What land is needed for a phalaenopsis orchid. We choose a good soil for an orchid: what is the most correct composition and what is better, make it at home or buy it ready? Orchid - omnivorous utilizer

An orchid is an amazing plant, and anyone who has ever seen it in bloom, probably wanted to grow the same at home. However, this may not be an easy test. The tropical beauty is rather capricious, and it will take a lot of time to get used to it. Often the first orchids of the owners die, which serves as some lesson that explains what can and cannot be done.

Several ways to kill an orchid

Quite often, a beginner brings home a flower and immediately rushes to transplant it. After all, there is almost no earth in the pot. At the same time, the substrate for the orchid is collected by eye, or even completely taken garden soil, which is then abundantly flavored with dressings. The result is rotting of the root system and death.

The second option is irrigation. We are used to the fact that the earth in pots should be constantly wet, so we begin to water the orchid as soon as the top layer of moss has dried up a little. Not all varieties are able to endure such abuse, but if your orch has not rotted, then you need to pay tribute to the substrate: it is quite light and does not retain moisture.

The third chance to get rid of the plant is to constantly rearrange it, look for that very illuminated place, then, on the contrary, hide it from direct sunlight. This plant does not like moving very much, so try to find the optimal location right away. But the most important factor is still a good substrate for the orchid.

The main properties of the substrate

The soil for an orchid of tropical origin is needed for the most part so that the flower can gain a foothold and stay in one place. When choosing components, you need to pay attention not to nutritional properties, but to breathability. The substrate for orchids should be well structured and absorb moisture. It is this ratio of qualities that should ensure the normal growth and development of the plant.

Typically, the composition of the soil includes several components, not only of natural, but also of man-made origin. The most important thing is that the chosen combination provides air and light access to the roots, and also does not cause decay.

Finished products

At first glance, the easiest way is to go to the store and buy a ready-made substrate for orchids. But here some problems arise. There are quite a few varieties of orchids, and the requirements of each of them can be seriously different. For example, you buy a package of soil, and there is one sphagnum moss or, even worse, peat. If you stuff the pot tightly with it, this can lead to rotting of the roots. Therefore, you will have to look for something to dilute the composition.

In fact, if we consider purchased soil, then it is very difficult to find a good one. Of the really high-quality ones, one can name German, Seramis brands. It is made on the basis of pine bark, to which a porous material made of special clay is added. An excellent substrate for orchids, reviews of which are extremely positive. Retains moisture and provides good air exchange in the pot, does not need to be modified.

All other ready-made mixtures are most often produced by manufacturers based on peat. Plants planted in such mixtures suffer from waterlogging. The root system completely rots and falls off during planting along with waterlogged peat. What to do? Experienced flower growers recommend making your own substrate for orchids. Reviews emphasize that there is nothing complicated about this. And the basis may well be store soil mixture. It must be sieved well to remove all peat, and then brought to perfection with moss, bark and charcoal.

Where to get bark

The optimal composition of the substrate for orchids is unthinkable without pine bark. This is because given plant has unique properties disinfect the air due to natural phytoncides. Therefore, the bark is the safest for the plant. But keep in mind that dead, flaky tissue, which is the easiest to collect, often harbors bugs and bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended to dry the bark well in the oven or boil it, and then spread it out in the sun.

There are two ways to prepare the bark:

  • In the first case, you need to collect the bark in a park or a protected area, or even better outside the city, in a pine forest. Do not forget that you can not tear it off by force. Collect only what falls off by itself.
  • Take the newspaper with ads. Surely you will find an advertisement for a local sawmill where pine is sold. Call the manager and ask if you can buy bark from them. In most cases, it will be given away for free, but a small amount may be requested.

We sort through the received material

Whatever variety you grow, the composition of the substrate for orchids will necessarily include bark. Having acquired this valuable material, be sure to sort it out. All dark, sunburned and tarry areas should be thrown away. It is best to select the upper sections, which exfoliate themselves. Now the resulting material needs to be made usable.

It is profitable and easy to make a substrate for orchids with your own hands. The bark needs to be cut into layers and then into pieces. Fractions should be approximately 1.5 cm in diameter. You can break it with your hands, cut with pruners or scissors. And experts suggest using a meat grinder. To do this, remove the mesh and knife, you definitely won't need them. The auger itself will grind the bark. Sizes will vary, which is perfectly normal.

Now you need to boil the bark. This is done in order to disinfect it from worms and insects. There should be enough bark and water to leave at least 5 cm to the edges. Boil the raw materials for 15 minutes, then drain the water and lay the bark on a baking sheet to dry.

Auxiliary components

You can argue for a long time which substrate is best for orchids. The fact is that, depending on the variety, the plant can present different requirements to its composition. It's all about the ratio of ingredients. An ideal option that your tropical beauty will definitely like is a 1:3 ratio, where there is more bark and less moss.

Moss can be bought in a store where it is sold dried, or you can collect it yourself. Go to a pond or a river where it is damp and there are stones. It will be possible to collect the material with your hands or a spatula. Now you need to rinse the prey and spread it on a baking sheet to dry. If you have several orchids, then you can prepare for the future. For this, 10 liters of bark will require about half a kilogram of moss and 30 tablets. activated carbon. More is possible, since this component is an antiseptic.

Substrate preparation

All components are ready for you. Now pour the prepared bark into a large basin. Moss needs to be cut into small pieces with scissors. This is important so that the soil is less caking. Coal needs to be crushed. The maximum quantity per pot is 50 tablets. Now the whole mass must be thoroughly mixed - and your substrate is ready. You just need to collect it in a bag and leave it until it is needed.

This is not only the best substrate for orchids, but also a versatile option for planting any flower. It remains only to put a little nutritious part, earth or humus and plant a flower.

If the bark cannot be found

It is quite possible that you will not be able to find it, but in specialized stores they shrug their shoulders and answer that there is nothing like that. It does not matter, the substrate for orchids can be collected without it. This component is not nutritious, and can be easily replaced with pebbles, crushed bricks or expanded clay. Any material that is non-toxic and allows the soil to remain porous can be used.


If you just bought a new plant, then of course you do not know what kind of orchid substrate was used in the nursery where it was grown. Therefore, there are two options. The first is to observe the plant, and if it grows normally, then postpone the transplant. An alternative option is to immediately transplant, without waiting until the lack of growth makes you suspect root rot. Experts believe that a new plant should be transplanted immediately after it fades.

The most gentle method of transplantation is transshipment. If you are sure about the quality of the soil, then carefully shake the plant out of the pot along with the earthy clod, rearrange it in a larger container and pour a little substrate into the empty places.

Choosing a pot

As a rule, adult plants are sold in pots with a diameter of 12 cm. When transplanting, a slightly larger copy is used, that is, 14 or 15 cm. The best pots are transparent. This is very convenient, since the owner has the opportunity to see how the root system develops, as well as evaluate the drying of the soil. A new pot is chosen taking into account the size of the roots. Also, remember that they will continue to grow. But if you see that the root system is damaged, then change the soil, and leave the pot the same.


In order not to injure the roots of the plant, it is better to cut the pot. An earthen ball is placed under a stream of warm water and gently washed. Pieces of soil that are firmly stuck should not be removed, let them remain. Now pay attention to the state of the roots. The absence of color in those that are in the depths is a normal phenomenon, because almost no light penetrates there. But if you see that there is a void in the middle of the root system, then this means that the plant was originally planted in peat, and then transferred to a large pot with it.

As a result, when you started watering the orchid by soaking, the following happened. The center of the pot, where the peat is concentrated, absorbed a lot of moisture, and the bark quickly dried out along the edges. Outside, we see that the soil has dried up, and we begin to water it. As a result, the roots simply rot in the center. Rotten roots are easy to recognize: they are empty inside. They need to be removed. If the roots are good, then the plant must be dried for three hours, and then planted in a new substrate. If you had to remove a lot of roots, you will have to wait for the next day.

Don't skimp on the ground

The best substrate for orchids should contain a large amount of large fractions. If you buy cheap soil from the store, you can be sure that it consists of moss and peat. Because of this, it dries unevenly, which is very bad for the roots. That is why we recommend refusing to use purchased soils or upgrading them yourself. Recall once again that the ideal substrate for Phalaenopsis orchids should contain 2/3 of the bark particles. It is not recommended to bury the plant so that the neck of the plant does not rot. Also try to fill the middle of the pot with large fractions so that it dries out faster. But for the top layer, you can leave the smallest fractions of the bark mixed with moss. It is this part of the substrate that dries out the fastest.

Growing in a glass

As we have already found out, the soil for the orchid is not a nutrient medium, pieces of bark simply hold the plant in one position. However, some flower growers decided to get by with just an empty vase. An orchid without a substrate grows just as well. In order to grow a plant in a new way, you need to remove it from the pot and rinse the roots thoroughly. After that, place it in a glass vase, glass or glass based on the size of the plant. You can put a little moss or coconut fiber on the bottom, but this is more for beauty.

Water the plant by soaking. Water is poured into the glass (up to the place where the leaves are attached), and after 10 minutes it is drained. The next watering is after 7 days, but if the plant is wilted, then it is possible earlier. In this case, the transplantation of orchids is simply incredibly simplified. The substrate is not needed, just choose a cup according to the size of the overgrown root system, and you're done.

Instead of a conclusion

An orchid is a capricious plant, but most often it dies not even because the new owner turned out to be too inexperienced. Tropical beauties are ruined by our gullibility. Since the plant was sold in this soil, it means that it is optimal for it. If you bought a box in the store that says "Orchid Substrate", then this is the best thing you can think of for this plant. Is not a fact. As you can see, it is much better to collect the soil yourself. Then you will definitely be sure that the proportions are optimal, and the orchid will feel good. Today we looked at what the substrate should consist of, and also learned how you can grow an orchid without it at all. This information will be useful to anyone who decides to grow a beautiful orchid on their windowsill. Good luck!

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Many people want to decorate their home with beautiful orchids that can bloom all year round. This is a tropical flower that grows in nature with little or no soil, clinging to other trees or rocks. Its roots need ventilation and sunlight, which is very different from European flower crops. Growing a beautiful variety of this flower - phalaenopsis - at home is possible by planting it in a special soil for orchids, which is called a substrate and should imitate the natural habitat of this species.

What kind of soil is needed for an orchid

Growing tropical crops requires an understanding of their epiphytic nature. They receive nutrients from slowly decomposing plant remains, moisture from the atmosphere, energy from the sun. It is desirable to create favorable conditions for their growth and flowering at home. The first step is the proper selection of the substrate and the correct placement of the roots of the orchid in the pot. The choice of components should be based on an understanding of the need for ventilation of the roots and the presence of inclusions that can accumulate and retain moisture for a long time.


When creating a substrate, it is unacceptable to use elements capable of forming compressed lumps. This will disrupt ventilation and lead to rotting of the root system. Ideal local soil ingredients would be pieces of pine or oak bark. Sphagnum absorbs moisture well and has antiseptic properties. If necessary, to raise the pH level of the substrate, it is desirable to add charcoal. It is possible to use porous inorganic materials when creating the base of the soil. The filler can be coconut fiber or chips.

Ready soil for orchids

When buying ready-made substrates, carefully read their composition, feel the bags or view the contents in order to determine the size of all components. Mixtures containing small elements, earth, dry leaves, peat or moss should be avoided. Given the presence of a large number of pine plantations in our country, do-it-yourself pine bark for orchids is easily harvested. Collect in the forest or remove the upper light layer from the trunks.

You can buy a ready-made substrate for orchids in specialized stores or household supermarkets in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other Russian cities. Active Internet users can find out the composition, how much the components are on sale and the finished substrate in online stores where you can choose a product from a photo, order a product for a promotion, sale, discount, make a bargain. Delivery of all goods is carried out by courier services, but it is better to send cheap goods by regular mail.

One of the best substrate fillers is pine bark for orchids. Its dimensions must correspond to the size of the plant, be able to hold the stem and flower bud. Pine grows in abundance in our country, so there is always the opportunity to choose the size you need:

  • model name: Pine bark small;
  • price: 240 rubles;
  • characteristics: size of pieces - 1-2 cm, volume - 50 l;
  • pluses: Angarsk pine;
  • cons: not marked.

When picking up pine bark, sift out pieces with resin, particles of wood burned in the sun, dark areas. For adult orchids, parts of the upper layer with bark pieces of at least 2 cm in size are well suited:

  • model name: Pine bark medium;
  • price: 250 rubles;
  • characteristics: size - 2-6 cm, volume - 50 l;
  • pluses: good air permeability;
  • cons: not marked.


For the first planting or transplanting, ready-made purchased soil with the correct proportions of the components is suitable. The presented soil is used when planting phalaenopsis, dendrobium, cattleya, cymbidium in pots with a volume of 1-1.5 liters with mandatory drainage:

  • model name: Substrate Orchid;
  • price: 69 rubles;
  • characteristics: peat, sphagnum moss, pine bark and needles, charcoal, double superphosphate, potassium sulfate, microfertilizers, soil pH 4.0-5.0, weight - 375 g;
  • pluses: balanced soil for phalaenopsis;
  • cons: drainage is not included.

When transplanting epiphytic orchids, it is important to keep the soil ventilated and add trace elements that cause re-blooming. The special substrate Seramis (Germany) has a loose, porous structure with optimal root ventilation and water balance:

  • model name: Seramis Substratum;
  • price: 590 rubles;
  • characteristics: clay granules, bark, trace elements, acidity pH - 5.7, shelf life is not limited, volume -2.5 l;
  • pluses: optimal set of trace elements;
  • cons: it's expensive.


Our climatic conditions require the use of a special soil for exotic plants. High-quality Pokon soil has a ventilated, oxygen-rich structure, the nutrients that orchids need:

  • model name: Pokon primer;
  • price: 335 rubles;
  • characteristics: tree bark, high-moor peat granulated, loose, lowland, lime, fertilizer NPK 14:16:18, acidity pH - 5.2-6.2, shelf life - at least 3 years, package 5 l;
  • pluses: high acidity;
  • cons: high cost.

To grow phalaenopsis, cattleya, cymbidium, miltoniopsis, dendrobium, paphiopedilum and other epiphytes, you need nutrient land for orchids. The presented soil will be able to provoke flowering or give a healthy look to plants:

  • model name: potting soil Flower happiness Orchid Specialized;
  • price: 46 rubles;
  • characteristics: larch bark, coal, high-moor peat, expanded clay drainage, volume - 1 l;
  • pluses: sold in a plastic bucket;
  • cons: not marked.

Do-it-yourself soil for orchids

It is easy to make a substrate for orchids with your own hands, knowing the basic necessary components. The main components are moisture-intensive elements - sphagnum, charcoal, bark, inorganic porous materials. The thicker the roots of the flowers, the larger it is necessary to select the filler elements. A competent approach to creating a high-quality soil mixture includes three stages:

  • selection the best way components that are compatible with each other;
  • establishing the proportions of each of the components;
  • proper soil preparation process.


There are several options for the composition of the soil. The need for additives to the main substrate additional elements occurs when there are problems in the development of the flower. The main criterion for the selection of soil, watering and all complex care for orchids is the opening of buds. If the flower begins to fade, a brown coating appears at the bottom of the stem, the addition of expanded clay or coal will be required. When twisting leaves or drying air branches, the addition of moisture-absorbing organic matter is necessary.

The general list of possible soil components includes:

  • pine bark or cones;
  • minerals - perlite or vermiculite;
  • peat moss sphagnum;
  • leafy humus or leafy earth;
  • polystyrene;
  • fern roots;
  • coir;
  • expanded clay;
  • charcoal.


There are classical proportions of the substrate and their modifications, which are used when correcting growth defects or treating a plant. The land for the Phalaenopsis orchid should not be compacted; it should dry out over a period of at least 3 days. The lower the humidity in the room, the more the content of moisture-intensive components is needed. It is desirable to choose a pot close to the roots of the plant, it is necessary to provide holes for draining excess water, try to avoid its stagnation in the pots.

There are several main options for proportions and cases of their application:

  1. Charcoal and pine bark 1:5. This composition of soil for orchids is used for pots and greenhouse cultivation. Such a soil has a reduced moisture capacity and excellent air circulation.
  2. Charcoal, crushed dry moss, pine chips 1:2:5. Such soil for orchids is better for flowers grown in baskets, pots for rooms with normal humidity.
  3. Pine bark, peat, charcoal, deciduous humus 1:1:1:3. This proportion is used to feed Phalaenopsis orchids.
  4. If it is necessary to fertilize the soil, AVA granules, compost from oak, beech, aspen, birch leaves, nut shells, mahogany sawdust are used. To control pests, it is recommended to add a spoonful of cinnamon to the soil.

soil preparation

To prepare the substrate with your own hands, it is important to follow the processing technology of the components. To start preparing the soil, you need to soak fresh sphagnum for a day, the blanks must be cleaned, disinfected with boiling water, finely chopped. Peat, nut shells should be crushed and dried. River stones are calcined in the oven. The sequence of your actions will be as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the pot, 1/3 is covered with a layer of drainage - polystyrene foam or river stones. Then loose soil mixture is poured up to half.
  2. Clean the roots of the old soil, remove the old, damaged roots, dip the roots in warm water, put them in a pot of soil.
  3. Sprinkle the roots with soil, without tamping it;
  4. Water abundantly.

The process of changing habitat for indoor plants is stressful. Orchids are no exception.

That's why often do not transplant, once every 2-3 years is enough. For this period:

As is known, the main component of the substrate for orchids is tree bark. Which, as a result of frequent contact with water, swells and decomposes. Subsequently, the substrate becomes dense, air circulation stops. Accordingly, the roots do not receive the proper amount of oxygen.

For full development, an exotic flower needs soil acidity at a level of 5.5-6.5 pH. If this indicator differs from the norm, then the orchid will not be able to fully absorb iron, and its green foliage will turn yellow.

Watering with poor quality water also leads to negative consequences.- mineral salts accumulate in the soil, so the roots of the plant cannot continue to perform vital functions.

Why is it important to choose the right soil for transplanting?

It's no secret that the natural habitat of orchids is an impenetrable, tropical forest. As a place of residence, they choose the trunks of powerful trees. Clinging to aerial roots for their irregularities, epiphytes get necessary elements and moisture from the air and rain. This specificity of exotic should be taken into account when choosing a soil.

Properly selected composition of the substrate is a guarantee of future flowering and plant health.

Criteria to be met by the correct composition

What land does an orchid need for transplantation? When choosing a substrate, you need to pay attention to the following qualities:

Representatives of the Orchid family, which are grown at home, are divided into 2 groups: epiphytic and terrestrial. The difference from each other is not only in the name, appearance but also in the growing environment. That's why, the substrate for terrestrial and epiphytic orchids is significantly different.

Varieties of epiphytic plants:

  • Dendrobium.
  • Cattleya.
  • Lycasts.
  • Phalaenopsis.
  • Cumbria.
  • Zygopetalum.
  • Masdevallia.

For such flowers, the soil primarily serves as a support, and then a source of nutrition and moisture. It can be concluded that the earth base should not be included in the composition of the soil mixture for epiphytes. It will be enough organic and mineral components.

Substrate options: 1 part charcoal and 5 parts bark.

Sphagnum moss, ash and small pieces of pine bark in proportions 2:1:5. As additional components, dry fern roots can be used, natural baking powder, drainage.

Ground Orchids: Cymbidium and Paphiopedilum. They need enhanced nutrition. The following soil composition is suitable:

  1. leafy humus;
  2. peat;
  3. pine bark;
  4. crushed coal;

You can improve the finished mixture a little more by adding sphagnum moss, cork material cut into plates and part of the soddy land.

Can regular soil be used?

Do not choose ordinary soil as a substrate for exotic plants. After all, the root system needs light and oxygen for the process of photosynthesis. That is, the substrate should consist of light, breathable components. Otherwise, the heavy earth will be a kind of pressure for the roots.

Also, dense soil can lead to disruption of the drainage process, and stagnant water will adversely affect the root system. Orchids will be difficult to fully grow and develop in such conditions.

Do not forget that the habitual habitat of the exotic is loose, light soil or its complete absence. BUT ordinary earth is a dense enough environment in which an orchid simply cannot survive.

Not all types of orchids die in normal soil. For example, varieties Bletilla striata, Pleione, Orchis and Cypripedium grow well and winter in the garden.

How to make the right choice when buying in a store?

The market for orchid substrates is overflowing with various offers.

The stores sell both ready-made mixtures and individual components.. But even well-known manufacturers are not always pleased with the quality of the goods. Often the soil contains a large amount of peat, which is useful for terrestrial orchids, and is contraindicated for epiphytes. Therefore, before buying, it is important to pay attention to:

  • The purpose of the substrate, for which varieties of orchids is suitable. Soil for epiphytic exotics is sold under the name "Mix for phalaenopsis", and for terrestrial orchids "Mix for cymbidium".
  • Supply of components and soil pH.
  • The nutritional value of the soil.
  • Recommendations for use.

We offer you to watch a video on how to choose the right substrate for orchids:

How to cook on your own?

If you are not sure about the quality of the finished mixture for orchids, it will be better to prepare it yourself. This method has its positive aspects:

There are many recipes for preparing a substrate for exotic flowers.. It will not be difficult to fulfill them, even for an inexperienced grower. The main thing in the process is to observe the specified proportions of the ingredients.

The main components of the substrate:

  1. pine bark You can use the bark of any tree. Crushed to a size of 2-3 cm.
  2. moss sphagnum, grows in forests, lowlands. Used fresh and dry.
  3. wood ash, the size is needed approximately the same as the bark.
  4. fern roots are used exclusively in dry form.
  5. Expanded clay granules are excellent for drainage.

Various variations of mixtures may contain additional components: coarse sand, pieces of foam, cork, turf or hardwood, gravel, perlite, vermiculite, shell walnut, humus, coconut fiber and others.

We offer you to watch a video on preparing the substrate for orchids:

Step-by-step instruction

Description of the process in detail will eliminate unnecessary errors and add confidence in action. So, how to carry out a transplant with soil replacement:

We offer you to watch a video instruction for transplanting an orchid:

Choosing the soil and doing it is not difficult, but so important. The further full development and violent flowering of the orchid depends on this. BUT subsequent correct and care will ensure a quick adaptation of the beauty.

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The orchid family is one of the most numerous and exquisite among all representatives of the indoor flora. Their grace and elegant flowering attract the attention of all, without exception, flower growers in the world and from flower shops beauties move to greenhouses and gardens, becoming their decorations for many years.

It is very different from the care of other house plants and requires increased attention to the conditions of detention, watering. A separate place is occupied by soil, substrate and blocks. This is a fundamental condition for the health of the flower and its full development, for flowering, without which all the charm of the orchid is lost.

In this article, we will talk about the soil for orchids, the composition of the substrate for orchids and how to prepare the substrate for orchids with your own hands.


In order to understand what kind of environment is needed for the roots and how to prepare the substrate, let's turn to the physiology of the root. The root system of representatives of the orchid family is covered with velamin, a spongy substance that is responsible for the accumulation of moisture. Velamine is quickly saturated with water, so the whole system needs good air access, otherwise rotting will begin.

The first orchids that tried to cultivate in Europe died due to the fact that they were strengthened in simple garden soil, which is detrimental to the roots. Later, substrates for orchids appeared, which became an excellent solution to this problem.

Also, to create a good mixture, the natural conditions for the growth of a pet are taken into account.

To create a substrate, you can use:

  • Pine and leaf bark. It is very simple and easy to assemble this component - a healthy tree is selected, the bark of which is easily separated. Do not use force, it is best to just choose another tree. The bark must be completely dry and not rotten, otherwise there is a chance to infect the flower with a forest infection. You can use all types of pine and larch.
  • Fern root. Choose healthy mature plant fern and gently dig out of the ground. To create a substrate, only the underground part of the plant is needed. It is divided into pieces 3 cm in size. The finished crushed parts are dried and then used.
  • Moss. This component can be easily found in swampy areas. Sphagnum moss is best. Other types of moss are not the best solution. Moss should also be well dried. It is then soaked in water for 12 hours and then treated with insecticide and antifungal solutions to avoid infections. Further in the substrate, it is moistened and becomes a source of moisture.
  • Pumice. This component can be easily purchased at the store and grind. May serve as part drainage system due to its spongy structure.
  • Expanded clay. Expanded clay is often used in construction, but in addition to it, expanded clay sand is also used, which is not suitable for creating substrates. Like pumice, it is used for drainage. Its small fractions are also mixed with the rest of the components.
  • Vermiculites. This is a layered mineral necessary for the prevention of fungal diseases of the underground part of the flower. It also improves aeration, preventing the mixture from compacting. The energy-saving ability of vermiculite helps to avoid damage caused by sudden changes in temperature.
  • Agroperlite. This volcanic rock is also used to improve the drainage qualities of the mix and improve aeration.
  • Charcoal. It won't be difficult to find him. In any campfire after a tourist vacation or barbecue, there is always a lot of it. Useful for regulating the level of acidity of the environment, which can increase for many reasons.
  • Coconut flakes, coconut fiber and walnut shell. Also considered a good choice when compiling complex substrates.
  • Polystyrene, aka Styrofoam. It is inert with respect to all components of the substrate and is perfect as a baking powder and drainage.

Substrate composition option

  1. Pine bark - 5 parts.
  2. Moss - 1 part.
  3. Charcoal - 1 part.
  4. Expanded clay and pumice - drainage.

The remaining components can be added taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of the flower, or when changing temperature and watering modes.

The simplest substrate

  1. Charcoal - 1 part.
  2. Pine bark - 5 parts.

Medium complexity substrate

  1. Charcoal - 1 part.
  2. Moss - 2 parts.
  3. Pine bark and chips - 5 parts.

It is important to mix the components of the substrate well and in no case crush it with your hands when strengthening the flower, as this threatens to lose circulation abilities.

The container that is used for planting must also be disinfected.


The soil is a much more moisture-intensive base, which differs from the standard substrate in composition and affiliation. This soil option is selected for moisture-loving orchids. To choose what kind of soil is needed for orchids, consider the possible composition.

Soil composition for orchids

Scales of pine cones. One of the smallest fillers. Great for creating land for orchids at home. You can collect them in any pine forest along with cones. The scales are gently exfoliated and dipped in clean water for a day, after which they are dried.

Before you prepare the soil for orchids, you need to carefully examine the scales from all sides to avoid infection.

Soil composition for orchids:

  • Earth. One of the most important constituents of the soil. Retains moisture for a long time. It is better to collect it in a pine forest from under a layer of fallen needles. Needles can be left.
  • Moss sphagnum. Do-it-yourself soil for an orchid cannot do without this component.
  • Peat. This component is a decomposition product of mosses. It can be purchased at the store, or you can assemble it yourself. Only the top layer of peat is selected.
  • Fallen leaves. They are a natural breeding ground for orchids. Fallen oak leaves are great. Thanks to the substances that make up their composition, beneficial microflora and a barrier against infectious diseases for orchids in the soil are provided. Apple and peach leaves are also suitable, which protect against mold.
  • Sand. It is worth using white river sand and coarse quartz. Less commonly used yellow.

Sand must be cleaned of clay inclusions and boiled. It is a good neutral baking powder for soil.

It is not difficult to prepare soil for orchids with your own hands. You need to know the correct ratios of the components. You can also purchase ready-made soil for orchids in a specialized store. Decide which soil is better based on the individual characteristics of the flower.

Composition options:

  1. Earth - 3 parts.
  2. Sand - 1 part.
  3. Charcoal - half a part.
  4. Peat - 3 parts.

It is important not to add wet earth and unwashed sand. Land for orchids during the movement must be dry.

Many gardeners have a question, is ordinary land suitable for orchids? The answer is unequivocal - no. Any member of the orchid family needs a good supply of oxygen to the roots in order to avoid decay. Plain earth or garden mix bought from a specialized store is unfortunately detrimental to this type of flower. An orchid in the ground is a sure way to its death.


For lithophytic species, that is, representatives of orchids that do not need a substrate and soil at all, landing on a block is provided. The following materials are suitable for creating a block:

  • Wood.
  • Pine bark.
  • Vine of grapes.

The landing block is formed in the following order:

  1. First of all, the workpiece is given the desired shape.
  2. In the middle of the workpiece, a hole is made with a flexible wire for attaching the orchid.
  3. Marking is carried out, according to which the flower will be installed.

Phalaenopsis is a delicate and graceful flower that requires special care. Like others houseplants, the orchid needs to be transplanted. This process has its own characteristics. Our tips will help you carry out the procedure yourself, without causing much concern to the sissy.

When is a transplant needed?

The process of transplanting phalaenopsis is not so time-consuming. Consider the cases in which it is necessary to transplant an orchid:

  1. If the roots have grown so much that the orchid has already begun to crawl out of the pot.
  2. When the substrate needs to be updated (once every three years). Or, for example, the soil is of poor quality, as a result of which pests or diseases appeared in it.
  3. If the roots have become shriveled, pale or rotten.
  4. When the children have grown up and the orchid needs to be divided.

After the purchase, provided that the plant is planted in a quality substrate, it is not required to transplant the orchid. But if it was sold in a bag, in an unsuitable pot, or the container is too small for it, then the phalaenopsis must be moved to a new container with nutrient soil.

Is it possible to transplant a blooming orchid? Yes, but only as a last resort. In this case, it is better to shorten the flower stalks after the fourth or fifth bud. Orchids that have flower stalks with buds can be transplanted, but always with part of the old substrate.

The best time to transplant is after flowering has finished.

Choosing and buying a pot

You need to plant only in a transparent pot! Orchid roots need light.

The color of the flowerpot can be any. The new container should be 1-2 cm larger in diameter and higher than the previous one.

On sale there are special pots for orchids with flowerpots. The inner part is with slots, and the outer part is one-piece. Experienced orchidists do not recommend the use of such a planter, as well as glass pots. They are poorly ventilated. But if there are holes on the outside, then such a container is perfect for growing phalaenopsis.

On sale there is a cache-pot "Crown". Never use it as a pot! At home, an orchid planted in such a container will dry out. The substrate for phalaenopsis should be constantly wet (but not waterlogged).

The habit of spraying or lightly watering the substrate leads to a chronic lack of moisture. There is also a hidden lack of moisture after an accidental strong drying of the substrate. Such a substrate does not perceive water well, and it, without being absorbed, flows down over the surface and along the walls of the pot.

With a constant lack of water, the roots shrivel, turn gray and may even die.

I.V. Belitsky

"Orchids", pp. 63,64

There are orchid pots that have drainage holes on the bottom or on the sides. There are options where the holes are both below and on the sides. The bottom slots should not be too small, and the side slots should not be too large.

What option to choose? It depends on the humidity in the room where your phalaenopsis is kept. If the humidity is high, then it is better to take a pot with slots at the bottom and sides. If the air in the room is dry, use a container with drainage holes located at the bottom.

Do not use a pot only with side slots. It is correct not to water the orchid, but to “soak” it in a basin of water so that the substrate absorbs water well. If the slots in the pot are only on the sides, the water will not absorb well into the substrate. For the same reason, never use foam for drainage (it can also push the plant out of the pot).

The pot can be made by yourself. To do this, you need to take a plastic bucket and carefully drill holes with a drill or burn them with a hot screwdriver.

Options for the right orchid pots - photo gallery

The orchid pot can be not only transparent, but also painted in a bright color.
Pot with a pattern - interior decoration
A colorless pot with slots at the bottom and sides is a great option for planting phalaenopsis
A colorless pot with drainage holes at the bottom is the best option for planting phalaenopsis

substrate, soil

When transplanting, it is not recommended to change the entire substrate completely so that the orchid does not get sick. With a complete replacement of the soil mixture, there is a sharp change in the microchemical composition to which the roots of the flower are accustomed, so it is better to leave a small part of the old soil (unless, of course, it is sick) and add fresh bark.

A high-quality substrate does not smell like mold, is breathable, absorbent and consists mainly of bark.

A substrate containing peat is not suitable for orchids. The roots in it can easily rot. Moss, which is often added to the soil mixture, is also superfluous, as it retains moisture for a long time. It needs to be added a little on top and replaced with a new one three times a year.

The substrate can be prepared independently. For this:

  1. Take pieces of pine bark (you can buy it). A prerequisite: it must be free of resin and wood.
  2. Clean the bark of unsightly and rotten places with a knife. The size of the pieces should be 1–1.5 cm. Cut large pieces with secateurs.
  3. Boil the bark for 2-3 minutes (stirring). Then drain the water, add fresh water and boil again.
  4. Drain the water and dry the bark in the oven at a low temperature (do not burn!) or on parchment. If you apply the bark immediately, you do not need to dry completely.
  5. Add birch charcoal to the bark (you can also buy it). Proportion 4:1.

Even if you plant phalaenopsis in bark alone, it will be better than in many commercial substrates that are too overloaded with peat, moss and all sorts of small fractions. Purchased substrates of this kind are more suitable for growing milkweed. Of the ready-made soils, the Seramis mixture made in Germany has proven itself very well.

How to transplant phalaenopsis - step by step instructions

Prepare in advance:

  1. Secateurs or scissors treated with alcohol.
  2. substrate.
  3. A small amount of sphagnum moss.
  4. A pot washed with a solution of soda.
  5. Stick for pushing the substrate between the roots.
  6. Antiseptic for cutting sections. For example: crushed coal, "brilliant green", ground cinnamon.
  7. A little expanded clay on the bottom of the pot.
  8. Preparations Fitosporin-M and Epin.
  9. Cotton buds.
  10. Sticks and clips for peduncles.
  11. If pests are suspected - insecticide or acaricide. For example, Fitoverm, Aktara.

The stages of transplantation are as follows:

  1. Two hours before transplanting, prepare a solution for soaking Phalaenopsis. This is necessary for the prevention of diseases and strengthening the immunity of the orchid.
  2. Dilute Fitosporin in warm water (1/5 teaspoon of powder per 2 liters of water). First dissolve in a small amount of water. Then bring the solution to two liters. Add 10 drops of Epin to it.
  3. Take the orchid out of the old pot. Hold it by the base and pull it out by lowering the pot upside down. If the roots have grown so that the flower cannot come out, then carefully cut the container. Trim the roots that have come out of the lower drainage holes.
  4. Carefully free the roots from the substrate. They are quite fragile in an orchid, so proceed with caution. If some healthy root turns out to be broken during transplantation, it's okay. He will live.
  5. If the substrate is pulled out very badly, then wash it off the roots in a basin of warm water. After water enters the axil of the leaves, it must be dried. Wipe moisture properly with a cotton swab.
  6. Inspect the roots, leaves, rosette and substrate. If you find rotten, dry, shriveled or blackened roots, then you need to cut them off. A healthy root system is elastic, clean, green or gray-green in color.
  7. Remove diseased and yellow leaves. It is better to break them out so as not to leave pieces that will then rot. Tear the diseased leaf lengthwise in two and carefully break out of the socket, first one part, then the other.
  8. If you notice rotten places on the outlet (they are slippery and dark), then clean them to a healthy tissue.
  9. Leave some of the good old substrate. If you notice pests, soak it in insecticide solution for 20 minutes. Dry the soil afterwards. Add insecticide to Fitosporin solution.
  10. Dip the phalaenopsis roots in Fitosporin solution. Soak the plant in it for 40 minutes. After that, treat all sections with an antiseptic. Dry the roots for three to four hours.
  11. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot.
  12. Place the orchid in the center of the pot.
  13. Cover the roots with substrate. First, use some of the old soil, and then put in fresh. If the orchid has flower stalks, then place a stick next to each until the roots are filled.
  14. Now gently push the bark between the roots to fill in any empty spaces. You can shake the pot a little so that the substrate is better compacted between the roots.
  15. The roots that are on top, you can not fall asleep completely. When the phalaenopsis grows, just add the bark.
  16. Lay moss on the surface of the substrate.
  17. Since the bark was pre-soaked, it is not necessary to water the orchid yet.
  18. Put it in a shady cool place for 10 days. The temperature is needed no more than +22 o C.

If you did everything right, then there will be no problems after the transplant. If the phalaenopsis is a little wilted, then evaluate the conditions in which it is located. It may be too hot in the room, very dry air. Check if water has accumulated in the axils of the leaves.

Video: transplanting and watering phalaenopsis at home

Planted in the right substrate and pot, phalaenopsis will not get sick. If you give the plant proper care, it will delight with frequent and abundant flowering.