system for managing credit resources, and then the boards of specialized banks (Industrial Construction Bank of the USSR, Agroprombank of the USSR and Zhilsotsbank of the USSR), a network of commercial banks was created, acting as independent legal entities;

5) corporatization of banking capital, the formation of banks on the basis of diverse types of ownership, including private capital. The denationalization of ownership of bank capital has given rise to a network of credit institutions adequate to the types of ownership in the country;

6) commercialization of banking. The main principle of the activity of a commercial bank is to make a profit, develop market motivation in the work of credit institutions, the service sector and the quality of customer service;

7) changes in market structures associated with the banking business. Along with banks, stock exchanges began to operate actively in the country, all kinds of intermediary organizations, audit firms and Insurance companies, the system of lending to enterprises has changed for the better.

8) the predominance of attracted and borrowed funds in the resources of banks, entailing a high responsibility for the effective use, first of all, of the funds of depositors and creditors;

9) extreme mobility, variability of the parameters of the functioning of financial markets, caused not only by economic, but also by political, social and other reasons, requiring from employees, primarily from managers, constant analytical tension and the highest efficiency, and not to the detriment of the quality of analysis and operations ;

10) the need to constantly and simultaneously work with a wide variety of clients, representing almost all spheres and sectors of the economy, whose conflicting interests and goals must be coordinated, in a wide variety of markets experiencing by no means coinciding trends, with all the wealth of financial instruments existing at any given moment, with a variety of currencies, which together form a complex of management problems that often seem insoluble;

11) the intangible nature of banking products and the need for the participation of almost all departments of the bank in the production of each such product.

One of the important features of OJSC "Bank of Moscow" in accordance with the Bank's development strategy for 2011-2014 is the active development of business in the Moscow region. At the same time, more than 70% of the Bank of Moscow's business is concentrated in Moscow and the Moscow Region, high brand awareness in the Moscow region, the bank actively cooperates with the city and the Government of Moscow: more than 30% of market corporate loans are used to finance government programs, the bank has advanced technologies in terms of customer service for small and medium businesses.

At the same time, the Russian banking system that had taken shape at that time had an unfinished "building". It can be said that while a certain framework of the new banking complex was created, significant work was ahead to modernize the content, style and methods of banking services, significant efforts were needed to stabilize money circulation, increase the role of the credit system in the development of the economy.

During 1992-1995 there was a rapid extensive growth of the banking system of Russia. In the context of the development of commodity-money relations, economic methods of management, the role of banks in the economy has increased significantly. Being the centers of economic life, carrying out the regulation of money circulation and the loan fund, banks carry out work that is not performed by any link in the management of the economy.

World banking history knows no analogue to what happened in Russia. Over the shortest period of time, more than 2,500 independent banks have emerged in the country, and quite a few credit organizations that carry out individual banking functions. For comparison, it took the United States about 80 years to create 1,000 banks - from 1781 to 1860.

1.3 Regulatory support for the functioning of banking

The theoretical basis of the master's work was the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part one) dated 30.11.1994. No. 51FZ (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on October 21, 1994), as amended. dated 09.02.09., and the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activity" dated 02.12.1990 No. 3951 as amended. from 28.02.2009.

In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1994 No. in chapter 4 Legal entities in articles 48; 50 and 53 reflect the basic concepts, status, and governing bodies of a legal entity.

Federal Law No. 10.07.2002 No. 86F3 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), ed. dated December 30, 2008 (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on June 27, 2002) as amended. and additional effective from 10.02.09. The federal law determines the status, goals of activities, functions, powers and rights of the Bank of Russia.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the top level of the two-tier banking system in the Russian Federation, which consists of the Bank of Russia and commercial banks (and other credit institutions). The Bank of Russia controls the activities of credit institutions, issues and revokes their licenses for banking operations, and credit institutions already work with other legal entities and individuals. Its main function is to protect and ensure the stability of the ruble.

Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated 02.12.1990 No. No. 3951 as amended. from 28.02.2009 This Federal Law characterizes the banking system of the Russian Federation, which includes the Bank of Russia, credit institutions, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks. According to the Federal Law "On banks and banking activity" dated 02.12.1990. No. 3951, a credit institution is a legal entity that, in order to make a profit as the main goal of its activities, on the basis of a special permit (license) from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), has the right to carry out banking operations provided for by this Federal Law. A credit organization is formed on the basis of any form of ownership as a business entity.

A bank is a credit institution that has the exclusive right to carry out the following banking operations in aggregate: attraction of funds from individuals and legal entities to deposits, placement of these funds on its own behalf and at its own expense on the terms of repayment, payment, urgency, opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities.

A non-bank credit institution is a credit institution that has the right to carry out certain banking operations provided for by this Federal Law. Permissible combinations of banking operations for non-bank credit institutions are established by the Bank of Russia.

A foreign bank is a bank recognized as such under the laws of a foreign state in whose territory it is registered.

The banking system of the Russian Federation includes the Bank of Russia, credit institutions, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks.

Relations between a credit institution and the state

The credit institution is not liable for the obligations of the state. The state is not liable for the obligations of a credit institution, except in cases where the state itself has assumed such obligations.

The credit institution is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia. The Bank of Russia is not liable for the obligations of a credit institution, unless the Bank of Russia has assumed such obligations.

Bodies of legislative and executive power and bodies of local self-government are not entitled to interfere in the activities of credit institutions, except in cases provided for by federal laws.

A credit institution may not be obligated to carry out activities not provided for by its constituent documents, except in cases where the credit institution has assumed the relevant obligations, or in cases provided for by federal laws.

Charter of the Bank of Moscow, articles in economic periodicals (Banking, Money and Credit, Business and Banks, Russian Economic Journal, Economics and Life). Theoretical basis studies were the works of Russian scientists and foreign experts in the field of assessing the financial condition and analyzing the structures of bank management: O.I. Lavrushina, I.T. Balabanova, and others. Materials of seminars and scientific conferences on the subject under study, as well as information from official sites on economic issues on the Internet. The information base of the study was the data of the turnover sheet, income statement.

In this chapter, the following theoretical aspects were considered: the essence, principles and methods of management in the banking system, which made it possible to determine what the management system of a bank (credit institution) is, to identify its features in relation to other areas of the economy, and also to describe the regulatory framework for regulation banking system in the Russian Federation.

The main approach in evaluating the effectiveness of the bank's activities is the analysis of the management system, its economic activity based on the organizational structure of the Bank of Moscow OJSC, financial statements and main directions of its activity.

2. The state of the management system on the example of OJSC "Bank of Moscow"

2.1 Characteristics of OJSC "Bank of Moscow"

The Bank of Moscow is one of the largest universal banks in Russia, providing a diversified range of financial services for both legal entities and individuals. As of June 30, 2009 (according to IFRS), the assets of the Bank of Moscow amounted to 824 billion rubles, the loan portfolio - 549.5 billion rubles.

The Bank of Moscow is in the top 5 largest Russian credit institutions in terms of assets and capital, and in the top 3 in terms of household funds raised.

In February 2011, a 46.48% stake owned by the Government of Moscow was completely sold to VTB Bank, and VTB also acquired 25% plus 1 share of the Capital Insurance Group, which owns a 17.32% stake in the Bank of Moscow. The total amount of the transaction amounted to 103 billion rubles. Alfabank also claimed to buy the city's stake, but the choice was made in favor of VTB (according to a representative of the Moscow mayor's office, due to the higher price offered, as well as the availability of a complete set of documentation, including permission to purchase from the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation). Later, VTB bought out the stake Credit Suisse (2.77%) and an unnamed minority shareholder (about 1.7%), bringing its stake to a controlling stake (about 51%).

In early April 2011, 20.32% of the bank's shares, owned by Andrey Borodin and Lev Alaluev, were sold to the structures of Vitaly Yusufov, the son of the former Minister of Energy of Russia Igor Yusufov (at the same time, according to the Vedomosti newspaper, a loan in the amount of $ 1.1 billion the Bank of Moscow itself issued Yusufov for the purchase of shares). Borodin himself, who by this time had been charged in absentia with abuse of office, said that he had carried out this deal with “twisted arms”, and called the change of leadership in the bank a raider takeover. By the end of September 2011, VTB concentrated in its hands more than 80% of the shares of the Bank of Moscow, having bought out the stakes of Vitaly Yusufov (about 20%) and Suleiman Kerimov (3.88%), as well as part of the stake in the Capital Insurance Group.

The media put forward a version that at the time of Borodin's departure, more than half of the bank's loan portfolio consisted of loans issued to companies affiliated with Borodin; Borodin himself refused to comment on this information. According to the investigation of the Vedomosti newspaper, the total amount of loans issued by the bank to companies associated with Borodin could be 217 billion rubles, which exceeded the amount of the bank's own capital. According to the newspaper, a significant part of these loans is doubtful for repayment, or is not secured by liquid collateral, later this information was confirmed by an audit by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Later, VTB itself already announced the amount of bad debts already at 380 billion rubles. As a result, at the end of September 2011, the Deposit Insurance Agency, in order to cover the resulting "hole" in the balance sheet, provided the bank with a loan for 10 years in the amount of 295 billion rubles. at 0.51% per annum (the Bank of Russia provided this money to the DIA itself).

Currently, the Bank of Moscow serves more than 100 thousand corporate and more than 9 million private clients. Among the clients - legal entities - the largest industry enterprises, enterprises of medium and small businesses. 6

The bank is represented in almost all economically significant regions of the country and has 394 separate subdivisions, including additional offices, exchange offices and operating cash desks. As of March 01, 2012, 259 divisions of the Bank operated in the regions of Russia.

The Bank's network also includes 5 subsidiary banks located outside of Russia: JSC "BM Bank" (Ukraine), JSC "Bank MoscowMinsk" (Belarus), Latvian Business Bank (Latvia), Estonian Credit Bank (Estonia) and JSC "Bank of Moscow" - (Belgrade) (Serbia). The representative office of the Bank of Moscow operates in Frankfurt Main (Germany).

The Bank of Moscow has its own Processing Center servicing the Bank's card programs. The processing center is certified by Visa International and MasterCard and has a wide network of ATMs (1.8 thousand units).

The high reliability of the Bank of Moscow is confirmed by the ratings of international rating agencies. The Bank's long-term credit rating according to Moody's Investors Service is Baa1, according to Fitch Ratings - BBB.

In its activities, the authorized bank of the Government of Moscow "Bank of Moscow" is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, mandatory regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Bank, as well as other documents regulating the activities of the bank.

The Bank of Moscow is faithful to the traditions of sponsorship and charitable activities, and support for social programs. Many socially important initiatives have been developed thanks to the assistance and participation of the Bank. Projects in the field of culture, sports, education, support for socially vulnerable groups of the population are especially important for society.

2.2 Analysis of the Bank of Moscow management system

The control system is a mechanism that provides a continuous and targeted impact on the managed object. The object of the management system can be both organizations, enterprises and people. The control system object may be composed of other objects, which may have a permanent relationship structure.

Any organization is a complex social system consisting of two elements - manager and managed.

Under the control subsystem of the control system is understood that part of it that develops, accepts and broadcasts management decisions, ensures their implementation. Under the controlled subsystem is understood the one that perceives them and implements them in practice.

Under the conditions of hierarchical control, most of its links, depending on the specific situation, may belong either to the control or to the controlled subsystem.

At the head of the control subsystem is its director (the central link), personifying the control actions. It can be individual (head) or collective (board of directors of a joint-stock company).

For the successful functioning of the bank, from the point of view of the management system, the organizational structure, which is a hierarchical system, will be effective.

In the textbook "Banking" edited by Balabanova I.T. the optimal structure of the organization of the bank's activities is given. Here is how the textbook defines it: “The organizational structure of the bank is formed by divisions (departments) and services. Bank departments are formed taking into account the classification of banking operations according to their functional purpose. Thus, bank operations for mobilization and concentration of funds (passive operations of the bank) are carried out by the deposit operations department, accounting and loan operations by the credit department, etc. great attention a credit institution should pay attention to the organization of cost accounting in the bank, profitability and liquidity. To do this, structural units are being formed that deal with the current activities of the bank, have an organizing impact on the work of the bank as a whole. 7

7 Banks and banking / ed. Balabanova I.T. Tutorial. SP, M., 2008. - 645 p.

The current organizational structure, shown in Figure 1, reflects the types of activities typical for the bank. The bank has 8 main departments: planning and development of banking operations, credit operations, servicing legal entities, corporate business, retail business, internal control and several internal services that ensure high-quality work for the bank.

Topics of dissertations in economics » Economics and management of the national economy: the theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics

Efficiency of commercial bank management in the conditions of the economy in transition


Thesis: content author of the dissertation research: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Abdukhalikov, Zapir Gadzhievich


Chapter I

1.1. Basic principles for studying the effectiveness of organizations in a modern market economy

1.2. Features of the study of the effectiveness of a commercial bank

1.3. The main areas of analysis and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of a commercial bank

Chapter II. External conditions and factors of the efficiency of the functioning of commercial banks

2.1. Mechanism for the implementation of performance criteria in the system of state regulation

2.2. State-legal mechanism for the formation of external conditions for the functioning of commercial banks

2.3. Modern tasks of regulating the conditions for the functioning of commercial banks

Chapter III. Internal Factors for Improving the Efficiency of Commercial Bank Management

3.1. Analysis of the effectiveness of asset and liability management of a commercial bank

3.2. Development of the organizational structure of management and the motivational mechanism of the bank's personnel Conclusion

Thesis: introduction to economics, on the topic "Efficiency of management of a commercial bank in an economy in transition"

The relevance of research. The Russian banking system, as an integral part of the emerging market economic system, during 1992-2000 functioned in crisis conditions of an episodic or systemic nature. The financial crisis of August 17, 1998 became a kind of indicator of the quality of management of credit organizations and banking management. The current commercial banks have proved that the mechanisms of interaction with partners and clients, financial and banking technologies and human resources have become the core of management that allowed them to survive the "diseases" of the transition period.

The key task of the current (after August 1998) stage of reforming the banking system is the development of a new strategy for the institutional development of the credit sector of the economy. The purpose of this strategy is to reorient the motivation and targets of credit institutions towards active participation in the reproduction process and, on this basis, increase the efficiency of the functioning of the credit and banking system and individual credit institutions.

The economic literature has not yet developed a generally accepted definition of the concept of the effectiveness of credit institutions, as a result of which, when assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of credit institutions, they are limited to using economic standards established by regulatory authorities, and thus, objective performance indicators are replaced by coefficients and norms. The unreliability of the latter manifested itself as a result of the August (1998) financial crisis, which caused an immediate threat to the liquidity of the Russian banking system.

At the same time, competition in the banking sector is intensifying, the techniques and methods of banking are becoming more complicated, and the composition of banking operations and services is expanding. Under these conditions, the importance of modern banking management and its components increases: system analysis, forecasting the external environment of the bank, development of a development strategy, involvement of personnel in the management process, etc. One of the specialists in the field of commercial bank management V.V. Kiselev notes that among the works devoted to the study of the banking business in Russia, there is no "comprehensive analysis of not only economic, but also, which is especially important in modern conditions, the social aspects of the functioning and development of commercial banks"1.

These circumstances testify to the urgent need to intensify scientific searches for methodological solutions both within the framework of the general theory of efficiency and taking into account the specifics of the activities of credit institutions, highlighting the general (external) and internal conditions and factors that determine the effectiveness of the functioning of a commercial bank.

Goals and objectives of the study. The purpose of this work is to substantiate methodological approaches to the study of the effectiveness of a commercial bank and ways to improve the organization and management as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the bank. Based on this goal, the following tasks are formulated in the work: to study the features of the content of the category of efficiency of credit institutions, to identify objective criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of their activities; analyze existing methodological approaches and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of credit institutions; determine the factors influencing the performance of a commercial bank and develop new approaches to assessing the effectiveness of its functioning, adequate to the objective functions and functional role of banks in the reproduction process; substantiate the directions and mechanisms for improving the organization and management of a commercial bank, based on stimulating the activity of personnel and bank management.

The object of the study were commercial banks operating in the Republic of Dagestan.

The conditions and factors that determine the effectiveness of the organization and management of the bank were taken as the subject of the study.

1 Kiselev V.V. Management of a commercial bank in transition. M.: IK Logos, 1997. -S.Z.

The main research methods were methods scientific knowledge and, above all, the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, as well as the methods of economic analysis - comparisons, groupings.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the fundamental works of domestic and foreign economists, in which the main provisions of the theory of efficiency, management theory, and the theory of motivation are developed. General aspects of the functioning of the credit and banking system and management of organizations are reflected in the works of G.N. Beloglazova,

B. Vroom, V. V. Ivanter, S. A. Kamionsky, V. V. Kiselev, O. I. Lavrushin,

S.I. Lushin, V.E. Manevich, A. Maslow, B.Z. Milner, A.G. Porshnev, O.L. Rogovoi, P. Rose, V.K. Senchagov, A.Yu.Simanovsky, A.M.Tavasiev, F.Herzberg and other scientists.

The informational basis was provided by legal, regulatory, reference and statistical materials on the state and development of the credit sector of the economy, individual commercial banks.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation research is as follows:

Based on the analysis and generalization of the modern Russian banking system, methodological approaches to the study of the effectiveness of credit institutions in the transitional economy have been specified;

Based on the basic principles, criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the functioning of commercial organizations, the efficiency criteria that determine the specifics of commercial banks are specified - social and socio-economic criteria;

The general conditions and factors that determine the external environment for the functioning of banks are classified, in which the key elements are: the formation of a competitive environment that is the same for all banks, the separation of public and private financial flows;

Based on the analysis of the relationship between the efficiency of the functioning of credit institutions and internal conditions and factors, a direct dependence of the financial condition of banks on the effectiveness of the management of liabilities and assets, their organizational, structural and staffing was revealed;

In order to improve the organization and management of the bank as an internal factor of efficiency, a model for strengthening the motivation of employees based on their participation in profits is proposed.

The theoretical and practical significance of the dissertation research lies in the identification and evaluation of internal and external factors that determine the effectiveness of a commercial bank. The theoretical conclusions of the dissertation and the proposed methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of credit institutions can be used by regulatory authorities in the process of reforming the credit and banking system. Recommendations on the formation of a motivational mechanism for managing the bank's personnel can be used to ensure objectivity in assessing the performance of the bank's main divisions. In this regard, appropriate changes and additions will need to be made to the premium position of a commercial bank. Individual banks operating in Dagestan considered it expedient to use the proposed mechanism to enhance the labor activity of staff and the effectiveness of bank management.

Approbation of the research results. Separate results of the study were reported at the scientific-practical conference (Moscow, November 11-12, 1999) and at the "round table" in the IE RAS (April 2000).

The structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

Thesis: conclusion on the topic "Economics and management of the national economy: the theory of economic systems management; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economics; logistics; labor economics", Abdukhalikov, Zapir Gadzhievich


In the process of market transformation of the Russian economy, qualitative structural changes took place in the credit and banking sector. A wide network of credit institutions operating on commercial principles has developed. At the same time, the practice of reforming has shown that the existing credit and banking system does not fully meet its functional role in the reproduction process; there has been a disintegration of the financial and real sectors of the economy. With particular acuteness, the question of the effectiveness of the functioning of credit institutions arose in connection with the increase in the second half of the 90s. crisis phenomena in the banking sector of the economy.

In accordance with the goal and objectives of the study set in the dissertation, the author analyzed a wide range of issues related to the problem of determining the effectiveness of credit institutions: methodological approaches to establishing general principles for the functioning of commercial organizations in a modern market economy were identified; on the basis of general principles, the criteria and performance indicators of credit institutions as specific commercial organizations are substantiated; the existing methodologies and specific methods for evaluating the performance of credit institutions were analyzed; alternative views and positions of Russian and foreign scientists on the problem of the effectiveness of the functioning of organizations in a market economy are considered.

The analysis showed that the low efficiency of the functioning of Russian credit institutions is largely the result of the low level of management of the credit institutions themselves, however, the economic policy pursued by the Government and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, including monetary policy, played a decisive role. The lack of evidence-based methods that make it possible to determine objective guidelines for management activities and, accordingly, assess the real level of efficiency of the functioning of credit institutions also had an extremely negative impact.

Due to the high dependence of the efficiency of the functioning of credit institutions on external conditions and factors, the latter were singled out as an independent object of study. At the same time, the main attention was focused on the targets of the economic policy pursued over the past decade as a key factor that played a decisive role in shaping the external conditions for the functioning of economic entities, including credit institutions.

The conducted studies allowed us to draw the following conclusions in terms of assessing, regulating and managing the performance of credit institutions.

1. Determining the performance of credit institutions should be based on the general methodological principles of the performance of commercial organizations related to "complex" theoretical models. The issue of the effectiveness of banking institutions should be considered in terms of the general economic and specific content of this category, identifying internal relationships and interaction with the external environment in the process of turnover and capital return, ensuring reliability, liquidity and sustainability as the most important components of the category of efficiency of credit institutions.

2. In accordance with the general methodology for determining the effectiveness of commercial organizations, the criteria for the effectiveness of credit institutions should reflect the targets of their activities, correspond to the categorical content of banking activities. The essence and mechanism of managing the efficiency of credit organizations is thus determined by their functional role in the reproduction process, the objective focus of the credit and banking system on ensuring the uninterrupted circulation of functioning social, primarily industrial, capital. This function objectively belongs to credit institutions, remains the main one in their activities and, therefore, is an important component of the category of "social" efficiency (utility) of the functioning of credit institutions.

3. The specifics of banking activity based on banking capital, which is formed regardless of the sources of its formation and specific areas of application, objectively puts forward the criterion of capitalization of a given credit institution as the main specific criterion for the effectiveness of credit institutions. In practical life, this criterion is expressed in terms of the preservation and growth of banking resources. In this regard, the indicator of equity capital adequacy of a credit institution is of paramount importance, which is given special attention in the dissertation research as a key factor that forms the conditions for functioning and, at the same time, a key indicator that reflects the efficiency of credit institutions in a concentrated form.

4. Critical distinctive feature the process of implementing the functional tasks facing credit institutions is their organically inseparable from the external economic environment. In their practical activities, credit institutions should interact with various economic entities and their financial stability, reliability and creditworthiness in the long term depend on the performance and development prospects of credit institutions. At the same time, the state of the external economic environment in modern (and not only Russian) conditions is determined to a decisive extent by the economic policy of the state.

5. An analysis of the main directions of the general economic and monetary policy pursued over the past decade showed that a tough monetary policy focused solely on keeping inflation rates, money supply and the budget deficit within predetermined limits, in fact ignoring the objective needs of the economy in financial and monetary resources, has become the main factor in the destruction of the finances of enterprises and their total cash flow. Ultimately, this inevitably undermined the reproductive base of credit institutions, led to the deformation of cash flows and circulation of individual and aggregate capital, which was expressed in the structural imbalance of the entire economic system.

6. The previous experience of the functioning of credit institutions has shown that their activity cannot be considered effective if it is based only on the concept of highly profitable activity. The main criterion for the effectiveness of the activities of credit institutions and the credit and banking system is their ability and focus on fulfilling an objective functional role in the reproduction process. First of all, it is necessary to restore the classical functions of the credit and banking system: the accumulation of household savings, lending to the real sector, the formation of effective mechanisms for the mobilization and redistribution of financial resources that ensure the balanced development of the Russian economy.

It is necessary, relying on the efforts of each individual bank, to enter the trajectory of sustainable growth in the volume and efficiency of banking activities, to minimize the impact of crisis factors, including the aggravating effect of problem banks, to become a pillar of reproduction in the real sector of the economy and to fully promote economic recovery countries.

7. The study showed that improving the efficiency of a bank depends not only on the external environment of operation, but also on internal conditions and factors, banking management in general, asset and liability management. As part of the activities to optimize the structure of liabilities and assets, an important place belongs to the development of a unified methodology that would be based on objective criteria and indicators for assessing the quality of management of the balance sheet structure and the state of banking management as a whole. The paper presents a system of indicators characterizing the position of a commercial bank in the regional banking system.

8. The formation of an effective bank management system objectively requires strengthening the motivation of employees and increasing the level of their professional training. To this end, the dissertation substantiates a fundamentally different system of remuneration for the management and staff of the bank, based on the system of profit sharing, differentiated for the main divisions and support services. The organization of a differentiated intra-banking system for the participation of divisions in the formation of profits is aimed at ensuring a constant growth in the volume and quality of banking services, the introduction of new banking products and reducing the costs of providing them to customers.

Dissertation: Bibliography in Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Abdukhalikov, Zapir Gadzhievich, Moscow

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Management of profitability (efficiency of commercial activity) of the bank

Profitability is the most important requirement for the activities of any business entity. In the practice of financial management, it is defined as the ratio of actual income minus the costs associated with its receipt to income before these costs are deducted. Throughout the first stage of the market transformation of the financial and credit system of Russia, the high level of this indicator of the activity of commercial banks was ensured primarily by the favorable situation for them in the financial markets.

A certain experience in the use of financial methods of profitability management at the on-farm level was accumulated in our country during the period of the planned economy. In the mid-80s, in connection with the transition of most enterprises to the self-financing regime, they became widespread in construction, industry and transport. However, their introduction practically did not affect the banking system, which continued to operate under conditions of strict centralization of management, based solely on administrative methods. It is indicative that a similar situation has been preserved in commercial banks, most of which were originally created as non-state structures.

In a market economy, the management of the production units of the enterprise is carried out using mainly administrative methods. Management decisions, passing through the entire hierarchical chain of command, have a strictly directive character. Personified responsibility for their execution is borne by the heads of departments, who, in turn, are endowed with the necessary authority to distribute the received tasks among subordinates. At the same time, no additional motivation for their successful implementation is provided for the units as a whole. The principal organization of interaction between subordinate authorities can thus be reflected in the following simplified scheme:

Such an approach is used by any type of economic entities, with the exception of the largest transnational corporations, where the multi-level hierarchy of authorities makes the very possibility of strict centralization of management problematic. In such structures, it is allowed to expand the powers of the heads of productions, branches, subsidiaries allocated in the organizational structure of management (hereinafter referred to as "OSU"). To do this, they are allocated appropriate financial resources, which are subject to decentralized distribution. In some cases, for large divisions of diversified corporations and holdings, a certain relationship may be established between the actually secured economic results and the size of their own targeted financial funds. (с145.5)

Foreign scientists specializing in the problems of production and financial management, such a practice is explained by the inappropriateness of any economic motivation of structural units. Their functional responsibilities are clearly defined by the relevant internal regulations, for the implementation of which the heads of these departments are directly administratively responsible. Even in the field of personal management, economic methods are used to a minimum extent, the necessary motivation of employees is provided by the very fact of maintaining employment relations and the direct remuneration arising from it.

Solving the problem of managing the economic efficiency of a bank's activities is the prerogative of managers and analysts of a particular bank and directly depends on the approaches they use in their daily work. However, a truly successful solution to this problem is impossible without an information and analytical system that will allow making important management decisions based on timely received and analyzed information. (s28.4)

One of the important tasks when working with such an information-analytical system is the collection, transformation and accumulation of initial data, on the basis of which methods for analyzing the activities of bank divisions are formed.

Analysis of income and expenses

For analysis, there is enough data on the balances and turnovers in the accounts of income and expenses. At the same time, each personal account opened on income/expense accounts is assigned a subdivision that conducts operations on this account. However, one subdivision does not always correspond to one account, most often there are several such subdivisions. In this case, it is necessary to set the shares of each of the departments working with this account in order to further "distribute" the amount from this account when calculating the profit of the departments.

Naturally, not all divisions of the bank are profitable. Thus, the category of service divisions, to which, for example, the information technology division belongs, do not bring direct profit and are, in fact, unprofitable. However, the normal functioning of the bank without such a category of units is impossible. There is a need to allocate the costs of a particular unit to profit centers.

For this purpose, you can use various criteria (for example, the number of profitable divisions), distribute expenses in proportion to given shares, or use more complex indirect distribution algorithms.

General banking expenses also need to be redistributed between the bank's divisions and only then calculate the profit of each of them.

The described methodology is an estimate, since the formation of the criteria for "spreading" the amounts is influenced by subjective factors. In addition, it cannot be used to evaluate the performance of service departments. However, this technique can be used for the initial assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of departments and in the formation of a system of material incentives for employees.

In many banks, the function of managing the efficiency of bank divisions is entrusted to the Treasury service, which manages cash flows. The list of duties of this service includes liquidity control, compliance with foreign exchange positions and management of the gap, i.е. balance of assets and liabilities. The Treasury regulates the profitability of operations (in terms of covering general banking costs with income).

When using this model, the bank gets the opportunity to consider the Treasury from two positions:

when the unit is not a profit center, but performs only regulatory functions;

when a division acts as a profit center and tries to make money in the external environment along with other divisions of the bank. (s45, 6)

Model of work of the Treasury as a monopoly service that regulates the flow of attracted and allocated resources

Here, the Treasury acts as a service that regulates the intrabank flows of attracted and placed resources, i.e. all operations in the foreign and domestic markets are conducted exclusively through this service.

Since in this case the Treasury is a kind of monopolist, it should not have the right to put other divisions of the bank in worse than market conditions, i.e. set transfer prices "linked" to the market. At the same time, the main task of the Treasury remains to control the state of the liquidity of the bank as a whole, and all profits earned by this unit are attributed to the general bank profit.

The Treasury's profit is calculated as the difference between the purchase and sale prices of resources. This model operates in the absence of opportunities for attracting units to sell resources outside, and for allocating units to buy resources in foreign markets. Attracting and accommodating divisions do not have the right to work directly with each other or conduct operations in the external environment, bypassing the Treasury service. (s133, 11)

Model for evaluating the effectiveness of the Treasury as a CPA

In this case, the Treasury acts as a profit center, i.e. its main task is to control the liquidity of the bank as a whole. At the same time, the Treasury seeks to reduce the amount of costs and increase the profitability of its operations.

The allocating and attracting subdivisions can carry out activities in foreign markets or conduct transactions between themselves directly, bypassing the Treasury.

The Treasury may have different prices for the purchase of resources within the bank and from external sources, as well as for the sale of resources to host units within the bank or to external clients.

When internal services work through the Treasury, the amount of risks per operation is reduced, since the Treasury bears part of the risks. At the same time, the Treasury itself is interested in establishing such transfer prices that will allow it to make a profit, since part of the profit in this case will go to material incentives for its employees.

In addition, both attracting and hosting units, having freedom of choice, can earn profit both from working with the Treasury and from external sources.

The main goal of all departments should remain the profit of the credit institution as a whole.

To analyze the income and expenses of divisions, it is sufficient to use information on balances and turnovers on personal accounts as initial data. In addition, there is a set of forms for entering and editing data according to the criteria for posting amounts. The built-in report generator gives the user the ability to generate reports of any complexity, based on the results of the analysis of the necessary information.

The system has a powerful graphical interface that allows you to get results in the form of graphs and various charts.

To implement more complex analysis models, the requirements for initial information also increase. The task of evaluating the performance of bank divisions can be solved within the framework of management accounting, which, in turn, can be maintained both in the current accounting system and in an analytical application (within departments, products and types of income / expenses). This requires information on the amounts of allocated and attracted resources, terms of attraction/placement, current interest rates.

The above tools allow us to solve not only the task of evaluating the performance of departments, but also other tasks that arise in the course of the functioning of a bank. Nowadays, issues of stability, reliability, stability of the banking system as a whole and its elements - banks are becoming increasingly important in Russia.

The stability of the bank should be understood as its dynamic state, which provides the necessary degree of protection from the adverse effects of external and internal factors. The stability of the bank can be considered as a condition for its progressive movement. (s203.8)

Types of bank stability can be classified according to a number of criteria, including by nature (economic, political, moral stability); based on its general assessment (real and imaginary stability); by time of provision (long-term and short-term sustainability); by the nature of balance (balanced and unstable balance); by structure (financial, organizational, personnel, operational, commercial sustainability); on the policy pursued (permanent or frequently changing sustainability within the overall concept); from the standpoint of the uniformity of the development of banks (rapidly developing, evenly developing and unevenly developing stability); from the standpoint of social utility (socially useful and selfish sustainability).

The economic stability of the bank is largely determined by financial results its performance, the level of risk the bank takes, combined with its liquidity and profitability.

Liquidity (from Latin liquidus - liquid, flowing) literally means the ease of sale, sale, transformation of material assets and other assets into cash. Bank liquidity is often defined as the bank's ability to acquire cash from the central bank or correspondent banks at a reasonable price. In general, the liquidity of the bank implies the ability to sell liquid assets, acquire funds from the central bank and issue shares, bonds, certificates of deposit and savings, and other debt instruments.

The term solvency is somewhat broader: it means not only and not so much the possibility of turning assets into marketable ones, but the ability of a legal entity or individual to timely and fully fulfill their payment obligations arising from trade, credit or other transactions of a monetary nature. Thus, liquidity acts as a necessary and obligatory condition of solvency, control over compliance with which is already taken over not only by the legal entity or individual, but also by a certain external body of supervision and control.

Liquidity for a commercial bank is its ability to ensure the timely fulfillment of its liabilities in cash. The bank's liquidity is determined by the balance of assets and liabilities of its balance sheet, the degree of correspondence between the terms of placed assets and liabilities attracted by the bank.

The bank's liquidity norms are usually set as the ratio of various items of balance sheet assets to the total amount or to certain items of liabilities or, conversely, liabilities to assets. Bank liquidity-the basis of its solvency.

Solvency is interpreted as the bank's ability to meet its obligations in due time and in full amount (to depositors for paying deposits, to shareholders for paying dividends, to the state for paying taxes, to staff for paying wages).

Modern economic literature describes two approaches to characterizing liquidity. Liquidity can be understood as a "stock" or as a "flow". The stock characterizes the bank's liquidity at a certain point in time, its ability to meet its current obligations, especially on demand accounts.

As a "flow" liquidity is estimated for a certain period of time or for the future. At the same time, the approach to liquidity in terms of "reserve" is characterized as very narrow. It should be borne in mind that when considering liquidity as a “flow”, increased attention is paid to the possibility of ensuring the conversion of less liquid assets into more liquid ones, as well as the inflow of additional funds, including loans received. Consequently, not only the assessment of liquidity - "flow", but also the assessment of liquidity - "forecast" acquires the greatest importance.

To assess the total liquidity of a commercial bank, it is necessary to systematically consider stationary liquidity (“stock”), current liquidity (“flow”) and prospective liquidity (“forecast”).

Thus, the liquidity of the bank's balance sheet implies a momentary assessment of the state of the bank on a certain date, i.e. balance sheet liquidity is an integral part of the bank's liquidity. At the same time, the balance sheet of a commercial bank must ensure the presentation of analytical and synthetic accounting data in a form acceptable for calculating the total liquidity of the bank. If the second condition is not met, a situation may arise when, having a sufficiently liquid balance sheet on a certain date, the bank is nevertheless completely or partially illiquid.

The liquidity and solvency of a commercial bank is influenced by a number of factors that can be divided into macro- and microeconomic ones.

The main macroeconomic factors that determine the liquidity and solvency of the bank include, for example, the geopolitical and macroeconomic situation in the country, the totality of legislative, legal and legal norms of banking activities, the structure and stability of the banking system, the state of the money market and the securities market.

Microeconomic factors also influence the liquidity and solvency of a commercial bank. The main such factors include the resource base of the bank, the quality of investments, the level of management, the functional structure and motivation of the bank.

It should be noted that these groups of factors have an impact in combination, and the relationship is observed both in individual groups and between groups.

Liquidity -- the most important qualitative characteristic of the bank, indicating its reliability, stability, sustainability. To ensure liquidity, the bank needs to form such a balance sheet structure in which assets, without losing their value, can be timely converted into cash as liabilities are demanded.

Liquidity is closely related to the profitability of the bank, but in most cases the desire to achieve high liquidity conflicts with the need to ensure higher profitability. The most rational policy of a commercial bank in the field of liquidity management is to ensure the optimal combination of liquidity and profitability. Therefore, the analysis of liquidity, profitability and the level of risk of the bank must be carried out in a complex.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the risks associated with banking, which puts the problem of "risk - liquidity" in the center of banking operations management. The most common financial risks are the risk of insolvency of the borrower, credit risk, interest rate risk, currency risk, unbalanced liquidity risk.

Risk constantly accompanies banking activities. Risks in banking practice are the danger (possibility) of losses for the bank in the event of certain events.

Risks can be both actually banking (internal), associated with the functioning of a credit institution, and external, or general. The most important way to overcome or minimize risks is their regulation, i.e. maintaining, as we have already said, the optimal ratio of liquidity and solvency of the bank in the process of managing its assets and liabilities. A high level of profitability, as a rule, is associated with high-risk operations. In banking practice, risky refers to either very profitable or very unprofitable operations. Moreover, the potential probability of obtaining the maximum possible benefit increases as the degree of risk increases. Analyzing the degree of riskiness of performing certain operations, banks use various techniques in order to minimize possible losses. For example, banks create consortiums, thereby distributing risks among several subjects of relations; cover the incurred losses from risky operations at the expense of profits from other types of operations; conduct risk insurance.

The main method for managing the liquidity and solvency of Russian commercial banks (in terms of internal and external audit) is their compliance with the economic standards of the Bank of Russia. Currently, in order to ensure the economic conditions for the stable functioning of the banking system, the Bank of Russia establishes the following economic standards for the activities of commercial banks:

  • - the minimum amount of authorized capital for newly created and the minimum amount of own funds (capital) for existing banks;
  • - capital adequacy ratios;
  • - liquidity ratios;
  • - the maximum amount of risk per borrower or group of related borrowers;
  • - the maximum amount of large credit risks;
  • - the maximum amount of risk per creditor (depositor);
  • - the maximum amount of loans, guarantees and guarantees provided by a credit institution to its participants (shareholders, shareholders) and insiders;
  • - the maximum amount of attracted cash deposits (deposits) of the population;
  • - norms for the use of own funds of credit institutions for the acquisition of shares (shares) of other legal entities.

Analysis of liquidity and its management in a commercial bank is carried out simultaneously with the analysis of the profitability of its activities.

Banking performance analysis begins with an analysis of income and expenses and ends with a study of profits. (p76, 9)