Effective diet for 14 days menu. Protein diet contraindications

A complex physiological process is weight loss. It is highly recommended not to go on debilitating diets in order to lose weight in the shortest possible time. This depletes the body, because by and large, you lose weight not due to fat mass, but due to excess water and muscle. It is worth remembering that comfortable weight loss is 1 kg per week. However, if you have only two weeks before the “X” moment, then you can resort to similar methods.

How to lose 10 kg in 14 days

During this period, you need to completely reconsider your habits. This applies not only to nutrition, but also to lifestyle. If the weight reserve allows (the first stage of obesity), then the 10 kg Minutes diet in 2 weeks will help get rid of a few centimeters. You need to start with the daily routine. Divide all meals into 6-8 parts, drink clean water between meals, green tea, coffee (no more than 400 ml per day). Drinking plenty of water will help to spin up the metabolism, which will contribute to fast and high-quality weight loss. A sufficient volume of fluid in the body will ensure the smooth functioning of the digestive tract.

Food should be healthy, low-calorie and balanced. The average calorie intake per day on such a diet is approximately 500 kcal. Diet for 2 weeks Minus 10 kg will be more effective in the presence of moderate physical activity. However, you do not need to exhaust yourself with hyperintense training, because this way you can quickly deplete reserves. nutrients in the body. You can track the number of calories consumed and the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) using online counters or mobile applications.

Effective diet for 14 days

To achieve better results, sweets and starchy foods should be excluded for the period of weight loss. It is undesirable to skip the main methods of writing (breakfast, lunch, dinner), unlike snacks. If you do not feel very hungry, then not snacking will only speed up the process of losing weight. Diet Minus 10 kg in 14 days paired with moderate physical activity will help you lose weight and get closer to your dream figure.


A diet for weight loss based on protein foods is one of the most effective. The diet is designed for an active lifestyle, so classes in gym, at home, outdoors are welcome. The calorie content of the protein diet should not exceed 700 kcal. You can eat lean meats, poultry, eggs, milk, kefir and other dairy products. Such a diet Minus 10 kg in 2 weeks will help you lose centimeters and strengthen muscles. The diet can be diluted with fresh vegetables, but they must fit into the daily calorie intake.


An option such as a buckwheat diet for 14 days Minus 10 kg is suitable for people who do not tolerate the feeling of a head. During the day, you can eat only buckwheat in unlimited quantities. You need to cook cereals in water, preferably without salt. It is difficult to eat one dish for two weeks, so sometimes you can add dried fruits to the porridge, but in an amount no more than a handful. Choose the serving size based on your needs, but do not overeat.


The specific German 14-day diet Minus 10 kg does not imply a strong calorie restriction. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the time of eating and a certain sequence of dishes. Nutrition should be rational. The body will know before the start of the meal how many resources it will need to spend on digesting food. So he will quickly cope with the task and use all the calories for their intended purpose, preventing weight gain.

Gained a dozen extra pounds? Was the waist "decorated" with treacherous folds, and the face with a second chin? It's time to announce the alarm, because such "decorations" do not suit true beauties. There are two ways to solve this problem: go in for sports or go on a diet. Is the second closer? Then you need a proven diet for 14 days - effective, but at the same time simple, since the result directly depends on how exactly you follow the rules of the methodology.

Video advice on proper nutrition from the famous trainer - a former fat man

Basic principles of nutrition for weight loss

To lose weight, you need to eat. Are you surprised? In vain. Never try to lose weight by starving, as this is a disastrous path that will provoke weight gain. You can conduct an experiment: do not eat for a week, record the loss of body weight and return to normal nutrition. You will see that in a couple of weeks the gone folds on the stomach will not only return to their places, but also bring a new “girlfriend” with them.

Why fasting leads to weight gain? The body, not receiving nutrients, sends the “SOS” signal to the brain, which, in turn, instructs all organs to switch to an economical mode of operation. This means that all processes in the body slow down, including metabolism, which is also responsible for the processing and distribution of fat. Now you understand that once you have starved for only a week, you provoke your body to store fat with redoubled zeal, and not only from junk food, but also from completely healthy foods.

However one-day fasts, on the contrary, according to nutritionists, they are beneficial, cleansing the digestive tract from toxins, and us from satiety. So once a week you can arrange a fasting day for yourself.

To lose weight, you should drink a lot, ideally - 2 liters per day. And not harmful cola, milkshakes or sweet coffee, but healthy drinks. These include non-carbonated water, rosehip broth, fruit drinks, chicory drinks, herbal, and green tea. Certainly no sugar. Many losing weight beauties, on the contrary, try to drink little. What is the reason for this decision? An elementary desire to reduce body weight by any means. However, fluid deficiency is detrimental, both for the fat burning process and for well-being in general. The more you drink, the faster you lose weight.

Of course, it is important to choose a good technique for weight correction. Carefully read the rules of each of the diets you are interested in. Think about whether you can adhere to all the recommended nutritional principles, whether it will be difficult for you to eat at the indicated hours, whether the products on which the system is based cause you disgust. All this is important, since the chosen technique should correspond to the characteristics of your tastes and daily routine. Finding a diet that promises weight loss of 10 kg is not a problem, but putting it into practice exactly is hard work on yourself. Choose a diet that is easier for you personally to stick to.

If desired, you can achieve ideal forms in just 2 weeks. Choose one of the diets described below, "arm yourself" with weights, and go ahead - to the figure of your dreams!

Star diet for 2 weeks from the beauty Nicole Kidman

Are you fond of cinema and delighted with how wonderful famous actresses look? Their blooming appearance is not always a gift of nature, sometimes it is the fruit of incredible efforts on oneself and struggle with own desires. The main secret the success of the enchanting appearance of the star beauty Nicole Kidman is to learn to determine which desires are more important.

You should be aware of what you want more - a delicious meal while sitting in front of the TV, while wrapping yourself in a dimensionless jacket, or winking at your delightful reflection in the mirror, even on an empty stomach. What is easier for you to endure - fat on the sides or a slight feeling of hunger? Everyone is free to choose their own option. And Nicole Kidman chooses a great figure and excellent mood. Join now!

So, what is the secret "weapon" of the movie star fighting extra pounds? The first time Nicole got better after the birth of the crumbs. Then she gained as much as 10 kg. The diet, which she herself came up with, helped the actress to return “to work”. The effectiveness of the technique has already been tested by many users, therefore, by choosing this weight correction system, you will definitely not be mistaken, the main thing is that all products suit you, do not cause rejection. For the first week, you will lose about 7 kg of fat, and during the second - another 3. Good result, isn't it?

Agree, Nicole Kidman has a perfect body?! But all thanks to the magic diet, which the actress came up with herself

So, what menu does Nicole Kidman's 14-day diet imply?

  1. Monday . A cup of freshly brewed aromatic coffee will help you wake up, however, without sugar, cream and other high-calorie additives. Lunch is served with tomato and spinach salad, as well as a couple of hard-boiled eggs, which you can also cut into a healthy salad. For dinner, treat yourself to a serving (200 g) of lean meat (boiled) and a couple of lettuce leaves.
  2. Tuesday . Good news: crackers are added to coffee. Lunch - protein in the form of lean meat that needs to be boiled. In the evening, please your body with fresh kefir (preferably fat-free) and a slice of lean ham.
  3. Wednesday. Tuesday morning menu. For lunch, cook vegetable stew. Allowed tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, celery root. In the evening, vegetables with proteins. A portion of carrot salad can be supplemented with an egg and a piece (the size of a finger) of cheese.
  4. Thursday . A cup of coffee will help you wake up. Treat yourself to fish for lunch. Give preference to a low-fat variety. Cook the fish to your liking, but avoid frying. In the evening - a fruit feast. Make a salad with your favorite fruits/berries.
  5. Friday . Start the fifth day with traditional coffee. For lunch, eat healthy carrot salad, cheese (1 piece), hard-boiled egg. For dinner - vegetable stew (potatoes are prohibited).
  6. Saturday . In the morning, crackers for coffee are again allowed. For lunch, please yourself with a portion of boiled chicken, but do not eat the skin, as it is 5 times more caloric than meat. A couple of lettuce leaves will brighten up the monotony of the meal. In the evening, you need to pass the test, limiting yourself to just a couple of hard-boiled eggs.
  7. Sunday . As usual, the Sunday menu should be special. So start your morning with a cup of green tea. Lunch is a piece of lean meat, grilled and a couple of your favorite fruits. Evening - fish. Cook the fish in the oven by adding some vegetables to the dish (except for the potatoes, remember).

The second week of star weight loss completely copies the diet of the first. Remember that the basic rule of losing weight is to eat and drink, so stick to your diet exactly and drink enough fluids.

Scientific weight loss - the diet of physicians

Another effective diet for 14 days was invented by doctors. However, such a nutrition system was created not to fight fat, but for other purposes - to prepare patients for complex operations. Meanwhile, savvy weight lossers quickly realized that the scientific method can also be used for the benefit of beauty.

What results can be expected from the medical diet? Users claim to lose at least 10 kilos in two weeks of strict adherence to nutritional rules. However, the effect directly depends on the starting weight. If you start losing weight with a body weight in excess of 100 kg, then it is likely that you will be able to burn more fat, perhaps all 13-15 kg.

If you want to have a perfect figure, replace sweets and cakes with healthy fruits.

Diet ration from doctors (item number corresponds to the day on the account):

  1. Mineral water(necessarily without gas) - 1 bottle (1.5 l). Drink a glass of liquid throughout the day.
  2. Water all day again.
  3. Vegetable salad (carrots, greens, white cabbage) - liter jar divided into three steps. Doctors allow filling the dish with both lemon juice and vegetable oil, of course, it is desirable to give preference to olive. Also during the day you can treat yourself to a couple of cups of your favorite tea.
  4. Milk (preferably skimmed) - 0.8 liters.
  5. On the sixth day a feast is announced. Breakfast includes a hard boiled egg and half a glass of tea. Lunch consists of vegetable broth for the first and a piece (100 g) of boiled lean meat with a handful of green peas for the second. In the evening, you can treat yourself to three apples, just eat them one at a time, at intervals of an hour.
  6. The seventh day passes under the auspices of milk. Distribute the following set of products into several doses: a package of kefir, half a bottle of milk, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese. In the evening, a cup of your favorite tea is allowed.
  7. Strict period on the water.
  8. Milk (preferably skimmed) - 0.8 liters. At 21.00 treat yourself to a fresh apple.
  9. Again solid water.
  10. Salad consisting of celery with herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill), flavored with a drop of oil. The dish is allowed to be salted.
  11. Milk (necessarily skimmed) - 1 l.
  12. Eat a hard-boiled egg in the morning, and a pack of low-fat cottage cheese in the evening.
  13. Only water.

The diet of doctors is the most fashionable method of losing weight this year. Are you familiar with this miracle food system?

As you can see, the diet of doctors is simple, but strict, but at the same time very effective. If you can stand, then your reward will be a transformed figure and admiring glances of others.

Hit of the season - egg diet

Do you love everything new, discussed, being on the crest of fashion? Are you a fan of glossy magazines and like experiments? Then the newfangled egg diet, designed for two weeks, will suit you, during which you will effortlessly part with a good ten kilograms that interfere with beauty.

Don’t let the name of the food system scare you, in fact, the diet of this diet includes not only eggs, and you don’t have to starve or force yourself to eat just one product. So remember daily menu popular egg diet, which will free your waist from the captivity of fat.

During the day, you are allowed to consume the following set of products (you can divide food into the desired number of meals):

  • hard boiled eggs - 4;
  • grapefruit - 1;
  • lean meat (boiled) - a piece of about 150 g;
  • vegetable salad - 1 serving.

Do not forget that the body needs liquid to burn fat. You can please yourself with fragrant herbal or green tea, useful rosehip broth and, of course, clean water.

An egg is a healthy, protein-rich product that is ready to become your faithful ally in the fight against extra pounds.

Fans of the egg diet are advised to swap these foods all the time, as well as cook complex dishes from them, for example, meat salad with eggs and grapefruit. In general, combine allowed products to taste, lose weight and be beautiful.

Three fashionable and effective diets at your service! Choose your favorite method of losing weight and confidently move towards your cherished goal.

Consider the best diets for 2 weeks 2019. Why is this period the safest to get stable results? Principles of nutrition and features of the menu for every day.

Japanese effective diet for two weeks

One of the most effective diets designed for 2 weeks. With its help, you can burn from 7 to 10 kg of excess weight. It is not recommended to carry out it more often than 2 times in 4 years, and not to use it longer than 2 weeks.

Be sure to think over the right one so as not to harm your health and not to return the lost kilograms back. The creators promise that during the use of this technique, the metabolism completely changes its orientation, and therefore, new kilograms do not accumulate.

Terms of the Japanese Diet

Strictly follow the instructions:

  • do not consume foods containing salt, sugar, alcohol, bakery products;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • strictly follow the sequence of days.

The menu of this diet is divided into cycles, one cycle lasts 7 days. Therefore, there are two cycles in the 14 day diet.

1 day. You should start the diet from the fish day. It is recommended to eat boiled fish, but other seafood is also allowed. The norm of fish is considered to be at least 250 g per day.

Day 3 This day is rice, rice does a good job of cleansing the body and does not contain cholesterol. You need to consume at least 300 g per day for 3-4 servings.

Day 4 Fruit. Apples and citrus fruits should be added to the basis of the diet of this day. Five fruits a day will be enough.

Day 5 Bean. Soy should be preferred. But the beans should not be deprived of attention either, it is preferable to use light beans

Day 6 Soups are an integral part of the Japanese diet. It should be taken into account that we are talking about soups, and not about broths.

Day 7 Those who go for two cycles start from the first day. For those who finish the diet, there are a few rules: the transition from diet food to the usual one, it should be as soft as possible, you should not load your stomach, it is better to eat in small portions and be as diverse as possible.

Here is such a Japanese diet for 2 weeks, according to reviews, it is not so easy to withstand it, but the result makes you gasp, the maximum record is 46 kg in 2 weeks, this is with an overweight of 160 kg.

Diets for 2 weeks by color: green!

A green diet for 14 days is extremely useful and will be enjoyed in the midst of the spring-summer period. It is during this period that the body wants to replenish the supply of vitamins. And various greens will immediately come to the rescue: lettuce leaves, cucumbers, green onion and garlic feathers, asparagus, green peas and much more.

You can consume green vegetables and fruits in the form of salads or juices, a side dish for lean meats. For example, a piece of boiled chicken or lean turkey is best combined with slices of fresh cucumber, olives, green peas or young bean pods. From Brussels sprouts, you should cook a hot appetizing stew with celery, carrots and ginger.

Green diet for 2 weeks to strengthen immunity

Iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium contained in green fruits are always necessary for health, therefore it is important to replenish their supply in a timely manner. Fresh or cooked zucchini, cucumber salads, kiwi jam are excellent suppliers of useful trace elements.

Everyone's favorite squash caviar and squash fritters should definitely be added to the menu, even during the Green Diet. Only in this case, when frying, you need to use a minimum of vegetable oil.

During this two-week diet, it is very profitable and tasty to cook puree soups from various root vegetables, rhubarb, sorrel, spinach. You can use vegetable broths or meat, but low-fat.

Food in general during the diet should be low-fat and low-calorie. If such a diet is combined with an active lifestyle, frequent walks in nature, jogging, a gym, it will turn out to lose weight easily, quickly and tasty.

During the Green Diet, you can also get a lot of pleasant sensations from aromatherapy along the way, because all herbs and spices smell very pleasant, affecting your points of the brain centers.

Before preparing a fruit cocktail of gooseberry kiwi and myta with lemon, you can afford to hold and crush mint in your fingers for a while, try a couple of refreshing gooseberries. If at the same time you put on and listen to pleasant melodic music, the aromatherapy session can be considered completed.

The results of losing weight in 2 weeks are surprising, at least 7-12 kg. Now it is important to get out of the diet correctly, introduce high-calorie meals gradually, do not overeat and enjoy the desired figure parameters.

Other diets for 2 weeks

There is also the famous one, which allows the stars to fully restore their forms during this period after holidays or hard holidays. The diet is used by Jennifer Lopez, Catherine Zeta-Jones and others.

A diet for 14 days provides for the restriction of carbohydrates, fats, preference should be given to foods with fiber, protein products, cook meals using heat treatment and drink plenty of fluids.

During snacks, use citrus fruits, make fruit salads, drink low-fat sour-milk cocktails before going to bed. Be sure to take multivitamin complexes during the diet for 2 weeks for effective and safe weight loss.

Attention: if there are jumps in blood pressure, it is better to replace coffee with green healthy tea. You can adhere to such a body shaping system once every six months.

Effective diet 2019 for 2 weeks from our users

Those who managed to lose weight in 2 weeks have developed their own nutrition system, which gives maximum results and gives a feeling of lightness and serenity. The body does not experience severe stress, there is no strong feeling of hunger, and therefore the process of weight adjustment occurs without disturbances in the digestive system.

Such a two-week diet for weight loss is as comfortable as possible, allows the body to get rid of toxins and toxins, and improve metabolism. Follow the recommendations of experts in order to get the desired results!

Effective weight loss in 2 weeks is possible, and when choosing a diet, you need to be guided not only by common sense, but also by the advice of specialists who can choose the best mode for you to adjust weight, help you get your metabolic system working and set you up for positive thinking!

Good day to all! We all take care of our health in one way or another. And this applies not only to various colds and other diseases. Taking care of your health is also linked to taking care of your weight.

And what needs to be done in order not to get overweight or, conversely, to reduce it? That's right, go on a diet.

There are many of the most. There are time-tested, there are those who are just starting, so to speak, their dietary path. You can find any suitable diet on the Internet, you can ask your friends who have already used what, you can take celebrity diets as a basis. But before you sit down on it, you should still consult a specialist.

One diet that has gained popularity is japanese diet. It is designed for a different number of days. There are also for 7, and for 13, and for 14 days. As part of this article, we will talk about a diet for 14 days.

How does the Japanese diet work?

Using the technique of the Japanese diet, you can not only get rid of excess weight but also from various substances harmful to the body. This is due to the fact that the diet menu includes a variety of but low-calorie foods. As a result, the body, lacking nutrition, begins to burn its own fat, which leads to weight loss. The main thing in this diet, as well as in any other, is to strictly follow its instructions and not to eat those foods that are not part of the diet.

The main principles of the Japanese diet is the rejection of spices and salt. You can only eat diet meals and, accordingly, in the future your diet should be balanced.

In addition to the fact that all dishes of the Japanese diet are prepared without salt, the drinks you drink, such as tea, should be sugar-free. The main component of the diet is protein. So we can say that the Japanese diet is the use of protein foods. And this is chicken, egg, fish, beef. various dairy products. Carbohydrates enter the body with vegetables and rye bread. And, finally, the body receives fats from fish and meat. As well as olive oil, on which you need to cook all the dishes from the menu of this diet. Tea is best to drink green, coffee is allowed.

The difference between this diet and other similar ones is also that food is taken according to it three times a day. That is, these are standard breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacking between these meals, which may be in other diets, is not recommended here.

If you want to achieve the desired result, then, accordingly, you need to go through it to the end, take food only strictly according to the established schedule, and its quantity should be limited. The diet should be followed daily.

Rules for the Japanese Diet

As in any other diet, there are rules that must be followed. Some of them have already been mentioned above.

The diet menu is strict and does not tolerate deviations. It is necessary to eat only what is indicated on the menu, and in compliance with the size and proportions. You can not even change the places of the accepted products. For example, if it is written that sour cream comes first, and then, say, kefir, then you need to use them in that order.

Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily. Water should be only non-carbonated drinking water.

Food is taken three times a day without any snacking and even thinking in the refrigerator.

Since the diet is very strict, you can not actively load yourself physically. But morning exercises are not cancelled. And, of course, vitamins. All 14 days of the diet will need to be taken.

Naturally, as in any other diet, the Japanese diet has its own foods that are allowed to be eaten, as well as those that are prohibited.

Let's start with the forbidden ones, so that we can immediately tune in to what we will have to remove from our diet for two weeks and, of course, from the refrigerator. This includes foods such as salt, sugar. seasonings. Naturally, all flour products. pastries, smoked meats. You have to give up alcohol. carbonated drinks, compotes, as well as bananas and grapes. Forget about marinades, sauces and other preservatives. You can not eat chips, popcorn.

The table contains a list of prohibited fruits, nuts and dried fruits, indicating their content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

You will have to exclude semolina, millet and barley porridge from your diet. As for flour and bakery products, see the list of what you can’t eat in the table.

Sweets. If you have a sweet tooth, you will have to be patient, as the list below contains a lot of what you consume almost every day. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. If you want to lose weight, be patient.

Someone will say that there are too many prohibited foods, but what then is there? But do not despair, the list of allowed products is just as diverse. And if you cook them deliciously, then you will lick your fingers.

So what can you eat?

The table below shows a list of allowed vegetables, fruits and baked goods.

In addition to them, there are a number of other products that can be included in the above diet.

So, about what you can eat and what you can’t figure out. And now about the most important thing. About the menu. How to eat these foods, in what order, when and how much.

Menu and scheme for 14 days

The 14-day diet is considered the most balanced and most optimal. First, let's look at the list of products and their quantity based on 14 days. That is, according to this list, you can immediately purchase the required amount of products and already calmly cook meals from them. The volumes of products are indicated based on their use three times a day, i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And now, directly about the menu. It is good because for the first 7 days you prepare a diet menu for yourself, and then repeat it for the next 7 days. Therefore, below is a menu list for exactly seven days.

1 day.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Then we repeat everything from day 8. As you can see the menu is quite simple. True, there are some options for its use. The picture below shows another option. You can choose it, print it and hang it on the refrigerator. It is slightly different, but not fundamentally.

But losing weight depends not only on the correct use of this diet, but also on the correct way out of it. If you do it differently than recommended, you can regain the lost weight.

To avoid this, add no more than one food to your diet every day and do not increase the amount of servings at once. It's better to do it gradually. The first two weeks after the diet, you must refrain from eating fatty, sour, spicy and smoked foods.

Contraindications for use

Naturally, this diet, like any other, has its own contraindications.

This means that this diet is not recommended for certain people. This category includes pregnant women, those who have gastric diseases, as well as liver diseases. kidneys, heart. The diet is contraindicated for diabetics, as well as for those who are treated with hormonal drugs.

Since the diet does not involve heavy physical exertion, it is not applicable to those who, by the nature of their professional activities, are associated with heavy physical exertion.

Because, as mentioned, if you started. To get the desired result, you need to go through it to the end.

youtube video about japanese diet

Finally, a short video about this diet.

Good luck with your diet. Once you start, don't quit!

One of the most popular and “non-hungry” is the protein diet: the 14-day menu includes a large amount of meat and dairy products, cheeses, etc. Such a diet is designed for weight loss of 10 kg.

The essence and features of protein diets

Protein is one of the building blocks of muscle mass. It is absorbed by the body longer, due to which a person practically does not feel hunger. An effective diet for 2 weeks will provide a losing weight with vegetable and animal protein. During weight loss, a large amount is lost muscle mass, due to such a diet, these losses will be quickly replenished.

The essence of this method of weight loss for 14 days is a large intake of protein foods and a reduction in carbohydrate intake. The peculiarity of the diet is that the body has to spend half the calorie content of the product, in which most of the proteins are. Due to this, you can achieve quick results that will last for a long time. Due to the intake of plant fiber, a person who is losing weight will not have problems with stools.

Due to the reduced intake of carbohydrate food, the body has to spend fat reserves and carbohydrate reserves. There is a disposal of excess fluid, which was retained by fatty, salty and sweet foods. Because protein is construction material, the muscles will remain in good shape, the figure will tighten up, the sides will “leave”. Thanks to this diet, there are no mood swings, a feeling of fatigue and weakness, which are observed when other diets are observed.

Protein 10 day diet

The buckwheat diet menu "14 days - minus 10 kg" includes a large consumption of buckwheat, eggs and kefir. Such nutrition belongs to the category of mono-diets.

Grains cannot be salted. The recommended cooking method is steaming. It is necessary to pour 130-150 g of buckwheat into a deep bowl and pour 250-300 g of boiling water over it. The bowl must be closed with a lid, wrapped in a towel and left overnight. The resulting porridge should be divided into 5 receptions. You can dilute it with kefir with a fat content of 2.5% (it is not recommended to take less, because the amount of sugar is increased in low-fat products) and add eggs (no more than 3 pieces per day). As a snack, a green apple or a fresh cucumber is suitable.

The Prana Diet is a nutrition system developed by a group of nutritionists. It belongs to protein weight loss programs and is considered the softest for the body. The 10-day diet consists of the following meals:

It is necessary to count the amount of micronutrients consumed. The number of proteins should not exceed 110 g per day, the amount of carbohydrates - 90 g and fat - 65 g. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

Diet for two weeks

While following a protein diet for 14 days, you must consume a large amount of clean water. The daily rate is calculated by the formula:

  • for women - body weight * 31;
  • for men - weight * 35.

For example, a woman's weight is 80 kg, so you need 80 * 31 = 2480 ml (about 2.5 liters).

Diet 14 days involves fractional nutrition. Breakfast should be between 08:30 and 09:30; snack - at 11:00, lunch - from 13:00 to 14:00; second snack - at 17:00; dinner - from 19:00 to 20:00.

On the first day for breakfast, you can eat 3 slices of low-fat cheese, 2 boiled eggs. For the first snack, a glass of warm milk with the addition of 10 g of lemon juice is suitable. Lunch should consist of boiled chicken breast and steamed zucchini. For an afternoon snack, you can eat grapefruit. Dinner is recommended with a salad of fresh vegetables.

The second day includes 1 boiled egg, a small piece of black whole-grain bread with slightly salted salmon, 150-200 g of boiled fish, fresh cabbage and cucumber salad, stewed vegetables.

Diet on the third day: 100 g of 5% fat cottage cheese, boiled egg, 2 kiwi, green apple, boiled chicken (150-200 g), fresh vegetables, boiled carrot and curd cheese salad, cucumber and steamed fish.

On the fourth day, you can drink a mug of black coffee without sugar, prepare a salad of fresh carrots and cabbage with eggs, eat 80 g of brown rice and chicken, 100 g of cottage cheese, boiled fish and a salad of cucumber and green pepper.

The fifth day consists of cottage cheese diluted with milk, a slice of black bread with cheese, 100 g of boiled buckwheat and chicken breast, eggplant vegetable stew, tomato and carrots, and two eggs.

The diet of the sixth day includes rice porridge boiled in milk, a salad of fresh cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers, 1 slice of bran bread, boiled turkey meat, tuna in a jar, an egg and an apple.

On the seventh day, it is allowed to eat 100 g of cottage cheese with yogurt, a vegetable salad with a boiled egg, flaxseed porridge, 1 carrot, 3 eggs and a glass of kefir.

8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 days are repeated, and the last day should consist of rice porridge with nuts and raisins (10 g each), hard cheese bread, boiled egg, stewed fish with vegetables, boiled turkey and a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

28 day protein diet

Diet for 2 weeks effective weight loss. You can choose a balanced diet and increase the duration of the use of such a diet by 2 times to achieve greater results.

Sample menu for 14 days, which needs to be duplicated for another 2 weeks:

days Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 100 g cottage cheese 5% fat, 2 hard-boiled eggs Cream soup of broccoli and champignons; zucchini baked in the oven with cottage cheese 100-150 g turkey fillet, cooked in the oven
2 Omelet, vegetable salad A glass of kefir and boiled fish 150 g beef, grilled without oil; cucumber
3 Curd and egg Peppers stuffed with minced chicken Beef baked with garlic and ginger
4 Boiled chicken breast Vegetable soup with meat broth Steamed yogurt and turkey
5 Curd and orange Fish soup and salad of tomato, red pepper and lettuce Turkey stewed with broccoli
6 Hercules porridge Grilled fish with zucchini Drinkable yogurt and vegetable salad
7 Curd and egg Grilled chicken with two tomatoes Boiled shrimp and green beans
8 Millet porridge Tuna with tomatoes Grilled fish with vegetables
9 Curd with greens Boiled beef and a glass of tomato juice Steam fish and 30 g pine nuts
10 Omelet with spinach Boiled turkey, tomato and grapefruit Steamed ground beef cutlets
11 Cottage cheese Vegetable lard and turkey fillet Small piece of cheese and chicken fillet
12 Yogurt and egg Ear and white cabbage A glass of tomato juice and a piece of boiled beef
13 100 g boiled buckwheat Leaf lettuce and grilled fish Carrot and cabbage salad, steam veal
14 Oatmeal Cauliflower soup, boiled egg and a glass of tomato juice Steamed chicken and a glass of kefir