Orchid from Vietnam. Growing an orchid from a bulb from Vietnam

Orchid from Vietnam - a beautiful flower of the bulbous family. Tourists willingly take her to the harsh climate of Russia in order to fill the house with the drunken aromas of the East, to remember for as long as possible the impressions of their recent trip to the eastern country and its unusual local flavor. This plant is in wild nature grows on the trunks of giant trees. The best area for its growth and flowering are regions with a humid continental climate and good lighting.

  1. Ground. Their roots grow into the soil, fill the recesses in the rocks, if the organic remains are preserved in them. The flowers on them are large and bright, the leaves are dense.
  2. Air. Their roots grow into tree trunks. Delicate buds hang down and exude a mild fragrance.

Reference. Tourists who bought a potted orchid will not pass customs control in Vietnam. It cannot be taken out of the country in this form. Tourists who bought orchid bulbs pass customs control without hindrance.

Paphiopedilum species names and photos

Consider the types of this flower and their photos.

It is remembered by unusual lower flowers. Their coloration varies. Looking at the flowers, it seems that the petal located below is a pocket. It resembles a shoe.

It is distinguished by large (about 10 cm in diameter) buds of brown-violet color, which thin out a pleasant aroma.

On one peduncle, only one flower blooms with petals of a lilac-green hue. In its lower part there is a darker petal.


During flowering, buds 6-8 cm in diameter bloom on it. orange-green hue with green veins with black specks.

On a short peduncle during the flowering period, 1-2 flowers are formed with a diameter of not more than 7 cm. It differs from other types of Vietnamese orchids in that it blooms early.


Blooms for three months. It has solitary yellow flowers..


He has burgundy buds, which are bordered along the edges with a pale border.

Prices for planting material

In the online store orchidee.su they sell different types Paphiopedilum at a price of 900 rubles (the cost of delivery depends on the region where it will be delivered). If you are lucky enough to visit Vietnam, in Vung Tao, then in the numerous shops and flower shops found on every corner they sell the Vietnamese orchid bulb much cheaper. Most varieties are found in natural parks, for example, in Dalat, where you can also buy it. Cheaper plants can be found at Cho Dam Market in Nha Trang.

How to grow a flower at home?

Any orchid bulb brought from Vietnam is planted in the ground immediately upon arrival at home.

Over time, the land in which an exotic plant grows loses acidity. If you do not transplant in time, the soil will become dense. Then it will start to decompose. Because of this, root growth will slow down. By allowing waterlogging of the soil, the grower will harm the plant. Its roots rot, as a result of which it will soon die.

The frequency of transplantation depends on the soil in which the orchid grows.. A transplant is needed every three years for a flower growing in a substrate of bark, and once every two years if it grows in sphagnum. It is done in the spring, when the orchid enters a phase of active growth. Sometimes they do not wait for spring, because:

  • the substrate decomposes;
  • pests (mites, nematodes) were noticed in the pot;
  • roots rot due to frequent watering.

Bulba, brought from Vietnam orchids, are planted in the ground immediately after arriving in Russia. Otherwise, she will disappear.

Orchids from Vietnam are demanding on the composition of the substrate. Usually flower growers buy a ready-made substrate to avoid problems in the future. Be sure to read the label before buying. The composition must include the following components:

  • sphagnum moss;
  • bark of coniferous trees;
  • coconut chips.

In addition to such a ready-made mixture, rockwool artificial fiber is bought.

Important. Before planting, the substrate is thoroughly moistened.

The Vietnamese orchid bulb is planted following some rules:

  1. Its lower part must be attached to the ground. If this fact is not taken into account, roots will not appear on it.
  2. Do not sprinkle it with the substrate itself. She must remain on the surface, and so that she does not fall, they prop her up with a stick.

You can read about what soil is needed for an orchid and what are the basic requirements for it.


  1. Bulba orchid from Vietnam.
  2. Plain plastic transparent pot. Read about choosing a pot for this beauty.
  3. substrate.

Before planting a bulb, you need to know some of the features of Vietnamese orchids. The bulb is not part of the flower. Only a month after planting, shoots will come out of it, which will become the stems of the future orchid. It does not need watering until shoots appear. Do not worry about watering, because the bulb itself is a storehouse of water and nutrients . Sometimes they appear only after a month.

The accessory buds formed in the upper part of the bulb are the basis for the formation of orchid stems.

You will learn all the subtleties and nuances of planting an orchid in.

Problems and difficulties

Advice. If the orchid languishes, and the pests are not visible, lower the pot with it into the soda.

Sometimes a grower, after planting a Vietnamese orchid bulb, notices pests in the soil. She is a tasty prey for thrips, mites and roundworms. More often this happens when it gives roots and stems appear from the adnexal bud.

Orchid from Vietnam is a beautiful plant belonging to the bulbous family, which grows in its natural environment on the trunks of giant trees. The most suitable area for its growth and flowering is regions with a humid continental climate and good lighting.

In Vietnam, there are 2 types of orchids:

  • ground- grow from the ground in places where there is garbage and humus, have large bright flowers and dense leaves;
  • air- grow roots into tree trunks, their buds hang down and have a mild aroma.

Important! It is impossible to take an orchid in a flowerpot out of Vietnam, problems at customs control will not arise only with a bulb.

Species with names

Most often, terrestrial orchid species are brought from Vietnam, such as:

  • Beautiful- during flowering, its buds reach 6-8 cm in diameter, green-orange petals are decorated with dark dots and lines.
  • Siamese- on one of its peduncles there is only one flower of a greenish-pink color.
  • Vietnamese- has unusual lower flowers of various colors, the lower petal of which resembles a slipper.
  • single flowered- the earliest type of orchid with a short peduncle, on which 1-2 relatively small (maximum 7 cm in diameter) buds are formed.
  • Appleton- characterized by a large (about 10 cm in diameter) bud, which combines brown and purple.
  • Bearded- differs in burgundy buds with a light border around the edges.
  • Elena- this species blooms for 3 months, and its single yellow flowers seem to be covered with a wax coating.

Despite the differences in the number of flowers, their color and flowering period, all these species need the same care.

A photo

And this is how the views of this flower look in the photo.

Where, how and for how much can you buy?

Online store orchidee.su offers to purchase different kinds orchids at a price of 900 rubles Shipping cost varies by region. Being in Vietnam, in Vung Tao, for the bulbs of the Vietnamese orchid, you can safely go to any flower shop, of which there are a lot.

You can also buy them at flower markets (for example, in Dalat or Ho Chi Minh City), where the largest number of orchid species is found. The lowest prices for plants are found in the Cho Dam market in Nha Trang.

How to plant tubers?

Why do you need a room in the substrate?

If an orchid bulb was brought from Vietnam, then it must be planted in the substrate as soon as possible, otherwise it may die without having time to give a single root. In the case of acquiring an orchid sprout in a small container, a transplant is needed to avoid rotting during growth.

Also, over time, the earth loses acidity and in case of untimely transplantation, the soil will become too dense, and then its decomposition will begin, due to which the growth of the roots will slow down.

Important! When the soil is waterlogged, the roots of the orchid will begin to rot, and it dies.

Transplantation is carried out in the spring and its regularity depends on the soil: if the orchid grows in a substrate from the bark, a transplant is necessary every 3 years, and if from sphagnum, every two. You can not wait for spring if:

  • the substrate decomposes;
  • pests found in the pot;
  • roots rot due to frequent watering.

What inventory will be needed?

To plant an orchid bulb from Vietnam, you will need:

  • substrate;
  • necessarily a transparent flowerpot;
  • orchid bulb.

Soil preparation

The substrate for orchids from Vietnam is very important and is most often purchased ready-made. It must include:

This mixture is supplemented with artificial rockwool fiber.

You can also prepare the substrate yourself, this will require:

  • pine or spruce bark peeled from resin;
  • crushed charcoal;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • peat;
  • dolomite flour;
  • perlite or expanded clay.

Fern roots, coconut chips, limestone, or chalk can be added to the mixture to increase the calcium content to increase the calcium content. For the necessary (especially in the 1st month after planting) aeration, the substrate must be mixed well.

Important! If the substrate retains moisture well, peat can be excluded.

The actual process

Before planting the bulb, you need to know that this is not part of the plant, and only a month later, shoots will appear from it - the stems of the future orchid. Procedure for planting a Vietnamese orchid bulb:

  1. Moisten the substrate thoroughly.
  2. Large stones must be placed at the bottom of a pre-prepared container with holes to increase its durability.
  3. Then pour a drainage layer of expanded clay.
  4. Lay the substrate in the third layer.
  5. Set the bulb vertically, deepening it by a maximum of 1 cm.
  6. The bulb itself should be left on the surface and not sprinkled with the substrate.
  7. Support the bulb with a stick so that it does not fall.
  8. Put the container with the planted bulb in a well-lit place.

It is not necessary to water the orchid before the horses appear, otherwise it will die. After planting, it will take a month for the first roots to appear.

The bottom of the bulb must be firmly attached to the ground., otherwise the roots will not appear.

Problems and difficulties

In a flowerpot with a Vietnamese orchid bulb, pests such as thrips, mites and roundworms may appear. Most likely they will start when the bulb gives roots, and stems appear from the adnexal bud. If the plant is affected by thrips, it must be isolated, washed in the shower and treated with insecticides. In case of damage by nematodes, the plant cannot be saved, since not a single drug will help get rid of them forever.

Important! If the orchid is in the absence of pests, you need to lower the flowerpot with it in soda.

Further care

In order for the bulb of the Vietnamese orchid to germinate, it is necessary to create the following conditions for it:

  • the air temperature should not be lower than +18 degrees;
  • air humidity level - 70%, the minimum allowable indicator - 50%;
  • fertilizers must be applied monthly;
  • watering is done daily in summer, several times a month in winter when the substrate is dry;
  • it is better to place a pot with an orchid on the windowsill on the south side, while you need to protect the plant from direct sunlight;
  • in winter, additional lighting is likely to be required.

Orchid from Vietnam - beautiful flower that will delight the owner with its flowers, however, growing it from a bulb is not so simple. Be patient, take into account all the nuances and follow the instructions, then success is guaranteed.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video on how to plant orchids from Vietnam:

Many tourists who have visited Asia bring orchids as souvenirs. Today on the forums you can often see a discussion of the question - how to grow an orchid from a bulb from Vietnam. In this article, we will reveal the answer to this question in more detail.

Description of orchids from Vietnam

The orchid needs careful and careful care, special attention should also be paid to planting. If you properly plant orchid bulbs from Vietnam, then this exotic plant will delight you with its beauty and pleasant aroma for a long time to come.

There are 2 types of orchids in Vietnam: ground and air. Terrestrial grow from the ground in places where there is garbage and humus. Air grow into tree trunks.

Ground Vietnamese orchids are divided into the following types:

  • Paphiopedilum Vietnamese
  • Paphiopedilum Siamese
  • Appleton's Paphiopedilum
  • Paphiopedilum bearded
  • Paphiopedilum beautiful
  • Paphiopedilum single flower
  • Paphiopedilum Elena.

Vietnamese orchids are sold at special flower markets in Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat. They are inexpensive, which makes this plant a popular souvenir that Russian tourists bring from this Asian country.

How to plant an orchid from Vietnam

When choosing a plant in Vietnam, medium-sized bulbs should be preferred. At home, it is important to create the necessary conditions for the orchid to adapt well. The flowers of the plant will appear only after 4-8 years.

Before you plant an orchid from Vietnam, you need to choose the right substrate. It should include: a mixture of needle bark, sphagnum moss, coconut chips. In the form of a substrate, artificial rockwool fiber is also suitable. Wet it before planting.

Present to your attention step by step instructions how to plant an orchid from Vietnam.

You will need a transparent pot, substrate and powdered charcoal. The orchid is not a bulbous plant, its bulbs and pseudobulbs are kept a little differently. Before planting, the flower is well watered and allowed to stand for a couple of hours. After that, they are carefully removed from the pot, and, without damaging the roots, they are placed in warm water for 30 minutes to remove traces of the old substrate. After extraction, rotten roots should be removed, the places of cuts should be treated with charcoal.

It is necessary to plant the bulb so that only the lower part is attached to the ground, and the main part is on the surface. In order for the bulb not to hang out in the pot, a stick is used.

After planting, you need to water the Vietnamese orchid only when the roots appear that have grown to the substrate. That is why a transparent pot is used when planting.

Vietnamese orchid: how to transplant

This amazing exotic flower has no roots or has dried roots. This feature is taken into account during transplantation, in order for the plant to take root, its lower part must be fixed to the ground. Replanting this plant is simply a must, because after a few years the earth loses the necessary acidity, the soil becomes dense and begins to decompose, which leads to a slowdown in root growth. The death of the plant can also cause waterlogging of the soil.

The time when you need to transplant an orchid depends on what substrate it grew in. If bark was used as a substrate, then transplantation is necessary 1 time for 3 years, and 1 time in 2 years - if sphagnum was used. This operation is performed in the spring, when the peak of plant growth is observed.

The transplant is carried out ahead of time, if:

  • There are pests in the pot
  • The substrate began to decompose
  • The roots started to rot.

Transplanting Vietnamese orchids is no different from ordinary ones.

How to grow orchids from Vietnam

The reproduction of these plants is possible at home, for this the bush is carefully divided into parts. The flower should be fertilized with special means once a month using a special fertilizer, but at the same time observing the concentration indicated on the package.

The plant is photophilous, so it is placed on the sunny side of the house. So it will stretch well up and grow faster.

The air temperature in the room in which the orchid grows should be at least 17-18 degrees during the day and not more than 20 degrees at night, and the humidity should not exceed 50-70%. It is necessary to try to exclude dry air in the room, otherwise the leaves will turn pale and begin to dry. Open air should also be avoided. If you follow all these recommendations, then the flower will bring joy with its beauty for a very long time.

One of the most beautiful indoor flowers is the orchid. Often tourists visiting Vietnam bring home the bulbs of these plants as a keepsake. However, in order to grow such a flower at home, you need to have certain knowledge. This article will tell you how to grow orchids from Vietnam in an apartment.

Vietnamese orchid is of the following types:

  • elevated. Plants grow in places where there is an accumulation of humus or debris on the ground;
  • air. They can be found on tree poles. Orchids grow into them with their roots. At the same time, flowers and stems hang in the air.

Naturally, bulbs of above-ground varieties are imported into our country. Such material can be planted at home in an ordinary flower pot. However, for this you need to know certain rules.

Above-ground orchids from Vietnam differ among themselves in the following parameters:

  • coloring of flowers;
  • flower shape;
  • inflorescence sizes.

Most often, the following varieties of Paphiopedilum orchids are brought from Vietnam:

  • Siamese. Only one lilac-green flower is formed on the peduncle. In the inflorescence, one lower petal has a brown color;
  • bearded. Has a very unusual appearance: dark spots form on light green leaves that resemble the symptoms of the disease. The flowers themselves have a lower red-brown petal. The rest of the petals have a light border;
  • Vietnamese. The most varied color of flowers is characteristic. Their petals have a kind of pocket that looks like a slipper;
  • beautiful. Characterized by the formation of large orange-green flowers. The petals have well-defined green veins and blotches of black;
  • Appleton. The plant forms rather large inflorescences that have a brown-purple color. The orchid exudes a pleasant aroma;
  • Elena. This variety produces single yellow flowers that have a waxy coating;
  • single-flowered. Blooms earlier than other varieties. It forms two large and quite fragrant flowers.

The cultivation of orchids of these varieties is carried out in an almost identical pattern.


To understand how to properly grow orchid bulbs brought from Vietnam, you first need to figure out how the planting material is planted.

If you need to plant seedlings, they should first be supported for some time in the container in which they were brought. Seedlings are planted when there is little free space in the container. Usually, brought orchids are transported in bottles.

The question "how to plant an orchid bulb" is very relevant for those who will be breeding this indoor flower for the first time. In order to plant bulbs in an apartment, you must choose a transparent container. Through it, you can easily observe the growth and development of the bulb.

Large pebbles should be placed at the bottom of the selected container, in which there must be holes for draining water. This increases the durability of the pot. Next, follow these steps:

  • pour a drainage layer from expanded clay;
  • the substrate is poured on it. You can buy it at the store or make your own. But it is better to use a store mix;
  • then the substrate is watered;
  • then the tubers are placed. It is best to grow one plant in one pot. Orchid bulbs should be planted in such a way that they are slightly buried in the substrate (about 1 cm). To keep the tuber stable, it is propped up with a stick.

When planting is completed, the pot is placed in a well-lit place. Now you know how to grow an orchid from a bulb. However, in addition to knowing how to properly plant orchids from Vietnam, you need to know the rules for caring for them.

Cultivation and care

Vietnamese orchids, which the lover brought from her trip, have a fairly simple care, but with reservations.

Care indoor flowers begins immediately after the appearance of the first roots. At this time, the first watering of the plant is carried out. About a month later, a tuber that has taken root is transplanted. During this time, he will have time to accumulate the substances necessary for growth and development.

Orchids from Vietnam love sunlight and humid warm air. Therefore, the plant should be placed on the windowsill on the south side. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. In winter, if the orchid is on the north side, it will have to be additionally illuminated with artificial lighting.

The flower needs the following conditions:

  • air temperature - +18 degrees and above;
  • humidity - not lower than 50%. The optimal level is 70%.

Caring for an orchid brought from Vietnam includes the following steps:

  • monthly supplements. Compositions should be bought at a flower shop;
  • watering is carried out only when the substrate dries. In summer, in hot weather, watering should be done every day, and in winter - once every few weeks. Watering the plant is carried out only in the morning;
  • periodically you need to organize a shower for flowers.

As you can see, caring for this flower is really simple, especially if you know all the subtleties.


Bulbous varieties of indoor flowers must be transplanted at regular intervals. Frequent transplantation of orchids is due to the fact that the plant quickly depletes the substrate. When grown on sphagnum, this procedure is carried out every two years. If the bark was chosen as the substrate, then after three years.

Transplantation is carried out in the spring. At this time, the flower shows maximum activity in terms of growth. Transplantation is carried out according to the same rules as landing. To minimize the risk of damage to the roots, the plant is watered abundantly before transplanting.

Now you know how to plant an orchid from Vietnam, as well as how to grow it in a house or apartment.

Video “Paphiopedilum. All about care”

In this video you will learn everything about caring for vietnamese orchid Paphiopedilum.

Perhaps everyone is thinking about what you can bring with you from a trip to tropical countries. Note that one of the most common gifts from Vietnam is orchid tubers. Tropical varieties of orchids have huge inflorescences and bright colors. It must be understood that the maintenance at home should be provided at the highest level. After all, the temperature in the room does not always correspond to the comfortable conditions of tropical flowers.

On the site http://galsad.com.ua/goods.php/orhideya/ you can buy orchids of various varieties and colors at competitive prices. In addition, they will already be in a flower pot. And this means that you do not have to do the distillation yourself. Recommendations on the process of exporting orchid tubers from Vietnam will be described below.

If you buy several tubers (up to 20 pieces) at the local flower market in Vietnam, it is unlikely that any difficulties will arise at the airport upon departure. It is important to ensure the safest transportation conditions in advance:

  • tubers are placed in a container;
  • it is recommended to carry in hand luggage;
  • additional wrapping of tubers with paper is not required.

Note that it is recommended to buy orchid tubers with a margin of 30%. After planting, you will find that not all of the planted tubers have taken root. In addition, in the first period of active growth, inexperienced orchid owners can ruin the flower with excessive use of dressings.

It is important to understand that orchids tend to be more dry than wet. Pay close attention to watering. in pallet flower pot moisture must never remain.

Orchid roots rot very quickly, and it is very difficult to save them - almost impossible. For regular flowering great importance has illumination. In the tropics, daylight hours last at least 10 hours.

Of course, in Russia this can only be achieved artificially. It is important to remember that the light must be diffused.

The video will explain the main theses proper care for orchids:

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