People born in the year of the metal dragon. Eastern horoscope - Dragon: characteristics of those born in the year of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon - what years belong to this sign? These are 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. They leave a rich and long life to individuals born under this mysterious symbol.

The sign of this animal has an extraordinary astronomical influence on the fate of the representative of this year. However, one should not think that a person born in the year of the Dragon may not make special efforts to achieve success in life. Many representatives of this sign are gifted with high intelligence from birth. The most important thing is not to be lazy and be able to show it in time and with benefit.

Positive and negative traits

A person born in the year of the Dragon, in any company, unwittingly finds himself in the spotlight. He is very original in his judgments, therefore he feels genuine interest from those around him. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by an inexhaustible supply of vitality and amazing performance. People born in the year of the Dragon are sometimes capable of impulsive, rash acts. But this is more the exception than the norm.

Representatives of this sign have a fairly wide range of hobbies. They give special preference to sports hobbies. It is the Dragons that are known as avid travelers and lovers of novelty. In the industrial sector, they are able to succeed in many fields: in medicine, acting, military affairs and pedagogy. This is not the whole list of professions available to the brilliant representative of this sign.

Year of the Dragon - what years are suitable for love relationships?

For people born in the year of the Dragon, the Chinese horoscope advises to pay attention to partners born under the signs of the Rooster, Monkey and Rat. Representatives of these signs, each in their own way, will perfectly complement the Dragon. It will not be difficult for a rooster to live in the shadow of a partner's glory. If necessary, he can easily survive a period of lack of money, which will please the practical Dragon. The monkey, with its inherent flexibility, will easily adapt to the difficult nature of the Dragon man. The Rat will conquer the partner with its devotion and ability to manage the family budget. Undesirable partners for family relationships with the Dragon are the Tiger and the Dog. Tiger people are quite charismatic and tend to bring imbalance into the life of the Dragon. Such a relationship is more likely to resemble a fight club than a harmonious relationship of a loving couple. Dog-People for the Dragon are overly tense, wary and pessimistic. These qualities can annoy the self-confident Dragon, and he will quickly get tired of supporting the spirit of his dreary partner.

Year of the Dragon: zodiac horoscope

Dragon-Aries is very stubborn and persistent. In part, this will help him achieve his goal. But if he had more flexibility, he would have hit fewer bumps on the way to his success. For such a person, it is especially valuable to have a reliable friend who could help him with advice at a crucial moment. Dragon-Aries is a born specialist in the field of trade, construction and utilities. The Taurus Dragon is distinguished by its delicate taste and love for everything elegant. He is more of a poet and a romantic at heart. He can perfectly realize himself in art as a designer, fashion designer, artist. These Dragons are great family men.

Gemini-Dragon is a rather contradictory nature. His mood can change dramatically from the greatest good nature to terrible anger. These people need to find a middle ground so that their life path is more balanced. endows the Dragon with dreaminess. Often the plans of such a person are far from reality. They are encouraged to create solid ground under their feet. The Dragon Lion is known to love to shine. He will feel organically if he is in the center of attention. The Virgo constellation gives its owner perfect practicality and eloquence. Such a Dragon has the gift of persuasion and can boldly carry the most original ideas to the people.

The Libra Dragon does not like routine. He can often say that he is tired of everything: the food is tasteless, the opposite sex is uninteresting. It is desirable for him to change the situation more often and be enriched with new impressions. Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, is always focused on global affairs. This is a perfectionist person. Either all or nothing! He is fearless and often likes to get involved in adventurous affairs. The Sagittarius Dragon is the most reasonable and accommodating among his fellows. He does not gravitate towards world fame, but has all the makings of a "grey eminence". This is a responsible colleague and reliable friend with a pleasant disposition.

The personality traits of the Dragon-Capricorn are based on stability. However, the representative of this sign is not without originality. If he chooses entrepreneurial activity, then it will not be a trade in flowers, but a sale of exotic animals. Dragon-Aquarius has a demanding character in relation to himself and the people around him. He is acutely experiencing failures and easily falls into depression. This attitude is inevitably reflected in the activities in which he is engaged. Dragon-Fish is unusually sensitive. He is a connoisseur of all things beautiful. Unfortunately, for many representatives of this sign, Astrologers advise such Dragons to devote most of their time to meditation and other practices.

Metal Dragon ( 1940, 2000)

Representatives of the Metal Dragon are distinguished by their originality, liveliness of thought and unshakable willpower. Such people can be called revolutionaries. They are not afraid of loneliness and are called upon to translate bold ideas into reality. It is important for people of the Dragon sign, whose years of birth fell on the above, to pacify their excessive temper.

Water Dragon (1952, 2012)

Such a Dragon is unusually lucky. He is dynamic and friendly. The only thing is that he may suffer from a lack of a sense of humor. But his ability to empathize with people and forgive them for their weaknesses smooths out this feature.

Wood Dragon (1904, 1964)

Representatives of this year are characterized by detailing of ongoing events and practicality. They often become generators of various interesting ideas and always try to translate them into real life. These Dragons are distinguished by special generosity, humor and generosity of actions.

(1916, 1976)

What are the personalities born in this year of the Dragon? Years of metal endowed them with a stable inner core. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious and responsible specialists in any field. Although emotionally closed, Fire Dragons are well-liked due to their leadership abilities.

Earth Dragon (1928, 1988)

This is the most balanced Dragon of all its brethren. He has a lively and inquisitive mind. This person always knows what he wants and persistently achieves his goal. The Earth Dragon has all the prerequisites to become a successful entrepreneur or financier. People born in the year of the Earth Dragon are excellent diplomats and very popular in all circles.

Years of the Dragon:

1904,1916,1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

In the East, the Dragon is considered a symbol of joy and good luck, life and growth. This is a sign of heavenly power and the most favorable astronomical influence. unstoppable enthusiast,

The dragon sometimes makes serious miscalculations - after all, people of this sign are so easily addicted.

Often his benefits are only an illusion, however, as is the strength of the individual. This bizarre beast both exists and does not exist at the same time. Born by the imagination of the people, serene and powerful, he will spew fire, gold and water, but he himself will be burned after the holiday, and from the ashes, like a phoenix, a new Dragon will be reborn.

Despite the frightening appearance of the beast, a person born this year is a very sweet and good-natured creature. Dragons are smart, open, intelligent people. They are not petty, not capable of hypocrisy and slander. You can always rely on them. In most cases, Dragons look solid.

Since childhood, the Dragon, being a self-sufficient person, has been trying to defend its freedom and independence. He seeks to quickly escape from the parental nest and begin an independent life.

There are many dreamers, romantics and homebodies among the Dragons. They surprisingly know how to combine dreams with lying on the couch and do nothing to make them come true.

People of this sign have excellent health, are energetic, easily excitable, sometimes stubborn and harsh. Honest, emotional, decisive, but distinguished by self-will. Frank, and their opinion is always justified. These are capable people. They don't like to borrow money and make speeches.

Dragons tend to be soft-hearted and often let others get the better of them. True, this is not for long: they quickly get rid of their delusions.

The dragon is proud and capable of much - this is a strong-willed, hardy, generous person. He can and knows how to lead.

As a rule, the Dragon does not need anything in life. He is capable of excelling in any field. If he wants to devote himself to a great cause, he will definitely achieve his goal. Unfortunately, he might just as well go to a bad cause and win: he is a born winner.

There is an excess of strength and activity in the Dragon. Such a person is full of health, he is constantly on the move. He has a spirit of adventure and adventure. Dragons have great vitality. As you know, if you cut off one head, two grow. Usually they accurately assess the situation in their environment (from a bird's eye view) and quickly and accurately solve all problems.

Open and pure as gold, the Dragon is not capable of pettiness and hypocrisy, slander, and does not adhere to even the most elementary diplomacy.

In communication, the Dragon is categorical and at the same time very trusting. Although he is not naive, he can always be deceived. When the Dragon finds out about the betrayal, he first falls into depression, and then pulls himself together and then ... beware of the enemy. The dragon strikes mercilessly. Therefore, he practically does not have obvious enemies, and if there are any, then they act on the sly. Enemies are well aware that in a fair fight they will lose. The only way to defeat the Dragon is by cunning, luring him into a trap from which he cannot escape, and cutting off all possible escape routes for him.

The dragon often worries for the wrong reasons. His desire for improvement makes him demanding of himself and others.

He is scrupulous. It requires a lot, but gives a lot more. Irritable and stubborn, the Dragon is often unrestrained in his language, and his word is often ahead of his thought. However, his opinion, well or badly expressed, must be taken into account, since he usually gives good advice. This person is always in the spotlight, his views and judgments are highly valued, as he always has an original opinion on every issue.

With the obvious makings of a leader, Dragons achieve good results when they try to realize their ideas. They can make a great career, make a decent fortune, in general, take one of the warmest places under the sun. Dragons are naturally endowed with many abilities. In addition, the Dragon is a purposeful person. Having set a goal, he goes to it, not turning off the path and not exchanging for nothing. He tries to shift small work to others, but he always reaps the fruits of success himself.

He has a difficult character and will rarely be satisfied with his life.

The Dragon will have little difficulty in the first phase of his life, because he will demand a lot from his loved ones. Selfishness, arrogance, inner nervousness and intolerance prevent them from seeing the value of other people.

His artistic temperament will cause many problems in the second phase of his life. In fact, he will be admired, he will be obeyed. How small his sorrows are, so great is his success.

But he will be happy even if he doesn't realize it, last phase his life, which will bring him everything he desires.

In general, Dragons are peaceful creatures. For their loved ones, they can do a lot of good. And from an excess of feelings generously bestow and strangers who need help. People who have fallen under the magical charm of the Dragon try to follow all his instructions, as they feel that he is right. If desired, he is able to negotiate with anyone. A person born under the sign of the Dragon is distinguished by prudence, calmness and self-esteem.

Dragon Man. Characteristic

The Dragon is always successful, and Dragon men can safely be called lucky. They are born under the sign of good luck.

A bright and extraordinary personality, self-centered, eccentric, dogmatic, bizarre or always demanding attention, sometimes imprudent, a man of this sign cannot imagine his life without a crowd of admirers.

He is proud, aristocratic and very direct. The representative of this sign has a lively character, he is self-confident and conceited, irritable and stubborn, but at the same time intelligent, generous, not prone to pettiness, hypocrisy and slander.

The Dragonborn defines his ideals early and demands from others the same high standards that he has set for himself.

Many Dragons are endowed with high intelligence and excel in almost everything.

He is often loved by women, but rarely loves himself. Therefore, he never has love disappointment or grief.

The dragon is distinguished by good health, great vitality and incredible energy. He is ready to work day and night to achieve what he wants, although he is quite impulsive and does not always imagine the consequences of his own actions. He prefers to live for today, and nothing irritates him more than waiting.

He is an individualist and a thinker. And always absorbed in his work. Everyone pays attention to him. He himself believes that he was created for higher purposes, prose studies do not attract him.

Dragon woman. Characteristic

Many Dragon women complain about their coldness, which creates a lot of problems for them, not realizing that this is a feature of their energy.

Dragon Woman is a good family man and friend. Strives for marriage, prefers constancy and clarity in relationships. Friends are always supportive. He takes care of the children.

In love and in life, the Dragon always strives to win, while he loves to impress others. And if it doesn't work out right away, it gets very upset.

In any field, the Dragon Woman is able to achieve great success. She is smart and practical. Sometimes it seems tough and strict, but this is only an appearance: she has a good heart.

Once in play, she's capable of beating you on your field... or dying fighting back. But she will never go with the flow and bend under the blows of fate.

To tell the truth, the Dragon Woman is a purely business person. She shows this, by the way, with her whole appearance.

For example, she prefers practical and functional clothes - no frills, unnecessary laces, buttons and flounces, a minimum of complications!

In life, a Dragon woman is usually lucky. She successfully makes a career, she always has many friends. True, some consider her arrogant and cold, but she does not care about someone else's opinion.

Thanks to her showiness and good manners, she invariably enjoys great success with men. She immediately “swallows” a weak man.

During her life, she is offered her hand and heart more than once. It remains only to make the right choice.

At home, she sets her own rules and demands that the household strictly obey them. She hates limits.

When communicating with Dragons, it should be borne in mind that they do not like indecisive, expectant, always hesitant people. They also dislike conservatives and bureaucrats. Dragons like the same bright, strong, outstanding personalities, like themselves.

Dragon Varieties

Metal Dragon (1940, 2000, 2060)

Water Dragon (1952, 2012, 2072)

Wood Dragon (1904,1964, 2024)

Fire Dragon (1916,1976, 2036)

Earth Dragon (1928,1988, 2048)

Born in the Year of the Dragon

Tommaso Campanella, Omar Khayyam, Joan of Arc, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, Henri Saint-Simon, Edgar Poe, Friedrich Engels, Oscar Wilde, Nicholas I, Nicholas II, George Plekhanov, Sean O'Casey, Bernard Shaw, Vladimir Kokkinaki, Pablo Neruda, Alexander Grin, Mikhail Sholokhov, Maxim Gorky, Yumzhagiin Tsedenbal, Eduard Shevardnadze, Josip Broz Ito, Alexei Kosygin, Dmitry Karbyshev, Arkady Gaidar.

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Dragon: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

For the peoples of the East, the Dragon at all times was the personification of strength, power and wisdom. Ancient astronomers associated the image of this mythical animal with stars and planets, through it communication with celestial objects was carried out and the future was predicted.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Dragon

A person born in the year of the Dragon is surprisingly bright, strong, optimistic. chic and attractive.Wherever he is, whoever surrounds him, he will not be able to go unnoticed.

Dragon - in the East it is a symbol of joy and good luck. This is a sign of heavenly power and the most beneficial astronomical influence. It symbolizes life and growth. The dragon brings four prosperity: wealth, virtue, harmony and longevity. But each medal has its reverse side, and if the Dragon has an impression of an easy fate, do not forget that this is only his illusion. Every day the Dragon shines, but its brilliance is not bright, it cannot blind, and its strong personality is only an appearance. The dragon is a chimerical animal. It doesn't really exist: it's a parade animal, serene and powerful. In accordance with all needs, he will spew fire, gold and water, but he will be burned after the holiday, and, like a phoenix, he will be reborn from the ashes for the next holiday.

The dragon always stands out from the crowd due to its energy, imagination, and original view of the world. He is always in the center of attention and in his arsenal there are always a lot of jokes and entertaining stories. You can identify a person born in the year of the Dragon by his confidence, brilliance, and the expression "soul of the company" suits him perfectly. These people are highly inquisitive. They tend to have many varied hobbies. But, it often happens that, having caught fire with something, he can quickly lose interest in this. He does not like narrow boundaries, familiar hobbies, permanent work. It's too boring for him.

The Dragon is always moving forward and can achieve great success in a variety of activities. He can handle the career of an artist or a priest, a warrior or a doctor, a politician or a miner. If he has to devote himself to a great cause, he will always achieve his goal. Unfortunately, he might just as well go to a bad cause and win: he is a born winner. The breadth of the Dragon's interests, his sharp mind, creativity, combined with confidence and inner strength make him a fascinating conversationalist and a surprisingly charismatic person who finds it difficult to refuse a request. People are subconsciously drawn to him and easily fall under his charm, thanks to which all secret locks and doors open before the Dragon. The dragon can rightly be called lucky and the darling of fate. What for others is the ultimate dream, he does easily and without noticeable effort, he does many things as if by themselves. Therefore, he is often envied and weave intrigues.

People born in the year of the Dragon are optimistic and never get upset over small things. They live a vibrant, fulfilling life, knowing that new opportunities and money spent will soon replace lost opportunities and money. However, being a strong personality, the Dragon knows how not only to calmly treat the gifts of fate, but also courageously endure difficulties and failures.

People born in the year of the Dragon are very wise and courageous. They have huge potential. If they do not scatter their attention on various trifles, but direct their powerful energy in one single direction, they will be able to realize any, even the most fantastic dreams. The dragon is simply born to achieve the impossible.

In China, it is believed that the Dragon can count on wealth, strength, success and longevity. And communication with the Dragon can bring happiness to people. The dragon is naturally endowed with good health directly - the same superhuman vitality, temperament. Conflicts and extreme situations, struggle, passions - everything that is beyond the power of a "mere mortal" is the element of the Dragon.

The dragon loves everything spectacular. Attaches great importance to appearance. He is very sensitive. Often worries for the wrong reasons. His desire for perfection makes him demanding both of himself and of others. He is scrupulous. It demands a lot, but brings a lot more.

The Year of the Dragon corresponds in Western classical astrology.

Metal Dragon: 1940, 2000

People born in the years of the Metal Dragon are distinguished by their brightness and strong will. They are energetic, vain, sometimes even too harsh. The Metal Dragon says what he thinks and does not try to take into account people's feelings and be objective in dealing with others. If people do not support his ideas, he is not particularly upset and goes his own way alone. Usually this is a person of high moral character, respected by friends and colleagues.

Water Dragon: 1952

The Water Dragon is easy to communicate with and friendly with others. It is joyful, easy and pleasant to do business with him. His wit, ability to feel the situation and the mood of people, make him an excellent conversationalist and soul of the company.

The main disadvantage of people born in the year of the Water Dragon is the tendency to jump from one to another, the inability to concentrate on any one goal.

Wooden Dragon: 1904, 1964

People born in the year of the Wood Dragon are born businessmen. They are able not only to theorize, but also to do practical actions. The inquisitive mind of the Wood Dragon goes into all the details of the case, he always has a lot of interesting ideas in store and he strives to make all his dreams come true. Differs in generosity and generosity.

Fire Dragon: 1916.1976

People born in the year of the Fire Dragon have an amazing ability to work. They strive to excel in everything they undertake. In the team they are respected for their directness and honesty. They have innate leadership qualities and a strong will. They tend to rely only on their own feelings and judgments. The thoughts and interests of other people are often not taken into account. Fire Dragon characterized by isolation, which interferes with his life. Loves music and art.

Earth Dragon: 1928, 1988

People born in the years of the Earth Dragon are good businessmen and financiers. It is much easier for them than other representatives of the zodiacal circle, it turns out, to earn a solid fortune. They are calm and balanced, have diverse interests and are always aware of what is happening in the world. Earth Dragons set clear and precise goals for themselves, and they usually have no problem getting material or moral support from the outside.

Year of the Dragon - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the personality of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon, most often, have excellent health, an inexhaustible source of vitality, activity. They are clean and open, they do not know how to trifle and hypocrisy. They are gullible, so they are often deceived. They are also extremely sensitive and tend to worry about minor things. Also, the Dragon is very demanding both to himself and to others.

Negative aspects of the personality of the Dragon

The disadvantages of people born in the year of the Dragon include their intemperance in language. Their words, most often ahead of thoughts. But, the Dragon always gives good advice, so you should listen to them, no matter if they put them well or not.

Career and money of the Dragon sign

The dragon is not able to make a career in the usual sense of the word - that is, set a goal and strive for this goal for years. After all, life is so interesting and diverse that it simply cannot be subordinated to just one thing! Nevertheless, the charismatic personality of the Dragon literally attracts the sympathy of others, including the powers that be, so most often the Dragon, even without specifically striving for this, is able to make an excellent career - to the envy of any bore - a careerist.

In relation to money, the Dragon is capable of wide and often unexpected gestures. He can suddenly, succumbing to an impulse, transfer a tidy sum to charity or buy a luxury item that is completely unnecessary to him. Maybe, having no money for a return ticket, suddenly go to Somalia and return from there with a full wallet. In other words, his expenses are conspicuous, and no one, not even himself, knows the whole truth about his diverse sources of income. It is all the more surprising that the Dragon usually manages to be with money - and a lot of it.

Life periods of the Dragon

The Dragon will have little difficulty in the first phase of his life, because he will demand a lot from his loved ones.

His artistic temperament will cause many problems in the second phase of his life. A Dragon superior to its surroundings will often have a feeling of being misunderstood. In fact, he will be admired, he will be obeyed, how small will be his sorrows, how great will be his success.

He has a difficult character and will rarely be satisfied with his life. But he will be happy even if he does not realize his happiness in the last phase of his life, which will bring whatever he desires.

Dragon Stones: iridescent opal, sapphire, chalcedony, green peridot, amber and all synthetic stones

Plants: lotus, mandrake, sage.

Time of day: 7 am to 9 am.

Season: spring, April

Colors: gold (yellow), blue (cyan) and black.

> Year of the Dragon

The man, who born in the year of the Dragon, boasts excellent health and a large supply of energy. Representatives of the sign are very capricious and have great willpower, but at the same time they are quite emotional and receptive. As a rule, such people are noble and intelligent. They are often called the soul of the company, because they are sociable and open to everything new. Most people of this sign are perfectionists, they always strive to live correctly and put forward quite high demands on themselves and others. The dragon has some negative qualities: he is able to quickly get irritated, succumb to feelings of resentment and anger. This sign is very stubborn, obstinate and suffers from excessive pride. In the heat of the moment, Dragon people can afford to stir up too much.

Dragons are incredible enthusiasts, true devotees of whatever they do. They prefer to see things through to the end, and after completion they feel pride and a sense of accomplishment. These people have the ability to convince, inspire and lead. They give good advice, which is always listened to by others. Their opinion is always important and valuable in any company. Dragons give themselves entirely to their chosen goal: no one will convince them and no one can interfere. Easy things, these people often shift to other people's shoulders, preferring to control their implementation. Any dissatisfaction or accusation against them, the Dragons diplomatically nullify, maintaining their impeccable reputation. Sometimes they behave with people arrogantly and unrestrainedly.

From childhood, representatives of the sign vehemently defend freedom and always choose independence. They are characterized by frequent disputes with their parents, often they leave the family early, expressing their dissatisfaction with the prevailing moral principles or upbringing.

Dragons have a variety of global goals, for the implementation of which they use their power and authority, cunning and ingenuity, relying on a well-developed intuition. Bureaucracy and conservatives, all those who are inherent in indecision and timidity, become enemies of the Dragons. Defending themselves from like-minded people, Dragons spend a lot of time and effort. At such moments, these people turn into cruel, merciless despots and, one by one, strike at the enemy. Quite often, completely innocent people fall under the distribution. This is their drama, because at such moments the Dragons are not subject to reason and justice - they rely only on intuition. If people - Dragons, not accustomed to defeat, do not immediately manage to defeat enemies, they feel weak and worthless. The same rule applies in love relationships: Dragons approach the object of their attention with full confidence to conquer it. If this does not work right away, such a relationship is doomed to failure.

Dragons have the ability to ignite in a matter of seconds and cool down just as quickly, so very often they are in a long search for their halves. Dragons are usually desirable and loved in marriage, although they rarely truly love a partner themselves. These people are often the objects of personal dramas and experiences, which cannot be said about the Dragons themselves: they almost never experience severe love suffering. There are many bachelors among the representatives of the sign. Few Dragons marry at a young age, and some of them remain single for life.

An extroverted dragon is always the favorite of the company. He will instantly conquer all those present (especially the female half) with his charisma and charm, as well as wit and sparkling humor. Dragons are wonderful psychologists, lovers to reflect on life and give valuable advice.

An introvert dragon is a closed person who prefers to trust their thoughts to paper. They often become writers, editors, researchers. These people are equally polite to others, but they choose friends exclusively intuitively.

Dragons face the greatest difficulties at the beginning of their life, defending their independence and their own worldview. Happiness usually comes to them in their declining years, when the Dragons have achieved everything and can safely reap the benefits. They are admired and taken by example.

Eastern astrologers consider the years of the Dragon to be very successful and powerful. The sign symbolizes the growth of prosperity, wealth and the rise of vitality.

Dragon Compatibility with Other Signs

Dragon and Rat

This is an ideal relationship, spiritual and spiritual idyll and mutual understanding. The rat is always useful and needed by the Dragon, for which the Dragon will be eternally grateful to her. It is also a strong friendship in which both partners respect and appreciate each other. Significant growth is expected in business relations if the Dragon is at the helm.

Dragon and Bull

Marriage is very superficial: endless stubbornness and power struggles destroy the union. The Bull is sometimes fascinated by the charisma of the Dragon, and he, in turn, is often attracted by the thriftiness and practicality of the Bull. But this is not enough for a strong relationship. Friendship is absolutely impossible, as mutual understanding is completely absent. Business relationship can only be successful with the full leadership of the Dragon and the unquestioning obedience of the Ox.

Dragon and Tiger

Very promising relationship in marriage. These are two very strong personalities, in addition to this, the Tiger sees a reasonable and wise person in a partner. Friendship is also strong and indestructible. In business relations, this is a strong partner team, although the Dragon still takes the reins of government into its own hands.

Dragon and Rabbit

Subject to the continuous compliance of the Rabbit, the union promises to be lasting. The rabbit does not like the partner's overbearing disposition, but his optimism and kindness defuse the situation. Friendship usually does not work in such an alliance. Things often go well due to the tandem of the financial and commercial knowledge of the Rabbit and the entrepreneurial spirit of the Dragon.

dragon and dragon

This is a whole emotional storm, an explosive mixture of two outstanding minds. The union is characterized by emotional intimacy and a warm atmosphere. Real friendship is rare because of the constant competition. Joint business is not recommended because of the eternal pursuit of leadership and the inability to yield to each other.

Dragon and Snake

A wonderful marriage. The beauty and charm of the Snake fascinate the Dragon, even if the Snake has several admirers. Happiness in such a marriage is completely in the power of the cunning and wise Snake. Friendship can also be very strong - the signs harmoniously complement each other. Joint work will go well if the Snake, in addition to valuable advice and guidance, will work for the good of the common cause.

Dragon and Horse

The union has no prospects. Huge differences in the characters and worldview of the signs. Friendship will also lead to nothing - the Horse is very selfish and is used to only reaping the benefits. The dragon also loves to receive, but at the same time is able to invest. Business relationships can develop, but only short-term.

dragon and goat

A very fragile relationship. The goat hardly manages to bring happiness to the Dragon, although she herself can be absolutely happy under his wing. Friendship is strong. The goat is able to charm and charm the Dragon. Business relations will be promising if the Goat becomes the director and personal manager of the Dragon.

Years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

In the East, the Dragon is considered a symbol of joy and good luck, life and growth. This is a sign of heavenly power and the most favorable astronomical influence.

A magnificent animal gives a person wealth, virtue, harmony and longevity, which, however, does not at all mean a calm and easy, comfortable life. The dragon shimmers and shines, but cannot blind: often its benefits are only an illusion, however, like the strength of the personality. This bizarre beast both exists and does not exist at the same time. Born by the imagination of the people, serene and powerful, he will spew fire, gold and water, but he himself will be burned after the holiday, and from the ashes, like a phoenix, a new Dragon will be reborn...

An unstoppable enthusiast, the Dragon is born under the sign of good luck. This is a bright and extraordinary personality. The representative of the sign has a lively character, he is proud, very self-confident and conceited, irritable and stubborn, but at the same time intelligent, generous, incapable of pettiness, hypocrisy and slander. Many Dragons are endowed with high intelligence and succeed in almost all endeavors.

In communication, the Dragon is categorical and not very diplomatic, but very trusting (not to be confused with naivety!). Despite the manifestations of excessive demands on others, he has many friends, because he gives much more. This person is always in the spotlight, his views and judgments are highly valued, because he always has an original opinion on each specific catch.

The dragon is distinguished by good health, great vitality and incredible energy. He is ready to work day and night to get what he wants, although he is quite impulsive and does not always imagine the consequences of his own actions. He prefers to live for today, and nothing irritates him more than waiting.

The Dragon has diverse interests. He is fond of sports. He has a spirit of adventure and adventure. Given the availability of funds, he will not miss the opportunity to travel, preferring obscure places rather than beaten tourist routes.

In general, representatives of this sign are sensitive and demanding, full of activity and endurance. Dragons are born to win - that is why they do not have to need anything (such, for example, is the billionaire Paul Getty). Having certain inclinations of a leader, they achieve good results where they can realize their ideas, and are especially successful in those areas where contact with the means is necessary. mass media. However, will the Dragon choose the career of an artist (Gina Lollobrigida, Patrick Swayze), a singer (Tom Jones, John Lennon, Placido Domingo), a warrior (Joan of Arc), a priest, an athlete (Arvydas Sabonis, Pele), a doctor (Fyodor Uglov) or politics (Vladimir Putin, Sergei Stepashin, Eduard Shevardnadze, Josip Broz Tito, Che Guevara) - everywhere he will shine.

There are the following varieties of the Dragon.