Black radish salad recipes.

The popularity of the radish has passed through the centuries and continues to persist. Black radish salad will be especially useful in winter and spring, when there are not so many fresh vitamins.

The vegetable contains valuable nutrients, vitamins, essential oils, trace elements. It is recommended to use it to replenish sodium, potassium, phosphorus in the body. Bone tissues will be grateful for calcium, blood for iron.

For the prevention of colds, flu, root juice is simply necessary. There are already legends about it. And also it will help with urolithiasis and even atherosclerosis. Fiber will cleanse the intestines and relieve it of harmful substances and perennial deposits.

In Rus', this root crop was a vegetable of the poor. They used the most simple recipes. Thinly sliced ​​root vegetables with onions, seasoned with vegetable oil and kvass. Maybe that's why often, using black radish salad, Russian men got their unprecedented strength and were famous for it all over the world.

Let's look at some recipes. Cooking them is not difficult and not expensive for the budget. At the same time they are useful, tasty.

Tip: “As you know, this vegetable is bitter. To rid it of excess bitterness, cut it up and submerge it in water for about an hour.”

Salad with sour cream


  • Radish - 400 gr;
  • Carrots - one medium-sized root vegetable;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - to taste, like salt;
  • Small bulb.


  1. Grate the vegetable with the largest cells, soak for bitterness or just let stand overnight.
  2. Finely chop the onion.
  3. Boil and cut the egg.
  4. We also rub the carrots coarsely.
  5. Mix everything, add sour cream, if desired, a little salt and you can eat.

Another very simple recipe, perhaps even all the products you have in the refrigerator.

Radish salad with dill

Would need:

  • A pair of medium root crops;
  • Dill greens, lettuce leaves;
  • Olive oil - 50 gr;
  • Lemon juice - about 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt.


  1. We clean the root crop, remove the bitterness in the above way, three. We shift into a salad bowl, sprinkle with oil, lemon juice, add salt, mix. And the final touch is to decorate with greenery on top.
  2. This option is a classic. You can always add something new to it and get completely different amazing recipes. It can be corn, apples, peas, mushrooms, fried carrots, onions, nuts.
  3. What is good about vegetable and fruit salads is that no matter how much fruit you put in, it won’t get worse, you don’t have to worry about the quantity and strictly measure or weigh it.

Salad of radish and white cabbage


  • Two medium vegetables;
  • Cabbage - 100 gr, You can increase or decrease its amount, depending on preferences;
  • Leaf parsley;
  • Oil grows. - a small amount, for refueling;
  • Salt.


  1. We clean the root crop, soak it in water for an hour, three.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage, mix with radish.
  3. Salt, add oil, mix. Top with chopped herbs.

Black radish with meat

Would need:

  • One root crop;
  • Onions, purple is better - half of one onion;
  • Mayonnaise for dressing - somewhere around two tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Boiled beef - 200 gr;
  • A couple of bay leaves;
  • Pepper - 5 peas;
  • Salt - two pinches.

We start cooking. It will take 3 hours in total. The salad will turn out to be hearty, it is better to use it as a separate dish, since it includes meat and eggs, you can satisfy your hunger well.

  1. We clean the root crop, get rid of bitterness in the usual way, rub it. Take a large grater. While the radish is soaking, take care of the beef.
  2. Wash the meat, immerse in cold water. Add pepper, bay leaf, salt here. Cook until ready. This will take about an hour and a half. Cool down. Cut into cubes first, and then separate them into fibers.
  3. Cut the onion first into rings, then in half.
  4. Boil eggs, chop.
  5. Mix everything, put mayonnaise, mix again.

Tip: "If you want to remove the sharpness and bitterness of the onion, after cutting it, pour boiling water over it."

Meat salad recipes are suitable for men as they cannot live without meat. Therefore, a black radish salad with the addition of meat will be perceived by them with a bang.

Salad recipes can contain a variety of products, sometimes unexpected, but this only makes them spicier and tastier. Radish goes well with smoked fish, cheeses of specific tastes, and, of course, with nuts. You can choose such combinations that a second visit to your signature dish cannot be avoided. This wonderful root vegetable can simply be baked and served as a side dish. Many recipes will forever settle on your table. Some will become everyday, some will be prepared only on holidays.

Salad with radish and red fish


  • Black radish - two medium root crops;
  • Red fish (slightly salted) - 150 grams;
  • Carrot one, but large;
  • Sesame seeds - 1-2 tsp;
  • Olive oil and lemon juice, 2 tablespoons each;
  • Pepper, salt to taste
  1. We clean the radish, three (do not forget, on a coarse grater), soak in water for 30 minutes, squeeze. Now you can send it to the salad bowl.
  2. Three carrots. Add salt, pepper, let stand and combine with radish.
  3. We cut the fish into beautiful, even cubes, mix with vegetables, season with wonderful olive oil. You can apply.
  4. This salad should only be eaten freshly prepared. Since in a couple of hours he will already lose his appearance, since he will let the juice go.

Tip: "Carrots will not darken if the skin is cut off with a knife, and not scraped off."

Recipes that include radish and honey will not only be a great snack, but will also help fight chronic coughs and colds in general.

The easiest option is to grate the radish, lightly sprinkle it with sugar or powdered sugar, hold for 20 minutes, mix with honey and eat. Fast and helpful.

Salad with honey and delicious walnuts

  • Radish - one small;
  • walnuts


  1. Rub the radish
  2. Melt honey in a frying pan or saucepan, put grated radish in it and cook it until brownish.
  3. Roast nuts. This will give them an exquisite aroma, chop with a knife and put in a cold honey-rare mass. The taste is incredible.

Tip: “Few people know, but black radish tops can also be used. Take note of the next salad.

Salad with black radish tops


  • Black radish - 300 gr;
  • Tops - 50 gr;
  • Honey (liquid) - a tablespoon;
  • Raisins - 50 gr;
  • Onion - a little, also 50 gr;
  • Raises oil - 50 ml


  1. Grind the radish on a grater with large holes.
  2. Wash black radish leaves and cut into strips.
  3. The beam is divided into half rings.
  4. Rinse raisins well, pour over boiling water
  5. Add honey, oil and mix. An amazing, healing dish is ready.

There are still a great many salads with black radish, not to list them all. You can invent your own dishes, experimenting with various ingredients, or use many that have already been tested. Enjoy your meal.

Black radish: composition, benefits, medicinal properties, contraindications. Black radish for cough. Vitamin salads from black radish.

For a long time, radish has been known to people as an extremely useful and extremely unpretentious root crop. The ancient Greeks treated him with special reverence: they ate radish, used it as a medicinal drug, and brought the most beautiful fruits as a gift to the gods. According to ancient Greek legend, the healer god Apollo believed that it was not a pity to give as much gold for this vegetable as it weighs. In his writings, the famous Hippocrates repeatedly mentioned the benefits of radish. The Hellenes were right: the nutritional and medicinal properties of this vegetable really deserve attention.

Multicolored family: types of radish

Today radishes are cultivated in temperate climate Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. Numerous varieties of radish differ in varying degrees of juiciness, bitterness and pungency. There are among them moderately burning, and gentle salad, and those from which tears involuntarily roll down the cheeks.

Fruit color varies from white, pink to green, dark purple and brown. But the most useful are black root crops, they are also the most burning. This variety surpasses its "pale-faced" sisters in vitamin and mineral composition.

Green (Chinese, Margelan) radish is less spicy, it is more suitable for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Japanese radish (daikon) is the most delicate, and although there are not so many vitamins in it, it is very resistant to pesticides: it practically does not absorb harmful chemicals that fertilize the soil. And the most interesting thing: it turns out that the radish, beloved by the people, is just an early ripening dwarf radish.

Vitamin cocktail: composition of black radish

Black radish is a wonderful remedy for strengthening the immune system, especially in the winter-spring period. This modest vegetable is rich in organic acids, enzymes, amino acids, fiber, contains proteins, glycosides, fatty oil, carotene. In addition, black radish is a source of B vitamins, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and the most important mineral salts for health: potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphorus. Alkaline minerals, contained in large quantities in radish, remove salt, excess water and toxic metabolic products from the body. A specific burning taste of root crops is given by essential oils (phytoncides), according to their quantity, black radish is equated to horseradish and onions. It is these substances that have bactericidal properties.

Useful substances are distributed unevenly in the fruits of the plant. The “tail” contains the most beneficial mustard oil for immunity and digestion. The middle is the sweetest and crunchiest, it contains a lot of vegetable sugars necessary for the heart muscle and fiber indispensable for the intestines. The few centimeters closest to the leaves are especially rich in vitamin C.

Calorie content of black radish: 35 kcal.

The nutritional value: carbohydrates - 6.7 g, proteins - 1.9 g, fats - 0.2 g.

Bitter medicine: the benefits of black radish

O useful properties ah radish has been known since the time of Herodotus. The famous healer Avicenna called this humble vegetable "the main medicine." Due to the presence of fiber and dietary fiber, black radish is good for digestion. It stimulates appetite, enhances intestinal peristalsis, prevents dysbacteriosis, improves metabolism, has a choleretic effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps to release the body from excess cholesterol. Due to the abundance of B vitamins, eating fresh tubers strengthens memory and helps to resist stress. Radish is indicated for gout, atherosclerosis, hypertension and colds. Black radish salads cleanse blood vessels, help dissolve stones in the renal pelvis, urinary and gallbladder and ducts.

House doctor: cough - fight!

Saves black radish and cough. Since ancient times, people have been using burning root crops to alleviate coughs, treat bronchitis and tracheitis. Since childhood, many have been familiar with the tart-sweet juice that their grandmother gave to drink when she had a cold. You can cook it in two ways.

  1. First: cut off the top of the radish and cut a fairly deep and wide funnel in the middle, put a spoonful of honey there and wait until the juice forms. Take 30-40 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon. Honey can be replaced with sugar (the sweet component must be added to the hole as needed, because it is she who draws the healing juice from the root crop). So that the drug is enough for all daily intakes, fill several fruits with honey at once.
  2. The second way: you need to wash the radish well, rub it together with the skin on a grater and squeeze the juice out of it through cheesecloth, add honey to it in a ratio of 1: 1. Store in enamel saucepan by covering with a lid.

Joints - health!

From the remaining cake, you can make lotions and compresses for gout, radiculitis, rheumatism, lumbago and other similar ailments: the cake is squeezed strongly, wrapped in gauze or a cotton bag and applied to sore spots. Fresh black radish juice is used to wash ulcers and purulent wounds, rub sore spots with joint ailments, sciatica, and intercostal neuralgia. For pain in the joints, it is mixed with honey and vodka in a ratio of 3:2:1. The resulting balm is rubbed on sore spots after a bath or bath (it is necessary that the body be warmed up).


Black radish is contraindicated in acute diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, intestines (peptic ulcer, hyperacidity, enterocolitis, etc.), toxic goiter, after a recent heart attack, during pregnancy. If you have health problems, you need to consult a specialist.


Among our ancestors of the Slavs, radish has always taken pride of place on the table: it was stewed, boiled, added to soups and salads. How can one not recall the old Slavonic tyurya - a cold kvass soup with grated radish and black bread crumbs, which was prepared every day in village families.

Today, the radish has become a minor vegetable in Russian cuisine. But in India, Japan, China, Vietnam, it is salted, pickled, boiled, stewed with meat, various seasonings are prepared from ripened fruits, and even young leaves are used in soups and salads. And the French are very fond of soup with fried slices of radish.

What to cook from black radish: recipes for vitamin salads

Recipe 1. Salad "Health"

Ingredients: 100 g each of radishes, carrots, white cabbage and sour apples, a piece of celery root, a sprig of dill and parsley, a stalk of celery, olive oil and salt to taste.

Chop the washed and peeled vegetables, put in a salad bowl, add salt, finely chopped greens, apples and season with cold-pressed oil.

Recipe 2. Radish salad with white cabbage

Ingredients: 3 radishes, 200 g cabbage, 1 cup sour cream, a handful of chopped parsley, salt to taste.

Grind the radish on a coarse grater, finely chop the cabbage and mix with salt. Put the vegetables in a salad bowl, mix with chopped herbs and pour sour cream. Cabbage in this recipe can be replaced with fresh cucumber, tomatoes, bell pepper, steamed zucchini.

Recipe 3. Salad with baked beets

Ingredients: 3 medium-sized radishes and beets, half a glass of sour cream, 1 sour apple, salt and herbs to taste.

Bake the beets in the oven. Peel the baked beets, apples and radishes. Grate all the vegetables on a coarse grater, put in a salad bowl, season with sour cream and season with chopped herbs.

Recipe 4. Salad with nuts and carrots

Ingredients: 6-7 walnuts, 1 carrot, 1 radish, 2 cloves of garlic, juice of a quarter of a lemon (or dessert spoon of grape vinegar), 100 ml of sour cream.

Grind the peeled vegetables on a grater, add chopped nut kernels, garlic cloves passed through the garlic cloves. Top with sour cream and lemon juice. This recipe can be varied with pickled onions by adding them to the salad instead of garlic, and walnuts replace cashews or pistachios.

Recipe 5. Radish salad with beef

Ingredients: 1 radish, 1 onion, 1 egg, 200 g of boiled beef, herbs, salt and homemade mayonnaise.

Meat and egg cut into cubes, mix with chopped greens and grated radish, add onion toasted in butter, salt, put in a salad bowl and season with mayonnaise (or sour cream).

can please lovers of vegetables with an affordable price, ease of preparation and unusual taste. It brings a piquant zest to the usual salads, adds the missing spice to soups, and for those who regularly include this vegetable in their menu, it provides strong immunity and good memory. Let this wonderful root crop become a source of health and longevity for you too!

Black radish salads, the recipes of which I offer, are not difficult to prepare, they are incredibly tasty and often become table decorations. Everyone knows about. The root contains a lot of mineral salts that promote proper metabolism, vitamins B and C, and in addition, it is low in calories. Our family loves radish, we cook it with pleasure.

Before making a salad, bitterness must be removed from the root crop. The radish is cleaned, cut into cubes (if the recipe requires), and poured with water for an hour and a half. Alternatively, just grate it and leave it for several hours (optimally overnight).

Black radish salad with sour cream

My favorite salad, in most cases we cook according to this recipe.

You will need:

  • Radish - 400 gr.
  • Onion - 50 gr.
  • Carrots - 1 medium carrot.
  • Chicken egg, boiled - 3 pcs.
  • Sour cream, salt - to taste.

How to prepare salad:

  1. Grate the root crop on a coarse grater, let stand for at least 2 hours (I leave it overnight).
  2. Finely chop the onion, boiled egg, three large carrots. We put the components in a salad bowl, salt, season with sour cream and mix thoroughly.

By the way, if you replace the radish with daikon, it will turn out no less tasty. And with radish you can make a salad, and with a turnip - the recipes have been tested.

Radish salad with onions


  • Radish - 300 gr.
  • Onion - 30 gr.
  • Vegetable oil, parsley, salt, pepper, vinegar - to taste.

How to prepare salad:

  1. We rub the radish on a grater, let it stand for a while (I rub it in the evening so that it runs out of steam, but you can just pour over boiling water and dry it).
  2. Cut the onion, add to the salad bowl, mix with chopped parsley, season with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Usually, but 9% regular will do.

Black radish salad with green peas

You will need:

  • Radish - 400 gr.
  • Green peas - a jar of canned, 240 gr.
  • Green onions - a small bunch, but can be replaced with onions.
  • Dill and parsley - a small bunch.
  • Salt, pepper, vegetable oil - to taste.

How to cook: Coarsely grate the root crop, add peas, chopped greens, salt, pepper and season with oil.

garlic radish salad recipe


  • Radish - 200 gr.
  • Carrots - 200 gr.
  • Garlic - 2 large cloves.
  • Salt, vegetable oil - to taste.

How to make black radish salad:

  1. Grate carrots and root crops on a coarse grater, let it brew.
  2. Then add finely chopped garlic, salt, season with oil.

How to make chicken radish salad

You will need to prepare the salad:

  • Black radish - 300 gr.
  • Fresh cucumber - 300 gr.
  • Sweet pepper - 300 gr.
  • Carrots - 250 gr.
  • Chicken fillet, boiled - 250 gr.
  • Soy sauce, garlic.

How to make chicken salad:

  1. Boil chicken fillet, cut into small pieces.
  2. Cut the pepper into cubes, and grate the cucumber and radish on a coarse grater.
  3. Prepare the dressing: dilute the soy sauce with a little water, add chopped garlic.

Stir the salad right before serving.

I talked about salads, but did you know that a healthy and tasty root crop can be canned? Not? Then you have come to the right place. This is also a salad, but prepared for the winter.

Pickled black radish marinated

  • Radish - 3.2 kg.
  • Sweet pepper, red - 400 gr.
  • Celery and parsley greens - 150 gr.
  • Garlic - 1 pc.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Salt - 3 spoons
  • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Table vinegar 9%.

How to cook:

  1. Root crop large three on a grater. Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into prepared half-liter jars, put chopped celery and parsley, garlic on the bottom.
  2. We put the radish in jars tightly, put blanched red on top Bell pepper. Peppers can be substituted for carrots if desired.
  3. Pour brine into jars: boil water, put salt and sugar, stir until completely dissolved. After pouring the solution, cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 10 minutes.
  4. Making a salad liter jars Do sterilization for 15 minutes. Roll up the sterilized jars, shake well several times so that the brine is distributed over the jar, turn the lids down and wrap them with a blanket.

Korean black radish

Perfect for lovers of spicy cuisine, especially since recently Korean salads have become fantastically popular.

  • Black radish - 500 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • table vinegar
  • Vegetable oil, black pepper, red hot pepper, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf, salt.

How to cook black radish in Korean:

  1. Peel the radish, cut into thin strips and put in a bowl for salad, salt and leave to brew for 3-4 hours.
  2. Grind the seasonings in a coffee grinder, pass the garlic through the garlic press, add a little oil and mix the dressing well.
  3. Pour the dressing into the radish and leave to stand for 15 minutes.
  4. Heat the oil in a frying pan, cool and pour into the salad. Add vinegar - I did not indicate the amount, pour a little, stir and try. If not enough, then add - everything is individual here.

White radish is not often used in salads. Even if such a dish can be found on the table, most often it turns out to be primitive, unremarkable. In fact, there are many recipes that allow you to create real gastronomic masterpieces from ordinary radish. If we take into account that this product has an incredible amount of useful properties, then it becomes possible not only to diversify your menu and eat delicious food, but also to enrich the body with vitamins and improve your health. far from monotonous, incredibly tasty and nutritious. The brightest ones are presented in this article.

A slightly spicy radish goes amazingly well with any cheese. You can use both its savory varieties and the most common ones, even processed cheese will be simply delicious in this dish. Garlic will give it an incredible aroma, make it brighter and help create real harmony.

For a salad with white radish you need:

  • 250 gr. white radish;
  • 150 gr. cheese;
  • 6 garlic cloves;
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 100 gr. greenery.

White radish salad with mayonnaise:

  1. The radish is washed with a brush and then cleaned, rubbed on a medium-sized grater.
  2. Garlic is freed from the husk and then crushed on the garlic.
  3. To grind the cheese, they take the same grater as for the radish, and rub it on it.
  4. Pour all the products prepared for this moment into a salad bowl and mix with each other with a spoon.
  5. The greens are washed, dried and finely chopped on the board with a knife, attached to other products and poured with mayonnaise, mixed with a spoon.

Tip: if processed cheese is used, then it must be frozen in the freezer before rubbing. In this case, rubbing it will be much easier.

Delicious white radish salad

You can get the maximum benefit from this, because not only radish is present in it, but also kelp, which is no less useful than the main component of the dish. At the same time, it turns out to create an incredible, piquant and original creation, which looks original and has a multifaceted taste.

For a white radish salad:

  • 300 gr. radish;
  • 300 gr. carrots;
  • 150 gr. seaweed;
  • 1 beam head;
  • 10 gr. soy sauce;
  • 10 gr. oil;
  • 10 gr. vinegar;
  • 4 gr. Sahara;
  • 5 gr. mustard;
  • 2 gr. salt.

White radish salad recipe:

  1. Daikon (white radish) is initially washed with a brush and then cleaned, cut on a board with a knife into thin strips, salted and do not disturb for about fifteen minutes. The juice that eventually stands out is squeezed out or simply drained.
  2. The onion is cleaned and washed, chopped into thin halves of the rings with a knife, sprinkled with sugar and sprinkled with vinegar.
  3. Carrots are thoroughly washed with a brush, peeled and cut like a radish.
  4. At the next stage, dressing is prepared, for this purpose, soy sauce is mixed with butter and mustard.
  5. I throw the seaweed into a colander and dry it there, shorten the strips a little.
  6. Pour onions, radishes, carrots and kelp into the dish, pour the prepared sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Tip: an even richer salad will turn out if you add Korean-style carrots to it. Due to it, the dish will acquire a pleasant spicy shade, emphasize the taste of other products.

white radish salad

Due to the very minimal composition, it turns out incredibly simple. But at the same time, the end result surprises, amazes and delights. Spices allow you to achieve perfection, even with such an unremarkable composition.

For a salad with white radish you need:

  • 300 gr. white radish;
  • 2 beam heads;
  • 100 gr. oil;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 10 gr. coriander;
  • 10 gr. mixtures of red peppers;
  • 5 gr. dried ginger;
  • 50 gr. vinegar;
  • 10 gr. Sahara;
  • 4 gr. salt.

White radish salad recipe:

  1. The daikon is washed with an ordinary brush and cleaned, put on a board and cut with a knife into very thin strips, sprinkled with sugar, salted and then insisted for about thirty minutes.
  2. Thirty minutes later, the chopped root crop is thrown back into a colander and all the juice that has stood out is filtered.
  3. The onion is cleaned, chopped with a knife into thin rings.
  4. Pour the chopped radish into a bowl. Add an onion.
  5. Garlic is peeled and crushed in a garlic press, poured into the same bowl, all spices are also added there.
  6. Water the products now with vinegar and mix them with a spoon.
  7. Put under oppression and be sure to place in the refrigerator.
  8. After a couple of hours they take it out and already spread it in a salad bowl.
  9. If desired, sprinkle with finely chopped cilantro.

Tip: the juice released during the infusion of daikon does not have to be poured out, you can often drink it, and mix some with vinegar and add to the salad.

Salad with white radish and carrots

The healthy root vegetables that are used in this dish allow you to cook insanely tasty, bright and. It turns out that it is not as simple as it might seem initially, each product is used here for a specific purpose. True gastronomic harmony is achieved, but at the same time the masterpiece remains easy to prepare and affordable.

For a salad of white radish and carrots, you need:

  • 300 gr. white radish;
  • 100 gr. carrots;
  • 150 gr. beets;
  • 150 gr. cucumbers;
  • 100 gr. apples
  • 1 head of red onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 20 gr. oil;
  • 2 gr. salt;
  • 4 gr. red pepper;
  • 30 gr. greenery.

Salad of white radish and carrots:

  1. White radish must be washed and chopped into thin strips.
  2. In this case, the carrots are not boiled, but the raw ones are washed with a brush, cleaned and chopped according to the same principle as the radish.
  3. The beets are thoroughly washed with a brush and laid out in a saucepan, boiled and cooled. Only after that they are already cleaned and shredded.
  4. Washed cucumbers are freed from the skin and cut into thin strips.
  5. The apple is peeled and all seeds are removed from it, rubbed on the largest grater.
  6. They clean the onion and chop it with thin plates, douse it with boiling water.
  7. The garlic clove is peeled and then minced with a garlic clove.
  8. Pour everything into a salad bowl and add oil, mix.
  9. It remains only to finely chop the greens and sprinkle the top of the salad.

white radish salad recipe

An amazing combination of sharpness and tenderness, nutritional value and freshness. Such a salad will appeal not only to vegetable lovers, but also to true connoisseurs of seafood. It turns out something amazing and unusual.

Required components:

  • 500 gr. squid;
  • 350 gr. white radish;
  • 150 gr. cheese;
  • 4 large eggs;
  • 180 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 100 gr. apples
  • 10 gr. lemon juice;
  • 2 gr. parsley.

How to prepare white radish salad:

  1. Eggs are boiled, cooled in cold water. After that, they are peeled and cut into small cubes.
  2. The squids are washed, doused with boiling water, and then the film is removed from them and the chord is removed.
  3. After cleaning, the seafood is laid out in a saucepan with salted, always boiling water and boiled in it for literally thirty seconds, after which they are promptly taken out and quickly cooled.
  4. Cooled, these sea gifts are placed on a board and there they are chopped with a knife into thin strips.
  5. Cheese is rubbed on a grater or chopped finely with a knife.
  6. The apples are washed and peeled, the seeds are removed and then cut into small pieces, be sure to sprinkle with lemon juice.
  7. White radish must be washed with a brush and cleaned, then rubbed with a medium-sized grater.
  8. The crushed radish is squeezed out of the released juice by hand and then only poured with mayonnaise, the rest of the products are poured into it, mixed. If desired, you can decorate the salad with herbs.

Incredibly, it turns out that absolutely various salads can be prepared from white radish. They have everything to attract attention and delight, regardless of what other gastronomic masterpieces are currently on the table. In addition, it is these dishes that are most useful, they can not only strengthen immune system but also improve bowel function. They should be prepared much more often, especially since all their components can be purchased at any time of the year.

Fresh vegetables and fruits appearing on the table in summer time, allow you to diversify the diet of adults and children, create a supply of vitamins in the body for the winter. Radish is one of the most useful products, because it contains the necessary vitamins, trace elements. Not everyone loves it, because the essential oils contained in it give a bitter taste and a specific smell. But you can cope with this and surprise the family with a tasty and healthy dish.

Green radish salad - step by step photo recipe

Green radish is an excellent product for cooking salads. You can talk endlessly about the benefits of this root crop. It is no secret for all cooks that you need to eat radish raw, it would be ideal to add it to various dishes.

An excellent treat for the whole family will be a green radish salad with carrots. A little spicy, but at the same time, such a delicate and pleasant taste will appeal to all loved ones. And how much good is in one fork, one can only guess! This easy salad recipe is a must!

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Green radish: 150 g
  • Carrot: 50 g
  • Green onions: 40 g
  • Garlic: 3 cloves
  • Salt: to taste
  • Vegetable oil: 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking instructions

black radish salad recipe

The black radish got its name due to the skin of a rich dark color. This vegetable is rich in vitamins and beneficial substances, is indicated for the prevention of atherosclerosis and strengthening the immune system. The simplest salad is to salt the grated radish and season with sour cream, but you can try a more complex recipe that guarantees a richness of tastes.


  • Black radish - 400 gr.
  • Carrot - 1 pc. (medium size).
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Boiled chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Salt.
  • For dressing - sour cream.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Many are embarrassed by the not very pleasant smell of radish, in order to eliminate it, you need to peel and grate the vegetable. Transfer to a deep container and leave in a cold place for 2-3 hours (or even better - overnight).
  2. Boil eggs, known technology - salty water, time - at least 10 minutes.
  3. Carrots and onions are added fresh to the salad. Cleanse, rinse. Grate vegetables and eggs, add to the radish.
  4. Salt and season with sour cream.

This salad is equally good with white rare and daikon. This vegetable, unlike its "brothers", does not have an unpleasant odor, therefore it does not require additional cooking time.

white radish salad recipe

Salads, where the main course is white radish found in many cuisines around the world. It is worth trying to cook the dish the way Turkish housewives do it.


  • White radish - 500 gr. (for the first time, you can reduce the portion by half for the sample).
  • Sweet pepper - 1-2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs. (depending on size).
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Jusai (wild spicy onion) or green feathers of a common onion.
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves (for spicy lovers, you can take more).
  • Special dressing, salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Radishes and carrots (peeled, washed) cut into very thin strips, lazy "cooks" can grate. Grind these vegetables with salt until juice is formed.
  2. Garlic, onion, pepper peel, rinse. Slice.
  3. Rinse jusai or feathers, blanch to eliminate bitterness.
  4. Mix all vegetables in a salad bowl.
  5. For dressing sauce: mix 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and vinegar (3%), add a little sugar, ground red pepper. Salt does not need to be added, it was used earlier for grinding radishes and carrots.
  6. Fill the salad. As a decoration, you can use pieces of pepper, carrots, herbs.

How to make daikon radish salad

The radish, which came to us from China, contains a large amount of fiber, pectin, B and C vitamins, but, most importantly, it has a pleasant taste, since it does not contain mustard oils.


  • Daikon radish - ½ pc.
  • Antonov apples (any other, with a sour taste) - 2 pcs.
  • Fresh carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt.
  • Dressing - mayonnaise or healthier unsweetened yogurt.
  • Dill for decoration.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Rinse, peel and grate the daikon. Korean carrot grater - the best way for this salad.
  2. Using the same grater, chop carrots and apples, previously, of course, washed, peeled.
  3. Mix vegetables in a salad bowl, add mayonnaise / yogurt. Sprinkle with finely chopped fresh dill.

Such beauty is not ashamed and on festive table put!

radish and carrot salad recipe

Summer is the time to prepare vegetable salads rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Naturally, the hostess thinks about these important things, and for the household, the main thing is that the dish is tasty and beautiful. orange juicy carrot and snow-white radish - an excellent duet for a salad, all other vegetables and herbs are in secondary roles.


  • Radish (white, black or daikon) - 400 gr.
  • Carrots - 200 gr. (1-2 pieces).
  • Dressing - sour cream / yogurt / mayonnaise.
  • Salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The cooking time depends on what type of radish will be used for the salad. Plenty in white and black essential oils, so there is not a very pleasant smell and taste of bitterness. Such a radish needs to be cleaned, washed. Grind (grate or chop) and leave for a while (you can even overnight, only in a cool place).

Daikon does not contain bitterness, suitable for cooking immediately before eating. It, like an ordinary radish, needs to be washed and cleaned. Grind with a grater / knife.

  1. Chop carrots and add to salad.
  2. You can fill such a salad with mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt. For dieters, the ideal option is yogurt; if you love mayonnaise, you can choose lighter types, with a lower percentage of fat content. Mayonnaises with lemon juice are good, a slight sourness does not hurt.

The dish will look prettier if you sprinkle it with fresh herbs - finely chopped dill and parsley.

Salad with radish and meat

It is interesting that in some families on the New Year's table you can see not only the traditional Olivier salad, but also vegetable dishes based on radish. Perhaps because this vegetable is well stored, and by the middle of winter there is less bitterness in it. Today, daikon has been added to the traditional white and black radish, which also goes well with meat.


  • Radish - 400 gr.
  • Boiled chicken meat - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc. (+ vegetable oil for browning).
  • Salt.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greenery for decoration.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Prepare radish for salad in the traditional way - peel, rinse. Grate, ideally on a Korean carrot grater, then you get a beautiful thin vegetable straw.
  2. Boil the chicken fillet, adding onion, spices and salt. The broth can be used for other dishes.
  3. Chilled boiled meat is also cut into thin strips.
  4. Rinse the peeled onion, cutting method - thin half rings. Passer to a pleasant golden hue.
  5. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise.
  6. The salad should stand in a cold place for 1 hour before serving, now it remains to give it a beautiful look, sprinkled with fresh herbs, and invite guests to the table to taste the novelty.

How to make radish and cucumber salad

The radish itself is good, but many refuse to use it because of the pungent taste and smell. You can get rid of both if you leave the prepared vegetable for a while. And as an experiment, you can add other garden gifts to the radish, for example, a fresh cucumber.


  • Radish - 400-500 gr.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 1-2 pcs.
  • Onion feather and dill.
  • Salt.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Peel and grate the radish, if you want to surprise with a beautiful view of the salad, you need to take a Korean vegetable grater. Leave for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.
  2. Rinse cucumbers, large ones - peel, remove tails. Grind using the same grater.
  3. Slightly salt, add vegetable oil.

Dill greens will bring their fresh touch to this culinary miracle, simple but very tasty!

Radish must be included in the diet of adults and the younger generation, and stocks should be made for the winter, since this vegetable contains a lot of vitamins and essential oils, fiber and minerals. Besides.