Homemade crafts for the home. Useful homemade

Nothing brings joy to the house like a thing created by oneself. Indeed, various homemade products for the home not only fill life with bright colors, but also give the interior a uniqueness and some kind of zest. And it is certainly impossible to forget about such a thing (even if it is a small trinket). And it’s not so important that these are homemade wood products for the home, paper or plasticine. There are millions of options and methods for making various gizmos, and today we will consider a few of them. So, how to make interesting homemade crafts for the home?

Shelf of tin cans

It would seem that such a trifle - a jar of coffee. However, even from it you can make a beautiful, convenient and useful shelf for storing household items. Often, various souvenirs and memorable photographs are stored in such containers. There is little practical use for this homemade product, but such jars look very harmonious.

Details on how to make this craft

1. First, holes are punched in jars with a drill or with a special ripper (in the upper and lower - 3 each, and in the walls of all the others - 2 points each).

2. Next, the jars are fastened together. Small nuts and screws are used as fasteners. By the way, to get the desired (beautiful) result, you will need to have at least 5-6 of these jars.

3. After that, a hole for the screws is punched in the containers. In the bottom of the jars located in the upper part of the structure, 1-2 holes are made to attach the shelf to the wall. The finished homemade is screwed with a screwdriver or screwdriver. For this, dowels are driven into the wall first.

Everything, now homemade products for the home are being put into action. Be sure - various trifles in such jars will definitely not get lost. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone - decorate the interior and get rid of the mess in the house.

DIY for home - how to make a clock on a CD / DVD?

A clock on a CD is also a very interesting and original option for interior decoration.

As you can see, the design of this device is very original, and therefore it will look organically against the background of any interior (perhaps it will become its highlight). Such "smart" homemade products for the home are made in a matter of minutes. We will tell you more about all the stages below.

So, how to make a homemade clock with your own hands? To begin with, you will need to prepare the appropriate materials - a CD / DVD CD (you choose the design of its front part at your discretion) and a cover-case for it (the distance between the walls should be at least 0.05 centimeters). It is very important that the last part does not have any chips or scratches. To facilitate the work, you can purchase a ready-made watch and then simply replace the standard dial.

It must be arrow, otherwise it will not work to make a homemade product. You should also make numbers. There should be twelve of them in total. It can be cardboard, paper or plastic circles. Their thickness should not exceed two millimeters. Rhinestones can be used as decorations. You also need to prepare about 30-40 centimeters of wire, a piece of leather or fabric and Moment-type superglue. The basis of this whole structure will be a CD-ROM. We will remake it in the first place.

First you need to mark the disk into twelve equal parts and stick numbers on the marked points. In this case, the sectors should not go beyond the outer diameter of the device. How are homemade products made for the home? After the sectors, we proceed to the clock itself - remove the arrows and place them exactly in the center of our disk. By the way, before fixing them, you can stick some interesting photo on the disk, which will make the design of the watch even more original.

To increase the size of the arrows, use thin metal strips. To achieve the desired result, it is enough to apply glue to them and carefully position the part evenly over the entire surface of the leading elements. The very same mechanism of the arrows is attached to the reverse side of the disk.

What to do next?

So, the base of the clock is almost ready. The next step is to make holes in the device along the contour of the arrow mechanism. The box of this disc is installed in a case. The mechanism itself is brought out through the hole and tightly closed. Now, with the help of a wire, an emphasis is made, which is glued to the back cover. To make it more durable, glue a piece of fabric or leather on top of it. This will make the emphasis not only strong, but also beautiful, since the excess part of the wire no longer gapes on the clock as before. Everything, a homemade watch from a CD is successfully made. It remains only to insert an AA battery and set the time. By the way, you can also make a battery with your own hands.

How to make a source of energy from a lemon?

As we know, this fruit contains a lot of acid, respectively, with the right actions, a lemon can be turned into a real mini-battery.

Of course, the charge from such a “battery” is not enough for the operation of household appliances, however, this current is quite enough for the functioning or charging of a mobile phone.

We make homemade products for the home - preparing tools to turn a lemon into a source of constant energy

During the work, you will need tools such as a knife, a soldering iron, a drill, an iron pin, as well as a few pieces copper wire in isolation. Among other items, it should be noted the need for one glass or glass, a pair of wooden sticks and the same number of pushpins. And, of course, the lemon will be our main source of energy. You can also use an orange, but there is much less acid in it, so the charge from it will be minimal.


First, cut the lemon in half. This is necessary so that he gives more acid, which is necessary for the lemon to be fixed in the glass so that it does not roll around the table. Further, copper and iron pins are inserted into its pulp around the entire perimeter at a distance of 0.5-1 centimeter. "Minus" we will have iron, and "plus" - copper.

Pieces of wire are attached to all pins with a soldering iron. They will act as a connector for the power supply. All elements are connected in series.

At the final stage, sticks are inserted into the battery compartment. Polarity is important here. Contacts are pressed against the contact group. The container remains open throughout the entire process of charging the device.

So, we figured out how to make useful homemade crafts for the home with our own hands. Good luck in your endeavors!

Topic " do it yourself "is too extensive: after all, with your own hands you can build a house and make repairs, grow a garden, or simply fold an airplane out of paper. We offer updated a selection of the best sites for craftsmen - amateurs and pros, that will help make life easier and show their Creative skills. Of course, this is not all - in the future we will update this list.

Universal and male homemade portals

- kak-svoimi-rukami.com - How to do it yourself- a universal resource where ideas are added by readers themselves. Construction, repair, decoration, design, stoves, baths, balconies, plumbing, etc. Instructions of different quality are available step by step photos, videos and just brief descriptions.

- eurosamodelki.ru - Euro homemade- more than 2 thousand articles, a universal resource with many sections - from electronics and fishing to furniture and construction. Including more than 600 video videos and entire video collections.

- samsoberi.ru - Self Assemble- more than 1.5 thousand homemade products. The topics are different - see the headings on the left, from building tips to paper crafts.

- senselife.com - Business ideas and master classes- a very interesting site for people with a head and skillful hands. Ideas, instructions, video instructions, homemade devices and tips for starting a home business.

- kideya.ru/section-idei - creative ideas - added by readers, more than 800 ideas, instructions and solutions for skilled hands and economic people.

- umelyeruki.ru - Homemade for home master - all about the tools and skills of a home master - how to keep a standard tool in order and make a new one yourself, all about working with metal, wood, plaster, glass, plastic. Soldering, welding, drilling, plating, etc.

- electro-shema.com - Wiring diagram- men's site for serious do-it-yourselfers - sections from the device of their own mini-production to minor repairs.

- sdelay-sam.su - do-it-yourself e-magazine- the result of the joint creativity of skilled visitors to the site. Many sections in the menu on the left. Very interesting crafts, technologies, useful DIY tips - all with detailed, illustrated step-by-step instructions.

- all-make.ru -Do it yourself- another homemade blog-magazine, step-by-step photo instructions are attached.

- dela-ruk.ru - DIY- a piggy bank of ideas and their implementation with photos and video instructions.

- samodelkin.xin.by - Samodelkin- an electronic magazine with the technology of the most unexpected solutions in various fields, from construction to paper crafts. Many, but not all, are provided with step-by-step photo instructions.

- samodelka.net - Homemade-no- a lot of homemade recipes as the fruit of the collective creativity of users. Not very convenient search - by tags at the bottom right. But a lot of interesting things.

- sdelalsam.su - did it myself- a fairly large archive of homemade products of a different nature - from home renovation to small gifts made by oneself. Detailed Instructions, illustrations and drawings.

- samodelka.info - Homemade world- about 600 diverse homemade crafts with illustrated instructions: computer repair, security systems, car and home crafts, needlework, cooking, etc. A team of authors to join.

- masteru.org.ua - DIY - useful tips craftsmen - repair of apartments, cottages, electronics, automoto-bicycle equipment, work with wood and metals, toys and even self-treatment.

- chipdip.ru - Chip and Dip- do it yourself (devices and electronics) - video tutorials

- ochumelye.ru - Crazy hands- site edited by A. Bakhmetiev and T. Kizyakov themselves. very much very interesting ideas and homemade. It consists of three parts - actually Crazy Hands, then - The Art of Household Wizards and the third part - Aircraft Modeling. In each part you can find something useful for yourself.

- electrik.info - Electrician-info (electrician website)- You can call this site an encyclopedia of an electrician. It would be possible not to include it in this review, but here you can find a lot useful tips on electronic homemade products, installation, self-manufacturing, fine-tuning and use of electrical appliances that will be useful to all home craftsmen.

-toyrushka.kz - A toy. Wizard Encyclopedia- an invaluable storehouse of information on the manufacture of a wide variety of toys, games and crafts for restless skilled hands. All sections of the site are at the bottom left.

- sam0delka.ru - Forum of homemade inventors- very extensive and visited forum with many themes. If you want to take advantage of its rich content, as well as replenish it with your own creative finds, you need to register. Main sections: Homemade, Weapons, Electric homemade, Pyrotechnics, Hobbies, Various models, Cooking.

-freeseller.com - Useful homemade - a very serious resource in terms of volume. Just look at the extensive table of contents of the site - on the right. The instructions, however, are rather brief, and some of them are not always clear to the layman.

- diy.ru - How to make- ideas and instructions - construction and repair, design and interior, garden and garden, crafts.

- doit-yourself.ru - Do it yourself- community creative people. The slogan of this site: did it yourself - help another! Create new and repair the old! Needlework, Interior, Construction and repair, Holidays, Home and garden, Style and beauty, Cooking - these are the names of the main sections of the site.

- senselife.com - Master class on the portal Home business . A lot of interesting homemade products with step-by-step photo or video instructions. The information is taken from various sources, that is, it is not original.

- lomaster-master.com- Lomaster-master-ru. Useful tips and technologies for making homemade products of various profiles. Some are provided with video instructions, the main part is simple descriptions without much illustrations.

- solidwaste.com - DIY from solid waste- Everything from bottles, cans, tires and other solid household waste.

- habrahabr.ru/hub/DIY - Electronic DIY on the Habrahabr website- for computer scientists, electronics engineers, electricians.

- how-make.com- Catalog of inventions- homemade electrical and electronic, chemical, toy making and cooking, repair of various household appliances.

- vse-sam.ru - All by myself- homemade blog with illustrations. A variety of topics - from toys to cars, from needlework to computers, etc.

- mir-samodelok.ru - Homemade world- more than 250 well-illustrated instructions for a wide variety of homemade products, collected from various sources on his site by a handyman of all trades.

- sdelaj-sam.com - Do it yourself- various ideas and instructions, from home-made machines and welding units to paper crafts.

- handmadeidea.com.ua - Fresh ideas for home and garden- juicy, bright ideas for furniture design and home decor, unusual gifts and DIY crafts, bold accessories and original interiors.

- diy.ru - Design, repair, DIY art- more than 700 ideas and designs with design solutions on furniture, home, garden and garden, etc. Step-by-step illustrations.

- svoimi-rukami-club.ru - Needlework - club mega resource for women in sewing, cutting, crocheting and knitting, origami, modeling, beads, drawing - and that's not all. Highly detailed menu. Any registered participants can add homemade products.

- by-hand.ru - DIY - Women's club resource - nearly 30 thousand . instructions, ideas, master classes for skillful female hands. 27 thematic sections (cooking is not here).

- masterclassy.ru - Master classes - Women's club resource with branches in VK and OK. Sewing, knitting, crafts, jewelry, decoupage, beads, cooking, painting, soap making, etc. Step by step photo instructions and video tutorials.

- make-self.net -Make-Self- ideas for interior decoration, furniture, garden. Present. Party ideas. Origami. Beauty and fashion. Sculptures, paintings, vintage with your own hands. Photo and video master classes.

- originalnie-podarki.com - Original gifts - how to do it yourself interesting gifts to anyone and for any occasion, including holidays.

-dabber.ru - Handcraft- crafts for the home, wardrobe improvement, home improvements and minor repairs, toys for children and with children. embroidery, knitting, country crafts.

- podelki-doma.ru - Box of ideas and master classes- more than 1200 crafts. Crafts, needlework, gifts, dolls. Site for women, children, teachers, parents.

- do-crafts.com - Crafts, crafts, crafts- more than 1000 crafts from everything you can think of - see the rubric on the left. Step by step photo instructions. Site for children and parents.

- technology.su - We do it ourselves- sewing, knitting, embroidery, making soft toys and other crafts. Photo master classes.

- sdelaisam.mirtesen.ru- Do it yourself- site from the Russian recommendation network " small world ". More than 8 thousand ideas and homemade products, mainly for women's hands, but not only. Unfortunately, the site navigation is not very well organized.
- www.pinterest.com - DIY crafts- women's site, an endless series of ideas and instructions for a variety of crafts. However, a Facebook account is required.

- goodhouse.ru - With my own hands - women's magazine section "Home" with an endless number of instructions, ideas, workshops for making crafts

- stranamasterov.ru - Country of masters- an infinite number of homemade products from everything that comes to hand. A very useful site for students, teachers and parents.

- podelki-rukami-svoimi.ru - DIY crafts- author's blog for children and parents, mostly handmade crafts for the holidays and for home, school and kindergarten.
But there are also instructions such as building your own pond in the country.

- vrukodelii.com - In needlework- a site for women's skillful hands - knitting, lace, macrame, embroidery, beads, soft toys and other types of crafts that are difficult even for very skillful men's hands.

- masterclasso.ru - Collection of master classes- making toys and gifts, origami, beads. applications, crafts made of leather, clay. felt, etc. Step by step photos.

- phantoms.su - Russian LEGO Fan Forum- maybe this resource is out of place in this list, but one way or another it is connected with homemade products and creativity. For those who like to make models from LEGO, there is a lot of interesting information and ideas here.
ledi.belki.info - how to make 12 types of paper airplanes-origami (flying!) from Lady-squirrel-info. By the way, you can download instructions and schemes for folding 28 airplane models from the file hosting service.

- how-to-make-of-paper.rf - video instructions paper origami for kids

- ok.ru - Classmates, chapter DIY creative , constant replenishment.

Some homemade channels on Youtube

- youtube.com - Skillful TV- the most popular channel on the topic of homemade products, five thousand videos.

- youtube.com- Roman Ursu- hundreds of homemade products, ideas, notions for the home, including electronic ones
- Engine repair! Interesting! - youtube.com - airplanes and other paper crafts (see links to other videos on the right) - video instructions from the craftsmen from YouTube.

- youtube.com- Alex Diy Show- small crafts, experiments, tricks, tips

- youtube.com- legobricksamodelki- homemade from LEGO

- youtube.com- MegaMuxa1- origami and other paper crafts

Homemade products for the home are not very popular among urban residents.

Indeed, today the market of all kinds of goods is represented by the widest range, among which it is easy to choose something suitable for yourself.

However, in order not to spend extra amounts of money on trifles, as well as to improve your own craftsmanship skills, you can create all these items with your own hands.

Among the useful homemade products for the home, you can find the following:

  • design elements that will fit into your interior the best way, because you will create them, starting from your own wishes;
  • household items that you no longer have to buy in the store;
  • homemade crafts for the home will become decorations for appearance apartments or.

DIY for home

DIY homemade products can be very different. From beauty to practicality, there can be one step in their development, and the proof of this is interesting shelves made of cans from coffee. For this craft you will need:

  • several tin cans (at least 6 pieces);
  • glue;
  • a drill or other tool that can be used to make holes in jars.

We begin the creation of a homemade shelf by making holes. On the back (bottom) of each jar, you need to make a hole, which will serve as a fastener to the wall.

However, it is not at all necessary to make a hole in each jar, but if your shelf is large, there should be at least 2 of them.

Instead of glue, you can use a drill and drill a hole in each jar, which will be fastened together with nuts and screws, but, of course, working with glue is easier.

So that the homemade product for the house does not suddenly fall apart, already being on the wall, you should use a very strong glue, for example, the one used in shoe repair. can consist not only of tin cans, but also of glass.

Glass jars can be useful crafts for storing small items.

Useful homemade products for the house - a house for a cat

If there is an animal in your house, and somewhere in the pantry or on the mountain an old monitor is gathering dust that has not been working for a long time or will never be used, you can quickly make a cat house out of it.

To do this, simply unscrew the screws on the device, remove the case and separate it from the insides, including the screen. Next, we connect the body parts with the same screws, thoroughly wipe the monitor from dust and proceed to decorating.

As a decoration for a cat house, you can take regular paint, which covers the entire surface of the house you created. But there is another way: take watercolors and decorate the former monitor with patterns of your choice.

Hanger - do-it-yourself homemade from buttons

For button hangers, we need:

  • buttons for homemade;
  • spray paint;
  • Super glue;
  • hanger.

You can cover the hanger with fabric and sew buttons on the fabric, it also looks quite nice.

Thread hangers

This is the hanger itself. You need thick threads with which you wrap the hanger and get a wonderful DIY homemade product.

To secure the threads, first apply PVA glue to the hanger.

All homemade products for the home are very useful, as they give new life old things and bring beauty and creativity to your home.

Homemade products for the household will help to make the house cozier and more comfortable. Self made fixtures, decorating old household items will allow you to give a second life to things, which will significantly save the budget. It will also decorate the environment, make the interior more creative. Some homemade products for the household will visually increase the space, create comfort.

Folding armchair

It is not always financially possible to purchase some furniture in a store. You can successfully get out of this situation if you make crafts with your own hands. For example, it is enough just to make from and

The folding part (legs of the chair) is attached with hinges or mounted on a metal pin, which is fixed from the edges with nuts. The tarpaulin is cut into two rectangles, in which grooves for bars are sewn on the sides. The side parts of the top of the chair (back frame with armrests) are made in the form of the letter "L". They are connected with bolts or screws. It should be remembered that the folding lower part must be fixed in the working position. Therefore, not far from the connecting pin on the legs of the chair, you need to attach a metal hook - it will securely close this structure.

Who cooks porridge in a little house, gathers guests

Craftsmen familiar with a saw and a drill can even make a children's room in a small apartment. To do this, you need to build something like a screen with doors and windows from plywood or other fairly light material. Corner connections plates will imitate the corners of the house. Having painted a homemade screen in an appropriate way, the master will turn it into a miniature children's house.

You just need to make sure that this screen can be firmly attached to the walls. After all, the safety of children is paramount! And inside, a children's table, a crib, and a box with toys will fit quite well.

And you can even sew. For such walls, any bright fabric that can simply be hung on a rope, wire or a solid cornice is quite suitable.

Knitted furniture

Today it has become extremely fashionable to make benches. They use such homemade products for the household, storing various items inside: toys, bedding, pots, cereals. They can be placed in the kitchen, in the nursery or in the living room. They are also very convenient for relaxing both in a city apartment and in the country.

To make creative knitted furniture with storage boxes, you first need to make a frame for it. The bench consists of a rectangular box fixed on legs. The soft part is knitted in the form of a rectangular parallelogram without one base and put on the lid. An elastic band can be inserted into the lower part so that the elegant “upholstery” is pulled together at the bottom of the bench.

The pouf can be given both a square and a cylindrical shape. To do this, vertical racks are stuffed around the circumference of the lower wooden base, which are then connected on top with thick wire. Plywood shields are stuffed between the racks so that things do not fall out of the “storage”.

Separately cut out the upper round base. The soft part is knitted in the form of a cylinder, fixed on the upper part of the pouffe. It is put on top of the pouf like a hatbox lid.

Using used clothes in homemade products

Anyone who has a collection of useful tips for the household should definitely make the following entry in it: “Do not throw away a thing before you are convinced of its complete dilapidation. Try to give every item a second life!”

From old clothes, for example, you can knit or weave creative upholstery. Unnecessary tights are widely used, which are cut into a spiral, slightly stretched to twist the strip into a tube. You can use other material, also cutting it into strips and sewing them together. “Yarn” is wound into a ball, from which they are then knitted with fingers or woven into a fabric.

Knitting without knitting needles repeats the algorithm of ordinary knitting. Only the loops are held directly on the fingers. Yes, and pulling the thread is also done by them.

For weaving, you can use a frame, along the edges of which nails are stuffed. The thread is first laid crosswise, clasping symmetrically located nails. They should all cross at one point in the middle of the frame. Then, the end of the thread from the material is tied to the center and the canvas begins to be shaped in a round way by weaving.

And the old refrigerator - in business

As a homemade product for the household, you can use a used large household appliances. And then, instead of the dreary pulling out of the washing machine or refrigerator in the trash, a creative necessary thing may appear in the house. It will be both beautiful and useful.

There has long been a technique for converting refrigerators into incubators. However, such a thing is required only for those who are engaged in poultry farming and live in rural areas. But such original home-made products for home and summer cottages from refrigerators, like chests tied with fabric threads, will decorate the home and allow you to hide many useful gizmos in them.

For the manufacture of this piece of furniture, you need to remove the motor of the device. If you now put the refrigerator with the door up, then the frame of the chest is almost ready. It remains only to tie the cape and sew a foam pad on its upper part, cutting a hole in it where the handle will hide.

The cape must be made in the form of a rectangular parallelogram without a lower base. To make it easier to use the chest, you can sew a “lightning” lock into the side.

It's about painting - everything will be like in a fairy tale

Non-working refrigerators are also easily converted into lockers. One has only to conjure over their decor. You can make a creative piece of furniture in a cartoon style for a nursery or a fantasy one for a hallway, in an antique one for a living room or in a musical one for an office. It all depends on the imagination of the master.

Although a working refrigerator will become more creative if you paint it or stick an original film sticker on the casing. This will also protect the surface of the unit from scratches and corrosion.

Kitchen appliances decor

You can simply decorate not-so-new household items with stickers, appliqué, or draw pictures on the skin with paints for metal surfaces. The thing will again please the eye and sparkle with fresh colors. In just a few hours, you can completely change the look of the kitchen, without even making homemade products for the household from scratch.

microwave ovens, washing machines, cabinets and pencil cases are decorated with both pictures-drawings and voluminous decorations are glued on them.

Each person, using his skillful hands, can create unique and even luxurious items for his home. It just takes a little thought and effort.