Can you eat old eggplant? All about the beneficial and harmful properties of eggplant

Eggplant is considered by many to be a vegetable, although it is a berry, as it belongs to the nightshade family. There are eggplants different types, on which their size, color and shape depend. The most common eggplant is an elongated shape with a dark purple skin. The shape can vary from ovoid to oblong, and the color from white to dark purple.

The largest eggplant suppliers are Italy, Egypt, Turkey and China. The fruits are available in stores all year round, but best time for their purchase - August and September, when they ripen in natural conditions.

To preserve all the beneficial properties, the fruit should be properly cooked. Eggplant can be fried, baked, boiled and steamed. It is added to pastries, stews and roasts, and in vegetarian cuisine, eggplant replaces meat.

Composition of eggplant

Eggplants are among the low-calorie foods. There are 35 calories in 100 grams.

The fruit contains fiber, antioxidants and flavonoids. The peel is rich in magnesium and potassium.

Vitamins in 100 gr. from the daily norm:

  • B9 - 5%;
  • B6 - 4%;
  • K - 4%;
  • C - 4%;
  • B1 - 3%.

Minerals in 100 gr. from the daily norm:

Raw eggplants have a slightly bitter taste, so they should be cooked before eating.

For the bones

Potassium helps bones absorb calcium. The use of eggplant prevents the development of osteoporosis and bone degradation, and also strengthens bone tissue.

For the heart and blood vessels

Fiber, potassium, vitamins B and C reduce the risk of death from heart disease.

Eggplants reduce blood cholesterol, prevent varicose veins and stroke attacks. The fruit is rich in copper and iron, which make it a natural remedy for anemia.

Eggplant lowers blood pressure by reducing the workload on the heart.

For the brain and nerves

Nasunin in eggplant has an effect on the brain. It improves memory and prevents age-related mental disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

For the lungs

Eggplant can be a useful product for smokers. The fruits contain nicotine, which allows you to gradually give up cigarettes and keep your lungs healthy.

For intestines and liver

Fiber helps fight excess weight. The use of eggplant provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety and eliminates overeating. There is even - adhering to its principles, you can lose weight by 5 kg per month.

Antioxidants protect the liver from toxins.

Eggplant normalizes stools by stimulating peristaltic movement.

Fiber improves the secretion of gastric juices responsible for digestion nutrients.

For skin and hair

The antioxidants in eggplant keep the skin healthy and supple. They prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles by moisturizing and smoothing the skin.

Regular use of eggplant nourishes the hair from the inside, making it strong.

For immunity

Polyphenols, anthocyanins and chlorogenic acid help fight cancer cells and prevent the formation and spread of new free radicals.

Eggplant strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight viruses. Vitamin C stimulates the production and activity of white blood cells.

Did you know that eggplant is a berry in botany and a vegetable in cooking?

Eggplant belongs to the nightshade family, which also includes potatoes and tomatoes. Wild eggplant grew in India, South Asia and the Middle East. The benefits of the plant were recognized in South America. In Europe, its useful properties were not realized for a long time, and in a cultivated form, it got there only in the 15th century, and became widespread only in the 19th.

In Russia, eggplant open ground grows only in the southern regions of the European part, where 2 varieties with different ripening periods were originally bred, as well as in the south of Siberia. Ripe fruits are greenish-yellow in color, but they are eaten somewhat unripe, while the color of unripe fruits is lilac or purple. Hence, another name for eggplants is blue, common in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine.

The nutritional value

In the product, per 100 g of edible part, there are 0.6 g of proteins, 0.1 g of fats, 5.5 g of carbohydrates (of which digestible carbohydrates 4.2 g, dietary fiber 1.3 g), free organic acids 0.2 g (lemon and apple). Calorie content 24 kcal/%. The glycemic index is 15-20, which makes the product dietary.

Vitamin content, daily value and percentage of daily value

Vitamin B9 C B5 B6 PP B2 E B1 A
Content (mg/100 g) 0,022 5,0 0,28 0,084 0,60 0,05 0,3 0,04 0,003
Daily Value (mg) 0,2 70 5 1,8 14 1,3 8 1,1 1
% DV in 100 g 11,0 7,1 5,6 4,7 4,3 3,8 3,8 3,6 0,3

From the above data, it follows that if you eat an average eggplant weighing 200 g daily, then the body is provided with more than 10% of the daily intake of vitamins B9 (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid) and B5 (pantothenic acid). Vitamin B9 is involved in cell reproduction and hematopoiesis, C fights free radicals and strengthens the immune system, promotes the healing of damaged tissues, B5 normalizes impaired metabolism.

Mineral Content, Daily Value and Percentage of Daily Value

From the above data, it follows that if you eat an average eggplant weighing 200 g daily, then the body is provided with more than 10% of the daily norm only with manganese and potassium. Manganese activates enzymes, supports the reproductive function of women, potassium neutralizes a possible excess of sodium in the body.

Beneficial features

For cooking, eggplant is fried, boiled, stewed, baked, marinated, grilled, and even eaten raw (which can sometimes be harmful). The peel is not removed from it, it is enough to wash it thoroughly. The bitterness of eggplant is due to the content of solanine glycoside in them, which is especially abundant in overripe fruits, which is why they are eaten slightly unripe. However, white varieties, more useful, contain almost no solanine.

Potassium salts have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, which is why eggplants are recommended to be included in the diet of people with cardiovascular diseases and the elderly to maintain health. A good ratio between potassium and sodium salts evens out the water-salt balance, the eggplant diet is useful and recommended in the treatment of gout and other metabolic diseases. The mild diuretic properties of the vegetable help to get rid of edema. The presence of fiber in eggplant gives them laxative properties, they are useful for constipation. The absence of cholesterol in them with regular eating cleans the blood vessels and prevents atherosclerosis. The peel of the vegetable contains an antioxidant, which has the ability to protect cell membranes, incl. and nervous. Eggplant dishes are good for fueling the brain.

When applied to the wounds of the pulp of the fetus, their healing is accelerated. A mixture of finely chopped leaves and stems with the addition of honey is applied in a gauze bag to the affected areas in the treatment of eczema, acne and urticaria.

A good prevention of dental problems (caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis) is the use of powdered eggplant ash for brushing your teeth.

Eggplants are also useful in home cosmetology. The fruit pulp mask gives facial skin elasticity due to its moisturizing and toning, age spots lighten, inflammation foci disappear.

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Eating eggplant can do both good and bad to the body. Their use is not recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers and gastritis. It was mentioned above that overripe fruits should not be consumed due to the danger of solanine poisoning. Most experts do not advise including the product in the diet of children under 3 years old - the risk of harm outweighs the possible benefits.

Due to the small amount of carbohydrates, eating eggplant alone can cause hypoglycemia in diabetic patients.

Proper product selection and storage

The most delicious are summer eggplants. You should only choose fresh fruits, a common phrase says that an eggplant, like a girl, must be "young". When pressed with a finger on such an eggplant, its shape is restored, and a dent will remain on an overripe one. The skin of purple fruits should be shiny. Sepals and petioles should be free from damage and mold.

To get rid of bitterness, you can sprinkle the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits with salt, and after half an hour of exposure, rinse in a colander. Solanine dissolves well in water, and prolonged rinsing will only benefit.

Eggplants deteriorate very quickly and lose their properties, they must be prepared on the day of purchase, in the future their use may not be beneficial, but harmful. Damage can also be caused by improper storage. Store vegetables in a plastic bag at room temperature. Washed and cut into circles, the fruits can be stored in the freezer of the refrigerator, where they retain their useful properties for a long time, only before the circles must be blanched, immersed in boiling water for a short time, and then dried.

Use for weight loss

Competent weight loss will only benefit the body, because. at the same time, most of the functions of the body are normalized. Eggplant, like other products, is not suitable as a mono-diet for weight loss. Mono-diets, by definition, bring one nutritional harm. With moderate weight loss (and only this is useful), it is necessary to ensure a calorie deficit of about 400 kcal (for men with developed muscle mass you can 600 kcal), a larger deficit will lower the metabolic rate and cause harm, and in order to eliminate the feeling of hunger, part of the high-calorie foods will have to be replaced with low-calorie ones. Eggplant with a calorie content of 24 kcal and its properties are perfect for inclusion in the diet for weight loss. The tartronic acid contained in fruits inhibits the conversion of food carbohydrates into body fat, however, it is destroyed when heated, as a result of which, in order to extract the maximum benefit from the product, heat treatment should be limited to the minimum necessary time.

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Fresh and cooked vegetables are desirable on every table. Not only tasty, but also very healthy, they perfectly enrich our diet with vitamins and minerals.

Eggplants are one of the most essential vegetables for humans. The health benefits and harms of this fetus are described in the article.

What is this vegetable?

Eggplants belong to the nightshade family. They have an elongated, ovoid or rounded shape, they are small and large. The skin of the ripe fruit is smooth and glossy. Depending on the variety, it is saturated purple or white with a slight light green tint, yellow and reddish fruits are less common.

From the end of July to the beginning of October, vegetables grown in the open field are delivered to the consumer's table. And almost all year round, greenhouse eggplants are on sale. The benefits of fruits are undeniable, they are widely used in cooking, so their availability is of great importance.

A brief excursion into history

According to scientists, the culture began to be cultivated in the first millennium BC. e. in ancient India. It was from there that the vegetable spread to neighboring Asian countries. The health benefits of eggplant are described in the writings of Avicenna.

In the south of Europe, the "blue berry" appeared only in the 13th century, from where it got to the northern regions after a while. But if eggplants were valued in Asia, the benefits of which were known to the population, then the Europeans were afraid of this vegetable, considering it poisonous. And only in the 18th century did he become universally known and loved. In Russia, the name "blue ones" has taken root.

Chemical composition

Why are eggplants so prized? The benefits and harms to the body of a vegetable are determined by its chemical composition. It is saturated with all B vitamins. It contains ascorbic (C), nicotinic (PP) and tartronic acids, as well as folic and chlorogenic acids. It contains 3% sugars, 1.5% proteins, 7% carbohydrates and a very small amount of fat. The calorie content of eggplant is only 24 kcal per 100 g of raw product.

The culture is very rich in minerals, including potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. Copper, manganese, cobalt and other macro- and microelements were found in the fruits. The pulp of the fruit contains coarse fiber and pectins.

The blue ones contain solanine. In overripe fruits, it is especially abundant, and in young and ripe - a small amount.

Health benefits of eggplant

Scientists have found out how "blue" affect the body:

  • Their use stimulates blood formation, saturates the body with such essential iron, and increases the body's immunity.
  • Potassium, which is found in large quantities in the fruits of this culture, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens the myocardium. Doctors prescribe to introduce eggplant in the menu of patients who have had a stroke.
  • The low carbohydrate content makes this vegetable suitable for diabetics.
  • Nutritionists advise including low-calorie eggplant in your daily diet for those who want to lose weight.
  • The pulp of the fruit consists of coarse dietary fiber, which helps to improve digestion and bowel function. Slow digestion contributes to the fact that a person does not feel hungry for a long time, therefore he does not overeat and, accordingly, lose extra pounds.
  • Pectin cleanses the body of toxins, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol.
  • "Blue Berry" acts as a mild diuretic, which helps to relieve swelling, remove harmful substances from the body.
  • The balanced content of potassium and sodium in eggplant makes them very beneficial for the kidneys.
  • Doctors recommend eating eggplant for the prevention of atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease. This is especially true for older people.
  • The presence of B vitamins has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, helps to get rid of insomnia.
  • "Blue Berries" is a powerful oncoprotector.

All these properties make eggplant an extremely useful vegetable.

Can pregnant women eat "blue"?

A woman who carries a child under her heart needs to be especially careful about her menu. After all, everything that she eats enters the body of the baby. Doctors strongly recommend that pregnant women eat a balanced and nutritious diet. A lot of vegetables and fruits, low-fat boiled meat, weak broths, dairy products should be on the table of the expectant mother, who should avoid heavy fatty foods, carbohydrates, allergens, and alcohol.

Based on this, pregnant women should definitely eat eggplant. The benefits of this vegetable are beneficial effect on the body as a whole, including the cardiovascular, digestive, immune system. It is low-calorie, which means that by saturating it, it will not contribute to the set. excess weight. The hypoallergenicity of the "blue berry" guarantees the safety of eating eggplant for a child.

Also, for a pregnant woman, the ability of eggplant to bind harmful substances and remove them from the body will be very useful. This will reduce or completely eliminate intoxication, help the kidneys cope with the increased load.

It is known that often those ladies who are preparing to become mothers suffer from constipation. Coarse fiber eggplant stimulates the intestines and helps to cope with this problem.

Breastfeeding mothers need to eat "blue" very moderately, as they can worsen the quality of breast milk.


The benefits of eggplant for the body are undoubtedly very high. However, in certain cases they can be harmful.

When frying vegetables, they absorb a lot of oil, which adversely affects even a healthy body, not to mention those who suffer from chronic gastritis, liver and pancreas diseases. To remove fat, housewives are advised to lay out fried eggplants, the benefits of which are doubtful, on a paper napkin or towel. This will help get rid of harmful excesses.

Eggplants, the benefits and harms for the body of which are discussed in the article, are difficult to digest. Therefore, their fruits should be consumed in moderation, without overeating. It is also not recommended to include "blue berries" in the menu of children under 2 years old.

Overripe fruits contain an excess of solanine. This poison can provoke a serious intestinal disorder, cause nausea and vomiting.

How to choose the right "blue"

The benefits of eggplant for the human body are expressed only in the case of eating young fruits. They are bright purple in color, shiny and smooth. A competent housewife will never buy brown, patchy or shriveled eggplants.

The peduncle of the fruit should be a uniform green color, without darkening. Choose whole vegetables, without damaged skins. Such "blue" ones are stored in the refrigerator for a week or longer without losing their culinary qualities and useful properties. However, longer storage leads to overripe fruit. Their pulp coarsens, the taste worsens, seeds are felt in the cooked dish.

Note to housewives

How are eggplants used in cooking, the benefits and contraindications for which are described above? They are boiled, fried and baked, stewed and stuffed, salted, marinated and canned. You can make a salad, caviar, stew, fry in batter, bake a casserole or even a cake from the “blue berry”. It would not be an exaggeration to say that there are a huge number of recipes that use eggplant. Their benefits for the body are very great, so such a variety delicious meals from this vegetable will not only enrich the menu, but also have a positive effect on health.

Vegetables can be bitter. To get rid of unnecessary bitterness, they should be generously salted and rinsed with running water after half an hour. You can also boil eggplants in salted water, and then squeeze under pressure.

The main way to harvest eggplant for the winter is canning. Also, "blue" is perfectly stored frozen. To do this, they must be boiled whole in a peel until cooked in salted water, first in several places punctured with a fork. After put on a wooden cutting board under the press Squeezed eggplants are stacked in a tray or plastic bag and frozen. In this form in freezer they are stored for 6-7 months without loss of taste and retaining all their useful properties.

Myths about eggplant

There is an opinion that "blue" helps to quit smoking. This is due to the presence of nicotinic acid (PP) in their composition, which is supposedly able to compensate for the lack of nicotine in the body. If, during the period of quitting smoking, eggplants, the benefits and contraindications for which are set out in the article, are eaten in large quantities, this will facilitate the fight against addiction. This is a false statement. The nicotine contained in tobacco is in no way associated with nicotinic acid. These are completely different substances. The similarity of the name does not mean the similarity of the chemical composition. Eggplant, whose health benefits and harms are scientifically proven, will not help smokers get rid of a bad habit. Here, first of all, a great desire and willpower will come to the rescue.

Toward the middle of summer, eggplants appear on vegetable counters - beautiful berries that are actively used in cooking and winter preservation. Man first grew this culture as an ornamental and only then paid attention to its taste and benefits. But if used improperly, eggplant can harm the body.

Biochemical composition and characteristics

Eggplant, or in the common people blue refers to nightshade berries. In appearance, it can have a rich purple, less often - a pale blue or even white peel. Unlike the pulp, it gives a bitter taste, but it is this quality that many appreciate in eggplant. The fruit is rich in useful substances:

  • a set of B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins PP, A, E, K;
  • pectin;

Eggplant can be used in cooking, canned

  • in macro quantities - potassium, sodium, magnesium, as well as chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, also manganese and zinc;
  • in microdoses - copper, fluorine, also iron, etc.

Attention! In terms of molybdenum content, eggplant occupies a leading position among fruit and vegetable crops.

Eggplant fruits are distinguished not only by the color of the peel, but also by shape. Blue ones are pear-shaped, oval, or combine different rounded shapes. As a rule, the mass of the fetus is approximately equal to half a kilo or a little more.

The main feature of the eggplant is that you need to pluck it in an unripe state. Of course, you won't get poisoned by eating a fully ripe blueberry. But its flesh will be rough and lose its piquant taste. From overripe fruits, the peel should generally be cut off beforehand. This garden berry is usually harvested from late summer to October.

Potential health risks of fruits

The bitterness in the skin of this vegetable crop is provided by solanine. The substance is a natural poison. Their poisoning is accompanied by dizziness, convulsions, pain and intestinal upset. However, there is very little poison in the peel. For example, in the green parts of the potato peel it is more. The poison will manifest itself only if you eat too many fruits.

Attention! Eggplant tends to accumulate solanine during growth. Therefore, the older the berry, the more poison the skin contains.

The pulp of the blue one also contains harmful substances that stimulate an increase in the amount of oxalic acid in the body. It is the cause of kidney stones. Therefore, doctors do not advise people with urolithiasis to eat eggplant. Other contraindications to the use of blue ones:

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should not eat a large amount of eggplant

  1. With allergies. Watch the reaction of the body if a person eats an eggplant for the first time. This recommendation is especially relevant in relation to children.
  2. Children up to 3 years old. Their intestines and immunity are not yet ready to assimilate coarse fiber and process solanine.
  3. In chronic and acute forms of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber stimulates the tract to work actively, and this is harmful in case of damage to the mucous membrane.
  4. With pancreatic ailments or various intestinal disorders.
  5. With gout.
  6. With diabetes.
  7. With a lack of iron in the body (anemia).

Useful qualities of eggplant

The benefits of vegetables are much greater than the harm. Delicious fruits have a positive effect on metabolism and immunity, the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems. Also blue ones have a positive effect on:

  • vision;
  • skin condition, rejuvenating it;
  • health of hair and nails;
  • protein digestibility;
  • blood vessels and liver health;
  • the work of the intestines, cleansing it of toxins;
  • joint health and bone strength.

Attention! Eggplant is also considered a food that resists the formation of cancer cells. The pulp contains more than a dozen phenolic acids, which are responsible for this. The darker the fruit, the more of them.

Who should eat eggplant

Eggplant works well in combination with diets, the purpose of which is to reduce body weight. Garden crop stimulates the removal of moisture from the body, being a diuretic. With its help, you can fight edema and constipation of the intestines. At the same time, blue ones have bactericidal qualities. Doctors also advise eating eggplant dishes for people suffering from:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • as well as arrhythmias;
  • osteochondrosis.

Eggplant has a positive effect on the body

Eggplant is suitable for people who decide to quit smoking. In microdoses, the peel of the berry contains nicotine. Its share is negligible, which is harmful to health, but can help the smoker to ease one of the stages of parting with a cigarette. In ancient times, eggplant was called "rabies apples", believing that after eating the berries, a person can go crazy. Modern research has shown that the substance nasunin, which is found in blue ones, protects the brain and helps to maintain clarity of thinking for longer.

Eggplants are good for expectant mothers because copper and manganese help keep the circulatory system healthy. Folic acid stimulates the normal development of the placenta, protecting the baby from an aggressive environment and pathologies. AT folk medicine you can also find recipes for external use of eggplant. For example, fresh pulp juice has good disinfecting properties. It is used to treat skin inflammations, arthritis, gout, fight fungi.

Eggplant is a culture with excellent taste properties and a set of valuable substances. However, when eating berries, you should know when to stop.

The benefits and harms of eggplant: video

The benefits of eggplant for the human body primarily lies in its ability to prevent cancer and diabetes, lower cholesterol and improve immunity. There is also harm that can be with the large use of this vegetable crop and which will be discussed in this article.

Among many other vegetables, eggplant, which is a truly unique plant, deserves special love. To begin with, it is worth noting that, despite the fact that most consider it a vegetable, from the point of view of botanists, its fruit is called a berry.

Eggplant is herbaceous plant, belonging to the Solanaceae genus and is a close relative of tomatoes, potatoes, bell pepper. Although in nature it perennial, but as a vegetable crop it is cultivated as an annual.

Eggplants grew almost 2000 years ago in their historical homeland - India. Although some suggest that southern and central Asia can be considered his homeland. Its spread was due to the Arabs, who brought it to Africa in the 9th century.

It was first cultivated in the 5th century BC in parts of China. In Europe, they first appeared only in the middle of the 15th century. And he came to America only in the early 1700s. Interestingly, at first eggplant was cultivated exclusively as ornamental plant. And only a little over a hundred years - like a vegetable. At the time, people believed that it could cause leprosy and insanity.

Although the dark purple version of the eggplant is the best known, they actually come in a variety of shapes and colors, from small and oblong to long. The peel of the fruit is glossy dark purple, for which many of us call it “blue”. In fact, today there are many varieties that differ both in the shape of the fruit and in color: pear-shaped, round, oblong, white, purple, lavender. Inside the fruit contains small seeds-seeds. The flesh is whitish-creamy, spongy, pleasant in taste and slightly bitter.

Eggplant chemical composition and useful properties

Having spread around the world from South Asia, India and the Middle East thanks to the Arabs, the eggplant has managed to gain recognition in the cuisines of many countries, which was facilitated by its specific taste data and an outstanding amount of useful properties. It is impossible not to pay tribute to the rich composition of eggplant, which determines its effect on the human body. So, they contain in large quantities:


Vitamins of group B, C, PP, K;

organic acids;


There are many useful trace elements in it, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and many others, a small amount of fat and protein.

Antioxidants make this product an excellent source of cardiovascular disease prevention. Antioxidant compounds have been found in most different varieties regardless of the shape and color of the fruit.

From organic acids, it is necessary to single out, first of all, chlorogenic and caffeic acids, which are the most powerful "opponents" of free radicals. In addition, they affect the immune system, have antiviral, antimicrobial properties, and reduce the number of mutations.

Studies have shown that the most bitter eggplants have stronger antioxidant abilities.

This is a very low calorie product. 100 grams contains only 35 calories. But a sufficiently large amount of dietary fiber, which contributes to faster satiety, relieves hunger.

Taken together, this makes eggplant an absolutely essential product for almost everyone.

What are the benefits of eggplant

Eggplant contains many nutrients that are essential and beneficial for human body and for a fulfilling life.

Eggplants are also useful for the digestive system, affecting the normalization of its work. The fiber included in their composition has a stimulating effect on the intestines, contributing to its cleansing.
These vegetables are especially valuable for those who want to get rid of excess weight.

For all their nutritional value, they are low in calories and are also able to remove excess water and harmful substances from the body. However, in this case, it is better to use them boiled or baked, because when frying they are able to absorb a large amount of oil, almost completely neutralizing their own benefits.

Some researchers believe that eggplant contains substances that can block the development of cancer cells, which makes this product extremely useful in terms of prevention.

Due to the fact that eggplant contains nicotinic acid, this vegetable will be extremely useful for people who decide to quit smoking. Thanks to its use, giving up cigarettes will be much easier.

Eggplants have a mild diuretic effect, in addition to which they can also help get rid of edema. In addition, eggplant has antiseptic properties, making it easier to carry infections.

Because eggplants are tasty, low in calories and easy to digest, they are included in many therapeutic and weight loss diets.

Vitamin C found in eggplant is enough to effectively prevent colds.

Manganese and zinc help improve health after a stroke. They can be eaten by those with diabetes.

Eggplant harm and contraindications and harm

It is worth recognizing that despite the impressive list of useful qualities, eggplants also have their drawbacks that should be taken into account. First of all, people with chronic intolerance to this product should refuse eggplant.

Eggplants can also cause harm if overripe fruits are consumed. Like all nightshades, they contain harmful substance- solanine, which can lead to poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning can be:


Confusion of consciousness.

The first aid for solanine poisoning may be to drink plenty of water or milk.

Due to the abundance of coarse fiber, eggplant can have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, people with chronic diseases, such as gastritis and ulcers, should treat these vegetables with caution.

People with diabetes and undergoing insulin therapy should be aware that eggplant can provoke hypoglycemia, as a low-calorie and low-carb food. Therefore, although they are useful in such a disease, you should not get carried away with them.

In addition, eggplant contains oxalates. Oxalates contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, for people prone to the formation of such kidney stones, it is not recommended to use them.

How to choose and store eggplant

When choosing eggplants, first of all, you need to focus on their “age”, and not on color and shape. It is worth choosing fruits that are firm and heavy for their size. The color should be bright, the skin smooth and shiny. It should not have signs of damage, rot, discolored areas.

To check the maturity of the fruit - lightly press on the skin. If the fetus returns to its original state, then it is mature. If a trace of a dent remains, then such a fruit has not yet ripened.

Overripe fruits have a large number of seeds inside, a rough "tail".

Despite the fact that eggplant looks like a hardy vegetable, in fact it belongs to perishable products. Therefore, it requires proper storage at the appropriate temperature. Nutrient content and retention are primarily affected by four main factors: temperature, light, exposure to air, and storage time. Many of the nutrients such as vitamin C, carotenoids, vitamin B are very susceptible to these factors.

Eggplant should be stored at a temperature of about 10 degrees. Do not store cut fruits, as they will quickly deteriorate.

Before storage, put unwashed and uncut fruits in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator, where they will be stored for several days.

When purchasing wrapped eggplants, unwrap them before putting them in the refrigerator. It can interfere with "breathing", which will lead to damage.

How to cook eggplant

Eggplant was once used as medicinal plant. today it is perceived for us exclusively as a tasty and healthy food product. With it, you can cook a huge number of dishes. It is stewed, marinated, boiled, fried, baked.

Wash the eggplant before cooking and cooking. Large eggplants can be tough to chew. Some cooks prefer to clean the skin before cutting vegetables. But you can cook without cleaning. To prepare caviar, you can first bake the fruits, and then take out the pulp with a spoon, separating it from the skin.

To cut this vegetable, it is better to use a ceramic or stainless steel knife so that the cut surface does not oxidize.

To reduce bitterness (although now there are varieties without bitterness), cut eggplants can be soaked in salt water for two to three hours, or sprinkled well with salt and left for 15 to 30 minutes. Then rinse the salt with water and dry.

Before you bake a whole fruit, you first need to pierce it with a fork in several places so that steam escapes during cooking. Eggplants are baked at a temperature of about 180 degrees. To make sure it's done, pierce the fruit with a fork or knife. If the fork easily passes through the fruit, then the eggplant is ready.

Eggplant inside brown can you eat

Eggplant flesh may be brown on the inside of overripe fruits. Such an eggplant is edible, but it accumulates more solanine, a harmful alkaloid, and the flesh will be bitter. You can correct such a defect by soaking the cut fruit in highly salty water or sprinkling it well with salt. Then rinse.

The cause of brown flesh may be long-term storage. It is better to refuse the use of such fruits.

Another reason may be improper collection and transportation of vegetables. Eggplant is a delicate vegetable. From blows, dents can remain and the flesh under them darkens. If the fruit has not begun to rot, then it is quite edible.

Can you eat raw eggplant?

Eggplant can be eaten raw. But before you eat it fresh, you need to consider the following.

Like all nightshades, it contains solanine, which is an alkaloid. And these substances at a certain concentration can cause poisoning.

In people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, who suffer from allergies, it can cause unpleasant symptoms and exacerbation of diseases.

The taste of raw eggplant is bitter. This problem can be solved by soaking in salt water or sprinkling salt on the vegetable slices.

Is it possible to eat eggplant during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Yes, eggplant can be eaten both during pregnancy and during pregnancy. breastfeeding if there are no contraindications. When breastfeeding, you need to introduce them into your diet gradually, following the reaction of the baby, and only in cooked form.

Is it possible to eat eggplant with gout

Purines are the main link between food and gout. These are nitrogenous compounds that are present in the cells of every living organism. Purines are metabolized to form uric acid, which is excreted in the urine. Foods rich in purines contribute to the accumulation of uric acid in the body and therefore can cause gout.

There are not so many purines in eggplant, only 8 mg per 100 grams. But apart from nitrogen compounds, they contain nicotinic acid, which in the process of metabolism is also destroyed to uric acid. In addition, like all nightshades, eggplant can cause joint pain.

Eggplant for gout is recommended (and other diseases of the joints) to eat in the intervals without exacerbation of the disease. It should be noted that not in all patients they can cause an exacerbation. Still, to a greater extent, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a particular person.

Is it possible to eat eggplant with gastritis

As mentioned above, the use of eggplant can provoke an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis. During an exacerbation of these diseases, doctors do not recommend including them in their menu. Outside of periods of exacerbation, eating eggplant is not prohibited, but not fresh. It is better to stew, bake or steam them. And in moderation, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Summing up, we can say that eggplant is a useful product and during the fruiting season you do not need to refuse to use them. They can give our body a lot of useful and essential nutrients, replenish the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, and diversify the menu.

Watch a video about the benefits and harms of eggplant