Library of magic and sorcery. Magic Library

Here you will learn about magical directions, and mantic. Our masters will share their knowledge.

You will read about the amazing gifts of our planet, their impact on our lives, and their use in our witchcraft.

How to find out your tarot lasso

Arkan tells us how our essence is realized in the outside world. The qualities of this essence will affect all spheres of human life. In a positive or negative direction, it depends on many external factors.

All the digits of your date of birth must be added up.

For example, let's take a person's date of birth: 11/14/1948 = 1+4+1+1+1+9+4+8=29.

If the figure turns out to be more than 22, then you need to subtract 22 from the resulting amount.

29-22=7. It turns out the Arcana Chariot (7). We look at the values ​​​​by personality characteristic.


The magical properties of Lavender

The magical properties of lavender are widely used in various cleansing rituals. This plant is an excellent natural antiseptic, and it cleanses the space both from completely material pathogens, and from subtle-material entities and negative programs. Lavender will help protect against negativity, improve sleep, strengthen the nervous system and improve skin condition, especially if the cause of the disease was primarily energy.

Lavender oil is one of the most effective means if you need to replenish the supply of vitality in case of experienced severe stress. If the quarrel took place in your room, for example, in the bedroom, use oil to remove negative energy from the space.


So, you have visited a consultation with a tarot reader, what's next?

You are asking yourself this question. To make it easier for you to go further, and to understand what to do with the information received, our wonderful master wrote this article for you. Read it. We will be very happy if it helps you.

I want to start this article with a categorical statement. And it sounds like this: understanding does not work! Actually, for this reason, it was decided to write this article. We all know situations when you perfectly understand that this work does not bring pleasure and there are no prospects for it, you understand that such behavior only harms relationships, you understand that you need to start healthy lifestyle life and... Nothing. Everything is rolling like this: burdensome and hopeless workdays, relationships go to hell, health goes downhill ... Has it happened? It used to...

Light to you.


Tarot - prediction or divination?

Many people ask the question - do they guess or predict on Tarot cards? I want to clarify that "Tarot" is not a fortune-telling, but a prediction.

The only difference is that divination uses a random selection system and is always fatal (Doom, Fate)!

And a prediction is a forecast for the near foreseeable future (Maximum a year, a year and a half ahead) and is not fatal. Prediction is something that really should be considered as a reliable system, because this system builds connections of the past and projects it into the future (For example, a guy is looking for a girl, but at the same time a terrible tantrum. What is the probability that he will find the right person?).

Let me explain why the prediction period is so short. In fact, it is possible to predict 10-20 years ahead, but there is a nuance. You must guarantee (at least with a probability of 80%) that during this time your habits, worldview, environment, lifestyle will not change. This is the only way to talk about the exact future for such a long period.

There is one more good news, There are several days in a year when you can lift the veil of secrecy and look into the distant future. These days, the power fills the master so much that his gaze flies through space and time much easier than on other days. We'll talk about special days later.

Light to you.


Christmas time called 2 weeks winter holidays, from Christmas Eve, which falls on January 6, to Epiphany, celebrated on January 19. Fortune telling at Christmas is considered to be the most truthful. The roots of Christmas divination go back to the times of pagan Rus'. It was fortune-telling during the winter solstice (and this is the period of Christmas time) that was given special importance in pagan times. It was believed that it was on these days that otherworldly forces were most active, and the boundaries between the worlds were thinner, which contributed to a more truthful result of New Year's, Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling.

This is a wonderful time to predict and correct situations in the New Year.

- health
- finance, work
- children and creativity

We are waiting for you in our store,
to Christmas divination with our masters,
on Pushkinskaya st., 10.

From this article you will learn:

    What books do magicians read

    Are science fiction books books on magic?

    What works of science fiction writers are, in fact, books on magic

    Do I need to look for True books on magic

    What ancient books on magic contain secret magical knowledge

Having become interested in the secrets of the world of magic, the newly minted sorcerer has a very difficult time, because there are no signs on the way to the knowledge of the great mysteries and it is not very clear in which direction to start moving.

In the old days, it was much easier: having achieved the location of an experienced magician, future wizards learned the basics of magical wisdom first-hand. However, the search for such a person who will agree to take a student, become his guide and at the same time not find damage on the next full moon, has always been a difficult task.

In our time, the task is facilitated by the fact that future sorcerers can resort to the services of the Internet, books, magic forums and esoteric shops, desire and perseverance will help to find instructions for using any ritual. But it is not so easy to find what you really need in all this diversity, besides, some books on magic contain overly complex and confusing descriptions, while others are written for those who are already familiar with the basics of witchcraft.

What books do magicians read

Perhaps it will not be a big secret to tell you that in all books (not books, but EXACTLY BOOKS) the same things are written on magic and witchcraft, just different words are chosen for description.

For example, such “real magicians”, who in their lives have never turned to treatises written by K. Castaneda, and in principle have not heard of such a person, are hardly trustworthy. Doesn't have of great importance whether they agree with what Castaneda writes about, but a real Teacher is simply obliged to have at least a general idea about it.

If only because knowledge is primarily drawn from books. And just Castaneda is one of the most popular authors in the subject of magic, therefore, being in search of himself as a person who seeks to tame higher (or lower) forces, it is difficult to ignore him. Hence the conclusion - the magician, who did not hear the name of Castaneda, did not set himself the goal of knowing himself in this area.

In order to see the truth, it is enough just to look around, because it is everywhere. The difference is only in the ease of perception and understanding. Sometimes you need to make some effort to see it, and sometimes it is on the surface - reach out and take it.

Whatever book about magic for beginners you pick up, be it " Short course true Mage", "Everything you wanted to know about magic" or "Magic Doesn't Exist. Scientific Atheism”- they will be about the same thing - about the spiritual development of man.

It does not matter which book was the first on your way to the mysterious world of magic - the Cabal, the Magic of the West, Rune Art, other specialized literature, or the truth was revealed to you while reading the most ordinary artwork. For each person, the book of truth will be different, the only difference is in the title and cover.

So, what kind of books do magicians prefer?

Books describing the personal experiences of sorcerers

All books about magic can be divided into several categories. The first, rarest and therefore most valuable are those based on the personal experience of modern magicians.

In general, the books of real magicians are not intended for a wide range of readers, but sometimes it happens that, once being very powerful, in the next incarnation, the warlock loses his strength for various reasons.

In such a situation, magicians, using the remaining knowledge, begin to engage in practices that can restore their lost power.

Very rarely, but still it happens that their diaries fall into the hands of novice magicians. The practices described in them are of great value and can be used as excellent manuals for applied magic.

The second category includes the diaries kept by students of Magic Masters of various Traditions. From the very beginning of training and continuing to improve along this path, they described their practices, states, results of the teaching. Such literature can also be good educational material for beginner witches.

The most prominent representatives of the students include Carlos Castaneda, who described in his books the training of Toltec magic, as well as Robert Freedom, whose books tell about the process of obtaining great knowledge from the master Aghora - the extreme direction of Hindu Tantra.

Robert Svoboda wrote the following books on magic:

    "Aghora. At the left hand of God."

    "Aghora II. Kundalini."

    "Aghora III. Law of Karma.

Books - states

Such treatises contain a large number of controversial points, since not everyone manages to independently comprehend the inexplicable. To initiated magicians, the assumptions expressed in such books seem ridiculous and absurd.

In this case, very interesting works are obtained, which can be used in teaching magic. One of these authors, who described his personal experience, is a Level 1 Mage - Astrologer Alexey Ulitsky.

Another category is books on ufology and phenomenology, which contain testimonies of people who have become eyewitnesses of UFOs and other paranormal phenomena. These collections describe the Left Boundary of the World, and the energy contained in them can significantly shift the reader's Assemblage Point to the Left.

Such books may be of interest to magicians working with Air Magic. However, those who are at the beginning of the journey should be very careful with them. The energy contained in them can actually demonstrate to the unprepared reader all the phenomena described in the books. At the same time, no one can predict what the consequences of such a collision will be.

    "Encyclopedia of Secrets".

    "Secrets of Time".

    "Encyclopedia of the Unknown", etc.

However, he is not the only one writing on this topic.

Conductors of the Information Field of the Earth

Nevertheless, it happens that talented writers, perhaps unintentionally, but receive some part of the data underlying their works from the general information field of the Earth. Thoughts intertwined in a bizarre way form books containing much more information about real magic than most of the works that can be found in the esoteric section.

Books "Look into the Eyes of the Monsters" And "March of the Ecclesiastes", whose authors are Andrei Lazarchuk and Mikhail Uspensky, can be attributed to the most striking examples of works in this category. It is worth noting that the second book in this trilogy, The Hyperborean Plague, is very different from those previously noted and is an unremarkable work.

Another example of such literature is "Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov". Wit Tzenev, who described various techniques of Necromancy and Village Magic in the book, in his interviews he claimed that, although the book is fiction, it was created under the influence of certain higher powers that made him write.

Why books by science fiction writers can be classified as books on magic

Another virtue that the books of gifted science fiction writers have is the ability they provide to maintain and build on the quality of Weirdness. It is this that allows magicians to perceive our world differently.

In order to develop Strangeness, magicians use various rituals and practices, during which they are convinced that the unshakable world in the understanding of most people can actually change its properties and lose stability.

As his experience increases, the magician sees the surrounding reality in a different way, reality for him becomes wax, subject to the power of the mind.

However, it is rather difficult for magicians who are just starting their Path to maintain their consciousness in a state of magic. Future warlocks are surrounded by ordinary people who shift their Assemblage Point down, forcing them to be on the same wavelength with ordinary human perception, and this cannot but weaken the ability to see magic.

That is why the books of science fiction writers describing unusual worlds, magic and sorcerers, are able to help novice magicians maintain the magic of consciousness.

In the process of reading such literature, sorcerers tune in to the worlds and events described in it, and their Assemblage Point creates a world around them that has magical properties. That is, thanks to his consciousness, the magician transfers magical worlds from fantastic works to reality.

In addition, such books are filled with vivid images and interesting ideas, which students can use during their rituals and practices of magic.

TOP 7 science fiction writers whose books can be called magical

We bring to your attention the books of the most famous science fiction authors, as well as small annotations to the works.

  1. Marina and Sergey Dyachenko.

Sergey and Maria Dyachenko wrote a trilogy "Metamorphoses", which, perhaps, can be attributed to the most powerful works about magic.

  • In the first book Vita Nostra» the ideas of the magical development of consciousness and Kabbalistics are described.
  • In the second book Digital" you will find a continuation of the development of the ideas of Kabbalism and the unreality of the world familiar to us.
  • The third book Migrant" tells about the very essence of the relationship of magicians to Life and their Destiny.

However, all three books are independent works that can be read independently of each other.

In the novel "Witch Age" tells about a world so similar, but at the same time different from ours, where witches and witch hunters live.

  1. Sergey Lukyanenko.

Below is a list of his works that are recommended for reading:

A trilogy that describes parallel realities and the interaction between them - "Draft", "Clean" and "Nabelo".

"Night Watch" and "Day Watch" and other works in this series.

"Stars - Cold toys" and their continuation "Star Shadow" and " Line of Dreams» and continuation “Illusion Emperors.”

And finally, "Klut" and the second book is Fidget"- at first glance, works for children, but in addition to humor, you can find in it various principles creating spells and airbending.

  1. Vadim Panov.

His pen belongs to the cycle "Secret City", which includes more than ten books about the magical reality, located next to the familiar world ordinary people, combat magic, the principles of interaction between magicians.

From the point of view of V. Panov, one can learn about the possible future of mankind from another cycle - "Enclaves".

  1. Andrey Lazarchuk.

You can read about astral travel, the interaction between the astral and physical worlds from the book "Sturmvogel", which tells about the struggle that took place between the occult intelligence services of the Third Reich and Soviet Union During the Second World War.

  1. Roger Zelazny.
  1. Gustav Meyrink.

Since Gustav Meyrink was a member of a number of magical orders, he knew firsthand about the magic and magical rituals that he described in his books.

From book "West Window Angel" future sorcerers can learn a great many meanings of magic, get acquainted with Reincarnation and the essence of Initiation.

"Walpurgis Night"- a mystical novel that tells about conscious possession and much more.

After reading "Golem", you can learn about inclusion in the Kabbalah Tradition.

  1. Sergey Snegov.

fantasy novel "Gods are like people" tells about the distant future of mankind, contributes to the displacement of the reader's Assemblage Point to the Left.

Should I look for the True Ancient Books on Magic

True Mages will never go in search of books on magic and esotericism in bookstores, because real books on magic, if they exist, are definitely not on free sale. They can only be found in private collections, and only a very narrow circle of initiates has access to them.

Well, besides, it is possible to reach the second level of magic and rise above only in one of the listed Magical Traditions, which exist on Earth even today:

    Sephirothic Magic.

    Tibetan Buddhism.

    Taoism and some others.

Each of these Magical Traditions has its own Magical Treatises that describe ALL existing and possible techniques and practices that must be applied in order to develop one's consciousness and acquire magical abilities. Examples of such books on magic include:

    The Sacred Book of Thoth (is the main treatise and textbook on Sephirothic Magic).

    Tibetan Tantras (tracts on Tibetan Magic).

    Tao Zang (collection of treatises on Taoist Alchemy).

    The Holy Book of Set (the main treatise on Necromancy), etc.

However, it is almost impossible for a novice magician to learn anything from these books, because the knowledge contained in them is encrypted using a special language and terminology that is incomprehensible to the uninitiated. To read them, keys are needed that only Teachers or Masters initiated into one or another tradition possess.

Having access to the Magical Treatises of the desired tradition, as well as the comments of the Master, the future magician can fully concentrate on obtaining practical experience and magical results from the practices described in the books. Therefore, those students who have found their Teacher do not need to waste time searching bit by bit for the secrets of magic contained in esoteric literature.

Those magicians who are interested in the Great Sacrament are engaged in the search for "secrets", but the real Teacher did not meet on their way.

However, a small number of books on magic that contain true ancient knowledge have survived to this day. Almost all of them belong to private collectors, and only a few can get access to them. This requires either Solid Consciousness, capable of opening any doors to any treasures, or a lot of time and money, which can also help the magician find and get ancient tomes. However, this is a topic for a separate article.

10 ancient books on magic that hide secret knowledge

Since ancient times, people have been interested in secret knowledge, thanks to which it was possible to obtain unlimited power, wealth, and become initiated. Consider 10 ancient books on magic that lift the veil of secrecy and tell about complex and mysterious rituals that allow you to communicate with the other world.

  1. "Black Hen".

Grimoire "Black Hen", written by an unknown soldier of the Napoleonic army in the XVIII century, tells about the creation of magical talismans engraved with mystical words that can protect their owner and bestow mystical power. It is believed that the knowledge of magic described in the book was received by the author from a certain magician who met him during an expedition to Egypt.

"Black Hen" contains detailed instructions about the manufacture of magical talismans using bronze, steel, silk and special inks. The grimoire also talks about how to create talismans that can make any person tell their secrets. From the book you can learn about the ways to call the genies, creatures consisting of fire and smoke, which can bring true love into the life of their master. The main secret described in the "Black Hen" is the creation of a black chicken that can make its owner rich.

  1. "Ars Almadel".

"Ars Almadel" - the fourth part of the "Small Key of Solomon" (or "Lemegeton") - a book on magic-demonology, written in the 17th century by an unknown author. It talks about the construction of a magical wax altar - an almadel, which makes it possible to communicate with angels. The book tells of four heavens, or "Choruses", each of which is inhabited by unique angels with their own special abilities. From the text of the grimoire you will learn the names of the angels of each Horus, as well as how they should ask their questions and what time is the most suitable to communicate with them.

  1. "Picatrix".

After reading the ancient book on black magic "Picatrix" you can learn spells and rituals that make it possible to direct the occult forces of stars and planets in such a way as to achieve power and enlightenment. The treatise, originally called "Ghayyat al-Hakim", was written in the 11th century in Arabic and consisted of 400 pages of astrological theory.

However, this book is most famous for the magical recipes contained in it, designed to change consciousness and leave your body. Blood, excrement, and marrow were used to make these potions, which had to be mixed with large amounts of hashish, opium, and psychoactive plants.

  1. Greek magical papyrus.

Greek papyri dating back to the 2nd century BC contain numerous spells and rituals that allow you to summon headless demons, open doors to another world, protect yourself from wild animals, and predict the future. One of the spells described in the papyri allows you to call an assistant from the other world, capable of fulfilling any order of his master.

Also from this book on magic can be gleaned information about the ritual known as the "Liturgy of Mithra", which tells how to ascend through the seven higher planes of existence and gain the opportunity to communicate with the deity Mithra.

The Icelandic grimoire "Galdrbuk", written by several magicians in the 16th century, consists of 47 spells. The "Haldrbook" is based on runes, which, being carved on various objects, or written on the body, have magical properties. The runes discussed in this treatise allow you to achieve favor important people, instill fear, and also have other magical properties.

Most of magic spells, described in the book, refer to white magic, the so-called light spells, the purpose of which is to protect the magician and treat various diseases, such as headaches, insomnia and others. In addition, there are runes that can protect the sorcerer's home from unexpected guests, catch thieves, and help win a lawsuit. However, somewhat peculiar runes are also described in the grimoire, with the help of which you can send flatulence to the enemy or destroy other people's livestock.

A treatise by an unknown author, who lived at the end of the 16th century, called "Arbatel De Magia Veterum" contains a huge amount of magical advice and aphorisms, in addition, this book on magic contains a number of spells and rituals with which the magician can summon the seven heavenly rulers and their legions to which different parts of the universe are subject.

So, one of the rulers, whose name is Bethel, can bring miraculous medicines, and Peleg will bestow glory on warriors. However, to achieve such a result from the performance of rituals is not given to everyone, but only to those who "appeared from the mother's womb to create magic." Also in this tome, one can find mention of the spirits of various elements that exist in another dimension, for example, pygmies, nymphs, dryads and others.

Compiled in the 13th century by Solomons, the grimoire Ars Notoria is intended mainly to ensure that the Student focuses on gaining knowledge, develops his memory and can comprehend more complex books on magic.

In the 16th century, the famous physician and demonologist Johannes Weyer, inspired by his Master Heinrich Cornelius, known as Agrippa, wrote his book on magic, Pseudomonarchia Daedonum. The grimoire describes 69 noble demons, each of which occupies a significant place in the hierarchy of Hell, as well as ways to summon them. One of them - Marquis Naberius - appears to the magician under the guise of a raven and bestows abilities in all kinds of arts, the other can indicate where the hidden treasures are, the third knows what the outcome of the battle will be and what fate awaits the soldiers.

The medieval grimoire "Liber Juratus Honorii" or "The Cursed Book of Honorius" is dedicated to rituals protective magic. It is believed that the author of the book was Honorius of Thebes, a mysterious person, in whose real existence not everyone believes. The treatise contains sharp criticism of the Catholic Church, a staunch opponent of dark magic, allegedly corrupted by the devil himself. Like other books on magic, it contains practices and rituals aimed at summoning demons, angels that can give the magician knowledge and strength.

It is believed that there cannot be more than three copies of this book on magic in the world, and it is possible to get it only after the death of a powerful magician, on his grave. In addition, an adept who has taken possession of the book of Honorius is obliged to avoid the company of women.

One of the most famous books on magic is The Book of Abramelin. It was written in the 15th century by the Jewish traveler Abraham von Worms, who met the mysterious magician Abramelin in Egypt. They made a deal, as a result of which Worms gave the magician 10 florins and a promise to observe piety, and Abramelin gave him his manuscript.

The book describes the only, but very complex ritual, after which the student comes into contact with his Guardian Angel, and also gains knowledge that allows you to control the weather, open locked doors, foresee the future, etc. This requires 1.5 years perform prayers and purification rituals. This practice is recommended for healthy strong men aged 25-50 or for virgins.

This work had a very significant influence on the famous occultist Aleister Crowley, who claimed that, having undergone a ritual and joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (a British magical order of the 19th century), he experienced a series of supernatural events. This book was put by Crowley as the basis of his own system of magic.

Of course, some of these books cannot be found even on the Internet during the day with fire, but there are dozens of other books on magic in the Witch's Happiness online store.

Our online store "Witch's Happiness" is rightfully considered one of the the best stores esotericism in Russia. Here you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, is responsible for his actions not only to people, but to the whole Universe.

In addition, various esoteric goods are presented in our store. You can purchase everything you need for magical rituals: tarot card divination, runic practices, shamanism, wicca, druidcraft, northern tradition, ceremonial magic, and much more.

The times when secret knowledge was passed only by word of mouth are long gone. What a blessing that we live in the information age and can learn from hundreds of experienced practitioners and researchers of magic.

Don't miss this opportunity! In the book catalog of "Witch's Happiness" you will find proven recipes, unique personal experience of magicians, clues to esoteric secrets and everything that your witching soul craves.

And we will be happy to help you with the choice of books .. And we are always in touch on Facebook, Telegram, VK and WhatsApp.

"Witch's Happiness" - the magic starts here.

Grimoires that have survived to this day

A grimoire is an ancient book describing laws, rituals, calls, spells, descriptions of spirits and working with them, a description of the necessary ritual tools, clothing, and other things.
A grimoire is a sorcerer's handbook, which he uses and constantly replenishes with new information.

There were many rumors and legends around the grimoires, in particular, the famous "Necronomicon" was allegedly written in Damascus in 730 by Abdul Alhazared (Mad Arab), and many skeptics claim that the Necronomicon was written much later and even in the 20th century , in particular H.F. Lovecraft claimed to be the author of the Necronomicon. The Great Grimoire also contains myths about its authorship, the origin of the Great Grimoire is sometimes associated with LaVey (the founder of the "Church of Satan" in the USA), which LaVey could write to popularize the "Church of Satan", while others do not doubt the authenticity of the Necronomicon and the Great Grimoire.

It should be noted that this and many other grimoires cannot be completely reliable, in particular because they were written a very long time ago and since then have been rewritten many times, and many "scribes" could make their own "corrections" in its text, and modern grimoires may differ significantly from the ancient grimoires.

The most incredible myths and legends circulated around the grimoires, for example, according to popular beliefs, “only their owner can read grimoires, since the paper of these books has a crimson color that burns the eyes”, “pages were changed only for the owner”, but even then, even the owner was subjected to a terrible danger when reading a book, since it is able to supply a wide variety of demons, from small spirits to the supreme beings of the infernal hierarchy, who were by no means helpful, but on the contrary had a rebellious and evil disposition, it was enough just to open the grimoire on the right page, like a spirit here he appeared, and if the book is opened by accident, then its owner, unprepared for a meeting with a demon, was in great danger.
Despite some absurdity, or even the stupidity of such an idea (sometimes justified), some magicians may well close the book for the uninitiated, the book can be hidden in another dimension or simply bewitched, and if the uninitiated tries to open it, the book will "defend itself", here already depends on the magician, sometimes the book can just push away, sometimes something more serious, only such grimoires are rather personal books of the magician and are unlikely to be printed or published.

Below is an overview of books (many of which can be downloaded from our Library of the World of Black Magic website) that are commonly called grimoires, in fact, any book on magic is a grimoire.

From Solomon's letter to his son Rehoboam: "Pantacles (talismans), which I have already mentioned and which will be useful to you ... Thanks to this, you will have the pleasure of seeing the actions that they promise, to great surprise. But, since this science does not allow publicity, but, on the contrary, it is secret and hidden, then it should not be explained here and it is enough to believe; what must be done as indicated.

Lemegeton (Small Key of Solomon)
The most detailed and most difficult treatise on ceremonial magic. The earliest manuscripts of the Lemegeton date back to the 17th century. However, this most popular collection of texts on magic has an earlier origin. Cornelius Agrippa, in his work "On the uncertainty and vanity of all sciences and arts" (De incertitudine et vanitate omnium scientarum et atrium), published in 1531 in Paris, mentions three of the five books of "Lemegeton": Ars Almadel, Ars Notoria, and Ars Pauline.

Great Key of King Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis)
Probably one of the most famous and most important magical grimoires, providing valuable information about the preparation and conduct of magical operations.

Grimoire of Honorius

The famous grimoire of Christian magic. Spells and prayers contained only the names of the holy angels, Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity. Magic symbols and seals were added only in the 1760 edition. Although the authorship is attributed to Pope Honorius III, who held his post at the beginning of the 13th century, this version is extremely doubtful. The book was first published in print in the second half of the 17th century.

True Grimoire (Grimorium Verum)
The Italian edition of "The True Grimoire" was published in 1880, a French edition came out a little later. Idries Shah believes that this grimoire is much simpler than its "brothers", as it is a kind of textbook of magical art, the authorship of its manuscript is shrouded in mystery. The True Grimoire contains many spells, prayers, recipes, and recommendations for the mage. The true Grimoire is written in an understandable and simple form for the average layman and contains detailed instructions regarding magical actions.

Magic of Arbatel

The spiritual wisdom of the ancients - both sages who worship God and pagan magicians, revealing the glory of God and his love for humanity, a book about magic, witchcraft, magical art. This is a rather mysterious grimoire. Nothing definite can be said about its origin. The author promises the reader to reveal the secrets of magic in nine volumes, but there is only one single book that gives a kind of "commandments" for the magician, and they are based on Christian morality. Only the description of planetary spirits and the description of very simple recipe their call. For the first time the book was published in printed form in Basel (1575).

The grimoire got its name because it describes spells for the seven days of the week, which allow you to call the angels of the corresponding day. The book was first published in Latin in Lyon at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries, this grimoire contains the principles of Magical communication. And since the Circles are very powerful (they are a kind of protective fortress for the operator, protecting him from evil spirits), we will first study the creation of the Circle. From the publisher (Robert Turner). In the previous book, which is the fourth book of Agrippa [Heptameron was published in the same volume with Agrippa - approx. Transl.], Enough has already been said about Magical Ceremonies and Initiations. But he [Agrippa] did not analyze the Ceremonies in detail, but spoke about them only in general, considering that he writes for people who know and have experience in this art, so a good idea appeared - to add here the Magical Elements of Peter de Abano: so that those who are still ignorant of in this matter, and had no taste for Magical Superstitions, might have obtained them to use for themselves, and as we see, having studied this book [meaning the fourth book of Agrippa], there was only a certain introduction of Magical vanity; and if they familiar with this work, we might learn the various duties of spirits, how they can be called to talk and communicate; what should be done every day and every hour, and how they should be read, as if they were described syllable by syllable ohm

Sword of Moses
An ancient Hebrew-Aramaic book on magic (around the 10th century AD), the authorship of the book is attributed to Moses, the prince of Egypt and the founder of Judaism.

Sixth Book of Moses
Book found in early XIX century and published in 1849. The name obviously hints at the fact that the grimoire is a continuation of the "Pentateuch" of Moses. Although it is obvious that this is nothing more than a legend. The books contain seven seals and twelve tables of spirits. The Grimoire covers all White and Black Arts (Black Magic) or Necromancy. The book was hidden from David (Solomon's father) by the high priest Zadok (SADOCK) because of the Great Mysteries contained in them. And only in 330 AD. The grimoire received a "second birth" under the first Christian emperor, Constantine the Great, who sent them to Rome to Pope Sylvester for translation. Then these books came to the emperor Charlemagne and, after they received the approval of the Pope Julius II, were published.

Seventh Book of Moses

Grimoire contains 12 Tablets: Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Spirits, Schemhamforasch. In addition, there are explanations for what purposes it is better to use these tables and the corresponding Spirits. The second part of the book consists of the formulas of the magical Qabalah or magical art of the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, together with the Extraction from the true Key of Solomon. At the very beginning, there are images of tablets with inscriptions that Moses, his brother Aaron and his son Eliezer placed on their clothes (as breastplates or armlets) when performing magic.

Abramelin the Mage's Book of Sacred Magic

It is believed that the author of the book is a certain German Jew from Wors, who lived in the XIV-XV centuries. From the data given in the book and what is known from history, it can be assumed that behind the pseudonym of Abramelin lies the scientist Rabbi Abraham Jacob ben Moses ha Levi Moellin, but this is only a hypothesis.

Lesser Alchemical Vault
Alchemy Grimoire. The most important work of Albert the Great, one of the most famous alchemists.

The Occult Philosophy of Agrippa

Probably the most famous of the medieval grimoires of one of the most famous medieval magicians

Book of Angels, Rings, Seals and Planetary Symbols

A grimoire on planetary magic has been found among the works of Osburn Bockenham, an Augustinian monk who lived in England at the monastery of Stoke Clare and may have been a doctor of divinity at Cambridge.

Apina Red Book
Grimoire on black magic and demonolatry from the collection of Joseph Appin. They say that the "Red Book" was dictated by Vlad Tepes himself to a certain apostate monk Cyril. Like it or not, but the devil worship of the great Romanian commander is an indisputable fact that no serious black adept will deny.

Book of Dagon
A unique grimoire written by the priests of Ancient Assyria in the 15th millennium BC, which the Scarlet Brotherhood is now unsuccessfully trying to pass off as a fake of the late Middle Ages, with the help of propaganda conducted by front organizations, pursuing only one goal - to arouse distrust of really useful information from areas of black magic.
However, the fact that the original, kept in the library of the Gallic Congregation of the Great Black Lodge, was written on parchment, and not on clay tablets, cannot serve as a worthy argument for those. who is trying to argue ancient origin books. It is no secret that the late Sumerian civilization degraded - this is precisely what explains the appearance of cuneiform tablets instead of other materials for writing. And even then the latter were mainly used to record business settlements and all sorts of trifles. In addition, parchment was quite often used by Sumerian priests to apply magical signs, which means that it may well be that in the last centuries of the Sumerian civilization, it acquired a sacred meaning and, as a result, there was a ban on depicting any other information on this material, except for magical . It is clear that this hypothesis does not refute the possibility of using parchment to write a work like the Book of Dagon.

The magic book of Dr. Faust

Through this book and the secret rites indicated in it, the great magician Johann Faust subjugated all the spirits of hell and the elements of evil. This grimoire is the creation of Solomon and consists mainly of the sixth and seventh books of Moses and the table of Rabelina (Tabbela Rabelina) - the great books of nigromancy (black magic).

black hen
This edition of The Black Hen should not be confused with the early collections of fantasies and delusions that many turned to for supernatural effects. The principles presented here are based on doctrines held by ancient and modern seekers. And here only those who have been recognized for their discerning service to the Divine are quoted.

Black dragon
Grimoire is a collection of magical talismans. In our literature on occultism, which is very poor in terms of the number of writings, we have not yet come across a single work of this kind, therefore we flatter ourselves with the hope that the collection will be useful to beginner occultists, as giving some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis issue.

Red Dragon

The grimoire was able to collect in one, so small book, the essential essence of what, because of countless repetitions, paraphrases and ambiguities, made it extremely difficult to carry out; grimoire compilation of challenging Kabbalistic techniques. It is not an independent book and can be considered as an additional one, moreover, with great distrust.

Enochian Keys
The creation of the grimoire of the Enochian Keys is associated with the names of English occultists of the 16th century. John Dee and Edward Kelly. John Dee was a fairly famous scientist of those times, he was engaged in astronomy, mathematics, alchemy and astrology. But the main business of Dee's life was his occult experiments, because of which he was constantly accused of having links with the Devil.
John Dee thought new series magical experiments aimed at entering into direct contact with the spirits and gaining new knowledge from them.

Dee did not consider his magical abilities sufficient for such a complex operation. Therefore, he invited the alchemist Edward Kelly, who had the gift of clairvoyance, to work together. The first information Dee and Kelly received was not much different from traditional medieval mysticism. They communicated with the spirits corresponding to each of the 7 planets known at that time (including the Sun) - the so-called "kings" of the planets, learned their names, as well as the names of their "princes" and "ministers". In addition, Dee and Kelly, also through communication with spirits, made magic squares and tables. But, finally, the spirits began to reveal something fundamentally new to patient researchers. These were 19 magical texts in a previously unknown language, which were later called the Enochian Keys (Dee and Kelly did not use this name). The texts were dictated by the spirits letter by letter, backwards. Translations were given later, separately. Several times the received texts frightened Edward Kelly, and he tried to abandon the experiments, but John Dee managed to insist on his own.

Black Owl (Treasure of the Elder of the Pyramids)
First published in France in 1839 (immediately after The Black Hen). The true science of Talismans is to summon spirits of all kinds, control them, get everything you want and dispel their evil spells.

Ceremonial magic

Hidden outside the normal psychological research that is the main occupation of psychiatry is a world of mysterious and dubious experiments, which psychiatrists venture only occasionally, leaving them almost entirely to informal researchers. This world is the legendary and wonderful Theurgy, the realm of Magic and Sorcery.

Forbidden Rituals

Guide to Necromancy. The grimoire tells how to summon a demon in the form of a horse using spells, a ring engraved with the name Tetragrammaton, and a diagram drawn with the blood of a hoopoe or bat.

Secrets of the Worm
The author of The Secrets of the Worm is considered to be the Roman Tertius Sibellius (b. 280 AD). In his youth, he served in the military in Egypt. He was distinguished by a lively and sharp mind, as well as a passion for collecting various kinds of artifacts. For small amounts, he acquired, but more often by force confiscated from the local population figurines, amulets, papyrus scrolls with information of religious and philosophical content. To Christianity, like most sane people of that time, he was sharply negative, but he probably did not see any benefit in the worship of the Roman gods.

"Delomelanicon" or "Nine Gates to the Kingdom of Shadows"
The Delomelanicon or Book of the Ancient Light was in the catalog of the burned Alexandrian Library in 646. The book was owned by Roger Bacon and quoted from it. It is believed that one copy of the book belonged to King Solomon. The book is referenced by Giordano Bruno. In 1666, the book was printed by Aristide Torchia (Venice), for which he was burned at the stake in 1667, along with part of the books. The other part walks through second-hand bookstores. It is believed that Lucifer himself was the author of the engravings for the book and part of the magical riddles and spells.

Pythagoras Golden Verses
The most famous of all the fragments of Pythagoras are the "Golden Verses", attributed to himself, containing that part of his teaching which his disciples considered possible for the uninitiated.

golden branch
The book of the famous religious scholar James Fraser belongs to the number of fundamental studies, in its essence, is not a grimoire, however, it contains the information necessary for the magician.