The first house in astrology. What are houses in astrology and what do they mean

1 house in the natal chart

The natal chart begins with the ascendant. This is the horizon line at the moment of a person's birth. Further, if we use the Placidus system, the houses are distributed as follows: 2 hours have passed since birth, which point of the zodiac is rising at this moment - this is the cusp of 2 houses, after another 2 hours the cusp of 3 houses comes to the horizon, and so all 12 pass in 24 hours houses.

1st house is a sector of the sky, which at the time of birth was below the horizon line and became visible during the first 2 hours.

The 1st house defines the essence of a person, the very depth of what he really is. And the 10th determines how and in what the personality will most clearly and noticeably manifest itself. The 1st house is what a person is, and the 10th is what he will be famous for.

The 1st house is the person's image and the 10th is reputation.

The value of the 1st house is often underestimated. But in vain. If all the other 11 houses are just certain areas of our life, then the 1st house is the person himself, who actually lives this life, decomposed into certain components.

The 1st house is responsible for the physical body: how beautiful, healthy, innate features it is. Under the 1st house are those diseases that come as something inevitable, and with which you just need to learn how to live on (incurable). In contrast to the 6th house, under which there are those diseases that a person must be able to cope with (cure, defeat them).

In a broader sense, the 1st house is responsible for the contact of the individual with the world. How a person presents himself and how he receives information about the world. From this it follows that the 1st house determines the manner of speech, style of dress, the ability to speak and listen, to form questions and answers. Once again, this is the image of the owner of the horoscope. How a person presented himself to the world, and how, accordingly, they are used to seeing what is expected of him by default.

Ruler position of the 1st house

The most ideal situation for the 1st house is when it is empty (no planets hit it) and its ruler is in a good sign for himself and in a good house. Well, or something one is successful, and the other is neutral (no defeats). For example, good house, say 9th or 10th, and a neutral sign. Or a neutral house (11th as an option) but in a monastery or exaltation. This position guarantees a healthy body, a pleasant or beautiful appearance and the image of a good (interesting, intelligent, kind, etc.) person. Of course, adequate self-esteem, self-confidence, understanding of one's strengths and weaknesses and acceptance of them, and willingness to work with them follow from this.

The defeat of the ruler by sign(in the fall or exile) will give problems with appearance or health, dissatisfaction with oneself, perhaps even dislike for oneself.

Getting into a bad house(6th, 8th or 12th) gives a hard fate. The condition is set to work off (to suffer) past sins, determined not by any particular setting, but by the qualities of the individual as a whole.

Let me explain. We are not all saints. Since we were born on planet Earth, it means that we have selfishness and have harmed others. But it is one thing when a person has a specific localization of the problem (for example, in the past he shied away from duties, or is in conflict with people, does not know how to love them, etc.), and another thing is if a person has a defeat in personal qualities (he is cruel, or he is greedy, or arrogant, etc.). Here, a defeat in terms of the qualities of character as a whole will give a difficult life as a whole. And, for example, a kind person, but who is not able to understand the meaning of faith and religiosity (this is an example with the defeat of the ruler of the 9th house without the defeat of the 1st), will simply not be authoritative for other people (his opinion will not have weight), but at the same time it will be quite normal to create a family, it will be good to earn money, etc.

If the ruler of the 1st house falls into a negative house, it gives a heavy general pressure on the destiny, due to problems in the qualities of character.

The defeat of the ruler of any other house, except for the 1st, localizes the problem, makes it related to some particular direction of life. And only the 1st house characterizes the ESSENCE of a person, and therefore its ruler shows what a person deserves based on his personal qualities. And his bad position, or highly tense aspects, bring the maximum amount of trouble (compared to the defeats of the rulers of other houses).

Planets in 1st house

I have already written in my articles that I consider the presence of planets in the 1st house a defeat.

The absence of planets in any of the houses suggests that a person should not invest additional effort in this area. The position of the ruler of the house reflects how good or bad things will be in the course of life. But even if something is not completely satisfied, any development is still not expected. this direction. A person will live quite calmly with the level that is determined by fate.

But the presence of at least one planet in any house suggests that without conscious development (energy investment), this house will not flourish. The planets oblige a person to closely deal with the affairs of the house in which they got, to develop and transform it.

The problem with the 1st house is that it cannot be changed. No matter how much effort a person makes, it is not given to anyone to change their gender, their nationality, their constitution, height, physical capabilities of the body, to change their temperament, manner of speech and other innate features.

And now it is not necessary to cite as an example those who nevertheless managed to change their sex or skin color. All such transformations are ALWAYS done at the expense of some serious sacrifice - shortening of life, loss of health, etc. This is not what can be called the “development of the sphere”, but rather the obtaining of what was not supposed to be by fate, due to the deprivation (destruction) of something else, no less important and necessary. And such behavior cannot be an example, it is stupidity.

So man cannot remake himself. BUT planets, once in the 1st house, do not allow you to accept yourself the way you were born. And I really want to get some kind of reaction from those around me. But only here's how to make others think about themselves what you would like? Everyone has their own eyes and ears, and each is endowed with his own ability to pass judgment on anyone.

To understand, let's start with, but how do the planets generally manifest themselves, once in certain houses? Even more broadly - how does a natal chart even work?

Our entire natal chart works in parallel in two planes:

1. Influences the person himself, giving him certain needs and aspirations;

2. Influences all those around who come into contact with a person, forming their expectations towards the card carrier.

So with the planets in the 1st house, let's separately analyze what a person feels and is inclined to do, and what others expect from him.

Sun in 1st house

The hit of the Sun in any house of the chart brings a big load. The sun is the center of everything in our natal, and therefore determines where a person should strive, what he must develop in himself during this life. Once in the 1st house, it sets an imperative condition for the development of personal qualities, all at once.

Separately, the Sun itself determines the level of initiative and determination, this is the ability of a person to determine himself in life. A weak or afflicted Sun will give a statement and lack of initiative.

In the 1st house, it will create a desire for a person to be noticed, a desire to prove to everyone that HE could do all this, invented it himself, fulfilled it himself. That behind everything in his life is only he personally and no one else. This will naturally lead to obstinacy and denial of third-party opinion, even if it is true, refusal of help, even the most sincere and friendly. Which threatens to create a reputation for being arrogant. It also blocks the ability to change course mobilely, using timely advice or help that has arrived in time. All the same, you have to do it yourself, and one, as you know, is not a warrior in the field.

Naturally, such behavior offends those who sincerely wanted to participate in the fate of a person, and repels them, leading to loneliness. After all, the one who is “all by himself” does not need anyone. There is simply no room for anyone.

In contrast to this, people around expect a solar manifestation from a person. That is, by default, they expect that he will cope with everything. That you don’t have to worry about him (or her), he will taxi out, get out, find a way out. The bearer of such a card can be safely left in the most critical situation alone with the circumstances and not be tormented by remorse for this. And this, you see, is a shame. And in other situations, even insulting.

A person usually does not understand that they simply believe in him, most likely that he (she) decides that he is simply not worthy of care and support. In turn, this already provokes resentment against the world and denial of closeness with anyone.

Here, it would seem, it would seem, it still has a counter interest. A person wants to manifest himself on the planet (in this case, the Sun) and those around him are waiting for manifestation on the same planet. Well, what are the problems? And the problem is that a person himself is able to manifest the weakest of the functions of the planet (well, he can), and they expect the strongest from him. And only on the last, most high level development, almost close to enlightenment or holiness, the skills of a person on each planet are impeccable and harmonious. So there are no questions to the personality of the world anymore.

In the developed version, the Sun in the 1st house should give a natural leader. A person who is trusted by others and who is happy to justify such trust. Someone who will not get lost in any situation and will help everyone who is around to adapt.

Moon in 1st house

The moon defines our unconscious. What kind of person is at home, at home and in all those situations where he does not control himself and acts out of habit, on autopilot. The Moon also reflects how a person takes something for himself, consumes.

If the Sun is responsible for conscious actions and requires decisiveness, a strong-willed impulse, then, being responsible for the unconscious, the best manifestation of the Moon is responsiveness, kindness, compassion, caring.

The Moon in the 1st house creates the desire of a person to open his feelings to the world. It becomes vital for the individual to reach out to others. So that everyone understands what he (she) really feels. That his feelings are important, that they are strong and sincere. In addition, it is necessary in any situation to be yourself, sincere, open and without makeup. Say and do what you feel.

Excessive emotional exposure in our society is not accepted and even indecent. If someone sees that you are hurt by his actions, it will create discomfort for him. When firing an employee, it is more pleasant for the employer to hear that “yes, everything is in order, everything is fine.” When betraying a spouse, it is more pleasant to think that he (she) also wants to quickly end this painful situation and he (she) only gets better from everything that is done, and so on. The point, I think, is obvious. We are all on this planet endowed with selfishness and tend to think about our comfort. And in this pursuit, we constantly step on someone's tail. Naturally, it is convenient to think that everything is in order and the person is not offended in the slightest. And even more so, it doesn't hurt him in the slightest.

And here is a man with the Moon in the 1st house. And all his emotions, including resentment, fear, anxiety, anger, despair, he shows us. And who needs this? It is much more convenient to stay away from him until he learns cultural behavior in society.

On the other hand, it is from the bearer of the card with the Moon in the 1st house that everyone expects participation, empathy, responsiveness to their problems, sincere bright joy for their gifts, excitement for their deeds, etc.

Everything is the same as with the Sun and any other planet. They are waiting for the best Lunar qualities, and a person can reveal what he can. And only at the level of holiness will he not have the slightest negative and destructive manifestations. Until then, the man is trapped. And you need to show something, they are waiting. But what he gives is simply rejected or perceived with indignation (rejection, criticism).

Mercury in 1st house

Mercury is responsible for logic, for building cause-and-effect relationships. He is in charge of all types of communication and communication: oral and written speech, memory, resourcefulness, resourcefulness.

Mercury in the 1st house pushes a person to demonstrate intelligence, erudition, possession of a large array of different information, erudition. It is important for a person to prove his competence, speed of maneuvering, mobility, ingenuity. In any situation, he tries to keep the title of "know-it-all", someone who cannot be taken by surprise.

At the same time, Mercury is very self-serving and unscrupulous, he skillfully benefits from everything that happens.

The people around are waiting best qualities Mercury. This is not a demonstration of mental superiority over everyone, not the ability to wriggle out and change everything in one’s favor (which Mercury gives in a low octave), but on the contrary, the readiness to draw the right conclusions, to understand the origins of one’s problems and the negative reactions of others to oneself. Or to catch that you are loved and accepted in advance, and in return do what everyone is counting on, so as not to disappoint. Because in this world, if someone loves someone, then most often for how they plan to use them in the future. And a person with a strong Mercury (with impeccable logic) understands this and has no illusions about the reasons for passionate feelings towards him.

Problems in a person with Mercury in the 1st house most often rest on profit. He plans to use the people around him in one way and justifies it somehow (due to the development of his Mercury), and they expect him to understand why they accepted him, and by default fulfill the unspoken conditions set by them. Well, he has Mercury - his essence and image, since you are so quick-witted, then why are we going to babysit and explain the obvious to you? By type: “don’t turn on the fool, otherwise you, girl, didn’t understand what merits in the modeling business take a limit like you?” Nobody plans to explain and chew anything to a person with Mercury in the 1st house, he must catch it on the fly.

The ideal manifestation of Mercury in the 1st house is the great strategist. The one who foresees everything, docks, binds, organizes and formalizes. Who is not afraid to trust to tie the unconnected and be sure of a positive outcome. Because he subtly understands who needs what, who at the same time deserves what, which means that he will distribute everything to everyone fairly and without offense. And explain, if necessary, why everything is so and not otherwise.

Venus in 1st house

Venus is responsible for the ability to receive and give pleasure. For taste, tact, diplomacy, for the ability to feel your neighbor and please.

The low octave of Venus is responsible for personal consumption and the pursuit of pleasure. And the owner of Venus in the 1st house cannot refrain from declaring his desires and preferences to the whole world. This is a capricious coquette “I want, I want, I want”, capable of bringing the gentleman to ruin or risky adventures for the sake of her endless and unreasonable indulgence. Well, or a spoiled sissy, unable to stop in his wishes.

Of course, I described the extremes. Strictly, for clarity. In life, the owner of Venus in the 1st house simply overstrains the environment with his desires. He (or she) broadcasts them in an open and obvious way, since this is the 1st house, it cannot be hidden or disguised. And with these desires, the rest are forced to somehow reckon. And any desire of one person can be fulfilled ONLY AT THE EXPENSE OF ANOTHER person. And if someone had to delve into your desires, now he is faced with a choice: either he fulfills them, spending his resources on it, or he is forced to become an evil troll who broke off the poor thing. And nobody likes it. Although desires at the same time can be quite cultural and even justified. Just their implementation is a mental and material burden on the environment.

And the same Venus in the 1st house provokes the environment to perceive its carrier as a source of fulfillment of their desires. Everyone unconsciously reads like this: “Well, after all, a person with perfect beauty Venus cannot but bring happiness? So let him bring it to me." So try to refuse after that. You will immediately become hard-hearted, insensitive, tactless and insidious. Because they deceived expectations in terms of receiving pleasure. And again, the same principle, only on the other side of the barricade: you can not disappoint (deliver pleasure) only at the cost of your resources: mental, bodily or material, and maybe some other (administrative resource, skills, etc.).

Ideal Venus in the 1st house allows a person to bring harmony into the world. To radiate happiness and well-being yourself and create a pleasant atmosphere for everyone else. To be able to praise some, to reconcile others, to surprise others with the fulfillment of cherished desires. The more each of us makes other people happy, the more we return to ourselves. But believing this is much more difficult than it seems.

Mars in 1st house

Mars reflects the level of strength in the chart. Both physical (body capabilities, dexterity, skills, endurance), and mental (ability to concentrate, withstand stress, resist psychological pressure, as well as exerting it on others).

Once in the 1st house, Mars makes its bearer's strength level obvious to all. In other words, if some other person gets angry, or vice versa, starts to give in, then this can be somehow hidden, hidden. But the bearer of Mars in the 1st house in terms of his mood, opportunities, anger / cowardice, self-confidence, etc. in full view. If he (she) begins to accumulate strength for something (to carry out physical training), or even just tune in (which is mental training), then this is immediately visible and understandable to everyone and everyone.

Whatever a person conceives, real power is needed to carry it out. It is this power behind any action that Mars provides. And if hidden in any other house it gives the possibility of hidden preparation, then getting into the 1st house reveals everything already at the stage of the first immature ideas. And this greatly constrains further opportunities for maneuver and generally allows others to intervene instantly, thereby breaking the immature sprouts of the future. It is very difficult to live in conditions of such openness, especially for a man.

The most destructive manifestations of Mars are anger and resentment. The first is more characteristic of men, the second of women.

The environment of a person with Mars in the 1st house, on the contrary, is waiting for the manifestations of the positive side of strength. They pin hopes on him that he will protect, will not give offense, will not leave him in trouble, will pull everything out on his shoulders, will be in time, and will work deftly. And at the slightest “I couldn’t, I didn’t manage,” they don’t want to hear excuses. Because they are convinced that he had no right to do so. And why then did he look so strong and confident? After all, a person with Mars in the 1st house is perceived in this way by others. They all read his Mars as the main distinguishing feature.

Ideal Mars in the 1st house gives a protector, war or ruler. The one who can hold this world on his shoulders. Or an athlete defending the honor of the country.

Jupiter in 1st house

Jupiter is already a social (not personal) planet. He is responsible for moral values human being and the ability to understand spiritual laws. Gives a person authority and influence on the environment.

Once in the 1st house, Jupiter obliges a person to absolute morality. Any distortions in ethics, serving unworthy authorities, dubious values ​​instantly become obvious to everyone who is nearby.

From the 1st house, Jupiter will seek recognition. It will be very important for a person to be noticed and taken seriously. So that his opinion has weight and power. The social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, really need to rise above the rest, to prove their right to lead others, to manage society. Jupiter through precepts, and Saturn through restrictions and prescriptions. But it’s one thing when it concerns a particular house (here, in matters of raising children, if you please respect and listen to me), and it’s completely different if a person begins to seek unconditional acceptance of himself as a reference figure.

The main thing is that a person, in general, just has every right to claim such a status, having a social planet in the 1st house. But only then should he really be a role model in absolutely everything. No one will listen (with their ears hanging out) empty chatter. Words become valid only if there is a realized experience behind them. In other words, if a person says what he himself steadfastly follows and in which he firmly believes.

It is from this point that all the problems of Jupiter in the 1st house originate. He requires to teach (instruct) others. And they will listen only to the one who is without flaw. And it starts to put pressure on the moral burden. Why can one relax, but the bearer of such a card does not? Yes, because Jupiter in any house of the card gives a lot, but in return it obliges a lot. Any fall into sin (even thoughts about such a thing) in the bearer of such a 1st house immediately not only becomes apparent, but also jars those around him, hurts the eye, and causes protest. In general, it is perceived extremely negatively. Because everyone around expects height and purity from a person, the ability to give answers to difficult questions, and even spiritual leadership.

Ideal Jupiter in the 1st house, simply by the example of his life, encourages people to become cleaner, seek moral knowledge, and reject dirt. He doesn't even need to preach.

Saturn in 1st house

Saturn is synonymous with duty and conscience. He teaches realized experience - requires in practice to behave as learned in theory from Jupiter. And because few people like to live by decree, but everyone should, Saturn has a heavy reputation for depriving, limiting, collecting bills.

The position of Saturn in the 1st house commits a person to impeccable behavior. Any deviation from the norms and the law, down to the smallest (just job description at work) will be immediately obvious to everyone, and therefore suppressed.

Saturn in any house will work as an overseer, he will force a person to pull his cart on business at home, without even trying to shift something to the environment or cheat. Accordingly, the problem of the first house is that there is no such zone where a person could relax. Everywhere and in everything you will have to follow the law, fulfill your obligations, control your behavior and be ready to pay.

In general, the task of Saturn is not so much to nightmare the person himself, but, having accustomed him to order, to put him to follow the rest. And the person himself feels it. Therefore, with Saturn in the 1st house, it is eager to give directives and instructions to everyone and everyone. But not according to the Solar type, where one should move, but according to the Saturnian type, which is forbidden to violate. He likes to keep order, organize, appeal to conscience.

Only those around will tolerate such things over themselves only from the one who himself is the embodiment of the Law. From impeccable, collected, organized, punctual, patient and hardy. From the one who does not groan under his problems, does not throw them off, does not run away from difficulties. On the contrary, he will set an example of the fulfillment of duty contrary to his desires and benefits.

In the event that the carrier of Saturn in the 1st house does not live up to the above expectations, they are ready to disgrace him, put him in his place, return him to the frame. In general, turn his Saturn against himself.

Ideal Saturn in the 1st house gives such a person that even his mere presence automatically blocks people's ability to break or fail to do something. Everyone begins to feel that the only possible behavior is to do one's duty and follow one's conscience.

Uranus in 1st house

We reached the planets of the transcendental level. Their essence is that they are not visible to the naked eye. And a person himself is not able to develop in himself those principles for which they are responsible in our psyche.

Judge for yourself. Uranus is responsible for the ability to let go, for the feeling of detachment. His state in the horoscope will describe how easily or painfully a person copes with the losses that, according to fate, inevitably occur to everyone. The situation in the house shows the area where a person can expect these tests. Someone is destined to periodically lose their jobs, someone to let go of everything that is acquired in the family, another to part with a partner and start from scratch, etc. In especially difficult fates, people have to experience fires, the death of loved ones, the loss of a part of the body (amputation of legs, arms). It all comes as a given and you have to let go, accept what happened and learn to live without what used to be yours.

Agree, it is impossible to develop this in yourself. No one will set fire to his house or cut off his hand just to learn not to become attached to things or even to his body. But when this happens, then a person with a strong psyche (strong Uranus) copes and finds for himself in the name of what and how to live on.

The position of any of the transcendental planets in the 1st house creates a very great tension. Just for the reason that the gap between what others are waiting for and what the card carrier is able and willing to demonstrate is increasing even more.

In general, everyone new level increases the difficulty. If with personal planets it is feasible enough to learn to justify the expectations of your social circle, with social ones this requires a higher load of self-work, and with transcendental planets it is a task only for advanced users.

Once in the 1st house, Uranus will create expectations for the cardholder in total non-attachment. In other words, if, through the fault of third parties, something is permanently taken away from a person or spoiled, everyone is clearly waiting for him to react “oh, and okay, I didn’t really love it very much.” And since this is the 1st house, everyone always expects such ease in parting with their property of all levels (material, intellectual, family, in relationships, etc.). Accordingly, they will not understand if a person tries to seek justice in the courts or “according to the rules”, trying to punish the perpetrators. Will show any resistance to weaning or deprivation.

And the person will let go as best he can. That is, almost always with great creaking, suffering, regrets. Trying to place guilt on those involved in what is happening.

Moreover, any attachment to something will be immediately obvious and look unnatural, like greed, or pettiness, commercialism. The natural image of a person should be freedom from everything, readiness to rise at any moment and go on a long journey lightly.

The task of any planet in the 1st house is to become an example of the principle of the planet for everyone, to encourage others to become at least somewhat the same. Uranus should set an example of freedom from everything external. And people are pushed to it all the time. Not that they directly approach and take something away, but in any situation, losses begin to clearly condemn him if he regrets something. While any living person is looking for understanding and sympathy.

This begins to provoke people to transfer their tasks to others: if you are like this with me, then I will make sure that something is taken away from you too and I will see, but how will you manage it yourself? And I will rush to condemn you, as you do me. But only the rest have Uranus in a particular house. And it is easy for them to let go only in one particular area. Such a transfer will cause healthy protests, resistance, a reason not to like such an activist and to conflict with him.

A person will be rejected and expelled from society until he begins to justify Uranian expectations in his address. Without requiring the same behavior from others.

Ideal Uranus in the 1st house shows the world such a person who himself easily parted and in whose presence it is easy for others to accept losses, come to terms with their inevitability and find meaning in something new for themselves. A person naturally radiates: "there is always a meaning, there is always a reason to live, and difficulties and losses are inevitable, they must be accepted with firmness." In the house where the trouble came, such a person should bring the understanding that since something has been destroyed, it means that it must be so, it means that it is stupid to live again for the same thing, it will be destroyed again. We need to change the goal and start living for something new. What cannot be simply taken away, what remains forever.

Neptune in 1st house

Neptune endows a person with intuition. This is such a state when you feel something (danger, or anticipation of good luck, or that you are being lied to, for example), but you are not able to prove it with the help of facts and arguments, because there are simply no facts. There is only a sense.

Such skills also cannot be somehow developed or pumped artificially. Either given or not given. Development occurs over the years, but of course, under the influence of lived events.

Having taken a place in the 1st house, Neptune will create expectations for a person that he himself feels everything and knows by default. The difference from Mercury is that with Mercury a person is obliged to understand the obvious logic, the causal relationship. And with Neptune, he is obliged to predict the future. Or calculate lies, fraud. Where everything is perfectly thought out, and not to dig under like. From the standpoint of logic (what follows from what).

In the highest octave, Neptune is responsible for the ability of clairvoyance, or more in simple words gives the gift to see through people and feel what any situation is moving towards. In fact, this is quite within the power of a person, but only in the case when he completely outlives self-deception in himself.

If you do not deceive yourself, then no one will be able to find the strength to deceive you. If you honestly see the origins and motives of any of your actions or feelings, then it is just as easy for you to understand another person. And knowing what drives whom, it is not so difficult to calculate who will do what, and what will come to what.

Here is the stumbling block. I really don’t want to admit jambs, imperfections, shortcomings, weak spots and other inconveniences. It is much more convenient, faced with one’s not the best manifestation, to be able to justify oneself, to quickly sum up the necessary philosophy or motivation for everything. Which originally did not exist.

In any situation, when a person with Neptune in the 1st house begins to sin with this, everything becomes obvious to everyone and everyone. And what is the jamb, and how it was justified, and where is the distortion, why is it inappropriate and will not work. The man looks like a naked king. It seems to him alone that he has disguised his shame, and in front of everyone he is in an obvious negligee.

Anyone with Neptune in the 1st house will be rejected, criticized, attacked until they learn to admit the whole truth about themselves. Moreover, preferably on his own, and not when he is already exposed, expressing his claims regarding his qualities of character or motives.

At the same time, quite often a person, on the contrary, desperately wants to hover in illusions and self-deception, using the low octave of Neptune.

Ideal Neptune in the 1st house gives an insightful and profound person. Whose presence makes impossible any hypocrisy and lies. In the face of which everyone instantly realizes the whole truth about himself and falls silent, accepting any difficulties or punishments as fair.

Pluto in 1st house

Pluto is responsible for the ability to self-sacrifice. Its difference from Uranus is that when Uranus is turned on, there is simply inevitable destruction, collapse. And there is no choice. But Pluto turns everything so that you can change something. There is a choice: either you will suffer, or you will save yourself, but the other will suffer. And you will even see who and how. And this is already much more difficult mentally.

Agree, it is easier to see and survive the death of your child than to face a choice, save your child (at the cost of the life of another) or his classmate (and yours will die). Making such a choice and living with it further is much more difficult.

The position of Pluto in the 1st house obliges a person in everything and always agree to yield himself, to become a victim.

It is obvious to the whole environment that a person has a choice. And if at the same time he shows selfishness, protects his life and his borders, then everyone begins to blame him for the problems of the one who suffered as a result of this. Because the second side objectively had no choice.

Of course, at the beginning of life (youth, youth), a person is not ready for self-sacrifice. Everyone wants joy and celebration. And just waiting for sacrifice ...

Since this is Pluto, a person begins to use his right (power) to defend his interests, to prevent his problems. And it even works. The problem is that everyone begins to accuse him of abusing his position and strongly dislike, reject, expel him.

And who wants to deal with someone who can always get away with it, shifting their problems to someone who turns up at hand? So that you don’t get into a pluck like a chicken, it’s much more reasonable from a person with Pluto in the 1st house to keep a distance.

But when Pluto sounds in its highest octave, everyone will be drawn to such a person. Just because he's like a lightning rod. He will save and save anyone even at the cost of his life or well-being.

The meaning of this life is that all our problems and losses are entirely predetermined. Remember, "not one hair will fall from your head without the will of the Lord." If someone is destined to lose something or suffer, it is only because someone has already suffered from this person in the past. And now we just have to pay the bills.

Pluto creates the temptation to avoid punishment. But this is only an illusion. If a person should not suffer, then, for example, in a battle he will close someone with himself and remain alive (just a miracle). And if it has to suffer, then, having avoided retribution when Pluto is turned on, it will simply suffer later from the activity of Uranus. Because you can’t make accidental and unnecessary problems, but you can’t hide from the laid ones.

Ideal Pluto in the 1st house gives a person who is not afraid to be around. Because he will not spare his belly, but will stand up for his neighbor.

The higher planets create great difficulties for everyone. But if they are in some other house, except for the first one, then they act only in this house. For example, the 6th house: only in work you need to go through inevitable losses and accept it under Uranus, only in work you need to honestly admit all your sins and hack-work under Neptune, and only in work you need to be ready to sacrifice yourself, taking voluntarily all the hardest things. And in all other areas, you can tremblingly become attached to what you have, you can embellish reality a little, you can not sacrifice yourself. But the 1st house makes the higher planets IMAGE a person. A person is obliged to be detached in EVERYTHING, he DOES NOT have the right to self-deception, he is ALWAYS expected to sacrifice. It is very difficult.


1. The problem with the planet in the first house is not very acute if the ruler of the 1st house himself is in it. Especially if there are no other planets there. Then it's like a human. Imagine that someone is at home and he is alone. He's definitely comfortable there. He can do absolutely anything he wants. No one puts pressure on him, does not point, does not set any limits. So is the ruler of the 1st house in the 1st house. A person with such a configuration decides for himself when and how to behave, how to present himself to whom, what to say, how to look. He is completely confident in himself, because he plays on his own field. Such a person has a lot of personal freedom. But this does not mean that you can completely ignore the expectations of other people about this planet.

2. A planet in the 1st house is in its own sign or exaltation. Such a configuration is not only not a problem, but also becomes a person's fulcrum. He immediately knows how to manifest the best (ideal) qualities of the planet. The owner of such a card is happy to demonstrate them himself (feeling his strengths in this), and people, in turn, expect just such behavior from him. Everyone is satisfied and happy.


The 1st house cannot be hidden. It will manifest itself always and everywhere, in any communication, in every life situation. Because this is your image - how others perceive you, and how you present yourself. The position of its ruler and any planet in it is a public moment, it is like a marking, a brand, a sign of quality. Everything that happens with the 1st house is obvious to everyone who intersects with you.

1st house cannot be localized. He has no boundaries. He stands over your entire life. It will manifest itself in the family, at work, on vacation, in a government house, etc.

From the foregoing, it follows that attention to the 1st house should be given increased attention. Order and harmony in it begin to bring a person up, while the slightest problems and flaws drown. The house in which the ruling planet fell and the planets in the 1st house should be felt as much as possible. All related recommendations and rules have been studied and implemented as diligently as possible.

Alla Kudlyuk, Voronezh, 2018

My articles on this topic:

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Reading a natal chart

The natal chart is divided into 12 segments - the houses of the horoscope. They cover all areas of our life. And they are not equal. The differences will be in everything - in the degree of workload, in the signs on the cusps, in aspects. This explains why all people are different.

In this article, we will talk about what stands out from the general picture in any natal chart.

Natal charts containing planets without major (Ptolemaic) aspects are not uncommon. Let's talk about the essence of this phenomenon.

It is noted that if some planet in the natal chart does not have major aspects (it is also called the planet “in the mine”), then it begins to behave somewhat “uranically”, unpredictably and poorly controlled. And its manifestation is prone to extremes. Either it will be suppressed or it will become accentuated. At the same time, such a planet can become the foundation for great achievements in the area of ​​their administration.

I want to talk about the key planets of the horoscope, about the luminaries. There are no “unimportant” points in the natal chart, any in case of defeat can bring disharmony. But the luminaries and the Lunar Nodes are more significant than anyone else and stand out against the general background.

This article was provoked by a number of questions asked to me during consultations and by correspondence.

Basic astrology considers the Septener planets (seen without a telescope and known from ancient times). They are divided into luminaries - the Sun and the Moon, I have already written a lot about them. And then there are benefactors, large and small, Jupiter and Venus, respectively. Malefics, also big and small, Saturn and Mars. And Mercury stands apart. It does not have a specific color and even gender. It takes on the color of the planet with which it interacts (aspect).

So let's talk about good and evil, in other words, and the influence of Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Mars. What to expect and what to fear in connection with their presence or impact?

In astrology, traditionally, the three houses of the horoscope are considered problematic. They have a bad reputation. This is the 6th, 8th and 12th. It has long been noted that it is through these three houses that a person in this life comes into contact with problems and troubles. All the pain and sorrow of our imperfect World lies in them.

The difficulty is that there simply cannot be a map without them. And even if in a person’s horoscope there are no planets at all in these houses, there are still planets-rulers that are located somewhere. And further, during life, all points of the horoscope in some periods must come into contact with these rulers. And they can also make ingression (entry) into these houses in slow directions. And just a few times in a lifetime, these houses will pass in the projections. In other words, no one can avoid contact with troubled houses at all. And the only thing we can do is prepare properly.

It is human nature to be self-aware. This is what makes us different from animals. In an anthill or a beehive, no one thinks about what kind of fate they got and is it worthy? Such reflections are not only peculiar to man, we are made up of them. All this life of ours is a continuous pursuit of individualization and isolation. We are constantly competing with each other. It seems that we realize that this does not paint us, but we are not able to stop.

Reading natal chart begins with understanding the nature of a person, the deep essence of his personality, inclinations, potential for realization.

Everything matters. Planets, signs, grid of house cusps, position and aspects of rulers, etc. For a full coverage of the topic, a book will not be enough. Here I will touch only work with the planets. And regardless of the signs of the zodiac. I will simply delve into the disclosure of planetary principles in relation to the character traits and inclinations of people.

It is human nature to strive to leave something behind, and therefore almost all people have some kind of passion for the soul associated with work. And everyone, without exception, would like to work in the direction where the eyes are burning and everything is to the heart. Only the realities of life are such that we dedicate evenings and weekends to hobbies, and go to work out of compulsion, taking into account what is in demand on the market. And by the time of choosing an education, we do not always understand our inclinations.

Further, any person develops and is sure to be interested in something. And there are often cases when passion leads to the development of very high qualifications. This is where the question arises - can I make money with this? At the same time getting pleasure from work and providing themselves financially.

The natal chart reflects our personality. Planets, falling into houses and signs, set up key points for the distribution of energy. What will please, what will strain, what you will have to do, and what will turn out by itself, without too much fuss. The grid of houses, superimposed on the zodiac, determines the character. In what areas of life will we be especially vulnerable, in which we will be as ambitious as possible, what will include pedantry in us, and what will be responsibility, where we will show pressure and onslaught, and in what, on the contrary, we are ready to make concessions, etc.

I do not think that at least one consultation of an astrologer takes place without the person not raising the question of how to finally harmonize the exciting topic before the specialist. So that the problems stop and everything gets better. This article is devoted to the answer to this question. What and how can we influence.

The meaning of burning for the planet is that the Sun of a person unconditionally controls it, but in return protects it from other people. The planet falls into a kind of isolation. She communicates only with the Sun and is deprived of communication with outsiders.

It's like with a child. Imagine that someone was not released into the world. Even if he had the most intelligent and advanced teachers, he lived in a castle and did not communicate with his peers. Can he develop into a harmonious personality? He will be emotionally dependent on his small circle of contacts and one-sidedly formed. But at the same time, he himself will not even guess about his inferiority, since there is no one to report this to and there is no one to compare himself with. Under those actions that were required of him, he was fully developed by mentors and very pleased with him. Such a prisoner is not even bad. Well-fed, dressed and regularly praised.

For each planet, the zodiac will be zones. In some, it will be comfortable and easy to express yourself, in others it will be neutral and in others it will be difficult. The planets are the traits of our personality. And the signs are the conditions for their realization.

The planets are what a person is essentially made of. And in different periods of time they fall into different signs of the zodiac. And the exact time of birth also determines their position in the houses of the horoscope. Our World is arranged in such a way that in no period of time there will be absolute harmony, as well as an absolute nightmare. Always at least one planet, let it fall into a sign that is uncomfortable for itself. As well as at least one, let it stand well. Immediately, for beginners in astrology who have just opened their chart and saw a planet in exile or fall - set aside panic, this is normal, almost everyone has their own.

There are two key (defining) sectors in the sky - this is the 1st house and the 10th house. We talked about the first one, and the 10th is that sector of the sky that at the time of birth was highest above the horizon. If at the time of the birth of a child just raise your head up, the 10th house is what we will see in the sky.

The 1st house defines the essence of a person, the very depth of what he really is. And the 10th determines how and in what the personality will most clearly and noticeably manifest itself. The 1st house is what a person is, and the 10th is what he will be famous for. The 1st house is the person's image and the 10th is reputation.

It is quite easy to analyze each planet separately, bringing together the sign in which it fell, the house and aspects with other planets. But when there is not just an aspect, but a connection, then it kind of glues two planetary principles together. And when there are several such planets (stellium), then a hodgepodge of sometimes mutually exclusive principles is created. Which often confuses novice astrologers. Let's figure it out.

First, any cluster of planets is not good. Everyone loves comfort and privacy. What a person, what even a small animal, everyone needs a personal room, a personal mink, a personal bedding, etc. And the planets are just as good. They are generally taller than us. They can easily reach us and influence us, but we cannot reverse them. So if we all here on planet Earth claim to seize the largest possible area for personal use and living, then the planets should not be content with joyfully hostel.

The stars themselves are stationary. Each is tied to a specific degree and minute of the zodiacal circle. And they will appear only if some other object that already belongs to our solar system.

In this case, an object from our solar system begins to receive an additional LIGHT SOURCE. Here, think about it, everyone receives light only from the Sun (they receive energy from our will), and for some lucky ones, some planet begins to have a second source of illumination. Or even the Sun itself sees the light of another object.

The topic of change of residence is very much in demand. Modern world very integrated, the borders between states and the distances between cities have become conditional and easily surmountable. People are increasingly looking for (or getting) a marriage partner from another city or even a country, a job offer associated with moving, establishing friendships outside the borders of states. And even when friends or like-minded people just appeared in another city (state) who are ready to help you adapt, the question arises - is it worth trying to move to permanent residence?

And there are those who simply cannot find themselves in the place of birth. As a rule, this is objectively determined by the natal chart. Such people intuitively begin to look for where it will be better for them, where conditions for their realization can open up. Yes, we are all born in order to work out something from our past, to suffer (difficulties in adaptation can simply be deserved by past sins), but absolutely everyone also has the potential that he is able to bring to this world. And that means that we all need to be able to find for ourselves such an environment (environment) in which we can open up, take place.

I myself would never raise this topic, it would never even cross my mind. But the practice is such that almost half of the people who applied for consultations asked me one. This is quite logical. Most often, the help of an astrologer is sought by those who are interested in this science. And falling under the “charm of consultation”, when you hear understandable and reasonable answers to your questions, there is a desire to learn how to do it yourself. Well, someone has been nurturing this issue for a long time without consultations.

For me, questions about the meaning of Jupiter arose a long time ago when I listened to audio lectures by O. G. Torsunov “Vedic Astrology”. In them, he did not touch on the principles of Jyotish, but simply gave deep interpretations of each of the planets of the septener. And for the first time I heard from him that the most important thing in the natal chart is Jupiter. That his strong position is able to fully extend and compensate for any problems in the horoscope. And his defeat will lead to problems and troubles.

Then a contradiction arose for me. On the one hand in the natal chart there is the Sun. This is our everything. It is the center, all other planets are physically subordinate to it. And it gives warmth and light to all other real objects of the horoscope. It is the source of energy for all living things. Then there is Saturn - he is the last of the septener planets, completes and closes the visible circle of planets, cleans up the tails, puts things in order and puts everything in its place. He controls time and death. There is also the Moon, it is closest to the Earth, it is visually the largest in the sky, it reflects the true essence of a person, as he is real. Jupiter is not the center of our system. It is not the last of the visible planets. And if you add the higher ones, then it turns out to be approximately in the middle. It is not the closest to the Earth, not the brightest. In general, it is not singled out by objective astronomical or physical indicators. Why then is his strength greater than everyone else's?

In the solar system, all planets move directly. But due to the different speed of rotation around the Sun and the geocentric construction of the natal chart, the phenomenon of retrograde appears. This is when it seems to an observer from the Earth that the planet has turned around and gone in the opposite direction, visually, as if describing a loop.

Since Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun and move along an internal orbit for us, they never move far from the Sun in the chart, even a sextile with the Sun is impossible for them. Their periods of retrograde in the map are not visually distinguished in any way, you only need to know about them (look at the tables of ephemerides). And all the planets after Mars have an orbit external to the Earth. Therefore, when they are in the same hemisphere as the Sun (if you visually evaluate the cosmogram), they are direct. In the zone opposite the Sun - retrograde. Retrograde is normal and is present in almost any chart. But at the same time, it causes a lot of fears and speculation, especially among novice astrologers. Let's try to understand the essence of this phenomenon.

According to the affected planets, there is no intermediate (average) manifestation, only extremes. Or a person is a fighter himself at a decent level of personal development, then he will squeeze the maximum out of the planet and even achieve more than many owners of harmonious cards. Well, those who like to go with the flow are very annoyed at their villainous fate and quickly become disappointed in their expectations and claims to life, through this they begin to show all the worst that is laid down along the line of tension in natal.

It's no secret that fear has big eyes. Aspiring astrologers tend to exaggerate the extent of the tragedy when they see a badly placed or negatively aspected planet. Especially when they undertake to read their own natal charts, or charts of children. In fact, there is no such defeat that a person would not be given strength to overcome.

In the broadest sense, the astrological houses represent the duodecimal division of the picture of the starry sky observed at the moment of birth from the place of birth. The system of Houses represents the rotation of the Earth around its axis, while the division into Signs of the Zodiac represents the movement of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun.

Houses are similar to signs, that is, the first house corresponds to Aries, the second to Taurus, the third to Gemini, and so on.

The interpretation of houses has something in common with the interpretation of signs, but at the same time, there are differences. If the signs are deep energy, then at home there is a more superficial, but also more noticeably manifested, event layer. Houses characterize the spheres of life and our attitude towards them, how things are going in each area, what events will happen and when.

12 houses, in principle, cover our entire life, any events that may occur in it. Here is a short interpretation astrological houses horoscope:

1 House Personality, early childhood, physical body, appearance, the home of our "I".

2 House- What we own, our attitude to property, finances and other material resources, the ability to earn money, use objects of the material world, deep values.

3 House- Direct connections and behavior in the social environment, direct communication, brothers and sisters, neighbors, short trips, social learning, perception of information, practical mind.

4 House- Ancestors, home, family roots, foundations, a place where a person feels safe, the home of a parent with whom a person has the closest connection, traditions, family karma.

5 House- Creative expression, children, love relationships, artistic creativity.

6 Housephysical health, relationships with superiors, service, work, daily work.

7 House- Partnerships, including marriage, society, open enemies, justice, legality, equal relationships, business ties, community service.

8 House- Property and finances of other people, inheritance, death, sex, rebirth, house of transformation and rebirth.

9 House– Philosophy, religion, law, world views, long journeys, religious beliefs, higher education, sports, languages, writing skills, collaborative thinking, shaping world consciousness.

10 House- Career, profession, connections with the outside world, the home of a parent with whom one is less closely connected, the purpose of life, political power.

11 House- Large groups and organizations, selfless relationships, acquaintance, friends, people of the same circle, hopes and desires, goal achievement, collective creativity, self-expression.

12 House- Secrecy mysticism, occultism, self-destruction, mental health, secret societies, degree of freedom, freedom, imprisonment (in hospitals, prisons, etc.).

"Point of Life"- The ascendant or top of the 1st house, from which the countdown of all houses begins, determines outward manifestation person: his appearance, behavior, lifestyle. Whereas the sign of the Zodiac, in which the Sun falls at the moment of birth and by which we usually determine our belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac, shows our deeper, psychological nature. That is why people born under the same sign are so different. The position of the Ascendant strictly depends on the minutes, and even seconds of birth, as well as the coordinates of the place in which it occurred.

The simplest calculations show that of the people currently living on the planet, approximately 400 million people belong to a particular Solar Sign. The number of people born on the same day of the living is approximately 20 thousand. Every seven hundred people were born at a certain minute, but if we consider that at that moment people were born in different parts of the planet, the claims of astrologers to assign the status of a unique individual to each horoscope become understandable. This statement is reflected in the picture of the Houses of the horoscope.

Having dealt with the correspondence of houses with zodiac signs, let's proceed to a more detailed examination of each house.

First house of the horoscope

First house means your personality, briefly characterized by "I myself", the most important house. Here you can determine the main character traits, demeanor, appearance, body structure, attitudes. In this house, events take place with active personal participation, life-changing events, including those affecting changes in the physical body, a change in life attitudes. This is a very important and strongly manifested house. The ascendant and planets in the first house are stronger than the sun sign, in any case, their influence is more noticeable from the outside.

If the top of the first house is in Aries, then the person is energetic and assertive, knows well what he wants, shows independence. As a rule, an athletic build, tall. Impulsive, impulsive.

Under Gemini at the top of the first house, a person is characterized by sociability, the desire to obtain new information. As a rule, it makes it easy to learn foreign languages. Quick, quick look. The skin is swarthy, easily sunburnt.

If the Ascendant hit in the sign of Virgo, then a person loves a healthy approach to everything. Critical, first of all, to himself, and with tense aspects, an inferiority complex may appear. Such a person likes to see the concrete results of his hard work.

Thus, we see that the Ascendant manifests the qualities of a sign in relation to the personality of a person, his appearance, and life principles. The planet in the first house is very important, as well as the location of the ruler and significator of the house.

Second house of the horoscope

Second house shows everything that a person owns, what he considers his own. Material conditions of life, property (more movable than immovable, which is more associated with the fourth house), money. It also shows the supply of vitality, attitudes towards material values, what things this person tries to surround himself with. Also here you can find out how a person spends earned money. Events in the second house are mainly related to receiving money, spending it, earning money, shopping.

If the top of the second house hits in the sign of Aquarius, then we can say that a person loves original things, new technology. If the top of the house is in Taurus, we can talk about good prerequisites for wealth, love for luxury, beautiful things and jewelry.

Third house of the horoscope

third house associated with the immediate environment. These are equal or almost equal people, those with whom a person interacts in Everyday life. This includes brothers, sisters, neighbors, colleagues (but not superiors and not subordinates). It is also the house of information - newspapers, radio, television, books, conversation, gossip, everyday communication - all these are the spheres of influence of the third house. Events related to the listed people take place in this house, short trips, obtaining information (receiving or writing letters, any correspondence is reflected here), business contacts, specific education as a sum of practical knowledge and skills. Places associated with this house are shops, libraries, transport stops, schools, colleges.

Fourth house of the horoscope

fourth house— "my roots." This is your own home, place of residence, family, place of rest, attitude to nature, small homeland, parents. This house also means completion, including natural death, as the end of a certain stage. It is also the foundation, education, support or base in life. Events in the fourth house: changes in the family, in the house, change of residence, completion of any activity.

At the top of the fourth house in Aries family environment is impulsive, life in the family is uneven. The problems of home life are solved by parental initiative. It may very well turn out that family life is, as it were, on a hike, without much comfort, and a person does not have a need for special comfort, coziness, and stability. It may turn out that they often move, or it may turn out that the parents are military. Conflict situations in the home can lead to head injuries or headaches. It may turn out that the mother has an aggressive character, while it is transmitted to the child, and the aggressiveness of the fourth house is very deep. Either this is not aggressiveness, but negativism, that is, internal, deep discontent and a projection of a negative character into the future. This feeling that a person can produce on others is the most difficult for him to trace in himself, since the 4th house is the deepest point of the horoscope.

When the fourth house cusp falls in the sign of Taurus, the situation in the house can be harmonious, it can be disharmonious, depending on the aspect of the ruler. And if it is harmonious or disharmonious, then a stable, stable atmosphere in the house. Depending on the aspect of the ruler, a person receives stable material support from his parents or needs it, hopes for it, but does not receive it. It's hard to change anything in this house. And if the parental environment does not match your taste, then you need to make a tremendous effort in order to do something at home to your taste. Parents can leave a fortune accumulated over many years of life, it may consist of buildings, territories, savings and savings. In an adult state, a person has a need to organize his own home according to the principle my home is my fortress, a place where he can hide, where he feels reliable, stable, stable. How well he succeeds, you will be shown by the planet in the house or the aspect of the ruler to the cusp. It should be a strong, beautiful, durable house, where there will be food supplies and valuables for a "rainy" day, there is concern about old age.

If the top of the fourth house in Gemini, then in the house there can be flexible relations, sensitive, an atmosphere of mutual understanding between parents and children, ease in relations, their intellectual nature, a large state is not obvious, there may be intellectual heredity (the manager will show what kind), frequent moving. Home life can be animated by numerous contacts, visits, departures of relatives. The idea of ​​sociability is present in the house, perhaps a lot of reading, perhaps a lot of talking on the phone. And most likely, all the neighbors are in the house.

In the case of Cancer on the top of the fourth house, the family environment pays great attention family past, traditions, people from the family. The family keeps archives, letters, documents. Family heritage is preserved and passed down from generation to generation. The condition can be quite solid, mainly on the part of the mother. It is extremely important for a person to create his own family, this is the goal of his life and can cause hard feelings if the family does not work out. Then he tries to create a family at work or work in areas where the situation turns into a family one: all kinds of children's institutions, orphanages, hospitals, public catering.

Position of the apex of the fourth house in Leo says that in family life a sense of hierarchy is observed, there is a chief, eldest, chief of the family. Relations with their own are open, clean, clear, independent. There may be paternal inheritance. The condition is solid, possibly has luxury items, gold, large valuables. This house is bright, bright, they are trying to make it luxurious. In his own soul, man seeks brilliance and superiority. He is very careful and reverent about his merits and how they are perceived. If he finds out that his actions are perceived unworthily, he is able to change them for the sake of self-love. After creating his own hearth, a person takes a patronizing or authoritarian attitude towards parents, he becomes the boss in the family and dictates his own terms.

If the top of the 4th house falls to Virgo, then miscalculations, practical meaning here have a strong influence on family life. In his soul, a person keeps a large number of duties and obligations, the inheritance, usually modest, consists of the fruits of labor of family members, is passed from hand to hand. Transfer of skill, some practical skills. The house is organized in humble taste, with simplicity, and satisfies the practical needs of man.

When we see Scales on top of the fourth house, then here family life is full of charm and taste. This is an elegant house, arranged in an aesthetic manner. Harmony and good mutual understanding among the members reign in the house. The house should be fashionable, secular, elegant, light. A person has the same soft and harmonious soul, communication with him brings you to peace, to a state of silence. Family life is necessarily a part of a person's emotional life. Social receptions, artistic, musical, literary salons can be organized in the house, not for the sake of celebrities, as it could be in Leo, but for the sake of communication, for the love of art.

When scorpio, the family situation is rather tense, it is often filled with feelings, jealousy, passion, hatred, death - these are problems that are discussed in the house, this is a state that passes through the house and changes it. It may turn out that family mourning is painful. It may be that questions about the material condition provoke conflicts, quarrels over inheritance, division of inheritance, family breakup on this matter. In this house there may be tendencies towards a secret life, there is a need to hide in your house and hide your soul, hide. This house, purely physically, can be organized with some kind of secret doors, with additional exits, with hiding places. External tragic events can lead to the physical destruction of the home, events such as all kinds of natural disasters, and the death of relatives. So deep in the house can be occult knowledge, interests, secret methods of treatment. This is the house of passion and the house of secrets.

When Sagittarius is at the top of the fourth house, then we can talk about spiritual, intellectual relationships in the family. The family, the laws of the family are subject to the moral principles of its members. Questions of conscience and honesty are the root causes of all kinds of discussions in the family, family councils, conversations about ethics, about behavior, family legends. Maybe the religious atmosphere in the house. From afar, this relationship looks very independent, but this is only from a distance. How are things really? A careful study of Jupiter in relation to the cusp of the fourth house and the Moon is necessary. A person feels great affection for his comforts at home, has his own forms of recreation, his own traditions. This family can completely, unlike Gemini, emigrate from their native country. Geminis tend to move from their home, leave their parents and go to another world. And Sagittarius, rather, will move all, all together.

If the moment of birth caught the peak of the fourth house in Capricorn, then in the house, usually, the situation is strict, dryish. The house may be dark, poor lighting. Family ties, relationships can be quite strong, deep, but they are very far from demonstration, any demonstrativeness, they look dry and restrained, although feelings can be deep and strong. There may be a single father, a widower. In this family, the slow but steady growth of property, consisting of land and buildings. The inner life of a person lacks liveliness, lacks feelings and sensitivity, he experiences some isolation from the world, his emotional life undergoes deprivation, limitations. The end of life can be chosen locally, at the end of life there can be a hermitage, a conscious limitation.

Finding the cusp in Aquarius gives family life organized in conditions of warm, fraternal understanding, in conditions of equal relations. In the house there can be numerous friendly receptions, relationships of disinterestedness, sincerity, deep, basic strengths of a person. At the end of life there is an intellectual atmosphere, but also the end of life can be subject to some abrupt, unexpected event that will change the emotional life of a person or his home, the atmosphere in the family.

Finally, if the top in Pisces, then in this family there are some elusive relationships, very similar to Tarkovsky's films, here is such a reality of a dream: something is happening, someone appears, it is not at all necessary who he is, some conversations are being held. Relationships can look ridiculous or strange. Sometimes this is expressed in an atmosphere of sacrifice, when the whole family sacrifices for the sake of the illness of another person, or when the parents demand a child's sacrifice, or the child himself sacrifices his life in favor of the parents, caring for them. It could be a sick mother. In this home life, there is an atmosphere of instability, unspoken conditions. There may also be some difficulties with the inheritance, sailing away from a person, or sailing incomprehensibly how and from where, from the unknown. They say that with such a house it is dangerous to live close to water, it is threatened with accidents and floods. If not close to water, then in such a house leaks of the roof and ceilings occur, pipes break through, cars break down - such a "fish" house. The danger is especially aggravated if the Moon or Neptune is in this house, or if the Moon and Neptune are afflicted in the chart.

Fifth house of the horoscope

fifth house responsible for creativity. These are any free self-manifestations of a person. Games, theatre, sports are for fun, not for career or money. Excitement, hobbies and entertainment, leisure. This house is also responsible for love, for love as a feeling, and not for marriage or sex, although sex for pleasure is also related to the fifth house. Another area of ​​this house are children and attitude towards them. Everything that brings joy and pleasure is associated with the fifth house. Events around the house - pleasure, love, the birth of children.

By studying the fifth house, the astrologer finds out to what extent a person will pursue pleasures, including extramarital relationships, finds out how gambling a person is, predicts possible success or failure in the love sphere, as well as relationships with children and with children.

For example, watermark on top of the fifth house, especially Crayfish, indicates a strong desire to have children, developed maternal feelings. If this is a man, then he will be very attached to his children.

Sixth house of the horoscope

sixth house associated with daily work. Ability to work, application of acquired skills. Subordinates and servants are also related to the sixth house. The presence of pets and attitude towards them.

The sixth house is also associated with health. By the planets in the house and the sign at the top of the house, predispositions to diseases can be determined. For example, Gemini at the top of the sixth house can give frequent colds, speech disorders, and generally speak of a weak respiratory system.

Events in the sixth house: work, getting a new position, dismissal, illness, treatment, recovery, relationships with subordinates, including servants.

Seventh house of the horoscope

seventh house- "my partner". House of relationships, longer and more serious than in the third or fifth houses. Various contracts, marriage and marriage partner are described by the seventh house.

In the horoscope, the seventh house also shows what type of partners a given person seeks.

If, for example, at the top of the seventh house is Aries You seek a partner who is energetic, physically active and enterprising, as well as able to shake you up to balance your well-being.

If in your horoscope Fish are on top of the seventh house, you tend to be overprotective of your partner and therefore you are attracted to partners who you can help and support during times of crisis. You are unlikely to be attracted to an active and proactive partner; rather, you tend to take on the role of leader in relationships.

Events around the house: the beginning of a relationship, the conclusion of contracts, marriage, and also, together with the eighth house, the termination of contracts, divorce.

Eighth house of the horoscope

8th house often associated with extreme conditions. This is the house of the border states. Extreme situations, emergency surgeries, death, risky or forbidden activities - all this is related to the eighth house.

Another meaning of the eighth house is sexual relations, as well as the personal sexuality of a person. The first sexual experience is always connected in some way with the eighth house, like an irreversible crossing of the boundary "before" and "after".

Other people's property, money, insurance, taxes and loans are another facet of the eighth house. Events around the house: injuries, operations, death (of oneself or someone close to you), transactions with other people's money, gaining or losing money, sex, risk, criminal cases.

Here a reasonable question may arise: how to distinguish between these events? How to determine if a person will have an accident or will get the first sexual experience? To do this, you need to look at the horoscope and current influences together, look at what other houses, planets are involved, and what aspects are formed.

Ninth house of the horoscope

ninth house- house of aspirations. Outlook, higher education, travel, worldview, ideology and religion are the realms of the ninth house. Foreigners and distant relatives are also related to this house. For example, Capricorn at the top of this house gives a conservative attitude to life, while Aquarius shows your openness to everything new, inventiveness, love of other countries and travel. Events at home: getting higher education (admission, graduation), long-distance travel, getting to know other cultures, changing your outlook on life.

Tenth house of the horoscope

tenth house- "the purpose of life". X-th house - the middle of the sky, MC, the highest point above the horizon, the top of the triangle, the evolution of man, where the second and sixth houses lie at the base underground, his financial situation with which he was born, the service that he is ready to perform in the house, and on the basis of this, the peak that he can reach in life, the highest task that a person sets for himself. The X-th house will show what are the means to achieve this goal, in what area a person seeks to succeed in life: in social, intellectual or spiritual. From this point, a person looks at himself from a height, this is his place in the structure, this is the goal of the embodiment of the personality, this is a way to integrate into the social structure, this is his attitude to the hierarchy. Here is spiritual teaching, here are those teachers whom a person chooses for himself and the area in which he wants to improve. Here is the administrative activity of a person, how he is adapted to it or not, here is the level of his professional success. Here we can see the activity of a person in accordance with his spiritual principles, his ability to purposeful activity, his strategic nature, what is the goal of his life, how much will to fulfill this goal. By this point you can find the God that a person creates for himself, his idol. This is his social status and the profession that he chooses for himself as the goal of life.

The position of the planets in this house is very important, as well as the position of the ruler of this house.

Success, fame, fame, social position are determined by the tenth house.

Events around the house - gaining fame, career growth. In general, all important events can take place in the tenth house. For example, marriage of convenience is more associated with the tenth house than with the seventh.

Eleventh house of the horoscope

Eleventh house- "associates". This house, first of all, describes a person's friends, relationships with friends. It also describes a person's attitude to the future, his plans.

When Aries gets to the top of this house, the person's friends are active. Often there is rivalry between friends, which promotes mutual growth.

If Capricorn is at the top of the eleventh house, then, as a rule, a person has few friends, in whom he, above all, appreciates reliability.

twelfth house of the horoscope

twelfth house the most difficult house to understand a person. He is responsible for everything hidden, inaccessible to man. He shows the intrigues and intrigues of behind-the-scenes enemies. Deprivation, illness are often associated with the twelfth house.

Emigration, separation from home, family, imprisonment, military service, chronic diseases are typical events of the twelfth house. It is also the house of karma that needs to be worked through. The nature of karma is determined by the position of the top of the twelfth house, as well as its ruler and significator.

Have you thought about the question: why is everything easy for some people, all doors open before them, they are listened to and appreciated. Luck is in their hands. And others work hard day and night, trying their best, but instead of success they get problems and bills for undermined health.

The secret lies in the work of the first House of the natal chart. Someone uses it and achieves a result. Some people don't and get in trouble. In this article, you will discover your most effective method implementation. What to do if fate does not hear you?

How to turn luck into a pattern?

From an astrological point of view, luck is not a random factor, but a regularity. Your success algorithm, luck event code.

The first House of the natal chart shows what needs to be done so that the world notices you. How do you show your initiative? How and with what help can you take something from fate?

For example, you want to get a job. The first House of the natal chart will show you how best to conduct an interview, what to focus on.

  • If you have Pluto in I - show initiative, activity, pressure, impudence, strong-willed qualities, show more than what is asked of you. For example, if you get a job as a manager, try to sell something right at the interview. The effect works on Pluto - it is better to see once than hear a hundred times.
  • If you have Neptune in I - focus on versatility, versatility. If you want to work as a designer, then study copywriting and other areas. You are in the role of a generalist.

Remember that luck is a sign that you are on the right track!

How do the planets of the first house of the natal chart work?

The first House of the natal chart is an event factor, there is no psychology in it. Does not indicate your character traits.

For example, if the Ascendant fell into the sign of Scorpio, this does not mean that you are tough, domineering. This is a recommendation of fate: that in all matters where you need to show yourself, you need to show toughness, pressure, will, and initiative. The way you are psychologically, your character traits are the theme of the Sun and the Moon.

In the natal chart, the First House means:

  1. How should I take the initiative?
  2. How should I present myself, how should I position myself, how should I behave in order to create opportunities? What to write on a business card? How to choose a logo for your project?
  3. My physical body. vitality level.
  4. My image. If Venus shows my clothing preferences, then the first house of the natal chart shows what really suits me.
  5. How to get the situation off the ground?
  6. How to reach the goal?

The planet in the 1st or the ruler of the Ascendant shows how to take the initiative, what talents you have:

  • Moon- adapt, accept, trust, put pressure on pity, be flexible, adapt. The ability to position yourself. The talent to take care, patronize, help is in demand by fate.
  • Mercury- the talent of a writer, orator. I take the initiative through words, letters or through someone else. The more I speak, I write, the more the world notices me.
  • Venus- the talent to present oneself, charisma, charm, the ability to endear oneself. Show initiative through other people, partnership, mutual concessions (you do this, and I do this). It is impossible to solve the situation in the forehead. The more connections, partners, the more I focus on my appearance, the more space gives me the opportunity to achieve my goal. The ability to adapt, yield yields results.
  • Sun– talent to ignite, motivate, inspire, be a leader. You need to show initiative through leadership, independence, activity, my “I want”. The more uniqueness, fire, individuality you have, the more you demonstrate yourself, the more chances you have to achieve what you want.
  • Mars- the talent to break through the walls with his forehead, to achieve his own, healthy perseverance. Fate forbids waiting, giving in. Requires to "plow", to be an active initiator, to argue, to defend their positions in order to get what they want.
  • Jupiter- the talent of a teacher, leader. The more I am in the role of an expert, mentor, philosopher, social figure, the more I show my merits, the more opportunities.
  • Saturn- strategist, organizer, ability to put everything on the shelves. Fate hears me if I am in the role of a boss in life, a cold person, if I set goals, clearly outline my interests. The ability to demand, the ability to turn off emotions, great endurance, the skill of an organizer increase my chances of being realized.
  • Uranus- in matters of initiative, I am guided by cold analysis, calculation. Before I do anything, I calculate different variants development of the situation. You can't act fast and hope for luck.
  • NeptuneCreative skills, good imagination. Recommendation to act secretly (for example, under a pseudonym). When I need to achieve something, I show flexibility, I don’t tell anyone about my intentions. It is impossible to solve the situation directly, workarounds are required. For example, if I want a promotion at work, when talking with my boss, I come from afar.
  • Pluto- the ability to "press", leadership, the ability to penetrate the essence of things, magical abilities. Fate requires to show will, pressure, determination, a share of arrogance, to open a second wind in order to show oneself. Any situation of initiative tests you for strength. If you endure, you get more than expected.

For example, You want to advise, but don't know how to present yourself. Suppose your first house of the natal chart is ruled by the Sun. I focus on my author's methods, ways of working, add a creative touch, reduce the importance and formality to the maximum. I design a website or a business card in golden colors.

If Saturn, I clearly describe my achievements, experience, set strict limits and rules. Add rigor and minimalism to your style.

What do others think of you?

In the natal chart, the first house is how other people see me. What is the first impression I make on other people? How should I present myself? This is the first thing a person encounters when they meet you.

For example, the Ascendant is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Cancer. People around will see such a person as cold, practical, tough. But continuing communication (reaching the Moon), it turns out that in fact the person is sensual, friendly and trusting.
Surely you had a situation when at the first meeting you didn’t like a person (or vice versa, you liked it), but after a while you changed your attitude towards him.

Turn on the ruler of the ascendant!

The ruler of the Ascendant shows where, under what circumstances you can act freely, where your personality will be in demand. Where your initiative and personal participation is required.

Ruler of the Ascendant in I

A person is needed everywhere and always, usually does not cause difficulties with implementation. A strong indication that the native can make a brand out of his name. The more a person demonstrates himself, shows his talents, the greater the success. The planet in the role of ruler of the Ascendant plays an archi-important role. The rule works: as soon as I start to take the initiative, the world immediately picks it up.

The task is to prove oneself in the world (on the planet to the ruler of the Ascendant).

Ruler of the Ascendant in II

The mission is in the field of finance and property. You need to learn how to earn and provide for yourself. The indications of the 2nd House complete the picture. You can't get away from the material. The more my income, the more opportunities. Fate especially strongly requires attention to your body, health and appearance.

The task is to secure a solid financial position.

Ruler of the Ascendant in III

A person is realized through communication, acquaintances, connections, trips. The wider the environment, the more opportunities. A good indication of blogging, writing. The universe will recognize you through the word, learning.

The task is to learn how to get to know each other, to become a mediator, an organizer. Show yourself through the word.

Ruler of the Ascendant in IV

For the realization of the personality, the family, the house, to create a safe rear for oneself is important. As well as all areas related to real estate and home interiors. From the unusual - an appeal to history, the study of traditions, their roots.

The task is to build a house, create a family.

Ruler of the Ascendant in V

Growth through creativity, creating your own projects, business, speeches, writing a book or picture, showing yourself, having children with women. For men, through business.

The task is to create something, give birth to a child, speak in public, be noticeable.

Ruler of the Ascendant in VI

Mission through service, helping others, caring for pets. In order for a personality to reveal itself, an idea or meaning is needed, to which it will symbolically serve. This meaning can be expressed in a social idea, duties, or in a boss.

The task is to be useful, to help others.

Ruler of the Ascendant in VII

Implementation through partnerships, creating connections, the ability to negotiate and communicate with people. Growth through the ability to fight, compete, defend your rights in open confrontation, if the ruler of the Ascendant is Mars, the Sun or Pluto.

The task is to learn how to interact with people, starting from partnership and ending with the solution of controversial issues.

Ruler of the Ascendant in VIII

A person will open up through crises, radical changes and transformations. You need to try yourself in life as much as possible, for example, in different professions and spheres. Implementation is possible through entrepreneurship, wherever there are risks and dangers, where you need to improvise. The world seems to constantly want to test your strength.

The task is to change yourself, temper your personality, pass the endurance test.

Ruler of the Ascendant in IX

Self-realization through everything foreign, abroad, the study of someone else's mentality, culture. High knowledge, immersion in philosophical questions are important for a person. On the earthly level - growth through elitism, familiarization with something unique, the upper strata of society.

The task is to expand your worldview, gain social status, respect.

Ruler of the Ascendant in X

Realization through status, power and career. You have to learn to set goals and achieve them. The native needs to take responsibility, learn to manage and lead. A person grows rapidly wherever there is a hierarchy, bosses and subordinates, a rigid system.

The task is to gain power, influence, learn to lead and manage.

Ruler of the Ascendant in XI

A person will find himself through collectives, masses, public ideas, subscribers, fame. A good indication of creating a blog, the Internet sphere, speaking, PR. Opportunities come through fame and fame.

The task is to create your own society, to become an opinion leader, to be in the public eye.

Ruler of the Ascendant in XII

Growth through migration, immersion in a foreign culture, psychology, charity. You can’t openly show yourself, create an illusion (for example, take a pseudonym). Don't talk about your plans. Fate does not seem to notice you if you act openly. Prayers, visualization, approach work unrealistically: higher power take care of me.

The task is to hide oneself from the world, to plunge into the subtle world, to act from behind the scenes.

Take action!

The First House in the natal chart is one of the powerful tools in social life. Remember, the world is waiting for you to take the first step.

Zodiac signs and houses in natal astrologyso intertwined that at first glance, these two terms may seem one and the same.

For example, the 2nd house is responsible for money and matter. Just like the second sign of the Zodiac - Taurus. But this similarity lies only on the surface. In fact, there is a huge and significant difference between houses and signs, which you will learn about from this article.

The main principle of astrological language

Astrological language has its own rules. One of them is an astrological sentence:

  • Planet (Who? What?) is a noun.
  • Zodiac sign (What?) - an adjective.
  • House (Where? What does he do?) - predicate.

The planets are the main actors in the star map scene. The planets set the tone, play their roles, are the main driving force .

The main function of the zodiac signs

Is it to describe a planet orhouse in natal astrology, show how you can activate any point on the map.

In other words, the signs of the Zodiac can be compared to the clothes of the planets or the scenery on the stage, on which the planet-actors play their roles. Every planet has its favorite weekend suit, and there are clothes that spoil the planet.

How will the zodiac signs affect Mars?

Mars is a planet that is responsible for activity, how we defend our interests, how we show aggression. The sign of the Zodiac in which Mars is located will indicate exactly how we will manifest the functions of the red planet.

For example, Mars in Aries is like a young warrior, who is knee-deep in the sea, who is not afraid of anything. Such a person will show his aggression openly, easily get annoyed and "turn on" for any reason.

Whereas Mars in Taurus will show its aggression according to the principle - I endure I endure, and then I will arrange a huge thrashing to everyone who comes to hand. A person with Mars in Taurus will not be aggressive by nature, but it is better not to bring him to a boiling point.

As you can see Mars is different signs will behave differently. In Aries, Mars is impulsive and hot; in Taurus, reserved and moderate.

Main function of signs - description

How does fate manifest itself through houses?

Houses in natal astrologyare directly related to events in our lives. Houses show exactly where this or that planet should manifest itself.

Houses can be conditionally called a manifestation of fate. That is, where exactly fate will require certain actions from us.

In short:

  • Signs of the Zodiac - our personal characteristics, character traits.
  • At home - where we need to show our personal characteristics.

For example, Mercury is in the 9th house. Mercury is the planet of communications, knowledge and communication. According to the IX house, fate will create circumstances where a person will communicate a lot with foreigners, study foreign cultures, and plunge into higher knowledge.

How to connect signs and houses?

But it's not always so simple. Very often, the meaning of the sign and house in natal astrology can contradict each other, causing internal problems.

For example, Mars is in Pisces in the 8th house.

Mars in Pisces says that the native is by nature very kind, not aggressive, it is difficult for him to defend his principles - it is easier to give in.

But Mars in the VIII house shows that fate will create situations where the native will need to give a tough rebuff, perhaps even aggressively defend their interests, in other words, fight in full.

Internally, a person with a fishy Mars will absolutely not want to fight, but fate will force him.

How to find a solution?

The solution is to find a compromise. To put it simply, the meaninghouses in natal astrologywill override the value of the sign. That is, the sign of the zodiac must adapt to .

A native in our situation needs to learn how to fight, but like a fish - with secret and covert actions, but very tough. This will be the karmic task of Mars in Pisces in the VIII house.

Well, if you want to study the theme of houses and signs more deeply, as well as plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

Many in astrology have heard about such a concept as houses in which planets are located at the time of a person’s birth, and: what “houses” in astrology are responsible for. In fact, they show the coordinates in which the Earth was at the time of the birth of a person and how the planets are located there. These parts are unequal and do not always correspond to the signs of the Zodiac. You can accurately determine their position if you know the hour and place of birth of a person. And calculations of houses can be made according to Placidus tables or special computer programs. This is what houses mean in modern astrology.

What is each home responsible for?

Planets in the signs of the Zodiac have a strong or weakened influence. And the houses in which they arrive at the time of birth may indicate the following aspects of life.

  • 1st house is responsible for the appearance of a person, character traits, shows the manner of behavior, ways of self-affirmation and corresponds to the sign Aries. The planets that are in this house show in what ways a person begins to conquer this world.
  • The 2nd house is filled with the energy of Taurus. He is responsible for the values ​​of a person, both moral and material, financial resources, savings, abilities, experience, skills and talents, and sometimes mastery.
  • The 3rd house is associated with communication. It corresponds to Gemini. Responsible for external contacts of a person, brothers and sisters, acquaintances and external relations, as well as communication skills of a person.
  • 4th house is responsible for the family, family values. It is associated with the sign of Cancer. Indicates constancy in human life, the desire for stability, prosperity, family values, relationships with parents, heredity and the end of life (wealth or poverty, oblivion or reverence).
  • 5th house is associated with Leo. He is responsible for artistic aspirations and abilities, desires to be in public, the presence of lovers, self-sufficiency, vanity, how much a person will strive in his life for luxury, a bright and beautiful life.
  • The 6th house is indirectly related to the Virgo sign. It corresponds to work outside of one's calling, medicine, health, subjugation, dependence, caring for animals and their presence in a person's life, diseases, everything related to cosmetology and medicine.
  • The 7th house corresponds to Libra and is related to communication with a partner, psychology, marriage, long-term relationships, various contracts, legal science, courts.
  • The 8th house is associated with Scorpio. He is responsible for the risk and extreme in a person's life, danger, big and other people's money, inheritance, crime, fatal diseases, injuries, danger, magic, sex.
  • 9th house - the house of Sagittarius - is responsible for philosophy, religion, various distant roads, travel, higher education, teaching, divine law.
  • The 10th house, corresponding to Capricorn, is responsible for careers, positions, politics, fame, long-term savings.
  • The 11th house, which is related to Aquarius, is associated with the future, scientific discoveries, occult sciences, friends, non-standard behavior, friendship, selflessness and character traits inherent in Aquarius. May be responsible for oddities, non-standard behavior and actions.
  • The 12th house - the house of Pisces - shows deep spirituality, solitude, various secrets, secret knowledge, occultism, monasticism, rejection by the world and creativity in solitude. Also means spirituality, special knowledge and revelation.

planets and houses

Planets in them can show what will be essential in your life. For example, the sun in the 11th house shows sociability, kindness, selflessness and the desire for love, openness and good character, and the sign of the Zodiac in which it is located shows the form of expression of this. And what they are responsible for at home in astrology is for events that will be important in a person’s life. Their coding requires special decoding and a good astrologer.

So, now it is clear why houses are needed in astrology, what they are responsible for and how they affect the horoscope. In a personal horoscope, houses are more important than the signs of the Zodiac. However, a professional astrologer will help to understand all the intricacies.