Dragon Mania Legends. Dragon Crossing

On the other hand, it has a lot of advantages, it is in Russian and is very addictive. AT latest update it became possible to give the dragons their own names, which made me very happy. There are also promotions all the time in the game, I like to crossbreed dragons to try and breed the dragon of the month or the dragon of the week.

In the Dragon Mania Legends game from Gameloft, the most popular question is how to breed this or that dragon. In the article I will try to give a general recipe, thanks to which you yourself will be able to bring out the desired dragon as soon as possible.

List of all dragons in Dragon Mania Legends

in front of you useful table, which displays all dragons and their parameters. 257 dragons are listed in the table. For convenience, I have saved the tablet with all the dragons in PDF format so that you can download to your iPad, iPhone, Android smartphone or PC and view at any convenient time:

How to breed a dragon

First, I will describe the basics of dragon breeding for beginners. Experienced players may skip a few paragraphs.

Breeding is the main way to get new dragons, and it is also used to create hybrid dragons. The amount of time it takes to breed will depend on which Dragons are being used. The more time it takes to breed, the more rare the Dragon will be. Breeding time can vary from 30 seconds for the Fire Dragon to 2 days for the legendary ones.

Breeding requires two adult dragons (level 4 or higher). When you click on the Nest, two breeding buttons will appear. The first button takes the player to a screen that has two lists next to all of the player's dragons that can be used for breeding. You need to choose a Dragon from each list. The second option is a button that repeats the last breeding combination. Once selected, the Dragons will breed over a period of time to produce one egg.

The eggs should be incubated in an incubator until they are ready to hatch. After incubation period finished, the baby can hatch out of its shell and be placed in one of the habitats.

Mating two dragons does not guarantee a particular dragon. That is, you can cross the same dragons several times and get different results. The rarer the dragon, the more difficult it is to get it: it usually takes a lot of attempts to get the rarest dragons. But the rarer the dragon, the cooler it is and the more experience you can get for it.

It should be noted that breeding dragons higher levels gives more chances to breed rarer dragons. Low-level dragons tend to spawn regular offspring most of the time.

There are hundreds of breeding combinations. The specific dragon you need can be obtained by several properties. There are also combinations of dragons that cannot interbreed together: for example, Water + Metal or Light and Shadow.

Dragon Breeding Calculator

The first calculator is available here.

How to use it? The advantage of this calculator is that it has Russian language support. He shows what we can get when crossing two famous dragons.

We poke on the left dragon. On the left is a list of dragons. We are looking for the right one.

We do the same on the right. Then click on the Heart and at the bottom there will be a list of those dragons that can theoretically be obtained when you cross.

Now below we see the results of crossing Lava and Water.

As can be seen from the table, the highest odds are when crossing Lava and Water -> Dragons Boil and Snow. As much as 36%. 16% chance of getting a Mud dragon and only 12% - Elements.

How to Breed a Specific Dragon

If a on the contrary, it is necessary to bring out a specific dragon, then follow this link on the same site. In the same way, as described above: switch to Russian, select the desired dragon.

We get a long list of the best breeding dragons, when mixed, there is a chance to bring out the right one. As you can see from the screenshot, the bundles have the greatest chances of getting an Archangel:

  • Academic + Fire - 3.13%
  • Fire + Palm - 3.13%
  • Maple Leaf + Wind - 2.56%

Interest rates are low as Archangel is a very rare dragon. Under each couple, other possible kids are visible ...

So you can quickly find out which pairs of dragons are most preferable.

Ready-made recipes for breeding dragons

Below I present the best recipes for breeding all uncommon (U) dragons in Game. The chances of obtaining the desired dragon in each given recipe are maximum and approximately equal to 33.3%, that is, 1/3. There are other recipes, but there the chance is lower, in most cases significantly!

  • Bee (Fire+Seed, Fire+Leaf, Meteor+Wind, Fire+Wind, Plasma+Wind)
  • Salamander (Earth+Clearance, Earth+Fire, Earth+Gladiator)
  • Mud (Earth+Water, Earth+Rain, Earth+Jaw)
  • Cloud (Eel+Wind, Water+Wind, Rainbow+Wind)
  • Candy (Green+Water)
  • Sheet (Double bass + Wind, Honey + Wind, Greenery + Wind, Bee + Greenery, Greenery + Smoke)
  • Cyborg (Green+War, Metal+Green, Gold+Green)
  • Spikes (UV+Wind, Metal+Wind, Digital+Wind, Induction+Wind)
  • Armor (Earth+Shadow, Earth+Metal, Earth+Steel)
  • Ultraviolet (Energy+Thorns, Eel+Metal, Energy+Metal, Metal+Rainbow, Energy+Hurricane)
  • Meteor (Energy+Smoke, Energy+Fire, Bee+Energy)
  • Rainbow (Energy+Water, Ultraviolet+Water, Energy+Peacock, Cloud+Energy, Digital+Water, Energy+Ice, Induction+Water)
  • Brick (Dust+Energy, Rock+Earth, Earth+Energy, Energy+Tick-Tock, Earth+Witch)
  • Thorn (Clearance+Green, Green+Void, Gladiator+Green)
  • Jaw (Steel+Water, Mud+Void, Shadow+Water, Snow+Void, Void+Water)
  • Rock (Energy+Void, Football Player+Void, Geiger+Void, Brick+Void)

I also cite best recipes(with the highest chance) of breeding all the main ones (which are always available) rare (R) dragons. There are other recipes, but there the chance is lower, in most cases significantly!

  • Native (Lava+Wind, Shooting Star+Wind, Racket+Wind, Salamander+Wind, Ruby+Wind, Lynx+Wind, Bee+Earth, Earth+Pulsar, Earth+Wizard, Earth+Smoke, Earth+Monk) – odds 12 %
  • Element (Fire+Snow, Fire+Mud, Lava+Water, Shooting Star+Water, Salamander+Water) – 12% chance
  • Clownfish (Earth+Peacock, Clay+Wind, Earth+Dragon-Tsunami, Earth+Ice, Mud+Wind, Cloud+Earth, Snow+Wind) – 12% chance
  • Sunflower (Brazilliero + Brasiliero) - there is a 14% chance.
  • Quicksilver (Gold+Pop Art, Boil+War, Boil+Gold, Pop Art+War, Metalworker+Pirate, Metalworker+Underwater, Walker+Summer, Summer+Yeti, Reaper+Underwater, Lightfish+Yeti, Pirate+Reaper, Lightfish + Walker) - chances are 10%
  • Rust (Armor+Water, Minotaur+Water, Metal+Mud, Metal+Snow) – 18% chance
  • Lightning (Palette+Palette) - 14% chance, (Leaf+Plasma, Leaf+Meteor, Meteor+Seed, Plasma+Seed) - 10% chance.
  • Magnet (Fog+Tick-Tock, Fan+Tick-Tock, Dust+Fog, Fan+Dust) – 10% chance

Popular questions and answers (FAQ) - the secrets of the game

Question: Is it possible to accurately predict which dragon will be when crossed?

Answer: No. The game is based on probabilities. One can only hope that some possible dragon will come out of a particular pair of dragons.

Question: Is Facebook required to have friends?

Answer: No. Each platform has its own network for communication.

Answer: Your friends must be on the same platform as you (iOS, Android, Windows). There is also a chance that you are on different servers (there are 2 in total).

Question: Is there a limit on the number of friends in the game?

Answer: Yes. At the moment - 100.

Question: Can I transfer all my progress to another device or to another Facebook account?

Answer: Yes, but within the same platform. That is, you cannot jump from a computer to iOS or from iOS to Android, etc. Theoretically, progress can be transferred to another platform or another Facebook account only through Gameloft support.

Even if you've recently started playing Dragon Mania Legends, you've probably already noticed that many of the game's characters don't look like dragons at all. There are fruits, flowers, various animals and even things here. Today we will talk about a pet, which in real world only a few will want to see as a pet. So, let's look at how to breed a tiger dragon.


Dragon Tiger (Tiger) is similar to the animal with the same name. It has four legs and a long striped tail. The resemblance to a living counterpart is complemented by an orange color with black stripes all over the body. The pink nose is more like a cat's. Only the crest on the head and furrowed eyebrows remind that this is still a dragon. And you can't joke with him.

The tiger is an epic character with three elements - energy, greenery, fire. But at the very beginning of the game you will not be able to get it. Since access to breeding opens only from level 19.


There are two ways to get the Tiger dragon:

  • in the store by buying an egg for 1700 gems;
  • bring to the nest.

Sometimes this pet can be purchased at a special offer for a reduced price.

In normal breeding, dragon parents should have the elements of energy, greenery and fire. Therefore, the following options will help you get the desired tiger egg.

  • Green + Plasma / Meteor / Mutant
  • Fire + Honey / Double bass / Mutant

  • Energy + Amber / Ceremonial / Ladybug / Sunflower

You can try other combinations as well. But the options presented have a higher chance of getting a Tiger egg.

The tiger is an epic pet. And therefore, no combination can guarantee it on the first try. Sometimes you have to try several options to achieve the desired result.

Withdrawal time

Breeding in the nest takes 20 hours, and after placement in the incubator - 1 day, 2 hours and 40 minutes. And only then you will receive the Tiger dragon.

But if you have activated VIP level 2 and above, the terms will be less:

  • breeding in nesting - 16 hours;
  • the egg will stay in the incubator for 21 hours and 20 minutes.

Options and sorcery

If you want to pump a pet, then you should be interested in what characteristics it will have. You will see this in the table below.

To enchant the Tiger, you will also need a considerable amount of witch stones.

Energy of Fire Dragons

Energy is invisible, but its effect is very palpable. The possibilities of energies are endless.

It is a living force that accompanies us everywhere.

So what is energy Fire Dragons ?

It is a powerful, universal Force that has limitless possibilities.

Access to it is possible only through initiation, consisting of several steps, stepwise activation of energy.

These are not attunements, but Egregorial Initiation!

During initiation, the human energy body enters into resonance with the energies of the Dragons, which are the helpers of our material world. These are the oldest creatures on our planet. They settled on Earth even before the creation of man. Dragons are believed to hail from the oldest civilization in the galaxy, Sirius. Dragons have settled on Earth for help and protection. Their role is to maintain the harmony and balance of this world.

But the Dragons themselves are changeable and very unpredictable in their manifestations, acting solely in the interests of nature, and those who are friends with them. The power of Dragons lies in the fact that they can very quickly transform one type of energy into another. They exist at the elemental level and are divided into water, stone, air and fire Dragons. But regardless of the elements, it is always a winged, active being that overcomes any obstacles and has the freedom of manifestation.

The progenitor of all dragons is the Great Serpent, the Fire Dragon of the Earth, expressing the Element underlying all things. Dragons are a manifestation of any elemental Forces. They are independent entities, with a certain character, with their own goals. For the magician, dragons are a living reality with which he can interact consciously or unconsciously. Many spirits take on the form of a dragon (the power of God, the power of an angel or other spirit).

The magician himself can give birth to a dragon and become his slave, that is, fall under the power of elemental forces that can absorb him. It is for this reason that initiation is important, which is a protective form for such a manifestation. Through initiation, a person interacts with dragons not with his psychic energy, which completely excludes the possibility of falling into slavery to a dragon. Initiations into the energy of Fire Dragons open up a huge reservoir of human strength and capabilities, increasing its effectiveness of manifestation in all spheres of life.

The main Dragon Force is the Fire Force, which is present and found in all kinds of Dragons. Initiation helps to attract this Power into your life. But in order to possess such a Force, the seeker must himself strive for a harmonious state, otherwise the Force can absorb him. Fiery energy is the energy of passion, desire, dynamism, which is looking for a way out. That is why, in order to receive an initiation into the energy of the Fire Dragons, a person must work with the energies and have the level of a master.

Working with the energies of the Fire Dragons contributes to the awakening of an ancient source of energy that does not depend on external circumstances which helps to solve current affairs, maintain success, provide the necessary potential, attract the necessary opportunities, protect against negative influences. The energies of the Fire Dragons help the material well-being of a person, attract the energies of money, which contribute to the realization of a person's desires in society, open access to the energy of abundance.

The world of dragons is very diverse. The division into types is rather arbitrary, since each Dragon has all the components of the elements, to one degree or another.

The dragon symbolizes the life Force as cosmic breath (Qi energy). If you are ready for a change in life, then the energy of the Fire Dragons is waiting for you. It will give you strength, confidence, add determination, fill your life with harmony and success!

Fire Dragons are the energies of the Force, capable of multiplying the personal strength of everyone. Their peculiarity is that the initiation takes place in the system, and not in a single elemental dragon. Yes, dragons are the original force, sung in many myths and fairy tales. These are the creatures that were originally. But, as you know, from the karmic law: nothing disappears anywhere without a trace. Everything that has been on earth at least once has a trace, which means it has an energy substance. “Fire Dragons” make it possible to connect to this primordial force.

Many have not heard of her. Yes, and I was allowed to devote to it not so long ago. I have been friends with this energy for a long time. At some point, I heard that someone was also interacting with Dragons. I researched, checked, but I was convinced that this is a completely different Force. Not accessible to everyone and not open to everyone.

The peculiarity of our initiations is that during the process an individual development is revealed. And I am allowed to transmit certain rituals to those who are prepared for this. Thus, the Fiery World itself chooses those who will continue to carry its Force.

Of course, it happens that a ritual is not given during initiation, in which case this means that the initiator still needs to develop personal Power and the Fiery World will contribute to this, of course, if the initiator himself makes certain efforts. Much depends on the master, but initiation is a mutual process.

One must also be able to accept strength with confidence, with the desire to apply, explore. This is the highest substance that cannot be grasped by the human mind. Fire Dragons are living energy, just like any other energy. It can come in the form of Dragons, or it can manifest itself in the form of color energies, rays. What is certain is that this is not an intrusive, but a strong energy that opens up to those who are open to it. It is completely closed to people with the World Cup. And in this case, you first need to go through purification sessions. Experience in working with any energies is required (master's degree)

The peculiarity of these energies is that they themselves choose the one whom they are ready to serve. They cannot be bought. They can also leave the initiate if, for example, low vibrations are going on. And this, too, is characteristic to one degree or another of all energies. Having initiations into any channels, it is necessary to observe karmic laws, follow them and keep your body, spirit, soul clean. The more is given, the more is asked.

Fire Dragons are, so to speak, elite initiations, not for everyone. Not out of harm, but to protect yourself. It is better to start entering the world of energies from any other settings. With these settings, it is better to complete the process or strengthen it, which will make it possible to receive not just initiation, but also ritual methods of working with energies.

Dedication conditions:

To work with the energies of the Dragons, you must have a master's degree in working with any energies.

Initiations are held both face-to-face and via Skype.

Initiations into the Fire Dragons are not initiations into separate species, they are an integral initiation into the World of Dragons!

The initiation is carried out on a plasma disc.

5 dedications. At each initiation, a ritual is transmitted:

  • Opening.
  • Veil of secrets
  • Protective cover
  • Hands of Power
  • Dragon Spiral

These are exclusive techniques for working with the Dragon Force.

The sign of the Dragon Force is being transmitted!

  • For initiation, 2 crystals are required.

Working with Fire Dragons is a job that helps to work with individual elements.

Types of Dragons:

  • Red Dragon - Fire, south. The ruler is Fafnir, who oversees the dragons of fire and sunbeams. Main characteristics: activity, activity, dynamism, courage, passion, will power, leadership, purposefulness. Negative manifestations: jealousy, anger, fear, conflict, hatred, selfishness.
  • Blue Dragon - Water, west. The ruler is Neilyan, the overseer of the dragons of the water element. Main characteristics: intuition, receptivity, peace of mind, peace, love. Negative manifestations: laziness, indifference, imbalance, capriciousness, changeability, doubts.
  • yellow dragon - Air, east. The ruler - Cyris, watches the wind. Main characteristics: optimism, joy, renewal, contact, intelligence, curiosity. Negative manifestations: frivolity, gossip, inconstancy, boasting, forgetfulness, deception.
  • Green Dragon Earth, north. The ruler of the Greil, who controls the mountains, land, stones. Main characteristics: endurance, patience, respect, responsibility, stability, conscientiousness, well-being. Negative manifestations: stubbornness, shamelessness, laziness,
  • White and black dragons balance all the elements. These dragons mix all the elements and create the desired forms. Light and shadow are one and indivisible.